08-01-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 1 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****Latest News*****
Message from the True One's Physical Representative
A periphery wide and beyond broadcast has been beamed on all available networks from Brotherhood HQ. The broadcast starts with the video of numerous FET and IMP ships getting blown up in the orbits of confederate worlds, a tally next to the footage increasing after each ship explodes. A voice over tells of the countless faceless victims sent to their deaths by the Imperial Empire, how they do not value life and only seek to end it, be it their own loyal crews. The voice over continues to go on about the time of year and what it means to humans, a chance to rejoice with the family, to embrace the fellow man and celebrate the birth of the True Ones son on earth, however this is not what the FET believe.
The footage shows the FET Scout Y-4 (56905) getting annihilated over Dominican in Monk. This is how the crew of Scout Y-4 celebrated their Christmas. Footage then swaps to FET Scout Y-8 (37456) over Kilo while the voice over explains how FET Scout Y-8 brought in the New Year, a sad but true fact. To the families of the crews of Scout Y-4 and Y-8, as well as all the previous crews sent on these suicide missions, we feel your loss.
The commentary leads on to ask if the crews are willingly doing this death sentence for their peers, or if they fly blindly to their deaths. The question is raised as to who makes the Imperial high command judge jury and executioner of their own people? Do these crewmembers have a good life insurance policy to look after those they leave behind?
The footage of the Scout Y-4 and Y-8 is repeated and repeated for effect. The slogan 'Did they?' blinks repeatedly at the bottom of the screen.
His Holiness the Pope, Jordan G. Roswell addresses the Peripheries and beyond with a special New Year message regarding the recent deaths of a number of imperial crews within the Darkfold Periphery.
Salutations my brothers, my sisters and all you infidels within the True One's realm. It has been a long 203 with the conflict within the Human Empire dominating the news and lives of those whom are affected. I speak particularly of those Imperial crews who are ordered to their deaths by their political hierarchy each week. Whilst the confederacy mourns your pointless deaths we will not stop to eradicate you from our orbits, so if you receive orders to enter our space, then you sign your own death warrants. I speak for your crews welfare, be they your husband, your wife, mother, father, brother or sister when I say make a stand against those who hide behind their rank and power, who think nothing of you or your families bereavement, after all it is them who are the ones to lose out on these worthless missions for your conceited leaders. To die in fair battle is an honour, but to die in a pointless exercise like a lamb to the slaughter is a tragedy. The True One gave us a precious gift that of Life, do not squander that gift by those whom are lead by the False One. Embrace life and stand against those that will send you to end it, for they have not that right, or the honour, or basically the balls to do so themselves. Make a stand and refuse to die for an already dead empire which brands us the evil doers, yet they commit the greatest of crimes of humanity and wilfully send you to your deaths to commit nothing but a minor irritation to your enemies, are you not worth more than that. It is a sorry time when you as individuals are forced to do something that will not only take away your freedom, but also take away your lives. Happy New Year, my brothers, my sisters and those who will not see another.
*****KJC Update*****
A few minor fixes have been completed. These sort out the dodge problem but making an exponential relationship between dodge and thrust along with a few other features such as armour and stealth on platforms.
Work is progressing on planetary infrastructure as well as some nifty website stuff.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
SMS next week, followed by WMB
Story(ies) of the Week
The FET CEO is back. He sits in a recliner, his jack-booted feet propped up on a cluttered desk. Night has fallen over the distant unnamed world from which he presides....but not in the rich militarily black and red velvet comfort that the pope would reside in, but a small dank office with a water cooler that is empty. Some jerk has stubbed a cigarette out in an ashtray. Ted (let us call him Ted), is tired. He's tired and he is back.
He involuntarily jumps when Larry walks in, unannounced and with all the military presence of a rat. He looks up and at Larry and says sarcastically, "I'm home". For the third time in as many months, a member of the enemy has died, not by his own hand but in the mistaken idea that it was "he" the secret agent, dropped off at a particular ring in the orbit of a particular planet in a particular solar system. With the ease of a hot bloody knife through butter he had slipped in, unnoticed, unseen. Briefly taking on the appearance and personality of those he abhors, he sought out and obtained vital information, killed silently and left with a job well done. Those whose place he took, briefly though it were, are suddenly suspected of being a spy, and as you know, espionage is punishable by death. Death by slow torture and at the feet of some high ranking board member the official...the had been, grovels and begs for his life. There is no mercy. An innocent man was murdered by these filthy butchers....one of their very own. While Ted takes a long drink of a can of coca cola. Its nightfall at his planet. Ted leans back and closes his eyes. He is home.
*Newsflash (DOM Press Release) -The Dominion would like to announce that a new powerful Overlord has taken control of the affiliation.
Robert Trevalliant has proven the better candidate for the office by right of power and John Mayhew has stepped down. John Mayhew would like at this time to wish the new Overlord all the best in his reign and hope he will bring continued prosperity and glory to the Dominion.
John Mayhew
*Newsflash (SMS Press Release) - Greetings fellow gentle beings, after an exhaustive hunt the following vessels were sighted and brought to justice. To further their crime and to further prove their guilt, the Beast group has been consorting with pirates! Please see a shortened version of one of the many battle reports that I received today. I am pleased to say that not a single vessel was scratched during this encounter, well, no SMS vessel anyway........
PIRATE SHIP BLACK VIPER (10124) - {20 Normal Hulls} - Attacking
Courier Class Gun Boat {No Armour}
Broadsword Class {Heavy Armour}
PIRATE SHIP BLACK VIPER (60785) - {20 Normal Hulls} - Attacking
Courier Class Carrier {No Armour}
Battle Line Up
IND Defence Beast Transport Inc (58657) - [AR=55.9]
PIRATE Black Viper (60785) - [None]
PIRATE Black Viper (10124) - [None]
PIRATE Black Viper (22877) - [SHIELDS=96(10.7)]
Retreated from battle
PIRATE Black Viper (26039) - [None]
Piracy will not be tolerated and any who seek to consort with them will receive a similar fate, especially those who seek ill of the SMS and their allies.
Hucuron Baalazar
SMS Fleet Commodore
*Newsflash (reply to SMS Press Release) -Dear Sweet Commodore
What a true hero and love of a man you are to have jumped to my aid and finished off those Pirates for me. My Broadsword was disabled and I didn't think it would be able to protect my other ships but in you came like my knight in shining armour to save the day.
And to think I would have expected you to have not allowed my other ships to escape what with me being posted and all (must be costing you to keep me posted).
So that's 3 escapes from now. Outside the outpost, the pirates and now the massive war fleets here.
Once again thanks.
Now an open message to the Pirate BLACK VIPER, lost a lot of ships attacking me didn't you. Sweet heart best go build some more ships and this time give them different names. So unimaginative... tut..
And make them nice ones I'll want to board...
Love, hugs and special kisses
Hunter not Hunted
*Newsflash (IMP Press Release) - IMP Political Officer Gog has been appointed to the Imperial Command Council and has accepted the Trade and Commerce Portfolio. All enquiries regarding trade should be routed through his office at gog.theoneandonly@b...
This appointment will not effect any ongoing trade deals with members of the Imperial Services.
*Newsflash (IND-High Star Press Release) - Due to economical difficulties, the IND starbase High Star announces cuts in expenditure and a new market report:
QTY Sell/Price/ Item /QTY Buy/ Price
1 75000.00 Broadsword (25008) 0 0.00
800 7.50 Sapphire Amethysts (30631) 0 0.00
500 50.00 Precious Gems (26) 0 0.00
0 0.00 Cat Willow (30465) 5000 9.20
0 0.00 Cathar Tapestries (30136) 1000 7.50
0 0.00 Cedar Mudpacks (30513) 8000 6.99
0 0.00 Checkpoint Hounds (30424) 20000 16.00
0 0.00 Chichester Blue (30074) 10000 10.35
0 0.00 Chichester Glass (30505) 8000 5.55
0 0.00 Climbing Plant (30097) 15000 18.40
0 0.00 Conda Rats (30189) 5000 14.00
0 0.00 Confederate Art (30341) 10000 9.60
0 0.00 Cryo Pods (129) 300 300.00
0 0.00 Cypiran Crystal Art (30089) 1000 20.05
0 0.00 Cyprian Scarab Beetles (30087) 1000 13.20
0 0.00 Dalmatian Jewellery (30378) 10000 13.50
0 0.00 Dappled Quenth Birds (30065) 1000 12.99
Editor: Pedro Martins - HVEPD@hotmail.com
KJC contact: KJC@kjcgames.com- www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.darkfold.com/
CIA - www.darkfold.com/
CNF - www.darkfold.com/
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - www.frontierexplorationandtrade.com
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - clientes.netvisao.pt/pgustavo/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
16-01-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 2 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****Latest News*****
Imperial Faction Assault Straddle
News has filtered through detailing the largest class of ships to date. More than two hundred and fifty ships engaged in a skirmish within the Straddle system. The assault was not however decisive as the defenders, the Detinus Republic either had a standing force waiting or had been tipped off by the arrival of multiple scout ships at the location only days before.
