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GM Note - Written by Roy Roberts, a veteran of Phoenix – it may one day save your starbase or at least avoid the embarrassment of spending years gift-tying your starbase for somebody else. Note that this advice is geared towards what has historically proved the most effective attacking strategy. No doubt new strategies will come into existence in the future. One final point, this is the work of a player based on player knowledge and experience and as such may contain inaccuracies and debatable points.

I have played the game for a number of years and been involved in some major ground assaults, normally on the receiving end of the Large Ground Party (GP) assaults. This is what I have learnt and thought it might be a good idea to share it.
Hope you find it of some use.

Starbase Defence: Space

To protect from orbital bombardment you will need to be under planet shields which means you need to be stage 3, have integrated the planetary shields tech and have a large platform in orbit. All this will do however is buy you time for the cavalry to arrive and rescue you.
If they don't and your platform is destroyed then your base will be bombed till the fleet gets bored or is attacked.
To reduce the damage you need to have starbase shields activated to maximum depth (shield complex's should equal 10% of total complex's for maximum effect). You will also need to have plenty of point defence to shoot down any incoming missiles or torpedoes.
Bunkers will protect 500 lifeforms so if you have enough for your employees and troops they will take minimal damage as your base is slowly reduced to rubble.
So in light of the above you should have shields, shield generator and gatling laser MkI on mass production at all times. Even if it’s only 10 factories when you start, slowly increase it as the base gets bigger. It will build up over time.
You can’t have too many as when you do find out that you need them it will be too late.
You can use other point defence or higher mk but at the end of the day you are not limited to how many you can use so might as well use the cheapest and it will not require Blueprints (BPs) to make.

The above will only delay the reduction of your starbase to ruins and rubble.
You will need to get the enemy fleet to stop which can be done in a number of ways.
1) Your fleet (or a friend’s) comes and blows the crap out of them.
2) The enemy fleet will take 1 week’s integrity loss for each day it’s in combat so eventually it will leave or become debris fields.
3) Ask nicely for them to stop or bribe them i.e. talk to them.
4) Hidden firebases could be used but they generally don't last more than a few rounds when they open up so unless you have lots I probably would not bother.

Starbase Defence: Ground

Now the enemy has swept your platform and planetary shield away, millions of troops and thousands of tanks are dropping on your starbase. If you have not planned for this day then years of hard work in developing your base have been wasted.
So, what can you do?
First off look how the whole thing works and start stacking the odds in your favour.
Let’s have a look about ground combat, it’s very simple but gets very complicated if that makes sense.

To take a base you have to get control via control factors - that is the only way. Realistically you are not going to kill every defender.
Tanks and troops all give control factors. How many depend on type of tank/troops and what spread the base is i.e. disperse, open, normal, close or packed. Remember these as this is so important.

Let’s look at what will likely to attack you. Infantry will generally be mercs if you are attacked by a very large force.
The ground parties for example generally had over 750,000 mercs and supported by a few 10's of thousands trained troops of the spread being attacked, i.e. soldiers for normal, marines for packed and startroopers for open. Why so many mercs and so few trained troops? Easy, stellars and BPs. To recruit 10 mercs cost 10 stellars to recruit 10 trained troops costs 120 stellars + a BP.
Tanks will normally be shuttle tanks (orbital capable) or light tanks. Mk is generally not important so normally mkI due to the numbers needed and how quickly they get destroyed.

Note. Ground assaults on smaller scale will probably be just trained troops and tanks as a rule of thumb.

So how do we defeat a GP like this?
Look at your starbase spread. Against a mainly merc army open is the best. This is because mercs are close spread with a CF of 2. This means CF of 1 for normal and CF of 0.5 for Open.
You will have startroopers defending it which means they will have 8 CF so the enemy will need 16 mercs to equal your 1 startroopers CF.
If your base is normal spread then a soldier gives 4 and the merc get 1 so they will need 4 mercs to equal your soldier.
If your base is packed then a marine will give you 8 CF and the merc will get 1 so they will need 8 mercs to equal your marine.

Whilst the above is quite simple it shows that Control factor (CF) wise you get far more CF with startroopers in open for your stellar.
Tanks will also give us Control factors normally 4 per tank depending on spread of base. The tanks will add CF up to the amount supplied by your troops. So if you have 80,000 CF produced by troops and 200,000 CF produced by tanks only 80,000 CF of the tanks will be used giving a total of 160,000 CF. It is not bad to have excess tanks as in ground combat they get destroyed quickly. Being bigger they attract more fire than troops so having plenty spare helps keep your CFs high. Plus you don't pay wages for tanks >;
That is pretty much for the Control factors side so you can see the importance of the spread of the base.

Ground Combat Tactic can be set for your base and the attacking GP and is normally down to personal choice.
I would look carefully at this because the increase in CF may not be worth the extra damage you take.
Let’s look at the merc trying to kill the startrooper.
Merc does 2 damage normally, Startrooper as Damage Resistance 1 so the damage goes to 1 startrooper as Defence 2 so merc as a 50% chance of killing the startrooper.
If you have a Ground combat tactic of storm to get the extra CF you will also take 400% extra casualties.
Since you will be very unlucky to lose your base whilst you still have 50% control and you wish to play the waiting game so reinforcements can arrive then I would not bother, maybe go defensive to try and conserve your troops. Till you are attacked and you know what you are facing it is very hard to call as each combat is different. Just be aware of the option and how it will affect your defences.

