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07-01-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 1 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
Happy New Year to Everyone
As always things are a little chaotic following a holiday, so please accept apologies for any delays in completing special actions.
Once things are in order we should have more time to crack on with the new on-line rulebook (once we have replaced the skin and logo).

David is hard at work hammering through the long-term upgrades so there may be delays in fixing outstanding bugs although there are no life-threatening ones that I know about so not too much of a worry.

We will be introducing a new star system specifically for starting players. This will feature a number of training missions to give players some understanding of the game before ending up in the real game. This is part of an ongoing process to turn idle-sign-ups into players.

14-01-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 2 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
New Editor Wanted
Unfortunately Pedro has had to step down as editor following greater work commitments. We are therefore looking for a new gossipmonger to gather rumours, propaganda and affiliation news on a weekly basis.
Contact Mica at

*****Subspace Static*****
FLZ Cliriq Fr'Ven Declares for the Flagritz Empire
The governor of the starbase, having renewed contacts with the Empire after a decade of isolation has reaffirmed not only his loyalty but also the loyalty of the starbase FLZ Cliriq Fr'Ven.
This action, coming at a time when the Felini are endeavouring to end what they started with the alleged destruction of the Empire's homeworld is likely to be a significant morale boost coming as it has so quickly after the rumours reporting the Felini's capture of the Crusade system.

21-01-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 3 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****Subspace Static*****

*****Message From The Editor*****


Following the departure of Pedro as Editor of the Sub Space Static newsletter, I have taken over the reigns here. I would just like to take a moment to thank Pedro for all of the good work he did.

If anybody had any existing arrangements with Pedro with regards the SSS, if you would care to contact my good self, that would be great. I ~think~ some of you might have been recruited as roving reporters and suchlike.

Submissions on any topic are welcomed. And my services are available as beta-reader, editor and proofreader if so required.

It is my primary intention to make this newsletter as good a resource for new players as possible, to which end I shall no doubt start pestering more of you old-timers over the coming weeks and months about various projects.

This is of course your newsletter, the players. So if there is anything you might particularly want to see, or see more of, just let me know and I'll see what I can do.


*****Inter Galactic News*****

*** Problems For The RIP ***

An unknown vendor recently mooted the potential availability of a Wormhole Stabiliser to the open markets. Duke Hellscream, the Ringleader of the RIP, is certain to be making vigorous enquiries to determine if such a device is indeed for sale to the highest bidder.

For those unclear on the significance of this, the secure RIP home system of Sargasso can only be accessed through a well hidden highly unstable Wormhole, passage through which can only be assured to a ship equipped with a Wormhole Stabiliser, a classified and sensitive piece of RIP-only equipment.

We at the IGN are confident that while the Sargasso system used to serve as the home base for the most ruthless and blood-thirsty organisation of Pirates in the known Peripheries, the reformed RIP organisation would surely have nothing to hide. Though clearly we recognise their enthusiasm to keep out unwanted visitors.

*** Flagritz Republic Civil War ***

Following the official Flagritz Republic (FGZ) response to their Yank based assets openly breaking away and declaring their loyalty to the recently returned FLZ Empire, the leader of this breakaway, Thali Rahm, Governor of the Starbase Fessin Rahm, has made a public announcement explaining his position, and swearing a blood oath to the FLZ Imperator.

Rahm is further quoted as saying, "From now on we are hunting! May the Consortium burn!"

The consequences of this action, particularly in regards to the neutrality of the Yank system, are yet to be seen. The appearance of so many FLZ flags in the Outer Capellan Periphery is surely a historic moment.

Intriguingly the Rahm Declaration was also signed by the Caste Queen of starbase Dhalad Hur, it is assumed this is the same entity that once lead the Hive Nation.

*** Old News From The DTR ***

Detinus Republic Press Release.

The outcome of a major incursion one month ago by Imperial-bloc forces into Venice, home system of the Detinus Republic, remains heavily clouded by the fog of war. Military analysts at Tharbad Fleet Headquarters are upbeat about the outcome of the three day engagement. Rear Admiral Joyce, deputy chairman of the Home Fleet Defence Force, issued the following statement to press agencies: "We had them by the testicles! But then the bloody cowards ran away before we could finish pounding their fleet into dust! Can I say 'testicles' in a press release?"

Grand Admiral Sivar refused to comment on when Admiral Joyce's long-overdue retirement papers might be processed.

More impartial analysts, including the Civilian Defence Authority on Cyprus, argue that the battle was for all intents and purposes a draw. Over two hundred and fifty Imperial-bloc ships launched a hit and fade attack against the Venice Gamma-9 Traffic Control Platform, which was then defended by a small fleet of thirty or so Republic warships.

Upon detecting the arrival of so many Imperial raiders, the Control Platform issued an emergency warning to all civilian freighter traffic to exit the area immediately. Attempting to buy the freighters time to clear the battle zone the defending Nebulons flared engines and engaged the incoming Imperial fleet head-on. Badly outnumbered, the DTR Nebulons took heavy damage until the Gamma-9 Defence platform opened up with overwhelming fire upon the Imperial raiders.

The raiders main target however was the Traffic Control platform, and they pressed their numerical advantage, launching swarms of fighters and bombers. Fourteen Imperial ships were destroyed, along with three DTR vessels, on this first day of battle.

The trick of the Imperial attack was always going to be in the withdrawal phase. It was here that Imperial Admirals could win or lose the engagement. And as the second day dawned those self-same Imperial Admirals must have been very anxious indeed. Detinus re-inforcements flooded in as the Imperial raiders equally rapidly flooded out. Imperial casualty reports remain very vague, with conflicting claims and counter-claims made by DTR and GTT officials, one thing is certain, there were no DTR losses on this second day.

On the third day, in what has been described as 'a vengeful bloody mood', the DTR Home Fleet proceeded on an aggressive armed patrol to mop up any damaged or otherwise slow to escape Imperial ships that might still have been in the Venice system. Several Imperial ships had very close calls. While in Alpha-9 a six-ship fleet of GTT warships was caught and pounded to annihilation. Thus making for the final skirmish of the engagement, and bringing the total number of destroyed Imperial ships to something in the order of twenty-two to thirty-nine vessels of assorted classes. Though precise numbers remain even now, unclear.

Detinus Defence Ministry spokesmen have confirmed that the Control platform, the main target of the Imperial attack, was heavily damaged. Though whether the extent of the damage is equal to Imperial losses, is at this point also unknown. Lady Michelle Diaz, Speaker of the House, did have this to say: "There are a great many Imperial-bloc warship crews that will not be going home from this costly raid on our systems. Yes. Our Platform took some damage, but already it has been repaired. And salvage crews have hauled in a treasure-trove of parts from broken Imperial ships. The Imperial ships came raiding, and we gave them a bloody nose, before chasing them the hell out of our back yard. I'd call that a victory."

***Enterprising Pirates***

It has come to light this week that the group of pirates including the infamous Pirate Large are selling back captured ships to their previous owners. As a pragmatic piece of real-politik this practice can be understood, though various affiliations have made known their displeasure. The Anti-Piracy Task Force has not yet commented publicly. Though all governments, organisations and races are united in their condemnation of piracy.

Detinus Republic Armed Forces announce the Stockton system has been liberated from Imperial control. The Imperial Viceroy and the Imperial Patrol Commissioner beg to differ. Inhabitants of Stockton braced for major military actions.
This now means that SMS New Caledonia on Valley is located in Detinus territory. It is uncertain how this diplomatic situation will play out. Will the DTR and the SMS simply ignore each other for the time being?

*****Trade Reports*****
(Being an occasional series of In Character Inter-Galactic-News insights into the Phoenix Trading world. Submissions welcomed from those wanting to pimp their Starbase Markets. Otherwise the editor will pick and choose things from the KJC market reports page that catch his interest, and which might be of interest to beginner traders. Please note: If there are any Starbase Governors who would prefer that their market not ever be featured in this column, kindly contact the Editor and register this fact.)

The appearance of the first public Flagritz Empire (FLZ) market in the Yank system, Dhalad Hur (27588) located on Mobile Bay (676), sent traders scurrying to see where the Empire might be placing her trade priorities. The changes include very large buy orders for infrastructure items, as well as the cessation of weekly purchases of military equipment. As most traders are probably aware, Infrastructure items, notably modules, often prove the most reliable area for trading endeavours.

The item that stands out on the Dhalad Hur market is Rock Structural Modules (430) 800+ being bought at a price of $200 per unit. Given Rock Structural Modules can usually be bought for around $50 per, this constitutes a substantial profit margin. However, the sheer size of RSMs (500 Mass Units per item), makes them difficult to ship in bulk, particularly for new traders, who probably couldn't even fit a single one into the cargo hold of their Couriers. This difficulty in shipping is surely reflected in the high buy price being offered by the Governor.

Industrial and Basic Modules are also being bought at a reasonable price, $150 per unit, and these have the advantage of being somewhat easier to ship. However, at time of press the market only has 339 Industrial Modules left on its market, which leads to the possibility of turning up to sell, and finding that the Starbase is no longer buying. More promising instead then perhaps are the Basic Modules, both Mk1 (40 Mass Units) and Mk2 (30 Mass Units) versions, which are being bought in much larger quantities. One should expect to pay absolutely no more than $100 for a Basic Module, leaving at least a 50% profit margin to be made on each module shipped.

One further item of note on the Dhalad Hur market is the Hive Egg (564), 100k being bought at $3 per. The Insectiod Hive species reproduce via their Queens, which lay these eggs. And in essence, the eggs represent their young. The IGN news-team considers trade in Hive Eggs to be a welfare issue, and previously would have encouraged everybody to return as many Hive Eggs as possible to their people where they might be hatched and raised within their own culture and society. However, since the dissolution of the Hive Nation and their merger into the FGZ Republic, and the subsequent fracturing of Dhalad Hur into the FLZ Empire, this issue has become confused. IGN reporters have been dispatched to investigate.

Editor: Simon Field -
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix


28-01-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 4 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Message From The Editor *****

Correction to last weeks newsletter:

IMP Website is actually:

Apologies to the Imperial Viceroy.

Also, please note that there is still a small backlog of older news stories being cleared. So some of the things you will read about here are just a little out of date.

- Simon.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

(Being an occasional selection of items from the Phoenix Posting boards, located at: The Posting Boards offer a valuable opportunity for players to interact with the people who run and design the game, creating a sounding board for proposed rules changes, suggestions and additions. For the benefit of players who do not regularly read the Posting Boards, the editor will post items of importance/interest here.)


Variable Time Units For Jumping.

Players have expressed a desire to overload their jump engines, in a similar manner to emergency jump but in a much less reckless manner. Result: Normal jump in fewer TU's (rather than to a random destination).

This sounds like a reasonable idea although will require at least one fundamental change to the game, possibly more.

1. Increase all basic jump costs.
2. Set a number of jump uses for each engine. This number will decrease much faster if the player elects to use fewer than standard number of TU's for a jump.
3. Reduce jump range from 4 systems down to 3 (change Kastor to Yank distance).

Suggested Implementation
Our first draft is to set basic jump cost to 120TU's. At this value, jump engines will have an operational life in the thousands…. Players can set their own TU's for jumping, normally this will be 100TU's for the standard drive, giving players a reasonably predictable number of jumps (this approximate number remaining will be shown). Setting it lower will burn out the engine much faster.


Alternative Market Reports Page.

Picked up from a while ago, but always worth drawing attention to, is the excellent Dewiek Elder Nation Market Report page:

Some players might find the array of information offered a little overwhelming, but for those looking for more options for their trading enterprises, they can't go wrong. It should perhaps be noted that this is a third party website, and not run by KJC Games themselves.

Anybody wishing to pimp their Phoenix website in the pages of the SSS should contact the editor, inclosing a suitable bribe.

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** Fear And Loathing In Santa Hermandad ***

Strange reports regarding newly passed laws have been surfacing from the starbase of Santa Hermandad (1448). It has been announced that all birds lacking a licence for excretion will be stripped of their feathers and arrested. And further, there exists stringent guidelines under which any offending bird might have their licence revoked by the authorities.

Rumours that this message, and in particular the final lines from their originator, one Brother Ladislaw that: "Santa Hermandad is a holy Temple. Poop will not be tolerated," constitute a secret coded communication to person or aliens unknown, are at this time entirely unfounded.

*** The Venice Incursion ***

Further details regarding the Imperial strike against the Detinus Republic in the Venice system a month ago continue to come to light.

The Frontier Exploration and Trade (FET) CEO Zuvoro Norozov has released a transcript of the last few entries of the ships log of Captain Ivan Norozov
officer in command, FET warship Valkyrie(4369).



At last a combined fleet of FET, GTT and IMP warships are heading for a target in the Venice system. We are expecting a few casualties, but confidence is high that we can deliver a solid blow to the enemies arrogance!!!

Well the fleet made it to the combat zone okay, and we engaged our primary target as planned, the DTR platform Control-Restricted Area. A hell of a lot of damage was pumped into that platform!!! The down side is that the Intel boys failed to warn us of the second platform in the quad.

My ship has been gutted and I mean gutted, all that is left are a few hulls and support braces holding us together. Only myself and 21 crew survive. We have no weapons, engines anything!!! It's a miracle any of the crew survived. After consulting with the squadron commander who was willing to stay to help us I persuaded the rest of the FET squadron to bug out as planned. We will be okay. The DTR will capture us (not looking forward to the questioning!!) and with luck at a future date we can be exchanged for some DTR prisoners of war.


Most of the combined fleet has bugged out as planned. From what little data we can gather a few of our friends have stayed and a fair number of DTR ships have arrived to reinforce their position here. Oh well not long until we're captured now!!!

At this point the Captain is interrupted by a voice in the background. "Captain DTR ships are locking onto us with tractor beams and have just launched missiles and torps at us!!!!"

"Are you certain, surely they know we are defenceless???"

"Yes sir a total of 97 missiles and 139 torps heading this way and we have nothing to stop them!!"

"The murdering…"


The release of this transcript from FET headquarters came with an announcement:

A word from Zuvoro Norozov.

So the high and mighty DTR defenders of all that is good and decent have finally shown their true colours!!! Everyone expects casualties in war, but this is different. This is the cold blooded murder of defenceless men and women. Yes they were the crew of a warship, but a warship that was so damaged it presented no threat. Anyone who took time to read the scans could see that. The people responsible are nothing more than war criminals!!!


When approached for comment, representatives from the DTR Defence Ministry were unwilling to dignify what they labelled 'this latest piece of crass and obvious Imperial-bloc propaganda', with a reply. One official did comment off the record to an Inter-Galactic News reporter to make it clear that if the captain of the FET warship Valkyrie had broadcast his surrender to DTR forces, then his ship and crew would have been spared, but no such communication was received.

*** Imperial Press Releases ***

Successes for the Empire.

FROM: IMP Patrol Commissioner


KST ship boarded.

On stardate 204.49.2 a KST ship Snoop (4167) scouting in their own system of Kastor was boarded successfully by Imperial forces of the vessel Gloriana (26210) another victory for the tireless Imperial boarding fleets.

DTR Outpost destroyed.

A small DTR outpost was destroyed by one of our new battlegroup commanders in Stockton, a successful removal operation was carried out on stardate 204.48.3 by Cornelius Bast's vessels against the DTR outpost Big E-1 (33631). Well done on a confirmed first kill.

HLQ Outpost attacked.

An HLQ outpost in the Ridley system was attacked by Imperial Ground forces to coincide with the assault on the DTR in Venice. The outpost was captured after 3 days. This outpost has been completely destroyed after 8 days of Imperial ownership and consisted of 45 complexes plus materials. CNF and HLQ forces did eventually turn up, but luckily for the employees we had sacked them and removed them from the outpost before their own forces could bombard them.

*** News Flash ***

Early reports of a major naval engagement in Capella (1), home system of the Imperial Services, are flooding into the news room. No official sources are as yet available for comment, and the battle is still very much underway. Rumours are rife that the Detinus Republic Stellar Armada acting in conjunction with elements of the Confederate Navy may have inflicted a serious defeat upon Imperial forces. A more detailed report is expected soon. Watch this space.

*** Pirate Large Update ***

The infamous scourge of the spacelanes, Pirate Large, continues his rampage. The following communication has been received:


Aahhhhhhaaaargghh me Hearties

it be aye.............Pirate Large.......
it twere stardate 205.1.5 when loiterin in pastures new one of my pirate comrades spotted an AFT 100 light hulled ship Qeng Ho (3224) in the Straddle system. Cappan, anuver AFT ship there be.......

ahharrrgghh, pirates be ready i say, and aboard the ship we did......aye.....

in a very easy fight, and without actually killin anyone we tooks the ship, aye we did........ahhhaaarrggh....., and i now as my personal love slave and ex cappan of the qeng ho, 1 Nadia Galway [AFT Prisoner] (32518),

now i thinks she as been in space a long time......and quite willing to hide my poirate like sword in her treasure chest....ahhhaarrrgghh. now she be a keeper, death wont come to her......ahhharrrgh.

i also as a message for that archie angel bloke of the AFT who been sprouting how he is goin to kill thee, who reckons he has what it takes......Ahhhaaaargh not yet aye........keep trainin.....and make sure when you does come looking for me bring your missus,it looks to me aye, that she hasnt tasted luvvin like i can gives her......ahhharrgh, and dont worry ill let you watch aye, before i slit thee throat wiv a blunt knife...........

any ways im sure you will hear more from the Glorious Adventures of the pirate ship Large(and friends).............aahaaarrgh


As the multi-affiliation search for Pirate Large continues, questions are beginning to be asked about just how much safety can be guaranteed to innocent traders in even the most secure systems. The Straddle system mentioned above, was under Detinus Republic (DTR) Martial Law at the time of the attack, and yet Pirate Large was able to make his assault and escape.

*** Pirate Enterprise ***

While we at the IGN Newsrooms do not condone Piracy in any way, it is our responsibility to report on the news. The following communication arrived in the offices of the IGN, and is reprinted here:


From: Pirate Large Sales Division

Ships For Sale

I have several "Pre-owned" low mileage ships for sale, and some come with full MOT, a Valeting service has been carried out, and all blood stains have been removed, they vary from 25 X light hulled cargo ship to 100 Light Hulled MK II light hulled ships, and have varying cargo capacity.

These ships are going at the bargain price of 60% of the value of the ship on board, and all deals are secured via the Krell, IE you give them the cash, i give them the ship, no one gets done over.

Trade deals are welcome. Not Trade in...............i usually acquire my own stocks.........

all ships come without crew and are as i say fully valeted, and all logs wiped, youll think its come out of the showroom.

please contact me: Pirate_large@hotmail.comor contact the krell [Warlord Garg Tormath] to start negotiations.


The response from governments throughout the Peripheries to this pirate endeavour have been overwhelmingly negative. High level discussions are underway, and are thought to include a multi-affiliation agreement to post all ships that have been captured by pirates as a means of discouraging anybody from purchasing anything from Pirate Large.

Whether or not bounties will be offered has yet to be decided.

***** Ships For Sale *****

New arrivals in the Peripheries might ask how they can enlarge their holdings of ships. Certainly the easiest option is to contact your Affiliation, and ask if they have anything they can make available. But for those who might prefer to work hard to earn the Stellars to save up and buy a new ship of their own. Here is a round-up of ships for sale in the Phoenix universe.

The EEM, the (games-master run) organisation responsible for maintaining Periphery-wide ship registration, can be contacted via special action to purchase any of the following vessels from their Yank system headquarters:

Surveyor (1) Class Explorer, Hulls: 20 (Heavy Hull), Stellar Value: 26000.
Solo (9) Class Freighter, 50 (Normal Hull), Stellar Value: 114000
Far Courier (7) Class Freighter, 75 (Normal Hull), Stellar Value: 163500
Caravel (6) Class High G Freighter, 75 (Light Hull), Stellar Value: 127500
Mayflower (5) Class Passenger Liner, 75 (Light Hull), Stellar Value: 142500
Courier (730) Class Freighter, 20 (Normal Hull), Stellar Value: 30000
Yacht (760) Class Scout, 10 (Heavy Hull), Stellar Value: 12950

Ships come complete with crew. Stellars will be removed from the position making the purchase and the ship will be transferred to the player as part of the special action. The new ship will be located in orbit of Shiloh. (Please note, the editor can obtain and print configurations for these vessels in the SSS if requested.)

The Flagritz Republic (FGZ) are offering their Carrack class vessel for sale to anyone interested. Supplies are currently quite limited, although work is underway to increase their production facilities.

Specification on the Carrack class:

40 Light Hulls, 0 Armour
1 Bridge
8 Bunks
90 Cargo Bay
- 1800 MU Cargo
1 Integrity Stabiliser
4 ISR Type 3 Engines
5 Sensor
10 Thrust Engine

The Flagritz Republic will be selling these for the bargain price of 30,000 Stellars, which is the same basic price as a Courier from the EEM. They would also like to draw attention to the free Integrity Stabiliser included as part of the basic specifications.

Contact: rih [at]

The Falconian Empire Minister of Trade, Osiradadumpf, has two classes of vessel for sale from Starbase Prodis.

A 10 Light Hulled "Searcher" class vessel with the following configuration, perfectly suited to GPI and scout work:

1 Bridge (100) - 50 mus
2 Cargo Bay (134) - 25 mus
1 Exploration Module mkII (137) - 40 mus
1 ISR Type 3 Engines (150) - 20 mus
1 Jump Drive (175) - 50 mus
4 Quarters (131) - 25 mus
25 Sensor (103) - 10 mus
7 Thrust Engine (160) - 20 mus

Attention should be paid to the inclusion of a MkII Exploration Module. This item substantially reduces the Time Units required for mineral prospecting orders, and is usually only available for purchase on the open markets from one AFT Starbase.

Their second ship is a 20 Light Hulled "Coaster" class:

1 tBridge (100)
2 tQuarters (131)
1 tSensor (103)
5 tThrust Engines (160)
2 tISR Type 3 Engines (150)
1 tJump Drive (175)
10 tCargo Holds (180)
3 tLanding Engines (168)
4 tShields (115)

This configuration is not yet set in stone, and might come with Cargo Bays instead of Cargo Holds, Mk2 Engines, and possibly without any Landing Engines. The Falconians are however more than happy to discuss installed equipment configurations with potential buyers.

Both vessels come with Kastorian crew.

At time of press, prices for these vessels had yet to be fixed. Those interested should contact: zomersjk [at]

The RIP also have ships for sale, although currently no further information is available. In recent times however, they have been known to sell Caravel class freighters and 50 heavy hull Patrol Cruisers. This makes them the only known source of warships for sale. As and when they have more vessels ready for market, expect to read about it on normal comms channels, and here in the SSS.

Confederate Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Naz Kodrix has indicated that he is able to supply a few ships to paying customers. Those interested are requested to contact him to discuss what they want and how much they can pay.

Finally, an Independent (IND) operator, Beowulf, is able to supply a Barge class ship, with 50 Light Hulls, either in cargo or lifeform configurations. Built brand new to order, for 100,000 Stellars.

Contact: beowulf_oasis [at]

There are, no doubt, further sources of ships for sale within the Phoenix universe. And new players are encouraged to sniff around to see what they can find.


Editor: Simon Field -
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix


07-02-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 6 DAY 1  [Recruit]

***** Message From The Editor *****

Correction to last weeks newsletter:

FET Website is actually:

Apologies to the FET CEO.

- Simon.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Ship Editor.

There is a new-ish version of the Phoenix ship editor available for download at:

Integrity And Combat Speed.

The combat speed of a ship depends on its integrity rating according to the following equation:

Current combat speed = max combat speed * integrity

Further reason to keep ships in tip-top condition at all times.

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** Embargo In Twinkle ***

This week Daniel Haynes of the IRS, the spokesman for the authorities in control of High Star, announced that IRS assets were carrying active enemy lists in the Twinkle and Demon systems, targeting Falconian Empire and RAT positions.

It us uncertain if there are any RAT vessels left in the Peripheries. However, the targeting of the Falconians, a member of the Consortium Alliance, may trigger a greater conflict as, by the terms of their treaty, the other signatories of the Consortium may be obliged to retaliate against the IRS. Thus escalating the situation into a far greater conflict. It is unclear at this time how and where the Felini might fit into this picture, given the history of the Twinkle system.

Although no formal declarations of war have been made, and the announcement by the IRS is essentially an embargo on FCN shipping within the systems of Twinkle and Demon, it is feared it could only be a matter of time until a hitherto peaceful corner of the Peripheries erupts in flames, particularly if the Falconians elect to forcibly challenge this Embargo.

*** The Venice Incursion ***

The Chief Executive of Frontier Exploration and Trade, Zuvoro Norozov remains furious over the destruction of the Valkyrie and her crew, as reported last week. His office has released a further statement:


A reply to the DTR war ministry concerning the cold blooded murder of the crew of the FET Valkyrie from Zuvoro Norozov.
Can you people not read??? The extracts from the log clearly state that the ship was gutted. How could the captain transmit a surrender message?? Your ships obviously have sensors onboard, how else could they have targeted the Valkyrie! But your crews chose to ignore the fact that the Valkyrie was dead in space.
Don't you dare start turning this around and say it's Imperial Bloc propaganda. The surviving crew were totally helpless and your forces murdered them!!!!


There has been no announcement yet from Detinus Republic officials regarding the numbers and dispositions of any Imperial-Bloc prisoners of war taken during the Venice Incursion, and it is unknown whether there were any survivors taken from the hulk of the Valkyrie. And as yet no official response to the charges of murder levelled by the FET.

In the absence of any independent evidence, the Chief Executives' cold blooded murder will almost certainly be claimed by the DTR as a fair warship kill.

It is certainly known that the Detinus Republic consider the security of their home systems to be of absolutely paramount importance to them, considering the long-ago destruction of their homeworld by atomics, and subsequent flight into hiding in the Peripheries. It has been a long avowed tradition amongst the DTR armed forces that such will never happen again. And so their response to any armed incursion of their home systems will always be vigorous.

*** Stockton Update ***

A fierce and bloody ground battle still wages in Stockton for control of the system. Detinus Republic forces maintain the upper hand, but for how long remains to be seen, as Imperial forces launch savage ground-based counter-attacks combined with orbital bombardments.

*** APTF Press Release ***

Detinus Republic warships operating under the auspices of the Anti-Piracy
Task Force intercepted the pirate ship Belle (55390) in the Arachnid system. After a very short and one-sided engagement, the Belle, a Solo Class Fast Freighter, no doubt carrying a pirate boarding party, was blown to shreds.

A rescue operation was launched, but there were no survivors.

*** Pirate Large Continues To Terrorise The Peripheries ***

Responding to the destruction of the Belle, Pirate Large himself released a press-release, mocking the efforts of the Anti-Piracy Task Force. The following communication was received by the IGN news-room via untraceable sub-space comms:


Press release aye.......

Poirate vessel large under thee hospices of the Pirates against the anti piracy task force, on stardate 205.3.1, located a 100 light hulled FET ship Jade Dragon (65272) and engaged aye we did............

In a one sided battle aye, in which we shreaded the initial party that got in our way, we tooks the ship.... aahhhaarrgghh

It twere a good day aye.......but the cheap beggars ad no cargo, but I tooks the ship anyways and have re-utilised the prisoners aye, to add to our "pleasure crews". The description of thee item is belows......

Pleasure crew - 1mu, life span - short, likely to get disease, but we dont know if its fatal, as they havent lived long enough to find out.

It be unlikely that many will survive aye.......longer than a couple o' months, and no operations will be carried out, unless for fun.....................ahhharrgghh

any ways im sure you will hear more from the Glorious Adventures of the pirate ship Large(and friends).............aahaaarrgh


No report is yet available on where the FET ship Jade Dragon was captured, but this adds yet another vessel to the growing fleet of ships seized by the pirates. It remains a mystery as to where they are being moored, and indeed where the Pirate Large is operating from. APTF officials have refused to comment, but it is clear that Pirate Large must be operating from a well hidden base of operations somewhere.

The fate of all captives taken prisoner by the pirates remains of paramount importance, and it is hoped that all governments and organisations will do more to secure their liberation.

*** APTF Press Release ***

Following the destruction of the pirate ship Belle, the Anti-Piracy Task Force report further success. SMS warships intercepted and destroyed the pirate vessel Teladi Profit inside the Dryad system.

It is suspected that both the Belle and the Teladi Profit were known associates of Pirate Large.

*** The army of the undead has risen ***

The IGN news-team have checked their old earth calendars, and can confirm that this is not April the 1st. According to this report received, it appears as if the living dead have joined battle:

Attacking xxxx
Round 1: 1 Corpse - 0 [2] damage

It is expected, indeed hoped and prayed for, that this report is somehow in error.

*** Naval Engagement In Capella ***

The skies of the Capella system were lit up as a major naval engagement flared between Imperial forces and the DTR/CNF. Two press releases have been issued:

DTR Press Release:

This week the Detinus Republic Stellar Armada went on the offensive again inside the Capella system. Reacting to a sighting of the Imperial navy in orbit of the Gas Giant Asgon, the Stellar Armada in conjunction with a flotilla from the Confederacy, struck hard at the IMP fleet.

The DTR Naval Ministry is reporting multiple kills. The IMP fleet suffered the loss of eight SOL Gunships, one Spitfire, one Pc Carrier, seven Pc Escorts, one Behemoth Carrier, three Mayflowers, three Pc Claymores, and a Sol Missile ship. Constituting nine 100 and five 75 hull heavies, along with a further eleven Normal/Light hulled Carrier variants.

The remainder of the Imperial fleet, twenty-two vessels consisting primarily of Heavy Cruisers and Capital Ships, heavily outnumbered and stripped of their Carrier support, decided to flee the scene. Many of these ships had taken quite heavy damage, and it is expected that not all of them will have survived their emergency jump manoeuvre.

The DTR fleet suffered no losses, taking very little damage.

IMP Press Release:

An overwhelming DTR fleet struck against the four Battle Groups of the ISP Reserve Fleet left in the Capellan system as the main IMP fleet responded to the attack on Stockton. The battle took place in orbit of the Gas Giant Asgon and nineteen Imperial Ships were destroyed and several others disabled. The DTR appeared to be concentrating on Space Fighter Carriers and support ships. 4 support freighters were included in the destroyed ships. ISP ships departing via the quad/Ring on day two were ambushed as they left orbit and two more were destroyed and others disabled. A number of our damaged ships managed to emergency jump clear of the battle but it is anticipated that at least seventy-five percent of the four BGs have been lost. A press statement from ISP Headquarters indicated that this could only be described as a major setback for the Imperial Services but that we have suffered setbacks in the past and recovered from them. Plans are already being implemented to recover from this one as soon as possible.

This was clearly a significant victory for the Detinus Republic and the Confederacy. The extent to which the Empire will be able to continue offensive actions, following the destruction of their strategic reserve, will surely now be limited. The heavy losses in carriers will also surely be noted by strategic planners throughout the Peripheries, as the debate between the effectiveness of main battleships versus carriers continues.

As a footnote, a DTR source has released some information praising the IMP captain of the scout ship Imperial Sultanna, who intercepted a sizeable portion of the DTR/CNF strikefleet en-route to Asgon. Somehow this unknown captain of an insignificant vessel managed to convince Detinus starcaptains that his scout was in fact the vanguard of a far larger Imperial fleet, forcing the DTR warships to deploy in line of battle. By the time they realised their error, it was too late to join the main battle in orbit of the Gas Giant. The captain and crew of the Imperial Sultanna paid for their bravery with their lives.

** Newsflash! **

As we go to press, it appears as if The Twinkle Embargo has been extended to cover Felini positions, as well as Falconian.

***** Periphery Classifieds *****

(Being the first in an occasional series of wanted ads, for sale ads, and other assorted bits and pieces of advertising. Submissions are welcomed, indeed positively encouraged by the Editor. It is my thinking, for example, that missions for Courier pilots could be posted here, to give new players a wider range of potential things to do. For anonymous contacts, the Editor is prepared to run a Post Office Box system, and you'll just have to trust his integrity in keeping everything private and anonymous.)

** Ship For Sale **

The RIP have a Caravel class freighter for sale. Configuration:

1 Bridge (100) - 50 mus
40 Cargo Hold (180) - 100 mus
8 ISR Type 3 Engines (150) - 20 mus
1 Jump Drive (175) - 50 mus
16 Quarters (131) - 25 mus
1 Sensor (103) - 10 mus
29 Thrust Engine (160) - 20 mus

Cargo - 3200 Mus
Life - 160 Mus
Comes with 80 Human Crew.

Interested parties are invited to contact RIP G.T. Spugman with offers in the region of 100,000 Stellars at: doug (dot) hughes (at) btinternet (dot) com

** Information Wanted **

Wanted. Information pertaining to the whereabouts of ex RIP Pirate King, Porteus. Cash paid for solid leads. Contact via the Editor of SSS.

** Services **




Contact me if you need a mediator ....

If I find you worthy I might put in a good word for you in my prayers.

Brother Ladislaw

** Exploration Modules **

Following incorrect information in last week's SSS, it should be noted that Mk2 Exploration Modules (137) are in fact for sale from:

RIP Thanatos (2058), in the Storm system, for 75 Stellars.
CIA Montbello (4589), location unknown, for 100 Stellars.
FET Diathermy (4358), in the Rebellion system, for 70 Stellars.
FCN Prodis (4124), in Yank, for 75 Stellars.

The Exploration Module mkII (137) is a 40 mus item. And uses 150 Time Units to prospect, instead of the 200 Tus required for the Mk1 model.

** Wanted **

Integrity Stabilizer (10190) blueprint

Cash or trade.

Eric von Carstein, SMS Trader
Contact: paul.skingle [at]


Editor: Simon Field -
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix


14-02-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 7 DAY 1  [Recruit]

***** Message From The Editor *****


Bumper crop of news this week. To keep this newsletter to slightly more manageable length, a trade report on the Falconians has been deferred to next week.

Big thank you to those of you who have contributed articles. I'm unsure whether or not to include a little section at the end of the SSS listing the weeks contributors, because I'd be almost certain to miss somebody out every now and then, and unintentionally run the risk of causing bad feeling. Yet at the same time I feel I should recognise contributors. If you would like to see a list of contributors, please drop me a line.


***** From The Posting Boards *****

The Infrastructure Update.

The development of Phoenix is an ongoing process, as KJC Games constantly work away behind the scenes to add extra features and improvements to the game. The last major update was concerned with fleet operations.

While the release of these updates is not tied to any fixed timetable, KJC programmer David Bethel has recently made an announcement on the Posting Boards as to how matters are progressing:

"I just did the automated testing stuff earlier this month and I finished the framework for custom orders. The plan after that is:

-reworking offline order editor for custom orders and sync with online + bugs
-some bug fixes - requests etc
-event management stuff (rumours - and later plagues)
-pushing design of infrastructure forward.

Custom orders may sound trivial but its basically a compiler for ingame orders to allow the GM to add/code custom orders to enhance game play. The custom orders can be secret and so you may only learn about them as you find out about them in game.... ie 'known flags' are being attached to orders with associated political information.

Custom order are a necessary part of the infrastructure as they allow more GM moderated roleplay. It seem sensible to do them first as they stand alone and will take sometime to tweak."

Pirate Bounty.

The possibility has been raised to provide more options to pirates, on what they can do with the ships they capture. One suggestion being a scrap to patch order, to essentially cut up captured ships into spare parts and patches that can be used to keep other ships flying. One problem that any prospective pirate player surely faces is where to find the support necessary to keep warships flying, the patch production requirement being quite high to keep pace with maintenance needs.

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** Skirmish In Kastor ***

On stardate 205.4.4, a small RIP strike force attacked KST positions in Kastor for no apparent reason. Although the attackers were quickly obliterated by the defending forces, they inflicted enough damage to a 100 hull KST battleship to reduce it to debris. Said battleship was a survivor of the recent IMP assault awaiting repairs. It had been severely mauled by the IMP and an Alexander Enterprises spokesman for the KST said the repair and maintenance costs had rendered the ship almost worthless anyways; as the RIP in turn lost 150 hulls the KST would consider the score settled. It remains unclear, however, what started the fight in the first place.

*** Wormhole Loitering ***

Brotherhood and Confederacy authorities have once again re-iterated their demand that starship captains do not loiter at any wormhole entry/exit points, and that such locations are strictly no-stopping zones.

The presence of scout ships from as yet un-named affiliations has lead to this demand, and Confederacy and Brotherhood forces are certainly justified in not wanting military traffic to and from the wormholes monitored so closely by third parties.

To this end, the Confederacy have issued notice that frequent violators will be destroyed, and their affiliations placed on enemy lists - a move that essentially amounts to a declaration of war.

Several legitimate freighter captains have commented off the record to the IGN registering their disapproval of this edict, pointing out quite correctly that the need to move away from the safety of the wormhole location places them and their ships in harms way of Imperial Raiders and Pirates alike.

*** The Venice Incursion ***

Claims and counter-claims regarding the fate of the FET warship in Venice continue to rumble on, with Michelle Diaz, the Speaker Of The Detinus House Of Lords, issuing the following official statement:

"Zuvoro Norozov has been whining (as ever) about the loss of a ship in Venice, presumably he means:

FET Dragon Heart (71892) - Ship
Sol Missile Ship Class Capital Ship {Heavy Armour}
Armour: 79.4
Hull Damage: 64.0%

If the FET and their cowardly allies hadn't fled, as per usual, then perhaps this ship wouldn't have been taken out. However, experience has shown us that ships with more damage can emergency jump out and can be repaired and used against us in the future. Thus we considered this ship to be a legitimate target.

The general public should weigh this moaning (and that of the IMP Viceroy moaning about the loss of a transport) against the fact that the FET have posted numerous DTR transports which are just as defenceless as their SOL, even though the SOL is designed for war and a transport isn't. To quote the Viceroy:

'Kindly do not confuse the LEGITIMATE WAR STRATEGY of disrupting the enemy's commerce and lines of communication with piracy for profit.'

A case as ever of do as we say, since we're not going to do that. Perhaps the Capellan block should combine into one affiliation and call themselves MOAN. It's about all that they're capable of."

It is clear now that the Detinus Republic do not consider the destruction of the Dragon Heart to have been anything other than a clean warship kill, despite the evidence offered by the FET CEO. A further DTR official has commented off the record to ask just exactly what the FET expected when they came into Venice, hugs and kisses? Thus clearly indicating that Detinus officials are in no mood to be apologetic.

The whole issue does however raise one related matter - precisely what is the official Detinus/Confed-bloc response to Imperial commerce raiding tactics?

*** New Pope Proclaimed ***

Startling revelations abound from starbase Osgiliath, the headquarters of the Brotherhood (BHD), where a major power-shift has occurred. The sitting, yet long vanished and presumed dead Pope has been replaced by Pope Grigorii Efimovich Rasputin. Rasputin was hitherto largely unknown outside the inner circles of Brotherhood hierarchy, yet his ascension has the full backing of Ladislaw Postumus and the rest of the Church Priesthood.

New leadership often means new direction, and the Peripheries as a whole wait with interest to see what this injection of fresh blood will mean for the Brotherhood.

*** Battle For Stockton Update ***

As announced several weeks ago, the Detinus Republic (DTR) has successfully liberated the system of Stockton from what they call Imperial tyranny. Stockton, previous considered a backwater system, has probably not seen such a huge amount of interest in decades. IGN officials are trying to get a reporter into the Stockton system to see who currently holds the system claim. It is suspected the system is still in DTR hands, though the struggle continues. The Imperial Press Office have released the following terse communication:

Imperial Press Release.

The ground battle to regain control of the former GTT outpost on Fergie continues. The DTR have reinforced the outpost and GTT and IMP forces are attacking. As the battle progresses it appears that all involved are using it to increase their knowledge of ground warfare, an art that has been somewhat neglected of late.

Further information available from DTR sources, states that shortly after the liberation of the IMP outpost that claimed Stockton, the largest imperial affiliation outpost known to exist in the system also fell to DTR troops. This 200 complex outpost, previously belonging to the GTT, has now remained in DTR hands since the liberation despite attempts by the combined Imperial forces to lever back control.

Reports from Fergie, the location of most of the fighting in the system, suggest that a small Imperial fleet has been continually bombarding the ex-GTT colony in an attempt to dislodge the DTR forces currently entrenched there. DTR special forces are believed to have secured the delivery of point defence to reduce the destruction of the outpost but reports suggest that the largest symbol of the Imperial reign is now 50% less impressive.

DTR generals have claimed that IMP ground forces have once again been humiliated, with the complete loss of an 1100 man exploratory force, believed to be the 6th Imperial F.I.S.T., wiped out in their efforts to retake the outpost. DTR ground forces however have not been able to push their advantage and have lost their own exploratory forces sent against the remaining GTT outposts on the world.

What is known is that the DTR-held position has been able to bring its long-range weapons to bare and has been able to begin bombardment of certain GTT controlled positions. Whether these attacks have been effective is not yet known.

When questioned why the DTR naval forces have not attacked the, quite obviously, small Imperial blockade, Interior Minister Peri Romanov stated that a stalemate appears to have developed between the opposing naval forces. Neither side appears willing to bring the full force of their navies to Stockton for risk of leaving a more strategic location vulnerable. Minister Romanov did make it clear that civilian casualties of this conflict have been reduced by the evacuation of all non-essential personnel before the IMP blockade was in place and only willing volunteers from the previous employer have remained at the outpost.

Independent observers have questioned whether the DTR will ever fully exert their influence on Stockton since the Imperials appear to have drawn a line in the sand and stated that losing the system of Straddle was one system too far.

*** K'ragen Longtooth Returns ***

Dewiek Eldar Nation (DEN) news services are reporting the return of Entrepreneur and Pack Elder, K'ragen Longtooth.

Longtooth had been missing in space for the last eight months. The ship, K'ragen's Lifeboat, a small freighter craft, was seen entering the Peripheries badly in need of repair. The ship that sighted K'ragen's Lifeboat had to do a double take as the transponder was giving off such a weak signal that they could not at first be sure it was a DEN vessel.

When the ship was opened, at a currently undisclosed landing site, the smell of urine and unwashed fur was very strong. Elder Longtooth, looking to have aged significantly, exited his ship with his remaining four crewmen in tow. All were showing signs of serious starvation and malnourishment. Following the crewman, several Wimble crew exited the craft. A strange sight to say the least, exiting a DEN vessel.

K'ragen turned to the press, as if he fully expected them to be there, and stated in a voice much stronger than he looked capable of, "Behold, the Entrepreneur Lives!" Some cheering erupted at this, but not as much as the Elder seemed to be wanting. He continued with a frown, "They thought to keep me from alerting the DEN Council by preventing me from finding my way home. I showed them that the Dewiek are not so easily prevented from dealing justice." Elder Longtooth would not comment further on who "they" were and only stated that all would be revealed once the DEN Council came to a decision concerning the news he had to impart to them. Turning to the Wimbles, Longtooth continued, "My esteemed thanks to the Wimble Nation. Our computer system malfunctioned and we accidentally docked at a WMB Starbase. They were kind enough to supply my ship with some of their fine crew, so I could complete the journey home. I will make sure these fine crewmen are returned to their families immediately. Once again, my thanks to the Wimble Nation. May relations between our two affiliations be forged stronger by your act of support."

So there you have it. In a nut shell, K'ragen Longtooth, Elder of the Longtooth Pack of the Dewiek Elder Nation has returned from what many assumed was death and he claims to have news that will be fundamental to current events of the Peripheries.

The IGN news-team have submitted a request for an interview.

*** Pirate Large **

The infamous Pirate Large has once again been in contact with the IGN newsroom to refute a claim made recently by one of our reporters:

"Aye be replying to an article suggestin that the Pirate ship Belle was an associate o mine, it be inappropriate of the IGN to summise information. this information should be properly placed together, an not the editor coming up wiv his own theories. the belle was nothin to do we thee......"

Pirate Large continued to salute the death of the captain of a vessel destroyed last week that he does admit to working with:

"would like to raise a glass o rum for the cappan of the Teladi Profit, a freight vessel originally owned by the CIA and reclassified as a poirate vessel aye........

the cappan, was succesful wiv this ship, an he captured further vessels before he went into an sms patrol.

this be the first cappan lost...........possibly no the last, but ahhhaaaarggghhh praise be the pirate and the life of the jolly rogerin............"

Our IGN reporter stands by his originally filed story, pointing towards rumours of some sort of Pirate Fraternity, a loose co-alition of similarly minded criminals, the veracity of such rumours is of course yet to be tested.

And in further news regarding Pirate Large, it seems possible that he has struck once again this week, taking yet another AFT vessel.

*** The Twinkle Crisis ***

Daniel Haynes of the Independent Retrieval Service (IRS), spokesman for the High Star authorities, has confirmed that the ban on Felini shipping in the Twinkle system has been lifted.

This constitutes a significant standing down of tensions within the Twinkle system, and several governments can be heard breathing a sigh of relief. The strategic importance of the Twinkle Stargate makes it a flash-point in Periphery politics, and the extent of behind-the-scenes manoeuvring following the escalation of this crisis last week was significant.

The embargo against the Falconians (FCN) remains in place however, instigated largely because of alleged Falconian activities within the Demon system.

*** Wimble Nation Celebrates ***

Wimble Eldar T'pau Enewatak had made a planet wide announcement, which has been relayed un-encrypted across the galaxy for all interested parties to view:


Excitement is in the air as the governor of the starbase Meadow View and instigator of autonomy announces plans for a great feast. The population tune into the service: 'Children of the Wimble Nation. My Children, here on the planet Doubt. This past year has seen great changes on our planet, and indeed for our people right across the universe. It has been a year of hard work. A struggle against oppression, tyranny and cultural manipulation. A year that we won our freedoms, found ourselves, and re-built our way of life. And perhaps most important of all, were acknowledged as the true owners of our planet. That Sovereignty ensures that we will never again suffer as we have in that past. We are FREE!'

T'pau throws his arms up in joy. 'Now it is time to stop work. It is time to give thanks to the gods for their deliverance and guidance. Put down your farming tools. Take up your napkins and your sacrificial butcher knives. We are going to lay a table for a few hundred thousand of us! For this day, and every stardate 6.4 from now, will be our Independence Feast! We will gorge ourselves as we reflect on the past, and embrace the future. Let the feast begin!'

And with that, T'pau Enewatak takes out a scythe-like weapon and slits the throat of his prize Miniature Hairy Cow, Betty. A whole host of butchers rush on from off camera and begin carving up the carcase ready for cooking.

Following the scene the various goods allocated to the festival is shipped out across the planet. The alcohol unsurprisingly gets a thoroughly good hammering although the sheer mass of consumables present in the starbase is far too great for the world
population despite their famously huge appetites. It takes a few days for the planet to recover and some with foresight will be drinking and eating on stored goods for some weeks to come.


Despite some minor objections from animal rights groups regarding the slaughter of Betty the cow, this announcement has been met with warm congratulations from all and sundry. Though Starbase traffic control centres throughout the Peripheries have been put on high alert for any incoming Wimble ships that might be piloted while under the influence of alcohol.

*** More Fear And Loathing In Santa Hermandad ***

The Holy Brotherhood has announced the opening of what they term a re-education camp at Santa Hermandad. Further, that they anticipate a great many burnings within the next year.

The extent to which this announced intent is allegorical as opposed to literal is still unknown, it is hoped that the Inquisitor General's office is deploying fierce language in the hope of instilling the deeper message, rather than genuinely announcing their intent to start burning unbelievers - a course of action that seems perhaps a little extreme to many Periphery populations. Though of course, different cultures possess different standards. It is for example understood that the Burning Brothers of Saint Krispy have already booked passage to Santa Hermandad in order to partake in the services offered.

***** Periphery Classifieds *****

*** Further Education ***

The Holy Temple of Santa Hermandad is offering courses in the following:

"How to be a victim of the holy inquisition."
"How to create a Sandal 101."
"Zealot Bravery." (Particularly recommended for Imperial star captains)
"How to donate all your wealth to the Brotherhood." (Recommended for all AFT and FCN star captains .... or anyone with UNHOLY amounts of stellars)

Those interested in attending should contact Brother Ladislaw.

*** Further Education ***

Detinus Republic Naval Headquarters is running a course on How Not To Fly Your Brand New Warship Into A Nebula. Senior figures from the DTR Senate have been invited to attend.

*** Wanted ***

Large quantities of firewood. Lengths of between two to three yards each. Slow burning preferred, but all types accepted. Price negotiable. Contact Governor of Santa Hermandad with offers.

*** Wanted ***

Information leading to capture of Pirate Large. Cash reward paid for accurate leads. Contact via the Editor.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix


18-02-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 7 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Message From The Editor *****

Correction to last weeks newsletter:

The DEN web page is actually:

Apologies to the Dewiek.

It has become clear to me that I must have copied and pasted from an older edition of the SSS than I thought when I moved over the contact information. It would be appreciated if PDs could quickly check that their website addresses are correct. I've had a look, and I'm pretty certain they're all right now.


***** Inter Galactic News *****

***G4 Summit conference, GTT HQ***
In spite of the very high security that atmosphere was almost electric as the citizens were allowed into the naval yards at GTT HQ. There for all to see were the new ships of the latest battlegroup, finally being seen by the public for the first time. In spite of their size though, the hull of the first Gigant, which was still being fitted out, dominated them all.
The air cover increased as eventually a heavily escorted convoy entered the yards and made it way to the central dais. On stopping Portha Agiadai alighted, closely followed by her ever-present son and other major members of the GTT. The executive Vice president of the FET, Zuvoro Norozov, and Admiral Lord Simms of the IMP followed them.
Shortly afterwards a Surveyor class ship was seen to be heading in to land at the yard. Concern gripped the crowd as it markings were not immediately recognised, but it soon became apparent it was expected. The markings later identified it as the Galactic Crest Securities ship Bessmenny.
On landing the diminutive, disorganised leader of the GCS, Ethran Mordred joined the main party on the dais. After the usual round of speeches, the main party returned to the GTT head office.
After two weeks of banqueting and badgering Ethran finally left on board the GCS Battleship, Kniaz Potemkin Tavritcheski. GTT HQ returned to its normal bustle as the rest of the dignitaries also went their own way.
Although no official account of all the business discussed at the summit was made available it is known that the merger of the GTT and GCS was raised, as was the question of the trustworthiness of the SMS.
Ethran also indicated that the GCS local commander, Ivan K Grigorovitch, would be responsible for liasing with the GTT, FET and IMP, along with any other non-criminal organisations in the area.

*** The Venice Incursion ***

Hopes that some form of an understanding might have been reached via last week's public statement from Michelle Diaz, Speaker of the Detinus House Of Lords, regarding the destruction of the FET ship in the Venice system during battle, have been dashed with the release of a further proclamation from Zuvoro Norozov, the FET chief executive officer.

Norozov is quoted as saying, "Well it seems Ms Diaz of the DTR isn't really in the loop as to what her military commanders are up to, either that or she can't be bothered to read the serious allegations levelled against the DTR, namely war crimes."

As the inhabitants of the Peripheries are aware, there is no central organisation holding the authority to investigate claims of War Crimes, it is instead left to individual Governments to police themselves.

Norozov continued, "If she'd bothered to read my last two correspondences to this august publication she would know that the ship in question was the FET Valkyrie. The fate of the Dragon Heart hasn't been mentioned by me. Yes I do expect casualties in war and was fully expecting them in the Venice operation. And you're right in pointing out that damaged ships usually have the chance the EJ out of the combat zone. But you seem to be deliberately ignoring the fact that I've pointed out twice now. The Valkyrie was totally gutted, there was absolutely nothing left except a few hulls and a handful of crew who were relying on the so called good name of the DTR to not blast them to atoms. But as we all know now the DTR fleet opened fire on day two of the battle and murdered a defenceless crew."

While the IGN news does not provide a forum for political leaders to sling mud at each other, the press release from the FET CEO does raise the interesting question of exactly what constitutes a war crime. Under historical precedent, such questions are usually not answered until after the resolution of a conflict, at which point war crimes are usually those acts committed by the side that lost. So it is interesting to question how this matter can ever be resolved when a state of active warfare exists between the DTR and the FET.

Norozov concludes his announcement, "Now I don't personally hold Ms Diaz responsible for this crime, but I would like to see the DTR crews responsible bought to trail to face these charges. As a show of good faith I will remove all DTR freighters from FETs posted list. We are at war which is bad enough, but I have no wish to see this conflict descend to a barbarous level where such acts as murder would be commonplace. So I call on the DTR senate to hand the crew responsible over to a neutral party for a fair and unbiased trail."

It does not take all of this reporters experience to guess what the Detinus Republic response might be.

*** Skirmish in Kasmer ***

The Confederate Naval Forces (CNF) seem to have begun experimenting with unusual tactics, sending a lone warship on an attack run against a Galactic Trade and Transport (GTT) platform in the Kasmer system.

The ship was a small attack patrol ship on its maiden voyage, and the captain, J.Davis from the Battle of Manassas, was heard to quote before the test run 'I have a good ship and crew willing to do their duty'.

The risks involved in sending lone ships on deep raiding missions are however great. And independent analysts consider this tactic may be the Confederate response to Imperial commerce raiding.

A source from within the Confederate news agencies reports that the ship launched 28 missiles of which 25 hit their target. Inflicting, it is claimed, the following damage:

1 Platform hull
7 Pulse Beams
9 Sensors
2 Shield generators
10 Shields
11 Targeting computers

The CNF ship itself took slight damage to one of its hulls. A message from the captain through sub space radio was received in which he said, 'I have had worse damage happen from space particles hitting a ship I was on than their weapons fire.'

The captain of the sister ship, the Battle of Balls Bluff said 'It is a great example of what one of these small ships can do, I only hope I can do as well on my first battle mission.'

Upon his return from the raid, J.Davis was speaking to the battle fleet headquarters command staff. He was explaining the mission and said 'It all went like clock work. As soon as we left the gate we saw our target and attacked before they could really respond. Unfortunately we wasted 3 missiles as we swung around for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th runs at the target'.

Quite how a Confederate warship could launch a raid single-handedly on a GTT platform deep inside Imperial space, and get away with barely a scratch, is a mystery to reporters here at the IGN.

*** Stockton Update ***

Another week, and the fierce battle for Stockton continues. Detinus Republic armed forces remain in control of the system claiming outpost, despite repeated efforts by Imperial-Bloc forces to oust them.

The GTT deployed the Border Reivers mercenary company with orders to storm the outpost, but DTR defenders threw them back after savage hand to hand combat.

Blockading Imperial warships continue to bombard the DTR outpost from orbit. There is still no indication that the DTR Stellar Armada is interested in intervening to lift the siege.

*** The Inner Empire ***

The Peripheries were shocked recently with the appearance on public comms channels of an announcement from Ivan K. Grigorovitch, Officer Commanding, Outer Empire, of the Galactic Crest Securities (GCS).

This, combined with an unverified report of the sighting of a GCS ship somewhere within Imperial-bloc space, confirms the fact that the GCS are active within the Peripheries. Although sources within the Detinus Republic report that the DTR have been engaged in active warfare against the GCS for some time now.

The GCS are very closely affiliated with the Galactic Trade and Transport corporation, reportedly being the GTT's parent company, back before all contact with the Inner Empire was cut off.

The significance of this may be lost on Starcaptains newly arrived in the Peripheries, so a special report on the Inner Empire has been commissioned by the IGN news-team, which will hopefully run soon.

*** Pirate Large ***

Further to last weeks reporting, it is indeed the case that Pirate Large successfully boarded another Association of Free Traders (AFT) vessel. In his own inimitable style, Large has once again been in touch with the IGN to boast of his conquests:


Ahhhaaaarrrgghh me hearties...............

It be aye.............Pirate Large......

On stardate 205.6.2 when loiterin in old huntin grounds of moi associates spotted an AFT 100 light hulled freighter Agnamemnon (7957) mindin is own business, pirates be ready I attack we did...........

In a short battle me boys tooks the ship full o cargo.........ahhhaaaarrrggghh

Now I as heard on the grapevine this vessel was operated by me ol mate archie angel, who said he was goin to give me and my kind a kickin........well we was ere waitin, but I notice you didnt bring your missus likes I said, so she as missed out on the opportunity of takin my chopper in her treasure island aye...............

The aptf was a bit worried that me prisoners aye......... arent gettin good treatment, well I can assure thee, they is getting a lot of treatment, they is getting fed pork 3 times a day from me alone ahhhaaarrgghh..................

I hopes to see some of thee in the near future, look out of your port oles, I might be watching thee...................ahhhhaaaarrrggghh

any ways im sure you will hear more from the Glorious Adventures of the
pirate ship Large(and friends).............aahaaarrgh


Despite launching a massive rescue/interception mission, the Anti Piracy Task Force was unable to interdict either Large or the captured AFT vessel. When questioned further, an APTF spokesman stated that: 'We have a great many ships out there looking for Large and his associates.' Though when pressed, was unwilling to say precisely how many ships, preferring instead to make it clear that the APTF could not comment on the grounds of the need to maintain operational security.

This is obviously not just a matter for the Anti Piracy Task Force however, as all governments and organisations must do more to eliminate Pirate Large.

*** Imperial Outpost Request ***

The unlicensed exploitation of resources is frowned upon by all governments, most of whom operate very strict laws on exactly what people are allowed to do within their systems. To this end, the Imperial Viceroy, Admiral Simms, has requested that anybody with assets in the Kasmer system exploiting the resource codes:

Resource ID = 89787
Resource ID = 71667
Resource ID = 87345

Is to inform the Imperial Viceroy immediately. Likewise anybody exploiting the following assets in the Madonna system:

Resource ID = 87616
Resource ID = 39128
Resource ID = 16190
Resource ID = 62258
Resource ID = 89732
Resource ID = 73479

*** The Twinkle Crisis ***

More good news, as the High Star flashpoint continues to head towards calm. The IRS this week issued a public statement in which they recognised that further information had come to light that cleared up many of their ongoing frictions with the Association Of Free Traders (AFT).

Daniel Haynes, spokesman for the IRS, had the following to say:

1- The IRS has found no evidence to suggest that the AFT were involved in the kidnapping of Jumping Jack Flash. Previous (slanderous) comments with regard are stricken, and we hope the AFT will accept our sincere apologies for jumping the gun.

2- The AFT are welcome guests in twinkle, whom have shared our space amicably for many years. We hope that this will continue, and would like to confirm that the AFT are not subject to ANY ship restrictions in Twinkle.

3- The IRS do not approve of, and are not happy about the AFT ownership of an outpost at the stargate. However, we will rescind comments regarding its ownership, and will refrain from pursuing the AFT with regards ownership of said outpost.

No official public response has been issued by the AFT at time of press, however it is hoped that the public apology from the IRS and Daniel Haynes will go some way towards remedying what had been a tense situation.

*** News Flash ***

Detinus Republic press agencies are carrying the story that Imperial special forces have launched an attack against a DTR War Memorial. The story is as follows:


Yesterday saw the Imperials reach their lowest point in years. News has filtered through that a War Memorial built by the Romanov family to honour the first DTR ship destroyed in battle with the GCS has been destroyed by an IMP special forces team.

The destruction of the one complex structure, Niles' Rest on the planet Unger is expected to harden the resolve of the Romanovs to defeat this callous enemy. It is understood that two lives were also lost during the battle, two crewmembers paying their respects to the dead hero.

Fraiser Romanov, brother of the late Niles Romanov, had this to say "Niles was the second of my family to join my fight in the peripheries against the Imperial scum, he piloted a scout ship into Pollux a near year before the way through was safe. Single-handedly he fought the GCS platforms there, gaining valuable intelligence for the push into the Inner Empire. His ship, designed to push the Nebulon technology to its absolute limit, survived several days of battle until his engineer was noted to say 'Captain, the laws of physics appear to have just changed but you canna change the laws of physics'. The memorial will however be rebuilt and Niles' death will be punished."


It is hoped that an official Imperial response to this story will be broadcast soon.

***** Trade Report *****

The Falconian Empire (FCN) Trade Minister, Osidiradadumpf, recently announced an expansion of their markets. This came as welcome news indeed to traders, who had found lately that many Falconian markets were a little short of goods to purchase for return legs of trading runs.

It should be noted that this is a common gripe from traders, levelled against many Governments, not just the Falconians. No trader likes to run a freighter with an empty cargo hold anywhere. One experienced trading captain summed the situation up recently in one simple sentence - 'Too many buyers, not enough sellers.'

This has however given remarkable leverage to those who have goods to sell, and it is not unusual to be able to barter up to 90% of the final value of a good as its asking price from a Starbase governor.

However, returning to the Falconians. The announcement that FCN Falencia (3351), the headquarters of the Falconian Empire, would be selling:

Greater Ground Bird (30311) 10.000mu at 1.20
Quad Rex (30078) 30.000mu at 4.80
Song Bird Plumage (30080) 27.600mu at 4.80

Must surely have triggered a rush of trade vessels, as at time of press, all of the above goods had sold out. Leaving Falencia with nothing more for sale. It is hoped the Falconians have sufficient production facilities as to be able to continue making items available at Falencia again in the future.

To examine one or two more Falconian markets.

FCN Prodis, in Yank, offers an example of something that many new trade captains might notice as they pore over the market reports - for example, the trade in Kastorian Cattle (682). Currently Prodis offers 5317 at $3.50 per unit. And yet the highest purchase price on offer anywhere is Menagerie (4700) buying at $2.72. It is hard to understand the logic here, particularly given that the Starbase of Soggra Tollar is selling 6000 Kastorian Cattle at $1.40. Whether the solution to this conundrum lies in the Falconians asking an unrealistic price, or Starbase governors seeking to purchase at a serious discount, is matter for debate. Though it is hoped these sorts of pricing anomalies can be resolved soon. Otherwise, Prodis does offer many opportunities, the trade in metals has come alive again, with several Starbases looking to make substantial purchases at around $1 per mu, which constitutes a good price. There is also a reasonable profit to be made in Hydrograss.

FCN Vjun, in the wartorn and dangerous Storm system, continues to be interested in the purchase of military equipment. Although the prices offered for combat armour seem a little low to tempt prospective sellers in-system. Of particular note are the Medical Supplies 15,000 mus purchased at 1.50 per. It is known that Medical Supplies are urgently needed for the people of Inversion, and many Affiliations have donated free stockpiles of relief aid. Unfortunately the largest supplier of Medical Supplies, IMP Sevastapol (4997) in the Mattalot system, does not offer them for sale at a price that would make them a profitable good for shipping into Storm. Perhaps the governor of Vjun could speak to the governor of Sevastapol to tweak their prices to make this route more attractive.

FCN The Dog And Duck (3625) in the Hydrea system is interested only in the purchase of Modules. However the purchase order for 1000 Industrial Modules at a mere 90 Stellars per unit does seem perhaps a little optimistic on the part of the Starbase Governor.

To conclude. The market message at FCN Pralor's Hope (2640) illustrates an important trading concept. The governor states, "Small quantities of Pralor Jewelleries are available. Please contact the starbase owner directly... Persons who have empty cargo bays coming in don't need to apply." In many ways the goods offered for sale at Starbases can be seen as the lure, designed to attract in traders carrying goods to sell. Remember again, it is a seller's market out there in the Peripheries for luxury trade goods, and those with items to sell are in a position of bargaining power.

It should also be noted, particularly for the benefit of new Starcaptains, that a vast amount of trading is done off the public market reports, as the Pralor's Hope market message above suggests. New captains are strongly advised to get in touch with governors in order to barter the very best deals.


Editor: Simon Field -
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix


25-02-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 8 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Game Concepts 101 *****

(Being the first in an occasional series of overviews of important game concepts, for the benefit of the new player. If any new players have any questions or requests for clarification, they are welcome to either bring it up on the posting board, the Phoenix yahoogroup, or alternatively contact the editor. If you have a game concept that you think could do with some explanation for the benefit of new players, submissions are welcomed.)


Those who frequent the Phoenix Yahoogroup will quickly become aware of the many in-character and out-of-character comments made by players in the game. These will sometimes, though not always, be denoted with 'ic' and 'ooc' respectively. And it is an important distinction for the smooth-running of the game. For example, nobody would mind at all if my character in the game was called a Galactic-sized Psychotic Jackass. Indeed, such in-character abuse is part of the fun of Phoenix, particularly for those players who enjoy the role-playing aspect. However, personal abuse levelled out-of-character, will quite rightly not be tolerated.

And so, it is important for the ic/ooc definition to be kept in mind. And as a side-note to this, it does perhaps go without saying, but the Inter Galactic News is written in-character, and as a result, may not always be entirely 100% accurate.

A second important manner in which the ic/ooc definition comes into play is in the way information is handled in the Phoenix game-world. It is possible to become aware of information out-of-character very easily sometimes, but until your actual character inside the game knows about it, it is very difficult to put that information to work. For example, if you hear about the new system of Made-up-onia (xx), even if you have been told ooc where it is, you won't be able to send any ships there until or unless you learn the information in-character.

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** Stockton Report ***

As the battle for Stockton rumbles on, increasing numbers of news reports become available. The IGN have received the following report from Ed Norton, a reporter embedded with the FET Light Carrier Group over Fergie:

For over 3 weeks now this Light Carrier Group has conducted flight operations against the DTR flagged outpost planetside below. They appear willing to see this struggle through to the end. While weary of the length of time this operation is taking most of the crew feel certain that a successful outcome is certain. When I asked one of the officers why a chartered such as the FET has gotten itself in such a conflict her response was, "Among other things, DTR expansion = lower profits. They must be held in check."

*** Imperial Press Releases ***

Courtesy of the Imperial Press office.

A CNF troop carrier was spotted on the ground near a FET outpost in Teller at the end of week 06/05. The ship was destroyed from orbit after dismounting its resident ground party. In the ensuing ground battle for control of the outpost the enemy GP was destroyed on the second day of battle by the outpost defenders aided by an IMP reaction force of startroopers.

A small CNF ship carried out an inconclusive attack against a GTT surveillance platform at the Kasmer stargate. The CNF are trying to make a lot of propaganda mileage out of an insignificant event. Probably because they have had so few successes against the Empire in the last twelve months or so.

*** Twinkle Crisis ***

After a brief period of calm, the war of words has again escalated between the Falconian Empire and the High Star authorities. With claims and counter-claims creating a miasma of confusion, it may at this point be impossible to determine where the truth lies.

*** Stockton Report ***

News is coming in of a sortie by the Detinus Republic Stellar Armada against the Imperial blockade in Stockton. Early reports indicate that this has taken the form of a raid in force, rather than a serious effort to lift the blockade or to bring the weight of the Imperial Navy to battle.

A combined arms operation is also believed to have been launched by DTR special forces against what are understood to be GTT troop carrier assets within the system.

*** Incident In Yank ***

An unfortunate occurrence this week in the neutral system of Yank, when the CNF vessel Roswellian engaged and destroyed the FET ship Blatant Lie.

Devlin Dimiti, the Confederate spokesman on this matter made a public statement: "Whilst battling against the imperials is the meat and drink of the forces of my command, myself and the crew of the Roswellian apologize for this transgression. We hold the neutrality of Yank in high regard and value the advantages it offers the confederacy and imperial empire and the opportunity it gives us to interact peacefully."

He went on to offer his regards and condolences, and offered to aid in the rescue of survivors.

Zuvoro Norozov, the FET Chief Executive Officer, responded positively. And it is apparent that there is absolutely no danger of any sort of escalation of conflict within the Yank system.

*** FET CEO Attacks DTR ***

It seems Mr Norozovs good feeling towards the Confederate captain of the Roswellian did not extend this week towards the Detinus Republic, as a further expressive statement has been received by IGN reporters, reflecting the continued disagreement regarding the previously reported Venice Incident.

Responding to the DTR repeating their policy of rescuing crews from destroyed ships, Norozov is quoted as saying:

"I see the DTR representative admits that they have a shoot first and ask questions if the target survives policy. Good Name???? Every time someone extends the hand of friendship to you it is snapped off. Not long ago the Imperial Bloc granted trading rights to the DTR as you had at last found a few star systems to call home and all felt it was time to put hostilities behind us and move on. How did you repay that trust?? By setting up a base on the planet Boomerang (and other smaller bases in other systems) then attacking the claiming FET base and taking over the system!!!!"

There are of course always several sides to every story, and the FET perspective differs radically, as one would expect, from how the DTR see things. Lord Sivar, a senior figure of the Detinus Senate, refuted that there had been any attempt at serious diplomatic contact or reconciliation received by the DTR from anywhere inside the Imperial-bloc.

Norozov continued: "Now you have allied yourself to the Confederate Bloc in an attempt to as you say liberate the Inner Empire. I say you are nothing more than a revenge kick. What happened to the DTR was wrong and personally I think you should be allowed into the Detinus System, but you are hell bent on the conquest of all the Inner systems. What happened to the DTR took place in the year 137, check the historical records. Most if not all people involved in that conflict are dead from old age. You are seeking revenge on the children and grandchildren of those who wronged you. Are the DTR that desperate for revenge that they would kill or conquer innocent people. Even the political body that perpetrated the act against you all those years ago no longer exists, having split into the IMP and CONFED Blocs and then later split some more when the Emperor was found to be a clone."

The FET CEO concluded his address: "As I've said the DTR are out for nothing more than revenge, only those whom they seek vengeance against are no more. The DTR have become a militaristic, Imperialistic power out to dominate all whom don't agree to their so called democratic republicanism."

When approached for an official response to some of the more specific FET accusations, one Detinus representative commented that it was not official DTR policy to respond to hysterically inaccurate ravings, but that he would 'see what he could do.'

*** Memorial Desecration ***

The IGN has still not received any official Imperial-Bloc response regarding the destruction of the Detinus Republic War Memorial as reported last week. Nor is it yet fully certain which Imperial-Bloc affiliation was responsible, the FET, IMP, or GTT.

***** Market Reports *****

Dark Angel (12440)

The Krell clan Dark Angels has opened their first market on the planet Chickamauga (105) in the Yank (146) system.

Warlord Garg Tormath, in his address to Outer Capellan unique trade good producers, noted that his installation is interested in buying high-value Outer Capellan and Cluster Periphery sourced uniques primarily, but not perishables or lifeforms.

The starbase will be buying 5000mu of each item per week at 10 times local value and in case of an item not being on the list, he will offer 15 times local value for a maximum of 100mu to test the item. An offer which constitutes a potentially nice small profit for those prepared to contact the Warlord and make an arrangement for the delivery of 100mu goods samples.

Unfortunately the Warlord concluded his message with the regret that he had no real items for sale at current time.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix


04-03-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 9 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** FCN Shipping Ban Extended ***

This week the ban on all Falconian shipping within the IRS administered systems of Twinkle and Demon was extended first to six months, and then again to one year, as communications between High Star and Falconian authorities entered a state of what can only be described as free-fall.

*** Detinus Republic Flight School ***

An information packet has been received from a source within the Detinus Republic:

Striding purposely into the starport of the Detinus Republic crown starbase, New Tate, Senator Marcus Rhodes cuts his way through the traffic to dock 19 where a Nebulon is in dock undergoing extensive repair.

He calls a meeting of the technicians in the dock and states that the Republic must lead the way in showing other affiliations that it takes it's flight school seriously. To this end he instructs the technicians at the base to rename DTR SHIP Carrier 1B (XXXX), which is currently undergoing repair from serious damage due to a 'navigational error' in the Pollux systems outer ring of asteroids, to 'Warning - Learner Driver'. In the true fashion of all learner drivers everywhere he instructs the technicians to paint a large 'L' on all sides of the ship.

It is hoped with this initiative that other affiliations will follow the Republics lead and broadcast the seriousness of flight training to everyone.

*** Slavery ***

Accusations arose this week that the Regular Independent Privateer (RIP) Starbase of Freedom City had been actively involved in the slave trade.

A Flagritz Republic (FGZ) investigative team sent to Freedom City did not however turn up any evidence that anything untoward was occurring, and the matter was cleared up quickly and efficiently, with the Flagritz offering a full apology for the allegations made.

*** Confederate Stellar News Report ***

A further report from T.Iger, stellar reporter to M.R.Law of the CNF, has been received by the IGN via the Confederate Stellar News organisation:

"News has reached me and I have investigated it and found it to be true that another lone ship has been jumping around IMP space un-escorted.

The ship concerned was a small 10 hulled War Galley Class Sensor Ship. The ship and crew are currently resting in an un-disclosed base on R&R. The crew decided that after all the FET scout ships visiting CNF space they would return the favour. They approached their captain with their proposal to visit every IMP system and do a minimum of a system scan from ring 10. The captain, who shall remain nameless at this time, agreed it was a good idea with one condition. This was agreed to by the crew, and even though they would not be able to contact their families while on this mission their moral was high over the 13 weeks.

They have provided up to date scans to the confederacy fleets and will be out of action for a while. This is not due to any damage done to the ship, but the need for time with their loved ones.

Hopefully I will be able to meet up with one of the crew soon to get an interview from them."

*** Fleet Engagement In Audrey ***

What began as a relatively minor skirmish escalated earlier this week into a massive fleet action, as the Imperial-bloc navies met and were engaged by Detinus, Confederate and Brotherhood forces.

The battle began when a small FET picket squadron intercepted a transiting DTR fleet at the Audrey wormhole. The FET picket, apparently configured for fast patrol duty, took heavy damage from Detinus Nebulons. The next day however, both sides elected to heavily re-enforce the orbital quadrant.

There are early unconfirmed reports that over 350 warships were involved in combat. 205 Imperial-bloc, including what is assumed to be the first shots fired from several new classes of 150 hull GTT warships, against something in the region of 160 DTR/CNF/BHD vessels.

The battle was however only a short one, as on day two the Imperial-Bloc navies elected to dis-engage and cede the field to their opponents. A tactical decision that might well have cost them dear, as it was during this phase of the operation that the heaviest Imperial casualties seem to have occurred.

Both sides are yet to release official figures on warship kills, but as yet unconfirmed sources offer the following estimates:

Day 1 casualties: IMP - 4 ships.
ttFET - 1 ship.
ttBHD - 1 ship.
ttDTR - 1 ship.

