05-01-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 1 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Ian Jordan Assassinated! ***
"Office of GTT Security.
Reports from GTT security confirmed that personal body guard of CEO Ian Jordan were found butchered in his personnel penthouse suite.
There was no sign of Ian Jordan alive or dead.
Unconfirmed reports blame a CIA hit squad.
We speculate this is in retaliation for the blameless part Ian Jordan partook in the Coombs incident. Plus more recently where the GTT showed how inefficient a CIA strike force was at removing a platform. There total destruction was only prevented by diplomatic moves."
*** Krell New Year ***
The new Krell leadership has started issuing a series of demands to the GTT that their assets on Inversion should be returned to Krell control immediately, Warlord Slyth of the Dark Angels clan has been quoted on subspace:
"GTT Director Goth, I demand you return all Krell outposts on Inversion, the former starbase Fort Shiloh and all the tech Fort Shiloh had when it was given to you. I expect these items back, Friday the 5th January 207 latest! Failure to do this, means GTT will be removed entirely from Inversion."
And following a brief diplomatic exchange, in which the GTT displayed what can only be called a terse response, the Krell ultimatum was updated:
"GTT have until Friday latest to bring around a peaceful solution to the problem. But you see, the new GTT PD the former warlord Goth, have decided to punish the knells, because of our dealings with you, he still seems angry about the diplomatic solution we sorted over Inversion and storm. Now on to something important, who owns Inversion, is it Krell territory which means FCN have no say there or is FCN still claiming our homeworld? Think carefully before answering!"
According to the IGN clocks, Inversion has already been in a state of near-peace for a record breaking length of time. So we suppose it's probably about time another round of warfare broke out.
*** Piracy ***
A pirate strike force has been active in the Straddle system. Given the configuration of these pirates, geared towards destruction rather than capture, it is likely this is a group of black op mercenaries, rather than actual pirates.
So far they have avoided interception, despite a significant APTF naval response.
*** Certain Death ***
The pirate vessel Certain Death, captained by the damned and crewed by the undead, is rumoured to be prowling the Peripheries once again.
*** Krell Close Markets ***
All KDA markets have reportedly been closed. Speculation mounts that this move is in anticipation of some sort of armed conflict breaking out between the Krell and the GTT.
*** Pirate ***
A pirate has been spotted in the Fortoon system. All travellers are warned to be on their guard.
*** Alien Parasites ***
The RIP news network is carrying the following story:
"Swift work by daring SSS/IGN news teams have saved the RIP News Network from a fate worse than death. An infestation of Alien Parasites was dealt with swiftly and with a minimum of fuss and bother.
Was this some form of 'press loyalty'? Maybe some show of solidarity between rival publications?
Is the SSS going to absorb the RIP News Network in some strange twisted version of peace and harmony ???? Hey! The IMP and DOM have done it... so why not the two greatest news agencies around?
A spokesalien for the Alien Parasites said:
"Hang on a minute... I'll get round to taking over your body and replacing your personality with something more... ahem... controllable shortly... don't go anywhere... I've just got to finish this Iced Tea... They are two for one at the Jiggly Room you know... very good value!"
This reporter said:
"Ahhhh! Alien Parasites!!!! Run away! Run Away!"
or something..."
Here at the IGN newsroom we understand that the Imperial News agency is in a state of outrage at having not been described as one of the two greatest news agencies around, but given they have all been infected by the alien brain parasites, we don't really care too much what they think.
*** Crab Outbreak at Aslan!! ***
The following story has been received at our newsroom. Leading us to wonder just how many alien infestations are occurring right now.
"Reports that the DEN base Aslan (1665) has been overrun by a crab infestation has been vehemently denied by the governor, DEN's very own Trade Advisor, Wenona Yellowfang, aka Weenie.
"It's true that we have been selling a lot of crabs on the open market - my people have been err, catching a lot of crabs lately and bringing them back to the Inner Capellan. They are very popular and soon, you'll see the crabs spreading across the systems," she revealed, referring to the Snow Crabs (31109) that originate from the Dewiek Pocket Peripheries.
"However, this talk of them overrunning the base and various personnel being put into quarantine for infestation is utter nonsense."
*** Pirate Missy ***
According to reports, the dread pirate Missy has captured a KST freighter somewhere in the Ruin system. The following communication has been received via the pirate Black Dog:
'Merry Christmas Doggy-Poo. Thank you for the new spotter. Now, as my gift to the second greatest pirate that ever lived, the first target my new little ship spotted for me. I offer it to you as your christmas from me! Love you forever, Missy (reel letter gentulmen, so eats yore hart out)
KST SHIP DETOUR (25133) - {75 Normal Hulls}
Far Courier Class Fast Freighter {Medium Ablative Armour
Location: Upper rings of ruin
I was touched. I has to say a tear come to me eye. Lucky this here ship....named by arechyangel isself i might adds, "the nubian mutt" has hyperdrive...thank you kindly gtt. So from Dryad to Ruin wasn't more n' a hop,skip and 8 jumps.
Capan' there be whales!
You been watchin too much star trek Winston, now buckles on your
sword and gets ready to board!
an board we did! Only took 2 rounds! But with only half a crew, the
Nubian Mutt had to send in a small bordin party."
*** Pirate Small ***
In what seems to have been a bumper Christmas period for the Pirates (and surely has nothing to do with too many freighter captains being left hanging about waiting for orders while their commanding officers have been away indulging in the festive spirit) it seems as if the Pirate vessel Small has successfully captured the GTT freighter Black Light, in the Blowton system.
*** Pirate Missy ***
A second GTT freighter, the King Charles, appears to have fallen to Pirate Missy.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** RIP SHIP POSEIDON (10583) - {50 Normal Hulls} ***
Will the owner of the above ship please contact this office immediately.
Avatar Machan Bastet
*** Pirate Ships For Sale ***
(Please note, the Editor can not be held responsible for any dealings any private citizens might try and make with pirates.)
BLACKY 'AS A FEW SHIPS FER SEELLL. JUST a cuple this time, if you
be interested contact black dog thru msg on the edeiter;
pos PIRATE SHIP Nubian Mutt (23572)
or at me new mail box. they went and promteed me with out tellin me,
but i likes it. It finely shows me place in this here empire.
Archagnel, The Nubian Mutt 'as taken three ships since you named
her. Thankee kindly sir. Now, Arechangel and hur-CUR-RUN, BE SURe
you copies down this addrees:
mr_black_dog@email2me.netan I expects you to be callin me by me
proper ttile. call me 'cappan black dog or Mr. Black dog. I
preferes mr. Now, I only has 2 ships to start off with, but with
more to come:
PIRATE SHIP CTE Pride of Mirado (53375)
pirate starter ship for you gents who wants to explore your
darkeest thoguts. It be 25 normul hulls and be set up for boardin.
If you think this here ship be too small, take a look at that pirate
Missys. Her ship, the minx, caught its 5th ship the other dayy.
Nuthin spektacular. Just a gtt 150 xl hull ship w hyperdrive an
worth dam nere 300 thousand. the cte has a
Stellar Value: 87600 I'll takes 60 thousand for it. No crew and it
will be trnsferred to ye in a safe spot upon recitet of the money.
This be a coolecters item becuase it be the first FEL ship I ever
took. it.
PIRATE Kukri (40967 this wuz a nice little 40 liyte hull imp shep.
the Kukri as a Stellar Value: 68650
I wants 40 thouusand for this little ship. No cloke, and a reguler
jump drive. no crew and transfer upon recete of the muny.
all these here ships are flagged pirate as u can see. So be damn
careful when you gets it. Black Dog.., i means (archnangel)
MISTER black dog.
*** Contact Wanted ***
Can the player running the follow please contact me.
AFT 1st Platoon Special Forces (50460) - Ground party
Willie D
*** Winner ***
The winner of the Falconian Lottery is ......
AFT SHIP SISYPHUS (4222) - {20 Normal Hulls}
The ship will be transfered some time during the coming week.
Happy Trading and merry christmas.
***** From The Posting Boards *****
"Information leaks" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
Are the new infrastructure rules going to include information leaks?
One of the current problems I see is the preponderance of "closed" systems. You get the feeling there are more closed systems than open.
The topic can be found here:
"Weapon Space Defination?" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
The topic can be found here:
***** Message From The Editor *****
Happy New Year everybody.
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
12-01-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 2 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** KST Issue Ultimatum ***
Alexander Enterprises have issued the following statement regarding the continued FEL occupancy of Drougal:
"KST Drougal here.
We are more than disappointed in the abysmal FEL failure in adhering to their promises. We will no longer be duped. You have delayed your stay long enough. Your colonisation rights on Drougal are null and void, following your utter failure to even attempt the promised planetary cleanup. You requested two weeks to evacuate your personnel. That period of time has now passed many times over and you still have not handed over the base. There is no reason apparent to give you any more time. FEL Seeds of Doubt is therefore confiscated as is. Transfer the base to KST control immediately so we can take matters into our own hands. The FEL affiliation will receive a PA to pick up their personnel from Drougal if any are left. As of this moment you are explicitly forbidden to form ground parties on Kastor or move ships into orbit. We do not trust you any longer. KST Drougal out."
(/OOC: All IC, and just part of the game. No hard feelings between players
*** Certain Death Spotted In Fortoon ***
Disturbing stories are reaching our newsroom regarding a close encounter between an SMS APTF patrol squadron and the damned pirate vessel, the Certain Death.
According to unconfirmed stories apparently originating with crewmembers amongst the SMS strikeforce, the fleet had lain a successful trap for the Certain Death, and sprang an ambush, with the Pirate plain in their sights. At which point all of their on-ship systems went dead, and the SMS vessels coasted to a stop as the Certain Death turned serenely in space and vanished into a hitherto unknown Nebula field, making a clean escape before frantic SMS captains could bring their vessels back up to speed.
*** Pirate Large ***
It's him again.
"Ahharrgghhhh me hearties.... It be aye... Pirate Large......
Ahhaarrggh there, I has as a good Christmas, an new year, an I hopes me customers as ad a good times a swell, hang on, I knows some of thee hasn.....
Before the festive periods, we did takes a DTR ship called explorer (2010),
quite a few crew there be on board aye there be, human [censored] for thee to
explore all right. A short battle it be an the ship becomes mine. There be
quite a response but I be better than the DTR an slipped away nicely.
On stardate 206.51.5 me boys spotted an AFT ship 200 Xlight hulls she be,
wiv several escorts, an a DTR ship be there as well, it was a 75 normal
hulled ship wiv armour as well, so wiv this in mind, I figured it be time to
unleash the undead. Anyways I won go into details, but the AFT ship be took,
an the boys did the business.
In the same system of Straddle it be as if the AFT be in a convoy an we wen
in on stardate 206.52.1 agains several AFT ships, I my self wen for this
group of AFT ships an wen through the fire of the AFT escort, an proceeded
to takes the ships I could get in range of, 2 AFT 100 light huller fell to
me this day aye they did, an they were lucky I runs out of time by 2 tus
otherwise they would have lost a 3rd. suffice to say I thought all me
Christmas's came at once. I managed to get all me ships including the prey
ships out o straddle.
Then on stardate 206.52.3 we spotted a GTT 150 light huller in the blowton
system, 15 crew there be not a match for thee, an we tooks the ship in no
time, even though that GTT bloke did an all system broadcast abouts me
presence, no one turned up to stop me getting away. So I tooks the ship outs
no problems like.
I as took some more ships as well after this but ill save that until
everything be finished.
Anyways I asn the times on me hands likes I usually as, so me stories today
be a bit limited, but at new years I reministed, I aye did, I thought back
to when I was young likes an some one sets me up on a blind date.
I took this blind date to the carnival. "What would you like to do first,
Kim?" I asked . "I want to get weighed," she said. we ambled over to the
weight guesser. i guessed 120 pounds. She got on the scale; it read 117 and
she won a prize.
Next we went on the ferris wheel. When the ride was over, i again asked Kim
what she would like to do. "I want to get weighed," she said. Back to the
weight guesser we went. Since we had been there before, i guessed her
correct weight, and i lost me stallar, arseholes.
we walked around the carnival and again i asked where to next. "I want to
get weighed," she responded. By this time, I figured she was really weird
and took her home early, dropping her off with a handshake.
Her roommate, Laura, asked her about the blind date, "How'd it go?"
Kim responded, "Oh, Waura, it was wousy."
Garr a fairly clean one for that SSS chappie......
Anyways when I gets some time ill get me stories back up and runnin, so i
apologises for me lack of standards in thus musings likes..
Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the
pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."
*** APTF Operation Ends In Failure ***
With the pirates continuing to run rings around patrol vessels tasked with stopping them, our newsroom has learnt of not one, not two, but at least three separate interception failures on just one day this week. The pirate vessels Dog Breath, Kukri, and Minx all had close escapes with APTF vessels, making their captains look foolish as they made easy escapes, leading to many red faces amongst the APTF.
*** Pirate Missy ***
According to reports the dread Pirate Missy's vessel, the Minx, has failed in an attempt to board a RIP vessel. RIP APTF forces are at time of press en-route to attempt an intercept against the Minx.
*** GTT Announce New Direction ***
The following statement has been received from the new director of the GTT, Mr Norton:
The Galactic Trade and Transport company has been reorganised. The new Company Director has issued internal statements of intent and organised the reshuffle of GTT assets amongst the Companies Assistant Directors.
GTT Norton, Governor of GTT Thermopylae has taken charge of all external trade affairs in his capacity as Chief Executive to the GTT Merchant Navy.
The GTT is a Company of shareholders whose long term economic stability will depend on increased trade and heightened commercial activity.
There is rarely an item I am not interested in buying, including technology, ships, freight, trade goods, perishables and commonly produced items.
With increased Pirate activity in the Peripheries, GTT Merchant vessle's will carry a compliment of marines at all times - this makes them well prepared, not troop transports!.
The GTT Mechant Navy is concerned with trade, not war!
Could all parties interested in making profits alongside the rejuvenated GTT Merchant Navy contact this office immediately. Bulk supplies of trade goods will be given priority.
Signed: GTT Norton
GTT Thermopylae.
Chief Executive: GTT Merchant Navy"
*** Imperial Outpost Applications ***
An application has been received to exploit code 45582 in the Dryad
system. Anyone already exploiting this code in Dryad should inform the
Viceregal Administration by day 5 week 2/207, including the celestial
body on which it is being exploited.
An application has been received to exploit code 45582 in the Dryad system.
Anyone already exploiting this code in Dryad should inform the Viceregal
Administration by day 5 week 2/207, including the celestial body on which it
is being exploited.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Fibrillium Wanted ***
I'm looking to purchase a small quantity (60 mus) of Fibrillium (32).
If anyone has any they are willing to sell, please tell me how much
and at what price. Thank you for your time.
Marion Tweedy, Captain of the AFT Icarus
*** More Fibrillium Wanted ***
I likewise am interested in acquiring a stockpile of the above, albiet in
somewhat larger quantities - as much as 3 or 4000 MU.
Please contact me direct with offers.
Smokes in Mountains
Mohache Yakima
*** Blueprints Wanted ***
If anyone has any cargo ship blueprints they want to sell I am looking.
50 Light Hulls and upwards, drop me an email with your old ship BPs.
Or even if you want to research a few and sell them on......
Mike Storm
***** First Grand Space Combat Competition *****
The Falconian Empire have announced the first space combat competition in the peripheries, with the following two messages. Further details will surely be forthcoming, but at the moment, things stand like this:
Message One:
"The rules areas follows.
Each combatant must have no more than 40 hulls of any type. These can
be divided into several ships or just one ship. Combat must be space
only and not involve boarding attempts. Each combat lasts 8 rounds
(two days) and the ships must not be rearmed or resupplied by
positions not involved in the combat. The captains must be at Zero
experience when they sign up. Captains who gain experience thru the
arena combat will be permitted to use it in later battles.
Sign up now. The sign up fee is 10 000 stellars and it includes free
repair at a FCN outpost following the combat. Equipment lost is at
your own expense. And yes, even the FLZ may participate.
OOC. Not sure if this has any interest. If there is enough people
interested we will make this a common event with all parties fighting
eachother and the one with the most victories taking the signup fees
at the end. So contact me if you are interested in participating. It
is certainly one way the less warlike affiliations can gain
experience for their captains ... if he survives the combats. It is
also a way to test a few ship designs :-)
Message Two:
So I gather that people are interested :-)
Very well.
With the overwhelming response I propose that a league is set up.
Once you have your ships ready can you all let me know. An initial
deadline of Feb 6 is set for registering ships. Obviously, 4 weeks is
not a lot of time to prepare/build/deign ships/bp's so we may have to
move the deadline. Pre-tournament combat will be accepted on a
challenge basis.
The asteroid Paradeen (228) in acropolis will be declared a no fire
zone as will quad alpha 7, 8, 9 and 10 once the tournament opens. The
repair/maint. outpost will be setup there. The Arena Zone will be
Quad 8 which will permit the participants to start from alpha 7 and 9
with the intent of engaging in quad 8. Hopefully the ships should be
able to spot eachother there, if not we will move them to the orbit
of the asteroid (which we may do anyway).
I hope the FLZ will honour the no fire zone and not use it to any
***** From The Posting Boards *****
"Planetary Scan/Sector Scan rating" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
"Complete WEBification" in forum "Order Editors".
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
22-01-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 4 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Krell Situation Escalates ***
We have no hard news on this story yet, but it seems as if the conflict between the Krell and the GTT has reached boiling point with Krell forces destroying the GTT Outpost StoInv1 (70235) on the surface of Inversion.
GTT armed forces are understood to have responded en-masse, with reports that the Krell starbase of Vjun is under siege, and that anybody attempting to trade with Vjun will come under fire from the GTT blockade.
*** Krell Claim Storm System ***
Warlord Slyth of the Krell clan Dark Angels has announced the official system claim of Storm:
"It have become apparent, that the FCN is not really that able to keep to their deals, because of that then do we hereby claim the system of Storm as rightfully ours, because of our claim, then do we no longer require the FCN to guard the system and we ask the FCN ships to leave, unless in system to trade."
With the likelihood of the Krell surviving in the face of the GTT fleet for more than a week or two being at best minimal, analysts are already speculating as to who might take over the Storm system claim next.
Further, analysts suggest that the Krell peoples hope that the GTT fleet moving into Storm would make it too good a target for the DTR to resist striking it, has fallen through, with the GTT and DTR apparently being quite polite to each other lately.
We don't know what the Peripheries are coming to, honestly.
*** Relations Between FCN and KDA Turn Frosty ***
The FCN Emperor Thoriqal has denied the legitimacy of the Krell system claim, stating that the FCN continue to hold the system.
*** FET Underline Their Generous Nature ***
The FET starbase New Serendipity this week was buying 1000 Eridani Pickled Fish for $14.4 per mu. We understand there was a long long line of freighter captains making that run, but only one, a RIP captain, was successful.
*** Minor Skirmish In Solo ***
A brief and accidental incident has occurred in the Solo system this week as a DTR scout buzzed the Imperial freighter Eclectic Catfish.
No serious damage has been reported, and the issue has been settled as an accidental combat, with no hard feeling on either side. With the possible exception of the crew of the Eclectic Catfish who probably had a moment or two of tension.
With unconfirmed rumours of peace between the warring human factions becoming increasing prevalent throughout the Peripheries, it remains to be seen to what extent the ingrained militarism of various governments can be settled.
*** DTR Senator In Peace Call ***
Senator Archimedes, of the Detinus Republic, has called for Lord Goth to refrain from annihilating the Krell:
Lord Goth
As a personal request, this is entirely non-political and I simply
appeal to whatever streak of humanist and philosopher there is in you.
The galaxy is a poorer place for the destruction of every life, and the
loss of a whole race to extinction (no matter how caused) is a sad
The Krell race can evolve -given the time- to one that is able to
produce it's own great thinkers and contemplate it's own nature,
capable of maintaining peaceful existence for itself and other species.
Doubtless an evolved Krell species will still war (as do the other
races) but as yet in their history they have been incapable of reaching
a peace that was not forced upon them.
My appeal is simply this: leave them marooned on their planet,
incapable of space flight but do not destroy them, simply make your own
personnel safe. If you have assets there then remove them and leave the
Krell race alone and devoid of contact with non-native species.
The civilised peripheries can then ignore them safely for a millennium
or two and see what evolution does for them. (Don't forget to remove
their sub-space broadcast abilities too...)
We at the IGN newsroom couldn't possibly comment on how much an appeal being made to Goth's peaceful humanitarian side made us chuckle.
We couldn't possibly comment of course because it might get us bombed by the GTT fleet if we did.
What's that whistling noise?
*** Imperial Services To The Rescue? ***
Increasing rumours seem to indicate that Lord Simms of the Imperial Services is on the verge of stepping in personally to settle the Storm crisis, by taking charge once again, and bringing peace and prosperity to the Krell.
*** Imperial Outpost Applications ***
Requests have been received to exploit the following codes in the Titan
System 10168, 7118, 5471, 5660, 89648, 3834, 27881, 5123, 14465, 72636,
14216 & 62756. Anyone already exploiting these codes should inform the
Viceregal Administration by Day 5 Week 4, indicating the celestial body on
which the code is being exploited.
Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy
*** Detinus Republic Unleash New Terror Weapon ***
A sample of the following item was delivered to our newsroom:
Diaz Toy Gun (30637) - 1 mu
This miniature replica of a photon gun has a fibre core and a soft
rubber surface, it vibrates and will generate very nice sensual
explosions if utilized correctly. Rumours have it this item is Michelle
Diaz's favourite way of finding relief from a long day of pacifying
the peripheries...
Item Type: Trade Good (Normal)
Value at Source: 1 (Stellars/mu)
Local Value: 3 (Stellars/mu)
Origin System: Venice
It makes a change from shoes I suppose?
Are we about to be bombed again?
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Blockade Runners Sought ***
Vjun (8295) market was shutdown due to the problems with GTT, but now
it appears others will get involved, so now in need of materials at
Inversion, so a new market will appear Monday for the smugglers and
blockade runners!
Anyone who can help with support like stellars or equipment, contact
our office in private!
Warlord Slyth Dark Angel
Krell Clan Dark Angels
*** Desperately Seeking ***
Photocopier and Raspberry Jam seeking Goth for fun times and infamy.
Reply to PO Box 338.
*** Meat For Sale ***
Dinas Dawr is pleased to announce a sale on Hogan Meat and Humus Hog Meat, both at the unusually low price of $0.3/MU. If you are growing tired of Booker Steaks have something wonderful and different.
If you haven't tried the delicious and healthy Hogan Meat or Humus Hog Meat contact me for a free sample.
Governor of Dinas Dawr
*** Blue Prints ***
EEM techs and blueprints can be purchased from EEM starbases. (OOC: Via Special Action) The price though is not cheap and the EEM do not have an endless supply. Prices are variable, as of 2 months ago they are:
EEM Courier Ships - 25 (9713) - $200,000
EEM Destroyers - 50H (9717) - $250,000
EEM Light Freighters - 50L (9715) - $250,000
EEM Liners - 75Sm (9720) - $350,000
EEM Medium Freighters - 75Lm (9718) - $350,000
EEM Microlight Ships - 50X (9714) - $250,000
EEM Standard Freighters - 50S (9716) - $250,000
EEM Warships - 75Hm (9719) - $350,000
Barge (25003) - $50,000
Caravel (25006) - $75,000
Courier (25730) - $50,000
Broadsword (25008) - $75,000
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
29-01-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 5 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News: CIA Conspiracy Edition *****
*** Krell Crisis Ended? ***
The Imperial newswire is reporting that the GTT/KDA conflict has come to an end after a short and one sided battle:
"The KDA have learnt this week that it is folly to attack someone a lot more powerful than yourself. Something the Krell have always had problems understanding. After two days bombardment against their main base on Inversion from a GTT fleet they unconditionally surrendered.
A rather more disturbing outcome of this is that the FCN appear to be offering the base to a non Krell affiliation. The Imperial Services have always been of the opinion that Inversion should be left strictly to the Krell. A policy we implemented throughout the period when Storm was under Imperial protection."
While there has been no formal announcement from either side, it appears as if the flashpoint starbase Vjun is now under GTT command.
The tricky and perplexing question of missing technologies, rumoured to be the trigger for the conflict, does however remain unresolved, with the truth unlikely to ever be known. The following transmission was made by a Krell news team shortly before GTT missiles obliterated them:
"Krell news update, the new GTT PD, our former Warlord Goth, have stolen Krell outposts and technology, while he was pretending to work in the best interest of the krells, it seems that he don't give a rats ass about us, towards this end have we taken out the permanent GTT outpost and will remove the GTT entire from this planet, no matter how things turn out, also it seems FCN is scared of the Imperials, so will join them against us, so towards this end, then do we need your help in fighting GPs that will come, don't fight them leave that to us, but don't help them, remember they are here to steal our planet."
Rumours of CIA involvement in this crisis are, at this time, just rumours.
*** CIA Launch Raid ***
A small group of CIA ships attacked an Imperial Outpost in the Titan system, causing both casualties and what is reported to be major damage. One of the raiding ships was destroyed as it tried to leave the system next day.
We feel pretty confident in reporting that there was CIA involvement in this attack.
*** Pirate Large ***
The rugose pirate Large has been spotted in the Fortoon system. All travellers are warned to be on their guard.
The CIA have made no comment regarding rumours that they have installed some sort of top secret tracking device inside Large's sword.
*** High Star ***
The starbase High Star has been bought by the GTT for an undisclosed sum from the Flagritz Empire, much to the surprise of some Detinus Republic freighters who docked there this week to trade with the base.
Although inadvertent, this probably marks the first peaceful trading between the GTT and DTR in many years.
The following statement was released by GTT high command:
"The GTT have today completed the purchase of the former FLZ starbase High Star for an undisclosed fee and taken over the system claim for Twinkle. The GTT recognises the status of Twinkle, and will administer the system mindful of the long term stability of the stargate
The GTT will not station offensive fleets in Twinkle.
Twinkle is a neutral system. High Stars enemy lists will be applied to reflect this.
The SMS/FEL may trade at High Star forthwith (allow time for enemy lists to be cleared to avoid mishap).
All affiliations may patrol for PIR in Twinkle."
The CIA have made no comment regarding their involvement in the GTT takeover of High Star.
*** Red Tape Runs Circles Around Bureaucrat ***
Detinus Republic security officials are maintaining their high state of alert with regards newly arrived Senators. The following communication has been received by the press regarding a recent transaction at New Tate between the newly appointed Senator Labelle, and an unnamed customs officer:
Senator Sebastian Labelle - "Good afternoon, I'm due to transit into orbit."
New Tate Customs Officer - "Can I see some ID sir?"
Senator Sebastian Labelle - "Ah, it's on the ship, I can have them send it down."
Customs Officer - "'fraid we'll have to see a Written Authorisation sir."
Senator Labelle - "I quite understand officer but you see it's my ship."
Customs Officer - "That's all well and good sir, just show us the Clearance Documents and we'll let you into the Hi-port."
Senator Labelle - "Look officer, it's my ship and it's requesting to pick me up, I have the electronic title deed to the ship right here on my palmtop."
Customs Officer - "Understood sir, lovely ship she is too and quite persistent. The captains been asking for you for 4 hours straight now."
Senator Labelle - "Then why can't I get on?!"
Customs Officer - "As I say sir, we need to see some Clearance Documents. If there's some delay you will have to contact the Exports Registrar at the Senate and get a Senator to authorise you."
Senator Labelle - "But I AM a Senator!!!"
Customs Officer - "We'll need to see some ID as well then."
At time of press, Senator Labelle is understood to still be stranded in the New Tate hiport lounge.
The CIA have made no comment regarding any suspicion that might or might not have been levelled against Senator Labelle regarding gun-running charges.
*** Bad Day For The RIP ***
We understand that the RIP central computer systems have collapsed under what have been described as suspiciously-alien-brain-parasite-esque conditions.
We would just like to take a moment to remind readers that the Inter-Galactic News is guaranteed 100% brain-parasite free.
The CIA have made no comment regarding the ongoing RIP computer systems failures.
*** Imperial Outpost Applications ***
Applications have been received to exploit the following codes in the Dorn (151) system, 7648 & 66245. Anyone already exploiting these codes in Dorn should inform the Viceregal Administration by Day 5 Week 4, indicating the celestial body on which they are being exploited.
We at the IGN newsroom are not certain how the CIA could possibly be involved in this story, but we are fairly certain that they are in some way.
*** Pirate Attack In Twinkle ***
The Felini have issued the following statement:
"Today a pirate ship attempted to board a freighter of Pride Bastet in orbit of the Twinkle stargate. The crew put up a hard fight and the pirate scum were beaten off. I am disappointed that many affiliations have spy ships and warships stationed in orbit of the gate yet none engaged the pirate ship that I am aware of. I will be moving a small squadron of ships to the orbit of the gate on Monday. The ships will only carry PIR on enemy lists plus defend FEL."
Despite rumours that targeting computers at the Twinkle Stargate had been shut down by some top secret CIA technology in order to allow the Pirate ship The Mark Of Zorro free passage because it was carrying a strange alien device, but something went horribly wrong when the Pirates couldn't resist attempting to board a freighter, we here at the IGN have found no corroborating evidence whatsoever to back up this flagrant piece of rumour-mongering.
But have you ever asked yourself who shot Kennedy? Well? Have you?
*** Pirate Foiled In Arachnid ***
A 3-ship Anti-Piracy Patrol in Arachnid came under attack this week by the Pirate Wulfenstein, supported by a pirate scout Bronco Lane. Running the gauntlet of defensive fire from two escort cruisers, the Wulfenstein came up alongside the Ursa Nova, a Caravel class sensor ship, and launched a boarding attack.
Fortunately for the defenders, the massive pirate boarding party was defeated with moderate casualties, saving the DTR from what would have been a major embarrassment, to have lost an APTF vessel to pirates.
In related news, the CIA are rumoured to have a secret plan to fight inflation.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Blueprint Wanted ***
Hi all,
I'm looking for a BP for a 10 Heavy Hull ship.
Such as Yacht or anything similar.
Good money paid.
*** Missing Starbase ***
Would whoever has been stealing RIP Starbases please bring them back?
*** Market Expanded ***
Sentients of the Peripheries,
I will shortly be expanding my market in Mobile Bay to cover a few
choice trade items from far off Twilight.
I currently have in stock Chameleon Skins (30470), a must for the
fashion conscious, Reed Whisky 42% (30290), which has a kick like a
drunk Krell, and possibly the most cute and inoffensive pet known, the
Twilight Gerbil, more commonly known as Furries (30018).
Prices will be fixed in the next few days, but one word of warning to
the two markets currently offering to buy Chameleon Skins - they are
worth over $9 each selling them to my own colonists in Yank, which is
more than is currently being offered on public markets.
Bridge, QNG
*** RSMs Wanted ***
inc; need around 40 rock structuall modules (430) in Yank. I can pick
them up, but it must be in Yank due to tus and size limits. I can pay
100 stellars each for them and I'll pick them up. Thanks in advance.
jack ryan iii
*** New Market ***
Greetings beings of the peripheries.
FET Dragons Lair in Aladdin has just opened its market to the public.
Please check if there is anything you want to sell or buy there.
We are most interested in buying: Industrial Modules and Employees.
We are most interested in selling: Thrust Engines mkII (cheap!)
But there are some other items too.
*** Volunteers Sought ***
Wanted. Volunteers for CIA Black Ops. Candidates must have own black rubber suit.
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
02-02-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 5 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Incident In Fellowship***
A brief battle occurred in orbit of Fellowship this week when a Brotherhood vessel destroyed an Imperial freighter. The following Imperial statement describing the event has been issued to the Brotherhood hierarchy:
"You appear to have attacked and destroyed the IMP freighter Star of
Erasure (22204) in orbit of Fellowship. The deaths of 26 crew members
is on your hands. I believe the CIA platform Eye in the Sky (39196)
opened fire in support, so whilst it was responsible for the bulk of
the damage, I presume it was the Misty that was responsible for not
removing enemy lists.
In the meantime, I would request that one of the FEL bases on
Fellowship help recover the 4 remaining human crew (505) from the
debris, before the cargo hold they appear to have taken refuge in
burns up in Fellowships atmosphere.
Furthermore I am sad to say that this will likely mean a temporary
halt of the supply of Sea Slugs to Antioch."
It is not clear why a Brotherhood captain would have instigated this combat, and early indications seem to suggest that it was an accident.
*** CIA Attack IMP Outpost ***
The imperial newswire is carrying the following story:
"A small group of CIA ships attacked an Imperial Outpoost in the Titan system, causing both casualties and major damage. One of the raiding ships was destroyed as it tried to leave the system next day."
This story may refer to an event last week.
*** Falconians Take Hand In Smashing Krell ***
A first hand eye-witness report has been received from Falconian sources regarding the attack made by GTT and FCN forces against the Krell Clan Dark Angels on Inversion.
The attack seems to have been made by a combined arms force, including ground forces that dropped onto the surface of Inversion in order to tackle Krell defence troops in close combat, along with the expected heavy orbital bombardment of Krell Bunkers by rail-gun armed FCN and GTT warships.
By all available accounts it seems as if the Krell were not able to inflict much damage on the attacking GTT/FCN flotilla.
The fate of the Krell people is still unknown.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The Pirate vessel Minx II, a Survey Cruiser class troop transport, has been destroyed in the Tycoon system by a mixture of two RIP APTF gunboats, a COH platform, and a FET platform.
It is suspected the platforms struck the killing blows.
The Minx II is understood to be part of the dread pirate Missy's flotilla, though Missy herself is not thought to have been onboard.
*** APTF Gunning For Missy ***
The vessel that the pirate Missy is understood to be onboard has been spotted in an as yet un-named system, APTF forces are tight-lipped, as a major intercept operation involving warships from at least 4 separate affiliations is currently underway.
*** Pirate Destroyed In Yank ***
The pirate vessel The Last Voyage has been destroyed in orbit of Mobile Bay, sparking some controversy as the pirate appears to have been on a suicide run. Speculation is mounting however that the pirate attack was intended to cause a distraction, of the large booming kind, as every weapon in range opened fire on it, thus providing an opportunity to a smaller stealth vessel to sneak onto the plant surface, for purposes as yet unknown.
*** SMS Crew Rescued ***
After several long months spent stranded on their wrecked patrol destroyer, the crew of the SMS vessel Bronze Anaconda have finally been rescued. Reported with only a single bunk left intact, the Bronze Anaconda's captain, Andy Rudge, found out first hand how dangerous asteroid belts can be.
The crew are en-route to an SMS starbase for much deserved R&R, while the captain is being taken to a special course in How To Avoid Big Rocks.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Metal For Sale ***
Contact Jon at the QNG.
*** Desperately Seeking Falconians ***
FCN Valhalla.
Would the owner of the above base please contact me,
phil [at] mohache [dot] com
*** Desperately Seeking Dewiek ***
I would like to make Diplomatic contact with a representative of the Dewiek Elder Nation.
I would be grateful if such a person could contact me privately.
Thank you.
RIP GT Spugman
RIP Freedom City / Quick Snack
Jiggly Room Iced Tea - Two for One with this Voucher
*** Fibrillium Wanted ***
Anyone with 1000 MUs or more of Fibrillium they are willing to sell please
contact me.
Dinas Dawr Governor
*** Trade ***
Fellow Traders,
I am looking for a sample of the following goods,
Mountain Salmon (30384)
Helimonster Furs (30015)
I will pay $1000 for a sample of either.
If you have other, non-drug trade goods which are not on the Dinas Dawr
Market I will pay 70 times the value in St.Dismas if delivered to Dinas
Contact me with the delivering ship ID so I can arrange a reception crew.
The delivering ship and crew are welcome to use the first class repair and
recreation facilities on Dinas Dawr.
Dinas Dawr Governor
*** Double Bubble ***
Due to some extreme generosity matched by some extreme stupidity the Jiggly
Room is having a Double Bubble night.
Tonight... For one day only... You get...
Double Measures
Double Dancers
Double Bubble all round.
*** Cargo Space Available ***
Hi all, again I have empty cargo space soon to leave the cluster, anyone interested in filling it please contact me sooner rather than later :O)
Sees with Knowledge - MOH
sees [at] mohache [dot] com
*** Employees Available ***
My salary bill is crippling, so does anyone want several hundred
employees (of a variety of species) for, say, a stellar each? Bases in
Yank & Twilight both need to reduce headcount quickly, and I either sell
employees (and Mercs for the same price, most likely), or start handing
out P45's...
Jon, QNG
*** Twinkle Stargate Key Wanted ***
anyone able to sell me a Stargate Key - Twinkle (961) or two?
sarek [at] mail1 [dot] stofanet [dot] dk
***** Message From The Editor *****
Regarding problems a lot of players have been having recently with the Online Order Editor, Mica has posted the following email to the Phoenix yahoogroup, that I will reproduce here for the benefit of those of you who might not follow that list:
From Mica:
We are painfully aware of the situation with regards to the online
editor. Below is a transcript of the ongoing complaint to our ISP.
The good news is that we are close to finishing the required code to
move from F9 to 1&1 (this has been hosting the .co.uk version of the
website for the purposes of testing for the last 7 months).
We are totally fed up with the poor service you have been providing.
Is this your idea of a weekend joke?
Last Thursday and Friday you lost many of our incoming emails costing
us hundreds of pounds!
This week upload time have become a joke.
What normally takes 5 minutes to upload to the SQL database has now
been running for over an hour!
How long will this take to fix?
Dave Wilson
CSC Analyst Actioned : Dear Mr Goldstone,
Please advise, are the slow speeds to one of our servers, or to an
external server? Also, are you experiencing slow speeds on any other
protocol, or is it just specifically uploading the SQL dumps?
Once we know this we will be able to advise further.
Dave Wilson
Assigned : We are uploading data to the
MySQL 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge2 running on rumpus as kjcgames@****
We are uploading the data directly to the sql database - just the
markets table - a couple of meg at most.
As stated today (Mon 29 Jan) what only took 5mins last Monday has now
been running for over an hour and only 1/8 of the way through!
There does not appear to be any other protocol problems such as
accessing the data via web pages etc, just uploading.
Phil Richardson
CSC Analyst Actioned : Dear Mr Goldstone,
I have queried with our Networks team as to the performance of the
MySQL servers over the past few days. I cannot directly answer this
as I do not use them and cannot vouch for them now or historically.
If any problems are found, these will be pushed out via service
status if appropriate.
Phil Richardson
Assigned : It is still taking hours to upload a few megs. It is
rapidly loosing its joke status and descending into farce.
I would appreciate it if you found somebody that can directly answer
this as they do use them and can vouch for them now and historically.
The service status tends to be an afterthought with all the relevence
to current situation as the Doomsday Book.
Neil Minor
CSC Analyst Assigned : Dear Mr Goldstone,
We will seek further advice from our Network Engineers.
Neil Minor
So, KJC are aware of the problem, and efforts are underway to address it.
- Simon.
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
07-02-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 6 DAY 3
[Recruit] |
*****Game Update*****
With changes to the code for the new ISP upload come a number of bug fixes and new orders
[1] Fixed Create Cargo Dump
[2] Fixed problem with missiles not being saved on boarding
[3] Set flee option to dump 'cargo and flee' by default
[4] Added option to scrap in refit as well as refit to snapshot*
[5] Added 'Snap Shot' order*
[6] Added landed location to debris
[7] Fixed pickup thrust engines in pickup items type
[8] Swapped order of agent number test in drop operative to prevent issue
[9] Fixed cargo dump creation error
[10] Added info to political when new player joins aff
[11] Added political between turn info when restricted information is added
[12] Checked combat efficiency when speed calculated in boarding
[13] Fixed problem with DNT in boarding
[14] Added 'copy orders' that copies the orders on a ship to that of another ship.*
It copies them into the stack of the other position
[15] Added fire on rounds (1,2,3,4) and fire on hulls number in set combat options II *
[16] Made GPs with shuttle movement unstoppable BUT they are shot at via the leave combat routine as they pass through the orbit
[17] Added pop vs Pop. Note: It's set to 0->0.5 rounds on both sides based on relative speeds.
Note: * are orders that have been added but are not in the orders data at the moment.
This will be fixed in the next week or so when the treaty code is also present.
09-02-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 6 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** GTT Trade Minister Resigns ***
Speculation is rife regarding the mysterious resignation of the GTT Trade Minister after only a few short weeks in office. Whether or not this resignation has anything to do with increasing rumours regarding the insolvency of the GTT organisation as a whole, we can only wonder. In related news, multiple traders this week have reported attempting to trade with GTT starbases only to have their sales turned down as the GTT governors in question appear to have run out of cash reserves.
*** Pirate Spotted ***
The pirate ship Detour, a Far Courier class passenger liner, has been spotted in orbit of Fourer in the Entering orbit of the planet Fourer. Imperial and RIP APTF forces have responded in strength to the sighting.
*** GTT Launch Trade Promotion ***
As they continue to redirect their efforts towards trade and away from warfare, the Galactic Trade and Transport corporations director, Lord Goth, has issued the following statement:
"As some already know, our minister of trade has resigned his position
with the GTT. Any affiliation or individual with trade deals should
contact my office as soon as possible to confirm pending deals.
In an effort to revive the stagnant public markets, the GTT would
like to remind the public traders to check out the pricing levels at
Also, the GTT is ready to offer even higher prices for sought after
goods. We will begin offering 18x local value for any non-perishable
trade good that can be delivered to the HQ market. This will be
contract business (private) with guaranteed buy quantities. A high
value item (one with a local value of 0.5 or higher) may fetch 20x
local value at HQ...contact me for details. All deals are
confidential (of course).
If you are afraid of Pirates, we will give you guaranteed approach
routes from just about anywhere you are that are guaranteed safe. If
you follow our safety routes and lose a ship to a pirate, we will
replace the ship and the market value of the goods carried. Contact
me for the details of this program.
Independent or small affiliations are encouraged to contact us about
our small business development program which will jump start your
economy with little or no up front costs at all.
It is time for a new spirit of cooperation in the peripheries and the
GTT is here to help. You can work with us by becoming a member,
associate member or just a business partner."
*** Wimble Rumour ***
Far be it from us to report on scurrilous rumour-mongering, but un-named sources have been suggesting that several major governments stand on the brink of declaring war upon the seemingly innocent and peaceful Wimble nation.
*** Imperial Strike ***
The IMP navy has launched a significant attack against a DTR outpost in the Blagard system this week, calling into question the recent rumours that some sort of peace treaty either had been, or was on the verge of being signed between the major warring parties.
The IMP strike is understood to have involved more than 35 warships, and a sizeable DTR position was destroyed.
An unofficial cease-fire has been in effect between the IMP and DTR for some months now, but it seems as if that has now come to an end. Reporters on New Tate, home of the Detinus Republic Senate, are reporting that the Senate has been called into emergency session, and that all military leave has been cancelled.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The pirate ship Bronco Lane, spotted a few times in the Arachnid system, has finally been cornered and destroyed by a small group of DTR APTF warships.
*** Imperial outpost Applications ***
Applications have been received to exploit codes 7190, 51304, 45653 and
98030 in the Dryad system. Anyone already exploiting these codes in Dryad
should inform the Viceregal Administration, indicating the celestial body
where they are being exploited.
Applications have been received to exploit codes 2495, 13783 and 33638 in
the Schrike system. Anyone already exploiting these codes in Schrike should
inform the Viceregal Administration by Day 5 Week 7, indicating the
celestial body on which they are being exploited.
*** Treasure Winters ***
The planet Haven in the Solo system has played host to the Heaven Festival this week, headlined by the popular Detinus songwriter and singer Treasure Winters. Treasure Winters, an ex-marine, has turned her creative endeavours in recent months increasingly towards anthems of peace and harmony, and has attracted a huge following.
It has been a week to remember, and broadcasts of the spectacular free event have been beamed live throughout the Detinus Republic and beyond, viewed by millions.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Jacium Wanted ***
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Peripheries
I wish to purchase quantities of the ore Jacium. If anyone interested in disposing of same would like to inform me of:- Quantities available for such a transaction Price per mu that would be required to entice you to indulge in such a contract. From whence the aforementioned ore may be collected. I will be in your debt.
I am, and hope always to remain, your servant,
Zachariah Zupkern and Uncles third cousin
Fully Independent and Trustworthy.
My Word is My Bond
Traders to the Universe.
*** Desperately Seeking The AFT ***
Could the Governor of AFT Dinas Dawr and New Harbour on Steel (982) in the
St Dismas (176) please drop me a private line to talk about trade.
*** They Shall Return ***
"When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years." The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown."
Seek redemption now, before it is too late!
***** From The Posting Board *****
"GP Movement into orbit" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
[16] Made GPs with shuttle movement unstoppable BUT they are shot at via the leave combat routine as they pass through the orbit
this wasnt mentioned at the pubmeet, can you clarify please. I assume the leave combat battle is from the landed location and once the GP has achieved orbit ships can pick up from it, as the intention maybe not to PASS through orbit.
If this isn't the case then why has this order come in?? it looks to be another protective measure.
also I assume the starbase wouldn't be able to stop said GP if its shielded, and has this bug been sorted via shielded bases?
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
16-02-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 7 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Mobile Bay On The Brink ***
An ecological disaster is about to overtake the planet Mobile Bay in the Yank system, with increasing reports that several lifeforms are on the brink of collapse due to over-exploitation by greedy corporations.
Admiral Bridge of the QNG has re-launched his campaign to take action to address this crisis before it is too late, his office issuing the following statement:
To all colony governors of Mobile Bay,
A while ago, I sent out a general message asking for co-operation on the exploitation of resources on Mobile Bay, to prevent over-exploitation.
Although some affiliations got in touch to offer their support, others did not, and I did not have the time to pursue the matter.
I ask again for all colony governors to contact me and each other, and work together to co-ordinate their use of resources. This is not a large
planet, and some resources are close to collapse - the loss of a unique trade good is in nobodies interests.
Admiral Bridge.
Responsible for QNG Nemesis Hive (59424), Mobile Bay.
There has been no statement from the Kastorian Military Junta.
*** New Affiliation ***
The following statement has been received regarding a new affiliation in the Peripheries:
Greetings Folk of the Peripheries
Sleeps with Dragons would like to announce that earlier this year; a small breakaway from the Mohache formed the Mohache Independent Commune. The MIC follow several of the principles of the Mohache and are not an aggressive people. We look forward to expanding into the peripheries and forming good trade relationships with other like minded people out there. We are currently looking for a regular supply of trade goods and also some low level technology principles if any affiliation has some for sale.
If you wish to contact Sleeps, you can do so on sleeps (at) mic (dot) Mohache (dot) com
Many thanks
Sleeps With Dragons
'May the spirits bless your harvest and guide peace to your door
*** Pirate Large ***
Confounding rumours that he had gone legitimate, pirate large is back, boasting of yet more victories:
“ahhhaarrgghhhhh me hearties............ It be aye............. Pirate Large..............
Now i knows you think s i wen abit quiet, but i can assure thee i as been out there i as, i as taken 2 RIP freighters over the last couple o weeks,
but i ans the time or inclination to writes up a story at this stage. i as come after many more of yee, but i be running on some bad luck at the minute
an the ships be gone when i gets there aye.
anyways, me cluster franchise as just sent me the following report..................
Garraghhh, Cap'n Large, I 'as the latest update from this 'ere Cluster Franch-ise ya has. There be a few 'appenin's round these parts, some good,
some bad
First, let me tell ye about the Spirit of Karlosse. Now as you may remember, this be a ship we captured from the Felini last year. Well, we fixed it up,
bolted on some jagged bits to makes it look more intimidatin' and Chalky Jones painted a rather neat old skull and cross bones on the bow
so that it is now part of the piratin' family. Not sure it should have been "puce on indigo" mind, but it looks neat enuff I guess.
Anyhow, it no longer be a pirate virgin 'as on stardate 207.5.2 it captured the FEL freighter Pride Provider - a 100 light'er in Onwards. The Karlosse
took a few scratches mind, as the Felini had themselves a platform that tried to defend Pride Provider, but with a bit of deft flying the Karlosse,
did some nice dodgin' and latched on - taking the Provider in two rounds of combat (to be fair to 'em, the crew of 5 didn't stand much of a chance
against the horde on the Karlosse). No booty on board, but we can't have everything. Both ships now be safely out of 'arms way.
You may also 'av 'erd a few rumours of the Z Mark of Zorro in recent times. Well, on 207.3.5 this attempted a boarding mission in orbit of the Twinkle
stargate, sneaking past a host of AFT and other warships. 'Owever it failed in an attempt to board another FEL ship, the CT Pride which had itself a
decent sized troop complement. After licking our wounds, another target presented itself and on stardate 207.5.5 the RIP Ring of Skelos a Caravel
was latched onto whilst it be in orbit of Saphire. The RIP had themselves a fair number of troops, but our boys had themselves experience of close
quarters combat and after three rounds had the boarding won.
Anyhow, it turns out to be one of them pahirric victories, 'cos on extraction on 207.4.1, the Skelos ran straight into a FLZ/GTT patrol before
it could to the rondoh..ron-deh-view.errr.meeting point. The Zorro got away okay, but there were some good lads and lasses that had moved onto the
Skelos. The grog tasted sour that night, I tells ya'.
Now I 'as 'eard mutterings of discontinent tha' a ship like the Zorro can just waltz in and makes a boarding attempt when there be other positions
around who would normally target pirates, now I can confirm one thing, I am a member of the magic circle. Which reminds me, seeing as you 'as a way with
the ladies I can offer you a nice little discount on the old kiddies parties.I reckon you might be needing to order in bulk.
Anyhow, I digress, 'as I 'as more news, 'cos Cluster Large itself captured an old adversary, the Pride of Karlosse on 207.6.4. This be a broadsword,
with shiny missile launchers and everything, which gives the Cluster franchise a few new options. Taken in three rounds, it put up a spirited
resistance, but was no real match for our lads and lasses. On the same day however, one of the scouts, Weevil II, got caught by a BHD platform. The
crew have joined the big inn in the sky.
I can now confirm to thee though, that both Cluster Large and Pride of Karlosse are away from the contact zone, so hopefully we'll soon has more
tales of 'eroics in these parts.
One final thing I'd like to say, is that 'owever it may look, I don't have a particular grudge against the FEL. Some of our best lads are Felini, so we
always know we'll be in for a proper dust up when we tangle with'em.I guess we 'as just got lucky a few times. I just hope it remains this cat getting
the cream and not creamed.
Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh....”
A heavy cruiser may not sound like much, but as more warships fall into the hands of pirates, their ability to wreak havoc increases exponentially.
*** Colonists ***
DTR Retreat has become home to thousands of colonists seeking to make a new start this week. The Governor has welcomed the new families.
*** DTR Cow Tractors In Action ***
The Detinus Republic Cow Tractor Platforms in the Venice restricted areas are no longer sporting harmless tractor beams, as the destruction of a RIP freighter that wandered somewhere it shouldn’t have, proved yesterday.
Traders are warned to avoid the DTR restricted areas, as they really do seem to be quite serious about keeping people out.
*** GTT Finances ***
Following reports last week of financial irregularities within the GTT Trade Ministry, lord Goth has moved to re-assure worried traders that nothing is amiss:
“We appreciate the concerns of the editor of the financial times of the SSS but would like to give a little peace of mind to your readers.
There was a minor hiccup with one of our (soon to be former) members keeping his accounts straight. This did cause a few traders to have to
divert deliveries to one of my bases. The GTT was never in jeopardy, the trade minister did have some difficulties managing the full scope
of his responsibilities. He took on more than he had the time to finish and that is the only reason trades got slightly put off.
The GTT's new stance on commerce has added great sums of money to our suppliers and in turn to the GTT bottom line. We are in business to
make money for our business partners and of course the GTT itself. The last two weeks have been very good for the GTT. Visit HQ to get the
highest prices in the peripheries for your goods.... We have plenty of funding for any product that could possibly be hauled there.”
And indeed we can confirm that all GTT starbases appear to be solvent again.
*** Imperial Outpost Applications ***
Rare happenings this week as the text formatting for the IMP outpost application announcements briefly changed to something different!
“An application has been received to exploit code 87236 in the Lewis system. Anyone already exploiting this code in Lewis should inform the Viceregal
Administration by Day 5 Week 8, including the celestial body on which it is being exploited.
Applications have been received to exploit the following codes in the Lewis system:-
Anyone already exploiting these codes in Lewis should advise the Viceregal Administration by day 5 Week 8, indicating on which celestial body they are
being exploited.”
We positively wet ourselves with excitement here at the news room.
*** Pirate Spotted ***
The pirate ship Cathy-16, a Chariot class sensor ship, has been spotted in the Yank system. All traders are cautioned to be careful while loitering around unsecure areas in the Yank system.
*** Booker Steaks ***
From the Riva IMPQuisitor
(Bringing Yocal news to the Peripheries)
Early indications are that IMP Riva has had a record sales day of Booker Streaks as 35,000 MU's were whipped off the shelves as soon
as they hit them today. An official from the Booker Steak Accountants Department labelled the day as a success
The news, though, has added further fuel to the Booker Bison Farmers Union to be allowed to increase production further as Union
Representative, Fred Giles stressed "This is the livelihoods of us farmers that is at stake here. But furthermore we owe it to the
Peripheries to ensure that every civilian has the chance to tuck into their favourite steak!"
Furthermore, some members of the Accountancy Department back the call, stressing that having enough steaks for three-four days of
trading would possibly encourage more traders to Riva who may be prepared to buy and sell other goods.
However, such an increase in production is opposed by the `Riva is more than an Abattoir' campaign, who suggest that Riva should open
up to other forms of business such as tourism, and there are some economists who suggest that expanding steak production too much
could have an adverse effect on the products value.
Giles retorted "Tosh, this is the Peripheries favourite Steak we're talking about. It's an affordable food luxury, that gives your
average civilian a tasty break from processed mulch and Eridani Pickled Fish"
Governor La Gatte was unavailable for comment, but it is believed a feasibility study for disposing of carcass remains on the nearby Gas
Giant of Suzy Q has been commissioned.
In other news, work continues on opening up Audrey Hospitality as an orbital maintenance and recreation depot. McBooker King have
announced that they will be opening a franchise on the station, and ongoing talks with the Big Bulls Head were described as positive.
However, talks with the Booker Morris Dancing Troupe did hit a snag, but it is believed that they have now untangled the bit of ribbon
that the one member had got caught.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Historical Enquiry ***
An esteemed historian has contacted the IGN newsroom enquiring as to the identity of the oldest vessel in the Peripheries.
Initial enquiries point towards the DTR vessel Dawn Treader (ooc: Which has been around since the first week of the game), but if anybody knows of any similarly ancient ships, kindly contact The Editor so that a list can be established of rare ships with particularly long histories.
The Editor.
*** Haulage Contract ***
The newly-commissioned ship QNG Iron Butterfly is seeking a profitable cargo hauling contract for the very near future. The Butterfly is a
courier, with limited space available, but she is fast. (Eager, too!)
She will be available mid-week over Mobile Bay. Interested parties should make contact at Kantnerrocs (at) webbwirelss (dot) net
*** Ship For Sale ***
The RIP are extremely pleased to announce for sale a brand new 100 Heavy
Hulled cruiser.
The ship is ready for your collection from Freedom City ... Should you be the lucky purchaser.
Anyone interested may contact me in my private suite in the Jiggly Room or by subspace communication address (doug (dot) hughes (at) btinternet (dot)
*** Ship For Sale ***
The RIP are very proud to announce for sale a 50 Heavy Hulled vessel.
This ship is fresh from the shipyards at Freedom City
Anyone interested may contact me in my private suite in the Jiggly Room or by subspace communication address (doug (dot) hughes (at) btinternet (dot)
*** DTR Travel Advisory ***
FM: DTR Merchant Navy
RE: Access
Dear Sir,
be advised that the Detinus Republic star systems (namely Venice, T.tauri, Stockton, Straddle and Adamski) are essentially open to anyone.
However, as IND you have to register your position(s) first because we need to know who we are dealing with. Registry is achieved simply by informing the DTR
of who you are, and which positions you operate (in DTR territory).
Mind that there are clearly marked Restricted Territories which you must not enter or risk a hostile response!
Also, make sure you know and understand DTR law and do not misbehave in DTR space (although you will find that some common sense will help you to determine
what is allowed and what is not).
For the greater glory of the Republic
Abelard Lindsay
on behalf of the DTR Merchant Navy
***** From The Posting Boards *****
I do not usually report on in-game events that occur as the result of bugs or rule-exploits, but this one was just too bizarre not to at least draw attention to Mica’s post about it on the boards:
mica has just posted a new topic entitled "Ship transfer converted positions to pirate" in forum "Bug Reporting".
We were made aware of a curious bug - a FLZ player captured a pirate. The pirate ship number was actually the lowest number position the player owned.