What else can we do to defend? Well the obvious one is to stop them gaining control as the more control they have the less damage they will take. So let’s look into killing them.
Now bear in mind the vast majority of the MUs attacking will be mercs with a few thousand tanks to try and help soak up the damage. You therefore want to get as many attacks as you can; small damage is fine as mercs only have a defence of 2.
I will list some and explain why they are good.

Anti-Personnel Device (820) needs a BP which makes a 1000 a week. Does 1 damage means 50% chance of killing a merc but you can get hundreds of thousands of these built at the base in a few years easily which will hurt an attacker badly. You need to have at least 80% control for these to work. Against trained troops useless as they have damage resistance 1 unless the attacker is set to assault or storm.

Anti-Personnel Bunker (1600) 5 attacks doing 2 damage 20mus needs 5 thorlium and 15 mets need BP(100 from each BP). damage resistance 2 so mercs can’t hurt it. Very useful.

Anti-Personnel Vehicle (814) needs BP (100 from each BP) 10 attacks only 5 damage so 25% chance of killing merc only need 20 mets. No damage resistance so destroyed fairly easily but useful in the early stages

Robotic Defence Bunker (840) no BPs needed 20mu item 80 defence only needs mets and are therefore worth having .

Battle Tank (825)/Light Tank (821) Battle is 40mus for open and light is 20mus for normal. In a normal base just build light tanks tens of thousands are needed. Battle tanks for open though since you can have 2 light tank for 1 battle there is an argument to use light tanks as MU for MU you get the same CF. Remember you don’t pay these and in combat they help absorb the incoming force away from your troops so you can’t have too many. Ball park figure aim 2 tanks per troop.

There are other things and higher marks but this will keep you going, remember you cannot have too many of the above.

Remember who fires on what is random so if you have 50k of troops that is 50k mu. If that is part of 500kmu of ground defence equipment your troops have only a 10% chance of being targeted which is why tanks gets destroyed quickly in battle as they soak up the incoming fire.

So to sum up you will lose your base to ground assault unless you take steps to look after it.
The above will help but you will not be attacked unless the attacker is confident he can take you.
So be aware of scouting as it will be a brave person who goes in blind.
Ground assaults are expensive running into millions of stellars.
The best defence is to have troops on ships ready at all time to orbital drop into a base to reinforce it.
The big boost of CF is normally enough to break the back of the attacker.
If Veteran troops can be used so much better as you get twice the control factors.
You need the right troop for the right spread so be aware.
Dropping a 100k troops on a base being attacked will generally spoil the attacker’s day.
Cloaked 50 hullers with drop pods are ideal for this.
Teleporters in a base can teleport stuff in from the outer quads.

Now most ground assaults start docked which cuts out long range fire and planes.
You used to have very little warning as the GP was cloaked in.
Now with planet shields the element of surprise is lost for stage 3 worlds so in theory a GP could be set up just to do long range combat using artillery, planes etc. Just be aware of this and make sure you have some counter for this.

Hope the above helps. It is to get you thinking about defence now, as when you are attacked its normally too late.
I have probably missed some stuff out.
This is also my view, others may see things differently and from another perspective. The idea is: think about your starbase defence.
Having 2000 factories but only 100 mass producing defensive items is asking for trouble.

I have found a battle report which may help with the understanding. I removed civilian damage to reduce clutter but it was quite substantial.
This attack was in Galleon against my starbase and the first time we had managed to defeat a ground assault.

As you can see the mercs suffered a lot of casualties which was mainly caused by the Anti-Personnel Devices.
The assault tanks also took huge casualties but did their job, that of soaking up damage.
As an attacker you have to try and get as much control as quickly as you can because giving the defender high control gives you no defensive bonus which increases the damage taken.
On day two I decided to change my ground combat to assault for the extra control factors.
This kept the bases control in the 90%+ range but cost me around 50% extra casualties so as I said before a trade off.

Printed on 22nd November 2017, Star Date 217.47.3

Galleon (317) - {Alpha,2} - on Djeseni (8530) at {10,9}

-------------------------- STARBASE Galleon (94033)--------------------------

Shields: 7909485.7[209.9]
Scint Coverage: 38.3
Ground Combat tactic:

Entering a control battle for the Starbase.

Ground Battle for the Control of Galleon (94033)
Round 1: Battle is 12:5 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 1.29% control [98.71%]
Round 2: Battle is 7:3 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 1.63% control [97.08%]
Round 3: Battle is 11:5 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 1.69% control [95.39%]
Round 4: Battle is 21:10 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 1.63% control [93.76%]
0.01% chance of losing control