*****KJC Update****
Scary battle. David Bethel's only comment was, "My God, we have created a monster." He is currently working to tighten up the targeting routines. These should make fleet actions a little more predictable.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
SMS failed to send a profile, next week WMB.
*Newsflash (HVE Press Release) - The aged Swarm Lord Avatar, veteran of many battles has relinquished his station, though he'll remain as an aide to the next Swarm Lord.
After the recent crisis in leadership spreading across the Galaxy one can ask, who's next?
*Newsflash (DTR-Straddle) - DTR announces a new victory over IMP/FET/GTT fleets in the Straddle system. Though the Empire contest the "victory" on ground of similar MU of damage having been dealt, the actual fact is 8 ships were lost as opposed to a crippled station and of course, the fact that no "ground" was taken.
*Newsflash (IND-High Star) - After announcing severe financial problems, IND High Star, tries to recoup losses in the Capellan market. Let's see if the traditional "FET shoot IND on sight" doesn't put a plug in the plan.
*Newsflash (CNF-Storm) - Confed press releases the news that a nerve gas warhead has been activated in Inversion, Storm. Thousands of Krell are reported to have been killed. Confed accuses IMP of having left the warhead as a booby trap, probably from the Empire/FCn War.
Oddly enough, the actual trigger was pressed by the FCN Government.
*Newsflash (RIP-Storm) - In a reaction to the Confed announcement, the RIP King contests the Confed allegations and accuses FCN leaders of conspiracy. Certainly having the Confederacy do the actual announcement is suspicious. Are IMP to blame, or FCN for gross neglect, or even deliberate action to get IMP get bad press?
*Newsflash (IMP-Storm) - IMP deny accusations and make slight remarks BHD nuns hygiene.
*Newsflash (DNA-Storm) - DNA officials announce a formal inquiry to the Inversion incident.
At the same time announce the arrival of new relief to the Krell population.
*Newsflash (FCN-Storm) - After the DNA announcement of new relief, FCN, remind, again, they have also offered aid. No comments on the setting off of the Nerve Gas warhead.
Editor: Pedro Martins - HVEPD@hotmail.com
KJC contact: KJC@kjcgames.com- www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.darkfold.com/
CIA - www.darkfold.com/
CNF - www.darkfold.com/
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - www.frontierexplorationandtrade.com
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - clientes.netvisao.pt/pgustavo/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
22-01-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 3 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****Latest News*****
IMP Campaign Notches Up Victory
Deep in Confederate space, the IMP skirmish fleet is proving to be a bit of nuisance. This week they struck and destroyed a Confederate platform.
Straddle Skirmish
The Imperial Services launched an assault against a Detinus Republic outpost. Imperial marines fought defenders, pushing them back street by street. Slowly the marines gained control of the starbase. The Republic have now changed tactics and backed off in order to pound the IMP and outpost from the sector with tanks. This is proving to be quite successful.
*****KJC Update****
As promised scientists are to be added to the game based on the conversion.
Scientists are rare and each affiliation should only have a few. Even a +1 can be equivalent to 30 research complexes!
It is not expected for any affiliation to have more two +3 scientists.
The points have been calculated on the total research points for each BSE research field plus a bonus for biochemists. This bonus was calculated on total biochemists owned by the affiliation modified by their production cost as calculated against the highest research output (biochemists were produced from any source of research, not just biochemistry).
Biochemists give a bonus because they represent research in BSE that did not convert into restricted tech i.e. principles/techs/blueprints.
Why does a +2 scientist cost more than two +1 scientists? Scientists can counter penalties that cannot be circumvented by simply throwing more research points at a project. This can shave weeks of completion time.
Purchase cost of Scientists
+1(7), +2 (18), +3 (30)
+10 for second order principle.
+1 Energetics scientist costs 7 points
+2 Energetics scientist costs 18 points
+2 Huge ships scientist costs 28 points.
+1 (5), +2(12), +3(20), +4(45)
+10 for second order tech i.e. ones that rely on any second order principle.
+2 Human 100 Heavy Metal Hull Tech (Ship of the Line tech) costs 12 points.
+3 Flagritz 200 Heavy Metal Hull Tech (Heavy Baseship) costs 30 points.
+1 Special Mineral Extraction Tech costs 5 points.
Scientists should only be chosen based on technology that was present at the time of conversion. GM may veto anything that is unreasonable.
For each scientist required, an existing officer will be converted into a scientist and his chosen field and bonus set.
Once the scientist list has been approved for an affiliation, officers to be converted should be created in the desired location. While it is not essential, it may be sensible to name your officers with a suffix such as Prof, or Dr. enabling you to easily spot them in the personnel manifest.
Once these have all been created, a list of their names and item numbers should be submitted to the GM along with what they will become.
+3 and above scientists can also have their own tech manual.
Prof. Bob Piers (41557) +3 Energetics. Piers is an expert in high energy bombardment of photons.
Prof. Gary Sanders (47751) +1 Photon Beam Weaponry
AFFtResearch BonustTotal
COHt75t10t85 (exANT)
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
Another full circle has been completed, next week AFT.
***The static suddenly clears to reveal nine small Wimbles dancing hand in hand around what looks like a dead cow. The children are singing, but they are too far from the camera for the microphones to catch the words. On closer inspection, the dance is taking place in a cleared grove of trees, with the animal remains resting on a levelled tree stump. The dancing and singing continue for a few moments***
***A movement brings words to the front of the screen - clearly printed on some sort of plastic, made obvious by the Wimble fingers at the bottom hastily adjusting the sheet so the words are straight on the screen. The dancing continues behind the words***
"Due to technical difficulties, we are unable to bring to you the scheduled propaganda.
The Wimble Nation apologises for this inconvenience. Sorry.
If you would like to know more about the Wimble Nation, please visit their data archives at this nexus: phoenix.specht.co.uk"
"If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact a local Wimble official.
If you know of any Wimbles that are currently not members of the Wimble Nation, please let us know. Maybe you are a Wimble who is interested in joining our wonderful family?
Please get in touch."
***The words sit there for several minutes, the children dancing and singing in the background. Then additional acetate is slid onto the bottom, complete with the temporary close up of Wimble fingers and a piece of meat, vegetable and nut pie. The fingers and pie retract, leaving the additional new words and a gravy-coated pea***
"If you know a good communications technician who has previous experience of either out-dated human communications, or Flagritz communication systems, please contact us now.
Own transport required!"
***The words remain for the rest of the 10-minute broadcast. The children in the background continue to dance - then it is suddenly obvious that it is a two minute clip that has been rather badly looped, making 3 of the children appear to teleport every two minutes***
Weekly Stories:
This is A Wiseman of ISBN bringing you more news of Confederate and Rebel actions..
Imperial forces have recently obtained various documents from under the noses of the CNF, CIA, BHD and the Evil republic that is Detinus these we produce for your education. We also produce more footage of what it means to be under the yolk of the Confederacy the next is a case in point...
A space combat, A ship in Confederate colours (The Amistad) is being boarded by imperial Vessels the scene changes to combat inside the vessel Imperial marines are finishing off final resistance based around a sealed compartment. Some confederate troops drop their weapons to surrender then as the marines turn their back to deal with other problems the confederates treacherously take their weapons back up and begin firing again. This time they are cut down with no mercy. Soon the last resistance has been vanquished and the sealed door is opened. A hardened marine steps through weapon at the ready. His face is seen to blanche and he steps back shouting for a medic a light is shone where he has just been inside can be seen a ore hold converted for minimal live support inside chained nose to tail are enslaved Life forms many now dead of cold…
Confederate thought for the day: Murder is the confederate way
Brotherhood Credo: The Heretic shall be shown no mercy and his Life shall be forfeit Being unhappy is heresy, you are happy aren't you?
Recorded statement of Michelle Diaz: Everything is for sale-Especially ethics, Speaker of the
House of Lords
Finally some messages for our friends in occupied territories:
"Lady Michelle Diaz has really bad 17:00 shadow"
"Roswell's catamite is Unhappy"
" Spacewall Jackson is called Jackie at weekends"
*Newsflash (DNA/FCN-Storm system) - DNA intercept and engage a pirate vessel. The pirate manages to escape, but fails to land a single hit on the garbage scow. DNA, question FCN as to why they arrived far too late to have any effect in the outcome. Deliberate action, or plain incompetence? FCN wave away any complaints, for they did come, rather later than others ships coming from far further, but still came...
*Newsflash (Storm system) - Travellers in Storm system, were surprised today to find that system message and claim have switched overnight. FCN now claim to own the system on behalf of KRL, but any legitimacy to this claim is yet to be proven. No KRL representative was available to comment, so at this time it's only FCN word. It is known however that the DNA had been granted legitimacy by the KRL and that they weren't given any notice by KRL regarding any change in status.
In response to the matter, DNA states, that only change to actually having taken place was the system message and that the DNA systems laws are still in effect.