A set of transfers to the player using a GM tool simply picked the first position owned by the player as the template for the change of ownership. This meant that all the positions transferred became pirate.
These happened to be in orbit of a well travelled stargate - resulting in an unfortunate diplomatic incident. Fortunately the ships returned to their FLZ status before everyone opened fire.
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
23-02-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 8 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Imperial Forces Engage Pirate Base ***
The Imperial news wire has been carrying the following story:
"Acting on information received elements of the ISMC in battalion strength and supported by armour and an augmented Scout Company attacked a hitherto hidden pirate base in the Rebellion system on Day 5 Wk 7. The Imperial forces have gained 30 percent control of the base and the battle continues. The pirate garrison, supported by armour and RDBs, is reported to be putting up stiff resistance."
And further:
"After three days hard fighting the pirate base revealed recently in the Rebellion system fell to the attacking forces from the ISMC. Plans are progressing to dismantle the base and interrogate the few prisoners captured. Imperial casualties were light, considering the determination of the defenders."
It is as yet unknown which pirate group this base might have belonged to, but rumours have long put a Pirate Large base in that part of the Peripheries. Could this be the first serious blow for the infamous pirate? Only time will tell.
*** Al Bundy Injured ***
The RIP News Network is reporting the following story:
"Free Trader, Retired Admiral, Al Bundy was injured in a bizarre accident last night, On Spritzer, at Quick Snack (home of Jiggley Ice Tea).
Apparently patrons are stealing the special 'Jiggley six pack toilet paper".
This special creation from Al Bundys own hands is 6 ply in thickness , double sided and has a distinct odour of beer. American Beer. (and it is gentle to your skin). It's impossible to keep up with the demand because people are taking whole rolls home with them.
Last night for the first time in years Al was constipated. And no medicine seemed to work. But then Spugman suggested last weeks SSS. Al was only about half way through that great publication when it hit him! He ran to the stall... arrived just in time... and did what he had to do.
But, apparently, the toilet paper was missing. Stolen!
So Al Did what he had to do again...
With no toilet paper in sight, he got a stool and stood up in front of the blow dryer...
A drunk FEL Crewman walked in, stumbled against the stool and Al came down hard and in an awkward position...
He was rushed to the emergency room and is resting well right now, but doesn't wish to be disturbed.
Donations may be sent to (99627) or (1123). The mechanics say it must be 100 stellars or more on a financial transfer.
Jack Ryan Enterprises and the RIP wish him a speedy recovery."
We here at the IGN are not quite sure what to make of this story, but suspect we may in some way have to retaliate.
*** Imperial Forces Strike IND Outpost ***
The Imperial news has reported the following:
"In a separate incident an illegal Independent outpost was removed from an asteroid in the Kasmer system by Imperial and GTT forces."
We here at the IGN newsroom suspect that the term 'removed' may be more or less comparable to 'blown to pieces'.
*** Mobile Bay On The Brink ***
According to reports originating from Admiral Bridge's office, very few of the governors of bases on Mobile Bay have been in contact to try and forge an agreement that will protect the long term sustainability of the Mobile Bay ecosystem.
With so many parties not coming to the table, it seems as if the Mobile Bay ecology is indeed in danger of exhaustion.
*** RIP News Fights On ***
Despite repeated attacks by brain parasites and alleged CIA black operations, the RIP News Network is back on the air. A spokesman for the RIP news was quoted as saying, "After many days of endless toil the privateer research and development division have returned Rip17 to us all. Jumpmap having been active for a couple of days now. The new servers are now based on the brain-parasite free SSS news network system and so will hopefully survive a little longer."
The spokesman, who at this time wishes to remain un-named, went on to say, "Despite evidence given to us by our friends at the SSS we have yet to prove any CIA involvement. This will not of course stop use issuing demands of compensation from them, hopefully they will be too distracted by the current conflicts to question the invoice."
There was no comment from the CIA.
*** Pirate Large ***
The dread pirate Large has been active in the Storm system, taking on not one, but two targets in the space of one day.
We can only thank our lucky stars that one of these attacks failed, or no doubt we would be listening to his boasting for weeks.
*** New Leadership For The Krell ***
We interrupt your scheduled viewing to bring you an RNN (RIP News Network) exclusive story with Randy O'Hare.
"Greetings fellow citizens. I'm standing on my balcony in the Adamar Hotel, here in Vjun. We at the RNN are the first news network to bring you this breaking story about the future of the Krell. In an unexpected move GTT security forces have withdrawn from Vjun. The vacuum was immediately filled by Krell Pack Masters from Clan Ironfist, who have assumed control of the security forces pending the arrival of Warlord Thrott Ironfist. Amazingly there have been no revolts against this change in power. Maybe because rumours suggest that the Ironfist Clan are supported by a group within the RIP who are bringing a fleet of ships to assist in the Krell rebuilding. Our very own sources have noted RIP ship movements around Inversion, the first for almost a year, and also from within the Cluster. Maybe these rumours will bear fruit. In any event until they are proven or disproven it appears as though Clan Ironfist have the upper hand here in Vjun."
"Later today the Warlord of Clan Ironfist, Thrott V'Storn will be entering Vjun with his personal entourage, ostensibly to make a statement about the future of the Krell, which may close down the rumour mill. My camera man and I have been invited to witness Warlord Thrott's arrival, but first while we are here let's have a look at Vjun. Pan the camera Art."
The camera pans away from Randy and as the hotel disappears the vista that is the starbase of Vjun is revealed. Row upon row of uniform five storey buildings appear, their exteriors grimy and worn, some damaged. The streets in between are choked with various materials and components, many of which are being moved from one building to the next. Vehicles of all sorts from anti-grav transports to ICE ground trucks to hand carts ferry their cargos between the units and out of the zone, across the city.
"This is the factory district. Hundreds of units churn out modules and war materials of all sorts. If the Krell are one thing it is industrious. Look there, in the gap between the two buildings," the camera zooms to reveal a rubble-choked ruin. "That is a remnant of the repeated conflicts that have plagued Vjun. But the Krell clear the ground fast and erect new factories with alarming speed. Where the wreckage and contents of a cleared factory go is anyone's guess."
The camera zooms out and continues to pan out over the city. The view slowly moves from the industrial heart to an area of plazas dominated by more imposing structures. Randy continues his narration "This is one of the many barracks of the city. The plaza is where the Krell warriors drill and parade and quite frequently gather to fight and settle disputes. There's nothing going on at the moment - all the military are busy getting ready for the upcoming event."
The camera suddenly zooms into the distance where a number of shuttles are taking off, their exterior surfaces ion scorched and battered. They quickly rise to the dome-locks in the upper dome. "That my friends is dome-7. Next time you are out and about take a look at your own dome. Compare the two." Dome-7 has an interior which matches the shuttles exterior. There is a layer of grime covering around 40% of the surface which precludes sunlight and leaves much of the city in a twilight haze. The grime is thickest and most concentrated above the factory zone. Here and there can be seen cleaner-bots slowly scraping away the accumulation. Worryingly a large crack around 100m long runs from the apex down the northern face of the dome. The camera zooms in and Art voices his concerns "Here Randy, you sure we're okay?".
"Eh? Oh, the crack. I heard they were planning to repair it but decided to leave it. They call it a landmark. Crazy!"
"Anyway over there next to the barracks is the armoury, again one of many. And beyond that another cleared area leading up to the north market. The real quality merchandising complexes are on the south east side of the starbase. Here you mainly got local markets."
Sure enough the camera pans to reveal a number of grimy, rubbish choked streets leading up to a central square full of stalls. The rodent-like Krell can be seen going about their business bartering for goods and foodstuffs. From this distance they appear like ants scurrying about with determined purpose.
The final area of the city revealed by the camera is immediately adjacent to the market and comprises a warren of low slung, overhanging tenements, grimier (if possible) than the rest of the city. This area has an overawing sense of foreboding.
"The maze. This is the living area for 30% of the population. When dome-7 was built the authorities simply extended the dome over a part of the surrounding urban area, which included this place. Home to 15,000 Krell, no outlanders go in there unescorted. Those that do, well they tend not to come out."
The camera once more focuses on Randy "Anyway, this is a small part of the starbase-city that is Vjun, the reason for my visit and soon-to-be talking point of the Peripheries. We'll soon be taking a trip into the city proper to witness the arrival of Warlord Thrott. Until then, I'm Randy O'Hare and this is RNN."
Credits cut in with the speedy voice over "RNN sponsored by the Quick Snack Prisoner Repatriation Service - 'Your life in our hands'."
*** Certain Death ***
It seems as if FLZ forces have destroyed the pirate vessel Certain Death, although no concrete report has yet to be received by the newsroom. If so however, it would seem to rather disprove rumours that the ship was crewed by the undead, and could not be destroyed.
*** Pirate Large ***
A freighter in Yank fell at some point to pirate large in the last week, making at least two victories for the dread pirate this week alone.
*** Experience To Be Gained ***
The recreation complexes of DTR Opportunity have hit the spotlight this week as raw recruits have been spotted entering, only to leave the next day as hardened veterans.
>TU 300: Recreation Complex Visit
Jesse J. (#1) gained experience.
1 Human Marine (506) were promoted to veterans.
We couldn't possibly speculate further.
***** From The Posting Boards *****
"Squadron Pick up item type order" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
26-02-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 9 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
KJC Update
Lack of Processing on Monday
Following a number if email enquiries, it has become clear that some have not been following the forum/newsgroup updates and are confused by the lack of turns on Monday.
Connection to our ISP (Force 9) has been sporadic over the weekend. This terminated in the inability to download email turns on Monday morning (6am).
The ISP forum/status stated that this would be fixed shortly.
At that time it was decided to postpone initiating the day's run for a few hours while they fixed the problem. Throughout the morning there were continued messages stating that they had nearly finished fixing the system and that only isolated customers only were experiencing the occasional time-outs.
Any-second-now became mid afternoon then early evening and admitting defeat, we was decided that Tuesday would be a double run.
This said, as I write this (7am), I am still waiting for the weekend historical emails to be added to the queue so that Monday's run can be initiated.
The only good news is that this delay allowed us to work on the final preparation for the move from Force 9 to 1&1 - the top ranking ISP in the country - this has been an ongoing process for eight months now. The difficulty has been the requirement for custom software to interact with the online sql server as this is behind a firewall and the need for the phoenix mail client to utilise authentication for the sending of email.
As soon as the emails are added we will begin, unless there is nothing by 10am, in which case we will forge ahead regardless.
On behalf of Farce 9 and KJC, we apologise profusely to all our customers and the quicker we are free of this incompetent bunch of….. Well, I am sure that you can emphasise with our feelings.
06-03-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 10 DAY 2
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Large Humbled ***
An attack against a RIP freighter, the Crimson Chalice, has ended in disaster for Pirate Large this week. After one of the bloodiest boarding battles our reporters can remember, the crew of the Crimson Chalice boldly fought off overwhelming numbers of pirates in not one, but two repeated assaults.
The pirate ship Large is understood to also have taken heavy damage from the freighters Nova Cannons. Rumours circulating the space lanes suggest that Large himself may have been injured in the action.
*** IGN Exclusive: Plot Exposed ***
Shocking evidence has been presented to our reporters here at the IGN Newsroom regarding an evil plot by noted Independent Cmdr Jack Ryan, of Ryan Enterprises. Cmdr Ryan has been implicated in a scheme that according to documents is aimed at overthrowing not only the Imperial regime, but also the Confederate, Felini and Detinus governments, through use of what is referred to only as 'A Strange Alien Device'.
Where did Jack Ryan get this device? What sort of terrible damage could he wreak with it? Just how much of a threat does he pose to all sane inhabitants of the Peripheries? Is he working in cohort with the Architects? We at the IGN suggest that every government must work together to bring this dangerous lunatic in for questioning of the most vigorous and unpleasant kind.
In no way does this story have anything to do with recent statements by Cmdr Ryan regarding the material uses to which he has been alleged to put the SSS, and anybody who suggests otherwise can expect a series of stunning exposes into their personal irregularities.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The pirate vessel Speed of Karlosse, a Panther Class Interceptor, has been destroyed in the Onwards system by a Felini strike force. The Karlosse was a 100HH capital ship, whose destruction has made the system a significantly safer place.
*** Jiggly Room Gets Out Of Hand ***
The Jiggly Room, famous for its crimes against conscience and good taste has hosted a decidedly ribald get-together by the crew of the Crimson Chalice (apparently named after the captain's soup mug made from a poorly opened can if you believe the crew, which few would). The celebration is for their recent victory over Pirate Large (he of the galactic sized codpiece).
Graphic re-enactments with the quizzical locals, often without their permission results in the inevitable fisticuffs; much to the entertainment of all not involved and none too few of the participants.
As with all Jiggly Room spectacles the clients are able to purchase a copy of the footage showing them being clobbered about the face and neck with premium Rubis Brew bottles before being ejected through the front door.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The pirate vessel Schnell, a Yacht class sensor ship, has been destroyed by an Imperial Platform and escort at the Kasmer stargate.
With increasing numbers of pirate scouts being destroyed, questions are starting to be raised regarding where these yachts are being built.
*** Pirate Spotted ***
A second pirate yacht, the Sharon Hunt, has been spotted in the Kasmer system in orbit of Slinger. With two pirate scouts in-system at the same time, the APTF has issued a strong warning to freighters transitting the system that they may well come under pirate attack if they are caught in deep space.
*** Pirate Spotted ***
A pirate boarding vessel, the Pride of Mirado, is suspected to be lurking in the Tycoon system.
*** Yet Another Pirate Story ***
The pirate vessel ZZ Veracity ran into a slight complication whilst attempting to board a FET freighter this week. And by 'slight complication', we mean 100 missile launchers firing cloaked kinetic warheads right down its throat as it attempted to come alongside.
The ZZ Veracity was destroyed, with all hands.
The FET freighter was understood to be running a supply mission for the APTF.
***** Periphery classifieds *****
*** Contact ***
Would the governor of Storm Hive on Hurricane in Storm, or a representative
of the QNG, please contact me at their earliest convenience.
Kind regards,
Janos Wolf
CiC of the RIP mercenary company Direwolf Enterprises
Advisor to the Krell Clan Federation
*** Contact ***
Would the Governor of BHD Weregild please contact me? I have a
business proposition.
Capt. Cuthalion
Aft lifeform transport Anduin out of Dinas Dawr
*** Fibrillium For Sale ***
No bites, eh?! Okay, so maybe 3200mus is too big a chunk! Let's try
a different approach...
Lots of 1000mus: $25@ sold at your market. $22,000 paid in advance!
Lots of 500: $27@ sold at your market. $12,000 paid in advance!
Lots of 100: $30@ sold at your market.
Delivery included on all sales. (As long as QNG are welcome in your
little slice of heaven!)
Contact us privately at Kantnerrocs@webbwireless(dot)net
*** The benefits Of Experience ***
A valuable lesson indeed...
>Turn Stopped:
There is an error in your pending orders. Your need to clear/correct
pending orders before another turn will be processed.
Pontoon Jack (#3) gained experience.
*** RIP Bonanza ***
Valued Customer,
The RIP are very proud to announce for sale a 50 Heavy Hulled vessel
This ship is fresh from the shipyards at Freedom City and is configured with
the following internal components:
| 1 Bridge (100) - 50 mus
| 12 Bunks (98) - 10 mus
| 3 Cargo Bay (134) - 25 mus
| 7 Gatling Laser (215) - 10 mus
| 5 ISR Type 2 Engines (145) - 40 mus
| 1 Jump Drive (175) - 50 mus
| 9 Magazine (135) - 25 mus
| 25 Missile Launcher (205) - 10 mus
| 8 Sensor (103) - 10 mus
| 8 Targeting Computer mkII (108) - 10 mus
| 15 Thrust Engine mkII (161) - 20 mus
Anyone interested may contact me in my private suite in the Jiggly Room or
by subspace communication address (doug (dot) hughes (at) btinternet (dot)
2. For Sale 100 HH Cruiser
The RIP are extremely pleased to announce for sale a brand new 100 Heavy Hulled cruiser. The ship is ready for your collection from Freedom City ... Should you be the lucky purchaser.
The current configuration is :
| 1 Bridge (100) - 50 mus
| 30 Bunks (98) - 10 mus
| 20 Combat Engine (164) - 20 mus
| 10 Gatling Laser (215) - 10 mus
| 10 ISR Type 2 Engines (145) - 40 mus
| 1 Jump Drive (175) - 50 mus
| 10 Scintillator (125) - 10 mus
| 10 Sensor (103) - 10 mus
| 3 Targeting Computer mkII (108) - 10 mus
| 5 Thrust Engine mkII (161) - 20 mus
And there is 1370 mus of internal space available for you to customize. If you are interested in being it's new owner please contact me at once.
3. Normal Hulled Ship BPs?
I find myself awash with a surplus of Normal Hulls.. I would like to build ships with them... But I'm lacking the technological know-how... Does anyone have a blueprint for 75 Normal Hulls and higher that they're willing to trade with the RIP? 75 is the smallest I need ... but I am also interested in 100 and 150 Normal Hulled ship BPs too...
Thank you for your consideration.
RIP GT Spugman
RIP Freedom City / Quick Snack
Jiggly Room Iced Tea - Two for One with this Voucher
*** Vjun ***
Noted colleagues,
Pursuant to my advice Warlord Thrott Ironfist has commenced adding items to the Vjun market. There is unlikely to be anything spectacular but anyone needing modules may find the price competitive, especially when one considers the quantity.
I am also seeking trade goods to put on the market to buy. If anyone has any trade goods to sell that they'd like to see on Vjun's market please contact me via this forum or in private and I'll be happy to negotiate.
Janos Wolf
CiC of the RIP mercenary company Direwolf Enterprises
Advisor to the Krell Clan Federation
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
09-03-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 10 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Krell Update ***
The RNN has broadcast a further update regarding the transition of power on the wartorn Krell homeworld:
* * * * *
"Thanks Kara. The breaking news from here in Vjun is the arrival of Janos Wolf, self styled Commander in Chief of the RIP mercenary company Direwolf Enterprises. Mr Wolf arrived earlier today, departing the heavy cruiser 'Dirge' via the highport where elite troops from Warlord Ironfist's bodyguard escorted him straight here, to the Central Nest, the local name for Vjun's central command post." Randy turns and gestures up to the menacing building at the far side of the square; a squat, blocky structure surrounded by heavy walls and dozens of gun emplacements and strongpoints "Whatever discussions are taking place are not open for the public and we will have to wait until some form of official statement is released as to the nature of the 'alliance' between the two individuals."
"Onto other matters. It has been a hectic week here in Vjun. Warlord Thrott Ironfist has commenced improving the efficiency of the starbase and is rumoured to be non-too impressed with the thousands of employees who 'draw a pay but don't work a day'. So much so that over 7500 have been sold on and another 5000 are on the Vjun market. There are bargains to be had here and it is clear that much of the fat is being trimmed."
Kara "And what is the feeling among the locals to these moves?"
"The general feeling among the populace is rather upbeat. I've spoken to a number of locals who claim that they are looking forward to a period of stability, preferably one where they aren't having to run for the bunkers every other day. A few people have also commented that prior administrations showed a marked disinterest in the productivity and general management of the starbase. This probably isn't surprising considering the apparent speed by which Vjun was reflagged as RIP, albeit if rumour be true, temporarily."
Kara "Speaking of the RIP. What do the locals think about the rumoured alliance between Mr Wolf and Warlord Ironfist?"
"Well, it's been the buzz all week, ever since the GTT pulled out. You've got the usual mix of viewpoints atypical of the Krell. Some are distrustful of more 'aliens in charge', others think that this is a positive move as the changes to Vjun already testify. Some don't seem to mind either way, although whether that is due to fatalism or disinterest, one really couldn't say. What is evident though is...hang on..."
The camera pans to show two hive warriors in a stand off with four Krell soldiers. The Krell are gesticulating wildly towards the filmcrew, whilst the hive warriors skitter left and right blocking their approach. The air is full of clicks and whirrs and hisses, interspaced with snatches of 'common', often rapidly double spoken as the Krell try to get their intent across, whilst the hive warriors play ignorant and try to buy time.
"Erm, okay, I think we'd better be moving on. Al."
The camera bobs up and down, all the while trying to focus on a red faced Randy who manfully continues his narration "I didn't get the vid-permit for the Central Nest area so we are in a little of a violation. Administration in Vjun isn't smooth yet so I'd have probably had to wait a week, or pay a stupid bribe. Over there Al, into the speeder."
The camera drops to show a detailed view of the plascrete roadway, a civ-eng's dream, before being raised once more to quickly focus on a red faced Randy inside a slowly lifting speeder "Okay, , sorry Kara.
. Anyway our hive guards have distracted the Krell long enough for us to get away. Anyway, as I was saying....Clan Ironfist have been busy enforcing law and order, mostly, and ensuring Warlord Ironfist's will is carried out. On the whole this appears to have been successful."
Kara "Okay, thanks Randy. Hope you get back safely to the hotel." Winning smile, teeth flash "That was Randy O'Hare in Vjun for RNN. And now for a word from our sponsors."
* * * * *
Editors Note: The RNN sponsorship logos have been stripped from this newscast, as they fall outside our remit as an independent broadcaster.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
Falconian patrol forces have destroyed a pirate torpedo boat in the Acropolis system. The pirate probe class gunboat bears a startling resemblance to the Krell backed pirate forces that once plagued this system.
*** Pirate Attack ***
Another pirate probe class gunboat has attacked an AFT freighter, again in the Acropolis system. The AFT Pegasus was destroyed by a single salvo of torpedoes from the pirate. There are reported to be two survivors.
*** A Vile Sickness Strikes ***
It is with great sorrow that the IGN newsroom is reporting on a story being carried by our friends over at the Rip News Network:
"The RNN is very concerned with the health of one of it's most loyal viewers...
Al Bundy is still in hospital recovering from his recent 'nether regions' problems...
However, matters have taken a more serious turn and Al has contracted a fever.
He is currently raving...
His finest tirade has been...
"Raise the Periscope and damn the torpedoes! Where the hell are my reinforcements! Give me liberty or give me death! My butt hurts."
Senior Medics are in dispute over whether his raving is something to do with the fever or just Al being Al."
We do hope it is not serious.
No, really, we do.
And we would like to deny all rumours that some copies of the SSS come impregnated with nano-viruses genetically targetted against certain individuals who might criticise the quality of our reporting.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
COH forces have intercepted and destroyed the pirate vessel Pride Of Mirado in the Tycoon system this week.
The Pride of Mirado has had some success as a boarding vessel, but now her reign of terror has finally been brought to an end.
The COH have indicated that they will take care of the debris, and early reports indicate that swarms of insectile COH marines crawling all over the wreck of the Mirado engaging and suppressing the surviving pirates, is indeed The Very Stuff Of Nightmares.
We do not lose much sleep at the thought of what the COH will do with their prisoners however.
*** Detinus Republic Environmental Committee Issues Findings ***
Subject: Environmental Report on Obsolete Vessels
FROM: DTR Lobby on Environmental Issues and Green Technology
Tomorrow we intend to publish our findings and recommendations based on our 5 year research project.
As you know this committee is made up of the Environmental Elite of the Republic. This includes several exceptional members who have chosen not to wash or change their clothes during this time as a demonstration of the ease with which use of waste and environmentally damaging products can be reduced in our everyday lives.
The principle findings of this committee are that the extraordinary usage of energy that goes into designing and maintaining the DTR fleet, both merchant and military is unnecessarily causing huge environmental damage and can be easily and conveniently avoided.
Delving into cutting edge new technology, it has been discovered that a simple human-powered device can be engineering with only a few cogs, wheels and a chain. This device has a theoretical mass to energy conversion ratio of near to 90%. [Source: 15 year old science project on bicycles, Romanov High School, New Tate].
The solution is two-fold.
Firstly, all current vessels are rendered obsolete by this astonishing finding. Therefore they should be landed and turned into housing for the unfortunate, solving the current housing crisis among the ignorant and lazy on Venice.
Secondly, with a minimum of research and development, we can assure you that one man freight vessels could be designed using this principle, with the result that the entire Merchant Navy could be run on Cornflakes and Hot Chocolate fed to the human occupant.
This committee is surprised that the Senate has not investigated the idea before and demands to know it's response. While we wait, thousands of small helpless furry creatures are damaged by fumes and unidentifiable green weeds are being cut down.
Senator Yuri Archimedes
On behalf of the DTR Lobby on Environmental Issues and Green Technology
The Detinus Republic have denied allegations that they have nothing better to do.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The AFT Master Trader has reported the following:
"Initial indications are that the pirate vessel "Loved and Lost" (52431) was today destroyed by AFT escort vessels after the pirate attempted to board an AFT freighter in Gamma-10 in the London system. Confirmation of this is being sought and should be received tomorrow."
*** Pirate Defeated ***
The pirate vessel Mark Of Zorro has failed to board a FET freighter in the Twinkle system.
This is two weeks now of nothing but bad news for the pirates. Has the tide finally turned against the merciless scum?
*** Harlequin ***
The ex-DOM system of Harlequin has been claimed by the Imperial Services. Admiral lord Simms, the Imperial viceroy, has issued the following statement:
"All starship captains should note that the Harlequin system is claimed by the Imperial Services and is a restricted system. Affiliations and individuals who do not already have fixed assets there are to stay away, on pain of being removed with extreme prejudice if sighted in the system. An Order in Council will be published on the Imperial web site in the near future to this effect."
*** Flagritz Accused ***
The FLZ have been accused by the Falconian Emperor Thoriqal on public channels of engaging in piracy. Emperor Thoriqual has been quoted as saying, " Once again the FLZ are using pirate ships to further their own ends. Several probe class gunboats have been sighted in the Acropolis system and at least one neutral freighter has been destroyed by these raiders. Their purpose is to destroy and not to capture.
PIRATE SHIP PP I SHOT THE SHERRIFF (60882) - {10 Normal Hulls} -
Attacking Probe Class Gun Boat {Medium Ablative Armour}
This ship attacked and destroyed the AFT ship Pegasus who was doing
trade with the Falconian Empire.
PIRATE SHIP PP I ALSO SHOT THE DEPUTY (22656) - {10 Normal Hulls} -
Attacking us.
Probe Class Gun Boat {Medium Ablative Armour}
You escaped an attempt to attack your position.
This ship was spotted in delta 6 yesterday and AFT/FCN forces are responding to the attack today.
PIRATE PP KFC (12351) - Ship
Probe Class Gun Boat {Medium Ablative Armour}
Armour: 54.5
Hull Damage: 100.0%
Retreated from battle
The above ship was destroyed by a FCN patrol last Friday.
The owner of these ships will soon find a pointy stick aimed at his eye if he does not cease these cowardly attacks immediately."
***** From The Posting Boards *****
"Research Orders Bugged" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
"PIR Boarding bug" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
16-03-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 11 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** KJC Update ***
Upgrading your offline editors from internet (option under File) will add a number of new orders but more importantly once done will upload your sent-turns to the new 1&1 site. This is a necessary step if we are ever to free ourselves from pesky F9.
*** New Leadership For The DEN ***
The Dewiek Elder Nation are reporting that a new leader has arisen amongst their people. The following press release has been issued:
"This is roving reporter Maximillian Longtooth on location at the Governor's mansion in Acrux. After years of reporting nothing of importance in the DEN territories, I finally got my big break. My pack leader, and DEN PD, K'ragen Longtooth took an immediate leave of absence to go on a sabbatical called The Long Search, an ancient DEN tradition for spiritual knowledge. There is no telling when he will return.
I immediately thought of the next in line to the throne, MaiChiKwai, and rushed myself and a camera crew, to his home world, Acrux. Follow me now as I enter the Governor's office, strangely left unguarded.
Wow! The howling was so powerful that the walls were shaking and it raised the hair on my spine. My cameraman fled in terror, so I will have to continue without him.
"SABATICAL? He can't go on Sabbatical. I didn't know he believed in that old crap. Now who is going to run DEN..ME? I did not sign up this! The VPD job was supposed to be a political gift with no real work. Oh someone is going to pay for this..."
The PD was obviously upset and in a state of rage I have never seen in real life. His eyes were blood red and his fur was a mess. He was pacing around the room barking orders and occasionally biting his tail in frustration. The saliva and fur was flying everywhere. The staff were shaking and dragging their tails, being careful not to look directly at him.
"Put all defences on full alert."
"Cancel all leave."
"I want full status reports."
"I want full inventory reports"
"I..I..I want to kill something"
That's when he noticed me standing in the door way, and I fled the room like a frightened puppy. Roving reporter Maximillian Longtooth signing off with this exclusive report. I will send more when I have recovered."
*** Krell Announcement ***
Stardate 207.11.1
Negotiations between Clan Ironfist and Direwolf Enterprises have concluded with the formation of the Krell Clans Federation (KRL). The KRL are an alliance between Clan Ironfist and the RIP mercenary company Direwolf Enterprises. All KRL fixed assets will be controlled by Clan Ironfist whilst the naval and civilian fleets will be operated by Direwolf Enterprise personnel. Clan Ironfist and the Krell peoples submit to the authority of Warlord Thrott Ironfist, whilst Warlord Janos Wolf acts as Commander in Chief of Direwolf Enterprises and political advisor to the KRL. All official communiqués to the KRL should be directed to the Offices of Warlord Janos Wolf.
This alliance has been made possible by the assistance of GTT CEO, and one time Warlord, Goth, who's arrangement for the hand over of a significant number of GTT ground assets on Inversion, including the starbase city of Vjun, allowed Clan Ironfist to cement their authority over the Krell peoples. The Falconian Emperor Thoriqual has wished the alliance every success and has ceded his claim to the Storm system, another gesture which has given further authority to Clan Ironfist. In return the KRL relinquish all claim to those assets held on Inversion by the GTT and FCN and guarantee the safety of said assets.
The immediate future of the KRL is one of consolidation, reclamation and rebuilding. Of primary concern is ascertaining the extent of resource wealth within the Storm system to support Vjun's building program. In the medium term is the clean up of Vjun via the removal of the radioactive waste elements from the atmosphere and soil. A longer term goal is one of recolonisation of the wilds via the introduction of suitable flora and fauna.
It is accepted by all parties that these aspirations are challenging but achievable and in order to deliver on them it has been necessary to reshape the balance of power amongst the Krell peoples. No longer is it seen as acceptable to allow the Krell to exist as a fragmented peoples. The Krell will unite under the mailed fist of Warlord Ironfist and focus their endeavours on providing the necessary support to the fleet to allow delivery of these aims. Provide whatever assistance you can, or remain indifferent but do not attempt to interfere. Vjun, Inversion and Storm are freely Krell and the alliance has already received notifications of support from a number of Affiliations. Accordingly there is no need for the KRL to seek to overreach or challenge any Affiliation. Vjun is trading freely and KRL ships are now en route to make sales and purchases.
To the future.
From the Office of Warlord Janos Wolf
CiC of Direwolf Enterprises
*** Wimbles With Guns ***
The following report has been received from the St Dismas Harper's Ferry WMB Fertile Futures manager's office:
A young wimble, clad in workman's overalls is peeking sheepishly around the door.
The manager looks up from his crossword and sticky bun and catches sight of an ear.
"What is it now! You know this is not the normal reporting time. It's teatime! Don't you have some food to eat?"
" Umm, sorry sir, I was putting the rubbish out..."
"Speak up boy!"
"Well you know that you said we could use those funny looking framework thingies to get rid of the dustbins?"
"Yes, the railguns.."
"Well. We used all of them to get rid of the last remains of last weeks planting celebration banquet. And the lads over on the missile batteries decided it would be fun to make an arch of fireworks to shoot the dustbins through..."
"Umm, there was a ship in the way, Sir."
The young Wimble hands over a piece of paper:
Targeting PIRATE Detour (25133):
PIRATE are on our enemy list.
Retarget every round: Cleared locked targets on round 1.
Targeting PIRATE Detour (25133):
PIRATE are on our enemy list.
Retarget every round: Cleared locked targets on round 2.
Attacking PIRATE Detour (25133)
Round 1: 300 Light Rail Guns (APAKA)
- 60 hits - 721 [2040] damage - 26%
944 Missile Launchers (Missile)
- 806 hits - 15072 [161200] damage - 91%
- Point Defence shot down 53 Missiles
PIRATE Detour (25133) - Ship
Far Courier Class Passenger Liner {Medium Ablative Armour}
Hull Damage: 100.0%
Retreated from battle
"I'm afraid the WMB Dad's Favourite Tipple seems to have been damaged during the proceedings, Sir." We're not too sure just what happened."
The Manager sinks back into his chair and feverishly opens a Wagon Wheel packet.
"OH God, the paperwork!"
You see, we told you the Wimbles were dangerous. But nobody listened. Oh no. We're just the Inter Galactic News. Nobody listens to us.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
Another of the suspicious probe class pirate torpedo gunboats has been destroyed in the Acropolis system this week by two Falconian Buzzard class capital ships.
The initial surge of pirate attacks seems to have been blunted now however, with multiple probe class gunboats having now been killed.
*** New Pirate Spotted ***
The pirate vessel Alexander The Great has been reported roaming the busy spacelanes of the Yank system in search of pray. A Falconian freighter has been reportedly attacked, but the pirates were fought off, despite the pirate attackers including over 400 well trained troops.
*** Gun Running Controversy Erupts ***
Some confusion exists over reports that an AFT starbase has intercepted an attempt by an independent trader to deliver weapons to the civilian population on Mobile Bay. At time of press it seems most likely that the cargo of weapons was picked up accidentally, and that no attempt was being made to illegally trade in firearms.
*** Pirate Black Dog ***
The dread and disturbing pirate Black Dog has reported healthy sales of his captured ships to unknown third parties. With most periphery governments already taking a strong line against all who would deal with pirates, it is hard to know what else can be done to discourage this sort of activity.
*** Pirate Large ***
Pirate Large has broadcast again on the subspace channels from a still unknown location, apparently confirming rumours that he was indeed injured recently. The transmission is as follows:
"this be a quick message, as times not on my side. i as taken a few ships over the last few weeks,
last week i can confirm Archies statement in the SSS that the Loved n Lost, was taken out on the pre boarding run, but i didn lets the wide world know, hopin the AFT would be slow to react. I today managed to get a vessel into the location and pull the 137 pirates from the wreckage.
although it be again the rule of the pirates, once you left behind, you stays behind, but i as the tech from captured ships to get in untouched and rescue the marines. I can also confirm, the very same day as this ship be lost, i tooks a FET 75 huller in the Starling system.
Thats it for now, i be resting a shrapnel wound as we speak, preying that war starts again between some of you buggers out there, and keeps your attention away from peoples likes me."
*** DTR Foreign Minister ***
Marcus Rhodes, the DTR Foreign Minister, has recently announced that he intends to retire after ten years of service to the Republic. This is a breaking news story with just a hint of scandal to it, and there will be more details as we receive them.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Ships For Sale ***
Greetings, beings of the peripheries.
The FET currently have 2 75 Heavy Hull ships for sale.
1 standard spec broadsword and 1 missile escort ship.
Prices are 90,000 stellars each.
Also we are taking orders for Caravels due out of the ship yards in
the next four weeks. These will be 75 Light Hull standard spec.
Prices are 42,000 complete, or 34,000 without the 40 Cargo holds.
Compare that to the prices pirates charge and I think you'll agree
it's a good deal, plus they are new ships.
I can always be contacted via my private channel. (email)
Mike Storm
FET Security Director.
*** Message From The IGN News Desk ***
Would the party who keeps sending us footage of huge dark unknown alien ships moving through space, kindly let us know precisely where this footage is originating from.
This matter constitutes a potential threat to the Peripheries, and should be fully investigate by our elite reporters.
Or possibly by that lot over at the Rip News Network. It looks dangerous. They should go first.
The Editor.
*** To The CIA ***
meanwhiles to the ?? Cia - If you wants me to return that 50 norumul hull 160000 steller ship to ye, sends 50 thousend stellers in small unmarkked bills to the gunners mates ship, the wuflfinstine (42215) and I'll releese her to ye. Must be received by Fridey mornings turns. No bodyy'll know you sent me the stellers.
Unfortaerntely the prisdeners all liked the way we live so you wont be gettin them back. I has to take me leave now, I smells trouble. Ever time a p;irte attacks succcessfully them there aft and sms and lately that little lucky bastard frum the rip goze apeshit. Or in Arecheangesls case, bullshit. Maybe thats whut I smells.
Black Dog.
*** Desperately Seeking ***
Will a high ranking member of the CIA (preferably Director Torridan) please contact me privately and as a matter of urgency.
In Honour
*** For Sale ***
One DTR Foreign Ministry for sale. One careful owner.
*** Starbase For Sale ***
I have the following starbase for sale, please direct offers to this address:
Hucuron Baalazar - SMS
| Name: Amity (1831) Aff: Stellar Mining and Smelting(53) |
| Efficiency: 100% Stellar Value: 3881000 |
| Sensor Profile: 14426% (18690%) Sensor Rating: 107% |
| Security Level: 72% Security Crackdown: 0% |
| Starbase Location: Public |
| |
| Landed on Suzze (361) at {29,22} in Sea |
| Quadrant Beta 1 - Aladdin System (166) |
| |
|-Complexes Report----------------------------------------------------------|
| |
| 7 Basic Training (1018) 0 7 |
| 4 Command Centre (1000) 0 4 |
| 135 Factory (1001) 0 135 |
| 1 Hiport (1016) 0 1 |
| 3 Hospital (1011) 0 3 |
| 80 Merchandising (1024) 0 80 |
| 23 Mine (1002) 0 23 |
| 4 Orbital Dock (1008) 0 4 |
| 2 Platform Control (1017) 0 2 |
| 5 Recreation (1023) 0 5 |
| 5 Recruitment: Employee (1010) 0 5 |
| 7 Recruitment: Mercenary (1009) 7 0 |
| 51 Research (1005) 0 51 |
| 29 Resource (1003) 0 29 |
| 15 Security (1012) 0 15 |
| 9 Shuttle Port (1015) 8 1 |
| 1 Teleporter (1022) 0 1 |
| --- --- |
| 381 366 |
***** From The Posting Boards *****
There is a raft of new rule-change proposals on the boards this week thanks to Stephan and Mica, that I will reproduce in full here, because I think they will be of interest to everybody. I am just that good to you all.
"Changes to Ground Vehicles" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
Ground items such as Trucks, Crawlers, APC, Ore Haulers etc. were completely useless because shuttles could do the same job, only faster, and were orbit capable on top of that. To give ground vehicles a reason to exist, Mica has dramatically improved their cargo capacities. The 100mu Ore Hauler, for example, can now carry 1000 (!) mu of ores. If grouped together in a GP they can now be cheaper and more efficient than shuttle ports in some cases.
You might want to get new Tech Manuals for your ground vehicles, starting with Trucks (794).
The topic can be found here:
"Changes to Ore cargo (being considered)" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
On a similar note to ground vehicles, Mica is considering (but as of yet undecided) if Ore Bays/Holds/Decks on starships should have a capacity surpassing their own mass because ores, unlike regular cargo, can be carried in vacuum and do not even require shielding against stellar radiation most of the time (not counting pulac, celesium, moxa and the like here...). It would certainly improve the value of ore type cargo ships which currently fare badly against regular haulers.
The topic can be found here:
"Changes to Cryo Items (essentially decided, but not yet implemented)" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
Cryo items (namely cryo pods etc.) do not store deep-frozen lifeforms as suggested by their name. The personnell stored remains fully capable of taking action (operate the ship, fight, etc.). Actually these cryo items carry on the line of items such as bunks, quarters, berths etc. contrary to the common views on what they are/should be.
The in-game explanation is along these lines: The lifeform itself only accounts for around 10% of the mass and the rest is used for life supports, living space, food, medicare, toilets, etc.
It is therefore assumed that cryogenics are not actually used on the lifeform carried, but somehow optimize the support requirements. With the life support section being more efficient, more people can comfortably live in the same space.
Mica intends to apply the following changes:
A) Cryo items to be changed
- Cryo Pods (129) renamed to Quarters mkII and tech manual altered to reflect the above considerations. All other item stats remain the same, i.e. the items are just renamed and get a different TM. Similar changes to Cryobays etc.
New Cryogenics technology to be introduced
New blueprints will be available that allow for factoy production of civilians in cryostasis (from regular civilians). This has to be done at starbases because cryo-freezing sentient lifeforms is a highly complicated process that requires industrial style techniques, i.e. factory production. Because the cryostasis will have a slight adverse effect on reflexes and stamina it can only be applied to civilians. Mercenaries and trained personnell would lose their edge (actually this cannot be done because it would require too many different items at this time: Frozen Felini Veteran Marine, Frozen Wimble Startrooper, etc.).
The details are not set in stone yet but the rules regarding Civilians in Cryostasis will incorporate some or all of the following (perhaps some only at higher mk):
- They may be a regular item instead of a lifeform (allowing them to be moved as cargo);
- They may be a perishable item (perhaps only on low mk cryotech which is prone to failures);
- They may be more lifeforms per mu than (active) lifeforms, i.e. 5 civilians -> 1mu CiC;
- The cryochambers may require rare ores such as Rare Earth Elements, Collidium or Fibrillium.
It is not entirely decided yet how to "thaw" them and wether this requires a blueprint, too. The idea is to allow for mass transports of civilians for colonisation projects, but preventing this to be abused for mass troop movements. It remains to be seen if the changes with the Infrastructure Upgrade will allow troops to be cryo-frozen, too.
The topic can be found here:
Changes to Stellar Cartography (suggested)" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
According to Mica, the current system is (still) clotting the game database with "garbage items", i.e. many higher-mk stellar cartography techs are only ever researched by a single affiliation, and usually only one single time. Mica now considers to apply one or several of the following changes:
- Make Stellar Cartography tech immovable;
- Count copies of the tech (or BP, see below) instead of using higher mk;
- Have one basic immovable tech (possibly even generic) and derive individual, movable system techs or bps from it;
- "Burn" techs or BPs to gain knowledge.
Mica also hinted that you can never be totally certain to know all jumplinks of a given system.
The topic can be found here:
And some other items on the boards this week:
"Treaties" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
I've noticed a whole load of orders on my political today, I swear I've never seen them before but then I'm known for being forgetful. Anyway this orders are create treaty / break treaty / read treaty / add info to treaty I was wondering if this is a new? way of sharing information in a way it can be recalled for allies at a later date. I know I had agreements in the past but I thought that used special actions.
Anyway if this is a new method does it allow us to add defence/support agreements to a treaty without being allied as well?
The topic can be found here:
"Political Ranks" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
Is there any way to get a list of what ranks and rights each player has.
I assigned a whole load to various people way back but I wouldn't mind a list on the weekly political just to remind me what I'm doing. Anyway is there any order that will give me a list?
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
23-03-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 12 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Conflict In Yank ***
A major war has broken out in the Yank system this week as Children Of Hexos forces have launched a massive assault against a Flagritz Empire starbase.
The first sign that trouble was in the air occurred when the following transmission was received from the COH Celestial Emperor:
"We've fled for too long. It's time to stand our ground and say NOT THIS TIME!
Long ago our own star was destroyed by the furry ones, our planets demolished and untold billions of our kind were lost. Our carapace was weak and we had to flee like cowards hiding from a rampaging Leffinphant. BUT NOT THIS TIME!
When we weakened ones arrived from deep space the furry ones again unleashed their death on us. Weak cowards as they were, they needed help from the flesh bags but the end goal remained the same. They wanted to hunt us down to the last living Hexamon. Fleeing was the only alternative, and we entered deep space again. BUT NOT THIS TIME!
Our carapace thinner than ever before, our claws blunt and spirits broken the winged ones now took their pick at us. By invading one of our feeble worlds they cornered us. Again we were forced to flee… to our last city, Castle Ciuciulco. Cornered and dripping with blood we had become good at fleeing. BUT NOT THIS TIME!
We were forced to change. Trying to mould our own race into something we did not want. Our souls left us and we became blind in the deepness of space. BUT NOT THIS TIME!
But that was not the end. Not of us, nor of the treachery of other races. The ones with no home, those we thought understood us, took our home from us. Once more we had to flee, leaving Castle Ciuciulco in the hands of one more enemy. BUT NOT THIS TIME!
We stand now at the brink of extinction. There are no more places to flee, to hide or to save ourselves. This is the turning point, this is the moment we reclaim our past, to reach out and capture the Hexamon soul. To become what we long ago were…
Soldiers, workers, drones, marines, breeders, scouts… ALL OF YOU! This time we turn around and face the enemy. THIS TIME WE FIGHT! We've fled in the past… BUT NOT THIS TIME!"
It was not long until the Celestial Emperor made clearer the target of the COH's feelings:
"Dwellers of the peripheries, Living in exile is not living, it is death. Our homes, each and all of them have been destroyed, captured... our enemies of the past even went so far they destroyed the whole Titan system. We have been seen as parasites, slaves of the Architects and even worse. We have come to a point where we can't run anymore. What hope do we have with no place to call home?
Today is the day we decide to stop running, the day we decide to stand up and face our enemy. Today is the day our swarms receive their last instructions and orders for operation Home. The operation to recapture our headquarters, Castle Ciuciulco. As we send this speech the Emperors corps is attacking our oppressor on the moon Lunk.
Our single objective is to conquer Castle Ciuciulco, which is now called PPI Atol, and if the FLZ surrender Castle Ciuciulco we will halt our invasion of their second starbase on Lunk. We want our home back!
Some of you might call this act of justice and freedom a breach of the Yank neutrality. Be that as it may, but the Children of Hexos see no alternative. We have consulted with the Kastorian Military Junta and promised them that we will do our outmost to minimise damage to the civilian population. All damage to the infrastructure will be repaired and financial support will be given to those who lose their homes from the battles. We do not want to cause any unnecessary damage to those inhabiting Lunk. We only want our home returned to us.
Elements of the Emperors corps together with the Emperors navy have taken up positions around our starbase on Mobile Bay. They will not make any offensive moves towards the FLZ but they will defend Queens Haven if we are attacked. We advise all traders and travellers to stay away from Lunk until the Emperors corps have secured Castle Ciuciulco and hostilities have ceased.
The FLZ have it in their power to end this conflict. Surrender Castle Ciuciulco, let us return home and we have no more reason to continue our attacks! et us live in peace!"
Our reporters have consulted with the Kastorian Military Junta and confirmed that permission was indeed sought and granted by the COH for the launching of this attack. At which point our reporters were duly arrested by the Kastorians for being dangerous subversives, and questioned at length before being finally released.
*** It's WAR! ***
IGN reporters, with, it has to be said, half of Yank, have witnessed first hand the assault by COH forces against the FLZ starbase of PPI Atol aka Castle Ciulciu, AKA Fessin Bright.
At time of press it is day three of the battle, and our reporting teams are hunkered down watching wave after wave of COH armour accompanied by many thousands of insectile Hive warriors and Star Warriors, storming towards the meagre FLZ defenders.
We have identified the attacking forces as the Emperors Guard, Emperors Army, Emperors Raiders, Emperors Strike, with the COH 1st and 4th Mobile Regiments in support.
There are confusing reports that a regiment of Kastorian Police have gotten involved in the battle. We are unsure if this is part of official KAS policy, or if the regiment simply couldn't stand the sight of filthy aliens fighting it out on KAS soil without getting involved themselves.
It may be too early to say, but it looks as if the COH achieved complete surprise and are enjoying overwhelming tactical superiority. We would not be surprised if the starbase falls within the next day or two, barring the arrival of significant re-inforcements.
*** Krell Freighters Destroyed ***
Two Krell Caravel class freighters have been destroyed in the Yank system by the Felini, provoking a surprisingly peaceful Krell response. Or at least, war has not yet broken out.
Initial reports indicate that the destruction of the Krell freighters was an accident, and not an intentional act of war and violation of the Yank neutrality accords.
*** Reparations ***
The Kastorian Junta have promised that reparations will be paid to any third party that suffers losses in the current COH/FLZ conflict in Yank.
*** Goth Says Yes To War ***
Speaking about the recent conflict, Lord Goth of the GTT has been quoted as saying, "After thinking the situation over, I have decided that I was wrong to jump into the COH vs FLZ situation in Yank. They can do what they want as long as GTT assets are unaffected. Go nuts, it should spice things up anyway."
Reports indicate that they have indeed gone nuts.
Whether or not this was as a direct response to Goths proclamation is a matter of debate. But we here at the IGN newsroom blame Jack Ryan anyway.
*** New Emperor ***
Notice has reached our newsrooms that a new Emperor has risen to take control of the Flagritz Empire. Emperor Nai T'Hoth has sent his initial greetings to the Peripheries, and no doubt suddenly found his hands full with events in Yank.
*** Pirate Stupid ***
The pirate vessel Rambo has been destroyed entering orbit of the planet Darkfold in the Darkfold system.
Yes. That Darkfold.
The winner of this years stupidest pirate competition seems to have been pretty much sewn up already.
*** Lausnaff Enterprises ***
Recent reports in the financial papers have suggested that Lausnaff Enterprises may be in significant trouble, for reasons as yet unknown.
*** Good News For The GTT ***
No, it's not war. It is instead reports of record profits:
From the GTT corporate mega media room:
Lord Goth, introduced by shameless video streaming in from all
corners of the GTT commercial empire showing stellars pouring into
the company coffers.....
Lord Goth (Flanked by some of the most scantily clad marketing
assistants ever seen on decent vid): " It has been a very good
quarter for the GTT. Our profits continue to grow and our politicals
are all enjoying the benefits of good trade. We are proud to
announce the "GTT millionaires club." The only requirement to be in
the club is to be a GTT political with minimum of 1 million stellars
of liquid cash in their private accounts. We are proud to announce
that ALL GTT politicals have now met the requirements of the
millionaire's club and have received their commemorative M.C. pins."
Goth suddenly looks around suspiciously, then continues: "Just in
case anyone thinks the GTT has grown soft and lazy in this time of
prosperity, they are wrong. Vids stream on behind Goth showing
massive new battleships of Gothian Design, there are a large number
of strange new support ships also seen shadowing the monsterous
battleships but the focus is blurry around them. The GTT keep what
they have."
Marketing girl interjects:
The recent expansion has opened an opportunity for the right person
to join us and become rich....
Once again, Goth thinks the cameras are off and is heard
muttering: "All this loot and a can't get one lousy piece of Gothic
Scene fades out....
*** New Leadership ***
A new leader has risen to take command of the Falconian House Hawk. Falconia Stronghold, their headquarters, is undergoing a few changes, but Rikkark, the Hawk Lord, has assured traders that no significant alterations will occur.
*** Rip News Network Relocates ***
Our colleagues over at the RNN have published the following story:
IGN Cowards? Or just plain sensible??
The following article was published recently in the SSS:
Message From The IGN News Desk
Would the party who keeps sending us footage of huge dark unknown alien ships moving through space, kindly let us know precisely where this footage is originating from.
This matter constitutes a potential threat to the Peripheries, and should be fully investigate by our elite reporters.
Or possibly by that lot over at the Rip News Network. It looks dangerous. They should go first.
The Editor.
-- End Article --
The RNN would like to add that they are surprised by this turn of events as we always viewed the SSS journos as brave and adventureous!
However, these Big Black Ships look like the sort of things that Alien Brain Parasites would use ... and we have run afoul of them before...
Therefore, the RNN have decided to move their base of operations to the safest place they know...
(That'll be the Jiggly Room at Quick Snack ... if you had to ask).
We here at the IGN are at this point unsure how to respond to allegations of cowardice. But we do hope that the RNN enjoy working out of their new quarters.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** War Profiteering ***
In order to comply with the statement made by my glorious leader... I am going to offer for sale two 75HH Broadsword class vessels... They are battle equipped and are only a short hop skip and a jump from Yank They could come in very handy for anyone about to launch attacks (or counter attacks) against their enemies.
Anyone willing to offer me 300,000 stellars for the pair?
RIP GT Spugman
RIP Freedom City / Quick Snack
Jiggly Room Iced Tea - Two for One with this Voucher
*** More War Profiteering ***
The RIP are in possession of another warship ... which is surplus to needs...
This one is 75NH II and is already onsite in Yank (Free delivery???).
Go on... make me an offer...
I'll sell it at 175,000 stellars if you like ...
or even 150,000 if you can haggle...
Unless you want to pay less that is??? Make me an offer I can't refuse...
RIP GT Spugman
RIP Freedom City / Quick Snack
… You know things are bad when you find yourself adding 'Spugman' to your spell checkers dictionary. Honestly. - The Editor.
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
26-03-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 13 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
*** KJC Update ***
Version 1.4.9 of the offline editor is now available. Go to 'file' > 'upgrade from internet' on the editor.
A big thanks to Bruce Knowles for extensive testing; allowing that exit crash to finally be nailed.
30-03-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 13 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Victory For The COH ***
The Children Of Hexos have won a victory over the Flagritz in Yank.
Their main target, PPI Atol (1477kMus) was however utterly destroyed, but their secondary target, Fessin Bright, has been captured by COH forces, who are reporting that there are over 600 complexes still intact.
Independent observers have offered the following data:
FLZ STARBASE FESSIN BRIGHT (3984) - {24-12} 1393 kMus
COH OUTPOST FESSIN BRIGHT (3984) - {24-12} 912 kMus
Indicating an approximate 35% loss in mass.
Reports indicate that the orbit of Mobile Bay has also been cleared of all FLZ positions, including a 551 hull platform, that inflicted only light damage on the attacking COH ships. One COH freighter and one FLZ Ambush Cruiser were also destroyed in orbit.
The appearance of the COH ship 'Destroyed Of Coombes' in the battle has however caused some grave concern amongst the inhabitants of Mobile Bay.
*** Celestial Emperor Address ***
The COH Emperor has issued the following statement following his victory against the FLZ:
"Dwellers of the peripheries,
I stand here in the moment of triumph with a sad heart. Our victory is total but a darkness fills our souls. The home we sought lies in ashes, destroyed by the Naplian defenders. The Emperors Army attacked Castle Ciuciulco (4773) on star date 207.12.2 and after two days of battle it was utterly destroyed. Our home is not a home after all.
As soon as the situation stabilises the Children of Hexos intend to build a Memory Dome above the ruins of Castle Ciuciulco. It shall be a reminder of the terrors of war and the horrible acts done by the Naplian defenders in those last days of their occupation.
A few sectors away the Emperors Guard and Emperors Strike attacked the starbase Fessin Bright (3984). It fell after four days of very hard combat but is now totally controlled by the Emperors corps. We have accepted this starbase as compensation for Castle Ciuciulco which was destroyed.
In honour of our past and those who fought and died at Castle Ciuciulco we have decided to rename our starbase on Mobile Bay Ves Ciuciulco.
We have total control of the ground and orbit of Lunk! We have crushed our oppressors! Small skirmishes will continue the coming days as the last FLZ defenders are brought to their knees.
In this moment I would like to mention Officer Muad'dib of the Dominator Torst K'arga. With perfect understanding of the situation in the fleet battle above Lunk he took command of the situation and single-handedly destroyed the large platform in orbit.
We salute all brave warriors who took part of Operation Home!"
*** Flagritz Issue Response ***
As to be expected, the new emperor of the FLZ has reacted strongly to the COH attack. He has been quoted as saying, "Under the New Emperor the FLZ will fight till the death to hold on to ours or what we have taken, we decide when we leave no one else. Its is easy to take starbases in so called safe systems which are lightly defended, keeping them will be your problem. FLZ forces will attack and destroy all COH assets we come across. Mobile bay and Lunk orbits will see fighting and splash damage may be taken by 3rd parties. The blame will fall on the COH. COH assets will be targeted where every they are, if you give them sanctuary there will be targeted you have been warned. The COH have started something which will end in their destruction."
With no shortage of enemies, the FLZ appear to find themselves at war once again with the COH.
*** New Felini Leader ***
Kithr'aan Manchu has taken over control of the Felini Pride Manchu. Kithr'aan is welcomed to the Peripheries, as yet another one of that proud band of sentients whose names are an anathema to my spell checking software.
*** Retirement ***
As reported several issues ago, Marcus Rhodes, the Detinus Republic Foreign Minister, has indeed resigned his post, and mysteriously disappeared without fanfair.
Several commentators who knew him well are mystified by this low-key retirement, remembering fondly Senator Rhodes' somewhat lurid sense of humour that has at various times seen high level diplomatic meetings reduced to food-fights, not to mention the vandalism of DTR Fleet Headquarters at Tharbad that to this day remains highly visible.
Rumours abound regarding Senator Rhodes mysterious disappearance, from stories regarding an alleged investigation he was running into Michelle Diaz's bottomless black hole of a shoe budget, to strange stories involving hot alien babes.
Wherever Marcus is, we wish him well.
*** DTR Economy ***
The office of Michelle Diaz has strongly denied rumours that the Detinus Republic Economy is about to be shifted to a peacetime market based entirely around the shoe as a unit of currency.
