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Intergalactic News
Issue 33
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The Dewiek Special
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214.1 – 214.5

Subspace Static - Star Date 214.1  [Recruit]

No issue this week.

Subspace Static - Star Date 214.2  [Recruit]

Subspace Static - Star Date 214.02.5

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** Message From The Guest PERMANENT Editor! ***

Overlord Kang sends you greetings in this new year, you pathetic mewling sacks of meat.

Kang finds himself in a bounteous and ebullient mood, perhaps it is the fresh hope of a new year and all of the new opportunities for slaughter that it brings, or perhaps it is because Kang just firebombed an orphanage.



*** Glorious Flagritz Release Glorious News ***

As the FLZ year ends, it is party time.

Special Action/Breeze/Flagritzmas/213.52
Native slaves are pumped full of drugs and forced to fight and afterwards the winners are driven round the base by a flagritz mob - all in all a thoroughly enjoyable festival. When all the flagritz retire to eat and drink more slaves are then forced to wash down the blood.
There is a temporary increase in sales from the surge of visitors to the base to watch the spectacle.

Special Action/Fornfell/Flagritzmas/214.1
Slaves are given the roll of masters, appearing to direct the actions of flagritz for the day though any obvious overstepping the boundaries results in the immediate removal of the fractious upstart. A lot of slave deaths later, the flagritz involved and those coming to watch declare it a great success and boost to the short term trade.
There is a temporary increase in sales from the surge of visitors to the base to watch the spectacle.

Special Action/Trostfell/Flagritzmas/214.1
Slaves are given the roll of masters, appearing to direct the actions of flagritz for the day though any obvious overstepping the boundaries results in the immediate removal of the fractious upstart. A lot of slave deaths later, the flagritz involved and those coming to watch declare it a great success and boost to the short term trade. There is a temporary increase in sales from the surge of visitors to the base to watch the spectacle.

Special Action/Flagritzmas/Boxing Day Hunt/214.1
Hundreds of boxes are laid out to await the inevitable corpses of the escaped slaves ridden down in the traditional flagritzmas hunt. A few slave beaters join the growing pile of bodies as enthusiasm gets the better of a few of the novices or the pack animals mistake the scent.
All in all another good day and the flocking crowds boost planetary sales from the starbase by up to 10k.

Kang loves the smell of Flagritzmas in the morning.

*** Aliens March Onwards ***

The Catnip Munching Surrender Kittens appear to continue their slow pathetic crawl out from under the heel of the Flagritz Whipping Boys, as they seem to have successfully claimed the Nexus system away from the CNF-Bloc:

“The Nexus system is now a territorial annex of the Felini Tyranny. All positions within are subject to Felini law. Retention of pre-annexation assets will be permitted if the are registered or have registration pending within 1 week of the announcement.”

Kang cannot find it in his heart to congratulate you, furry meatsacks, but Kang is grudgingly hopeful that you will find it in your hearts to hunt those puny humans out of the system and into an early grave.

Kang contacted the so-called ‘Emperor Of Humanity’ for some comment, but apparently the Palace is not returning Kang’s calls.

*** Aliens Cozying Up With Humans?!? ***

Kang has learnt that the Dewiek have ‘accidentally’ destroyed some GTT freighters in the Dyson system this week. But shockingly then went on to apologise for this incident, and further TO PAY COMPENSATION!

It is a sad sad day when Kang witnesses puny human meatsacks being paid compensation for the loss of their meaningless empty lives.

Kang has to wonder what has gone wrong with the Dewiek. But Kang has also learnt that the Dewiek are now claiming a system in the Inner Empire!

Have the Dewiek signed up with the much-hated Empire Of Humanity? Did they have a secret arrangement all along to destroy the Confederacy? KANG IS STARTING TO HAVE SUSPICIONS!

Or is that indigestion?

Kang is uncertain.

*** Anonymous Meatsack Issues Anonymous Warning To Other Meatsacks ***

Press Release: GCE warfleets are nothing but trouble and will no longer be tolerated in Indar orbit. Go away and stay away.

Kang wonders, is this warning from some privateer or mercenary types? Kang finds the anonymity curious. Kang suspects somebody has something to hide. But Kang is okay with that. Kang frequently has things to hide too. Like all of his pointy objects inside your sack of meat.

*** Spate Of Firebombings Declared Tragedy ***

A number of schools, hospitals and orphanages have burnt down across Mobile Bay this week. Health and safety inspectors suspect arson.


*** Persian News ***

The glorious Flagritz continue to bombard the tragically misguided Ulians on Ahura Mazda with orbital artillery and ground bombers pounding the USN outpost Manis.

Several hundred Krell mercenaries are understood to have died in the bombardment, much to the pleasure of both the FLZ and the USN high command, who always enjoy watching lackeys die in brutal slaughter.

The glorious Flagritz have however faced some criticism for their deployment of HLQ class Heavy Cruisers in this operation. And it is a fair question, what is the Empire Of The Race doing utilising puny human vessels?

Kang is uncertain too. Kang suspects scorn may be incoming.


*** TCA Update ***

Kang has heard that two small GTT mining outposts may have been bombarded by the Terran Colony Annihilators.

Wake Kang when something important gets massacred.

*** Falconian News ***

Ship navigators (and others) have been puzzled this week by a temporal anomalie that left many falconian ships completing journeys only to find themselves transported back to where they started. Ships of many other affiliations were also effected suggesting the sort of random improbable effect that could cause you to repeat actions without realising it. Anyway not to worry whats the chance of that happening again. Anyway not to worry whats the chance of that happening again.
Outer Capellan News

Dark Sun City has bounced back to near normal efficiency after last weeks hiccup.
Falconian explorers in the newly discovered Maridan system have not been shocked by finding other affiliations already present. IMP, AFT and GCE are already busy in the system which contains a habitable planet.