Day 2 casualties: IMP - 3 ships.
ttGTT - 13 ships.
ttFET - 2 ships.

Day 3 casualties: IMP - 2 ships.
ttGTT - 1 ship.

There were further FET losses at the wormhole itself.

The figures on warship kills only tell half the story however, as multiple ships on all sides are understood to have suffered heavy damage, and IGN newsteams can report heavy traffic at and around all major naval starports as emergency repair crews are drafted in.

While the repair bill will be high for all involved, clearly this battle can be considered to have been a defeat for the Imperial-bloc.

A ceasefire was offered by the Detinus Republic on the third day to a small handful of stranded Imperial vessels, though some confusion seems to have resulted in emergency jumps and more casualties. Highlighting once again the difficulties faced by Admirals in maintaining effective command and control over their fleets once the firing starts.

*** The Teeth Of Esther Rantzen ***

The pirate vessel, The Teeth Of Esther Rantzen (8244), a surveyor class troop transport, has been running rings around the Anti-Piracy Task Force this week in the Straddle system.

Three separate high-G pursuit incidents, involving warships from the SMS and the Detinus Republic Stellar Armada, have each seen the pirate successfully evade interception and make good his escape.

Indeed, such is the apparent confidence of the pirate captain, that he seems willing to loiter in the outer orbital quadrants of the Straddle system, arrogantly taunting those hunting him.

The APTF have released a travel advisory, notifying all visitors to the Straddle system to take particular care not to loiter.

*** Potential Friction Between Imperial Leaders ***

A series of proposals from Zuvoro Norozov, the FET chief executive officer, were launched that may well have constituted an overture towards making some sort of peaceful settlement between the Imperial-bloc and the Confederate/Detinus alliance. Although more cynical minds have suggested that Mr Norozov has simply been playing politics, and attempting to portray himself as the most reasonable party.

Certainly the Frontier Exploration and Trade corporation must be smarting over the vast expense incurred in the waging of an interstellar war, and the proviso of the company - to make as large a profit as possible - must be hampered by their militaristic endeavours.

Mr Norozov's efforts towards making this overture are certainly to be applauded, though unfortunately some of the responses he provoked were less than encouraging. Particularly one very terse and strongly worded communication from GCS headquarters that is certain not to have gone unnoticed amongst all of the power blocs involved.

It is however hoped that these initial movements towards a dialogue might at some point in the future prove more fruitful, perhaps at a time when the differences between the power blocs are not quite so irresolvable. If such a future can ever be imagined. Though on current evidence, it would seem that peace is a far distant dream in the Peripheries.

*** Flagritz Empire ***

The war of words has again re-surfaced between the FLZ and FEL. While the actual events of this conflict are shrouded in mystery, with no objective observers available to give their reports, it is clear that the two races are in bitter opposition to each other.

*** Stockton Update ***

The Stockton system remains in Detinus Republic hands. Both sides were understandably distracted by events in Audrey, and it seems as if there has been a period of relative calm both on the planet and in orbit. Imperial ground forces are expected to renew their assault soon.

*** News Flash ***

The IRS have flagged notice of their intention to claim the Twinkle system, citing that the Felini claim recorded in the Clan (CLN) Accords has been voided, and that the IRS now own Twinkle.

The Felini response is not expected to look upon this decision kindly. Expect this story to develop throughout the next week.

***** Market Reports *****

Spotted at GTT Thermopylea (1152) in the Audrey system, one Jump Drive - Hyper (177), for 200,000 Stellars. The very first time, as far as I'm aware, that a Hyper JE has been offered for sale on the open markets.

Spotted at DTR New Darien (1530) in the Venice system, 24,000 mus of Venetian Mineral water (30220) at 0.7 Stellars per unit.

Spotted at RIP Thanatos (2058) in the Storm system, 16 AI Navigator Mk2s (916), retailing for 2500 Stellars a piece. The AI Navigator is a neural net wired into the hull of a ship, doing the job of multiple crew members leading to reduced over-all operating costs and increased space in a ship for installation of items other than quarters.

Spotted at FEL Antioch (4822) in the Onwards system, 998 Structural Modules (420) at the bargain bin price of 50 Stellars each.

Spotted at IMP New Sparta (2407) at an unknown location, 30,000mus of Trophies (30279) retailing for .50 Stellars per.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix


11-03-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 10 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** Foul Play? ***

Hellscream, the PD for the RIP, last seen in Cape Horne, the RIP HQ in Sargasso appears to have gone missing. Rumours of him last being seen boarding a ship outbound for the wormhole cannot be officially confirmed. Abduction or insanity have not been ruled out.

Those with long memories might remember the disappearance of the previous PD of the RIP, King Porteus, whose whereabouts remain unknown to this day.

Further reports indicate that the high-ranking Governor of a Detinus Republic Starbase has also gone missing under mysterious circumstances. Though it is too early yet to say if these events are in any way connected.

*** Detinus Republic Declare War ***

The Detinus House Of Lords has passed a formal resolution declaring war against Galactic Crest Securities (GCS). The only surprising thing about this is that it didn't happen sooner, although legal experts continue to wrangle over the legality of a declaration of war made by a sovereign government against an inter-stellar corporation.

*** Piracy ***

Scourge of the spacelanes, Pirate Large, has reported another success. Boasting of his triumph, Pirate Large transmitted the following communication:

"Ahhhhaaaaarrrgghh me hearties.................

It be aye................

Pirate Large.........

Now me boys as been busy lookin for yee freighters, an I as a slow couple of weeks aye..........but we spotted on stardate 205.9.5 a victim loiterin in Francoise, an attack it we did aye.

In a short battle aye, we sliced through 18 of the veteran crew of the vessel CNF Excess Baggage (17893) and split them top to toe wiv ease, an tooks the ship ahhhaaaarrrggghhh."

The Excess Baggage is understood to have been a 75 light hull vessel, probably a Caravel class freighter. This could well be the first Confederate vessel lost to pirates in a long time, and the news is certain to be badly received amongst CNF freighter captains.

The IGN news-team has received an increasing number of reports from freighter captains of all affiliations who are increasingly upset over the failure of their respective governments to provide adequate military escorts and marine security detachments for their vessels.

Pirate Large continued:

"Well I hopes that I see some of you again in thee near future, I havent tasted all the cultures in the space lanes aye, an would likes to get my teef an several other parts into some of thee ahhaaarrgggh.

any ways im sure you will hear more from the Glorious Adventures of the pirate ship Large(and friends).............aahaaarrgh"

Although fully accurate records are not available here at IGN, Large must surely be close to achieving his threat of striking at every Affiliation. Whether or not this data provides any clue as to who might or might not be providing tactical support to Large and his kin, is not a matter for idle speculation.

The communication from Large quoted above is only partial, and has been subject to editorial censorship.

*** Censorship ***

The news-team here at Inter-Galactic would like to take a moment to point out that communications from Pirate Large are occasionally subject to censorship as this is a family publication and the mutterings of foul-mouthed pirates boasting of their conquests are not necessarily for the digest of innocent eyes, nor indeed the friends and families of those crewmembers captured by pirates.

Likewise, the editor of the IGN retains the right to censor or adjust all material printed within IGN broadcasts. This is done as fairly and as even-handedly as possible, and the editor would like to make it clear that his office door is always open to any party wishing to discuss editorial policy.

*** Audrey Battle ***

In the aftermath of the massed naval engagement in Audrey, our reporters have learnt that the Confederacy and the Detinus Republic remain in control of the battle location. However, word has been received that crack GTT special forces teams are operation at the location, having located and attacked a DTR ground party, Asgon 3.

Asgon 3 had captured ships reduced to debris in the recent fight, as part of an ongoing salvage operation.

This was done under the very noses of DTR guard ships and is the sign of the future for highly trained GTT special forces.

The special forces team is understood to have been under the command of Robert Clifford, military rank and designation unknown.

*** High Star Flashpoint ***

Tensions continue to simmer in Twinkle as several parties engage in high level talks regarding the system. Daniel Haynes, spokesman for the High Star authorities has laid down a clear statement regarding his position:

1- The IRS do not ban anyone from twinkle for no reason.
2- The IRS will ban any group from twinkle if given good reason.
3- The IRS keep the stargate open, always have and always will. The IRS will also declare war on any group found tampering with the gate.
4- The IRS will not be bullied by any group on account of them having powerful allies.

As ever, the key to the entire High Star/Twinkle situation is the stargate - a location of vast strategic importance to virtually every government and organisation within the Peripheries.

Part of the ongoing wrangling over ownership of the Twinkle has revolved around the Clan Accords - which, we understand, contain the agreement relating to the system ownership. A lengthy but fascinating statement has been broadcast by Lord Osiris, the retired ex-leader of the Clans:

"The agreement that exists from the merger between the Clan prides(CLN) and their brethren the Felini prides(FEL) is a sacred and private document and not for the eyes of the lesser races, only a Bast may even enter the repository where the vault that contains this document is located and even then it is only the privileged few. It is within this agreement where the accords may be found. It is also worth noting that the claim held by the Clans upon Twinkle was not "transferred" to the Felini more that the Felini and Clans are one and the same and therefore the claim went with the leadership of the Bast race or as they are now more commonly known the Felini who for convenience sake are now all recognised under the designation (FEL), and whom Mrrshan is the current Tyrant. I believe there is representation from both ex-Clans and Felini alike among the Felini Council of Prideleaders nowadays. I digress, what I mean to say is that it is doubtful this accord you ask for will ever be forthcoming, however you can assume that the Felini race were, are and shall be 'the sole claimant of Twinkle' unless otherwise agreed by the Felini Council of which I no longer reside due to my retirement. I only go to these lengths to tell you all of this so that you do not waste any more time and effort on an avenue which is not open to you. This is not an opinion merely a fact. I do not know from whom you get your information such as that you have quoted, only to say it is irrelevant. I suggest you find another reason to dispute the claim if that is what you wish.

Humans, why must they wriggle like worms."

Lord Osiris has thus made it clear that as far as he is concerned, the Felini have absolutely no intent of relinquishing their ultimate system-claim over Twinkle, though the FEL do continue to assert their wish for the system to remain neutral under the stewardship of High Star. However, there is a case to be made that there was never an original official claim to the system from any party in the first place. Which presumably makes the resolution of this matter a case for the inter-stellar lawyers.

*** Galactic Crest Security Press Release ***

A brief communiqué has been broadcast from Ivan Grigorovitch the GCS Officer Commanding for the Outer Empire:

"Reports are coming in to my office today of the deathwish expressed by the idiot that attempted to bring my 1st Cappellan offensive squadron to combat. There must be easier ways for those with suicide wishes to die."

There has been no word yet from Detinus or Confederate news sources regarding this event. However, military analysts must certainly have perked up their ears at the announcement of the presence of a GCS squadron operating in the Peripheries, particularly within the Detinus Republic - an affiliation known to have bumped heads with the GCS before.

*** Stockton Update ***

A second quiet week in Stockton, and again the system remains flagged as Detinus space.

*** News Flash ***

Rumours of further successes for Pirate Large. Indications are that a Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN) 75 light hulled cargo vessel was captured yesterday at an as yet unknown location. If this report is true, then it makes for two captured freighters in one week for the infamous Pirate Large.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix


18-03-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 11 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
Easter Holdidays
As per the standard routine, the office will be closed on Friday 25th March and Monday 28th March.
There will be a double run on the previous Thursday 24th and the following Tuesday 29th.
Happy Easter to everyone.

***** Message From The Editor *****

The Wimble website has been updated to:

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** Foul Play ***

Following the disappearance of Duke Hellscream last week, Spike Spiegal the RIP acting-PD has issued the following statement:

"I would like to publicly deny all rumours about the prototype ship mentioned in this publication, and state that in no way is it thought Hellscream stole it. I will however issue a reward for the safe return of our PD, Hellscream, to my staff. Please contact me with details on: ptb [at] raegunne [dot] com"

*** GTT Rescue Attempt Ends In Failure ***

The GTT special forces unit deployed in Audrey in an attempt to rescue crews from the GTT ships destroyed there recently has been annihilated by an overwhelming force of Detinus tanks and marines.

However, in recognition of their doomed bravery, DTR authorities have indicated that they will grant freedom to those GTT crewmembers recaptured during this operation.

*** Detinus Republic Declaration of War ***

As expected, the declaration of war against a company as opposed to a sovereign state has raised further questions. Certainly this is not a new issue, as several chartered companies have been involved in wars for quite some time, including the FET and GTT, who themselves have had no hesitation in declaring war against sovereign nations, however it does highlight the potential legal confusion.

The FET CEO Zuvoro Norozov has waded into the debate with several strong remarks:

"I see the DTR are slightly worried about declaring war on the GCS what with the Republic being a sovereign state and the GCS being a corporation. Such worries didn't stop them declaring war on the FET and GTT, both of which are corporations."

A DTR legal spokesman has indicated that according to the finest experts available, the laws of the Detinus Republic, and indeed of all organisations within the Peripheries, including the Mega-Corporations, fully allow for such declarations of war. It is the lack of any multi-affiliation inter-stellar law that causes the confusion, and further that the Detinus Republic herself has no reason to be worried at all.

Mr Norozov then went further, accusing the Detinus Republic of piracy for having waged war against the GCS before having made a formal declaration of war, and also:

"I think it smacks of hypocrisy.. worrying about declaring war on a non sovereign affiliation after attacking and capturing said corporations assets, whilst at the same time having no problems with warring with the FET and GTT. I suppose the senate has twisted logic to come up with lots of excuses why it's now okay to attack the citizens of other sovereign states. Yes that's right citizens...we in the FET and GTT are citizens of the Empire. Is not the Republic fighting to free the citizens from Imperial tyranny?"

It is understood by reporters here at the IGN that one of the DTRs started war aims is to free citizens not only from Imperial tyranny, but also from the tyranny of the Mega-Corporations, including the FET and GTT - two non-democratic organisations. Norozov however continued:

"Well we as citizens are saying no thank you, we are happy with our form of government and don't need your assistance. So stop trying to force your views down our throats. We are fighting you to keep our way of life. And before you say it.. no the corporations do not run the Empire. The Imperial Services have never danced to our tune. They are the ruling body and we are very happy to accept them as such. So on behalf of all FET employees (citizens of the Empire) I say we don't want you here so leave us alone thank you very much."

There is a certain scepticism here at IGN as to exactly how effective Norozov asking the Detinus/Confed alliance to go away and leave the FET alone will be. Though it has to be said, he did at least ask politely. And he does make a good point, if the people living under Imperial-bloc rule are happy, do they need to be liberated?

*** Twinkle Crisis ***

The Felini Tyrant has announced a 'free access zone' to take affect throughout the Twinkle system, apparently circumventing the High Star authorities. Further, the Felini have indicated that the policing and control of the Twinkle system will be handled by Consortium Alliance patrols.

Added to this is the report last week of a sighting of a pirate vessel in the Twinkle system. The appearance of a pirate at such a politically active flashpoint is deemed by our reporters to be highly suspicious, and perhaps indicative of a privateer operating under a letter of marque, though to what purpose and under whose direction remains unknown.

*** Minor Engagement in Cappela ***

Imperial news agencies are reporting that IMP forces have captured a small DTR observation platform spying on traffic from one of their starbases.

*** Stockton Update ***

Imperial news agencies again report that the battle for Fergie continues with some gains by the GTT forces engaged there. The DTR outpost appears to have lost all its point defence capability. It is surely on a matter of time until the Stockton system is again in Imperial hands.

*** Piracy Update ***

It has been another busy week for Pirate Large:

"Ahhhaaarrrggghhh me hearties............

It be aye..............

Pirate Large...........

On stardate 205.10.3 me look out spotted a 75 light hulled freighter Chreagain (65144) off the port quarter, a DEN vessel cappan, we asnee seen any of these before, pirates be ready I say and attack we did through the slow light hulls.

The Dewiek crew on board aye, ugly lookin brutes they be, an not as tuff as we had thought, as we sliced through them and made them howl as our cutless sliced their hind quarters and left them in a yelping heap on the floor, we lost 2 fine men in the encounter wiv the beasts.

Now I have ad some ugly dogs in me time aye, but these is ugly, to be fair aye....i have ad worse ahhaarrggghh....

This one be full o cargo ahhaarrggh, an money to be made for a change aye........"

The Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN) authorities have not official announced the loss of a vessel, but there seems at this point to be no reason to doubt Large's word. It does however seem that the pirate had a narrow escape this week:

"On the approach aye, the closest anyone as come so far to stopping the actual vessel pirate large, an IMP position attempted to engage thee, but failed ahhaarrgghh."

The Dewiek vessel was not the only freighter attacked by Large this week:

"On anuver note, we also spotted a DTR vessel Frosted Transaction (43788) an attack it we did, I thought we was pushin our luck for 1 week as this one had a fairly large compliment of troops on board aye....... We lost a lot o fine pirates and inflicted 43 deaths on the defending contingent........ahhaarrgghh you can nee win em all..............."

Cassius Jerusalem, Senator of the Detinus Republic and member of the Anti-Piracy Task Force has confirmed that this was one of his freighters, and that his troops inflicted 204 casualties upon the attacking boarding party, before his freighter was able to make good their escape and dock at a friendly Starbase.

Pirate Large's communication to the IGN has again been subject to some minor censorship.

*** The Mohache Games ***

Breathless excitement surrounds the commencement of the first Mohache Games.

Silence falls over the stadium as Mrs Floats on Clouds of the Mohache takes to the stand. After the traditional tap on the microphone and then some unheard words to one of the fellow Mohache forming the organisation committee, the majestic voice of Mrs Floats on Clouds causes pain and anguish in the some 40,000 attendees to the games. After the volume control has been altered and the structure of the arena stabilises from the vibrations the opening speech is given:

"After many months of preparation and planning it is with great joy that I welcome you all here for this first Open Mohache Games. I must thank the Kastorians for the assistance in organising these games and their hospitality to myself, the organising committee and to each of the teams."

Talking of the competitors. Rumours that the Detinus Republic have entered a team entirely composed of special forces commandos remain utterly unfounded, as do rumours that the CIA team is in possession of highly classified black-ops equipment. All parties are confident that the games will be played out in the spirit of honest and friendly competition.

Mrs Floats on Clouds concluded her address by wishing the best of luck to all involved. And the opening rounds of the competitions swing into action.

*** Arachnid Skirmish ***

CIA warships intercepted and pinned a 75 hull FET spy ship in the Arachnid system this week, holding it in place while DTR re-inforcements arrived to help destroy the unfortunate interloper. In a consecutive action, a FET ground party was also destroyed in the system.

*** Newsflash ***

Early reports have arrived in the news-room that Pirate Large has struck yet again. A full report is expected next week.

***** The IGN Interview *****

(Being the first in an occasional series of interviews with characters within the Peripheries. If you would particularly like your character to be interviewed for the IGN, kindly contact the editor, otherwise the editor may well be in touch with you anyway at some point.)

Thali Rahm, the governor of Fessin Rahm (664) has kindly agreed to be interviewed regarding the recent schism within the Flagritz Republic (FGZ).

Governor Rahm provided a warm welcome for our reporter, agreeing to be interviewed in person in his office at Fessin Rahm, rather than via remote link, though he remained heavily guarded at all times by Flagritz veteran soldiers, their tentacles bedecked with weapons and other stranger, more alien devices.

IGN: "Governor, as the Yank-based spokesperson for the Flagritzi Empire, I would just like to thank you for your time in agreeing to be interviewed here today."

Rahm: "Firstly, I would like to make it clear that the FLZ is known as the Flagritz Empire, not Flagritzi Empire. This is a name spread by the Consortium, and we are not that thrilled by it's use."

IGN: "Of course Governor, please excuse our error."

Rahm: "You are excused."

IGN: "Thank you. So, Governor, your declaration of loyalty to the Flagritz Empire, and the raising of FLZ flags in Yank, came as a surprise to everybody. Could you give us a few words on why this course of action became necessary?"

Rahm: "I have always been loyal to the Empire. Home is home. The Flagritz Republic did decide to side with the Consortium in a try to work for peace and for that reason we stayed in the Republic even after communication with the Empire had been restored. But with each try to gain peace the Consortium gave more and more vague answers and the situation became unacceptable. We do not understand why the FGZ can't see through their lies and excuses."

IGN: "Many inhabitants of the Peripheries have a negative perception of the FLZ, can you just clear up for us what your political stance is towards governments and organisations beyond the Felini and their Consortium allies?"

Rahm: "When contact was once again established between us and home I had some long discussions about this with the Imperator. The Empire policy at this time is to treat other races as they treat us. If they are open and honest with us we will treat them with the same courtesy. If they behave un-civilized we will repay in kind."

IGN: "The Flagritz Republic (FGZ) have made great efforts to integrate themselves peacefully into Periphery politics, does the Flagritz Empire seek to follow the same path?"

Rahm: "We fight for our survival against the Consortium predators. This is our main concern and will probably be for many more years. I will do all in my power to ensure the survival of my race. No more Flagritz shall be enslaved by the Consortium."

IGN: "There have been many claims made against the FLZ that they exploit slave labour, are these allegations true, and can you re-assure the Peripheries that there are no slaves being held within the Yank system?"

Rahm: "All these accusations... The Consortium claim that we use slave labour, while at the same time no one is allowed to enter either Leonis or Crusade to confirm this. It do sound a little bit strange, doesn't it? You get a nagging feeling that it is our people that are being enslaved by the Consortium.

All neutral parties are allowed to make arrangements with either me, Caste Queen or Kobold and visit our starbases in Yank. We DO NOT keep any slaves in our starbases. The Flagritz Empire do not hold slaves in any of our systems."

IGN: "Talking about the Consortium, and the situation in Leonis and Crusade, your differences seem irreconcilable at this point, and I know most third party observers of your exchanges on the public comms channels have a hard time knowing where the truth lies amidst all of the claims and counter-claims. Would the Flagritz Empire be amenable to the idea of independent third party investigations into this matter? Specifically with regards the claims of slavery and the deployment of nuclear weapons in the aforementioned systems?"

Rahm: "Well, the situation is more complicated than that. It's not only Leonis and Crusade. Battlefield once held a considerable Flagritz population. Our survey of the system earlier this year didn't find a single Flagritz alive. What happened to them when the FEL conquered the system? We know the FEL detonated nuclear warheads in Battlefield. It's not hard to guess.

We would of course support an investigation should a neutral party be willing to do so. The Flagritz Republic wanted to do it but the Felini work hard to keep all non-Consortium out of those systems. Of course, when it comes to the Republic neutrality is not the word that comes to my mind."

IGN: "We understand that access to wherever the FLZ came from, is only through an unstable and currently closed wormhole. Does this mean that you and your Yank based assets are once again cut-off from the rest of the Empire?"

Rahm: "Both yes and no. The route home goes through a wormhole in Battlefield rotating between Leonis and Crusade. This wormhole is currently connected to Leonis but when it once again connect to Crusade we will be able to send ships between Yank and home. Now we can only send ships to Leonis."

IGN: "Well, thank you once again for your time Governor. Your responses have been most enlightening."

***** Periphery Classifieds *****

Scientist For Sale.

SMS Whitegold is selling the contract for a scientist. For $500k you can pick up Professor Allison, a +1 expert in Xeno-psychology research. The governor of Whitegold would like to point out that the +1 applies to all projects that lead on from Xeno-psychology, making him a top-of-the-tree scientist.

Modules Wanted.

John Doe, the Governor of DOM Retreat invites bidding for a substantial module contract. Bids of 500 or more rising in 500 increments are invited for all types of modules. Price should include delivery, or state if it does not. Contact:

markstephenson1 [at] hotmail [dot] com

Falconian Trade Ring.

Osidiradadumpf, the FCN trade minister has announced the availability of the FCN Trade Ring, which currently consists of three centres:

Chichester Sun (#4082) in New Sussex (gamma3) Cluster.
Messena (#4792) in Plague (gamma 4) Darkfold.
Prodis (#4124) in Yank (gamma13) Outer Capellen.

Each base will be purchasing all non perishable Trade Goods at 8.5 times local value. Which will then be shipped out to another base in the Ring, where it will be sold for 9.5-10 times local value. Those with goods to sell are invited to contact the Trade Minister with details.

It is hoped that over time this initiative will provide a shot in the arm to trading.


Un-official betting is being run as to the eventual winner of the blue-ribbon event of the Mohache games, the 5-A-Side Pig's Bladder Kick-a-bout.

Stake is 10,000 Stellars, for which you get to pick a team. If your team wins, you win the pot, or an equal share thereof if several people had picked the same team to win.

As a reminder, the teams competing are:

DEN Team, name unknown (provisional)
RIP Unity (36130)
MOH Floaty's Sheep Herders (43142)
KRL Strongmen (56364)
DTR Team Jerusalem (60473)
CNF Pitchforks Anonymous (63869)
FEL Hairball FC (73547)
CIA Naz's Rustic Boys and Girls (94192)

Contact the editor at the address below to place your bet. No stellars need be transferred until the winner is known.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix


25-03-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 12 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** IGN Apology ***

Information has been received by the IGN Editor that a remark made in last weeks edition fell short of our usually high standards of reporting.

Our staff reporter said that one of the DTRs stated war aims was to free citizens not only from Imperial tyranny, but also from the tyranny of the Mega-Corporations, which were described as non-democratic organisations.

Information has been received from the GTT that their organisation is open to all citizens, and that the Head of the GTT is elected regularly, and that all members of the GTT vote on this.

It is clear that our description of the GTT as a non-democratic organisation was in error, and we apologise unreservedly for this, and withdraw our remark. The IGN is always happy to correct any errors in our reporting.

We have also been asked to point out that the GTT have question with what the DTR call 'Tyranny', given that within the GTT workers are free to come and go as they please, and that they do not use slave labour of any kind. Further, Mr I. Jordan has asked us to point out that the GTT have a mix of workers in their Starbases and Outposts, and that they do not discriminate between any of them. Further, that they even employ non-humans in their armed forces, who serve willingly.

Mr Jordan very much disputes that the GTT constitutes anything even remotely resembling a Tyranny, and that any attempt to do so is simply being deployed for political effect.

*** Twinkle Crisis ***

Last minute political manoeuvring this week appears to have successfully defused a potentially catastrophic face-off between High Star and the Felini. Our reporters have learnt that a shooting war was a very real possibility, and given the massive strategic importance of the Twinkle Stargate, we have heard rumours that multiple affiliations were preparing to send military forces to the area. The potential for real catastrophe was very high.

Fortunately a tentative agreement appears to have been reached, whereby the Felini have relinquished their claim to the system, and have agreed that the High Star authorities will continue to administer the system, thus ensuring the neutrality of the system and free access for all.

*** Audrey Conflict ***

Following on from last weeks reporting of the GTT special forces unit that was destroyed at the site of the recent massed naval engagement on Audrey, and the offer from Detinus Senator Peri Romanov that they would as a gesture return the GTT crewmembers recaptured in the battle with the Special Forces unit, I. Jordan, from the GTT, has released the following announcement:

"I would also like to thank the DTR for they willingness to return GTT crew members lost in the conflict in Audrey. This will be a great relief to friends and family. It is pleasing to see such acts in time of war. I will arrange for the GTT starbase New Christiania (4707) on Mobile Bay to except prisoners from DTR ships. If this is not acceptable contact me so we can arrange there return."

Unfortunately this initiative may now be stalled, as Michelle Diaz, Speaker of the Detinus House Of Lords has reacted forcefully to the Jordan statement:

"Yet more proof of why negotiating with the Imperial faction is worthless when they have a built-in desire to twist and lie about what has been said. Peri Romanov stated the following:

'In recognition of this brave but foolish act, the crews of the recaptured
GTT ships will be given their freedom once they are rescued from their
stricken ships.'

Quote recaptured ships. This is referring specifically to the troops in the debris which captured a DTR GP in this location, not all the ships the GTT, FET and IMP lost in this battle. Unfortunately all these troops were lost when a DTR GP was sent in to restore order. If the GTT et al really believed that such a mission wasn't suicide, they wouldn't have fled the battle after 1 days battle, abandoning all their fallen troops."

If this communication is to be believed, and the GTT crew that were going to be returned have indeed all perished during their brief period of rebellion and resultant recapture, then what was going to be a meaningful reconciliatory gesture has surely been derailed here, with potentially serious consequences. Although, it is hard to imagine relations between the GTT and DTR sinking any lower.

Further information has been received from the office of Ms Diaz regarding Imperial-bloc losses during the Audrey Battle:

6 Warspite Capital
4 Great Michael Capital
3 Meteor capital
1 Warlord Capital
2 SOL passenger liner/capital
3 Asteroid destroyers/carriers
1 Spitfire destroyer
1 PC Escort Carrier
1 Hoplon Carrier
1 Stinger Gun Boat
4 St Clair Gun Boats

Only 1 DTR ship was lost in return. Ms Diaz is quoted as saying these figures constitute, "Damning statistics of de-motivated troops in a corrupt and tactically inept Imperial regime."

*** Piracy ***

Following last weeks report of a Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN) vessel lost to pirates, DEN High Elder Feirha Silvermane Kaien has released the following statement:

"DEN Official Announcement:

The ship that was reported to have been captured by pirates was under the control of DEN Elder N'Kassar. It seems that the Elder ex-communicated himself for some reason as yet not understood. He locked himself away in Morrighan and would not return any attempts to contact him. All positions under his control, including his private Caravel Chreagain, halted all operations awaiting further orders. We have no way to confirm 100% that the ship was captured by Pirate Large, but we have no means or reason to doubt it.

Control of Morrighan has now been regained and Elder N'Kassar removed for psychological evaluation."

*** GTT Systems ***

I. Jordan, spokesman for the Galactic Trade and Transport corporation has been in touch with the IGN to issue the following public service announcement:

"I would like to point out that the GTT claims systems for the GTT and Starbases/outposts in these systems have to have permission and be registered with the GTT as per the system message. Registering with the Imperials is not enough. Your starbase/outpost is at risk if this is not done."

All those owning assets inside GTT claimed systems might do well to check that their paperwork is up to date, and that the appropriate authorities have been informed.

*** CNN News Broadcast ***

While the IGN is not affiliated with any other news agency, we are happy to reprint important stories our reporters pick up from the inter-galactic wire services. It should be noted that the IGN take no responsibility for the accuracy of stories originating from elsewhere.

++ Incoming Transmission ++
++ Confederate News Network ++

Reports are being released by Confederate Command that the CNF has completed a successful assault on Imperial forces on the planet of Agin at the heart of the Imperial stronghold, within the Capellan system itself.

Following the naval assault and destruction of the GTT Outpost CapAgil (8241), a lone CNF Special Forces trooper launched an audacious raid on the Imperial Outpost on the same planet. Despite a control battle raging for nearly four weeks for the outpost CNF special forces managed to elude Imperial patrols and backup to capture the Outpost.

Decommissioning of the outpost is said to have now been completed to put it beyond repair. 200 employees have also been liberated from Imperial control and evacuated to safety along with CNF Special Forces.

Coming up Next on CNN - Simms : Tyrant or Teddy Bear? You decide!

++ Transmission Ended ++

This reported deployment of CNF special forces seems to be as a direct response to the recent activities of Imperial-bloc special forces, and it seems that covert warfare looks set to explode across the peripheries.

*** Piracy ***

Hardly a week seems to go by without the IGN newsteam learning of yet another freighter to have fallen to the now legendary Pirate Large. This time it is the GTT who have suffered. The following communication has been received from Large:

"Aahhhhaaaarrrgggghhh me hearties............

It be aye.................

Pirate Large..........

It twere stardate 205.11.2 when one of moi lookouts spotted a 100 Xlight hulled ship Klithegral (94208) loiterin in known traffic roots.........ship ahoy cappan, GTT she be..........pirates be ready I attack it we did aye.......

We soon locked on to thee hulls and broke through and started the assault again the 13 measly lookin crew defendin the on this occasion the crew gave up wiv out loss o their life, and I thank'd thee as it wud reduce the amount o gals I would have to slaughter, as I usually likes me sex wiv things that are livin ahhaarrggghh........ after a bit of boys searched the ship for anything interstin.......just mets in the cargo cappan.........aaarrggghhh baggerrrr......i say.........dont panic cappan look whats in the inventory of the installed I as shot me load again, high grade tech....aaarrggghh

Anyways.....i hopes you get a visit from the easter bunny I does, I as me pot boilin ready for the tasty lookin thing......aaahhhhhaarggghh

any ways im sure you will hear more from the Glorious Adventures of the pirate ship Large(and friends).............aahaaarrgh"

Speculation runs rife as to what equipment might have been installed on the GTT ship Klithegral, that has now fallen into the hands of Large's pirate organisation. It seems most likely that this refers to a Hyper Jump Engine, and the thought of Pirate Large being able to deploy a vessel with one of those installed is certainly a concern for everybody. Although it cannot be ruled out that Large might be referring to some other piece of high-technology.

The Anti-Piracy Task Force has issued a further travel advisory warning freighter captains against loitering in deep space.

***** Periphery Classifieds *****

AFT Lausnaff & Lausnaff Enterprises Press Release: New ship pricing model.

AFT Lausnaff & Lausnaff Enterprises has recently updated the pricing of ships available for anyone to buy*. General purpose Free Traders, GX class, are now sold at $100k, Carriers are sold at $147.5k and Super Carriers are sold at $750k.** The multi-system trade corporation has also launched a campaign to remind the current customer base and potential new customers that the standard price of Quantum Jump Drives is $40k apiece, and they are sold at $30k in bulk deals (a bulk deal involves at least 10 drives, stellars up front). *** Furthermore, research facilities at AFT Eclypse (1124) and AFT Amethyst (282) has initiated a Trusted Partner Program, where blueprints are duplicated and sold to partners. Finally, transportation fees has been reduced significantly.

"We believe that AFT Lausnaff & Lausnaff Enterprises has both the capabilities and the obligation to open up our AGF**** to external customers. Our business model is exchange focused, with only 20% cash bindings. The other 80% can be made up of unique trade goods, technology, blueprints or rare ore. Anything can be brought to the table in exchange for our products. It is our strong conviction that AFT can help other affiliations to increase their profit margin and reach or even exceed their operational targets," said Gorgen Lausnaff, CEO.

AFT Lausnaff & Lausnaff Enterprises is a independant branch of AFT and delivers customized solutions to a multitude of affiliations. Unique Trade Goods suitable for the Wimbles and the Felini is for sale at AFT Eclypse, while AFT Amethyst is the base of AI Navigator productions.



Gorgen Lausnaff (89920)
CEO Lausnaff & Lausnaff Enterprises
AFT Council Member

aka Erik Ledfelt erik [at] ledfelt [dot] com

* Not including pirates
** Please allow for construction and delivery.
*** Please allow for construction time and FFD (Faction Fair Distribution).
**** Asset Generation Facilities

Xlight hulls Required.

I am interested in a number of Xlight hulls 100+ Anyone who are interested in selling these please contact me in private:

Sarek [at] mail1 [dot] stofanet [dot] dk

Kendrick Calderon
Imperial Duke

***** Game History *****

(Being the first in an occasional series of items exploring the ancient history of the game. Phoenix, and its previous incarnation, Beyond The Stellar Empire, have been running for many years, and the game has a rich and detailed past history. Unfortunately much of this history has been lost over the years, with players dropping out, and different people taking on affiliations. Because of this, it seems a very good idea to archive these little snippets of past history as they come up in the archives of the SSS.)

The Democratic Naplian Alliance (DNA).

Thanks to Stephan, the DTR's resident history expert.

"As far as I recall the story, the original DNA disbanded around the year 197 and a part of their positions, probably all, joined the DTR. That way the DTR got a few unique starships in BSE, none of which still exist today (two were destroyed by pirates, one was upgraded to another class) and I think a colony in the Ruin system. Although I cannot confirm this from first-hand experience I have been told that the DNA or something remained in some GM plots and could be interacted with by players even after their formal merger with the DTR.

Around the year 199 a couple of IND players tried to restart the DNA and added the prefix DNA to their ship names. They apparently disappeared after half a year or so, I don't know if they had any part in reactivating the affiliation.

The real re-emergence occurred in the wake of the second Flagritz war. A FGZ colony in Solo was confirmed to be conducting gruesome experiments on naplian captives, killing them by the thousands. Naplians and other low-tech races throughout the peripheries formed a new DNA government (Mica probably gave in to player requests). Since then they are back as a relatively stable affiliation in the game.

Like the original DNA, the new DNA were also freedom fighters, terrorists and insurgents. In Yank, a DNA GP even seized a FGZ colony. This breach of the system's neutrality prompted the KAS to threaten all DNA in Yank with extermination, the KAS basically kicked the DNA out of Yank."

Latterly the DNA and their leader Mad Max were believed to have been wiped out in attack by the Consortium against their home systems of Skye and Winter, which saw remaining DNA assets merging with the FGZ as part of a diplomatic solution to the conflict. But there are indications that the DNA continue to operate as an independent affiliation.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

01-04-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 13 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** Special Report ***

::: CNN Broadcast :::

The following was recorded earlier today at a secured Installation in the Inner Confederacy.

(The scene opens with a Headshot of Joan Masey - Special Reporter for Darkfold tonight. The camera Pulls back while she speaks to show her sat in a plush high backed chair

Hello my name is Joan Masey and on Darkfold tonight an exclusive interview with Sean McGovern the CNF Vice Political Director and Advocate General.

(The film starts depicting archive images of Sean over the years and in his various roles - Joan Narrates over the top)

Sean started his career with the CNF many years ago as a humble Administrator at Cemetery Hill. At the time a new recruit to the Darkfold periphery, he was a long way from his home in the Inner Confederacy. Here he shone both in naval tactics and Starbase Administration and rose through the ranks. When Jordan Roswell took over as Supreme Commander he came to the attention of the Top brass of the CNF and was offered governorship of his first starbase. From there McGovern holdings have expanded enormously over the years and today are one of the largest personal holding in the peripheries and include warship, starbases, outpost, exploration and trade fleets. His career is only surpassed by the current Supreme Commander and long time friend of McGovern's, that of Thomas 'Spacewall' Jackson.

(The Scene returns to Joan Masey sitting once more in the red high back chair)

Sean McGovern has been incommunicado for some time. Today we can reveal the reason why. He joins me here today from his apartment at a top secret location in the inner confederacy to explain.

So Mr. McGovern what has been keeping you out of sight and hidden away for the last few months?

(The picture widens to encompass the image of Sean McGovern. He is dressed in casual clothes which is unusual for him. The picture cuts to a head shot of him)

'Hello Joan, thank you for accepting my invitation. In order to answer your question though, I must start at the beginning.

It starts with Mark Eaton the last pope from the Inner Confederacy. His ideas and his power over the inner confederacy almost caused the destruction of the Inner Confederacy and along with the IBH Faction caused mayhem and disorder for quite a while until order was restored when the combined forces of the CNF/BHD/CIA swept in and restored order.

This is common knowledge and the events surrounding this whole situation are well documented. What happened after this is the start of the story.

While the IBH lost their strangle hold on the Inner Confederacy they were not completely destroyed. They regrouped at their last stronghold and tightened their hold on the general populace through the use of violence and terror. The practice of torture and dark rituals and rumours of an Inquisition became commonplace and the population lived in fear. Anyone who spoke out against this or was an influential leader of the people conveniently disappeared until no one was left to fight the IBH.

Unfortunately this happened on the world where I grew up and my parents, who were among the leaders on the planet, were some of those who disappeared. After some time and effort spent on not finding out what happened to my parents I called in a young relative with Star trooper and covert ops training to infiltrate the population and to try and find and possibly rescue my parents.

Rachel McGovern evaded capture by the IBH and made a safe landing on the planet and proceeded to the family estates to start her investigations. After several days of watching the estate she discovered that my mother was alive and being kept captive in her own home. The IBH had her guarded and on a leash that if tampered with would blow her head off.

Rachel managed to evade the guards and visit with her aunt who explained the situation. David McGovern had been one of the first to be dragged off to IBH headquarters and Martha had been told 'be good or he will be killed'. Since then she had not had any contact with her husband but had been allowed to stay in her home with restrictions placed on her movement. Rachel could not at that time extract Martha without the leash exploding so withdrew and reported back to Sean.'

(Sean pauses for a glass of water)

'Excuse me but the thought of what my parents went through is quite painful.'

Joan replies 'Take your time; the viewers are enthralled I can tell.'

(Sean composes himself and continues)

'Thank you. Where was I?

While Rachel was investigating on the planet, House Schwarz representatives had been conducting negotiations with the IBH and somehow managed to secure the release of David McGovern from the IBH and had him brought to me. How this was achieved I cannot say and I haven't asked. I just thank the Noble House for their help. If you want more please speak to a representative of House Schwarz.

My First view of my father after he had arrived here was of a broken man. My Once proud and confident father had been tortured continually during his captivity, he was emaciated and close to death. He had only been given short respites to sleep and to recover from injuries slightly before starting again.

It was an emotional and tough time. My father came back to us slowly and with counselling he is slowly returning to his former self. During debriefing it came to light that there had been no apparent reason for this torture and the rumours of an Inquisition was confirmed.

After my father had moved from Critical to Stable I began organising the rescue of my Mother. I asked my cousin Rachel to return along with a crack team and together they succeeded in rescuing my mother and pulling out a number of faithful servants and family friends and taking prisoner those IBH personnel that had been guarding and keeping my mother prisoner.

Since then my mother (who is now elderly and frail) and my father have been coming to terms with their incarceration. I have been with them all during this time and have been taking the opportunity to renew ties with my family. It's at these times that I thank the true one for his benevolence and for granting my wish that my parents be returned to me.'

Joan says 'A moving story indeed. We are all overjoyed to see you reunited with your family and that they are recovering. But what does this mean for you, will you be returning to full command of your holdings?'

Sean replies 'I am glad you asked that Joan. Throughout the last year when all these events took place the one thing that has kept me going is my Faith in the True One. He has given me the strength, the courage and the hope that all would turn out right and he did not fail me. After my parents were returned to health I approached Grigori Rasputin for help and guidance and how best to show my appreciation and my love of the True one. It was during these conversations that I realised, with Grigori's help, that there may be more to this than just being grateful. There was a need in me to decide where I was and what I wanted. I took the Pope's advice and went into seclusion for months and took instruction in the priesthood and eventually I was honoured to be accepted into the priesthood by the hands of the Pope himself.'

Joan interrupts 'You have taken the vows of Priesthood?' She exclaims this with surprise in her voice. 'This is extraordinary!'

'Indeed I have and I have never felt so good. I have to announce that last week I invited Thomas Jackson to visit me and at that point I handed him my Resignation. Thomas has been a rock at my side throughout and knows all the details of this decision and supports me in my new Quest. All the CNF Holdings I have turned over to Him to redistribute amongst other CNF Personnel that he sees fit.'

'On a sadder note I also have to announce that the Grigori Rasputin is seriously ill in Hospital. He went into hospital a day or 2 after I handed in my resignation and has since fallen into a coma. He is being closely monitored by the best Doctors and Nurses in the Inner Confederacy but they believe that this coma may last for years. I am liberty to say what was the cause of his illness though.

The BHD council went into an emergency session earlier this week to discuss the ramifications of this illness. They emerged on Friday and invited several people to join their deliberations. Brother Ladislaw was first in and Thomas Jackson and Sam Toridan were also questioned over a vid link and then a series of others were interviewed including the CNF's Commander Jon Tenor and then to my surprise they invited me in. They quizzed me on my vocation, my administration abilities and my naval career, this lasted an entire day with barely a break for meals.

Finally after much deliberation they brought together all those they had interviewed and announced that due to the nature of the Popes Illness he would not recover soon and it may be months or years before he recovers. As such they had no choice but to keep the church running smoothly and to pronounce that the new Pope was to be none other than myself and that the ceremony would have to be performed quickly in order to maintain the Church's administration.

I can now say that the ceremony will be performed this evening and that it will be a small affair and not transmitted live on CNN due to the secure location of this facility.'

(With this momentous announcement Sean pulls out a cross from his Clothes and Kneels)

'I pray to the true one that Pope Grigori Rasputin will be restored to health, I pray for those doctors and nurses who toil to bring him back to health. I pray for my parents continued health and I give thanks for their return. I pray for the success of the CNF and the CIA. May you bless me and give me the strength to lead the BHD with a fair and steady hand and may The True one have mercy on the souls of the IBH who will feel your wrath when they are brought to Justice. Amen'

(The image Fades with a Picture of Pope Sean McGovern in prayer)

::: CNN Broadcast :::

*** New Pope ***

With the shock revelation from Pope McGovern, came further news of more Confederate personnel declaring for the BHD. The newly anointed Brother Tenor released the following statement to the press:

"For many decades, I have been a warrior in the front line of the Confederacy. Since my first taste of battle at the age of 12, as a young Officer Cadet stationed on a patrol yacht boarded by pirates, I have felt the hand of the True One guiding and protecting me. It has always been in the heat of battle that I have felt closest to Him.

But today, I hear His call and know His presence more strongly than ever before. I hear His call, and gladly follow!

When I heard of the ascension of Pope McGovern, I was filled with the indefinable inspiration of the divine True One. After three days of meditation with neither sleep nor sustenance, I believe I have seen some small fragment of the True One's design.

Pope McGovern is undoubtedly destined to lead the Brotherhood into a glorious new age of service to the True One, and I believe that I myself have my own humble part to play.

Today, I leave behind my brothers-in-arms of the Confederate Forces and join the Brotherhood. Praise the True One!"

Confederate sources were quick to stress the very close ties between the Darkfold affiliations - the CNF, BHD and CIA - and underline the fact that none of this constitutes anything remotely akin to a defection from the CNF to the BHD.

*** Flagritz Empire Launch Raids ***

A Falconian press release has been issued detailing a series of raids launched by the FLZ:

### Falconian Press release ###
In an attempt to capitalise on the time dilation effect currently enforced throughout the Galaxy the FLZ launched a series of raids against the Falconian Empire.... This display of good sportsmanship in the arts of war has reinforced the Empires hostility against this affiliation. It was found to be particularly amusing as the FLZ fled the battle without firing a shot - their inexperience of actually mounting an offensive shining through - despite having gone to the effort of deploying operatives throughout the week. A senior military analyst was heard to comment "sneak attacks during such phenomena are all well and good, but it is generally in the attacking sides favour to actually stay for the battle, rather than fleeing like schoolgirls".

Added to the defeats in Rebellion, 2 in Acropolis and the can of whoop ass that they got handed to them in Crusade this must be a particularly trying year for the instructors at FLZ military academies. Where next will the comedy roadshow that is the Flagritz Empire turn up?
### Falconian Press release###

This is certainly the first time, as far as the IGN can remember, that any member of the Flagritz species has ever been compared to a schoolgirl.

*** Naplian Communication ***

A series of mysterious transmissions from an unknown origin have been received at IGN headquarters. These communications have been analysed by our media experts, and their legitimacy confirmed.

"The Naplian Part 5: Leaf fall.

The Naplians sit around discussing what is to become of Cleopatra. In the last 3 days, there have been alien ritual dances and offerings to the spirits. Elderly Naplian's start some discussion and start moving off to ask permission from the spiritual ancestors.

I slipped through the undergrowth, my curiosity got the best of me, although I realised I could be killed for this report.

Cleopatra has been preparing for months, what you are about to see no human has ever seen.

In a sacred clearing only known to very few naplians, Cleopatra sits, head bowed.

Cleopatra holds a large alien leaf , it rises and falls as prayers and chants and sweet essence fills the air.

Naplian spiritual artists undertake sand drawings, I duck lower under a large leaf plant, trying to keep my breathing slow but my heart beats fast.

Cleopatra is told by another Shaman that the ancestral spirits are troubled. The spirits have determined that a test is required. This is Naplian black magic never previously seen. A alien palm leaves are repeatedly hit on the naplians head. If the leaves fall off the ancestors are unhappy and Cleopatra will be executed at this spot. A large 4ft Naplian with a stick rubs the point with a stone.

No leaves fall, Cleopatra lifts her head up, a lament by other Naplian's begins, naplians start to morn the death of a loved one.

Cleopatra leaves slowly and the lamenting naplians follow her, I leave too, slipping away as slowly as I dare."

*** New Leadership At High Star ***

General Richard T. Gripton this week declared himself the new IRS Governor of High Star, replacing the previous governor, Daniel Haynes.

General Gripton has announced a review of the laws governing the Twinkle system, but in the meantime wishes to make it clear that he will sanction any group whom:

1- Interfere with the Twinkle stargate
2- Research Stellar cartography in twinkle without express permission to do so.
3- Open fire on any group without letter of marque
4- Operate agents or operatives in an area (high star) where they may be of potential harm to High Stars research centres. (twinkle gate techs refers).
5- Traverse Twinkle without clearing enemy lists.

He has also made it quite clear that his primary concern is to maintain the neutrality of the system, and keep the Stargate open for all.

*** Twinkle Anti-Piracy Patrols ***

General Gripton has expressed his concern at the recent sightings of Pirates in Twinkle, and has stated that any warship from any affiliation which would like to patrol twinkle for PIR, should contact High Star with details (warship ID etc).

*** Stockton Update ***

The Detinus Republic have issued a cutting press release pertaining to the progress of events within this contested system:

"Today the high command of GTT might be slowly realising that they remain the butt of DTR jokes.

For several weeks, the Imperial forces lead by the GTT have been attempting to remove the DTR forces on Fergie in Stockton. With what can only be described as a light cavalry division, IMP/GTT/FET ships have been bombarding the captured outposts from space while GTT GPs and artillery have been bombarding them on the ground. In last weeks SSS, the GTT proudly boasted that the DTRs point defences had stopped working.

What the DTR can now reveal is that the point defences at the largest outpost on the planet never stopped working: they were removed. As were all the troops. As were all the employees. As were all the remaining assault tanks and RDBs. For the last week, the GTT has been firing at boxes of ore and a few caves. At this they proved to be very good.

Unfortunately the DTR had placed a few troops at the second GTT outpost. This light regiment was due to be retreat as soon as their outpost was targeted by the GTT GPs. Unfortunately the GTT shifted their bombardment from their primary target and rearmed their missile platform. The resulting onslaught in the packed confines of the outpost resulted in the total destruction of this base and all items located there. Neutral observers will be glad to hear that all employees had been extracted from the base as soon as the DTR had capture it so there are no civilian casualties to report.

The GTT have placed a significant investment in trying to recapture these outposts. They have move over 10k troops, over 50k ground tanks and warbots. During the campaign they have lost three freighters, 250 hulls in total. The FET have cause death by ejump to three JOT ships (the same FET wing that claimed it was there for the duration in SSS). The IMPs lost two further ships. Poorly equipped GTT and IMP GPs have been lost attacking the DTR outposts. The GTT have lost three outposts, with total complexes of more than 200.

The GTT have recovered a few thousand strion and metals.

The DTR remain in control of Stockton."

Responding to this the Imperial patrol commissioners office released the following statement:

"Subject: IMP Announcement

The Stockton system is where the forces were fighting, the DTR invested a similar amount of ground material on the original assaults and have lost substantial amounts of ground equipment.

Although at this stage I cannot verify total losses, I can verify that the DTR also lost a ship to the IMP via a boarding action which seems to have been neglected in their communication. we have control of this vessel and have had for quite some time.

I cannot communicate any further regarding the Stockton system as I am not fully aware of the facts at this stage."

The tone of the DTR statement would tend to suggest that the Republic has withdrawn militarily from the Stockton system, although this remains to be confirmed. Certainly for now anyway, the system claim message continues to state that Stockton is in DTR hands.

*** Further Naplian Communications ***

From the same source:

"The Naplian Part 6: Comet signals Funeral.

As the dark sky closes in, a comet grows bright in the sky, it's trail of ice stretches out to the horizon.

As the sun sets slowly on Mobile bay the birthplace of a certain Naplian, torches grow brighter along the route around the valley in a passing over Naplian ceremony.

The scene is of hundreds of thousands of Naplians holding torches as they crowd around a huge wooden barque made in the shape of a starship. It is being carried down the valley to the shoreline by the naplians. There is a figure lying on top.

The Naplian wearing a headdress and mask starts some ritual dance as naplians gather onto the shoreline and gaze to the wooden platform where the act is staged.

After a while all the naplians start chanting some trance song in rhyme. They bounce up and down row by row in synchronised dance. Row by row they move closer to the barque."

At this point the communication to IGN headquarters broke off. But fortunately it resumed later:

"The Naplian Part 7: Shaman's Death.

The scene is of hundreds of naplians holding torches and sticks as they crowd around a large wooden barque made in the likeness of a massive starship.

The Naplian leading the ceremony in a mask and headdress, lays a large torch on the barque and starts some chant. The funeral barque burns slowly . A lamenting song begins sad Naplian's morn the death of a loved one. The funeral barque burns very slowly along with the words and along with that the end of an era. The naplians seemed to have now given up on their lost leader missing in action nearly a year ago.

Some of the naplians fall to the ground there seems to be some commotion.

The comet that appeared so brightly is gone.

A wind blows sparks from the barque and a clap of thunder is heard although there are no clouds in the sky. The naplians back off from the barque as a dramatic smoke plume engulfs the funeral barque and a crunch re-verberates.

As the smoke clears a black space ship de-cloaks slowly and sits proud on the barque.

There is no question of it's occupant, a small Naplian flanked by veteran marines steps out of the ship carrying a stik. He walks across the hot ashes of his funeral as if they are not there, expressionless.

Drums strike up to a new tune.

The drum beat gets louder there are expressions of joy as the Naplian falls to the ground in prayer as the ground party walks past them.

The beat gets quicker, the black leather clad naplians are held aloft, chaos is breaking out. All the stiks and long finger like digits are raised in a frenzy of excitement now. A sea of Naplian torches and stiks move down the bay in excitement.

Behind is left the funeral remnants and a ship with some naplians hastily building some wooden message out of the barque and ash: PROPHECY."

The events reported in these Naplian communications seem extraordinary to the IGN, and staff reporters have been dispatched to investigate further.

*** Imperial Forces Victorious ***

An Imperial press release has been received by the IGN:


Imperial Forces capture DTR outpost in Pollux system.

Imperial forces successfully entered the pollux system and dropped off a ground unit to capture a DTR outpost on the planet Castor.

After a short engagement the outpost fell to Imperial control, and still remains so...........

Imperial ground units suffered no casualties during the engagement."

*** The Twinkle Crisis ***

It is reported that the ban on FCN shipping within the Twinkle system has been lifted without exception.

*** Conflict In Acropolis ***

The Naplian News Network (NNN) are reporting that DNA naval forces are ambushing FCN warships in Acropolis. Reports indicate 2 FCN ships have been obliterated.

The NNN have been kind enough to supply some footage shot from a Naplian vessel:

::Space Battle footage:: [As the FCN warships glide past, the DNA Ambush Cruisers wait patiently, 2 light hull ships, one troop transport full of troops comes into sight, stragglers from the convoy to reinforce Pralor. The Ambush Cruiser slips quietly behind them unseen. FLZ ships close in from the flanks.]

"Engage with torpedoes, fire 1, fire 2, fire 3, fire 4...hey stop the firing it looks like we have obliterated them."

A huge explosion lights up the area of space where the FCN ships once where.

"Save your torps for the slow heavy hulled FCN warships that are coming ." ::Footage Ends::

Further reports indicate many DNA ground parties have landed in Acropolis and are preparing to or are already actively engaging the FCN's in battle as part of an invasion.

Rumours in Skye also indicate a Naplian rebellion and pending invasion of that system too.

The IGN is yet to confirm the apparent close co-operation reported here between DNA and FLZ forces, but if true, it certainly indicates a significant broadening of the conflict between the FLZ and the Consortium Alliance. We have further learnt that the DNA have declared war against the Children Of Hexos (COH).

*** News Flash ***

As yet unconfirmed reports have surfaced that Pirate Large has struck again.

*** News Flash ***

Further reports of fighting within the Acropolis system. Rumours suggest the deployment of FLZ ground troops and initial successes against Falconian defenders.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

11-04-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 15 DAY 1  [Recruit]

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Our friendly neighbourhood Games-Master Mica has announced changes to the way that Stellar Cartography research operates in the game:

There is still some debate over the changes so the below may be amended.

"Since the start of Phoenix, Stellar Cartography has been a sort of hit and hope system - you initiated the project, you completed it, looked at what you have found. Stellar Cartography has proved to be more popular than expected and on account of the above, more frustrating than anticipated.

From this point forward I will change the system.

Stellar Cartography Techs will no longer be 1000mu in size. They will have a variable size. When initiated or enquired about, the size and definite result of the project will be given. This will either be the mapping required to the nearest star or the maximum size of a region of space that can be effectively mapped within a two year period, i.e. 10,000mu's.

Special Action:
Investigate Stellar Cartography for the Flox System.
Stellar Cartography - Flox I (9826) - 4000mu
This will map the route to the Jybob system.

This is preferable to doing stellar cartography I - III and getting no results. In some circumstances, I will list a star as uncharted - this will give players the opportunity to submit a list including a system name and some planet name suggestions - though I reserve the right to veto the names (I will have my reasons, which may be due to somebody else getting there first; an ongoing plot; to stop players discovering that the uncharted system is actually an existing system that they should not know about in game; or simply that I think that they are naff ).

Special Action:
Investigate Stellar Cartography for the Dufus System.
Stellar Cartography - Dufus I (9829) - 10000mu
This will map the region around this star but will not map a route to any star. This project must however be completed in order to investigate Stellar Cartography - Dufus II.

This mean that players can decide to sack of stellar cartography for Dufus as they do not want to bother spending two years and still not be certain they will ever find anything.

I hope this meets with players' approval.

If you are currently involved in an ongoing project, submit a special and I will modify it (for free, but if all come at once, I will have to defer them in favour of paying specials)."

Incidentally, the Uber-Fleet thread continues to rumble on:

And the Editor continues to search for some brave soul willing to attempt a summary write-up of the salient points. :)

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** Naplian News Flash ***

Reports have been received that the Naplian News Network is back in action.

*** Piracy Report ***

Once again our reporters are dismayed to learn that Pirate Large has claimed another victim:

"Ahhhaaaarrggghhh me Hearties...........

It be aye........... Pirate Large.........

On stardate 205.13.4 me look outs spotted a CIA 50 light hulled ship the Tremadog (40754) in the Fetlock system, ship ahoy cappan..........she be loiterin off the aft decks.

In a 3 round bloody encounter, the CIA men and women fought valiantly to the death aye they did, of the 22 crew, everyone o them was killed, in the gruesome savagery that followed, the bodies o' the CIA are spread in chunks all o' the place.........ahhaarrgggghhh...........she be mine.........

So as had a bad week for me sex life aye.........nothing livin from the boarding, but alas that didnt stop me ahaaarrggghhhh, I didnt get any complaints or pleadin during that one.............

Me boys also spotted a DEN freighter in the Kasmer system, but they were waitin for me boys an we lost a few in that boardin attempt, we still as some doggy prisners, so I as taken it out o them for me loss........ahhaaarrggghh.......

any ways im sure you will hear more from the Glorious Adventures of the pirate ship Large(and friends).............aahaaarrgh"

However, the good news is that as far as we understand it, Large's losses in the attack on the DEN freighter were more significant than his phrase 'we lost a few' suggests.

The bad news however is that for whatever reason, Large seems as yet to have no problem at all in replacing his casualties. Where all of these pirates are coming from remains a mystery, though clearly any persons with information pertaining should contact the relevant authorities immediately.

*** Detinus Republic Base In Twinkle ***

Earlier this week Ivan K. Grigorovitch, the GCS Officer in command of their Outer Empire operations, made announcement of a secret DTR base in the Twinkle system, which it is alleged was conducting stargate manipulation research.

However, Senator Rhodes, the Detinus Minister of Foreign Affairs struck back strongly, pointing out that the allegedly 'secret' base had been registered with High Star in accordance with local law and custom, and was in fact entirely legal.

At this point the Detinus Republic do however seem happy to take whatever steps necessary to preserve the peace of the Twinkle system. DTR officials are however by strong contrast understood to be furious with whoever is responsible for leaking the location of one of their hidden bases to their enemies, and at the moment, there seem to be only two possible suspects.

*** DNA and FLZ raid in Acropolis ***

Further to last weeks News Flash, more information has been received regarding the recent action in Acropolis against the Falconian Empire. The Naplian News Network has provided the following special report:


FCN Heavy Hull Battleships Destroyed And Crippled

A significant naval blow was struck against the FCN forces, 2 x 100 Hull Capital Battleships, the largest in the FCN fleet were cracked from starboard to port as they were ambushed by DNA forces and FLZ warships.

DNA forces concentrated attacks on the 2 Battleships and engaged 4 more warships after successfully destroying 2 light hull ships the previous day.

::: Battle Footage inside an Ambush Cruiser :::

"Perfect, FCN Battleships, get close, this opportunity won't come easily again. Go in hard go in fast and don't look back, fire one, fire two,...torps are streaming towards the Battleships, CRACK, CRACK, set interception course for the 2nd Battleship don't let it escape, woohooo!"

Explosions rip through the space static again and again as the torps find their mark, space bombers and space fighters return, zooming past and engaging the burning FCN Battleships for a second time. A DNA Ambush Cruiser "Ghost of Mad Max" is on the radio and claiming to have struck a killer blow.

A huge FLZ warship passes by, firing a tremendous pulse at the bewildered FCN Battleships.

:: Footage Ends ::

Reports indicate DNA & FLZ Warships have jumped and escaped a larger incoming SMS and FCN fleet with no losses.

There are huge jubilations reported but yet no official comment.

Only 3 slightly damaged DNA ships were spotted, 2 apparently already fully repaired back on patrol in Yank.

"You wouldn't even think there has been a battle" a young Naplian hanging over a fence looking at the shipyard reported, "these Ambush Cruisers look cool."

Falconians Under Siege.

On a heavily reinforced planet a FCN outpost in Acropolis has fallen to FLZ forces. Raging DNA troops have been seen rushing through it forcing FCN forces to flee, feathers flying everywhere. A FCN GP was destroyed.

DNA Losses.

The DNA has also now reported that a brave freighter has been lost together with a spy ship in Acropolis. These are first reported DNA losses. There are minimal casualties as a result of heroic actions beyond the call of duty.

Further Update.

A ground party also has not signed back after trying to board a FCN platform and we are hearing that orbital bombardment has meant that DNA GPs have been destroyed but so to a FCN outpost mostly by their own FCN bombardment.


The FCN's have 3 Battleships known to the DNA.

FCN Ship Size Does Matter (29001), a 100 Heavy Hull Battleship Class Capital Ship has broken into little pieces and been destroyed. It had photon weaponry and was well known to Naplian Naval strategists. It was successfully ambushed by DNA Ambush Cruisers and growing number of DNA warships in Acropolis.

FCN Ship Kazara (56363) 100 Heavy Hull Battleship Class Capital Ship is of similar design and weaponry also was exhibiting similar large fractures.

Reports of eager DNA Captains looking for the 3rd Battleship are unconfirmed.


The IGN newsroom has not yet received any confirmation or denial of this series of military operations in the Acropolis system, but clearly if the DNA news report is to be believed, they have inflicted a significant defeat upon the Falconian Empire.

*** Orbital Message Transmission ***

Entering orbit of Pralor (108)
Oxygen is outgassing at a large rate. FCN Invasion of Storm and destruction of DNA outposts is being avenged by the DNA. You will never sleep safely in your nest no matter how much you reinforce them. Mad Max moves unseen. But he sees all; he infiltrates all, and eliminates all.

*** Imperial Forces Broadcast ***

FROM: Patrol Commissioner.

Press Release.

On stardate 205.13.5 Imperial forces entered the Beach system more precisely the orbit of Castle and initiated a bombardment of the CIA outpost located there. the 29K outpost NIVKINTON (13195) was bombarded for just under 3 rounds before it was destroyed entirely.

Imperial forces that participated in the assault have successfully left the combat zone with no damage.

End of Transmission..................

*** Galactic Crest Securities Engage Confederate Naval Forces ***

Following a brief press release from the GCS spokesman, Ivan K. Grigorovitch that initially reported that elements of the First Offensive Squadron had met and engaged the CNF, there has been no further word from either side as to the outcome of the battle.

It is therefore presumed that a skirmish took place somewhere, involving an indeterminate number of ships, who fought for an unknown length of time.

The Inter Galactic News: Professional Reporting - All The Information That Matters.

*** Further Naplian Transmissions ***

Following on from the transmissions received and broadcast last week, two further Naplian communications have been received, continuing the story of the Democratic Naplian Alliance's return to the stage of the Peripheries, and the apparent return of their leader, Mad Max.

The Naplian Part 8.

Drum beat.

That night the Naplian ship left flying low over mobile bay to the rhythmical sound of drumbeats growing loader as each tribe struck the same beat.

The drums don't stop, they beat on and on day after day, night after night on a growing number of Naplian worlds.

The Naplian Part 9.

Party at Angel's Nest.

News spreads fast, brought by Naplian travellers from Yank. The dramatic re appearance of the reincarnated Mad Max.

The sound of the drums, night after night drives you mad. Naplian's are streaking across the gantries and the sound of bottles falling from them is heard. Speakers mounted in the high gantries point to the main land announcing Mad Max is alive and well and there is going to be big celebration.

Some windows shatter in Angel's Nest as the beat vibrates.

One large light show depicts 2 M's shinning brightly in the night sky from the gantries of Angels Nest.

SMS soldiers look on bemused at the partying Naplians and shake their heads.

*** News Flash ***

Rumours have surfaced that two further vessels have been captured by Pirate Large. Including one that may be rather embarrassing for the Anti-Piracy Task Force.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
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KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
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Lausnaff Enterprises -

15-04-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 15 DAY 5  [Recruit]

******Intergalactic New - Extra*****
***The Mohache Games***
When the sound of grunting could be heard in the distance a mad cheer filled the arena. This was mainly the Mohache crazed with the thrill of their most traditional and highly entertaining sport. Silence fell over the stadium when a big bucket of grease was brought and a member of the organising committee - gloved up the armpits - ran around trying the grease the pig. Laughter came from the Mohache stands whilst silence remained over the rest. A member of the Kastorian Associated Press remarked that "Only the Mohache could possible get this crazed over a pig - and probably only the Mohache could actually get fun out of the 'greasing' stage."

The contestants lined up. All but the Mohache farmer, who seem more relaxed than normal, looked at the pig and either looked slightly worried or hungry. The DEN appeared cold and determined. Most eyes were drawn the DTR contestant: the skimpily clad female stole the show. Mrs Floats on Clouds was quoted as saying "My word - I shall knit a cardigan at once. Poor girl - she will catch her death." The Detinus News agency, whose logo was be sportily worn by the contestant, was said to be "Proud to to show the peripheries what the DTR was made of." Shares in Detinus News increased by 3.65% and rumours of a sporting calendar and merchandise have circulated.

The Mohache opened the show. After stubbing out his pipe and blowing a smoke ring he wandered over to the field. There was a slight delay whilst one of the organising committee had to kick the pig to get it out of its enclosure. The pig grunted and staggered around: slightly dazed by the bright lights and the sound of the crowd. Becoming slightly more aware of what was going on the pig began to run and the farmer picked up his pace. In a mixture of confusion the Mohache contestant fell over in a fit of giggles as the pig ran between his legs. Laughter filled the auditorium. The organising committee ruled the attempt to grapple the pig over - the farmer, still giggling, was escorted off the pitch.

The CIA contestant appeared cool and relaxed. The pig, still slightly dazed, made little attempt to resist a grapple and spectators were reported saying "It just went up and ate out of his hands!" Intelligence and research is worth its weight in gold.

The CNF were next to tackle the more alert pig. The huge demon towered over the other contestants. The pig was released and ran. The contestant had several nearly successful grapples with some impressive tumbling on the floor. Cheers of excitement could be heard. The pig turned and made a direct run at the player. In one swift move the contestant scooped up the pig and in a natural motion ripped the pig's limbs off it's body and sucked the marrow from it's bones. The organising committee - somewhat taken aback - ruled the contestant as "Not sporting," although judged the attempt as a success.

Members of RIP Unity, KRL Strongmen and FEL Hairball FC were unsuccessful in grappling the new pig. It appears that whilst news can travel fast - terror and panic travels faster. It was reported that the local pigs on Sty in the Blowton system, home to Soggra Pyggin - your one stop farming shop - fell quite as the interstellar terror wave hit them. The pig then faced the DEN. The strong and powerful contestant looked nasty. He eyed the pig whose was making its way towards the contestant. The next thing the pig remembered was having it's spinal column ripped out and a warm glow of seeing a lovely pig sty at the end of a white tunnel. The spectators were mixed in reaction. Some silent; some outraged; some were too busy being sick. Mrs Floaty looked away and was reflecting on a rather smart 2 piece suit worn by on the CNF.

The organising committee considered the event and scored on precision, speed and artistic flare. The winner was announced as the DEN team although it appears the organising committee are a little scared to not to award him the prize.

Large video screens show the action taking place in the large, well-equipped gymnasium forming part of the recreational complex at Rubis. All but the DTR and CIA contestants are out of the competition. The two remaining contestants are battling it out dead lifting larger and larger masses. There are cheers from the crowds as 10 kg masses are continuously being added to the bar. The discipline of the CIA contestant begins to break the DTR who eventually breaks into a sweat. The DTR contestant takes a break whilst the CIA continues to break record after record. The judges declare the CIA the winner, but the DTR take the crowds attention as, in one final gesture, the contestant lifts the judges' bench up with the judges on it and lifts it above his head before doing a lap of honour. A reporter from The Empire Today" quotes Mrs Floaty as saying "It was the best ride she'd ever had and what big arms!"

The cross-country race, which has been underway for the past 10 hours, is due to finish in the next couple of hours. Currently the CIA are in the lead having successfully over taken the CNF. More later.

The screens focus to one of the bars where the pheasant plucking competition has been underway for the past 30 minutes. The action has been temporarily halted as apparently a bird has caught fire. Reports are confusing, but it appears that CIA are such proficient pluckers that their contestant, Samuel Whiskers, has caught fire whilst doing his 34th bird in the 3rd minute of the pluck. After attention from the medical team a cheer fills the bar and the Mohache offer their congratulations of a pluck well done by giving Whiskers a large tankard of Peace Whisky. The video screen then shows and advertisement of the Peripheries' most favourite supplier of Mohache good - pop on over to Soggra Pyggin - your number one shop for all things Moh.

After the judges have had a pheasant sandwich the Mohache contestant gets ready to amaze the crowd.

An update from the Cross country dash - the RIP have been arrested by the KAS for spying! More to follow...

Into his 10th bird in the 2nd minute and it is clear the Mohache having going to plucking staying power they once had. In defeat, but with pride, he shakes the hand of the CIA contestant and joins him in some whisky. The DEN take the pheasants in hand, but alas the technique has not been mastered. The front two rows of people have to keep flicking off the bits of meat that land on their person. From around the room titters of laughter are heard although no-one else can see the joke. However, most aren't going to mess with the DEN contestant, whose low level growl causes one of the judges to whimper slightly.

It is official - the RIP team are out of the cross-country race. Laughter fills the bar and the RIP pheasant plucker leave the auditorium in shame. No pheasants are going to be plucked by the RIP this week.

Pure determination takes over the young marine from the DTR. He has been told one thing and one thing only: pluck like you have never plucked before. Weeks of training have allegedly exhausted an entire regiment whilst on shore leave. Oddly, that planet was devoid of pheasants. However, the marine takes his birds firmly in his hands and works his art. Before the half way bell the crowd are cheering him on as his rhythm picks up. The crowds, the judges and the spectators in the stadium shout "Pluck, pluck, pluck" which drives him on even more. Before time is called he has finished the pheasants and stands triumphantly with a smirk on his face. All charged up, he passes past the judges and chucks a couple of females over his shoulders and leaves the bar.

Cross-country update... It is between the CIA and the CNF. The CNF are leading by 500 meters.

Back outside to the straw bail dash. The contestants are lined up each with a bail of straw in front of them. The whistle is blown and the contestants lift up their bails and start the run. After a few lengths several contestants have fallen. The RIP are jogging casually, hardly breaking a sweat. However, the power of the CIA and the DTR contestants are superior. It becomes a race between the CIA and the DTR. The crowd begin to cheer in the excitement, however there is an suddenly an extremely large number of people chanting for the CIA. The two contestants are heading towards the finish line. The pace picks up. The chants for the CIA get larger and larger. Out of now where two previously figures acting as line judges pounce on the CIA contestant. The roll on the floor and one covers the contestant whilst the other pulls out a small fire arm and is pointing at the crowd. After the DTR successfully pick up first place and the crowd laugh at the CIA with a chant that for legal reasons can't be published but implies the CIA are quite silly the two figures pick up and dust down the CIA contestant who seems to be particularly annoyed at them. Judges and security staff escort them off the track.

Cross-country shock: the CIA has now taken the lead. The race is into it's final length.

On the field a collection of sheep look worried. Unlike the usual Mohache games some of these 'farmers' look serious.

First up is the Dewiek. The sheep knowing the drill are taken somewhat by surprises as the contest releases a loud howl. He is so loud that one of the sheep collapses and the rest scatter. One appears to have suffered a 'significant' injury on the pen which may require more than James Herriot to fix. Several sheep are seen heading into the crowd with Mohache farmers running after them. One assumes they are going to retrieve them.

The DTR take the field with a fresh supply of sheep. The DTR are clearly new to the concept of herding and are occasionally bitten by the sheep. It is still not clear why although the contestant is sponsored by "Cross and Blackwell" and maybe these sheep can read. The CNF successful round up the sheep. The sheep appear more than happy to walk into the pen. Maybe the choice of dog has something to do with it. The judges were asked to rule if demons can be used for the competition.