Editor: Pedro Martins - HVEPD@hotmail.com
KJC contact: KJC@kjcgames.com- www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.darkfold.com/
CIA - www.darkfold.com/
CNF - www.darkfold.com/
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - www.frontierexplorationandtrade.com
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - clientes.netvisao.pt/pgustavo/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
02-02-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 5 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
*****Latest News*****
Imperial Skirmishers Nearly Caught
Having gained confidence during the recent weeks, the Imperial skirmish fleet became careless. Having pounded on a few CIA vessels they decided to hang around to finish the job. Confederate cavalry however arrived in the nick of time scattering the skirmishers.
*****KJC Update****
Boarding Action
Boarding actions now attempt to replace prisoners taken on the targeted with personnel involved in the boarding action.
The boarding party will effectively be left on the boarded vessel and prisoners will be transferred back to boarding vessel where possible.
GM Veto on Research
Certain research projects have been set so that they can only be started if GM agrees. These prevent specious research projects based solely on knowledge.
Examples are Training Techs and racial designs.
When a ship is completed, the security code of the ship will be shown on the starbase printout. This will allow crew to be delivered directly to the ship where the new owner is not the same person as the shipbuilder.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
AFT no show! Next week, the BHD
Weekly Stories:
And now on Brotherhood 1 our latest programme on the Purity Patrol or "how to shop you
You are happy aren't you.."
Dot Dot Dot Dash....
Dot Dot Dot Dash..
We interupt your broadcast to bring you the truth from the studio's of the Imperial Stellar
Broadcasting Network (ISBN)
Footage of the Brotherhood Pariah called "Roswell" appears plainly at the end of his "new years message" but then pans left and looks out of the window. A grey Miasma fills the street and the reason becomes apparent...
Every 30 feet or so a lifeform seems to have been tied to a pole and set alight to provide illumination... the camera pans further along the road towards a child no more than 12. She is covered with pitch. You see a rabid Brotherhood officer bringing a torch. Some of the words of the "pope" appear below the scene "I speak of my peoples welfare be they your husband, your wife, mother, father, brother or sister.." the scene fades out before the final terrible act can be broadcast...
Next the hollowed halls of the Republic and the House of Lords the Speaker is on her feet bombasting about slavery, snores are evident on every side..
The time show's 11:00..
The time is now 13:00 and the speaker is in her office a confederate officer after crawling across the floor kisses her shoes handing her a data pad on the panel can plainly be seen a s millions stellar total.. The Speaker smiles
"Excellent Toadie good to see you know your place.. The deal is I turn a blind eye to your next batch of slaves how many was it this time.. 10000 but no more after all I do have my principles to think of".. Loud laughter fills the room as the scene fades...
V FOR VICTORY (Dot dot dot Dash)
View opens to show the leaders of the Imperial services, GTT and FET stepping forward behind them blow their standards in the breeze making them almost come alive, Behind them can be seen series ranks of troops. Aircraft and ships, beneath them the words "LET US GO FORWARD TOGETHER"
*Newsflash (IND-Twinkle system) - IND High Star governor announces measures against spies.
Failure to remove active spies will result in forceful removal of the entire aff. At the same time, High Star has claimed ownership of the Twinkle stargate.
*Newsflash (DTR-Midway) - DTR Internal Minister announced today an incursion of Imperial troops upon an outpost in Midway. Despite DTR forces having managed to regroup and recapture the outpost, reports indicate that they arrived too late, for IMP demolition squads had already destroyed the outpost. It seems that the Empire will go down easily and will sooner destroy their former holdings than leave it in enemy hands.
Editor: Pedro Martins - HVEPD@hotmail.com
KJC contact: KJC@kjcgames.com- www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.darkfold.com/
CIA - www.darkfold.com/
CNF - www.darkfold.com/
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - www.frontierexplorationandtrade.com
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - clientes.netvisao.pt/pgustavo/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
05-02-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 5 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
CIA next week
The Brotherhood are a zealous fanatical church that embodies all that is good and pure within the Human race. We are the modern day Paladins of the peripheries and have a holy code that we live our lives by. We banish the heretics of the known galaxy and do so with the might of the confederacy, our greatest and cherished allies by our side.
The more recent righteous union between the Detinus and the confederacy brings the reunification of the Human Empire a step closer and as his holiness the Pope was heard to say on the day of the signing of the DTR/Confederate treaty, "Praise the True One, for on this day a new republic is born, one that is good and just and not built on the blood of nuclear holocaust and company greed, but built because of it."
The Holy code of the Brotherhood structures our substance as a society and is a motivational fanatical factor to better ourselves and those of our kin. It teaches us the ways of the righteous and gives us the courage and strength to do that which those of the False One cannot. We preach with Battleships and other newer crafts and prefer to commit our war fleets to honourable battle against the ill doers of the galaxy. Thus our Holy Avengers do not flee from battle for to do so would show weakness to the Lord in front of the dark followers of the False One. The Dark One however is awash with cowardice and cannot commit to honourable battle due to his followers own weaknesses and streaks of yellow that are written across their faces as well as in their underwear.
The Lord does sayeth that "Those of goodness need not fear death for I will embrace you in my arms and take you to a better place, those that are of badness however will be flung from my arms into the eternal torturous fires of the False Ones Abyss!" so to join us would allow you to face death with a clear conscience. I would like to say though that senseless death is not a valid option, for within the Brotherhood we promote life in the mortal plain and further our righteous cause here.
Our extensive research capabilities further us in the ways of science and technology and allow us the freedom to specialise in a number of fields rather than just one or two. The benefits are extensive and continued joint efforts with our allies in these fields further us still. It is the
Brotherhood belief that the True One has given us the tools to aid our cause and it is part of our substance to find them. To do so brings honour and glory to our lord who bears witness to our achievements that are all made in his name.
Our Starbases are considered shrines to our lord so we expect them to be efficient and well equipped. The Starbases currently in the Brotherhood are large military bases built on an era past. We have extensive resources to commit to projects and to further the orders with in the
Brotherhood and can easily fund the lords work should the need arise. Currently we have projects that are long term goals for the Brotherhood, Confederacy and Inner Republic Alliance alike so we remain busy and have a focus for the foreseeable future.
Our history, whilst blighted by the Imperial factions greed and lust for control as well as a dark old religion that tried to lead the brotherhood from its enlightened path, has been an essential part of the Confederate way and has moved us forward as a people. With the recovery of the Inner Confederacy from the Dark arm of the Brotherhood (IBH) and the numerous relief projects that have been set up to rebuild it, our lives have been kept busy in a meaningful way. A Human
Empire built on freedom now has a voice and we intend to give it the means to stand against the oppressors of freedom particularly the Galactic Crest Securities who are the military arm of the inner GTT and the dictators of ruthlessness, corruption, greed and villainy.
The BHD are also for this reason at war, along with our kin and righteous allies against the oppressors and their misguided lackeys. The Imperials whom have committed the most heinous of crimes against their own human race in the name of corruption and greed are at the forefront of this war. Their traits of the false one do not stop at mere corruption or greed; the Imperial way is fraught with the desire for absolute power, the need to control humanity in an oppressive way and worse of all the willingness to go to any length to get what they want. This is not an acceptable or humanistic way forward for the Human Race and neither the Good Lord nor the very people oppressed by these human factions believe so either. They blatantly lie to attempt to cover up their own failings, accuse the Good and Just affiliations of inhumanitarian crimes that they themselves commit and send their crews to their deaths on a regular basis. Well the
Brotherhood says no more! We shall stand against the very diseases of humanity and cut from our limbs the infected wounds that we have festering and purify our souls in the process.
Join the Brotherhood (63), and take up arms against the darkness which envelopes our human society. Utilise our Starbases and ships, and preach with a Photon Cannon at the ill doers who nuked our worlds to quell the last rebellion uprising in the name of freedom, in the name of hope and in the Name of the True One!
*Newsflash (DTR) - In reply to a ISBN inflammatory publicity, Senator Cassius Jerusalem of the Detinus Republic was heard to have stated, that it was very unfair to not have had his morals bribed yet! One can only hope it was sarcasm...
*Newsflash (RIP) - The RIP King has once again made a statement regarding the non pirate ways of the RIP. He also states that RIP selling ships, that end up in Pirate fleets or IND operators isn't anyones business.
*Newsflash (DNA) - DNA officials request assistance in ferrying medical supplies to the Krell, from the Cluster Periphery to the Krell homeworld.
**Newsflash (DNA-Storm System) - After the most recent threats from the FCN, DNA reply in kind.
DNA officials raise questions regarding the apparent FCN immunity to pirate activity. Maybe FCN are immune to Pirates as well as the Alien Plague
Editor: Pedro Martins - HVEPD@hotmail.com
KJC contact: KJC@kjcgames.com- www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.darkfold.com/
CIA - www.darkfold.com/
CNF - www.darkfold.com/
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - www.frontierexplorationandtrade.com
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - clientes.netvisao.pt/pgustavo/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
19-02-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 7 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****Latest News*****
GTT Leader Assassinated
A full enquiry is underway following the double assassination in GTT HQ. Both the leader of the GTT, Leonidas Agiadai and the governor of HQ Tecumseh were gunned down. The assassin fled the scene as security flooded to the location.
Concerned employees are raising serious questions as to how this could have happened. Security, or more precisely, the complete lack thereof is the hot topic of the moment.