Cluster News
A newly claimed outpost has revealed two more trade goods though previous mismanagement has led to depletion of the resources. Falconians are working with locals to remedy this situation with offers of finance and technical assistance.

Yet more AFT debris has been located and recovered in the coreward system Discordia. 84 humans were rescued from the wreckage of a 200XLH carrier.

Observers have been puzzled by the removal of certain DOM markets and system claims. This has caused issues with system enemy lists and has been blamed for a DEN/GTT firing incident in the DHP.

Cluster News
FET assets in the Forest system have now been ceded to the FLZ who uniquelly find themselves supporting a FEL system claim.

The Caribbean system has started to see a military build up as forces gather at the wormhole to assist human forces within the inner empire combat the TCA. Until recently the inner empire was jealously guarded against alien incursions and only recently were the pacifist MOH allowed in. It is a sign of great change that now many alien warfleets have now been allowed access. The confederacy has been remarkably silent on this matter while DTR and Hive sources query the need for military action.

*** FET Press Release ***

Commencing stardate 214.3.2 the Tycoon Stargate will be open to all affiliations free of charge.

The orbiting platforms will be issued orders on 3.1 to clear all enemy lists barring Pirates.

Contrary to popular belief Norozov Holdings were not running an extortion racket, but were in fact as stated recovering the costs of the extensive research that was undertaken to ensure the gate remained open so that ships could transit without the need for keys.

Just as any good business would.

Those costs have now been recovered and as stated above from 3.2 all shipping bar pirates are free to transit the gate.

I would like to extend my personal thanks to the FEL who have been the major contributors to the costs. Without them the toll would have been in place for much longer.

I would also advise that although all affs are free to transit the gate Tycoon is still an Imperial system and Imperial law is still in force. So those who are unwelcome in IMP systems travel at their own risk.

I also request that the Imperial Viceroy change the system charter message that currently warns shipping of the toll.

Thank you.

***** Periphery Classifieds *****

*** Trade Opportunity For Inferior Meatsacks ***

The Empire of the Race will allow the lesser beings to sell Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (884) to FLZ Fessin Lijori (2875) in Solo from tomorrow at $2 each. You will note that FRE Tranquility Gate (19715) sells this item at $1.

The Empire of the Race will also sell Rare Earth Elements (22) at the Solo base for $1.5

These can be sold at FRE Tranquility Gate (19715) for $2.5 each

*** Bring Me Your Needy ***

Desperate? Doomed? Hopeless?

Homeless? Orphaned?

Left destitute after war? Chased off your land by Confederate nobles?

Rendered homeless by Meklan invaders?

Unwilling to use the RIP repatriation service?


You need to visit Kang’s Cozy House Of Shelter And Comfort! Opening soon on Mobile Bay! For all your free food and drink needs! Guaranteed no brutal torture!

*** RIP Notice ***

Do you find yourself in possession of Meklan?
Is the moral quandary giving you sleepless nights?
Are your hands tied by your own faction's laws, religion or social convention?

Do you simply wish for the problem to go away?
You may even wish to set these 'poor souls' free from their alleged torment?

RIP offer to humanely dispose of standard Meklan for only $10* each and Advanced Meklan for $15* each.

Included in that price is a short ceremony for each person and a charitable donation of either:

1mu of Agricultural Implements,
1mu of Civilian Weaponry,

to be given to a population of the departed's choice**.

*Arrangements that can be made so that none of your own laws are contravened may incur an extra charge.
**This offer excludes all IMP claimed systems, including those claimed by charter holders or others on behalf of the IMP. This will be represented in the present day, so covers systems that are claimed now and will be claimed in the future, rescinding on system claims that are lapsed or lost, restored if the system is re-claimed.

*** For Sale – Guaranteed One Dodgy Owner ***


I have come into possession of a spare Material Utilisation Crystalline principle.

It will be made available for sale on the Quick Snack public market tomorrow.

The price will be set at 600,000 stellars.


I am willing to discuss private offers for the sale of the principle should anyone have an interesting offer to make.

Thank you.


***** OOC Message From The Editor *****

Happy new year everybody.

Hope you all had great holidays.


Subspace Static - Star Date 214.03.5  [Recruit]

Subspace Static - Star Date 214.03.5

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** Message From The Overlord ***

Again your beloved Overlord Kang appears before you in glorious resplendence on your high-tech two-D reading devices. Kang embraces the march of new technology, and SO SHOULD YOU!

Kang looks forward to the day he can interact with all of you personally through your real-time 3D full-sense enviro-body-suits. Forget smell-o-vision, FEEL-O-VISION IS THE NEWS BROADCASTING MEDIUM OF THE FUTURE!

Kang looks forward to bring you many many wonderful feels.


*** Glorious Flagritz Superior News ***

USN ships attacked an anti pirate patrol of Imperial ships. Outnumbered Four to one and outsized the ships not only held off the USN ships but forced them to run away.

It does seem most of the USN fleet was in the grip of total fear of the 5 FLZ 50 hulled normal hulled ships that they would not even fire their feeble pathetic non-FLZ missiles.


*** Pathetic Tycoon Stargate ***

The FET administered Tycoon Stargate is entering its second week of open operation, and Kang is bitterly disappointed to have not learnt of any ‘accidental’ destructions yet. Kang does not know what this so-called cartel is playing at.