The FEL are currently in discussion with the judges. It appears that intergalactic politics are as strong in the field as they are in space. It is agreed that the FEL can enter a feline species instead of a canine. Alas, as cats are famous for thinking the rule the world and just sit licking themselves clean the sheep are not encouraged to enter the pen and do only do so so that the next competitor can have a go. The CIA take to the field and their bitch causes a bit of a stir. Maybe it was the feminine touch, but the sheep were most obedient. The CIA round the sheep up in the quickest time and the judges deem them to be the winners.

And the competitors for the cross-country race are coming into the stadium. The crowd go wild and cheers and chants are bouncing off the walls. The CIA are currently in the lead, but the CNF has a second wind and races past and smiles at his competitor as he over takes.

The field is cleared and the remaining sheep are moved off. The 5-a-side teams in their smart kits are brought out from the changing rooms and friendly banter between the spectators generates the background noise as the teams warm up.

The first game is Krell against the CIA. Mrs Floaty tosses the coin and the CIA call head and get the kick off. The pigs bladder is placed on the spot and the CIA kick off. The first half of the game is generally uneventful until just before the final whistle. Some incredible play by the CIA causes a stir as players appear to randomly dart around and technology appears to be in play. In the second half the kick off by the Krell is followed by an impressive boot which sends the bladder straight into the back of the net - sound of pain could be heard. It sounds like a man doubled over in pain when he has been caught off-guard. The match is taken to penalties. With an injured player the Krell have the advantage and win 6-5 on penalties.

The second game sees the DTR take on the CNF. The match is scrappy and many yellow cards are shown in the first half. Neither side is particularly aware of the rules, but by the 2nd half the players have got into the swing of things. The CNF win 1-0.

The DEN win their game knowing the play one step ahead of the FEL who let one goal through whilst preening. The audience laugh with hysterics as the Feline try to level the match. This has been a bad day for the Feline, but they can still hold their heads up high from their last intergalactic competition.

Mrs Floaty takes to the microphone. "My word, what an amazingly colourful day. I can honestly say that this has been one of the most eventful Mohache Games to date. I am sorry to say that the Mohache go home prizeless, but hope that they have given plenty of joy and entertainment. I would like to thank the competitors for providing so much entertainment. Whilst the field is prepared for the semi-finals of the pig's bladder kick-a-bout I would like to award the prizes." She shakes the hands of the winners as she given them their medals and a voucher to allow collection of their prize from the KAS.

CNF win the Cross-Country Dash
DTR win the Pheasant Plucking
CIA win the Sheep Herding
RIP win the Bail Dash
DEN win the Greased Pig Grapple
CIA win the Strongman Competition

The semi-finals are:


18-04-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 16 DAY 1  [Recruit]

***** Message From The Editor *****

Please note there is a new RIP website:

Readers are recommended to check out the absolutely superb guide to affiliations.

And as a footnote to that, the RIP ringleader has indicated that for a small stellar donation, it is possible to have your affiliations description changed. And for a slightly larger stellar donation, you can submit an alteration for somebody else's affiliation.

The Editor couldn't possibly comment on the accuracy of the affiliation guide, but none the less commends it to you all.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Tractor Beam Changes.

This will be implemented over the next few weeks

Positions will have a daily allotment of tractor factors. This is the total output for all items generating tractor factors.

This will be used to stop positions. As tractor factors count against combat thrust, ships that have their combat speed reduced to zero will be effectively halted (also account for other positions).

If a position runs out of tractor factors, it will not stop any more positions on that particular day through the use of tractor mechanisms.

This means that a starbase with a gadzillion tractor factors could bring an entire warfleet to a grinding halt, stopping it for battle. A starbase with only a few tractor factors may not even be capable of stopping a single ship.

As this could lead some players to develop xlight ships loaded with combat engines in order to exhaust tractor factors we will put some modifiers in.

The stress modifier of the firing position and the target position directly modify tractor factors. Therefore firing tractor beams against an xtra light ship is much more effective on a mass per mass ratio than firing them against a heavy hull ship, i.e. an xtralight hull ship packed with combat engines will not soak more tractor factors than a heavy hull ship packed with combat engines.

An xtralight hull ship packed with tractor beams will not be more effective at stopping other ships than a heavy hull ship packed with tractor beams.

Vague supporting physics:
While this is a game, we like to use some physics where we can. Tractor beams are more effective against xlight hull ships as the ships as thrust needs to be cut in order to prevent the engines from powering through the rest of the ship. Tractor beams are less effective when fired from an xtra light hull ship as the decking around the tractor tends to give way long before the tractor can be brought up to full power (like trying to lasso a train).

***** Inter Galactic News *****

*** Mad Max On Stage In Yank ***

One of our IGN reporters was present at a Naplian concert, where the little-known Naplian Rock stars, '2U' were playing their song "New Years Day" from their album
WAR in preparation for the first speech of Mad Max since his return.

The footage of this appearance has been kindly supplied by the Naplian News Network. IGN reporters have compared the physical appearance of Mad Max to archived material, and this does seem to be the same Mad Max who was believed to have perished some time ago.

To massive applause Mad Max steps onto the stage Stik in digit, Voodoo Dolls hang from the roof of the hall, one has wings, one is insectoid, one has fur and two look human.

::A thunderous sound of warships flying low passes overhead::

In a drama packed start, Mad Max throws his Stik 30m across the hall and it pierces the winged doll, which hangs limp swinging from one side to another, stik embedded. The Naplian crowd cheer for 10 minutes eventually it is quiet and Max begins his speech.

"A number of Evil Consortium fabrications about the truth of DNA history is being banded around. I am not surprised they hurry to cover up the truth. I mean a tiny nation like ours deliberately seeking harm to the Felini in Skye, at the same time attacking the FCN's at the same time destroying deliberately COH 'freighters'.

And just by chance the next day an invasion fleet of thousands and thousands of marines rocks up at Skye with large numbers of FEL/SMS/COH warships, a fully fledged well organised invasion . Hmmm."

::boos are heard, stiks are thrust up in the air::

Max continues, "The DNA has observed how the Evil Consortium initiated another attack on other beings called the FLZ using a WoMD."

::more boos are heard, stiks are thrust up in the air::

"The FCN attack on our assets in Storm was illegal and WILL be avenged."

::Cheers ring out::

"COH and FEL Invasion of Skye will be avenged!"

::More cheers::

"SMS warships in Skye who tried to support their allies and failed to engage our superior ships and still chase Naplian ghost ships will feel the heat of a new weapon soon."

::Bigger Cheers ring out::

"The failure of the Evil Consortium to honour their peace agreement will be avenged."

::This line is met with scowls and cheers::

"We hear the calling of the Naplian prisoners illegally held by the Evil Consortium they wonder why we don't come? I tell you: WE ARE COMING! WE ARE COMING!"

The crowd, whipped up into a frenzy take up the chant:

"We are Coming, We are coming, We are coming!"

A short intermission was held at this point during which our IGN reporter managed to catch a quick word with one of Max's staff, securing an agreement for an IGN interview to be conducted soon. Further arrangements were however cut short by the raucous cries of joy which greeted Max's return to the main stage, where he continued his speech.

"The Consortium claimed they attacked us because we had WoMD but did they find any - No, because I never permitted it. However, times change and so too does our policy towards lying traitorous enemies who will use it against their enemies.

DNA forces engaged the Evil Consortium in battle on the ground and in space were hero's this week, against a well-fortified position and resident orbital FCN fleet. This is only the prelude for what is to come."


"And finally the Falconian's Largest Battleships were left destroyed and sinking, struck down by a swarm of DNA Ambush Cruisers on their first operation this week right under your beaks."

::Cheers and joy breaks out, plus a few Naplian wiggly butt cheeks::

"Freedom to speak out against injustice is a Naplian right of birth.

To fight for freedom is our way of life.

By order!

Mad Max. DNA Immortal Chief!"

Naplian Rock stars "2U" play the song "Seconds" as Mad Max leaves the stage. Naplians dancing everywhere stiks in the air as they jog out of the wooden hall. Our reporter exited quietly to consider the text of Max's polemic.

*** Detinus Starbase In Twinkle ***

The matter of the DTR base in Twinkle appears to have been peacefully resolved with the DTR agreeing to hand over the base to the High Star authorities in order to avoid triggering an inevitable conflict with the GCS in the hitherto peaceful system.

We do however understand that there was some considerable debate on the floor of the Detinus House Of Lords over this matter, where Speaker Of The House Michelle Diaz had to deploy all of her considerable political skills to convince dissenting senators of the wisdom of her policy.

As a slightly bizarre sidenote, one result of this whole affair has been the moderately odd communications between the DTR and GCS, where they politely invited each other to disband their organisations immediately.

One supposes it cannot ever hurt to ask nicely.

*** Wimble Starbases Ban DNA and FLZ ***

The Wimble Nation's leader, Grandfather Lemora Enewatak, this week made announcement that all DNA and FLZ positions were banned from all WMB starbases and installations, citing a lack of trust and friendship.

The Lord Fell, speaking for the FLZ, expressed his surprise and disappointment at this ban. While Mrrshan, the Felini Tyrant welcomed the Wimble announcement, declaring it to be "consistent and honourable".

*** DNA/FLZ Alliance? ***

Recent joint military operations between the DNA and FLZ have raised the question as to whether or not these two affiliations are officially allied with each other. IGN investigation into the matter has indicated that there exists between the DNA and FLZ an agreement that can be more or less summed up with the phrase, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.'

As far as deeper diplomatic ties and agreements go, there does as yet seem to be no link between the DNA and FLZ. And no official announcement as to this is anticipated.

*** DTR Sources Question The Accuracy Of The Jax Examiner ***

Following on from a story reported last week in the IGN, picked up from the Imperial news agency, the Jax Examiner, the Detinus Republic have issued a statement refuting their claims:

"Translating the Jax Examiner

Recent news from the Imperial Red Top "The Jax Examiner" have been expanded to reveal the truth for all races of the peripheries.

The Examiner says "Closer to home an illegal DTR outpost was discovered on an asteroid in the Capellan system..... After three days bombardment from orbit by GTT and IMP light forces the DTR outpost and its associated Ground Party discovered in the Capellan Periphery last week were totally destroyed."

We translate "Detinus forces locate an asteroid at the edge of Capellan space (Tau CXII (8629) - Beta 15). They discovered that this asteroid is home to a GTT outpost. This outpost's ID corresponds to one of the supply outposts that GTT HQ has general instructions to pick up from on a weekly basis. Early scans suggest the asteroid contains mainly common ores but the size of the base suggests that a significant operation is in progress, and scans suggested that a Dome and resource complexes were present. It was suspected that the outpost might be supplying rarer ores to the GTT Starbase via the resource complexes. An assault team is dispatched to secure the outpost.

This base had no defences, unsurprising since the GTT probably thought that a hidden asteroid in their own home system was safe. Interestingly the DTR discovered that the base was not a very efficient operation. Five mines were present, three of these mines were extracting metals at a rate of 9 MUs per mine. HQ must be desperate for metals. The resource complex proved to be even less interesting, two lines of RSMs.

DTR forces secured the outpost but tacticians suggested that this base could not be held without DTR losses. Special forces were able to extract the front line troops and all the base employees before the GTT/IMP Light forces arrived. The IMP forces then proceeded to blow holes in the asteroid destroying the ex-GTT outpost (5 mines, 2 resource, 1 dome and a command centre).

DTR loses included 3k of assault tanks so our losses were approximately a third of the GTT losses.

It has been quite correctly pointed out that capturing defenceless outposts is not an act that will ever be celebrated in the tales of legends but the Examiner appears to claim that the IMP had discovered a DTR outpost. The truth is that the IMP destroyed an outpost lost by the GTT to the DTR. The truth has now been told. The asteroid in question will be made public to the peripheries at large.

The DTR is quite concerned that the Imperials (and the Confederates as well) are quite happy to pound outposts killing all civilians that are present. If any civilians had remained at the outpost on Tau CXII, they would be dead. Their killers would have been the affiliations which up to a week ago paid their wage. The DTR will continue to use these acts to convince the Inner Empire that the Imperials are not fit to lead the human race."

*** Return Of The Hexos? ***

The following communication was transmitted by Gabriel Fairbride a citizen and eminently informed historian residing in the Detinus Republic. The communication regarded a recent announcement from the Children Of Hexos (COH) where their leader signed off as the 'Celestial Emperor'.



you have signed a public message as follows:

> Hexos
> Celestial Emperor

From our understanding, the entity (or concept) of the Celestial Emperor and Deity of the Hexamon (HXM) known as Hexos died in the Hexamon wars against the Dewiek and their allies. His demise scattered the remains of the Hexamon, who vanished as an affiliation. The survivors, mere shadows of the former Hexamon society, became the ANT nation. It was with some degree of concern when the ANT rose to the new Children of Hexos (COH). Back at that time already I feared that ultimately, the HXM would re-emerge. The ANT were a scattered swarm without a coherent leadership, allowed into Yank for mere pity. The COH had regained their ancestral hive structure. The presence of one "Hexos" can only mean the COH will soon turn into HXM.

Please comment. I am sure that the Dewiek and a number of other races and affiliations including the DTR are interested in what you have to say.

For the greater glory of the Republic

Gabriel Fairbride
DTR Citizen


The Celestial Emperor Hexos moved quickly to re-assure the Peripheries that his use of the title 'Celestial Emperor' was in no way an indication of any desire to resurrect the past of their people, but that it was simply a means of re-connecting with their roots. And that as survivors of a last race, they simply seek to regain some form of cultural identity.

A few eyebrows were raised at this. But the COH did make re-assurance of their peaceful intentions, baring of course their current hostilities against the DNA and FLZ.

*** Piracy Update ***

Checking the IGN thesaurus, we can report that the iniquitous peril of the cosmos, Pirate Large, has been busy again:

"Ahhhaaaarrrgghhh me Hearties............

It Be Aye......... Pirate Large.........

We be in silent runnin quiet I say, there be 2 DNA warships off the fore decks, keep low sensor activity trackin the 50 HH ship CIA Road Runner (1332).........another warship cappan tracked in the quad............aye keep the engines runnin a low tone, wairt for these te pass...........

This be the YANK system stardate 205.14.3, keep your eyes peeled, it be one of the most heavily patrolled systems aye, the APTF be everywhere..........

Vessels passin cappan........ahhhaarrgghhh be ready I say, boost the engines, full power to all systems, ahhharrrggghh, and crack through the hulls of this ship.

Ahhaarrggghh CIA veteran crew on board, 30 there be, and the slicin begins, 13 of the beggars were killed before they decided life be precious and they lets me have thee ship ahharrgghh.

any ways im sure you will hear more from the Glorious Adventures of the pirate ship Large(and friends).............aahaaarrgh."

While no confirmation has yet been received from either the CIA or the Anti-Piracy Task Force, this attack on a ship in the Yank system must surely be an embarrassment for both them, and the Kastorian Military Junta, whose system patrol vessels also clearly failed to intercept Large or his newly captured prize.

Commenting off the record, and APTF member was heard to mutter that, 'Space is just too damned big. We need to shrink space some. Can we do that?'

This communication from Pirate Large has been subject to edits for the sake of the families of the captured CIA crew, with whom our thoughts reside.

*** FLZ/DNA Raid Acropolis ***

More details have been uncovered regarding last weeks raid against the Falconian Empire by Flagritz Empire and Democratic Naplian Alliance vessels. Confirmation has been received that the combined FCN losses do equate to those claimed by the Naplian News Network in their somewhat colourful reports.

The Falconian ships were heavily outnumbered, and can probably consider themselves fortunate to not have suffered more severe losses. Although just as the DNA ships were reported to have been rapidly repaired last week, it is almost certain that the FCN repaired their damaged vessels just as quickly.

*** Piracy Update ***

Not content with one victory a week, the diabolically fiendish Pirate Large, has struck again.

"Aaahhhhhaaarrrggghhh me Hearties........

It be aye............ Pirate Large.........

On stardate 205.14.3 when loiterin in known traffic routes, me look out spotted a BHD 75 normal hulled ship Angelicus (1038) loiterin off the port quarter.............

After a speedy assault on the vessel me boys attacked with vengeance a plenty, and smashed through the hulls aye..........there be 70 crew on board, some o them were marines, but after a few rounds o' combat thee gave in, they obviously dont believe the true one bout the afterlife, and felt this life might be worthlivin.... ...ahhhaaarrrggghhh she be mine...........

I took all me prisners into me main chambers, and made them all a cup o tea, gives them an hob nob, and talked bout the current political state, would the tories make it in, on that crappy ole called urf. You know treat them all nice aye...................

Nah....... and after me boys took what might o been an eternity on some o' them we wen to communion to confess our sins.......

My sins a been absolved...............although I doubts the bhd think so aye........

any ways im sure you will hear more from the Glorious Adventures of the pirate ship Large(and friends).............aahaaarrgh."

Again, this being a family publication, a few minor cuts have been made to the body of Pirate Large's transmission. Listeners are reminded that the un-edited broadcasts of Pirate Large are available on the public comms channels. (KJCs Phoenix Forum Group at the address below.)

All space travellers are once again reminded of the dangers of leaving their vessels unescorted in the wilds of deep space.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

22-04-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 16 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****Message from KJC*****
Mica will be away on Monday 25th April.

***** Message from the Editor *****

Please note that the AFT website address has been changed to:

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Imperial Press Release ***

FROM: Patrol Commissioner

Press Release.

Last week 250 troops engaged a CIA outpost Sanctuary (1990) in the Fetlock system on the planet Saddle and were cut down by the defending garrison of troops and RDB's.

It was decided that an escalation of ground assaults would not be prudent due to the potential Imperial loss of life, and so yesterday a bombardment was initiated by Imperial forces.

In this bombardment a small amount of return fire was fired from the outpost to no effect and the facility was completely destroyed, during this phase of the operation, secondary blasts from the bombardment destroyed the Tempest class vessel believed to be 100 hulls that had landed and was delivering equipment to the CIA outpost. It is believed that at least 160 CIA troops and much ground equipment was destroyed in the bombardment

Imperial forces successfully disengaged the area and have moved away from the area with no losses.

End Of Transmission.

*** Destruction of the Krell ship Ark Angel ***

Earlier this week the KRL freighter Ark Angel was destroyed by Confederate Naval Forces when the vessel strayed too close to the Plague Stargate.

Despite a rapid rescue attempt, the CNF forces on scene were unable to retrieve any survivors from the wreckage. It is thought that a failure in the Ark Angel's navigational computers is to blame for this incident that all sides seem to be describing as a deeply unfortunate accident.

Amongst those lost are the captain, Lucy Chung, who is understood to have been romantically involved with Warlord Bridge, leader of the Krell. Her remains are understood to have been spread over several light minutes and partially sucked into the stargate when it opened after the attack, her body returned to the stars.

A short memorial service to celebrate the lives of the crew, will be held at the colony Fort Shiloh, in the Yank system. Those interested in attending should contact the office of the Warlord.

*** Galactic Crest Securities 1st Cappellan Offensive Squadron In Action ***

A communication has been received from the GCS that their Offensive Squadron has been in action again, this time intercepting a DTR vessel, Clowning About. The location of this battle is unknown, as indeed is the configuration of the Clowning About. Though the fact that it was operating apparently on its own would seem to indicate that it was either a Reconnaissance vessel, or a freighter.

*** Shipping Advisory ***

Travellers are reminded to always check the details of their flight plans, and that they will not be violating any controlled zones. Many areas of the Peripheries are actively patrolled by warships carrying active enemy lists, if in doubt, contact the controlling authorities. Not everybody deploys Cow-Tractor ™ Platforms like the DTR.

*** Detinus Starbase In Twinkle ***

According to information released by Ivan K. Grigorovitch, the GCS Officer Commanding Outer Empire, the DTR Starbase in twinkle, the recent source of much friction, has been handed over to the High Star authorities.

Grigorovitch called again for the DTR to give up further bases, in the name of peace. Though it is doubtful the Detinus Republic will be inclined to listen.

*** Slave Repatriation ***

G.T. Spugman, the second in command of the Regular Independent Privateers (RIP) has announced that the Ex-Slave Repatriation Service is now open and available for all to use.

Those interested should visit Quick Snack's market site for more information regarding remuneration:

Or visit for more information on this service and on the RIP in general.

As part of a special opening promotion, Quick Snack is very happy to offer a bonus to its ex-slave repatriation service: Every ex-slave released to Quick Snack will earn an extra 10 stellars, to a maximum of 100 slaves per transaction per race.

The RIP have made it clear that all ex-slaves will be treated with dignity and will be re-patriated and released at the earliest opportunity. They further invite any and all parties interested in examining this operation to ensure its absolute above-board nature, to contact the Quick Snack authorities to arrange an inspection.

*** News Flash ***

A story from Nihil Veritas, war correspondent for the Imperial news agency, the Jax Examiner, has just flashed up on the interstellar wire:

Reports are coming in that a BHD outpost in the Darkfold Periphery was taken by GTT Ground Forces earlier this week. Indications are that the mines and resource complexes at the former BHD outpost were all manned by Human Slaves. Are the DTR aware that their Darkfold Allies are still up to their old tricks?

Further details are expected soon.

***** Special Report: Incarcerated Politicals *****

In what might be seen as a very clear-headed assessment of reality, Politicals throughout the Peripheries continue to experience variable lengths of incarceration upon their arrival at Starbases.

Explanations for these phenomena remain conflicted and confusing. Although Pridesenior Nevets Motnahp of the Felini has recently been in contact with an excerpt from his personal papers to explain at least one such incident:


A key rattled in the door of the cell, Prideleader Nevets Motnahp looked up from the patch of floor that he had been staring at for the last week or so. Silhouetted against the bright lights of the hallway a black figure stood in the doorway.

"Sir" came a meek nervous voice.

"Yes Sargent" came the reply, "You said to let you out after a week, sir"

"My …has it been only a week I thought you had forgotten me and left me here for longer."

"Never sir" came the shocked reply "our pride could not function without your leadership…I myself are thankful that you left such clear instructions for use during your absence."

"Glad to hear there were no problems" he continued, "any news from the battlegroups in crusade?"

"I'm not privy to such information sir, I usually work in the mines but you reassigned me to this pet project of yours."

"Very well…. What was your name again?"

"Acting Sgt Equim, sir."

"Well acting Sgt Equim my first order of business since my 'release' will be to promote you to commanding officer of this outpost. You will train under me." He looked at the stunned Officer. "Any questions Whitefang Equim?"

"No sir…well one sir… why did you ask to be incarcerated for the last week?"

"A good question." He made to walk out the door the stopped and turned to Equim, "I wanted to see, if only for a week, what our lost brethren in Crusade had endured over the last 8 years…. Having myself grown up in a mining outpost I knew what it was like to work day in day out but the experience of living in squalid conditions eluded me, so I conducted this 'pet project' as you so elegantly put it, to better understand their life."

With that he turned and walked towards his office.. He had a weeks worth of battlereports and mining updates to digest. His mind changed tack as he thought about the tale he could now tell the leaders of the other prides at the next council session, then he smiled as he thought of the playful teasing he would have to endure once he told them he had promoted the Employee that had locked him up to outpost commander...oh it would take a while for him to live that one down.

Back in the doorway of the cell the newly promoted Equim watched his Prideleader stride masterfully down the corridor of the small prison block. "Wow…wait till the lads hear about this. They won't believe a word of it…. Till I invite them to my new office."

With one more glance around the cell he too, in an attempt to mimic his new mentor, tried to stride out of the cell…and tripped over his own feet. "That's going to take a bit of work" he said and walked off towards the command centre."


Has your Political been unfairly incarcerated? Does your PD take an unseemly delight in keeping his subjects locked in cells? Contact the SSS and tell your side of the story.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

29-04-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 17 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
Due to Bank Holiday Monday, Tuesday 3rd May will be a double day. Sorry for the late announcement, it was completely overlooked.
Might as well get this in early - there is another Bank Holiday 30th May. Same policy apply, double day Tuesday 31st May..

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Brotherhood Slave Holdings ***

The newly appointed Pope McGovern has announced that the claim of slaves being held at the BHD mining outpost recently captured by the Imperial-bloc were indeed accurate. Pope McGovern however strenuously denied any fore-knowledge of the presence of slaves at a BHD installation, and went on to state:

"To my friends in the DTR and in the peripheries at large. The BHD do NOT condone slavery. I make it a personal duty to investigate the entire BHD and if there are any more slaves found, they WILL be released and an investigation started. I believed that all slaves had been released in the confederacy several years ago."

There has been no official comment on this situation from the Detinus Republic as yet, though sources close to the House Of Lords suggest that the DTR is satisfied with the Brotherhoods explanation, and that they are confident the new Pope will conduct an exhaustive investigation into the full state of BHD holdings, to ensure there are no more slaves trapped in distant and forgotten mining outposts.

With regards the processing of the recently freed slaves, GT Spugman, the RIP Henchman has offered to take the Outpost over from Imperial hands, in order to facilitate the transferral and repatriation of the freed slaves, via the recently announced RIP Slave Repatriation Scheme.

Hopefully the slaves will be closely questioned by independent third parties, to ensure that the stories they tell of their captivity match up with the explanations given for their presence at a Brotherhood installation.

*** Falconian Broadcast ***

The Inter-Galactic News recommends that viewers of a sensitive nature might wish to look away as we broadcast the following item:


A low quality vid image is relayed throughout several galactic bulletin boards. It appears to show hundreds of Falconians involved in some kind of barbaric feeding ritual. Various Quad Rex and other animals are brought forth and torn apart as the ceremony moves slowly towards a climax. Black figures begin swoop down from above and begin to carry the still living animals and take them aloft, a few moments later blood and guts of the rains down amongst the almost frantic crowd below. Suddenly the camera itself is apparently flown into the air in the talons of a Falconian, a few hundred metres above the ground it is twisted to reveal the peculiar scene on below. The blood and guts rained down upon the crowd and ground appear to form a peculiar sigil....


Experts are yet to clarify the significance of the peculiar sigil.

*** Imperial Planning Request ***

An application has been received by the Viceregal Administration to set up an outpost in the Madonna system.

Anyone already exploiting the following mineral resource codes in the Madonna system is requested to contact Admiral Lord Simms, the Imperial Viceroy, by private channel stating the planet where their outpost is located and which resource codes are being exploited.

Mineral Resource Codes 16190, 32131 & 73479

*** Imperial Raiders ***

There are further unconfirmed reports of Imperial raiders launching bombing runs against targets deep inside Confederation space.

*** Falconian News Network Newsflash ***

FNN - NEWSFLASH: "FCN lose another battle against the FLZDNA......"

Falconian Trade Viziers today failed a blindfolded taste test upon Falconia. After being blindfolded the Viziers had to tell the difference between FGZ-Soda and FLZ MAX (an FLZ competitor brand the so called 'Diet FGZ') in three taste trials. During the taste trials one of the Viziers was heard to comment regarding the FLZ MAX that it was "low on substance but full of noisy bubbles", unfortunately this remark was immediately leapt upon by FLZDNA propagandists as a military victory...

Exactly how the Stikhead Alliance rates this bubble incident when compared to other great victories such as the strategic withdrawals from the Storm, Skye and Crusade systems is unknown. Though our reporters can confirm that lots of shiny medals got handed out because of it. Mr Politikal Suicide, head of public relations for the Stikhead's was heard to comment "This is a great day for Stikheads everywhere... I'm sure this outranks the FLZ losing that starbase and all those baseships in terms of victories for ourside.... of course this come nowhere near the VC Day..... VC Day? You know... Victory over the Consortium Day... when we took those 12 complexes with pride.... made my Stik pop right up that did...."

In response to 35,000 pages of DNA Victory speeches a Falconian Intelligence Analyst was heard to remark "We've analysed the images of the so called 'Max' character and have in fact discerned that it is merely the rear end of a Kastorian Cattle with a naplian face drawn upon it. The resemblance is uncanny but the animal appears to be suffering from a stomach upset as that is the only thing that can explain the fact that 'Max' is once again spewing so much s.."

*Transmission terminated*

*** Democratic Naplian Alliance Respond To Falconian Broadcast ***

Following the galaxy-wide Falconian broadcast this week, a Spokesnaplian from the DNA was in touch with the IGN news-room to place their response. Mad Max himself was unavailable for comment.

"Mad Max refused to comment on what was frustrated Falconian propaganda, but was seen comparing his face to Harkon's vulture features. Mad Max thought Harkon was the most ugliest and distasteful bird he had ever seen, and joked even the backside of a Kastorian Cow looked better then Harkon's vulture face, and certainly had less crap on it and produced less flatulence."

For somebody refusing to comment, Max seems somehow to still have made his thoughts on the Falconian insult quite clear.

The spokesnaplian for the Mad Max's office continued:

"The claims of the Falconians are misleading, the DNA gave their assets in a deal via the FGZ to the Krell in Storm as was always intended. The DNA never had long term plans* in Storm but the succession of the Krell to independence and peace was our only goal which was achieved and we are proud of progress to date. The Falconians threatened this by dividing and splitting the Krell against the DNA any dirty way they could. We took action to neutralize their actions helping the Krell to independence much to FCN displeasure. We look forward to the day when the Krell claim the system for themselves and the FCN fraudulent claim for the system is removed. The attack on DNA assets will be avenged until this day they hand assets back to the Krell and clear out of Storm system."

The role of Storm system in the DNA/FCN dispute had until now been unclear, but as the Spokesnaplian from the DNA has made clear, it seems they wish for the Krell to claim the system themselves. There is no indication of the official Krell position on this matter.

The statement continued:

" The Falconians should observe carefully the face of Mad Max as it will be the last memory they see before they die under Harkons leadership. Mad Max expects that Harkons brain is a lot smaller then his ego to even grasp this. Only by practical demonstration to the Falconians will they understand."

Xenopsychological experts at IGN have examined the nature of FCN/DNA communications, and have concluded that the exchange of insults comprises an important aspect of alien diplomacy.

"Furthermore the DNA gave all outposts to the FEL and COH forces in return for the release of DNA blue prints and release of our soldiers who proved so brave holding Supernova for 2 weeks against 8-1 odds. Only some Blue prints were returned and the soldiers held prisoner or forced into slavery, needless to say the Consortium with all their wealth could never stick to a deal just like the Felini Tyrant that dis"honorable" one. They will pay with many lives for their continual dishonour, and allies of them will be spared no quarter."

This is not the first time that the Consortium have been accused of slavery, Flagritz Empire sources have levelled the same charge. Just as the Felini have accused the Flagritz Empire. Independent sources are however yet to see any conclusive evidence of any of these claims.

The Naplian spokesperson concluded his statement:

"The Falconian's destroyed four outposts the DNA would not defend due to the Falconian and Consortium Naval power it was a clear trap. A number of Krell lives were lost at the expense of Falconian actions but the DNA naval forces were not trapped in Storm. Tactical retreat the FCN call it. Yet before DNA's visit to Acropolis the DNA hardly ever existed according to commentators and was destroyed, even Mad Max was confirmed dead. I ask you who do you believe? Mad Max said he would come to Acropolis and he did, he won't stop there till the debts are paid, he is on a destiny that has been written."

*A long term plan is over 8 years in DNA history, anything other then that is considered short term. A war is 8 years or longer according to DNA tradition.

And then signed off as the official spokesnaplian for Mad Max, referred to as their Immortal Chief.

*** Piracy Update ***

In a further embarrassment for the Kastorian Military Junta and the Anti-Piracy Task Force, the heavily patrolled system of Yank has once again been hit by Pirate Large:

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties.....

It be aye.....

Pirate Large.....

We be in YANK again, stalking the system and lookin for bait, when me look out spotted a CNF freighter, aye aye cappan 100 light hulled ship, CNF Devils Doorstep (51627) off to the starboard....

Ahharrgghhh be ready I say, an attack the ship we did., 50 crew there be, and 14 would not see their intestines again cant beat a batch of intestines on toast, lovely....."

Spacefarers have reacted with alarm to this indication that Pirate Large and his men might have added cannibalism to their list of crimes. Rumours have begun to circulate in some of the darker corners of Starbases throughout Yank that Pirate Large is subject to an evil curse, and his crew comprised of the living dead.

Large continued;

"Then again, you wanna see the female poirates, they be man eaters, and I say that with exact meanin wi some o them. Although it be rumoured the CNF men as large ribs which be nice when battered…

Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."

This communication from Pirate Large has been subjected to IGN censorship for the sake of the friends and families of those crewmembers captured. (ooc -As a reminder, those wishing to see the full transcripts are recommended to join the Phoenix yahoogroup, address below.)

*** Piracy Update ***

Further rumours suggest that Pirate Large has struck again today, seizing a 100 light hull vessel. This is in addition to the previously reported rumours that Pirate Large has also recently seized an AFT 100 light hull freighter.

***** Special Report *****

*** Spotted In Yank ***

Several rare visitors were sighted in the Yank system this week, the Flagritz ship Avatar, a 225 Heavy Hull Invader Class capital ship, and the Flagritz ship Gargantua, a 400 Normal Hull Salvaged TCA Hulk Class Freighter. Along with a few weeks ago, the Turufol T'cath, another TCA class Freighter weighing in at 300 Light Hulls.

We turned to Gabriel Fairbride, the Detinus Republic's resident history expert, for more details on these ships.

"The Avatar has an interesting history, the Invader Class capital ship originally belonged to the Hive, who only managed to build one before the IMP struck heavily at the HVE Affiliation which was back then based in the Teller system. The Avatar was then used to evacuate the HVE Queen. Later it was traded to the KAS in exchange for asylum, and it is believed that even later, the KAS sold the vessel on to the FGZ.

The TCA ships are even more interesting. The first, and for a very long time the only TCA encounter in dim and distant past (ooc- BSE days) was a very large ship that attacked and destroyed a tiny IMP colony out of the blue. TCA was then translated as "Terran Colony Annihilator".

Rumours suggest that some time after this encounter, a 'dead' TCA ship was discovered on an asteroid in Titan and surveyed by several affiliations.

Somewhat later again, when the DEN finally found the way back into their ancestral home system, Acrux, the HXM Exodus fleet arrived in the same system with at least six TCA ships. They referred to their allies as the T'Cath. In the famous "final battle for Acrux" the DD&D fleet fought a delaying action against the HXM/TCA and then withdrew from the system. Although the war was technically lost by the DD&D Alliance we learned later that the losses inflicted on the HXM broke their spirit and a later invasion of Acrux and Dyson by the DEN met with little or no resistance. The HXM affiliation withered, and later re-appeared in Yank as the ANT. Their TCA allies had vanished, but it later turned out they had been "sold" or otherwise transferred to the FGZ.

By nature, the TCA are living organisms, controlling and regulating all of their own systems. They suffer dementia with age and in the final stages could theoretically be used (and crewed) like regular starships. That's what the FGZ are doing, as far as I understand it.

TCA ships use a weapon named the plasma projector that used metals as ammo. The ship that destroyed the IMP colony is thought to have been a mining ship of low intelligence which ate the colony's metal contents.

The TCA are believed to have been created by the Architects, ARC, who appear to have engineered or enslaved the TCA race to serve them as transporters in the great ancient war. The Yank Kastorian, KAS, faction was evacuated from Kastor by a group of renegade TCA for all we know. The Kastorians themselves obviously having been used as fodder type ground units, inferior to the Meklan also employed by the ARC.

Nobody has so far been able to inspect an ARC ship from close-up."


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix


06-05-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 18 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Anti-Piracy Task Force Press Release ***

Space travellers are requested to report all pirate attacks and sightings to either a member of the APTF or the public comms channels. The APTF are unable to track the movements of Pirates and plot interception strategies without this information. Further, informing the APTF gives a reasonable chance that a substantial multi-aff fleet of warships can be scrambled to attempt interception.

*** Embaressment For The Confederate Supreme Commander ***

Commander Jackson this week will surely be regretting having made the observation that Pirate Large and friends seemed to only ever focus on non-Imperial targets, insinuating that Large could be nothing more than an Imperial stooge with an outrageously bad accent and a plastic parrot.

The Imperial-bloc and neutral parties were quick to point out that this is not the case, and several Imperial-bloc vessels have been lost to Pirate large.

Commander Jackson did however offer a reward to anyone with any information as to the identity of any recipients of any of the ships (CNF or otherwise) Pirate Large has sold/traded on. Those with information are invited to contact the office of the CNF Supreme Commander. The CNF response will be as expected, swift and completely disproportionate to anybody found guilty of supporting piracy.

*** Regular Independent Privateers Announce Expansion ***

GT Spugman the RIP Henchman has announced that they are now able to extend the scope of their successful Slave Repatriation Scheme to all peoples of the peripheries who are held against their will.

All Sentient Beings, Governments, Military Forces and Penal Centres are invited to use the newly formed RIP Prisoner Repatriation Scheme available at Quick Snack in Yank.

This new service will be offered as an anonymous service to anyone who wishes to make use of it. Quick Snacks market site will be updated shortly to show the remuneration levels available for prisoner exchanges.

The issue of prisoner exchange between warring parties has always been a thorny subject, and news that a third party mechanism whereby this can be achieved has been welcomed throughout the Peripheries.

*** Pirate Large ***

The extraordinary run of good fortune enjoyed by pirate Large has continued for yet another week, with Large reporting even more successes. At least two, and possibly three more vessels have been seized. Including another from Yank, an assault that was reportedly carried out by Large himself.

The confidence of Pirate Large, to raid the Yank system in person, must be at an all time high, as all affiliations prove powerless to stop his fearsome depredations.


Ahhaaarrgghhhh Me Hearties............. It be Aye............. Pirate Large............

On stardate 205.15.4 me lookouts were loiterin in Solo system, loiterin with intent, or some form o camping equipment aye, an spotted an AFT 50 normal hulled ship Yangtze (4862) in the distance.

Cappan, a freight vessel, a clipper type she be, loiterin off the fore decks..........ahhaaarrrggghhh.....pirates be ready i say, an attack it we did....garrr

on breakin threw the ulls, we were met wi the orrible stench of shite aye, nerves seem to a got the better o these crew men, as after a bit o lookin, we only found 1 crew on board the ole ship......could it be they jumped into space for the fear of being jolly rogered.....garrr......

after lookin through the inventry, there be a bit o cargo on board aye..............but alas, more high grade tech for thee to utilise.... it be good to see that me ole mate archie angel's anti pirate vessels didnt turn up to try and takes the ship back ahhaarrggghh....

when we got back to the pirates paradise, I walks into a bar with a big ship's wheel down my pants. The bartender says, "Excuse me, sir, but do you know you have a ship's wheel down the front of your pants?" And I says... Aaargh, it's driving me nuts!!

any ways im sure you will hear more from the Glorious Adventures of the
pirate ship Large(and friends).............aahaaarrgh


And indeed the Peripheries did hear more:


Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye..... Pirate Large.....

We be back in Confederate space, lookin for bait when on stardate 205.17.4 me lookout spotted a 100 light hulled ship CNF Tour of Duty (80180) loiterin off to the aft...ahhaarrgghh pirates be ready I say an attack it we did.

50 people there be on board, an after we cut the heads off the first 4, the rest jacked it in after roun 1, aye....the ship be mine...ahhaarrgghhhh

Now I knows recently the CNF as been commenting on me halegance, well I is run by no one, I attacks anyone, and shags anything, as some of the ugly beggars on board thee ship can verify.....cripes I as ad better looking DEN than some o them...ahharrgghhh.

Anyways I as decided to gets me ears pierced every times I gets a ship, I wen to the shop an asked how much it cost, the bloke said a buccaneer......ahharrgghhh..

any ways im sure you will hear more from the Glorious Adventures of the pirate ship Large(and friends).............aahaaarrgh


We can only hope that Pirate Large will avail himself of the RIPs prisoner repatriation scheme, so that some of the unfortunates held captive can be returned to their families.

The first communication from Large has been subject to IGN censorship.

*** Coded Message From The Frontier Exploration And Trade Corporation? ***

The following transmission was broadcast on open comms channels. IGN specialists have speculated that certain phrases might have been code-phrases directed at special operations agents:


It had been one of those days. Ted was tired. Very tired.. He was short of stellars due to a business deal gone bad, so he couldn't train up any new operatives. He had to drop into the cia outpost himself to gather useful info for the war effort. No problem so far. In fact, he had an easy go at it, even to the point of foregoing assassinating the outpost's governor. He actually had the bugger lined up in his sites, using the pulse beam he found laying around at the office. (Mounted on a tripod). But innocent children stood nearby, plus he had to go to the bathroom. And unlike firemen from ancient earth, you can't take your boot off and go in it.not once outside the dome. Not in outer space.

You see, when you're on a one-man mission waiting for tus to pile up, a man has a lot of time to think. To wonder about things like, what do they pack Styrofoam in? Or why people sit in the stands? Or why they park in a driveway and drive on a parkway? Or why in the history of civilization, why no one has ever, EVER wrapped a bubble in bubble wrap ?. .By the way, have you ever wondered what the dtr uses for toilet paper? I thought not.

But mainly what makes a man give up all he owns to race starships around in unexplored systems ,exploring unexplored moons investigating previously uninvestigated enemy outposts?

But then it hits him. And it hits hard. Sort of like the captain of the dtr ship that pirate large bagged recently when he came to the startling conclusion that Large's crew were about to have their way with him. And there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it! Oh the humanity! What it must have been like to hear Pirate Large cackle.while quoting Robert Newton in Treasure Island, "them that dies'll be the lucky ones"!

It hits him hard as he remembers that he's in the FET. So he's only in it for the money. And now he's broke again. It had been one of those days.


The IGN take no responsibility for any sleeper agents that may have been activated due to the broadcast of this message.

*** The Storm System ***

Following on from a story in a previous edition of the Inter-Galactic News regarding the conflict between the Falconian and Flagritz Empires, along with the Democratic Naplian Alliance, and the potential role of the Storm system in this affair.

A statement from the Warlord of Clan Nemesis, issued from Krell High Command has been received: 'Krell borders and policies are not dictated by third parties. If other affiliations want to kill each other in Storm, that is their concern. However, any positions in the Storm system that the KRL feel are a threat to our interests and assets will be fired upon.'

It has been quiet between the FCN/DNA/FLZ this week, although many observers have contacted the IGN news-room reporting fleet movements on all sides.

*** Stockton Update ***

Although all conflict has ceased, the Stockton system still appears to be in Detinus Republic hands. Although the system claim at this point is surely a technicality, with the DTR surely unlikely to seriously contest the Imperial presence.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

13-05-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 19 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Phoenix Training Grounds

The new-player training ground missions and systems are currently undergoing development. Anybody willing to contribute ideas, missions, or even proof-reading time is invited to seek out the 'New start into the old Phoenix game, Reactivating the TRN affiliation' thread on the posting boards.

There may also be a need for both new and experienced players to play-test the training ground once it is up and running to look for bugs and loopholes.


There is a poll set up for players to vote on the inclusion into the game of the following proposal:

"Basically 'dump chaff' would replace the 'dump cargo' routine + be generally available. Each item would be given a chaff factor and when they are dumped they will increase the chance of a pin being blocked. There will be an option to dump cargo and flee as well as dump chaff and flee. A large 100% freighter dumping all its cargo will most likely always escape a pin.

The position number for debris will also be given to the attacker if cargo is dropped and if the attacking ship. If the is no space battle and the ship has cargo space any none chaff will be scooped based on item security."

Internal Damage.

A second poll, this time regarding a change to the combat model:

"It is proposed that:

1. Empty space: Internal damage to ships will have a possibility of hitting empty space. If x% of the internal components are destroyed then there is a x% chance that an internal hit will transferred to the hulls.

2. Target area Mod: Installed ship components will have an 'installed area modifier' that increases/ decreases their target area of an item when they are installed. This means that so items will have more external components to them and can be hit easier.

Note: The empty space routine would be based on the target area compared to mus on installed space not target area. So if you ship has 3000 mus of target area from items but 2000 mus installed space, the empty space routine will not cut in until the target area of the items is less than 2000."

Piracy options.

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** From the RIP News Services ***

In a surprise non-attack, the FGZDNA alliance neglected to mobilise against The Consortium this week, resulting in a total of zero casualties. In Darkfold the contentious BHD slavery discovery continued to be unresolved, and a conclusion succeeded in not being reached. The IMP/DTR war burst into a terrifying clash of inactivity, and several smaller incidents failed to happen as a result.

GT Spugman reports that the weather at Freedom City was "fair to middling".

*** Imperial Request ***

An application has been received to establish an outpost in the Inferno system exploiting the following resource codes:

32120 and 55680.

Anyone already exploiting these resource codes should contact the Viceregal Administration at viceroy [at] chalmore [dot] co [dot] uk, giving location, planet only, of their outpost/starbase.

*** Pirate Large ***

It seems as if Pirate Large has failed to hit any new freighters this week. Perhaps freighter captains are exercising more care in the wake of the recent run of highly publicised success on the part of the pirates.

However, Large has been in contact to boast of one of his more recent victories against a RIP ship in Yank:

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye.....Pirate Large.....

We be in YANK again, stardate 205.17.5, stalking the system and lookin for bait, when me look out spotted a RIP 100 xlight hulled ship in a convoy o freighters...ahhaaarrggghhh, slowly does it, approach from the bline side I say, hide thee approach by usin other freight as cover......get the bigger ship...ahharrgghhh.

Fire up the engines, pirates be ready wi cutless, as we is goin to get fisical,we stormed aboard the ship, an 64 crewmen there be, a high percentage o them be vetran, after a short battle with the old pirates, they jacked it in............ they as lost their blood lust, an seemed to surrender after a few spleens hits the walls of the ship.......... ahhaarrgghhh she be mine..."

The IGN news-room understands that the rest of the convoy, of which the RIP freighter was a part, was fortunate not to also be captured. Once again freighter captains are reminded to avoid loitering in deep space.

The Kastorian Military Junta remain tight-lipped over the apparent failures of their system-patrol craft to secure Yank from the predations of pirates.

Large continued:

"I as been advertising for new pirates an the following appens recently.....

A man is looking for a job and comes across an ad in the classified section for "Pirate, apply to Capt.Large at the docks, will train the right person."

The man finds Capt. Large who is every bit a pirate, patch over the eye, hook for a hand, parrot on his shoulder (livin not plastic) etc. The captain says he'll hire the man and begins to describe the job...

"On Mondays we go out to space, find a ship, loot the ship, come back into port and get so drunk we throw up all over our selves. Sounds like a good job don't it son?"

Stammering the man says "Actually Capt. Large I'm not much of a drinker, I don't know I would like that very much."

"Well, " responds the Capt. "Perhaps you will like what we do on a Tuesday just a little bit better then. We go out, find a ship, loot the ship, come back to port, get drunk, find women and rape every one we find! Sounds like a good job now doesnt it son?"

The man again stammers his reply..."As I said I really dont drink, and I've never raped a woman and I don't think I would like that either."

The Capt looks at him with his one good eye ands asks..."Your not some sort of a faggot are ye? Not a Homersexual are ye?"

"No, NO I'm not." the man responds.

"Oh well," says Capt. Large " You won't like what we do on Wednesdays either then."


Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."

The description of Large offered in his own words is not felt to provide a secure means of identification, although reports have reached our newsroom of several themed bars and restaurants throughout the peripheries being raided by over-zealous security personnel looking to make the arrest of the decade.

*** Rescued From Pirates ***

In a surprise announcement, the RIP news services are carrying the story that the crew of the RIP Quetzl (7330), understood to be the ship mentioned in the previous news item, have been reunited with their publicans after the ship was recovered from the hands of the dread Pirate Large. The Quetzl, a peaceful vessel of commerce, was waylaid by the pirates while on route to deliver its cargo of chart topping Mohache workout videos.

It is unclear at this point as to the mechanism of the Quetzl's recovery from Pirate Large, though questions are sure to be asked. However, the recovery of at least some prisoners from the foul grip of Large is surely to be celebrated.

*** Memorial Service ***

Following the recent disaster that stole the life of Krell captain Lucy Chung, her friends and family gathered recently to pay their last respects.

***** Periphery Classifieds *****


Information regarding Marauder (350) Class ships. Further, if anybody has any for sale, kindly contact Warlord Bridge of the Krell at:

Jon [at] contemplation [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk


Thorlium Laced Alloys Blueprint (10007), in trade for a Pulac Augmented Compounds BP (10008).

Contact: Jon [at] contemplation [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

20-05-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 20 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Peripheries In Flames ***

War swept across the universe this week as Imperial forces in association with the FET, GTT, GCS, DEN and DOM instigated a massive strike against the Detinus Republic. Surprise attacks were launched in at least six separate systems, including vast ground assaults by hundreds of thousands of DOM and DEN troops against at least four separate DTR Starbases.

*** Fleet Action In Straddle ***

The largest space battle of the week occurred in the contested Straddle system, where a fleet of approximately 128 Imperial warships, 9 GTT, 34 FET, and 40 DEN struck initially against 136 DTR defenders.

Fully accurate details on ship numbers are not yet available. However, estimates for the second day of battle places 114 IMP, 125 GTT, 40 FET, 34 DEN and 220 DTR warships on scene.

Casualty figures are unknown, but are certain to be high. At time of press, the battle continues unabated for a fourth day.

*** Fleet Action In Pollux ***

The GCS 1st Cappellan Offensive Squadron is understood to have brought a DTR force over four times its size to battle in Pollux.

Ivan K. Grigorovitch, the officer commanding GCS Outer Empire, is quoted as saying, "The natural elan of our forces more than compensated for the shortage of shipping and it is fair to say the DTR prove that they are quite incapable of hitting a barn door at five yards. Regrettably our shooting was not much better."

DTR reports of the battle differ widely, with victory being claimed in short order, with what was left of the GCS Offensive Squadron leaving the scene at speed the next day.

*** Dominion Warlord Speaks ***

Robert Trevalliant, Overlord of the Dominion issued a statement following the massive assaults launched by his forces against DTR targets:

"Greetings. As Overlord to the Dominion I wish you all well. During the course of this week our intelligence agents will be presenting some reports that will show the DTR in their true light...

I can assure you all that these are genuine, and not fabricated in any shape way form. Whilst we do not claim to be so perfect as to order everyone else around, we are honest. It seems that this is one vital commodity that the DTR fail to have.

So Romanov, whilst you have started asking the AFT for help perhaps you should first explain to the AFT why you are undermining their claim of a certain Inner Empire system that you share a planet with? Or is it deemed fair to instigate a rebellion against an affiliation in one location, and then go crying to them for help elsewhere....

You certainly treat all your allies with contempt, so why not give us all a laugh and ask your dear friends the CIA for help, for when I disclose what the DTR have been doing with them... Well, lets just say that I hope you have very good security..."

This statement seems to indicate that the Dominion have gone to war against the DTR in order to protect AFT and CIA interests. However, the AFT have indicated that they were well aware of the allegations made regarding a certain Inner Empire system, and had the matter well in hand as it was.

There has as yet been no official declaration of war made by the DOM against the DTR, although one imagines this is just a technicality at this point given the extent of the Dominion attack.

*** Dewiek Elder Nation Declare War Against The Detinus Republic ***

An official declaration of war has been issued by the DEN, on the same day as their assaults on DTR positions.

*** Solo Neutrality Violated ***

Eridani declared a warzone. Conflict almost certain to spread.

The Association Of Free Traders have reacted strongly to the Dominion assaults against Detinus interests, which are in clear violation of the Solo neutrality accords. Audrey Firesong, the AFT Master Trader speaking on behalf of the AFT Council reacted to the crisis with the following statement:

"The Solo system is neutral. It is in a key location at the junction of the Capellan, Darkfold and Detinus Peripheries. Due to the key location, it was agreed that when the nebula which had previously prevented combat in the system dispersed, the AFT would take control of the system, to ensure the system's neutrality and freedom, as far as possible, from conflict.

It is this perceived mandate from all affiliations present in the system that is the basis of the claim by the AFT. Any affiliation that is unhappy with said claim should either contact AFT with their complaints, or offer themselves as keepers of the peace. The Association of Free Traders wishes to emphasise that this incident in Solo has no effect on ongoing trade deals that are external to Solo. It is the wish of the AFT to solve this incident in Solo peacefully, and not to escalate the matter to other systems. A major reason for the AFT claiming Solo is to prevent a widespread conflict which can only be described as a disaster for the trade climate in the Peripheries.

It has always been the policy of the Association of Free Traders that combat is not welcome in our systems. It has also long been the policy that AFT starbases will enter into mutual defence agreements with other starbases sharing the same planet. We must therefore condemn utterly the Dominion's flagrant breach of the peace in Solo, in the form of their attacks on Detinus Republic starbases on Eridani and on Haven.

We hereby insist that the Dominion cease all offensive actions in Solo MMEDIATELY, and that the Dominion ground parties return to (pre-existing) Dominion starbases. The Dominion Overlord is requested to contact my office on
private channels immediately.

The Association of Free Traders also requests the support of all law-abiding
affiliations in restoring the peace in Solo. Any assistance will be gratefully

The Dominion made no official public response to this, however their answer came soon enough when they ignored the demand to immediately cease all offensive actions in Solo and continued their assaults against DTR installations.

The AFT Mutual Defence treaties do however appear not to have been triggered. It is suspected this inaction on the part of the AFT might have something to do with several fairly direct public threats made against AFT interests in Imperial-bloc systems by both the Imperial Viceroy and the GCS Spokesman.

What this means for the future of both the Solo and St. Dismas systems is unknown. And traders are understood to be deserting the Solo system in droves. A spokesman from the AFT would like to make it clear that Solo is open for business as usual, for all peaceful traders.

*** Detinus Senate In Emergency Session ***

DTR press agencies are reporting an almost complete lack of news coming out of the Detinus House Of Lords, as all members of the Senate have been called into emergency sessions at an unknown location.

All that is known is that military leave has been cancelled for the foreseeable future and security at military installations has been increased dramatically as the entire Republic switches to a war footing on a scale previously unseen.

*** Imperial Forces Deploy Secret Weapons ***

Imperial warships in Straddle are reported to have deployed radical new armaments in their strike against the Detinus Republic. Details are at this point sketchy, and with the DTR Press Office being uncharacteristically cagey, it is impossible to know what impact these new weapons might have had on the battle.

*** Galactic Trade And Transport Commerce Raiders In Venice ***

Co-inciding with the multiple strikes against DTR interests, GTT Commerce Raiders moved into positions in the Venice system waylaying at least one DTR transport vessel. Fortunately for the DTR, patrol warships were on hand, and were able to intercept the GTT raiders, destroying all 6 St Clair class gunboats, allowing the freighter to escape with minimal damage.

There is not thought to be any danger to neutral affiliations continuing to trade in the Venice system at this time.

*** DTR Acheron Falls To Dominion ***

The Detinus Republic Starbase of Acheron, on the planet Haven in the Solo system has fallen to the Dominion. It is understood through unofficial military sources that the DTR staged a withdrawal from the Starbase, realising it was impossible to hold in the face of overwhelming Dominion ground forces.

This is the first of the besieged DTR Starbases to fall. Reports indicate heavy fighting continues elsewhere.

*** DEN Pack Elder Speaks ***

Several days after the outbreak of hostilities, the Dewiek Elder Nation pack leader K'ragen Longtooth has spoken publicly to explain his races actions. His transmission, one of the more explosive announcements seen in recent years, has drawn outrage and anger from many sources.

His transmission is as follows:


A video communication breaks the silence. The scene depicted, consists of a semi-darkened, meagre furnished room, resembling an office of some kind. Seated at a desk, strewn with papers of every imaginable type, in the centre of this room is an above average in size and age, Dewiek warrior.

Some of the more detailed minded races might recognize him as the formerly lost DHP Overlord, K'ragen Longtooth, who has fleshed out considerably since his last public communication where he had informed the Peripheries that he had returned and thanked the Wimble nation for their assistance in returning to his home, after whatever had happened in the months he had been missing. Then again, those among the less detailed minded races, Humans mainly, would probably not recognize this influential Dewiek High Council member and would assume he is just one of the many Dewiek that they are unable to distinguish from any other.

Either way, the individual depicted, seems to be what most would consider agitated if not completely irate. As he begins to speak the effort to keep his voice, reasonably calm, is evident.

"Fellow Sentients. As some of you may have recognized, I am K'ragen Longtooth, DHP Overlord and member of the Dewiek High Council." Stepping around the desk, he continues, "Yesterday, events have unfolded that will forever change the way things have been viewed throughout the Peripheries. As many of you know, or have assumed, the alliance known as the 3D Alliance, has not fully functioned for several years now."

"Surprisingly enough," he started with a slight deep chuckle, "it was our allies decision to rip asunder the alliance that had flourished for so many years, because of differences that are no longer important, between the affiliations. Our former ally, whom I am sure you all know now, is the Detinus Republic, decided to not officially publicize their displeasure and instead continue to function as if nothing had happened, at least in public circles and viewpoints." At this point the warrior begins to tap his large claws on the desk in what seems to be an effort to calm himself further. "So, being the stalwart allies we had always been, we allowed things to be seen to the Peripheries as if nothing had changed and even allowed our former ally to continue on as a trusted affiliation living in our home systems."


Judging by the shock evidenced by the DTR at the DEN actions this week, it would certainly seem fair to say at this point that the lack of function in the alliance mentioned here by Longtooth came as something of a surprise to the DTR.

Longtooth continued however, with an even more extraordinary claim:


Longtooth stands, and starts to pace back and forth in front of the camera at this point. "Forgive me as this situation is somewhat troublesome for me because of what I am about to disclose." He takes a long pause and then continues, "From where we stand today and the misunderstanding the affiliations of the Peripheries are currently under, I do not solely blame the Detinus Republic. Either the Dewiek Elder Nation or the Dominion could have come forward and disclosed, anytime in the past 2 years, that the 3D Alliance was no more. We chose not to do so, therefore we must take some of the blame for the situation we find ourselves in today. Furthermore, upon my return to my home and after debriefing to the Dewiek High Council and my reinstatement, I myself could have made public, findings that would have possibly made this situation less of a problem than it is today. I did not, therefore, I find myself, at least, more that just partially responsible."

Longtooth returns to his seat at the desk and takes yet another deep breath. "Today, I mean to remedy that and make the rest of the Peripheries understand why events of the next several weeks are necessary. For the last 2 years, the Detinus Republic has worked to extend their control inside our space, claiming the whole of the time that they were still working as if the 3D Alliance existed. An alliance, I might remind you, that they themselves decided to leave for whatever reason. I overlooked this and attempted to continue to trust them. That is when their cowardly ways truly showed themselves."

There is a long pause before he continues again, "Many of you believed I was lost during my absence from the affairs of the Dewiek Elder Nation. That a Starship and Starbase Captain and Warrior of the Dewiek Elder Nation, let alone an Overlord of a whole periphery could become lost in the vastness of space is something I had hoped few would believe. My people were the only ones that knew that could not be the case and they held hope that I would return and the truth would become known. The truth is that I was not lost. I was a prisoner of the Detinus Republic, kidnapped by their foul allies the Confederate Intelligence Agency and taken to a secret base where I was tortured in an effort to obtain information to destroy the Dewiek Elder Nation."

The Overlord pushes himself up from his seat and you can visibly see the metal of the desk reshape itself under his massive hands as his claws score the metal. "I must give my former allies credit. They are crafty and realized that my level of trust toward them was dwindling, so they attempted to eliminate the threat I posed with my kidnapping. Little did they know, that I am a Dewiek Warrior first and foremost and a Political Leader second. For eight months they tortured me and I watched as many of my crew were killed in an effort to make me talk. Their deaths will hang heavy on my conscious until the day I die, but I made them a promise. Their lives would not be lost in vain. I escaped with what crew remained and returned to make the Detinus Republic pay for their crimes against me, my crew, my race, and the whole of the Peripheries." He finishes the last with a flourish of his arms towards the heavens.


The CIA have issued the following terse statement in response to the DEN claims of kidnapping and torture:

"The CIA absolutely denies any involvement in the alleged kidnap of K'ragen Longtooth or any other DEN/DOM leader/political. It is obvious that the Overlord has recently suffered a trauma (or, it has been suggested, a close encounter with Harmony Hooch) and this has possibly made him delusional. I challenge Overlord Longtooth to provide evidence of his claims, or publicly withdraw the charge."

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and as yet Elder Longtooth has unfortunately been unable to furnish periphery news agencies with anything further.


He walks around the desk yet again and moves towards the camera. "Therefore, with the power invested in me by my title as DHP Overlord and member of the Dewiek High Council, I officially declare the 3D Alliance, from this moment forward, to be dissolved. For practical purposes there is a new alliance, the 2D Alliance (Dominion and Dewiek Elder Nation) that still exists, primarily because of our mutual respect of each other, but also because of our need to bring justice to our former ally. The Detinus Republic is hereby declared enemies of the Dewiek Elder Nation. Any and all affiliations that stand with them should understand that in doing so they will harm whatever relationship they currently posses with the Dewiek Elder Nation. I mean no disrespect to the Brotherhood or the Confederate Naval Forces, but I believe they should look to rethink their current alignment with the backstabbing Detinus Republic. Remember, that the Dewiek Elder Nation was also once allies of these individuals and look what situation that has put us in today."

"Yesterday, in an effort to resolve the situation in the DHP and to ensure peace, a small delegation was sent to the primary Detinus Republic Starbase on Janth in Hydrae. This delegation was attacked as soon as it entered the sector that the Starbase resides in, without warning, and destroyed completely. Obviously our former allies forget themselves once again in regard to our space and have taken it upon themselves to target us on our own home planet."


It is reported by other agencies that the 'small' delegation mentioned here was dispatched the day after hostilities broke out, and was 587 kMu's in size.


"For those affiliations residing in the DHP, I must warn you. There will be war and bloodshed. I will do my best to keep it from your doorstep, but if you choose to side with the Detinus Republic, then know that you side with an enemy of the Dewiek Elder Nation and that alone speaks for itself. As many of you know, the Dewiek do not make enemies easily. What you do not know, is that becoming an ally of ours is even more difficult. Trust is the key and the Detinus Republic at one time had our trust and used it to further their own ends. In Dewiek terms, this is worse than an enemy."

"On a further note, I would like to point out," he continues with a toothy smile, "that due to the terms of the 3D Alliance. All members were required to support their allies in the systems they owned in defence of ANY threat. Since the 3D Alliance was not officially disbanded until this very moment, I fully expect the Detinus Republic to remedy their error from yesterday and help the Dewiek Elder Nation defend its system from the threat that now presents itself. This same Detinus Republic." Longtooth's smile becomes larger at this point, "If they are truly the honourable affiliation they claim to be, they should address this accusation. I am not completely sure how they could target themselves in an effort to defend against themselves, but surrendering their Starbases in the DHP would accomplish the same end. Since I don't expect they will find this suggestion to their liking, I will plan to make other arrangements to remedy the situation from a Dewiek Elder Nation standpoint."

"May those that loose their lives in this struggle forgive what must be done. Today is the first day the Dewiek Elder Nation and more personally, myself, will seek justice from these, our former allies. May the justice be swift and true or may I die in the attempt, for if I cannot bring them to justice then I deserve no less."

"If you believe in the Brotherhood's, 'True One', then I suggest you pray to him or her now. Otherwise, choose a side or stand back and live with whatever choice you make. I know I will."


The extent of the DEN war aims appear then to be defined as nothing other than the annihilation of the Detinus Republic.

*** Imperial Forces Seize Detinus Platform ***

A DTR defensive platform in Straddle fell on the third day of battle to attacking Imperial ground troops. The platform, codenamed Jupiter, is understood to have been seriously damaged in the first day of the assault, when it was the primary target of the incoming Imperial-bloc ships.

Some confusion seems to have then resulted amongst the Imperial fleet command structure as multiple IMP ships continued to pound their newly captured platform.

The capture of this platform would seem to indicate that the Empire has staked a claim to the Straddle system, and does not intend to withdraw without a fight.

*** FET Peace Negotiations ***

It has come to light that in the weeks leading up to the vast Imperial-bloc assault against DTR assets the FET had been in negotiations with the Confederacy in search of some sort of peaceful resolution to the conflict. To quote the Confederate PD:

"In true FET style the FET CEO has been trying to negotiate a peace treaty, unification and a utopian society amongst the great human affiliations of the peripheries the week or so before starting the largest assault on the DTR in living memory. To say you are a scheming backstabbing weasel that would sell his own granny if meant making a profit would be an understatement."

The extent to which these talks constituted a smokescreen behind which the Imperial attack preparations were laid is unclear, though the Confederacy certainly seem to consider this a distinct possibility.

*** Pirate Vessel Destroyed In Storm ***

SMS warships working as part of the APTF, in association with a FCN battlegroup cornered and destroyed the pirate vessel Shiny Ship, a courier class freighter.

Hearty congratulations to all involved in this successful interception.

It is with a certain wry surprise that the IGN newsroom reports that it has no message from Pirate Large to report on this week.

*** Flagritz Empire Raid ***

The Naplian News Network is carrying the story that Naplian bars are full of reports concerning a daring FLZ raid in the inner rings of Battlefield system. A 22kMu FEL outpost named Cat's Eye has been destroyed by 5 FLZ ships deploying torpedoes.

These ships then swiftly departed unscathed. This FLZ raid was described by jubilant Naplians as being, "Better then a poke in the eye with a sharp stik."

This is apparently the second successful FLZ attack on Felini outposts in as many weeks according to one little naplian, who held her replica Furball voodoo doll up and stabbed it repeatedly with a cocktail stik.

*** News Flash: Association of Free Traders Press Release ***

The Peripheries will be aware that the recent offensive by Dominion and Dewiek forces against the Detinus Republic included two assaults by Dominion ground forces against Detinus starbases in the Solo system, which is claimed by the Association of Free Traders.

Of these bases, one surrendered to Dominion forces, while fighting continues at the other. The conflict has now spread to open space near Eridani, where a Detinus freighter was attacked by a Dominion warship, which in turn was engaged by rallying defenders of the Detinus vessel. For the moment, conflict in Solo is limited to those restricted areas.

The Association of Free Traders condemns the decision of the Dominion to launch assaults in a neutral system. It has, however, become apparent to the AFT Council that imposing limitations on participating factions will not achieve the AFT's aim of keeping Solo a non-combat zone. In light of the situation, and the neutral position of the Association, the AFT will not intervene in what is currently a matter for the Dominion and the Detinus Republic, and not directly affecting neutral traders.

The AFT Council wish to express our heartfelt sympathy with the families of those who have lost their lives in this conflict. While we accept that others may choose to defend their allies directly involved, we trust that the affiliations of the Peripheries will all do their part in ensuring that the conflict does not spread further within Solo, and urge the involved affiliations to keep all neutral affiliations out of the conflict.

May your profits ever grow,

Audrey Firesong
AFT Master Trader
on behalf of the AFT Council

*** News Flash: Detinus Republic Press Release ***

FM: Detinus Republic Press Bureau
TO: General public
SB: War

Gentlebeings of the peripheries,

on stardate 205.20.1 war on an unprecedented scale was brought upon the peripheries.

Imperial (IMP) forces including mercenary fleets from the Galactic Trade & Transport (GTT), Frontier Exploration & Trade (FET) and the inner empire Galactic Crest Security (GCS) corporations launched a surprise attack against the Detinus Republic. Space battles erupted in the Venice, Straddle, Trinity and Pollux systems. These attacks were supported by a significant number of warships from the Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN) and orchestrated to coincide with ground attacks by the Dominion (DOM) on DTR installations in the Solo and Hazzard systems; at the same time a very large DEN ground force closed in on DTR installations in the Hydrae system but failed to reach them on schedule.

Although taken completely by surprise, DTR defences withstood the initial onslaught. Losses on all sides are high, as is the intensity of the ongoing fighting.

The Association of Free Traders (AFT), caretakers of the Solo system, have meanwhile confirmed that the DOM attack is in violation of the AFT rules in Solo.

In participating in the assault on the DTR in Straddle, the DEN reneged on the alliance treaty which they had explicitly confirmed to remain between themselves and the DTR after the DOM left the alliance. Two days into the fighting, the Overlord for the Dewiek Home Periphery, K'ragen Longtooth of the DEN, officially declared the alliance disbanded. The DTR Magistrate is preparing a separate, detailed reply to the DEN statement.

The Detinus Republic will survive this betrayal just as we have withstood past wars. Our enemies have revealed their colours and shown themselves as ruthless aggressors who will even backstab an ally if it suits them. The DEN and DOM have already lost more than they could ever win in this war - they have lost their face and all their credibility. And that is even before the DTR has struck back.

It was the DTR who guided the DEN and DOM to their power through the DD&D Alliance once. We helped them fight their wars in Acrux and Solo, we gave them organisation and strength. To return the favour, they have forsaken our alliance and abused our trust.

Now the DTR will teach them humility.

For the greater glory of the Republic

Michelle Diaz
Speaker of the House of Lords


***** Message From The Editor *****
Please note. The SMS website address is now:


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

27-05-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 21 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****
***** KJC Update *****
As reported a few weeks ago, due to Bank Holiday Monday, Tuesday 31st May will be a double day.

*** Kindler Gentler CIA ***

Lord Lawrence Scrimm, the intelligence director for the Confederate Intelligence Agency this week announced that he had been paying the wages of enemy officers captured in combat.

Nobody from the CIA was available to comment on rumours regarding the luxury hotel that has been designed and developed as their high security holding facility. Although one CIA agent was heard to categorically deny that they had gone soft in any way shape or form.

*** Mystery Surrounds The Fate Of Senior DNA Official ***

An anonymous communication has been received by the Inter-Galactic News that states simply: 'A Senior DNA political is missing. The DNA are concerned for the politicians Safety.'

This communiqué did not arrive via traditional Naplian Comms channels, which does itself add to the air of mystery.

*** Narrow Escape For Pirate Large ***

A Krell transport in the Yank system was targeted by Large himself earlier this week. Fortunately for the transport, a Krell warship was nearby, and was able to respond to their emergency distress call.

Some confusion seems to have then resulted, the upshot being that Pirate Large and his vessel somehow managed to escape

*** Naplian Forces Destroy SMS Target ***

The Naplian News Network agency is reporting the destruction of an SMS freighter somewhere inside Felini space. The SMS EI-T Messenger, a Free Trader Class Fast Freighter, is understood to have been destroyed by two Naplian raiders.

The following combat footage has been kindly supplied by the NNN:

A large explosion of glittering ores cuts the silence in Gamma 7, two DNA ships ambush a SMS fast freighter in seconds.... and head for more prey deep in Felini space.

Extract from Captain Von Torp's Log Star Date 205.20.4

Enemy proximity warning...database correlating -SMS Ship "EI" fleet {75 normal Hull} Free Trader..engagement rules...attack and eliminate.

Message from: DNA Ship Voodoo, Pc Escort Class Fast Freighter

Captain Spin Doctor - "SMS fast freighter coming off starboard quickly, I'll encourage them with a few torps to come your way Von Torp."

DNA SHIP Princess Christine von Salm, Ambush Cruiser Class Destroyer

Captain Von Torp - "Affirmative. Steady , full thrust engage combat engines, nice and close here we come, come to me, parallel course locking, come to me now, locked, fire one, fire two, load Proximity warheads fire three, four fire."

"Torpedoes away Captain. "

"Save your torps for warships this fast freighter can run but it can't hide - set new course to gamma 8....good job"

In celebration of the successes of the DNA ship Voodoo, Naplian Voodoo dolls are now widely available at every popular Naplian bar, proceeds go to freeing Naplian prisoners in the Cluster.

*** Victory for DTR defenders at Onyx ***

Following the fall of DTR Acheron to Dominion ground forces in Solo last week, re-enforcements have poured into DTR Onyx, also in the Solo system. The starbase governor is reporting that the tide of battle turned, and victory against the attacking DOM ground party has been attained. It is unclear precisely what losses the DOM suffered, or whether or not they retreated to their starbase on-planet. Either way, the ground party was wiped out by DTR soldiers.

An eerie silence has now fallen across the surface of Eridani.

*** Fighting Continues In Hazzard ***

Details are scarce regarding the Dominion ground assault against DTR Delta Pavonis. It is understood that the DOM Starbase on the planet, Fortress Maximus, has been engaged in a devastating exchange of fire with Delta Pavonis. Neither side seems willing to claim advantage, suggesting that the battle currently stands in a state of balance.

Attempts to get an IGN reporter on-scene have so far failed.

*** Fighting Continues In Hydrae ***

With both sides now describing the struggle on Janth as a 'bloodbath', there seems to be no end in sight. Administrator V'Reen from the Falconian Empire has offered his services as an arbitrator in an attempt to bring the conflict to a resolution, though at this time neither side seems interested in approaching the negotiating table.

Christian Breidon, the Governor of DTR Urstoff on Janth, has contested DEN claims that they are in control of the ground battle, saying that the DEN assault has lost momentum, and is weeks away from success. Governor Breidon is quoted as saying, "I may die here in my starbase, the base I built up from scratch, the base that contributed so much to the planetary cleanup. But I will kill a few of you scumdogs before you get me."

*** DTR Suggest Reason For DEN Attack ***

Detinus Republic sources have suggested this week a potential reason for the DEN's participation in the vast assault against their interests. As the fighting has centred in the Dewiek Home Periphery, it has been suggested that the Dewiek seek to remove economic competitors from the planet Janth - the richest economic jewel in Dewiek space.

*** K'Ragen's Lifeboat Destroyed ***

Reports from the ongoing fighting between DEN and DTR positions on Janth seem to indicate that the Courier class lifeboat that returned K'Ragen Longtooth to the Peripheries has been destroyed by long range DTR Railgun fire while docked in a DEN starbase.

This makes it impossible for any forensic examination to be conducted of the vessel in an attempt to verify any portion of Longtooths allegations regarding his kidnapping and escape.

It is at this point impossible to know if the vessel was deliberately targeted by the DTR in an attempt to destroy any incriminating evidence, or if it is simply a random casualty of war.