In related news, Detinus Media is now selling for two and a half shoes.
*** Wimbles Kick Ass ***
A wimble merchant ship has defeated a boarding party of over 500 mean bloodthirsty pirates with its crew of only 60 WMB marines.
Rumours are spreading like wildfire of the Wimble military superiority, prompting enquiries from the DTR armed services as to the nature of Wimble training.
The remarkable situation has lead to the following statement by Oran Guutan, the Grandfather of the Wimble Nation:
"In essence the story you have seen is true. We are ourselves still trying to decide what happened as it has surprised us as well.
We believe that some of the success of the marine contingent must be put down to the small access ports installed on Wimble shipping. After all, why build the doors 2 metres high when displays by the Wimble Marine Hovercycle Display Team building pyramids of bodies driving motorcycles around do not often happen on board ship. Instead we install what would best be described as tubing around the ship, allowing crew members to roll from place to place as necessary.
Rumours of special defence formations related to pastries of any type will have to remain, I am afraid, unconfirmed as their existence or otherwise is embargoed under trade agreements.
PS: Rumours of wimble marines fighting like cornered rats from the air conditioning system are similarly neither confirmed or denied."
The dread pirate Black Dog, whose ship, The Wulfenstein, it was who had its ass handed to them by the Wimbles, has issued a statement saying that he didn't really want to capture the ship anyway, and the Wimbles just got lucky.
*** Alexander Enterprises ***
Our newsroom has recently received the history of Alexander Enterprises, hopefully we will begin to serialise this story in next weeks edition of the SSS.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Starbase Still For Sale ***
Greetings once more,
As further incentive, please see ores and tech that are included in the starbase sale...
As previously stated, all sales must meet with IMP ownership requirements.
Hucuron Baalazar - SMS
| Name: Amity (1831) Aff: Stellar Mining and Smelting(53) |
|-Tech Report----------------------------------------------------------|
| |
| 1 Matter Utilisation Organic (8029) - 5000 mus |
| 1 Bio-production (8590) - 1000 mus |
| 1 Human Crew (10505) - 100 mus |
| - 10 Human Crew (505) |
| 1 Human Marine (10506) - 100 mus |
| - 10 Human Marines (506) |
| 1 Human Soldier (10507) - 100 mus |
| - 10 Human Soldiers (507) |
| 1 Industrial Module mkII (10401) - 100 mus |
| - 33.333 Industrial Module mkII (401) - 1000 mus production |
| 4 Kastorian Marine (10634) - 100 mus |
| - 40 Kastorian Marines (634) |
| 1 Phanali (10701) - 100 mus |
| - 100 Phanali (701) - 100 mus production |
| 1 Photon Gun (10304) - 100 mus |
| - 20 Photon Gun (304) - 1000 mus production |
| 1 Vat Grown Morph (10009) - 100 mus |
| - 1000 Vat Grown Morph (9) - 1000 mus production |
***** From The Posting Boards *****
Black Dog has just posted a new topic entitled "illogical battle reports" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Jack has just posted a new topic entitled "life form space problems" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
***** Message From The Editor *****
Several players have been reporting problems with upgrading their order editors to the latest version. Anybody having trouble is encouraged to get in touch via the forum or the yahoogroup.
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
02-04-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 14 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Easter Holidays
As per usual, the Easter period will result in two double-run days. These will be Thursday 5th April and Tuesday 10th April.
Happy Easter to everyone.
13-04-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 15 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Major Pirate Attack ***
News is still thin on the ground, but we are receiving reports that a major Starbase is on the verge of falling to a large pirate ground party.
Indications are that the RIP starbase Freedom City is fighting for its very survival against a pirate assault force of at least Divisional strength, including over 10,000 bloodthirsty well trained troops supported by over 1000 armoured vehicles.
It is still unknown how the pirates were able to assemble such a large force, and drop them in to the attack. However it does seem that they took advantage of the communications blackout last weekend, in order to launch their sneak attack.
The Freedom City defenders were caught totally unprepared, and we have heard that GT Spugman himself has been involved in front-line hand to hand fighting, defending the streets.
Our most recent report indicates that less than 10% of the Starbase remains in RIP hands, with the defenders desperately hoping that re-inforcements will arrive before it is too late.
A Pirate strike team of several heavy cruisers was also reportedly spotted in the system.
*** KAS In Trouble? ***
Pernicious rumours have begun circulating that the Kastorian Military Junta have run into a cashflow problem, with several traders reporting that efforts to sell goods to KAS starbases have failed due to them not having any stellars to hand.
Given that our newsroom is located in Kastorian space, we will be sure to pay the rent this month on time, lest we suffer the horrific consequences.
*** Conflict In Yank ***
A five-ship GTT battlegroup has attacked a DTR starbase and CIA outpost on Mobile Bay in Yank. The DTR Starbase is reporting moderate damage, but that things could have been a lot worse if they hadn't recently installed several new gatling laser batteries, however the CIA outpost was destroyed, with the loss of all hands.
Reports indicate that this was the result of a new GTT officer failing to issue the correct orders to an over-enthusiastic warship captain, which resulted in a battle as several other GTT warships saw the shooting and decided to join in.
The GTT are understood to be paying full reparations, and have apologised for their mistake.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The pirate vessel Dreamcatcher, that last week attacked a GTT freighter, has been destroyed by a GTT patrol.
*** KST Issue Statement ***
A KST freighter has been captured by the IMP, prompting the following statement from KST Drougal:
"Following the illegal capture of the trader KST Serf 1 (86625) by the IMP, the KST demand the return of the ship and crew. Otherwise the KST reserve the right to seek compensation through capturing an IMP freighter in return. Both the stolen freighter and the IMP pirate have been posted. They will be unposted if ship and crew are returned to the KST."
*** Al Bundy Lost In Action ***
Worrying news has been received here at the IGN newsrooms, apparently our long time fan and supporter Al Bundy has been lost in action. The following eye witness report has been received:
"We had just acquired the ship by unscrupulous means and it needed over 120 patches and Porto Bello was almost out. Al said he'd fix it himself and so entered a crack in the bilges carrying nothing but a lunch, a titanium emergency welding machine and his dads trusty ball pin hammer. In case you haven't heard, Al got lost inside the walls and can't get out. The hulls are Organic XL Hulls Mk IV with Korondite plating. 400 XL Hulls! This means its impossible to scan his location. There are literally miles and miles of air ducks, and passageways and false bottoms and vents. Its hard to pinpoint his location audibly due to echo effects. As pointed out before, facilities won't be a problem (much like the wind, he goes where he will) and showering won't be a problem either. He doesn't anyhow. But if he gets inside the double hulls or beneath the engine room starvation is a definite possibility."
We wish Al all the best.
No, really, we do.
*** Pirates Destroyed ***
Two pirate torpedo gunboats have been destroyed in the Acropolis system by an SMS Anti Piracy Task Force patrol.
*** Black Op Pirates ***
Several affiliations including the GTT, DTR and CNF have reported in the last week the presence of black-op Pirate vessels running various operations, from a torpedo attack against GTT freighters, to suicide runs on various sensitive DTR/CNF installations.
All parties have offered significant rewards to anybody who can offer any evidence of who might be responsible, with the promise of massive retaliatory measures as and when they find anybody to blame.
We here at the IGN newsroom suspect the powerful and deadly Mohache/Wimble alliance.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Wanted ***
Can anyone that can supply me with a Jump drive in solo please contact me. I am willing to pay for the part.
Bill Wild
*** Contact ***
Would the owner of RIP Outpost Don Ferrell's Mines (48181) on Gorgon please
contact me. I would like to coordinate mineral usage.
Peace and Prosperity,
Governor AFT Mithlond
*** For Sale ***
The RIP are currently selling two 75 Heavy Hulled warships. They are Broadsword class. Offers in the region of 150,000 stellars for each will be considered. A 10% discount will be offered for anyone wishing to purchase both vessels. Cash is preferred - though trade can be considered.
Anyone interested should contact me at my office in the Jiggly Room (please arrange a meeting before 9pm to ensure sobriety).
Kind Regards.
RIP GT Spugman
RIP Freedom City / Quick Snack
Jiggly Room Iced Tea - Two for One with this Voucher
*** Wanted ***
Gentlefolk of the Peripheries,
I would like to purchase Jacium (30).
If any kind person might wish to sell any, I will pay up to $12 per
mu, collected from wherever it resides.
Please contact me here, or privately.
I, of course, remain, your servant
Zachariah Zupkern and Uncles third cousin
Fully Independent and Trustworthy.
My Word is My Bond
Traders to the Universe.
***** From The Posting Boards *****
Well, not really from the posting boards as such this one, but a game-related announcement anyway:
April 11th 2007:
To whom it may concern,
With the backing of Mica Goldstone (our fabulous KJC Games game master), I am pleased to announce that I will be designing and programming a brand new off-line editor for Phoenix.
The new off-line editor with be written in C# and take full advantage of the Microsoft .NET framework which means that it will support all Microsoft Windows platforms. A Java version might be considered too, if enough players don't have a Microsoft Windows platform.
In time the new editor will at least feature:
o Multiple accounts (for those who share one computer).
o Affiliation tools.
o Statistics to help you run your affiliation or political.
o The classical interface for creating turns (old style).
o New Drag&Drop interface for creating turns (new style).
o Database for Special Actions, GPI and survey data.
o Graphical interface to view planet/system maps.
o The classical ship design interface.
o A new ship design interface.
o Direct upload and download of turns.
o Import/Export of data (share data with your friends)
o Automated patching.
o Live chat.
This is only a brief list of what's in store for the new editor.
I must stress, however, that this is a long term project that I will be doing in my spare time so please don't expect something over night.
If you have anything you like to be added feel free to write me in private.
Best regards, Bent Nielsen.
Related to this, there is a poll available at the MOH forums for expressing a preference for, something, programm-ey that I didn't understand:
Good luck to Bent, that all sounds very exciting.
"offline editor, ship info" in forum "Everything Else".
The topic can be found here:
"Political/Account wide Enemy/Defend lists" in forum "Everything Else".
The topic can be found here:
"Ground combat" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
The topic can be found here:
Information on officer skills:
***** Message From The Editor *****
Keen observers may have noticed there was no SSS last week, this was all the fault of the Imperial-Bloc against whom I am hopelessly bias. Or… possibly I just forgot it was a double-processing day last Thursday, so I just decided to roll over to this week instead.
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
20-04-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 16 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Starbase Captured ***
Freedom City, the major RIP starbase, shipyard and research centre, has fallen to Pirate Large.
As reported last week, the starbase came under attack from an irregular division of pirate troops, backed by thousands of pieces of armour, and fell after just over four days of heavy fighting.
However, word from the frontlines now indicates that the starbase has been ransomed back to the RIP, and that pirate Large has received a substantial payment, having threatened to destroy the entire base if they attempted to recapture it.
*** AFT Hammered ***
As an inevitable consequence of the fall of Freedom City, the AFT assets in the area found themselves neighbours to a major Pirate starbase, and we understand, three associated platforms. According to confused reports, the platforms opened up, and wiped out a large AFT outpost that used to be a starbase, and several other AFT positions.
We further understand that as a result of the confused fog of war, when the RIP platforms received orders from the sneaky pirates in the command centres of Freedom City to open fire on the AFT, several RIP warships in orbit also opened fire against the AFT.
Pirate Large must be loving this.
*** Pirate Large Boasts Of Victory ***
The following transmission has been made by the victorious Large:
"Ahharrgggghhhhh me hearties.......... It Be Aye.......... Pirate Large...........
Freedom City be attacked...........
whats i likes to call "Shock and Whore" for the RIP, it be a shock, an i be after the whores.
anyways over the easter festivities for you boys, me lads be loadin up in
the carriers n tanks, waiting for the orders, to drop an attack. over 12000
of us there be, waitin cutlass in one hand sex toys in the other, for what
would be a historical week aye.
Rape n pillage on a scale never yet seen, early estimates were, that there
be more than 25000 civies workin at freedom city
anyways on stardate 207.15.1 we got out selves into the base and started to
attack, me boys put on thee mean faces n stormed forward into the buildings
and streets aye, great it be with tank support, knockin the enemy back
heavily into their own base aye.
in the first 2 days we tooks more than 50% an was well on our ways to
victory. anyways the RIP during the last 2 days o battle fought hard an with
a bit of a mudlion rampage which temporarily halted a few lacklustre
elements o me men they managed to holds on for a further 2 rounds they did.
im sure i saw spugman duckin n divin in the streets there, rifle in one
hand, cash tin in the other.
Anyways on entering the outskirts o the city, at least 10 miles from Freedom
City, bein thirsty one o me men after days o fighting, starving, desperate
for drink etc knocks on this ere door. A Chinese man answers, an me pirate
says to him, looks mate I is thirsty, hungry and is desperate. The Chinese
man says he will let him in, if he swears not to shag his daughter.
The pirate agrees, thinking, this be RIP territory, there be no good lookin
women rounds ere.
The Chinese man says, if you do shag me daughter, you will get the 3 worse
Chinese tortures.
That night at the dinner table, the daughter arrives, an the pirate he be
gobsmacked, a beautiful specimen she be. She passes the pirate a note to
meet her in the room at midnight. He went to the room an ad the best sex of
his life.
The next morning when he wakes up theres a huge rock next to him, it had a
note on the front saying 1st worse Chinese torture. In a panic, the pirate
got old o the rock and chucks it out of the bedroom window.
Just then he saw a note on the window sill saying, 2nd worst Chinese
torture, left testicle tied to rock.
Knowing this he jumped out the window after the rock.
Whilst falling he got close enough to the rock to read, 3rd worse Chinese
torture, right testicle tied to bedpost….ahharrggghhh..
Yes, that be the best I can do this time folks……….
Anyways a brief note at this stage more news to follow……….
Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the
pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh………."
*** RIP News ***
This ia an RNN (RIP NEW NETWORK) special buletin on the status of Freedom City.
Freedom city has been returned to Privateer hands ... the Pirate invaders have left...
They have left 'Jolly Roger' flags flying from the Command Centre roof... which will be removed at midnight tonight. The Governor will be assessing the damage to infrastructure and to the civilian population and will be issuing comment on these subjects separately.
Please do not enter orbit of Manger in Madonna system without first ensuring that you remove PIR from your combat protocols.
A update to this bulletin will notify you when this condition can be removed (this is expected to be tomorrow).
The RIP thank you for your co-operation and wish you a pleasant evening at the Jiggly Room (where all drinks are two for one til Sunday).
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The pirate Yacht class sensor ship Ace has been destroyed in the Beach system by a CIA patrol.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
Another pirate scout ship has been destroyed, this time by Imperial forces.
*** Imperial fleet battles with TCA ***
A story has surfaced on the Imperial news network:
"Reports are coming in of a clash between elements of the Imperial Battle Fleet going to the assistance of a local government and three large (400 hulled) TCA ships in a undisclosed system on our borders. Two of the TCA ships were destroyed and the third has suffered over 60% damage. We lost four cruisers in the battle and a number of capital ships took heavy damage."
The TCA, or Terran Colony Annihilators, are members of an ancient powerful alien race that is in some way tied to the even more ancient and powerful race of the Architects.
This story would seem to indicate that the Imperial Services are at war with the TCA.
*** Viceroy Responds To KST Demands ***
There are reports from the Viceroy's office of a draft reply to KST accusations of piracy.
The reply under consideration is reported to read; "Keep out of our space and KAStorian space. As to compensation/return of the ship, the KST can feel free to kiss my Imperial ****."
Whether diplomatic usage will cause this alleged reply to be amended is uncertain.
Editor, Jax Examiner.
It seems as if Imperial Diplomacy is alive and well.
*** Missing Division Baffles Experts ***
The disappearance of the pirate assault force from Freedom City is causing great concern today, with news that the pirates somehow managed to sneak past a major blockading strike force of SMS vessels and escape scot-free.
*** Panic Grips Yank ***
Rumours are circulating that Pirate Large is already en-route to his next target. According to an RNN emergency bulletin, that target might be in Yank:
"This is an urgent RNN bulletin - all Governors of Yank system should note the following:
Pirates (having recently ransacked Freedom City) are heading for Yank system. A lone prisoner has been taken from the Pirate raiding party ... he couldn't keep up with the other pirates as they withdrew ... it seems he had three wooden legs.
This prisoner has revealed hat the ultimate goal for the Pirates was not Freedom city ... but it was the Jiggly Room! Now... Pirates being Pirates are not the cleverest bunch and it seems they confused RIP Quick Snack with RIP Freedom City.
Hence attacking the wrong place...
So... message to Yank Governors... The Pirates are coming! Lock up your Daughters and Booze!"
With many starbases in the Yank system being woefully under-defended, relying on the systems neutrality and the Kastorian Military Junta, it does indeed seem possible that Large's next target could well be in Yank.
Reports indicate scenes of panic and rioting as terrorised civilians attempt to buy supplies and flee major urban areas.
In response, several major DTR APTF battle-groups have moved into the system to bolster patrols.
***** Special Report *****
The Editor of the IGN is pleased to report that the rights have been secured to serialise the recent publication of The Alexander Enterprises Story here in the IGN, charting the rise of Alexander Enterprises from its humble beginnings, through their development into a major mercantile house.
Our thanks to Alexander Enterprises, and Starcaptain Enkar Gorod for their time in preparing this document for us.
*** How Independent can you be? (As much as they will let you…!) ***
The Alexander Enterprises story
as told through the private log of Starcaptain Enkar Gorod
Disclaimer: This should be regarded as a purely fictional story. Alexander Enterprises do not accept any liability on grounds of this story and expressly deny involvement in any illegal activities depicted herein.
Part 1 - The early days
197.17.1: Today's the day! I have passed my tests and now I am officially an EEM certified starcaptain, entitled to command a starship of my own. Like many fellow cadets I have purchased a small, previously owned starship from the Kastorians. Here in the starport of KAS Rubis my own little Surveyor class ship, the TRN "Alexander" (4961), awaits me for our conquest of the universe with a small crew of rookies. (Yeah right, I know people prefer the newer Couriers now - but those were the gool ol' days when most people had Surveyors!)
197.17.2: Been talking to a dodgy naplian "resistance fighter" at the Rubis starport, who tried to persuade me to come and trade at the naplian colony Retreat in Solo. What is more interesting, he hinted at a undercover naplian trader who will arrive in Yank next week. Looks like business opportunities to me!
For a start, though, I have followed the advice of my friends and signed up for a short tour of duty with the KAS military junta. They always seek freelance ships to patrol their system, Yank, and spy on their brethren in the neighbouring Kastor system. Payment is extraordinary, so a few days later I find myself already patrolling Yank space lanes and investigating the gas giant Vicksberg for possible enemy activity. Also traded in some luxury goods and condensed metals (a kind of light alloys) at EEM Balmoral on the way to make some additional money.
197.19.1: Back at the Rubis starport, I met with that undercover naplian trader today. They're keen on getting small arms but don't want to arouse attention. He gave me passwords and contact details for black markets at various starports on the nearby planet Mobile Bay, where the Naplians seek to purchase up to 300mu of small arms for the outrageous price of 100 stellars/mu - and the best part of it is that these civilian weapons are actually a legal trade good here!
197.19.2: My superiors in the KAS military have ordered me to a recon mission in the neighbouring Kastor system. All the way to Kastor I am pondering where to obtain small arms…
The world of Kastor is actually a moon of the only gas giant in the Kastor system. When I arrive there after a few day's travel (these jump drives take very long to charge properly), it proves to be a radioactive wasteland with massive signs of weapon damage. The resident starbase Drougal locks missile launchers on my ship immediately upon detecting me so I decide to leave orbit and return to Rubis for a report, and to collect my payment. Those ugly bastards really know how to mess up a world. That moon is supposedly the home world of the Kastorian race, but I for one was surprised to find that it had nowhere near the gravity that could be expected from the homeworld of a race obviously adapted to high gravity. Then again, why should the Kastorians lie about their origins? Not that this insight gives me any bucks anyways.
Now where can I get those small arms?
197.21.1: Damn those Kastorians! They may be paying well but they treat their operatives like... oh well. My debriefing involved lots of questions, truth drugs and a very thorough investigation of my... ship. They seem unhappy with my report but I can't tell why. Whatever it is, it's certainly not my fault! Looks like my tour of duty with the KAS military is over though and I'm really not too unhappy about it. Peddling condensed metals between various bases in Yank may be less profitable but also much less annoying. The Alexander is reconfigured to maximize its meagre cargo capacity: Most non-essential gear is sold off, as is my tiny contingent of troops. Only a crew of 8 remain.
Several affiliations have been trying to recruit me into their ranks. As my TRN period is nearing its end it is time for me to consider affiliations, but I cannot make up my mind yet. Many friends of mine are DTR but I don't like the power block aspect. The FET looks the most promising, or perhaps the AFT... for the time being, however, I have decided to remain undecided and operate completely INDependent. People keep telling me that this would be a bad choice and that I have to make friends by joining an affiliation. Unfortunately, by the looks of it joining an affiliation also means making a lot of enemies as everybody is apparently at war with everybody else. How much worse can it get.
Still no small arms!
197.21.5: In order to raise some money I have agreed to work for the xxx as an IND. Which will hopefully allow me to spy on their enemies without being harrassed, they say. As I'm unwilling to bet my own ships and welfare on that, they have provided me with two Yacht class ships, IND "Everclear" (1497) and IND "Tuborg" (4437). They will sail from KAS Rubis under my orders, and shall reconnoiter the newly discovered Titan system which is apparently under imperial rule.
Nope, no small arms yet.
197.24.1: This Surveyor just wasn't good enough for trading. I have spent the greater part of the money I earned so far at the shipyards of EEM Balmoral, turned in the old rustbucket and purchased myself a shiny new Light Cruiser, retaining the registry of IND Alexander (4961). This has almost doubled my cargo capacity. On its maiden voyage my new ship conveniently purchases 300mu small arms that happen to be on sale from KAS Rubis and a day later we have a rendez-vous with a naplian smuggler in a seedy bar at DTR Babylon, a smallish trading port on Mobile Bay. He was very eager to get the guns and I sold him my entire cargo hold. Never saw a naplian grinning so broadly so I guess I even made a fast friend on top of a heap of stellars.
The money from the naplian, plus a down payment for my recon services in Titan, is enough to pay the bill for that other ship I purchased last week, the Heavy Freighter class "Alexander II" (295) which will be my new flagship.
197.25.1: The Alexander and Alexander II are now working hard to earn a little honest money by trading in condensed metals and other small value bulk goods throughout Yank. Meanwhile, Everclear and Tuborg have arrived in Titan and begun their exploration of the planetoids Gyges and Kottos. They encounter a lot of other ships from several affiliations including IND, FET, IMP and FGZ, but are left to explore as they please. Guess that means the IMP don't really disapprove with me snooping around a little, all those other ships might be doing the same after all. Or perhaps my ships were just lucky not to run into armed imperial patrols?
197.28.1 Both Everclear and Tuborg have completed their limited assignments in Titan and returned to the Yank system in one piece. They have not discovered anything out of the ordinary but the xxx are pleased with my service nonetheless. That's another happy customer besides the Kastorians and the Naplians already. I must be doing something right.
197.35.1: After many weeks of moderately lucrative and rather boring trade in condensed metals and fissionables (a kind of basic elements) within Yank, I can finally afford to upgrade the Alexander II. The techs at the Rubis shipyards modify the Heavy Freighter beyond recognition and turn it into something they call the Cog class, again more than doubling the cargo capacity. Actually this ship is getting near to the capacity of commercial haulers such as the AFT Carrier, BHD Tempest or GTT Behemoth. The revenue per round trip finally pays the crew wages...
End of Part One.
(ooc: Thanks Alex, great stuff.)
***** Message From The Editor *****
Thanks to Stephan, I can mention that there has been a minor rules change:
As of today there has been a slight rules change: Ore cargo capacity has been tripled for specialized starships.
Ore Bays (133) can now hold 75mu of ore (was 25);
Ore Holds (183) can now hold 300mu of ore (was 100);
Ore Decks (184) can now hold 3000mu of ore (was 1000).
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
27-04-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 17 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** GTT On The Offensive ***
Reports are just starting to reach our newsroom that GTT forces have gone on a series of offensives against Detinus Republic installations, shattering the peace that had stood between these two parties in recent months.
Initial indications are that this military action came at the end of some brief diplomatic negotiations where the DTR and CNF agreed to some GTT demands, but this agreement was not sufficient to satisfy the GTT, who immediately embarked upon military action.
*** TCA Destroyed ***
The Imperial Newswire is carrying the following report:
The Imperial battle group pulled back whilst attempts were made to board the remaining TCA ship. Although crippled and unable to move it still had an effective weapon and two boarding ships were destroyed approaching the target. A platform belonging to the local government then fired on the TCA ship and it was destroyed
Imperial Admirals must be cursing the missed opportunity of capturing such a rare and valuable target as a TCA vessel.
*** New Leadership ***
The following press release has been received by the IGN Newsroom:
From: Democratic Native Alliance (DNA)
Years of turmoil and war has taken its toll on the Democratic Native Alliance (DNA). Slowly but sturdily the native alliance has crumbled under the constant rigors of war. Throughout the peripheries natives and Naplians alike have had a growing discontent for the aggressive policies of the alliance and more and more localised factions has broken away from the alliance believing they are better off on their own.
As a result the DNA recently dissolved and was no more. From the ruins of a broken alliance natives throughout the peripheries has voted for peace and conciliation. A new alliance has been born - one which favours cooperation and mutual understanding as oppose to war.
The DNA currently have no assets, no technologies and no starbases - nothing. The affiliation will literally have to be rebuilt from absolutely nothing.
This is not a plea for aid however but we appeal to the various affiliations of the peripheries to clear the DNA from their enemy list and hope you will accept our hand of friendship.
If you need to get in touch with the DNA, Zelia Wintersong from the Sisterhood of Zen, is currently the working ambassador of DNA (mail to: nadia_andersen [at] twistedspace [dot] eu )
We here at the IGN wish Zelia Wintersong much luck in reversing the recent calamitous fortunes of the DNA.
*** Pirate Large ***
The rhythmic pirate Large has broadcast more details of his recent capture of Freedom City:
"Ahharrgggghhhhh me hearties.......... It Be Aye.......... Pirate Large...........
Freedom City Continued......
Garrr.. well I be eres to tell yee a bit more abouts what happened on the day we tooks Freedom City.
During the ground assault phase, some o me associates in some o the cruisers we as captured over time went against RIP shipping, protectin me boys on the ground aye they be.
The RIP ship Madonna defence fleet 1 be taken out in the early stages of the encounter aye she be, attacked by 4 of thee. More RIP ships turned up, an 1 o me boys in a light escort couldn't get out o the battle an was lost. This gave us the time though to makes sure me ground attack went to plan.
Also on the same day Small (1118) went into Madonna and locked onto the 50 normal hulled ship RIP Vandel Hearts (19111), many crewmen there be, not a match for thee. After several rounds o hand to hand fightin me boys be lucky enoughs to take the ship, an as it turns out very lucky indeed, as more than 200 marines transferred over to the newly captured ship.
Where as of stardate 207.17.2 Small (1118) wen up against the FET freighter Wrapped Kitty Cat (19493) in Yank, which unknown to Small ad a couple of escorts close by. The ship wen in for the battle and locked onto the target as per a skilful pirate does aye, but when the incoming salvos of missiles ripped through the sides o the ship from the other 2 FET ships it took her out within 2 rounds. The explosion be that big not a single thing survived aye, which brings me as to why I said before it be lucky that more than 200 marines ad gone onto the Vandel Hearts.
181 Human Prisoners (503)
These RIP prisoners be killed in the huge explosion, as I ad not been back to port since then an couldn drops em off, I as been floatin about an forgot to swaps em over. It still took out 304 of me fine fightin men aye it did.
So a tipple o rum to the ship.
She be responsible for over 20 ship captures in her career, an now she be gone I can tell yee a bits as to how it came about.
When I started me pirating career aye, it be in me startin courier, back when men were men, and women were worried, I managed to spot an IND ship called Large (1118) in the St Dismas system, 75 hulls she be, and that ship be took. I then moved over to me new bigger ship, an started me campaign o terror. I tooks 4 ships in 3 weeks in yank system including a FGZ baseship and an MOH ship. Now I don't means to drop people in it here, but at the time 3 years ago the FGZ and the MOH put up 100k rewards each for this ship to be captured or destroyed. So to the FET guy collects your money, and
don't forget I told you and send me a donation for me boys.
Anyways the name stuck with me as I as a codpice to match, not a small marble collection if yee knows where I is coming from.
Still after the changes last year I knews trouble was brewing for ships of this type an moved over to a new flagship. Seeing as I be the boss it only be rights.
Back to Freedom City.....well what can I say we tooks the place an it was noticed that there be a large AFT outpost and many AFT ships in orbit. Now the AFT be especially thick, as I tried to attack them the first day but because nothing triggered the battle I couldn hit the outpost. Now it would have ad things like Pirate starbase Freedom City attacking thee.....but instead of moving their freighters etc away likes any right minded gimp would do, they left them there. I was able to do some jiggery pokery and
trigger a battle and with RIP support, I thank you, we blew up 4 AFT ships and a very good sized outpost. This be one of me goals when I went after Freedom City, to takes out an outpost of 400k in size and as many AFT ships as I could, revenge against Archie it be, not a match for thee. He likes to keep records so the amount of AFT ships I popped there will takes yee a long time to get that back.
Anyways whilst I was in control o Freedom City, I went on a tour of the facility, putting up me flags lookin for the Jiggly room, only then some pratt in me crew owns up he got the wrong base, an the Jiggly room be in yank. So me free pass would be invalid."
Pirate Large also broadcast a story too filthy to repeat here. Shame on you Pirate Large, shame.
*** FET Confirm Destruction ***
The FET Security Director Mike Storm has confirmed that the pirate ship Small was indeed destroyed by a small FET flotilla in the Yank system. As the most recent member of the APTF, the FET Security Director is reportedly the toast of the town in anti-piracy circles.
*** Pirate Broadcast ***
A message is being broadcast throughout the Yank system:
"You are intering Yank, home of the hated APTF! Pirates everywheres offer their prayers for the crew of Pirate Ship Small (1118) the greatest boarding ship to ever sail these black skys! We offers this-here message as tribute to a great ship , a great crew and even better man. Captain Pirate Large!!!!!!!!!!!! pirate ship small....we will miss ye!"
Apparently the broadcast is being made from several jury-rigged decoy probes, whose small size is making it difficult for the authorities to hunt down and destroy.
*** Al Bundy Still Lost ***
Reports are circulating that the ongoing saga of Al and his disappearance inside the hull of an organic korondite plated vessel, is in fact a subterfuge designed to distract the medias attention from Al Bundy's evil plan to launch a massive nuclear strike against multiple civilian population centres across Yank.
Or possibly he is just hiding from his wife.
Either way, there are reports that a man matching Als description has been seen sneaking out of the vessel he is allegedly lost inside, and going out for beer.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Desperately Seeking Squiddy ***
Does anyone have any records on what happened to the first
Commander-in-Chief of DNA, Squiddy or whatever his name was? I remember that a bulky ship was named after him (Squiddy Hulk) I believe it was named.
Does anybody have any records as to what happened to good ol' Squiddy?
*** Desperately Seeking Al ***
jack ryan enterprises is now offering a thousand stellers to anyone who can deliver al bundy to the jiggley room by friday afternoon!
*** Desperately Seeking High Star ***
could someone tell me, who is running this starbase IND Fessin High Star (1971) at the moment?
High Elder Fangneye
***** Special Report *****
The Alexander Enterprises story will return next week, as we are running rather long in this weeks edition of the SSS already.
***** Special Report *****
Bent Nielsen has released a few more details of his new project to design a new off-line order editor for Phoenix. An extract of which I have pinched to reproduce here:
"Just to give you an idea what it is I am blabbing on about here is a player sequence. This is what a user does:
1. The player runs the off-line editor from his desktop.
2. The program (patcher) will prompt him with an initial short menu asking whether he wish to stay off-line or whether he wish to connect to the KJC server to download his latest turns. If he chooses to download his latest turns the program will connect to the KJC server and obtain his position data and it will auto-patch the editor (if any new patch is available).
3. The patcher will close and the main editor will emerge.
4. From the main editor the player will be able to micromanage any aspect of the game ranging from managing an affiliation, viewing history of SAs/GPI/Exploration data, importing and exporting data, to chat with other players using the built-in chat program. Usually he would simply want to create a new turns for his positions. So let's explore that aspect.
5. The player will be able to view his position data as they are currently represented on his printout from KJC Games, but he can also choose to view them as graphical elements representing installed space, cargo space, battle program and so forth. The player can then choose to create his turn the old fashion way (the current style) or he can choose a modern drag&drop style where he can drag items directly from his cargo section and drop it on
another position. Or grab a ship and drop it on a starbase to move it that location etc.
6. Once his is happy with his turn he will connect to KJC server once more to upload his turn(s).
But as you can imagine, the quality of the editor is going to be totally dependent on KJC Games (and David) willingness to supply XML services for the editor.
(KJC Response - yup, once the editor has reached beta we are more than happy to supply any data the player should have access to as part of the game in whatever xml formatting it is to take - not a problem. We welcome any development that improves the game for our players.)
In any case, today is the official starting date of the project. The program will be developed in Java as this seems to be what players what and it thus will ensures that all players with a computer can use the program no matter what platform they are using.
Best regards, Bent Nielsen."
***** From The Posting Boards *****
I'm posting all of Phil's question here, because it's something I'm interested in myself.
"Crew factors in Starbases" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
OK, I've been putting off trying to understand the detail of crew factors in starbases, complacent in the knowledge that the reports all gave me a Combat Efficiency in my Space Combat Report section of 100%. As I'm heading for the giddy heights of working out platforms, I thought I should look at it in more detail - and now I am confused
As far as I can tell from stuff I've read:
a) All personnel give the same crew factors that they do on ships.
Only Fighter Bays (I don't have any) and items listed in the "Space Weapons" section of the Space Combat Report need to be crewed in a Starbase.
c) Even though the rulebook says that ground weapons (and presumably ground fighters and bombers) need crew it would seem this is no longer the case in a starbase, and ditto for support stuff like sensors, targeting computers, shields etc..
d) There is a note that says that security complexes increase crew factors, but no details of how much.
e) I assumed that if it says Combat Efficiency: 100%, you have enough crew factors!
OK. I added up the crew factors needed and the crew factors available. Even though the reports tell me I have 100% efficiency, I don't seem to have enough crew factors when I do the sums. There are security complexes present but I don't know if they help enough (I doubt it in at least one case as I have an outpost with no security complex that still says the efficiency is 100% but my calculations say not).
I then consider the fact that when I destroyed a pirate ship in orbit a few weeks ago, not all my space weaponry appeared to fire. It seemed to fire in alphabetical order though. This might be that I stopped firing when the ship was destroyed so the rest wasn't needed (which seems a no-no from the programming side) or it might be that I didn't have enough crew to fire everything (but the Combat Efficiency said 100% ).
Can anybody help out with a good explanation of how this all works - for starbases initially and then any changes for platforms?
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
04-05-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 18 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Bank Holiday
Due to the bank holiday there will be a no turns processed on Monday 7th May but a double run on Tuesday 8th. The second run is invariably started at 12.30pm so if you want turns processed on the second run please submit between 9am and 12pm.
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** GTT On The Offensive ***
As reported last week the GTT have indeed taken unilateral action launching multiple strikes against DTR and CNF targets, shattering the ceasefire and peace deal that had stood between the warring parties since the major IMP/DTR/CNF summit that took place last year at EEM Blackpool.
Unwilling to let their allies hang out to dry, the IMP have announced that they will join the GTT in offensive operations against the DTR/CNF, and the Peripheries are once more plunged into war between the major power-blocs.
*** GTT Savage Starbase ***
A GTT strikeforce has blasted apart a CNF merchandise base in the Varitang system. There has been no official word, but the rumour mill suggests that the CNF base was virtually undefended as per agreement with the AFT who claim the system and maintain the systems neutrality. Relations between the Confederacy and the AFT are understood to have soured as a result of this attack, as the Imperial-Bloc once again shows their disregard for AFT neutrality.
*** APTF Press Release ***
A recent attack by a pirate flotilla against FET shipping in orbit of Dryad has resulted in several pieces of evidence that have incriminated IND Jack Ryan Enterprises with acts of piracy.
The IND vessel Shanna Spiers, run and operated by Ryan Enterprises, came under attack by the QNG cruiser Fearless whilst attempting to dock with an under-fire pirate vessel that was attempting to escape. It is strongly suspected the Shanna Spiers was attempting to deliver replacement bridges to the recently captured Fugly and Floosy, whose bridges had been destroyed by the attacking pirates the previous day.
The IND Ghost is also suspected to have similarly come under fire, though sensor data is lacking.
Further, the FET Security Director has provided scanning data which has demonstrated that the captain of the IND Thorn Sherman lied regarding a attempted boarding attack by pirates, it transpires that the Thorn Sherman was not in fact attacked by the pirates that struck at the FET shipping moored alongside her, and was most likely acting as spotter for the pirate forces.
The APTF is an advisory group, and has no remit to take any further political or military action with regards this activity. However, Jack Ryan III is now wanted for questioning regarding his links to the pirates Black Dog and Large, and these questionable activities committed by his three IND vessels.
The Independent in question is invited to provide compelling evidence that demonstrates his innocence, particularly something that explains why the Shanna Spiers came under fire for attempting to interact with a Pirate vessel.
*** GTT Attack In Trinity ***
More than fifty GTT warships have launched an attack against the heavily fortified Confederate base in the Trinity system. Despite achieving tactical surprise, the CNF defenders are understood to have inflicted a defeat on the attacking GTT forces, with 7 confirmed kills amongst the GTT, including 3 x 150 Heavy hulled Imperatitsa class, 2 x 150 Normal hulled Hoplon class,1 x 150 Heavy hulled Borodino class and 1 x 100 Heavy hulled Great Michael class, with 12 further GTT ships being damaged.
Our reporters are indicating losses amongst the CNF amounting to 1 x HSZ 25 Normal hulled St Blair Class, 1 x 100 Heavy hulled battleship class, 1 x Small Outpost, 1 x Small platform, 2 x 25XL Shuttle class and 2 x 25 Heavy hulled infiltrators, along with unspecified damage to Spartan Journey.
*** Confederate Patrol Caught ***
GTT Vessels have caught and destroyed a CNF patrol at the wormhole exit in Varitang, as part of their operation against the CNF base on Tintagel in the system.
*** APTF Vessel Destroyed ***
The DTR APTF vessel Ursa Nova has been destroyed in orbit of Mobile Bay in Yank this week by a GTT warship, an IMP warship, and an IMP Starbase. It is understood the GTT started shooting, and the IMP came to their assistance, leaving the APTF Ursa Nova, a Caravel class sensor ship, a shattered hulk burning in space.
This is the second time in the space of a month that the GTT have attacked DTR positions in orbit of Mobile Bay, and serious questions are now being asked about the so-called safety and neutrality of the Yank system in the face of renewed GTT aggression.
The Ursa Nova was engaged in an active and major investigation into a shadowy piracy organisation, an investigation that has now been halted with the loss of the ship and all hands. Rumours abound that the GTT deliberately silenced this investigation by destroying the ship.
Admiral Lord Simms has launched an investigation into how this occurred.
*** GTT Warships Destroyed ***
Two GTT Warspite Class capital ships have been destroyed in the Venice system this week as the GTT probed the defences around both the capital world of the Detinus Republic, and their fleet headquarters.
The GTT Irresistible and Inflexible were lost with all hands, as they were annihilated by the fabled DTR Cow-Tractor Defensive Platforms.
*** FET Issue Warning ***
The FET Security Director Mike Storm has announced a ban on all IND shipping at Angara (81413) Athena (1651) and Dragons Lair (951). IND Captains are warned to stay away or they will be fired upon.
In related news, the Imperial Viceroy has announced that the IND vessels Shanna Spiers and Ghost are banned from Imperial space.
*** GTT Warship Intercepted ***
A lone GTT warspite class capital ship has been intercepted and damaged by a DTR patrol in the Straddle system. The GTT Illustrious was subsequently captured by the DTR Marine Corp.
An unofficial source has suggested the Illustrious was on a suicide run to test the Straddle Defences, and the DTR are said to be questioning the captain and 43 crew who had been sent to their apparent deaths.
*** Sneaky Pirate ***
The pirate vessel Mark Of Zorro has outfoxed several affiliations by apparently transiting the Twinkle stargate right under the noses of several vessels with active enemy lists.
Experts are puzzled as to exactly how he managed it.
*** DTR Responds To Crisis ***
The Detinus Republic Senate have met in emergency session to debate their intent to launch an immediate and thorough investigation into the speaker of the House, Michelle Diaz's out of control personal expense claims. One Senator has been quoted that it is simply not acceptable for the people of the DTR to payroll the Diaz shoe-shopping budget.
In related news, the Minister For Office Supplies And Other Sundries, Cassius Jerusalem, has announced an immediate moratorium on the use of paperclips throughout the DTR until his department conducts a full scale review of all office supply spending protocols.
Nobody has yet pointed out to the Minister that paperclips became obsolete over two years ago with the development of the Advanced Paper Clip Mk2.
*** CNF Announce Ban ***
The CNF Supreme Commander has issued the following statement:
With immediate effect AFT shipping is no longer welcome in CNF orbits
where they do not have an AFT owned base or outpost.
I do not speak for the BHD or CIA on this matter at this time, only the
CNF Supreme Commander.
***** Special Report *****
How Independent can you be?
(As much as they will let you…!)
The continuing Alexander Enterprises story
as told through the private log of Starcaptain Enkar Gorod
Part 2 - The inception of Alexander Enterprises
197.45.1: This is the log of Enkar Gorod, Starcaptain aboard the IND Cog Alexander II (295). After many boring weeks of inactivity, the crews of the Alexander, Everclear and Tuborg have decided to seek their fortune elsewhere, and have quit service. They even took the ships with them for outstanding payment, which in my opinion borders on mutiny! I've been told that this is a common problem though, and that there is no point chasing after them.
Anyways, so that's only me left with 13 other loyal crewmen aboard this Cog which has just had its maintenance done. We only have a small amount of stellars left, but I am sick of trade runs - the real money is made elsewhere. We still have good contacts to the KAS, DNA and DTR as well as some other individuals which must be worth something. After I decided that I had to expand my area of operations beyond Yank, the Alexander II gets refitted with exploration gear and sets out for the nearby Solo system which reputedly also offers good trade opportunities.
197.45.4: Solo does indeed offer unparalleled trade opportunities. Something you might expect from the home system of the Association of Free Traders, but somehow I hadn't figured that out earlier which is a shame really. The AFT crown colony Ariel is selling premium equipment and goods at better prices than anywhere in Yank. Yet, I decide to continue exploration for now. When I run out of money I can return to those boring trade runs any day, after all.
198.8.5: Having explored various planets in the fascinating Solo system for several weeks, we descended on the moon Haven today where we stumbled across a heap of abandoned cargo obviously jettisoned by some cargo vessel for an unknown reason. The equipment, altogether four mining complex units and 20 structural units, is taken aboard. What is far more interesting, however, is an eerie alien artefact of the size of a huge mountain in sector 2-6 of this world, resembling a cube of at least 10km on all sides. However fascinating, my crew and I fail to gain any understanding of the thing and after a month of unsuccessful, inconclusive exploration and experiments we finally decide to abandon it and leave it to others to uncover its secrets. Eventually I order the ship back to Yank for maintenance. Prior to leaving this world we build a small storage outpost from the mines and structurals collected earlier, to make room in the cargo hold.
198.22.1: My life again seems to consist of endless boring trade runs with extended periods of complete inactivity in between. This is not the life I dreamed of as a starcaptain. Sure, it pays the bills for the fancy but economically unrewarding exploration stuff, but something has to improve, and quickly! To this end, I have decided to re-structure my little enterprise, drawn up a company charter and decided on a more proactive course of action. I have also approached a few potential employers, offering my services.
From now on, I will run IND Alexander Enterprises as a brand for reliable special services. Trade and more...
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
14-05-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 20 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** GTT Announcement ***
Lord Goth has made the following statement from the GTT media centre regarding the recent hostilities:
"As was reported in the SSS this week, the GTT have taken unilateral offensive actions against the DTR and CNF. These actions were taken after one final attempt to work things out diplomatically with the DTR/CNF. The attack was not a sneak attack and was mostly focussed in the inner empire where our claims and requests are largely ignored. The GTT refuse to allow the DTR/CNF blocks to expand into the inner empire unopposed. The GTT membership voted against the "unofficial peace" even though the former PD was keen to sign on to the agreement.
The GTT fully expect massive retaliation and we are prepared for it. We thank our stalwart allies for sticking with us even though we did not include them in the planning of our security measures. The IMP have proven themselves great friends even in these trying times.
One item has come out of this attack that has raised the issue of AFT neutrality once again. Many threats were received from the AFT's Archangel with regard to our attacks and we wonder out loud how neutral this commander really is.
For the record, if the AFT involve themselves militarily against the GTT in any way, they will be immediately declaring war against us - EVERYWHERE - and will be subject to immediate retaliation. This retaliation will not necessarily be in proportion to the assaults against our assets.
If the AFT care to stay out of military conflict, they must be militarily neutral... Defending or supporting our enemies in any way is not being neutral.
No excuses will be heard, only the actions will be judged."
There has at time of press been no official response from either Confederate or Detinus sources. Indeed according to our reporters at New Tate, the DTR Senate have all gone on holiday for a long weekend as part of their Festival Of New Shoes event.
*** GTT Tickle Defences ***
The DTR Starbase of Zion in the Ruin system was set onto full alert yesterday as a GTT scout force was detected closing on the base. The GTT scout team was destroyed in short order, but it suspected they were sacrificed in order to test the ground defences of the DTR base.
*** Imperial Outpost Applications ***
I know, it seems an eternity to me too, but at long last the imperial outpost application notice returns to the pages of the Inter-Galactic News! We are positively beside ourselves with excitement:
"A application has been received to exploit the following codes in the Teller system 72822, 62258, 77896, 32131, 97168, 16190, 43067, 29223, 86581, 53372, 31071, 83238 and 45805. Anyone already exploiting these codes in the Teller system should inform the Viceregal Administration by day five, week twenty, giving the celestial body on which they are being exploited. Admiral Lord Simms Imperial Viceroy."
*** Pirate Escapes ***
The pirate vessel Devil Dog has escaped a patrol of SMS APTF warships in the Aladdin system. The SMS are reporting that the Devil Dog took off like a bat out of hell as soon as it spotted their cruisers on intercept, and they were simply unable to keep pace.
*** High Star ***
The independent starbase High Star is once again open for business, and no longer part of the GTT.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The pirate vessel Brandy, a yacht class scout, has been destroyed by the CIA in orbit of the London wormhole. The Brandy appears to have been part of the pirate Black Dogs flotilla, as he has released the following statement to the press:
When Slygo brung me the bad news me secretary stuckk her hed up froum under the desk an said, 'shit blacky-the-'Oribble' (we be role playing. she be pretending to polish me sword and I bee She sayss 'I knew one of them blokes on piratee ship brandy. Talks about irony!!!!!
Well, Blind dog willy was passin by. He 'ad an extra long hot dog in each hand an one stickin out o the back o his trousers. Hey, I just reports the news. He thought when she saiid ironey, that she be referring to me peter. The irrony was that this be the same ship that spotted for the Great Pirate Ship Alexander when it took the CIA SHIP Malham (25606) a few days ago nere that same spot.
A terrible tradeoff if you asks me. A fine little scout ship with a crew of happy goes lucky lads out doin a little siight seeing, just takin in the air.. Gone forever. All we got out o the deal was a loussy 100 lt hull freigt ship with a High G Lander (356)/ hardly worth a fine littlde irreeplacuble scout ship like the Brandy. Natcherly the crew drops thier trousers to half mast an mooons all o ye. And they all puts on thier blackk rubberz in memmery of the Brandy."
Frankly I feel we have all learnt enough about the rituals of piracy now.
*** Pirate Success **
The CIA vessel Malham has been captured by pirates in the London system. The pirate vessel responsible, the Alexander, is understood to be part of Black Dogs flotilla.
***** Special Report *****
How Independent can you be?
(As much as they will let you…!)
The continuing Alexander Enterprises story
as told through the private log of Starcaptain Enkar Gorod
Part 3 - Serious business
198.27.1: A party that I shall not reveal has approached me to hire my IND services. They have learned of a fascinating race of beings that live inside a gas giant. Communication with the aliens is difficult, but they will provide incredibly advanced programming and tuning to certain ship systems in exchange for certain chemicals dumped into the gas giant as payment. Due to tensions between my employer-to-be and the system owner, I am to serve as middle man with my neutral IND status. Three new ships, fresh from the KAS Rubis and EEM Balmoral shipyards, are to obtain the upgrades: The IND "Runaway" (2947), a Supra Freighter (a predecessor design to today's Barge and Caravel designs); the IND "Grain of Salt" (3270), of the new Space Liner class built at EEM Balmoral (a predecessor to today's Far Courier design) and the IND Surveyor "Apogee" (429). The employer is only interested in certain upgrades out of the random upgrades that will be obtained, and reserves a preceding right to buy any ship upgraded in this way. As an incentive he arranged for an upgrade of the Alexander II from Cog to Carrier class at the AFT Ariel shipyards. I am very happy!
198.32.4: Today the AFT have finished the refit of the Alexander II to Carrier class by basically tearing it apart and building its parts into something much bigger. I now have one of the largest and most versatile freighters available in the peripheries. Hard to believe that this ship was once only a Heavy Freighter upgraded to Cog. Although the registry has not changed, it is essentially a new ship now - big enough for really profitable trade or standalone missions.
198.32.5: Another special assignment: Following special orders from the DTR, the IND Runaway was diverted to the Darkfold system to deploy some biochemists on a certain moon before joining the rest of the small fleet at the gas giant. Not sure why the DTR didn't do it themselves, but money taken and no questions asked. That was easy!
198.33.1: The Apogee, upon arriving at the gas giant with the strange aliens, delivered its payload of chemicals and received a peculiar energy weapon sequencer program that significantly improves the performance of beam weapons. A similar transaction this week sees the ship's systems re-aligned to effectively block scans of its configuration, something that would require around 200 jammers to do with regular tech. The Runaway receives an upgrade doubling the efficiency of their life support systems and another one effectively providing the ship with cloaking capability. Amazing! Their mission complete, the ships are ordered back to Yank but surprisingly it turns out that none of these upgrades was what my employer was really after. Alexander Enterprises get to keep the ships as payment for our efforts. I can live with that. Alexander Enterprises now have a fleet of four ships.
198.35.5: I have told the DTR about the upgrades on the Runaway and they are very excited about the ship. So intensely interested in fact that they have invited the Runaway to dock at one of their major military starbases where their scientists immediately swarm the ship. After about two days of intense examination they admit that they do not understand the alien technology upgrade and have no hope of copying it. Still the DTR generously offers to buy the ship. But the price offered frankly isn't good enough. I rather think to myself I should go back and collect a few more of these upgrades - they appear to be enormously valuable to certain affiliations, far more than I would have thought.
198.38.1: My earlier explorations in the Solo systems had revealed that the exact chemicals required to trade with the gas giant aliens can be skimmed from the atmosphere of the gas giant Leviathan in Solo. That removes my biggest concern, the scarcity of suitable chemicals (or rather, their outrageous price on the free market). After proper preparation and configuring, the Alexander II, Grain of Salt and Apogee proceed to Leviathan where the ships all fill their cargo holds to capacity. Then they set course to return to the gas giant where the strange aliens live.
198.41.3: Upon arriving at their destination, my little fleet fails to make contact with the aliens in the gas giant. It seems that they have retreated too deep into the gas giant to reach them anymore, due to seasonal fluctuations in the local weather. The science staff aboard the Grain of Salt determines the aliens will not be available for trade for a long time. Damn! Could they not have told me this beforehand? So much time and effort wasted! Frustrated at the lost opportunity I give in to the renewed DTR offer and the Runaway is sold to them to raise some funds.
Following a new mission from the DTR, Apogee is sent to deliver supplies the ground party which the Runaway deployed in Darkfold earlier, and comes back with 57 mass units of a rare ore called gravitron which is passed on to the DTR as ordered. Wouldn't want to upset an employer by nicking some of the cargo, although I must admit that this ore is intriguing indeed. However, without an industry base of my own I have no use for it and cannot seriously research its properties either.
198.41.4: Upon returning to Rubis, contact is made with undercover naplians who offer to buy weapons for a high price at a secret meeting place on the surface of Utopia MCXVI (in the Capellan system), which they call Naplia. Seems like the galactic underdogs prepare for an uprising and for me it's a golden opportunity to make some real money. The Grain of Salt then makes for the Venice system to obtain weapons. After I told them that these weapons would be used against the best interests of the IMP, the DTR were surprisingly open to my request and charged only moderate prices for an outstanding collection of modern weapon technology. Most of my time now goes into collecting samples of advanced weaponry and combat equipment of all kinds imagineable, plus heaps of regular weaponry, for sale on Utopia.
198.48.1: Another new ship joins our ranks. The Yacht IND "Rubberduck" (752) will be used to scout markets in and around Yank to find trade opportunities, and takes up station in Solo by week 51.
A contact request via the EEM regarding the RAT (Raiding, Acquisition & Trade) affiliation turned out negative today. Looks like they don't exist anymore in the peripheries (merged into the CIA) which is a shame as I had considered joinig them due to their profile. The EEM are unable or unwilling to contact the core RAT back in the confederacy home systems about restarting a business branch here in the perhipheries. Oh well, I'll just remain IND then.
198.51.1: Following the invitation by the naplian arms smugglers at Rubis, the Alexander II runs a cargo of guns to Utopia MCXVI and sets up a ground party on the surface, aptly named "Lawful Traders" (4617). Over the course of the upcoming months, the Alexander II, Apogee and Grain of Salt use this GP to stockpile thousands MUs of weapons, mostly small arms, but also samples of virtually any fighting vehicle and weapon system I could get my hands on through my many contacts.
198.51.4: Looking for new sources of revenue on the sidelines while trading in the Yank, Solo and Venice (and Capellan…) systems, the Apogee has been exploring a little on the planet Istria in Venice, the DTR home system, while purchasing arms for the DNA. The crew find an intriguing, and exceedingly rare, predator roaming the mountains. A few well aimed shots later the predator species is a little closer to extinction and our biolabs isolate 8 mass units of a substance identified as Cortalon, a combat drug, from the carcass. This is interesting and might be useful for my arms broker career so, after purchasing a few samples of battle armour and a cargo full of small arms from DTR bases in Venice, the Apogee is ordered to proceed to Capellan for delivery. I can now even include a few doses of the combat drug to my weapons exhibition for the naplians, courtesy of the DTR (well, sort of…). The greater part of the cortalon however is put aside aboard the Rubberduck, which is still drifting is a safe locatoin near the Solo Trinary.
199.3.5: While smuggling arms to Utopia, the crew of the Apogee noted ancient ruins on the surface at sector 19-25 from orbit and are given permission to investigate. The investigation quickly reveals (through a big sign on the ground, written in Empire common) the site to be the "ancient ruins" of former RAT starbase Sin City which was abandoned and completely salvaged some years ago. Thoroughly embarrassed, the would-be explorers aboard the Apogee hastily return to their regular duty and move the ship to EEM Hypso for maintenance.
Meanwhile, the Lawful Traders have accumulated enough items for a magificent weapons show. They provide the naplians not only with 3805 mass units of small arms, for which the resistance pay very well, but also present a wide collection of modern weaponry including various types of advanced tanks, warplanes, combat shuttles, support vehicles, battle armour and even combat drugs. The naplians are well impressed, so impressed in fact that Alexander Enterprises now have their full support on this world. This could be used to insert agents into bases on this world without actually having to enter the bases ourselves, among other things. Always glad to make a customer happy, and a substantial sum of money is secured for the business, too. Life is good.
199.10.4: Having noted a derelicted Surveyor class vessel, the Indominable (360), in Yank, the Rubberduck is sent to board it but is narrowly beaten to it by either the AFT, SMS or FET (I never found out) who all arrive on the scene with scavenger ships at the same time as the Rubberduck. Shame, especially considering how long I had known about the derelict until I decided to salvage it for myself. Early bird gets the worm and I congratulate the unknown venturer who realized this a split second before I did.
PS: Damn damn damn! Double damn!!