*** Inferior Ulians Prove Inferiority Of Human-Built Ships ***

The USN are reporting the destruction of two Flagritz Minute-Man class Cruisers in the Persian system.

Kang warned you all about the dangers of deploying shoddily built meatsack vessels. Superior Flagritz built vessels would not have been destroyed.

An inferior spokesbeing for the inferior Ulian Defence force released the following inferior communique:

"We have received initial reports of an engagement in the Persian system, Halo periphery, between vessels of the Halo Flotilla of the Ulian Defence Force, and vessels of the Flagritz Empire navy. A force of some six Flagritz heavy cruisers, moved to engage an Ulian force of comprising seventeen vessels of mixed types. Initial reports show that the outcome of the engagement has been generally favourable to the Ulian side, damage ranging from very light to light, for the loss of two Flagritz normal-hulled heavy cruisers, and moderate-high damage to a third vessel. Further detail is still being received".

Asked for a comment on the engagement, our reporter received the following comment from a representative of the Ulian regime: "We have not yet begun to fight. No honestly, We wern't ready... that crap's the old stuff we had hanging around, we havn't even finished buiding the new crap yet... I'm sure the wives and families of the officers and crew will be greatly releived at the news - they were due to be executed if the ships came back without winning something. Our vessels can now try to run away again, their crew's heads held high".

*** Snivelling Anonymous Press Release ***

Indar is now clear of the self-styled Halo police force, the GCE, who made it their business to wantonly attack MRC ships there for no other crime than flying a flag the GCE don't like.

Anyone who want to be free of the menace of the GCE and other aggressors are encouraged to pay a fee of $1000 per week per outpost, or $5000 per week per starbase, and we will look after you there.

Payments to position #22649

*** Wretched Falconian Newsreel ***

The Caribbean system has been hectic with great military and trading activity in this former backwater. A Falconian freighter has been destoyed in one of the systems asteroid belts. There were no casualties and a system teleporter ensured a swift rescue. The 50XLH 'Tweetie-pie' was one of house magpies oldest trading vessels and was purchased from the CNF by brother Armand of the BHD.
Reports of a daring heist of Basic elements on Falconia are being investigated.


*** Inferior Planet Upgraded By Superior Species ***

Imperial FLZ Scientists have, after many years of work completed stage one of a ongoing project to expand the Empire.

A large 45*34 planet has been given atmosphere that will support advanced forms of life, the Empire will also seed lesser forms of life that will serve it as well. The next stage will be to warm the planet up then start to turn it green.

Warships of the Empire have this week been ordered on missions, fleets have moved out from both Solo and New Sussex.

*** Pitiful Dewiek Release Press Release Like Pirates Release Bowels ***

The following pirate

PIR SHIP Putrid Mind (66933) is boarding us:

attempted to board one of our peaceful traders today with 222 human marines, 35 veteran human marines, 136 warbot Mark IV's and 270 aquahoid marines (who were like a fish out of water hohohho)

Our trader defended itself valiantly and only had a only a small chance of being taken

Round 1: Battle is 19:6 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 7.36% control [92.64%]
0.04% chance of losing control
Round 2: Battle is 16:5 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 7.08% control [85.56%]
0.3% chance of losing control
Round 3: Battle is 27:8 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 5.81% control [79.75%]
0.83% chance of losing control
Round 4: Battle is 7:2 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 7.61% control [72.14%]
2.16% chance of losing control

Dewiek casaulties were

6 troops promoted to veteran.
Military Damage: 3 Dewiek Crew (521)
33 Dewiek Marines (522)
Boarders were defeated.

Pirate casualties can only be estimated but by round 3 they had lost

14 human marines, 9 warbot Mark IVs and 16 Aquaphoid marines so I would guess they lost around 18 marines, 12 warbots and 20 aquaphoids for an approximate total of 38 personnel and 12 machines.

May I raise a howl to the valiant defenders whose bravery defeated this force who could apply 2,212 damage a round. Our dead feast in Valhalla and our living will be feasting on the pirate dead. Plus any vegetarians have the added bonus of some fish to eat. BLAH BLAH YES YES DEWIEK THINK THEY ARE AWESOME! KANG TIRES OF THIS DEWIEK PRESS RELEASE AND INTERRUPTS FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN KANG ENJOYS THE SOUND OF HIS OWN VOICE!

Kang will now read to you selected extracts from his autobiography...

***** static *****

Subspace Static - Star Date 214.04.5  [Recruit]

Subspace Static - Star Date 214.04.5

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** Message From The Overlord ***

Snivelling meatsacks of the Peripheries. Overlord Kang is disappointed with your wretched attempts at action this week, as Kang has encountered what we call in the trade, a slow news week. Kang has been literally reduced to eviscerating reporters in an attempt to fill column inches. Kang believes you will enjoy page three this week, as it is a spleen.

In order to fill space, Kang has been reduced to covering ‘meatsack entertainment’ stories, such as the ongoing race to see which worthless sack of meat will win a so-called ‘Oscar’ on the pathetic birth-place of humanity for achieving something that Kang considers to be of zero value.

Kang was so bored by this inane ritual that he virus-bombed the lot of them.

To celebrate this, Kang is instead introducing the first inaugural Golden Kang Awards!

Kang will open the awards to nominations, and then will even graciously allow you meatsacks to vote for your winners. Though Kang has two votes. THIS IS JUST THE WAY IT WORKS!

So with no further ado, the prestigious Golden Kang awards will be awarded in the following categories:

1) Most Memorable Event Of The Year.