It is hardly surprising that the GTT have agreed to the support the IMP during their raids against the Confederacy. They are no doubt looking for serious payback.
Imperial Incursion
The recent bout of imperial strikes has escalated. This week they were bolstered by both the FET and the GTT. This has tipped the edge and serious damage was done to a Confederate platform deep in the Darkfold Periphery. A breakdown in communication however appears to have prevented a number of the GTT ships engaging the enemy.
26-02-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 8 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update****
Online Order Editor
The online order editor has been completed and is available for players. If you are finding that emails are not getting through then we suggest that critical turns use this facility.
Check it out, register and have a play.
Note that each day, information for registered online editor accounts is uploaded. This means that registered turns for new sign-ups will only be available on the next working day onwards.
This editor is especially useful for new players who are not yet familiar with the off-line order editor.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
GTT Broadcast
The background music is a slow dirge as the vidiscreen comes life, a blood red sun apparently resting on an ocean.
The camera pans round to the beach, as the sunlight dances of the roofs of the nearby metropolis, from which a black wave is slowly creeping out.
As the camera zooms in it becomes apparent the wave is a mass of people, following a small group carrying a large, heavy object. Closer still and individuals become recognisable.
Carlos Digriz, until recently the Governor of GTT Thermopylae, leads the procession; beside him is Pleistarchos Agiadai, the eldest-surviving son of Leonidas Agiadai and Portha Agiadai, Leonidas's widow, other members of the Leonidas family, follow. However, the two leading members of the Leonidas family, Admiral Pausanias Agiadai and Admiral Leotychidas Eurypontidia are nowhere to be seen. Equally it is obvious that nowhere in the procession is any noteworthy from any other starbase, or organisation.
The procession stops at the beach, where a large pyre has been build. Onto this the burden, now most definitely a body, is placed.
The music stops, as the shadows lengthen.
After a few minutes the amplified voice of Carlos booms out.
"Friends, we come here today to say farewell to the visionary Tecumseh Shawnee.
For the last decade he has overseen the expansion of our home to what is now one of the most powerful places in the peripheries, but he never lost sight of where the real power lies, with you, his friends. He shunned the trapping of government so beloved by others, and was seen regularly walking the streets of the base without even a personal bodyguard. After all he did not need one surrounded as he was by a hundred and fifteen thousand friends.
It was a tragedy that took him from us, nothing more. It is a double tragedy though that those who do not possess his vision. Those that are incapable of building, those who love nothing better than to destroy, claim that in some mystical way they were responsible for the tragic accident. As if they have that ability anywhere but in their dreams.
This accident may have brought Tecumseh's live to an end but I assure you that I shall do my best to ensure his vision continues.
He requested a simple funeral, with only a few friends, present. We have respected his last wish, as we respected the great man himself, but now it is time to allow him to join his ancestors in his happy hunting ground."
With that he lit a torch and threw it onto the pyre, which erupted, into flames. He moves of and the Agiadai family follows into the crowd which parts for them, then follows in behind, back to what can only be GTT HQ.
The camera swings round to show the funeral pyre well ablaze, then pans out to follow the smoke as it billows towards the setting sun.
As the sun sinks beyond the horizon the picture fades out.
Onto the now black screen appears the inscription:
Tecumseh Shawnee
133.21.3 - 204.5.2
The Governor of GTT Bannockburn, Sean Connery has announced he is retiring from public life effective immediately, "to spend more time at his family estates in the Inner Empire which have been neglected in recent years."
Political commentators are divided whither this is in direct response to the obvious snub when Carlos Digriz was promoted over him to the Governorship of GTT HQ, or whither Governor Connery is positioning himself for election to the position of Periphery Director.
About the only thing the commentators agree on is Governor Connery is not going back to his estates in the Inner Empire.
The officer commanding the seventh Battlesquadron, currently on active service, has been recalled to assume the Governorship of GTT Bannockburn.
Admiral Katherine D'Medici is expected to assume control within weeks.
Her Brother Captain Cesare Borgia was heard to remark, when Governor Pugwash broke the news to him, "Colony Governorship! Her political ambitions will not be satisfied with that"
Acting Governor Admiral D'Medici has ordered Captain Lucrenzia Borgia to assume temporary command of the Seventh Battlesquadron, keeping it under her families control.
Affiliation of the Week
Confederate Intelligence Agency (CIA)
"What is called "foreknowledge" cannot be elicited from spirits, nor from gods, nor by analogy with past events, nor from calculations. It must be obtained from men who know the enemy situation."
Sun Tzu
The Art of War, XIII:4
"The most treasured commodity in the Peripheries is Information - and it is this solitary commodity which we ruthlessly exploit."
CIA Agent Indoctrination Speech
The Confederate Intelligence Agency is the eyes and ears of the Confederacy - hunting the darkest secrets of our adversaries and exploiting them to our advantage. Necessity has decreed that all available methods - legal, moral, or otherwise - are open to us in our endeavors as no less than the very survival of the Confederacy is at stake. Subtlety and elegance are seen as positive traits during operations, and these traits are often rewarded, but that is not to say that quick, decisive action, when called for, is avoided - blunt objects have their place in the CIA as well.
The CIA trains and employs the finest Agents and Operatives available. Their duties range from simple library data scans to elaborate sabotage schemes or assassinations. In the past we have destroyed whole shipyards, diverted strategic materials/shipping, smuggled artifacts, stolen advanced technology, subverted populations, and gathered intelligence data upon every other affiliation in the peripheries. If someone has a secret, it's a good bet we already know what it is, hence the CIA is distrusted (at best) and despised (at worse) by almost all other
Together with our allies, the CNF and BHD, we engage the peripheries to defend the Confederate way of life.
Contact: Blair Watt
*Newsflash (IND Highstar) - Base officials announced the creation of defense fleet designed to protect all traders bound to Highstar. However as these ships won't be fitted with jump engines they can only be relied to protect those that are attacked in system.
*Newsflash (IMP) - Imperial press release announces the conclusion of the prisoner exchange between the Empire and the Detinus Republic. The Imperial prisoner is reported to have been well treated by his DTR captors
*Newsflash (DNA-Storm System) - DNA Commander in Chief, Mad Max, revealed what been called as the 3rd breach in the DNA/FCN treaty, that allowed the FCN to return to Storm and assist efforts in the aid of the Krell population. The breach consists of a Ground Party making scans in restricted areas.
*Newsflash (FCN-Storm System) - An unknown FCN official confided that the FCN find the DNA complaints strange, when several DNA Ground Forces occupy key areas around Vjun. No mention was made as to whether the DNA forces have also attempted to scan FCN positions
Editor: Pedro Martins - HVEPD@hotmail.com
KJC contact: KJC@kjcgames.com- www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - www.frontierexplorationandtrade.com
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - clientes.netvisao.pt/pgustavo/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
05-03-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 9 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Platforms and Control Complexes
Platforms can now be built directly without the need for construction of control complexes.
Platforms need to be linked to control complexes to work at full efficiency.
Each control complex will allow up to 100 platform hulls work at 100% available crew factors.
Example: Two platforms (350 hulls and 50 hulls respectively) assigned to a single starbase will require the starbase to have 4 control complexes for both to work at 100% available crew factors.
An unassigned platform works at 20% of crew factors.
In all cases, additional available crew factors can compensate for lack of control.
An unassigned platform can have 5 times the crew to compensate for lack of control.
A new order editor is available on the website.
Unfocused Damage
Certain weapons such as tractor beams, gravity cannons and area effect weapons such as proximity torpedoes and rail ammo have been set to unfocused.
Unfocused means that they ignore any specific targeting i.e. apply their damage to the entire target. Penalties for specific targeting are not applied to them.
Example: A starbase using rail weapons and space fighters can set specific targeting to life. The space fighters will attack life forms (-12 accuracy) while the rail weapons will simply point the entire target (0 accuracy penalty).
This will allow players to design all types of barrage weapons that have high accuracies but cannot be used for specific targeting.
A number of longstanding bugs have been fixed. These are generally concerned with data transfer, populations greater than 100% and platform shield factor updating.
(Loads of GM tools have also been added, but as you lot will never see them, who gives a monkey?).
News Update
GTT Press Release
Nominations for the position of Periphery Director of the Galactic
Trade and Transport Affiliation are now being accepted from all eligible persons. The nominations must be delivered to the office of the Periphery Director at GTT HQ by the end of starweek week 204.10.
Governor Diagiz has expressed the hope that all members of the GTT will use this sad occasion to demonstrate their solidarity and no one will oppose his nomination for the post of GTT PD. Governor D'Medici announced her nomination with the remark that she is not prepared to stand aside and allow an unconvicted pirate pillage the GTT. Governor Lucan, of GTT Outcasts has called for a fair and open debate on how the nominees will develop the GTT, destroy the illegal and undemocratic gangs for the criminally insane operating within the peripheries, and restore the profitable trade links with the Inner Empire. He has indicated that if he is successful in the forthcoming election then these will be his three main objectives, as PD.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
*The Dewiek next week.