*** Straddle Engagement - IMP press releases ***

Two official Imperial press office statements were issued this week regarding the battle for Straddle:

The space battle in Straddle continues, up to 500 ships from all sides were fighting at the peak of the action. The DTR gained overall Space Fighter superiority by the third day but the missile and beam weapon duels continue. There have been heavy losses on both sides so far. The Imperial Command is reported to be pleased with the performance of our new weapons and ship designs. The DOM have captured a DTR starbase in Solo but attacks on two other starbases by DOM and DEN are still in progress.

And the second statement came from slightly later:

Seeing that the tactical situation was beginning to swing in favour of the rebels due to supply difficulties and the loss of Space Fighter superiority the Allied Fleets at the Straddle battle decided to withdraw on 21-1. Considerable numbers of allied ships had been pinned by the fast but basically unarmed rebel picket ships and this resulted in considerable allied losses due to the need to emergency jump from relatively deep within the system. A few ships were incapable of leaving and have since been destroyed. Two DTR attempts to board a crippled ISP SOL defended by less than a dozen Imperial Marines failed and the ship was finally destroyed the following day. It was interesting to note that a token CNF force joined the battle once it was as good as over. As all big game hunters know, when the lions feed the jackals gather round hoping for a few scraps. Reports are still coming in from Janth, where the ground battles are believed to be still in progress.

*** Straddle Engagement ***

As indicated in the Imperial Press Releases, the battle for Straddle has now ended, with DTR news agencies reporting only small flare-ups of conflict during mopping up operations, as one or two tenacious Imperial ground parties continue to fight.

With Imperial agencies claiming that the attack was a success, and that it achieved it's goal of tying down the Detinus Stellar Armada for the initial shock ground assault phase of the war, the full picture is yet to emerge, with neither side yet prepared to issue full casualty/kill reports.

Initial indications here at the IGN news-room seem to be that the attacking Imperial-bloc forces won the first two or three days of battle, but that the pendulum swung back in favour of the defenders for the remainder of the engagement, and that very heavy losses were inflicted upon the attackers, particularly upon the FET and DEN elements. Unofficial sources within the DTR military are claiming multiple DEN 150 heavy hull capital ship kills.

Breaking news from the Straddle system indicates that the DTR platform 'Jupiter', that was pounded by the attackers on the first day of battle, and then later captured by Imperial marines, has been destroyed rather than re-captured by the DTR/CNF/BHD warships on-scene. It is understood that this platform might originally have been more than 2000 hulls in size, and its loss is surely a heavy blow to the DTR.

*** Statement From K'ragen Longtooth ***

A video feed breaks the silence once again. The scene depicted is one everyone has become very familiar with over the last week, a semi-darkened room, resembling an office of some kind with a desk in the centre and the infamous DHP Overlord, K'ragen Longtooth seated at the desk.

"Fellow Sentients," he begins. "It has been several days since my last update so I though to update the Peripheries on what transpires in the war to bring justice to the Detinus Republic squatters that reside on the Dewiek home planet of Janth in the Hydrae system." A long sigh can be heard escaping the warrior's body. "I guess the only way to describe this conflict is to say that it is progressing. Dewiek forces continue to push back the Detinus Republic's defences, but the loss of life on both sides is immense. The rivers of Janth flow with the combined blood of many races as the Detinus Republic's space weaponry wreak havoc among the planet's civilian population, killing any and all they can target from afar. The merchandising of the planet has shut down as the population is afraid to come out of hiding for fear of the wrath of the Detinus Republic fighters and bombers that target any and all moving life forms."

Longtooth stands and moves closer to the camera. "Did you not believe we would one day tire of your treatment of us? Did you not believe that one day you would be made to pay for the injustice you have shown us in our own space? Do you need to take your wrath against us out on civilian populations and innocents because you are so short sighted to see that one day this 'kicked dog' would turn and bite you?"

Longtooth steps back and takes a long breath. "Once again, the true nature of the Detinus Republic is shown. In another underhanded move, the Detinus Republic attempted to take armament from a Dominion Starbase, believing that the security codes would not have been changed. Tell me members of the Brotherhood and Confederate Naval Forces, is this the kind of ally you foresaw when you joined forces with these beasts?"

"To my former allies, I give you one chance to redeem yourself. Surrender all your assets on the planet Janth immediately to curb the loss of life happening there. You cannot win and now you seek only to kill all you can because you are so shocked that your former 'lap dog' has turned on you. Well, I believe you see now that the Dewiek Elder Nation is 'lap dog' to no one. Give up Janth and stop the needless loss of life. For once, think of someone other than your pitiful selves!"

"As always, I am K'ragen Longtooth, DHP Overlord, member of the Dewiek High Council, and DEN Entrepreneur."

*** Statement From The DTR Magistrate ***

FM: DTR Magistrate
TO: General Public
SB: DD&D Alliance

Gentlebeings of the peripheries,

it has been more than a week since the DEN and DOM joined forces with the empire and launched a large-scale surprise attack on the DTR. While the IMP and their mercenaries have not felt it necessary to comment on their offensive, the DEN have been throwing wild accusations and outright lies at the DTR in public, presumably in an attempt to save their face and justify their blitzkrieg against an erstwhile ally.

The office of the DTR Magistrate has been called upon to provide a sober analysis of the events, including the history of the now defunct DD&D Alliance, to show that the DEN rantings are without factual background.

The DD&D Alliance was formed as a mutual protection pact between three comparatively weak factions: The DTR had just left CNF space for good and colonized the Venice and T.tauri systems as their new home, their relations with the CNF on the brink of open war after the Arachnid argument. The small DOM nation had retreated into the Dewiek Home Periphery after losing their war against the Bast Clans in the Cluster. The DEN were a reclusive people of scavengers with only a handful of ships and colonies at the time, desperately trying to re-connect to their lost ancestry.

Shortly after the Alliance was formerly installed, the defence pact was summoned by the DEN to help them in the Hexamon wars. For years to come, the DEN, DOM and DTR prospered under the protection of their Alliance which, beyond being a defence pact, combined the best skills and technologies of three different affiliations. In time the DD&D Alliance evolved into the single most powerful political entity in the peripheries. During this time, the Alliance members were publicly perceived as one, which provided an aura of strength and invincibility. While all parties fought small battles on their own from time to time, including the DEN offensive into Acrux and Dyson and the annexation of the Arachnid system by the DTR, they never had to
call upon their allies. At the height of its power, the DD&D Alliance even launched their first and only offensive action, the successful attack against the FGZ in the Hazzard system.

Without any outside threat, however, the Alliance slowly turned into an intangible shield, something being taken for granted. From the safety provided by the Alliance military as much as by its reputation, which deterred all potential attackers, the three Alliance members pursued their own agendas and the formerly close cooperation slowly faded away.

The turning point in 200.came when the BHD captured DOM Retreat in Solo in a surprise action, and revealed the presence of large numbers of slaves kept there by the DOM. The results were threefold:

The general public was in uproar, as the DOM had blatantly violated the morale standards of the DTR which had generally been projected at the whole Alliance. Most people expected the DTR to abandon the DOM immediately, and the BHD had clearly been speculating that the DTR and the rest of the Alliance would not defend the DOM in the face of their crimes. Outwards, the Alliance ruled that the presence of slaves had no impact on the mutual defence pact. Subsequently, a large relief fleet was quickly assembled and retook Retreat on the following day. For the last time, the DD&D Alliance proved their military superiority over all other factions in a stunning display of military prowess. BHD and supporting CNF fleets were obliterated and the DOM even pressed the counter-attack into the Eden system. Inwards, however, the Alliance was in shambles. The DTR had suffered a tremendous loss of public esteem through their allies, and were more than willing to terminate the Alliance immediately. The dissolution of the Alliance, however, would have been a sign of weakness - should the Alliance fall, the enemies of the DEN, DOM and DTR might perceive it as an opportunity to attack them. To prevent a further destabilisation the Alliance members decided to maintain a picture of unity and strength while, in their hearts and minds, the Alliance was broken.

In the following weeks and months, attempts to reform the Alliance failed and a secret addendum was signed which effectively removed the DOM from the Alliance. Their embassy starbase in the Venice system was sold back to the DTR.

Separating the DEN and DTR was not so easy. In the aftermath of the Hexamon war the DTR had been invited to settle in the DHP, as the DEN realized that they would not be able to repel the HXM on their own. A joint Alliance warfleet including DTR Nebulons later liberated the planet Janth in the Hydrae system from a blockade by ancient Architect starships. Janth had been the trade centre of the ancient Dewiek culture. Having reclaimed the devastated world, the DEN, DTR and DOM quickly set up colonies and together started the arduous task of cleaning and rebuilding the planet. Soon the DTR were allowed to colonize other DEN worlds. When the DOM left the Alliance the DEN and DTR were unable to find a solution for the substantial DTR presence in the Dewiek Home Periphery. The DTR were prepared to sell their bases, but it soon turned out that their value was many times beyond everything the DEN could offer in exchange. For lack of a better solution, the DEN and DTR thus confirmed the Alliance treaty to remain between themselves, but it was a very uneasy alliance.

It all turned for the worse when DEN warships opted to support an imperial battle group in the Straddle system, which was contested between the imperial and joint DTR/Confederacy forces. Although the DEN action was aimed against the Confederacy, they clearly sided with enemies of the DTR in a military engagement over a DTR system claim.

Still the DTR remained defensive. The colonies in the Dewiek Home Periphery were largely left on their own. Since the DEN had meanwhile invited various affiliations into their systems and Janth sported AFT, FET, SMS and other starbases besides DEN, DTR and DOM it was assumed that the DTR assets in the area would be sold off to others one after another.

This trust in the DEN was misplaced. On stardate 205.20.1 the DEN, together with the DOM and the imperial affiliations, launched a full scale attack against the unsuspecting DTR. A formal declaration of war was issued while the first shots were already being fired and a huge war band marched towards the larger DTR starbase on Janth. As the DEN ground party arrived a day late, Janth became a hotspot of fighting only on the second day of the war.

On the third day of fighting, K'ragen Longtooth of the DEN, Overlord of the Dewiek Home Periphery and member of the Dewiek High Council, produced a somewhat confused public statement in which he declared the DD&D Alliance disbanded.

Longtooth also claims to have been abducted and tortured by the DTR. Although he is obviously in a sorry state of body and mind, the DTR had no part in whatever happened to him. The rest of his rantings do not make much sense. His observations about the fate and condition of the DD&D Alliance are largely in accordance with our own; it is also true that the DTR have heavily colonized the DHP area. It should be added that the DTR was in fact invited to do so by the DEN, and that all starbases and outposts are formally registered - the DTR have always observed DEN laws to the letter.

The claim that a small DEN delegation had been attacked by the DTR on Janth is a plain lie. There was no such delegation. Instead, a combat group of many hundred thousand MUs has approached and attacked. Any affiliation with assets on Janth is invited to check their sensor logs. In a later statement, Longtooth even admitted to what he called a "screw-up" in the attack procedure.

Also, Longtooth accuses the DTR of blatantly breaking DEN law but as of yet nobody knows what he is talking about. These hollow accusations are mere propaganda produced out of a necessity to justify the DEN attack.

Both the DEN and the DOM have also vaguely hinted at alleged DTR crimes against other affiliations, namely the DEN and AFT. Aside from the fact that they failed to explain how this would justify their own predatory assault on the DTR, the DTR calls upon them to substantiate their accusations.

The Dewiek speak a lot of honour. Their concept of honour apparently differs widely from what humans perceive as honourable - sincerity and reliability being the two most prominent attributes.

For the greater glory of the Republic

Ronald E. Silver
Magistrate of the Detinus Republic

*** Second Narrow Escape For Large ***

At an as yet undisclosed location, Pirate Large launched another boarding attempt, this time against an AFT freighter. AFT Escort Cruisers were on hand and intercepted Large, driving him off and inflicting what Large has described as slight damage, but in reality, is probably significantly more than that.

Pirate Large has been in contact with the IGN newsroom to issue a statement, and to let the Peripheries know that he is alive and well and no doubt feeling even more confident following his two lucky escapes.

"times are getting tougher for us pirate types................. i went for a target yesterday, i thought ill get the bugger, and sent 3 ships, thatll do it, but the begar had moved on............oh well..........

anyway if you are feeling sorry for me, then by all means leave your freighter in an open area, ill more than likely spot it if its there for a few days, and ill pay you a visit. :O)"

All inhabitants of the peripheries are urged to be on a the lookout for a slightly dented Pirate vessel attempting to make repairs.

*** New Alien Race! Evidence of CIA Kidnapping Politicals! ***

The Naplian News Network have issued an emergency newsflash:

A political crisis emerged late last night from naplian bars. A retired DNA political Cleopatra was kidnapped by the CIA boarding party in GTT space, naplian reports confirm. The incident happened in Void System, currently in GTT hands.

The ship Eye of Ra(2011) one of the oldest in the DNA fitted with the latest surveillance technology was boarded by over 200 CIA human marines when it was forced to land under fire from a new previously unidentified new alien identified as UNK.

The crew had waited for UNK to disappear and had just finished repairs and were about to take off, when suddenly CIA marines and storm troopers stormed the ship. A fierce battle for control of the ship took place and a number of naplian crew and storm troopers were killed. Heavily outnumbered the ship fell to the boarders who now control it.

Retired naplian Cleopatra in her late years is unlikely to withstand CIA physical torture similar to that delivered to the DEN political. Her fragile body may be small, but she is strong and certainly was reportedly hitting the CIA marines with her naplian handbag and swearing at them after capture. Whether she can survive the torture so visibly demonstrated by the DEN political earlier this week remains to be seen.

In an interview with Mad Max who was dragged away from the military campaign against the Evil Consortium to manage the "Cleopatra granny crisis" (as many reporters call it) informed the naplain press that:

"Cleopatra was a senior retired political DNA elder and a personal friend of mine, but was not carrying any sensitive information, rather ensuring safe passage for freighters, and gathering important new information on a new alien that we now have in our possession. If sadly her death comes to pass she would have died honourably and with great courage having transmitted new information on a new alien technology and ships in the course of her retirement surveillance work. Her ship came under fire from this hithertoo unknown alien species that she cleverly avoided by landing on the planets surface with the skill we expect of one of our elders.

Why the CIA would undertake these political kidnapping is unclear although it might have something to do with the introduction of a new alien, only identified as UNK or may be political ransom from the Evil Consortium. Whatever the reason his action of the CIA is deplorable. Communications to their office have not received any reply, matters have been escalated with an official response expected shortly."

Mad Max concluded, "I would not rule out intervention in neutral space against CIA assets, in a similar manner to that the DEN has recently undertook following their political kidnapping by the CIA."

Unlike many other races, naplian political's love their ships and normally travel in them and command operations from them. This is seen as highly risky from normal land loving politicals of the peripheries. In fact being in a starbase or outpost is considered dangerous to naplians.

The Eye of Ra has organic hulls, last modified by the late ANT race in co-operation with the DNA and is designated Intruder class sensor ship.

The CIA have issued a response and explanation of this incident, repudiating that it was a kidnapping attempt. The full text of their response will run in next weeks edition.

*** Salvage Hunters ***

Reports are reaching the IGN newsroom of a veritable hoard of scavenging vessels rushing to the systems surrounding the Straddle battle in search of a treasure-trove of salvage from wrecked Imperial-bloc warships that fell apart after emergency-jumping manoeuvres.

Inter-stellar law is fuzzy on the subject of salvage rights. But the IGN news-room does at least hope that all Imperial-bloc crewmembers will be rescued and returned where appropriate.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
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Lausnaff Enterprises -

03-06-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 22 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** CIA Respond To Kidnapping Allegations ***

Following last weeks story from the Naplian News Network regarding the CIA kidnapping high level DNA politicals, Lord Lawrence Scrimm, the CIA Intelligence Director has responded to the IGN request for a statement to clarify this matter.

Speaking at the end of last week from an undisclosed location, Director Scrimm began:

"Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to respond to the allegations that have been levelled against us. As you are aware, the Confederacy is in a state of War with the GCS and the Imperial Chartered Affiliations. The Void system has been contested space for quite some time - having been variously claimed by the GTT and CIA at one point or another. To that end, the Confederate Fleet has moved today to secure the Void claim.

The DNA ship, Eye of Ra (2011), has been found in the past to have been spying in Confederate space and to have passed Confederate Fleet movements to the Imperial Chartered Affiliations and the Peripheries at large. As such, to preserve the operational integrity of our mission, the Eye of Ra was seized on 21.2 by CIA Startroopers and Marines. The fact that the DNA have already contacted press officials about this action, prior to their '48 hour' deadline, only serves to underscore their intentions. Additionally, the arrival of other non-involved parties further serves to underscore the fact that the DNA are spying on behalf of those with interests contrary to the Confederacy. Void(35) is now under Confederate Martial Law - any and all non-approved ships found in the system will be engaged with deadly force by Confederate forces whilst we secure the system.

Of further interest is the fact that a DNA Garbage Scow, DNA SHIP AQUAVERAN (51911), attempted to board CIA shipping in retaliation to our seizure of the Eye of Ra prior to any communication taking place about this issue and prior to the 48 hour deadline imposed by the DNA. As a result, Cleopatra will NOT be immediately released. I can confirm that she is doing well and is safe in the heart of the Darkfold at the moment.

As for the UNK and their relationship with the CIA, that is a subject related to current operational matters and we have no comment other than to say that attacks against the UNK in Void will be considered attacks against the Confederacy."

The CIA statement does not necessarily contradict anything claimed by the Naplians, and how they shall respond to the accusation of spying on Confederate ship movements remains to be seen. However, all sides can at least take heart that Cleopatra remains alive and well, though still under lock and key within the Darkfold. At least the Peripheries can be confident that the CIA will certainly be paying a generous stipend to Cleopatra throughout the duration of her incarceration.

*** Confederate Assault In Void? ***

Rumours abound regarding an assault that might or might not have been launched by the Confederacy against the GCS in the Void system this week. Fuelled by the single comment located within Director Scrimms kidnapping allegation response, all manner of wild stories have arisen, ranging from the absolute annihilation of the entire CIA fleet by a new GCS superweapon, to the intervention of a race of highly advanced aliens.

One thing is for certain, there is no solid news regarding this action. At time of press the GCS starbase, The Black Pig, claiming the Void system still appears to be in GCS hands, and of the Confederate fleet, there is no news.

*** Skirmishes In Straddle ***

A few stragglers from the Imperial Navies are reported to have been destroyed this week in the Straddle system by DTR patrol vessels. Any Imperial-bloc vessels remaining stranded in DTR space are surely in for a nervous time until their rescue can be arranged.

*** Conflict In Hazzard ***

At the beginning of the week a reporter was able to enter orbit of Parrot, where the DTR starbase Delta Pavonis was attacked by DOM ground forces several weeks ago. Plumes of smoke were rising, clearly visible from orbit. Though at the time, all seemed quiet.

Scans dispatched by the reporter to the IGN newsroom reveal the ferocity of the fighting between the two primary starbases on Parrot. Current data reveals:

DOM STARBASE FORTRESS MAXIMUS (814) - {12-10} 950 kMus
DTR STARBASE DELTA PAVONIS (1285) - {15-11} 2446 kMus

Archived data from shortly before the conflict gave the following readings:

DOM STARBASE FORTRESS MAXIMUS (814) - {12-10} 2405 kMus - Hiport
DTR STARBASE DELTA PAVONIS (1285) - {15-11} 3399 kMus - Hiport

Meaning that since the battle erupted, Fortress Maximus has lost 1455 kMus of mass or 60% of it's original size, while Delta Pavonis has lost 953 kMus, or 28%.*

The extent of the damage caused to all sides in this conflict is remarkable indeed.

* Caution: The IGN news team make no guarantee of the accuracy of their mathematics.

*** Governor Breidon Perishes In Battle ***

FM: Detinus Press Bureau
TO: General public
SB: Governor Breidon


it is with great sadness that we announce the death of Lord Christian Breidon, late governor of DTR Urstoff on Janth, Hydrae, KIA in battle against the DEN on stardate 205.21.5.

He was an immigrant to Janth from the DTR home system of Venice who had begun his career as supervisor of a DTR medical aid program that later evolved into the large city of Urstoff. His entire career was devoted to his service to the population on Janth (only a fraction of which is from the Dewiek race), and the buildup of his colony project. Many people will remember him with the words quoted by IGN, where he announced that he would accept death while defending Urstoff from the DEN assault. It is a grim irony that this came to pass at the same time as IGN reported on his statement.

The DTR defenders on Janth have responded to the news with resolve, regarding their beloved leader a martyr or at least, a shining example. The fighting on Janth continues unabated.

For the greater glory of the Republic

DPB, Porta Capella

*** Janth Bloodbath Intensifies ***

Hard figures have now become available regarding the losses on Janth. The DEN starbase of Dragon has lost approximately 4000 kMus of mass, reducing it to less than half of its original size. The DTR starbases on the planet, Finlandia and Urstoff have suffered similarly, losing approximately 2000 kMus and 1000 kMus respectively.

The conflict in Hydrea appears so far to have remained contained to the surface of Janth, with few if any warships involved.

*** Imperial-Bloc Forces Ground Assault Hidden DTR Base ***

Several members of the Norozov family have been reportedly killed during a failed attack against a covert Detinus military installation. The attack, launched in strength including several regiments of Startroopers, is understood to have run into much stiffer than expected resistance as the attacking Imperial-bloc troops were wiped out by concentrated and overwhelming defensive fire.

*** Breaking News From Hazzard ***

Detinus news agencies are reporting that DOM Fortress Maximus has raised IRS flags, and changed its name to 'Hold Your Fire'. Rumours suggest that the Dominion have sold their Starbase to the IRS for reasons that are as yet unclear - an attempt to avoid destruction by counter-attacking DTR forces perhaps, or it could be the first move in a negotiated surrender. At this point it is all speculation. The DTR do however appear to have held their fire as requested.

*** Turncoat Officers ***

In addition to drawing pay, it seems as if several captured officers throughout the peripheries are willing to raise arms in defence of their prisoner of war camps, or even in some extreme cases take command of their captors warships on their behalf.

*** Pirate Large Destroyed? ***

Silence this week from the infamous Pirate Large following the successful interdiction of his flagship. While nobody is willing to comment officially on the record, several governments appear to be hoping that Large's heavily damaged vessel might have been destroyed in an accident somewhere.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
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IRC Link: Server
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Lausnaff Enterprises -

10-06-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 23 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** DNA Engage Brotherhood Fleet ***

A transmission has been received from the Naplian News Network regarding a battle between the DNA and BHD. The Naplians are reporting the annihilation of a DNA relief fleet dispatched to affect the rescue of Cleopatra. The admiral in command, B'tai Hazra, has also repordedly been killed.

Fragmentary extracts from the doomed expeditions Flagship Log have been attached by the NNN to the news story:

Admiral B'tai Hazra Log Star Date 205.21.4

Admiral B'tai Hazra an experienced DNA Admiral reads the new Emergency Mission sent from Mad Max. 'Eye of Ra Boarded by CIA forces, Cleopatra captured. Attend immediately & rescue.'

The Admiral swings rapidly around in his chair.

Lieutenant Ufhuyd: "Emergency Admiral we have jumped into a 25 strong BHD Heavy battle fleet sir, and BHD ships have opened fire on us! Incoming, shields up"

Admiral B'tai Hazra: "Return photon fire on these Brotherhood scumbags."

Lieutenant Ufhuyd: "4 DNA warships against 25 BHD Battleships!!"

Lieutenant Ufhuyd: "A single GTT warship port bow, it's scout ship has exploded."

Day 2 Log Star Date 205.21.5

Lieutenant Ufhuyd: "We are pinned giving them hell Admiral little damage but they are pressing their advantage."

Lieutenant Ufhuyd: "Our PC Escort is in more trouble no ammo, Von Torp in the Ambush Cruiser is brilliant but no more ammo, the Scow & Ravager got problems I fear we will not survive a prolonged battle with these odds."

Admiral B'tai Hazra: "Many Brotherhood scum are in this war zone one we should not be in, abort mission lets try to save this fleet."

Admiral B'tai Hazra: "Activate Von Torp's dangerous manoeuvre."

With that signal the DNA fleet closed into ridiculously tight formation, collisions & screams were heard...transmission lost.

Given that Cleopatra was captured in the Void system, it is assumed that this engagement being reported by the NNN also took place in Void. A system that has been at the centre of some controversy this week, with Confederate-bloc forces making it clear that all travellers would be well advised to steer well clear.

*** Mad Max Cleopatra Update ***

In a report issued by Mad Max, Mad Max stated that that DNA interest in the region and the attack on DNA ships by Confederacy forces and UNK was an outrage against the DNA people. He added that no DNA ship was acting against the interests of the Confederacy. However, the DNA would not lie down quietly but would start deploying the nemesis of weapons of mass destruction against the peoples of the BHD and CIA. Max continued by stating that they are not taking sides but if the Confederacy force this issue by making them an enemy they will respond a hundred fold.

According to the statement, DNA ships have been sent orders to penetrate Confederate space immediately. A state of war has been declared against the BHD and CIA and will only be lifted with the return of Cleopatra and her ship.

*** Confederate News Network Broadcast ***

++ Incoming CNN Communication ++

Rumours abound that the DNA have officially declared war upon the Confederate Naval Forces today. No CNF official was available to comment upon these events today but it is known the CNF's allies the BHD and CIA had a run with the DNA recently. Speaking on the record Mad Max attempted to clarify their stance in this matter but quite frankly nobody in the languages department could understand what he was saying.

All of the CNN team are watching this story with vivid interest. Why did the DNA declare war on the CNF? Could the rumour be true that the DNA were actually trying to declare war on the FCN but that spelling never was Mad Max's strong point? Just what did Mad Max say at his press briefing? For all these answers and more. stay tuned.

This is reporter Jo King for CNN News signing off.

CNN News

"Give us a tu and we'll give you the world"

++ Transmission Ends ++

*** Firing Squad At Angels Nest ***

Naplian News Network reports that on Date 20.5 an execution was carried out at Angels Nest. A Consortium operative attempting to sabotage Blueprint items was eliminated. Unfortunately for the operative it did not die as the old rusty Naplian guns did not shoot straight, so a Naplian went over and poked him with a sharp stik till he was dead.

It is understood this might have taken some time.

*** DNA Capture FCN Outpost ***

The NNN is reporting a successful attack against the 6kMus Falconian outpost HF Aeriana by the DNA Ground Party 1st Slave Rescuer. A report from an embedded Naplian reporter alongside the Ground Party has been broadcast:

Their was a knock on the air lock, the Falconians peered out, a lone Falconian stood outside in a space suit, upon letting her in a large number of camouflaged DNA human soldiers appeared from no-where and stormed the Jacium facility deep in Acropolis. Some FCN's left hastily by the backdoor, whilst the majority looked in amazement. The DNA soldiers offered out some stellars and chocolate, played some music. There was little loss of life although one FCN cracked his beak in the rush to get out. "Come with us or you will be killed by your evil rulers said the lone Naplian." The Naplian leader in charge of DNA GROUND PARTY 1st Slave Rescuer (71849) added, "time you get your freedom from the Evil Empire" and with that left the complex leaving the door open, explosive charges left behind. Moments later, 41 FCN and SMS warships pumped round after round into the complex and destroyed all FCN life forms and a few DNA soldiers in the outpost as they left.

A report by Naplian military intelligence indicated that the Naplians were happy to destroy this hidden Jacium outpost and condemned the Evil Consortium for carpet bombing their own civilians.

*** UNK Aliens Seize GCS The Black Pig ***

Reports have been received of monstrous UNK war machines decimating the GCS system-claiming starbase in the Void system. The UNK seem to be working in close co-operation with Confederate Naval forces, and Brotherhood and CIA vessels. Though it should be noted that one mans monstrous war machine has been described by others as mere UNK freighters.

It is as yet unknown as to who the system claim shall now fall, though the answer to that question may give some clue as the UNK aliens allegiances.

Who are these aliens? Where did they come from? What are their intentions? Nobody knows for sure. Or if they do, they're not telling.

(Message From The Editor: Of course, if somebody could drop the IGN newsroom a short note at least explaining what UNK stands for, that would be most appreciated.)

*** Alien Construct Spotted In Orbit Of High Star ***

Freighter captains are reporting the sighting of a strange alien vessel at High Star. It is rumoured this vessel once belonged to the UNK, and is now in the hands of the High Star Authorities.

A High Star spokesman has indicated that they might make public the results of their investigations into this Construct.

*** Crisis In Twinkle ***

Following skirmishes in the Void system between IRS vessels and the as yet unknown alien race carrying the designation UNK, and further skirmishes between IRS vessels and Confederate-bloc warships, the IRS have threatened to declare war against the Confederacy. As this edition of the inter galactic news goes to press, we await anxiously news from Twinkle, where High Star forces it is rumoured, have moved en masse to assault a CIA Starbase.

Further, the IRS have invited Imperial-bloc warships to move in to the system in support of the IRS against Confederate interests, offering free maintenance recreation and repair facilities. And also that any group wishing to remove the CIA from the planet Steel should contact High Star for permit to proceed and letters of marque. Enemies of the CIA/BHD/CNF have been granted permission to open fire against their targets in twinkle.

This constitutes a major strategic shift in the area, and essentially it appears to have effectively ended the neutrality of the Twinkle system, unless some eleventh hour diplomatic effort can be found to defuse the situation.

It is hard to imagine the Confederacy tolerating the Twinkle system slipping so far over to the Empire.

When approached for their official opinion, a Detinus Republic source issued a terse 'No Comment'.

All eyes have turned to the strategically critical Twinkle Stargate.

*** Demon System Changes Hands ***

IRS authorities are reporting that the Demon system has been gifted to a neutral affiliation to administer as they see fit.

There is as yet no word on which affiliation this might be. Although, given the extent of open warfare throughout the Peripheries, the IGN struggle to think of many potential candidates that might qualify as 'neutral'.

*** Felini Threaten IRS Shipping In Onwards System ***

An IRS vessel in orbit of FEL Antioch has been instructed to move on or be boarded and destroyed. The allegation is that this IRS vessel was scanning all traffic transiting the area in retaliation for a Felini warship similarly situated just outside port at High Star.

However, the Felini maintain that their warship was simply in location in Twinkle because it had nowhere better to be. And that it will be moving on for routine maintenance operations within the next week or two.

It seems reasonable to speculate that when the Felini ship goes home, the IRS ship in Onwards will similarly depart.

*** Imperial Outpost Applications ***

An application has been received to set up an outpost in the Kasmer system exploiting Resource ID = 42687. Anyone already exploiting this code in Kasmer should contact the Imperial Viceroy immediately.

An application has been received to establish an outpost to exploit the following resource/source codes in the Schrike System. Anyone already exploiting these codes in Schrike is requested to inform the Viceroy indicating the celestial body on which they are being exploited.

Codes: 10290 and 96730

It should be noted that resource codes are not unique within systems, only on individual celestial bodies, so failure to indicate where the codes are being exploited will not resolve the issue.

An application has also been received to establish outposts in the Schrike system exploiting the following resource/source codes:-

Code 96887
Code 20824
Code 12356

Again, anybody exploiting these codes should contact the Imperial Viceroy.

*** Detinus Republic Issue Formal Declaration Of War ***

Although merely a technicality at this point, the Detinus Senate have passed a unanimous motion formally declaring war against the Dewiek Elder Nation and the Dominion.

*** Freighters for Sale ***

The Flagritz Republic have announced the immediate availability of the following freighter class vessel:

Carrack class Freighter

40 Light Hulls, 0 Armour Plate

1 Bridge (100) - 50 mus
8 Bunks (98) - 10 mus
90 Cargo Bay (134) - 25 mus
1 Integrity Stabilizer (190) - 40 mus
4 ISR Type 3 Engines (150) - 20 mus
1 Jump Drive (175) - 50 mus
5 Sensor mkII (104) - 10 mus
10 Thrust Engine mkII (161) - 20 mus

These vessels have a capacity of 1800 MU Cargo. Several are available for immediate handover within the Cluster and Inferno regions, and advance offers for future orders are accepted.

Price of these ships is placed at $40,000, and sales will be on a first come, first served basis. Interested parties should contact Ro'a-lith the Cliriq Ataman.

*** Second DTR Starbase Falls ***

Dewiek and Detinus press agencies are reporting the fall of DTR Urstoff to the DEN assault troops.

This is the second major DTR Starbase to fall since the eruption of Periphery-wide warfare several weeks ago. With Acheron in the hands of the Dominion and now Urstoff going to the Dewiek, with the fate of a third DTR Starbase still hanging in the balance, the DTR must at least be breathing a major sigh of relief that the fighting at Onyx and Delta Pavonis seems to have calmed down in their favour. How the DTR could have coped with the loss of four or five major Starbases in the space of two standard weeks remains a matter for speculation.

Independent analysts continue to suggest that the primary motivation for the conflict remains economics - cold hard stellars.

*** K'ragen Longtooth Speaks Following Capture Of Urstoff ***

A video feed breaks the silence. The scene depicted is a semi-darkened room, resembling an office of some kind with a desk in the centre and the infamous DHP Overlord, K'ragen Longtooth seated at the desk. The only new feature of the scene is a war torn banner located on the wall behind the Overlord. The banner depicts the Detinus Republic symbol and has written in bold letters across it, Urstoff.

"Fellow Sentients," he begins. "It has been over a week since my last press conference so I though to update the Peripheries on what has transpired in the war on Janth." The warrior stands and places his hands on the desk before himself. "As many of you are aware, the main Detinus Republic Starbase located on Janth, that of DTR Urstoff, has fallen to those forces allied to the Dewiek Elder Nation. The cost was high, as the banner that I am now displaying in honour of the fallen Governor of Urstoff, Governor Breidon, proves with its display of the torn nature that war causes. But as many of you know, in the name of Justice, no cost is ever too great. The secondary Detinus Republic Starbase located on Janth, named DTR Finlandia, is expected to fall in the next day or two as well. Janth, for the first time since this conflict began, is beginning to see the freedom that the planet and population will be afforded now that the Detinus Republic is being removed from their position of oppressor on the planet."

Longtooth walks around the desk to get closer to the camera. "Many of you may wonder why I honour my fallen enemy in such a way as to display his banner. I did not know Governor Breidon personally, but from those of my colleagues that did know him and the Elders still among the Dewiek packs that he interacted with him, he was known as a good Man and helped the Dewiek to rebuild this world. For that he is to be honoured. I do not know if he changed in recent years or if the management of the Detinus Republic became corrupt, but their treatment of us, their 'Allies,' over the last two years left much to be desired and has forced us to finally stand up for ourselves and cry 'Enough'!"

The sigh that escaped the warrior's body nearly moves the camera with its intensity and overall sense of frustration. "So therefore, I must announce that the time for peace is behind us. I gave the Detinus Republic a chance to surrender their assets on Janth to spare the bloodshed, but they would have nothing of it. Now Janth nears freedom and the Dewiek Elder Nation and her allies must look toward the rest of the Dewiek Home Periphery and eventually the rest of the Peripheries." Longtooth pauses and smiles deeply, a toothy smile. "Many laughed when we said we would take on the Detinus Republic to restore our lost honour. Many said it could not be done, that they were too powerful. Well Janth is proof that it can be done. Two above average starbases reduced to rubble and a planet freed from oppression. No one prior to this even dreamed of taking them on in such a way. They are powerful, but they are just Men and they bleed and die just like all living beings. They can be made to pay for their crimes and treatment of the sentient races they interact with. It is possible and I mean to see it through or as Governor Breidon stated, die trying. Today signified the first small victory against our oppressors the Detinus Republic. Tomorrow and the days to follow will see our total freedom from them!"

The Detinus Senator Johnny Twist offered in counterpoint to Longtooth's speech the simple response, "Alternatively... it took you the best part of two weeks to remove an
un-reinforced position from your own homeworld. Congratz." He then went on to raise the as yet unspoken spectre of traditional Dewiek victory celebrations, which typically involve the ritual dismemberment and devouring of their defeated foes.

*** Further Skirmishes Reported ***

A small number of skirmishes between Detinus Republic and Imperial-Bloc vessels are being reported in several systems, including Straddle, where the cost of the recent epic naval engagement continues to be counted. Expect a more detailed report on the Straddle battle next week, including claimed casualty figures from the Detinus Republic.

(Editors Note: Other affiliations are invited to submit their claimed warship kills/losses for the battle, otherwise the Editor will be going via the information he has to hand, which is the DTR info.)

*** News Flash ***

GTT Scout ship destroyed in Twinkle by Confederate fleet in orbit of Steel. GTT claim the CNF have violated the neutrality of the system, while CNF spokesman responds by pointing out they went to active enemy lists in direct response to the IRS having invited open engagement against CNF-bloc forces in Twinkle.

*** News Flash ***

Danial Haynes, the spokesman for IRS High Star has just issued the following ominous statement:

CIA/BHD/CNF positions will be engeged as of today.

CIA Felix will be targetted by all of High Stars ground based weapons.

A memorial service for the 468 souls lost in Void to the BHD and CNF will take place in the near future. We shall mourn the losses at Felix also.

I would like to point out that Titan was sent to intercept in Void after a quick refit- the ship was a freighter reconfigured to aid stricken IRS positions in Void and was, despite Brotherhood propoganda, a freigheer, unarmed and acting to defend the IRS from the UNK alien warships.

CIA assets on Steel will be engaged in the near future.

The stargate will remain open for as long as possible.

War it seems has now spread to one of the last few remaining havens of peace in the Peripheries.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

17-06-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 24 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Following the recent space battle in Straddle, changes have been suggested to the pinning rules, as an alternative is sought to the current all or nothing approach.

Mica has posted a proposed rules change here:

The text of which follows:

"After a long a gruelling discussion (of which real time and battle time ideas were dismissed for various reasons) the following proposal for a revision to the pinning rules has been suggested.

Pinning does not prevent a position from leaving combat. A pinned position however has to run the gauntlet in order to escape. This effectively means that the pinning position gets free attacks and all other positions targeting the pinned position gets some degree of free attacks. These are all treated between rounds and so are on top of normal events during the battle. The pinned position cannot fire back (whole hoard of reasons - engines in line of sight, energy usage, random manoeuvring but most importantly Game Balance).

The current suggestion is that the pinning position gets four rounds of fire. All other positions that have locked the pinned position will get a proportion of their attacks based on the fraction of locked targets.

Further, the number of rounds of fire will be dependent of the relative speeds of the targeting and locked and pinned position.

Targeting position is stationery - 1 round
Targeting position is slower - 2 rounds
Targeting position is equal to or faster - 3 rounds

The ramifications are that a poxy little ship with armed with a toothpick is simply not a threat and four rounds of fire is nothing to worry about. A slow but heavily armoured ship will be able to walk out of most combats intact. Normal and lighter hulled ships will rarely be able to withstand three and four rounds of fire. The above is not applied to successful fleeing, i.e. dump cargo and superior speed will not result in running the gauntlet."

All players are reminded that they can register and post their own thoughts and opinions on the rules change.

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Twinkle Crisis Defused ***

Daniel Haynes, spokesman for the IRS has announced that High Star will be standing down against the Confederacy. Perhaps the destruction of the GTT vessel in Twinkle brought all sides to the realisation of the scale of the conflict that could erupt in the system. But either way, it seems as if crisis has been averted at the very last moment.

CIA Felix has been placed back on High Stars defend lists, and High Star has offered to pay compensation to the GTT for the loss of their vessel.

Permission to fire upon Confederate targets in the Twinkle system has also been withdrawn. And a formal request has been made for cool heads to prevail on all sides. Considering it is in nobodies interests for Twinkle to erupt as a war zone, it is hoped that this will happen.

*** Bloodbath On Janth ***

Following the loss of Urstoff, the Detinus Republic are now reporting the dismantling and fall of DTR Finlandia - the second DTR starbase on Janth.

*** Bloodbath On Janth ***

Their starbases destroyed, the remaining DTR troops on the surface of Janth have switched over to the offensive. Punching through encircling Dewiek troops, the DTR launched a stunning counter-attack, and smashed into the FET starbase Near Enough, which fell after a brief struggle.

This brings the total number of Starbases destroyed on Janth to three. Whilst Near Enough is currently in DTR hands, it is not expected that they will be able to hold the base for long.

*** Civilian Casualties ***

News agencies are reporting heavy loss of life amongst civilians during the recent eruption of warfare around starbases.

Starbases, by their very nature, tend to be located in or around major population centres. And it is these populations that have suffered terribly due to collateral damage in the recent battles, with several thousands understood to have been killed in merchandising complexes alone before they were able to flee in the immediate aftermath of hostilities breaking out. With several hundreds of thousands more understood to have lost their lives in splash damage in starbase environs.

The full death toll may never be known, but it is certain that a humanitarian crisis is underway.

*** Skirmishes In Solo ***

Dominion and Detinus forces have been tangling this week in the Solo system. The engagements constitute nothing more than skirmishes. However, the fact that these are the only affiliations so far involved in combat within the system would seem to indicate that further parties are as yet electing not to get involved, lest it lead to a massive and uncontrollable escalation of the conflict.

*** Detinus Republic 'Ghost' Fleet In Action ***

The Dewiek Home Periphery has seen more skirmishing this week as the DTR warfleet resident in the periphery has begun operations. Nervous Dewiek freighter captains are said to be cursing a fleet of almost invisible Detinus warships that hit and fade, and are gone before heavy elements of the DEN fleet can be brought up to pin them for battle.

Reports are confusing, but multiple Dewiek vessels have reportedly been destroyed including a DEN Wayfarer that was believed to be carrying re-inforcements for the conflict on Janth.

*** Dominion Outpost Destroyed On Hazzard ***

With the ex-DOM starbase of Fortress Maximus remaining under IRS flags this week, the Detinus Republic turned their attention to a small DOM outpost on the planet, reducing it to rubble with a vast air strike.

*** Mothers Against Unfair Combat Zones Seek New Spokesman ***

The MAUCZ pressure group has this week reportedly been approaching various public figures to act as their new spokesperson. It is understood that one name keeps cropping up, that of Lord Goth of the GTT.

*** Battle In Stockton ***

A small Detinus battlegroup brought a large number of GTT scout ships to battle in the Stockton system recently. A KST freighter was destroyed, along with several GTT freighters, along with an estimated 15-20 GTT St Clair class gunships.

*** Dominion Deploy Secret Weapon ***

Reports are coming in that the DOM have deployed a previously unseen weapon. This comes on top of reports that the Imperial-bloc also deployed previously unknown weapons during their recent attack in Straddle.

*** Straddle Engagement Casualty Figures ***

Approximate figures have now become available for the massed space battle in the Straddle system between the Imperial-bloc forces which were re-inforced by a large battlegroup of Dewiek warships, and the Detinus Republic defenders, who were re-inforced by Confederate battlegroups in the final stages of the battle.

According to Detinus sources, the first 4 days of battle saw Imperial losses standing at 82 warships destroyed, constituting 1600 normal hulls and 3870 heavy hulls. With a further 5 IMP warships understood to have E-jumped, to a fate unknown.

DTR losses for the same 4 days of battle were:

100H - 24
1500N (Platform)
5 100H ships to boardings

Making for a total loss of 29 warships and 1 platform, constituting 1500 normal hulls lost, and 3400 heavy hulls.

This makes the first 4 days of battle more or less equal.

However, it was during the disengagement phase that the battle swung heavily in favour of the defenders. The remaining 2 days of battle saw no casualties for the DTR and her allies, but a further 37 vessels destroyed for the Empire, including 20 or more 100-150 hull warships.

It was during this final phase that frustrated Detinus and Confederate gunners set their sights on the resilient Dewiek battlegroup, which sang proud war-songs over open comms channels as they fought bravely, covering the withdrawal of the Imperial navies.

The great unknown of these figures is how many Imperial-bloc warships might have been lost to Emergency-jumps. While the Empire remains tight lipped about exact figures, it is understood that their losses to E-Jumps might have been very high indeed.

The Inter-Galactic News would like to point out that any errors in this article are the fault of the Editor, and not down to any agency of the Detinus Republic.

*** Imperial Statement ***

While the Imperial-bloc were unable to provide the IGN with casualty figures for the Straddle engagement from their perspective, however, the Imperial Patrol Commissioner Gandolph was kind enough to issue the following statement:

"The Subspace Static has requested that the IMP block and its allies, come forward with losses details etc for the Straddle Battle.

The Battle is now a month old and we had moved on from this and placed it in our history, and the DTR will no doubt attempt to make their efforts victorious by making numbers look superior. They destroyed numerically a large number of vessels, a lot of which were Normal Hulled, or small normal hulled ships. We destroyed a good number of their Heavy Hulled ships and a platform.

The IMP entered Straddle on the premise that victory in this battle would not be ours, we went in with the premise to hold a serious element of the DTR Stella Armada from reacting to the impending ground assaults against their installations. This was achieved with success. The losses were heavier than originally hoped for. This wasn't however inflicted to us by the DTR forces, we lost some on the extraction process. Up to that point DTR losses were equal to or higher than that of the Allied forces present.

Our losses in the battle will no doubt be made to look serious, with the clever wording of the respected Mr Romanov, but we ask ourselves, were the total losses on the IMP and allied side overall as heavy as the long term affects of the DTR losing starbases, and future production, and the masses of equipment at those starbases. And for once every one in the peripheries knows the extent that the DTR have tried to impose their ways onto others, and have learnt that this won't be tolerated by the masses.

The IMP doesn't employ the 1 sided views of non transit rights even amongst friendlies. We don't blockade entire planetary quads with fortifications to stop all travellers, allies included from transacting with our bases. Your view of FREEDOM seems different to that of the rest of us.

What I will say is, that may the Gods look after all those souls lost in the battle, from every side of the war, and treat them with the respect they deserve.

May I also ask the same of the DTR, as they made it a mission to extract our commanders and crew man as prisoners from day 2 of the battle before our own red cross vessels could pull out the wounded, they are prisoners of war and should not be violated.

If you feel humanitarian, then release them to the RIP to free them as civilians on one of their planets, to at least allow them a form of life other than your prison cells."

*** Imperial Outpost Application ***

An application has been received to set up an outpost to exploit mineral/resource code 22650 in the Kasmer system.

Anyone already exploiting this code in Kasmer should advise the Viceroy via private channel and include the planet on which the code is being exploited. lack of the planet information, which will remain confidential, means that the exploited source cannot be confirmed as the one in the application as the codes are only unique on an individual celestial body.

In the event that confirmation of prior use is not available the applicant will be told to go ahead, which could result in double outposting of the code.

*** Pirate Large ***

Rumours suggest that Large is back on operation, having sought retaliation against the AFT for the damage inflicted against his ship recently. Reports indicate that Large has struck in person today against an AFT vessel.

Further details are expected in time for next weeks edition.

*** Felini To Attack Independents ***

Avatar Mawet Manchu of the Felini has announced that in one months time they will be adding All IND to their target lists within Felini space, in accordance with Felini law.

However, Avatar Manchu went on to stress that the Felini are keen to aide Independents, and that those wishing to continue trading within Felini space should contact his office to arrange registration and thus avoid destruction.

*** Mysterious Communication Broadcast ***

Transcript begins:


VOICE A: Err. New orders from Patriarch Tenor

VOICE B: Oh, no. What now? Let's see


VOICE B: He wants what? He must be kidding! There must be some mistake!

VOICE A: No, I confirmed it with him personally. He wants us to retrofit the missile launchers to fire aardvarks. He didn't say why.


***** Periphery Classifieds *****

Independent Seeks Odd Jobs.

Greetings Gentle folk, I am new to the peripheries and am looking for work, if anyone has any odd jobs carrying out please contact me on a private channel.

(IND) Dark Avenger - erik [dot] warpstone [at] gmail [dot] com

Mercenaries Seek Contract.

A small mercenary company seeks contract with employer. Those interested in recruiting several hundred mercs should make contact via the editor.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix


27-06-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 26 DAY 1  [Recruit]

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Emergency Fix - Monday 27th June 2005, Damage mod to Ground Parties and Starbases.

-Space Stations + GP do not fire space weapons
-Launched Fighters are returned to base as bays are destroyed
-Damage to SB goes into naval weapons first if firing space weapons and then rest of damage is handled with spread included.

Damage with spread:
GPs/SBs damage hits based on: Spread Effect=sqrt(0.01*AF + spread)*100 %
-There is a Spread Effect % chance that a weapon will hit first time, additional damage is checked if it hits again.
-If weapon misses then its dmg is modified by Spread Effect and it is checked if the weapon hits again.
-This process goes on until there is no damage.
Again, discussion is underway on the forum to address this issue.

Changes To Photon Guns.

"From all postings it is clear that those that have been most involved in battles have reached the conclusion that Photon Weapons are redundant.

They simply do not have the stopping power of the few-day missile ships. Further, advances in launcher actually make them less accurate at higher mk's.

Despite PD, the balance is tilted away from Photon Weapons.

To this end it is suggested that along with the changes to Pinning, all Beam Weapons have their base accuracy increased by 4, with further increases of 1 per mk. Photon Weapons would have +10 at mkI, +11 at mkII etc.

With the bonus to accuracy they can then be used for specific targeting - in most cases (yes it has been noted that space fighters and bombers are designed for this, but they are also used to run cover for torpedoes).

Energy weapons become the rapier to the launcher's sledgehammer."

The discussion that resulted has lead to alternative suggestions for the changes to Photon guns, and readers are advised to follow the debate on the forums for news on what the final changes might be.

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Skulduggery At High Star ***

The Independently registered vessel Middle Earth was caught this week attempting all manner of unpleasantness at High Star, with several agents and operatives being caught by IRS security forces.

The attempt has lead Daniel Haynes to temporarily close the High Star docking ring and starport to all traffic. Although the hiport is still open for trade as usual.

*** Large Returns ***

It has been confirmed that Pirate Large did indeed survive his run-in with AFT vessels. Repaired and back up and running, Large has captured the AFT freighter Bradley Stoke. And again, he has been in contact with the Peripheries to boast of his success:

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye..... Pirate Large.....

I be patched up after a recent encounter wiv the AFT, after they caused 18% damage to me hulls. An lookin for compensation for me troubles, when on stardate 205.24.3 me look outs spotted an AFT freighter Bradley Stoke (4853) sitting in the new huntin grounds. With vengeance in our arts, we fired up the engines an attacked the ship we did aye.....

Now we as ad this appens before, when we gets on board the ship, the crew as jump o' board, as only 1 person remained, the cappan o thee ship Franz Mirabel, who puts up a good fight an survives the fight gives up after holdin on, as he is the only survivor, Ahharrgghh....

Now I is appy that I as ad payback aye, an decided to get back to port for my usual service..... I walks into a whorehouse. The woman at the front desk says to me, What can I do ya for?

I Says: Arrrgh - I be searchin for booty!


Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."

This message has been edited for the sake of Captain Mirabels family.

*** Pirate Intercepted In Inferno ***

The Obsidian Predator Swarm, acting as part of the APTF, are reporting the intercept of the pirate vessel Garnet-Peridotite, a Pioneer Class Capital Ship.

The pirate was attempting to attack an OPS freighter, but escort warships held him up long enough for heavier elements of the OPS fleet to arrive and inflict serious damage before the pirate was able to flee.

Large himself has been in contact with the IGN newsroom to indicate that the Garnet-Peridotite was one of his vessels, and that it escaped with about 30% damage. A feat that Large considers to be a great success, considering its close encounter with 4 OPS warships, two of which were Baseship class.

*** Hazzard System Changes Hands ***

Following the fall of the Dominion starbase, Fortress Maximus, the system claim for the Hazzard system has been changed to DTR.

Fortress Maximus itself has been largely dismantled by the IRS, into whose hands the starbase passed during the final stages of the conflict.

*** Consortium Destroy Flagritz Platform ***

The Regular Independent Privateer news agency ( is reporting the destruction of a Flagritz platform:

"Earlier this week saw Consortium forces move to disable a Flagritz platform we had been monitoring in heart of the Storm system.

Over the course of two days our strike forces engaged both the platform and a number of supporting ships, the destruction of the enemy has been reported as total with not a single Consortium ship lost."

Meanwhile, the Flagritz Empire and the Felini continue their bitter war of words.

*** RIP Captain Finds Starbase ***

More from the RIP news agency:

"Congratulations to the captain of the RIP Heart of Iron who this week found... a starbase. Some would suggest that the fact that he was well informed of the location and identifying number of the starbase should have made the task a trivial one, but the natural stealthy nature of the RIP lead to more than a week of going round in circles and scanning the same space square in an attempt to locate the massive, far from invisible, chunk of rock the colony was located on."

*** Forge Controlled By DTR ***

The planet Forge in the Solo system, previously home to several Dominion mining outposts, has this week been swept by the Detinus Republic armed forces. With the exception of a few stragglers, the Dominion presence on Forge is understood to be at an end.

One interesting quirk, once the DTR ground assaults swung into action, a number of DOM outposts changed hands to the SMS, in a parallel perhaps to the tactic deployed in Hazzard, where Fortress Maximums changed hands to the IRS just before the DTR were about to capture/destroy the installation.

Unfortunately this change in ownership on Forge didn't seem to register fast enough for the DTR General in charge of ground operations, as DTR tanks stormed into a newly purchased SMS outpost.

It is however understood by all parties involved that this attack was the result of the sudden change in ownership, and not a deliberate decision on the part of the DTR to attack a neutral affiliation in a neutral system.

It does however serve to underline the potential hazards in purchasing real estate that lies under the barrel of a gun.

*** Fighting Continues On Janth ***

The DTR, previously FET, starbase Near Enough has been pounded this week by the DEN, as they seek to remove the remaining DTR forces from the surface of Janth.

Reports are fragmentary, but it is understood the remaining DTR ground forces, constituting a several armoured divisions and infantry brigades, are still active on the surface of the planet.

*** Space Battle In Acrux ***

Dewiek and Dominion vessels have brought the DTR battlegroup understood to be the ghost fleet reported in last weeks edition, to battle. A dozen or so Detinus warships are understood to be fighting it out with at least twice that many DEN/DOM vessels, with both sides taking damage.

Great mystery surrounds this battle however, and strange conflicting reports reach the news-room of shifts in the time-space continuum, odd sensor readings, and other bizarre goings-on, perhaps due to some previously unknown extra-stellar forces.

*** DNA Catch Another Spy ***

From the Naplian News Network:

Stardate 24.5 DNA Angels Nest: Another execution.

Following last weeks rather lengthy execution at the end of a stik, the naplians rigged up a light rail gun to execute the latest operative trying to steal a blueprint at DNA Angel's Nest.

As the naplian crowd gathered the operative was tied to a post by a length of chain to add to the fun. The operative flew about avoiding the shots as the rail gun exploded into life. The operative stood little chance and was splattered into parts but then the naplian gunner seemed to lose control in the excitement and suddenly a shot accidentally fired into the crowd, who were standing far too close for their own safety. A naplian crew member died in the explosion.

The executed operative was swept up by a squad of naplian cleaners, as they tried to identify the dead naplian crew member.

Applications can be made to NNN if you want to attend the next DNA execution. A larger execution facility is currently being built.

*** Inner Confederacy Announcement - Accusations Of Genocide ***

The following press statement has been leaked to the intergalactic media. The Inter-Galactic News are not at liberty to discuss their source, but are confident as to the reliability of the transmission. As to the truth of Lucius Schwartz's words, readers are of course invited to make up their own minds.

Press Statement to the gathering media and citizens of the Inner Confederacy.

"I come before you today not as the leader of a noble house but as your brother and as a fellow citizen of the inner confederacy. We of the inner confederacy have suffered much hardship over the past few years and it has become clear to me that we still have yet more suffering to endure. We have become the victims of our own military; they came back in force into the inner systems in order to help free us from religious tyranny only to now become the tyrants. We are being forced to accept the pseudo religious militaristic dictatorship of what was once the core of our military forces, the CIA and CNF backed with what seems to be an unparalled religious zeal for the destruction nay genocide of one faction of our family, yes the IBH should and must be made to atone for there crimes against the peoples of the inner confederacy. However these people were and still are our kin, they are our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters and the blame lies not with them but a select minority whom have twisted and coerced there followers to there own nefarious ends.

And it is for this reason that I have made it my mission to bring about the peaceful, non violent resolution to the conflict between the inner confederate worlds and the IBH. I would like to see a cessation to the genocidal attacks on IBH positions so that a delegation can be sent to Glory to negotiate a peaceful end and in so doing not only guarantee our freedom but the freedom also of our IBH brothers and sisters. The only thing that stands in the way of this peace is the unflinching genocidal onslaught be planned and executed in our names and yet without our knowledge or blessing by this despotic group who would replace that minority in the IBH leadership as our slavers, yes it is the all powerful military forces of the Confederate Naval Forces, the black hearted Confederate Intelligence Agency and those religious zealots the Brotherhood. Again it is a minority whom crave power and will abuse there positions to the detriment of all others but themselves. The time is soon coming when we must all gather yet again to fight for our freedom from oppression, be ever watchful as they are masters of deceit and you will not even believe you have been enslaved until it is too late. House Schwartz welcomes anyone who wishes to discuss further any attempts to make peace with the IBH for the better of us all. Yours humbly, Lucius Schwartz."

*** News Flash: Large Strikes Again! ***

Pirate Large is understood to have captured an SMS freighter. Further details are as yet unknown.

*** CIA Accused Of War Crimes ***

A second transmission from inside the Inner Confederacy has been received by the IGN. Again, a press statement from Lucious Schwartz, his words intended for the Inner Confederacy, but brought now to everybody here in the Peripheries.

Second Press Statement regarding the current situation in orbit of Jericho.

"Dear Citizens of Jericho and of all systems within the inner confederacy. Recent developments in the last few weeks have come to light regarding a spy satellite House Schwartz have discovered in orbit of Jericho. This spy satellite CIA platform 18991 Eye Candy was launched from CIA Starbase 450 ExVehrenberg and spotted a few weeks later our Starbase 2429 Exile. We have been carefully monitoring it since and have discovered that it is being used by the CIA to spy upon the citizens of Jericho from space without our knowledge. We are currently unable to determine whether it has also been used for mass mind control experiments or other black ops as routinely committed by an operation such as the CIA, we have not ruled out any connections with a recent spate of abductions and ufo sightings but have yet to hear from the security forces who were sent to investigate. We do strongly believe that this spy satellite is not only a quantifiable threat to all citizens of Jericho it is also a direct military threat to the safety of our commercial space shipping. It is because of these threats that we have demanded that this spy platform was removed that was over 4 weeks ago, we then tried to reason with the spies on the platform asking for them to leave the platform with full assurances of there safety and expedited return to there masters, this only resulted in more aggressive posturing and an influx of troops. So 2 days ago we issued a direct plea for them to leave the platform within 48 hours whereupon direct action will be taken by House Schwartz to remove this malignant threat to our continued freedom of not only body but mind. We await the passing of the deadline in hope that if not removed that this spy base is at least evacuated to minimise any casualties that would otherwise be incurred and such a loss can be avoided at all costs. Furthermore we strongly demand not only an apology but an in depth explanation from the CIA for this breach of our basic human rights. I cannot emphasise enough the danger we are in, we recommend anyone suffering from headaches, memory loss, lethargy, sleeplessness to consult a trusted doctor immediately, it may not just be a touch of flu it could be something far more sinister. House Schwartz will make available it's hospital facilities at Exile free of charge for any that are concerned as to the state of there mental as well as physical health. These are dangerous and evil times and we must join together and be watchful of this growing threat in our midst. Yours Humbly, Lucius Schwartz."

*** Treasure Winters ***

Following her exposure and huge popularity at the Mohache Games, Treasure Winters, the beautiful and talented young woman whose unofficial calendar sold like hotcakes, has announced her retirement from the Detinus Armed Services, and the launch of her inter-stellar musical and acting career.

Citing her desire to leave behind the tools and training of war, Ms Winters has revealed that the full profits from her debut concert will be donated to charitable organisations seeking to help those civilian populations wounded and made homeless in recent starbase assaults.

***** Mohache Games Special Report *****

The Semi-Finals of the blue ribbon event of the Mohache games were played this week, following certain delays due to the massive outbreak of warfare throughout the Peripheries. The Mohache are however keen to point out that they at least, are not at war with anybody.

Although rumours indicate that Mrs Floaty has been in contact with the RIP regarding the purchase of a significant quantity of Photon weaponry in order to combat a nasty invasion of green fly. It had to be explained to the peaceful Mohache that while Photon guns are very accurate, they're not quite that accurate, and any attempt to control garden pests with them might result in accidental incineration of several square kilometers.

However, the first Semi-Final: KRL vs RIP. With kind thanks to the Mohache broadcasting corporation, and Mrs Floaty, for this report:

The sun beats down as the KRL and the RIP teams walk on to the sandy pitch. A member of the KRL team kicks some sand into the face of one of the RIP players. Tensions are high, but the RIP remain cool. The crowd falls silent as the referee places the pig's bladder in the centre spot. The KRL win the toss and take up position to kick-off. With the first kick the crowd being to cheer and yell support. The Mohache are supporting everyone and anything including other supporters. It is quite clear that many crates of Harmony Hooch have been consumed by this point. The warm weather isn't helping.

The KRL take the lead - having most of the possession in the first half. Whilst the RIP build up a sweat they are unable to make the most of any potential advantage. The first half passes without a goal scored. The 2nd half kicks off with an amazing run by the KRL. Some fantastic passing result in the perfect goal opportunity being set up. This is brought to an end by a miss-hit resulting in the ball hitting the goal post and flying off into the crowd. The player is on the floor in agony and is later carried of the pitch with a sprained muscle injury. The RIP, now with a player advantage, gain possession and score a scrappy goal as the KRL fail to build up defence quickly enough.

Second Semi-Final, CNF vs DEN.

The CNF players look strong and fit, however the DEN look as sharp as every from their victory over the FEL. The match starts in a furious scrabble for the ball. Several yellow cards are shown in the first half. The crowd feel the pain of the players as the game turns into one of the roughest seen in the tournament. At the end of the first half the game is 1 goal each. In the 2nd half a similar brawl results in the sending off of a DEN player. However, there sharp attack results in another goal being scored before the final whistle is blown.

The DEN will face the RIP in the final.

***** Periphery Classifieds *****

*** Wanted. Lifeforms ***

The CIA Regional Director Stephen Armstrong is looking to purchase a significant number of lifeform trade items. Anybody with anything available is requested to contact him on:

Darrenworthy [at] hotmail [dot] com

*** Trade Deals ***

Shares in Romanov Family Holdings have continued to fall in the recent weeks following the loss of Acheron to the traitorous DOM. In order to set the family back on economic recovery, Fraiser Romanov has announced the release of five Wanderer class traders from military to civilian dues. These freighters offer upto 10000MUs of trade capacity.

The freighters have been given permission to trade with any friendly block and have access to many items not regularly available to purchase on common markets.

Obvious trade is more effective as a two way transaction. We appreciate that the demand for goods is always higher than the supply so we are looking for trade deals which will allow us to sell common manufactured goods/rarer ores and purchase common ores/items.

For example:

Starbases selling metals at prices below 0.3 stellars and purchasing standard modules at above 80 stellars.

We have quantities of the following items to sell:

Industrial Mods
Transport Mods
Rare Earth Elements

And looking for the following items to buy:

Low value uniques

We are also investigating the possibility of selling a large surplus of Armour Plate so interested parties should contact this office.

Fraiser Romanov - romanov_dtr [at] ntlworld [dot] com

*** Wanted. Grand Unified Theory. ***

I am seeking to purchase a copy of Grand Unified Theory. Can anyone help.

Contact: renik [at] btinternet [dot] com

*** Wanted. ***

The following items are required in bulk quantities.

Dewbeast Tusks (30037) - 1 mus
Falconian Wool (30081) - 1 mus
Furries (30018) - 1 mus

If anyone is able to meet some if not all of the above demand, please
contact me on bk19 [at] mweb [dot] co [dot] za


*** Training Naplians for Fun & Profit. ***

Do you have a colony on a planet with Naplians? Do you get them loitering around your recruitment complexes, poking things with Stiks, taking delicate machinery apart to see how it works, and generally making the place look untidy?

If so, help is at hand. I have a Naplian Crew Training BP (10553) available, with which you can get these Naplians off the streets, and doing something useful.

Ideally, I'd prefer to swap it for any training BP for Humans or Kastorians, both of which I have loitering around _my_ colonies and getting in the way, but I'm open to offers.

Jon, KRL

Jon [at] contemplation [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk

*** Bio-production (8590) wanted. ***


Contact this office if you have one of the above for sale.


Administrator V'reen

Howellers [at] dsl [dot] pipex [dot] com


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

01-07-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 26 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** CIA Answer House Schwartz Allegations ***

Following the obviously false allegations, the CIA invite a neutral, but highly vetted and disclosure agreement signed and bound group from the media to witness examination of the goods in the merchandising complexes. This confirms that the items chosen seemingly at random do not contain any form of mind control or spying equipment. As for the laughable spy satellite the team are taken on a tour showing that it only has a measly ten sensors and these have only just been installed although it does seem to have an extraordinary number of troops.

Finally once the media have packed their bags and left, security is used to round up all the protestors outside CIA ExVehrenberg and detain them for an indefinite amount of time. A total of 2453 arrests are made.

News of these two events is broadcast side by side...

*** Pirate Large ***

Following last weeks report, it appears as if Large has indeed struck again. The following transmission has been received:

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye..... Pirate Large.....

It be stardate 205.24.4 when me look outs spotted the SMS EI-T Enterprise (4918) 75 hulled freighter off to the port quarter in the Tychoon system, ahharrgghhh, it be a while since I as ad SMS booty, so we struck the engines up aye, and attack the ship we did, smashing through the normal ulls, an the fightin began.....

On board thee ship, 67 souls there be, some veterans, an me boardin parties ad to split some skulls, leavin blood splattered all o' the walls before we started to make ed way, an on round 2 the cappan o thee vessel Svetlana morgan called it a day, an opted for life instead o death."

It is understood that Svetlana Morgan is the seventh starship captain to fall into the clutches of Large.

Large continued:

"The rest of the prisoners I lets the crew molest and pleasure thy selves wiv. Aahhhh the screams o pain, an pleasure, yo ho, yo he he ...a pirates life for me....

I walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Hey there Pirate Large, I haven't seen you in a while. What happened, you look terrible!"

"What do you mean?" I replies, "I'm fine."

The bartender says, "But what about that wooden leg? You didn't have that before."

"Well," I says, "We were in a battle at Drayd and a missile explosion hit my leg but the surgeon fixed me up, and I'm fine, really."

"Yeah, Large" says the bartender, "But what about that hook? Last time I saw you, you had both hands."

"Well," I says, "We were in another battle and we boarded the enemy ship. I was in a sword fight, close quart stuff, and my hand was cut off, but the surgeon fixed me up with this hook, and I feel great, really."

"Oh," says the bartender, "What about that eye patch? Last time you were in here you had both eyes."

"Well," I says, "One day when we were at port, some birds were flying over the ship. I looked up, and one of them shat in my eye."

"So?" replied the bartender, "what happened? You couldn't have lost an eye just from some bird shit!"

"Well," I says, "I really wasn't used to the hook yet."


Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."

The bartender, or indeed any party who might have spotted Large, his ship, or any of his crew in dock at any starbase in the peripheries, is invited to contact the relevant authorities immediately. There is a substantial reward.

The Editor would like to point out that this communication from Large has been edited for the sake of the families of the captain and crew captured. The un-edited transmissions can always be obtained on the open comms channels. (ooc - the phoenix yahoogroup, details of which appear at the end of every edition of the SSS.)

*** Mohache Games Final ***

Amidst great excitement, the final match of the Mohache games 5-a-side tournament has been held on the specially constructed playing rounds in Yank.

The Dewiek team, late entrants into the Mohache games, performed admirably to reach these late stages, while the RIP Team Unity seem to have won through with surprising ease.

The following transmission was received via the Mohache broadcasting department:

The game opens with the Dewiek scoring a perfect goal within moment. The crowd cheers and the sale of Harmony Hooch sky-rockets. To recover, the RIP team play a defensive game, that results in a draw during the dieing moments of the match. Seconds before the final whistle however the Dewiek grind to a halt and turn to the referee only to turn back as the ball hurtles into the back of the net.

Then the whistle is blown and the RIP team are accorded winners. A reasonable amount of jeering is made by the Dewiek supporters. The Mohache reach for another bottle of Hooch as the there is clearly more entertainment on the cards. There is an ongoing debacle regarding an apparent earlier whistle which apparently only the Dewiek could hear. The referee rules that it was only on his whistle the game was over and that the RIP are the winners.

RIP Team Unity are therefore crowned 5-A-Side Champions Of The Peripheries.

*** Imperial News Broadcast ***

A suicidal CNF scout ship entered the orbit of Stork, in the Mattalot system, the resultant cosmic dust has ensured improved sunsets there for some time to come.

*** Imperial News Broadcast ***

There are strong indications that the DTR economy is feeling the pinch due to the loss of several of their starbases to the DEN and DOM. They are apparently looking for trading opportunities, even going so as far to release some of their big military transport ships for trade goods transportation.

*** Imperial Outpost Applications ***

An application has been received to exploit/mine resource/mineral code 42138 in the Kasmer (163) system. Anyone already exploiting this code in the Kasmer system should inform the Viceroy's office no later than 26/4, indicating the celestial body on which it is being exploited.

An application has been received to exploit mineral/resource code 78895 in the Capellan (1) system. Anyone already exploiting this code in Capellan should inform the Viceroy's office before 26/4, indicating on which celestial body the code is being exploited.

Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy

*** Pirate Large Strikes Again ***

A 100 light hulled AFT freighter is understood to have just been captured by Pirate Large. No further details are available at this time.

***** Periphery Classifieds *****

*** Queen Haven advertisement ***

Welcome to Queen Haven (27588), located in the trade hub of the peripheries on the planet Mobile Bay in the Yank system. Neutral space means free for all to visit!

Queens Haven aims to become the main military market in this area of space. Each week our great market is updated with new:

Ablative armour plates (460) * Assault Tanks (833) * Combat Engines mkII (165) * Gatling Lasers (215) * Heavy Battle Tanks mkII (830) * Kastorian Marines (634) * Light Photon Guns (300) * Normal Hulls mkII (71) * Patches (45) * Photon Cannons (308) * Robotic Defence Bunkers mkII (841) * Shields (115) * Shield generators (119) * Thrust Engines mkII (161) *

But this is not all. We can always be better. More items will be added as we get them produced. Cloaking devices, Quantum cloaks and even inertial dampers! You want it, we got it!

Have we missed anything? Of course, we also build the best ships out there. Organic hulls and AIs mean lower operating costs than anyone else can offer. Quality where it counts! Here is a list of some designs that we offer:

Caste Storm Class Fast Freighter @ $90 800
Caste Wrath Class Destroyer @ $130 650
Metal Interceptor Class Carrier @ $119 550

Small, quick and capable to cloak. Contact the Brood Master:

peter [at] norberg-gbg [dot] com

at Queens Haven (27588) for more information or a full list of designs for sale! We accept payment in technologies, stellars or goods! Unaligned groups (i.e. IND) get 20% discount off the stellar value!

Let us also take this moment to mention that we are looking for a Racial Design - Advanced Hive (8055) principle. If you have one and don't want it, come to us and talk business!

*** Gnarly Ale ***

Gnarly Ale (33237) - 1 mu

This rough drink is still very popular for its unique taste.

Item Type: Trade Good (Normal)
Value at Source: 0.5 (Stellars/mu)
Local Value: 4 (Stellars/mu)
Origin System: Borderland
Origin Planet: The House

If you want to buy some of this, put it on your market in Yank or give me a shout if you'd prefer to buy it up from The House. I only have a relatively small amount at the moment (couple of thousand MUs or so) but more will become available in time.

Contact: jason [at] andstuff [dot] org [dot] uk

*** Wanted ***

High Star will buy 100,000mu of Rare Earth Elements.

If any group wishes to make an offer....

Thank you,
Daniel Haynes.

*** Blueprints Wanted ***

IRS High Star is paying good stellars and stockpiles of goods for Training Blueprints.

Naplian, Human, Kastorian Blueprints required.
All blueprint types (soldier/marine etc) required.

I will also pay 900,000 stellars for one copy of Naplian Design - Racial

Please get in touch if you can provide any of the above.

High Star's research facilities are restricted being that she is our only asset of note. For this reason, the IRS would be interested in acquiring all manner of Blueprints. If using research to bolster your economy is necessary, you might find us willing to pay that little extra..

Thank you.
Daniel Haynes (78682)
IRS (48)

*** Message ***

It's good to leave each day behind,
like flowing water, free of sadness.
Yesterday is gone and its tale told.
Today new seeds are growing.

-tJallaledin Rumi. 1207.

SVK5 - aab2

*** Information ***

Wanted: Information pertaining to the whereabouts of the individual known as Jumping Jack.

Contact via the Editor.

***** Mohache Games Betting Syndicate *****

(ooc - Yahoogroups isn't letting me post anything at the moment. So this is going here instead.)


Congratulations once again to the RIP for winning the Mohache Games 5-A-Side final. In accordance with wagers made, the winners position number for stellar transfers is:


According to my records, those of you who wagered, and are now due $10,000 to the winner above, are:

Listens to Voices. Mohache Nootka.
Mrrshan. Feline Tyrant.
Field Commander Jon Tenor. CNF.
Hucuron Baalazar - SMS
Naz - CIA
DEN MaiChiKwai
Grandfather Lemora Enewatak, Wimble Nation.
Gog - HSZ
K'ragen Longtooth, DHP Overlord.
Thali Rahm, Fessin Rahm.
Archangel, AFT.
Cassius Jerusalem, DTR.

If the winner would do me the favour of keeping me informed as to receiving the appropriate stellar transfers, and let me know when he has received the full $110,000. I can always publicly name and shame any parties who do not honour their wager. :)

(If your name appears on this list, and you think it shouldn't, drop me a line.)

Also, per our side bet, I shall be transferring the $10k I'm due to Naz for his team winning more events than my team. If he could transmit a position number for stellar transfers, that would be grand.