199.14.1: Seven weeks ago I struck a deal with the governor of the AFT base Eclypse, in the Adamski system. He hired me to do some exploration and research on the planet Suzze in Aladdin. I am to investigate an anomaly in the planetary GPI readings. As payment up front, he offered to upgrade the Apogee to a Free Trader class ship, plus 5 Biochemists to man my on-board labs for the duration of the mission. Last week the upgrade was finally finished at AFT Eclypse, after many red tape type problems. This Free Trader class is much bigger than the Surveyor class, and most importantly they have this queer superfast special jump drive invented by the AFT... time is money for a trader, after all. But for now the Apogee is an explorer and has a mission to see after.
I have also purchased a new Yacht from EEM Hypso in Capellan, named IND "Pi" (2954). This ship is sent on a exploration tour of the Capellan system, to survey new trade possibilities.
199.16.1: A friend in the DTR with more advanced comm gear has relayed my registry request to the IMP Viceroy and today I received the confirmation that my little trade fleet including namely the IND Alexander II, IND Apogee and IND Rubberduck are registered as legal traders in the Capellan periphery. Home region of the likes of FET, SMS and GTT, most interesting markets outside neutral Yank and Solo are in the Capellan periphery and I'm duly excited. A whole new area of promising markets is awaiting me!
199.20.1: The Apogee has finally received all the necessary exploration gear after further bureaucratic delays and has arrived at Suzze in Aladdin to begin with its assigned investigation. Surprisingly, there are bases of the AFT, FET and IND established on the planet already - and nobody has uncovered the secret behind these mysterious GPI readings yet?
199.21.1: Back in Darkfold, the CIA have arrested the ground party originally deployed by the Runaway. As could be expected from the CIA, no formal charge of illegal conduit was ever brought forward and nothing was ever heard again from the scientists. For lack of a real alternative I elect not to pursue the matter, especially as the CIA may not yet be aware of Alexander Enterprises involvement.
199.23.4: The tiny Yacht Rubberduck, having outlived its usefulness, is turned in at GTT HQ and exchanged for a brand new Behemoth class hauer that I purchased here. Same registry for the Behemoth, IND Rubberduck (752). I get along quite well with the GTT person responsible and am wondering if I should not upgrade my whole fleet to Behemoths, budget permitting. This ship even outclasses the Alexander II when it comes to sheer cargo capacity, although the design does have a major drawback: Structural integrity. It cannot be used for anything but haulage and it cannot land without external help, i.e. only at starbases. (A flaw that was remedied even for the mkI versions in the Phoenix upgrade.) At any rate, it is the biggest commonly available bulk hauler there is and as such it is a major asset for a trading company such as Alexander Enterprise. I am very happy!
The ship is sent to Yank immediately to take up cargo assignments. In exchange for shipping items around in their space the DTR have authorized me to pick up photon guns which are then sold to KAS Rubis for a very good price. Within only a few weeks, the Rubberduck has already earned its price over.
199.25.5: This week I've been hired to act as a middle man again. Looks like I do have a reputation now. The DNA want to strike out against a FGZ installation on Mobile Bay in Yank. Something about slavery, genetic experiments, hideous mutilations, the usual stuff associated with the Flagritz. The naplians want to end that and free their brethren from FGZ oppression.
The problem is that the DNA have neither the neccessary weapons nor the means to bring them to Mobile Bay. But they have money, and are willing to pay a good price for tanks and mercenaries. Once I knew their buying price I approached the unsuspecting DTR about their selling price, which, unsurprisingly, was considerably lower. Customer relations are a nice thing indeed. The best thing is that the DTR are selling the weapons to me from exactly where the DNA desperately want them delivered to: Mobile Bay!
Today, the DTR base on Mobile Bay, DTR Bablyon, has authorized me to pick up 200 troops and 356 tanks in return for stellars transferred to them in advance.
199.26.5: Somehow I cannot get the Kastor system, where I had gathered intel for the KAS on my very first mission with my startup Surveyor, out of my mind. Only two planets there, one of them a gas giant with the moon of Kastor where the Kastorian race alledgedly originate from... a desolate wasteland, completely devastated by an ancient war... a scavenger civilisation among the ruins... has nobody ever taken a closer look at such an interesting system so close to Yank? Probably not, because the almighty Yank Kastorian Military Junta are at war with their Kastor brethren and hire young starcaptains to do the dirty (or dangerous) work. I wonder if there is anything to be gained from working for the other side?
Following up on these thoughts I have brought the Yacht Pi to dock with the only starport known on Kastor, Drougal. The first contact is somewhat downhearting, however, as the Kastor Kastorians are somewhere between rudely indifferent and openly hostile to outsiders. Definitely related to the guys in Yank. My friends in the DTR later told me I was lucky not to have my ship impounded - seems like the Kastorians actually seized a DTR explorer once, killed the crew and stole the ship when it "came in peace". My crew fared just a little better. Although the KST made it clear that we weren't trusted, we were given an opportunity to prove ourselves to them: My enterprise is hired for a spionage mission against their arch-enemies, the Yank Kastorians, and their capital base KAS Rubis. Trade is outright refused until that "request" is fulfilled, and one of my crewmen is shot dead by a concealed sniper on the way back to the ship through the ruins. Just so. The Pi is ordered to move to Yank and commence on the espionage assignment nevertheless.
I think Kastor has potential. It could be an excellent retreat and hiding place for any sort of dodgy work, where no questions are asked. Nobody in their right mind would look for the Alexander Enterprises HQ in this place. And there are clearly no allegiances here, they shoot everyone with equal disregard. Need to impress them so that they cooperate or at least leave me alone…
199.27.4: This whole thing still makes me grin smugly after so many years: The DTR port authorities at Babylon stared in disbelief today as 200 mercenary troops and 356 pulsar tanks (aka Battle Tanks mkII) entered the cargo hold of the Alexander II on one side of the ship, only to move back out to the starport on the other side of the ship where a previously unconspicious DNA ground party was happily accepting the delivery into their ranks. The Alexander II picked up one cargo full at a time, then directly delivered them to the ground party and in this way picked up (and delivered) the whole consignment in a single day.
The KAS and FGZ were similarly surprised when a day later, this same DNA ground party stormed the FGZ base Fessin Rahm (664) apparently out of the blue and conquered it in a surprise action, causing considerable damage and liberating thousands of naplian captives in the process. What an uproar - and the KAS cannot explain how the DNA obtained the arms in the first place, as they didn't register any ship bringing them in. I can't help but smile, and even feel I did a good thing here.
199.27.5: The DNA capture of the FGZ base has serious repercussions for the DNA, the KAS are absolutely mad. All over the Yank system naplians flee the KAS wrath on any more or less spaceworthy vessel they can find. It is obviously a wise decision not to reveal Alexander Enterprises involvement in the FGZ Fessin Rahm incident, and keep a low profile for now. And from the looks of it the DTR understandably aren't willing to admit the origin of the troops and tanks either. After all, it was them who sold them to me, although that was perfectly legal. To this day, nobody has ever approached Alexander Enterprises about the incident. As far as I can tell we didn't even break any laws as it was not illegal to sell weapons to the DNA on Mobile Bay either. Wether the KAS are open for such legal debate is another question entirely, as they are not exactly known for their fine elaborate understanding of law, justice or decorum and have already made their opinion on the matter quite clear.
199.31.1: My freighters are now put to good, honest, lucrative and most of all, unconspicious, work right under the nose of the KAS while they brutally purge the DNA naplians from Yank over their Fessin Rahm attack. For the rest of the year the Alexander II and the Rubberduck are busy with a large transport assignment for the DTR: They are dismantling their base DTR Babylon on the planet Mobile Bay to set up another trade center, DTR Porta Capella, on one of Mobile Bay's moons. Complex modules, colony equipment, ores and other goods of all sorts are transferred from Mobile Bay to the new site on Lunk in mind-boggling numbers. I don't have to understand their reasoning, I just carry out my work and get paid. Perhaps the DTR got a bit nervous after the DNA/FGZ thing and the KAS response?
199.38.4: Today my little spy ship, the Pi, was caught red-handed while debriefing an agent in the KAS Rubis starport who in turn had been spotted spying on their space and ground weapon systems. The data was being transmitted just as KAS security forces seized the ship; the fate of the agent and the crew remain unknown but circumstancial evidence suggests they were killed when the tiny spacecraft was stormed by kastorian troops.
Sadly, there was nothing we could do to help them.
Luckily, their actions cannot be traced to Alexander Enterprises.
199.40.5: After many weeks of investigation, the science staff aboard Apogee have solved the mystery about the wrong GPI reading on Suzze in Aladdin at last: On a global scale, the interaction of the world's peculiar flora and fauna with the ground produces faulty sensor readings which in turn generate wrong geological projections from the GPI computers. Once the reason is known it is easy to filter the disturbance, obtain correct GPI readings and derive correct data from these. Congratulations to ourselves for a job well done! Another happy customer, this time in the AFT.
199.42.3: The Alexander II receives a full armour upgrade; life is dangerous in the peripheries after all. The ship then resumes its cargo assignments.
199.46.5: The Apogee, being recalled from Aladdin, arrives at KST Drougal where it provides the KST with recon data on the KAS in Yank, fulfilling the espionage assignment originally given to the late Yacht Pi. Instead of money, payment is requested and given in the form of 100 professional troopers and access to the KST training facilities. Training of my troops starts immediately and diplomatic relations begin to… exist.
***** From The Posting Boards *****
"Officer Training" in forum "Everything Else".
Sorry if this is already here, but I was asked about it the other night, and couldn't find it anywhere on here when I searched for officer training. This is the information as it was presented on the old site:
Officers are no longer unquie items in the game and carry all their induvidual information on their positions. They have no item number but can be transfered via the new pickup/deliver orders using the position based identifier.
Officers are displayed as
Officers Name (#1)
and you can use #1 (not 1) to refer to them in pickup/delivers. However the #id of the officer will change when they are transfered to another position, so it is not as final as transactions with normal items.
Officers will lose their current experience and have it replaced with training points equal to their experience % that can be spend with a training complex visit (existing officers can do this order anywhere + its free).
Training points are gained via civilian and naval activities. Each time any skills is raised by 1 lvl the training point to raise any skill in that category increase. Max skill lvl is 4.
Skill point progression is 1/2/4/8/8/8......
So lvl 3 Navigation + Lvl 2 Leadership costs ([1+2+4]+[8+8])
Training points are gained for combat and time spent on active starships
The 'Train Officer' order allows experience points to be spent at starbase training complexes to train your officers. The cost is [500/1000/2000/4000] stellars for each lvl of training (10% goes to starbase owner).
Officer Experience
Combat Experience per battle is:
Took damage: 1pt
Took damage > 25dmg/surface area: 1pt
Did damage: 1pt
Did damage > 25dmg/surface area: 1pt
Destroyed an enemy: 1pt
Civilian Experience is sometimes earnt during the cause of a turn (i am not being more specific).
Exp per officer = combat/Civilian Exp / (number officers) ^(1/2);
Exp is only gain on ships but works on other positions. Officer can spend skill points in civilian or naval.
Officer Naval Skills
Dodge [+.5g dodge/lvl] (Ships only)
Accuracy [+.5 acc/lvl]
Fleeing [+.5g dodge when fleeing]
Leadership [+5% crew factors per lvl]
Sensors [+5% sensor power]
Stealth [-5% Visible Surface Area/lvl] (Ships only)
Officer Civilian Skills
Exploration [Flagged to GM]
Trade [-1 Tus Transactions/lvl]
Prospecting [-5% Tus/lvl]
GPI [+25% GPI Sensor factors/lvl]
Navigation [+5% man speed per lvl]
Jumping [-5% Jump time per lvl]
The topic can be found here:
***** Message From The Editor *****
I have an update from Bent regarding how his work on his redesign of the offline order editor is going:
After one week of vigorously programming, designing and re-designing I am happy to inform you that phase 1 of the new off-line order editor is starting to take shape.
Phase 1 of the project includes:
1. Database data-tree - A very neat data-tree that lets you view and issue different orders
18-05-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 20 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Fleet Movements In Yank ***
The neutrality of the Yank system looked under threat this week as the Flagritz Empire moved against COH holdings in accordance with their agreement with the Kastorian Military Junta.
A number of what have been described as 'dodgy' political dealings saw the ex-FLZ base captured recently by the COH change hands to first an IND registry and then to the FCN, leaving the FLZ strike fleet comprising nearly twenty 200 heavy-hulled warships severely outnumbered as a dangerous game of brinksmanship saw large numbers of FCN and SMS warships enter orbit to defend the newly-FCN base.
With threat and counter-threat flying, our latest information is that the FLZ warships left orbit, reluctantly. Although initial indications are that the FCN involvement in this matter has drawn anger from the Kastorian Military Junta, who are applying pressure against the FCN. Many other governments have also expressed their grave concerns off the record to our reporters about the extent to which FCN actions have endangered the neutrality of Yank.
The FLZ have demanded the return of starbase #3984 within one week, or there will be further repercussions.
*** Freighter Destroyed ***
A DTR freighter has been destroyed in the Varitang system by GTT gunboats.
*** GTT Launch Attack ***
Following their success against the CNF starbase in Varitang, the GTT forces have continued their rolling offence against the DTR starbase Ascension, also on the planet Vehrenberg.
A ground assault by two divisions of GTT troops consisting of over 300 pieces of armour and 1200 veteran soldiers was cut to shreds by the Detinus defences, with no reported GTT survivors.
The GTT then commenced long range bombardment with both artillery and orbital warships. DTR sources are reporting very light damage, with most of the GTT fire failing to penetrate the starbase shields.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The pirate vessel Candy UA Shaw has been destroyed attempting to penetrate the DTR Cow-Tractor Platform defensive lines. As an unfortunate sidenote a nearby DTR Caravel Class Freighter saw the pirate and promptly fell to pieces with the loss of almost all hands.
The DTR Freighter is reported to have had a 'nervous disposition'.
*** Jack Ryan ***
The IND Jack Ryan is still wanted for questioning by the APTF, and has reportedly disappeared from his offices. Pressure is mounting on Mr Ryan and the Regular Independent Traders, with the FCN Emperor issuing the following statement;
"We have noted that assets belonging to Jack Ryan have become RIP. Jack Ryan is wanted for questioning by the FCN. He is suspected of organizing pirate activity within the Acropolis, Twinkle and Onwards systems. If the RIP are found to be aiding this individual they will be banned from Falconian space and fired upon should they be encountered by our patrols."
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** For Sale ***
Greetings Traders
Please be advised AFT Maples Reach on Steel in St. Dismas has recently put on the market a truly remarkable lifeform.
Give your citizens the chance to relax and unwind to the tranquil sounds of the wind easing through the beautiful leaves and branches of the Steel Maple.
Tech Manual below:
> Tech Manual {30534}
Steel Maple (30534) - 1 mu
These are planted on other worlds to improve the aesthetic qualities
of the infrastructure. They also serve as shade and can be used for
Item Type: Life
Value at Source: 0.5 (Stellars/mu)
Local Value: 0.5 (Stellars/mu)
Lifeform: Yes
Origin System: St. Dismas
Origin Planet: Steel
I've put a small stock onto our market - more will be coming very soon.
Maximillian Price
CEO Interstellar Holdings
AFT Maples Reach, Steel, St. Dismas
*** For Sale ***
Fm: The Iron Breth'ren (QNG)
Honored Sentients!
The Iron Breth'ren is currently seeking sources of certain ores at reasonable, remarketable prices. We are interested in sizable lots of fibrillium, rare earth elements, and jacium. Also in celesium, collidiium, and korondite. Iffen you have stockpiles you wish to sell, please contact the Iron Breth'ren at Kantnerrocs [at] webbwireless(dot)net!
Bugging out! K!!
Master ib Kl'kkl'kk
for the Iron Breth'ren
*** Desperately Seeking Thanatos ***
Would the owner of RIP Thanatos (2058) be so kind as to contact me please.
rick4gaming at yahoo dot com
*** New Trader ***
Geeting fellow citizens
My name is Kintoo head of Kintoo's Holdings a small RIP trading company, I am new to the peripheries and would like to offer my transport and delivery services to all clients.
For a modest fee I would be happy to ship your goods for you.
*** Recruitment ***
Greetings all
The DEN needs new blood, we need governors, warriors, explorers and merchants, so if you want to be an alien and mean at times, then contact us at
Sarek [at] stofanet [dot] dk
if you want to know a bit more about DEN, then look at this website www.fgz.freeuk.com/Dewiek.htmlor contact me in private.
Vice PD Fangneye
Dewiek Elder Nation
*** Information Wanted ***
Could Governors of non-Dewiek starbases and owners of outposts within Dewiek Space, please contact me as soon as possible.
First Lord Fangneye
Dewiek Elder Nation
***** From The Posting Boards *****
Mica has posted an article regarding Affiliation Profiles:
There is a concern amongst some players that playing to profile gives no benefit and changing profile to suit the situation is not sufficiently penalised - warlike affs becoming fluffy bunnies and peaceful affs waging war.
While there are in-game ramifications through special events (most of these behind the scenes and not publicised), there has been a request for more visible ramifications for changing profile or ignoring inconvenient aspects of a profile.
The primary reason is that for Phoenix to remain more than a wargame, features such as diplomacy, consistency and profile should be play a greater role.
As players may be aware we are soon to launch the online affiliation package as a forerunner to the infrastructure. This can easily accommodate fixed profiles and these profiles can also have in-game effects, if this is what is wanted. These effects can be further extended to infrastructure and implemented when launched.
As game designers however last time we ventured down this road we hit an impasse. Specifically we coded the political situation, but when we tried to give it teeth, there was a huge outcry. If we can get a consensus this time round we can code something.
The suggestions to date are:
Hard coded system claims with effects (taxation/defence other benefits).
Affiliation wide merchandising penalty for being scanned and publicly announced in enemy territory.
Profile templates with bonuses/penalties for specific behaviour.
Please discuss.
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
25-05-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 21 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Bank Holiday
Due to the bank holiday there will be a no turns processed on Monday 28th May but a double run on Tuesday 29th. The second run is invariably started at 12.30pm so if you want turns processed on the second run please submit between 9am and 12pm.
UK Games Expo
We are attending the convention next weekend (1st-3rd June)
David, Phil (Quest) and myself will be there. Admittedly mostly to drink and talk toot, but we have a stand and it will be supervised - mostly... So if you are free and fancy popping along we will be more than happy to see you.
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Fleet Action In Acropolis ***
Breaking news. Reports are reaching our news-room that the Flagritz Empire battlefleet recently spotted in Yank has jumped into the Acropolis system, where it has been brought to battle by a combined FCN/SMS fleet.
An IGN reporter stationed with the SMS fleet has witnesses first hand the battle, the first major clash between Consortium forces and the FLZ outside of restricted systems.
Despite being heavily outnumbered by a hulls ratio of 3.25:1, the FCN and SMS seem to have taken the initiative and pounded the FLZ warships, many of which are vast lumbering 200 hull designs.
After the first day of battle our reporters indicate that 1 SMS predator class carrier has been destroyed, along with 6 FLZ vessels. Commodore Baalazar of the SMS has been kind enough to provide us with the following footage:
FLZ ZZ-Junyo (4549) - Ship
Ba'cl-fsen Class Capital Ship {Medium Armour}
Armour: 38.6 Scints: 14.9 Shields: 915(15.3)
Hull Damage: 38.7%
Targeted by SMS Bronzefox (4251) - 10919 [19650] Damage
Attacking FCN HIP Brown Bullit T (19568) - 2348 [4570] Damage
INTEGRITY BREAKDOWN - Ship reduced to debris
FLZ ZZ-Kli-la (48526) - Ship
Ambush Cruiser Class Carrier {Medium Armour}
Armour: 38.3 Scints: 7.5 Shields: 22(3.4)
Hull Damage: 100.0%
Attacking SMS Cobra-3 (90373) - 941 [1860] Damage
FLZ ZZ-Verhik (47833) - Ship
Ra'cl-pto Class Capital Ship {Heavy Armour}
Armour: 75.8 Scints: 15.2 Shields: 9(1.7)
Hull Damage: 40.0%
Targeted by SMS Bronzefist (4986) - 5809 [16725] Damage
Targeted by SMS Perfidious-3 (2026) - 25149 [42000] Damage
Targeted by FCN TQ Kunguru (21735) - 2408 [4260] Damage
Attacking SMS Rattle-3 (89790) - 1269 [2250] Damage
INTEGRITY BREAKDOWN - Ship reduced to debris
FLZ ZZ-Nit'sa (13777) - Ship
Ti'cl-rani Class Destroyer {Medium Armour}
Armour: 37.3
Hull Damage: 100.0%
FLZ ZZ-Exo-skil'on (64380) - Ship
Ti'cl-rani Class Destroyer {Medium Armour}
Armour: 39.7 Scints: 7.5 Shields: 400(17.3)
Hull Damage: 100.0%
FLZ Archon (33261) - Ship
Overlord Class Capital Ship {Heavy Armour}
Armour: 79.4 Scints: 12.0 Shields: 397(11.2)
Hull Damage: 34.5%
Targeted by SMS Boa-3 (50060) - 18741 [33000] Damage
Targeted by SMS Cobra-3 (90373) - 15140 [28200] Damage
Attacking FCN HIP Ultimate Decision M (17680) - 2021 [6380] Damage
INTEGRITY BREAKDOWN - Ship reduced to debris
SMS Bronzehawk (3472) - Ship - 75NH
Predator Class Carrier {Medium Ablative Armour}
Armour: 36.2 Shields: 20(3.1)
Hull Damage: 100.0%
Despite outnumbering their opponents 75 ships to 39, the FLZ appear to be withdrawing having taken heavy losses, although several SMS and FCN warships are listing in space having taken serious damage themselves. Despite reports on the open comms channels, some of them require more than a lick of paint to repair.
The worry now for the FLZ will surely be how to affect a safe withdrawal from Acropolis, and so far from home with their Yank base captured and destroyed by the COH, where will they go to affect repairs? Only time will tell.
*** Outcasts ***
Imperial ground troops have made a probing attack against the DTR Starbase Outcasts in the Adamski system.
A small Imperial scout force consisting of seven troops moved in to attack the starbase, and got shot at by every gun there.
It is, we understand, possibly the most single-sided battle the peripheries have seen to date.
*** FET Blunder ***
Red-faces abound this week as the FET CEO mistakenly broadcast an internal memo on public comms channels in which he suggested the Dewiek leadership could, and I quote, "go jump concerning [registration of] our assets".
The FET CEO quickly apologised for this, and explained that 'go jump' didn't sound as bad as it seemed.
The Dewiek meanwhile repeated their request for all positions inside Dewiek space to be registered with them immediately.
It is unclear whether they expect the Detinus Republic to register their assets. The Detinus Republic did however respond to the Dewiek request by issuing the following statement:
"Could the DEN also please register there assets within in the DTR claimed system Acrux, Please contact the system owner Lord Sivar as soon as possible."
As an addendum to this story, the Zuvoro Norozov released the following statement;
"FET does have a few assets within the DHP that we are currently deciding what to do with. When the DEN put out their request to register assets within their space I must admit I was a bit annoyed. The reason being is that when FET were still participating in the war against the DTR and Confed Bloc we had a base worth several million stellars on Janth.That base fully supported the DEN in removing the DTR from Janth.In the fighting the base was captured and completely destroyed by the DTR. The DEN leadership at the time promised that they would aid FET in every way to rebuild the base.
We are still waiting!!!
Hence my comment of they can go jump.We helped the DEN at great cost and were abandoned. Once FET has decided what to do with our current assets within DEN space,and please remember that the Forest system in the Cluster is only DEN because FET originally claimed the system on behalf of the DEN(a DEN assets has since taken over the claim)we will inform the DEN high council of our intentions."
*** Battlefield ***
The Felini Tyrant Mrrshan has issued a warning to all parties transiting the Battlefield system:
"The system of Battlefied is FEL territory and off-limits to all who do not have explicit permission to enter there. There are no jump routes beyond the system, and
therefore no possibility of "accidentally" jumping in en route to another system.
Wanting to visit FLZ space is equally not a mitigating factor - if anything it
compounds the situation.
Any who contravene this - for whatever reason - face summary destruction of their
property, without recompense, as an absolute minimum. This does not preclude any
other response I (or one of my Avatars) deem to be necessary, up to and including
considering trespass to be an act of war on the part of the transgressing
Speculation is rife as to who the Felini spotted in Battlefield that provoked this statement.
*** Large Gets A Spanking ***
The mighty war machine of the Mohache continues to terrorise the Peripheries as they have yet again beaten off the dread pirate large, hillbilly-style.
The MOH authorities have released the following statement:
"My latest and greatest Ambassadorial vessel, the Redwood class Freighter"Smoker's Palace" this week entered the Inferno system to rendezvous with a Felini vessel. Our intention was to deliver a sample of the delicious Roo Beer, brewed from our stockpile of Roo Wheat in Borderland.
Whilst loitering drunkenly on the outskirts of the system, consuming some of the stock before it reached sell-by date until the Felini appeared, Pirate Large decided to join the MOH party.
Unfortunately, he appeared to have some trouble with the airlocks. Whilst we may be farmers with a reputation for good food, good beer and good smoke, we tend to rely on sober crew when actually performing manoeuvres like docking - instead of hammering our way through the bulkheads haphazardly.
Of course, with such an important sample (it's beer, it has to be important!), my Sapling class personal yacht embarked upon the ship, and myself aboard, many Mohache wanted to be a part of the booze cruise."
Pirate Large himself is understood to have holed up somewhere in order to lick his wounds.
Or at least we think that's what he is doing.
We don't really want to speculate.
*** KST make a point in Kastor ***
The following transmission has been received from the KST news agencies:
On stardate 207.20.2 a KST freighter was captured by an IMP boarder inside the Kastor system. The KST, having lost several ships in this way in the past, responded with a relentless show of force and eventually won the ship back two days later, liberating the imprisoned KST starcaptain aboard.
Initially, they tried a counter-boarding the following day that was repulsed. KST cruisers simultaneously started attack runs against the ship, forcing it to dump its cargo or perish, thereby nailing it for another day. On 207.20.4 a whole group of boarding craft arrived, most of them Chariot class troop transporters that had filled their cargo holds with warbots. It is interesting to note that the imperial pirates literally fought to the last man instead of surrendering:
Boarding Action for the Control of IMP Greed 3 (93064)
Round 1: Battle is 5:2 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 7.12% control [92.88%]
0.04% chance of losing control
Round 2: Battle is 11:4 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 7.19% control [85.69%]
0.29% chance of losing control
Round 3: Battle is 13:4 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 7.04% control [78.65%]
0.97% chance of losing control
Round 4: Battle is 4:1 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 8.98% control [69.67%]
2.79% chance of losing control
Incoming Fire from IMP Greed 3 (93064)
Round 1: 47 Human Marines - 8 [94] damage
2 Human Veteran Marines - 4 [8] damage
Round 2: 42 Human Marines - 14 [84] damage
2 Human Veteran Marines - 0 [8] damage
Round 3: 35 Human Marines - 12 [70] damage
2 Human Veteran Marines - 0 [8] damage
Round 4: 28 Human Marines - 10 [56] damage
2 Human Veteran Marines - 4 [8] damage
(3 boarding attempts later):
Boarding Action for the Control of IMP Greed 3 (93064)
Round 1: Battle is dominated by Attacker
Defender lost 100% control [0%]
100% chance of losing control
IMP Greed 3 (93064) has fallen to the attackers.
Of course this may be attributed less to imperial chivalry than to the fact that warbots don't accept or understand the concept of surrender, especially KST warbots. The KST are, after all, the faction who fell out with the FCN because they insisted to carry Nerve Gas into FCN space aboard their cruisers, allegedly to fend off boarding attempts.
At the end of the day, a relatively worthless 75 light hull freighter and its starcaptain were rescued, at the expense of altogether 77 kastorian marines, 3 kastorian veteran marines and 25 warbots mkII. The freighter's cargo of trade goods is believed to be lost save for a small fraction that could be retrieved, and it incurred some hull and internal damage including the loss of its bridge (which explains why the IMP were unable to move away with their prize).
69 imperial marines were slaughtered in the fierce fighting.
Overall, the rescue operation technically achieved a huge loss. The KST indicate, however, that they enjoyed the carnage so much that they would do it all over again any day.
*** DEN Report ***
Freelance reporter Larry Miller has provided the following report from DEN headquarters, somewhere inside the Acrux system:
"This is my first time in DEN space, and the experience, I must say, is scary. As a human, I find the smell….well different. I seem to be in a constant state of anxiety…some primeval warning. I asked the other humans and they say this doesn't go away.
DEN PD MaiChiKwai has just entered the room and taken the podium.
I am shocked by his appearance. Prior to arriving I had studied the few documents we had on him. He looks very different now. He appears confident, although still short tempered and everyone quickly gets out of his way. The room has gone complete silent. He now has obvious grey streaks in his fur, but it is thick and glossy. He is extremely well groomed and his uniform is perfectly tailored. It seems to be made of a material I have never seen before.
"My reorganization of DEN has progressed to the point where I need high-level assistance. I have chosen DEN Fangeye as my Vice PD. He has my full authority to represent DEN in any and all transactions, and he has the full power of the DEN Elder Nation at his command."
As quickly as he came, he is leaving. I stand up and start to ask a question, but before I can finish, every DEN wolf simultaneously stops and looks at me with a loud hiss. (This telepathic ability is starting to get annoying.) I start to shank, uncontrollably. I can't stop it and I don't know why. I'm getting a cold sweat. Everyone around me starts to move away. MaiChiKwai get this slight smile on his face and just says "No questions". They all look away at the same time and leave the room. I immediately calm down, but I don't think I'll be back.
Roving Reporter Larry Miller (going back on vacation!)"
*** Mysterious Outpost ***
A source inside the QNG has informed our news-room that a mysterious outpost has been transferred to them, entirely out of the blue, with no word of explanation.
*** Freedom City ***
The RIP have released further information regarding the recent capture of their starbase Freedom City by Pirate Large. And it makes for very worrying reading:
As most of you know already Freedom City was assaulted and captured by Pirate Large recently. The Large one offered his own version of events shortly after his attack and victory... I offer you this information ... which is closer to the truth.
Large's attack was a direct result of three events in the recent past:
1. Pirate Large's inability to capture the RIP vessel Crimson Chalice ...
and the resultant war of words afterwards.
2. Pirate Large's inability to sell any of his previously captured vessels
due to the aggressive pricing of RIP ship builders.
3. Pirate Large's desire to expand his evil empire in the direction of
military dominance and away from simple ship piracy.
The Crimson Chalice incident is a matter of public record an needs no
further explanation here. The pricing of RIP ships is also a matter of public record... we will not be beaten in our discount ship sales. The third item needs explanation.
It is my belief that Pirate Large is in the middle of a campaign of attacks that will result in a major power bloc losing their main base of operations. The Large one has tried to lead us into the conclusion that his target is in Yank... however, even he is not immune to the Kastorian "Superweapon" and therefore I believe this is just a smoke screen.
I obtained this information by interrogating the one prisoner I was able to capture when Freedom City was returned to me.
Note that term : Returned.
I believe that he returned the base to me as a sign of respect - personally leading the base defences from the frontline goes along way in his mind (another indication that this man thinks like a soldier).
Pirate Large chose to give me back control of my Starbase after he looted what he wanted from it - and this was his mistake. The items taken have essentially given the game away and revealed the true nature of his plans.
The items missing and not accounted for in the damage reports are:
Antimatter Manipulation
Photon Beam Weaponry
Photon Beam Weaponry mkII
Nova Beam Weaponry
RIP Warships 100HmHu
RIP Warships 150HmHu
Energetic Compounds
Training - Human
Training - Kastorian
Human Marine 7 copies
Human Soldier 3 copies
Human Startrooper 4 Copies
Cryo pods 2 copies
Light Hulls mk II 2 copies
Barge 2 copies
Gunboat 2 copies
Generic 2 copies
Gunship Cruiser 1 copy
Anyone with the smallest imagination can see that with some other more generic technology he will be able to assemble a fleet of warships, troop transports and equip them with high powered weapons systems and crew them.
Yes... It will take some time and a very large factory base somewhere... all this leads me to conclude is that Pirate Large is better organised than we first thought.
You have been warned.
RIP GT Spugman
RIP Freedom City / Quick Snack
Jiggly Room Iced Tea - Two for One with this Voucher"
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Tech Wanted ***
The KST seek to acquire "Stealth" technology. Whoever has such a tech to sell should contact KST Drougal (3482) via ingame political message, or email agkaese/at/web.de and state their price. We are open to suggestions and bartering for goods is an option (like industrial modules), although we have no fancy tech to give away.
*** Metal Wanted ***
Do you have a large stockpile of metals just gathering dust? Well, iffen you do, the Iron Breth'ren (QNG) wants to purchase it! Send details (No picture necessary) and your best price to Kantnerrocs@ webbwireless(dot)net. Thanks! G!!
*** Employees ***
Do you have excess employees, just collecting their pay without really earning it? Would you like to trim them and your payroll? Well, iffen this be you, the Iron Breth'ren (QNG) is interested in helping you by moving those employees somewhere else. Please send numbers & types and your best offers to Kantnerrocs@webbwireless(dot)net. Thanks! K!!
*** Officer Seeks Employer ***
Gentlefolks of the Peripheries.
It is our pleasure to have been asked to represent a naval officer
with 8 points of experience, who is willing to be trained in whichever
areas the new employer wishes.
The best offer ensures.
Willing to deliver anywhere within the capellan Peripheries.
I have the honour to remain, your obedient servant,
Zachariah Zupkern and Uncles third cousin
Fully Independent and Trustworthy.
My Word is My Bond
Traders to the Universe.
*** Market Open ***
Greetings beings of the pheripheries.
This is just a short message to make all independent traders aware that
you are more than welcome at FET security bases, namely Dragons Lair,
Athena and Angara.
For a short while this was not the case, but now everything has
returned to normal should you wish to visit us.
Angara in particular usually has a good demand for modules of various
types and is only one jump from Yank.
Mike Storm
FET Securit
*** tech Wanted ***
Looking to buy the following tech:
100 Heavy Hull ship BP. (any type)
Torpedo Launcher mkII.
AI Combat Navigator.
Good money paid for the above.
Please contact via email.
wolfmercs [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk
*** Modules Wanted ***
If you are in the market for the sale of modules please be aware that
FET Angara in Dryad is waiting to buy a large number.
We welcome traders of all affiliations permitted in IMP space including
Mike Storm
FET Security
FET Angara (81413)
Location: Stucker (824), Dryad (173) System
***** From The Posting Boards *****
Sees with Knowledge has just posted a new topic entitled "'Proper' Standing Orders for Ships..." in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
Mojo has just posted a new topic entitled "Improvements to the Target Preferences order" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
"Improvements to the Target Preferences order
- The ability to target by ship hull type (xlight/light/normal/heavy)
- More fine control or reworked ship size (it gets a big vague above 100 hulls currently)
- More fine control or reworked armour
- Targetting by ship class
Currently the target preferences seem a bit weak and don't cover the range of ships well.
Good, bad or ugly idea?"
The topic can be found here:
***** Message From The Editor *****
We're running long this week, so the Alexander Enterprises Story and a special interview with the Children Of Hexos have been pushed back to next weeks edition.
- Simon.
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
01-06-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 22 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Clash In Acropolis ***
Last weeks battle between Consortium and FLZ forces in Acropolis has now ended, with the FLZ fleet withdrawing as expected. IGN reporters stationed with the SMS fleet are reporting the destruction of three further FLZ vessels including 2 destroyers and one capital ship, as well as the possible destruction of a fourth heavy capital ship.
More information about the battle has been received from the Falconian Empire. Indications are that the Flagritz did indeed only expect to be ambushing an SMS patrol, but sheer chance lead to a Falconian fleet being in the area when the FLZ jumped in. According to the FCN Emperor the Flagritz were very lucky not to run into even more FCN vessels, as a FCN patrol had just moved away from the location too. Had those vessels been present also, it would have been an exceptionally bad day for the FLZ Empire.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The Pirate vessel Cassie has been destroyed in the Kasmer system by AFT forces.
*** Boarding Attempt ***
The Falconian Empire are reporting a failed boarding attempt of one of their freighters in the Solo system by Flagritz forces.
*** Tensions Escalate ***
The Flagritz Emperor has issued the following statement:
"In recent months the FCN have assisted allies the COH by spreading the war into KAS territory and spying on our bases and aiding attacks on the FLZ in neutral territory. As a consequence of their aggressive intent FCN ships spying on FLZ bases will be posted, boarded and moved away from any FLZ starbase with minimal force and warnings issued. FCN sensor ships clearly spying on the FLZ in neutral territory will not be tolerated.
Posted for spying FCN SHIP ACRO QUAD 6 (89420) - {10 Light Hulls} Sensor ship - orbit of FLZ starbase orbit of Hammer Solo(121) System."
Has the FCN's have threaten FLZ positions again the following statement has been issued.
All Falconian and allied shipping in neutral territory is now considered a threat to FLZ starbases and shipping. FLZ ships are now advised to take precautionary naval measures against any FCN ship and any ally supporting their actions."
The AFT, the system holders of Solo, have reacted with concern to this statement, particularly given the rather tenuous nature of the Solo neutrality agreement.
*** Outcasts Attacked ***
A single pirate vessel has made a suicide run against the DTR starbase Outcasts.
This is the second recent pirate attack against DTR starbases, which has lead to speculation that the Imperial-bloc have contracted Pirate forces to run black-ops. Although there is some mystery as to why they would bother.
***** Special Report *****
Inter-Galactic News reporters received a unique invitation to visit the Children Of Hexos at their installations in Yank, to interview Admiral T'Sleeeth regarding their recent controversial military operations versus the Flagritz Empire.
Given this rare and special opportunity to get up close and personal with the insectile hive, we quickly drew lots here at the IGN newsroom to see which lucky reporter got to attend in person, to ask those serious and probing questions that are famed for throughout the Peripheries.
Our reporter was met on the ground by the Admiral in person, who extended every courtesy to us as we were taken on a tour of the COH facilities.
IGN: First of all Admiral, congratulations on your victory. The Celestial Emperor must be pleased with you? Were your losses heavy?
T'SLEEETH: Thank you... Yes, or no. Operation Home has been a major military victory. But our main objective was to capture Castle Ciuciulco. Total failure. Our HQ was destroyed to an extant that it can never be rebuilt. Capturing Fessin Bright made up some for the loss. But it is not our HQ, we have no feelings for it. You ask about losses. Small, even tiny compared to the Flagritz. They clearly had not anticipated any threat in the Yank system. The main part of our losses came from a Kastorian battalion docked at Fessin bright. It resisted us slightly the first day before they were recalled by the Military Junta.
Our reporter was at this point shown some mass graves lying near the smoking remnants of Castle Ciuciulco. He estimated that somewhere around 3000 dead COH troops were buried here, along with almost 20,000 FLZ casualties. A large number of destroyed tanks were also seen, waiting to be scrapped, but it was impossible to tell to whom they had belonged before they were destroyed. But their numbers ran into the many thousands.
IGN: Many affiliations have expressed concern about warfare erupting in the
Yank system, but the KAS have clearly given their permission, are you confident the conflict is not going to spread?
T'SLEEETH: Our attempts to limit this conflict have been rejected. If this conflict spreads it's not by our choice.
IGN: Would you care to comment on rumours that there have been talks at a very high level between yourselves and the FLZ regarding a desire to end the war between you?
T'SLEEETH: I do not comment on rumours.
IGN: We notice the movements of FCN and SMS warships in Yank lately, and the strange handing over of a starbase from COH to IND to FCN. Does it concern you that the Falconian Empire have apparently involved themselves in the COH/FLZ affair? Did you invite them?
T'SLEEETH: We captured Fessin Bright lawfully and believed it was ours to do with as we pleased. Unfortunately the Military Junta views this conflict differently and the sector is now in our control again. I say sector as this base no longer exists. The last complex was scrapped on star date 207.21.1. I said it before, we have no feelings for it.
Our reporter at this point was taken on an aerial tour of Fessin Bright, or what was left of it. There is clear evidence that massive demolition work has been undertaken, and the entire area is now waiting to be reclaimed as agricultural land.
IGN: You must be concerned that the FLZ will strike back against you here in
Yank, what precautions are you taking?
T'SLEEETH: We are confident that they will come for us, and we look forward to it. Our claws are strong, our carapace thick and if they want to cause themselves more suffering... let them. You would perhaps think that we fear the Flagritz? All over the Children of Hexos our troops beg to be transferred to Yank. Mobile Bay is a fortress. We want this fight!
Indeed as our reporter carried out this interview, we observed the near constant arrival of COH transport vessels, carrying in a vast compliment of troops and military equipment, on a scale rarely seen outside of the vast clashes of the human wars.
IGN: Many sentients are still very nervous about COH motives, particularly since the destruction of the moon Coombes by the COH under their previous leadership, would you like to re-assure our viewers that their homes are not about to be over-run by the insectile hordes of the Celestial Emperor?
T'SLEEETH: The future of the Children of Hexos is not for me to discuss. Only the Celestial Emperor knows what it will bring.
IGN: There were many rumours that under your previous leadership, the Children Of Hexos had made contact once again with the Architects, their Gods, and were obeying the direction of these entities. Is this still the case?
T'SLEEETH: The Celestial Emperor has no such contacts. We must learn how to claw out our own future. The Architects did not help us during the last decade of crises, perhaps we should have fared better if we hadn't prayed to these gods and believed they would save us.
It was at this point that unfortunately the Admiral was called away for some pressing business.
We here at the IGN/SSS would like to thank Admiral T'Sleeeth and the Celestial Emperor for allowing us this rare privilege of direct access and their candid and honest responses.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Tech Wanted ***
Kourdda Gentlebeings!
I am interested in acquiring a copy of the above Technology, the sooner the better. I am interested in trading for either modules or cold hard cash, or possibly an exchange of other techs I may have available.
Any takers, please contact smokes (at) mohache (dot) com
with offers and timeframe for delivery.
Good harvests!
Smokes in Mountains
Mohache Yakima
(Message From The Editor: I intelligently copied and pasted and deleted the original message here, without taking note of exactly which piece of Tech it was the Mohache wanted. So if Smokes in Mountains would like the ad to re-run in next weeks edition, please drop me a note. In the meantime, knowing the Mohache and their evil plan, they're probably after some sort of WoMD tech.)
*** Starbase For Sale ***
I have an operating starbase for sell or trade. I suggest a trade of an already operating starbase in order that real life money won't be affected. The base is worth roughly 4.2 million stellers and has 94 factorys, 17 mines 17 employee recruitment complexes, 27 shipyards and 36 research complexes, and others. Its 148 merchandising complexes as of the latest printout are:
Merchandising complexes provided 14785/14800 sales
capacity this week.
Merchandising complexes made a profit of 47403 stellars
It operates in a relatively safe area and enjoys the company of such great affiliations as the aft, fet, rip and the fcn, and many others. Cash of course is always an option, but I would rather have a nice trade.
clif-L (at) c-lawrence-images .us
*** St Dismas ***
Would the owners of all authorized and unauthorized bases and outposts in St. Dismas (yes, this includes the Governor of Faeryland) please contact me directly.
This does not include owners of AFT assets. I am already in contact with this group
Governor of AFT Dinas Dawr
*** Minions Wanted ***
I would like to buy bulk orders of non common ores. If you have surplus thorlium/Jacium/Celesium please contact me to discuss prices.
FLZ Eatz'Bay'Bees
*** Half Price Jelly Festival Announced ***
Greetings Jiggly Junkies!
That's right...
The Jiggly Room will be holding a "Half Off" sale for the entirety of
this weekend...
Half Off everything...
Jiggly Room Iced Tea - Half Off!
IMPeriALE - Half Off!
Monsoon Extra Cold - Half Off!
And to top it all...
You will get HALF OFF the Jiggly!
I can see you can't believe that we can do this... so I'll say it again...
HALF-OFF the Jiggly! All Weekend!
The Banks may be shut! But the Jiggly Room never closes.
(This advertisement was brought to you by GT Spugman in association
with Admiral Al Bundy. No Falconians were harmed in the production of
this advertisment.)
***** From The Posting Boards *****
Nik has just posted a new topic entitled "Deliver item type in squadron orders" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Smokes in Mountains has just posted a new topic entitled "Ship Building" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Guybrush has just posted a new topic entitled "Obsolete ship editor?" in forum "Order Editors".
The topic can be found here:
Machan Bastet has just posted a new topic entitled "New weapory knowledge" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
***** Message From The Editor *****
Please note I now have an additional email address, for anybody who has been having problems with the freeserve one.
Am having a few problems sorting out the gmail address, but it should serve as a backup if any of you are getting bounced by freeserve. Because god knows the Freeserve mail servers seem pretty crap these days.
(And Phil, I'll try and catch you on MSN sometime soon hopefully, if I can't get it sorted.)
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
Alternative: sss [dot] editor [at] gmail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
08-06-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 23 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Varitang Update ***
The bombardment of the DTR Starbase Ascension by the massed artillery arranged around GTT Tintagel has continued into a third week, with reports indicating that the GTT are shipping in yet more artillery, and have moved some bombardment vessels into orbit to commence shelling Ascension with rail gun munitions.
Reporters on the ground inside DTR Ascension report occasional light damage as a round or two penetrates the shielding, but that the defenders are in good spirits and well supplied, and that the constant shelling is doing little to disrupt their day to day lives.
There was brief concern when an artillery round fell on the Diaz Tribute Golf Course, but it has been filled in with sand and transformed into a tricky sand-trap just off the dog-leg on the ninth hole.
*** Venice ***
The GTT have launched a bold raid into Venice, the home system of the Detinus Republic. A sizeable fleet of GTT warships consisting of 8 gunboats and 4 capital ships struck at a Detinus Korondite mining facility on Morea, destroying it completely.
Elements of the DTR Patrol Fleet were able to respond, catching the GTT squadron as it left orbit of Morea, engaging them in a brisk battle that saw several GTT gunboats destroyed and the capitals lightly damaged. There are no reported Detinus casualties.
There is some confusion as to what exactly happened next. The DTR Patrol Fleet squadron appear to have disengaged from the battle, perhaps fearing the arrival of GTT re-inforcements, which gave the GTT squadron the opportunity to run for it.
Unfortunately they ran right slap-bang into the famous DTR Cow Tractor Platforms, and were promptly wiped out.
Initial indications are that none of the GTT squadron survived their foray into Venice.
*** GTT Issue Statement ***
General Statement from Lord Goth:
"Any affiliation that uses operatives or Agents on GTT assets in "neutral" areas will automatically transform that location into a warzone. If this happens anywhere other than Kastorian space, the first notification the perpetrator will receive is a salvo of missiles.
Anyone who has an agent or operative on a GTT asset in neutral space has one day to declare that agent to the GTT. If this is done today, neutrality can be saved and the agent removed."
*** DTR Announcement ***
"All affiliations are reminded that Gamma-9 of the Venice system is a restricted area. Even for fleeing GTT vessels. Transit through Gamma-9 is not recommended as a flashy way of committing suicide."
DTR Fleet Headquarters.
*** FLZ ***
The Flagritz warfleet recently mauled in Acropolis by the SMS and FCN has been spotted entering orbit of a FLZ facility in Solo, where the ships are reportedly under repair. A political storm has erupted over the presence of the FLZ warships in a neutral system, and our reporters stationed throughout Solo are observing massively increased FCN military traffic in and out of the system.
*** Kastorian Statement ***
The following terse statement has been issued outlining Kastorian Policy with regards the recent COH/FLZ conflict in Yank:
"Accepting captured assets from either the COH, the FLZ or an intermediate is considered aiding the faction. Any position transferred is not considered to be exempt from the COH-FLZ hostility clause. Do not interfere."
*** Venice ***
A lone GTT Cruiser has been destroyed in Venice. It is not known what the warship was doing there, but it had recently been spotted staging out of Yank.
***** Special Report *****
How Independent can you be?
(As much as they will let you…!)
The Alexander Enterprises story
Part 4 - Fergie: Operation Clockwork Orange
199.50.1: Nefarious plans have been forged after a party with a grudge against the IMP leaked some strategic information to me concerning the moon Fergie in the Stockton system. This small moon is apparently one of the major imperial mining sites for the valuable strion ore, and, situated deep in imperial space, is almost undefended. After months of doing a little trading and sitting idle most of the time, Grain of Salt arrives at Fergie today where it begins mapping, scanning and GPIing Fergie and its planet, Heath.
200.2.1: Another attempt at diplomacy was made this week when the Alexander II landed at KST Drougal and suggested a defence pact, but the KST simply rejected the idea of defending my ships. At least we are now tolerated around here and have even established some basic trade relations, that must be something. I'll be back. The Alexander II leaves Drougal and begins exploring the Kastor system. I am beginning to regard it as my home system, stupid as that may sound.
200.3.1: Having finished troop training with the KST, the Apogee moves to the Stockton system where the trained troops are transferred to the Grain of Salt to spread their expertise among other troops in my employ.
Back on Fergie, the Recon GP Sand Buggy is set up by the Grain of Salt. It scouts local outposts over the upcoming weeks and occasionally receives additional weapons, troops, vehicles and supplies through supply runs by Grain of Salt. A multitude of outposts are identified and scouted on Fergie which are largely robotic and precariously underdefended. The mines operating here unguarded are worth a fortune, not to speak of the many thousand mass units of strion which easily fetches a price of $ 100/mu on the open market.
200.3.5: It soon becomes apparent that there is vastly more for grabs at Fergie than I can hope to haul away on my own. By lucky chance though, a customer of AE has a cousin who met a guy at Rubis whose sister had an affair with a bloke who shared a prison cell with somebody whose best friend was in the same elementary class as someone who knows someone who knows a... pirate (shudder!). PIRATES! (SHUDDER!) Not those nice Regular Independent Privateers who run the Pirates of the Capellan roadshow at the Jiggly Room in Yank, no, I am talking about the dreaded scum of the universe, back then known as the Raiders of the Interstellar Peripheries! Through the aforementioned chain of gentlemen the pirates (shudder!) are suggested that, at a given time and place, they may find a lot of valuable goods and ores up for grabs; somebody in that chain also demanded an outrageous price for the information. The pirates (shudder!) relayed back the message that they were not going to pay up front but were willing to pay a share of any booty they would get.. .
200.7.5: After delivering a consignment of warbots and supplies to my ground party on Fergie in Stockton the Apogee has returned to the Kastor system and is now conducting explorations on the gas giant Kst1. It is found to be a rich source of valuable chemicals but this requires very dangerous maneuvering by spaceships to exploit. Not sure if there is commercial potential here. Extensive test flights to determine if there is a safe way to exploit this resource fail to provide an economically viable solution: The damage to the ship costs around as much to repair as the resources gathered are worth. The ship remains idle at Kastor for some time afterwards.
200.11.1: After a little more exploration I left the Kastor system and the Alexander II travelled a lot through DTR and IMP space for some weeks, trading between various parties. Now I have stuck a good deal with the FGZ: They are in dire need of thorlium, but will be attacked on sight in IMP space hence cannot access the markets there which happen to sell all the thorlium. They have approached me to purchase thorlium for them and deliver it at a prearranged sector in the Inferno system which they may legally enter. As I make this report I stare at my screens with great unease. The FGZ forgot to tell me that the receipient of the thorlium at the rendez-vous point would not be one of their regular freighters or baseships, but an eerie Alien Vessel of the TCA. Living ships, they say. And huge - about four times bigger than the FGZ-run Cog class freighter accompanying it, and easily twice the size of the Alexander II. Rumour has it they eat whole human colonies. This one here, registered as TCA Turufol T'cath (4159), seems fairly domesticated though and is happily munching away the thorlium from the cargo sections of the Alexander II and Rubberduck. I would dearly love to see how this thing, erm, delivers its cargo? Then again, maybe not. This all confirms my belief that flagritz are a really weird people, the #1 psychos of the galaxy.
200.13.4: With all the equipment delivered to Fergie by now, ground party Sand Buggy is renamed to Clockwork Red and Clockwork GPs Green, Blue and Orange are set up. Anticipating loads of booty to be made, my cargo ships move into position nearby in Stockton but I dare not move them to Fergie proper as to curtail their involvement.
200.16.1: Operation Clockwork Orange is Go: Like a clockwork the various ground parties race across the barren airless surface of Fergie, reprogramming ownership of the robotic outposts to themselves as a first action. This is to prevent the (previous) owners from accessing their logs and noticing what ships removed ore and mines. All ground parties finally merge into Clockwork Orange, the main team on Fergie, who use the combined firepower to storm one outpost that had been confirmed to have outpost security present. Behind them, the cargo ships are scheduled to collect their booty.
200.16.2: Sometimes life feels as though it is a game that gets its rules changed without warning. Clockwork Blue ran into unexpected resistance at the outpost in sector 1-1 (which registers as belonging to SMS Whitegold) and failed to reprogram it. I was aware of outpost security on some other outposts, but not this one. Re-checking all logs of my many weeks of reconnoiterig the moon I find that the first two outpost scouting reports by Sand Buggy, including the outpost at 1-1, were different from the others - the older format had just omitted outpost security data whereas the newer ones did include it. If those dummies had just used an up-to-date form to transmit their data then this would not have happened, but nooo... and the worst part is that it was never mentioned by anybody that the reports had changed, or rather, that the older reports were incomplete, leaving me to plan an intricate mission on faulty data.
Luckily I had been careful bordering on paranoid when setting the clockwork in motion. If anything, anything at all went wrong then the Grain of Salt had orders to issue an Abort Mission signal to the Alexander Enterprises cargo fleet. This they did and the Alexander II and Rubberduck do not get involved. Instead, Grain of Salt begins to deliver strion to them, openly exposing itself to any imperial ships that would take care to notice. Excess Strion and mines are secretly stowed away from the moon at a newly created storage outpost on the surface of the planet (Heath) and later the Grain of Salt begins to ship strion directly to buying markets.
200.17.1: Sometimes life feels as though it is a game and somebody fumbles inputting your turns. GTT Saint Cecilia, a Carrier, appears in the middle of the operation to pick up strion from the formerly GTT-owned outpost at 5-2. Shortly thereafter, GTT Blue Blanket II reclaims the outpost, narrowly avoiding an attack by a GP waiting in ambush there for exactly that scenario. Capture is averted through a communication blackout at a critical moment which delays the GP, who can then only watch the GTT ship take off again. That ship should have been mine! Frustrated, I am considering joining the Brotherhood by now because the True One seems to hate me.
Clockwork Orange has sent a detachment called Clockwork Black to tidy up the newly acquired outposts, most importantly remove ore and mines from those that I expect to be recaptured soon, to be stored at those that I believe will remain in my hands for some more time. No better place to hide a heap of strion than another heap of strion. The outposts are reprogrammed again, registering them as owned by random third-party starbases such as KAS Rubis, in the hopes that this will make reclaiming more difficult for the original owners - you don't just take an outpost from the KAS after all.
Meanwhile, a pirate (shudder!) cargo fleet is observed stripping outposts of ore and equipment.
200.19.1: My little Fergie operation even made it to the news, as the SSS headliner this week is something about the imperials frothing at the mouth because of pirates (shudder!) sacking an entire mining world. Glad somebody noticed.
200.19.4: Sacking an entire mining world obviously wasn't good enough for those damn raiders! I am really upset! The Alexander II has failed to report in, and the news carry the story of an IND Carrier being captures by raiders. Guess how many IND Carriers exist out there? Is that their way of making known that they somehow disapprove with the plunder?
200.19.5: At last the Alexander II has reported in, just an ordinary lag in communications. What a relief! Although some other IND guy like me out there must have lost his flagship. Poor bloke.
200.27.3: GP Clockwork Black is destroyed upon trying to seize outpost at 5-2 belonging to GTT HQ. All personnell are killed by strong outpost security, leaving only their vehicles which are then collected by GP Clockwork Orange.
200.28.1: To help with the ongoing Fergie operation, another expendable support ship is purchased at the EEM Balmoral shipyards in Yank, the IND Yacht Electron (3943). It is sent to Straddle with some supplies and orders to reconnoiter the area around Fergie in the aftermath of the action.
200.30.4: Following the desaster at Fergie and my humble prayer, the Alexander II stumbles across a heap of Strion floating in deep space in the middle of nowhere, just enough to fill the cargo hold to capacity. This is almost as if the True One had a bad conscience...
Having received a substantial payment from the FGZ for the Torlium delivered by my cargo ships, the Apogee returns from Kastor to KAS Rubis for maintenance and extended R&R.
***** From The Mailing List *****
Geoff posted this, and it seemed a fair few players found it useful. So I am repeating it here.
Starport Complexes
Bunkers (1006) - Bunkers shield the civilian population of a starbase from
attacks. Each bunker will give protection to 500 people.
(25 SM)
Caves - conceal 2000 MUs of starbase/outpost & contents.
(25 Rock SM)
Command Centre (1000) - 1 per 100 complexes is needed to ensure normal
efficiency .