Attacking Galleon Force Able (19413)
Round 1: 309638 Anti-Personnel Devices - 139045 [309638] damage
2273 Anti-Personnel Vehicle mkIIs - 7665 [0] damage
1535 Battle Tanks - 26567 [61400] damage
11443 Battle Tank mkIIs - 213661 [514935] damage
1688 Dewiek Crew - 755 [1688] damage
4565 Dewiek Marines - 4104 [9130] damage
2013 Dewiek Soldiers - 3632 [8052] damage
28276 Dewiek Startroopers - 25506 [56552] damage
40 Dewiek Veteran Crew - 24 [80] damage
157 Dewiek Veteran Marines - 296 [628] damage
8 Dewiek Veteran Startroopers - 16 [32] damage
79 Falconian Marines - 58 [158] damage
90 Fortifications - 2783 [9000] damage
36 Hive Marines - 22 [72] damage
115 Human Crew - 55 [115] damage
24 Human Marines - 28 [48] damage
12 Human Veteran Crew - 14 [24] damage
21 Human Veteran Marines - 20 [84] damage
11453 Light Tanks - 89924 [229060] damage
1 Bert Dog - 10 [10] damage
1 9 - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 10 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 5 [10] damage
1 Michelle Crouse - 0 [10] damage
1 Zahra ibn-Hediye - 5 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 2 [10] damage
1 Jeffrey Gillingham - 10 [10] damage
801 Robotic Defence Bunkers - 9799 [24030] damage
12632 Robotic Defence Bunker mkIIs - 192370 [442120] damage
152 Trench Networks - 4867 [15200] damage
638 Veteran Mercenaries - 1088 [2552] damage
9 Wimble Marines - 6 [18] damage
Round 2: 308334 Anti-Personnel Devices - 120399 [308334] damage
2166 Anti-Personnel Vehicle mkIIs - 6374 [0] damage
1486 Battle Tanks - 20812 [59440] damage
11157 Battle Tank mkIIs - 178301 [502065] damage
1669 Dewiek Crew - 650 [1669] damage
4500 Dewiek Marines - 3432 [9000] damage
1978 Dewiek Soldiers - 3044 [7912] damage
27951 Dewiek Startroopers - 21760 [55902] damage
40 Dewiek Veteran Crew - 34 [80] damage
155 Dewiek Veteran Marines - 244 [620] damage
8 Dewiek Veteran Startroopers - 16 [32] damage
78 Falconian Marines - 62 [156] damage
89 Fortifications - 2153 [8900] damage
36 Hive Marines - 24 [72] damage
112 Human Crew - 49 [112] damage
24 Human Marines - 20 [48] damage
12 Human Veteran Crew - 12 [24] damage
21 Human Veteran Marines - 28 [84] damage
11054 Light Tanks - 70806 [221080] damage
1 Bert Dog - 0 [10] damage
1 9 - 10 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 10 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Michelle Crouse - 2 [10] damage
1 Zahra ibn-Hediye - 2 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 10 [10] damage
1 Jeffrey Gillingham - 0 [10] damage
788 Robotic Defence Bunkers - 9542 [23640] damage
12463 Robotic Defence Bunker mkIIs - 163601 [436205] damage
152 Trench Networks - 3649 [15200] damage
631 Veteran Mercenaries - 1036 [2524] damage
8 Wimble Marines - 2 [16] damage
Round 3: 307545 Anti-Personnel Devices - 102106 [307545] damage
2077 Anti-Personnel Vehicle mkIIs - 5168 [0] damage
1448 Battle Tanks - 16944 [57920] damage
10923 Battle Tank mkIIs - 146555 [491535] damage
1634 Dewiek Crew - 535 [1634] damage
4458 Dewiek Marines - 2906 [8916] damage
1956 Dewiek Soldiers - 2664 [7824] damage
27638 Dewiek Startroopers - 18428 [55276] damage
40 Dewiek Veteran Crew - 34 [80] damage
152 Dewiek Veteran Marines - 180 [608] damage
8 Dewiek Veteran Startroopers - 0 [32] damage
77 Falconian Marines - 56 [154] damage
89 Fortifications - 1674 [8900] damage
35 Hive Marines - 32 [70] damage
109 Human Crew - 34 [109] damage
24 Human Marines - 16 [48] damage
12 Human Veteran Crew - 12 [24] damage
21 Human Veteran Marines - 36 [84] damage
10742 Light Tanks - 55633 [214840] damage
1 Bert Dog - 0 [10] damage
1 9 - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 4 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 10 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Michelle Crouse - 10 [10] damage
1 Zahra ibn-Hediye - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Jeffrey Gillingham - 0 [10] damage
781 Robotic Defence Bunkers - 7042 [23430] damage
12314 Robotic Defence Bunker mkIIs - 134968 [430990] damage
152 Trench Networks - 2687 [15200] damage
626 Veteran Mercenaries - 760 [2504] damage
8 Wimble Marines - 6 [16] damage
Round 4: 307048 Anti-Personnel Devices - 86514 [307048] damage
2003 Anti-Personnel Vehicle mkIIs - 4187 [0] damage
1418 Battle Tanks - 14316 [56720] damage
10724 Battle Tank mkIIs - 114052 [482580] damage
1605 Dewiek Crew - 451 [1605] damage
4398 Dewiek Marines - 2456 [8796] damage
1937 Dewiek Soldiers - 2116 [7748] damage
27334 Dewiek Startroopers - 15464 [54668] damage
40 Dewiek Veteran Crew - 22 [80] damage
151 Dewiek Veteran Marines - 176 [604] damage
8 Dewiek Veteran Startroopers - 4 [32] damage
77 Falconian Marines - 42 [154] damage
88 Fortifications - 1114 [8800] damage
35 Hive Marines - 22 [70] damage
109 Human Crew - 34 [109] damage
24 Human Marines - 10 [48] damage
12 Human Veteran Crew - 6 [24] damage
21 Human Veteran Marines - 24 [84] damage
10451 Light Tanks - 41940 [209020] damage
1 Bert Dog - 0 [10] damage
1 9 - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 10 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Michelle Crouse - 4 [10] damage
1 Zahra ibn-Hediye - 2 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 4 [10] damage
1 Jeffrey Gillingham - 2 [10] damage
772 Robotic Defence Bunkers - 5950 [23160] damage
12178 Robotic Defence Bunker mkIIs - 113170 [426230] damage
151 Trench Networks - 1954 [15100] damage
618 Veteran Mercenaries - 760 [2472] damage
8 Wimble Marines - 4 [16] damage