Thank you all for taking part in the Mohache Games betting.

Cassius Jerusalem. Senator. Detinus Republic.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

08-07-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 27 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
New Order Config File
This contains the Convert Naval Items order.

This order converts 'naval' items to defensive items. Only 50% of naval mass may be converted. Entering from 'from item' as zero tells you how many mus can be converted.
* Weapons, Space Fighters, Interceptors, Fighter bays, Ammo --> Shield Complexes (1026), Platform Complexes (1017) , Platform Hulls (90) , Shields (115), and Generators (119)
*Research Complex(1005) --> Shield Complex (1026)
*Employees --> Mercenaries

This is a self extracting zip file.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Important upcoming changes to Phoenix have been announced on the posting boards by David Bethel. Phoenix is constantly undergoing upgrading and improvements, with ever more features and abilities being added to the game. And this is what we can look forward to over the course of the summer:

General Changes

[1] DNT lists will remove targets that are no in line with them.

[2] GPs will not be able to have items delivered to them / picked up that can not move unless they have the cargo space to carry them.

[3] Gps will only be able to be embarked by a position with sufficient life support capacity to carry them. Life forms that are carried in GP cargo will not count to this life support capacity (so using shuttles etc in a GP will allow them to be carried in ships standard cargo). Life support requirement will be listed on the GP.

[4] An item + an order will be added to allow cargo to dropped directly to a GP or SB from the orbital quadrant/orbit of a planet, even if the position is in ground combat.

[5] Ground Assault GP (assuming its not already attacking an SB) allows 25% max control loss per round.

[6] Ground parties will not be automatically stopped for combat when they encounter an enemy GP. A mini combat will be fought to decide if they are stopped.

[7] GPs/SB will not be able to be pinned.

[8] Custom orders - Lots of new orders for positions.

[9] Custom maintenance orders for starbases will be pulled from the starbase and the planetary body - for events connected to the planet.

[10] If you can not flee due to no movement speed then you will not try again and a comment will be issued.

[11] Correct targets will be picked on entry to a battle based on target setting

[12] Ships and GPs will be able to deliver to a position in combat, but the position itself will be placed in combat first and the delivery will be after combat. Any further orders (other than deliveries) will suspend the turn.

[13] Hiports will not be useable while in combat.

[14] Photon Guns/Nova guns will have their accuracies changed to +6/7/8/10/12

[15] Rail guns will have their accuracies changed to +0/1/2/6/8

[16] Option to have turns back as HTML will be implemented per position (or all positions)

[17] Order editor/orders will updateable online.

Pepper effect.

Interceptors and point defence weapons (not phalanx) will fire at every attacking target that the positions list dictates. You are defined as an attacker if you have locked a target or have an enemy/support/defend list that can lock a target. This may mean that light hulled ships may not make it into combat (especially if they are packed with missiles). Normal/heavy armoured ships will not be significantly affected as the AF of interceptors will be greater than 1.

Starbase in Short Range combat

[1] Other starbases will only be able to deliver to the starbase via shuttle ports.

[2] Hiports will be disabled.

[3] The following orders will be disabled on all positions in ground combat:
Untool Tech
Scrap complex
Scrap Item
Sack Personnel
Deliver item type
One off Spread

[4] Ships and GPs can pickup from the starbase is they are docked.

[5] Created Gps will be in short range combat and will not be able to issue jettison/sack orders. Moving outside the SB will remove it from combat and will only be possible is the GP can move.

Officer Changes

a) Officer are no longer unique items, but carry their name as part of the items information on a position.
b) Officer will be transferred by a different order to normal items
c) Officers will lose their current experience and have it replaced with training points, that can be spend with a training complex visit (existing officers can do this order anywhere + its free).
d) Training points are gained in 2 categories Naval and Civilian. Each category has associated skills and each time a skill is raised by 1 lvl the training point to raise any skill in that category increase. Max skill lvl is 4.
e) Skill point progression is 1/2/4/8/16/+8 there after. So lvl 3 Navigation + Lvl 2 Leadership costs ([1+2+4]+[8+16])
f) Training costs 500/1000/2000/4000 stellars to train the lvl
g) Training points are gained for combat and time spent on active starships.
h) Naval Skills
[1] Combat Manoeuvre [+.5g dodge/lvl]
[2] Weapon Accuracy [+.5 acc/lvl]
[3] Fleeing [+.5g dodge when fleeing]
[4] Leadership [+5% crew factors per lvl]
[5] Sensor [+5% sensor power]
[6] Stealth [-5% Visible Surface Area/lvl]
i) Civilian
[1] Exploration [Flagged to GM]
[2] Trade [-1 Tus Transactions/lvl]
[3] Prospecting [-5% Tus/lvl]
[4] GPI [+10% GPI Sensor factors/lvl]
[5] Navigation [+5% man speed per lvl]
[6] Jump Drive Operation [-5% Jump time per lvl]
A similar system is being considered for operatives.


All in game actions will be linked into an events database which will spread events/rumours throughout the game.

Recreation complex/maintenance complex visits will result in rumour.

Agents will be able to gather rumours at no risk

Industrial Sector Model

A planetary economy model will be put together and tested for viability for us in the planetary governments.


Basically 'dump chaff' would replace the 'dump cargo' routine + be generally available.

Each item would be given a chaff factor and when they are dumped they will increase the chance of a pin being blocked. There will be an option to dump cargo and flee as well as dump chaff and flee. A large 100% freighter dumping all its cargo will most likely always escape a pin.

The position number for debris will also be given to the attacker if cargo is dropped and if the attacking ship. If the is no space battle and the ship has cargo space any none chaff will be scooped based on item security.

Internal Free space

[1] Empty space: Internal damage to ships will have a possibility of hitting empty space. If x% of the internal components are destroyed then there is a x% chance that an internal hit will transferred to the hulls.

[2] Target area Mod: Installed ship components will have an 'installed area modifier' that increases/ decreases their target area of an item when they are installed. This means that so items will have more external components to them and can be hit easier.

Note: The empty space routine would be based on the target area compared to mus on installed space not target area. So if you ship has 3000 mus of target area from items but 2000 mus installed space, the empty space routine will not cut in until the target area of the items is less than 2000.

Leaving Combat

Pinning does not prevent a position from leaving combat. A pinned position however has to run the gauntlet in order to escape. This effectively means that the pinning position gets free attacks and all other positions targeting the pinned position gets some degree of free attacks. These are all treated between rounds and so are on top of normal events during the battle. The pinned position cannot fire back (whole hoard of reasons - engines in line of sight, energy usage, random manoeuvring but most importantly Game Balance).

The current suggestion is that the pinning position gets four rounds of fire. All other positions that have locked the pinned position will get a proportion of their attacks based on the fraction of locked targets.

Further, the number of rounds of fire will be dependent of the relative speeds of the targeting and locked and pinned position.

Targeting position is stationery - 1 round
Targeting position is slower - 2 rounds
Targeting position is equal to or faster - 3 rounds

The ramifications are that a poxy little ship with armed with a toothpick is simply not a threat and four rounds of fire is nothing to worry about A slow but heavily armoured ship will be able to walk out of most combats intact. Normal and lighter hulled ships will rarely be able to withstand three and four rounds of fire. The above is not applied to successful fleeing, i.e. dump cargo and superior speed will not result in running the gauntlet.

The official thread for discussion of these proposed changes is located here:

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** CIA Platform Destroyed - Tensions Escalate ***

The CIA Platform Eye Candy, as reported in recent editions of the Inter-Galactic News, has been destroyed. The following information has been received by our News Office:

A plethora of mails of condolence from many concerned civilians and family of those that lost their lives in the tragic breakdown of communication, have flood into the starbase.

However, the loss of five hundred marines right in the heart of the Confederacy, following as it has only a short while after the turmoil that rocked the systems comes as something of a shock to many people.

The actions of the House Schwartz can be seen in minute detail on CIA footage which also goes on to add that the HSZ are actively aiding the IBH and the lives that have been affected by the insidious fanatics. A memorial service is held for those 'Murdered: 26.3 by Lucius Schwartz.'

*** Lucius Schwarz Issues Statement Regarding Destruction of Eye Candy ***

Press Announcement to the gathered media of Jericho:

"I can now confirm the forcible removal of the CIA spy platform from it's orbit of Jericho. It is with great regret at the loss of life suffered by the CIA spy operatives onboard, whose deaths it must be clearly stated lays squarely in the hands of the CIA command who obviously did not value their lives or they would not have insisted on sending even more spies to their death on the spy platform when asked to withdraw.

This loss of life regardless of their intent is deeply troubling and yet in order to protect ones own life in extreme circumstances it sometimes becomes necessary. I ask this dictatorship and it's secret police to stop it's mind control experiments and political genocide, let the people decide how they should live and who, if anyone, should lead them. Furthermore in response to the CIA's efforts to misdirect attention from their nefarious practices, I can only say this. If the CIA were trying to cover up the mind control and their committing of political assassinations and abductions would they show you the evidence? Call me a cynic but I am doubtful they would, I would expect exactly what they have done. In fact I ask you this, how do you know you even saw and remember what you think you saw and remember? Need I mention the 2453 citizens abducted in plain sight just for voicing there views aloud! I say 'LET OUR PEOPLE GO!!! Release the innocent citizens of Jericho!'"

*** The Mystery Of The Empress Sarah ***

Missing somewhere in the Peripheries is the Pocket Battleship, Empress Sarah. Two agencies, the Detinus Republic and the GCS have offered substantial rewards for her return.

The Empress Sarah is one of the oldest warships in the Peripheries, she, and her sister ships were gifts from the EEM/Inner Empire. The Empress is understood to have changed hands many times, passing through several affiliations. And her current ownership and location is unknown, and it is many years since she was last spotted.

Any persons with evidence on the whereabouts of the Empress Sarah, and who captains her now, is invited to contact the IGN News-room.

*** Incident In Twinkle ***

The Felini Ship Crown of Ra-Heru is understood to have been involved in a violation of the Twinkle neutrality accords this week. While it is understood by the news team that no weapons were fired, it does seem as if a battle very nearly erupted when the Ra-Heru, escorting a Felini freighter at the time, ran into what is suspected to have been a DNA vessel.

Mrrshan, the Felini Tyrant, was quick to explain that the incident was simply the result of a new captain recently out of the academy failing to clear enemy lists when transiting the Twinkle system. And indeed reporters here at the IGN can remember several incidents when even very experienced fleet admirals have inadvertently caused conflict in neutral systems through their failure to clear standing enemy lists.

The situation is understood to have been quickly and easily resolved. However, it did ignite a greater source of tension between the Consortium and the Flagritz Empire, regarding the neutrality of other systems, particularly the Solo system, whose neutrality was seriously undermined in recent months during the Dominion onslaughts against Detinus positions there.

*** Silence Falls Across The DHP ***

Conflict is understood to have ceased now on the surface of Janth. With no further details available, it is only apparent that for the time being, all military actions within the DHP have paused.

For how long, is anybodies guess.

*** New Affiliation ***

Ian Jordan Enterprises (35) was this week officially declared as a new affiliation in the Peripheries. The director of the new mega-corporation, Mr I Jordan, issued the following statement to the press:

"I am a former GTT political and have started my own trading company with aims to bring goods and luxuries across the Peripheries. Building large manufacturing starbases also ranks high to help keep the cost down and cut out the middle man.

I do not plan in getting caught up in any wars as my ships have a nasty habit of exploding. The Imperials have kindly grant me rights in there space to trade, exploring and starbase building in the outer Capellan only.

I will be asking for access to other areas of space in the future.(when I get some ships)."

It is understood that Ian Jorden Enterprises is not an officially chartered Imperial affiliation, though clearly they are on friendly terms. How this will affect their ability to gain access to the Detinus and Darkfold regions of space is as yet unknown.

Mr Jordan concluded his statement by announcing some of the luxury good he will be making available in coming months, inviting traders to place them on their markets in anticipation.

Adamski Tuna (33245) - 1 mu
The meaty fish has an appealing taste.
Item Type: Trade Good (Perishable)
Value at Source: 0.2 (Stellars/mu)
Local Value: 0.2 (Stellars/mu)
Origin System: Adamski
Origin Planet: Damp

Aquaphidian Delicacies (31418) - 1 mu

This covers a range of aquatic creatures that are a firm favourite amongst sentient aquatic lifeforms. Most terran lifeforms find them a little unappealing.

Item Type: Trade Good (Perishable)
Race: Aquaphid
Value at Source: 0.2 (Stellars/mu)
Local Value: 0.4 (Stellars/mu)
Origin System: Lewis
Origin Planet: Surk

Surk Shrimp (31405) - 1 mu

Surk shrimp takes a little to get used to, but once the translucent skin and visible organs are accepted the taste is palatable. It is a firm favourite amongst wimbles.

Item Type: Trade Good (Perishable)
Race: Wimble
Value at Source: 0.1 (Stellars/mu)
Local Value: 0.1 (Stellars/mu)
Origin System: Lewis
Origin Planet: Surk

*** Flagritz Republic Issue Statement Of Support For Felini Tyranny ***

Ro'a-lith, the Cliriq Ataman for the Flagritz Republic has this week issued a brief statement underlining how hospitable and accommodating relations have been between him and Mrrshan of the Felini. And that relations between the FEL and FGZ remain friendly.

*** Pirate Large ***

As indicated last week, Large has indeed captured another AFT ship. His statement is as follows:

"Ahhhaaarrrggghh me be aye.......... Pirate Large............

it be stardate 205.26.1 when me lookout spotted an AFT ship in Solo, the Silver Dawn (4499) 100 light hulled she be.......pull anchor.....and fire the engines, we be goin in.....garrr....

there be some vet marines on board thee ship for a change, but after a couple o rounds, they gave up, and the ship be mine ahharrrgghhh. all thy crew survived, an i reckons they gaves in, as the rumours that i roger everything goin, seems to have put a glint in their eyes..ahharrgghh.

now i as anuver one archie angel, add that one to my tally, i myself turned up again in your own system, but you not be there.....ahaaarrgghhh.

no cappan on board this un, so i thinks they be afraid to fly their own ships............

one o my pirates little uns, wen trick or treatin, he be wiv a speech impedemant an canee get all is words out right, he goes to the first house, an knocks on the door, an the man says "oh i see you come dressed as a pirate, but wheres your bucaneers?" and the lad says "on the side of my Buckin head!" ahaargghhh......

Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the Pirate ship Large (and freinds) Ahhaarrgghhh.........."

We at the IGN news-room feel compelled to ask: Can nobody stop this monster?

*** SMS Issue Statement ***

The following transmission has been received from the head of the SMS Internal Affairs Division, clarifying the SMS position on neutral systems:

"To clear up a few points. I Dr. Talain D'aygart head of Internal Affairs and VPD within the SMS do hereby speak as a founding member of the Consortium and on behalf and with full authority of the Consortium.

For long enough has the name calling, insults and general finger pointing gone on. From herefore any deals/offers/requests are to be sent to myself which I will pass on to the heads of the Consortium. Any insults will be ignored.

To make our position clear, we regard the following systems as no fire zones: Yank, Twinkle, Solo, Skord and St. Dismas. We will defend only in these systems. This is in regard to FLZ positions and their allies (offical and unofficial). In addition under IMP law the DNA will not be targeted except in self defence within Imperial controlled space (at this point in time we still acknowledge Stockton to be within Imperial space). This applies to areas of space that we use, hence parts of DTR, CNF etc space have not been included in this list as we would not enter those systems anyway (ie darkfold system etc). Hence this is not a comprehensive list but simply a list of locations that we may encounter each other. If the DTR etc etc want to make their wishes know about parts of space they hold then I'm happy to update this list.

The IRS are allowed as being independent traders to travel as they wish with exceptions noted below that apply to all. In return Consortium shipping will do the same, note this does not override certain other Aff laws that the IMP, DTR, CNF etc may have on systems/places. It is purely a statement that we are happy to not to try and limit the movement of the IRS as long as they do the same for us.

The system called Battlefield is off limits to all non-Consortium shipping. Any ships found there will be fired on and questions asked latter. Equally the system call Crusade is regarded as a war zone and is currently under protection and rule of the Consortium. Same rules apply as to Battlefield.

The Consortium will continue to use the Twinkle stargate and will have clear enemy lists whilst doing so. Any attempt to stop the Consortium using the stargate will be regarded as an act of war. The FEL gave control of the system to Highstar on the grounds that Highstar ensures the stargate remains open and that Consortium ships are allowed to use it.

The Consortium in no way wishes to draw anybody else into what is in effect a FEL-FLZ war. The other members of the Consortium aid the FEL in this battle as per our alliance. We also do not wish to cause other Affs trouble in regard to fighting within certain systems. I have no doubt missed many points and would ask that any requests to update this are sent in private to myself rather than stated here. If any points are unclear then instead of trying to understand what is meant simply ask and I will try to make it more clear."

*** Pressure Grows On The Consortium ***

Lord Fell of the Flagritz Empire has cast more doubt this week on the Consortium/Felini claims that the FLZ had been exploiting FEL slaves, and indeed casting doubt on the Consortium claim that when they arrived in the Crusade system, they discovered a great many Felini bodies being burned by FLZ defence forces.

Lord Fell has broadcast several interviews with Felini citizens of the Flagritz Empire. A typical example is as follows:

"My name if Follis; I like many of my brethren are Felini citizens within the Flagritz empire. Times are hard in the empire although not unfair. Like all citizens, both Flagritz and Felini we work long hard hours until retirement age. We do not consider ourselves slaves as we earn wages from the state for our labours, just like all citizens."

Lord Fell went on to say that the Crusade incident was the result of a rebellion by a number of Felini prisoners who had attempted to take control of the base, and who were killed in the fighting. Denying claims that their bodies had been burnt, Lord Fell pointed to the casualties caused by the Consortium orbital bombardment of facilities within the Crusade system.

As ever, the truth in the claims and counter-claims issued by the FEL and FLZ remains very difficult to discern, in the absence of any independent third parties. However, the Flagritz Republic Cliriq Ataman Ro'a-lith did issue the following statement, soon on the heels of his open support for the Felini Tyrant:

"As much as I detest the archaic, imperialist and dictatorial Flagritz Empire, I cannot help but state that the Ambassador raises some interesting points. Certainly, judging from these recent statements which the honourable Talain has made no real effort to disprove or deny, by all appearances the Consortium entered the Crusade system with the full intent of launching all out war upon the Flagritz, irrespective of the status of Felini citizens.

Launching a major unprovoked assault, standing by while your allies deploy nuclear devices, laying claim to the native territory of another recognised political body, and laying waste from orbit a starbase and the surrounding civil population does not suggest a peaceful, non-expansionist mining collective in a mutual defensive pact, no matter how it is spun.

However, in the interest of the cooperation and mutual understanding with the Felini that the Republic has long been embarked upon, we have for a long time turned a blind eye-stalk to the activities of the Consortium within Crusade. This has been as a show of faith for the honourable Tyrant, who has been beyond reproach in his dealings with the Flagritz Republic. It has long been our hope that the Republic might be granted access to Crusade to confirm or deny the allegations of both camps.

Lacking any historical reference ourselves, yet having a vested interest in the Flagritz civilians within the system, it is certainly not beyond reason that we be granted access. It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your own help. The Republic would certainly be willing to investigate ALL goings-on and allegations within the system, and distribute them for public dissemination. As it stands, there is reasonable doubt sufficient to cause many concern."

The ability to independently verify the veracity of claims made regarding events in the Crusade system would be of great interest to the Inter-Galactic News staff and all sentient peoples of the Peripheries, and it will be very interesting to see from whom the greatest resistance to this independent verification comes from - the FLZ or the Consortium.

*** Imperial Starbase Paralysed ***

IMP Riva has been reportedly paralysed this week by rampant agent actions. Multiple explosions have been reported, as has the closure of most of the bases complexes. Loss of life is understood to have been minimal, but inconvenience for the Starbase governor must be at an all time high.

No party, agency or government has yet claimed responsibility for these actions.

*** SMS Claim Peace Overture Made ***

Talain D'aygart, the SMS spokesman, this week indicated that an offer of friendship was made to the FLZ a few weeks ago. And that this offer was turned down.

*** News Flash ***

Pirate Large has struck again!

*** News Flash ***

Imperial commerce raiders strike against DTR freighters in Venice.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

15-07-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 28 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Statement From CIA Regarding Jericho ***

Press Statement from CIA Exvehrenberg administrator Carl Burley re: Allegations of CIA malfeasance upon Jericho.

Ladies and gentlemen of the press, thank you for coming today. Recently, there have been a number of spurious and slanderous remarks regarding this facility and the CIA presence upon Jericho from the leadership of House Schwartz. By my order, all reasonable efforts have been expended to assuage the fears and concerns of the people of Jericho, only to be met with continued falsifications, outright lies and demagoguery by the leadership of House Schwartz. Further, Lucius Schwartz has offered not one single piece of credible evidence to substantiate his claims of CIA malfeasance upon Jericho. I put it to you this way - if the CIA developed orbital mind control satellites, where would the most effective use of said satellites be? Jericho, in the heart of the Confederacy, or territories claimed by the Imperial Chartered Affiliations? Lucius may be a persuasive demagogue, but the logic behind his allegations breaks down under even the most rudimentary analysis.

The CIA have long helped the people of Jericho and the Confederacy. From averting the civil war that threatened to wrack the Confederacy following the revelation of Samuel's clone status to waging guerrilla insurrections against the despotic forces of the Dark Pope Mark Eaton, the CIA has always been a stalwart defender of Confederate Values and the Confederate Way of Life. We share this dedication and devotion with our allies in The Brotherhood and the Confederate Naval Forces - even other Noble Houses of the Confederacy have joined us in this singular cause and have prospered greatly as a result. That is the heart of the Confederate Way of Life, service and solidarity with our brethren for the greater good. Reward and Honour are the natural consequences of Service and Sacrifice to the Confederacy and it's people. The BHD, CIA, CNF, HDK, HLQ, HPT and HVB have all demonstrated their service and sacrifice to the citizens of the Confederacy - HSZ has not. Lucius Schwartz seeks to cause dissent and disruption within the ranks of those seeking to recapture the birthright of the Confederacy while aiding that cause not one whit. Lucius Schwartz would see insurrection and lawlessness within the very heart of the Confederacy while our sons and daughters are away fighting for what is Right, Honourable and Just. Lucius Schwartz would see the death camps and mass graves of the Inner Brotherhood revisited upon the Confederacy so soon after having thrown off that oppressive yoke. Lucius Schwartz would murder your sons and daughters serving the honourable aims of the Confederacy.

Lucius Schwartz is a Traitor to the Confederacy and the Confederate Way of Life.

*** DNA Vessel Destroyed In Battlefield System ***

Talain D'aygart, the SMS spokesman for the Consortium this week announced that the DNA vessel Zupher had been caught in violation of the Battlefield system no-fly zone, and accordingly engaged in combat and destroyed.

It is at this time unknown what the DNA vessel was doing in the system. Though from recent activity, such as the seizure of Queen Cleopatra's vessel by the CIA, it seems as if the DNA have great interest in contested systems.

*** Naplian News Network Broadcast ***

In a speech leaked by officials, contrary to sub space static, the DNA announced with much celebration the return of the experienced Admiral B'tai Hazra and his Grizzley and the new young brilliant Captain Von Torp in the Ambush Cruiser. The DNA today confirmed a total of only 3 ships losses in Void not 5 as was previously reported.

Von Torp was awarded highest award for bravery and courage under fire, and is understood to have been promoted for the second time in recent months for his actions and daring escape. Both escaped with brilliant ingenuity overwhelming BHD forces including 25 BHD capital ships in Void. This brought to an abrupt end a rescue attempt to seize Cleopatra from the clutches of the CIA. Some crew members from other ships were also recovered and are planning to return to active duty.

The loss of the Ravager Alien Angel (3328) and her crew is deeply missed and should be recorded in the logs of ship historians. All crew received posthumous awards of long service and bravery along with the other two ships.

DNA sources confirmed a DNA Battleship in Twinkle was targeted but accelerated clear of a FEL warship to avoid an outbreak of hostilities. The situation in Twinkle for DNA shipping is believed to have remained calm.

Recently a DNA explorer in Battlefield was attacked and destroyed by the SMS, who are now installing defensive positions in Battlefield and shielding the Felini and Falconian System from attacks.

*** Falconian Empire Accused Of Backing Pirates ***

The Naplian News Network has broadcast the allegation that the FCN are backing Pirate Large:

"A DNA freighter in Kasmer fell to Pirate Large today. Their families have been notified. DNA sources have firmly pointed the digit at the Falconian's for reporting DNA freighters positions in Imperial territory to Pirate Large, and would not rule out close Falconian pirate connections."

*** Travel Advisory ***

All space travellers are cautioned to be on the look-out for artificially-intelligent wombats.

These pests, understood to have originated within Flagritz Republic space, are rumoured to be able to hijack ships, destroy planetary economies, and run away with your prized tomatoes.

All sightings should be reported to the Department Of Wombat Control (DWC).

*** The Empress Sarah ***

The RIP news agency are running a story regarding the Empress Sarah. Contrary to the story reported in last weeks edition of the SSS/IGN, there are in fact a number of people who know of the location of the ship. The full text of their story reads as follows:

"Despite what the SSS have stated about the lack of knowledge of its whereabouts sources within the RIP have confirmed to me that we do indeed know both where it is and who captains it at the present moment in time.

The contact also mentioned currently offered rewards were not worth the effort of going to collect it."

This would seem to confirm the rumours that suggested that one of the most recent owners of the Empress Sarah was the one-time Pirate King, Joshua Porteus. Porteus was said to have disappeared onboard his flagship when his time as Pirate King ended, so perhaps he roams the peripheries still, onboard the Empress Sarah.

Quite what those with knowledge of the ship would consider a reasonable reward to be, is anybodies guess, given that the highest bid thus far stands at one million stellars.

*** Pirates Seize DNA Freighter ***

Pirate Large has revealed details of the freighter he captured last week:

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye..... Pirate Large.....

It be stardate 205.27.4 when me look outs spotted the DNA vessel Thunder-Beings (2431), ahharrgghhh cappan, it be a 125 normal hulled freighter to the aft, ooohhh, pirates be ready I say, we be goin in for the big stuff ahharrgghh.....

168 souls on board there be, some Naplian, some Felini, and the skull splittin begins...our boys were doin well, but we was losin men against an unusually large contingent, but they be unawares of the dastardly tricks of us pirates, and the brutality, an after 3 rounds of bludgeoning they gives up....ahhhaarrrggghhh she be mine.

148 prisoners there be...some fresh meat waitin for me to get me teef into, an I means it, they be bloody tasty as well, mmm...feline kebabs, stick a skewer up their arses, and roast em on the BBQ, with a naplian Balls side be on page 136 of the goddess of cooking her self, Nigela Lawson....ahhharrgghhh...............

Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."

Military commentators have reacted with concern at the news of Large capturing a 125 normal hulled freighter, as this sort of vessel is very well suited to being re-configured as a particularly dangerous pirate boarding cruiser. Thus vastly increasing the scope of the pirates operations.

This communication from Pirate Large has been censored in accordance with the wishes of the friends and families of the crewmembers onboard the Thunder-Being.

*** Imperial Outpost Application ***

An outpost application has been received to exploit minerals resource code 56660 in the Audrey System. Anyone already exploiting this code in the Audrey system should advise the Viceroy on private channel including the planet on which the code is being exploited.

*** Imperial Commerce Raiding ***

Detinus and Imperial news agencies are reporting the destruction of a DTR freighter in the Venice system by ISP raiders in what are understood to be specially configured commerce-raiding vessels. The Jax Examiner is reporting that a full load of Mk2 Space Interceptors was onboard the destroyed vessel. And indeed it seems likely that as part of their operation, the ISP swooped in and attempted to make off with salvage.

This action is possibly the first clear indication yet of yet another shift in the state of war between the Empire and the Detinus/Confed bloc, with the deliberate targeting of freighter traffic.

The Imperial warships involved in the action are understood to have jumped back to Yank, where they were detected but not attacked by patrol elements of the DTR Stellar Armada.

*** Agent Actions ***

Imperial starbases continue to be plagued by agent actions. Although the Imperial news agencies are carrying the following story:

"Three of the operatives causing disruption and minimal damage in an Imperial Starbase in the Audrey system were captured and all admitted that they were working for the DTR and that their controller was Jacob Nelson. The hunt goes on to root out the rest of these pests."

This would seem to indicate that some progress has been made in dealing with the threat, and that the perpetrators are not, as everyone suspected, the CIA after all.

*** CIA Involved In Assassination? ***

A further flare up in the conflict between the CIA and House Schwarz has just come to light. Lord Lucius Schwartz has just broadcast a speech from his safe haven to the people of Jericho following assassination attempts against members of his family.

Footage of the bodies of the targets and also the CIA operatives caught in the act are shown, bringing home to the people that even those with high status are not immune to these continuing hostilities.

"Citizens of the confederacy it is with great sorrow and anger that I announce the assassination of my cousin Duncan Schwartz and the failed assassination of Governor Schwartz of Exile. Two CIA spec ops were killed whilst attempting to flee the scene. This is there response to our cries of freedom, I fear for the captives in ExVehrenberg, Toridan let our people go!"

The Jericho media then broadcast scenes showing one of the CNF politicals, Devlin Dimitri on the world actively handing out rare trade goods to the people and listening to their pleas. When a media representative pushes Devlin on the situation, he states that he is here solely on reconnaissance for the Confederate Navy and is not authorised to intervene at this time.

The supporters of the House Schwartz see this as confirmation that the CNF is not supporting the CIA in this matter. CIA supporters however also claim the same.

*** News Flash ***

Pirate Large has struck again, this time in the Yank system against a Detinus Republic freighter. The freighter was believed to be carrying advanced military equipment en-route to the front lines.

Yank is the most heavily policed system in the Peripheries, yet again, defence patrols by the Kastorian Military Junta and the Anti-Piracy Task Force have been demonstrated to be insufficient in stemming the rampage of Pirate Large and his ilk.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix


21-07-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 29 DAY 4  [Recruit]

***** From The Posting Boards *****

First Turn.

Missing the graphic files from your Phoenix install? The installer contains a second self-extracting zip file that contains the graphics for system maps. Look for graphics.exe, run that, and it should extract the files to the right folder, which should be in the same location that the order editor was installed in.

Space Interceptors and Starbase Shields.

Space Interceptors can be launched from Starbases whose shields are up, however they will not be used.

Training blueprints.

Balmoral is selling lots of marine and soldier blueprints for the bargain price of $40,000.

Recommended Defence Forces.

As a rough guideline, players should consider having a 1:1 ratio between employees and troops at their starbases. Or approximately 10 troops per complex.

This is not a hard and fast determination. Obviously players should defend with what they think is a suitable defence force. However, this is being pointed out because there are several very large Starbases in the game that are extremely under defended. And with the advent of starbases being protected by major shield complexes, ground assaults are going to become the way forward for attacks against bases.

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Yank Neutrality Violated ***

A small flotilla of GTT ships this week violated the Yank neutrality agreement by firing upon a CIA vessel, in what could have been a potentially very embarrassing incident for the GTT.

It is at this point not considered to have been a deliberate attempt to launch an assault, and more likely to be the result of an over-enthusiastic warship captain who momentarily forgot that he was in the Yank system.

Such violations of Yank neutrality happen every now and then, and fortunately calm heads have prevailed. However, it should be noted that the neutrality of Yank is more as the result of a gentleman's agreement between the powers, rather than any sort of official pact. And as such it is constantly in a state of flux.

The success of such bodies as the Anti-Piracy Task Force, which has shown that affiliations at war with each other can still co-operate in an honourable fashion, does at least indicate that the Yank neutrality shall stand for the foreseeable future.

There has as yet been no official response from the Kastorian Military Junta.

*** Uneasy Silence Settles Across Solo ***

Nervous traders are beginning to return to the Solo system after the recent eruption of warfare between the Dominion and the Detinus Republic, indicating perhaps that tensions might be easing.

*** Imperial Outpost Application ***

An application has been received to establish an outpost in the Kasmer system exploiting Mineral Resource Code 27586. Anyone already exploiting this code should inform the Imperial viceroy on his private channel by Day 1 week 30, including the planet on which their starbase/outpost is located.

*** Pirates In Yank ***

A Flagritz Empire (FLZ) vessel has been targeted by the Pirate ship Trivial in Yank A13.

Ambassador Duron Dae has again repeated the accusations made against the Falconian government regarding their involvement in piracy, pointing out that several FCN sensor ships had been spotted in the quadrant shortly before the pirate turned up. An accusation that the Consortium have rigorously denied.

It is understood that the pirate Trivial is part of the flotilla of ships operating under the auspices of Pirate Large.

*** DNA Fleet Heavily Engaged In Storm ***

Rumours have reached the IGN newsroom of an engagement between an SMS carrier battle group and a DNA ambush fleet. Early indications suggest a significant victory for the SMS, but the full story will follow in next weeks edition.

***** Special Report *****

An unusual transmission from Pirate Large was received this week, extracts from the diary of one Molly Smith, a member of Large's band of pirates. Of particular interest is the mention of starbase Rubis, where Molly was apparently first recruited to Large's ranks.

Unfortunately, this being a family publication, Molly's diary has been subject to IGN censorship. As always, the full text can be obtained from the open comms channels, (the KJC yahoogroup) as detailed below in 'contacts'.


My Diary, Molly Smith, aged 26 and a half

Stardate 204.36.1
I dunno', life is so boring. When I were a lass I used to dream of a bright future in the stars.and here I am, in the Dewiek and Duck Pub as barmaid/toilet cleaner. That bright future seems a far distance from here at Rubis. If I'm not having to slap frisky humans for taking liberties, or having to rub Dewiek noses in their mess, I seem to be having to clear up Flagritz ooze as they slither around the bar thinking they're the True One's Gift to the Universe.

Stardate 204.48.2
I wish those bloody Falconians would stop bringing their kids into the pub. I mean.a "family atmosphere" is all very well, but theres only so much you can put up with cleaning up after they regurgitate all their food everywhere.

Stardate 205.10.2
Well. I appear to have had a bit of a career change. There I was mopping up crap , when this fella approaches me. Dead dashing he was, called himself 'Large'..I said 'oh yeah - that's what they all say'. .he just gave me a dashing smile. I was really impressed with him anyhow, 'cos he had this massive wooden peg..sent me all a flutter.

Anyhow, there I was having the best two and half minutes of me life when he says.."I can see you're good with me wooden peg, and I likes a good scrubber - forget this life and come with me for a life of adventure 'n frolics". Well I's got to beat this humdrum I'm off - MY DESTINY AWAITS!

Stardate 205.10.4
Mopped floors. Cooked for hundreds. Served Grog. Cleaned toilets.hmmmm

Stardate 205.20.2
Well..I've had enough of mopping and cooking, so I approached Large and asked for a transfer to another ship. He said he knew a chap who'd look after me. So I'm transferring to the Knotted Heart - and I can once again get my life back on track and look forward to the future!

Stardate 205.20.3
Mopped floors. Cooked for hundreds. Served Grog. Cleaned toilets.

Stardate 205.28.1
Well, there I was cleaning the Evacupooper T, when all of a sudden there was a normally that means a load of mess to clean up, but this time it was a ship sighting the DTR Angel Face. The boys on the Heart seem quite excited.

Stardate 205.28.2
Oooh it was all action stations today. The Captain comes up to me and says 'Molly, I've seen how you handle some of the boys - you're joining the boarding party'..well I was flabbergasted, I'd not done that kind of thing before. Anyhow, I came from me bunk only to see everyone else had a cutlass.well I didn't think to pack mine when we shipped out, so I had to grab me 'Black Mamba'. I got a few looks, but I couln't go empty hand could I? was quite tense as we waited at the hatch. The Knotted Heart made all kinds of creaking noises as it closed in on and finally caught the Angel Face. And then it was all a bit frantic A few explosive charges, and we're steaming into the Caravel and charging the defenders. I saw "Lefty"Jones snuff it. Now I didn't think I was sentimental, but he was a good shag, and thats a criminal waste. Anyhow.I kind of saw a bit of a red mist and much of what happened was a blur to me. It was only after when I was talking to "No Good" Pete that it turns out that I went on the warpath and clobbered someone with me Black Mamba. He got the full 12 inches and it apparently made such a mess of his head that it caused half the Detinus peeps to chuck up. They gave up not long after. The Captain was dead proud of me.gave me the order of the Parrot, and said I could have the pick of the prisoners. He seemed very pleased with the bounty we took, although rumour is that it isn't grog. Anyhow, must go. I've got a couple of prisoners to get through.

Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh....


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

29-07-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 30 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Anti Personnel Devices.

The stats of APDs have been changed to 10x mass, ¼x damage. Players should check their ship and platform positions that might be carrying APDs onboard, and adjust accordingly. From Mica:

"Small items are excellent soakers in combat simply because the damage in ground combat is applied to a combat item and then the excess may be lost due to spread parameters.

In BSE the APD was defensive only and there was no such thing as spread so it was not an issue. In Phoenix its ability was vastly out of proportion with other items.

Its size (1mu) meant that it could be taken into combat and used offensively. A hit of 50 damage would destroy a light tank, or due to spread a couple of APD's. 50 hits by APD's against an attacking force of troops would mean 50 attacks all delivering 1 damage. They could also be used in boarding actions...

By making them 10mu's they are no longer worth using offensively and they cannot be used in boarding actions. By reducing the damage they are effective against militia and light troops, okay in quantity against basic troops but are not a serious threat to most veterans.

They become what they were meant to be, cheap and cheerful for large starbases and reasonable for outposts on account of their ability to kill low numbers of troops."

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

***GTT Press Statement***

The GTT had reason to believe that pirate Large has just opened a new Base Cloud City (3651). Therefore a battlesquadron invited themselves to his "housewarming party" earlier in the week. Regrettably the festivities were a bit boisterous and we ended trashing the party venue. Even more regrettable pirate large was not present.

If Pirate large would care to approach the officials at GTT HQ, in person, we are willing to discuss suitable reparations. After all this is the second pirate base we have wrecked this year, it appears to becoming a bit of a habit.

We would also be interested in hearing from all those who had visited this base in the last few weeks.

*** Storm clouds gathering ***

A number of mysterious transmissions have been broadcast this week. This was the first of them:


In an unknown system not so far away a scene unfolds.

8 large warships of various designs rendezvous by a small spacestation. The ships are obviously a mixture of alien and human types, all deadly in intent and purpose.

On the bridge of a ship half again as large as the other ships present, there is a flurry of activity. A young com. Officer blurts out "My lord, the human delegations have arrived."

The grizzled old warrior lets out a sigh. "Obviously, young warrior. Now send them my welcome message and invite them over."

"Yes My Lord, as you command."

Later on the space station in a room that was obviously intended to bunk troops.

The grizzled warrior rises and lets out a small growl. "Greetings all and welcome. Lets get straight to the business we need to discuss. The issue at hand is what do we do about the clown?"

A small human in robes stands up "There is nothing left to discuss. His days as a bully are over, when we are finished there will be nothing left . This area of the galaxy will be purged of ALL his possessions"

"Indeed". The warrior sits down. "Shall we not offer him an ultimatum?"

"What do you have in mind? And do you speak for your alliance?" The robed human says angrily.

"I speak for my peoples, but I am certain the alliance I represent will be satisfied with what I have in mind."

The human sits down. "what is your plan?"

"I propose the following. The ship that was stolen is returned. The system that was stolen is returned. And everyone is given an official apology. He will pay a fine of 50 000 stellars to each and all who was bullied/harassed. He will then declare full neutrality and stop selling military goods such as heavy hulled warships and ground military. Light hulled freighters and base building supplies will be accepted. In return he will retain ownership of the planet and its orbit and any other systems he has claimed in the area. If he fails to comply, we will do as we have discussed previously. Furthermore, for the next year he will be under scrutiny and threat of military action should he return to his previous personality. Of course, all fines are to be paid promptly and without delay".

The human shakes his head "He will never agree, I will order the fleets to move into position and ready the assault".

The warrior shows his teeth "In a way I hope he wont. But my alliance require I make the offer for peace. There is no need to make an announcement. I think he will get the message and reply within a few days."


While the allusions are not clear, and it is not seemly for the IGN to speculate, it is perhaps not the best kept secret in the Peripheries as to what this transmission refers to. And the implications could be very serious indeed.

*** DNA slip away from in the eye of a Storm ***

A transmission has been received from the Naplian News Network regarding the recent battle between a DNA Ambush fleet and an SMS carrier battle group:


Signal from space arrives....

Mad Max appears at a press briefing standing on a box.

I have little to say other then watch and learn fellow naplians, humans and supporters of freedom. A battle video is played.

Star Date 205.28.5
Ship after ship peals off and signals with a flare to the Flagship as they prepare to drive into battle. They turn on their battle music, as attacks on the Consortium are stepped up. As many as 20 DNA warships come past, the likes of which never seen before armed with many torpedoes and missiles.

As the command ship joins the forward fleet the Admiral Hrh Prince Altuk soon realises that they have run into serious trouble.

"We have run into a large SMS carrier fleet code name "Steel", not scheduled to be here, don't understand, many carriers and supporting warships of large size we are going head to head. Sir"

"Lets not panic Lieutenant."

"We have them pinned Sir"

"Good Fire at will" Lieutenant

Torpedoes are launched from DNA Warships as the battle commences, the Naplian ships get in first with their attack, but point defence is strong.

"Large number of incoming SMS space fighters and beam weapons, sir"

The results after round 1 are staggering, very low hits, DNA ships taking some damage. One DNA ships goes hurtling into trouble

"What's wrong, their point defence is staggering, this is bad, we are not configured for this battle" says Hrh Prince Altuk we will not get to our intended target, in fact we may lose many ships possible all, this is unthinkable.

Round 2 and the result are as worst damage to SMS ships appears minimal.

Round 3 and 4 the situation deepens.

Destroyed DNA Sparkler
Destroyed DNA Rainbow Warrior
Destroyed DNA Demon

"Despite launching near to 1000 pieces of ammo 2% success rate this is ridiculous!" shouts Hrh Prince Altuk. "We are in deep trouble our reinforcements cannot match theirs due tomorrow, we are losing this fight we must escape intact, we cannot get trapped here. Ok Sound the escape routine signal. We are going to need some heroic captains to lay down their lives to ensure this plan works, if we get out of this with any fleet left."

As the DNA ships prepare to disengage, a second SMS fleet is sighted rapidly approaching and a third force made up of FCN ships, the combined fleet numbers some 40 heavy warships against remaining 17 lighter DNA warships.

"Now Captains" with that the DNA ships give out a huge scream and in co ordination, perform backwards circular movements and disappear into the dark, clear of the warzone.

DNA Razor's Edge engines fail and is destroyed
DNA Worm Hunter pins a number of SMS ships and it's last courageous seconds
DNA Crown of Thorns stands her ground and launches everything she has as her hulls crumble slowly.

The Admiral surveys the sector, we are back, good, ok lets count them back,

1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9, 10,11, .. 12, 13, made it back, two were staying seems as if we lost one more Sir.

"All capital ships made it back though Sir impressive move. "

Hrh Prince Altuk clenches his fist,


In his video report to Mad Max, he states, with clenched fist "we may have lost this little battle but we escaped with more ships then ever thought possible. They will not get a better chance like this again, many ships were saved on this day. They missed the best chance they will get."

"If only I can get to threw the shield of SMS ships to the soft feathers of the Falconians we would have done much damage, we learnt much and can repay them in force"

The video ends.

Mad Max sits there knowingly on a box and looks at reporters, ( actually standing but its hard to tell ). "The families have been informed, I would like to commend posthumously Captain Worm, Captain Red Head, and fellow brave human Captain Wilkinson, for medals of honour whose actions saved our fleet."

"I have not accepted HRH Prince Altuk resignation following this small defeat. I have informed him to return to his fleet and re-configure the battle abacus and honour the dead that saved us. Their is much to learn from this and we will be back better equipped. I have ordered replacement ships and weapons and the fleet will be back in action, we move onto the next attack. Thank you."

An aid steps up as Mad Max jumps off the box. Reporters clammer for questions,,, the signal fades.....


This report from the NNN tallies with information received by the news offices here at the IGN from Commodore Baalazar of the SMS. The DNA fleet took heavy damage indeed, and was fortunate to escape in one piece when heavy Consortium re-enforcements arrived.

The damage taken by the SMS CVBG was minimal, and serves to underline the dangers of over-reliance upon missile and torpedo ships. As much damage as they do, one first has to actually hit a target with them. The frustrations of DNA warship commanders at failing to hit with any of their weapons must have been extreme, to say the least.

*** Training Blueprints For Sale ***

Reacting to reports that many Starbases throughout the Peripheries are woefully under-defended, EEM Balmoral in the Yank system has begun selling large quantities of troop training blueprints.

The EEM authorities have a vested interest in maintaining security and stability, and would no doubt urge all parties to look to their defences as a priority. If the DTR can nearly lose 4 major starbases in the space of one week, then surely anybody can.

*** Second Mysterious Broadcast ***

The second broadcast seems to have followed on from events in the first:


Meanwhile, in a Felucca class base assault ship, a newly promoted captain speaks to his new crew.

"Welcome onboard."

Slight pause.

"We are about to embark on the greatest orbital bombardment in human history. A villain, also known as The Clown, is about to be hunted down and killed. A unified fleet of many hundreds of warships will soon stomp on the flea, in the Circus he calls his system. Time and time again he has intimidated smaller affiliation and nations, thinking himself the grand master of all tacticians, and we have all been too busy to "take care of him". It has now changed. Recently he stole a ship from us. We want it back. The grey beards have agreed to aid us, as has their alliance. The fleet assembled will be the largest seen since the fall of the empire. That is all. Man your stations"

Loud cheers can be heard as the Captain sits down.

"Helmsman, take us to the rendezvous."

The comms officer approaches with a new message from the admiralty. "Sir, new orders."

The Captain reads the message and lets out a sigh, "Seems like there will be no rest for the Clown. It has been agreed that any nation or affiliation who offers him refuge will be targeted by our basebuster fleet. He will have nowhere to hide and he will have no friends should he not agree to our terms."


It seems as if military action of some kind is imminent, and the Peripheries wait with baited breath to see where this hammer blow shall fall. A fleet of many hundreds of ships is not brought together unless it is going to be used. However, the veiled threat that any party that seeks to get involved will be targeted by a 'basebuster fleet', is not likely to win friends and influence people.

Also, in an action apparently directed at removing the figure referred to as 'The Clown', one has to question the value of orbital bombardment. As recent civilian losses at DTR starbases that were subjected to orbital bombardments have shown, collateral damage from starship weapons is extreme, to say the least.

*** Imperial Freighter Destroyed ***

IMP news agencies are reporting the destruction of an IMP freighter that was intercepted by a CNF patrol in the Void system.

*** GTT Outpost Destroyed ***

Further bad news for the Imperial-bloc, as a GTT outpost was this week attacked and destroyed by a CNF missile ship in the Kasmer system. Attempts by Imperial Stellar Patrol forces to intercept the Confederate raiders were unsuccessful.

***** Periphery Classifieds *****

Subject: Scintillators (10125) - 100 mus

Dear Friends,

The Falconian Empire does got some Scintillators (10125) blueprints spare.

We would like to swap them for some other blueprints.. The blueprints can be picked off from inside Outer Capellan.

Please send me an offer.

Osidiradadumpf - Falconian Trade Minister.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

05-08-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 31 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
GM Holiday
Yup, it is that time of the year again. Mica will be away from 15th to the 26th August.
The game will function as normal though complicated special actions will be postponed.

Bank Holiday
Apparently it is also a bank holiday on Monday 29th August, so Tuesday 30th will be a double day.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Hive Eggs.

And the post from the GM on the subject:

"Hive eggs - larvae and eggs that are immature (but still sentient) until the point they are seeded onto a planet. At this point they mature into whatever is necessary to perform the role required, integrating with the hive already present.

Is selling them slavery?

I suppose it could be seen as this as the egg sees no immediate financial benefit for its sale.

Alternatively you could view a starbase as a combined nursery and emigration office, charging a fee for the investment in the creation and running costs of a brood chamber for the hive queen.

You could also argue that the egg benefits in the final seeding onto a world and the ability to earn a living.

Finally, there is a specific item for slaves.

Is it exploitation?
Tell what isn't in some form or another…

Why is there no definitive GM answer?
This is a matter of perception. If the Hive believe its slavery, from their perspective it bloody well is and they can feel righteously indignant as they burn starbases with brood chambers to the ground rather than let their precious brainwashed queens be exploited by tyrannical alien fiends.

If the Falconians believe it is not, let them defend their psychologically stable queens within their comfy brood chambers from the racist zealotry of the hive."

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Accusations Of Slavery ***

Anonymous accusations of slavery have this week been made by a mysterious party known only as 'Kardeyakos' against an un-specified perpetrator.

Speculation would tend to suggest that the accusation came from a Felini source, and was levelled against a Flagritz Empire starbase. However, further allegations went on to suggest that the information pertaining to the presence of slaves at the alleged FLZ starbase were woefully out of date, and pertained not to slaves in the strictest sense of the word.

If anything, the whole murky business tends to underline the need for independent verification with regards such claims.

*** Operation Retribution Launched ***

While it pains us here at the IGN news-rooms to admit that we don't know anything about this story either, we can however report that Operation Retribution has almost certainly definitely maybe been launched. And we are pretty certain that Operation Retribution has nothing at all to do with unblocking the toilets at Kastorian Military Junta starbases and might indeed be something really rather important instead.

Not that we are saying we consider the unblocking of the toilets at KAS starbases to be an insignificant matter of course.

More details as we receive them.

We hope.

*** Falconian Political Implicated In Assassination Allegations ***

Information has been released by the IRS this week regarding the assassination of an as yet un-named Flagritz trooper by an agent in the employ of Ra'lith M'ran, a Falconian political figure.

It is understood this assassination took place some time ago. Ra'lith M'ran is yet to deny involvement in the matter.

*** IRS Claim System In FLZ Periphery? ***

At the source of many of the recent troubles between the IRS and the FEL, might just be the apparent claim of a system in the Flagritz Empire Periphery by the IRS. If this is true, then the IRS system could well lie between the Felini and their goal, making it far more difficult for them to navigate through to FLZ space.

*** IRS Respond To Slavery Allegations ***

Daniel Haynes, spokesman for the IRS has responded to any allegations that slavery might be employed at his Embassy Starbase, which is assumed to be located in the previously reported Flagritz Periphery system, by inviting any and all parties who wish to independently inspect the facilities to do so.

Those interested were invited to contact him personally to arrange route maps and personal authorisations.

*** Obsidian Predator Swarm Issue Statement Regarding Hive Eggs ***

Disakra Koth, the Swarm Lord of the OPS has issued the clearest statement yet regarding the trade in Hive Eggs. As the unborn young of the Hive race, the OPS consider any trade in Hive Eggs to be slavery, and they call for all Hive eggs to be returned to their people.

Indeed, many Starbases with Hive matriarchs carry Hive eggs on their market reports, so that financial remuneration can be made to those returning such eggs.

Whether or not one agrees with the Hive race's position with regards their eggs is of course open to debate, however there can be no doubt as to what the Hive think.

*** OPS Vessels Ordered Away From Falconia? ***

Only rumours at this point, but it seems as if the OPS might have been commanded to steer clear of Falconia by the FCN Empire. The reasoning behind such a manoeuvre is at this point unclear.

*** Pirate Destroyed In St Dismas ***

The Anti-Piracy Task Force have released a press statement detailing the interception of the pirate vessel Damned Howl by the Wimble Defence Ship Mad Cow.

Flyer Gerome Enewatak of the Mad Cow made initial contact and instantly deployed their anti-pirate defence systems. By the end of stardate 205.30.5, after a single day of engagement, the pirate ship was left crippled and unable to flee.

The following day a second Wimble Defence Ship, the Putrid Dyke, arrived on-scene to assist in what was left of the kill.

Wimble sources are reporting that shots were returned by the Pirate, but that no damage was sustained to either of the Wimble Defence Ships. Flushed with success, the crew of the Putrid Dyke and the Mad Cow are returning to base to rotate crews, before heading out in search of more pirates.

According to sources, a certain embarrassed silence has fallen across the pirating fraternity at this success by the Wimble Nation. As one shadowy underworld figure was heard to remark, 'We didn't realise the furballs were so dangerous! It just ain't fair.'

The APTF have been guarded on whether or not the Damned Howl was part of the flotilla operated by Pirate Large.

*** Felini Deny Involvement ***

The true identity of the person known as 'Kardeyakos' took an interesting twist this week as Mawat, spokesfelini for the Tyranny issued the following statement to the press:

"We have noted, with concern, the posts made by the character Kardeyakos.

We wish to make it clear that he is in no way associated with the Consortium, or the Felini Tyranny.

The name is not of Felini origin.


This confounds earlier speculation that Kardeyakos was operating as a mouthpiece for Consortium interests, although the fact remains that the information and perspective he or she was speaking from, had a distinct Consortium angle.

Could Kardeyakos instead be a figure opposed to the Consortium, attempting to stir up trouble according to their own agenda? Nobody seems to know. Perhaps time will tell.

*** Poll ***

The IGN have commissioned an unofficial poll of starship captains, to find the single most embarrassing way of losing the vessel under your command.

5) Forgetting to clear enemy lists in Yank and getting blown to shreds.
4) Getting captured by pirates.
3) Getting blown up by your own affiliation.
2) Flying your brand new Nebulon Carrier into an asteroid field.
1) Getting destroyed by Wimbles.

It should be noted that the captain of the Damned Howl was unable to take part, but clearly many poll respondents felt his pain.

Have you lost a ship in some deeply embarrassing manner? The Editor would like to hear your story. Contact via the email address below. Most embarrassing ship loss incident will win a shiny prize. Admittedly not as shiny as your lost starship was. But shiny none the less.

*** Imperial Outpost Application ***

Confounding rumours that the SSS/IGN is becoming a mouthpiece for the Imperial bureaucratic service, here's another outpost application request.

An application has been received to establish outposts in the Aladdin system exploiting the following codes. Anyone already exploiting these codes in Aladdin should inform the Viceroy's office by private channel, including the celestial body on which they are being exploited.

Codes: 34786, 79947, 35907 & 67458

*** Calm Before The Storm? ***

Anybody would be forgiven for thinking that the conflict between the Imperial-bloc alliances and the DTR/Darkfold has ceased lately, given the distinct lack of news stories relating to it.

However, the FET director this week announced his suspicions that the Detinus Republic are planning something big, and that the Republics recent silence, ever since the attack by the DEN and DOM, further indicates that something is going on.

There has been no comment from any Detinus source.

*** IJE Markets ***

Ian Jorden Enterprises have posted notice that the demand for modules at Starbase Vectis will be cancelled or heavily cut back as of next week.

The governor hopes this will not cause too much inconvenience to traders.

*** GCS Engagement ***

Ivan K. Grigorovitch, the GCS Officer Commanding, Outer Empire, has announced that the newly commissioned scout GCS Novil, of the 2nd Cappellan Offensive squadron today engaged a completely unprotected criminal convoy. The captain regrets he did not have enough torpedoes to totally destroy the criminals.

It is understood that the 'criminal' vessel referred to by Grigorovitch was a Detinus freighter.

*** News Flash! ***

Felini warships are reported to have engaged FLZ assets in the Twinkle system.

The Felini have responded with the following press release:

"Sources close to the Tyrant have expressed concern about the latest offering from the IRS. It seems that either Daniel Haynes' sources are able to confuse Twinkle and Avalon (well at least they got the periphery right...), or it is a deliberate attempt to slur the good name of the Felini with outright fabrications.

When pressed about how the Felini can prove that these scans have been inserted into the reported log of an innocuous jump into Twinkle, it was understood that the Felini would be willing to provide relevant ship, outpost and political logs to a neutral party for verification. These will apparently show a TU-by-TU account for each of the ships as they moved to Avalon on stardate 205.31.1, to defend an outpost that came under FLZ attack on stardate 205.30.5, plus supporting scans and political reports. It is presumed that the FLZ ships scanned the incoming FEL ships as they fled from the scene.

Whether this situation has arisen from the FLZ fabricating data and presenting it to Mr Haynes who then published it without confirmation, or whether Mr Haynes was a party to the fabrication is not currently known. The Tyrant is apparently not willing to comment on the situation, as per his current policy with regards to the IRS. In the meantime, there appears to be no reason to change current shipping plans."

The IGN would like to hear from any party transiting Twinkle who can confirm the sighting of FEL warships, as some great confusion seems to surround the reports.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -

15-08-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 33 DAY 1  [Recruit]

***** Message From The Editor *****

Links section has been updated with Pirate Large's website.

- Simon.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

How perishable is perishable?

The rate of decay of perishable trade goods is governed by the following:

"Changed perishables to 0->(1.0/value per mu) % per day (was 5% previously) - max is still 5% though."

When is the daily 60 Time Units credited?

They're credited before turns are processed.

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** RIP Childcare ***

The RIP news agency have announced the official opening of their Childcare Service

A recent communication from the office of GT Spugman stated that the RIP were branching out into the childcare business. Quick Snack has opened it's first nursery, initially open only to members of the Hive race.

Public responses at the Quick Snack starport include:

"I am so pleased - now I can leave my children in comfort and safety while I go and blow up someone elses kids." - passing DTR Captain.

"What a great step towards peace and harmony among all races of the peripheries." - Visiting FLZ Ambassador.

"You get the best breakfasts in Yank down at Quick Snack's starport - look for 'Harry's Omellettes and Scramble' - tell 'em Clive sent you..." - Clive the Chef.

*** Oops, My Ship ***

Following last weeks story regarding embarrassing ship losses, an even more humiliating method has been pointed out:

Not only being destroyed by one's own affiliation, but being destroyed by one's own starbase.

Any individual who has lost a ship in such a way should contact the IGN newsroom. We promise not to laugh.


Honourable mention must also go to being trapped and destroyed by the DTR Cow-Tractors.

*** Terror Grips Peripheries ***

The silence from Pirate Large over the last few weeks can now be understood, as it seems the infamous shipping threat has been busy setting up a communications hub:

Regular readers are advised to click with caution, as they may be exposed to all manner of unspeakable horror, and the IGN news-room cannot be held responsible for the costs of any counselling that may be incurred due to exposure to any of the material hosted therein.

Of particular interest is surely the image purporting to be of Large himself. As to whether this will make it easier to track him down and apprehend him, only time will tell.

We would like to point out that the Inter-Galactic News offices can not serve as a forwarding address for Pirate Large fanmail.

*** Detinus Fleet Destroyed ***

A small DTR patrol squadron was this week responding to the sighting of a pirate vessel in the Venice system, when it was ambushed and destroyed by overwhelming Imperial forces.

An eight ship DTR patrol group consisting of six heavy cruisers, a scout and a sensor ship was engaged by over forty warships. All the DTR ships were destroyed by the Imperial Stellar Patrol, who in turn suffered only minor damage to six vessels.

The Imperial news agencies are reporting that the admiral in charge of their strike fleet has described the damage taken by his ships as, "not enough to justify any ships returning to base for repairs." A spokesman for the Detinus Republic has explained this lack of damage by pointing out that the patrol squadron was configured to detect and pin pirates and other light vessels, and not to engage entire Imperial warfleets.

*** Platform Destroyed? ***

The GCS are claiming that the 1st Capellan Offensive squadron has damaged a 'Criminal Platform', and that operations to remove the rest of the criminals are undergoing.

Unfortunately Ivan K. Grigorovitch, the Officer Commanding GCS operations in the Outer Empire didn't include any further details as to who or where. Sources have confirmed that the platform in question was not a Detinus one, so we can only assume it was a Confederate installation.

*** Transmission ***

Reporters and researchers here at the Inter-Galactic Newsroom have been examining closely the following mysterious transmission:


The VEE ship Surprise, a Justonian class scout, sneaks around in VER space looking for prey and happens to spot a large fleet of VER ships.

Captain Scarface: HOLY PANCAKE. What are those ships doing here?

Crewmember Jones: Eh Captain, this is their territory.

Captain Scarface: Oh yes. I forgot. Stealth us please.

Crewmember Jones: We are already stealthed Captain.

Captain Scarface: Aha, thats why they havent spotted us and killed and fried us?

Crewmember Jones: Yes Sir.

Captain Scarface: Wonder where those ships are heading?

Crewmember Jones: I believe they are going to kill some MBA guy, maybe take a base or two.

Captain Scarface: Could very well be. Poor MBA. There will be Mayhem where they are heading.

MBA: Mad Bikers Association
VEE: Very Evil Empire
VER: Very Evil Republic


On the face of it, the anonymous nature of this transmission seems to resemble those made recently by the individual named 'Kreyadakos'. One possible interpretation is that the MBE refers to the DOM, VEE the IMP, and the VER the DTR. However, it is our suspicion that these mysterious communications have other purposes, and our staff are pouring over them for code phrases.

We cannot help but note, for example, the capitalisation of the word 'mayhem'. And any individual with any further information or rumour, is invited to contact one of our reporters.

*** GTT Vessel Destroyed In Yank ***

Confederate naval forces have destroyed a GTT ship in orbit of Shiloh in the Yank system this week, in violation of the systems neutrality agreements.

CNF authorities are understood to have contacted the GTT in order to make reparations, and have issued a formal apology.

However, it seems as if this might not have been the only GTT vessel to have been destroyed by the Confederacy in Yank this week, leading many to question just how long the systems neutrality can hold.

*** Lone IMP Scout Destroyed In Straddle ***

The Imperial vessel Odessa was destroyed yesterday in the Straddle system by the Detinus Stellar Armada. Alone and un-armed, it can only be imagined that the Odessa had suffered a catastrophic navigation systems failure, causing it to wander into orbit of Boomerang. Although some sources have suggested that this was a crewed vessel sent to their deaths in order to measure the numbers of warships present.

*** IRS Issue Travel Advisory ***

Daniel Haynes has issued a statement regarding each of the systems currently under IRS administration:

This system is not a fortified trade or military zone. It is fresh, raw and in the first stages of peaceful and environmentally sound inclusion into intra peripheral affairs. The IRS support a number of explorers here, and will consider any attack in this system to be an attack on the IRS. At this time, Demon is open to specific individuals in receipt of a formal invite. Applications to enter Demon and help with exploration should be sent to the IRS in private.

Twinkle is an institution, and we seek to govern it with a view to keeping the stargate open. It is a common misconception that Twinkle is neutral. It is not. It is simply an area which serves many groups (stargate refers) and so it is commonly agreed that nobody will traverse it with active enemy lists. Sapphire is the HQ of the IRS, as such, it would be complacent of us to discount it when retaliating against those who would attack us. If you fire on the IRS, as of now, we will consider the IRS as an entity to be at risk, and use what forces as are in attendance at High Star to retaliate. Attack us in Demon, and your declaration of war will encompass all IRS assets.

The system message is clear enough. The system is off limits to all groups, until such time as we can bring third parties in to mediate between warring natives. The Consortium has no present, former or legitimate future claim to the system and none shall be offered. If the Consortium fire on the IRS in Zephyr, or attempt to invade (peacefully), we will be forced to respond with necessary force. The FLZ are formerly banned from Zephyr. A ban they did not appreciate, but which they have agreed to abide by. The native factions in Zephyr have two things in common... they all are tired and they all have agreed to support the IRS' plan for the future.... Feline, Naplian and Flagritz alike are united, and they will fire on any installation if so advised.

*** SMS Destroy Pirate ***

The SMS Sabre Tooth Snarl Class Capital Ship, Solar Fortress, this week destroyed the pirate ship Isetta.

The Isetta is understood to have been a Yacht class scout, searching for potential targets in the Skord system.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

19-08-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 33 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Message From The Editor *****

Wimble website address has been updated.

- Simon.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

What items use crew factors at Starbases:

Some confusion exists over the calculation for CFs at starbases. With Mica on holiday however, we might have to wait a week or two to get a definitive answer on this one. But if anybody has managed to crunch the maths, please pop along to the forum and share.

Re-ordering mass production.:

Suggestions for a rule to re-order mass production at Starbases.

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Imperial Fleet Movements ***

Reports are flooding the news-room regarding a significant concentration of Imperial-Bloc warships in the Yank system.

Independent sources at KAS Rubis are reporting multiple sightings of hitherto unknown Imperial warship classes, including GTT Hoplite and Salamis class 150 normal hull carriers, and 150 heavy hull Potemkin class capital ships.

Further squadrons of Imperial warships have been sighted throughout the system, leading to intense speculation as to the purpose of their presence in neutral space.

*** Piracy ***

The pirate ship Largish (2504) was spotted in the Monk system this week, where it attacked and boarded a freighter. Significant elements of the Confederate-bloc navy responded attempting to intercept, though they have, we have learnt, failed to make that interception. And both Largish, and the captured freighter, have made good their escape.

Further, we understand that the captured freighter was a significantly sized vessel. And might have been carrying a particularly valuable cargo.

*** DTR Freighter Destroyed ***

The Detinus freighter Voidhawk has been reported as destroyed this week due to a random asteroid strike, thus highlighting the potential hazards of seemingly every-day space travel.

*** Desperately Seeking Mr Bill ***

The grandson of the late and unlamented pirate Black Bill Graves has been seeking any information that might indicate the survival of Black Bill somewhere in the peripheries.

When questioned, Commodore Baalazar, whose ships were involved in the operation that put an end to Black Bills pirating adventures, stated once again that there were no survivors, and that no debris field was located.

However, we remain troubled by the few vague communications that were received in the aftermath of Black Bill's death, which appeared to be from his ghost. It was arguably these transmissions that triggered the substantial additional search for any debris fields to which Black Bill might have been clinging.

The partial text of Quartermaster Black Dog's open transmission directed towards Pirate Large is as follows:

"Good day Captain Large.

A year or so ago my Grandfather the Late Black Bill Graves was murdered by cowards of the sms and/or COH and others involved in the Anti Piracy commission. This happened in Tycoon with his shields down and under a flag of truce.

I'm not one to hold grudges. Likely he deserved it. I know he deserted his family to go a pirating leaving my Father, Black Bill Jr. alone in the universe. Father met a bar girl who shall remain nameless. And I was born. I attended some of the great schools located in the Dark fold and the AFT Academy in Yank. And I must say the fine royal splendour of the BHD Congregation, and their fine attention to detail spoiled me. I visited the FET leader once on business.. actually a student field trip. He charged the little kids a stellar each to use the bathroom!

I am well read. But oddly enough the persons paying for my education remain anonymous, even to my self. But whoever you are, I thank you.

Capt.Large, Lately I've been getting the itch and I understand that you are a man who can get things. A man who knows his way around, whether it be some fair maidens skirts or a bloody gut strewn poop deck after a major battle. (Hold your tongue and say, "she sits".

His crew was "used" mortem. They did not use protection. Grandfather's body was never found. Yet he still gained 1/2 points experience. I've always wondered if he might be alive, held as a political prisoner on some remote hymoroide, I mean asteroid.

Captain Large, if in your travels you have come upon any rumors, any proof that my Grandfather is still alive, it would be worth 10,000 stellars to the family. Naturally no one would admit to his incarceration. That's to be expected. We have a few clues...not many. For instance we know it's not the FET. They would have hit us up for ransom long ago. Nor would it be the DTR. They would have killed him outright and bragged about it. The RIP? Ha! He would have escaped from that ragtag bunch of no-names the first night. The BHD? No, they would have tried to reprogram his mind. The CNF? Maybe. They would try to turn him, but at least they would do it fairly.

Captain, we beseech thee! If you have any word, contact us at the following address...this here goes for the rest of you too. 10,000 stellars for proof that he still lives."

*** Did Black Bill Survive? ***

Further information has come to light from Lt.Cdr Ned Kelly regarding the fate of Black Bill Graves. The suggestion has been made that there were more parties searching for the wreckage of Graves' ship than the Anti-Piracy Task Force might be aware of. And that it is possible some third party might have rescued Black Bill and made of with him.

This hypothesis would at least explain the communications from the ghost of Black Bill.

*** Skirmishes In Darkfold ***

Imperial news agencies are reporting that a CNF patrol group encountered a GTT scout in the Kastor system. And that the GTT ship, The Victor, a Javelin Class Scout, was destroyed on the second day of battle when CNF reinforcements arrived.

The captain and crew of the Victor are to be commended on holding out for so long against overwhelming odds.

*** Skirmishes In Darkfold ***

Again a story has been reported by the Imperial press, this time regarding Elswhere in the Darkfold where two CIA ships have been destroyed and a third captured by elements of the Imperial Stellar Patrol. The following press release was issued:

FROM: Patrol Commissioner


Imperial vessels this week entered the Teutonic system and engaged 3 75 normal hulled CIA ships in the orbit of one of the planets within the system.

One of the vessels was successfully captured, whilst the other 2 vessels were engaged by 2 IMP warships, and the enemy forces destroyed during a very short engagement.

All forces, including the captured vessel have been successfully removed from the combat area.

Transmission ends...............

A Confederate spokesman has responded to this engagement with disdain, criticising the Imperial navies for engaging un-armed survey vessels.

*** News Flash ***

Rumours have reached the IGN newsroom that the Kastorian Military Junta have placed a bounty upon certain Confederate vessels.

If any parties could contact the newsroom with actual confirmation of this, the Editor would be most appreciative.

***** Periphery Classifieds *****

Wanted: Mobile Bay info.


I am interested in information about Mobile Bay, anyone done any exploration there that they will trade me for a price?

Harlow Kee, House Falcon, The Falconian Empire.

Contact: Sarek [at] mail1 [dot] stofanet [dot] dk


Imitating others,
I failed to find myself.
I looked inside and discovered
I only knew my name.
When I stepped outside
I found my real self.

- Jallaledin Mohamad Rumi.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

26-08-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 34 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Restricted knowledge without a political:

How it works. I'm not going to try and summarise it, because I don't rightly understand it myself. But by all means anybody who is interested can go check the thread.

Piracy question:

The in-game 'send message' order will not reveal the political backer of a Pirate position.

Online Order Editor Issues:

Those having issues with the online order editor might find a solution in switching browser software.

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Privateer Public Service Message ***

The RIP exploration and survey team have opened sections of their databases to the public at

The jumpmap database is fully interactive; users can select a system to zoom in on which, assuming it's public, brings up details on the planets within. One system, Yank (146), even goes as far as providing the planet terrain maps as well.

A number of RIP E&S service vessels have been tasked with keeping this information up to date, however if any system details or ownerships are incorrectly please contact directly.

Bob Kurosawa

*** Void System ***

Clarification this week that the Void system is indeed claimed by the Confederacy, and not the UNK aliens, or some other group.

Travellers are reminded that Void is under Confederate martial law, and all access should be cleared with the relevant authorities before arrival.

*** Incarcerated Politicals ***

It has come to our attention that yet another Political figure has been jailed without trial at a Starbase. Kareem Fetlock of the Confederacy is understood to have been incarcerated at an as yet unknown location for no good reason.

Not the first, and certainly not the last.

Tears are certain to be shed throughout the peripheries at the thought of politicians locked up in jail cells.

*** Confederate Vessels Posted By KAS ***

A spokesman for the Confederacy has this week confirmed that at least one CNF vessel has indeed been posted by the Kastorian Military Junta, as reported last week.

The CNF authorities have indicated that they are eager to contact the KAS forthwith to clear up and resolve this situation as quickly and amicably as possible.

*** Large Updates Comms Nexus ***

Pirate Large has recently posted new material on his anonymous and untraceable communications hub. Again, the IGN cannot personally vouch for the accuracy of any material posted by such an infamous pirate, mass-murderer, cheater at cards and stealer of lollypops. However, we have no reason to doubt the accuracy of the photographs purporting to show more of Large's associates.

However, military specialists here at the IGN newsroom have cast some doubt over the efficiency of some of the weapons that the pirates appear to be armed with.

*** GCS Vessels Destroyed ***

The Confederacy are claiming kills of the following GCS warships:

GCS Bystry (68558),
GCS Novil (8477),
GCS Bessmnenny (14160)

It is speculated that these vessels were part of the 1st Capellan Offensive Squadron. Though the details of their destruction are at this time unknown.

*** Pirate Large ***

As reported last week, Pirate Large has indeed struck again. His communication boasting of his success was as follows:

"Ahharrgghhhh me hearties..... It be aye... Pirate Large......

Now one of moi sister ships commanded by the bootiful cappan Hooker, as reported the following.....

"intercom crackles"

Ahaaarrgghh there be aye cappan Hooker of the ship Largish reporting to yee the following...

On stardate 205.33.2 we wen in against the HLQ vessel Sunset King (33893), it be huge, an you knows large I likes em Big, but this be 200 Xlight hulls aye she be. Now me an moi female crew smashed the hulls and gained entry to thee ship quite easily and rushed towards the defendin crew, all men they be which was good news for me lasses, I wen upto the first defender an managed to take a firm hold of is weapon an pulled it ard I did, it went off in moi hands it did, he then fell to the floor aye.....he ad fainted wiv a smile on his face though...garrr...

I can report cappan, that our crew compliment as forwarded you the piccy's of us ready for your information portal, these will be ready for upload in the next few days....i would then likes a list of all those that writes in askin to be boarded to be forwarded to me address.ahaarrgghhh.... See yee large later.....

"intercom crackles"

Garrr. well done to me lass....

Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."

This communication has been subjected to IGN censorship. The full unedited texts can be obtained on the Phoenix comms system (ooc: The yahoogroup) or from Pirate Large's own communications system.

*** Imperial Outpost Application ***

An application has been received to set up an outpost in the Madonna system exploiting the following Codes:-

Resource IDs 62258, 16190, 89732, 64399

Anyone already exploiting these codes in the Madonna system should inform the Viceroy's office by Day 4 Week 34, stating the celestial body on which the exploitation is taking place.