(5 BCM, 5 ICM, 5 MCM, 5 SM, 5 TM)
Domes (1007) - These are need on worlds that cannot support life. World data
determines the maximum number of complexes that can be build before a dome
is necessary. Airless moons need 1 dome per 20 complexes. These do not
require work hours.
(25 SM)
Employee Recruitment (1010) - As mercenary complexes but applicable to
(25 BCM)
Factories (1001) - Factories can be assigned to either standard or mass
production. See Production.
(20 ICM, 5 SM)
Fighter Hangar (1027) - Gives protection (800) to Fighter bays
(25 Rock Structural Mods, 7 Fighter bays)
Hiport (1016) - Hiports allow orbiting positions to Buy, Sell, Pick-up and
Deliver Items to the Starbase, without having to land at the Starport.
(25 SM)
Hospital (1011) - Give protection against disease. 1 per 1000 population is
considered standard. (25 BCM)
Maintenance (1014) - 200mu ship hull damage will be repaired per complex per
visit. 10% integrity loss will be restored per complex per visit.
(5BCM, 15 ICM, 5SM)
Mercenary Recruitment (1009) - These can only be built on populated worlds
and can recruit up to 10 mercenaries each week. Standing orders can be used
to recruit the maximum number per week. .
(25 BCM)
Merchandising (1024) - These extract stellars from the population. The
amount is based on the world population and relative affluence.
(15 BCM, 10 SM).
Mines (1002) - Each mine must be assigned to a specific ore, known as a
deposit, which is present in the sector of the starbase. The rate of ore
that can be produced per mine is called the yield. Output per mine will
decrease per each multiple of the 10% Drop.
(20 ICM, 5 TM)
Orbital Docks (1008) - Allow a ship without sufficient G to dock with the
starbase i.e. moved from orbit to the starport. Only docked ships can
interact with complexes other than the hiport. Ship size is limited to 25
hulls per orbital dock. Docking time is 40TU's.
(5 BCM, 20 TM)
Platform Control (1017) - At least 1 is needed to control platforms and they
have 500mus shuttle capacity . .
(10 BCM, 15 MCM,).
Platforms are built separately using the "Create Platform" order and use 10
Platform Hulls - more can be added later and each hull gives a capacity of
50 MUs for items & lifeforms. Quarters and bunks are not required.
Recreation (1027) - Provide some stellars from visiting positions.
(20 BCM, 5SM).
Research (1005) - Research complexes are assigned to a specific project.
(Fully detailed in Research.) Require 50 Employees each.
(25 BCM)
Resource (1003) - Resource complexes are assigned to specific special
resources. A unique ID# is used during assignment, determined by
investigations. There are usually limits to how many complexes can be
assigned to a specific resource.
(15 BCM, 10 TM)
Security (1012) - The proportion of security complexes per total starbase
mass determines the security of the starbase against agents and operatives.
Manned by soldiers, not employees
(5 BCM,15 MCM, 5 TM)
Shipyard (1013) - 4 hulls will be assembled towards ship completion per
complex per week.
(20 ICM, 5 SM)
Shuttle Port (1015) - Shuttle ports move items into and out of the starbase.
Standing orders can be used to move items before and after production etc.
This is useful for bringing in raw materials from outposts. Each port can
move 1000mus per week.
(5SM, 20 TM)
Starbase Shield (1026) - 1000 MUs. When you have active shield complexes
and have your shields charged (Charge shield complex order), then you will
not fire weapons from the starbase (or launch space fighters). The shield
complexes will strengthen the shields and shield rechargers at from between
x1-5, and add between 0-200 shield depth. You need 10% shield complexes to
get the full effect. Shield complexes take 4 weeks to charge to full effect
after they are activated. They are also very visible on a starbase and can
not be hidden by caves when they are active. Industrial turbines are used
to power the field generators in order to bolster normal shields.
5 Industrial Modules (400), 10 Military Modules (405), 10 Basic Modules
Active work hours: 500
Inactive work hours: 50
Training (1018) - Training allows a starbase to specialise mercenaries. The
type of training that will be given to them is dependent on the blueprints
at the starbase. A maximum of 10 mercenaries can be specialised per week per
complex. Standing orders can be used to designate which troops are produced
each week
(10 BCM, 10 MCM, 5SM).
Teleporter (1022) - Allows a starbase/outpost to pickup items from any
position within the same syatem.
(20 Teleporter Mods, 5 SM)
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
Alternative: sss [dot] editor [at] gmail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
15-06-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 24 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Varitang ***
The GTT have responded to a recent news story carried in this fine publication with the following press release detailing Lord Goths personal habits:
Lord Goth sat upon his royal "throne" reading the latest SSS. He grinned as he read about Diaz's artilery crater sand trap...
Shaking his head and chuckling to himself, he muttered, "Don't they know that kind of talk only encourages me to get ugly with them..." More muttering, "You see, I try to be a nice guy and this is the thanks I get....mutter, mutter, mutter....".
After finishing with the SSS he read the latest battle report and giggled "Looks like the Diaz will be filling in some more sand traps..." Further down the report was the estimations of how long the shielding could possibly hold up... Lord Goth, laughing out loud exclaimed, "Ha, there you have it.... I must order them to stop wasting ordinance, the artilery shells are free and those AP rail gun shells don't grow on trees" Once again, he begins muttering, "I bet Diaz is going to let those poor DTR citizens and soldiers burn....sheesh, maybe a little too worried about the shoe collection instead of the fleet position".
"Ah, well, let's see what tomorrow brings.... Now, where did I drop my copy of the SSS..... It is time to do the royal "paperwork"."
We here at the SSS/IGN would like to remind our readers that no liability is accepted for any out-of-purpose uses to which our readers might apply this publication, and that from now on extract of Poison Ivy is being added to our paper stocks for the convenience and comfort of our readers.
*** Varitang: The Next Day ***
Displaying almost prophetic powers, Lord Goths recent ruminations about what tomorrow might bring in Varitang did indeed see an interesting development, as over a hundred DTR Cruisers dropped into orbit of Vehrenberg and proceeded to flatten the GTT base, destroying approximately 80-90% of the weapons that have been firing against DTR Ascensions starbase shields for the last three weeks. It is reported that over 2000 pieces of GTT artillery were destroyed in the first few hours by pinpoint orbital railgun bombardment.
Four small GTT ships in orbit were also destroyed, with the remaining 20 or so heavier GTT ships present also taking light to moderate damage as the attacking DTR vessels primarily targetted the GTT outpost Tintagel.
There are no reported DTR casualties.
*** INDs Destroyed ***
The Falconian Emperor Thoriqal has released the following statement:
"Two independent ships have been destroyed in the last 5 days. A yatch and a 75 huller. The 75 huller was first scanned as IND, but got away. Then a few days later it was scanned as PIR and engaged by falconian forces who detroyed it in one round. A falconian scout was slightly damaged in the combat.
Independents are not welcome in Acropolis, especially those who function as spotters and scouts for PIR wannabes, or flagritz."
*** Varitang ***
The civilian government of Vehrenberg is reportedly in a state of panic, with their leader D. Sanchez refusing to answer questions from the press, but regularly overheard repeating four-letter anglo-saxon vernacular phrases regarding finding himself and his planet suddenly plunged into the middle of an inter-stellar war.
*** Battle In Varitang ***
Two DTR transports have been destroyed in a skirmish in Varitang in which a small patrol of GTT warships intercepted a small patrol of DTR warships. One DTR Cruiser was also destroyed. Three GTT vessels are reported to have been lightly damaged.
*** Skirmish In Beach ***
A small IMP patrol has encountered a similar CIA patrol in the Beach system. A CIA gunboat has been reported destroyed in the encounter.
*** Ambush In Kastor ***
Elements of the Imperial fleet on a shakedown patrol in the Kastor system ambushed a KST freighter convoy. The KST escort vessel succumbed to ISR stress before a shot could be fired. The four freighters all dumped their cargo and made a successful escape.
*** Imperial News ***
The imperial news wire has officially confirmed the failure of the recent peace talks, running the following story:
"The peace talks between the Imperial block and the DTR/CNF block that had been ongoing for some months are now confirmed as having failed. This is largely due to one of our allies commencing offensive operations against the rebels in the Inner Empire and elsewhere.
After careful consideration the Imperial Command Council decided that we could not abandon our allies and the DTR/CNF were advised accordingly. The Imperial Stellar Patrol is expected to re-commence offensive operations in the near future."
*** GTT Vessel Destroyed ***
A GTT scout ship has been destroyed in Venice as part of last weeks skirmishing.
*** DTR Vessel Destroyed ***
A DTR scout ship has been destroyed at the Kasmer stargate by the Imperial platform Unity.
*** DTR Agent ***
A DTR agent has been captured at GTT High Star in the Twinkle system. An enraged Lord Goth has announced the neutrality of Twinkle to be violated, and our news room has just heard reports that the ex-IND defence platforms of High Star that are now under GTT control, have just opened fire on CIA Felix, the CIA starbase located on the planet.
More news as we receive it.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The pirate vessel Sylvester Stallone has been destroyed by a sizeable SMS fleet in orbit of Wasteland in the Battlefield system. The pirate, a yacht class explorer, did not survive for long.
*** The New Tate Bugle Headline ***
Accounting Error in Senator Jerusalem's Department Leads To Bribery Accusations.
Reporters uncover evidence of huge sums paid into Senator Jerusalem's account from GTT central banking. Paper trail leads directly to Goths office. Senator Jerusalem unavailable for comment, sends doll of himself to press conference instead.
The press conference was only fooled for a short time however. One witness said, "The Senator gave some surprisingly clear, lucid answers and he didn't once talk through his hand-puppet, so we knew it wasn't really him."
*** News Flash ***
As we go to press, we have just heard that the DTR have ended the GTT presence on the planet Vehrenberg, destroying the GTT Starbase Tintagel, which the GTT captured from the CNF some weeks ago.
GTT Forces in orbit of both the planet and the wormhole in the system are reported to have fled, taking an unknown amount of damage in the process.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Blueprints wanted ***
Gentlefolk of the Peripheries,
I wish to purchase blueprints for the manufacture of the following,
Cargo Hold (180)
Ore Deck (184)
Would anyone kind enough to help me with this, please be kind enough
to contact me with availability and price.
Your obedient servant,
Zachariah Zupkern and Uncles third cousin
Fully Independent and Trustworthy.
My Word is My Bond
Traders to the Universe.
*** Desperately Seeking Insectile Overlords ***
Could someone in the QNG, please contact me on a private channel.
May the word of the true one uplift your soul.
Pope Naz
*** Travel Advisory: How Not To Get Boarded ***
To all starcaptains.
Do NOT dock at any Krell flagged base. If any starcaptain is in doubt about
docking at any affiliation's starbase then I suggest you check with the
starbase governor, or check the starbase description or check the market
message (readily visible on the Phoenix Website).
Warlord Janos Wolf
Advisor to the Krell Clans Federation
CiC of Direwolf Enterprises
*** Trading Cards ***
abord the new flag sship, 'BLACK DOG'
"hey cappan' blacky, look it hear!~
Slygo, can't you see I be busyt? so get the 'el out o here1
later, 'look cappan' blacky, Them there new pirate
tradin cards be out, the 20007 edetion.
Slygo! says alexander, I'll trades you a pitcher of the
old 'pireate small', since its blowed up it be a
collecters idem.
I'll gives you a pitcher of the HMS Blacky, an one o
Black Dogs rookie cards, in fair cundition.
Look Cappan blacky, sir, this here one is o pirate
larges honny, "molly". It be a holegram! you turns it
this way an that...see?
***** From The Posting Boards *****
*** Phoenix Nominated For Origin Award ***
mica has just posted a new topic entitled "Phoenix Nominated for Origins Award" in forum "Everything Else".
"Yup, we have been nominated for the best PBEM game on the market. Voting is on the day and by attendees and unfortunately we will not be there, but still it is nice to get a bit a recognition for all our hard work.
Are any of our players considering attending?"
The topic can be found here:
Goth has just posted a new topic entitled "Targeting to hit %" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
The topic can be found here:
IMP Gandolph has just posted a new topic entitled "troop promotions in battle not happening" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Cirdan has just posted a new topic entitled "Starbase Sequence" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
Alternative: sss [dot] editor [at] gmail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
25-06-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 26 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** High Star ***
As reported last week, GTT High Star has indeed opened fire against the CIA Starbase Felix that shared a planet with it. Both the starbase and the massive High Star platforms in orbit opened fire, pounding the CIA starbase.
CIA Felix has been completely destroyed, with the loss of all hands. CIA, Confederate sources are reported to be furious about this attack. As the GTT continue to cite the detection of a DTR agent inside High Star to be the cause of their immense military action.
The political ramifications of the long-time neutral High Star being dragged into the human war in this nature remains to be seen. The EEM who control the lease of High Star have yet to make comment, but are under increasing pressure to do so.
*** Yank Neutrality Violated ***
Yet another DTR vessel has been destroyed in Yank. The DTR troop transport ship Ixtapa was engaged and destroyed by an Imperial strike group in Gamma 11, with the loss of over 300 veteran marines. This is the third attack against DTR assets in Yank in as many months.
*** Takeover In Yank ***
We are receiving reports that a GTT starbase has had to be evacuated due to the sudden manifestation of an infestation of vermin.
The GTT outpost Fort Shiloh is reporting that all GTT Employees have been ejected from the starbase by the Krell soldiers, following the arrival of a Krell vessel that declared itself to be the last survivors of the Clan Black Rat.
KRT flags have been raised. And the operation has been described as a bloodless coup, long in the waiting, conducted remarkable amicably. At least for the time being.
There have been scenes of rejoicing as the Krell take to the streets of Fort Shiloh to celebrate.
*** Evil Alien Warlords ***
There is grave concern this week after a broadcast from the Flagritz Emperor which seems to state that they intend to execute a huge number of prisoners.
The Emperor is quoted as saying, "A number of FEL prisoners this week rejected an offer of paid work. They also rejected an offer to be dropped off in FEL space. They apparently still believe that the FEL war machine (the SMS) will kill all Flagritz and take Flagritz Sovereign territory as their own and so wish to remain as prisoners until that happens. With numbers soaring into hundred's of thousand's, we have little choice but to execute them all."
The FLZ Emperor continued, "In other news, scores of Falconian prisoners have accepted offers of paid work at Flagritz shipyards and will be considered to be loyal subjects of the Empire. One Falconian was quoted: "Our Government keep asking for peace with the FLZ. Why bother to fight when our own Government don't want to." We had to inform these prisoners that we will never broker peace with the FCN - their attitudes did not change. We greet our new found workforce with open tentacles, and pledge to return them to their own Home system of Acropolis as soon as possible to govern it on behalf of the Empire."
The Felini Tyrant Mrrshan responded with shock and outrage, "Following the barbarous announcement from the FLZ, where they publicly confirmed that they were to execute "hundreds of thousands" of feline prisoners - or more likely, slaves - the Feline Tyrant Mrrshan has announced a peripheries-wide day of mourning. "Felines all, feel proud of your brethren, as they stand tall and with Honour, even unto death. Let their sacrifice spur us all on to new efforts to remove the Flagritz ability to commit such atrocities. At long last the Flagritz have admitted their true colours and demonstrated the depravity of their actions, rather than hiding behind a web of honeyed words and false denials - as well as a shipload of nukes to destabilise a wormhole. I pledge that we will not rest in our quest to free, release and rescue any and all "clients" from their lives of slavery and degradation."
Our newsroom has been cautioned not to add or edit a single word of official Krell Statements, lest they declare war upon us. The sodding miserable war-obsessed nutters.
"Earlier this week the Krell Clans Federation received a communique from an unknown individual claiming to be part of the reformed Krell Clan Black Rat. We were advised that they had taken over Fort Shiloh in Yank and tentative enquires were made about the relationships between the two affiliations.
Today one of our warships confirmed the take over of Fort Shiloh by the KRT.
Accordingly I will reiterate the advice that was given to the KRT representative: that until such time as the enmity that exists between KRT and the GTT and FCN is resolved then they will receive no "support, sanctuary or assistance" from the KRL. Furthermore the KRT are instructed to stay clear of the Storm system and all planetary bodies and residents therein.
Providing the KRT abide by these restrictions then the KRL will not hinder their development.
Warlord Janos Wolf
Advisor to the Krell Clans Federation
CiC of Direwolf Enterprises"
*** OPS Attacked ***
An Obsidian Predator Swarm freighter has been attacked and destroyed whilst attempting to trade with the starbase FCN Falconia Stronghold (4438) in the Acropolis system. A combined SMS and FCN fleet pounded the 200 hull freighter into oblivion.
The OPS have protested the destruction of their freighter, stating that, "This starbase's message does not carry any warnings against traders and the attack happened in open space, Delta 3, and not in orbit of the planet. Until the FCN provide acceptable compensation for the loss of the 75 crew and our 200 hull freighter, the OPS will view this attack as an act of war against our nation."
It seems likely at this time that the targeting of the OPS freighter was a hold-over from a time when the OPS were active members of the Aegis alliance, from before the FGZ merged into the FLZ.
*** Black Dog ***
The pirate Black Dog has reportedly captured an IMP freighter, the Distant Trader.
Black Dogs report of the action was so filthy we can't possibly reproduce it.
*** Scout Destroyed ***
A second DTR scout ship has been destroyed by Imperial forces at the Kasmer Stargate. The captain of the Imperial platform Unity is to be commended for his sharp eyes.
*** More Scouts Destroyed ***
Two imperial ground parties have been destroyed as they entered orbit of the DTR Starbase Primus Inter Pares in the Straddle system.
*** Spartan Journey Under Attack ***
The Confederate starbase Spartan Journey has come under heavy attack from Imperial-bloc forces this week. A major IMP/GTT fleet swept into orbit and engaged the handful of CNF warships in orbit, along with the platform and starbase, with specially equipped orbital bombardment vessels.
15 Confederate vessels have reportedly been destroyed, and heavy damage has been inflicted on the starbases space weapons, with Spartan Journeys guns falling silent after the first day.
The Imperial operation is still underway, with Confederate ground troops digging in, in preparation for a possible ground assault.
It has been a violent few weeks in the Peripheries, with a CNF starbase destroyed, along with a CIA starbase, a GTT starbase, and this ongoing assault against Spartan Journey.
*** Changes At The CIA ***
The IGN newsroom has been remarkably free from CIA brain control devices lately, which might or might not have something to do with the sudden disappearance of Lord Lawrence Scrimm, the CIA Intel Director.
All manner of rumours are circulating about Lord Scrimms disappearance earlier this year, but attempts to verify any of them have been met with a wall of silence from Confederate sources. However it appears that Steven Armstrong, the Operations Director has moved into the Intelligence Directorship, though no official announcement has been made. A figure known only as Laton has been sighted extensively touring CIA fleet facilities and speculation is that he has moved into the post Armstrong previously held. CIA sources have so far declined to comment.
When asked if Lord Scrimms disappearance has anything to do with sightings of mysterious lights in deep space and strange unknown alien vessels, our reporter was detained for questioning re-conditioning, and thereafter returned to our newsroom with a delightful story about the decoration of the CIA offices and the lovely things they have done with Feng Shui.
*** DTR Freighter Damaged ***
An IMP Patrol has intercepted a DTR freighter attempting to trade with a COH Starbase in the Tycoon system. The DTR freighter took heavy damage as it fled two Imperial patrol cruisers.
*** DTR Ships Destroyed ***
Two Detinus vessels have been destroyed whilst attempting to pass through the Noctollis stargate in the Dewiek Home Periphery. It is uncertain which direction the vessels were attempting to travel
***** From The Posting Boards *****
mica has just posted a new topic entitled "Online Order Editor" in forum "Bug Reporting".
While most players have no problem, the editor appears to victimise a couple of people, kicking them out or saying that their password is invalid - even after successfully logging in.
We also have a betatest soccer game where even though we have 4 or more other testers happily logged in, the same tester is regularly dropped or finds it impossible to log in.
In both cases this is not a consistent error (beyond the same few people being affected). It is as though it is loosing the session data for them.
We have checked and it does not appear to be proxy servers and there is nothing glaring about how they have configured their internet settings.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what may be happening?
The topic can be found here:
Meklanoid has just posted a new topic entitled "Tetrahedral ISR Space" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
Cirdan has just posted a new topic entitled "Boarding" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
The topic can be found here:
Cirdan has just posted a new topic entitled "Extreme Basics of Combat" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
Alternative: sss [dot] editor [at] gmail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
02-07-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 27 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Fort Shiloh ***
The GTT have ended the brief occupation of Fort Shiloh by the Krell in typically GTT fashion. A heavy artillery bombardment followed by a close ground assault saw off the Krell defenders in short order.
Despite the initial take-over being peaceful, the Kastorian Military Junta have apparently had no problem with the GTT military response, which has lead observors to conclude that the KRT seizure of the ex-Krell starbase was deemed illegal.
There were two twists in the tale of this story. Firstly it appears that the ex-GTT employees who were sacked by the Krell when they took over the base were shelled by GTT artillery. Which seems to suggest that those rumours about GTT pension plans are indeed true. And secondly, our reporters are hearing reports of a number of personnel in and around Fort Shiloh falling mysteriously ill of some sort of mysterious contagion.
Finally it seems as if this whole affair has been riven by typical Krell confusion, with reports that the Krell were bickering amongst themselves as to how to respond to the situation. The Krell at Freeport Jadis are understood to have attempted to attack, defend and support their Krell compatriots at Fort Shiloh, all at the same time, in typical Krell fashion. Reports indicate that there were no pack-leaders involved in any of these actions, which explains the confused and fragmentary responses.
*** Action In Straddle ***
A DTR patrol has intercepted and destroyed a 4kmu Imperial ground party detected floating in deep space. Strategic analysts are at something of a loss to understand what the ground party was doing in deep space.
*** Action In Straddle ***
A DTR exploration vessel has been struck and destroyed by an Imperial raider in orbit of Lasso.
*** Skirmish On Varitang ***
A small group of GTT scouts have ambushed a DTR troop convoy on the surface of Varitang this week. One tank was destroyed, for the loss of an unknown number of GTT scouts.
*** Dewiek Press Release ***
It seems the DTR freighters that were intercepted at the Noctollis stargate by Dewiek forces were not the only ships sent, and indeed recent information received at our newsroom suggests that most of the Detinus freighters successfully slipped past Dewiek defences. The DEN press release expands upon this:
"Re: DTR invasion of Noctollis
As expected, DTR has sent an invasion force into Dewiek Home Periphery through the Noctollis stargate. I knew if we waited long enough, they would have to come to us. Two of their ships were destroyed; just enough to let them know that their retreat would be expensive. Now they are on our hunting grounds. Let the hunt begin!
Note; participation in this hunt is by inventation only. All DEN lords who wish to join the DEN High Council must submit their request quickly, as this may not take long. Tasteful and expensive bribes are accepted.
DEN PD MaiChiKwai."
At time of press there is no indication that the DEN hunt has found any prey.
*** Pirate Attack ***
It has been quiet on the old piracy front of late, but it seems as if the dread pirate Missy has launched an attack against the AFT vessel Oin, a venturer class explorer.
Her vessel, the Devil Dog, ran the gauntlet of several AFT warships fire before successfully closing and boarding the Oin. At which point the AFT switched fire to the newly captured pirate, destroying it before the makeshift pirate crew could plot an escape course.
In the confusion the Devil Dog managed to slip away, but sources indicate that the ship was badly damaged in the process. However, the dread pirate Missy is claiming a victory, as she managed to sneak in and take an AFT ship from right in front of the Dinas Dawr starbase.
*** Flagritz Announce Escalation ***
The FLZ Emperor this week announced his intention to retaliate to alleged Felini weapons of mass destruction deployment by utilising offensive nuclear weapons themselves.
The Emperor has been quoted as saying, "We make no apology for our actions. We will nuke Consortium planets without hesitation, and we will use this strategy as our primary weapon. We wil also be moving massive amounts of nuclear counter measures to Crusade as we prepare for the next wave of Consortium attacks."
However considering the efficiency of the ISR Field Dampening Effect, it remains to be seen just how useful nuclear weapons can possibly be anyway.
*** Krell Tourist Board Announcement ***
28 Days Later - Surviving the Aftermath
Following recent communiques relating to an increased interest in the use of nuclear devices the Krell have realised there is an untapped market for tourism to nuclear-devastated areas. Inversion is one prime spot and central to the galactic network. These tours which include visits to Pointy Stick Crater and the old city of Rat Warren, complete with seminars from leading scientists will concentrate on the physics behind nuclear warfare (a history), the effect of nuclear weapons (on military and civilian assets), biological damage (including the risk to the gene pool) and the use of the ISR field and other mitigation methods.
For seminar days a light lunch of krell rat curry and swamp slipper meat will be provided. Alcoholic beverages such as firebrandy will be optional. A vegetarian option of Chickaweed will also be available.
The tours are expected to satisfy the needs of:
a.. physical scientists (whatever their remit)
b.. civilians wondering how they will be affected
c.. ranting megalomaniacs
d.. civil engineers
There are a limited number of places so please book fast.
Price - contact the KTB for details (discounts for school parties available).
*** GTT Market Closures ***
Lord Goth has issued the following statement:
"As many of you know, Lord Goth has been paying well above market for trade goods sold into the HQ market. Unfortunately, demand at the markets where we have been selling periphery products has dropped significantly and it no longer makes sense to buy here and sell there. We are sorry that this lucrative trade route has been somehow degenerated but it seems our products were nothing more than a fad in the inner empire. With the trade multiplier falling faster than a KRT warship over HQ, we can't risk showing up at market with goods below the price of what we paid for them (less spoilage too).
So, it was a good run, lots of us made good trades and nice profits but the party is over.....
We will let you know if the business opportunity returns or if we find another good market for your goods..... Until then, HQ is closed for business."
*** Imperial-Bloc On The Offensive ***
This week has seen a series of major offensives launched by the Imperial-Bloc, as primarily IMP forces have struck at multiple targets throughout the Confederacy. Information is coming into our newsroom thick and fast from Confederate news agencies, leaving us with little time to analyse the data properly.
There appear to have been four major engagements.
1) Imperial railgun ships have recommenced bombardment of the Confederate starbase Spartan Journey in the Trinity system. A squadron of DTR freighters are reported to have run the guantlet of the bombardment to land their vessels in the middle of the firestorm, as desperate Confederate crews unloaded what must have been critical supplies. Few of the twenty or so small Detinus freighters lifted off again, but initial reports indicate that their suicidal delivery run was successful.
2) Imperial ground forces are fighting for control of the CIA Starbase Serpent's Hold in the Francoise system. Approximately 2000 pieces of imperial armour supported by around 12,000 ground troops have moved in and assaulted the starbase, making initial gains. Breaking news indicates that Detinus troop re-inforcements have arrived, and the tide of battle is now expected to turn, with the Imperial division being pushed slowly back.
3) Imperial fleet supports ground offensive. A major fleet action has erupted in orbit of Serpent's Hold, as Imperial and Confederate vessels clash fiercely for control of the airspace.
4) Imperial fleet intercepted in deep space in Francoise by Confederate fleet. Approximately 99 Imperial vessels are currently fighting it out with 131 Confederate warships. It is thought the Imperial vessels were withdrawing from the Serpents Hold action, when they bumped into Confederate reinforcements. After the first day of battle reporters stationed with the Confederate flagship are reporting 2 IMP vessels destroyed and 17 seriously damaged, for the cost of 11 CNF vessels destroyed and 5 seriously damaged. Making the honours about even so far.
At time of press all of these battles are still underway.
Of note is the fact that so far neither the GTT or DTR have had a significant military presence in this operation, leading to speculation that the GTT and DTR fleets are still tip-toeing around each other, each side waiting for the critical moment to commit their forces.
***** From The Posting Boards *****
Busy week on the old posting boards:
janos wolf has just posted a new topic entitled "Suicide Ships" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
The topic can be found here:
Goth has just posted a new topic entitled "Peace incentives" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
mica has just posted a new topic entitled "System Ownership - War v Peace" in forum "Politics".
The topic can be found here:
Ben has just posted a new topic entitled "Newbie 'do not target' flag" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
mica has just posted a new topic entitled "War v Peace - ISR Fields" in forum "Politics".
The topic can be found here:
***** Recruitment Messages *****
*** FLZ ***
Hi everyone
As the FLZ no longer have any assets in Yank we will not recieve any new
players. If anyone is interested in joining the FLZ please contact me off
I should make it very clear (OOC only of course) that anyone interested
would be joining an aff on its own against 3 or 4 enemies.
We have no real way of fighting back right now, but we are doing our best to
build up and need players to run bases and help with running the aff.
Joining is a serious commitment and getting beat up aint always fun -
Any player will be seriously considered.
Tony Mac
IC: FLZ Eatz'Bay'Bees
*** DEN ***
The Dewiek Elder Nation want you!
We are looking for new recruits to help guide the Dewiek Elder Nation into
a new golden age and to repel the DTR forces bend on our destruction.
It does not matter if you are fresh from the bootcamp or if you are a
old Captain, all that matters is that you are eager to do what is best for
the Dewiek Elder Nation.
We have alot to offer.
First Lord Fangneye
Dewiek Elder Nation
***** Message From The Editor *****
This weeks edition was put together under the influence of a bad fever. Apologies for typos or other glaring errors.
- Simon.
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
Alternative: sss [dot] editor [at] gmail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
06-07-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 27 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Yank ***
The Kastorian Military Junta have taken a major step towards halting the increasing militarisation of their space. The following announcement has been posted throughout all corners of Yank:
"All factions are to remove warfleets and squadrons outfitted for war from Kastorian Space. They may pass freely through Kastorian Space, but do not stay."
The paranoid and militaristic Junta are notoriously forceful with their desire to not speak to the press, but our reporter stationed near the KAS military headquarters has suggested that they are very serious indeed about this new policy.
*** Imperial Victory ***
The hard fought battle for the CIA starbase Serpent's Hold has ended with a victory for the Imperial-bloc, following a sudden and catastrophic collapse in the morale of the CIA defenders, despite heavy reinforcements from a Detinus Marine Expeditionary Force.
The CIA Defenders have retreated in good order, and reports indicate that Confederate warships have moved into orbit to commence an orbital bombardment of the newly captured Imperial base.
Multiple IMP freighters have been intercepted and destroyed as they attempted to either ship in or out supplies from Serpents Nest
A CIA source has suggested that the starbase was in the process of being mothballed, and that this is why it was such an easy target, however either way, this can only mark a significant defeat for the Confederacy.
The operation has now entered a new phase, with the IMP apparently digging in.
*** QNG Migration ***
Casual observers have reported what appears to be a marked increase in Queens Guardian freighter traffic to and from the Twilight Periphery, with supplies and troops apparently being evacuated in great number.
Rumours suggest a number of potential explanations for this, from war with the Flagritz Empire, the outbreak of a virulent plague, or an invasion by a vastly superior alien race from beyond known space.
*** Bombardment ***
The CNF starbase Spartan Journey in Trinity is still under occasional bombardment by GTT forces.
*** Pirate ***
A pirate has been destroyed whilst attempting to attack an Imperial convoy in the Adamski system.
*** KRT Appeal ***
The Krell clan Black Rat have made an appeal for military supplies to be delivered to KRT Freeport Jadis (4468), where, in a bold move, all deliveries from all sources have been authorised.
*** IND Destroyed ***
A newly commissioned Independent Courier has been boarded by FET Security forces after making an unexpected landing. An apologetic Zuvoro Norozov has issued the following statement:
Greetings all.
As another new arrival to the peripheries has been boarded when he docked his ship at a FET base I think it's time to re-issue FETs stance on IND positions.
If any IND ship wishes to interact with any FET base it is advisable to contact the governor before entering orbit. Most FET bases are more than willing to conduct trade with IND ships if they have permission to enter Imperial space.
Having said that I must warn that if ANY IND position docks at a FET base they will be boarded for security reasons. So under no circumstances should a IND attempt to dock without the express permission of the base governor.
This system of security has been in place for many years now.
The warning has now been made public here once again so there is no excuse for not knowing the situation.
Thank you for your time.
Zuvoro Norozov.
The FET have offered to replace the Courier for the Independent captain involved. But all traders are reminded that docking with starbases is almost exclusively not required, as most transactions will be carried out in orbit via the starbases hiport systems.
*** Imperial Outpost Application ***
I know we've all been missing these.
An application has been received to exploit code 84656 in the Dryad system.
Anyone already exploiting this code in Dryad should inform the Viceregal
Administration before Day 3 Week 28, quoting the celestial body on which it
is being exploited.
***** From The Posting Boards *****
ted has just posted a new topic entitled "Combat Pay" in forum "Politics".
The topic can be found here:
IMP Duckworth-Lewis has just posted a new topic entitled "War v Peace - political cost of totalling a starbase" in forum "Politics".
The topic can be found on the forums somewhere, and I just accidentally deleted the link from the SSS and Word won't undo it. Sodding stupid useless bloody Microsoft Word.
Mojo has just posted a new topic entitled "Ship management within the order editor" in forum "Everything Else".
The topic can be found here:
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Ships Wanted ***
Got a ship so decrepit that you're thinking of scrapping it for
patches? So cramped that you're thinking of ripping out the
components for spares?
Think again!
Krell Clan Black Rat are moving into the salvage & repair business.
Let us quote you a better return than you'd get by handling the dull
routine yourself. Drop in at KRT starport 'Freeport Jadis' in
NEUTRAL Skord, let us scan you, and quote you a price, in patches or
components (not hulls, I'm afraid). Posted vessels disposed of at
ALSO, we will contract for defunct ground-party, cargo-dump and
debris field clearances. All prisoners returned to nominated
affiliation. Let us clear-up after YOUR victory.
Coming soon! Jadis Orbital Maintenance Facility! All welcome! Not
Goth, obviously, but everybody else!
Tennison Tarb
*** Base Request ***
The QNG is looking to expand. Are there any system governors in the Cluster
that would mind a discrete QNG base in the area?
Either way, does anyone have an up to date list of who is claiming which
My thanks,
Bridge, QNG
*** Desperately Seeking ***
Would the owner of GTT Bondley please contact the Iron Breth'ren (QNG)
privately at Kantnerrocs [at] webbwireles(dot)net.?! Thanks! G!!
Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
Alternative: sss [dot] editor [at] gmail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
20-07-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 29 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Imperial Forces Savage Yank Kastorians ***
The neutrality of the Yank system has been dealt yet another hammer blow this week as the Imperial Navy launched a stunning attack on the planet Mobile Bay. A dozen Imperal warships supported by not one but two Imperial starbases opened fire against a DTR base, a CIA base, a Confederate vessel, and the Kastorian Military Junta orbital platform.
Reporters on the scene indicate that the KAS took the brunt of the damage, with the platform being gutted and reduced to a burning hulk:
KAS Mobile Bay Defence (66452) - Platform
Armour: 73.1 Scints: 9.1
Targeted by IMP DMH - Raptor (4560) - 2028 [3360] Damage
Targeted by IMP DMH - Napalm Fire (94541) - 272 [480] Damage
Targeted by IMP Macedonia (1724) - 112281 [408261] Damage
Targeted by IMP Nargathrond (31952) - 641336 [366080] Damage
Attacking IMP DMH - Yastreb (93256) - 25741 [61730] Damage
Attacking IMP DMH - Napalm Fire (94541) - 30873 [63410] Damage
Attacking IMP DMH - Suzhou (86388) - 35027 [59890] Damage
Attacking IMP Nargathrond (31952) - 35614 [42690] Damage
With the KAS having only recently announced that no affiliation was to station warships in Yank, we can only speculate as to what their response to this action might be.
*** Nuclear Pirates! ***
Confirmation has been received by our newsroom that pirate forces have deployed weapons of mass destruction. The AFT Platform Delta Blues, a dedicated anti-piracy platform in the Solo system, has been attacked by two Nuclear missiles.
The pirate vessel launching the missiles, Nasty Git, a surveyor class gunboat, was destroyed in the action. And it is suspected the Nasty Git was destroyed before it could launch even more nuclear missiles.
Panicked AFT crewmembers manning the platform were successful in shooting down the incoming nuclear missiles with point defence systems, although there are reports that their job was made much more difficult by an array of decoy torpedoes launched by the pirate to cover his nuclear ordnance.
This is not the first time pirates have been caught with WoMD, but this is the first time they have sought to deploy them.
*** IMP Withdrawal ***
The successful Imperial forces have withdrawn from their occupation of Serpents Nest. The full reasoning is not yet known, but it is suspected to be connected to the incident in Yank, as Imperial freighters were spotted shipping away platform hulls from Serpents Nest just before it was returned otherwise intact to the CIA.
It is understood all of the Imperial troops have withdrawn, but that their heavy material and armour has been left behind.
*** IMP Ship Destroyed ***
An imperial scout has been destroyed in the Arachnid system by DTR patrol forces.
*** IND Ban Announced ***
The Dewiek Elder Nation have banned all INDS from their space. The following statement has been received:
As of today, will the Dewiek Elder Nation follow other affiliations in their view of IND, they are simply to much of a threat to be allowed unchecked within our space, so INDs are hereby banned from all DEN space.
Warships will add IND to enemy lists and INDs will be threated as PIR and taken out on sight.
Any IND who wants access into Dewiek Space, should first become their own company (ooc, setup their own aff) or join a minor company or group and like everyone else, apply for permission.
First Elder Fangneye
Dewiek Elder Nation
*** Pirate Sightings ***
Pirates have been spotted in the Aladdin and Yank systems. Traders are advised by the APTF to be on their guard in these systems.
*** Scout Destroyed ***
A one-man Detinus Republic scout has been destroyed in orbit of Mattalot by Imperial forces this week.
We here at the IGN newsrooms can't really think of any worse job in the Peripheries than being on a one-man one-shuttle scouting operation.
*** IMP Fleet In Action ***
A fleet of well over a hundred imperial warships engaged a DTR sensor platform in the outer quadrants of Straddle this week. The small DTR Deep-Eye platform barely had time to transmit a distress signal when the IMP fleet, who were thought to just be passing through, spotted their low-profile sensor nest of operations.
Ten sensor technicians are understood to have been killed.
*** Rescue Operation ***
A Detinus Republic vessel has staged a daring rescue operation for two small DTR vessels that had become stranded in a nebulae. Braving dangerous conditions, the DTR vessel managed to successfully dock and effect repairs before any lives were lost due to extremely high radiation levels. All ships are now reported to be safely back in drydock.
*** GTT Raid ***
A small force of GTT raiders has bombarded a CIA outpost in the Arachnid system. The six GTT vessels entered orbit of Latrodectus and fired upon the CIA facility destroying several complexes but fortunately there has been no loss of life reported.
CIA and DTR patrol forces responded in force, but the GTT warships were able to slip away. A small Imperial ground party in the orbital quadrant of Latrodectus was however detected and destroyed. It is suspected the IMP ground party was in location to facilitate the withdrawal of the warships in some way.
Or perhaps they were just sight-seeing.
*** Flagritz Emperor ***
Evil Alien News Agencies are reporting that the FLZ Emperor has now re-united the three castes of the Flagritz, and that the Empire now stands resurgent.
*** Loose Box Found In Jiggley Room ***
… yeah. We're not touching this story.
*** Jiggley Room Floated ***
Shares in Jiggley Stock have begun to be traded this week, as the Peripheries most famous, erm… room, has floated itself on the stock exchange.
In typical RIP fashion nobody is quite sure what these shares are worth, or what they entitle the owner to.
*** Freighter Destroyed ***
A FLZ freighter has been destroyed by the COH:
"It is with great remorse we announce the wanton destruction of the FLZ freighter Red Mist (68025). The said ship orbited the planet leffingwell to trade with the COH starbase as per are rights in Imperial space. The COH have once again showed no respect for law and have taken it into there own hands. I have spoken with the Imperial authorities and the COH are to pay damages. This as been set at 180,000 stellars to this number 14598. Look forward to there reply as to why they have target FLZ on the lists in Imperial space."
*** New Leadership ***
The Children Of Hexos are reporting that a new leader has risen amongst their people.
*** Flagritz Emperor Press Release ***
The Flagritz would like to wish the QNG well in their quest for a new home.
We look forward to watching your rise in interstellar politics as an
interested but neutral bystander. Good luck.
FLZ fleets have been ordered to temporarily stand down against the COH. We
reserve the right to pursue our business with them in yank at a later date -
at the time of writing, enemy lists have been changed to allow free passage
to COH ships in yank. A full peace treaty will be drawn up in the coming
weeks. The FLZ will maintain an active claim with the KAS over the attack on
our assets, but will not be firing on the COH in Yank unless provoked..
We regard the COH as a neutral third party. I am sure that now the COH are
free of the influence of the evil Consortium their path will be smooth and
Glory to the Empire.
FLZ Emperor Eatz'Bay'Bees
*** Imperial Press Release ***
FROM: Patrol Commissioner
Over the last 3 weeks heavy engagements have occurred between elements of
the forward ISP and the CIA/CNF.
A first engagement in the Beach system saw 9 CIA battleships engage a 28
warship group of the IMP. In the first days engagement many CIA warships
were destroyed, with at least 4 surviving the day, only to be finished off
on day 2 of the battle. No Imp losses had been reported, and minor damage to
a few of the larger ships had been noted.
General movement had been made over the next few days with no targets
located, but the fleet stayed in the locality of Franscoise due to an
impending assault planned against the CIA starbase Serpents Hold.
On stardate 207.26.3 IMP ground equipment successfully started the assault
against the CIA, with many pieces of armour pounding the defensive positions
of the starbase, and made good headway.
Mean while the Fleet stayed in the quad in support of the many freighters
required to deliver such a ground force, and during this phase a lonely CIA
100 hulled freighter stumbled across us. This resulted in the freighter
quickly being destroyed, but did give away the position and strength of the
battle group.
A large scale battle developed, and it was estimated 13 confederate warships
were destroyed and 3 IMP vessels lost. It was noted that both sides had hand
picked targets resulting in explosions rather than damage across a wider
range of ships. During the next day movement was again made by Imperial
shipping, and many of the damaged ones successfully moved away from the
battle zone. It was noted that warships on both sides were destroyed on day
2 during this phase, IMP losses were thought to be an extra 4 ships, CNF
losses were a minimum of 2 more, but records get a bit sketchy under heavy
incoming fire.
Anyway we are happy to report that after 5 days of ground action the
starbase fell, although enemy forces sent in a skilled detachment of marines
and vet marines, IMP reinforcements arrived daily on the ground meaning that
this base came under sustained pressure. Although on day 3 things looked
dicey as the enemy pressed us back 7 percent, day 4 saw a stalemate, a final
delivery of tanks and more troops saw the Imperial ground forces forge ahead
and take control.
We are pleased with the performance of the operation overall and we were
trying to develop the starbase into a defensive position, this however came
into problems pretty quickly.
The first being rather than re-attacking the base with the troops already on
the floor, the enemy simply pulled back and entered orbit with a very large
amount of ships, several hundred were noted, and started to bombard the
base. It has to be noted this tactic was employed by the enemy last time in
Beach, and rather than try to save their own people, they simply started to
wipe them out.
So for a few days the enemy as per usual started to kill their own, backed
by its allies, committing Mass murder. This is the Confederacy and DTR for
you. We hope that the people of the confederacy and the planets that support
them realise what is happening.
To help in the story being spread of the atrocities carried out by the CNF,
the IMP actually released all the prisoners and all the employees to stop
them being executed by their own, and to spread the word as to what has
The DTR stand silent on all these episodes, they them selves carried out
this atrocity in Beach many months ago, now the CNF do it for a second time.
Their fight for the "Good" of their own people looks very dubious to me.
The operation has been successful and the IMP have now fully withdrawn all
their troops from the base, leaving the empty site for the CIA to take
control yet again. Wether or not their own people will be as keen for them
to be there is another matter.
More news to follow..including first hand reports of confederacy mass
IMP Gandolph
*** Confederate And Detinus Response to Imperial Press Releases ***
CNF and DTR sources have reacted angrily to the previous news story, citing many instances where the Imperial Patrol Commissioner has resorted to blatant and untrue propaganda particularly as regards accusations of mass murder. We no doubt await more press releases with interest.
*** Confederate Press Release ***
FROM: The office of the CNF Supreme Commander
The Confederacy would like to point out that despite sustained
provocation from the Imperials and friends the Confederacy has thus far
tried to avoid a return to the years of conflict and mutual destruction
that has plagued the human race in these sorry times.
The Imperials have it within their power to stop the fighting tomorrow;
however, they choose not to do so and instead back their allies the GTT
despite the Imperials being largely in agreement over the terms of a
peace accord.
We find it hypocritical for the patrol commissioner to accuse the
Confederacy of mass murder when it was his order that sent thousands of
troops to actively take by force that which they would not agree to by
peaceful measures some months ago. The Commissioners office was
strangely quiet when his allies the GTT bombarded both CNF and DTR
starbases on the much more populated civilian world of Vehrenberg in
Varitang! Whilst on the subject we would also like to remind the AFT at
this time that we find your silence and complicity on the whole issue of
Varitang inexcusable, you are again reminded that you are no longer
welcome in orbit of CNF starbases in Confederacy space.
For the greater glory of Emperor Lysander,
Thomas S. Jackson
CNF Supreme Commander
*** Imperial Press Release ***
FROM: Patrol Commissioner
BHD ships captured.....
During the ground operation, recently against CIA serpents Hold, a group of
around 16 BHD ships landed to try and deliver last minute replacements,
unfortunately for them, it would appear their paperwork wasn't in order, and
they failed to make the drop. Whilst they were sorting out their details,
the base fell to the IMP ground forces.
This meant they were then attacked with multiple boarding attempts against
many of them, and it is known at least 7 ships were taken with the troops
made prisoners complete with their tanks etc still on board.
However not being overly diplomatic about these sorts of things, the CNF
bombardment wiped these ships out and also 2 more BHD ships that were still
docked, even though they hadn't been captured by IMP forces. Another sign of
the enemies willingness to commit mass murder.
News flash.....
Many of the BHD troops captured were marines and vet marines, after several
days bombardment by their own forces, killing many employees, prisoners and
the local environment. Their belief in their cause and that of the holy one,
with which brings mass murder to their own waived. A number of trained
troops converted to the flag of the IMP and have been evacuated from the
site alongside IMP ground troops.
Under the IMP, they know that war is tough, but we do try, and yes not
always successfully, but we do try and recover all troops. We have the
peoples interests at heart.
They know that the CNF and the DTR commit mass murder, some times in
complete violation of local laws, such as the killing of many IMP troops in
Solo, which was backed by the DTR senate, not carried out by mistake but
with the backing of its leaders. The killing of all civilians by the DTR in
Beach 6 months ago against a former CIA base. The CNF killing numerous
civilians in a base 6 months ago, and now again showing that they hold their
own with no regard, by bombarding the bases from orbit.
People of the peripheries see for your self, the rebels, have no morals,
they kill their own....
If civilians wish to leave the planets of the rebels, then contact the IMP,
we have the ability to remove you to more peaceful planets, where the
thoughts of the people are at the forefront of any military exercise, we
consider the men involved. Join the right cause....join the IMP...
IMP Gandolph
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Desperately Seeking ***
Greetings Citizens,
Please would the governor of OPS Harvester Hive (4269) contact me at his earliest convenience.
*** I Love You SMS ***
Could the Governor of SMS Deep Down (3635) please contact me
or any other SMS with contact addresses for the Governor of said
First Elder Fangneye
Dewiek Elder Nation
*** Ship Wanted: Nothing Kinky ***
Gentlefolk of the Peripheries,
Is is my intense desire to purchase an addition to my fleet.
The vessel I have in mind would be large, a 100 or 150, or maybe even
a 200 light, or extra light hulled ship.
If the vessel were already to be configured to handle cargo, so much
the better, but any configuration will do, as I can refit to my own
specifications. Indeed an empty ship would indeed suffice.
Any parties that may have a suitable vessel surplus to requirements and
would consider selling it, please contact zzupkern [@] yahoo.com.
Upon which I will send my Uncles third cousin around to kick the tires
and peer under the bonnet, whilst attempting to look as if he actually
knew what he was looking at.
I have the honour to be, your obedient servant,
Zachariah Zupkern and Uncles third cousin
Fully Independant and Trustworthy.
My Word is My Bond
Traders to the Universe.
***** From The Posting Boards *****
Ben has just posted a new topic entitled "kjcgames.com connections blacklisted?" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Jack has just posted a new topic entitled "IND RULE---RULING QUESTION TO MICA" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
The topic can be found here:
Tony_Habergham has just posted a new topic entitled "Space Interceptors with starbase shields" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
The topic can be found here:
Goth has just posted a new topic entitled "MAD" in forum "Politics".
The topic can be found here:
Oran Guutan has just posted a new topic entitled ".co.uk editor not picking up order" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Tony_Habergham has just posted a new topic entitled "Personal Empires" in forum "Politics".
The topic can be found here:
mica has just posted a new topic entitled "Blackpool Pubmeet 9-11th November" in forum "Everything Else".
The topic can be found here:
***** Message From The Editor *****
Dedicated readers will have noticed there was no edition of the SSS last week. This was due to my computer imploding big time. Many many days of blood sweat and tears later, I have finally got it sort of up and running again. My trusty old P2 466, running Win98.
Anyway, double length edition this week. Assuming we can go longer than 10 minutes without crashing.
Also, please note my freeserve address is in the process of being mothballed. Bloody useless freeserve, the only ISP in the world who won't accept incoming email at random from legitimate sources.
And I'm stopping now because I've already spent almost the whole afternoon putting together this weeks edition. :-)
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
27-07-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 30 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Klan Rat ***
The Krell KRT clan have been in action this week at Freeport Jadis when a KST vessel entered orbit and was promptly destroyed.
The action was observed from orbit by a sizeable Falconian fleet.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
Confederacy Anti Piracy forces are reporting the destruction of a pirate vessel in Yank:
Further to my earlier advisory I can today report that elements of the
CNF Anti piracy taskforce were despatched to intercept the pirate
vessel(s) spotted yesterday in Yank. It would appear, based on name
recognition alone, that it is unfortunately the Mohache (who have been
sighted in the vicinity) who today fell victim to the earlier sighted
pirate. Before the pirates could make off with the stolen ship however
the CNF SHIP Does my bomb look big in this? (19xxx) engaged and
destroyed a single Pirate flagged vessel.
PIRATE Bacc Attitt (8875) - Ship
Barge Class Troop Transport {No Armour}
Hull Damage: 100.0%
Retreated from battle
It is not known at this time whether any other Mohache vessels were
captured by pirates and escaped the scene.
My condolences go out to the crew of the Mohache vessel (if that was
indeed its origin as thought) who were killed by the marauding pirates.
Sam Houston
Governor of CNF Starbase Sarajevo"
*** Black Death Very Dead ***
A combined SMS and RIP Anti-Piracy Task Force operation has intercepted and destroyed the pirate vessel Black Death in the Fortoon System.
*** How Many Imperial Warships Does It Take… ***
… to destroy one small DTR observation platform?
The Imperial navies have been in action again in Straddle, taking out a second DTR sensor platform. The Imperial forces achieved local superiority of something in the region of 200:1.
Despite this, they suffered a humiliating defeat.
Wait, that's not right.
*** Pirate Spotted ***
Alarming news this week as the pirate vessel Wolfpack has been spotted in Blowton. The primary cause for alarm is due to the Wolfpack being an Imperial Ship Of The Line class warships.
The SoLs are a little out of date these days, but it is still a front-line warship. And may indicate the pirates have access to a shipyard somewhere.
An Imperial spokesman has been keen to point out that several SOL blueprints have been sold over the years, and they have no idea where these blueprints might be now.
*** Skirmish In Kastor ***
KST vessels have ambushed two Imperial patrol cruisers in the Kastor system, destroying one and seriously damaging the second.
The KST strike fleet withdrew before Imperial reinforcements could arrive.
*** Inter-Galactic News Team Annex Felini Space ***
The Felini Tyranny have suffered a massive defeat this week as victorious IGN reporters have successfully annexed all of Felini space, and officially disbanded the FEL as a political entity.
Fleeing into hiding in the face of the glorious IGN reporters (All of who are at least 6 foot tall and shoot laser beams from their eyes), the Felini Tyrant Mrrshan is reported as saying "These IGN Reporters are simply too powerful for us, we're getting out of here quick!"
*** Pirate Attack ***
A pirate vessel has attempted to board a DTR vessel in Yank. The boarding attempt failed.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Recruitment ***
Citizens of the peripheries take notice!
Emperor Lysander is seeking willing and able commanders to join the ranks of the Confederate Naval Forces. The CNF carry the standard of the Emperor and direct his forces in the struggle for survival against the might of the corrupt Imperial armies and aim to one day restore the rightful royal line to the birthplace of humanity.
New recruits are welcome regardless of age, sex or experience.
Pledge your support to the cause of rebellion, become a rebel and join the Confederacy today.
This was a public recruitment message on behalf of the CNF (Affiliation #65).
For further information contact:
Ewan Jones, CNF PD.
Email: cnf@darkfold.netor ewan.jones@blueyonder.co.uk
Web: www.darkfold.net
*** Ships For Sale ***
Given the popularity of my earlier ship sales, I am happy to announce
that I have up to six 75 LH freighters for sale.
Offers can be made in money, other ships, rare goods, information,
Blueprints, Jiggly Room shares, etc.
Bridge, QNG.
*** Jiggley Stock ***
There has been a slight slump in the value of Jiggley Shares this week as uncertainty over the future of the Jiggley Room's expansion plans have hit a stumbling block.
***** From The Posting Boards *****
Jack has just posted a new topic entitled "Operatives" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
A few years ago operatives were able to make a dent in the game. Right now not only is it hard to drop an operative, its impossible to get one with any skills worth mentioning. Trying to build skills with a 20 percent chance of completion and 80 % chance of capture to close down a simple mining complex is stupid odds, but occasionally realistic. Whats not realistic is to have 20 operatives with all the same lousy skills. A couple years ago there was a mixture, some very good and some very bad and some average. What happened? And why? Richard Fanning (Lawrence scrimm) made some of the same observations with me out of character, just discussing the rules.
Theres this bright idea also, that it costs stellars to do anything. So, first, theres very very lousy skills assigned to any of the operatives, and I have nearly thirty right now. Twenty five or thirty with bad skills is not a coincidence. The idea of covert action seems to be interrupted and back doored because of the assumption that we have to pay to do everything. Hiring agents...the same thing. Very very very hard to do. And theres no way you build up your skills except by taking very very very high risks. This is stupid. And its not based on the bases security either. Because I've had the same problem with no security at all.
and finally, for the past week I've been trying to get a simple update on operatives that are landed. I tried using their operative # and their position #. No update. I know they haven't been killed because they still show up on the online editor. My operatives attempted to things last night, plus I asked for an update using the operative number. No update and no turns. I was under the conception that other than outposts, if a position does something, that a turn is generated. Operatives is a good part of this game if operated correctly, but right now it appears someone is trying to do away with this part of the game. Its too hard to get in. Its too hard (impossible) to train one with any skills. Its impossible to get a turn result without requesting an update and its impossible to get an update.
any ideas or suggestions?
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
03-08-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 31 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Twinkle ***
Drama has erupted yet again in the Twinkle system. The newly appointed system governor of Twinkle, Rasshan, Pridesenior of the Felini Starhunter Pride, has made the following announcement:
"Citizens of the Peripherys your attention please
The Twinkle system, claimed by Highstar, is a Territorial Annex of the Felini Tyranny as mandated by the Antioch Accords and the Sapphire agreement. By the grace of the Tyrant, safe passage is guaranteed to all registered affiliations to and from the Twinkle Stargate.
The Flagritz empire is banned from the Sapphire orbital zone and from the surface of all system bodies. As a courtesy they have one week to remove there presence, hostile action will result in this grace period being revoked."
Our best guess here at the IGN news-room is that the Felini has re-asserted their long-standing claim to the Twinkle system, and have taken it over from the High Star authorities, who might or might not still be controlled by the GTT, FLZ, or whoever the hell else has been fiddling in the politics of Twinkle these last months.
What this means is uncertain, but the new Flagritz Emperor Eatz Baybeez has already expressed his displeasure.
Of course the new Flagritz Emperor seems to pretty much hate everything. So that one maybe doesn't come as such a great surprise.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The pirate ship Tutu has been destroyed in Yank when it entered orbit of the Confederate starbase Sarajevo.
A big friendly welcome greeted the pirate, as it was blown out of the sky.
*** Flagritz Take-over ***
As relations between the FLZ and COH normalise, a number of outposts have been returned to the FLZ in Yank.
This change in ownership appears to have taken a Falconian ground party by surprise, as they quickly hurried to vacate a newly FLZ facility.
*** Pirate Attack ***
Imperial food-aid convoys en-route to Earth have been targetted by pirates this week The pirate ship Devil Dog II successfully boarded the Imperial freighter, and made off with the cargo of foodstuffs.