Humanity is split, torn asunder and wars upon itself. From our homeworld in the Sol system, to the furthest star that our race has reached brother fights brother in a civil war that has raged for fifty years.
Born in the fire of civil war and honed through decades of conflict, the Confederacy is a militant society based in the Darkfold periphery that seeks to reunite humanity under its rightful rule.
Initially formed of contributions from the house guards of noble houses loyal to the true Emperor, the Confederate Naval Forces have since become a fully independent organization serving as the military arm of the Confederacy. Scattered throughout Darkfold and beyond, CNF military bases are bastions of the cause of justice, honour and military might.
Join the CNF (65)
Contact the PD - Ewan Jones - madus@blueyonder.co.ukor the VPD Philip
Sara - kurik@blueyonder.co.uk
Affiliation Messages:
Dot Dot Dot Dash
And finally we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Trader Thomas Jackson of the CNF for the delivery of Targeting computers to BHD Helms Deep and CIA Stardock in Borderlands recently.
With these new (and extremely novel) Target acquisition programmes you to can nuke your neighbours and allies as so recently proved at The House. It is good to know that this completes the upgrade of the entire Rebel/Confederate Defence Grid. I would recommend that all starbases in Rebel hands try out the new procedures. All ship upgrades (using said targeting programmes) we are led to believe will be completed in two weeks and it is our hope that the programmes will also have the same effect upon the rebel fleet.
Also in closing I would address one Senator Cassius Jerusalem who claims "that it was very unfair to not have had his morals bribed yet". In response I would say that the term needle in a haystack comes to mind. I am sure if you go onto the Detinius "government" net type in SlushFund then your senator ID and I am sure you will find how many millions of stellars you have been allocated from slavery commissions. If you think this figure to small I am sure the speaker can fleece a few more lifeforms to increase your stash..
By the way Michelle's code is 123456 if you want to check how much he,sorry she has made this week..
*Newsflash (GTT) - This weeks news was dominated by the news of the assassination of GTT HQ Governor and the GTT PD himself. Who's next?
*Newsflash (BHD-Darkfold) - A public warning has been made to DOM shipping by BHD. Any trespassing on Darkfold will be met by deadly force.
*Newsflash (Unknown) - Just arrived from an unknown source. An old menace has made its return!
Unknown forces have however engaged them in combat and have won a major victory. More news as they become available.
Editor: Pedro Martins - HVEPD@hotmail.com
KJC contact: KJC@kjcgames.com- www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.darkfold.com/
CIA - www.darkfold.com/
CNF - www.darkfold.com/
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - clientes.netvisao.pt/pgustavo/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk |
12-03-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 10 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Some Delays
There have been a few special action deferrals this week on account of disruptions in the normally smooth (choke) running of the company. A big hello goes to David, the new Quest GM.
The day has also been spent discussing various long-term Phoenix upgrades (and will still be going on late into the night).
*****Latest News*****
Camera swings down from the rafters of a large auditorium. A Middle aged man stands on a centre podium, hands clasped to his front. His long dark robe flowing to the ground, his head totally in shadow.
"I am Shu Tvai" the figure says "I will not stand for election"
The gathered populous of New Christina let out as collective groan. "I have done you no harm" the voice continues "nor will I" another figure steps forward on the platform dressed almost identically but with his hood down and his youthful faced surrounded by long dark hair "neither will he" continues Shu Tvai, with this he leaves the podium.
The new comer looks at the crowd many know him as Erin Thor a brilliant strategist from the battle group Nior. He clears his throat "friends of galactic trade and transport, Our last leader was good full of vision can you now in our hour of need replace him with some of the other candidates that put them selves forward. I have been asked by Shu Tvai to stand, not for him or for New Christina or even for the battle group Noir or Thermopylae but for the PEOPLE of the GTT. To forge new allegiances to ensure that nobody will usurp our strength of Unity as we pull together as one and forge our way into this new and perilous age in which factions like the CIA continue to think they can rule and scare people among us with their tactics, let any who sympathise with them know that the are ruled by themselves not by outsiders and we will not bow to their pressures."
With this Erin Thor spins around and leaves the podium and the crowd vibrating with cheers.
"Imperial press Statement.
After considerable investigation by our legal department it has been found that the hypothesis that the son of a clone could be considered to be the son of the individual from whom the clone was built has not been tested in the courts and as such is generally unacceptable. With this in mind the Imperial Services have no alternative but to withdraw their support for Prince Lysander as a candidate for the throne of the
Stellar Empire on the grounds that the prince is the son of a proven clone, the former Emperor Jasil. The Imperial Services will therefore consider acceptable candidates for the Imperial Throne, or leadership of the former Inner Empire under another acceptable form of government, put forward by those currently in legitimate control of the former Inner Empire. IPO Jax 09-01-204"
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
*COH, no show.
Affiliation Messages:
After considerable investigation by our legal department it has been found that the hypothesis that the son of a clone could be considered to be the son of the individual from whom the clone was built has not been tested in the courts and as such is generally unacceptable.
With this in mind the Imperial Services have no alternative but to withdraw their support for Prince Lysander as a candidate for the throne of the Stellar Empire on the grounds that the prince is the son of a proven clone, the former Emperor Jasil.
The Imperial Services will therefore consider acceptable candidates for the Imperial Throne, or leadership of the former Inner Empire under another acceptable form of government, put forward by those currently in legitimate control of the former Inner Empire.
*Newsflash (DTR) - DTR senator, Cassius Jerusalem publicly repudiates the language and continents of the last weeks GTT communication. Also, the Confederacy announced they will ignore any such message from the GTT until the author is determined.
*Newsflash (DTR) - DTR Merchant Navy Spokesman announced today the posting, by FET of several DTR merchantman. The DTR made demands that these civilian ships be removed from the said engagement lists, otherwise hostile action s would be taken...
*Newsflash (FET) - Replying to DTR demands, FET has replied that they will remove the ships, from their combat engagement lists. As for the threat of hostile actions, FET states that those have already taken place, making the threat a deed already undergoing. We may take it that, at least
FET regard any DTR or Confederate shipping to be a legitimate target.
Editor: Pedro Martins - HVEPD@hotmail.com
KJC contact: KJC@kjcgames.com- www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.darkfold.com/
CIA - www.darkfold.com/
CNF - www.darkfold.com/
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - clientes.netvisao.pt/pgustavo/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
18-03-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 11 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
New Online Utilities
Two new utilities have been added to the website. These are for calculating yields from mining operations and determining stellar income through merchandising.
Through some guesswork it is also possible to determine whether other people are tapping the same deposit as you and even possible to determine approximately how many other merchandising complexes are present on the world.
Links to these can be found in the menu on the left side of the Phoenix website.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
DNA - Democratic Native Alliance (66) "something a Naplian scribbled on the wall"
In my heart of hearts I knew the time was right to share with the universe the medicine that has brought me through the Void of the Great Smoking Thrust Engine. I was concerned about the reaction I might encounter from those two legged who believe that the sacred teachings are not too be shared. So I went to the Grandmothers and asked, then I went to the Elders who had been my teachers and asked. They all said,"Yes its time".
Talking Stik
The Talking Stik is passed to the being speaking, only the person holding the Stik is allowed to talk. This form of parliamentary procedure has been used for many centuries and recognizes the value of each speaker. We are taught to respect the others point of view, not that one may not disagree, but rather they are bound by their personal honour to allow everyone their sacred point of view.
In Tribal Traditions we do not consider Grandfather Sun as a deity. We do not worship trees or rocks. We do however, see the eternal flame of love which the Great Mystery placed in all of creation, and we honour that spiritual essence. There is only one original source and we call it the Great Mystery. We teach that all life matters and we honour the medicine of all life forms as sacred extensions of the Great Mystery's loving plan.
The signposts are not always as clearly marked for those who have not had the privilege of being taught how to read the clouds or taste the wind. The gift of how to read the omens and hear my fellow creatures, to see the place where future lives and sing Great Mystery's songs is what I want to share.
From my sacred space, this is the way, I saw and experienced the pathways. May these experiences touch each of you in your unique ways and may your path be joyous and filled with abundance. Here is our history if you want to be part of the future join us.
Mad Max
Shaman & Prophet
Democratic Native Alliance
Affiliation Messages:
Amythyst security Crackdown. Saturday Night:
Dispatch?... blue six here. Can you cycle the wagon back out, we've got another two. A mechlanoid maintenance bot, and an AI pedal bin... Kerb-crawling... Intelligence note: 'Princess Leia', possibly a new tom working the starport... They may have company; there are another two weirdoes around here somewhere. Possibly armed and dangerous - they were going at it hammer and tongs with what looked to be a couple of the restroom light fittings. Better not use the pepper spray, one of them sounded to be asthmatic... Got their ship. Pilot was scanned as Human merc, IC1, 6-1 and co-pilot as Wimble, 7-2, possibly on PCP.
...Desk? Book in a vagrant, please. We've a fruit here trying break into some kind of vidphone box, says he lives in it. Wont give a name, but claims to be a medic..possibly he escaped from the funny farm with a stolen ID.