*** Further Embaressment For The Confederacy ***

Fresh information has come to light regarding the extent of the Kastorian Military Junta's posting of Confederate naval forces, as it transpires that not one or two, but seven CNF warships are now wanted by the KAS:

Yank Kastorians (33) posted list:
FCN SHIP Harkon's Bounty (2037) - 250000 stellar bounty
CNF SHIP Scanning Eye 1 (94759) - 10000 stellar bounty
CNF SHIP Masked Gladiator (3288) - 10000 stellar bounty
CNF SHIP Storm Vermin (4384) - 10000 stellar bounty
CNF SHIP Potemkin (19019) - 10000 stellar bounty
CNF SHIP Line of Fire (37071) - 10000 stellar bounty
CNF SHIP A Thousand Songs of War (66931) - 10000 stellar bounty
CNF SHIP Fight Club (77247) - 10000 stellar bounty

The news-room would be interested to hear from any party who can clarify the reason behind the substantial bounty offered on the Falconian vessel.

Having questioned a few bounty hunters in seedy bars throughout Yank space, our reporters have learnt that few are willing to tangle with the Confederate Naval Forces in pursuit of these bounties. However, the fact remains that this whole business must be a public relations disaster for the Confederacy.

*** Pirates In Demon ***

Multiple pirate vessels have been reported as being active in the Demon system this week.

*** More Pirates? ***

Communications broadcast this week have tended to suggest the possibility that two or three new groups of pirates might have become active in the Peripheries. Whether this is as a direct response to Pirate Large's recruiting efforts, nobody can tell for sure. But what is certain is that if Pirate Large has managed to wreak so much havoc single-handedly, the threat posed by more groups of pirates becoming active must be of huge concern to all legitimate traders.

***** From The Trade Forums *****

A beginners rough guide to item sizes, by Eric von Carstein.

Ores (metal, hydrocarbon, jacium, etc) are 1mu in size.

Component items (missile launchers, sensors, thrust engines, gatling) are usually 10mu but some are bigger.

Modules mk1 are 40mu, mk2 30mu, mk 3 20mu, etc.

Life items are almost always 1mu in size but require life support to move and not cargo space.

Quick note about mark number of items: Generally modules are the only item that is reduced in size with higher mk. Mk 2 thrust engines are just better at producing thrust but still the same 20mu as normal thrust engines.

So your courier class cargo ship has a limit of 400mu. For example, you could buy say 40 gatling lasers, or 10 basic modules or 4 fighter bays but don't try to buy a heavy photon battery as it is a 1000mu item.

To calculate the cost just take the unit price and times it by the qty you're buying

Eg. Gatling lasers @ 15 . .you can buy 40 (10mu items) @ 15 stellars each will cost you a total of 600 stellars.

(And a summary pinched from Sjaak.)

There is an certain logic in the mass of the items.
1- 40 are ores and they are 1 mu per item
45- 49 Are patches each is 10 mus
60- 99 Are Ship/Platform hulls each is 100 mus
100-399 Are all kind of masses, just check at your own ship. You will recognize loads of them.
400- 450 Are modules.
430 Rock Structural Module, the only module that weighs in at 500 mus.
450- 470x Those are the Armour plates they are mostly 50 mus
500- 799 Those are all lifeforms, they are on avarage 1 mu.
800- 845 Are land/air based items. Between 20 to 100mus. For example, a heavy battle tank is 100 mus, a light tank or Robotic defence bunker, only 20 mus.
10xxx till 25xxx those are blueprints. They are expensive and 100 mus each.
3xxxx till 39999 are trade goods, most are 1 mus.

Courier captains new to the trading game are of course invited to contact their affiliation, who should be able to answer any and all questions. As well as offer access to markets and goods not normally listed on the public market reports.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

02-09-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 35 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Message From The Editor *****


I just thought it might be worth mentioning that quite a few players have been reporting various problems with parts of the KJC system this week, the website, market reports, and the order editor.

So if anybody else has been having problems and wondering if it is just them, it's not, it seems to have been a wider issue with KJCs internet service provider.

The ISP is currently upgrading various areas and we expect this to continue at least till Tuesday by which time they plan to have finished an overhaul of their CGI/SQL system.

- Simon.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Phoenix Updates.

A substantial number of updates and game alterations have been announced by David Bethel. I don't think there's a strict timetable for when these will be introduced, but I should imagine it will be quite soon, once the current battles have calmed down a little. For the benefit of those who don't regularly check the forums:

"This is not yet complete (but it will be stated where it is not finished). Everything else will be in the game when we release it.

Cargo Dumps.

Cargo dumps have been added and can be created by a landed GP/Ship or SB. They do no decay like debris but must be landed. They can be pickuped up from / delivered to by any position. Troops etc picked up by none affiliation positions will be converted to prisoners.
Order: Create Cargo Dump

Orbital Drops.

Orbital drops have been added which allow ships to deliver cargo directly to a position in orbit or landed/docked on a planet while they are in the orbital quadrant. This requires 'Orbital Drop Modules' that are expended when the delivery is made. Positions on the ground can only accept a number of mus per day (equal to their current control factors). This is listed on the reports.
Order: Orbital Drop

Internal Free space.

Empty space: Internal damage to ships will have a possibility of hitting empty space. If x% of the internal components are destroyed then there is a x% chance that an internal hit will transferred to the hulls.

Target area Mod: Installed ship components will have an 'installed area modifier' that increases/ decreases their target area of an item when they are installed. This means that so items will have more external components to them and can be hit easier. Note: The empty space routine would be based on the target area compared to mus on installed space not target area. So if you ship has 3000 mus of target area from items but 2000 mus installed space, the empty space routine will not cut in until the target area of the items is less than 2000.

Changes to Pinning / Leaving Combat.

Pinning has been completely removed. Ships can always move out of combat (even if the combat has been created the same day) During combat you can not flee on round 1 if you are targeted by an enemy and either:
-The enemy is faster than you and only has one locked target.
-You can not move (man speed) and are targeted by anyone

Ships are always subject to a 'leaving combat' battle (even if the combat has been created the same day).

Dump Cargo and Flee (Chaff)

When a ship has 'dump cargo and flee' set and has been targeted by another ship in space combat it dumps cargo... The chaff cloud created gives you a 100% chance to leave combat if you have more dumped mass than: ship surface area x 20mu. If you have less then there is a % chance that you will still get away (proportionate to mass launched). When you are able to leave combat due to chaff all dmg done to you is ignored/shielded by the chaff. (no actual dmg is done to the chaff as that would make it pointless for the attacker).

When the cargo is dumped all attacking ships are given the debris fields position number and cargo is scooped by the attackers that have cargo space. It is random which of the targeting ships gets first dibbs on scooping the cargo.

Battle Generation.

When a position arrives at a location it will try to attack anything that are dictated by its enemy lists. It can only stop positions for combat if it is faster than then or they are stationary / stopped by tractor beams. It will pick the fastest target that are is on its enemy lists (position list first) and lock it into combat as a target.

When a position enters a location it will be attack by all hostile positions. Hostile positions can only stop your position for combat if they are faster than then or you have been stopped by tractor beams / are stationary. When the space combat starts properly, any targets created in the combat stop will be cleared and retargeted with the advanced target options. For purposes of speed in combat stops GPs are considered to be not moving. This means that they can not stop ships for combat.

Leaving Combat Battle.

Ships that leave combat are subject to a fire from all enemy ships that were targeting them. They face a number of round of combat based on how committed the enemy positions are to destroying you. The ship leaving combat (target) is subject to 4 rounds of combat are modified by:

Target Speed:
x Attacker Speed / Target Speed
Max modifier x1.0
Targeting position has :
1 locked target: x1.5
2 locked target: x.5
3+ locked target: x.25
Modifier x 4 (rounded down) determines round fired (Positions always fire for min 1 round). Number of weapons fired over the rounds will be modified by number of locked targets.

If target is 3 times as fast as the attacker then it only gets 1 round of fire vs it but being faster does not reduce those to zero. Under the worse conditions ships leaving combat are hit by 4 rounds of combat. Leaving ships can not increase their dodge by manoeuvring. Ships that flee as part of space combat are not in a battle and therefore do no take attacks from leaving the combat area. (This includes dump cargo and flee)

Positions in Ground Combat.

Other positions can only deliver / have things picked up from them Hiports will be disabled if control is < 100% The following orders will be disabled on all starbases in
Untool Tech
Scrap complex
Scrap Item
Sack Personnel
Deliver item type
One off Spread
Gps in ground combat will not be able to jettison
Ships and GPs can pickup from the starbase if they are docked.
Combat Delivers/Pickups
If you deliver to a position that is in combat you will be fired on for 1 round by any enemy position that is targeting the position you are approaching. It does not matter if you are in combat or not. If you are cloaked for the first delivery then you will not be fired at.

Delivering consecutive sets of items will not result in more combat but delivering to a second target will. Starbase can not deliver/pickup from GPs/Ships/Platforms that are in space combat.

Precombat ISR Stress (replaces pepper effect).

All ships involved in a battle can now use their ISR engines to target actively hostile ships before round 1 of a battle. Each ship gets a number of attacks based on the type of ISR drives (ISR 1 is most effective) that they have and these attacks are evenly divided between all hostile ships. The dmg from the attacks is modified by the Stress of the ship and armour/shields reduces any dmg done.

The dmg done reflects the stresses caused while getting into a firing position against another ship. Ships that are not aggressive do not take ISR stress as they are not 'fighting' to get into a firing position.

-Only occurs before round 1 of every days combats.
-ISR 1: 10dmg x 4 attacks per engine
-ISR 2: 10dmg x 3 attacks per engine
-ISR 3: 10dmg x 2 attacks per engine
-ISR 4: 10dmg x 1 attacks per engine

Custom Orders.

Basic custom orders have been added that allow GMs to write/edit small orders that can be used to improve automation/roleplay. The order editor can now download new orders and there are 2 new types of order (Rare orders that only certain people are given access to via player information, and GM only orders for use a part of special actions etc).

New orders:
Salvage Ship
Change Ship Registration (Removes pirate flag for 10k and changes ID number)
Convert to PIR
Find Starbase Spread
And more to follow - these will in the short term seem to different but as the custom order language functionality increase then more low keep orders will be able to be quickly coded.

Also there are now options to add custom maintenance orders/actions to starbases based on individual starbases and what planet they are one. So mica can add little things to maintenance with code changes.

Order Editor / Turns.

There are 3 major changes - the startup has been much improved to allow people to get a feel how the game plays better, the turns can now be returned in basic HTML and the offline order editor has been improved.
Offline changes:
One file is now needed to update/install the online order editor, it just sorts things out.
Added online update of files from internet
Added login to online order editor to get personal restricted lists
Added import data/orders, also done when updating
Fixed spurious sequencing.
Added Database/Download turns (allows email turns to be downloaded)
Added Database/View turns (allows download turns to be viewed)

Other Changes.

Gps can lose 25% per round in a GPvsGP combat
Gps moving on the ground that meet another gp are now placed in a skirmish battle for 1 round to see if a full combat is required. If the combat does not destroy the defender they enter a control battle on the same.
The scanning possibility of the scout order has been brought in line with ground movement scanning and slightly improved. Then a starbase is scouted it is now added to knowledge.
Removed ground enemy list for ships and platforms.
Added political authorisation to override access to a position
Order: Issue Authorisation (Use remove option to remove it)
Photon Guns/Nova guns will have their accuracies changed to +6/7/8/10/12
Rail guns will have their accs changed to +0/1/2/6/8
Option to have turns back as HTML will be implemented per position (or all positions).
Order: Change Print Type

In addition to this there has been a lot of bug fixes etc, I will type out a full fix list."

There are further announcements of game additions still under development, including coding for officers, planetary industry and events.

Also this:

"Based on battles being run much quicker that the game was originally designed for armours defence will be reduced:

Normal: 2000 -> 1000
Light: 1000 -> 500
Ablative: 500 -> 100"

There is a discussion thread for these changes here:

Starbase crew factors.

For platforms/starbases the following need crew factors:
Kinetic Weapons.
Energy Weapons.
PD Launchers.
PD Weapons.
Tractor Beams.
Fighter Bays.

Frontier Effect: Proposed Starbase scanning suggestion.

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Brotherhood Fleet Destroyed ***

Late last week a combined ISP and GTT combat group engaged a 26 ship BHD fleet in the Kastor System. Imperial news agencies are reporting that twelve BHD ships were destroyed including 6 Capital ships, 5 Heavy Cruisers and a Carrier. Of the remaining BHD ships only one was undamaged, five critically damaged and the others receiving low or medium damage.

The allied Imperial Navies are reporting the loss of a single St Clair Gun Boat, and an unspecified number of ships suffering light to medium damage.

Having launched their victorious strike, the Imperial navies are understood to have successfully withdrawn without further incident.

This makes for the second foray into DTR/CNF space for the ISP in recent weeks, following their successful strike against a DTR patrol fleet in Venice.

The following press release was issued:

Imperial Announcement

FROM: Patrol Commissioner

Press Release

After the usual forms of communication failed to publish these events in the static, it is felt that a press release should be made.

on stardate 205.34.1, Imperial warships as well as GTT warships engaged 26 BHD warships in the Kastor system.

In a fast and ferocious encounter, Imperial and allied warships unleashed deadly salvo's, in the one days battle, resulting in the destruction of 12 BHD ships, for the loss of 1 GTT scout. on top of this at least 5 BHD ships were in critical condition, and all but 1 of the rest received low to medium damage. the one BHD vessel that did not receive enemy damage fled round one, and is no doubt being dealt with by the True one for his lack of command and bravery.

All allied vessels left the battle scene, with no further losses, and as far as we have been able to gather from comms traffic between ships, the heaviest damage any vessel received was around the 4% hull damage.

BHD ships were then tracked leaving the scene for repairs heading for safer ground in the Teutonic system, away from any potential dangers.

End of Transmission.

There has been no communication from CNF or BHD authorities disputing Imperial claims.

*** Incarcerated Politicals ***

Following on from last weeks story, Kareem Fetlock has issued the following statement regarding what was incorrectly reported as his incarceration:

"I feel that it is important to make clear that that which has been referred to as my "incarceration" would be more accurately described as "protective custody", a custody that I myself requested as a precautionary measure while my secure governor's quarters are being constructed. Sometimes there is no safer place than the huskow...."

The Inter-Galactic News Team would like to issue a full apology to Kareem Fetlock for incorrectly reporting the details of his time in maximum security.

*** Harkon's Bounty ***

A few more details regarding the Falconian vessel currently on the Kastorian Military Junta's posted list have been unearthed.

It is alleged that the vessel in question is a stolen 200 hull KAS Galaxy Cruiser class ship, previously named 'Kins Bounty', that may previously have belonged to the KST, from whom the FCN seized it.

*** FET Outpost Destroyed ***

Confederate naval forces are reporting the easy destruction of the FET outpost Glovertown, located on Kara Kum in the Wastelands system.

*** RIP Vessel Commits Suicide? ***

Confused reports are coming in of a RIP Broadsword, the 'Cook It Up', violating a heavily restricted area somewhere inside the Detinus Republic. The combat is not understood to have lasted long as the captain of the Cook It Up bumped into something rather more deadly than one of the usual DTR Cow Tractors.

We have been asked to remind all starcaptains to exercise caution whilst navigating DTR home systems.

*** Inner Empire ***

The GCS spokesman this week broadcast a communication that appeared to confirm that the entire Inner Empire is under GCS control.

Ivan K. Grigorovitch is quoted as saying, "The inner empire was never lost, it has always been were it is today, and the empire is a single entity. As you rightly pointed out the inner empire came close to collapsing a few years ago, but it did not. It has survived pretty well intact under GCS control."

Grigorovitch went on to state the GCS intent to reclaim the systems of Trinity and Pollux from the DTR and Confed-bloc.

*** Detinus Republic Unleashes War Machine ***

After many weeks of silence the long expected DTR counter-attack has finally begun. While the operation is shrouded in secrecy, Imperial comms chatter indicates that the hammer-fall has struck against a GTT starbase in the Adamski system, where heavy fighting is reported against a vast deployment of Detinus ground troops.

Michelle Diaz, speaker of the DTR House Of Lords issued the following short statement:

"Today, the DTR responded in kind to the recent assaults against its Starbases. Elements of both the DTR naval and military wings were involved in launching a ground assault against one of the largest GTT Starbases in the Capellan Periphery. Although the GTT Starbase put up stiff resistance, the DTR ground party has made significant inroads into capturing the Starbase."

Confident DTR authorities have offered the Starbase the chance to surrender, as they claim its defeat is imminent.

*** GTT Ship Destroyed ***

The GTT scout vessel Melampus was annihilated this week when flying too close to a Detinus Republic Starbase in the Arachnid system. It is suspected a crew of prisoners had been sent to test out the defences in what was almost certainly a suicide mission.

*** Pirates ***

Pirate Large has struck once again in the Yank system, where it is understood he has taken a 50 light hulled Kastorian freighter.

How the KAS are likely to react to this ultimate insult is anybodies guess.

*** News Flash ***

The GTT Starbase has reportedly held out against the DTR for another day. Analysts however are predicting that the starbase will have already fallen by the time this edition of the SSS hits the Peripheries.

*** News Flash ***

Massed Detinus Fleet intercepts Imperial-bloc reinforcements moving to support besieged Starbase in Adamski system. Seven IMP-bloc vessels wiped out by more than two hundred DTR warships.

*** News Flash ***

As part of a co-ordinated pattern of assaults co-inciding with the DTR attack, a 92 ship CNF/BHD warfleet has launched a series of heavy bombardments against the FET Starbase Dragons Rest in the Curly system. An Imperial patrol group that stumbled across the action was utterly destroyed.

*** News Flash ***

The Imperial news agencies are reporting the name of the starbase currently under attack by the Detinus Republic. GTT Outcasts in the Adamski system has been assaulted by a DTR Ground Force in excess of 500kmu. Imperial sources indicate that the starbase is holding out, but that getting re-enforcements in through a blockading DTR warfleet that is estimated at more than 250 warships, is likely to be a difficult task.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

09-09-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 36 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
Update of the game is scheduled for 14th September. See below and the forum for more details.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Phoenix Updates:

Based on discussions the armour defence values will be modified to:

Normal: 2000 -> 1000/1250/1500/1750
Light: 1000 -> 500/600/700/800
Ablative: 500 -> 150/190/225/260

Armour burnoff effect reduced from 10->5

Programming on officers has also now been finalised.

Shuttle Based Ground Parties:

aka the 'how did the DTR combat drop a 500kmu GP onto Outcasts' thread.

Wait For TU Order Ignored:

In turns containing a Special Action, it seems as if the 'wait for TU' order might not process correctly.

Starbase Crew Factors:

I'm just repeating this to make sure everybody is aware of the change from a while back where armoured ground vehicles no longer require Crew Factors.

Ablative Plate Ore Requirement Changed:

Construction now requires Rare Earth Elements instead of Thorlium. Please note that Mica will convert stockpiles of Thorlium into REE for Starbases that cannot readily adjust to this change.

Platforms On Captured Starbases:

When you capture a starbase that has uplinked platforms, you receive information on all of those platforms.

Shuttle Movement:

Where shuttle based operations can take you.

Can Ground Parties Find Hidden Ground Installations:

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** GTT Outcasts Falls ***

As expected, at the end of last week the GTT Starbase Outcasts fell to victorious DTR ground forces.

The capture of what was understood to be one of the largest GTT installations in the Peripheries, as well as a major shipyard, must have come as a shock to the Imperial-bloc. Though not, one assumes, quite as large a shock as the Detinus Republic suffered when they lost multiple starbases recently to the combined IMP/DEN/DOM alliance.

A Detinus spokesman issued the following communication:

"The DTR has captured the claiming colony for the Adamski system. Adamski is now under DTR control and the DTR will not except any other claims as valid. The FET colony on Wiser'n'himer will surrender immediately to the DTR or face attack. All Imperial outposts or starbases should surrender immediately.

All affiliations who own outposts and starbases in Adamski which are not on the public database should register their locations immediately.

Alpha 10 is a warzone and all vessels should avoid transit in this orbital quadrant and any planetary bodies in this quadrant until further notice."

*** GCS Issue Ultimatum ***

In response to the Detinus Republics claim of the Adamski system, Ivan Grigorovitch of the GCS released the following potentially explosive statement:

"I might as well point out if anyone cooperates with this piece of DTR propaganda and has assets within my reach, you had better be prepared to defend them.

Anyone found to be cooperating with Attila the Hun and the rest of the DTR anarchists are not welcome anywhere my ships travel."

Coming on top of recent Imperial threats made against the AFT in Solo to keep them from enforcing the Solo neutrality accords, it is clear that increasing pressure is being brought against the neutral affiliations as the conflict between the Imperial-Bloc and the Confederate/Detinus allies continues to escalate.

*** GTT Outcasts Gutted ***

Reports indicate that the ground assault to capture Outcasts has left the Starbase in tangled smoking ruins.

Initial assessments appear to suggest that the damage from the ground attack is at least as extensive as an orbital bombardment would have been.

However, the good news is that civilian loss of life seems to have been kept to a minimum, as most of the combat was confined to the military areas of the Starbase proper, and splash damage to the civilian infrastructure was minimal.

*** GTT Vessels Attempt Escape ***

The DTR fleet blockading the orbit of T4 and Caro intercepted three GTT freighters, escorted by a number of small military vessels, attempting to flee Outcasts on the same day that the Starbase fell.

The captains must have known they had no chance to penetrate the vast DTR blockade, and surely went knowingly to their deaths.

It is not known if they were carrying vital secrets away from the Starbase, or if they were simply determined not to allow the Detinus Republic any chance of boarding their vessels. Either way, their destruction was swift and certain.

*** Imperial Warfleet Vanishes ***

As Outcasts fell, all eyes turned towards the location of the Imperial-Bloc navies. Seemingly unwilling to move to lift the blockade at Outcasts, the FET director Norozov alluded to the fact that they will launch a counter-attack elsewhere. Though at time of press, there has as yet been no indication of where this counter-attack might strike.

*** Imperial Outpost Application ***

An application has been received to set up an outpost in the Madonna system exploiting the following Codes.

Resource IDs 89732, 87616 & 87001

Anyone already exploiting these codes in the Madonna system should contact the Viceroy's office by private channel stating the code and the celestial body on which it is being exploited not later than Day 3 week 36.

*** Detinus Republic Claim System ***

With the capture of Outcasts, the DTR have taken the system claim for Adamski. The DTR Magistrates office has issued the following statement:

FM: DTR Magistrate
RE: Ownership of Adamski system

Gentlebeings of the Peripheries,

it is hereby repeated and confirmed that the Detinus Republic have seized the GTT starbase Outcasts and, effective immediately, claim the Adamski system as our space.

DTR law applies and will be enforced if necessary. Any party who had a treaty, permit or other right pertaining to the Adamski system bestowed on them by the empire should be aware that the empire can no longer meet their obligations. Any such issues should now be directed at the DTR who will review them; we do not, however, assume liability for imperial obligations.

For the time being, the Adamski system has been put under DTR Martial Law until the situation has settled.

Be reminded that the Detinus Republic is in a state of open warfare against the various factions and fractions colloquially referred to as the "Empire", also known as the "Core Empire" or "Inner Empire" of humanity, including the IMP, GTT, FET and GCS. The Detinus Republic do not acknowledge these parties as legitimate political entities. The Empire, forced upon humanity and illegitimate from its very beginnings, has dissolved in the recent civil war. The IMP viceroy himself has admitted to being viceroy to no particular emperor anymore since the civil war, which invalidated the very existence of the IMP. The GTT, GCS and FET have no ruling body to derive their charter and rights from, except by installing themselves as ruling body as the GCS have criminally done in the Inner Empire.

The DTR will therefore seize control of imperially claimed systems as we see fit to integrate them into the DTR, or the Inner Republic.

For the greater glory of the Republic

Ronald E. Silver
Magistrate of the Detinus Republic"

*** Imperial Starbase Bombarded ***

The combined Confederate navies have successfully bombarded a sizeable Imperial-Bloc Starbase in the Curly system, causing approximately 50% damage to the installation.

Neither side has released an official statement regarding this engagement, so there are no further details to report.

*** Pirate Large ***

The near legendary pirate, Pirate Large, has once again been in contact with the Peripheries to boast of his exploits last week in taking the Kastorian vessel:

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye..... Pirate Large.....

It be stardate 205.34.5 when me look outs spotted the KAS vessel Saviour (84410), a 50 light hulled she be....and not prepared for thee, Large. This vessel be Kastorian, and me havin so many sex slaves, I thought id let some o me kastorian boys get their end away when we takes the ship.

My vessel crept through Yank avoidin the KAS 125 HH patrol ship, gar it be good when yee sneaks up on some one, an takes em from behind aye..well we gots into the ship in no times at all, an me boarding party consistin of 80 kastorian mercs were lookin forward aye, to talking nicely to the crew of the saviour and getting them to hands over the ship peacefully like, you know we be carin, and don't likes to see bloodshed....well when we gets on board they all be human..whaaaarrrhhhh, time to get me weapon out..... I uncoils the beast aye, and lets the first one get an eye full, and the recoil was so bad it blew the bridge out aye

Civilian Damage: 1 Bridge (100) (cause Large's explosion)

Well it only took another round o combat, as the defendin crew couldn't match the quantity of my weapons load, an decided to take whats comin, an surrender aye..

I be hopin that one day the Yank boys don't spots me and gives me that big weapon they supposedly aves, although I see's from last weeks SSS that the biggest pirates in yank be the CNF, as I don't even as a bounty on me garrrr...

Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."

Whatever else might be indicated by this communication, what is certain is that the capture of a KAS freighter in Yank space under the noses of the Kastorian Military Junta 125HH system patrol vessels, must surely be deeply humiliating for the Kastorian commanders.

*** FET Respond To DTR Statement ***

The FET CEO Zuvoro Norozov has responded angrily to the Detinus Republics capture of GTT Outcasts, releasing the following statement to the press:

"As I've stated before and I'll do so here again. The DTR are just out for revenge for past events, events that happened long before a lot of today's citizens were born. Why are you punishing innocent people? You may be right in saying that the Empire no longer exists, but what gives you the right to come in and impose your way of life on others?

The main reason the Imperial Bloc still oppose you is because of the lack of choice you give us. You don't offer any compromise at all. We either live under your rule or die. All through history Empires have come and gone. Possibly the Terran Empire as we know it has had it's day. Maybe it is the turn of the so called Republic to have it's turn as the dominant force in the know galaxy, but that to will pass.

But you'll have to forgive me for fighting for our way of life!

All I hear from the likes of the DTR and their cronies in the Confederacy is talk of oppression of whole populations. Well I beg to differ. Everywhere I go either in the Peripheries or Inner Systems I see people going about their daily lives free of governmental interference. Within the Inner Systems the GCS may well control jump access to star systems, but I haven't seen any restrictions of movement being enforced on the citizens. Talk to anyone in those systems and they are happily going about their business. The GCS are the dominant force in that area of space. The DTR are dominant in their space. Again I ask, what gives you the right to come in and impose your way of life on others?

Maybe the DTR would be welcomed back if they were a bit more flexible in their views. Not everyone wants to live under your rules, accept that and you may get along with people instead of having to fight all the time. Here's a question for the DTR leadership;

What would you do if the Imperial Services based in the Capellan Periphery were to break away from their old ties and proclaim let's say for want of a better title. The Capellan Periphery? A new empire in an area of space that has no claims to the Inner Systems. An Empire populated by citizens who never did anything against the DTR or Confederacy in the past. An empire only fighting to be recognised as legitimate and fighting for survival against unwanted aggressors. Sound familiar?"

The Peripheries as a whole wait to see if this statement might lead to meaningful political change.

*** Pirate Large ***

Shadowy underworld sources have informed the IGN news-team that this week alone, Pirate Large has captured three vessels belonging to the FGZ, CIA and RIP.

Additionally there have been multiple attempted boardings, that didn't quite connect with their intended prey.

This information seems to indicate that Large has significantly increased his operations against civilian shipping.

The following communication has been received:

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye..... Pirate Large.....

It be stardate 205.35.4 when we be back in yank lookin for bait, an found it we did aye, the FGZ vessel X-P'Rogu (74198) was lurkin off the starboard she be, an not ready for one o me boys....

The vessels hulls was easy to penetrate, and we enters the ship lookin for the defenders, we was told to be prepared for life forms wiv a nice pair, but we was mislead, when we was confronted by naplian crew and a FGZ commander who looked likes one. No tits in sight garrr....well it didn't take long before they all decided to gives in and the ship be mine...ahharrgghhhhh."

*** Pirate Destroyed ***

There is at least some good news on the piracy front, with the Anti-Piracy Task Force reporting that an SMS battlegroup successfully intercepted and destroyed the Pirate vessel Flat Fish in the Solo system.

The Flat Fish, a caravel class freighter, is understood to have been the RIP ship that had only just been captured by Large.

Large himself is believed to have very narrowly escaped interception by the SMS task force in this instance.

*** Treasure Winters ***

Following her debut at the first inaugural Mohache games, the young and beautiful, highly talented ingénue Treasure Winters has finally launched her much anticipated musical career, performing her first live gig to the staff and personnel of a DTR Starbase.

For the day, the facilities merchandising complexes were turned over to the event, much to the confusion and bemusement of the indigenous alien race's merchants who were attempting to make use of them.

Treasure's live concert has been broadcast live throughout the Detinus Republic, and on affiliate broadcasters throughout the Peripheries as a whole. The event was something of a spectacle, particularly considering it was held so far away from Venice, the hub of DTR culture. Treasure Winter's is quoted as saying that she wanted to hold her first concert at the Starbase that she considers to be her home.

Her selection of songs has drawn some small criticism given that those performed at the concert were a mixture of old classics, although when signing various articles at the end she hinted to fans and reporters that she is working on some original material that will be released soon.

*** Starbase Defence ***

The capture of Outcasts has highlighted once again the need for Starbases to be adequately defended, and the potentially grave consequences that await for those who are at war who do not have sufficient ground forces. The EEM have asked us once again to draw everybody's attention to their selling of troop training blueprints.

Also, the starbase Queens Haven (27588) has placed the following advertisement:

"When the sky grows dark and enemy drop ships fall towards your starbase it is to late. Build up your defences now! Queens Haven offers a unique market with a multitude of military items that is essential to your starbase. Each week our market is updated with more...

... assault tanks (hit them before they hit you)
... gatling lasers (make their missiles a total waste)
... heavy battle tanks mkII (only for the ambitious general)
... kastorian marines (the grunts who do the dirty work)
... robotic defence bunkers mkII (makes your starbase safe)
... shields (deflects their photon beams)
... shield generators (makes your shields last)
... shuttles (when you want to move quickly)

The last months have made it clear to us all - you can't have enough defences in your base.

Protect your home - Buy your military hardware at Queens Haven!

Market update - Starting yesterday we now offer to buy bulk quantities of most modules. Make the journey pay off in both directions!

Queens Haven - When you want the best!"

*** Pirate Large Adds Necrophilia To His List Of Crimes ***

You just…

Don't want to know.

*** Lost and Found ***

Found: An highly specialised comms device, found in a debris field in the Yank system.

Claims should be made to:
The Office of Senator Johnny Twist,
The Detinus Republic

*** News Flash! ***

Pirate Large attacks two more vessels!


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

14-09-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 37 DAY 3  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
New Error detected - Pick-up's and deliveries have not worked today. The bug has been fixed for tomorrow's run. Apologies for the situation.

The new code has been implemented before today's run.
We noticed a conversion error that deleted lists from ships at the time of upgrading officers. While we have re-integrated the ship lists from the yesterday's back-up, this was post-run, pre-finish.
This will have two ramifications. First of all, orders to alter lists may not have taken effect as expected (check the ship manifest as this shows the true state of affairs). Second, some battles may have been missed or the events may have been altered. we checked the battles run, the observed difference was negligible.

Note that the online editor has the new orders and a new (beta) version of the off-line editor is available under downloads.
Don't forget to back-up your current editor and data!

Details of the upgrade can be found on the forum.

16-09-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 37 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** From The Posting Boards *****

A list of fixed bugs has been added to the recently implemented changes:

[1] Changed jumping to jump when you reach ring 10, not travel to ring > 10 first
[2] Added common/restricted flag to orders and order knowledge
[3] Added fixed flag to prevent certain items from being moved
[4] Removed Debris from squads
[5] Added Efficiency check when ships hits an asteroid
[6] Gps can no longer embark positions and you can not embark yourself
[7] Fixed display issue for fighters
[8] Fixed create outposts that fail due to complexes not allowed
[9] Fixed problem with missiles being returned twice, if not fired
[10] Fixed problem where positions can not target non-direct targets on round 1
[11] Changed security sweep to not kill your agent or same Aff except IND
[12] Fixed political situation report
[13] Fixed create platform to use right hulls
[14] Fixed adding posted lists
[15] Crack down reduced to zero after SB capture
[16] Fixed problem with fighter bays not requiring crew factors
[17] Changed SB takeover routine of empty (of troops) SBs to be more based on command/security complexes
[18] Added multiple attacks possible from single items
[19] Added Authorisation update in SB maintenance
[20] Fixed mus displayed on agent Determine Quantity of item
[21] Fixed space fighter / interceptor attacks. Problem with targets picked
[22] Fixed GP cargo space / movement bug
[23] Gps created while in combat, have same flags as creator
[24] Fixed maintenance -ve tus bug
[25] Fixed bug with leaving SB (Docked mass)
[26] GPs can assault another GP in any location - not limited to landed
[27] Fixed -ve dmg due to cascade explosions
[28] Added maintenance orders for SBs that run based on CBody
[29] Retargets if a target is on DNT list
[30] GPs can only pickup what they have cargo space to move with
[31] Changed embark position to require life-support for life forms that are not covered by cargo support in the GP. i.e. if you have enough shuttles to carry all your life forms then your ship does not need to provide any when embarking a GP
[32] Added area mod for installed items
[33] Does not do crew transfer to starter ships that have been boarded, since they will be destroyed
[34] Added modified scan profile for starbases that will be shown in brackets on report and in a few months will become the new scan profile.

How to clear pending orders:

Platforms not firing at enemy scouts ships:

New order editor bugs:

And the Phoenix update discussion thread, which continues, now with added debate about the new officers rules:

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** New Krell Clan ***

A new clan has arisen amongst the Krell peoples on Inversion. Their leader, Grymwald, posted notice this week of their arrival amidst the Peripheries:

"Announcement from Krell Clan Black Rat (KRT - 37)

Greetings fine peoples of the periphs.

Excuse my poor Terran. I have no longer use of very fine Falconian translation machine, and must exercise my own tongue fluids. I am Grymwald, of Clan Black Rat, of the Inverted Krell peoples. We are not the strongest of the clans, our warriors know when to fight and when to hide - we are very smartest of Krell peoples clan!

My clan have fight! no... we have competition! Winner is smartest Rat- person! Was me! I have 87% 'Grade point average' and 72% 'Kill ratio' - and all smarter rats was me killed!

Take clan fortune and go join AFT as 'stew-herd'. Become captain, Get own flotilla of trade receptacles! Get more stellars! Go to school. Go to best school, Acropolis school of management, my old Alma Mater! with very good song; "O give me the skies to fly free, where a bird can soar high..."

I major in colony management, and minor in diseases of poultry! Get very good degree, because Grymwald is smart Krell rat.

Then I go to the Prodis Institute of Trade, for internment! I receive very strong lecturing from Osidiradadumpf himself! He wise old bird him! Now I journal home to serve leaders of Clan Black Rat! They give me books - the real ones, not taxing ones! I study. Much is wrong, many debts are not paid. No-one like clan Black Rat! Somebody must be owed very many of stellars, because they have hired collection agency! I am told that 'Independent Retrieval Services' are seeking me here and there already!

Yours is excitement and good busy-ness.

KRT Grymwald."

*** Flagritz Empire Incursion Into Onwards ***

Announcements from Mawet, the Governor of Onwards and Avatar to the Tyrant Mrrshan of the Felini Tyrranny this week seem to indicate that the Flagritz Empire have made an armed incursion into Felini space.

Details are at this point sketchy, though it does seem as if the Felini have instituted a no-fly zone in the Onwards system, issuing the following statement:

"The following quads are now restricted in the Onwards system:

Beta and Gamma rings 1-15.
Delta rings 1-5.

Effective 205.37.1, any non consortium position scanned in those quads will be posted by the Felini Tyranny.

The restrictions will apply until further notice.

We regret having to implement these measures, but have been forced to do so by the increasing FLZ attacks on Felini possessions in the system. Any affiliation with possessions within the restricted area can apply to the Felini Council for permission to service outposts and such. Permission will be granted on a case by case basis."

*** Outcasts Description ***

The starbase description for Outcasts, while it was part of the GTT corporation, has been leaked, it read as follows:

"This colony has been built beneath the planet surface. The only access to it is via a complicated series of air-locks from the starport on the planets surface. The colonists are reclusive and dislike self-invited visitors."

Here at the IGN, we wonder if a several divisions of DTR ground troops counts as 'self-invited visitors'.

*** GTT Torpedo Gunboats Attempt Attack ***

DTR freighters at Outcasts came under attack this week by two small GTT warships. It seems as if the warships were hiding somewhere on the planet, and made an attack run against freighters delivering supplies to DTR Outcasts. Unfortunately for the captains and crew of the GTT warships, escorting Detinus warships were able to intercept and destroy them before they were able to launch more than a half dozen pieces of ordnance.

*** Stellar Cartography ***

The IRS are expected to complete research linking the Zephyr system to the Crusade system within the next week or two, meaning that the system is no longer cut off from the Peripheries. Though arguably the route to reach it is a long and complicated one, frought with both navigational and political obstacles.

*** Skirmish In Onwards ***

Further details of the Flagriz Empire attack in Onwards have been released by the felini tyranny, who issued the following statement to the press:

"On stardate 205.36.4, a small force of FLZ ships attacked a tiny Felini outpost in the Onwards system. Felini forces dispatched to intercept in the quadrant failed to do so and the outpost was lost. However, the FLZ ships unaware of the assembling felini units then left the orbit of New New York and encountered the Onwards garrison units blockading the planet.

Following 3 days of battle, Felini garrison units have managed to destroy, capture and severely damage a number of Flagritzi Empire ships.

2 PC class 75 hullers destroyed.
2 Nemesis class Capital ships captured.
4 assorted FLZ warships heavily damaged.

The FLZ ships fled the quad using e-jump and may be found within the cluster in quad b6. Happy hunting. Felini ships are monitoring access to IRS Highstar to see if it once again offers repair to its "allies" despite claims of wanting to keep Twinkle neutral. Damage to the Felini garrison units were minimal."

Lord Fell of the FLZ Empire has released a slightly different version of events, indicating that the forces that took part in this rain in Onwards were human mercenaries, in the employ of the FLZ Empire:

"The part of Human mercenary forces fighting for the Empire have struck at the heart of the Felini forces in the Cluster. After obliterating a small, though not useless outpost, in 3 volleys, the Humans decided to stop and stargaze, instead of conducting the orders of moving to a secure location.

The following day, some of the ships were subject to an odd force that prevented them from moving and which resulted to being "pinned" as the Human in charge described it. FLZ scientists indicate that this freak occurrence is the sole responsible for the loss of the merc ships and that this should never happen again.

Still, it doesn't go unnoticed that even while outnumbering the mercs, the FEL captains have a severe accuracy problem and that contrary to reports no ship had to e-jump. They simply chose not to fight to the death and proceded to jump from ring 10. Repairs will be swift and cheap and as soon as the laws of physics are restored those ships and the others will return to raid FEL bases and outposts.

Meanwhile I must concede that FEL appear to be able to fight when the laws of physics are favourable and that true to FEL battle doctrine they allocate far too much resources into stopping meaningless forces. I'll make note of that for the future.

I almost forgot, the FLZ is always looking for extra mercs, so if you have a fighting ship and a willing crew, we're ready to sign you on. It's only stellars to us, but to you its your dream of a life of adventure and a wealthy retirement, or a glorious death in the service of a higher purpose."

*** Pirate Large ***

Last week saw sufficient victims to provide Large with enough material for months. Space travellers are yet again reminded of the dangers of loitering in unsecured orbital quadrants, particularly with the vast number of ships that Large must now have in his flotilla.

Further details have been made available by Large regarding the capture of the Flat Fish - the operation in which the SMS fleet, under Commodore Baalazar, came very close to intercepting Large himself.

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye..... Pirate Large.....

It be stardate 205.36.2 when we were loiterin in the Solo system lookin for prey, when me look out shouted, "cappan there be a RIP freighter Flat Fish (63075) off the starboard quarter", ahharrgghh me likes to see me old chums from way back, boarders be ready, we be goin in.

We approached the ship, and got frough the ulls aye, and were met by 50 RIP crew and some vet marines, so it took some getting into the hatch, but after a couple of rounds the ol boys decided they preferred to be pirates again an handed the ship over all easy like.

Well I was well chuffed, an picked out the [censored] 2 lookin [censored] there be plenty among this lot aye..and ordered them strapped over me barrels in me quarters. I likes to [censored] out o me porthole's when I be [censored] me [censored], I [censored] on the [censored], to get them [censored] up for me [censored], and was [censored] away for a bit, an I be on me [censored] [censored], when a fleet o SMS warships went floating by, well that made me [censored] temporarily go [censored] [censored], and we sounded general quarters....sirens were goin and were readying our selves, when they floated straight past our ship an headed for our newly captured vessel and blew it to pieces of 8. garrr [censored]....that means ill have to stick wi these 2 [censored] to [censored] for a week, as the others were blown up aye.....

Anyways we mades our escape, which could o been nastier than a dose o scurvy, as half the universe were lookin for good ole large, but they missed me ahharrgghh.

Then o'er me comms channel I gets the following message from the SMS fleet commander.

"You were very lucky Mr Large, next time you will not be so lucky - your [censored] will be [censored]. I will arrange for you to be put in the stocks for all to see and for all the families of those you have butchered and split in two. The stocks won't be [censored] [censored] [censored] [censored]......."

Well, I looks at it slightly different aye, than yee does, I reckon you as missed out on the best [censored] o your life mr baltazar, an I as missed out on [censored] the [censored] [censored] o my life....ahharrgghh.

Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."

This communication from Pirate Large has been subject to IGN censorship.

*** Ships For Sale ***

High Star (1971) has indicated that there are warships for sale. 75 normal hulled ship (carrier/missile variant) for 120k (list price 200). Or a 100 HH with MKII armour and mkii hulls, cloaked missiles, integ stabilisers etc,etc,etc for a miserly 160k - list price is 300+.

Interested parties should contact the IRS directly. And remember to enquire about their warranty arrangements.

*** Vessels Captured ***

Sources have confirmed that two 2 Nemesis class Capital ships were indeed claimed as bounty during the recent FLZ raid in Onwards. The FLZ Balista and FLZ Chastizer are now carrying FEL flags.

*** Confederate Fleet Active In Imperial Space ***

Imperial news agencies are carrying the story that the Confederate battle fleet that shot up the FET starbase last week are still active in the Outer Capellan systems. An IMP freighter and a routine patrol vessel were destroyed in the Dorn system this week as they approached an Imperial starbase.

The IMP news is also reporting that a further patrol vessel has run foul of the Detinus blockade of Outcasts.

*** RIP News ***

Meanwhile, over on the RIP news channels, they are carrying further details regarding the loss of the Flat Fish, as reported in the column about Large above.

"Today we morn the lost of the crew aboard the RIP vessel Flat Fish. The captain, having a little problem with his navigation systems, paused briefly in the well travelled space near the popular starbase Ariel, only to be boarded by the ruthless Pirate Large.

Despite the valiant efforts of the experienced team of marines, luck was against them as Large's crew of cutthroats and misfits took the bridge. Fortunately, in a way, an SMS patrol spotted the newly flagged pirate ship and set upon it, destroying it totally with a minimal amount of effort. We can only hope the crew had not suffered too harshly at the hands of the pirates before the end.

RIP search and rescue vessels are already en route to see if there are any survivors, however hopes are not high and our thoughts go to the families of the crew."

*** More RIP News ***

Again from the RIP news agency:

"As reported in the last issue of subspace static, the RIP ship Cook It Up was destroyed by the DTR, with the loss of over one hundred and fifty lives. The last contact with the ship suggested that the captain consumed some fungi that the crew found growing in an unused storage locker, and had plotted a course using "the special maps".

While the DTR are not to blame in this matter, the RIP do regret the loss of the crew and their vessel. The ship's task was to deliver hand made toys to poor, blind, orphaned children, who will now be left only with the tears in their sightless eyes. All efforts will be made to explain that it wasn't the DTRs fault that it's another Christmas with cleaning products for gifts at the orphanage."

Detinus Republic spokesmen were unavailable for comment as this weeks edition of the Inter-Galactic News went to press, so as yet we have no official response from the DTR Senate regarding their wholesale destruction of toys intended for poor blind orphans. However, rumours abound that Grand Admiral of the Detinus Fleet, Lord Sivar, is personally in favour of the concept of giving cleaning products as gifts, and that this has been his contribution to the DTRs secret Santa system for the last five years running.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

23-09-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 38 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
If you have saved links to various Phoenix pages, they may now need updating as the site has moved from to
We are assured by our ISP that the nuisance of this enforced relocation will be outweighed by the improved security and other features of the new platform.

A few modifications to the changes that players should know about:

When are you targeted by between combat fire?
Normally if you leave combat, those positions targeting you will fire some or all of their weapons for a number of rounds depending on the circumstances at your ship as it leaves.
If nobody is targeting you, you will not be fired at and can leave safely.
If your turn is processed first in a day's run and you are stopped for battle, if the other ship has a turn processed to move off you will not fire at the leaving ship. You will be given a statement to the effect that 'position left before in range'.

Space Fighters/Carriers
Due to an aberration in the targeting curve due to the nature of space fighters, it was decided to reduce their accuracy slightly and remove the dodge bonus for carriers. This brings them back in line with the other weapon systems in the game. As this is a game, each tactic should have a niche and no one tactic should be a clear winner (we do not subscribe to the version of paper, scissors, stone game that has the nuke option).
Due to the complexity of the game and the 'inventiveness' of players we sometimes have to modify items and mechanics if they are detrimental to game.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

There is a lot of new material on the posting boards this week. Much of it relating to bugs that have been discovered following the release of the updated order editor. Rather than listing each one individually, I shall instead point anybody having problems towards the bugs forum:

David Bethel is actively tracking down all of these little problems. And I think I am correct in saying that there will be a new version of the Order Editor available for download sometime soon.

Start up question:

Does one have to use ones real name when signing up to play the game? Short answer, no, probably not. But this will be your unique name which KJC games will use to refer to you as, if they need to set up a credit account for you.

Convert Naval Items Order:

Yes, it was deliberately removed. Yes, it will probably be put back into the game, and have a deadline set for when it will be officially removed again. Players are advised to stockpile the items they want to convert at their starbases and be prepared to move quickly once the order is re-instated.

Technology Curve thread:

Contains some interesting ideas. But also the following comment from Mica regarding the nature of the game:

"From a designers point of view, you have to sort out the things that will wreck a game before you can add things that will improve a game. It is also the nature of players to seek tactical advantages, again pushing the combat parameters to their limits. It is however important to point out that each set of changes have been much smaller than the previous ones, i.e. we are getting things right.

The knock-on effect has been to constantly delay the features that we have really wanted to implement, these being custom orders and the infrastructure. Infrastructure and custom orders still represent a year's worth of coding under the belt despite the need to return time and again to the battle program!

The game was never meant to be just a wargame, this said, for every ten requests for new technology, eight are for some new super-duper weapon and one is for a super-duper defence.... Nor were all affiliations meant to be the same, we have not, until now been a position where we could really push new areas of the game. This is something that will improve."

And finally the official game update thread continues:

With some important information and insights regarding battle-fleets from the IMP and DTR camps. As well as assorted other items.

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Black Bill ***

Worrying news from the Peripheries this week, with reports that the ghost of Black Bill Graves has once again been heard from. Could Black Bill still be alive somewhere? Who can say.

*** Krell Recruitment/Annihilation Drive ***

The Krell High Command are looking to recruit, with the following transmission:

"The Krell are looking for new blood. New Warlords are needed to help rebuild our homeworld, and our warfleets, and restore our reputation as the finest warriors in the galaxy. The right applicant could go all the way to the top. Timewasters will be annihilated."

*** Confederate News ***

++ Incoming CNN News Report ++

Confederate authorities are reporting the destruction of at least two Imperial block ships this week. Whilst no further details were issued CNN was able to find out that the EEM registration authorities have classified the following ships as destroyed:

GTT Melpomeme (54473)
IMP Solar 2 (43806)

According to eye witness reports at least one ship was a St. Claire class gun ship. Which leads our man on the spot to be asking just who is St. Claire? The patron saint of explosions? For that and other discussions tune in at 10.

++ Transmission Ends ++

*** Adamski ***

The Adamski system remains under Detinus Republic martial law this week, as the DTR show no signs of pulling out of the system having captured Outcasts.

This has had knock-on effects on the neutral parties in the system, notably the IJE and AFT, who are reporting trade at their starbases to be significantly down, as previous Imperial customers show more than a slight unwillingness to enter the system for trade.

According to our reporters at the Detinus Senate, there is ongoing debate as to how the DTR are going to address this situation, with indications that the IJE suggestion of declaring certain sectors of the system to be neutral and allowing the IJE and AFT to police them, has met with some approval amongst Detinus Senators. However, a statement from the IMP-Bloc has seemed to utterly rule out the possibility of any sort of peaceful accommodation being made for neutral powers in the system. With some Imperial commentators going so far as to suggest that any neutral power caught abiding by Detinus Law, are tantamount to collaborators, and will be treated as such. Though Admiral Lord Simms, the Imperial Viceroy, did issue a slightly more lenient statement:

"The Imperial Services regret that they cannot consider any part of the Adamski system as a no-fire zone as long as it is illegally occupied by rebel forces. I would also make it clear that we are not in the habit of firing on neutral shipping or starbases in Adamski or anywhere else."

However, there must be some good news for the IJE and AFT in that the situation in Adamski will settle down, the longer it remains under Detinus control, and once DTR martial law is lifted, the system will normalise.

*** IMP Freighter Destroyed ***

An Imperial Caravel was this week destroyed in the outer rims of the Arachnid system by DTR warships.

*** CIA Resorts ***

Malthias Blacke the Director of CIA Resorts Ltd has this week brought the Peripheries attentions to the reasonably priced education programs run by his sinister and secretive shadowy organisation. Such as:

INTG101 Intro to BCS: The In's and Out's
Prerequisite: Xeno-Anatomy
INTG102 Your Friend the Rubber Hose
Also credits to Physical Education Certification
INTG103 Applied Sensory Deprivation ('I'm a TOASTER!')
Also credits to Political Science
INTG104 Psychological Assault: Uses of Family, Friends and Alien Pets
Prerequisite: Xeno-Psychology
Also credits to Social Services
INTG105 Applied Pharmacology

Director Blacke went on to add:

"Higher level courses are conducted with students who have mastered the basics and have shown a consistent level of aptitude with our supply of test subjects. Courses are taught during specially prepared retreats at CIA Resorts Ltd., locations throughout the peripheries and small class sizes ensure that you receive the 1 on 1 attention that you deserve.

Contact your local CIA starbase for more offerings and to receive a course outline and tuition requirements from CIA Resorts Ltd.

Remember, "When you absolutely have to know, trust a professional."'

*** Unknown Operative Dies ***

Commodore Jack Ryan has this week offered his condolences to the widow of an operative that was caught attempting to make a transmission from somewhere inside a FET outpost in the Tycoon system.

No party has yet claimed responsibility for the operatives activities. But that has not stopped everybody from just assuming it must have been the CIA.

*** Piracy Update ***

Shadowy underworld sources have indicated to the IGN newsroom that Pirate Large is just about to launch a new endeavour.

Frankly, we shudder to think. But more details will certainly be forthcoming soon. Watch this space.

*** Imperial News Report ***

From the Jax Examiner:

"There have been a number of minor skirmishes across the Peripheries this week, including a small battle in the Beach system which has so far resulted in the loss of one ship by each side. An IMP freighter, straying into the Arachnid system, was destroyed by a DTR patrol and the GTT have been active with small ship attacks in the Adamski system, resulting in the loss of some small ships by the GTT and unspecified damage to DTR assets there."

*** News Flash ***

The FET Coaster Class Freighter Mack The Knife, has reportedly just verified the continued presence of the DTR Grand Fleet in the Adamski system, by reducing itself to a particle sized debris field in very short order.

***** Special Report *****

An address to the Inter-Galactic community from FET Director Norozov.

In a remarkable speech this week, Director Norozov has outlined his dreams for political change in the Peripheries. Inviting a public debate on the topic, Director Norozov was keen to point out that his address had nothing to do with making a cheap shot against the DTR regarding the nature of true democracy, and that he is fundamentally dedicated to achieving profound political reforms.

His address was as follows:

A Brighter Future.

"I see a future with no Empire, Confederacy or Republic. I see a future where all sentient species live in the Commonwealth. A Commonwealth where no one affiliation governs, a Commonwealth where all member affiliations are free to put forward candidates for democratic elections.

A Commonwealth where the citizens of the worlds can elect a governor to help steer their world to prosperity.

A Commonwealth where the citizens can elect Senators/Members of Parliament/Representatives to speak for their Star System in the central Senate/Houses of Parliament/House of Representatives.

A Commonwealth governed by elected Senators/Members of Parliament/Representatives from all member affiliations.

A Commonwealth led by the affiliation winning the majority of seats within the central government until the next democratic elections, and being supported or opposed by the other elected affiliation delegates so as to have a truly democratic process.

A Commonwealth where all member affiliations contribute money and assets to help those in need, and to the defence and policing of member star systems.

Only a small outline of a brighter future. But a future we can give our children if we truly desire peace and democracy. For me it is something I will work towards and hopefully see the first shoots of such a future start to sprout in my lifetime.

With Respect to all the citizens of the Peripheries.
Zuvoro Norozov.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

26-09-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 39 DAY 1  [Recruit]

Fixes and Updates to changes

Once we have finished these changes we will be commencing a new online rulebook for naval combat.

[1] Fixed bug with ISR attacks
[2] Fixed DNT list not showing
[3] Fixed problem with tractor stops working when SB shields are up
[4] Shield recharge corrected on platforms/SB to not be dependent on efficiency.
[5] Removed manoeuvring dodge from fighter carriers
[6] Truncated dodge to 8 after officer bonus, but before inertial stabilisers.
[7] Added internal damage caused by exploding missiles to damage report, and allowed list of destroyed items to show up when a ship explodes. Should make it more obvious when a cascade explosion has occurred.
[8] Fixed embarkation bug.
[9] Shields are no longer affected by AF <1. So they are better at absorbing armour piercing damage. AF>1 will be delt with as normal.
[10] Changed leave combat battles
You suffer a number of rounds of combat when you leave a battle based on your speed compared to any ships that target you (as a percentage):
100%+ 1 round (i.e. you are faster than them)
75%-100% 2 rounds
50%-75% 3 rounds
0%-50% 4 rounds
Ships fire with all their weapons BUT will only fire at the first one of their locked targets to leave combat. Starbases and platforms will only ever get 1 round on combat vs targets that leave BUT they will fire at every target that leave with a proportion of their weapons (depending on how many locked targets they have).
You only get a leave combat battle with targets that you had locked in a battle the previous day.

30-09-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 39 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** From The Posting Boards *****

There continues to be a fair amount of activity on the posting boards, with issues revolving around the game updates and the new version of the order editor. Rather than summarise, I will again simply point players having problems towards the forums.

Other threads that might be of interest this week include a discussion on the recently announced KJC price increases (which are rate of inflation and running costs related):

A thread on the change over of all Phoenix website addresses from cgi to ccgi:

A poll on what version of the order editor players use, online or offline:

Convert Naval Items order is back in the game, but not yet implemented, but it will be soon:

And a thread on the new ISR Pepper Effect in action at the extreme end of the scale, when running into a 200+ warfleet:

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Egg Embargo ***

The IRS have posted the following statement regarding Hive Eggs:

"In one week from now, any ship carrying Hive Eggs will be asked not to traverse Twinkle or its Strategic Stargate. The Hive race consider sale or imposed transport of their young to be slavery.!!! Hive Eggs will not be bought or sold on any market in Twinkle. Any starship illegally transporting Hive Eggs through Twinkle to engineered hatcheries* will be where possible, impounded....

* Engineered hatcheries are those not guided by a Queen, or those governed by non Hive forces in "possession" of a Hive Queen against her will**.
** Hive Queens govern castes. A Queen fulfils her purpose in a Hive or Hive based facility only and so a Queen will not work willingly in a non Hive culture. She is, therefore, a slave, producing young against her will.

Any affiliation openly buying or selling Hive Eggs will be banned from orbiting High Star. If any affiliation wishes to deliver Hive Eggs to High Star, we will gladly repatriate them with their own kind..

Thank you. IRS."

This notice comes following the recent statements by the Hive race, and there can now be very little doubt that the Hive consider trade in Hive Eggs to be slavery. Presumably more governments will move now to place an embargo on Hive Egg trading within their space.

*** Overlord ***

Warlord Michael Bridge of the Krell clan Nemesis has been declared Overlord Of The Krell.

We expect him to be moving into a larger office any day now.

*** Children Of Hexos ***

New leadership has taken over the COH affiliation. Ian Jordan Enterprises have issued the following statement:

"Greeting being of the peripheries.

The COH have fallen on hard times they have been leaderless, no direction to there lives, when I I. Jordan was contacted and asked to join with them, using my skill and wits to put them on track. This I have done and you will see all IJE assets now under the COH heading. There direction however will come from me and I will become first point of contact. I have discussed our way forward with the Celestial Emperor Hexos and we have decided to tread the path of neutrality.

We will be leaving the Consortium soon and dropping wars against everyone as a start. We will however defend our assets with vengeance should anyone be foolish to push us. We will of course honour any deals etc and obey all local laws. Any agreements must be forwarded to this office.


I. Jordan. Adviser to Celestial Emperor Hexos."

*** Acrux Claimed By Detinus Republic ***

In a shock move this week the Acrux system has been claimed by the DTR, leading map makers across the Peripheries to reach for their colouring-in pens to update their political maps. While most observers may consider this to have been a DEN system previously, the system message might hold some clue as to how the DTR managed this lightning take-over:

System Message:

The Acrux system was the greatest achievement in the history of the known universe. The systematic destruction or every world in order to create a rotating ring capable of supporting life. Only now it lies fractured and in some cases the drifting out of orbit. Who destroyed it is uncertain, possibly the Dewiek or the Architects themselves, or maybe something else.

With no specific system claim in place, this must surely mark the easiest system claim the DTR have yet made.

*** Pirate Large ***

In an oddly quiet week by his recent standards, the Inter Galactic News team only have one communication from Large to run through our spellcheckers this week. However, it is an interesting one, and would seem to indicate that Large has laid his hands upon a rather important prisoner:

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye..... Pirate Large.....

It be stardate 205.36.4, when me looks out spotted the FET 100 light hulled ship Silver Dragon (1674) off to the aft quarter, garrr...pirates be ready I say, and start the approach run into the ships ulls.

95 crew men on board there be, and an officer aye, namely one Jack Ryan, an they fought fur three rouns aye, getting in close aye, an losin limbs before they decided to gives in.

We cleaned them up an bought the cappan on board for questioning, after removing his [censored] [censored], he seemed to start talking, an we founds out he has heard rumours of another pirate lookin for contacts and his gran father Black Bill Graves, or his killers if indeed he is dead. This pirate be Black Dog, an the cappan gives me his contact details, well I finds out what I needs an I gets me stergion to stitch his [censored] back on best he can like.....

I as now been in contact wiv Black Dog and is crews aye, and will be aiding this band o merry men in their quest, all us pirates as a pirates code tween us all, an we be lookin for yee all.

Any lost soul wantin to join us in piratin can looks at me website yee can contact me via long range comms, an I will helps thee where I can.

Also for all the traders an the likes, or for that mater any new pirate, who is lookin for a new ship, I will be addin a ship sales page to me site, it will list what there is available to buys, an what price.......there be stock comin in every week, so keeps lookin and yee might finds a bargain. Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."

We can confirm that Large has indeed begun to offer vessels for sale:

The cash injection that selling even a few such vessels would provide for the pirates enterprises hardly bares thinking about.

There has as of yet been no official response from the FET regarding the capture of Jack Ryan.

*** Large Thwarted ***

Not all cheery news for Large this week however, as the captain of the DEN ship Vile Vixen has reported the following:

"[Large]… Your boarding attempt on my ship was pathetic and you didn't even stop me from making my scheduled delivery. You lost nearly 200 men - was it really worth it?"

We can only hope Large has more similarly unpleasant surprises soon.

*** Adamski ***

The Adamski system remains in the hands of the Detinus Republic for another week, with Imperial raiders continuing to run into the DTR Grand Fleet holding their position within the system.

Increased Detinus freighter traffic to and from the captured starbase Outcasts, the target of the aforementioned Imperial raiders, seems to suggest that the DTR have staked their claim and are there to stay.

*** Adamski Access ***

In a stunning statement, the DTR Speaker of the House Of Lords, Michelle Diaz, made notice of the DTR's access policy for the Adamski system:

"The Adamski system has been claimed by the DTR and as such DTR Laws apply. This means that within the confines of DTR law all positions except IMP, GTT, FET, GCS, DEN, DOM and PIR may enter this system and travel, trade and explore at will. INDependent positions are illegal unless they have registered with DTR authorities and received a permit.

All Starbases and Outposts must be registered with DTR authorities or will be declared illegal and subject to whatever action we deem appropriate.

To help facilitate trade with AFT Eclypse (1124) on Sreel and COH (formerly IJE) Rooke (39612) on Seventeen, trade ships of any affiliation (including those otherwise banned) may transverse orbital quadrants Alpha 11 and Beta 12 only. A trade ship is defined as one which cannot fire any type of offensive weaponry except point defence. It is up to the AFT and IJE to patrol these orbital quadrants from pirates."

Granting permission to Imperial-bloc ships to continue having access to the neutral Starbases in the system is highly unusual, and has lead many third party commentators to question whether or not there might be some room for accommodation between the warring parties.

Clearly there is room for understanding and accidents with this arrangement, but the willingness of the DTR to accommodate neutral starbases in captured systems has surely been noted by all governments throughout the Peripheries.

*** Market Closures ***

Peri Romanov, a Detinus Senator, has issued the following statement regarding market closures:

"Please be aware that DTR Market Colonies De Beers and Onyx will be shutting their markets this week. Onyx will review the items that it is selling and we hope to re-organise the market shortly. De Beers will shut permanently and the trade goods will be sold via Onyx's new market."

This news comes in the same week that Floats On Clouds of the Mohache posted notice that:

"It is with great regret that I have had to close the Soggra Pyggin and Soggra Firesong markets for the foreseeable future. It has been suggested that I should take a retreat back to Tranquillity and contemplate. I have learnt my lesson - Mrs Floaty is always right. I will never make the same mistake again. I should always appreciate that she knows sheep better than I do and that ultimately I am just there for the hard graft whilst she gives the orders.

Anyway, you'll find all our lovely goods appearing at our market at Soggra Tollar on Spritzer in Yank in the very near future. Sorry for the inconvenience. It is also hoped that having a central market place will make it easier for trade to take place."

However, it is understood that a few new markets have opened this week.

*** Demon ***

The RIP have this week taken over administration of the troubled Demon system, and is now under their protection. A RIP spokesman has stated that the system should be considered off limits to all those who have not expressly been given permission to be there. And further that Privateer forces will be actively patrolling for interlopers.

*** News Flash ***

A potential Confederate assault has possibly failed this week, as the following communication from the GCS seems to indicate:

"Information is coming in that a group of criminals today committed suicide by attacking the legitimate authorities.

It appears that there so "called invasion" force lasted two rounds. I also understand that it is possible that this was just a stunt by the CNF to get rid to their embarrassment, that is the ships the KAS put a bounty on. Bring them on, I could do with the money.

Ivan K. Grigorovitch;
Officer Commanding, Outer Empire."


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

07-10-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 40 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
The GM will be on holiday on Monday 10th October. Turns will run as normal apart from some special actions that by necessity may be held over until Tuesday.

***** Message From The Editor *****

Bumper crop of news this week. Also, the CNF website has been changed to:

- Simon.

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Conflict In Adamski ***

The Detinus Republic are reporting the capturing of the FET Starbase Dragon Market on the planet Wise 'N Himer. The battle was reportedly very short, as overwhelming DTR ground forces stormed the merchandising base and captured it with relative loss of life.

It is understood the FET defence force amounted to little more than 300 mercenaries.

*** All Change At The AFT ***

The Association of Free Traders has announced that Audrey Firesong is retiring
as Master Trader. The following press release has been issued:

"Mme Firesong has been Master Trader for more than five years, and occupied a senior chair in the AFT for two years before that. She is understood to be concerned that ill health has led to her neglecting her duties in recent months, and so has taken the decision to step down as Master Trader. Mme Firesong will remain a Fleet Master in the Association.

The new Master Trader will be Gorgen Lausnaff, founder and CEO of Lausnaff & Lausnaff Enterprises ("LLE"). While little has been seen to date of Mr Lausnaff in public, sources indicate that he is an entrepreneur in the style of Honest Ted and Ivan the Gambler. Reliable witnesses report Mr Lausnaff as having been muttering "at last!" when exiting the Council chamber after the decision, leading to questions over the exact nature of Mme Firesong's recent illness.

The partying at LLE's headquarters went on long and hard. Rumours of copious supplies of pleasure slaves and illicit narcotics are surely false, given that LLE is based at Eclypse, in a system now subject to the laws of the Detinus Republic.

The official announcement suggests that the change of Master Trader is a temporary arrangement until the new year, but sources in the Firesong camp suggest that she will be in no hurry to re-enter the role. No doubt much to the relief of Mr Lausnaff."

This change of leadership comes at a testing time for the AFT, and it is hoped that their new leadership will be able to cope with the upcoming stresses and trials.

*** Conflict In Stockton ***

As part of the Detinus Republic's continuing operation to remove all traces of Imperial-Bloc presence from the system, we understand that a DOM outpost has been captured on the planet No E. It is further understood that the Stockton system remains still in DTR hands.

This outpost was not understood to be a strategically important target.

The following press release was issued:

"The DTR is pleased to announce the removal of one starbase, one outpost and one platform that were not legally allowed to be in DTR systems. The planet orbits of Wiser'n'himer in Adamski and No E in Stockton are now safe for neutral affiliations.

Both of these worlds are garden worlds and should be of interest to explorers. Affiliations who are allowed into DTR systems may find these worlds of interest."

*** Piracy ***

The Confederate news networks are transmitting the following story regarding the depredations of Pirate Large:

"It is with sad regret that Mr M.R.Law has to report the sad loss of both Astle Star 4 & 5 to the pirate large forces. These ships were taken on star date 205.39.1 from within the Confed space. Both ships were unarmed and empty traders travelling to a starbase.

The pirate ship responsible for both takings in one go on the same day was Bigger than Average (610). The crew of both ships had no chance of defending against the attack of:-

Incoming Fire from PIRATE Boarding Party (610)
Round 1: 150 Human Veteran Marines - 8 [600] damage
161 Human Marines - 10 [322] damage
5 Falconian Mercenaries - 0 [10] damage
60 Human Mercenaries - 0 [120] damage
Round 2: 149 Human Veteran Marines - 4 [596] damage
160 Human Marines - 4 [320] damage
5 Falconian Mercenaries - 0 [10] damage
60 Human Mercenaries - 4 [120] damage
Round 3: 146 Human Veteran Marines - 20 [584] damage
159 Human Marines - 8 [318] damage
5 Falconian Mercenaries - 0 [10] damage
59 Human Mercenaries - 2 [118] damage

After a brief request as to what it would take to retrieve the ships, mainly as a stall tactic, it has been decided not to deal with any pirate.

Mr M.R.Law is now taking the stance of the following:-

(1) Any ship taken by any pirate will have its registration number added to all enemy list under his control.
(2) These ships will be engaged in battle by any ship under his control, no matter where they are.
(3) If said ship is reregistered and this new I.D. is learnt then that I.D. will be added to the enemy lists instead of the original number.
(4) The number will only be added once a period of five days has passed giving the owner a suitable chance to recover the ship by re-boarding.
(5) If any pirate publicly states he/she has taken the ship, no matter how long the timescale since taking. I.e. below point 4 above, the ship will still be added to the lists.

This stance is taken on the basis of no pirate would survive if there was not a market to pass the items onto. Therefore if anyone buys from a pirate they should be willing to take a loss if found out. These points are now within immediate effect starting with the ships on pirate large's sale lot.

T.Iger reporting on behalf of Mr M.R.Law of the CNF."

It should be noted at this point that the stance of Mr Law is not necessarily the stance of the Confederacy as a whole.

Also, it remains a mystery as to where Pirate Large is recruiting all of his veteran marines from.

And finally, Pirate Large has publicly thanked Mr Law for the added publicity he has granted to Large's ship-selling scheme, pointing out that once a vessel has been re-registered, it would be virtually impossible to trace. And further, he has offered to sell captured ships to enemy affiliations for half list price. Showing that for all of Large's inhuman and bestial nature, he does possess a certain level of business acumen. Leading to speculation across the Peripheries that Large might once have worked for the FET.

*** History Lesson ***

When did the Krell homeworld of Inversion become a war-wracked nuclear wasteland?

According to some, it was reported as the result of an unfortunate accident when certain power stations, allegedly supplied to the pre-space capable Krell conflicting nations by the FET, went critical, sometime around the year 187.

Long before the Falconian war, during which the Krell rather inadvisably joined on the wrong side, but still cost the IMP alliance a lot of ships and most of their trained admirals.

*** EEM Deny Allegations ***

Officials from the EEM, the central authority responsible for maintaining all ship registry transponder codes throughout the Peripheries, have reacted angrily this week to allegations that corrupt EEM officials have been taking bribes from pirates in order to change the details of vessels.

One EEM spokesman described the entire concept as 'Ludicrous', adding that 'The EEMs responsibility as an independent authority utterly precludes such a thing happening. We have many checkpoints and safeguards in place to ensure that this simply cannot happen.'

*** Jack Ryan Enterprises Honour Confederacy ***

From Jack Ryans Publicist:

In an unprecedented move, the board members of Jack Ryan Enterprises have awarded the highly coveted "Employee of the Month" award, to none other than Mr. Law of the CNF himself! Reasons being his totally unbiased stance on Pirates. Completely unafraid of repercussions, Mr. Law has stated the following:

"From this point forward, any ship found to be for sale or has been in the hands of any pirate for too long will be attacked by my ships. If the ship is flying a CNF, CIA, BHD or any of the noble family flags IT WILL BE ATTACKED full stop."

Commodore Ryan passes along the following msg: "Mr. Law, we are with you 100% on this venture, offering military support in your endeavours. And don't forget the DTR while you're at it! Congratulations on your award...Jack Ryan Enterprises Employee of the Month ................MR. LAW!!!!!!!!!!"

As an addendum to this story, a spokesman from Jack Ryan Enterprises has stated this week that the Jack Ryan captured onboard the FET ship that fell to Pirate Large recently was one of many Jack Ryans, and not somebody with any more authority than the average starship captain.

Quite what this revelation will do to the survival chances of the Captain Jack Ryan currently in the hands of Pirate Large, is anybodies guess. We here at the IGN newsroom wish him all the best of luck.

*** Lausnaff Enterprises Press Release ***

Star Date 205.39.5

AFT Lausnaff & Lausnaff Enterprises has today released an updated information document that describes the procedures at all recreation establishments at AFT Eclypse (1124). The up-dated sections refers to the identification procedure when food, drinks and drugs are ad-ministrated to customers.

"No formal identification is required at bars and restaurants." is a passage that is elaborated further: "Since criminals will always stay one step ahead of authority in the area of falsification, it is pointless to request identification, as the falsification of Ids cannot be revealed with reasonable means."

Any accusations of serving drinks to pirates should be viewed in this light. AFT Eclypse does not serve anything to known pirates. How ever, anonymous pirates will not be denied the pleasures offered to all other customers.

AFT Lausnaff & Lausnaff Enterprises is an AFT company based at AFT Eclypse (1124),providing modules, Quantum Jump Drives, ships and other items to all affiliations in the peripheries.

*** Confederate News Network ***

This is a brief press release on behalf of Mr M.R.Law of the CNF.

Mr Law wishes to inform all that the following ships registration numbers have now been added to his enemy list on both bases and ships:-

3027 - Formally - Astle Star 4
16562 - Formally - Maxilla
40754 - Formally - Tremadog
83538 - Formally - Astle Star 5
99763 - Formally - Ass Michael

He will also be issuing a bounty on the following ships this week, to be paid once the ships are destroyed:-

3027 - Formally - Astle Star 4
83538 - Formally - Astle Star 5

If you have any information regarding the renaming of the above ship please respond to this transmission. If you are aware of another ship carrying the above numbers again please send the details to this transmission so that these ships can be removed to avoid an incident.

Mr T.Iger reporting.

*** Pirate Large Gardener Extraordinaire ***

Having managed to cause more trouble than usual this week with his attack against Confederate shipping, the Peripheries primary shipping hazard has been in touch to boast yet again of his successes:

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye..... Pirate Large.....

It be stardate 205.39.1 when we be loiterin in Confederate space lookin for bait, me vessel Pirate ship bigger than average, he be a CB enfusiast, an me long range set was hissin when all of a sudden, I gets his report...

Aharrgghhh thar Large good buddie, this be rubber duck, we be huntin in Borderland system, an we got our selves a convoy, over......yeee harrgghhh We as spotted several CNF ships in a convoy, but we cannee go for them all over....