Incoming Fire from Galleon Force Able (19413)
Round 1: 15 Aquaphid Startroopers - 4 [30] damage
16226 Assault Tanks - 32674 [649040] damage
46070 Human Startroopers - 4652 [92140] damage
532180 Naplian Mercenaries - 53438 [1064360] damage
86550 Naplian Veteran Mercenaries - 17228 [346200] damage
4529 Soldiers - 844 [18116] damage
3499 Startroopers - 390 [6998] damage
Round 2: 14 Aquaphid Startroopers - 0 [28] damage
10138 Assault Tanks - 18733 [405520] damage
44433 Human Startroopers - 4348 [88866] damage
485734 Naplian Mercenaries - 48310 [971468] damage
84143 Naplian Veteran Mercenaries - 16648 [336572] damage
4373 Soldiers - 900 [17492] damage
3386 Startroopers - 308 [6772] damage
Round 3: 14 Aquaphid Startroopers - 4 [28] damage
6025 Assault Tanks - 13207 [241000] damage
42605 Human Startroopers - 4344 [85210] damage
438921 Naplian Mercenaries - 44182 [877842] damage
81671 Naplian Veteran Mercenaries - 16904 [326684] damage
4201 Soldiers - 912 [16804] damage
3274 Startroopers - 324 [6548] damage
Round 4: 13 Aquaphid Startroopers - 2 [26] damage
3498 Assault Tanks - 6759 [139920] damage
40855 Human Startroopers - 4178 [81710] damage
393914 Naplian Mercenaries - 39548 [787828] damage
79166 Naplian Veteran Mercenaries - 16032 [316664] damage
4025 Soldiers - 704 [16100] damage
3168 Startroopers - 344 [6336] damage

Post Battle Summary
199 troops promoted to veteran.

Military Damage: 337 Anti-Personnel Vehicle mkIIs (4055)
134 Battle Tanks (825)
888 Battle Tank mkIIs (826)
109 Dewiek Crew (521)
204 Dewiek Marines (522)
95 Dewiek Soldiers (523)
1214 Dewiek Startroopers (524)
6 Dewiek Veteran Marines (528)
3 Falconian Marines (650)
2 Fortifications (1037)
2 Hive Marines (570)
8 Human Crew (505)
1242 Light Tanks (821)
40 Robotic Defence Bunkers (840)
540 Robotic Defence Bunker mkIIs (841)
1 Trench Network (1039)
22 Veteran Mercenaries (479)
1 Wimble Marine (586)

Printed on 23rd November 2017, Star Date 217.47.4

Galleon (317) - {Alpha,2} - on Djeseni (8530) at {10,9}

-------------------------- STARBASE Galleon (94033)--------------------------

Shields: 7366285.8[209.6]
Scint Coverage: 38.3
Ground Combat tactic:
Assault Position [Control x3/2 - Casualties x2]

Continuing the control battle for Galleon (94033).

Ground Battle for the Control of Galleon (94033)
Round 1: Battle is 5:4 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 0.17% control [93.59%]
0.01% chance of losing control
Round 2: Battle is 7:6 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 0.3% control [93.29%]
0.01% chance of losing control
Round 3: Battle is 10:9 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 0.23% control [93.06%]
0.01% chance of losing control
Round 4: Battle is 1:1 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 0.15% control [92.9%]
0.01% chance of losing control