...Madam, get out of the cargo-loader NOW!, please. No, I don't know where 'She' is. Dispatch?
Sending in a female IC2 for a body-cavity search. Could be a hexkids illegal alien.
...Vehicle recovery please... unregistered shuttle just in. Pulling him on an 'intoxicated in charge' - claims he just jumped in without a drive, and by the look of his pupils he's on something serious. Controlled substance lookup please; M-E-L-A-N-G-E.
...Will you look at that! Desk - we've got a streaker, this time of night. The guy popped up out of nowhere! Hey sarge, the guy wants my clothes, my boots and my motor-cycle... and either political asylum or 4 trillion bucks at 4%.
*Newsflash (FET) - The privateering tactics of targeting civilian merchant ships, continued to be an issue this week. FET officials have released a statement where supposedly proof of BHD predation of merchant ships deep inside IMP territory is given. Now if DTR oppose to that tactic being used by the remnants of the Empire on their own shipping, will they also oppose their allies using it?
*Newsflash (DNA) - In an interview, Mad Max, leader of the DNA refutetd BHD accusations of use of
WoMD by the DNA Government. And in a twist of event Mad Max accused BHD former administration, of using WoMD.
News update
A total of five valid nominations for the position of GTT PD have now been received.They are Governors K D'Medici, L Lucan and C Diagriz.
Commander E Thor and P Leonidas complete the list. The affiliation goes to the polls during week 13.204.
Extra police were drafted into GTT Frederiksnagar to restore order following a near riot as the local authorities tried to stop an unauthorised rally in support of K D'Medici's bid for the PD.
Governor Diagriz, whose brother is also standing in the election, was quick to criticise those who ignored his decision to ban this rally, as he expected public disruption. Lord Lucan has withdrawn his nomination and urged his supporters to overwhelmingly support the nomination of P Leonidas. At a press conference held immediately after the nominations were announced Portha Agiadai confirmed that she had allowed her name to be put forward, to continue her husbands "good work". Pleistarchos Agiadai who reminded, everyone that his father had achieved dominated the rest of the conference. He gave the impression it was he who would be driving these policies forward in his mother's name. It was noted again, that there was no involvement by either of the two admirals and questions concerning why the GTT warfleet did not engage the enemy in Audrey earlier in the week were ignored. Although they claim to be the question is, are they worthy successors to the firebrand that was Leonidas Agiadai?
*Newsflash (IND HighStar) - HighStar officials have just announced a trade embargo on DNA shipping and a subsequent ban on the use of the Twinkle Stargate.
*Newsflash (BHD) - Following a renewed war of words between the DNA and the Confederacy, the BHD has now announced the excommunication of DNAs leader, Mad Max and all DNA nationals by proxy.
One must however wonder the actual aim of this excommunication, as the official DNA religion isn't the True One! Send your opinion to pgustavo@netvisao.pt!Can one excommunicate members of another religion?
Editor: Pedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact: KJC@kjcgames.com- www.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.confederacy.org.uk
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.confederacy.org.uk
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
25-03-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 12 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****Latest News*****
GTT Announcements
In a press statement yesterday Shu Tvai Colonial Governor of New
Christina and Thermopylae, has released details concerning the disappearance of White Nior. This ship was a freighter travelling between GTT Outcasts and GTT New Christina was brutally attacked on Star Date 204.10.1 by ten DTR warships and was, as one can imagine destroyed. After condemning the DTR hierarchy for allowing its ships to target unarmed peaceful vessels travelling to pick up tapestries, Shu Tvai addressed the families of those service men lost.
The hooded figure of Shu Tvai, his deep red robes unadorned with pendants and symbols stands at a plain podium Flanked by Erin Thor Tvai`s hood is as always up.
"The GTT sympathises with you ladies, mothers, children, fathers, what happened was a terrible waste. Your men all 120 crew were slaughtered without remorse with out care I will pursue these matters once the elections are settled but your pains will be avenged"
Upon the order of Shu Tvai trading will resume at New Christina on Mobile Bay in the following weeks an increase in services will be offered for all positions that are neutral or allied towards GTT. All positions please note that trade is encouraged and violence frowned upon.
Announcement by Alexander Enterprises on behalf of the KST
The KST wish to sell off a 25 heavy hull Patrol II class starship (CIA design) that will be handed over to the buyer with minimal jump/ISR2/thrust engines and quarters. Bids for this ship should be made by sending a message to KST Drougal (#3482). Bidding ends after day 4 week 13. The highest bid will get the ship. Minimum bid is 50,000 stellars. Delivery of trade goods is also acceptable; they count for 75% of their local value at Drougal.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
So, why should you be interested in joining the DEN? First and foremost the Dewiek Elder Nation represents an entire alien race. While the majority of other affiliations consist of breakaway factions of Humans following narrower and more obscure specialisms, the DEN, by their very nature, need specialists in all fields. We can offer expertise and experience in all areas of periphery life. We have a huge task ahead of us in recovering our past and we need brave and resourceful explorers to scour the many worlds and systems of our ancestors. We need scientists to help us understand any clues or artefacts we find. We need shrewd business managers and intrepid traders to run our starbases and trade ships, helping to support our economy. We also need diplomats and politicians to consolidate and extend relations with other races and affiliations. And finally, we need warriors and commanders, both on the ground and in starships, to defend our assets and laws. The decimation of ninety percent of the Dewiek Nation, following the Great Architect War, means that the Dewiek are still few in number. As a result every individual is highly prized within the Dewiek Elder Nation. Your efforts will be noticed and they will be rewarded. There is huge opportunity in the Dewiek Elder Nation for talented and dedicated members. You will not just be one of hundreds of disposable cannon fodder. You are one of the Pack! Being part of the larger pack also means you will always have support and advice whenever you need it. The DEN has some of the most secure systems in the Peripheries. The Dewiek Pocket and Home Peripheries are accessed only by ancient stargates. These stargates, spanning across all known space, can only be traversed using a specially designed key, and the Dewiek are the masters of their manufacture; the use of stargates gives our ships a range extending far beyond that of Jump Drives. The DEN have many other advanced technologies, including sophisticated engines making DEN ships among the fastest of any affiliation. We are also able to build the Direwolf, one of the largest, and most feared, warships ever. And we are recovering more technologies all the time as we re-discover our past. In summary, joining the DEN will give you the support and scope to achieve your own goals while contributing towards those of the affiliation; set within a framework that allows individuals as much freedom as they want and as much guidance and assistance as they need.
Affiliation Messages:
Pollux - The Galactic Trade & Transport Corporation are supplanting the Imperial Royalty more and more as the driving power behind the human civil war. Today, a GTT warfleet of over 100 ships invaded a system on the rim of the Inner Empire and laid waste to an undefended CNF starbase. Also destroyed in the action were a number of small explorers and freighter craft. The casualties include the DTR Belter class starship Long Island (2871). Vice Admiral John D. Frabartolo of the
DTR Explorer Corps and all 94 crewmen were killed. The Detinus Republic mourns for one of our most famous starships and starcaptains. Vice Admiral Frabartolo was not a military man; he earned fame for his scientific endeavours, most notably his sun-mapping mission colloquially known as Operation
Ra. The Long Island freely and peacefully travelled the peripheries from one end to the other for many years. It is a sad irony that it would fall victim to the GTT, on the rim of the Inner Empire of humanity.
DPB, Porta Capella/Yank.
*GTT Assault on Outback Frontier
In the last couple of days, the GTT launched an unprecedented assault on Outback Frontier, a small, unarmed Starbase on the outer edge of the Inner Republic. About 100 ships, mostly 100 hulled capital ships, pounded the totally defenceless colony to obliteration leaving nothing more than a few ores and a couple of soldiers. These few survivors were pounded again yesterday under the same barrage of relentless onslaught leaving absolutely nothing left. Just to prove that this was not only a GTT assault, the IMP and FET sent in ground parties to make sure that there wasn't a single injured survivor left to tell the tale of this massacre. These are the tactics of the GTT, IMP and FET. There is not a single shred of doubt that this shows the GTT for what they truly are.
Corrupt, power hungry megalomaniacs who are in charge of the farce that is the Imperials. The only comment so far to this atrocity, in rely to an earlier communication from the DPB, has been from the FET who thinks that it's a bit of a laugh. This sad, pathetic and failed regime is now so desperate to cling to power that they are resorting to absolute carnage and massacres. They quite simply are returning to the things their ancestors did in the past when they nuked planets in the Inner Republic. This is a sad day for humanity and one which only strengthens the resolve of the
Michelle Diaz.
In memorial to the thousands who died at Outback Frontier.
Newsflash (DTR) - DTR Interior Minister released a press release informing theb general public of another DTR victory over Imperial shipping. This time round DTR warships vanquished a FET force positioned to target DTR shipping forced to move through Imperial territory. As it turned out the
FET hunters became the hunted. The name of the Operation...Bloody Nose! FET CEO declined to comment these events.
Newsflash (IND) - Nick Popodopolous, of IND Highstar announced today the lifting of the ban, which prevented DNA from using the Twinkle stargate. DNA however are still banned from Sapphire's orbit.