Well the vessel wen after both Astle Stars 4 and 5, and left the rest as we didn't have enuf time, for fightin that many ships, shaggin all the birds, an spending all the loot in one day, so we mades do with slaughterin the men folk of those 2 ships aye, and rogerin the women.garrrr.. Lovely..

Well It seems as if we as upset the CNF bloke who owned em he be posting everyfing that is sellin, we im afraid aye, that 2 of the ships as already been sold, but your old ens will be coming on the market very soon likes, so yee can makes me an offer.

Anyways after that bit o success, I felt I would upgrade me garden o me pirates cove aye...but I now be banned from the local Q&B superstore, I wen in las week, an one of the sales reps came upto me an said "do you want deckin", well I thoughts id get one in first an smacked im in the mouth ahharrggghhhh.....

Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."

A spokesman from Q&B Superstores has responded rapidly to point out that their organisation is not responsible for supplying the operations of Pirate Large.

*** Solo Erupts In Flames ***

The Dominion have this week re-launched their assault against Detinus Republic positions in the Solo system, with DOM High Meridian opening up with a vast volley of destructive power against DTR Onyx and an associated platform.

At time of writing Onyx is holding fire, respecting the neutrality of the system, though indications are that today they will begin returning fire with no other choice left open to them. Two major starbases opening fire against each other may well result in great damage to the infrastructure, and civilians are warned to steer clear of the warzones as best they can.

It is understood that over 4000 airborne attack craft were flung by High Meridian against Onyx on the first day of battle, our reporters counted them out, and counted none returning, indicating that they flew into massed anti-aircraft batteries over the walls of Onyx and suffered catastrophic losses.

Our reporters further indicate that a great cloud of dust has been kicked up around High Meridian, from what is understood to be over two and a half thousand pieces of ground artillery that have been amassed for this bombardment.

There are confused reports that the Dominion forces are deploying Cloaked Missiles and Cloaked Torpedoes, which have hitherto only been seen in the hands of Imperial-bloc units. Whether this indicates that the Imperial-bloc have provided direct military support to this violation of a neutral system, remains to be seen.

Neutral parties have called for calm heads to prevail, and for the Solo systems neutrality to be respected by all warring governments. But these entreaties sound hollow indeed, when the sky overhead is lit up by tens of thousands of missile contrails.

*** Anti Piracy Patrols ***

Daniel Haynes of the IRS has recently issued the following announcement regarding anti piracy patrols in the Twinkle system.

"The IRS have no warships to speak of, and where we do build any, we are invariably forced to sell them to pay local taxes. A rise in Pirate sightings in the system of Twinkle (103) is a threat to an otherwise peaceful region, and since the APTF cant be bothered (ahem) with our little backwater, we must make provisions.

As at today, the FLZ have been asked to patrol Twinkle for Pirates. Any PIR sighting in Twinkle should be reported to the FLZ Imperator via one of his spokesmen:

pgustavo [at] netvisao [dot] pt

The FLZ will, where possible deter and respond to Hostile/PIR attacks on any shipping in Twinkle. A FLZ squadron in orbit of High Star will carry active enemy lists where they deem it necessary, and said squad will be supported by High Stars orbital defence ring.

Thank you. IRS."

*** Imperial Offensive ***

A major Imperial assault took place this week, the Imperial news services have released the following story:

"An Empire fleet along with their DOM allies attacked a CNF picket force in the Straddle system on Day 1 causing the destruction of 12 CNF ships, mainly 100 heavy hulled capital ships, and severe damage to a number of others. The allied fleet lost a capital ship and some gunboats, the capital ship was destroyed by the DTR platforms which showed a marked reluctance to support and defend their CNF Clients. Next day the allied fleet moved to a blocking position, still in Straddle, and ambushed a mixed warship and freighter DTR fleet of 21 ships, destroying 12 of them and severely damaging a further capital ship without losses to the allied fleet. Several DTR freighters dumped their cargos and were able to flee. Meanwhile, back at the day one battle site several small ships had failed to disengage and were destroyed. Two more of the previously damaged CNF ships suffered Integrity breakdowns."

This operation was timed to co-incide with the Dominion attack on Onyx in the Solo system, and appears to have been a great success for the Imperial-bloc.

*** News Flash ***

GTT Freighter and two escorts confirms continued presence of DTR Grand Fleet in Stockton. Navigational error blamed.

*** News Flash ***

Dominion artillery continues to pound DTR Onyx. Detinus republic Ground Bomber force runs into disaster over the walls of High Meridian.

Designers of Ground Bombers come in for heavy criticism as the item is described as being about as much use as a candle in hell.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

A quick roundup, because I'm already running over 2700 words this week.

There appears to be a bug with order sequencing, Mica is aware of it:

Starbase shields question, should artillery be able to fire out of starbases with shield complexes active:

Suggestion for an improvement to the starbase turn report, a heading to show what type of trade good is what:

A thread on officers:

And a problem with pending orders disappearing when used as part of squadron orders:


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

14-10-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 41 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Consortium Sundered ***

In a shock announcement the RIP director Bob Kurosawa has announced that the Regular Independent Privateers have left the Consortium. This follows hot on the heels of recent news that the Children Of Hexos had also left the alliance, leaving only the SMS and FEL.

Admittedly the SMS and FEL were the two largest members of the Consortium, but still, they must be smarting from the fracturing of their alliance.

Bob Kurosawa was vague as to their reasoning for withdrawing, stating only that "we are sad to say we have left the Consortium alliance, and although we remain friends with its members, it seems best we go our separate ways."

*** More Bad News For The RIP ***

The RIP news agency is reporting that one of their newest warships, the Improbable, has been lost in combat to KST forces.

"The last reports where of a large contingent of KST veteran marines storming the vessel. None of the privateers on board are thought to have survived. The current state of the vessel is unknown but believed to be heavily damaged.

The Improbable was one of the new 200 hull warships currently active in the RIP fleet and carried an array of the latest AI navigation tools and weaponry."

It is not known where the Improbable was captured, or why she was operating without escort vessels, but certainly there must be some happy faces around KST military command today.

*** Conflict In Solo ***

The artillery exchange between High Meridian and Onyx intensified this week as the Detinus Republic deployed several thousand artillery pieces of their own to return fire against the Dominion firebase.

Both sides are now reporting heavy losses as reports from the ground die out as everybody is forced to take shelter from the constant heavy night and day barrages. It is understood that the Detinus starbase is now doing slightly more damage to the DOM attackers, but given the early lead the DOM built up, it might be difficult for the DTR to catch up.

Further, there are many reports of heavy warship movements in and around the Yank and Solo systems, as the conflict threatens to explode out of control.

*** GTT Freighter Destroyed ***

A GTT Behemoth class freighter strayed into the DTR blockade in Adamski yesterday, however this time it seems as if the captain successfully dumped cargo and made good his escape, breathing, no doubt, a major sigh of relief.

This is in stark contrast to a GTT freighter and two small escorts that bumped into the DTR blockage earlier in the week, which made for another brief yet spectacular light show.

*** Coranel Fiqyh'bw Destroyed ***

The Dominion 150 light hull Dominator class vessel Coranel Fiqyh'bw has reportedly been destroyed in a Detinus Republic system.

The Dominator was apparently a remainder from the Hexamon wars, and one of the original fleet of alien vessels that invaded Acrux, and as such was a large, valuable and unique vessel. Thus going to prove that where the DTR Marine Corp is very good at smashing up Starports, the DTR Stellar Armada is equally good at smashing up priceless artefacts.

There are now believed to be fewer than half a dozen such vessels left in existence.

*** Lausnaff Enterprises Press Release ***

Star Date 205.41.2

The CEO of AFT Lausnaff & Lausnaff Enterprises, Gorgen Lausnaff, has taken over the position as AFT Master Trader after MMe Audrey Firesong.

Gorgen Lausnaff have take over the reigns of AFT during a historically critical time. War is waged in Solo, one of AFT claimed systems and pirates are launching kill-for-fun attacks on AFT trade ships. Gorgen addressed these issues in his first speech at AFT Eclypse, which is his base of operations:

"These days are filled with challenges, but that is the every day of life for a lot of affiliations. War has spread to Solo, and the pirates destroy our ships with no hope of salvage. Diplomatic efforts will still be the main road for AFT in order to create a flourishing climate for trade. In addition to that, a more competitive war fleet will be created and assigned to hunting down the criminal pirates."

Gorgen did not reveal his immediate plans on how to increase the profit of AFT, but close companions spoke of asset inventories and a higher degree of cooperation within AFT. The balance between cooperation and freedom is not easy to maintain. The future will tell how successful Gorgen will be.

A broadcast from AFT Lausnaff & Lausnaff Enterprises to all members of AFT included the following passage:

"There will be slight changes to AFT, but nothing ground breaking. Trust will still be the main focus and profit is the ultimate goal."

AFT Lausnaff & Lausnaff Enterprises is an AFT company based at AFT Eclypse (1124), providing modules, Quantum Jump Drives, ships and other items to all affiliations in the peripheries.

Audrey Firesong has been the AFT Master Trader for several years and has built up an enormous private fortune, which now will be used to fund her longevity treatments.

*** Piracy ***

The peaceful Mohache were targeted by a pirate Ground Party this week. It seems as though the pirates were waiting in orbit on shuttles, and launched a desperate attempt to gain control of a Mohache freighter.

Fortunately the Mohache crew were able to beat off the pirates, with minimal casualties, and the pirates were sent scurrying back into hiding, presumably on the planet surface.

*** Piracy ***

Four previously unknown classes of pirate vessel, Scumkiller class gunboats, attacked and destroyed an AFT vessel this week. The strike had no intention of capturing or raiding, and was simply aimed at destruction. This marks a new and disturbing trend of piracy.

Fortunately a GTT platform on scene was able to open up on the attacking pirates, destroying one, and heavily damaging another, before driving them away. Elements of regular navies, and the APTF, responded heavily to this attack, throwing multiple units into the system to search for the pirates, though unfortunately it seems as if they escaped.

The fact that the pirates deployed cloaked and plasma torpedoes, has raised eyebrows throughout the Peripheries, and lead to many telling lines of enquiry as to who might have been backing the pirates.

The Felini Tyranny released the following statement regarding the attack:

"On stardate 205.40.3 4 PIR ships attacked FCN and AFT freighters in quadrant alpha 7 starling system. In the battle the AFT freighter was destroyed and the FCN ships damaged. One PIR ship was destroyed by GTT forces present. The PIR ships were there to destroy, not to capture.

The Felini Tyranny starbase Outreach, located on Resurrection, has on my orders picked up the survivors from the destroyed pirate ship

3 Naplian pirates were captured.

They will be put to the question right away. If they turn out to come from our "enemy" who hide behind a facade of neutrality, then nothing will stand in our way. We will repay in kind, except we wont hide behind the pirate flag."

*** Piracy Allegations ***

In the wake of such unusual pirate activity, many allegations and investigations have been made into the potential identity of the persons or governments responsible for backing international terrorism masquerading as piracy.

With no hard evidence yet released however, it would be premature for the Inter Galactic News to speculate. And indeed, the possibility exists that the attack might have been as part of some subtle frame-up job.

However, what is certain, is that person or persons who support piracy, be it the Scumkiller class gunboats, of the predations of Pirate Large, are certainly in for a world of trouble if their involvement ever comes to light.

*** Imperial Press Release ***

All interested parties should be advised that after appropriate negotiations the Flagritz Empire (FLZ) have been granted Transit and Trading privileges within the Borders of the Stellar Empire on the understanding that they will not initiate hostile actions whilst within our borders.

All other Affiliations privileged to enter our systems are reminded that initiating hostilities within our borders against those permitted to be there constitutes a breach of Imperial Law and can lead to action being taken against the aggressors up to and including the withdrawal of their own privileges within our systems.

Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy.

*** News Flash ***

Detinus Republic heavily re-inforces Onyx.

Early reports indicate that elements of the DTR Stellar Armada have arrived in orbit of High Meridian, and opened up with orbital based pin-point weapon systems in defence of their ground artillery.

High Meridian is understood to have sustained heavy damage.

*** News Flash ***

The OPS Starbase of Bal J'Kuul in the Yank system appears to have changed hands to the DOM. There is as yet no word as to why this has happened.

***** Special Report *****

A brief explanation of the trade system. Stolen brazenly from Richard of the AFT.

"Every trade good has a base value. For many trade goods, they are specific to a given source (so their tech manual will show an origin system and, normally, an origin planet).

If a trade good has a specific origin, then it is worth more when sold at a distance from its source. The thing that may have been confusing is that this is stated as a multiple of its base value.

The basic rule is that, for any good with a specific origin, its value goes up as follows:
- if sold on same planet, 1 x base value
- if sold on a different planet on the same system, 3 x base value
- if sold on a planet in a different system in the same periphery, 8 x base value
- if sold on a planet in a system in a different periphery, 12 x base value

It can actually go up more than that (to 14x or 16x base value) if you go further peripheries away (e.g. you have to go through the Outer Capellan to get from Darkfold to the Inner Capellan, thereby crossing two Periphery boundaries, so the multiple is 14 for goods shipped from the Darkfold Periphery to the Inner Capellan Periphery or vice versa). There are also exceptions (e.g. transporting goods between Solo and Venice will only get 10x base value).

Because these values depend upon the base value of the goods, the multiple values are not the amount per MU that you will get. For example, Eridani Pickled Fish has a base value of 0.2 stellars per mass unit, with an origin planet of Eridani in Solo. It will therefore get 0.2 stellars per MU if sold on Eridani, 0.6$/MU on another planet in Solo, 1.6$/MU if sold in St Dismas, or 2.4$/MU when sold in Capellan, for example.

So Aurora and St Dismas make money by buying local goods at a price which is better than you could get by selling them to a local population, but cheap enough that I can ship them to another AFT starbase and sell them elsewhere at a profit. For more distant goods, they buy at a price below what they can get for selling to their local population.

This is all the basic mechanism. [There are further] … local effects on the planet where you are selling the goods which can have a further impact..."

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Starbases ignoring Scouting GPs. Should they/shouldn't they open fire when detecting that a scout attempt has been made against them:

Parsing HTML Turns. Players who have selected to get their turns back in HTML format email, might well have found they are having problems using the parser on them:

Change in Crew Factors supplied by high experience officers since the new rules came into effect:

Splash damage from missiles against docked positions, potential bug:

Missing drop down boxes in the order editor:

Missing items in ship editor:


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

24-10-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 43 DAY 1  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Correction ***

Last week we reported that the remaining members of the Consortium were the SMS and FEL, clearly this was untrue, as the FCN are also members of the Consortium. We apologise for this brain fade on the part of our reporters, and are happy to print this correction.

*** High Meridian In Ruins ***

Following nearly two weeks of heavy artillery barrages between DOM High Meridian and DTR Onyx, the Dominion starbase is understood to be a smoking wreck. Detinus Republic news sources are reporting the near total destruction of the previously vast Starbase, running to the order of upwards of 90%.

Onyx itself is understood to also have taken critical damage, with estimates ranging between 60-70% losses.

At time of press, the fate of High Meridian is unknown, although several neutral and independent parties are understood to be looking to take over the base to save it from final annihilation. With the AFT the front-runners to assume control.

With yet another major DTR Starbase wrecked, military analysts throughout the peripheries are starting to ask questions as to the costs of this extended war on the Republic, and how long she can continue to soak up such losses.

*** Explosion ***

A Detinus Republic freighter in the Solo system was intercepted and destroyed this week. The unusual thing however is the extent of the explosion that resulted, which according to one neutral observer is said to have been of 'Starbase shattering size'.

The flash from the detonation is understood to have been visible from the very rim of the system.

*** Criticism For FET and GTT ***

Following last weeks imperial press release concerning access rights for the Flagritz Empire, Alexander Enterprises, formerly IND but currently affiliated with the KST, have been in touch with the newsroom to issue the following strongly worded statement:

"The FLZ should be warned that the transit and trade privileges bestowed upon them aren't worth anything. The FET and GTT have the right to blow the crap out of any peaceful trader in IMP space as they like and the IMP will ruefully inform you that they were perfectly entitled to do that. For what it's worth, the granting or refusal of an imperial transit and trade makes no difference whatsoever - if you enter their territory then you're fair game. And of course it is illegal to fire back on the FET and GTT. We've been through that."

*** Imperial Fleet Attacks Outcasts ***

This week the combined Imperial navies took advantage of the DTR Grand Fleet's relocation to the Solo system, to strike at Outcasts.

However, unfortunately for the Imperial-Bloc, this was all part of what is understood to have been an elaborate Detinus trap. Imperial captains flying into orbit of Outcasts must have been shocked and surprised when vast arrays of ground based missile launchers started to open up on them from hastily prepared but well dug-in DTR firebases in and around Outcasts.

Admiral Sivar, speaking at DTR Fleet Headquarters, has been reported as saying, 'They did the one thing we hoped they would do!'

With further reports indicating that the DTR Grand Fleet allowed itself to be seen in Solo, before then slipping away, silent and deadly, to locations unknown, Imperial tactical planners must now be faced with some very difficult decisions.

*** Piracy ***

Rumours indicate that Pirate Large himself has struck at a KST freighter in the Storm system this week

*** Scorched Earth! ***

Information has been received by the IGN news room that Dominion planners intend to annihilate what is left of High Meridian with atomics. There are reports of panicked riots breaking out amongst the remaining troops and employees of the starbase, following broadcasts made on High Meridians comm network detailing the governors intention to detonate the starbase.

*** COH Statement ***

The controversy over the classification of Hive Eggs erupted once again this week. Prompting I. Jorden, spokesman for the Celestial Emperor Hexos to issue the following statement:

"The Emperor calls for the release of all HVE Queens held by non-Hve affiliations. All eggs should be seeded on to the planet or the owners are more than welcome to contact this office where we will arrange pick up.

The Emperor and the COH view is that this evil trade should stop at once, the eggs have no say in the matter unlike other sentient lifeforms which can object or not join these recruitment centres for off world travel.

Further more the Emperor wishes to stop this trade with diplomacy not violence but certain factors may resort to this.

Could the controllers of all systems state there policy on Hve eggs for the record."

It is clear now that all Hive governments consider trade in Hive eggs to be slavery in their multi-faceted eyes.

*** DTR State Intent ***

Senator Peri Romanov of the Detinus Republic has issued the following dramatic statement with regards future DTR policies in the Solo system:

"After the initial attack, we respected the requirements of the AFT and did not continue the fighting any further. The DOM appeared to also be doing this but it is now obvious that they were using the respite to re-arm.

We do not believe that the DOM will respect the AFT's requests after this recent defeat. Twice bitten but not again. The DTR, rather than say nothing and plan an attack on Retreat, has publicly state what our objectives are. The DOM can leave Solo to prevent the fighting but the DTR will never accept a DOM presence in Solo."

Our newsroom has received further reports of close encounters between IMP/FET vessels in Solo and DTR warships. And despite hair-raising close encounters over open gun-ports, the conflict in Solo fortunately remains restricted between the DTR and the DOM.

Both sides are to be congratulated for the efforts they have made to preserve as much of the tattered systems neutrality as possible.

*** DTR acknowledge RIP superiority ***

The RIP news agencies are reporting from G T Spugman that today the DTR formally accepted that RIP advertising methods are superior to the might of the DTR war machine.

Captain Nevada Jade, of the DTR ship Sound Of Whispering Death, has gone on record stating that painting the side of her ship with giant lettering reading "visit RIP Quick Snack" is now part of her ships history, despite frequent visits to the maintenance yards.

In response the Quick Snack advertising department said, "She's welcome to come back anytime... so we can finish the job and paint the other side too!"

*** New Leadership for OPS ***

It seems this week as if a new leader has risen amongst the Obsidian Predator Swarm, Broodmaster Raptor has issued his first public address to the peripheries, predominantly on the subject of the trade in Hive Eggs.

The full text of the statement is as follows:

"Ape Creatures,

I am Broodmaster Raptor of the Obsidian Predator Swarm. The situation is simple. We are the HIVE. Each member of the Hive is a part of the whole Hive. Any Hive creature not part of a Hive Brood is a slave, seperated from it's true place. Do not presume that you can dictate our race and culture, or judge what is right or wrong by the fact we exist. We are the HIVE, not some greedy lawyers corporation or backstabbing pirates guild. Read our history and make your comparisons to Ape evolution...

"Soon the Architects started pitting Hive against Hive in deadly fratricidal wars that threatened to wipe out the entire race. However threatened with extinction the fast evolving Queens developed a sense of sisterhood and subservience to eldest sister, this not only stopped the wars, but made the Hive an even greater threat to the Architects."

In your own past, ape has killed ape, human has killed human, kings, emperors, you all kill each other, even though you are the same race, of the same colony. The architects made us turn on each other, but we do not kill our own as easily as you apes. We quickly stopped killing our own. Hive no longer kills Hive, yet as the centuries flow by ape still kills ape, and brother still kills brother.

You think that every queen is a slave master? Then every king, pope, emperor, guild master, house owner, captain and starbase govenor is a slave master! A Queen CARES for her Brood. She is not just a governor, or caretaker, or ruler. She is the Mother of the Hive, Mother of the Brood.

"..with the creation of the Hexamon. These were exactly the same as the Hive only they did not have a Queen, making them more susceptible to following Architect orders blindly."

Our Queen is our freedom and the focus of our mind. Any Queen who is not the leader of her Hive and Brood is a slave and any born to that Queen is also a slave until they are brought to a Hive that is free. Our Queens were once slaves to the Architects and that led to the destruction of our race. They created the Hexamon to have no Queen and that led to the destruction of our race. Our Queens fought and earned our freedom. We are united by our Hives. If we are not a part of a free Hive then we are slaves, bred to kill the client races of the galaxy. Races such as yours. The only reason any other race would wish to keep hive is as slaves and as weapons, or as food. Anyone outside of the Hive Race who conducts research into Hive technology is simply researching more effecting means of controlling slaves, creating weapons, and exploiting resources from our corpses.

In the case of the hives the result is called an hive eggs but technically its just the same as an Human Civilian or any other..

Hive Eggs are EGGS. There is no debate on this. They are not civilians walking around free. The are UNHATCHED EGGS. All Hive Eggs are hatched as trained lifeforms. They are born as workers or warriors. There are no civilians in our race. We are HIVE and every being has a purpose from birth. Read the technical manuals.

"This is the first pupa stage in metamorphic development..." - This means unhatched egg, not a walking unemployed civilian. "...and as such cannot be put to any use. Certain primitive populations may consider this a delicacy." - Anyone sellings eggs to the local population is selling our young as food! They have no other use as eggs, not even for novelty pets. As long as this practice remains, the Obsidian Predator Swarm will continue to use prisoners to feed our own hatchlings in order to create stronger warriors. We do this to survive against your primitive and barbaric culture.

Insectoid species will produce these from eggs.

Insectoid affiliations produce these from eggs.

Read it ape-men. "FROM EGGS". Not from civilians, not from the local population, but from EGGS.

When there is a market for "Human Child", "Falconian Egg" and "Feline Kitten" in the Hive food markets, then you will have something to complain about (furballs in the last case). Until then, the Obsidian Predator Swarm is coming around to collect Hive Eggs and technology. If you have any respect you will untool your research and issue authorisation for collection (aff 36). You are not fooling anyone into thinking that researching Hive technology, or breeding Hive eggs is anything other than the exploitation of the hive people for slavery."

***** Special Report *****

A disturbing transmission this week appears to have leaked news of a worrying amount of cross-affiliation co-operation between the CNF and IMP.


Mr M.R.Law was still at his second home.

He was studying the latest finance reports from his the assets under his direct control and shaking his head at the losses again. They were bigger than usual due to someone finally delivering the ISR engines needed for stock. He was thinking it was time for him to take action and get this turned around. He had already sent orders to New Orleans to increase production of items and to start adding them to the market for selling.

Just as he was having a rest, someone bursts through the door. He quickly dives for his gun and in one swift move brings the gun to target. For a split second he was still thinking of pulling the trigger even after seeing that it was one of his own private guards. The guard, a promoted veteran marine, stopped on the spot when he saw the gun being pointed at him. He was carrying a thin package in his right hand. Shortly behind him was another man, one that Mr M.R.Law had known for a while, it was his personal assistant. The assistant spoke up 'sorry sir he just burst straight past me saying he had something for you'.

The marine looked a bit easier as the gun was lowered and he was signalled to move forward to the desk. Once he got there he laid the package on the table between them both. 'What is this then' says Mr M.R.Law to the marine? In response the marine says 'This has been passed on from New Orleans sir. It came from Jack Ryan Industries'. Mr M.R.Law looked a bit shocked at this statement before the marine continued 'It has gone though all the normal checks for explosives, bug and tracking equipment. It was also X-rayed just to make sure that it was totally safe'. It is now Mr Laws turn to look a bit more relaxed, he knew that they would not allow anything to happen to him. All the same though, he did not like the thought of something coming from an enemy affiliation to him.

He slowly un-wrapped the package, it turned out to be a certificate. It was in reply to his statement about attacking ships taken by pirates. He picked it up and was about to throw it away in the bin when he stopped. He quickly thought for a second then said 'Take it away for DNA testing to see what we can find out about the sender and where it came from. I think then I will hang it on the wall as a point of laughter when I look at next weeks finance report.

With that the marine picked up the package again and was about to go again when he hesitated a minute. At this Mr Law said what is it?' 'Sir, it turns out that another one of these is about to be issued to Mr Dash. It seems he has had the IMP on his support list for a bit now. He has corrected it now but not before the IMP press got hold of the story'. With this news Mr Law just covers his face with his hands.

With that the marine turns to go and just as he gets half way across the floor, Mr Law speaks up again. 'Oh and marine, next time you burst into this office without being announced by my assistant, they will be scrapping you up off the carpet'. The marine looks down at the red carpet, he can still see the faint blood stains from the last marine that upset him. He makes a quick withdraw out of harms way.

As soon as the marine was out of sight, Mr Law pushes a button on the intercom and calls the assistant into the room. As soon as he was in the room he says to him 'I think it is time we took care of the Yank scanning Eye 1 incident now don't you?' With that the assistant nods in agreement and leaves the room.

Mr Law then turns his attention to the report of one of his scanning ships, number BSS6 being destroyed on a mission. He then starts to wonder why the IMP had not made any reference to it being destroyed by IMP base Riva on Booker in Audrey system on star date 205.41.1


***** From The Posting Boards *****

Ship ranks. They don't do anything anymore, but still useful for roleplaying:

Problems with sequencing, it's not just you:

How long I wonder until Mica turns up at the door of KJC's ISP with a baseball bat? More bugs with the online order editor:

The intricacies of setting research projects:

Quirks in officer skills and percentages. Fear the bell curve:

The defensive advantages of cave complexes:


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

28-10-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 43 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Dominion Defeated in Solo ***

Fighting in Solo has finally come to an end, with the Detinus Republic silencing the guns of High Meridian. As reported last week, there was a scramble to see who would take over High Meridian, as the Dominion attempted to hand off the asset before it was wiped out, either by Detinus Marines, or Dominion scorched-earth.

The AFT is understood to have taken over the remains of the Starbase, though the fate of the remaining DOM troops and tanks is unknown.

An uneasy silence has settled now across the Solo system. Senator Peri Romanov of the DTR issued the following press release:

"The DTR wish to see Eridani open for trade, we would like to see Solo safe from war. Whilst the DOM reside in the system the DTR do not feel safe.

However we recognise that the Imperials, whilst they have attempted to make advantage of the situation in other systems, have not enter directly the conflict in Solo. As long as this continues we will not place the Imperial bloc on Onyx's or its associated platform enemy lists."

The future of the system remains in question, with the Detinus Republic having openly stated that they intend to pursue the conflict against remaining DOM assets in Solo.

The AFT have appealed once again for calm.

*** Tension Between DTR And AFT ***

With High Meridian falling into AFT hands this week, there has been some tension between the Detinus Republic and the new governor of AFT High Meridian, following the apparent operations of DTR spies.

The governor launched a verbal attack against the DTR for running black ops in an AFT base, while the DTR responded by saying that the operatives in question had been there during the DOM ownership, and had only been detected by the AFT when the DTR were paying their agents off and sacking them once the station had changed hands.

Harsh words were exchanged, and it is understood by our reporters that the situation between the AFT and the DTR remains tense, with several off-the-record opinions suggesting that the DTR feel betrayed by the AFT's failure to enforce the Solo peace accords, and come to the Republic's aid when they were attacked.

*** Imperial Fleet Action ***

As reported last week, the combined Imperial navies launched an assault against DTR Outcasts. The Imperial news agencies are running the following story:

"An allied fleet set up an ambush in the Adamski system but failed to intercept any enemy ships. The fleet then entered the orbit of T4 with a view to bombarding the DTR (former GTT) Starbase there. Considerable damage was done but it was limited by the high level of point defence maintained by the Starbase. The Starbase was targeting Carriers and a number of normal hulled ships of the Allied Fleet were destroyed. Additionally two capital ships, heavily damaged in the initial assault, were destroyed as the Allied Fleet disengaged on day two. Other damaged ships were successfully extracted from the battle area. Although the amount of MUs of damage on each side was close to being equal the missions greatest success was the hard learned lessons on the subject of Starbase Defence."

No official casualty lists have yet been released by either side.

It is further understood that during their withdrawal, the Imperial fleet intercepted and destroyed a small Detinus scout vessel.

*** Peace Breaks Out ***

Shocking news this week, as a conflict actually comes to an end. We have learnt from a Naplian News Network newsflash, that the RIP and DNA are at peace again, following the RIP's departure from the Consortium.

*** Flagritz Vessel Destroyed ***

From the Imperial News:

"An FGZ ship was seen to land at an Imperial Starbase, ignoring the general advice issued to use starports, the Captain of the intruder failed to respond to calls to leave within 48 hours and an arrest party was sent to interview the Captain and crew. When it became obvious the intruding ship would fall into Imperial hands the captain activated some sort of self-destruct and the ship was totally destroyed. No survivors from the crew were found in the wreckage."

The IGN would like to take this opportunity to remind Starship captains of the dangers of docking at naval installations. All Starbases operate Hiports, which remove the need to dock directly with them, and all transactions should by default, be carried out via orbital hiport access, and not by docking.

*** Imperial Marines Attack ***

Imperial forces have boarded and captured a Confederate vessel somewhere inside the Darkfold periphery.

This raid surely comes as some Embaressment to CNF authorities. And at this point, no further details of the action are known.

*** Twinkle Crisis ***

Armed conflict broke out across the Twinkle system this week, as Felini and SMS warships moved to capture an IRS platform at the mouth of the Twinkle Stargate.

The platform in question had recently been significantly enlarged by the IRS in response to a recent incursion by a previously unknown Inner Empire affiliation, the ICE, who had attacked IRS assets. Though it seems the FEL took the platform building operation as an offensive action against then, and that the IRS story was a fabrication, and part of an IRS plan to restrict their access to the stargate, and they moved to nullify it.

It is understood by our reporters that the platform was largely unarmed when FEL boarding parties arrived, supported by warships, which destroyed several IRS freighters at the location.

High Star has responded by reluctantly placing SMS, FCN and FEL assets on High Star enemy lists, and declaring war, though at every point Daniel Haynes of the IRS has made it clear that he does not want to fight the Consortium.

The FEL issued a list of demands that IRS must agree to in order to defuse the situation, a list containing a few points that the IRS concluded to be unrealistic. And as such, neither side has backed down, and we must reluctantly conclude that a state of war now exists between the IRS and the Consortium.

The High Star market has closed. And travellers are advised to exercise caution before entering the Twinkle system.

*** Twinkle Crisis ***

A Felini spokesman has issued the following statement:

"A small FEL scoutship apparently strayed off its route and entered orbit at IRS High Star. The base, being without mercy, opened fire and supported by several platforms destroyed the small 2 hull ship. 7 felini heroes perished in the inferno but their death was not in vain."

It is understood the scout mission was intended to measure the extent of High Star's space defences, whether this was in preparation for an all-out assault against the starbase, is a matter of speculation. However, Daniel Haynes of the IRS has stated that if it was a scouting operation, it failed, as the lions share of High Stars defensive weaponry did not open up.

*** Twinkle Stargate ***

According to our latest information, despite all the odds, the Twinkle Stargate remains open for the time being.

*** Twinkle Crisis ***

Rumours are circulating that the Dominion intend to become involved in the ongoing crisis in the Twinkle system. These rumours appear to be groundless, and the DOM overlord himself as issued the following statement to clear up the situation:

"Citizens of the Peripheries

It has come to our attention that a rumour has been circulated that the Dominion has provided or building up a ground party in Twinkle with the express purpose of taking High Star. This is not the case.

This rumour can only have emerged as a result of paranoia due to the recent fighting in Twinkle. Where as the Dominion cannot say anything about fighting in a neutral system it does appear to be a localised incident over a trade dispute.

As such we have no interest in the matter but would advise that the situation does not escalate to the point where the gate is closed.

The Dominion has one asset located on Sapphire. Permission granted by the Governor of High Star, Mr D.Haynes. If he now feel that this is a threat against High Star or indeed any affiliation the Dominion will remove its contents and transfer the outpost to High Stars control. It is after all a storage vessel.

It is most heartening that others seem to wish to comment so readily on the Dominions intentions, be they true or otherwise. Perhaps it indicates that they wish to leave their respective affiliations and join an affiliation that is prepared to back up what it says. For the Glory of the Dominion, R Trevalliant."

*** DTR And GTT Support High Star? ***

Accusations have been made this week by the Felini that the GTT and DTR have hatched some sort of secret deal to come to the protection of High Star.

This allegation has been denied by the Detinus government, and it seems on the face of it unlikely that the GTT and DTR would get into bed together.

And, there's a mental image that nobody needed. The IGN news - Making people go 'Euw' across the Peripheries.

*** Felini Aggression In Twinkle Escalates? ***

The following communication has been received from the Naplian news agency:

NNN News Flash.

A Little DNA Naplian warship in Gamma 10 Twinkle was destroyed by two large Felini warships. This escalation into neutral space comes after the attacks on the IRS for no apparent reason other then for evil intent and conquest of Twinkle.

The DNA advises that no warning was received by the Captain and the surprise attack by the Felini was successful in round 1 as a fireball resulted.

Previously the Felini claimed that another attack months ago thwarted by the DNA was a mistake in Twinkle.

Clearly the Evil Consortium are showing their true deceitful colours again in Twinkle and arrogance for affiliations to trade there and travel in Twinkle in safety. The DNA is reviewing it's position and cancelling order for ships passing through the stargate tomorrow.

---------------------------------Battle Summary---------------------------------

FEL MO Clown's Folly (50770) - Ship
Nemesis Class Capital Ship {Heavy Armour}
Armour: 80.0 Scints: 20.0
Retreated from battle
FEL MO Fool's Gift (3862) - Ship
Nemesis Class Capital Ship {Heavy Armour}
Armour: 80.0 Scints: 20.0
Retreated from battle
DNA Toxic (20795) - Ship
Ambush Cruiser Class Destroyer {Medium Armour}
Armour: XX
Hull Damage: 100.0%
Retreated from battle

Mad Max lifts the lid on the Felini in the Cluster:

Mad Max quoted as saying today : My heart goes to those in Twinkle who have kept peace their for many years till now. The Felini leader Mrrshn the Dishonourable and the horrible, you know the nasty cat with dodgy eyes. He always had intentions of securing Twinkle for himself with a smile. Of course he will deny profusely but evidence of their actions and what I know suggests otherwise.

In discussions in our alliance a long time back, he mentioned to me that Twinkle would one day return to Felini quoting the Clan Accords. But without a presence in Twinkle it was hard for him to do that and that it would be a very long and slow process, and politically needed to get around some of the larger affiliations to do it. Well, it appears that the Felini are now muscling in on Twinkle and the system will soon be theirs. Getting a foothold was essential for the Felini. The DNA expect the Felini to slowly undermine the IRS to a point where they are defeated and remove their enemies too like the FLZ from the Cluster

Their intent is clear.

Mrrshan said on 4/5/04

"It is my profound hope that in time peace and neutrality of Twinkle can be regarded in a similar way to that of Yank, respected by all."

Clearly, the furry fleabag of dishonour is at it again destroying ships of his choosing in systems of his choosing. What the Felini do and say are two different things. There is an agreement in Avalon with the Felini and the Dom. I just wonder if the fleabag is considering undermining the Dom too, if he hasn't already.

All best from the Pointed Stik. Mad Max DNA Immortal Chief."

*** DTR Freighter Attacked In Yank ***

In another accidental clash of arms in the Yank system this week, a DTR freighter came under fire from a GTT torpedo gunboat whose captain was a little over-enthusiastic.

Fortunately there was no loss of life, and the situation seems to have been resolved amicably between the parties involved.

***** Periphery Classifieds *****

The Krell Clan Black Rat wish to invite formal offers to supply large consignments of Thrust engines [160] (Minimum quantity 100, multiple orders of this size will be required) within reasonable travel distance of the Storm system (we would favour a nearby supplier over one further away, even at a slight price premium).

This is needed to relocate a large object within a single system.

Administrator Grymwald, KRT.

...and we'll wipe the air of smug satisfaction from those stuck-up Clan Nemesis b******s when we drop Ensigns Rest on their pretty little starbase... is this still on? BUG***!

Freedom City shipyards are offering for sale the following privately owned ship.

1 New Caravel Class Fast Freighter fitted as below:

1 Bridge
40 Cargo Hold
8 ISR Type 3 Engines
1 Jump Drive
16 Quarters
1 Sensor
29 Thrust Engine

This ship comes with a crew complement of 44. It is available for immediate delivery to the successful purchaser. The ship has a stated value of 127,500 stellars.

The price of this vessel is not fixed at this time - please submit serious offers (stellars, items, technology or combination) to this office. The vessel is currently stationed in orbit of Spritzer for anyone wishing to view it.

Please submit offers to [at] btinternet [dot] com


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

04-11-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 44 DAY 5

***** Message From The Editor *****

The following message was posted by Mica this week:

GP's and Shoreleave
Shoreleave requirement and reduced efficiency have been removed for GP's due to a loophole that could be grossly exploited. As soon as a player spotted how it could be abused, he informed us and we took immediate action.

As nobody (as far as we were aware) was exploiting this massive loophole, there seemed no need to mention it to players, at the end of the day removing shoreleave requirement from GP's is one less headache.

Now that it has been removed we can explain what players could have done. They could have created a huge GP with all their troops not needed to run the naval weapons and have this GP in the starport with a weekly order to run a Recreation visit, thereby getting back all the wages they were being paid. As long as the GP had defend and support the starbase it was the perfect scam.

Starbase Sensor Profile
We discovered a bug that was not showing cargo mass within starbases and outposts. This was revealed when a starbase lost virtually all its complexes and despite being more than a thousand times larger than the attacking GP had a profile of -98% compared with the 324% of the attacking GP.
Currently there are two numbers.
Sensor Profile: -98% (688%)
These represent current and (true) sensor profile.
As this will mean many outposts with large stockpiles will become visible, we are giving players the opportunity to short this out before we impose true profiles on starbases. True profiles will be implemented early 206.

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Festival Of Meat ***

IMP Starbase Riva Governor: Steak Festival a success!

The Governors office at IMP Riva reports the success of the inaugural Booker steak festival. Despite a few technical issues, it's felt that the festival brought the people of Booker - whether they be Master Butcher, Vet, or Bison Natural Waste Disposal Officer - together in celebration of the "Peripheries favourite Steak". Special mention must go to Mrs Delilah Smythe and her homely Booker Steak and Turnip pie, which won first prize in the recipe competition, and to Mr Anton Faz for his use of a Bison's colon as a childs skipping rope in the 'What to do with the leftovers other than make sausage competition'. The Governor expresses his gratitude to all who took part.

Here at the IGN news-room we understand that the event at IMP Riva was a great success, despite one or two minor teething problems regarding shipping and distribution that lead to the event being referred to in the press as the bring-a-steak festival. We look forward to next years festival, when there should be even more meat than ever before.

*** CIA Destroy Pirate ***

CIA patrol forces working as part of the APTF have destroyed a Pirate Surveyor class gun boat at an unknown location. The Pirate, imaginatively named 'New Ship', is understood to have been on shake down when CIA forces intercepted it.

The APTF have issued a statement that any parties seeking to take advantage of the rumoured corruption in the EEM commission regarding the relisting of vessels transponder codes, in order to engage in piracy, will be dealt with severely.

This Surveyor is understood not to have been part of Pirate Large's retinue.

*** Economic Crisis In Detinus Republic ***

The DTR was thrown into crisis this week as sources revealed that Speaker Of The House Michelle Diaz has a secret plan to fight inflation. Despite several statements making it clear that Ms Diaz has neither a secret plan, nor a problem with inflation, rumours remain rife.

*** DNA talks up bigger war to counter Evil ***

The following transmission has been received from the Naplian News Network:

Mad Max On Stage.

The auditorium is rocking with thousands of Naplian and many other races, and their is a real buzz. Pictures of Crusade System filter over the visual displays clearly indicating the DNA activity in Crusade. Mad Max is lifted up to the stage by some humans.

Mad Max speaks: "I have come here to explain why the war takes a new development. The evil justification proposed by the SMS for their attack on the DNA in Twinkle recently and I quote - "is that the DNA used Twinkle as a base for attacks on the Consortium and had ships docked at High Star being repaired after combat damage resulting from being engaged by Consortium forces within Consortium systems." - Facts:

1. The DNA has never docked capital warships at IRS High Star for repair or maintenance. We have only traded their like any other public trader and moved peacefully through the stargate as like any other affiliation. Mad Max holds his hands up and shrugs his shoulders little as they are.

2. The DNA uses multiple systems to attack the Consortium in the Cluster and we repair our ships at locations unrevealed or at Angels Nest. Are the SMS blind to all the DNA ship movements above their HQ starbase into Angel's Nest. Don't they realise other affiliations offer repair sites. The SMS are either dodo's or liars, or probably both. Have they caught the Avian flu?

< lots of laughing breaks out in the crowd, then coughing, and flapping of digits and lots of strange Avian chirps. It takes some time to bring the crowd to a point when Mad Max can speak again.>

3. Whilst the IRS were always pointed in their comments (which was most entertaining) they kept the stargate free and friendly and did not attack anyone. The Evil Consortium encouraged Haynes into conflict situations again and again to try to justify their ends which is the control of the Stargate and Twinkle.

The Future

a.. My recommendation to the IRS is to close the stargate for it is of little use to us.
b.. The DNA offers its council and support for any IRS ships in Cluster needing aid. We offer the hand of friendship and an alliance.
c.. Clearly, certain assumptions can now be used to justify attacks on third parties and your enemies whether they actually are or not aiding your enemies.
d.. The SMS's intention is to take Freedom away, unfortunately this has failed.
e.. The war has widened and we now joyously embrace it, for it is written we will be victorious and FREE, our forces are growing and our time is coming. (with that the crowd start jumping up and down, and point two long digits in the air, and start chanting Freedom Freedom Freedom)

This was brought to you by Naplian News Network free to air subscription available, funds payable to the DNA Fight for Freedom.


*** CIA Ground Party Wins Award ***

The inaugural 'Most Dedicated To The Cause' award, set up by an unknown wealthy benefactor, has we understand this week been awarded to an un-named CIA ground party, who are currently on assignment and 108 weeks overdue for R&R.

We applaud CIA personnel's dedication to their work. And we are certain this dedication has nothing at all to do with anything even remotely sinister.

We would like to hail our CIA overlords.

*** Pirate Destroyed ***

SMS warships operating as part of the APTF have intercepted and destroyed the pirate yacht class sensor ship, Piccolo in the outer-reaches of an as yet un-named system.

The pirate yacht is understood to have been lurking silent in the region of space, attempting to detect lone freighters, so that it could call in a boarding vessel from elsewhere.

*** Twinkle Crisis ***

In an unusually quiet week following the burst of activity in the Twinkle system last week, there appear to have been no public developments at time of press. However, our newsroom has heard all manner of rumours regarding FEL, FCN and SMS ship movements, mysterious troop deployments, shady dealings, unlikely bedfellows, reports of rogue elements working as part of affiliations leading to great internal strife amongst several political groups, and all manner of assorted mayhem.

A spokesman from the SMS has however released a public statement regarding events in Twinkle recently:

"Not an official announcement of the Consortium but after the recent IGN news I thought I'd clear up some misreporting. At no point is this scenario of events an attempt to control the stargate, this is the first and most important point to be made.

Secondly this is not to be portrayed as a Felini attack upon the IRS or more importantly Twinkle but a joint venture of members of the Consortium to remove a significant threat. The timeline or events leading up to the attack upon the IRS ships and platform at the stargate as seen by myself.

It began 5 days before when I noticed the platform at the Twinkle stargate had jumped from 36 hulls to 292 and then during the next few days beyond 400 hulls. The attack by a lone ship of an unknown faction was just a bizarre coincidence that almost caused us to holdback our actions to see how events played out.

But with a scan of the platform with only 80 marines defending it took precedence as it would minimise loses on both sides and such an opportunity would have been foolish to miss.

Unfortunately the past actions of the IRS made this situation unacceptable, many a time in the past has the IRS banned shipping from the orbit of Sapphire on a whim but allow this power to extend to shipping using the stargate in the system was considered a serious threat. The situation had previously been growing steadily worse between the IRS and members of the Consortium with constant threats and abuse of power coming from the IRS controlling powers.

With the IRS formerly allying with a faction that we are currently at war with obviously caused much concern but while they did not get involved was tolerable. The IRS then began the supply warships to our enemies under the guise of I'm just selling them, well I may be wrong but no that is not acceptable but again was watched with much concern..

The final and most defining action that moved the IRS to a status of becoming a clear and present danger to assets within the cluster and with it the IRS lost their neutral status as far as I was concerned. Ships of the DNA and FLZ were using High as a base of operation to launch attacks against assets of the Consortium within the cluster, completely unacceptable.

It has clearly been seen ships docked at High Star being repaired after combat damage resulting from being engaged by Consortium forces within Consortium systems.

To add to this the IRS took control of a system in what we consider a war zone within the Flagritz Empire, while being allied to the FLZ, I can't see what this hoped to have achieved apart from them holding our access to Twinkle to ransom if we should continue in our planned actions.

At all stages the IRS have deliberately positioned themselves in harms way, they have aggravated us with their public comments their actions have blatantly provoked us.

I ask you to consider what may have come next should the IRS been allowed to build a large platform at the stargate orbit similar to 5900 hull platform they have in orbit of Sapphire. On at least 2 occasions the IRS have threatened to make public sensitive information concerning the SMS in reaction to another affiliation's actions and the IRS wonder why we have become hostile.

As for targeting the poor old FLZ and DNA in Twinkle well unfortunately their little place to hide between attacks is longer safe for them, if they have any sense they should try fleeing to somewhere else and not return. If any are foolish enough to blame myself and other member's action within Twinkle as wrong and you consider the provocation we have received as insufficient I ask that you consider if you were in our position. I would put a very large sum of stellars that your actions would have been on a par if not worse.

The bottom line is Twinkle has not been a neutral system since it came under the control of the IRS and until such time as they are removed it will never be.

For those that have intervened on behalf of the IRS please consider your actions and come to realise that the worst thing for the Twinkle system is to be under IRS control they are neither stable nor mature enough for the task. They have abused their position, they are enemies of the Consortium.

When I see strikes of the DTR against GTT assets or GTT attacks on DTR positions I see no difference, we do not presume to interfere even though we have been approached by both sides to join their causes but we stay out of it, yet when we act against a threat we are made out to be evil and in the wrong and others force their wills upon us. I ask you to consider this, are we merely defending ourselves before a situation becomes beyond our control? Would you be happy with the situation or the fact that others have interjected themselves?

I ask that all allow these events to play themselves out, I guarantee a system that is free for all to safely traverse without threat, inspection or political affiliation controlling its boundaries. In fact I would see it that the need for stargate keys be removed so we would have free movement as we do from Tycoon for all. I do not seek to control but wish to share the openness of the system.

As I made known at the beginning these are my personal opinions & beliefs.

Eric von Carstein, SMS."

It is clear that the statements from each side in this conflict directly contradict each other on the facts, for example in claims made in the DNA and SMS statements here respectively, and with no independently verifiable information set before our reporters, we are unable to offer any indication of where the truth might lie.

*** Detinus Installations Destroyed ***

The Imperial news agencies are reporting that a DTR outpost had been discovered on an asteroid in the Blagard system. Elements of ISMC Immediate Reaction Force jumped in from orbit and are understood to have taken control. The outpost was undefended and three of the Employees there decided to leave, the remainder were happy to transfer to Imperial Services employment. The outpost appeared to be a storage facility with teleporter capability.

In a separate incident a combined GCS/GTT fleet bombarded a DTR outpost in the Trinity system from orbit, quickly reducing it to ruins. This outpost was formerly an Imperial Services research facility that had been taken over by the DTR some time back. There were no personnel present and the outpost had apparently been mothballed since the DTR takeover.

*** Christmas Cards ***

The Periphery Postal Service have issued notice that they would very much appreciate it if booby-trapped cards are kept to a minimum this year, as the postmen and women responsible for deliveries throughout the Imperial-Bloc are getting tired of having to wear full battle armour to make their deliveries to well-known IMP Politicals offices.

*** Party Time ***

Mr Bundy of the FET threw a party this week for everyone who likes the DTR, but was disappointed when nobody turned up, not even the DTR.

A DTR spokesman has asked us to point out that the reason for the non-arrival of any Detinus personnel had nothing to do with the party being held in FET territory, but rather more to do with the fact that the DTR Senate was still debating whether or not to attend, and a final vote on the issue will be held sometime next month, schedule permitting.

*** Pirate Large ***

It has been a quiet few weeks for Pirate Large lately, much to everybody's relief. However, Large has been in touch with the newsroom to deliver the following information:

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye..... Pirate Large.....

It be stardate 205.43.2 when me look outs spotted the FET ship Steven Rhodes (47831) loiterin to the port section, I was accompanied by a new ship captured a while back an converted an lets a new pirate in training Black Dog go along wiv the cappan o board and lets him go in fer the kill.

The FET be a load o queers, so I thoughts this would gives im the chance to proves imself likes,

After crackin though the ulls 60 crewmen on board the 75 hulled ship there be, an me boys soon got crackin, literally, as on of the first waves head were split in two. This seems to as given Black Dog the idea an he went in weapon raised for action, this seems to have given some of those FET men a glint in their eye, good job I didne go on board aye...

Any ways after a couple o rounds they gives in an the ship be mine ahharrggghhhh.

Well Black Dog as now done enoughs to earn imself the chance to have one o me ships, I be setting im loose on yee all to see if he can avenge his past. Good luck matey...

Well back at the drinking [censored], I wen into the pub an bumped into 3 o me old [censored] who I as [censored] in the [censored], I got [censored] and they were telling us how [censored] they now be, after some one likes me as [censored] through them.

the first woman says; my [censored] so [censored],my [censored] can fit his whole [censored] up [censored], the second says ,that's nothing ,mines so [censored] my ole [censored] can [censored] [censored] head [censored] [censored], the third girl laughed so hard she fell down the stool.... ahharrgghhhhh

Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."

***** Periphery Classifieds *****

His Celestial Emperor Hexos has decreed the background technology for the COH is to be increased. I am looking to buy/trade for technologies and blueprints that we need. We are looking for spares, something you have 2 off and do not use. Why not trade it for stellars or goods you need. All offers will be considered but stupid prices will not be paid. Principles will also be considered but payment will be in instalments. Techs we require but to name a few are:

Naval hulls
merchant hulls

We have low density alloys, Photon Beam Weaponry and tank technology spare. We have various rail weaponry Mk2 blue prints and Mk 2 tank blue prints as well

For info cost involved for copying research.

Blueprint as follows
Labs: 49 Mass: 60 mus
Points: 0 Next Conversion: 4900 points
Bonus: +2 Next Avg Result: +50 mus
+2 Bonus for copying data.

If you place 50 labs one the project you will get a copy every 2 weeks 3 if you have a bad week at a cost of 10,000 start-up and 2500 a week in wages. that's 15000-17500 a per copy. Techniques is around 60,000. Bare this in mind when quoting prices.

Send all enquires to this office: I.Jordan Adviser toThe Celestial Emperor Hexos.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

14-11-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 46 DAY 1  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
Pubmeet 2nd - 4th December
It's that time of the year again when people get together to form treaties, fight and drink lots of alcohol. It is also the perfect opportunity to hassle David and Mica in person.
This year we will be giving a presentation on Infrastructure. There is a lot to it and no doubt there will be a lot of questions raised.
This is to be held at the Sutton Park Hotel.
Rooms are £17 per night.
They will not be doing a buffet this year, but do allow residents to consume their own food on the premises. They have menus for all the local pizzas and kebab houses.
Booking can be done directly with the hotel.
Phone: (+44) 01253 402648; E-mail:

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Imperial-Bloc On The Move In Pollux ***

Detinus Republic installations in the Pollux system this week came under attack from a combined GTT/GCS strike force. Approximately 55 GTT/GCS heavy warships are understood to have attacked a DTR platform, with both sides taking light damage before the strike force withdrew.

This operation by the GTT/GCS provides more ammunition to those strategists that argue that there is room for the exploitation of tactics other than The Grand Fleet in the Peripheries, and surely the Imperial-bloc had a wide range of responses on hand depending on how the Detinus Republic chose to respond to their feint.

*** Conflict in Blagard ***

An Imperial freighter was destroyed in Blagard recently by a DTR warship, which was in turn destroyed by an IMP platform defending the quadrant. It is unknown why the DTR had targeted the freighter in question, though rumours suggest it was carrying a particularly valuable cargo, that was deemed worth the risk of attempting an intercept under the nose of the platform.

This marks the first visible response by the DTR towards the ongoing Imperial commerce raiding tactics. The IMP news agencies are carrying the following story:

"A DTR commerce raider fired on and destroyed an Imperial freighter in the Blagard system this week. They would appear to have taken a leaf out of the ISP's book and started commerce raiding as an economic weapon. However they do not seem to have quite got the hang of it yet as several other large freighters slipped by the ambush, including one that went through twice. The IMP Guard Platform in the Quad/Ring engaged the raider and it was also destroyed."

*** RIP Outpost Taken Over ***

Imperial news agencies are also reporting the following:

"A separate report indicates that a RIP observation outpost in the Madonna system has been taken over by pirates, a little ironic as the outpost was set up to look out for them."

However, a spokesman for the APTF has confirmed that the changeover of the outpost from RIP to PIR was known about in advance, and is part of an APTF training exercise.

*** Suicidal Pirates ***

The Pirate ship Knotted Heart wins a place as finalist for a Darwin Award this week, having made a brave but arguably foolhardy attempt to board an SMS Strike Carrier in the Audrey system. The Strike Carrier in question was operating as part of a 10 ship APTF Carrier Battle Group.

That says it all really. Captain of the Knotted Heart, we salute you. Or, whatever was left of you after several hundred space fighters, bombers, and direct fire photon beam batteries were done pounding you into atoms.

Reacting to news released by the APTF of their celebrations having eliminated one of Pirate Large's flotilla, Pirate Large himself has released the following statement to the press regarding the battle, denying that the Knotted Heart was one of his:

"Garrr.....well one o me boys on board the Knotted Heart, he be an old boy, and we had just held the slut swap meet, and ad a skin full of ale, an plenty of the sex wiv the sex slaves we ad just swapped, when he ad the call, unfortunately likes, his judgement not be good, an he didn't spot the fact it was an APTF freighter, an he wen in for the kill.

Well it didn't take long wiv it only bein 20 hulls to be overcome by the incoming fire power o the SMS ships an the IMP platform that were in the location.

So I says to the cappan o the Knotted Heart up there in the pirates cove, 2 doors up from the Lord im self, a tipple o rum to this successful cappan, who ad fulfilled his dream o nickin ships an shaggin good luckin birds, an for a man that looked like he did, that was his only chance of shaggin good luckin birds I can assure thee..aharrgghhh.

In regards to that Baltazar bloke, the truble wiv facts is that they needs to be straight, an that yacht not be mine, it is obviously another o the band o brothers who is startin his trade, I as only lost 20 hulls an it will be a dark day in ell, if yee manages to capture all the ships I as taken. An by the time you receives this the cappan o the Knotted Heart as already been avenged, a 100 hulled ship to be true aye, as been taken today by me forces....Garrrrr

So if the APTF finks that's a success, a FET ship las week and the one this week for a 20 huller, then I takes it...if that be the best thee can do..aharrgghhhh."

*** Pirate Large ***

The Pirate Large comm-network has been updated with more news about the Knotted Heart.

*** Pirate Large Beaten ***

Courtesy of the RIP news network:

The RIP are proud to announce that they can beat Pirate Large.

The shipyards at Freedom City are offering new, privately owned Caravel class freighters for a price equal to or lower than Large sells his stolen, stripped and well dodgy ships for.

Freedom City - Quality Ships at cut throat prices!

*** Asteroid Destroys Ship ***

The CIA vessel Cat's Paw has been destroyed by a random asteroid strike in the Hazzard system.

*** Independents Declare War Against Alien Foliage ***

Apparently the IND Outpost OK-06, located somewhere inside Imperial space, has fallen under the control of insidious plantlife, and certain authorities are in the process of putting together a ground assault to claim it back.

Sometimes we just can't make this stuff up.

All installation owners throughout the Peripheries are cautioned to be on the look out for particularly aggressive forms of foliage.

Don't say we didn't warn you.

*** News Flash ***

In revenge for the loss of the Knotted Heart, Pirate Large has captured an AFT 100 hull freighter in Adamski.

***** Message From Mica *****

Regarding asteroids and asteroid strikes.

"A few points:
Asteroid belts are common - but only those that pose a navigational threat are represented in the game. These have widths that stretch light minutes and densities thousands, possibly millions of times that of Sol's belt.

Ships move by ISR, not directly through real space except when orbiting. This means that they plot approximate courses to the nearest light microsecond (due to the uncertainty principle) - a few kilometres off in space is not normally significant, unless within an asteroid belt.

Plotting a course using reaction drives is possible - just submit a turn and the GM will halt your ship within the orbital quad of the asteroid belt for a couple of weeks and move you to the other side, mostly safe and sound.

ISR is only supported within the ecliptic of the system. Therefore moving above and below the ecliptic requires reaction drives - again, request to go above of below the belt and the GM will remove your ship from the game for a few months or so or possibly permanently...

Gatling lasers work because missiles and bombers have negligible mass compared with a chunk of rock and ice a few hundred metres in size. A gatling laser or even a phalanx missile would not be able to supply sufficient damage to destroy a rock that was capable of delivering 500 damage to a ship due to an unfortunate collision."

***** From The Posting Boards *****

There is an extended discussion on trade going on, with several interesting suggestions and comments including hints from Mica about proposed upcoming changes to the game. The thread can be found here:

Cancelling ship production, do you get the items back?

Finding rare ores and exploration modules:

More on finding rare ores, and how they have to be on your political report to find some of the rarest:

And I'll finish by pimping a question on Local Systems Data that hasn't been answered:


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

18-11-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 46 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Fresh Conflict Erupts ***

Shock news this week as the KST Kastorians launched a swift and vicious attack against Krell clan Black Rat holdings. The Krell Clan Black Rat department of Information, Cross-cultural studies and Tourism released the following statement:

"This morning, at 08:00 Balmoral, vessels of the Kastor-based military junta attacked the neutral Krell-owned outpost of Arcadia (formerly 'KAS Research Station'), located on Zion in the Skord system.

No state of war previously existing between these two factions, response was delayed and muted. The attacking vessels, clearly-flagged as KST 'Hammerstrike 4' and KST 'Truncheon' launched several hundred torpedoes at the unsuspecting facility, damaging several unarmed Krellian trading vessels, destroying one completely. The starbase suffered extensive damage, some 88% of the complex units being destroyed.

Fortuitously, the majority of the workforce were already embarked for emigration off world, and were able to do so without incident, after some delay. The remainder took refuge in civilian shelters and were thus protected, despite the bunker itself taking a direct hit and later collapsing. The indiscriminate nature of the assault was demonstrated by the fact that an entire 6000-bed hospital complex was completely destroyed, as was the entire civilian factory production area. Bare remnants of the mineral extraction, research and resource exploitation facilities survive. Included in the destruction was the hiport, starbase shield and command complexes, the latter two only having been commissioned earlier in the day.

Upon hearing the news, Krell warlord Piram 'Jumping' Jaques was heard to state "Bastards!... I'd only just made the first payment". A more measured statement is expected shortly.

A belated response by the starbase space fighter screen destroyed the two attacking vessels.

The Krell Black Rat Clan wish to congratulate the Kastor Kastorians on a perfectly executed military assault on a completely unprepared target which achieved virtually complete military success with minimal civilian casualties. We would ask that all neutral parties bear with us in the difficult circumstances imposed by an apparent state of war existing between the KST and the KRT, currently localized to the Skord system, but with boundaries yet to be established.

All KRT military forces should consider themselves on alert, and free to target KST forces at will. A joint response will commence after consultation with allies. Military allies of the KRT are asked to make themselves known to this office. Administrator Grmwald (Lieutenant-Colonel, KRT defence forces)."

There has as yet been no official statement or communication from the KST forces.

*** Steak Heist ***

The Imperial news agencies have been carrying the following story:


From the Riva IMPqusitor newspaper.

IMP starbase Riva governor, Duluke La Gatte today revealed that a Detinus Republic attempt at a Booker Steak heist has been successfully repelled. The Governor revealed "We have reason to believe, that Detinus agents were attempting to obtain a source of Booker steaks by nefarious activities. It is understood that whilst the minions of the Detinus Republic have little to no access to news reports other than official propaganda, rumour is spreading amongst the people of the Republic of the quality of Booker steaks that their overlords cruelly deny them by continuing the futile attempt to enslave the Peripheries. We have reason to believe that there is now increasing pressure within the Republic for people to get their hands on these meaty treats of finest succulent steak, which has lead them to this desperate act"

He went on to say "The Detinus Republic are clearly enemies of humanity, this ground party were sent by their masters to their deaths. Even the name of the ground party, DTR 1, shows how their evil overlords strip their minions of their names and instead give them a number. This attempted steak heist could have potentially deprived the sentient races of the Peripheries of much needed fibre"

At least 11 Officers of the Imperial Services are believed to have gained experience after pressing their big red SHOOT buttons.


There has been no official response from the Detinus Republic regarding their evil plan to steal meat. Imperial news agencies have however been broadcasting footage of children at an orphanage where rumours of steak shortages have already lead to little Timmy crying a lot.

*** Krell Conflict Broadens? ***

Warlord Bridge, the Overlord of the Krell has issued a statement suggesting that the limited conflict between the Black Rat clan and the KST is likely to widen unless the situation is settled soon:

"Dear oh dear oh dear...Whatever my opinions of Clan Black Rat, they are still Krell. If a representative of the KST would please contact this office to explain why they shouldn't get a brace of Plasma Torpedoes in the face. Failing that, you may be looking at war with considerably more than the KRT.

Bridge. Overlord of the Krell."

*** Acrux ***

An IGN reporter this week approached the Former System Lord of Acrux, DEN MaiChiK wai, to question him about the 'former' part of his title. We at the IGN wish the former System Lord the best of luck in sorting out this potentially embarrassing situation, caused when the DTR sneakily annexed the system out from under his nose.

We would also like to ask if the rest of our reporter could possibly be returned to us, so that our surgeons can stitch him back together.

*** Shocking Twist In Black Rat Saga ***

Allegations were levelled against the KRT following the assault on their starbase by KST forces regarding the rumour that they had been researching weapons of mass destruction.

Administrator Grymwald, aColonel in the KRT defence force released the following statement regarding this allegation:

"It is theoretically possible that the KRT were researching an enhancement to our WoMD capability, but it is our policy not to confirm or deny these matters, without prejudice either way.

However, I CAN state that: The outpost in question only became a Krellian possession on 205.44.2, a little over a week before the attack, it only had four research complexes at that time; and, the Black Rat Clan being largely still under the iron rule of Clan Nemesis on Inversion, have very little underlying technology on which to build (and in fact, just have slightly less). In fact, no Krell were actually hurt in the making of this sneak attack.

It is assumed that the attack was either a mistake, caused by out-of-date intelligence on the status of the outpost, or an unprovoked attack on a militarily weaker potential victim. Both of these are valid excuses should the KST choose to give any. In the absence of any communication from them, we will assume the latter and react accordingly.

Will any party offering HP budget terms for the purchase of an enormous battlefleet and assault forces please send a copy of terms and conditions through standard communication channels."

*** Further WoMD Revelations ***

In the wake of the allegations made against the KRT regarding development of weapons of mass destruction, more allegations were made, initially by the Imperial-Bloc against the DTR regarding their support of allies like the KST.

It is our understanding that the DTR are not allied with the KST, and that links between the two affiliations are minimal at best. However, the Imperials then went on to publish apparent proof that the KST are manufacturing WoMD in great quantity.

Starting Location:
Docked at KST STARBASE Drougal (3482) - Kastor System (42)

>TU 300: Acquire Information {6}
Acquiring mass production list information.
Mass production list:
Agent X (5000) 40 factories
Nerve Gas (880) 40 factories
Nuclear Device (357) 40 factories

The accuracy of this report is not confirmed. However, it is alarming indeed, and we understand that emergency talks are underway between all major warring parties regarding how best to control any potential future deployment of WoMD, particularly given the stockpiles held as deterrents on all sides.

And once the nuclear genie is let out of it's bottle, it will be very hard to stuff back in.

*** Pirate Boarding Attempt Fails ***

The RIP news services are carrying the following story:

"Today Mr. Large decided he would assault one of my new scout craft. The heavily armed crew, despite being massively outnumbered, appeared to be too much for his troops and quickly culled his number before ejecting them with the rest of the trash.

The ship has now moved on with it's duties and leaves the clean up of the pirate vessel to privateer warships."

*** Pirate Destroyed ***

The pirate ship Eyes Of Large has been destroyed in the Storm system by Detinus Republic warships operating as part of the APTF, with assistance from a Falconian system patrol fleet.

The pirate yacht in question was pounded into oblivion in very short order. There were no survivors to stand trial, a fact that is understood to have caused some dismay in DTR circles.

*** Krell Conflict Takes Strange Twist ***

We at the IGN don't quite understand this one ourselves, but judging from a KRT press release this week, it seems as if they have decided to ignore the KST for now, and start attacking their fellow Krell. The following press release has been issued:

"The Krell Clan Black Rat ICCS&T department release the following statement, embargoed until 21:00 Balmoral; 205.46.2:

Today, Units of the 'Clan Rat Free Horde', supported by a Human mercenary infantry battalion, some freelance Naplian irregulars, and "a squad of Dewiek we met down the pub who were up for a barney", began the liberation of the clan from the subjugation of the oppressive Clan Dark Angel, with an attack on 'Krell city', on Inversion, in the Storm system.

The attack is still in it's initial stages, and it is understood that direct contact has not been made between the two opposing sides, the engagement being limited to long range ground fire, and indirect fire in support off KRL forces by an orbiting APTF light cruiser, who apparently discount KRT leader 'Jumping' Jaques assertion that the 'PIR' stands for 'Piram'.

Tracked down to a foxhole near the starbase duty-free shop (Objective 'day 1 - A') the commander in question was asked about the progress of the war so far. Specifically, why had he chosen to launch an assault against the only faction to offer direct military support against the KST?

"What?" [Seeking confirmation] "Didn't we leave anybody back at HQ who could pass on a message?"

Released under the authority of Administrator Grymwald, Major-General, KRT Defence Force."

The intricacies of Krell politics are clearly well beyond us here at the IGN news-room.

*** Dominion Vessel Destroyed ***

A DOM freighter has been destroyed in the Detinus system of T.Tauri by elements of the DTR navy. What the freighter was doing in the outer reaches of the system is unknown.

Early reports indicate there were no survivors.

*** Pirate Large ***

The IGN newsroom have been dusting off our 'censored' stamp again this week, as Pirate Large has struck again:

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye..... Pirate Large.....

It be stardate 205.45.1 when me look outs spotted the AFT ship Anubis (35779) a 100 light huller she be, off to the distance in the Adamski system , an I reckons it could be one of those ships belonging to me ol mate Archie Angel, me an him as exchanged some words in the past, so I thoughts I get in there an attack the ship.

Well me boys soon got on board the ship, but tharr be very few crew on board aye, so it didn takes long before we ads control. All o the crew gaves in, an they must as [censored] as what we [censored] cos they got [censored] on the [censored] an took their [censored] off, garr this be ow I likes me [censored] they seem to be very [censored] aye, I reckon that archie bloke doesn knows how to satisfy his crew.....

Well I cannee deny that piratin be getting more difficult these days this week one o me 10 hulled spotter craft "the eyes of large" copped a packet, from the APTF, well one o me mates be on board that ship Dirty Henry an it bought back memories o me early days..."

Once again, star captains are cautioned not to loiter in exposed areas of open space, as the Eyes of Large are everywhere…

*** Imperial Outpost Applications ***

Yes, we know you enjoy these as much as we do:

An application has been received to set up an outpost in the Starling system exploiting resource code 51207. Anyone already exploiting this code in the Starling System should inform the Viceroy's office by Day 2 Week 47, including the celestial body on which their outpost is located.

Applications have been received to exploit the following resource codes in the Capellan system, 23479, 67537 and 40549. Anyone already exploiting these codes in the Capellan System should advise the Viceroy accordingly by Day 2, Week 47, including the celestial body on which they are being exploited.

Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy

*** RIP Dancing Girls Form A More Perfect Union ***

RIP GT Spugman this week has confirmed that not only does Quick Snack in Yank have the best Night Clubs in all of the Peripheries, but also that they now play host to the world famous RIP ABWEDG*.

(*Above Minimum Wage Earning Dancing Girls - dancing slaves no longer being legal...)

We understand that the ABWEDG have recently formed a Union, leading to some consternation from Governor Spugman, who commented:

"Union... A Union! I know... In the old days they would have been vaporised for forming such an organisation... But we must move with the times..."

***** Periphery Classifieds *****

Subject: Ships for Sale

I've a number of Pioneers for sale (100 light hulls).
If anyone is interested please get in contact for deals that
will not be matched.
Kasumi Shinzawai

Contact: byrnekd [at] eircom [dot] net

***** Message From The Editor *****

Quite a few players have reported problems with email over the last week, most likely due to mail from KJC being labelled as spam by over-enthusiastic ISPs spam-prevention blacklisting software. Which seems to be in vogue this month with several ISPs.

If you are having trouble with turns not arriving, it is suggested you check out this possible explanation.

Also, there was a slight mis-reporting last week regarding Pirate Large and the Knotted Heart, which was my fault for getting my wires crossed. The yacht that was destroyed last week by the SMS, was not one of Large's flotilla, the Knotted Heart was.

- Simon.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

An interesting thread regarding the prices of ores, that branches off and explores the current market prices for all sorts of manufactured goods:

How to deconstruct a platform, aka, the Naplians And Blowtorches Thread:

Taxation suggestion:

And what does the copyback.exe file actually do:


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

25-11-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 47 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update****

Pubmeet 2nd - 4th December
It's that time of the year again when people get together to form treaties, fight and drink lots of alcohol. It is also the perfect opportunity to hassle David and Mica in person.
This year we will be giving a presentation on Infrastructure. There is a lot to it and no doubt there will be a lot of questions raised.
This is to be held at the Sutton Park Hotel.
Rooms are £17 per night.
They will not be doing a buffet this year, but do allow residents to consume their own food on the premises. They have menus for all the local pizzas and kebab houses.
Booking can be done directly with the hotel.
Phone: (+44) 01253 402648; E-mail:

New Beta Order Editor Release
For those currently using the beta 1.4.4 of below version, version 1.4.5 can be downloaded.

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** DTR Attacked In Yank ***

GTT torpedo boats have opened fire again on DTR forces in the Yank system, in what is described as another unfortunate accident.

*** Pirate Destroyed ***

DTR Forces acting as part of the APTF intercepted and destroyed the pirate vessel Blood Rain this week.

The Blood Rain, a Caravel class Heavy Cruiser, was armed with over 70 rail guns. The pirate is understood to have destroyed a DTR Caravel class Sensor ship, the Ursa Minor, that was part of the intercepting DTR patrol, during the battle.

DTR sources are reporting that the Ursa Minor was lost with all hands.

*** Pirates In Yank ***

The pirate vessel Your Mother, a Courier reconfigured for boarding attacks, attempted to capture a DTR freighter in orbit of Spritzer. Fortunately the DTR freighter managed to escape, and the pirate was destroyed in very short order by what is understood to be RIP forces.

*** Krell City Changes Hands ***

In what appears to be a quaint Krell ritual of ownership exchange, the battle for Krell City has ended with Warlord Bridge ceding control to Warlord Jaques in what is reported to have been an interestingly fought struggle.

*** Felini Release Information Regarding Pirates ***

A Felini spokesman this week broadcast the results of their interrogations of Naplian mercenaries picked up from a Pirate vessel destroyed recently. The information contained several potential leads, none of which are being repeated by this journal so as not to unnecessarily tip off the pirates.

It is however understood that another group of pirate prisoners have been taken recently, and they are currently undergoing interrogation at an undisclosed location.

*** Twinkle Update ***

The platform at the centre of the recent military action in the system by the Consortium, that was captured by the SMS from the IRS, has apparently been destroyed. And Consortium warships have withdrawn from the system.

*** Three Pirates Destroyed In Skord ***

The following statement has been released by the QNG Matriarch Queen:


More information has now reached us at Queens Haven (27588). The Queens Patrol, currently on patrol in the Skord system, spotted the pirate ship PESTILENCE (28140) attacking an unarmed CIA ore freighter.