***** The Alexander Enterprises Story *****
Continued Extracts from 'How Independent Can You Be? The Alexander Enterprises story.'
Disclaimer: This should be regarded as a purely fictional story. Alexander Enterprises do not accept any liability on grounds of this story and expressly deny involvement in any illegal activities depicted herein.
Part 5 - Fair Game?
200.31.5: Murdering Bastards! The IND Rubberduck entered orbit of Thorax in Shrike today to purchase another load of thorlium for the FGZ, and was attacked and destroyed by FET Alderaan (4316) immediately upon entering orbit. My priceless Behemoth is lost with all hands and over a quarter of a million stellars in cash aboard.
Because they can. It's as simple as that, although at the time I was not ready to accept that. Neither the Shrike system nor the planet Thorax have any message indicating them off-limits, and Thorax in fact hosts several public markets not only from the FET - they are effectively shooting down customers of other affiliations.
I humbly contacted both the IMP and the FET, explaining how I had a full access permit and inquired why the FET were turning a major trade world into a deathtrap without warning. The IMP replied that this was FET business, and the FET replied that it was none of my business and that they would shoot any unaffiliated ship on sight. As far as the IMP or FET were concerned, that concluded the matter. I must say that imperial jurisdiction left me wanting. Then I decided to take up the gauntlet and fight the war that they had started.
If they had actually traced the Fergie incident to my enterprise then it would perhaps have been different, but this general declaration of war is against all IND alike.
200.33.4: Back on Fergie, Clockwork Orange stages another attack against the outpost at 5-2 and is soundly defeated, killing all combat troops. Remaining crew subsequently scarper aboard IND Electron, leaving behind 28 crawlers (light unarmed APV) and a stockpile of food and combat drugs. This effectively concludes the operation at Fergie, which can be said to be a partial success at best. In the end, the net gain was only marginally higher than my investment, not counting weeks of planning and preparation. Moreover, I heard through the grapevine that the pirates (shudder!) were not happy with the botched outpost capture either, and pillaged far less loot than they had anticipated. They feel their efforts were not rewarded and their gratitude is correspondingly small.
200.35.4: Travelling through the Shrike system with orders to map the planets and generally perform some explorations, the crew of the Electron report shockwaves emanating from the planet Wasp that signify a low level nuclear blast. Before they can investigate, however, the Electron is sort of disposed of by moving it into orbit of Thorax where no less than four colonies from the GTT, IMP and FET waste incredible amounts of ammunition on the ship, including moxa based ammo and several thousand missiles. The ordnance fired at the small Yacht exceeds the mass of the ship.
Having encountered numerous warships from the imperial affiliations at Fergie, the Grain of Salt, too, is obviously implied as being heavily involved in the Fergie situation. I have to get rid of the ship, but am reluctant to simply scuttle it as it is among my bigger and more modern vessels. A deal is therefore struck with the FGZ whereby they pay me for the ship and I land it at their Yank colony, thus giving them both reason and opportunity to impound it and claim they captured it from an unknown owner. Safe return of my crew is guaranteed by the FGZ.
Part 6 - The Association of Free Traders
200.36.1: With the loss of the Rubberduck and Electron to trigger-happy imperial starbases and the sale (sort of) of Grain of Salt to the FGZ, my remaining little fleet cannot be linked to any nefarious action anymore, especially not the Fergie lift. But being IND they have to fear the general imperial wrath against IND anyways. I have therefore, after long consideration, decided to join the Association of Free Traders and be just that - an affiliated free trader. I'll have to behave, of course, but for the time being I am fed up with espionage, subterfuge missions and petty warfare anyways. The AFT will provide me with the nice aura of an overall nice, law-abiding and peaceful trader and nobody in their right mind would shoot at AFT positions. Worth a try.
200.41.1: As payment for transport services rendered in Yank, the DTR transfer ownership of the DTR "Isengard" (220), a brand new Behemoth class freighter, to me. It has just come off the docks of GTT Bannockburn. The ship is renamed to AFT "Seven Seas of Stars", outfitted, and immediately embarks on a lucrative cargo run to EEM Balmoral. It will trade in the Yank area for some weeks to come and also stop by at KAS Rubis to upgrade its armour. Life is dangerous in the peripheries, you know.
201.4.5: Today, we purchased two more ships from the AFT to join the ranks of Alexander Enterprises: The Templar class "Beacon Light" (889), a general purpose cruiser, and the "Wind of Dawn" (985), another Free Trader. They are quickly overhauled and outfitted, and the latter is immediately sent to Stockton where the nimble ship begins to lift strion from my hidden depot outpost and delivers it to the Seven Seas of Stars waiting nearby (which, being a Behemoth, cannot land at the outpost itself). Even the Apogee, which has been sitting idle at Rubis for more than half a year, has been reactivated to help with this task and arrives in-system during week 201.7. While the large freighter moves to EEM Hypso to sell bulk amounts of strion for a good price, the Free Traders move out to AFT Eclypse to sell smaller amounts with tremendous revenue (the AFT are only buying smaller amounts unfortunately). This keeps my ships busy for many weeks to come.
201.7.5: Alexander II was upgraded to Super Carrier class at Ariel today. Its tremendous cargo capacity is immediately put to good use by paid delivery runs into a new, secret DTR system (Faery) in the upcoming months, where the freighter helps to establish a colony base. It is flattering that they trust me far enough to give me jump data into a new system of theirs. For a brief time I consider sending exploration ships of my own, but ultimately decide to remain a nice guy and keep this powerful and faithful customer/employer happy. In the long run that will be worth more than a quick sale of jump data.
201.13.5: Apogee has begun dismantling the Heath storage outpost for good and its items are added to another outpost on Fergie that is currently registered as "unowned" by the EEM.
After completing the strion sale, the Seven Seas of Stars lands at EEM Hypso for an extended R&R that will turn out to last half a year. The Wind of Dawn and Apogee follow suit a few weeks later.
***** From The Posting Boards *****
Smokes in Mountains has just posted a new topic entitled "Offline editor" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Cirdan has just posted a new topic entitled "Command/Security Complexes" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
10-08-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 32 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News: The Offensively Biased Special Edition *****
*** Felini Admit: We Just Want To Be Friends ***
A fresh war of words has erupted between the Flagritz and Felini this week. Shock news, turns out they don't like each other. Who would have imagined!
In related news, reports have reached us of a new wave of Flagritz/Felini pornography being sold at RIP starbases throughout the peripheries. Those sick RIP perverts. We at the IGN newsroom utterly condemn podophilia, and we trust that all right-thinking denizens will immediately declare war upon the RIP immediately.
*** Piracy Update ***
A pirate in the Skord system has humiliated those well known incompetants the SMS, along with the feeble Imperial services, as the PIR vessel Wulfenstein managed to outrun several dozen warships, most of whom were so useless they didn't even manage to fire off a single weapon.
We here at the IGN newsroom mock all involved with this stunning display of ineptitude.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The pirate ship Black Spider has been destroyed by the criminal forces of the AFT. Quite how these peace-loving wasters managed to hit anything is beyond us. No doubt the pirate who owned the Black Spider is hiding out of embaressment. I mean, that's almost as bad as being destroyed by the Mohache.
*** EEM Thugs Support Piracy ***
Well respected for their purity of values and absolute moral neutrality, the EEM have this week been implicated in helping to re-register pirated vessels. Either the EEM are criminal masterminds, or Admiral Simms of the Imperial Services has lost his mind by making this accusation. Frankly we're happy with either interpretation.
*** Detinus Republic Are Officially Useless ***
Those peace loving surrender-monkeys the DTR have done absolutely nothing yet again this week, as they fail to respond to Goth stealing all of their toys and pushing them around the playground.
When questioned, speaker of the house Michelle Diaz shouted something about shoes, before shooting at our reporter.
*** Inter-Galactic News Glorifies Piracy ***
Reacting to recent complaints from the dread pirate and hearthrob Missy regarding an apparent lack of reporting on the activities of Pirate Moon Dog, the IGN/SSS are proud to announce the upcoming Piracy Special Edition of this esteemed publication.
All pirates, and those inclined towards piracy (Yes, we are looking at you Goth and Sivar) are invited to submit material for the Piracy Special Edition.
But for the love of all that is holy, spellcheck it first please?
*** Flagritz Send Envoy To Get Burnt To Crisp ***
The baby-loving Flagritz have sent a delegate to the planet Sapphire, to discuss the recent Flagritz-loving Felini takeover of the High Star installation.
Far be it for us to insert opinion pieces into our usually crisp and clear editorial, but the IGN newsroom poll currently has this rated as The Third Best Idea In Recent Periphery History. Right up there with the Whoops-Where's-My-Planet COH expedition to Coombes, and Anything The Krell Have Done, Ever.
*** Rip News Network Implicated In Slavery ***
Well, now they are anyway.
*** Cheerful Alien Pyschopaths ***
Cuddly Evil Overlord Emperor Eatz'Bay'Bees has taken time out of his busy schedule of showing Women's Realm reporters around his luxury seaside villa and talking about the battle with his figure, to issue the following statement:
As many of you may know, we recently exterminated many tens of thousands
feline prisoners. The resulting pile of bones and charred furry bits has
left us with an oppurtunity for trade. Once we remove the felines from
battlefield and so can move our cargos to market, we will be selling Feline
trophy bones (*****) at reasonable rates.
Mass orders can be made in advance. This is a very sustainable resource -
there are lots of trophies to go round.
I assume the Falconian race would pay alot for these - their former workers
work in our extermination plants now and so the bones are, in some sort of
way, a Falconian item - Falconians made them.!
And before any of you humans get upset, bare in mind that many of you have
planets which house non human populations - ask them if they would be
interested in buying such items before judging the falconians for providing
Reaction to this statement was, well, you can probably imagine. We don't need to report on it. Really. Isn't there some beach volleyball on we could watch instead?
*** Something Happened, Somewhere, We Don't Know What ***
The following transmission has been made on the sub-space static:
"Can the previous owner (ie whoever had it yesterday) of OUTPOST DVC
(25734) and the current CIA positions attacking it please contact me to
explain WTF is going on."
Our crack team of reporters were all over this like Goth on a new weapons system, and we rapidly discovered a far-reaching conspiracy of shattering proportions. Apparently the Confederacy hierarchs like cheese and biscuits!
Stay tuned for more astonishing revelations.
*** Moon Dog Commits Suicide ***
The pirate Moon Dog has transmitted the following on open comms channels:
"Iffen anee wun wud oblige me, I'd be willin' ta pay beetween 10 an 20K stellurz fer a jump engine fer one o me shipz in orbit uf a small moon in Wastelandz. Avin trubble gettin' da hell owtta heeyer. Moon Dog."
Every spare APTF warship within reach is expected to be visiting every orbit of Wastelands tomorrow. But no doubt they'll manage to miss the pirate scum yet again.
*** Hive Deny Cuddly Claims ***
Recent news stories reporting on Hive Starwarriors posing with teddy bears have lead to the suggestion that the COH and QNG are going soft, a question that we are looking to recruit several new reporters to go and ask the COH and QNG in person.
All SSS/IGN news team members are treated to generous life-insurance coverage. Please apply to the address below.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Stuff Wanted: Give Me It ***
Would anybody willing to part with up to 5 Noctollis stargate keys please contact me at this office.
Hucuron Baalazar - SMS
*** I Luv U ***
Flagritz and Felini
In a tree.
- Anon.
*** Oi You, Gimme Your Stuff ***
Could the owner of Highstar contact me please.
I see you have a surplas of Thorlium and I would be interesed in
aquiring it and paying for shipping if you can deliver.
Also a note to other traders, if they can locate any surplas Thorlium I
would be interested in buying that too at a realistic price.
Also looking for Celesium.
Mike Storm
FET Security
*** Wanted For Unspeakable Experimentation ***
I am looking to acquire a significant quantity of Alien Plantlife as part of
a revitalisation project. Shipping can be handled by the Mohache, so no
worries there.
Any offers from beings with large quantities in stock will be greatly
Smokes in Mountains
Mohache Yakima
*** Flagritz Wanted. Possibly Not For Unspeakable Experimentation ***
From: The Iron Breth'ren (QNG)
Would the FLZ Emperor please contact us by private waveband at
Kantnerrocs@webbwireless(dot)net!! Thank You!!
Master ib Kl'kkl'kk
for the Iron Breth'ren
*** The Actually Quite Serious Classified ***
Would the owner of the new ship that was seeded to the DOM in error recently, and suddenly found itself converted to IMP please get in touch.
aka IMP Viceroy (PD)
Viceroy [at] chalmore [dot] co [dot]
***** From The Posting Boards *****
Dan Reed has just posted a new topic entitled "aff dropdowns" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
***** Message From The Editor ******
Apologies all. It seemed like a good idea at the time. :-) Normal service will be resumed next week.
Apologies if anybody feels they should have been insulted who wasn't. I did try to hit every affiliation…
Yours in jest,
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
17-08-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 33 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Imperial News Roundup ***
The Imperial news agencies have released the following bulletin:
"A small IMP commerce interdiction patrol ran into more than it could handle in the Kasmer system and all the ships were damaged or destroyed by a KST escort group. The survivor of the first battle was destroyed by a DTR fleet next day
An IMP fighting patrol in the Straddle system stumbled over a small DTR surveillance platform which got off a message before it was destroyed, thereby forcing the IMP patrol to withdraw.
Two small intruders have finally been caught and destroyed in the Mattalot and Capellan systems. The DTR GP in and around the Dogleg orbit and ring/quadrant is believed to have been monitoring shipping there for some months
Pirates continue to be active around the Peripheries, a PIR scout was destroyed at B8 in Mattalot and a pirate came into the orbit of Seventeen in Adamski and cut out an IMP ship loading food for the relief operation to the starving millions on Earth (Sol system). This is the second time that this has happened and on each occasion it has been a day or two after the usual escort ships have been pulled out for maintenance. One wonders who is passing the information to these apparently well informed pirates."
*** Rip News Roundup ***
This is an RNN bulletin:
The following announcement has been made by our former colleagues at the IGN News Room (read it ... you will see why they are 'former')...
"All Sentients, please note that the Battlefield system has now been claimed by the Inter-Galactic News team. All non-IGN positions must register their presence immediately, or their holdings will be subject to brutal and terrible reprisals by the defensive forces of the Inter-Galactic News fleet.
The Felini Tyranny should prepare to surrender immediately to the vastly and totally invisible overwhelming forces of reporters that are about to come and kick down their door and ask a large number of VERY POINTED questions indeed.
Yours sincerely,
The Editor."
Is this the return of the Alien Brain Parasites ... now infecting the IGN? If so ... why do said parasites attack the press first?
Is this something to do with the vast quantities of beverages consumed by the IGN Editor and his staff while visiting the Jiggly Room last night?
Who knows? Who Cares? Who reads these bulletins anyway?
And, more importantly,
Who drank my drink? Was it you?
*** Imperial Scout Destroyed ***
A DTR platform in Venice has intercepted and destroyed an Imperial scout ship that was attempting to sneak past.
*** Pirate destroyed ***
The pirate vessel Slaughtered Dove has lived up to its name and been blown to shreds by the SMS this week, as it entered orbit of the planet Beeker in the Dryad system where a squadron of SMS warships was anchored.
A single transmission of 'Oh bugger…' was heard over the comm channels shortly before the Pirate blew up.
*** Rip News Network ***
Our colleagues at the RIP news network have produced a story that we think deserves to be rebroadcast in its entirety:
"Very quiet indeed...
As if someone was up to something...
But was trying to go unnoticed...
We would like to take a moment to congratulate our colleagues at the RNN for their cutting and incisive reporting. And to imagine we thought they weren't good enough to work for the IGN.
*** Pirate Denies Involvement ***
The pirate Moondog has denied involvement in last weeks request for assistance:
"It twasn't me in da Wastelandz! I wuz jest helpin sumone owt and makin' meself a point uf kontact. Dere is much more ta dis storee, but I ain't sayin whut it iz."
We had had no reports of any sightings of any suspicious ships in Wastelands, so we assume whatever this story referred to went off without a hitch.
Of course if anybody would like to drop us a line about what was going on, we'd treat it in the strictest confidence. Up until we printed it in next weeks edition of course.
*** Ban Lifted ***
The Falconian Emperor has announced that the ban in RIP ships in Acropolis has been lifted.
*** Black Dog Destroyed ***
Rumours abound this week that the dread pirate Black Dog has committed suicide-by-cop. The PIR vessel Black Dog has been destroyed when it wandered casually up alongside an SMS APTF patrol, and attempted to board one of the Heavy Cruisers by docking to a battery of Rail Gun muzzles.
Gunnery crews onboard the SMS vessel Cobalt-Oligocene report hearing somebody knocking on their breach-blocks asking to come inside please, shortly before the order was given to open fire.
The Black Dog was destroyed, and a rescue operation scoured the wreckage but found no survivors.
*** KRT Boarded ***
The KRT vessel Pheidippides has been the target of an unsuccessful GTT boarding attempt in the Adamski system.
*** Skirmish In Proton ***
A small Confederate platform has been destroyed in the Proton system by a single Imperial ship.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Ore holds/decks ***
I am in the market to buy the above items or BPS. Anyone with the above
items please contact me on willieduncan@googlemail[dot]com.
Lee A Fairchild
*** Tech wanted ***
I am looking for a range of technologies. Exchange of
tech is possible, but not very likely due to limits.
So payment in stellars, goods, materials is preferred.
List below
First Elder Fangneye
Dewiek Elder Nation
Lattice Integration (8018)
Augmentation (8021)
Armour mkIII (8562)
Armour mkIV (8563)
Xeno Psychology (8033)
Cybernetics (8032)
Quantum Tech (8027)
Racial Design Advanced - Flagritz (8043)
Integrity Stabilisation (8583)
*** Alien Brain Parasites ***
Wanted. Alien Brain Parasite corpses. Good bounty paid.
Contact IGN newsroom.
***** Special Report *****
How Independent can you be?
(As much as they will let you…!)
The continuing instalments of the Alexander Enterprises story as told through the private log of Starcaptain Enkar Gorod.
Disclaimer: This should be regarded as a purely fictional story. Alexander Enterprises do not accept any liability on grounds of this story and expressly deny involvement in any illegal activities depicted herein.
Part 7 - The Tendril situation
201.44.1: The Wind of Dawn, having completed maintenance, proceeds through the London wormhole to the Cluster Periphery and snoops around a little. The most interesting find is FET Tendril on the planet Orchard in the Forest system, apparently a small backwater colony far off the beaten track which appears to be weakly defended. Almost immediately I devise a grand scheme to capture it, and begin to round up troops and weapons while the Wind of Dawn takes a closer look at the FET base.
201.44.2: The Beacon Light is well suited as a troop carrier. Although perhaps an outdated ship class, the Templar class was actually designed as a personnel carrier by the Brotherhood and now I happen to need one. After upgrading its on-board systems and adding armour to the hull it has arrived at DTR Bunker Hill in the Yank system for intense combat training (jump training) today, which is provided as a payment for services rendered to the DTR. Combined with the troops and training obtained from Drougal, my personal fighting force is getting fairly powerful. For a private enterprise, anyways. And I think I have found an opportunity to make good use of the troops.
201.49.5: After weeks of reconnoitring the FET colony in Forest, the Wind of Dawn moves to Twinkle to purchase basic construction materials from IND High Star. These are then used to set up a hidden space station in Forest, which my crew come to name Pulsar (344). It is to serve as intermediate storage and staging area, built near FET Tendril but out of the way of obvious shipping lanes.
Alexander II abandons its cargo duty in DTR space, packs up weapons and equipment and proceeds to Forest. The Apogee has already arrived in Forest, with similar cargo. Beacon Light, too, begins its journey to Forest with a full compliment of professional troops. Back in the Capellan system, the Seven Seas of Stars left port this week and purchased battle computers, weapons and equipment from FET Tortuga, FET Alderaan and IMP Sevastopol, then moved on to Forest. Oh the irony, FET selling the very weapons to be used against them at discount prices.
202.7.5: I have always been clear on the fact that my membership within the AFT was a temporary step undertaken under pressure from the FET, IMP et al, although in hindsight I must admit that my time in the AFT it was one of the calmest and most profitable times ever for my enterprise. Their organisation was not only exceedingly helpful, but also much more friendly and caring that I had anticipated. It is therefore with some regret that Alexander Enterprises have left the AFT organisation again, but there was no other way. AFT tenets clearly state their unconditional neutrality and defensive posture. To pursue my vendetta against the IMP and their FET henchmen I must leave the AFT behind or damage their reputation, and they deserve better than that.
Therefore, as of today, all my positions revert to IND in anticipation of events to come.
202.8.3: I had prepared for this day for a long time, purchased trained troops, weapons and equipment, shipped them to a secret base in Forest, moved my ships into position, getting ready. The most recent scans show no special activity at FET Tendril so they are apparently unaware of the impending doom. Today, with the precision of a clockwork, my freighters move gear into place and form the ground party D-Day in orbit over FET Tendril. Once all equipment has delivered to the ground party they jump assault the base before they even realize that they are under attack, smash through the weak resistance and capture the installation. Losses are moderate, less than 100 FET troopers and not a single one of my troops.
However, the otherwise excellent attack is marred by "one of these things", an oversight that is just bound to happen when planning complex operations like this: Simultaneously to the attack on the base itself, Beacon Light had been ordered to land in the starport of FET Tendril with several hundred heavily armed troops aboard, and capture the three FET ships parked there. As it turns out during the attack, the thrust rating of the Beacon Light was insufficient to safely land the ship at the starport. As a consequence, it had to remain in orbit and could not commence boarding operations against the FET ships and the troops aboard are condemned to watch the whole fight via taclink, without any chance to join the fray. Frustrating, very frustrating. Three valuable, defenceless freighters and yet they are out of my reach at the time of the attack. Needless to say the ships take off and make their escape at best speed at the earliest opportunity.
To the crews of the FET Runner "Moonstar" (2827), FET Deep Explorer "Revenge" (1594) and FET Pioneer "Genesis" (2754): You were lucky, guys. Just plain undeservedly lucky!
202.8.5: In the aftermath of the battle the Apogee and Wind of Dawn are refitted with energy weapons and battle computers into something resembling auxiliary light cruisers, and are stationed in orbit over Tendril. No match for a real warship, of course, but in a remote location like the Forest system I believe the FET will only bring light forces to bear and I won't make it too easy for them if they elect to fight it out. Indeed, there is a lot of cloaked shipping going on in the orbit of Orchard, but this may just have been the docked FET starships fleeing the base when it came under attack.
202.9.1: Looking over the base just captured, I cannot help but wonder why it was built on this inhospitable world in the first place. Formerly FET, now IND, Tendril turned out to be a small base with neither mines nor research complexes, only few factories, and producing a mediocre collection of low-value resources. Besides, or perhaps because of, not serving any obvious purpose it was an insignificant run-down backwater base where the employees had to be paid extraordinary high wages and where cheap locally produced alcohol kept morale just above the minimum. We never learned the secret behind the existence of this place, but it was not important anyways: We had secured a FET installation with 10,340 personnel, which we intended to ransom for the compensation they owe to Alexander Enterprises for the unwarranted destruction of the Rubberduck.
As a first measure, the prisoners are turned into workslaves to run the base. The staging point, Pulsar, is stripped of all items and personnel, and Tendril is fortified in anticipation of a violent response by the FET.
202.9.2: A message was put to SubSpaceStatic about Alexander Enterprises seizing the FET base, and the reasons behind it. My demands for compensation are also relayed to the FET leadership directly but, unsurprisingly, are not answered. The FET have apparently complained to the DEN, on whose behalf the base was and still is claiming the Forest system. In a private message a Dewiek leader expressed his understanding and sympathy for my position, and their respect for taking matters in my own hand. That seems to be the Dewiek way as well. In the end there is no official communication from them and they do not get involved in the matter. After all, the system claim remains with them.
202.10.1: After the attack on Tendril, my larger ships (Alexander II, Seven Seas of Stars, Beacon Light) scattered and eventually escaped the Cluster through the Crossley wormhole to the safety of the Yank system, where they arrive over the next weeks. They have brought the most experienced troops and the most valuable items back with them from Tendril. Like all plunder obtained from the FET I regard it as a small compensation for the losses they incurred on me and my expenses in pursuing my right, either as a wronged party or as a proper combatant in a war of some sort. Their calling, they are the wrong doers either way. And they still owe me a lot more!
202.11.4: A FET jump assault by 250 cyberwarriors and 10 startroopers, obviously deployed from a cloaked ship in orbit, was repulsed today with the loss of a single warbot. Only 5 of the attackers survived. Goes to show that the FET will seek a violent solution to the situation. They haven't even tried to talk. I am disappointed, but not really surprised. This is going to be messy.
202.12.4: An imperial strike squadron resolved the Tendril situation today by obliterating the hostage colony from orbit. Besides 5 FET Ships of the Line and 2 FET Pioneers it consisted of 5 IMP Ships of the Line and a GTT Carrier. Quite opposed to what DTR propaganda would make you think these days, the imperial fleet displayed some frightening professional shooting. They destroyed the Wind of Dawn and Apogee with very precise hits in the opening volley without suffering a scratch in return, then pumped massive damage into the base. I don't believe any of the just over 10,000 FET people there survived this, especially as environmental domes are prone to collapse under fire.
Instead of discussing my case they murdered ten thousand prisoners. I would have expected them to at least negotiate over the lives of their subjects. As it stands, the IMP and GTT have joined my personal war with the FET. Which marks them as legitimate targets, too.
With the loss of Tendril and the destruction of the Free Traders, no Alexander Enterprises positions remain active within the Cluster periphery.
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
24-08-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 34 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Bank Holiday
Due to the bank holiday there will be a no turns processed on Monday 27th August but a double run on Tuesday 28th. The second run is invariably started at 12.30pm so if you want turns processed on the second run please submit between 9am and 12pm.
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** Noctollis Stargate ***
The Dewiek have announced the following measures regarding access to and from their space:
"As of Star Date 207.34.1 then will enemy lists at the Stargate include everyone and DNT will be added for those Legally allowed into DHP. If you are not sure, if you are allowed into DHP or to ensure that your affiliation is added to DNT, then contact this
office. This is to counter the many new affiliations that seems to be turning up, if you want access to the DHP even to trade, you will need our permission or you are tresspassing."
*** Navigational Hazard ***
The Imperial Services Office of Navigation & Charting have issued a travel advisory:
"Spacefarers should note that a new Asteroid Field has been sighted in the Erasure (148) System in the Outer Capellan Periphery, in the Gamma quadrant, Ring 13.
Asteroid Belt Upsilon L {Gamma, 13} (Dates from Week 32 Year 207)
Several ships have already been lost due to inadvertently trying to cross G13 and all ships are advised to avoid this Quadrant/Ring when moving in the Erasure System
Investigation/Erasure/Asteroid Belt/Gamma 13/207.32
There is a huge cloud of rock and gas surrounding the planetary system Dash and Gero. The debris field is composed largely of silicates and carbonaceous chondrites while the gas is primarily hydrogen with some helium.
Dash is also highly active with massive plumes of gas being ejected violently into orbit. From the readings it is clear that the giant has been hit by an asteroid although from amount of debris still remaining, it appears that the asteroid largely fragmented in the tidal gravity well and not all of it struck.
Even as the team watch, large chunks of material continue to rain down on the giant, each with the force a few nukes. The asteroid field is therefore expected to become depleted, possibly forming rings around the giant. This though may still take a decade or so before the giant is completely free of navigational hazards."
Rumours suggest there may be more to this story than has been reported by the Imperial services.
*** Imperials Tangle With SMS ***
A Stellar Mining Service vessel has been destroyed by an Imperial Battlegroup in the Eden system. The Gardeners World was intercepted as it exited the Eden Stargate by vastly superior Imperial forces, and destroyed with no warning.
The Imperial forces in question appear to be the a portion of the remnants of the Dominion battlefleet, now flying IMP flags, raising questions as to the extent to which this battle was officially sanctioned by Imperial fleet headquarters. However, the event did lead to Admiral Lord Simms, the Imperial Viceroy, making the following public statement:
"All spacefarers should be advised that the systems that were originally run by the DOM are not included in any general privileges for exploration that may have been issued to any individuals for IMP run systems prior to the takeover.
Those wishing to apply for such permissions may do so but none will be issued for the Eden system, which is reserved for Imperial use at this time."
*** Imperial Outpost Destroyed ***
A small five ship DTR strike group has destroyed an Imperial outpost in the Audrey this week. Fast response Imperial warships managed to exchange a few shots with the DTR vessels as they moved off following their attack.
*** Wimble Announcement ***
Honoured beings of the peripheries,
Some while ago, I made a statement following the incapacitation of Revered Forfather Lemora Enewatak and subsequent events in the Twilight system. At that time, I announced that a refugee program was being instituted to leave the Twilight system. As I have been asked by various parties for more information I now wish to lay out the situation of the Wimble Nation in more detail.
The old WMB capital starbase of Meadow View, together with its inhabitants, stockpiles, technology and defences, is lost to us. Small numbers of our people managed to leave, taking with them what could be crammed into the ships they could commandeer for a one-way journey. Many were left behind.
The Wimble Nation no longer has any presence in the Twilight system or in any of the other systems on the Twilight side of the Inferno-Twilight stargate. We no longer have any contact with those who remain and suspect that the wimble populations on Doubt and other bodies in the Twilight system have fallen under the control of others. Sadly, there is nothing effective that the Wimble Nation can do, other than to remember them with hopes of feasting with them again in the future.
The Wimble Nation are now refugees but will rebuild from the limited resources we still possess. We will trade and explore as we are permitted to by those who control the various areas of space. Personally, I am left with an overwhelming desire to make contact with all wimbles that I can find and to do what I can to discover our origins. Twilight was not our original home, but that does not make it easy to leave behind.
You will find the Wimble Nation poorer that we were, with fewer resources. We will do all we can to pay our way. We are poor but proud. We are humbled by the sacrifices that others of our kind are making daily where we cannot see them. We hope to make them proud of us when we see them again and sit down at the same table.
Oran Guutan
Grandfather of the Wimble Nation
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
More bad news for pirates this week, as the APTF seem on the verge of declaring victory over the pirate menace.
A squadron of armed FET freighters was attacked by the pirate Wulfenstein, who apparently expected easy prey, only to fall victim to a heavy fussilade of missiles from the freighters.
Mike Storm, the FET security director is reporting that the Wulfenstein was destroyed with all hands. And another famous pirate bites the dust.
*** KRT Announcement ***
The following statement has been received by our news-room regarding Freeport Jadis:
"As as consequence of a clarification given by the Kastorian Juna with respect to enforcement of Kastorian Law within the Skord system, the KRT-managed starbase of Jadis, in Skord, will no longer hold ANY active enemy list with effect from starbase 35.1. All parties may then freely enter orbit, including KST and PIR-flagged vessels. This policy will even extend to unregistered IND vessels, but does NOT extend to landing rights (an orbital facility is available for this). Various associations may petition to be added to the starbase defend list, but this will be strictly limited to those parties which have a proven history of non-agressive behaviour such as the MOH and WMB, and the Krell Clan Black Rat.
>Date 34.3: Special Action {...} {...}
A message will be sent to the Kastorian high command asking for an
interpretation of the directive on warfleets in Kastorian space.
Kastorian space encompass the Skord system? and, if so, is the
fleet , including both heavy-hulled and normal-hulled warships, and
captial-class ships, which has been in orbit of this planet for
weeks, in contravention of it?
Special Action/KAS Space/Yank Warship Restrictions/Skord
Currently the Junta policy is respect to Yank only and was
initiated in
direct response to fleets of ships that were entering orbit with
enemy lists - supposedly by mistake.
The restriction has not been extended to Skord due to the lack of a
need. This is because a declaration is only worth the backing and
enforcement within Skord will prove problematic.
As such the fleet currently in orbit over the planet is of no
interest to the Junta providing it is not proving to be hostile or
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Blue Prints Wanted ***
If you find yourself with surplus blueprints, then contact
me about them, I will see if there is anything I can use and
then we can discuss a price.
First Elder Fangneye
Dewiek Elder Nation
***** Special Report *****
How Independent can you be?
(As much as they will let you…!)
The continuing instalments of the Alexander Enterprises story as told through the private log of Starcaptain Enkar Gorod.
Disclaimer: This should be regarded as a purely fictional story. Alexander Enterprises do not accept any liability on grounds of this story and expressly deny involvement in any illegal activities depicted herein.
Part 8 - A new employer
202.22.1: Back in Kastor, the Beacon Light makes another attempt on behalf of Alexander Enterprises to befriend the KST. This time they are offered technology transfers, logistical help and a full-blown service contract with Alexander Enterprises. The long work in trying to get them to trust us finally pays off - not only do they accept the contract offered, but also hand over control of KST Drougal, their only starbase and effectively the capital of the ruling group on the planet (putting aside the always warring minor factions). As a first objective, they demand the destruction of a KAS space station in Kastor which raises eyebrows among our crews as we are unaware of any such space station.
202.22.2: One of my ships discovers the IMP Pioneer class vessel "Phei Egdod" (4353) in the starport of the ANT base Ciuciulco (4773) in Yank by chance. This is just too good a target to ignore so hasty arrangements are made to purchase and outfit a Yacht for a boarding action. The newly purchased IND Snatch is dispatched from Rubis to land at ANT Ciuciulco and steal the IMP Pioneer. This leaves the Yacht derelicted at the starport as all crew escape with the Pioneer, but that is a trade I would do any day. Surprisingly, the Pioneer registers as IND, not IMP, upon arrival of my strike team but the orders are carried out anyways and the Phei Egdod (4353) is commandeered to Drougal for the AE cargo fleet.
202.23.1: The Kastorians provide us with detailed information about KAS Blaris, the space station monitoring the moon of Kastor, and also explain the presence of a FEL terraforming base on Kastor which is to be tolerated, as the planetary cleanup which the FEL promised is deemed very important. Another pressing matter is mass starvations on Kastor, because the local food industry is poorly organized. A little Ambrosia applied to their hydroponic farms would save thousands of lives. Such a civil trade is easily agreed upon with my favourite supplier, the DTR, and they make the required amount of Ambrosia available to me for a fair, although not really cheap, price. Customer relations paying off again...
202.29.4: In a daring operation, the Beacon Light docks with the space station KAS Blaris, inserts an agent and deploys a combat ground party. During the mission they also note an Infiltrator class vessel, the KAS Spritz Defender III (3003), docked with the station.
202.30.1: In a total suprise attack, the ground party manages to seize the space station after a brief but bloody struggle, and then proceeds to capture the Infiltrator, too. With cheers from the kastorians the Infiltrator is renamed to "First Blood", testimony of the fledgling naval power of the KST (run IND by Alexander Enterprises crew for the time being).
In the following days and weeks, Alexander Enterprises freighters buzz to and fro between Drougal and the newly captured space station which has been renamed "Hostility", increasing its military and naval strength, securing new technologies, moving personnell and supplies and thereby turning the disorganized, rundown station into a formidable asset. In an effort to bring lost technology back to the KST, research into larger starships in started at the Hostility research labs.
My KST employers are enthusiastic about the highly successful military operations executed under Alexander Enterprises leadership, and the quick technological advances. I suppose we are now mercenaries, advisors, teachers and exclusive trade partners. I knew this place had potential!
202.31.2: The First Blood returns from New Tate with a cargo full of Ambrosia. To my total surprise and utter shock, it is intercepted in orbit of Kastor by a FEL flotilla of two Marauder class capital warships and a Cygnet. Drougal defends the ship and its vital cargo with an impressive display of firepower, eliminating all FEL vessels before they can even damage the First Blood. In the aftermath of the battle, the FEL are informed of the KST/AE association and promise not to take further action.
202.33.2: The Ambrosia delivered by First Blood has ended the starvation problems at Drougal. Alexander Enterprises is good for you!
202.36.1: Today the Kastorians at Drougal finished research into the Yacht class design and have thus mastered starship engineering. Thanks to technical support from Alexander Enterprises, they are now a spacefaring race for all intents and purposes. That has to be worth something!
202.40.1: Following complaints from the ANT that the ship was theirs, and had just been delivered to them by the IMP, the Phei Egdod is moved back to their base Ciuciulco and handed over. Their claims may be a little dubious but I don't want to make more enemies than I already have, much less by dragging innocents into my feud with the imperial block.
202.42.1: While delivering supplies to Hostility, IND Seven Seas of Stars notes a GTT Infiltrator and a GTT ground party at the space station, raising high alert on Kastor.
202.42.3: After emergency refit to destroyer, the First Blood unsuccessfully engages the GTT Infiltrator. Following this battle, the empire begins flooding the Kastor system with warships and eventually blockades the moon Kastor while ground battles erupt at the space station involving numerous GTT and FET ground parties. They are generally small and easily disposed of by the heavily reinforced troops at Hostility.
202.43.1: Construction of the first Kastorian starship, the "Snoop" (4167), is completed. It is essentially a variant of the Yacht design which the KST call Chariot class. The ship is immediately pressed into military service to move a strike team to Hostility, but fails to locate its intended target, a ground party. Later on, an attempt to capture a FET ship is thwarted when the kastorian ground party is ambushed and wiped out by a superior FET force.
202.44.1: A FGZ agent is discovered at Drougal, and executed. It would appear that the small Cygnet class FGZ ship that obviously deployed the spy is snooping around Kastor independently from the increasing imperial presence. It quickly retreats.
Meanwhile, the Beacon Light leaves the Kastor system and returns to Fergie to redistribute mines and ores between the outposts there. Again, all ore and equipment is combined at one single outpost for easier management and removal.
202.45.5: Drougal shipyards complete construction of the Yacht Bandit-1, wich successfully bypasses the blockade of Kastor and moves to Fergie where outpost reprogramming is tidied up and any unowned outposts remaining are claimed on behalf IND/KST Drougal.
The tension that has built up in the last few weeks with the cat and mouse game around the space station finally erupts into violence and several battles take place almost simultaneously.
My priceless Behemoth, IND AE Seven Seas of Stars, is destroyed by the GTT blockade fleet at Kastor supported by small FET and SMS elements when its cloaking fails ahead of time. A cargo of scintillators destined for the space station is lost with the ship.
Simultaneously, a stealthy FET Pioneer class troop transport is destroyed by KST Hostility, obviously on the return leg after deploying another ground party.
202.46.1: More Yacht variants, Chariots 1 through 7, are completed at Drougal and immediately rush weapons and supplies to Hostility in preparation for the upcoming battle. The ships may be small individually, but their number and relentless effort significantly increased the firepower of Hostility at this critical moment.
202.46.5: By the end of the week, just prior to a FET ground assault, Hostility breaks cover and engages the imperial warships blockading Kastor with its newly bolstered space weapons arsenal. In the ensuing slugfest, no less than 7 enemy capital warships (mostly of the GTT, including one of their two Flagships) are destroyed, a FET Ship of the Line is derelicted and two more of the GTT and SMS, respectively, are critically damaged. However, Hostility takes heavy damage in return and succumbs to a FET ground assault.
This overall outcome was to be expected. With the empire holding superiority in space, the kastorians had no hope of mounting a successful defense against a sustained ground assault on the space station. By taking the initiative and attacking the imperial forces during their buildup, however, the space station went down inflicting maximum damage in return.
202.47.5: The CNF cavalry showed up and saved the day... in a way. They totally mopped the floor with the remains of the imperial fleet, but also destroyed the space station previously captured by the FET. Attempts by Drougal to salvage anything turn out negative, and the CNF have obviously also taken care of all derelicted enemy ships themselves. At least that means the imperial presence is vanquished from Kastor for now. The price was high, though: The Rubberduck and the space station, Hostility, were lost with all hands and a lot of troops and equipment was lost in the fighting. The research project at Hostility was also lost. I suppose the imperials can replace their losses far easier than the Kastorians will be able to.
202.49.1: The much anticipated Phoenix Upgrade is provided by the EEM. This is a mind-boggling heap of technical data that revolutionizes space travel with a new ISR theory and opens up totally new avenues. All over the peripheries, colonies and outposts adopt the new protocols and starships are recalled to port for overhaul and upgrading to meet the new ISR drive specifications. The EEM also presents a completely new line of ships, leaving many older designs obsolete and discontinued. Lots and lots of change to get used to, not only those new protocols and manuals for all the new buttons in my ships...
Along with those changes brought forward by the EEM, a number of other things change. This includes remedies to many starship design flaws on various designs and major improvements to mining and manufacture processes. Robotic mining outposts are largely abandoned so the Fergie heist is almost impossible to repeat in the future.
202.49.3: All ships have arrived in port at Drougal for refit. Surprisingly, the IND Phei Egdod also joins in! After so much complaining the ANT, upon getting it back, obviously simply left it rotting in their starport and did not even bother to reprogram its registry. Therefore its skeleton crew, when ordered back to home port, found the home port still listed as Drougal and moved the ship there accordingly. It is handed back to the embarrassed ANT.
203.5.1: The Bandit-1, while operating in Stockton, disables their ID transponder which reclassifies the ship as Pirate. No particular reason, just a transponder test of some sort.
***** From The Posting Boards *****
IMP Gandolph has just posted a new topic entitled "refit order using snapshot not working properly" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Black Dog has just posted a new topic entitled "imobilizer" in forum "Everything Else".
The topic can be found here:
***** Message From The Editor *****
Hi, we've probably all seen it today, but I got a message from Kathy at KJC this morning informing me of problems they're having with their ISP. I suspect this is the same problem we all had with their old ISP months ago, that's just now started to migrate to all of KJCs games. But I flag it up here again just in case anybody is having problems submitting turns, it's probably the fault of the ISP.
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
31-08-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 35 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Friday's turn fees were charged while the server was out of sync with Phoenix by one day during a testing phase. The result was that Thursday's fees were charged a second time on Friday along with Friday's fees.
Refunds should now have been made. As refunding was a manual process (first time the error has happened in 26 years of business) please contact us if we have missed any or over-refunded.
Apologies for this and we do not anticipate it happening again.
***** Inter-Galactic News *****
*** GTT Launch Attack In Yank ***
The GTT have launched yet another assault against DTR and CNF interests in the yank system, as a large GTT patrol squadron dropped into orbit of Mobile Bay and opened fire on the DTR Starbase Whaler and the CIA outpost Butlins.
Butlins has reported to have been completely destroyed, while Whaler took light damage.
This is the fourth or fifth attack against DTR/CNF targets in Yank in recent months, and has already lead to the Kastorian Military Junta banning all warfleets from Yank. How the KAS will respond this time is anybodies guess, but it probably won't involve milk and cookies.
*** Raiders Harried ***
The destruction of an Imperial outpost as reported last issue resulted in a strong response from Imperial patrol services, who successfully harried the five ship DTR raiding squadron out of orbit, and out of the system, managing to damage one of the raiders in the process.
A Detinus source has spoken of being 'surprised' by the speed and efficiency of the Imperial response.
*** APTF Unveil New Tactic ***
Another success for the APTF this week as the SMS Bronze Squadron are reporting that another pirate has attempted to board one of their patrols. The APTF have now had more success by sitting stationary waiting for the pirates to attack them, than they have had running themselves ragged trying to chase down the pirate scum.
APTF patrols can now be expected to be seen parked at every orbital doughnut store in the Peripheries, sitting around waiting for the pirates to show up.
*** DTR Outpost Destroyed ***
The DTR outpost Magic Lantern has been destroyed by Imperial forces in the Aladdin system.
*** Imperial Outpost Attacked ***
The IMP outpost Aladdin 01 has been bombarded by a five ship raiding force of DTR warships this week, taking only light damage.
*** GTT Fleet Movement ***
128 warships of the GTT main fleet were involved in a skirmish this week in the Straddle system, when they tripped over a small DTR platform and a single DTR freighter.
After a short and onesided battle, the GTT fleet withdrew leaving the platform and freighter burnt out hulks.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The DTR Cow-Tractor platforms have claimed another kill. The pirate vessel Slygo attempted to transet the Venice Gamma-9 restricted zone, and was atomised by the three large DTR platforms that police the no-fly zone.
*** Skirmish In Dewiek Home Periphery ***
An Imperial scout ship being destroyed as it tickled the defences of the DTR Starbase Trinidad.
Trinidad is a long-standing thorn in the side of the proud Dewiek race, and no doubt they would be very pleased to see it removed along with the DTR presence in the DHP.
*** Grand Admiral In Shock Working-For-Imperials Allegations ***
The New Tate Herald is carrying the story that Lord Sivar, Admiral of the DTR fleet, is secretly working for the Imperial-bloc, following his recent actions that saw a fleet of brand new freighters fly straight through a nebula.
Reports indicate that 2 were destroyed, and 5 heavily damaged. There has as yet been no official response from Admiral Sivars office, except for a few vague rumours that we had better not embarrass him in the press by publicising this story.
… oops.
*** GTT Launch Attack In Yank ***
A second GTT assault has been launched this week against DTR assets in Yank. This time a newly built GTT platform and gunboat opened fire on DTR Whaler.
Rumours indicate that the neutrality of Yank has now been sundered, and traders are advised to evacuate what could very soon become a war zone. And in breaking news, it appears that the Kastorian military Junta are indeed responding with the Milk And Cookies initiative.
We here at the IGN newsroom don't know about you, but this makes us very nervous indeed.
*** Rip News Story **
The following article has just been posted by the RNN:
"The RNN are the first with the news again!
We report that the RIP have developed a new way to extract information from spies, criminals and neer-do-wells... We don't have access to all the data at the moment ... it's Top Secret! But what we can tell you is the research for this was conducted at The Jiggly Room at Quick Snack. We visited the 'The Galaxies Greatest Nightspot' to find out more... Our in-depth investigation included checking out the beautiful dancers and the famous Jiggly Room Iced Tea. We had the time of our life and discovered what we could about this interrogation malarky...
It seems ... after six or seven bottles of iced tea... you are willing to talk to anyone, about anything and that everyone is your friend. This amazing discovery comes with the knowledge that the next day you cannot remember what you said, about what and to whom. Im sure the CIA and IMP security services will want a slice of the action ... So we are doing a two-for-one on Jiggly Room Iced Tea all next week!
RNN We bring you the news you want to hear!"
*** Pirate Moon Dog ***
The dread pirate Moon Dog is still refusing to use a spell checker. This isn't really news as such, we'd just like to moan about it some more.
*** Retirement ***
We are sad to report the retirement of Harvey Duckworth-Lewis from the Imperial services.
We can honestly say nobody has done more to bring Booker Steaks to the peripheries dinner tables.
He will be sorely missed by big statue builders everywhere.
*** Piracy ***
The QNG ship Iron Locust has been attacked by the pirate vessel Curley. Fortunately for the QNG they were able to fight off the boarding pirates.
*** Action In Straddle ***
An imperial scout ship has committed suicide by flying into the DTR Straddle defensive platform array.
Combined with the recent sighting of the GTT fleet in the same system, rumours abound that an attack is imminent.
*** DTR Squadron Intercepted ***
A five-ship squadron of DTR cruisers has been intercepted and destroyed by an Imperial fleet of capital ships and heavy cruisers in the Blagard system.
*** GTT Attack ***
A small GTT strike fleet have shelled a DTR outpost in the Venice system. The Blossom Of Dawn is reporting very light damage and no loss of life.
*** Imperial Outpost Destroyed ***
A DTR Strike fleet has destroyed the Imperial outpost AR-05 in the Audrey system.
*** GTT Outpost Destroyed ***
Another DTR Strike Fleet has destroyed a GTT outpost on the planet Bime in the Misre system. A neighbouring GTT outpost was also bombarded, and took very heavy damage.
One of the GTT outposts is understood to have shot back, but with no effect.
*** News Flash ***
Press Release Issued on behalf of the Tyrant by Rasshan of the Starhunter Pride
Star Date 207.35.
A Vanguard group of the Tyrant's Navy has transited the Battlefield Wormhole into the Crusade system initiating a renewed offensive into the Flagrtizi Inner Empire. The FLZ presence at the Crusade wormhole terminus was negligible, a small outpost without platforms and a single Courier Class Exploration vessels. It has not yet been determined if the courier was simply a picket vessel or attempting to distablise the Wormhole when it was intercepted by Felini forces. As of Stardate Star Date 207.35.4 the Consortium is in control of the Crusade Terminus of the Wormhole and further operations will be forthcoming.
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
10-09-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 37 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
***** Inter Galactic News *****
*** Krell Rat Curry ***
Demand for Krell rat Curry has exploded throughout the Peripheries following a recent announcement of the culinary expertise of the Krell people. Reports of consumers also exploding following consumption of Krell rat curry are, we understand, exaggerations.
*** Imperial Outpost Destroyed ***
A small imperial outpost in the Titan system has been destroyed by a Detinus Republic strike fleet. The outpost, Alpha 6, is understood to have been a small mining outpost.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
A small pirate scout party, I be lookin', has been annihilated in Solo when an SMS platform finally managed to get a concrete fix on their location. The pirates had been sneaking around several starbases on the planet, but finally made the mistake of popping out into the countryside, far enough away from civilian installations that the SMS orbital platform Blunderbuss was able to track and destroy it.
We understand that over 4000 pieces of SMS artillery parked nearby also shot at the pirates.
Visitors to Eridani are asked to mind the huge smoking crater.
*** Imperial Outposts Destroyed ***
The IMP facilities Jazz 1-31 and Jazz 2-31 in the Dorn system have been destroyed by DTR forces this week.
*** Imperial Outpost Destroyed ***
A further IMP outpost, DB-95, a facility in Dorn, has been destroyed by DTR forces.
*** Yet More Imperial Outposts Destroyed ***
More bad news for the IMP, as four more outposts are destroyed. Dorn-03, Dorn-04, Dorn-05 and Chuckle-2-30 have all been annihilated by orbital bombardment as 10 DTR heavy cruisers dropped into orbit and opened fire.
*** DTR Patrol Destroyed ***
A five-ship DTR patrol has been caught by a sizeable Imperial-bloc fleet in the Straddle system. Four of the DTR cruisers were destroyed, with one managing to flee.
A Detinus Deep-Eye sensor platform was also destroyed in the action.
*** Leadership Change ***
The leader of the DEN has apparently stepped down for reasons as yet unknown. A new pack leader has risen to prominence within the Dewiek Elder Nation.
*** Piracy ***
A GTT vessel has been targeted by the pirate ship Wolfpack in the Yank system. The Wolfpack was reportedly a 100HH vessel, which suggests the target, a GTT Ravager class gunboat probably had a very lucky escape.
*** Battlefield ***
A lone Flagritz Empire scout has tickled the FEL/FCN defences in orbit of the strategically critical and heavily fortified Battlefield wormhole.
***** Special report *****
How Independent can you be?
(As much as they will let you…!)
The Alexander Enterprises story
as told through the private log of Starcaptain Enkar Gorod
Disclaimer: This should be regarded as a purely fictional story. Alexander Enterprises do not accept any liability on grounds of this story and expressly deny involvement in any illegal activities depicted herein.
Part 9 - The present
Ever after taking up our position as counselors and military advisors to the KST, we have been working exclusively for the KST and even fly their colours on our positions. True Alexander Enterprises positions carry the prefix AE (and have a 3-digit position code).
Most of what we have been doing under the KST banner since is of great strategical importance and thus cannot be revealed. To tie up a few loose ends, some isolated bits and pieces of information can be given here though for the interested reader.
Generally, the KST fought a number of skirmishes with the KAS in Yank, Skord and Kastor. Fighting the KAS is the supreme KST agenda.
Presumably in pursuit of their war against Alexander Enterprises, the IMP, GTT and FET made several incursions into Kastor over time, some small scale, some with frightening big fleets, while the KST and AE in turn made numerous raids against imperial targets in other systems. The Stockton system saw especially many of these battles.
203.22.3: The Bandit-1, while exploring Skord, landed on the planet Zion, hoping that it would remain hidden on the surface. However, it is caught up in the fight when imperial and confederate forces clash in orbit in a completely unrelated incident, and is destroyed by the combined fire of almost all IMP and GTT ships present during the first round of combat.
203.29.1: On this day the GTT begin a ground offensive on Fergie. What really bugs me is that although the GTT effort is minimal, all KST forces are tied up elsewhere and no relief can be sent to Fergie. The outposts cannot repel the GTT attack and are captured.
203.31.3: Having taken an interest in the Skord system, where the KAS (arch-enemies of the KST) maintain a research station aptly named "Research Station", the KST send a Broadsword class battlecruiser that manages to destroy 3 KAS Caravels in separate encounters over several days.
203.32.5: High day for the KST in their struggle agains the KAS! Today, a KST strike team managed to board and capture the KAS flagship in Skord, the 200NH Galaxy Cruiser class KAS Deliverance (2037). It is renamed "Kin's Bounty".
204.9.3: An ill-fated KAS attack against Drougal is stopped by a platform in the quadrant/orbital and a KAS Broadsword is pinned with strong tractor beams and unable to escape. It is subsequently captured and added to the KST warfleet.
204.9.4: A highly interesting space battle ensues when the KST "Hunter" (68773), a destroyer of the 50HH KST-designed Vindicator class in standard configuration, engages a 75NH FET Pc Escort class destroyer, the "Dragon Blade" (35129). Another unidentified FET ship (probably a Broadsword) named "C.B.S.1" (54698) joins the fray. The battle is unusual in that it takes place on a small scale between only 3 warships and is therefore relatively balanced. No side has enough firepower to seriously damage the other, but weapon effectiveness and targeting accuracy can be monitored nicely. The FET withdraw after the second day, and insights from the battle prompt a revision of the Vindicator design for improvements.
204.12.4: A massive imperial warfleet strikes out against the plaform guarding the quadrant/orbital of Kastor and totally annihilates it. Simultaneously, an IMP task force engages and ultimately destroys a tiny KST outpost on Cisco in Stockton.
204.12.5: KST warships destroy a GTT platform over Fergie/Stockton. I'd like to claim this was in retaliation for the attack in Kastor on the previous day, but truth be told that kind of action has to be planned days, if not weeks in advance.
Back in Kastor, the CNF have taken offense to the IMP incursion and sent a battlefleet to deal with the IMP. As the ensuing battle takes place in a blockade orbit around Kastor, a KST freighter is caught up in the fighting, receives moderate damage and escapes only through jettisoning its cargo.
204.14.1: Caught by an imperial warship squadron and having run out of ammunition, the two KST warships in Stockton try to escape through emergency jumps. While one ship manages to limp away, the other is crippled by the failed attempt and subsequently destroyed by the IMP.
204.45.1: While trading in the Acropolis system, the Kin's Bounty is captured by FCN troops in orbit of Falconia. The FCN explain that the ship was illegally carrying Agent X and was therefore impounded. Ironically, the few MU's of Agent X aboard were supposed to repel boarders but proved totally useless in this role when the time came (sometimes life feels like a game that gets its rules changed…). On the brink of war, KST and FCN manage to settle for a diplomatic solution whereby the FCN keep the Kin's Bounty but supply the KST with a 100XL Condor class freighter as replacement.
204.49.2: While patrolling the Kastor system, the KST Snoop (the first starship built by the Drougal shipyards) is ambushed and captured by an IMP troop carrier. Luckily, the KST have little regard for the immaterial value of the ship and only regard it as a small, unimportant and ultimately expendable scout ship. The loss does not incur any significant morale loss.
205.45.5: An attack against the KAS research base target in Skord raises eyebrows as the attack against the designated target is carried out with some success, only the target is registered as KRL Arcadia when the KST warships arrive. Understandably, the KRL are fuming and demand reparations. The KST grudgingly repay the KRL and use that opportunity to improve relations with a hitherto ignored species which surprisingly leads to some fruitful research cooperation. The reparation payments are staggering high, however - so much for a successful attack.
205.46.5: Investigation of the FEL activity at their base on Kastor turns out negative: They do not seem to be performing any planetary cleanup. It remains unclear what they are really doing, as they just stall all attempts to contact them. Today, landing a ship full of troops in their starport at least prompted a polite request to explain the presence of the ship. (Ultimately, the FEL colonisation rights on Kastor are revoked on grounds of their total failure to commit to the planetary cleanup, or do anything useful at all, when it is proven that they never started any research or action to help the KST as promised in return for their colonisation rights. Their base is eventually switched to KST control.)
206.7.3: During a renewed imperial invasion of Kastor, a tactical blunder (sometime life feels like a game…) leaves the KST fleet divided and unable to combine their forces in a critical situation. The outcome is the total destruction (again…) of almost the entire KST warfleet, including the other Galaxy Cruiser we had acquired, and the loss of some civilian ships, including the Condor class "Armistice" from the FCN. This battle marks a low point for KST military prowess, and morale. Once again I wish I could concentrate my resources on more subterfuge things, but at least a token naval force is a necessity and the slow rebuilding begins anew.