Newsflash (BHD) - Saracen warned all that loitering in the vicinity of the Darkfold/Cluster wormhole will be deemed an hostile act. The warning is effective immediately.
Newsflash (COH) - COH leadership have begun a trade embargo on Aegis shipping. Aegis shipping are as of this week invited not to interact with COH bases. In retaliation the FGZ leadership have put into effect similar measures to prevent COH traders from interacting with FGZ bases.
Newsflash (COH) - After a heated discussion, reason has prevailed and both trade embargos have been lifted.
Newsflash (FET) - The issue of the targeting of "innocent" freighters being targeted by both FET and BHD continues, as both sides seek to legitimize the practice by pointing out the historical use of the practice by the opposing side. In the middle are the DTR that wish to have their civilian shipping removed from the FET targeting lists and who threaten to also use that tactic if FET won't clear the said lists.
Newsflash (KRL) - In twist of events the xenophobic Krell have elected Michael G Bridge, a notable Human freedom fighter their new Warlord. In his first speech the new warlords thanked all the help provided to the Krell people. It was also announced that no system claims will be made at this time, but with the re-emergence of a legitimate KRL state one expects that both FCN and DNA will tone down their claims over the Krell. Both DNA and FCN leaders have accepted Bridge as the a legitimate ruler.
Newsflash (IMP) - The Imperial Viceroy presented proof of 3 Imperial freighters under the targeting list of the Brotherhood. This appears to prove that at least the BHD do target civilians...or could these be combat support vessels?? The use of armed freighters is not unheard of in Human history.
Editor: Pedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.confederacy.org.uk
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
01-04-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 13 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Easter Weekend
Due to the success of the Christmas schedule and the running of multiple days together, it seems sensible to do the same thing again for the Easter period.
To this end, Good Friday 9th April will be run on Thursday 8th April.
Easter Monday 12th April will be run on Tuesday 13th April.
In theory this does give two occasions of two days of battle without a chance to respond, although if it does not go to plan for the aggressor in the first day, they only have themselves to blame. Gentlemen's agreements of non-aggression between affiliations are not binding so it is best to baton down the hatches.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
Tired of being the good guy all the time? Want to bring out the Bad Boy in you? Why not join the Dominion?
What would any Space Opera be without some interesting villains? We believe that the most interesting villains are the ones that are player run, who don't roll over and die every time a good guy comes along, who basically plays to win! The Dominion is the survivors of Imperial prisoners and jailors that were sent out with the first Colony ships that tested the earliest
Jump Drives. They were expendables sent out on dangerous experiments that happened to go awry.
One of these ships named the Dominion were sent back in time and were stranded in a system they didn't know with a Jump Drive in small broken pieces. With just the broken pieces of their ship, some equipment scavenged from an abandoned CLN colony and an unconquerable will to survive the new society evolved into something special.
In the Dominion the only thing that matters is the survival of the affiliation, they have lost all sense of morals or scruples that the rest of humanity find natural. They have also become quite fascist and racist in that the strong rule the weak, even enslaving the weakest, and they believe themselves superior to everyone else, including other humans. There are many similarities between the Dominion and modern day biker gangs. Biker leathers are always in fashion, parties are always rowdy and every Dominion ship has fluffy dice!
The Dominion is a powerful affiliation with lots of opening for the new player that want a different experience. While our characters are a mean bunch guys all players are friendly and we try to help along all new players with everything from advice to equipment, Starbases and so on.
So join the Dark Side! Join the Dominion now!
Write an email to the recruitment officer for more information,
Mark Stephenson: markstephenson1@hotmail.com
Affiliation Messages:
Internal investigations suggest that all Venice trade has been effected by over selling or other outside factors. All items from Venice (system) or sold within Venice current are affected by a
- x2 modifier, ie x10 for periphery to periphery instead of x12.
If you have non-perishable Venice goods please we suggest you refrain from selling these until we have determined if this is a reversible effect.
Please note it currently appears that it is only Venice that is affected and the effect only started two week ago. Arachnid to T.Tauri trade is still x12. It is recommended that starbases carrying Venice goods run local technical manuals to determine the current local price.
Please be aware that the DTR may be forced by this action to move all trade of Venice goods internal. We have more than enough local market demand to sell the goods that we produce internally and this would generate more money whether the modifiers remain with the -x2 modifier or not than by selling the goods on the open market. If this change has been caused by outside factors then the appropriate response will be made.
Peri Romanov
Newsflash (DTR) - Reports a market prices breakdown.
Newsflash (Galaxy Wide) - Following the reports of a market prices crash, several other
Governments have noticed the same effects. Several markets fear they'll have to close down until new trade policies are put into effect.
Newsflash (IND) - Highstar announce the shut down of the open market.
Newsflash (FCN) - FCN announce the shut down of the Falencia, Prodis and Messena markets.
Meanwhile AFT announce none of their markets will close during the market crisis.
Hall of Fame:
Come on you can top this!!!
Most Pirates destroyed: 1(DNA-2 kills)
Most Pirate Tonnage destroyed: 1(DNA-7.5kMU Heavy; 5.0kMU Medium.)
Editor: Pedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.confederacy.org.uk
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
09-04-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 14 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
A Happy Easter to everyone.
The offices will be closed Friday 9th and Monday 12th April. Normal hours will resume on Tuesday 13th April though things will no doubt be a little busy.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
Citizens, The Detinus Republic (DTR) welcomes you to the Peripheries. So who are we and why would you want to join us? To understand that you must understand our history. The DTR had its roots in the Inner Empire, a group of systems surrounding the Sol system. The Imperial Empire controlled those systems. In the year 131, the Imperial colony Detinus rebelled against the inhumane treatment enforced upon them by the Empire, followed by others including the colony Tate. Tate was eventually stormed by Imperial troops and almost all of the colonists were tortured then executed in an act of incredible savagery. However, the Empire had achieved its goal: all other rebellious colonies except Detinus ceased their act of defiance almost immediately.
The Imperial Navy then moved to Detinus and proceeded to subject the colony to weeks of orbital bombardment. Upon landing the Imperial troops found that Detinus had been deserted some time before the arrival of the fleet. The Detinus people had fled into uncharted space, into the
Peripheries. Over the years we secretly grew, cleverly hiding our assets, and now we have the upper hand against our old aggressors, the Imperials. Our Nebulon class capitol ships are arguably the finest human warships in existence. Their manoeuvrability and firepower unrivalled.
A treaty has been signed between the Confederacy and the DTR regarding the Inner Empire. This area of space had been lost and closed off for many years but now thanks to dedicated explorers, a route back has been discovered. This has given us a way home to the Detinus system so we can free the citizens held under the sway of Imperial control. To gain back what was once ours and ensure that this doesn't happen again. If you decide to join us you will do so at a very interesting time; a time when everything is changing, a time when the Republic has a chance to return home. The DTR was once oppressed by the Imperials. We are now free and believe very strongly in our freedom and in the freedom of others. Hence our strong stance against slavery and our dedication to Democracy. This has caused and will continue to cause many problems for us, but our principles and beliefs are sound. We are determined to overcome injustice. To fight for the rights of all Citizens,Citizens such as you.
Citizen. Free your Will. Join the Fight for Freedom. Join the Republic (DTR 58).
If you think this game experience would suit you, please do not hesitate to visit our website
www.spacious.com to learn more, or alternatively contact :
IC: Cassius Jerusalem
OOC: Simon Field
IC : Marcus Rhodes
OOC : Andy Steel
IC : PeriRomanov
OOC :Nic Hughes
Affiliation Messages:
The DTR have passed new laws which can be found at www.spacious.com, under the Magistracy section of the Internal Affairs department. Various articles have changed and it is recommended that all traders who enter DTR territory and residents read the new laws. Failure to know the law is no excuse for breaking it. With this change of law, positions from all affiliations other than IMP,FET, GTT and PIR may freely travel through systems under DTR Territorial Law provided that they abide by DTR Laws and do not enter restricted territories.
For clarification, the following systems are under DTR Territorial Law:
The following locations are restricted territories:
Orbital quadrant Gamma 9 in Venice (including planetary bodies).
Orbital quadrant Delta 1 in Venice (including planetary bodies).
Orbital quadrant Gamma 9 in T.Tauri (including planetary bodies).
Orbital quadrant Delta 7 in Straddle (including planetary bodies).
All other DTR claimed systems are under DTR Martial Law. Unless you have written permission to be in such a system you will be attacked on sight. A copy of the laws may also be obtained by sending a request to DTR Starbase Porta Capella (1303) on Lunk in Yank.
Michelle Diaz.
Newsflash (FCN) - Acropolis news inform that the FCN Emperor is no more. The exact reasons haven't been forthcoming, but the fact is that the Lord Protector, a long time opponent of the former Emperor has taken the role of Regent.
Newsflash (IND) - High Star advises that any permanent structure of ground party in Twinkle must be declared to High Star offcials lest hostile actions be taken.
Newsflash (DEN) - Dewiek press release states that the famous Feirha Silvermane Kaien, has made his return, thus proving the reports of his death to be false.
Hall of Fame:
Come on you can top this!!!