2) Most Worthless Stupid Sack Of Meat In The Peripheries Award.

Why only two categories? Kang considers these Golden Kangs to hold value, unlike puny earth-thing awards where Kang swears you’d give each other awards for just not choking to death on your vomit today. YOU HAVE SET THE BAR LOW! SNIVELLING HUMANITY!

Kang sets the bar high.

And then Kang beats you to death with it.


*** Mohache Are Offensive… Also Go On Offensive ***

Kang warned you all this day was coming, but oh no, nobody believed Kang. The Mohache are cuddly and innocent you said, they couldn’t possibly be gearing up to launch a massive series of attacks.

Well, Kang has learnt that the dread Mohache have launched a series of assaults against Dominion positions in the Enigma system.

… and promptly been smacked back down brutal-style by a combined DOM/DEN counter-attack.

Kang is puzzled by this action, and hopes it is simply a prelude to greater slaughter, as the Mohache follow some vile scheme to lure us all into a false sense of security.

*** Persian Skirmish ***

Forces of the Glorious Flagritz Empire continue to exchange fire with the Ulian Stellar Nation throughout the Persian system this week, with first one side then the other gaining the upper hand.

The USN released the following press release:

The Ulian Navy today announces the loss of the Solo-class heavy cruiser 'Pariah', which was destroyed in the Persian system while attempting to withdraw from the engagement of the last two days, and disintegrated after taking a comparatively light 28% hull damage.

A spokeskrell for Ulian naval forces stated: "The 'Pariah' was one of the newest vessels in Ulian service, only commissioned less than a month ago, and we are really really upset about it. The rest of the crews are still pretty up from the fact that they've actually come back alive... chanting six-nil, six nil and high-threeing each other and stuff, and I'm not going to spoil it for them. Although, being Krell, they're pretty emotionally shallow and probably wont give a flying f... Anyway, if you'll excuse me, I have to source about 10,000 repair patches from somewhere, and the Dominium sales guy wont stop ringing up offering to bankrupt us".

*** GCE On The Run ***

Privateer forces appear to have forced the GCE out of the Halo Periphery.

Kang suggests the GCE arm up with napalm soaked kittens and return for round two!

*** Detinus Republic Smash Stuff Up ***

Brutal Kitten Slaughtering Detinus raiders have been active in the Dorn system this week, attacking not one but two dirt-grubbing Inferior-Empire outposts:

> GTT Dorn Ast Mine J1 (854) - Outpost

> IMP Pi XCI-1-30 (95061) - Outpost
> Targeted by DTR CL 28 WAHOO (89336) - 18606 [21712] Damage
> Targeted by DTR CL 28 GRAYLING (5566) - 14779 [17549] Damage
> Targeted by DTR CL 28 MARENGO (11975) - 12625 [14779] Damage
> Targeted by DTR CL 28 MAGICIENNE (91765) - 18537 [21666] Damage
> Targeted by DTR CL 28 MILNE BAY (34640) - 19481 [22836] Damage
> Targeted by DTR CL 28 NEW BRITAIN (48165) - 12100 [13949] Damage
> Targeted by DTR CL 28 ARGONAUT (77575) - 7609 [8824] Damage
> Targeted by DTR CL 28 RUNNER (52575) - 16608 [19236] Damage
> Targeted by DTR CL 28 NEW GEORGIA (50338) - 15288 [17886] Damage
> Targeted by DTR CL 28 TRITON (76620) - 15266 [17774] Damage
> Targeted by DTR CL 28 PICKEREL (38408) - 18418 [21711] Damage

Kang rather suspects the first outpost was an uninhabited Hiport base. But signs are encouraging that many meatsacks were blown apart during the second attack.

Mmmmm. Kang enjoys this thought.

*** Insignificant Skirmish ***

A squadron of Detinus Meatpublic raiders has had a narrow encounter with an Empire patrol in the Dorn system.

Kang understands some long-distance fire was exchanged with some scratched paintwork resulting.

*** Anonymous Press Release #3 ***

The first GCE pimple on Indar has now been squeezed. Be reminded that 1k Stellars per week will keep your outpost protected from their ilk, and, 5k your starbase. GCE are adviced that while your old Confederate compatriots may no longer be in a position to bail you out, running like scared little chicken to hide behind your new-found Hexamon best buddies isn't going to help either. Your policing days are over. My day has just begun.

- Anon.Mous.

*** Anonymous Press Release #4 ***

We thank the Hexamon for their payment and consider operations at Indar complete with their new acquisition.

To the GCE, if you wish to avoid expansion of the conflict to other systems, publicly renounce your role as a holier-than-thou Halo Police force and remove exclusion zones against independent contractors in all orbits.

- Anon.Mous.

*** Overlord Piles Contempt On Anonymous Personages ***

You know what Kang is thinking.


*** Kallisan ***

The Dewiek are apparently claiming the Kallisan system. Kang cares not.

*** Pirate ***

A pirate attack has been reported in the Corewards periphery, where an AFT vessel has been lost.

*** Superior Flagritz News ***

The Empire of the Race reports that after a number of years of hard work on a single planet is starting to pay off. Prosperity within the system has really been improved of late.

The Planet in the Dawn system now has the space and Infrastructure to support 50,000,000

An even bigger project has now reached stage two within another system. After years of work the Empire reports that the Atmosphere has been improved to allow open bases. The next stage will be to rise the planet temperature and melt some of the ice that on the planet.