206.11.4: The imperials, especially the GTT, are swarming Kastor with spy ships and small gunboats hunting freighters. This has to stop. Without warships of my own, I have approached the RIP for some mercenary business and, to my own lasting surprise, struck a fair deal: They will rent out a squadron of warships to be (exclusively) used in the defense of Kastor and system patrol duties. The agreement goes for a fixed period of time, and a fixed price plus maintenance costs and any repairs. Their ships are provided complete with crew and trained naval starcaptains.
206.11.5: Having spotted one of the despicable GTT Probe class gunboats waiting in ambush near Kastor, a marine strike team is brought in and captures the ship in a surprise action, killing everyone aboard. Although not a valuable military asset to gain or lose, this is certainly a slap in the GTT's face and a much needed morale boost. As the Probe class is obviously useless for anything except ambushing large commercial freighters, the GTT are now bound to get some of their own medicine.
206.12.1: The RIP squadron is now under KST command, but their configuration differs wildly from what I would consider useful so the ships spend the first weeks of their assignment in drydock at Kastor, refitting to KST warship specifications.
206.13.5: Today the mercenary squadron was baptized in fire when a Wren class GTT gunboat tried to ambush a KST freighter. The gunboat was duly destroyed before it could inflict serious harm.
206.14.1: The GTT have reinforced yesterday's battle site. The grand KST navy, namely the mercenary ships (7 capital warships: 5 Nemesis, 1 Nebulon, 1 SoL Gunship) with some genuine KST auxiliary warships arranged around them (a Vindicator class cruiser, a Harbinger class gunboat and a Carriage class freighter refitted to destroyer), face off against 3 Warspite class capital ships, 4 Javelin class cruisers, 1 Deep Explorer refittet to cruiser, five Wren class gunboats, and a Probe class gunboat. The KST ships suffer only light to moderate damage while one enemy gunboat is destroyed and a capital ship severely damaged.
206.14.2: Defeated and having run out of ammunition, the GTT fleet withdraws under heavy fire, suffering further damage. This is the first real fleet battle (however small) that ends in a KST victory: The fledgling KST navy largely relies on hit-and-run tactics and small encounters whereas the GTT could bring a much larger warfleet to bear. Their defeat here has raised spirits high at Drougal. However, we are painfully aware that we just got lucky, and that the GTT fleet was kitted out for an ambush and not for a standing fight. Yet, finally a clear victory.
206.31.5: The mercenary warships have been returned to RIP ownership. They were extremely helpful. By now, however, the KST have rebuilt some naval strength of their own in the form of Vindicator class cruisers of their own design, and Nemesis class capital ships for which they obtained a blueprint. This fleet gets caught up in a series of battles with KAS system ships in Yank. By 206.32.2, several of the lumbering 125 HH System Guard class capital KAS ships have been destroyed, as well as an IMP Caravel on the sidelines.
206.36.5: While GTT Probe class gunboats unsuccessfully tro to ambush KST freighters in Kastor, a renewed incursion into Yank again brings the KST Nemesis fleet to battle against KAS system ships, destroying two more of the KAS ships without suffering losses in return.
206.37.5: On their return leg, the victorious KST fleet is waylaid by a superior IMP task force in Yank. KST Nemesis 3 buckles and breaks up under under enemy fire, the others scatter.
206.42.4: Some bold IMP freighter captain named his ship "Intellectually Superior". What an irony. His freighter was wasted today in Solo by the overly trigger-happy captain of a KST escort destroyer accompanying a KST trade fleet into Solo. I really can't say I'm sorry for the IMP, but the AFT seem to have taken exception and make their position quite clear in their private communications to me. I can see their point, and the IMP get the reparation they deserve: A similar freighter which they stole from the KST is unposted, and legally declared their property. I also publicly apologize to the AFT for breaking their laws.
206.45.4: Yet another strike mission to Stockton sees a GTT outpost on Fergie destroyed along with a platform in orbit. The withdrawal of the fleet turns messy though when a fleet of Javelin class cruisers intercept the KST ships, forcing a withdrawal under fire.
206.46.2: A probing strike against a KAS starbase on Kindom in Skord successfully destroyed their platform in orbit, but unsurprisingly failed to cause any damage to the base itself due to its strong point defences.
206.46.3: If this was a planned action then the GTT did something really smart here, however I prefer to believe it was just an unlucky coincidence: Upon returning to Drougal for repairs and rearming the KST warships, their ammo exhausted and most of them damaged to some degree, run into a strong GTT blockade fleet consisting mostly of second-line warships, gunboats and cruisers (even including a captured Vindicator) where they are hammered to pieces. Two Vindicators, a Harbinger and a Caravel are lost.
206.47.1: I still don't think this is a concerted action, but today a IMP warfleet of 17 ships attacked Archipelago, the KST outpost on Mktkl in Kastor. As they carried light railguns, they were obviously targeting for the outpost specifically. Luckily, most of the damage was drained in the outpost's caves and for the short time its weapons lasted it even bit back and caused considerable damage to one attacking capital ship.
206.47.3: One of two IMP ground parties were destroyed by Archipelago today in a brief and very one-sided battle, while the KST lost a scout and a spy ship in separate encounters with KAS positions in Yank.
206.47.5: 3 KST Nemesis class ships have another run-in with an IMP task force five times their number in Yank. They miraculously manage to destroy an Imp Pc Escort Class carrier in the ensuing fight, but suffer crippling damage in return. Only KST Nemesis 4 manages to break free and escape.
206.48.5: In an act of barbary, the IMP destroy the KST Chariot 10, a small ship conducting rescue operations amidst the debris of last week's battle in Yank. Chariot 10 is utterly destroyed with all hands, killing the survivors they just rescued.
206.50.1: The KST have received communiques from the DTR and CNF. Following a secret diplomatic meeting at EEM Blackpool they had some interesting suggestions to make and may mediate in the KST vs. IMP/FET/GTT conflict. Following their urging and as a token of good faith, all aggressive action against the IMP is put on hold…
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
17-09-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 38 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
***** Inter Galactic News *****
*** Platform Attacked ***
A 50-ship Confederate strike fleet has engaged the imperial platform Cold Dip Defender in the Lucifer system. Confederate news sources are reporting that 350-400 hulls of the platform were destroyed, with approximately 600 hulls remaining.
5 Confederate ships are reporting having taken light damage. The CNF fleet is understood to have withdrawn.
*** GTT Outposts Destroyed ***
The GTT outposts CapQue1 and 2 have been destroyed by the Detinus Republic. The outposts are understood to have been mining outposts, located in the Capellan system.
*** GTT Attack ***
The GTT have launched a retaliatory strike against the DTR in their home system of Venice following the DTR raid on Cappella. Three small GTT ships were destroyed as they attacked a 10 hull DTR platform that was under construction just next door to three of the DTR Cow-Tractor Defensive Platforms.
*** GTT Attack ***
Seven GTT bombardment ships have entered orbit of Zaro in the Venice system and commenced a two-day attack against a DTR Outpost.
The Detinus news agencies on New Tate have been carrying live coverage of the battle, and have made the following transmission available from inside the DTR outpost Blossom Of Dawn:
'Come in'........'Come in'.........'COME IN, you ignoramus'...
Door opens slowly.
'Ummm, Graham, there's no one there'.
'Well what was that noise then Sally?'
'Oh, well the GTT sent some ships into the orbit and started to pound the Starbase shields. But we didn't think it was worth bothering you'
'WORTH BOTHERING ME??!! My outpost is under attack and you don't think it was worth bothering me? You'd better come up with a decent explanation or I'll have you sent to the Jiggly Room'.
'Well, er, the bombardment is over for the day and you only took notice when the last couple of salvos of missiles struck the shielding.'
'So how bad is the damage then, what are the casualty figures like?'
'Um, so far I've had reports of Mrs Percival being annoyed that she broke her nail. And, er, young Jimmy, you know the son of the baker where we get our bread from, well he was laughing so much that he fell off his bike and broke his wrist.'
Sounding fed up. 'Sally, I'm talking about the damage from the GTT attack, not the latest gossip from the tabloids'.
'That is the damage from the GTT attack. Nothing penetrated the Starbase shields.'
'Oh, OK. Well contact fleet headquarters and get them to send a response'.
'Yes Graham'.
10 minutes later. Knock knock.
'Come in. So Sally, what did Lord Sivar say to the attack?'
'Well, I don't think you'll like his response. I actually couldn't get in contact with him directly as he didn't want to be disturbed. Something about trying out pirate outfits and having a parrot on his shoulder was far more interesting than sending some ships after the GTT who are only going to flee anyway.
Sounding more than fed up 'OK, thanks Sally.' Muttering to himself 'Some bloody promotion that was, more like push me to the side to some dead end rot in hell job if you ask me.' mutter mutter mutter.
The next day.
'Sally! Sally!' Door opens and Sally comes in. 'IS someone having a party without me today? Sounds like fireworks'
'Oh, no Graham. The GTT ships are still up there and have started to fire again. But nothing's getting through the shielding. You should really go out and watch like just about everyone else. The explosions are causing beautiful colour patterns on the outside of the shields. Oh, and put your sun glasses on. Some of the explosions are quite bright and a few people are complaining about spots in front of their eyes.'
Graham Watts goes outside. 'Wow, it is beautiful, isn't it. Well at least it proves that Pirate Sivar is not always right. Then again, I guess we wouldn't have had this firework display if the fleet had turned up.'
The IGN newsroom contacted Admiral Sivars' office for a comment, but were turned away by an aide who pointed out that if the Admiral prefers to keep all of his warships sitting in spacedock being polished 24/7, then the Admiral can damn well do that.
Breaking news indicates that on the third day, some DTR patrol forces, not under the direct command of the Grand Admiral, had their holidays cancelled and were told to report to the scene.
The GTT squadron, which included a 150HH Imperatritsa Mariya Class Capital Ship ,has been wiped out.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
A pirate vessel has been destroyed whilst attempting to approach the Jiggley Room. The dread dyslexic pirate Moondog has claimed responsibility with the following transmission:
"Tally Ho!
Got da followin report frum one o' da boyz.
Da operativ Moonskum, on a ship bearin da same name desided to pay a
little vizit to dat exklusive partee at da Jiggly Room. Seemz
sekurity wuz a little lax. Da ship wuz pownded but MOONSKUM hisself
got away kleen b'for da bombs dropped. Jus be glad dat he wuznt
carryin da special weapon inside a suitcase dat he wanted ta take.
Evreeone o' theze positions would 'ave been towsted."
The RIP have moved quickly to re-assure patrons that this is not the usual sort of warm welcome available at their recreational facilities.
*** Navigational Hazard ***
The Independent Trader Ramjet Transport Inc has fallen foul of the newly formed asteroid belt Upsilon L in the Erasure system. A newly acquired freighter with a full cargo hold of Mk2 patches ran into trouble when it jumped into the asteroid belt. A number of the crew are however reported to have survived inside pockets of the ship that managed to auto-seal when the hull was breached, and a rescue attempt is underway.
Imperial sources have released more information regarding the formation of the asteroid belt:
Investigation/Erasure/Asteroid Belt/Gamma 13/207.32
There is a huge cloud of rock and gas surrounding the planetary system Dash and Gero. The debris field is composed largely of silicates and carbonaceous chondrites while the gas is primarily hydrogen with some helium. Dash is also highly active with massive plumes of gas being ejected violently into orbit. From the readings it is clear that the giant has been hit by an asteroid although from amount of debris still remaining, it appears that the asteroid largely fragmented in the tidal gravity well and not all of it struck. Even as the team watch, large chunks of material continue to rain down on the giant, each with the force a few nukes. The asteroid field is therefore expected to become depleted, possibly forming rings around the giant. This though may still take a decade or so before the giant is completely free of navigational hazards.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Request for information ***
Since the atrocity at Fake, and the near extinction of our race, the
hive have had to rely on the benevolence of others. Security is
something we have never had. We have no system to call home and we
are scattered. Our most basic desire is the same primal instinct in
all species. We want to ensure the survival of our race. To move
forward, we need to understand where we came from. We have heard
rumors that the hive were brought into the peripheries many millenia
ago, but we have no knowledge of where that might have been from.
While our history will not dictate our future, it may lead us to an
area that we can call home and provide us with the security we have
never had. We seek information on the location of, and access to,
worlds with Native hive populations. We wish to find our lost
queens, and deposits of eggs. We wish to discuss their origins and
racial memories so that, hopefully, they can provide clues that will
lead us back home. Towards that end, I would like to request
knowledge of hive populations from the nations of the peripheries.
We will be grateful for your assistance.
Fiona Strom,
For the QNG
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
18-09-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 38 DAY 2
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
One of the in-house programmers broke the off-line to online sync program on Friday but assured us he had restored from a backup- - he had, unfortunately the backup was not the latest and missed the raft of changes done recently - a manual download post run meant that some starbase turns were run but not entered into the finished and upload sequence - so turns were not sent - but also not charged for.
The full implications however have only become known today - there may be some turns run today that were issued over the weekend and run yesterday.... As the files are created locally from data (not files), there is absolutely no way of knowing which are repeats. As there was a major assault run yesterday - wiping all turns today would be even more disastrous than not deleting any. Please inform us of any major repercussions of this glitch.
25-09-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 39 DAY 2
***** Inter Galactic News *****
*** Imperial Offensive ***
The Imperial Services have launched a major offensive against Brotherhood assets in the Monk system.
The BHD Starbase Mecca on the planet Dominican was stormed by Imperial marines and fell after just one day of battle. Rumours are circulating regarding the rapidity of the collapse of the Brotherhood defences, with one likely story suggesting the Imperial attack occurred on a Brotherhood holy day, and that most of the defenders were at prayers when the Imperial assault pods dropped out of the sky.
Independent strategic analysts have suggested that the Starbase had less than 1% likelihood of falling in the first day.
The Starbase is reported to be of relatively small size and importance. However indications are that a significant amount of naval weaponry has fallen into Imperial hands. Weaponry that was promptly deployed against the other Confederacy starbases on the planet, causing yet more carnage and mayhem, with CNF New Nazareth taking the brunt.
The Imperial News Agencies are carrying the following press release:
FROM: Patrol Commissioner
REF: Monk System
Short notice of change of ownership......
Please be advised that the Monk System has now been taken from the
Confederate forces.
The claiming base in the Monk system, BHD Mecca has been captured by
Imperial ground forces.
Although the next few days things can change, we are advising that persons
keep out of the system until further notice.
More news to follow
IMP Gandolph
A significant Imperial fleet is understood to be blockading the planet. And there has as yet been no response from the Confederacy or the Detinus Republic.
*** New Emperor ***
The following transmission has been broadcast throughout the peripheries:
"To sentient beings of the peripheries:
It is true, a new leader has been born to the FLZ.
In times of crisis, the FLZ are genetically coded to respond and adapt. The past has seen sloth and negligence that stemmed from the safety of hidden systems and inaccessible spatial anomalies.
Now, enemies of the empire have broken the myth of safety and the FLZ racial genome has produced an answer. I have been born to rid the FLZ of stagnant leadership (this has been done efficiently). I have also been given prime responsibility o rid our systems and borders of Felini parasites....this I will do.
The past is dead and consumed (literally), there is only the future and it will be written in Felini blood.
*** Battlefield ***
IGN Reporters stationed with the Felini fleet in the Battlefield system have obtained the following report from the Felini press agencies:
Star Date 207.37.5
So far there's has been no FLZ military response to the incursion into Crusade beyond scout probes on both sides of the wormhole. The Felini supported by consortium allies have continued to fortify the Crusade Terminus.
While no major actions have yet to be fought ,Felini vessels and shocktroops have lunched a successful raid into the Zephyr system (Flagritz Inner Empire) leading t the capture of a 50LH freighter and the successful storming and occupation of a FLZ mining facility.
*** GTT Ship destroyed ***
A GTT scout has been destroyed by a Detinus platform in the Zion system.
*** Krell Leadership Change ***
With no doubt typical Krell enthusiasm, a new leader has risen amongst the Krell, with the KRT assuming control of the Krell homeworld.
Our newsroom has received a special report on this story from Spokeskrell Vjott, broadcast over the fledgling Krell Broadcasting Service:
"Gentlebeings, the Krell are once again in a state of flux. After the recent turmoil of the internecine power-struggle and factional domination, closely followed by the brutal struggle against Falconian overlordship, the race is once again nominally at peace. A council of the Krell clans federation was convened recently (at which formerly exiled Clan Black Rat were readmitted) and new policies agreed by the survivors.
An advisory committee was tasked with looking for a model governmental structure to adopt, as the simplistic clan-faction city-state model was considered too informal for the modern era of orbital weaponry and uber-fleets (TM). As in so many instances, the human historical precedent was examined, as this record encompasses a rich diversity unsurpassed by any other known species. Although the simple dictatorial model was briefly in contention, that which has been finally adopted is a weighted democratic model based on the existing clan conclave, overseen by veto-holding executive committee of senior clan leaders, supported by a professional executive director role, these to be augmented by defined-scope military engagement, open-bid bribery, and selective targeted assassination. Students of human anthropology will recognise this as a direct copy from that operated sporting body known as 'FIFA' circa mid 21st, to early 22nd century earth.
A prime task of this new body, and it's director, is to address the economic problems besetting the Krell race, which mean that the homeworld itself is in deficit, and government is supported mainly by remittances from Krell working out-of-system, primarily in Yank; at the 'Direwolf lair' mercenary base, and in the 'Jiggly room' laundry. To this end the Krell clan that has demonstrated most financial acumen, Black Rat, has been asked to take over the civil governmental function. Clan bloody fist will continue to operate the military arm, with officers from each clan serving in rotation on Krell naval vessels, to ensure these are not employed in a partisan manner. Warlord Thrott Ironfist has been asked to continue his role as governor of the Krell capital, Vjun, and will resume this after a brief sabbatical, during which he has agreed to undergo diversity training.
The position of executive periphery director being considered too...diplomatic... for any existing Krell leader, a Kastorian faction; the headhunter clan of the Kastor system, was tasked with identifying a candidate to approach. Initial results having been unsuccessful, due to a misunderstanding over terms, a satisfactory candidate was approached and has agreed to take the position offered. Gentlebeings and Krell, I present to you the successful candidate.... Mr Tennison Tarb!
[TT]"Thanks for that Introduction, Vjott. For those who do not know me, I give you the summary of my resume: Ex-governor of AFT Return, in Blagard; served in the First Flagritz war, gaining the bronze star and nut cluster, interim AFT PD with oversight of Ariel, Eclypse and Aurora, first (I refute SMS claims) governor to replicate alien technology; the light photon-gun. Brought out of early requirement to govern AFT Amethyst, during which I conducted the first acknowledged, successful private-venture stellar cartography research from a remote periphery, through to the Demon system. I've also had a shot with a couple of newstart affs... sob...
Anyway, some of you may have heard that I died in a tragic blaster-cleaning accident a few years ago. In fact, I decided to "drop out" and roam the peripheries alone in my personal yacht. This was a slow business, it being only 18% efficient. I then had the misfortune to fall into the hands of Wimble slavers. Having been sold on to the Dewiek, I found myself in the possession of the DEN elder statesbeing Kragen 'Longtooth'. I accompanied him on his 'solo' odyssey, as personal groomer and emergency rations. After my abandonment in DOM systems, I spent several years in a Mohache labour-cum-political-re-education camp, where I eventually regained my freedom by dint of hard work and strict adherence to the "Little blue book: The sayings of Chairman Fil". I now look forward to taking up my new position as figurehead of the Krell... HELP ME! THEY HAVE MY FAM..."
[Vjott] Director Tarb has moved on to start dealing with his daunting workload... not least being a four-year backlog of CIA recruitment emails. I close this meeting with an appeal for information: The Krell have for too long been limited to a single planet in a single system, relying on the toleration of others. To move forward, we need to understand where we came from. We have heard rumours that the Krell were brought into the peripheries many millennia ago, but we have no knowledge of where that might have been from. Our numbers are few, and we seek to remedy that deficiency. Towards that end, I would like to request knowledge of Mohache populations from the nations of the peripheries, and particularly information leading to the location of the Mohache homeworld - a species more deserving of 'slave race' status we have not encountered before. We will be grateful for your assistance."
*** GTT Outposts Destroyed ***
The DTR policy of smashing up Imperial-Bloc mining outposts has continued this week, with reports of the destruction of GTT SchBor1 in the Shrike system. The Imperial outpost YN-96 was heavily damaged at the same time, but somehow escaped destruction.
*** More Outposts Destroyed ***
DTR raiders have destroyed two more GTT outposts, Mink1 and Mink2,, this time in the Lewis system.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Desperately Seeking ***
Would the new Governor of AFT Dinas Dawr please contact the Iron
Breth'ren (QNG) privately at Kantnerrocs@webbwireless(dot)net?! Thanks!
Master ib Kl'kkl'kk, for the Iron Breth'ren
*** Desperately Seeking ***
The FLZ & QNG were recently involved in important talks, in which we had
come to some major agreements, and were in the process of ironing out
the details.
We have heard nothing for some time, and are wondering if the whole deal
is off.
I would welcome communication on the matter.
Admiral Bridge, QNG.
*** Desperately Seeking ***
Could the Governor of CNF Gethsamane (2898) please contact the Iron
Breth'ren (QNG) at his earliest convenience, privately at
Could some other knowing individual provide his address privately?
Thanks All
Master ib Kl'kkl'kk for the Iron Breth'ren!!
Would the owner of DTR Starbase Ascension please contact me at your earliest
LtCol(Ret)Harrold Sanchez
***** Message From The Editor *****
I forgot to change my email address for the Phoenix boards, which is why I haven't been running From the Posting Board lately. This has now been corrected. Apologies if I missed anything important on the Boards.
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
02-10-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 40 DAY 2
[Recruit] |
***** Inter Galactic News *****
*** Imperial Offensive ***
The Monk system, location of the ongoing Imperial offensive, has seen a few more rumblings since the Imperial victory last week.
The BHD outpost Vatican City has been destroyed by heavy bombardment from the captured Starbase Mecca, along with CNF New Nazereth taking heavy damage in the same bombardment.
And when we say heavy damage…
IMP Mecca (1508) - Starbase
Attacking CNF New Nazareth (4745) - 835387 [6973830] Damage
The destruction of Vatican City has send shockwaves throughout the BHD organisation, with rumours suggesting many priceless antiques and holy objects have been destroyed.
*** Flagritz Offensive ***
The Felini news services have provided us with more information from the frontlines:
Stardate 38.4
Major Flagritzi Counteroffensive Launched
FLZ naval forces have launched offensive operations against both Termini of the Battlefield-Crusade wormhole link
A light FLZ destroyer group was intercepted and destroyed by a SMS battlegroup as it approached the Battlefield Terminus. While a far larger FLZ Battlegroup launched attempted to launch an attack against the Crusade Terminus. The Crusade offensive was delayed when the majority of the FLZ fleet was intercepted by a two ship FEL patrol that was subsequently destroyed. A few forward elements of the FLZ fleet did slip past the blockade but were easily destroyed by the Wormhole picket. An engagement between the FLZ attack fleet and Consortium forces located at the Wormhole now looks imminent
However, that imminent engagement appeared not to occur, with the FLZ forces withdrawing once again to safety. IGN reporters stationed with the SMS fleet report the destruction of 2 FLZ destroyers and a gunboat at one end of the wormhole, and a further destroyer and a capital ship at the other. A FEL scout and heavy capital were destroyed by the larger FLZ battlegroup.
*** Piracy ***
The Pirate Moon Dog has successful boarded and captured the IMP freighter Foxalot. The Foxalot reportedly contained a full cargo hold of goods, which the victorious pirate made off with.
*** FEL/FLZ News ***
More news bites from the front.
The FLZ attack fleet has withdrawn from the Wormhole Quadrant in Crusade avoiding a FEL/FCN pursuit force.
A small FEL strike force has seized another Outpost within the boundaries of the FLZ empire. While the outpost is of itself of negligible military and industrial importance it does represent the first successful invasion and occupation of an inhabited FLZ world in this campaign.
According to IGN sources, the FLZ outpost Xenos Crusade, while small, did have a significant stockpile of modules present.
*** Far Frontier Bombarded ***
From the Imperial Newswire:
The CNF Starbase Far Frontier in the Ruin system was the subject of a strike by the ISP LRG Flotilla. The starbase was reduced in size by more that 30%, from 3992 KMu to 2737 KMu, by the relentless fire from the Imperial light rail guns. Several of our ships were damaged before the starbase defences were neutralised but all managed to depart without hindrance from the rebel forces.
Oddly this story was not reported by Confederate sources. Our reporters have learnt the reason for this is due to a communications snarl up in the Confederate comms nexus, which prevented the CNF high command from even hearing about the attack until over a week had passed.
*** FEL Ship Destroyed ***
A Felini courier class vessel has been destroyed after docking with the DTR Starbase New Darien.
After some initial confusion where Detinus sources suggest fleet commanders believed the FEL to have launched a sneak attack against the DTR, it now appears as if the Felini Courier was attempting to trade with New Darien, and may have forgotten that most affiliations do not encourage people to dock with their bases.
The IGN would like to remind all new starcaptains that only rarely do your vessels need to dock with starbases to conduct trade, and that under most circumstances orbiting the planet is sufficient to make use of a bases orbital highport facilities.
The unfortunate captain of this courier is urged to contact the FEL authorities, who we are certain will be able to provide them with a replacement vessel.
*** Action in Yank ***
The GTT have once again bombarded DTR positions on Mobile Bay in the Yank system. A strongly worded protest has been filed with the Kastorian Military Junta, with Michelle Diaz herself threatening grievous bodily harm.
*** More Action In Yank ***
A second incident of GTT positions attacking the DTR in Yank has occurred this week. However this time the KAS have taken measures. The GTT Hoplon class warship R1 entered orbit of Mobile Bay and opened fire on DTR Whaler, whereupon 4 Kastorian System Guard class warships moved in to intercept the GTT vessel.
The GTT vessel took 50% damage, and was forced to withdraw after causing only light damage to the DTR Starbase.
Our sources within the Kastorian military Junta have reported that this vessel, and the GTT vessels that were involved in the action earlier in the week, may well have been added to KAS enemy lists throughout the system, and are no longer welcome in Yank.
*** Outpost Destroyed ***
The GTT outpost SchBor1 has been destroyed by DTR Raiders in the Shrike system. The imperial outpost YN-96 was heavily damaged in the same strike. A GTT Indiaman class freighter was also destroyed.
*** FLZ Vessel Captured ***
The FLZ vessel Shifter Absolve, a 200 hulled freighter, has been captured by the FCN empire in orbit of the planet Cause in the crusade system.
*** Mystery Vessel ***
A very odd occurrence in yank this week as a DTR freighter came under attack by what appeared to be a Dewiek Broadsword. However, following a strange sensor glitch, the vessels EEM registry transponder started reporting as an Independent caravel class freighter.
EEM Officials are investigating, as claims surface once again that the EEM monopoly on vessel registration is categorically unsafe.
*** Freighter Destroyed ***
A sole Confederate freighter, the Zoe Maersk, has been destroyed in London following a close encounter with the entire Imperial fleet. It is understood no shots were fired, but that the Zoe Maersk was ripped apart by ISR field stress distortion.
*** Piracy Update ***
The pirate vessel Boobie rag has had a close escape this week, narrowly evading a combined SMS/FET anti piracy strike fleet.
*** Falconian Offensive ***
The FCN Empire has launched a massive offensive against Krell interests in Storm.
IGN reporters are witnessing what appears to be an act of Genocide. Images beamed from the surface of Inversion appear to have prompted the SMS railgun bombardment fleet to cease fire and drop out of orbit. With an official statement from the SMS indicating that they were primarily there in case the FLZ launched a strike.
Our newsroom has lost track of the damage done to Krell interests, with Vjun being hammered from orbit, multiple KRL ships lost, and an orbital platform gutted. There are bodies hanging in space, which is nothing compared to the carnage on the ground.
This is possibly the ugliest most one-sided conflict yet witnessed in the Peripheries.
*** Outpost Destroyed ***
Detinus raiders have struck again, this time destroying the GTT outpost Down1 in the Lewis system.
*** IMP Vessel destroyed ***
An imperial scout has been destroyed entering orbit of the planet Jesuit in the Monk system.
*** Imperial Press Release ***
FROM: Patrol Commissioner
In some of the heaviest fighting recently seen, damage has been issued on
both sides over the last 2-3 weeks.
Several IMP/GTT outposts on various moons and planets have come under
bombardments by DTR forces, also the CNF have launched strikes against our
positions in the Lucifer system. Many smaller facilities have been
destroyed, a platform severely damaged, and damage to other facilities has
been noted.
Imperial forces have staged their own retaliation for the Lucifer attack,
and launched an assault against CNF Far Frontier in the Ruin system, a
starbase of just under 4000k in size took heavy damage in a large scale
bombardment. The base weapons were silenced in the majority at end of round
1, and the base was left floundering when the Imperials vessels left the
orbit. No Imperial vessels were lost, the base was understood to have taken
heavy damage, and with final scans putting it at 2737 in size on leaving. A
bloody nose was given in retribution.
It can now be confirmed that the MONK system is now in Imperial hands,
system messages will be changed shortly to confirm this as the area
surrounding IMP Mecca has now been secured.
Mecca fell on day 1 to IMP forces, but even without a hearty retreat by the
defenders it was expected that the base would have been taken after 2-3 days
anyway, but this made the job of keeping the base and reducing IMP
casualties much easier.
The Facility being 6499k in size before capture was the claiming base for
Monk, and we soon readied the space weapons for the other positions
surrounding the base.
A 600+ hulled BHD platform in Orbit, and several enemy outposts of
substantial size were engaged, the largest being CNF New Nazareth, which
posed the main threat.
In 3 days of fighting, the platform and all large/main enemy positions have
been destroyed via land based and ship based weapons, and Dominican is now
under IMP rule. First aid is being given to civilians as we speak to try and
help them whilst the operations are ongoing.
During this phase of battle, it is thought around 8 BHD ships have also been
destroyed. Freighters going into and some trapped in the orbit of the
planet. It was feared they were bringing in supplies to the BHD positions,
and so were targeted and removed.
At this stage, things have calmed down slightly, this is not expected to
last forever.
Any positions willing to trade with IMP Mecca please contact me privately,
as I have an abundance of certain equipment and minerals to sell.
It is understood the operation cost the Imperials in lives less than 400
marines, which was welcome news for people on board our troop ships.
It is understood further operations in Darkfold are currently underway, I
will let commander Wulf of the Imperial Ground forces explain further when
operations have finished.
Press release ends......
***** From The Posting Boards *****
Cirdan has just posted a new topic entitled "racial mods to local pop sales" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
mica has just posted a new topic entitled "Changing Spread (Once)" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
This order added to the game four years ago so that players could sort out their bases, setting them at the most effective spread for their troops. It was also officially removed two years ago.
It would seem that there are still bases that have the conversion spread setting and are suddenly keen to use this order.
While I have allowed some free special actions requesting this order to be processed, I have insisted that these positions are not in danger of being under attack in the near future. To put it bluntly - if the enemy has been scouting your bases and preparing a ground assault over the last few months, it would be bloody unfair to allow a magical change of spread.
While I appreciate that it is human nature only to worry about a thing when it bites you or a close friend in the arse, sometimes the GM has to be cruel to be fair to all parties.
So unless there is a general agreement for this order to be once again added for a short period, I will not process it except where there is absolutely no risk of upsetting anybody.
All is not lost however. You can 'set spread' as an order. Following this, scraping and building complexes will move your spread towards the target. If you think you may be in danger of an arse biting, I would advise doing this.
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
05-10-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 40 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter Galactic News *****
*** Imperial Forces Score Major Victory ***
In a daring move the combined Imperial Navies, along with the GTT and DEN navies, have struck at the very heart of the Detinus Republic.
The Dalmatia Defence Zone, in Venice A13 was thought to be nigh on impregnable, hosting as it did three of the famous DTR Cow Tractor Platforms, each a mighty 2000 hulls in size. However this myth of their invulnerability was shattered in the strongest possible way when the Imperial fleet struck.
After less than a days combat 6000 fully equipped DTR platform hulls had been destroyed, for the loss of one Imperial cruiser. Before the DTR Home Defence fleets could even scramble from their ready stations, the virtually unscratched Imperial fleet had departed, leaving the DTR in a state of shock at the scale of the destruction.
Initial estimates place 34,000 Heavy Hulls worth of Imperial ships in the battle, along with 13,000 Normal Hulls, ranged against the DTRs 6000 platform hulls, giving the IMP odds of roughly 5:1.
A shocked silence has now fallen over the Peripheries, as the realisation sinks in that with the deployment of such vast fleets, literally nowhere is safe, and we could all be standing on the brink of Genocide.
*** Inversion ***
The battle between the FCN and KRL has continued this week as the FCN naval forces continued their bombardment of the Krell platform, finally destroying it after several days fire.
On the ground, FCN troops have commenced capturing Krell installations via direct assault.
*** Letter To The Editor ***
In the interests of fairness we here at the IGN are always glad to publish our correspondence:
I wish to protest in the strongest terms at your use of biased and one-sided language in the reporting of the recent fighting in Storm. The engagement was not unannounced, the Falconian warning of 'A week until we start shooting' being superseded by our own 12-hour warning. Bodies are not "everywhere", most casualties occurring in orbit, and Inversion is as beautiful as it ever was, and even a trifle warmer! We would also maintain that, even though the Falconians have incurred over 40,000 MU's of damage to their property (including one of their own ground assault forces destroyed by 'Splash' damage from orbit after seizing an undefended outpost), the Falconians HAVE destroyed several ships on the ground, and the battle is not as one-sided as you allege - the 70% destruction of Vjun being counted as a Falconian loss, ownership of the freehold to this property being the ostensible 'causus belli' of this engagement.
We have received some reports of a sympathy battle occurring in the Skord system, but frankly; who would consider this of the remotest consequence - certainly not the Kastorians!
'Angry of Storm'
Of course given this correspondence is from a Krell native, we're also glad to publish it just to avoid being attacked by the violent little psychopaths.
*** FLZ In Action ***
A Flagritz strike fleet have attacked a Falconian squadron in the Vanus system. Six heavy FCN warships skirmished with a larger FLZ force, taking serious damage and apparently losing five of their number, before the sixteen FLZ baseships withdrew. In an unusual move, the usually xenophobic Flagritz were apparently quite happy for our IGN reporters to observe the battle from the bridge of their command and control vessel.
The Flagritz Emperor issued the following statement:
"The FCN and FEL have no respect for our home territory and have
blatantly tried to take advantage of the chaos in leadership change to
advance further into FLZ home space.
Although only a token force was immediately available today, we did
launch a punitive counter attack against a FCN incursion. The ensuing
skirmish resulted in the gutting of several FCN capital ships with
impressive advanced armour. Our losses were nothing more than a gutted
broadside that was already a hulk before the shooting started.
As we gather our forces, we will turn the tide back to the Crusade
wormhole and take control of our end of the terminus. However, we will
not sit idly by and allow the enemy to take the fight to us. We will
move into their home systems and eradicate the problems at their
*** FEL Report ***
More news from the Felini press department this week:
Press Release 207.40.1 - 207.40.2
A FLZ destroyer, enroute to attack an outpost captured by the FEL, was intercepted by Felini forces before it reached it target. The FLZ ship, a defender class vessel, spent a day in inconclusive combat with a FEL destroyer, the following day a FEL Taskgroup belonging to Pride Mirado arrived and destroyed the FLZ ship before it could disengage. The FLZ vessel did manage to inflict 2 points of hull damage and destroy two starfighters before its end
*** Piracy ***
SMS and QNG APTF forces are skirmishing with pirate vessels in the Storm system as part of an as yet unknown APTF operation.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Ship For Sale ***
KRL SHIP Hakudo Maru (14197)
3000 MU's Capacity (ore only)
20 Light Hulls
Installed Items-
1 Aux Bridge (102) - 20 mus
2 ISR Type 3 Engines (150) - 20 mus
1 Jump Drive (175) - 50 mu
3 Landing Engine (168) - 20 mus
40 Ore bay (133) - 25 mu
3 Quarters (131) - 25 mus
1 Sensor (103) - 10 mus
4 Shields (115) - 10 mus
Install Space: 1395/1400 Weapon Space: 195/200
will be provided with Human crew, and a civilian officer - Offers
starting somewhere North of 20K will be accepted, with the highest
received by 13/10/2007 accepted.
Contact KrellPD [at] phoenix-krell [dot] org [dot] uk
*** wanted ***
Greetings Sentients,
I am in the market for bunks and battle bridges. Anyone who has any to
sell please contact me privately.
-Evan Merrick
***** From The Posting Boards *****
mica has just posted a new topic entitled "Mega Fleet - ongoing issue" in forum "Everything Else".
Even with Starbase shields and platforms, currently there is always a theoretical minimum number of ships required to flatten something in one day. Restricting fleet sizes will mean that starbases can eventually outgrow them, making them invulnerable, making shields etc more powerful will raise the bar, not only leaving smaller bases in the same position, but simply pushing the issue into the future rather than solving it.
A single tactic is probably doomed to fail, so a range of options are presented, merely to see what is well favoured. We will discuss the issue at length at the pubmeet, but not everyone can make it so it is good to get some feedback in the meantime.
The topic can be found here:
mica has just posted a new topic entitled "Platform Augmentation" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
There has been a general approval for augmenting platforms, but lets put it to the vote.
In order to avoid these being the next super weapon however, the size of each hull will be vastly increased in order to deter cloaked ships from building monster platforms in other people's orbit on a single day.
Size increase will not change the amount of damage required to destroy a hull - so even if they changed to hold 300mu of cargo per hull and became 600mu in size, they will still only require 400 damage to destroy as now - this is because the production will not change.
The topic can be found here:
mica has just posted a new topic entitled "Why the need for change?" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
There have been few queries as to why a change in combat is even needed.
It comes down to risk and reward - if there is an unbalance that goes beyond good tactics, quick thinking and skilful play, then it becomes an exploit and needs sorting.
If a position (of any size) puts up what we as game designers believe to be a credible defence and despite that, can be completely and utterly destroyed in a day by a force after only a modest amount of effort - then we need to address the issue.
We are not disputing the effort to create a large force requires a lot of effort - only the fact that with a few orders, it can move to a location and inflict overwhelming damage and depart, having suffered relatively little damage in return, though more importantly, can continue to do so again and again.
When compared to the effort of a ground assault, the orbital bombardment option not only proves more effective, it is downright begging.
Overwhelming odds is therefore the issue - anything that does not tackle this issue, instead concentrating purely on bolstering defences, reducing offence etc will only delay dealing with the issue, never solving it.
This is why, whatever other features we put in place, some sort of damage cap for fixed target size is a must.
Till now, the only real option suggested so far has been ISR threshold - sounds very reasonable - might be a bit quirky to code.
Another one though that has been suggested by Fraby consists of rubble/debris - this tackles overkill in an interesting way.
The theory here is that when you hit a ground target - everything you destroy becomes debris/rubble - but the mass remains part of the base. To be honest, I would go one step further and actually create more rubble based on the ratio of damage to mass striking the base but hitting nothing. The theory is that so many hits in a small time period would mean that some strikes target the same location, thereby producing even more rubble than would occur with a smaller damage to target mass ratio.
This rubble is never destroyed by incoming fire - in fact the base actually grows are more area is converted into rubble by more attacks.
The important issue however is that this rubble continues to soak damage, making it increasingly harder to actually destroy whatever remains. With overwhelming firepower, the rubble content spikes - thereby making it even harder to actually destroy the base in a single day.
After the battle however the owners of the base have to deal with the rubble - this is because rubble will reduce the efficiency of the base (some function of rubble to starbase mass) and might have other side effects - such as making the base harder to defend from ground assaults (maybe?) - reduce overall maximum control. It will presumably be an order that uses manhours so that it can be used by outposts and bases alike.
The nice thing about this is that you may not be able to flatten even a modest base by orbital bombardment, but you could definitely annoy them. You might also use your fleet to soften the target before sending in the ground troops.
This idea stills some thinking about, but seems to have merit.
We will discuss these issues at the pubmeet - but it good to get people thinking about the options.
The topic can be found here:
***** Message From The Editor *****
There was a battle in Yank this week that I'm no doubt going to be accused of bias for not reporting. However, it turns out that when uploading turns there is no time tag attached, so if you send one set of turns, and realise you have made a mistake, and send another set with updated turns, the server will just randomly choose one set of uploaded orders.
So with that in mind I wasn't sure how to report on it, given that I'm not sure if Mica is going to push the reset button on it or what.
Also, there is a trial run of a Phoenix Wiki underway, and although we've been promised that a dedicated Phoenix Wiki will be launched by KJC this month, there is some stuff to see on it, at least enough to indicate the potential value of the project:
Feedback will be useful in determining how worthwhile this wiki will be.
Finally, there is a new listing for a KRL website in the contacts section.
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
KRL: www.phoenix-krell.org.uk/
23-10-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 43 DAY 2
[Recruit] |
***** Inter Galactic News *****
*** Pirate Moondog ***
The vile pirate Moondog has reported a significant success, capturing two GTT freighters, the Behemoth 10 and Gothic Hauler 4. Unconfirmed rumours suggest that Moondog managed to salvage a Hyper Drive from one of the vessels.
*** Pirate Large ***
After an extended period of quiet, Pirate Large has been spotted in the Peripheries once again, this time attacking and capturing the FET Freighter Jester's Ball.
The FET freighter was armed, as seems to be standard with FET freighters these days, and was able to inflict some damage before it fell.
*** Slaves ***
Falconian special forces have liberated 387 Feline Slaves from the FLZ outpost Xenos Crusade.
*** Pirate Base Discovered ***
A FET patrol has stumbled across a hidden pirate asteroid base this week, intercepting multiple pirate vessels who panicked and ran for it, leaving their ground-based compatriots to face the combined might of an APTF battle squadron that scrambled to take care of the infestation immediately.
Having secured the orbit with warships, the 1st FET Infantry Division has deployed to attempt to capture the pirate facility, and despite some initial setbacks, at time of press their victory is almost certainly assured… eventually. We hope. Assuming they can figure out which way to point their guns.
The pirate base is understood to be the base of operations of the dread pirate Moondog, who narrowly escaped before the noose tightened.
*** Platform Destroyed ***
A five ship DTR raiding party has destroyed a small Imperial platform in the Blowton system, and caused moderate damage to the IMP outpost Ecalpon.
Ground based defences at Ecalpon managed to destroy one of the Detinus raiders before they withdrew.
*** Vjun ***
IGN staff stationed at the Krell Starbase Vjun are reporting that Falconian bombardment ships have returned to continue their destruction of the facility.
About 30 FCN heavy cruisers configured with light rail guns have commenced a withering fire against the defenders, who are at this point utterly defenceless and unable to shoot back.
Several hundred casualties have been reported, along with significant damage to the Starbase itself, and the destruction of a Krell mining facility.
This comes after events earlier in the week when a GTT squadron popped into orbit to spend 24 hours shelling the defenceless Krell too.
*** Platform Destroyed ***
A GTT platform has been destroyed by another 5-ship DTR raiding group. The GTT Cuinh Ellone was destroyed with all hands in the Stockton system.
It is understood the DTR raiders withdrew with no losses.
*** Freighter Destroyed ***
A DTR freighter, the Dawn Peddler, has been intercepted and destroyed by Imperial warships in Straddle.
*** Outpost Destroyed ***
Yet another Detinus 5-ship raiding group has struck, this time at the GTT outpost BloSar1 on the planet Sarah in the Blowton system. The outpost was destroyed, and the DTR raiders withdrew intact.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
A patrol of SMS APTF warships has caught the pirate vessel Evita in the outer rings of the Storm system. It is understood the Evita was fleeing from Moondogs outpost that had come under attack the previous day.
The Evita was destroyed in short order. Though sadly she did not appear to be carrying Moondog himself.
*** FLZ Victory ***
The Flagritz have won a small skirmish, destroying a lone FCN Vulture class capital ship in the Crusade system. A squadron of SMS warships that were supposed to re-inforce the FCN are understood to have suffered a navigational misfortune, and were unable to arrive in time.
*** FLZ Scout ***
A small Flagritz scout attempted to transit the Crusade Wormhole yesterday, running into stiff opposition from Consortium forces who vaporised it instantly.
*** Outpost Damaged ***
A ten ship DTR raiding squadron has struck at a sizeable Imperial outpost in the Capellan system. The IMP Outpost Agin Supplies took something in the region of 200,000 damage, but was not quite destroyed in the attack.
The GTT mining Outpost Capagi1 was also struck in the battle and destroyed.
*** GTT Outposts Destroyed ***
In what is rapidly becoming the DTR Raider Squadron Weekly Report News, three GTT outposts have been destroyed by a five-ship squadron in Kasmer.
*** CNF Outposts destroyed ***
In presumed retaliation for ongoing DTR raids against Imperial-Bloc outposts, the IMP Stellar Armada has launched a significant raid against Confederate infrastructure, destroying 8 CNF and BHD outposts on the planet Whitehouse in Darkfold. Several other installations were heavily damaged in the same raid.
*** FLZ Victory ***
The Flagritz have won another skirmish, this time managing to ambush and destroy a single Felini Sabre Tooth class capital ship
***** From The Posting Board *****
Mike has just posted a new topic entitled "Market display costs" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
Frabby has just posted a new topic entitled "Squadrons do not report ships lost in asteroids" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Mojo has just posted a new topic entitled "Side ways promotion" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Sees with Knowledge has just posted a new topic entitled "Interaction with a base under fire" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
DodgyDave has just posted a new topic entitled "Naval Dominance in both Naval and Ground" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
Cirdan has just posted a new topic entitled "When does pinning work" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
The topic can be found here:
Sees with Knowledge has just posted a new topic entitled "AFF Authorisations" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Goth has just posted a new topic entitled "Mega challenge" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
*** The Parser ***
The following topic on the Phoenix forum may be of interest in terms
of parsing data
Sees with Knowledge post shows that you can parse a number of turns
in one go by combining several emails into one txt file...
In terms of adding stuff to the ship editor
...and this thread looks into what some of the code relates to
Note though that the ship editor is out of date - I think Dodge and
Combat speeds in particular don't work, and there is the addition of
weapon space (affedting light/XL hulls) that won't be factored in
It does, however, still provide a few insights into how the ship
will pan out
...can't remember if links work on this forum, so if not the threads
are respectively;
Phoenix Rules > Game Discussion > General Discussion > Everything
Else > Parser Problems with Systems, How the Parser works on turns
(or not)
Phoenix Rules > Game Discussion > Game Mechanics > Order Editors >
Ship Editor, How to add new items to the config file
Phoenix Rules > Game Discussion > Game Mechanics > Order Editors >
Order Editor Configuration File Formats
***** Message From The Editor *****
Content continues to be added to the Phoenix Wiki:
Readers should note that anybody can edit or contribute to the Wiki, so if you have an interesting piece of history to share, pop along and type it out so that it can be recorded for posterity.
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
KRL: www.phoenix-krell.org.uk/
26-10-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 43 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter Galactic News *****
*** Pirate Base ***
The FET have destroyed the pirate base reported on in last weeks edition. A pirate ground party attempting to escape was also destroyed, along with a pirate officer who has as yet not been identified from the remains. Rumours circulate that it may have been Moon Dog himself.
*** Storm ***
The Falconian bombardment of the Krell Starbase Vjun has continued every day this week, with no sign that the Falconians intend to stop before the entire facility is reduced to a smoking crater.
There was some good news for the Krell defenders though, when a small FCN ground party calling itself the 'Goth Is A Flagritz Humper' brigade, was destroyed. Although it's not entirely clear if the ground party was destroyed by the Krell, or by over-zealous orbital bombardment strikes.
*** Skirmish In Blowton ***
A DTR raider squadron ran into some bad luck this week when the vessels turned up to destroy another Imperial target in the Blowton system. A battle squadron from the Imperial Stellar Patrol entered orbit of Carlton the same day the DTR raiders appeared. A fierce skirmish erupted, which saw 4 DTR ships destroyed as they pressed their attack on IMP Ecalpon, the ground-based installation.
It is understood Ecalpon took moderate damage.
*** Dewiek Under Attack ***
A five-ship Detinus raiding squadron has struck and destroyed the DEN outpost Weenie's.
The outpost, thought to belong to the currently retired Dewiek master-trader Weenie, was destroyed with all hands.
*** Scout destroyed ***
An IMP scout has been destroyed whilst scouting a DTR Starbase in the China system.
*** Scout Destroyed ***
Another Imperial scout has been destroyed by the DTR, this time in the Adamski system.
***** Special Report *****
This week we are pleased to provide an extract from the fly on the wall documentary, Zuvoro Norozov, what makes him tick?
"Norozov glanced at the calendar on his office desk and it suddenly dawned on him that it is 14 years to the day that he arrived at the starport of Hypso.14 years since he left his birthplace of St. Petersburg conurbation on Earth.
He sat back in his large comfortable leather massage chair, sets it to a low level massage and relaxes as he reminisces on what he's done with his life since arriving in the Peripheries.
Like all new FET arrivals he was given command of a small surveyor class ship and $5000 and ordered to go and make money. He can't remember all the details of his long and successful career, but suffice to say he did as he was ordered, worked his way up the corporate ladder, achieved the office of CEO of the company after first becoming the Space Defence coordinator and most importantly of all became a multi-millionaire!!! Not bad for a lad from the backstreets of St. Petersburg.
The surveyor is still out there working away after being upgraded several times. It's been in battles against numerous foes of the Empire, including the Confederate affiliations, the DTR and FGZ.
It was the first ship through the newly discovered wormhole between London and Crossley as the then FET CEO Ahab Jones had somehow obtained data on its location and when it was going to open up for transit and ordered the ship to standby. Those were the days, sometimes Norozov wishes he was still out there exploring instead of being tied down running the company.
One of the biggest events of his time in the Peripheries was the trip to Darkfold for the funeral of Emperor Paul. He never thought that he would travel to the heart of the Confederacy. Hopefully one day he will be able to do so again, once all the current unpleasantness is resolved.
That thought makes him sad as he mourns the lose of his son and daughter in action against the forces of the Confederacy and DTR. Not to mention the lose of several nephews and nieces and 2 brothers. The Norozov family has paid a heavy price in this unending conflict.
These loses and other factors is why with reluctance he persuaded the FET board of Directors that the company should hand over all system claims to the Imperial Stellar Services and no longer be considered a combatant in the human civil war.
Since Norozov arrived in the Peripheries FET has always being a staunch supporter of the Empire and to the best of it's ability always sent military support to back the Imperial Services up in battle. So much so that the company has over the years lost several key starbases whilst holding the line against enemy forces. FET has also lost countless ships and personnel in the various conflicts.
So Norozov finally tiring of continual warfare decided enough was enough and sought a way the protect FET assets and the employees and populations associated with them.
Norozov has a gut feeling that the populations of the peripheries are beginning to tire of the war, a war that seems to swallow up it's young men and women in a perpetual meat grinder with no end in sight. One day very soon whole planets will say NO MORE!!!
The FET CEO looks forward to this day, a day when the human race may one day wake up and count the cost of unending warfare and decide to live in peace. Maybe it will happen in Norozov's lifetime, maybe not. But here's hoping that he is around running the company for another 14 years....at least."
***** From The Posting Board *****
Goth has just posted a new topic entitled "Power gamers?" in forum "Politics".
The topic can be found here:
mica has just posted a new topic entitled "Overkill, rampage and costs" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
Dan Reed has just posted a new topic entitled "This forum!" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Mike has just posted a new topic entitled "ONline Editor" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Sees with Knowledge has just posted a new topic entitled "Ship 'Pending Orders'" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
Phoenix_Pariah has just posted a new topic entitled "Things to like about phoenix" in forum "Everything Else".
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
Phoenix Wiki (under construction) - www.jumpmap.com/wiki/Main_Page
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
KRL: www.phoenix-krell.org.uk/
01-11-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 44 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
***** Inter Galactic News *****
*** Scout Destroyed ***
A Detinus Republic scout has been destroyed while attempting to enter orbit of the planet Booker. Imperial patrol forces spotted the small DTR vessel and blew it up in short order.
After several months of escalating violence between the Imperial-Bloc and the DTR/Confederacy, the fact that this is our only report of conflict in this weeks edition seems to suggest that something is going on. Rumours are circulating that an unofficial ceasefire has been agreed between the warring parties, and that high level negotiations are being planned.
Either that or both sides are about to launch apocalyptic strikes against each others interests. We wouldn't like to speculate.
*** Moondog ***
The pirate Moondog has apparently escaped from his pirate base in Blagard, as he has recently transmitted the following communication:
"Iffen I wuz killed at me Blagard op, den I'm back frum da dead an'
more uf a menace den evur!
Aktually, whyle dodging thru all o' dem FET warships attackin' me op,
I managed to steel a page frum dere play book.
Aftur gettin away, I meetz up wit me ol' shipmate Blind Dog Willie an
we beginz ta scheme. He's meaner den 'ell ta begin wit, but he wuz
in an especially sore mood. Says he wantz ta kill sumtin and kill it
quick. I says I got just da ting fer you, but don't go lookin' ta
aktually kill someone if it aynt in a boarding fite. So's ta get it
owt o' hiz system, he takes one o' me ships (dat also got away frum
me Blagard op...tanks FET!) and beginz to rayne down some heavy metal
onto da headz o' some o' his former foes. Looks like he got a bonus
or 2 with sum ships being doked dere.
Me an Blind Dog Willie are now celebratin' both of our resent
viktories wit sum rum-and-gunpowder drinks.
Az fer da offiser dat wuz mentioned in da SSS? Gotta look at da last
dungeon update ta see who it wuz.
Da FET did kill me operative Moonskum. I'll unleesh Blind Dog Willie
on dem fer dat.
^Moon Dog^"
We here at the IGN aren't absolutely convinced this is moon Dog, because frankly all these damned pirates sound alike to us.
*** Imperial Outpost Application ***
An application has been received to exploit mineral/resource code 2035 in
the Lewis system. Anyone already exploiting this code in Lewis should
inform the Viceregal Administration before Day 2 Week 45, indicating the
celestial body on which it is being exploited.
Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy
*** Piracy ***
A GCE Outpost, Sharpstown, has come under attack by a pirate Broadsword class heavy cruiser, armed with rail guns.
The GCE outpost is understood to have suffered one casualty when a cave collapsed.
*** Flagritz Ship Destroyed ***
A FLZ Solo class explorer has been destroyed in the Skye system by a large FEL/SMS patrol.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Starbase Open ***
Greetings fellow traders.
This is to let all beings of the peripheries know that GTT Centrepoint
City (97421) in Yank is now open for business.
Please check our markets for something of interest. In particular we
have a number of AI Combat Navigator and AI Navigators at less than the
usual high prices charged for such a small item.
I will be pleased to buy any trade goods including perishables. Good
prices will be paid. Please contact me on xavierfox90(at)yahoo(dot)co
(dot)uk to discuss any deals. Regular deliveries welcome.
I tried to post this on the market report but only one line of text is
currently shown.
Xavier Fox
*** Desperately seeking ***
BTW, will the Gov'n of SMS Corunna (3380), please contact Gandalf the White AGAIN at:
gandalf (hyphen) white (at) msn (dot) com
*** Desperately Seeking ***
Could the Governor of IMP Cezta please contact the Iron Breth'ren (QNG)
at Kantnerrocs@webbwireless(dot)net? Or could someone else provide us
with proper contact information! Thank You! Master K!!
*** Desperately seeking ***
DEN Dragon.
Would the owner of the above starbase please contact me at his/her leisure please.
Hucuron Baalazar - SMS
***** From The Posting Board *****
Xavier Fox has just posted a new topic entitled "Market Reports" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
Phoenix Wiki (under construction) - www.jumpmap.com/wiki/Main_Page
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
KRL: www.phoenix-krell.org.uk/
14-11-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 46 DAY 3
[Recruit] |
***** KJC Update *****
Thanks to everyone that made the pubmeet a success. We will be publishing the general agreements and direction of the game following the feedback obtained during the weekend.
We will post this on the forum in the next few days.
***** Inter Galactic News *****
*** Imperial Announcement ***
The Imperial Viceroy has issued an Order In Council that has rocked the Peripheries:
"Order in Council (Priv-03/07) dated 5.44.207
Considerable concern has been expressed by my colleagues in the Imperial
Services and Chartered affiliations about the growing scarcity of minerals
and resources within our systems. Consequently all Exploration and
Outposting privileges currently enjoyed by Non-Chartered affiliations and
Individuals within those systems claimed by and for the Imperial Services
are withdrawn with immediate effect. This includes a ban on searching for
asteroids and outposting them in the often mistaken hope that they would not
be discovered. Any unregistered outposts discovered in the future will be
either confiscated or removed.