Attacking Galleon Force Able (19413)
Round 1: 306730 Anti-Personnel Devices - 85414 [306730] damage
1936 Anti-Personnel Vehicle mkIIs - 4069 [0] damage
1401 Battle Tanks - 13343 [56040] damage
10555 Battle Tank mkIIs - 109666 [474975] damage
1564 Dewiek Crew - 435 [1564] damage
4310 Dewiek Marines - 2422 [8620] damage
1906 Dewiek Soldiers - 2104 [7624] damage
26941 Dewiek Startroopers - 14994 [53882] damage
55 Dewiek Veteran Crew - 30 [110] damage
202 Dewiek Veteran Marines - 220 [808] damage
12 Dewiek Veteran Soldiers - 32 [96] damage
129 Dewiek Veteran Startroopers - 144 [516] damage
76 Falconian Marines - 42 [152] damage
88 Fortifications - 1156 [8800] damage
34 Hive Marines - 12 [68] damage
107 Human Crew - 27 [107] damage
24 Human Marines - 12 [48] damage
12 Human Veteran Crew - 6 [24] damage
21 Human Veteran Marines - 12 [84] damage
1000 Kastorian Startroopers - 528 [2000] damage
10211 Light Tanks - 39203 [204220] damage
1000 Naplian Startroopers - 606 [2000] damage
1 Bert Dog - 0 [10] damage
1 9 - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 2 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 4 [10] damage
1 Michelle Crouse - 3 [10] damage
1 Zahra ibn-Hediye - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 2 [10] damage
1 Jeffrey Gillingham - 0 [10] damage
761 Robotic Defence Bunkers - 6109 [22830] damage
12092 Robotic Defence Bunker mkIIs - 107984 [423220] damage
3000 Startroopers - 1720 [6000] damage
181 Trench Networks - 2248 [18100] damage
616 Veteran Mercenaries - 676 [2464] damage
8 Wimble Marines - 6 [16] damage
Round 2: 306540 Anti-Personnel Devices - 81787 [306540] damage
1836 Anti-Personnel Vehicle mkIIs - 3670 [0] damage
1342 Battle Tanks - 12013 [53680] damage
10262 Battle Tank mkIIs - 104126 [461790] damage
1523 Dewiek Crew - 389 [1523] damage
4226 Dewiek Marines - 2244 [8452] damage
1871 Dewiek Soldiers - 2108 [7484] damage
26407 Dewiek Startroopers - 14154 [52814] damage
55 Dewiek Veteran Crew - 30 [110] damage
202 Dewiek Veteran Marines - 204 [808] damage
12 Dewiek Veteran Soldiers - 8 [96] damage
129 Dewiek Veteran Startroopers - 132 [516] damage
74 Falconian Marines - 44 [148] damage
88 Fortifications - 976 [8800] damage
33 Hive Marines - 20 [66] damage
105 Human Crew - 33 [105] damage
23 Human Marines - 16 [46] damage
12 Human Veteran Crew - 10 [24] damage
21 Human Veteran Marines - 20 [84] damage
982 Kastorian Startroopers - 474 [1964] damage
9791 Light Tanks - 36417 [195820] damage
981 Naplian Startroopers - 562 [1962] damage
1 Bert Dog - 3 [10] damage
1 9 - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Michelle Crouse - 2 [10] damage
1 Zahra ibn-Hediye - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Jeffrey Gillingham - 0 [10] damage
743 Robotic Defence Bunkers - 6260 [22290] damage
11909 Robotic Defence Bunker mkIIs - 105401 [416815] damage
2948 Startroopers - 1594 [5896] damage
181 Trench Networks - 2365 [18100] damage
601 Veteran Mercenaries - 636 [2404] damage
8 Wimble Marines - 6 [16] damage
Round 3: 306461 Anti-Personnel Devices - 80451 [306461] damage
1753 Anti-Personnel Vehicle mkIIs - 3350 [0] damage
1301 Battle Tanks - 11142 [52040] damage
9997 Battle Tank mkIIs - 96878 [449865] damage
1483 Dewiek Crew - 387 [1483] damage
4151 Dewiek Marines - 2238 [8302] damage
1833 Dewiek Soldiers - 1732 [7332] damage
25945 Dewiek Startroopers - 13760 [51890] damage
55 Dewiek Veteran Crew - 38 [110] damage
200 Dewiek Veteran Marines - 244 [800] damage
12 Dewiek Veteran Soldiers - 40 [96] damage
129 Dewiek Veteran Startroopers - 176 [516] damage
73 Falconian Marines - 28 [146] damage
87 Fortifications - 783 [8700] damage
33 Hive Marines - 22 [66] damage
100 Human Crew - 24 [100] damage
22 Human Marines - 14 [44] damage
12 Human Veteran Crew - 6 [24] damage
21 Human Veteran Marines - 24 [84] damage
964 Kastorian Startroopers - 482 [1928] damage
9450 Light Tanks - 33630 [189000] damage
965 Naplian Startroopers - 524 [1930] damage
1 Bert Dog - 6 [10] damage
1 9 - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Michelle Crouse - 0 [10] damage
1 Zahra ibn-Hediye - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Jeffrey Gillingham - 0 [10] damage
730 Robotic Defence Bunkers - 5393 [21900] damage
11740 Robotic Defence Bunker mkIIs - 100307 [410900] damage
2898 Startroopers - 1506 [5796] damage
181 Trench Networks - 2042 [18100] damage
590 Veteran Mercenaries - 608 [2360] damage
8 Wimble Marines - 6 [16] damage
Round 4: 306420 Anti-Personnel Devices - 78707 [306420] damage
1667 Anti-Personnel Vehicle mkIIs - 3239 [0] damage
1261 Battle Tanks - 10493 [50440] damage
9773 Battle Tank mkIIs - 89602 [439785] damage
1443 Dewiek Crew - 360 [1443] damage
4095 Dewiek Marines - 2118 [8190] damage
1803 Dewiek Soldiers - 1796 [7212] damage
25520 Dewiek Startroopers - 13262 [51040] damage
53 Dewiek Veteran Crew - 22 [106] damage
200 Dewiek Veteran Marines - 220 [800] damage
12 Dewiek Veteran Soldiers - 24 [96] damage
129 Dewiek Veteran Startroopers - 132 [516] damage
71 Falconian Marines - 32 [142] damage
87 Fortifications - 858 [8700] damage
33 Hive Marines - 22 [66] damage
97 Human Crew - 34 [97] damage
22 Human Marines - 10 [44] damage
12 Human Veteran Crew - 4 [24] damage
21 Human Veteran Marines - 28 [84] damage
944 Kastorian Startroopers - 480 [1888] damage
9156 Light Tanks - 31547 [183120] damage
952 Naplian Startroopers - 446 [1904] damage
1 Bert Dog - 0 [10] damage
1 9 - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Michelle Crouse - 0 [10] damage
1 Zahra ibn-Hediye - 0 [10] damage
1 Black Kas - 0 [10] damage
1 Jeffrey Gillingham - 0 [10] damage
722 Robotic Defence Bunkers - 5952 [21660] damage
11576 Robotic Defence Bunker mkIIs - 96472 [405160] damage
2841 Startroopers - 1524 [5682] damage
181 Trench Networks - 1942 [18100] damage
582 Veteran Mercenaries - 592 [2328] damage
8 Wimble Marines - 8 [16] damage