Within the Core Empire systems the Empire can report that the Homeworld is now greatly improved and no food problems are being reported

A planet has now taken its first step to going from a barren landscape to a green world

Another barren system has fallen under the expanding Empire with yet another planet having its atmosphere changed.

*** Pirate ***

A GCE vessel has been lost to pirates in the Acropolis system.

*** Falconian Newsreel ***

Outer Capellan
Pirate large has captured a GCE vessel in the Acropolis jump quads under the very noses of a Falconian antipiracy squadron that was lurking in the same quad. Traders are reminded that ring 10 of Acropolis is an obvious area for pirate patrols and not a safe area to loiter. Concentrations of vessels in these quads had been noted in recent days and a pirate attack here was always very likely.
More AFT debris has been recovered from the orbit of Falconia. This time of a small 25NH Snowflake class vessel Sartre II.
Transpiral News
Debris of a large 200LH Redwood class freighter has been picked up from the wormhole orbit in Wimbledon. Wimble planetary authorities, such as they are, have shown poor judgement with regard to the assets of the wider Wimble Nation. 375 Mohache were recovered from the debris. This vessel the FNF Equity was likely the flagship of the Wimble merchant fleet and was very well equipped.
Cluster News
Preparations are nearing completion in setting up a new starbase in the Caribbean system. The grateful natives of the planet have expanded their market after sampling the variety of goods delivered to their planet. Elsewhere in the system terraforming has been accelerated of the other fertile planet which may be made available to colonise.
Exploration vessels have located a strange abandoned outpost on a newly discovered asteroid in the cluster. Investigations are underway.
Inner Empire News
Falconian Warflocks are now in their destination system.

Subspace Static - Star Date 214.05.5  [Recruit]

Subspace Static - Star Date 214.05.5

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** TCA Swatted Like The Insignificant Insects They Are? ***

Kang has learnt that a 700 strong warfleet has engaged the worthless TCA at the Gas Giant they’ve been loitering at in the Inner Empire of snivelling humanity.

Kang does not know for sure, but Kang suspects the TCA have just ceased to be a ‘threat’ and become more of an ‘expanding cloud of debris’.

Not that they were much of a threat to start with, the worthless alien meatsacks.


Kang has observed the following Falconian newsreel regarding this operation:

Inner Empire Newsflash
Falconian Warflocks took part in a combined action against the TCA creche site in Ross. Approximately 50 Falconian warships were part of a 700 ship armada targetting the TCA adult ships. Eight of the Nine TCA ships were destroyed and the remaining vessel the TCA LiQuan in at the Deep End (91239) has sustained very serious damage of over 70%. This ship was reported to be being shielded by another TCA vessel.
The battle saw the use of several thousand antimatter and nuclear devices by the GTT and the rapid deployment of heavy photon batteries in platforms by the DOM industrial machine.
The hapless TCA showed no sign of being able to adapt to this form of warfare and this must surely be a pivotal time for these ancient beings survival.
The Falconian flocks lost 3 ships and another was seriously damaged. We pay our respects to the lost vessels
KBN Tap Hog (79355), a 75HH captured BHD needle beam vessel
KMC Skin Model (91907), a falconian design 200NH carrier
MTB2 Barracuda (6253), a falconian crewed 50HH javelin torpedo cruiser
as well as to the other ships lost in this action. Rescue operations for stranded crew are anticipated soon.
Commuters traveling through the Ross system may expect to have increased journey times as the concentrations of energy release may have disrupted navigation through the local area of space.

*** Wimble Nation Rises From Ashes? ***

There may be a new Grandfather leading the Wimble nation.

There also may not.

This is the sort of cutting and incisive news reporting Kang knows you all love about the SSS. Worry not. Kang has executed the SSS resident Wimble correspondant with BRUTAL EFFICIENCY.

*** GCE Press Release As Interesting As Scraping Mud From Tentacles ***

Greetings to all,

I hereby announce that the GCE renounce any pretentions to policing the Halo periphery.

There will continue to be no GCE enforced exclusion zones in any orbit in Halo to any IND, FRE, PRV or MRC position, as is indeed currently the case.

As is currently the case, PIR positions, and any positions on the GCE posted list will be fired upon if encountered. The PRV position currently on the posted list will be removed.

PRV & MRC positions should not dock at GCE Aquarium without prior permission, as they will be boarded. No one should dock at any GCE outpost under any circumstances.

FRE and IND positions (and in fact all other affiliations other than PIR, PRV & MRC) remain welcome to dock at Aquarium to use the facilities and interact with civilian traders, as they have always been. We prefer the courtesy of advance notice, but it is not required.

*** Press Release Celebrating Death Of Pitiful Crew ***

It is with deep regret that I must announce yet MORE deaths. This time to Piratical SCUM who boarded and took my ship.
I only received the auto-notification from the ship's computer which stated that the three crew members were brutally overpowered and slaughtered like dogs. I can only imagine that they put up one HELL of a fight though.
A memorial service will be held in their honour.

Captain William Sharpe Snr - who is survived by his son Captain William Sharpe Jnr.
Comm's Officer - Steven Blake - Who was single and had no family.
Navigation Officer - Richard Willis - Who was married for 3 years but had no children.

They will be remembered. The ship was taken in the outer sectors of the Discordia System where it was forced to wait when the safety cut-outs kicked in.
The Pirates responsible will be marked and - if encountered again - will be made to pay.
The scum, for what it is worth were on board - PIR SHIP Sodden Wart (4259)

If you will forgive me, I have some calls to make to the families of the lost crew.