The Queens Patrol tried to intercept the pirate vessel before it launched the first torpedo volley against the CIA ship. Two other pirate vessels intercepted the Queens Patrol and a larger battle played out. Unfortunately we could not save the CIA freighter but we can report that all pirate ships were destroyed:

PIRATE Pestilence (28140) - Ship
Scumkiller Class Gun Boat {Light Ablative Armour}
Armour: 3.9
Hull Damage: 100.0%
Retreated from battle
PIRATE War (5026) - Ship
Scumkiller Class Gun Boat {Light Ablative Armour}
Hull Damage: 100.0%
Retreated from battle
PIRATE Famine (43967) - Ship
Scumkiller Class Gun Boat {Light Ablative Armour}
Armour: 4.3
Hull Damage: 100.0%
Retreated from battle

One hive drone was killed when several cloaked torpedoes hit the 4100-002-Distress-4. The Queens patrol will stay in the Quadrant until we have searched all debris for prisoners. They will monitor all other ships visiting the area until this has been completed.

Signed, Matriarch Queen, Queens Guardian."

*** Pirate Boarding Action Fails ***

The Pirate vessel 'The Teeth Of Esther Rantzen' attempted to board an SMS freighter at the Kasmer Stargate, and, in what is proving to be a very bad week for pirates, failed to take control of the vessel. Being beaten off with heavy losses.

Indeed, this week has been such a bad week for pirates, that rumours are starting to circulate that Pirate Large might have been cursed from beyond the grave, and that his crew of the undead have turned upon him and devoured his entrails.

*** NNN Evil Terrorist holding Naplian burger eating Hostages at McHaynes ***

The following report has been broadcast by the Naplian news Network:

"Mad Max publically denounced rumours by the Stellar Mining & Smelling, with stern face. Evil Consortium rumours are the biggest load of rubbish he has ever witnessed.

The SMS claim we docked Capital ships at High Star and used them to aid our war effort as justification for their murder of innocent naplians in Twinkle. False - SMS by their own accord cannot offer any evidence of this, I challenge them make their accusations openly or belt up and shut up. They simply spread evil rumours to justify their evil acts.

DNA freighters have very openly and clearly traded at High Star. We have no alliance with the colourful Mc Haynes, we just respect his strange stripy outfit and red hair and eat his burgers and fries.

Furthermore, a DNA freighter in orbit of Twinkle has now been landed by orbital docks at High Star as it is overdue for maintenance (now there is a surprise for naplian ship). The ship having undertook extensive deposit and life surveys from orbit has finished it's long mission. The crew have been consulted and concluded that a long stay at High Star would be preferable to then trying to escape the Evil Consortium warships block-aiding the planet. Some are retiring to the streets of High Star to earn a business in spare ship parts, others are proposing to inform the predominantly naplian population about that the evil acts of the Evil Consortium.

There are even more ridiculous evil rumours being spread by the Felini trying to make a link between naplains captured on board a Pirate ship and the DNA.

Keep scraping the bottom of the barrel for scum, because that is all you will find, and all that is all you'll become.

I will shortly release some real evidence detailing Evil Consortium plans in my new book available at all good naplian book shops. This will show how Evil the Consortium are and what other affiliations have to fear for the future.

"Behind Enemy Lines"

written by

Mad Max, Immortal Chief, DNA."

*** FET Nominate New Employee Of The Month ***

In another surprising move, the new kinder more caring FET have nominated once again somebody from outside their organisation for their coveted Employee Of The Month award. The following statement has been released:

"I know what you're all thinking. Why would Al Bundy nominate someone other than himself? I stayed up all night long wondering about that my self. Who else deserves it more? We finally figured out why the cnf won it two months in a row, and why scrimm of the cia almost won it shortly thereafter. They had operative actions going on. Finally caught the suspect but turned her loose, lack of real evidence. But now I myself am here by nominating:

THE QUEEN OF THE QNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

You all know me. I'm not prim and proper. I fart in the presence of ladies. I spit rather than swallow. I like my beer cold and my women hot. Being married, I get neither. But that's another boring sad story.

The other day in Skord, the Queens own attacked and destroyed three pirate vessels. She did this while trying to protect the CIA ship and as there were SMS positions nearby, Hurcuron officially gave his blessings and thanked them for a job well done. Here is why I am strongly pushing this nomination:
1. The Queen Mother attacked and destroyed 3 pirate vessels. good for all of us.
2. They enhanced relations between themselves and the SMS. That's good. Jack has been wanting to see them get together.
3. They tried to protect the CIA ship. That helps the QNG's relations with the CIA who are friends with the CNF, BHD and (god knows why...) the DTR.
4. Its obvious The Queen and her new VP are trying to bring Peace to the whole Stellar empire.
5. Yet even all of that wasn't what turned the trick. They also improved relations with the IMP block by stalling just long enough for the Pirates to kill the CIA ship, before they moved in and wiped out the pirates. Even Al Bundy admits that takes balls! (whoops, sorry Queen!)...I meant "ingenuity". Every one gained in this venture. I'm speaking to Jack Personally about this. Way to go QNG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Al Bundy."

Of course, quite how the Matriarch Queen is going to react to being described as an 'employee' is anybodies guess.

*** News Flash ***

Our reporters understand that a joint SMS/DTR expeditionary force has engaged a small fleet of Pirate warships, consisting of two broadswords, the Bandido and the Desperado, and one yacht, the La Poderosa.

SMS and DTR vessels are understood to have taken damage, with one DTR Caravel Sensor ship reporting the loss of many hands. The Pirate warships have been destroyed.

*** News Flash ***

Following on from the previous story, the SMS/DTR expeditionary force is now understood to be engaged in a pitched battle with a Pirate warfleet. And a second DTR vessel has been destroyed.

***** Message From The Editor *****

The COH website link has been removed.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Sequencing, which I include again because the thread contains a link to V. 1.4.4 of the order editor, in which apparently sequencing works better. I cannot comment myself, because I'm still waiting for my first ever sequenced turns to come back to me today. However, if you don't have V. 1.4.4:

Supporting/Defending non-allied affiliations:

Profit margins on trading:

Where Mica has posted the following question:

"We booted off the discussion with ore prices which led onto why it is better to trade in produced goods - profit margin. The general consensus is that some things simply aren't worth shipping or trading.

The question therefore how much profit is considered worth the effort of inputting the orders?

Just to keep the discussion tight, base all comments on a standard caravel. This has a weekly maintenance cost of 2% and 43 crew and 3200mu cargo space.

It has a standard round trip trade run taking 3 weeks, transporting 80 modules (3200mu) but bringing nothing back. It buys at 80$/module (SMS Convallis) and sells for 100$/module this it makes 1600$ (minus a couple of hundred running costs) equating to a profit of about 450$/week.

Is a profit of 450$/week considered a good trade run or a waste of time? How much profit per week is this ship expected to make?"


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

02-12-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 48 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Imperial Attack ***

The Imperial navies have attacked the DTR in the Pollux system. The following press release has been issued:

A combined GCS/GTT/FET/IMP war fleet attacked the 1,957 hulled DTR Platform defending their base in the Pollux system earlier this week. The platform was completely destroyed with the loss of two allied ships, a number of other ships received medium damage but were able to leave the battle area. The DTR Outpost dropped its Planetary Shield on day two and, having done nothing on day one, was able to destroy another allied ship that was slow to leave the orbit. Stellar Patrol Headquarters have stated that the casualties for this attack were incredibly light and it would probably have been another story had the Outpost not been cowering under its planetary shield on day one.

Further details on the action have been released by the office of the Imperial Patrol Commissioner:

On Stardate 205.47.3 Imperial and allied shipping attacked a Detinus position consisting of a platform just under 2000 hulls, in a devastating attack, the Platform was completely destroyed in the 1 day engagement, and Imperial and allied forces lost 2 75 hulled vessels in the process. A further 75 hulled vessel was destroyed on day 2 of the engagement, whose engines failed him and he didn't leave orbit. This attack leaves DTR forces in this system now minor and leaves them at great risk.

The DTR have as yet had no response to allegations that they might have been cowering.

*** Further Imperial Successes ***

In separate attacks an Imperial gunship made a lightning raid from orbit on a DTR outpost in Straddle and a small GTT flotilla have destroyed a number of KST ships in response to the KST attacks on GTT vessels in the neutral Yank system.

*** Pirates With Weapons Of Mass Destruction ***

In a shocking development this week, an announcement has been made of the seizure of a hidden pirate facility by forces of the DTR and SMS acting as part of the Anti-Piracy Task Force, that contained significant stockpiles of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.

The following statement was released to the Peripheries:

"Sentients of the Peripheries,

Today, SMS and DTR forces, acting as part of the APTF, captured a 170kmus Pirate outpost. This mission has been running under the strictest of operational securities. And will continue to be run under the strictest of operational securities, for reasons that will become apparent:

Upon seizing the outpost, elements of the Detinus Light Horse armoured cavalry Regiment were shocked to discover substantial stockpiles of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons that had been held by the pirates.

Clearly the discovery of pirates with weapons of mass destruction is something that we have to bring to the attention of Periphery governments as soon as possible.

Investigations are underway in an attempt to discover who was backing and supplying this group of Pirates with WoMD. It is hoped that any parties with any information regarding which Periphery government has supplied pirates with Nuclear weapons, will be forwarded to this office immediately.

We would like to take this opportunity to warn all affiliations to be on maximum alert, as we cannot guarantee that we have caught the entirety of this terrifying operation. There could be pirate vessels out there with WoMD onboard.

Cassius Jerusalem, Senator, DTR.
Hucuron Baalazar, Commodore, SMS."

It is understood that this is the operation referred to in breaking news last week, where the pirate caravel class heavy cruiser Blood Rain was destroyed in a fierce space battle.

Our reporters have further learnt that during this same space battle, the following Pirate vessels were destroyed by the combined DTR and SMS battlegroup:

PIRATE La Poderosa (13848) - Ship
Yacht Class Sensor Ship {No Armour}
Hull Damage: 100.0%
PIRATE Bandido (55357) - Ship
Broadsword Class Heavy Cruiser {Heavy Armour}
Armour: 62.2
Hull Damage: 100.0%
PIRATE Desperado (27224) - Ship
Broadsword Class Heavy Cruiser {Heavy Armour}
Armour: 29.2
Hull Damage: 100.0%
PIRATE Musketeer (24713) - Ship
Broadsword Class Heavy Cruiser {Heavy Armour}
Armour: 68.5
Hull Damage: 64.1%
INTEGRITY BREAKDOWN - Ship reduced to debris
PIRATE Blackbeard (25866) - Ship
Broadsword Class Heavy Cruiser {Heavy Armour}
Armour: 73.9
Hull Damage: 49.3%
INTEGRITY BREAKDOWN - Ship reduced to debris
PIRATE Cannonball (31934) - Ship
Broadsword Class Heavy Cruiser {Heavy Armour}
Armour: 71.4
Hull Damage: 65.5%
INTEGRITY BREAKDOWN - Ship reduced to debris
PIRATE Poacher (41123) - Ship
Javelin Class Scout {Heavy Ablative Armour}
Armour: 39.2
Hull Damage: 100.0%

We also understand that 3 DTR vessels were destroyed in the fighting. With heavy loss of life, and that the DTR Stellar Armada might have taken yet more losses were it not for the timely arrival of the SMS carrier battle group. Further, it is understood a number of DTR and SMS warships have taken light damage.

At time of press, mopping up operations at the pirate outpost are continuing, as ground forces hurry to secure and make safe the WoMD.

*** GCE Press Release ***

The following release has been issued by the HQ of GCE:

Garcia Enterprises (GCE) has recently gained permission from the EEM to be floated on the EEM Stock Exchange.

GCE stock has been steady since its flotation several weeks ago, and with the recent appointment of their first Wimble Manager, things are looking good for the future.

Ashid Rayne Knotaketo, Manager, said:
"Garcia Enterprises is a multi racial trade organisation operating in a growth market. The business offers excellent growth prospects, particularly by doubling our outlets over the next 2 years and through offering customers great value for money."

Fernando Garcia, Chief Executive Officer, said:
"We are delighted to announce our listing of Garcia Enterprises on the EEM Stock Exchange. Garcia Enterprises are a profitable fast-growing business with a strong trading track record and an experienced management team. We are confident that its many attractive growth opportunities will prove appealing to investors."

Garcia Enterprises was founded on Star Date 203.39.4 and started trading as an Independent Business opportunity. Over the years the company made investments in starbases in both the Capellan and Cluster peripheries which have seen significant growth over the 2 years of trading. There have been some setbacks, most notably disagreements over the nature or Independence and the loss of some trading vessels.

Of the future Fernando Garcia had the following to say:
"We are currently seeking new managers to help with our current expansion boom and are also in negotiations to open up new stores and starbases in other peripheries. Our goal is to have an outlet in each of the peripheries in order to best serve our customers. Any interested parties to help fulfil these goals should contact our office in order to commence negotiations. I would also like to state that there is no relationship between my company and that of the GCS."

For further information:
Fernando Garcia CEO and PD of GCE (julian [dot] tovey [at] blueyonder [dot] co [dot] uk)
Ashid Rayne Knotaketo - Manager (ashid [dot] rayne [at] blueyonder [dot] co [dot] uk)

The Inter-galactic news would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Garcia Enterprises on their successful flotation on the EEM stock exchange.

*** IMP Vessels Destroyed ***

From the IMP News agencies:

An Imperial Exploration ship was ambushed by a CNF commerce raider in the Wastelands system and was lost with all hands, In a separate incident a CNF flotilla of warships that had destroyed a GTT scoutship in the Capellan System managed to sneak away just as the ISP turned up on the scene.

*** GTT Ship Goes Out In Blaze Of Glory ***

From the Confederate news agencies:


Yesterday a small fleet of various size ships and configurations encountered a GTT St Clair Class Gun Boat. The BAHIA (35287) a 10 Normal Hulled ship decided to attack the fleet even against the odds of being out gunned and out sized.

This was the downfall of the crew, as soon as they started the attack run their ship fell apart from beneath them. They did not even manage to get off a shot. The fleet only had time to launch a number of fighters numbering around 200, no shots seem to be fired back.

This is a concern to Mr M.R.Law, that the GTT are sending out crews in an unspace worthy state. It is one thing to send out crews knowing they could encounter an enemy ship but to also send then out in a ship that will fall apart is another. All 12 captains and Mr M.R.Law wish to pass on their regrets to the families of the crew.

However, it must be remembered that this ship was in a position to jump into Trinity to spy on a CNF base.

This was a report by Mr T.Iger on behalf of Mr M.R.Law of the CNF.

*** Pirate Attack Foiled ***

The pirate vessel HMS Blackey, an ex-AFT vessel, attempted to board a FGZ ship in the Aladdin system. A number of FGZ gunboat escorts were sufficient to see the Pirate hightailing it.

The slightly-less-than-Dread pirate Black Dog has released his version of the action:

"Buzzards circlin' over head Cappan'" Stupid rookie mistake! The over all failure of this here mission would be on me & I dreads

the paperwork and redtape forthcoming. 1st things first. I was a watchin' a Treasure Winters music video when I got the news:

"There be buzzards sir!...Belay my last, screen resolution was on high, there be flys"

FGZ SHIP SE'DIS (92476) - {40 Normal Hulls} - Attacking
Ti'cl-rani Class Destroyer {Medium Armour}

"Shouldn't be no problem, they jus' be FGZ. Just Glorified FCN parrots. Board the bastards. but be careful when you has your fun with them, with them bird people you can't tell [censored] from [censored]."

The SE'DIS be runnin like hell which in thier case, wasn't a hell of alot. We catched them easily enough, circled them a couple times an then pulled along side."Remember", I said,"Lay to w' them photon cannons, we only wants the ship itself!" But a bell went off in the back of me mind...somthing Admiral Large had warned me about when we captured this ere ship...but I just couldn't place it:

Turn Stopped:
A position supported/defended FGZ SHIP Se'dis (92476), during boarding.
A battle has occured, boarding action will run afterwards.
Total TU cost for this action is 10

What? The Yank Pirate Patrol in Aladdin? Be they THAT lost? "Sir, we're havin' a problem, one of the men has got to piss"

"After the fight you bloody fool!"

"Sir we got bogys at oh-600"

"How many?"

"Three more.,,we got incoming:"

-------------------------PIRATE SHIP HMS Blacky (4918)---------------

Shields are down

Targeting FGZ Se'dis (92476):
Position is on our enemy list.

Incoming Fire from FGZ Se'dis (92476)
Round 1: 15 Missile Launchers (Kinetic Missile)
- 0 hit - 0 [0] damage - 50%
- Point Defence shot down 6 Kinetic Missiles

Incoming Fire from FGZ Ke'tra (97722)
Round 1: 15 Missile Launchers (Kinetic Missile)
- 0 hit - 0 [0] damage - 50%
- Point Defence shot down 4 Kinetic Missiles

Incoming Fire from FGZ Nit'sa (13777)
Round 1: 15 Missile Launchers (Kinetic Missile)
- 0 hit - 0 [0] damage - 50%
- Point Defence shot down 8 Kinetic Missiles

Incoming Fire from FGZ Sai'tek (81061)
Round 1: 15 Missile Launchers (Kinetic Missile)
- 0 hit - 0 [0] damage - 50%
- Point Defence shot down 6 Kinetic Missiles

Post Battle Summary
We were ordered to flee,so we attempted to leave the battle.
FGZ Se'dis (92476) had no forces.
Ship left battle on round 1
Enemy ISR field stress caused 124 damage.
Ship hulls have taken 106 damage (1.4%)

---------------------------------Battle Summary----------------------

FGZ Se'dis (92476) - Ship
Ti'cl-rani Class Destroyer {Medium Armour}
Armour: 40.0 Scints: 20.0 Shields: 1707(35.8)
Retreated from battle
FGZ Ke'tra (97722) - Ship
Ti'cl-rani Class Destroyer {Medium Armour}
Armour: 40.0 Scints: 20.0 Shields: 1707(35.8)
Retreated from battle
FGZ Nit'sa (13777) - Ship
Ti'cl-rani Class Destroyer {Medium Armour}
Armour: 40.0 Scints: 20.0 Shields: 1706(35.8)
Retreated from battle
FGZ Sai'tek (81061) - Ship
Ti'cl-rani Class Destroyer {Medium Armour}
Armour: 40.0 Scints: 20.0 Shields: 1706(35.8)
Retreated from battle
PIRATE HMS Blacky (4918) - Ship
Free Trader Class Destroyer {No Armour}
Hull Damage: 1.4%
Retreated from battle

Now I'z really confused. Here we be in a place we got no business runnin' into a flock of turkeys who be where they got no business.Buzzards swarmin like flys, an' They be FOUR of them shootin' at us and not one damned hit! They be worse shots than the AFT! Then theres

this here computer message:
Turn Stopped:
A position supported/defended FGZ SHIP Se'dis (92476), during
A battle has occured, boarding action will run afterwards.
Total TU cost for this action is 10

Since they couldn't shoot for shit, an' there be at least two or three rounds o fighting left, we should have boarded at least one of them! Well, as we faded into the murk it hit me. Admiral Larges final warnings. It was me said, "No Cappan' I can use them AFT crewmen, if they swears alliegence to the Pirate Flag. So I give them beggin' fools another chance n spared thier miserable lives. Every damn puking low down one o them had turned tail.

Probably force of habit. Them Naplian Mercenarys gonna have fun tonight, but not me. Paper work. I'd outdone four FGZ turkeys of pray, all of um shootin, holdin back fire myself, but no prize to show for it. Admiral Large, you told me so sir. You warned me. ""When you takes a ship...especially an AFT ship, remembers that their crew be only good for one thing...and they don't call 'um 'aft for naught!"

We at the IGN news-room are somewhat alarmed to hear Pirate Large referred to as 'Admiral Large' here.

*** Second Pirate Boarding Action Fails ***

Rumours are circulating that Pirate Large himself has been thwarted in a boarding attempt this week, losing 67 pirates in an attack against an SMS vessel.

*** Pirate Large ***

While not yet confirmed, it seems as if Pirate Large has captured another 100 hull AFT freighter, in the Borderlands system.

*** Imperial Outpost Application ***

An application has been received to establish outposts in the Starling system exploiting the following codes, 42161and 21334.

Anyone already exploiting these codes in Starling should inform the Viceroy's Office by Day 5 Week 48, including the Celestial Body where they are being exploited.

An application has been received to exploit code 50752 in the Dryad System. Anyone already exploiting this code in the system should inform the Viceroy's Office by the end of Day 5 Week 48, giving the celestial body on which the code is being exploited.

Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy

*** Update from the COH ***

The following communication has been received the advisor to the Celestial Emperor, I. Jordan:

"Greeting beings of the universe. The Celestial Emperor Hexos has decided to issue a statement giving advances and the direction the COH as made in the last few months.

When I came to the COH to advise the Emperor the COH were in a bit of a mess with ships neglected and starbases, outpost far exceeding their needs at the time. I went around with the knife and cut off all that was not needed, this was handed back to their original owners or sold/traded for things we needed.

We were in a war and in an alliance the consortium, we left the consortium, stopped the war to concentrate on the COH with out any outside distractions. the war fleet alone needed over 2000 patches just to bring it back to an operational level.

I was disappointed to find that VES Ghormen hand a large number of slaves working in the mines the Imperial authorities were contacted and made aware of the fact and steps were taken to release them. this was done when the RIP picked them up as part of their slave reparation campaign.

The COH have shed most of their metal ships and are transferring to Organic only, also personnel at all COH positions will be HVE relying on our own kind only. The one exception is COH vectis which will remain with Aquaphid personnel.

Our research was hit badly and we are rebuilding our complexes and trading for new principle and tech to repair what was lost. We are on our way to recolonizing the Titan system, our home system, the planet as been selected and we are looking for a good place to build.

We have been granted trading rights and access to most areas and a few closed systems which we are exploiting as we find new trading opportunities. The COH is moving forward in a positive way and is actively build bridges and helping other organic/HVE based affiliations.

Thank for reading and any comments please pass them on this channel or contact this office privately."

*** Krell Deploy Chemical Weapons ***

The Krell Clan Black Rat ICCS&T department release the following statement, embargoed until 12:30 Balmoral; 205.47.4:


Mopping-up operations continued at Krell City today - active resistance by clan Nemesis defenders having ceased on 46.5, but some of their combatants showing less than Krell-like resolve under combat duress.

Previously announced peripheral operations against the plant-creatures of rebel outpost OK-06 began, as scheduled, shortly after 08:00. A small reconnaissance force of space marines, shuttle pilots and a civilian advisor was deployed in a combat landing from orbit. No official spokesman was available for comment, but one of the combat troops was on-record as stating "I've got a bad feeling about this one". Preliminary progress reports state that only one human survivor was extant at the base, it's previous workforce now apparently departed.

It has been announced that, given the isolation of the outpost, and it's location of a non-biologically viable world, chemical munitions use has been authorized. It is stressed by KRT technical advisors that these are NOT however WoMD under the strictest definition, and "it states on the bottle 'Safe for Dewiek and Felini once dry, if used sparingly'".

********* Bulletin ends ******************

*** TCA ***

The Children of Hexos have announced their intention to begin searching for the TCA, or Terran Colony Annihilators, as we understand they are colloquially referred to throughout the Peripheries.

We are certain the TCA just have a bad reputation.

I.Jordan released the following statement:

"Greetings from the Celestial Emperor. We off the COH wish to make our position with respect to the TCA clear, as there as been some confusion.

The TCA evacuated the HXM from TITAN before it went super nova, who are our fore runners. Hundreds of years later some of these arrived in Acrux and came into conflict with the DEN and 3D alliance. Where they promptly lost. This is what we believe is in our history

The COH treats these Giant ships with God like awe and will defend them what ever the cause with holy passion, even unto destruction. This will supersede any alliance, agreement we make. We are mounting a campaign to locate and contact these great beings. If anyone as any information on them it will be gratefully received and acted upon. This is a holy quest off our people to understand this misunderstood Godlike beings.

We believe affiliations have already contacted these godlike being and hope they treat them with the respect they so richly deserve. We will be more than happy to intercede on your behalf in the situation becomes sticky so to speak."

*** Ship for Sale ***


The Shipyards at RIP Freedom City have produced a Caravel Class freighter for sale to the highest bidder. The setup is as follows:

1 Bridge (100)
40 Cargo Hold (180) - 100 mus
8 ISR Type 3 Engines (150) - 20 mus
1 Jump Drive (175) - 50 mus
16 Quarters (131) - 25 mus
1 Sensor (103) - 10 mus
29 Thrust Engine (160) - 20 mus

The ship comes complete with a crew complement of 40 and is available for immediate delivery. The ship is privately owned and brand new. Offers should be in the region of 65000 stellars.

Please submit enquiries and offers to subspace channel doug [dot] hughes [at] btinternet [dot] com.

Thank you.

RIP GT Spugman
RIP Freedom City / Quick Snack

***** Message From The Editor *****

An insane amount of news this week, so I'm just going to point at one thing from the posting boards this week. Mica's draft presentation of the infrastructure update that will be unveiled at the Pub Meet. There's a link to it on P3 of this topic:

- Simon.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

09-12-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 49 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
In order to encourage new players to create a political (and to give small players a bit of a financial boost), political positions will receive a weekly income of 10,000$.
(Aparently this little bonus has been in for a month already).

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Pirates With WoMD ***

No new developments to report this week on the investigation into the cache of pirate WoMD, with no parties having come forward to admit they might or might not have lost WoMD in any freighters captured by pirates.

Fingers continue to be pointed at various governments that might be responsible, but the DTR and SMS remain tight-lipped at to any information they might have uncovered thus far as to who might have been responsible.

With a black-op of this magnitude however, it seems unlikely that the government responsible will not have covered their tracks well.

*** Pirate Large ***

Another week, and an other AFT freighter has fallen to Pirate Large, who seems to have taken a special delight in targeting the Association of Free Traders.

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye.....Pirate Large.....

One o moi associates be in the Borderland system when he spot his prey, this be the CB enfusiast again an I gets the following report.

Ahharrgghhhh there rubber ducky, this be plastic chicken, an I as found me a target, the freight ship Hermes (42255), a 100 light huller she be, belongin to your much loved affiliation the AFT, maybe even that poof Archie angel, who keeps goin on abouts how he is going to get is own back. Any way after me boys got on board the ship, they soon got through the crew on board, if yee knows what I mean an tooks the ship

Well thar Large I as a tale to tell when I spent me booty, as there be some sellables on board aye.

I be showing off me new sports shuttle to one of the women I as captured, she be lovely aye. She was thrilled at the speed.

"I says If I do 200mph, will you take off your clothes?"

"Yes!" said my adventurous girlfriend.

An i gets up to 200, she peeled off all her clothes.

Unable to keep my eyes on the moon surface, the shuttle skidded onto some embankment and flipped over. The naked girl was thrown clear, but i was jammed beneath the controls.

"Go and get help!" i cries.

"But I can't. I'm naked and my clothes are gone!" she replies

"Take my shoe", i says, "and cover yourself."

Holding the shoe over herself, the girl ran down the road and found a service station. Still holding the shoe between her legs, she pleaded to the service station proprietor, "Please help me! My boyfriend's stuck!"

The proprietor looked at the shoe and said, "There's nothing I can do...he's in too far."


Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."

The Inter-Galactic News take no responsibility for the quality of Pirate Large's jokes.

*** Pirate Attack ***

The slightly-less-than-dread pirate Black Dog transmitted a communication this week regarding a near-miss on a DOM freighter in the Aladdin system a few weeks ago.

"Star Date 205.45.2
Sir, somthin' flyin by like a bat out o' hell.
"SMS Warship?"
"Negative sir...can we board her?!"
"Don't see how we can pass up somthin like that! Heaves to! But I does like to know what it is I be boarding...lucky I loves a good mystery!"

"sir, we has her pinned for battle"
"Avast!, this be too easy, put her up on screen, full magnification"

"Sir: DOM SHIP SHADOW RISING (818) - {75 Normal Hulls}
Man-Of-War Class Fast Freighter {No Armour}

"Go get her boys, Cappan' Large'll pay good money for one o these!"

>TU 178: Board Position {818}
DOM SHIP SHADOW RISING (818) - {75 Normal Hulls}
Man-Of-War Class Fast Freighter {No Armour}
Can not lock onto DOM SHIP Shadow Rising (818), it is too fast.

Note to Skipper of Dom Ship Shadow Rising (818)...You was lucky this time mate...but hell, I din't think no body could out run one o my ships, what the hell you got under that hood? Black Dog."

*** Middle Earth ***

Controversy erupted this week over the Independent vessel, Middle Earth, which at the beginning of the year was spotted attempting to sneak an operative into an IRS asset. The controversy originates over the sighting of the Middle Earth as a Falconian Empire vessel some months before it became an Independent vessel.

Falconian authorities have reacted angrily to suggestions that they might have been involved in clandestine operations of this nature however, suggesting instead rogue independent elements over which they have no control.

*** Alliance Ends ***

Daniel Haynes, the governor of High Star has announced that the IRS/FLZ alliance has come to an end. This removing one imagines the primary source of concern to the Felini Tyranny over the control of the Twinkle Stargate, and hopefully finally defusing the volatile nature of the system.

*** Naplians Run Into Trouble ***

The Naplian news Network is reporting that DNA military officials of the Naplian Freedom Fighters have confirmed the destruction of a small ground spy in the Void System by the CIA and the lose of a DNA spy ship off Squamata in Skye.

Both reportedly were targeting starbases in the region collecting military information for the Immortal Mad Max crucial to the War against the Evil Consortium. Their families had been notified and medals of honour awarded posthumously.

*** Pirate Large ***

Regarding the recent scandal relating to Pirates possessing WoMD, the vile and deprived Pirate Large has responded to our reporters request for a brief statement of his position on this subject.

"i be disgusted that there be people out there tarnishin the good name us real pirates, as a true pirate be lookin for treasure, be that gold or the flesh of a lovely women next to thee, burning the skin off your victims isnt in the pirates code.

i am a law abiding pirate as yee all know, an i may slit the odd throat or 2, well may be more than that, but i would never slaughter a whole civilisation. this be the sign of a pirate operatin uder the flag of an affiliation, not a true pirate likes i is.

an can yee consider this disgust, at my trial should any of yee ever catch me......"

The APTF has denied rumours that they may be seeking to employ a brigand in order to catch a brigand. And we are not likely to see Large running under APTF flags any time soon.

*** Outpost Application Time ***

Subject: Outpost Applications

Applications have been received to exploit the following codes in the Capellan system, 26776, 42779 and 2886. Anyone already exploiting these codes should inform the Imperial Viceroy by day 5 week 49, including the celestial body on which they are being exploited.

*** KST Statement ***

Following on from information released recently by the GTT regarding WoMD being mass-produced at the KST starbase Drougal, the following statement has been issued to the Peripheries by the KST authorities:

Message from KST Drougal.

Having been approached with evidence (report from a GTT spy) that we are mass-producing weapons including Agent X, Nerve Gas and Nuclear Devices the KST have this to say on the matter of these so-called "weapons of mass destruction", and the concerns brought forward:

The concept of "weapons of mass destruction" is obviously nonsense, as some of you seem to think that a nuclear warhead destroying a starbase is a womd whereas a warfleet pounding the same starbase is not. The starbase is destroyed either way and its personnel is dead nonetheless, regardless of whether they were killed by blunt native sticks, photon guns, womd, or that mythical architect weapon capable to make whole suns go nova.

A weapon is a weapon is a weapon.

However, in the case that the galactic community really wish to differentiate between good and bad weapons by some standards which they cannot properly explain themselves, and classify nukes et al as criminal womd, then we suggest you turn your attention to those who use them with impunity. The following affiliations have been proven guilty of USING womd already: IMP/GTT (in the inner empire of humanity), ARC (against the DEN), KAS (on Kastor), FGZ (shiploads of nerve gas found in Solo), FLZ (against the FEL), FEL (against the FGZ/FLZ), KRL (in Inversion civil wars), CIA (against IMP), BHD (against IMP). This list is probably far from complete. The CNF, DOM and DEN are also at least rumoured to employ womd; they certainly do possess them.

Every item can be a weapon. Every weapon can cause mass destruction. Why don't you go and harass the KAS about their system weapon which is vastly more powerful than any womd? Or wage war on the powerful ARC, FGZ/FLZ or FEL, all of whom have waged more or less successful wars aimed at exterminating entire races with womds? And while you're at it, why don't you classify warfleets as womd, judging that they are far more powerful than any nuke? Or the Flagritz genetic modifications of subjugate races, such as the Naplian mutilations in Solo?

Can't you ban war altogether (including pirates please)?

Or would you agree that this is all pointless nonsense as everybody including each single one of "you" will strive to acquire as much power as they can, and regard womd simply as a tool of power to be denied to others if possible?

Regarding the use of womd, the GTT, along with the FET and IMP, have been preying upon the KST for a long time and their panicked reaction to our womd stockpiles proves that they are a useful deterrent. The KST consider other weapons and tactics to be more efficient for regular battles but obviously we will use them in defence if required, otherwise they are unsuitable as a deterrent.

As a sidenote, the GTT infiltrator who provided the information will be ditched in a vat of agent X or nerve gas when we catch him, just to prove a point. If he was not the operative who was shot recently by our security forces."

***** Periphery Classifieds *****

*** Technology ***

Greetings to the citizens of the peripheries.

My name is Professor Jacob Magnus. I head up one of the largest independent financial institutions in the peripheries. Its aim is to promote technology. Technology and its progress is neither good or bad this is defined by the sentients that use and abuse it. We as group have noticed a slow down in the exchange of technology which only inhibits future research and development. As the main independent institutional body, we feel it falls to us to correct this problem. We are therefore about to set up an exchange in Yank for the sole purpose of selling / exchanging Technology.

Anyone interested should send an email to

techexchange [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk

We thank the editor for allowing us space on his media.

Professor J. Magus

*** Ships For Sale ***

Subject: For sale
400 Heavy Hull Warship.
2 x 100 HH Warship
75 NH Scout


please lodge interest with High star

***** Message From The Editor *****

As some of you might have noticed recently, Political Positions now come with a weekly income of 10,000 stellars, as an added and extremely welcome incentive to run one. And not, as I had suspected, the result of slush fund maturation on the part of more creatively-inclined political operatives.

- Simon.


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

16-12-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 50 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
GM Holiday - Peace and goodwill throughout the Peripheries.
Yup, it's that time of the year again when everyone takes it easy and nobody makes use of the distraction to launch a devastating assault on unsuspecting parties.
The GM will be away from the 21st December through to 5th January. The game will run almost as normal although there will be no processing on the 26th December, therefore the 27th December will be a double processing day.
Complicated special actions requiring Mica's attention should be avoided during this period.
Merry Christmas to all.

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** DTR Vessel Destroyed ***

The Imperial wires are carrying the following story:

A DTR Nemesis capital ship, classed as an explorer, entered the orbit of Milkrun in the Dorn systems this week and attempted to board a FET freighter trading with the IMP starbase on the planet via its hiport. The Starbase and its supporting platform took exception to this and blew the intruder out of orbit. We suspect that the captain might have been quite surprised, in the brief moments available to him, that the starbase fired on him as we assume he expected it to be hiding under a planetary shield. It is perhaps a measure of the size of the DTR fleet that they can afford to throw away 100 heavy hulled ships on suicide missions of this type. There is considerable speculation as to the source of the information that the FET freighter was in orbit.

*** IMP Vessel Destroyed ***

An Imperial Exploration ship was ambushed by a CNF commerce raider in the Wastelands system and was lost with all hands, In a separate incident a CNF flotilla of warships that had destroyed a GTT scoutship in the Capellan System managed to sneak away just as the ISP turned up on the scene.

*** Periphery Celebrations ***

It is the annual Official Planetary Shield Test Week this week. Everybody be merry.

And watch out for alien missiles.

*** The Twinkle Crisis ***

Our reporters have learnt that IRS flags will be lowered soon, if they have not already, and that High Star will be reverting to IND control.

*** Pirate Large ***

Early reports indicate that the squamous pirate Large has captured an SMS vessel, only then to lose it in very unfortunate (for him) circumstances.

It is understood that the capture of an SMS vessel is particularly satisfying for Large and his crews, given the dedication of Commodore Baalazar of the SMS to hunting down Large.

*** UNK Vessel For Sale ***

Further information has become available concerning the UNK 400 Hull "freighter" that is currently for sale by the High Star authorities. The following press release has been issued:

"The IRS were in Void when our ship was attacked by the UNK. Since the UNK do not wish to make their identity known - or they wish to keep their friendships secret at this time, they are unable or unwilling to confirm this.
IRS ships were sent to aid our stricken FREIGHTER, IRS Titan (113) and all were destroyed by the UNK "freighters".
2 x 100HH
1 x 75NH
1 x 100LH
Our ship (300NH) managed to escape the UNK and attempted to leave, but was destroyed by the CIA and BHD as she did so. The boarded UNK ship (99188) emergency jumped and was towed back to High Star.

The ship has a list price of 24 million stellars. The ship will be sold as soon as we can find a buyer - otherwise she will be decommissioned and destroyed.

If the UNK want her back, they can contact High Star to discuss compensation for our own losses at the hands of their cargo fleet. No prisoners were taken aboard the UNK vessel. The vessel had only Alien Thrusters and Alien Drives installed, and is not the subject of any research or engineering.

So far, 1500 patches have been used to maintain her.

The CIA have made public comments about the ship, but have not contacted High Star in all the months since she was captured, and so the IRS do not understand the CIA's interest. If they have some interest, or would like to return the ship to its rightful owners, they can contact High Star.!!!!"

As an amendment to this, the UNK aliens have also shown no interest in contacting the SSS/IGN team to make known their identity. Or at the very least what 'UNK' stands for.

*** FLZ/IRS Alliance Officially Ends ***

Daniel Haynes, spokesman for the IRS has been quoted this week regarding the ending of their alliance with the FLZ Empire. "The FLZ/IRS alliance will be discontinued in the coming days, once assets have been exchanged, and votes on the pending issue have been counted. Thank you."

*** Pirate boarding Party Defeated ***

Veteran Marines of the CIA this week are celebrating their defeat of a far greater force of Pirates from the 'Larger Than Average' that attempted to board the freighter upon which they were stationed.

Their victory highlights the effectiveness of deploying small companies of veteran marines onboard freighters.

*** Detinus Senator Set To Retire ***

Romanov Family Holdings announced that their matriarch Peri Romanov is to retire from the political stage within the next four weeks. The Romanov family have been active within the political arena of the peripheries for over ten years but this news will not surprise many analysis who had noted Peri's absence from several key political forums over the last six months.

*** GTT Violate Yank Neutrality With Massacre Of Civilians ***

Lord Lawrence Scrimm the CIA Intelligence Director this week posted the following disturbing notice regarding ongoing GTT breaches of the Yank neutrality:

"Reports have come to my offices today showing that the GTT have, yet again, had a 'little accident' in Yank. A formal complaint will be filed with our KAS hosts in this regards and reparations demanded of the GTT for the loss of life. As the GTT seem incapable of toggling a simple switch when entering neutral territory, we will ask that they be banned from such territory until they can demonstrate greater respect for the laws of the neutral system of Yank. This is especially important as the GTT deem it necessary to '...keep a large military force there [in Yank]'.

Memorial services for the nearly 2500 CIVILIANS killed by the GTT in this 'little accident' will be held at CIA Sin City in Yank on 205.50.3.

For an affiliation that, publicly, denounces weapons that target civilian populations, the GTT, in practice, are quite contemptuous of civilian life."

There has as yet been no official response from the GTT regarding this incident.

In separate but related news, reports reach the IGN newsroom of significant fleet movements in the Yank system. And with the neutrality of the Solo system lying in ruins, it is a wonder how much longer the Kastorian Military Junta can enforce the peace in Yank.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Problem with Empower Officer order:

Platforms debate, is bigger better:


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

26-12-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 52 DAY 1  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Special Christmas Edition ***

*** Imperial Outpost applications ***

Dramatic news today as an application has been received to exploit code 31367 in the Capellan System. News agencies were stunned as anyone already exploiting this code has been asked inform the Viceroy's office by day 3 Week 51, giving the celestial body on which it is being exploited!

The Inter-galactic newsroom deny over-use of exclamation marks in an attempt to make our stories sound more exciting!

*** Pirate Large ***

It just wouldn't be Christmas without some bloody-minded psychopath committing mass slaughter and banditry, and indeed as if by order, we have heard again from Pirate Large:

"Ahharrgghhh me hearties...... It be aye..... Pirate Large.....

It be stardate 205.50.2 when we spotted the SMS ship Duke of Chalfont (71393) in the Yank system, an me newly commissioned ex FGZ ship wen into action.

Cappan thar be many warships in the same location as the target, aye steady as she goes, thar be CNF warships, they as been there for at least 2 weeks, several o them there be, neutral ground me arse I says, they has been building up for a bit now, activate the cloak, lets go straight past em, for the target.....

Well it didne take long to slip past the warships o the CNF cos they be especially fick, an me ship soon got into thee ulls o the SMS ship, and took on the numerous marines and crew aye she did.

Now it always be a pleasure to crack open the skulls, and splatter the brain o sms men across the hatches o the ship, an I especially likes to takes the captured crew women, 50 there be, and [censored] the livin daylight out o them, it be likes I is unloadin me stress into these booties, when I knows that baltazar is supposedly lookin for me.

But I as ad this happen before, we be just sharing out the SMS birds between us as we had 2 pirate ships in yank that day, and a 2nd SMS freighter had a very lucky escape, now I gets the best lookin ones, bein in my position, and just started me penetrations, when a WMB ship came floatin by, they fired and hit with 5 apaka, into the newly captured duke of Chalfont, and hit the 12 torps it had in cargo and it blew up along with all its cargo (and there was quite a few sellables) luckily the prisoners be on board my ship, but some o me boys wen down with the duke.

Lucky beggars them wimbles, an more of a man than them CNF who has had several warships in Gamma 10 Yank for quite some time, an they could n even stop me aharrgghh

oohhh an be the ways, merry christmas......................even to the APTF, an a happy new year, may your new year be as good for you, an i hopes to get as much trade next year as this. an on that note also, i as no ships left for sale, all o them have been sold. so special thanks to me customers aye..............

Anyways im sure you will hear more from the glorious adventures of the pirate ship Large (and friends) ahharrggghhhh...."

*** UNK Aliens ***

Wild rumours are circulating throughout the Peripheries this week as it has been revealed that 'UNK' may stand for Unilateral Nativity Killers. If true, this certainly has terrible implications for the GTT, who are understood to have already cancelled Christmas throughout their territory as a pre-emptive measure.

You don't wanna know what we heard the GTT did to Santa's Elves.

***GTT Announcement***

The GTT is pleased to note that at last a member of the criminal alliance wishes to discuss the restoration of the traditional no fire zones.

We would be very happy to discuss with you, and your colleagues this topic, please contact me direct if you wish to continue this as a serious discussion.

Be aware though I would also want to discuss with you CIA assaults on GTT shipping in another no fire zone, Twinkle earlier this year as well.

Further if your friend can be bothered to leave his weapons of mass destruction alone for a moment, please encourage him to join in discussing his pathetic attacks on the GTT.

Can you also put upon your other friend, the CNF, to join in these discussions, concerning his attacks on my shipping earlier in the year.
After all the KAS themselves are still interested in why he killed one of their prominent scientists.

I tell you what if you can pursued your DTR overlords to take part as well and discuss their attacks on the GTT in Solo, I will try and get the IMP and the FET to join in and we can discuss your assault on our combined fleet, whet it was deployed into Skord a few years ago at KAS request, as well.

I repeat if you wish to discuss this further please contact me privately.

Portha Agiadai

*** Pirate Destroyed ***

In slightly better news, the pirate vessel Leslie Frank has been destroyed by an AFT flotilla in the Solo system. Initial reports seem to suggest the Pirate bumped into a five ship AFT patrol squadron, possibly it attempted to board one of them in ignorance of the escorting warships.

One of the pirates, understood to be a protegee of the dread pirate Large, transmitted the following communication that was intercepted by AFT monitoring stations:

"Howdy sir. Reckon ya'll didn't git m' first message. I done like you told me there in Solo with the Leslie Frank. Sheee-ut boy, you belive that? Took um' three days ta chase me down. I lost your ship for you and the crew which included 10 human marines.

I lost that damn ship on the 'count of that damned kastorian helmsman you warned me to...what the hell is shag anyhow? know what I mean. Anyhow, I went ahead and hired him and the son of bitch got the ship blowed to hell. I screwed up and sent down the agents like you said, but I tried to send thier position number down instead of the agent number. Lucky it took 'em three days. Sheee-ut boy, this is funner 'n hell! I'm glad you talked me outa joinin the AFT. But you was wrong. They CAN shoot and they can shoot straight. (laugh) course it took um three days to find the range.

You was right about another thing too hoss, the best part, is the ship din't cost me a damm thing! You got me sold on them free ships. Now, boy...I don't mind tellin you I don't wont nothin that aint human on my first real ship."

It seems as if the learning curve for new pirates is steep, and not all can expect to find the successes that Large enjoys. However, it is a learning curve, and it is surely only a matter of time until there are more dread pirates menacing the space lanes.

*** Desperately Seeking Dabongo ***

In what can only be described as an unusual story, the CIA appear to be offering one million stellars for a date with Ed Dabongo.

It is possible our reporters have misunderstood the intent to which the CIA are seeking Mr Dabongo. But at this point 'dinner and a movie' does not seem the most fearsome fate lurking in the CIA arsenals.

Is this yet more evidence of the 'kindler gentler CIA'? Only time will tell.

*** DTR Celebrate ***

Attendance was sparse again this year at the annual DTR christmas party, as debate erupted fiercely across the chambers of the Detinus House Of Lords over the motion whether or not to attend the party.

Political reports indicate that a special investigative committee has been established to analyse the full strategic implications of attendance, and a sequence of votes will be held in the house with a final decision expected sometime around the next summer solstice.

*** CIA In Fresh Denials ***

You'd better not fuss, you'd better not cry, because there is reasonable cause to suspect that the figure known only as 'Santa Clause' may in fact be a CIA agent, here to plant listening devices in your front room as part of a vile CIA mind-control experiment.

Imperial news agencies broke the story this week regarding the CIAs intent to turn innocent festive fun into a fresh theatre of war, and with the CIA sticking to their 'deny everything' policy, there are reports of Santa's throughout merchandising complexes being attacked by angry mobs.

*** Controversy Erupts Over Official Imperial Greetings Cards ***

Officials and VIPs throughout Imperial territory are reported to be furious this year with the official Christmas Card from the Imperial Viceroy. Apparently the print-run was sabotaged by unknown elements, and instead of carrying the message of 'Warm festive greetings from Admiral Simms', the cards have somehow been released bearing the missive, 'Dear peasants, here is to another year of your being crushed beneath the jackbooted heel of the Imperial Hegemony. With bile and hatred, Simms.'

*** DTR Marines Storm The North Pole ***

Rumours indicate that several battalions of the DTR marine corps along with a regiment of heavy armour have been deployed to capture Santa's village.

Responding to allegations that this operation was carried out simply because it's been almost 2 weeks since the DTR armed forces last shot up somewhere, one DTR official is quoted as saying, 'Don't be [censored] absurd, the Detinus Republic have no interest in liberating the North Pole… There's no strategic importance to the location.'

Naval landing craft have been sighted deploying thousands of missile launchers into armed bunkers behind what was once the reindeer pen.

We invite readers to draw their own conclusions.

*** High Star News ***

The sweeping pace of events at High Star continues this week, with further news being released by Daniel Haynes, spokesman for the retiring IRS authorities:

"The IRS/FLZ alliance has been dissolved. The IRS have been asked by the FLZ to buy back a number of vessel's. We have managed to do so, but this has meant a large fall in our liquid funds. The FLZ has also taken charge of all IRS assets in the Flagritz Periphery. Again, this has affected our stellar resources.

At the time of writing, High Stars research and factory base is being reduced, with no less than 20,000 jobs (employees) lost in the coming days.

Funding for High Stars armies is no longer available. They will be decommissioned.

The population fear FEL/SMS invasion, which has killed most of High Stars merchandising.

These facts combined, make running high Star impossible.

As at today, the IRS and High Star remove themselves from any responsibility in twinkle and wish all who traverse her the best of luck for the future. A complete withdrawal and decommissioning of High Star will take some time - Could any group willing to aid with shipping please get in touch."

With this announcement from the IRS, all eyes surely turn now towards the stargate, and who might seek to control it.

*** Hive Get Festive ***

In an attempt to understand and integrate with human customs, the Hive have launched their own unique festive celebrations, with their own take on Santa Clause and his elves.

It does however remain to be seen how much children will enjoy the sights and sounds of several fully armed Hive warriors decked in tinsel with baubles hanging off their exo-skeletons, tearing holes in their house walls at midnight as they storm in to deliver slime-encrusted packages of festive joy.

However, we certainly have to applaud their intent.

*** The Black Dog Serenade ***

An unusual transmission has been made by the pirate Black Dog, dedicated to Archangel of the AFT, Commodore Baalazar of the SMS, and the Flagritz. There has as yet been no official response from them regarding the transmission, which is reproduced here in its entirety:

It be the night before christmas when all thru the ship
The pirates gets ready for a quick business trip
The 'ostages'ang's by there fingers w'care
n hopes that black dog, won't come no wheres near

Black dog his self says, "you've nuthin to fear"
In case that St Nicolos, somehow, might hear
It be his first Christmas on a ship all his own,
when suddenly the mate crys, "sir, its the phone!'

And who should it be callin up blackys barge?
why it be none other, than the great pirate large
"Good thing you called, sir, we hears black dog say
I be stumped how to celebrate this new christmas day

we'll all gets together, a squad, if you may
we'll all fly to yank and observe Christmas Day
An we won't shag nuthin and we wont even curse
an We won't attack no one les' they attack first

It be the patrol! ,cried the mate, I'll be bound!
And mightant you knows it, their shields was all down
Black dog pulls out his sword once agin
But this be a fight they knows they can't win!

When all of the sudden there rose such a clatter
Dog looked out the porthole to see what was the matter
and w'looks in thier eyes that would even freeze hell,
there be hurcuron and ARechangel there selves!

The mate called out "Blacky, sir what will we do?
"I'd say my prayers sir, if I wuz you!
pirate large says he'll be here in a day
But he be in Ruin, five jumps away

Well here come the sms and the aft too
Boardin our ships what they aimed to do
The hatch busted open and they runs down the hall
but then they gets quiet as they hears such a squall

For up on the roof top we hears a strange noise
and laughing and singing of girls and of boys
And there in a ship he just plundered and looted
Cappan' Large his self, in a read santa suit

Then black dog and hurcuron and archangel too
they all just stoods there? What else could they do?
we gots you surrounded old Pirate large cried,
with a voice just like ice an w' blood in his eye

Drops all your swords, I heard the man say
an after they did, he throwed "HIS" sword away!
"It be Christmas you see, he said with a grin
An he broke out some rum and some beer and some gin

There be the pirates and aft too
and the sms hoistin' a cold glass of brew
then they all staggers to their quarters and bunks
Can't fight a lick cause they all be too drunk

So we hoists a white flag and shakes hands the next day
then wave as the pirate patrol flys away
Then we heard Large as he flys out of sight...
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night

*** New Market ***

The KRL starbase Fort Inversion (4191) has now opened its market to the public.
The governor has indicated that their Buying and Selling market is limited, due to stellar problems, however, they have issued the following statement:

We are selling some surplus equipment, Armour Plates and Heavy Hulls. Regular item is Thorlium and other ores later like metals, Basic Elements, HydroCarbons, Strion and Jacium.

Due to our limits, then am i looking for some investors, to help us boost mining and resource construction. Contact me in private, if you are a potential investor.

Warlord Slyth Dark Angel
KRL Starbase Fort Inversion
KRL Clan Dark Angel"

One of our reporters tried to contact the Krell, to ask them how they celebrate Christmas.

Our reporter is yet to file their story.

*** SMS Christmas Party ***

A flotilla of SMS vessels, under the command of Commodore Baalazar has become engaged in combat with a significant Pirate battlefleet. Seven pirate warships, including a captured FGZ Baseship, were engaged by eight SMS high-G gunships. Several SMS ships have taken heavy damage, and one FET vessel has been destroyed by the pirates, who are believed to be lead by the pirate ship Certain Death.

Stories told in bars and cantinas throughout the peripheries speak of the Certain Death, how she is crewed by the undead and captained by a damned soul who cannot die.

Given the number of APTF warships likely to turn up in the Pegasus system tomorrow to attempt to intercept this pirate flottilla, the captain of the Certain Death may well get to test his resistance to the grim reaper.

This is the second sizeable Pirate battlefleet to have been intercepted by the APTF in recent weeks, and marks a definitely worrying trend towards militarism on the part of the pirate fraternity.

*** News Flash ***

Pirate large has struck against RIP shipping.

*** Chaos On Felini Homeworlds ***

Some enterprising soul has been sending large numbers of catnip stuffed presents through Felini postal services this weak, leading to outbreaks of mass civil disobedience as the FEL Christmas Post is terminally delayed.

The Felini Tyranny have promised vile retribution against those responsible.

Just as soon as they stop purring.

*** News Flash ***

Detinus Republic make a decision!

Cake has definitely been added to the menu for next years christmas party.

The most efficient type of cake is yet to be determined.

*** Imperial News ***

From the IMP news network:

An ISP ship on routine system patrols was ambushed as it entered the orbit of a planet in the Capellan systems this week. The CNF attacker destroyed our patrol ship and managed to escape before the relief force arrived. The surviving nine members of the patrol ship's crew have now been rescued and taken to safety at Jax.

In a separate incident the GTT destroyed a DTR freighter this week.

*** FET Privatise Christmas ***

Yes, it had to happen, the budding entrepreneurs over at FET HQ have trademarked Christmas, and are attempting to levy charges against anybody who so much as uses the C-word.

We at the IGN think the FET are just big scrooges, and hopefully they will be getting a visit from a Ghost of Christmas Past sometime very soon indeed.

*** Treasure Winters ***

The Treasure Winters christmas single, with associated Christmas Wonderland Videodiscs (available at an outlet near you), has stormed the charts this festive season, beating off worthy contenders for the vaunted number one slot, including 'It's A Merry BHD Christmas' by the Pope, and what can only be described as an experimental attempt at music by the Flagritz Empire, involving stirring battle anthems and the sound of Nova Cannon firing at random intervals.

It is not clear if the FLZ release was a serious attempt to gain the number one slot, or if it was actually a diplomatic initiative that was just a little too alien for most of the Peripheries to understand.

Either way, cute girl in tight outfit won out over space Popes and slimy aliens. Which just goes to show the buying public still has some taste, even at this time of year.

*** News Flash ***

This just in from a highly influential yet at this point unnamed consortium insider:

Rumours that the Consortium are about to declare war on asteroid belts has been dismissed as ridiculous by highly placed sources, despite natural phenomena being cited as the year's single largest cause of ship loss - at almost 1,000 hulls in total. The source (who asked to remain anonymous) was quick to point out that Consortium members are already prominent in the fight against piracy, the only other recorded factor seen to date...

***** Message From The Editor *****

Firstly. FYI, from Mica:

We re-evaluated the Drop Pod as we thought the original design was too restrictive

Drop Pod (940) - 10 mus

This is little more than brakes and cover for the dropped items.

Item Type: Orbital Drop Modules
Production: 20 mus
Build Requirement: 5 Metals (1)
5 Hydrocarbons (3)
Cargo Space: 90 mus (Normal)


Subject: Ground Movement and Missiles

A ship will not enter orbit if it does not have to. This is to prevent scans and possible battles.

Magazines - if there is sufficient magazine cargo space available, then it will use this to soak ammunition explosions. If there isn't then it's probable that the chance of a magazine soaking the damage is based on ammunition mass over magazine space with failure indicating general damage being pumped into the ship generic damage routine - although David may have been draconian and presumed that the first ammunition struck will always be considered the excess mass to magazine capacity. He may want to keep this a secret.


I take no responsibility for the accuracy, or lack thereof, of some of the news stories that have run this week. I trust you will forgive me.

Merry Christmas folks.

- Simon.

***** From The Posting Boards *****

Planetary Shield Complexes. Build requirements and TM:

Boarding actions and Point Defence:

Transferring Squadrons:

New Player looking for AFF info, everybody feel free to slag off your enemies:


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

30-12-2005: SUBSPACE STATIC: 205 WEEK 52 DAY 5  [Recruit]

***** Inter-Galactic News *****

*** Close Escape ***

Reports indicate that a lone Dominion Broadsword class Heavy Cruiser nearly opened fire on a flotilla of Flagritz Baseships in the Tycoon system, but at last minute thought better of it.

This incident seems to be one of several mysterious targeting mishaps to have occurred throughout the Peripheries lately, with several computer analysts suggesting the possible emergence of a viral software threat.

*** Falconian Empire Destroys Independents ***

More bad news for INDs this week as the FCN Empire made clear their hard-line on IND shipping by destroying an IND Courier class freighter in the Storm system.

FCN authorities are unapologetic, citing many cases in the past where IND flags have been used for covert black operations, though the IND in question makes a very fair point by stating that the market message for the starbase in question is as follows:

FCN Vjun (8295)

Market Message:
Welcome the Capital of the Krell Grim Reaper Clan. Come in peace, and enjoy the hospitality of the Falconian Free Trade Zone. All are welcome to trade with us. Do not dock with this base.

A spokesman for the Krell has stated that they do not have the authority to alter FCN targeting regimes in the system, but that they hope the FCN might review their policy towards Independents in the Storm system.

*** Behind Enemy Lines ***

The allegedly immortal DNA chief, Mad Max, has released an extract from his new book, "Behind Enemy Lines", this week to the press. The following extract is exclusive to the IGN:

Chapter 12 The Evil Consortium's WoMD Base in Skye

Many years ago the Confederates and the Imperials destroyed an Ancient Space Station identified as a Skord Alien Artefact, so that it would never fall into the hands of any faction. Until now many have wondered what happened to it and assumed it destroyed but Mad Max reveals it is in the hands of the Evil Consortium and they are busily using it for their evil ends.

A massive energy signature has been detected since Naplian forces have been monitoring it.

Visit it for yourselves, a must for all Naplian tours, at SMS OUTPOST PSI CXIII (36848) - {1-1} 31 kMus - Hiport

Watch the Evil Consortium run up the excuses for this when published close to year 206.

Quadrant Beta 13 - Skye System (191)

>TU 300: Enter Orbit {8027}
Entering orbit of Psi CXIII (8027)
A massive energy signature is detected near to this strange and probably
artificial world.
SMS OUTPOST PSI CXIII (36848) - {1-1} 31 kMus - Hiport
SMS OUTPOST PSI CXIII ORBITAL (98680) - {0-0} 1 kMus

In the next paragraph "Behind Enemy Lines" the DNA reveal the contents.

*** Pirate Large ***

Not one to pass up any opportunity, even at the holidays, it seems as if the dread pirate Large has struck once again, this time against IND shipping, making for what can only be referred to as a very bad week indeed for Independents.

*** NNN News Story ***

The following story has been picked up from the Naplian News Network:

NNN Special - COH / DNA relations thaw.

Since the COH change of leadership and their hasty retreat from the Evil Consortium the DNA reviewed last week options to make peace. Mad Max reportedly stated that he would not target COH shipping whilst they had left officially the Evil Consortium. This positive step, was also noted with a word of caution that the DNA would still discuss assets on Squamatta following the removal of the Evil Consortium from the planet that the DNA is monitoring.

*** Pirate WoMD ***

Detinus and SMS sources are reporting that the Weapons of mass destruction seized recently from the hidden pirate base have now been made safe.

*** DTR Base Destroyed ***

The Imperial news is covering the story that a secret DTR base, discovered in the Capellan System by a GTT patrol early in the week has been subsequently destroyed by GTT and IMP ships firing from orbit of the newly discovered asteroid.

*** Freighters Ambushed ***

Again from the Imperial news:

In the Trinity system a combined GCS/GTT blockade of Proton engaged a fleet of DTR and CNF freighters and their escorts, destroying one of the 100 HH escorts and severely damaging another. Three freighters were destroyed including a 150 X-Light hulled vessel.

*** News Flash ***

Pirate Large has apparently struck again!

***** From The Posting Boards *****

There is activity again on the following thread, regarding the proposal to have cut-down starbases that run for less real world money per week:

And a thread on escorting freighters with warships:


Editor: Simon Field - Simon-1 [at] gv3smq-6r [dot] freeserve [dot] co [dot] uk
KJC contact:
Phoenix Board:
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups:
KJCs Phoenix Trade Forum:
IRC Link: Server
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix

Lausnaff Enterprises -
Pirate Large -

Don't forget to include your account number in the message.
user image

*** Inter Galactic News ***

Empire pushes out Free Traders

With ongoing claims of AFT activities moving from it's traditional neutral trade welcome everywhere to more nefarious deeds, the Empire in general and the GTT in particular has taken action to send the AFT a message that their new actions won't be tolerated. Over a couple of weeks the AFT saw all it's registered fixed assets seized within GTT systems. So far there has been no attempt to extend actions and hunt down AFT ships or other positions in any systems outside the Empire, so we are assuming the GTT considers it's actions sufficient to send the once peaceful traders a message. We believe the FEL have also joined in due to exasperation with AFT actions. We contacted the GTT for a comment to be told that the actions had been profitable, the kind of remark you should probably expect from a mega-corp.

Solo becomes pirate hotspot

Our reporters have received numerous messages regarding pirates lately, especially in the Solo system. Since the NHS took the system over from the DTR pirate attacks seem to have escalated. Over the last two months we have been made aware of over a dozen ships being lost to pirates with no doubt more falling victim to the vicious pirates as owners do not want to admit they have taken losses. The DTR have offered to assist the NHS with policing the system, but so far the NHS has not asked for assistance. Large fleets of FET warships have been seem patrolling the system and CIA warships have also been seen accompanying freighters, but so far we have not received any reports that the pirates have lost ships in retaliation. Although the CIA have damaged two vessels enough for them to require serious repairs.

Zaxividani Naru's peacful Deweik

Imagine our surprise when our office learned of the new group of Deweik lead by Zaxividani Naru. What makes this group noteworthy is it's peaceful intentions. For many years the canine based species has been well known for it's love of drinking, fighting and finding itself at odds with the Empire, leading to some massive battles. Even recent history has mention of fleets with over 700 capital ships fighting for the DEN keeping the Empire honest and even pushing them back. So to find that a Deweik group has joined with the Mohache, probably the most peace loving beings in the peripheries, came as quite a shock. We at the SSS wish them well in their future among the stars.

user image

*** Inter Galactic News ***

Claims settle in Solo and Faery

With the NHS bringing in almost a million troops into Solo and the GTT choosing it's moment to contest Faery at the same time, it seems the DTR and it's alllies either found it hard to find enough troops to respond or quite simply decided it wasn't worth the hassle as there were far more important matters to deal with in the Senate. Who knows what other life threatening topics they have to discuss, such as the correct biscuit to have with afternoon tea. The end result is that Solo and Faery, both systems with significant incomes, are now under control of Empire based affiliations.

GTT move to clear out the Dewiek Pocket Pheriphery

Having resorted to bribery to get other affiliations to move out of the DHP, with rumoured multi-million stellar amounts being offered, the GTT now appear to have cranked the pressure up. An AFT base has been attacked and a few of the nearby ships have been blown up and damaged by GTT warship class ships patrolling the area. As we write this report, information we have seen shows that the GTT have already taken 20% of the AFT base and fighting continues. We approached the GTT to ask why they are resorting to force and were told that they have had to move significant military power into the DHP to deal with ANT forces, so now they are mopping up all the resistance of other affilaitions that were asked to leave and decided not to.

BHD relics and trophies

Pope Akhenaten of the Brotherhood has been touting more and more wares that are unique to the BHD. If you are missing a holy relic and have no idea how to fill that little space in your living quarters then you know where to go. From robes to candles, literature to wine and novelty ornaments, it's never been easier to bring a little bit of the Brotherhood home and exchange your stellars for spiritual well being.

*** Affiliations ***

AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
BHD - Brotherhood (63) - Akhenaten
CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
HEX Hexamon (23) - Hexamon
KRL Krell (30) - Namica
KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


*** Submissions ***

By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.
user image

*** Inter Galactic News ***

Solo claim swings back and forth

The situation in Solo appears to be getting even more heated. First the NHS dropped 600,000 troops to contest the system and then the DTR answered with enough troops of their own to trump the NHS claim. The NHS found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim up to 750,000 and once again the DTR answered, bringing Solo back under DTR control. Now the NHS have had a look down the back of the sofa and found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim to a massive 900,000 trained troops. We wait to see if the DTR have an answer to this. We can only guess where all these troops are coming from, but what is clear is that the established affiliations clearly have far larger armies than many thought.
user image

*** Inter Galactic News ***

NHS attempt to claim Solo away from DTR

In a shock move the NHS have contested the Solo claim with a huge garrison of 600,000 trained troops. In a move that nobody saw coming, especially as it was unknown the NHS had such a large force of troops to draw upon, the NHS seem to be provoking a response from the DTR. Currently there has been no word from the DTR in how they are going to deal with this claim jumping, although rumours are that they are pretending the Solo claim doesn't really matter to them and so action is unlikely. However this may be a smokescreen and we may yet see the DTR's powerful fleet cause havoc in the system of Solo, which has for a long time been an important junction and fought over by many different factions.

DNA Chairman TonTon resigns

The following communication has been leaked from the DNA to the GTT's PD.

Greetings CEO Fox.
It regrets me to have to inform to you that the DNA nation state will be renouncing its claim on Aladdin system following a ceremony planet side, shortly.
However, it gives me great pleasure to have to inform you that these ceremonies are being planned by Vladimir Tavikovitch, the South Road Traffic Coordinator. He is also responsible for all DNA and .ore. assets in the Outer Naplian (Capellan) periphery so if there are any further issues, please take it up with him.
For any and all other matters, please forward your request directly to the DNA directorate services at NexusID: DNA people.
The Foreign Ministry objects one last time to your illegal claim jump of Aladdin, but we realise it is time to de-escalate.
Normally i would sign off with Naambta, but doing so would be hypocritical. Let me say good riddance instead.
I hereby resign in protest!

Chairman TonTon,
Foreign Minister, DNA
cc: Directorate Services personnel coordinator - !urgent resignation!

DTR threaten WMB with fines for multiple breaches of DTR Law

Lady Sylvansight of the DTR has issued a fine of 1,000,000 stellars to the Wimbles for multiple breaches of DTR Penal and Territorial Law. This seems a very brave move of the DTR to risk upsetting the huge and warlike WMB when they also have the rival NHS Solo system claim to deal with. No word has been recieved yet that the Wimbles are going to pay, but if the formidable WMB warfleet is seen heading for the DTR home systems we will know what their thought are on the matter. The DTR and WMB fleets going head to head would be a sight to behold.

*** Affiliations ***

AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten
CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility
KRL Krell (30) - Namica
KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


*** Submissions ***

By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.
user image

*** Inter Galactic News ***

DNA and GTT clash over Aladdin system claim while Pirates look on.

The GTT have this week launched an attack on the DNA outpost in Aladdin, in what appears to be little more than a turkey shoot. Around 100,000 GTT Naplian Startroopers attacked the DNA position to remove the rival system claim. Reports indicate the DNA garrison were taken by surprise and lost control of the base in the first few hours of the fighting. The base has since been reflagged from [Free Naplian Capital] Peaceful Protest to [Loyal Naplian Capital] DNA claim Ended so it's fair to say there was a clear message being sent by the GTT. We have been waiting for the DNA leadership to comment but so far they have been unusually silent. No doubt when they have crawled out from under their desks they will have something to say on the matter.

While this attack was going on several pirate ships were also seen in Aladdin, according to the GTT in what may be true or may be a diversion, with reports of a pirate GP and scout being destroyed while a 150HH pirate warship slipped away and escaped from incoming anti-pirate patrols.

Secret meeting of the EEM

A recent communication intercepted by one of our top reporters today made us aware of a meeting of the EEM. This is underway in a top secret location called Black Pool, which sounds suspiciously like the lair of a pirate band. After pulling in many favours, we were able to identify some of the attending members. On the bases that they won't be named we were able to find out some slight information of the subjects to be discussed at the meeting and one thing is for certain, there could be huge impacts to the lives of everybody living in the galaxy. Details to follow. When the shadowy figures of the EEM come together with the top political players in a pirate base the possibilities are endless!

You are never more than 6 systems from a RAT ðŸ€

A new saying has arisen in the bars and spaceport of starbases throughout the many peripheries; you are never more than 6 systems from a RAT.

It is understood that this saying originated in Yank and spread by trade vessels to peripheries far and wide. Many starbases have heightened their security and added additional sensors and locks to various entry points including foul and grey water outfalls. Beer and drug stocks are undergoing increased proofing to avoid the critters gaining entry and consuming the stockpiles.

Will this present as a new plague of proportions never before seen or is this some simple urban myth being spread for the amusement of some mischievous entity? Who knows, but to be certain... check the shadows.

This year we will again be returning to the Briardene Hotel. They were welcoming, the bar didn't run out of beer pre-covid and there was room for quiet chats. Along with Wetherspoons there is the Victoria just down the road (Sam Smiths - last time beer was around 2 shillings per pint and a full round was less than £10).

Mostly drinking beer and talking toot though we have a good few things on the agenda.

Bookings are done directly with the hotel. Book by phone and say that you are with KJC Games

Briardene Hotel
Telephone: +44(0)1253 338300
All staff should be able to deal with the booking but if there are any problems ask for Tracy (manager) as she dealt with all our foibles in previous years.
user image

*** Inter Galactic News ***

Dog days are over

With the fall of the DEN and the implosion of their home territory as the AFT, DTR and GTT moved in, it was unlikely the Dewiek would rise again. The DWP gave the species a little hope with the Dewiek Pocket Periphery kept under lock and key. But news has reached us of the AFT's penetration of this private area of space that's been locked down. With a base and claim in one of the three visible systems it seems that the end of the Dewiek is near. A once noble and aggressive race, determined to make an impact on the galaxy is now little more than a species that lives under the command of others. A sad end to a once powerful species that used to control a significant part of known space.

Pirate activity continues

Yet more reports of pirate activity have been received, one from the WMB, losing a freighter in Solo and another from the FET who reported they had engaged and hit the attacking pirate ship with several weapons before it managed to make off with it's prize. Hopefully the pirate ship took significant damage and will now be out of action for some time. The Corewards periphery seems to have been plagued with pirates recently and many travellers would welcome a break from attacks.

MEK incursion into Corewards

The FET and GTT have mounted a joint venture into Nog-Kesri to tackle a MEK force. It isn't known where they have come from, with the only other MEK ships seen so far being located in the Orion Spur. The lack of a known link between where they have appeared in Corewards and the Orion Spur has caused some concern among planetary populations as who knows where they could turn up next! Fortunately the combined FET/GTT task force dealt the MEK a heavy blow and the threat has been eradicated. But we all know this is unlikely to be the last we hear of the MEK in Corwards and we would encourage ship captains to keep a keen eye on thier sensor screens when travelling near Nog-Kesri.

user image

*** Inter Galactic News ***

  • CIA freighter fights off overwhelming pirate forces

  • Fin Saine media broadcast, What is Hot in the galaxy?!?!

  • MEKlan forces attack in Corewards Arm

    user image

    *** Inter Galactic News ***

    Aladdin faces ongoing DNA/GTT tension

    The tensions between the DNA and GTT in the Coptuv system recently spilled over into the DNA system of Aladdin. A significant party of GTT ground troops has reinforced one of their bases in the system and claimed it, forcing the system claim into turmoil as the DNA finds itself under threat of losing the system. With the DNA chairman asking for help, several affiliations have been seen sending ships to evacuate any in the local population that want to escape the GTT. But so far not a shot has been fired and despite the AFT, FEL and DTR assistance no reisistance to the claim jump has been encountered so far. It remains to be seen if the DNA and it's friends will scatter before this hostile take over or put in a last minute counter claim to thwart GTT intentions.

    Increasing pirate activity

    Recent reports indicate a new surge in pirate attacks with the AFT and GTT reporting ships lost. Knowing how some don't like to advertise losses we wouldn't be surprised if this is the tip of the iceberg. Reports passed to us show the ship PIR Scavenger running ID 43174 and another ship of the same name running ID 68668 have both been in action with successful boarding attempts. It's unknown whether these are seperate ships or the same ship reregistered, but our information suggests that it would be hard for these pirates to cover the space where these attacks happened with just one ship. One thing is for sure, be on your guard as open space is not as safe as it once was.

    GCE ships loitering in deep space

    After the fall of the GCE and a lot of their assets being shared or purchased it was thought that the affiliation was no more. Yet deep space scans indicate that there is still a significant number of GCE warships holding station in deep space between Coptuv and Yank on the transport route into the Corwards Arm. Nobody knows what these ships are up to and why they are still flagged GCE, but our best guess is that are captains either awaiting new orders or owners after the fall of the GCE command structure.

    *** Affiliations ***

    AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
    BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten
    BHD Brotherhood (63) - de Molay
    CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
    DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
    DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
    DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
    FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
    FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
    FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
    FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
    GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
    HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility
    KRL Krell (30) - Namica
    KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
    KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
    MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
    NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
    NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
    SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
    WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

    * Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
    ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


    *** Submissions ***

    By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.

    Free Ship when you sign-up
    Complete missions for in game rewards
    Control everything, up to an entire empire
    Dedicated human moderators
    Player and Moderator driven plotlines
    Discover new worlds to explore, exploit & colonise
    Over 20 years of content development
    Persistent Browser-Based Game (PBBG)

    I’ve played on and off for approximately 10 years, over a 20 year spell. After some interesting debate on the in-game forum, I did wonder what, exactly, has kept drawing me back to the game, when for so many others I’ve generally lost interest after a few months.

    Ultimately, I think it is a combination of automation (that allows the game to handle thousands of positions to interact on a daily basis) coupled with Special Actions (that allow the story arc to develop in a way that could not be catered for by a set of predefined list of available orders).