Incoming Fire from Galleon Force Able (19413)
Round 1: 12 Aquaphid Startroopers - 4 [24] damage
2048 Assault Tanks - 8322 [81920] damage
37568 Human Startroopers - 7472 [75136] damage
1589 Human Veteran Startroopers - 608 [6356] damage
320375 Naplian Mercenaries - 64062 [640750] damage
108986 Naplian Veteran Mercenaries - 43120 [435944] damage
3724 Soldiers - 1572 [14896] damage
2918 Startroopers - 574 [5836] damage
139 Veteran Soldiers - 120 [1112] damage
127 Veteran Startroopers - 64 [508] damage
Round 2: 11 Aquaphid Startroopers - 4 [22] damage
1084 Assault Tanks - 4429 [43360] damage
35687 Human Startroopers - 7084 [71374] damage
1551 Human Veteran Startroopers - 580 [6204] damage
281084 Naplian Mercenaries - 56302 [562168] damage
105007 Naplian Veteran Mercenaries - 42112 [420028] damage
3561 Soldiers - 1288 [14244] damage
2774 Startroopers - 556 [5548] damage
137 Veteran Soldiers - 80 [1096] damage
112 Veteran Startroopers - 32 [448] damage
Round 3: 11 Aquaphid Startroopers - 4 [22] damage
545 Assault Tanks - 1882 [21800] damage
33717 Human Startroopers - 6732 [67434] damage
1509 Human Veteran Startroopers - 652 [6036] damage
242250 Naplian Mercenaries - 48562 [484500] damage
100666 Naplian Veteran Mercenaries - 40220 [402664] damage
3362 Soldiers - 1536 [13448] damage
2630 Startroopers - 490 [5260] damage
135 Veteran Soldiers - 104 [1080] damage
104 Veteran Startroopers - 20 [416] damage
Round 4: 8 Aquaphid Startroopers - 0 [16] damage
259 Assault Tanks - 982 [10360] damage
31633 Human Startroopers - 6342 [63266] damage
1445 Human Veteran Startroopers - 628 [5780] damage
204666 Naplian Mercenaries - 41204 [409332] damage
96154 Naplian Veteran Mercenaries - 38628 [384616] damage
3165 Soldiers - 1360 [12660] damage
2458 Startroopers - 496 [4916] damage
130 Veteran Soldiers - 80 [1040] damage
98 Veteran Startroopers - 64 [392] damage

Post Battle Summary
660 troops promoted to veteran.

Military Damage: 327 Anti-Personnel Vehicle mkIIs (4055)
177 Battle Tanks (825)
977 Battle Tank mkIIs (826)
155 Dewiek Crew (521)
286 Dewiek Marines (522)
137 Dewiek Soldiers (523)
1831 Dewiek Startroopers (524)
2 Dewiek Veteran Crew (527)
3 Dewiek Veteran Marines (528)
8 Falconian Marines (650)
1 Fortification (1037)
2 Hive Marines (570)
10 Human Crew (505)
4 Human Marines (506)
72 Kastorian Startroopers (636)
1328 Light Tanks (821)
68 Naplian Startroopers (556)
47 Robotic Defence Bunkers (840)
657 Robotic Defence Bunker mkIIs (841)
205 Startroopers (486)
41 Veteran Mercenaries (479)

Don't forget to include your account number in the message.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

Solo claim swings back and forth

The situation in Solo appears to be getting even more heated. First the NHS dropped 600,000 troops to contest the system and then the DTR answered with enough troops of their own to trump the NHS claim. The NHS found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim up to 750,000 and once again the DTR answered, bringing Solo back under DTR control. Now the NHS have had a look down the back of the sofa and found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim to a massive 900,000 trained troops. We wait to see if the DTR have an answer to this. We can only guess where all these troops are coming from, but what is clear is that the established affiliations clearly have far larger armies than many thought.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

NHS attempt to claim Solo away from DTR

In a shock move the NHS have contested the Solo claim with a huge garrison of 600,000 trained troops. In a move that nobody saw coming, especially as it was unknown the NHS had such a large force of troops to draw upon, the NHS seem to be provoking a response from the DTR. Currently there has been no word from the DTR in how they are going to deal with this claim jumping, although rumours are that they are pretending the Solo claim doesn't really matter to them and so action is unlikely. However this may be a smokescreen and we may yet see the DTR's powerful fleet cause havoc in the system of Solo, which has for a long time been an important junction and fought over by many different factions.

DNA Chairman TonTon resigns

The following communication has been leaked from the DNA to the GTT's PD.