*** Pirate Attack ***

A worthless Dewiek freighter has fought off a sizeable attack by pirates in the Solo system, though they only brutally slaughtered a meagre 45 pirates.

45 is a good start, but Kang knows you can do better than this.

*** Superior Platform ***

The troubled orbit of Ahura Mazda in the Persian system has been secured by a glorious Flagritz platform this week:

FLZ PLATFORM PERSIAN DEFENDER (73668) - 734 Hulls [Active on: 5.3]

Kang hopes many slaves died to bring you this platform.

***** The Golden Kangs *****

Nominations are now closed for the Golden Kang awards, and voting has begun.

Go to the Nexus to register your vote, or contact Kang directly if you wish to vote in so-called ‘privacy’.

Your pitiful nominees are:

Most Memorable Event Of The Year.

1) The Boltzman Brain Event.
2) The Spectacular Collapse Of The Confederacy. x
3) The Near Collapse Of The Detinus Republic.
4) Kang becoming Editor. VOTE KANG! x
5) The Discovery Of The Corewards Arm. x
6) The Wearing of Blinders Effect the FLZ had on their erstwhile DEN allies.
7) The Taking Of Faery. x

2) Most Worthless Stupid Sack Of Meat In The Peripheries Award.

1) The still unknown meatsack who woke up the Boltzman Brain.
2) The Emperor Lysander for over-seeing the loss of the Cluster Periphery to the non-humans. x
3) The Baron LiQuan for returning at the head of a TCA invasion fleet. xx
4) The Detinus Senate for being the Detinus Senate. x
5) The Entire Mohache Race.
6) Mona Luvsitt - As she is a huge Kang fan and wants to meet him at the awards ceremony when she collects her trophy!
7) Michelle Diaz For Death By Shoe.

Kang promises a special reward for those nominees who come last in their respective catagories.

***** Scavenger Hunt Prizes *****

The following are the prizes for the 213 Scavenger Hunt. In view of the extended nature of the Hunt there has been a slight tweak in order to keep things interesting. At present there is good hope we will have three different contestants, so all three prizes are still on the table.

First Place Prize
$1,000,000 Cash

1st Runner-Up
Custom Built Advanced 200 Hull Ship

2nd Runner-Up
2,500mu of jacium

The following new options will be made available to the winner and the first runner-up:

The first place winner may at his discretion choose to receive two blueprints for 300-hull ships in lieu of the $1,000,000 cash payout.
The first runner-up may at his discretion choose to receive one blueprint for a 300-hull ship in lieu of the custom built 200-hull ship.

The second runner-up (aka the loser) is stuck with his jacium.

A variety of 300-hull makes and models are available, including normal and heavy crystal ships and normal and heavy organic ships. The exact nature of the blueprints will be negotiated with the winners after the end of the contest, with the first place winner getting first choice among the available options.

Finding a shipyard that can help you turn your blueprint into an actual ship will be left as an exercise for the winner. Note that a 300-hull blueprint can only be used to build one single ship before it is spent.

Don't forget to include your account number in the message.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

Claims settle in Solo and Faery

With the NHS bringing in almost a million troops into Solo and the GTT choosing it's moment to contest Faery at the same time, it seems the DTR and it's alllies either found it hard to find enough troops to respond or quite simply decided it wasn't worth the hassle as there were far more important matters to deal with in the Senate. Who knows what other life threatening topics they have to discuss, such as the correct biscuit to have with afternoon tea. The end result is that Solo and Faery, both systems with significant incomes, are now under control of Empire based affiliations.

GTT move to clear out the Dewiek Pocket Pheriphery

Having resorted to bribery to get other affiliations to move out of the DHP, with rumoured multi-million stellar amounts being offered, the GTT now appear to have cranked the pressure up. An AFT base has been attacked and a few of the nearby ships have been blown up and damaged by GTT warship class ships patrolling the area. As we write this report, information we have seen shows that the GTT have already taken 20% of the AFT base and fighting continues. We approached the GTT to ask why they are resorting to force and were told that they have had to move significant military power into the DHP to deal with ANT forces, so now they are mopping up all the resistance of other affilaitions that were asked to leave and decided not to.

BHD relics and trophies

Pope Akhenaten of the Brotherhood has been touting more and more wares that are unique to the BHD. If you are missing a holy relic and have no idea how to fill that little space in your living quarters then you know where to go. From robes to candles, literature to wine and novelty ornaments, it's never been easier to bring a little bit of the Brotherhood home and exchange your stellars for spiritual well being.

*** Affiliations ***

AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
BHD - Brotherhood (63) - Akhenaten
CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
HEX Hexamon (23) - Hexamon
KRL Krell (30) - Namica
KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


*** Submissions ***

By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

Solo claim swings back and forth

The situation in Solo appears to be getting even more heated. First the NHS dropped 600,000 troops to contest the system and then the DTR answered with enough troops of their own to trump the NHS claim. The NHS found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim up to 750,000 and once again the DTR answered, bringing Solo back under DTR control. Now the NHS have had a look down the back of the sofa and found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim to a massive 900,000 trained troops. We wait to see if the DTR have an answer to this. We can only guess where all these troops are coming from, but what is clear is that the established affiliations clearly have far larger armies than many thought.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

NHS attempt to claim Solo away from DTR

In a shock move the NHS have contested the Solo claim with a huge garrison of 600,000 trained troops. In a move that nobody saw coming, especially as it was unknown the NHS had such a large force of troops to draw upon, the NHS seem to be provoking a response from the DTR. Currently there has been no word from the DTR in how they are going to deal with this claim jumping, although rumours are that they are pretending the Solo claim doesn't really matter to them and so action is unlikely. However this may be a smokescreen and we may yet see the DTR's powerful fleet cause havoc in the system of Solo, which has for a long time been an important junction and fought over by many different factions.