These and associated changes shall be incorporated into Imperial law in the
near future.
All Transit and Trade privileges remain unchanged
Witness this my hand and seal day 5, Week 44, Year 207
Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy"
The news has come as a shock to many parties, including several small mining companies who face being put out of business by this new ruling.
We here at the SSS/IGN have received many communications regarding this matter, the following is an example from our mailbag:
To the SSS,
Dear Editor, I have received a transmission from an unaffiliated party within Imperial space. It may be something that your news bulletin would be interested in publishing, though of course I would ask that names are withheld to protect the identity of your sources (both my name and his):
"Senator Archimedes,
I need someone to complain to and it seems that the DTR might listen. I have run a private mining installation for the best part of two decades within the IMP space claimed by the proxy of the decayed Emperor.
Over the last few months the market price of my minerals has shot up and up, so much so that I have gone seeking for new asteroids to start new mining operations, and I'm an old man! My sons are hard working but we just can't keep up with demand, we need to employ more people and expand.
At first it seemed that these Imperial naval officers were getting so darn desperate for these minerals that they were requisitioning them at BELOW market price, and taking them on credit because they didn't have the Stellars up front.
Now there's been another announcement because they have an emergency situation with their mineral stocksm, and it's gonna hurt all of us private miners really bad.
The DTR seem to be the cause of this, they've blown up so many Imperial mining outposts that the Imperials just can't support themselves. And they need to rely on private miners, who they are now screwing royally (or proxy-royally anyway).
So you, the DTR, need to either start selling these Imperials some decent minerals to keep their military operations going, or seriously just take over their damn space and be done with it. They obviously can't look after their best resources, so you should.
Morgans Piper
Piper's Mining"
The DTR have refused to accept responsibility for the Imperial measures, stating that they never really got going on their destruction of the Imperial mining infrastructure anyway. We here at the IGN newsroom do however congratulate the IMP for bringing us an official announcement that involves more than outpost applications.
Not that we don't like those you understand.
Inter-Galactic News: News that matters.
*** Bombardment Continues ***
The shelling of Vjun by Falconian naval forces has continued for yet another week. With no sign that the Krell are able to fight back, the Falconian naval forces have continued to inflict daily damage to the Krell installation at no risk to themselves.
*** Scout Destroyed ***
A small Imperial scout has been destroyed whilst poking around the DTR defences of Zion on Ground Zero in the Ruin system.
*** Scouts Destroyed ***
Two imperial scout vessels have been intercepted in the outer reaches of the Aquarius System by DTR patrol forces.
A Caravel class sensor ship and a small 5 hull scout were destroyed, it is presumed with all hands.
*** Pirate Destroyed ***
The pirate broadsword involved in the bombardment of the GCE Outpost Sharpstown has been destroyed by SMS and AFT Anti-Piracy Task Force warships.
The pirate made the mistake of not retreating, and was still in orbit shooting at the outpost when the APTF vessels arrived.
There were no survivors.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Market Update ***
Market at GTT Centrepoint City (97421)
OK, some of you cleared me out of well priced AI combat and normal
navs in two days !!
I will be building a fair number at the base from now on, so if you
want some let me know. Prices will be as follows:
A.I Combat Navigator (920) 750 Stellars
A.I Navigator (915) 750 Stellars
A.I Navigator mkII (916) 1400 Stellars
I will not be putting them all on the public market in case a big
trade hogging affiliation buys them all up for resale at higher
I am looking for high value trade goods (over 0.5 local value) and
will pay a minimum of 12 times the local value as per the tech manual.
For sale I have 3000 lifeforms, unique with a local value of 1 at
source. Perishable, so make me an offer.
We at the GTT can supply many things, but we also offer discounts to
trade partners. Two way trade benefits us both.
Xavier Fox
GTT Centrepoint City (97421) Yank
*** Ships Wanted ***
Interested in buying some small ships, 10 hullers preferred, but if you got
a good
deal, then let me know, even for smaller or larger ships.
Need info on ship design and price per ship.
Warlord Slyth Dark Angel
Krell Clan Dark Angels
*** ICE Return ***
Greetings fellow sentient beings.
Some may have noticed our comings and goings in the past, we have kept
ourselves away from the prying eyes for a long time and will now be entering
the realms of public space more frequently.
It is a time of radical change for ourselves and some installations with be
flagged as ICE over the next week, some in public some not so public areas,
should one appear where you feel a problem will be caused please contact
myself immediately as we wish to avoid conflict with people we do not
consider our enemies, so issues can be resolved quickly and amicably.
Cmdr Voorhees
*** Desperately Seeking Master Price ***
Members of the AFT, could you confirm if a Mr Maximillian Price is
still with you?
I will not elaborate in public why I need him, but it is urgent that I
make contact.
Mike Storm
*** Desperately Seeking The RIP ***
Will a high ranking member of the RIP please contact me using the following address:
This concerns a very serious matter,
Laton - CIA Operations Director
*** Desperately Seeking Shadowy Sinister People ***
Would the CIA members in charge of the Rock and Espionage systems please
contact me?
General Sanchez
Varitang Space Command (VSC)
***** From The Posting Board *****
Frabby has just posted a new topic entitled "Only 1 round of combat per day" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
IMP Gandolph has just posted a new topic entitled "Changes to combat system" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
Mike has just posted a new topic entitled "Online editor stil..." in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Shard Illal has just posted a new topic entitled "New Player" in forum "Players".
The topic can be found here:
Frabby has just posted a new topic entitled "Tag/marker for positions that have pending orders" in forum "Order Editors".
The topic can be found here:
Cirdan has just posted a new topic entitled "Multiple Submitted Turns" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
DodgyDave has just posted a new topic entitled "Enough or too few systems?" in forum "Everything Else".
The topic can be found here:
Goth has just posted a new topic entitled "Easy fixes" in forum "Politics".
The topic can be found here:
ted has just posted a new topic entitled "FET Organisation" in forum "Everything Else".
The topic can be found here:
David Bethel has just posted a new topic entitled "Starbase Factory Production" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
So with the increase of massive numbers of factories at starbases and the fact that stellars seems to be no barrier to their continued expansion, it seem that something will have to be done before we have stupid ammounts of production (we may already have that).
Everytime we look at the game to see if there need to be a change it is not a straight forward process of make change x, we look at making change x and then notice that its pointless because of y. So you have to fix y before x can work and hope like hell you don't find z.
So is there anything people would like to see done about it and bare in mind that this is the investigation stage -not the- proposal stage.
Thing to limit factory production off the bat;
Increasing factory employees per factory run - so nolinear costs, but may be useless if stellars are easy to get.
A modifed factory production per factory and a tail off in mass production - maybe pointless if you can produce other stuff on mass.
Reducing mass production across the board to 25 mus.
Please give your views, the aim of this would be to not effect the smaller factory user but to provent stupif numbers of factories being used. Note that if you are doing something that seems wrong in the game and you don't want to get hit by the nerf bat, it best to scream at us in advance.
If you do not have 500+ factories at one of your starbases please don't try to take the post over much because this is about looking at what can be done, not just at massive arguements for the sake of it.
The topic can be found here:
mica has just posted a new topic entitled "Emails from Phoenix" in forum "Everything Else".
Today we moved the emails service to 1&1 from F9 - yeah!
This should be a final goodbye to Farce9.
You will notice that turns have come from kjcgames.co.uk rather than kjcgames.com.
This is because we have to move the service here before we can change the .com site over to 1&1 to avoid interuptions in service.
It could mean though that spam checkers may block kjcgames.co.uk
Don't worry, anything being sent to .com will still automatically be forwarded to .co.uk (although 85% appears to selling penis enhancements and pharmaceuticals of dubious repute - typical FET special actions).
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
Phoenix Wiki (under construction) - www.jumpmap.com/wiki/Main_Page
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
KRL: www.phoenix-krell.org.uk/
19-11-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 47 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Manifests are missing from today's turns (we fixed the votes and issues for online). Fixing this will be a bit longer than originally anticipated. We will therefore send the part turns now and the full turns tomorrow morning.
Apologies for this situation.
23-11-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 47 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter Galactic News *****
*** Guns Fall Silent ***
The Peripheries seem to be on the verge of a major political development as all back-channel political observers in both Imperial, Confederate and Detinus space are reporting that the major warring parties are on the verge of signing an armistice.
The peace treaty is rumoured to be more or less identical to a treaty that was proposed several months ago during a ceasefire that was torn asunder by Lord Goth of the GTT. With Goth's departure from the GTT, it seems as if the peace agreement was put back on the table, and an arrangement appears to have been met.
Our reporters indicate that the final draft of this agreement has just about been agreed, and should be signed by all of the major powers soon.
*** Scout Destroyed ***
An Imperial scout has been destroyed in the Arachnid system by a DTR defensive platform. Thus neatly contradicting our lead item this week.
*** RIP Implicated In Unspeakable Actions ***
In not-so-shattering news this week more ugly rumours have surfaced regarding the RIP. This time everybody's favourite ruffians and scoundrels have been implicated in a vile zombification process that sees slaves and patrons transformed into mindless killing machines courtesy of a secret lab that exists behind the scenes at the Jiggly Club.
Frankly if this is true, it would explain a lot.
*** Detinus Speaker Resigns ***
The Detinus Senate saw some shocking scenes this week when long-serving Speaker of the House Michelle Diaz announced her resignation.
Citing her ten years of service, which saw the Detinus Republic through some of the darkest warfare in history, Michelle Diaz stepped down with immediate effect, suggesting that a new era of peace requires new leadership, and that she was proud to have lead the Republic to a peaceful resolution with the Imperial-bloc.
Michelle Diaz went on to state that she intended to take a back-seat role in politics now, and concentrate on peaceful explorations. It was apparent from her words that ten years of warfare have taken their toll on Ms Diaz, and for the first time in a long while that our reporter at the Detinus Senate can remember we saw Michelle Diaz smile with genuine warmth as she took her seat.
*** Election Fever ***
Following the resignation of Michelle Diaz, the Detinus Republic has been thrown into chaos as the DTR Magistrate moves to instigate elections for a new speaker within the week.
The early front-runner to succeed Diaz is Lord Sivar, the DTR Defence Minister. Senator Cassius Jerusalem immediately nominated Captain Penguin for the position of Speaker, but sadly despite a Republic-Wide appeal, the elusive Captain Penguin could not be found. Senator Jerusalem then suggested that perhaps an Alien Brain Parasite might make a worthy nominee, at which stage a point-of-order was called and the Senate broke up for lunch.
Rumours indicate that Cassius Jerusalem, the perplexing Minister Of Paperclips And Other Office Sundries is also thinking of throwing his hat into the ring, purely on the basis that Speaker Of The House gets the nicest office in the Senate building in New Tate. It seems possible that if he did nominate himself, it could be the least successful election campaign in history.
*** Mordred ***
Disturbing rumours are reaching our newsroom. It seems as if the leader of the GCS, Lord Mordred, stands on the brink of unleashing a fire-storm of biblical proportions upon the inhabitants of the Inner Empire.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Dodgy Weapons Dealing! Slaughter Innocents! ***
The FET are looking the sell the following.
500 Light Photon Gun (300) - 20 stellars each
1,000 Photon Gun (304) - 40 stellars each
2,000 Shields mkII (116) - 40 stellars each
1,000 Scintillator (125) - 50 stellars each
1,000,000 Metals (1) - 0.2 stellars each
Discounts for bulk purchases.
I am looking for Cryopods, and do have the Fibrillium and Collidium for
construction if needed.
*** You Want This! ***
Gentlefolk of the Peripheries,
I have the following blueprints available for purchase:-
1 Human Crew (10505) - 100 mus
1 Human Soldier (10507) - 100 mus
Vat Grown Morph (10009) - 100 mus
Will be delivered to any normally approachable system.
Offers please to:
Zachariah Zupkern and Uncles third cousin
Fully Independent and Trustworthy.
*** Hey You! ***
Could the owner of Starbase Capricorn (29097) please contact me at your
earliest convenience
Many thanks
House Lord - House Owl
Falconian Empire
*** Give Me Stuff! Or I Bomb You! ***
Greetings traders
I am looking to buy Celesium. Any amount up to 10,000 mu.
Please contact me with prices.
Can be delivered to Yank if collection not possible due to
system claims.
Please note my market in Yank is buying Thorlium in bulk too.
Xavier Fox
*** Desperately Seeking Slimy Alien Overlords For Jiggly Fun times! ***
I would be grateful to the Governor of FLZ Cliriq Lijori in Solo would make contact with me.
I can be found at the Jiggly Room at Quick Snack in Yank most nights of the week...
I can also be reached by sub-space on doug (dot) hughes (AT) btinternet (dot) com.
Thank you.
RIP GT Spugman
*** Oi! Tweety! Gerrof My Land! ***
Can the owner of this ship FCN Eagle Tender 2 (96319) please contact me at the below address.
Duke Fairchild
***** From The Posting Board *****
Kapt ib Kl'kkl'kk has just posted a new topic entitled "Outpost Rules & Etiquette" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
The topic can be found here:
Smokes in Mountains has just posted a new topic entitled "'Build Ship' order..." in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
***** Message From The Editor *****
A new link has been added to the contacts section below.
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
Phoenix Wiki (under construction) - www.jumpmap.com/wiki/Main_Page
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
KRL: www.phoenix-krell.org.uk/
FCN: www.falconians.com
29-11-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 48 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
***** Inter Galactic News *****
*** Peace Declared ***
Official word has reached our news room, peace has been declared between the Imperial Services and the Detinus Republic. At time of press we understand the DTR Senate is voting on the issue to declare peace with the IMP, GTT and Dominion. We understand similar motions are underway throughout the Confederacy, and in the GTT boardroom. No complications are expected.
Humanity is entering a new era of peace and co-operation.
*** Imperial Outpost Application ***
An authorised explorer has requested a check for prior usage on the
following resource codes in the Shrike system.
Resource ids 56190 and 2197.
Anyone already exploiting these codes should inform the Viceregal
Administration by Day 5, Week 48, 207, indicating on which celestial body
they are being exploited.
Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy
*** Imperial Politician Missing ***
This just in.... Duke Wulf, head of the secretive Imperial Intelligence Service has left his bunker at an undisclosed location and was last seen boarding his private yacht for parts unknown. No Imperial warships were seen to be in pursuit and it appears the yacht made it to ring 10 and safely jumped out of system.
Sources say that a two meter tall burly bald general complete with eyepatch and duelling scar on his right cheek was seen taking up the offices of the "retired" Duke Wulf.
Speculation is rampant over who is taking over this super secretive branch of the Imperial Services but this reporter believes it is yet another Krieger, most likely Ike. We are hoping to confirm this by Viceregal announcement later today.
Winnie Winsome
Capellan Periphery Times
*** Travel Advisory - Teutonic System ***
For attention of all,
All non-Confederate affiliations are restricted to the Orbital Quadrant of Alpha 10 and the orbit of Frey (698) of the Teutonic system only, for trade and transit. This restriction is to be applied with immediate effect.
Laton - CIA Operations Director
*** Defences Probed ***
A lone Flagritz scout has probed the defences of the Falconian homeworld this week, leading to rumours that the Flagritz are preparing to strike against the FCN.
*** Defences Probed ***
The GTT curiously have started probing Flagritz defences in Twilight. Whether this was in error, or the opening salvo of a more concerted move against the FLZ by the GTT, it is too early to tell. Our newsroom certainly knows of no reason for tensions to exist between the GTT and FLZ…
*** Piracy ***
A pirate strike force consisting of seven Ship-Of-The-line class capital ships has ambushed and destroyed an AFT freighter in the St. Dismas system.
A Wimble Broadsword class heavy cruiser, the Pitchfork, also fell victim to the marauding pirates when it came to the assistance of the stricken AFT freighter, fortunately the pirates got distracted by shooting at each other for a while, instead of heavily targeting the Wimbles, which allowed the Broadsword to hang on long enough for heavy elements of the Anti-Piracy Task Force to respond.
However by the time they arrived, the pirates, operating under the name Wolfpack, had withdrawn successfully.
Rumours indicate that the pirate Wolfpack is equipped with cutting edge equipment, including Mark 3 cloaking devices, making their interception an exceptionally difficult task for the APTF.
The Wolfpack is further understood to be a mercenary company, rather than a traditional pirate.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** COH Dawn Swarm ***
Can the captains of the above ship please contact me
Lee Fairchild
*** Contact ***
Could the owner of FLZ Cliriq Sanctuary (95001) please contact me at
Could the person running AFT Novasol (4781) please make contact using the
same address.
*** Contact ***
Will the Gov'nor of SMS Whitegold (4478) please contact me, RE: Trade
Thanking you, QNG Big BUZZ
***** From The Posting Board *****
David Bethel has just posted a new topic entitled "Proposed Combat Changes" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
These are the proposed combat changes - they are not final. I don't think rewriting combat would help anything but refining what we have hopefully will. I want to increase the amount of discussion about what has been done without the usual forum issues. So we will be trying the use of Teamspeak and irc to discuss the changes.
There will be an irc/teamspeak discussion @ 8:00pm GMT on tuesday 5th Decemeber
Teamspeak (voice comms software); pw: holiday (download from www.goteamspeak.com)(http://www.goteamspeak.com))
irc: denver.co.us.different.net
I'll take take questions from IRC but i'm not typing out everything i say on TS. If this is useful we will try it again and note that the TS is only 15 person server so if we break that i'll sort out an upgrade for the following week and repeat.
The topic can be found here:
Xavier Fox has just posted a new topic entitled "Todays turns" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Amber has just posted a new topic entitled "Test Forum" in forum "Everything Else".
The topic can be found here:
Cirdan has just posted a new topic entitled "Damage Caps" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
Viceroy has just posted a new topic entitled "Platforms and Life support" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Wolfpack has just posted a new topic entitled "Cloaking TU times" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
Phoenix Wiki (under construction) - www.jumpmap.com/wiki/Main_Page
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
KRL: www.phoenix-krell.org.uk/
FCN: www.falconians.com
07-12-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 49 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter Galactic News *****
*** Silence On Inversion ***
Sad news has reached the news-room this week, as it seems the Falconian orbital bombardment on the planet Inversion has come to an end with the absolute destruction of the Krell Starbase Vjun.
This conclusion was inevitable after months of continuous bombardment that has finally whittled away the last of the Krell defences.
It is understood a last ditch suicide attack by the final handful of able-bodied Krell defenders came to nothing as they were detected moving out of the Starbase by FCN orbital assets, who called in fire from ground-based artillery batteries and obliterated them before they were able to reach their camouflaged shuttles.
Reports from the surface of Inversion are impossible to obtain at this time, but with the breakdown of central political control it seems likely that anarchy will sweep across the planet, as what little social cohesion the Krell had obtained in recent years falls apart.
IGN Reporters stationed at Vjun were evacuated at last minute, but were able to watch the final explosions claiming the last of the Krell defenders, who held their posts to the last Krell.
*** Pirate Scout ***
The pirate vessel Drago has been caught scouting out a FET facility in the Rebellion system this week. A FET Platform detected the sneaky pirate, and promptly chased it off.
*** Skirmish ***
The Pirate Wulfpack has been involved in another skirmish this week as a FET scout vessel bumped into one of their Ship-Of-The-Line class battleships in Aladdin.
The scout took light damage as it escaped to transmit a mayday call, summoning up heavier elements of the APTF from the SMS and FET contingencies. It is understood the pirates had vacated the location before they arrived.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Attention ***
Would all of the Flagritz check their outposts and bases in Twilight
as one of you is in possession of my Hive ship tech and I want it back
1 HVE Scarab - 100LoHv (9862) - 1000 mus
1 HVE Standard - 100SoHv (9861) - 1000 mus
1 HVE Xlight - 100XoHv (9863) - 1000 mus
Thank you
Broodmaster Raptor
Obsidian Predator Swarm
*** Message ***
Da Rebellyun of da 623 haz beegun. Da horns of war 'av blown an da
kingz men ryde forth ta trample all asunder. Forced ta flee da city
through da towerin infernos, da 706 showt 'kum! let us sup together on
da beeches az da first rays of da evening starz fliker on da horizun.'
*** Contact ***
Greetings citizens,
Would the governor of Star base FET Dragons Lair (951) please contact me on
private channels at his/her earliest convenience.
Yours in Trade,
*** Contact ***
Would the owner/s of outposts FCN Ha Kindom 43394 (43394) & Outpost EC-
02 (6894), please contact us asap at Kantnerrocs @ webbwireless(dot)net.
Master ib Kl'kkl'kk
the Iron Breth'ren (QNG)
*** Contact ***
Could the Governor of FCN Falencia (3351) please contact the GTT at the
following address
Could the Governor of COH Ves Ghormen (281) please contact the GTT at the
following address
*** Alien Brain Parasites ***
Scuba Station is pleased to announce that Alien Brain Parasites are now for sale, so you too can stage your own horrifying alien invasion.
>Date 41.2: Tech Manual {30826}
Cthulhus (30826) - 1 mu
Small pelagic creatures that have a vague resemblance to literary creatures
from ancient Earth. They make interesting pets.
Item Type: Trade Good (Normal)
Value at Source: 0.8 (Stellars/mu)
Local Value: 0.8 (Stellars/mu)
Lifeform: Yes
Origin System: Arachnid
Origin Planet: Lycosidae
Alien Brain Parasites: Your Disgusting Alien Pal Who Is Fun To Be With!
***** From The Posting Board *****
Kapt ib Kl'kkl'kk has just posted a new topic entitled "Sequenced Turns Not Qorking" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
David Bethel has just posted a new topic entitled "Regular Teamspeak Meetings" in forum "Everything Else".
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
Phoenix Wiki (under construction) - www.jumpmap.com/wiki/Main_Page
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
KRL: www.phoenix-krell.org.uk/
FCN: www.falconians.com
14-12-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 50 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
***** Inter Galactic News *****
*** Storm System ***
Following the fall of Vjun, the seat of the Krell government, the Storm System has been officially annexed by the Falconian Empire.
The FCN emperor issued the following statement:
"The Storm system is now a Falconian Protectorate and as such is a free trade area. All friendly affiliations including IND, may colonize this system except for the planet Inversion, which is restricted. DO NOT interfere with positions already within the system. The Falconian Imperial Navy will deal with any aggression with extreme prejudice. Acts of aggression include claim jumping, piracy, unlawful attacks and
numerous other offences not listed here. For a complete set of Falconian laws visit
www.falconians.com. The Falconian Empire (FCN) is looking for captains and
governors. Please email thoriqail at falconians dot com."
There has been no official Krell response, suggesting that the Krell have indeed ceased to exist as a viable political entity.
*** Skirmish ***
The mercenary pirate group Wolfpack has destroyed a lone Flagritz warship. The FLZ U104, a torpedo class destroyer, was intercepted and brought to battle by seven pirate battleships.
A broadcast by the pirate mercenaries seemed to indicate that this action was the settling of some sort of debt. Further evidence that there is some bad blood between the FLZ and the Wolfpack came when the pirate started to report on open comms channels on Flagritz fleet movements.
*** Ban Lifted ***
The Imperial News Agencies are reporting that the Viceroy has rescinded the Order in Council forbidding the sale and purchase of Detinus Prop..um...Media (30336) within the borders of Imperial controlled systems with immediate effect. This follows the issue of the initial draft of the Peace Accord, which is currently under consideration by the involved parties.
*** Peace Declared ***
The GTT have formally declared peace with the Detinus Republic, just as the DTR have also formally issued declarations of peace with the GTT, IMP and DOM.
*** Skirmish ***
The new peace is having a few teething problems however, according to the Imperial News this week:
"On a less rosy note it is proving necessary to escort Imperial freighters to and from the Monk system, currently under IMP control, due to attempted attacks by over enthusiastic Confederate warship captains. It is hoped that these individuals will be suitably disciplined and the matter resolved peacefully in the near future."
Nobody is too alarmed by this however, except for the crews of the freighters involved, as all sides expect there to be some teething difficulties in the processing of a far-ranging stand-down order.
*** Imperial Announcements ***
The Imperial Viceroy has issued an Order in Council declaring that the following areas within systems controlled by the Imperial Services are to be restricted areas with access limited to the Imperial Services and Chartered Affiliations
The orbit of the Gas Giant Bork's Dilemma (851) in the Rebellion (144) system
The orbit of the Gas Giant Redundant (746) in the Dyson (10) system
Ring 1 in the Alpha Quadrant of the Dyson (10) system
Ring 8 in the Beta Quadrant of the Matallot (159) system
Traders may be permitted by individual application.
The banning of access to these Gas Giants has sparked further rumours of the presence of either TCA or ARC crèches located at them.
*** Pirates ***
Two small pirate ground parties have been probing the defences of several starbases in solo this week. CNF New Madrid and AFT Port Anchorhead both had rude surprises as the Pirates launched their sneaky probing attacks.
The last time pirate ground parties were scouting starbases, it indicated pirate Large was in the move. Time will tell if this is the case again…
*** Imperial Press Release ***
FROM: Patrol Commissioner
To all that need to know.
Imperial forces are now slowing down for Christmas, and will be having some
much needed R&R, but I would like to confirm the stories in the press, that
the IMP are indeed in talks with the DTR/CNF block to initiate peace between
all parties.
The DTR side on the peace table may not have been aware that the
conversation at the peace treaty was actually recorded, and that recording,
now the information is more or less complete, has been posted on the
publications forum youtube for viewing.
Please click the link below to watch that recording, and im pretty sure you
can spot The CNF leader at the front there no problems.
I would also like to issue a Christmas message of good cheer to all,
including our new friends in the CNF/DTR blocks.
IMP Gandolph
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Wanted ***
Scout Vessel Blue Print.
5 hulls or less, preferably with Korondite plate.
Please contact Wolfpack Mercenaries.
*** Contact ***
Will the Gov'nor of AFT Eclypse (1124) please contact
QNG NewBEE Big BUZZ via email at:
*** To Whom It May Concern ***
Q. How do you make a Feline go 'woof''?
A. Soak in petrol put on a Xmas tree and light the Xmas candle.
Q. Ever wondered why Santa wears a fur coat?
A. ho ho ho
Q: Say "Hive silk" five times. Now, spell "Hive silk." What do cows drink? A: If you thought Milk queue for FCN membership, & let the cows drink water.
***** From The Posting Board *****
Wolfpack has just posted a new topic entitled "Double ships on online editor for pirates" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Kapt ib Kl'kkl'kk has just posted a new topic entitled "Exploration Mods" in forum "Questions/Rules Discussion".
The topic can be found here:
Frabby has just posted a new topic entitled "Wrong report when picking up item type" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
MasterTrader has just posted a new topic entitled "Overkill in Ground Combat" in forum "Bug Reporting".
The topic can be found here:
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
Phoenix Wiki (under construction) - www.jumpmap.com/wiki/Main_Page
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
KRL: www.phoenix-krell.org.uk/
FCN: www.falconians.com
21-12-2007: SUBSPACE STATIC: 207 WEEK 51 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
GM Holiday
Yup, it's that time of the year when I get to put my feet up or more likely battle with assembly rules for children's toys, raid every remote for batteries and have a permanent headache caused by kids dosed on too much. After that, coming back to work will seem like a holiday. During this time, please avoid doing special actions that will require specialist knowledge.
A Merry Christmas to everyone and I will be back at the start of the New Year.
Bank Holidays
Double run days on Monday 24th, Thursday 27th December and Wednesday 2nd January.
***** Inter Galactic Festivity *****
*** Great Big Scrooges ***
The Imperial News Wire is carrying the following story:
"Finally exasperated with prevarication and procrastination by the GCS leader, Mordred, the combined forces of the FET, GTT and IMP attacked 4 GCS platforms. The ones in the Starling and Shrike systems were about 1000 hulls each, both were blown up within 2 rounds of battle. These platforms had been traded with the GCS for a larger platform in Earth orbit by a former GTT PD. Two 5000 hulled platforms in Earth orbit were also attacked by less than 100 allied warships each. One was destroyed in three rounds of battle and the second survived the first day seriously damaged. Allied casualties were minimal.
Elsewhere around the former Stellar Empire systems some GCS troop carriers were successfully boarded, but a GCS Starbase fought off a ground attack."
It is understood the primary cause of conflict between the Imperial Services and the GCS is the signing of the recent peace treaty - a move that left the GCS feeling as if they would soon be facing the wrath of the DTR alone. Which on the face of it is rather ironic.
Mordred is rumoured to have responded to this attack by muttering 'Bah, humbug.'
*** No Merry Joy In The Storm System ***
Contrary to reports in last weeks edition of this fine news publication, the Storm system claim by the Falconian Empire is not uncontested, it seems as if there are still survivors of the Krell hierarchy alive and well and continuing the struggle.
*** Ho Ho Ho New Member ***
The vacancy on the Imperial Command Council for the post of Trade Minister, caused by the resignation of Duke Jon Adenaeur has been filled by Duke Stu Krieger. The Imperial Command Council has extended a cordial welcome to Duke Stu Krieger on his appointment.
*** Flagritz Move To Deny Similarity To Christmas Trees ***
The Flagritz Empire have struck against a Consortium position in the Battlefield system, winning a significant victory.
The SMS platform Acheron seems to have been their primary target, along with its escort fleet of 35 SMS Heavy Cruisers, comprised of mixed Broadsword and Predator classes. Around 100 Flagritz warships, including many Baseship Class heavy battleships, launched the attack, and after a short and vicious battle, they successfully gutted the platform and destroyed around 10 SMS warships, heavily damaging many more.
An SMS freighter and a FEL freighter, which wandered into the battle zone were also destroyed.
It is understood the FLZ lost 8 vessels, but that they were all light destroyer classes.
Following their successful strike, the FLZ withdrew, triggering one or two further skirmishes that saw no significant damage done to either side.
*** Krell On The Festive Attack ***
A Krell gunboat has successfully attacked and destroyed a Falconian caravel class exploration ship in the Storm system.
The FCN Deep Space Explorer 1 was blind-sided by the Krell Gutter-Runner in orbit of Inversion. A single volley of torpedoes was sufficient to destroy the Caravel.
It is understood the Krell gunboat was able to escape unharmed.
*** Sivar Elected Santa ***
The Detinus Republic press are reporting on the election of their new Speaker Of The House:
FM: Magistrate of the Detinus Republic
TO: DTR general public
SB: Election
following the election that ended yesterday, I hereby announce that as of today,
Lord Angus Sivar
is the elected Speaker of the House of Lords and head of the DTR government.
I am pleased to note that the vote has been unanimously in favour of our
revered former Minister for Military Affairs.
I would also like to thank Michelle Diaz for her years of diligent service to
the Detinus Republic. She was never one to shy away from unpopular decisions,
as the successful invasion of Arachnid early on in her reign demonstrated - and
which was one of the most successful and beneficial actions the DTR military has
ever undertaken. Following this demonstration of might and resolve, Mrs. Diaz
chose wisely to restrict the use of sheer military force, and has maintained
the DTR image of a respectable and reliable ally, and a fearsome foe.
Lord Sivar, today you take control of one of the major powers in the
peripheries. May your rule be as benevolent, wise and fruitful as that of your
For the greater glory of the Republic
Ronald E. Silver
Magistrate of the Detinus Republic
This confirms speculation that Senator Cassius 'Bomb the Buggers' Jerusalem did indeed fail to put together a coherent election manifesto. Which is probably for the best.
***** Periphery Classifieds *****
*** Wimbles Sought For Christmas Decorations ***
Would a member of the Wimble's please contact me on woodes [dot] rogers [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk regarding a delicacy for trade.
***** A Goodwill Krell Guide To The Affiliations *****
Stolen by Inter-Galactic news journalists from the Krell webpage, and retransmitted here in its entirety:
Association of Free Traders
Arthur Daley and associates crossed with the Road Freight Haulage Association, and led by an ombudsman. In space. That's unfair - the RFHA can conduct a successful blockade.
The Brotherhood
Mad God-botherers, the power behind the throne of the Confederacy, they profess to a strong ethical stance, which basically distils to 'Might is Right'. Ostensively led by a beacon of moral rectitude with the title of 'Pope', previous private encounters with various incumbents of this position have lead to a sensation of aura corruption, and the reflection that decline in the popularity of IRC chat sessions is not entirely negative.
Confederate Intelligence Agency
There is no such thing as the CIA. However, there is a Phoenix-related spamming operation working under this label.
Children of Hexos
See OPS.
The Confederacy
The nineteenth-century American deep south: Slaves, Good 'ole boys, the struggle for freedom (to enslave others) and "our riats"; the lot. In space. The South will rise again? Not b****y likely, but here it never fell !
Dewiek Elder Nation
Said to be the best racial affiliation in the game (often by themselves). Exceptionally quick and strong, with enhanced sensory prowess and limited telepathic powers. Created with not one, but two, restricted-access private star-systems, long-standing advanced technology, and giant ships for both freight and combat. These guys were definitely at the front of the line when the true one was handing out features. He overlooked the disadvantages due from the lack of binocular vision and opposable thumbs, of course.
Democratic Native Alliance
An entire race of individuals like 'Roger' in the animated series American Dad, they are now rarely heard from after being recipients of consortium attention. Strong justification for the activities of the 'Men in Black' and maintenance of the secrecy of Area 51.
The Dominion
Now defunct. Human criminals exiled by the Imperium, who eventually integrated with their former jailers, thus demonstrating that rehabilitation works and the true one does reward the undeserving.
Detinus Republic
An association who have successfully regenerated themselves at least twice in the course of phoenix history, most recently after being granted their own periphery after developing moral qualms about sharing the Darkfold with slavers (See CNF). Formerly an association of Luke Skywalker wannabes mainly involved in posing in souped-engine hotrods, they have over the years migrated to a role more akin to the Star trek TNG 'Borg Collective' and are considered by many to be the first stage in the development of a human group mind - Out of game.
The Falconian Empire
A component of the consortium meta-affiliation. A concept with its roots akin to the 'Alkari' from Masters of Orion, their behaviour is generally closer to the inmates from Chicken Run, and under the same callous regime. Generally not allowed in combat on their own (see SMS).
The Felini Tyranny
A component of the consortium meta-affiliation. Based on the Kizinti from Larry Niven's 'Known Space' they mainly hang out in massive battle-wagons in the Cluster periphery, from where they successfully engage in flame wars with the current leaders of the FLZ about who did what to who, in Phoenix prehistory.
Frontier Exploration and Trade
Formerly the 'covert ops' element of the Imperial alliance, these have successfully extricated themselves from the union, probably by exiting the toilet window before paying their share of the bill, and now seek to occupy the niche as 'organized crime' formerly occupied by the now-defunct SSL (which they helped eliminate).
The Flagritz Empire
These twinned affiliations are supposedly distinct, but nobody can remember which is which; including, on occasion, the affiliation leadership. Basically, the Aliens from Independence Day, crossed with 'Kang and Kodos', from The Simpsons. Have cycles of repeatedly attempting galactic conquest, which reaches stalemate at which point they settle down to become peaceable traders, before starting the whole thing again.
Garcia Enterprises
A relatively new, little-known and low-profile affiliation which gained and retains control of at least two systems; presumably by blackmail, as they have insignificant military force. Generally believed to be a front for the money-laundering operation of a Latin-American drugs cartel.
Galactic Crest Securities
Supposedly an inner-empire analogue to the GTT; more likely a cover for a private banking operation for high net-worth individuals, or possibly a toothpaste franchise.
Galactic Tariffs and Trade
'No Law. No Morals. No Ethics. Seek only control, and wealth to maintain that control'. Formerly a trading association, now developed into the power behind the throne of the Imperial faction. They are nominally the antithesis of the Brotherhood, but both factions are suspected by some to be facets of the same organization. This is considered extremely improbable, but has got to be considered at least as likely as the whole 'Inner Brotherhood clone' plot thread.
House Liquan
Inner element of the confederacy, famed both as a source of cadres of trained troops and weapons of cutting-edge military design, and also for supplying phenomenal amounts of hand-crafted furniture. This makes them some kind of weird hybrid of the Israeli Defence Force and IKEA.
Inner Brotherhood
Not widely encountered. Presumably Inner, as opposed to 'Out', who are more open about their sexuality and practices (see 'Pope' under BHD).
Imperial Services
Originally the Police Force cum Coast-Guard for all known space, they have gradually evolved into a military-complex state akin to the Soviet Union, led by a Putin-like figure, whose objective is the subjugation of the galaxy for the benefit of its long-term leadership. After moving into the seizure of resource exploitation rights, galactic peace was declared. Expected to move into new money-generating activities shortly, such as wheel-clamping and speed-camera operation.
The Krell
An umbrella association, also covering numerous semi- or in-distinct factions, such as the KRT or KDA. Have assumed a permanent 'victim' role within Phoenix and now have a negligible power base, making them a force to be ignored. However, Krell do have their own distinct racial item-type, which at least puts them one up over the Mohache, and annoys the latter no end. Now trying to re-establish by taking on the guise of Space Orc Mercenaries from Warhammer 40,000. Motto: The only way is up!
The Mohache
Drugged-out space peacenik-hippies, into organic cultivation and ethnic wares; obviously meant to be a slave race for somebody.
The Aquaphid Race
Have never been known to have been encountered in Phoenix, and widely assumed to never have been implemented in-game. Included here purely to further annoy the Mohache, as even the Aquaphids have their own distinct racial item-type. Just tell us where you live lads, we'll do the rest.
Obsidian Predator Swarm
See QNG.
Not a unified group, but a collective flag for forces operation completely outside any law, and treated as inimically hostile and to be attacked on sight, by most. Notable members of this loose fraternity include Pirate Black Dog, Pirate Missy, and most renowned: Pirate Large (See FCN).
Queen's Guardians
See COH.
Regulated Independent Privateers
Reformed ex-pirates, who profess to hating piracy with the same zeal that a reformed ex-smoker hates tabs. In practice, still encountered in association some very dodgy company, and have notably retained their secret lair in the Sargasso system, where they could be up to anything and probably making low-fidelity movies of it available for download to credit-card customers, too.
Stellar Mining and Smelting
A component of the consortium meta-affiliation. Originally focused on mineral exploitation, they have evolved into a powerful paramilitary force of great renown, which, under the command of an absolute leadership that retains iron-fist control, can be deployed to break opponents of allied factions, galaxy wide, at short notice. Basically, the British 'National Union of Mineworkers' c1984. In Space.
The Wimble Nation
The 'Ewoks' from Star Wars VI, but apparently with reduced military prowess, having been kicked off their homeworld in the Twilight system by the evil empire (See FLZ). Population in decline since the discovery that stuffed wimbles were a human-specific unique trade item.
***** From The Posting Board *****
David Bethel has just posted a new topic entitled "Phoenix Changes" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
This is the intended release order for phoenix this year, hopefully it will be roughly held to but it will depend on other issues
R1: Damage Cap (+ bug fixes) Jan 15th+
R2: Basic phoenix 'forum style' website with some features (jump links, systems maps, planet map and item tech manuals) linked to the game. (Feb-March)
R3: Online ship editor as part of the website + Combat Changes (March)
R4: Enchanced Website with turns / orders editor / and enhanced new player experience.
R5: Closed Monetary System / Trade / System claims and paying for battles (August)
R1: Damage Cap
The principle of damage capping is that incoming damage hitting a position will be limited to a certain threshold. Any damage above this amount will be lost.
[1] Damage cap will only be used for platforms and starbases with shield complexes.
[2] The damage cap is the quantity of damage that can be dealt to a target before any defence are calculated.
[3] A weapon will fail to hit a target if the damage inflicted takes the total damage above the damage cap. If no weapons are hitting a target then the ship will retarget.
[4] The weapons with the largest damage potential (damage/AF) will hit the target first and all hits on a target will be calculated to see if they can take effect.
[5] The damage cap per round for a position will be dependent on the targets surface area and defences of the position:
Starbases: 100 / complex / r
Platforms: 100 / hulls /r
Damage cap can be thought of as the ability of a position to deflect / avoid damage, so when you have maximum defence you can only take 100 x (controlling factor) dmg per round. The damage cap will also be modified by the defence on a position:
Damage cap = 100 * (controlling stat) * (factor)
factor=5 / Planetary Shield Effect (for starbase)
factor=Max Plates / Plates (for platform)
(factor is maxed at 5)
For platform the defence is the layers of armour (2 being max). For starbases the defence is the starbase shield complex bonus. Since armour is burnt off in combat the damage cap goes up on ablative positions. This means that armour damage does not need a nerf.
Bug fixes; A number of bug fixes required from the pub meet will be fixed.
R2: Basic phoenix 'forum style' website
This will be a release of basic features that will be expanded later to become the basis of all future work on phoenix.
The basic ingame features will include: Interactive Jump Map, System Maps, Planet Maps and items tech manuals. All this will be controlled through in game information for each player.
The website will include separate sections for each affiliation and alliance which include libraries, forums, news and affiliation information.
R3: Combat Changes + Online method of reconfiguring ships
To implement some of these changes we need to have an online method of reconfiguring ships without returning then to a base (this will only be available after GM changes that require changes to ships). The following changes are subject to change until 1 month before release.
[1] No hulls or armour will survive an integrity breakdown - but no cargo will be lost.
[2] Ships will only be blown up when all hulls and internal items (not armour) are destroyed.
[3] HH hull defence is reduced by 50%.
[4] Damage done to installed/internal items will be reduced on HH ships and platforms:
- HH Ships installed items x3 defence
- Officer Skill to increase defence modifier by .25 per level for HH (x3->x4)
- Platforms internal items x2 defence (no effect by officer skill)
[5] Bunkers do not defend troops in short range ground combat
[6] Officers can not gain experience over 32.
[7] If a position is targeted then there is an x% (~50%) chance that the targeting will not stick if the target does not have damage already (will make the damage cluster), therefore you will get less damaged ships and more destroyed ships. If a position is already targeted with fatal force then this will also cause a retarget. (This will be looked at carefully to avoid 10 hull nightmares)
[8] If a ship is destroyed then it only receives a battle report if there are other ships there from the same squadron.
[9] Vehicles contribution to control factors will be capped at the number of troop control factors.
[10] Boarding damage mod changed to x2 after defences (not before)
[11] Complexes destroyed in combat will become 'Rubble' which will keep things sensible in ground combat. Rubble will count as complexes in one of the ground combat calculations for cover. Rubble will have a defence, and so will not be a massive damage sink before it is totally destroyed.
[12] 1 week maintenance will be added per day of space combat.
[13] Hard points will be added to all ships;
For HH and NH ships ship receives 1 hard point / surface area.
For LH and XL ships they receive 10 hard point / surface area.
All weapons require 1 hard point except:
Torp Launchers: 10
Guns: 2
Cannons: 5
Batteries: 25
Heavy Batteries: 50
[14] Revisit Boarding
[15] Remove Point defence improvement for clusters of weapons
[16] Remove Torpedo code
[17] Look at possibly adding tactics
The topic can be found here:
optimus has just posted a new topic entitled "Phoenix Changes : Infrastructure" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
IMP Gandolph has just posted a new topic entitled "surface area and hard points" in forum "Game Mechanic Proposals".
The topic can be found here:
***** Message From The Editor *****
Merry Christmas folks!
I'm not sure yet what days KJC are on holiday over Christmas, so I thought I'd better make this the Christmas Edition.
Also, note that the Krell webpage has been updated:
And a happy new year too.
Editor: Simon Field - sss [dot] editor [at] googlemail [replacetoavoidspamdot] com
KJC contact: www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: groups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum: games.groups.yahoo.com/group/tradeforum/
IRC Link: Server irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
Phoenix Wiki (under construction) - www.jumpmap.com/wiki/Main_Page
AFT - www.aftphoenix.org.uk/aft/
CNF - www.darkfold.net/
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk/
MOH - www.mohache.com/
QNG - www.qng-28.org/
SMS - www.stellarmining.co.uk
RIP - www.rip17.com/
WMB - wimbles.specht.co.uk/
Lausnaff Enterprises - web.telia.com/~u40927438/aft/
Jump/System maps - www.jumpmap.com/
Pirate Large - www.piratelarge.dk
GCE: www.gce-phoenix.co.uk/garcia_enterprises
KRL: www.phoenix-krell.org.uk/
FCN: www.falconians.com
PayPal.Me/creditKJCaccount Don't forget to include your account number in the message. |

*** Inter Galactic News ***
Empire pushes out Free Traders
With ongoing claims of AFT activities moving from it's traditional neutral trade welcome everywhere to more nefarious deeds, the Empire in general and the GTT in particular has taken action to send the AFT a message that their new actions won't be tolerated. Over a couple of weeks the AFT saw all it's registered fixed assets seized within GTT systems. So far there has been no attempt to extend actions and hunt down AFT ships or other positions in any systems outside the Empire, so we are assuming the GTT considers it's actions sufficient to send the once peaceful traders a message. We believe the FEL have also joined in due to exasperation with AFT actions. We contacted the GTT for a comment to be told that the actions had been profitable, the kind of remark you should probably expect from a mega-corp.
Solo becomes pirate hotspot
Our reporters have received numerous messages regarding pirates lately, especially in the Solo system. Since the NHS took the system over from the DTR pirate attacks seem to have escalated. Over the last two months we have been made aware of over a dozen ships being lost to pirates with no doubt more falling victim to the vicious pirates as owners do not want to admit they have taken losses. The DTR have offered to assist the NHS with policing the system, but so far the NHS has not asked for assistance. Large fleets of FET warships have been seem patrolling the system and CIA warships have also been seen accompanying freighters, but so far we have not received any reports that the pirates have lost ships in retaliation. Although the CIA have damaged two vessels enough for them to require serious repairs.
Zaxividani Naru's peacful Deweik
Imagine our surprise when our office learned of the new group of Deweik lead by Zaxividani Naru. What makes this group noteworthy is it's peaceful intentions. For many years the canine based species has been well known for it's love of drinking, fighting and finding itself at odds with the Empire, leading to some massive battles. Even recent history has mention of fleets with over 700 capital ships fighting for the DEN keeping the Empire honest and even pushing them back. So to find that a Deweik group has joined with the Mohache, probably the most peace loving beings in the peripheries, came as quite a shock. We at the SSS wish them well in their future among the stars.

*** Inter Galactic News ***
Claims settle in Solo and Faery
With the NHS bringing in almost a million troops into Solo and the GTT choosing it's moment to contest Faery at the same time, it seems the DTR and it's alllies either found it hard to find enough troops to respond or quite simply decided it wasn't worth the hassle as there were far more important matters to deal with in the Senate. Who knows what other life threatening topics they have to discuss, such as the correct biscuit to have with afternoon tea. The end result is that Solo and Faery, both systems with significant incomes, are now under control of Empire based affiliations.
GTT move to clear out the Dewiek Pocket Pheriphery
Having resorted to bribery to get other affiliations to move out of the DHP, with rumoured multi-million stellar amounts being offered, the GTT now appear to have cranked the pressure up. An AFT base has been attacked and a few of the nearby ships have been blown up and damaged by GTT warship class ships patrolling the area. As we write this report, information we have seen shows that the GTT have already taken 20% of the AFT base and fighting continues. We approached the GTT to ask why they are resorting to force and were told that they have had to move significant military power into the DHP to deal with ANT forces, so now they are mopping up all the resistance of other affilaitions that were asked to leave and decided not to.
BHD relics and trophies
Pope Akhenaten of the Brotherhood has been touting more and more wares that are unique to the BHD. If you are missing a holy relic and have no idea how to fill that little space in your living quarters then you know where to go. From robes to candles, literature to wine and novelty ornaments, it's never been easier to bring a little bit of the Brotherhood home and exchange your stellars for spiritual well being.
*** Affiliations ***
AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy BHD - Brotherhood (63) - Akhenaten CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown> FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox HEX Hexamon (23) - Hexamon KRL Krell (30) - Namica KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor MOH Mohache (73) – Listens NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz
* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.
*** Submissions ***
By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous. |

*** Inter Galactic News ***
Solo claim swings back and forth
The situation in Solo appears to be getting even more heated. First the NHS dropped 600,000 troops to contest the system and then the DTR answered with enough troops of their own to trump the NHS claim. The NHS found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim up to 750,000 and once again the DTR answered, bringing Solo back under DTR control. Now the NHS have had a look down the back of the sofa and found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim to a massive 900,000 trained troops. We wait to see if the DTR have an answer to this. We can only guess where all these troops are coming from, but what is clear is that the established affiliations clearly have far larger armies than many thought.

*** Inter Galactic News ***
NHS attempt to claim Solo away from DTR
In a shock move the NHS have contested the Solo claim with a huge garrison of 600,000 trained troops. In a move that nobody saw coming, especially as it was unknown the NHS had such a large force of troops to draw upon, the NHS seem to be provoking a response from the DTR. Currently there has been no word from the DTR in how they are going to deal with this claim jumping, although rumours are that they are pretending the Solo claim doesn't really matter to them and so action is unlikely. However this may be a smokescreen and we may yet see the DTR's powerful fleet cause havoc in the system of Solo, which has for a long time been an important junction and fought over by many different factions.
DNA Chairman TonTon resigns
The following communication has been leaked from the DNA to the GTT's PD.
Greetings CEO Fox. It regrets me to have to inform to you that the DNA nation state will be renouncing its claim on Aladdin system following a ceremony planet side, shortly. However, it gives me great pleasure to have to inform you that these ceremonies are being planned by Vladimir Tavikovitch, the South Road Traffic Coordinator. He is also responsible for all DNA and .ore. assets in the Outer Naplian (Capellan) periphery so if there are any further issues, please take it up with him. For any and all other matters, please forward your request directly to the DNA directorate services at NexusID: DNA people. The Foreign Ministry objects one last time to your illegal claim jump of Aladdin, but we realise it is time to de-escalate. Normally i would sign off with Naambta, but doing so would be hypocritical. Let me say good riddance instead. I hereby resign in protest!
Chairman TonTon, Foreign Minister, DNA cc: Directorate Services personnel coordinator - !urgent resignation!
DTR threaten WMB with fines for multiple breaches of DTR Law
Lady Sylvansight of the DTR has issued a fine of 1,000,000 stellars to the Wimbles for multiple breaches of DTR Penal and Territorial Law. This seems a very brave move of the DTR to risk upsetting the huge and warlike WMB when they also have the rival NHS Solo system claim to deal with. No word has been recieved yet that the Wimbles are going to pay, but if the formidable WMB warfleet is seen heading for the DTR home systems we will know what their thought are on the matter. The DTR and WMB fleets going head to head would be a sight to behold.
*** Affiliations ***
AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown> FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility KRL Krell (30) - Namica KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor MOH Mohache (73) – Listens NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz
* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.
*** Submissions ***
By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous. |

*** Inter Galactic News ***
DNA and GTT clash over Aladdin system claim while Pirates look on.
The GTT have this week launched an attack on the DNA outpost in Aladdin, in what appears to be little more than a turkey shoot. Around 100,000 GTT Naplian Startroopers attacked the DNA position to remove the rival system claim. Reports indicate the DNA garrison were taken by surprise and lost control of the base in the first few hours of the fighting. The base has since been reflagged from [Free Naplian Capital] Peaceful Protest to [Loyal Naplian Capital] DNA claim Ended so it's fair to say there was a clear message being sent by the GTT. We have been waiting for the DNA leadership to comment but so far they have been unusually silent. No doubt when they have crawled out from under their desks they will have something to say on the matter.
While this attack was going on several pirate ships were also seen in Aladdin, according to the GTT in what may be true or may be a diversion, with reports of a pirate GP and scout being destroyed while a 150HH pirate warship slipped away and escaped from incoming anti-pirate patrols.
Secret meeting of the EEM
A recent communication intercepted by one of our top reporters today made us aware of a meeting of the EEM. This is underway in a top secret location called Black Pool, which sounds suspiciously like the lair of a pirate band. After pulling in many favours, we were able to identify some of the attending members. On the bases that they won't be named we were able to find out some slight information of the subjects to be discussed at the meeting and one thing is for certain, there could be huge impacts to the lives of everybody living in the galaxy. Details to follow. When the shadowy figures of the EEM come together with the top political players in a pirate base the possibilities are endless!
You are never more than 6 systems from a RAT ðŸ€
A new saying has arisen in the bars and spaceport of starbases throughout the many peripheries; you are never more than 6 systems from a RAT.
It is understood that this saying originated in Yank and spread by trade vessels to peripheries far and wide. Many starbases have heightened their security and added additional sensors and locks to various entry points including foul and grey water outfalls. Beer and drug stocks are undergoing increased proofing to avoid the critters gaining entry and consuming the stockpiles.
Will this present as a new plague of proportions never before seen or is this some simple urban myth being spread for the amusement of some mischievous entity? Who knows, but to be certain... check the shadows.
This year we will again be returning to the Briardene Hotel. They were welcoming, the bar didn't run out of beer pre-covid and there was room for quiet chats. Along with Wetherspoons there is the Victoria just down the road (Sam Smiths - last time beer was around 2 shillings per pint and a full round was less than £10).
Mostly drinking beer and talking toot though we have a good few things on the agenda.
Bookings are done directly with the hotel. Book by phone and say that you are with KJC Games
Briardene Hotel Telephone: +44(0)1253 338300 All staff should be able to deal with the booking but if there are any problems ask for Tracy (manager) as she dealt with all our foibles in previous years. |

*** Inter Galactic News ***
Dog days are over
With the fall of the DEN and the implosion of their home territory as the AFT, DTR and GTT moved in, it was unlikely the Dewiek would rise again. The DWP gave the species a little hope with the Dewiek Pocket Periphery kept under lock and key. But news has reached us of the AFT's penetration of this private area of space that's been locked down. With a base and claim in one of the three visible systems it seems that the end of the Dewiek is near. A once noble and aggressive race, determined to make an impact on the galaxy is now little more than a species that lives under the command of others. A sad end to a once powerful species that used to control a significant part of known space.
Pirate activity continues
Yet more reports of pirate activity have been received, one from the WMB, losing a freighter in Solo and another from the FET who reported they had engaged and hit the attacking pirate ship with several weapons before it managed to make off with it's prize. Hopefully the pirate ship took significant damage and will now be out of action for some time. The Corewards periphery seems to have been plagued with pirates recently and many travellers would welcome a break from attacks.
MEK incursion into Corewards
The FET and GTT have mounted a joint venture into Nog-Kesri to tackle a MEK force. It isn't known where they have come from, with the only other MEK ships seen so far being located in the Orion Spur. The lack of a known link between where they have appeared in Corewards and the Orion Spur has caused some concern among planetary populations as who knows where they could turn up next! Fortunately the combined FET/GTT task force dealt the MEK a heavy blow and the threat has been eradicated. But we all know this is unlikely to be the last we hear of the MEK in Corwards and we would encourage ship captains to keep a keen eye on thier sensor screens when travelling near Nog-Kesri.

*** Inter Galactic News ***
CIA freighter fights off overwhelming pirate forces
Fin Saine media broadcast, What is Hot in the galaxy?!?!
MEKlan forces attack in Corewards Arm

*** Inter Galactic News ***
Aladdin faces ongoing DNA/GTT tension
The tensions between the DNA and GTT in the Coptuv system recently spilled over into the DNA system of Aladdin. A significant party of GTT ground troops has reinforced one of their bases in the system and claimed it, forcing the system claim into turmoil as the DNA finds itself under threat of losing the system. With the DNA chairman asking for help, several affiliations have been seen sending ships to evacuate any in the local population that want to escape the GTT. But so far not a shot has been fired and despite the AFT, FEL and DTR assistance no reisistance to the claim jump has been encountered so far. It remains to be seen if the DNA and it's friends will scatter before this hostile take over or put in a last minute counter claim to thwart GTT intentions.
Increasing pirate activity
Recent reports indicate a new surge in pirate attacks with the AFT and GTT reporting ships lost. Knowing how some don't like to advertise losses we wouldn't be surprised if this is the tip of the iceberg. Reports passed to us show the ship PIR Scavenger running ID 43174 and another ship of the same name running ID 68668 have both been in action with successful boarding attempts. It's unknown whether these are seperate ships or the same ship reregistered, but our information suggests that it would be hard for these pirates to cover the space where these attacks happened with just one ship. One thing is for sure, be on your guard as open space is not as safe as it once was.
GCE ships loitering in deep space
After the fall of the GCE and a lot of their assets being shared or purchased it was thought that the affiliation was no more. Yet deep space scans indicate that there is still a significant number of GCE warships holding station in deep space between Coptuv and Yank on the transport route into the Corwards Arm. Nobody knows what these ships are up to and why they are still flagged GCE, but our best guess is that are captains either awaiting new orders or owners after the fall of the GCE command structure.
*** Affiliations ***
AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten BHD Brotherhood (63) - de Molay CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown> FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility KRL Krell (30) - Namica KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor MOH Mohache (73) – Listens NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz
* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.
*** Submissions ***
By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous. |