Greetings CEO Fox.
It regrets me to have to inform to you that the DNA nation state will be renouncing its claim on Aladdin system following a ceremony planet side, shortly.
However, it gives me great pleasure to have to inform you that these ceremonies are being planned by Vladimir Tavikovitch, the South Road Traffic Coordinator. He is also responsible for all DNA and .ore. assets in the Outer Naplian (Capellan) periphery so if there are any further issues, please take it up with him.
For any and all other matters, please forward your request directly to the DNA directorate services at NexusID: DNA people.
The Foreign Ministry objects one last time to your illegal claim jump of Aladdin, but we realise it is time to de-escalate.
Normally i would sign off with Naambta, but doing so would be hypocritical. Let me say good riddance instead.
I hereby resign in protest!

Chairman TonTon,
Foreign Minister, DNA
cc: Directorate Services personnel coordinator - !urgent resignation!

DTR threaten WMB with fines for multiple breaches of DTR Law

Lady Sylvansight of the DTR has issued a fine of 1,000,000 stellars to the Wimbles for multiple breaches of DTR Penal and Territorial Law. This seems a very brave move of the DTR to risk upsetting the huge and warlike WMB when they also have the rival NHS Solo system claim to deal with. No word has been recieved yet that the Wimbles are going to pay, but if the formidable WMB warfleet is seen heading for the DTR home systems we will know what their thought are on the matter. The DTR and WMB fleets going head to head would be a sight to behold.

*** Affiliations ***

AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten
CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility
KRL Krell (30) - Namica
KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


*** Submissions ***

By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

DNA and GTT clash over Aladdin system claim while Pirates look on.

The GTT have this week launched an attack on the DNA outpost in Aladdin, in what appears to be little more than a turkey shoot. Around 100,000 GTT Naplian Startroopers attacked the DNA position to remove the rival system claim. Reports indicate the DNA garrison were taken by surprise and lost control of the base in the first few hours of the fighting. The base has since been reflagged from [Free Naplian Capital] Peaceful Protest to [Loyal Naplian Capital] DNA claim Ended so it's fair to say there was a clear message being sent by the GTT. We have been waiting for the DNA leadership to comment but so far they have been unusually silent. No doubt when they have crawled out from under their desks they will have something to say on the matter.

While this attack was going on several pirate ships were also seen in Aladdin, according to the GTT in what may be true or may be a diversion, with reports of a pirate GP and scout being destroyed while a 150HH pirate warship slipped away and escaped from incoming anti-pirate patrols.

Secret meeting of the EEM

A recent communication intercepted by one of our top reporters today made us aware of a meeting of the EEM. This is underway in a top secret location called Black Pool, which sounds suspiciously like the lair of a pirate band. After pulling in many favours, we were able to identify some of the attending members. On the bases that they won't be named we were able to find out some slight information of the subjects to be discussed at the meeting and one thing is for certain, there could be huge impacts to the lives of everybody living in the galaxy. Details to follow. When the shadowy figures of the EEM come together with the top political players in a pirate base the possibilities are endless!

You are never more than 6 systems from a RAT 🐀

A new saying has arisen in the bars and spaceport of starbases throughout the many peripheries; you are never more than 6 systems from a RAT.

It is understood that this saying originated in Yank and spread by trade vessels to peripheries far and wide. Many starbases have heightened their security and added additional sensors and locks to various entry points including foul and grey water outfalls. Beer and drug stocks are undergoing increased proofing to avoid the critters gaining entry and consuming the stockpiles.

Will this present as a new plague of proportions never before seen or is this some simple urban myth being spread for the amusement of some mischievous entity? Who knows, but to be certain... check the shadows.

This year we will again be returning to the Briardene Hotel. They were welcoming, the bar didn't run out of beer pre-covid and there was room for quiet chats. Along with Wetherspoons there is the Victoria just down the road (Sam Smiths - last time beer was around 2 shillings per pint and a full round was less than £10).

Mostly drinking beer and talking toot though we have a good few things on the agenda.

Bookings are done directly with the hotel. Book by phone and say that you are with KJC Games

Briardene Hotel
Telephone: +44(0)1253 338300
All staff should be able to deal with the booking but if there are any problems ask for Tracy (manager) as she dealt with all our foibles in previous years.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

Dog days are over

With the fall of the DEN and the implosion of their home territory as the AFT, DTR and GTT moved in, it was unlikely the Dewiek would rise again. The DWP gave the species a little hope with the Dewiek Pocket Periphery kept under lock and key. But news has reached us of the AFT's penetration of this private area of space that's been locked down. With a base and claim in one of the three visible systems it seems that the end of the Dewiek is near. A once noble and aggressive race, determined to make an impact on the galaxy is now little more than a species that lives under the command of others. A sad end to a once powerful species that used to control a significant part of known space.

Pirate activity continues

Yet more reports of pirate activity have been received, one from the WMB, losing a freighter in Solo and another from the FET who reported they had engaged and hit the attacking pirate ship with several weapons before it managed to make off with it's prize. Hopefully the pirate ship took significant damage and will now be out of action for some time. The Corewards periphery seems to have been plagued with pirates recently and many travellers would welcome a break from attacks.

MEK incursion into Corewards

The FET and GTT have mounted a joint venture into Nog-Kesri to tackle a MEK force. It isn't known where they have come from, with the only other MEK ships seen so far being located in the Orion Spur. The lack of a known link between where they have appeared in Corewards and the Orion Spur has caused some concern among planetary populations as who knows where they could turn up next! Fortunately the combined FET/GTT task force dealt the MEK a heavy blow and the threat has been eradicated. But we all know this is unlikely to be the last we hear of the MEK in Corwards and we would encourage ship captains to keep a keen eye on thier sensor screens when travelling near Nog-Kesri.