DNA Chairman TonTon resigns

The following communication has been leaked from the DNA to the GTT's PD.

Greetings CEO Fox.
It regrets me to have to inform to you that the DNA nation state will be renouncing its claim on Aladdin system following a ceremony planet side, shortly.
However, it gives me great pleasure to have to inform you that these ceremonies are being planned by Vladimir Tavikovitch, the South Road Traffic Coordinator. He is also responsible for all DNA and .ore. assets in the Outer Naplian (Capellan) periphery so if there are any further issues, please take it up with him.
For any and all other matters, please forward your request directly to the DNA directorate services at NexusID: DNA people.
The Foreign Ministry objects one last time to your illegal claim jump of Aladdin, but we realise it is time to de-escalate.
Normally i would sign off with Naambta, but doing so would be hypocritical. Let me say good riddance instead.
I hereby resign in protest!

Chairman TonTon,
Foreign Minister, DNA
cc: Directorate Services personnel coordinator - !urgent resignation!

DTR threaten WMB with fines for multiple breaches of DTR Law

Lady Sylvansight of the DTR has issued a fine of 1,000,000 stellars to the Wimbles for multiple breaches of DTR Penal and Territorial Law. This seems a very brave move of the DTR to risk upsetting the huge and warlike WMB when they also have the rival NHS Solo system claim to deal with. No word has been recieved yet that the Wimbles are going to pay, but if the formidable WMB warfleet is seen heading for the DTR home systems we will know what their thought are on the matter. The DTR and WMB fleets going head to head would be a sight to behold.

*** Affiliations ***

AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten
CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility
KRL Krell (30) - Namica
KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


*** Submissions ***

By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

DNA and GTT clash over Aladdin system claim while Pirates look on.

The GTT have this week launched an attack on the DNA outpost in Aladdin, in what appears to be little more than a turkey shoot. Around 100,000 GTT Naplian Startroopers attacked the DNA position to remove the rival system claim. Reports indicate the DNA garrison were taken by surprise and lost control of the base in the first few hours of the fighting. The base has since been reflagged from [Free Naplian Capital] Peaceful Protest to [Loyal Naplian Capital] DNA claim Ended so it's fair to say there was a clear message being sent by the GTT. We have been waiting for the DNA leadership to comment but so far they have been unusually silent. No doubt when they have crawled out from under their desks they will have something to say on the matter.

While this attack was going on several pirate ships were also seen in Aladdin, according to the GTT in what may be true or may be a diversion, with reports of a pirate GP and scout being destroyed while a 150HH pirate warship slipped away and escaped from incoming anti-pirate patrols.

Secret meeting of the EEM

A recent communication intercepted by one of our top reporters today made us aware of a meeting of the EEM. This is underway in a top secret location called Black Pool, which sounds suspiciously like the lair of a pirate band. After pulling in many favours, we were able to identify some of the attending members. On the bases that they won't be named we were able to find out some slight information of the subjects to be discussed at the meeting and one thing is for certain, there could be huge impacts to the lives of everybody living in the galaxy. Details to follow. When the shadowy figures of the EEM come together with the top political players in a pirate base the possibilities are endless!

You are never more than 6 systems from a RAT 🐀

A new saying has arisen in the bars and spaceport of starbases throughout the many peripheries; you are never more than 6 systems from a RAT.

It is understood that this saying originated in Yank and spread by trade vessels to peripheries far and wide. Many starbases have heightened their security and added additional sensors and locks to various entry points including foul and grey water outfalls. Beer and drug stocks are undergoing increased proofing to avoid the critters gaining entry and consuming the stockpiles.

Will this present as a new plague of proportions never before seen or is this some simple urban myth being spread for the amusement of some mischievous entity? Who knows, but to be certain... check the shadows.

This year we will again be returning to the Briardene Hotel. They were welcoming, the bar didn't run out of beer pre-covid and there was room for quiet chats. Along with Wetherspoons there is the Victoria just down the road (Sam Smiths - last time beer was around 2 shillings per pint and a full round was less than £10).

Mostly drinking beer and talking toot though we have a good few things on the agenda.

Bookings are done directly with the hotel. Book by phone and say that you are with KJC Games

Briardene Hotel
Telephone: +44(0)1253 338300
All staff should be able to deal with the booking but if there are any problems ask for Tracy (manager) as she dealt with all our foibles in previous years.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

Dog days are over

With the fall of the DEN and the implosion of their home territory as the AFT, DTR and GTT moved in, it was unlikely the Dewiek would rise again. The DWP gave the species a little hope with the Dewiek Pocket Periphery kept under lock and key. But news has reached us of the AFT's penetration of this private area of space that's been locked down. With a base and claim in one of the three visible systems it seems that the end of the Dewiek is near. A once noble and aggressive race, determined to make an impact on the galaxy is now little more than a species that lives under the command of others. A sad end to a once powerful species that used to control a significant part of known space.

Pirate activity continues

Yet more reports of pirate activity have been received, one from the WMB, losing a freighter in Solo and another from the FET who reported they had engaged and hit the attacking pirate ship with several weapons before it managed to make off with it's prize. Hopefully the pirate ship took significant damage and will now be out of action for some time. The Corewards periphery seems to have been plagued with pirates recently and many travellers would welcome a break from attacks.

MEK incursion into Corewards

The FET and GTT have mounted a joint venture into Nog-Kesri to tackle a MEK force. It isn't known where they have come from, with the only other MEK ships seen so far being located in the Orion Spur. The lack of a known link between where they have appeared in Corewards and the Orion Spur has caused some concern among planetary populations as who knows where they could turn up next! Fortunately the combined FET/GTT task force dealt the MEK a heavy blow and the threat has been eradicated. But we all know this is unlikely to be the last we hear of the MEK in Corwards and we would encourage ship captains to keep a keen eye on thier sensor screens when travelling near Nog-Kesri.

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*** Inter Galactic News ***

  • CIA freighter fights off overwhelming pirate forces

  • Fin Saine media broadcast, What is Hot in the galaxy?!?!

  • MEKlan forces attack in Corewards Arm

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    *** Inter Galactic News ***

    Aladdin faces ongoing DNA/GTT tension

    The tensions between the DNA and GTT in the Coptuv system recently spilled over into the DNA system of Aladdin. A significant party of GTT ground troops has reinforced one of their bases in the system and claimed it, forcing the system claim into turmoil as the DNA finds itself under threat of losing the system. With the DNA chairman asking for help, several affiliations have been seen sending ships to evacuate any in the local population that want to escape the GTT. But so far not a shot has been fired and despite the AFT, FEL and DTR assistance no reisistance to the claim jump has been encountered so far. It remains to be seen if the DNA and it's friends will scatter before this hostile take over or put in a last minute counter claim to thwart GTT intentions.

    Increasing pirate activity

    Recent reports indicate a new surge in pirate attacks with the AFT and GTT reporting ships lost. Knowing how some don't like to advertise losses we wouldn't be surprised if this is the tip of the iceberg. Reports passed to us show the ship PIR Scavenger running ID 43174 and another ship of the same name running ID 68668 have both been in action with successful boarding attempts. It's unknown whether these are seperate ships or the same ship reregistered, but our information suggests that it would be hard for these pirates to cover the space where these attacks happened with just one ship. One thing is for sure, be on your guard as open space is not as safe as it once was.

    GCE ships loitering in deep space

    After the fall of the GCE and a lot of their assets being shared or purchased it was thought that the affiliation was no more. Yet deep space scans indicate that there is still a significant number of GCE warships holding station in deep space between Coptuv and Yank on the transport route into the Corwards Arm. Nobody knows what these ships are up to and why they are still flagged GCE, but our best guess is that are captains either awaiting new orders or owners after the fall of the GCE command structure.

    *** Affiliations ***

    AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
    BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten
    BHD Brotherhood (63) - de Molay
    CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
    DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
    DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
    DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
    FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
    FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
    FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
    FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
    GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
    HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility
    KRL Krell (30) - Namica
    KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
    KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
    MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
    NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
    NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
    SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
    WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

    * Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
    ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


    *** Submissions ***

    By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.
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    *** Inter Galactic News ***

    Tension in the Corewards Arm

    With the DNA obtaining several ex-GCE bases in the Coreward Arm it has found itself in the middle of an asset grab of serious proportions and aggression. Our reporters witnessed several GTT troop carriers heading for the Corewards system as the DNA published information suggesting they were accidental owners of the system and that the assets were to be moved on. As the GTT ships started to arrive the bases were quickly passed to the CIA, thus thwarting the GTT intentions as they were hardly likely to start dropping troops on their allies bases. This shrew move by the DNA seems to have calmed matters in the Coreward arm temporarily, although the shift in relations between the GTT and DNA has taken a negative turn. When asked what their next move might be the GTT refused to comment.

    GCE collapse

    The GCE are no more, save for some scattered light freighters. The affiliation which enjoyed a sharp rise and profiltable relations with many has ceased trading. Rumors point to the GTT buying up GCE assets before stripping the rival corporation of anything of value. Although our reporters at the SSS have been quick to point out that any GCE assets not in GTT systems have been taken over by both the DNA and FET. So it seems many different affiliations were able to profit from this development including a new group called the HSH who appear to have taken over the GCE war fleet. No doubt many in the peripheries will be watching with interest where these ships are used, who the HSH are and how they were able to get thier hands on so many warships so quickly.

    Secudus trials

    In the Cluster Secudus has continued his trials, claiming to root out terrorists working against the Empire. With tends of thousands of beings being sent to the camps or worse. There is no sign of these actions stopping as the NHS clamp down on the locals and bring them under the harsh control of the Empire.

    *** Affiliations ***

    AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
    BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten
    BHD Brotherhood (63) - de Molay
    CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
    DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
    DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
    DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
    FCN Falconian Republic (70) – <Unknown>
    FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Juris
    FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
    FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
    GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
    HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility
    KRL Krell (30) - Namica
    KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
    KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
    MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
    NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
    NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
    SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
    WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

    * Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
    ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


    *** Submissions ***

    By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.

    Free Ship when you sign-up
    Complete missions for in game rewards
    Control everything, up to an entire empire
    Dedicated human moderators
    Player and Moderator driven plotlines
    Discover new worlds to explore, exploit & colonise
    Over 20 years of content development
    Persistent Browser-Based Game (PBBG)

    I’ve played on and off for approximately 10 years, over a 20 year spell. After some interesting debate on the in-game forum, I did wonder what, exactly, has kept drawing me back to the game, when for so many others I’ve generally lost interest after a few months.

    Ultimately, I think it is a combination of automation (that allows the game to handle thousands of positions to interact on a daily basis) coupled with Special Actions (that allow the story arc to develop in a way that could not be catered for by a set of predefined list of available orders).