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*** Inter Galactic News ***

  • CIA freighter fights off overwhelming pirate forces

  • Fin Saine media broadcast, What is Hot in the galaxy?!?!

  • MEKlan forces attack in Corewards Arm

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    *** Inter Galactic News ***

    Aladdin faces ongoing DNA/GTT tension

    The tensions between the DNA and GTT in the Coptuv system recently spilled over into the DNA system of Aladdin. A significant party of GTT ground troops has reinforced one of their bases in the system and claimed it, forcing the system claim into turmoil as the DNA finds itself under threat of losing the system. With the DNA chairman asking for help, several affiliations have been seen sending ships to evacuate any in the local population that want to escape the GTT. But so far not a shot has been fired and despite the AFT, FEL and DTR assistance no reisistance to the claim jump has been encountered so far. It remains to be seen if the DNA and it's friends will scatter before this hostile take over or put in a last minute counter claim to thwart GTT intentions.

    Increasing pirate activity

    Recent reports indicate a new surge in pirate attacks with the AFT and GTT reporting ships lost. Knowing how some don't like to advertise losses we wouldn't be surprised if this is the tip of the iceberg. Reports passed to us show the ship PIR Scavenger running ID 43174 and another ship of the same name running ID 68668 have both been in action with successful boarding attempts. It's unknown whether these are seperate ships or the same ship reregistered, but our information suggests that it would be hard for these pirates to cover the space where these attacks happened with just one ship. One thing is for sure, be on your guard as open space is not as safe as it once was.

    GCE ships loitering in deep space

    After the fall of the GCE and a lot of their assets being shared or purchased it was thought that the affiliation was no more. Yet deep space scans indicate that there is still a significant number of GCE warships holding station in deep space between Coptuv and Yank on the transport route into the Corwards Arm. Nobody knows what these ships are up to and why they are still flagged GCE, but our best guess is that are captains either awaiting new orders or owners after the fall of the GCE command structure.

    *** Affiliations ***

    AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
    BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten
    BHD Brotherhood (63) - de Molay
    CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
    DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
    DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
    DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
    FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
    FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
    FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
    FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
    GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
    HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility
    KRL Krell (30) - Namica
    KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
    KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
    MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
    NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
    NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
    SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
    WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

    * Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
    ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


    *** Submissions ***

    By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.
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    *** Inter Galactic News ***

    Tension in the Corewards Arm

    With the DNA obtaining several ex-GCE bases in the Coreward Arm it has found itself in the middle of an asset grab of serious proportions and aggression. Our reporters witnessed several GTT troop carriers heading for the Corewards system as the DNA published information suggesting they were accidental owners of the system and that the assets were to be moved on. As the GTT ships started to arrive the bases were quickly passed to the CIA, thus thwarting the GTT intentions as they were hardly likely to start dropping troops on their allies bases. This shrew move by the DNA seems to have calmed matters in the Coreward arm temporarily, although the shift in relations between the GTT and DNA has taken a negative turn. When asked what their next move might be the GTT refused to comment.

    GCE collapse

    The GCE are no more, save for some scattered light freighters. The affiliation which enjoyed a sharp rise and profiltable relations with many has ceased trading. Rumors point to the GTT buying up GCE assets before stripping the rival corporation of anything of value. Although our reporters at the SSS have been quick to point out that any GCE assets not in GTT systems have been taken over by both the DNA and FET. So it seems many different affiliations were able to profit from this development including a new group called the HSH who appear to have taken over the GCE war fleet. No doubt many in the peripheries will be watching with interest where these ships are used, who the HSH are and how they were able to get thier hands on so many warships so quickly.

    Secudus trials

    In the Cluster Secudus has continued his trials, claiming to root out terrorists working against the Empire. With tends of thousands of beings being sent to the camps or worse. There is no sign of these actions stopping as the NHS clamp down on the locals and bring them under the harsh control of the Empire.

    *** Affiliations ***

    AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
    BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten
    BHD Brotherhood (63) - de Molay
    CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
    DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
    DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
    DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
    FCN Falconian Republic (70) – <Unknown>
    FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Juris
    FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
    FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
    GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
    HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility
    KRL Krell (30) - Namica
    KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
    KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
    MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
    NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
    NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
    SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
    WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

    * Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
    ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


    *** Submissions ***

    By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.
    ******Empire Syndicated News Network (ESNN) ******

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    Welcome to the latest version of ESNN, giving the news and views from the ESNN's reporter and news anchor, Ainsley Moore, making this the peripheries' most favourite and most reliable unbiased publication in the known universe from our home in the Heartland,

    And so with the news from the last couple of weeks,

    Cluster War! DNA Gather Fruit

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    Persistent Browser-Based Game (PBBG)

    I’ve played on and off for approximately 10 years, over a 20 year spell. After some interesting debate on the in-game forum, I did wonder what, exactly, has kept drawing me back to the game, when for so many others I’ve generally lost interest after a few months.

    Ultimately, I think it is a combination of automation (that allows the game to handle thousands of positions to interact on a daily basis) coupled with Special Actions (that allow the story arc to develop in a way that could not be catered for by a set of predefined list of available orders).