Most Pirates destroyed: 1(SMS-5 kills); 2(DNA-2 kills)
Most Pirate Tonnage destroyed: 1(SMS-15Kmu Heavy; 6kmu Medium); 2(DNA-7.5kmu Heavy; 5kmu Medium)
Editor: Pedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.confederacy.org.uk
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
27-04-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 17 DAY 2
[Recruit] |
*****Latest News*****
Wimble Chaos at AFT Dinas Dawr
The hiport of AFT Dinas Dawr had to be closed after a wimble ship managed to crash into it. The crew, it appears are the first to graduate from their new Wimble Training Academy. The Wimble foreign office will no doubt shed more light on the matter in the near future.
*****KJC Update*****
A new tool, designed by Dan Reed has been added to the website. This deals with tech manuals and has some useful information allowing for rapid look-ups.
It can be found on the downloads-section.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
A view from two recent recruits to the FET ranks.
Life out here on the frontier -- it ain't safe nor easy. If anyone tells you otherwise, look at their hands -- they're liable to be reaching for your pockets. Life out here is rough, dangerous, and eking a living running cargo to port after dingy port isn't going to buy you that retirement on Utopia. Sure, it'll put fuel in your tanks and most times it will even buy your next cargo -- but what about wantin' more outta life? Well, friend -- let me tell ya -- there is an organization within the Capellan Periphery that believes that a man can have just about anything he wants, if he's willing to set his mind to it and ain't worried about no laws somebody else made gettin' in the way. Sure, sure, there be some who'll be tellin' ya that you should 'play nice with the other kiddies', and smile while they gouge you with their tariffs -- and if that's the life ya want, more's to ya. Me? I be wantin' the finer things, an' I'm not afraid to take 'em from some fat politician growin' fatter off other people's work. What, do ya think we got no conscience? No pilot in the FET -- at least none's I've heard of -- will steal outright from those that don't deserve it. But there's room in our ranks for those believe that laws are more of a (mmm) general guideline, then anythin' else. Sound good? Great -- then get in touch with us!
Why should you join the FET? Answer: Opportunity and Support
These 2 are closely related.
The biggest selling point the FET has to offer is we can give you more than starbases, ships and stellars. These assets are nice. Who is kidding whom? These assets are GREAT! However, they pale in comparison with the support you will be given in the FET. The FET has an experienced core of Directors along with an ambitious group of Franchise holders and Starcaptains. With their support you should be able to build wealth tenfold of what 'other' organizations are offering you up front. The FET is very active in the peripheries. We could provide you with testimonials from our allies or neutrals, but sometimes the best compliments come from your enemies. This is an excerpt from a recent message from Lord Saracen of the Brotherhood - "..where as the FET well, your lower than pirates, and we treat you as such." An organization does not earn such disdain from its enemies by sitting on its hands! Remember the FET offers you opportunity and support, so whether you are a new Starcaptain to the peripheries or an experienced executive/leader in a dead end job, look into joining the FET today!
Contact Details.
FET CEO: IC:Zuvoro Norozov; OOC:Ted Pratt; fet.ceo@ntlworld.com
Director of Intelligence: IC:Iandorian Tular; OOC:Sven-Eric Swohlert; swohlert@t-online.de
Director of Exploration: IC:Nemo Cognito; OCC:Colin Locke; colin.locke@ntlworld.com
Director of Acquisitions: IC:Kasumi Shinzawai; OCC:Keith Byrne; byrnekd@netscape.net
Company Security Director: IC:Morgwen ferch Bronwen; dubhspiriag@lwlawrence.com
Affiliation Messages:
*The Naplian's sit patiently, a video link up to Hrh Prince Altuk Admiral of the Periphery Fleet.
Greetings,(applause and a few burps)I have a report here from the Eye of Ra DNA ship in Kasmer System, no pictures, with this...here goes: "DNA Ship Eye of Ra reports Kasmer Stargate STOP. - Imperial platforms destroyed. STOP. Large force confederate ships on rampage in Imperial Territory - Kasmer. STOP. Expected to move on to other Imperial Territory .STOP. getting the hell out of here Stop. Bloody hell, Stop" End transmission (mumblings in amounst the Naplians)
The DNA Ship Eye of Ra is reportedly safe.
Now I bring you the news you have been waiting for : 3rd Pirate Killed in Storm (cheers amongst the Naplains and a few show their butts and start drinking at the back of the press conference)DNA and FCN warships engaged a Pirate ship in Storm today, destroying it without any naval damage.
I commend all ships in this for their prompt surgical operation. Mad Max has also sent me a message of thanks to pass on to the FCN Empire for their pinning of this ship and warbirds they brought into completely overwhelm the pirate. (Naplains start Chanting Mad Max, Mad Max, then a Naplian cranks out some music...)
A Naplian Official removes a few rowdy Naplains and the press conference continues..
The DNA defences set up to trap pirates and defend the space lanes for shipping was repeatedly attacked but withstood alot of damage from missiles. However a large number of natives originally from Inversion were caught by missile explosions. A number freighters coming through the area were saved including KRL FCN and DNA freighters. Mad Max though happy with the pirate kill and
FCN intervention (first time I think he has applauded the FCN's for their naval abilities) was not happy with the static space defence operation and stated that he wanted them further improved as previously ordered. The Leader of Military logistics in Pointy Stik on Inversion has been requested to write a report on the matter for Mad Max as to why the Pirate ship was not defeated without DNA Naval Intervention, and the resultant loss of native life.
For more detailed review and analysis go to NNN
*[Cheesy music plays.....] Camera's are centred on a group of people all playing poker. The roomabout them is dark and the glass table the gentlemen are playing on has camera's underneath.
At the head of the table is Roswell, an unusual serious expression is on his face as he looks at the cards he has been dealt. Chewing on a matchstick he surveys his opponents, tipping his black Stetson back to get a good view. To his left sits a rather battered looking Brother Hayt, quite new to BHD Card nights, he learnt quickly not to ask the dealer to 'hit' him. Saracen quite zealous in his job did as he was asked and Brother Hayt's two black eyes were proof of this.
Playing his cards close to his chest Brother Hayt slowly adds to the pot a stellar gold chip, a seemingly bright gleam catches the camera from Brother Titus's eye as the stellar chip clinks onthe pile. He looks unusually serious, then a quiet Pmffft noise is heard and the Titus's face relaxes. The vice pd of the brotherhood sits smoking a cigar and wearing his Mitre back to front, thinking it looks cool. Titus suddenly looks a little on edge, his stellar chips have decreased somewhat since the start of the night and he begins to glance more frequently at them. Roswell notices him looking at the already large ante in the middle of the table and the door just behind Brother Dracolith, another player at the table. Dracolith is a little less poker faced, in fact he is what would normally be called sh!t faced, the pile of mead cans around his chair further evidence to his not unusual condition. Roswell has to turn his head slowly to take on board the 'new boy' an Admiral by rank, but by the looks of him a shrewd poker player to boot. Tuxedoed and smelling of expensive aftershave, he exudes regal class and charm all the way to the sparkly tooth and refined etiquette befitting old royalty.
After Hayt's initial bet Saracen deals Titus a face down card, which Titus looks at slowly. Titus uses the last of his Stellar chips to up the ante, a worried glance from Dracolith sets the mood of the table, however it is only because he has just finished his last Mead beverage and folds to go to the bar.
Saracen deals the cool Brother Taylor a card, without looking at the card, his eyes fixed on Titus, the Admiral ups the Ante further with a cool 10 stellar gold chip. Titus shifts on his seat, pulling at his dog collar for air. Roswell bemused at Titus's discomfort and Taylor's obvious show of confidence takes his card off Saracen. A wry smile from Roswell can be blatantly seen, and he further ups the ante with 100 gold credits and the keys to the BHD Flagship Omen.
Hayt's shocked expression says it all and folds under a cloud of "the stakes are too high for me".
Titus looks spent. Beads of sweat start to appear on his purse. He stands up and begins to pull from numerous hidden pockets a number of other purses; Roswell notices that a previously 'lost' one of his own is in the collection. Titus's cough brings the focus back on him and the players gasp as a number of Platinum Stellar chips fall from one of Titus's sleeves. Titus empties all their contents of the purses on the table and matches the Popes Ante and even raises it to new heights. Roswell breaks the tension with a loud laugh, shaking his head at his resourceful colleague; the cool Admiral squints, trying to read Titus as he takes his next card. This one he looks at, his cool exterior almost frosting the room as he pushes his small mountain of stellar credits towards the Ante. Titus looks unimpressed, but the Admiral is not quite finished and beckons for a piece of parchment from Saracen. Roswell looks on, this game seemingly getting more interesting.
Titus nearly falls off his chair as the Admiral throws on top of the ante the piece of paper, clearly written in blue quilled ink [The deeds to New Harmony Starbase] upon it. The Pope raises an eye brow as he get his card, and instantly folds, what goes unnoticed though is he folds with four 2's in his hand....there seemingly appears to be more at stake here than material wealth.
Titus's final card is dealt and a deathly hush settles in the room. A tear from Titus's eye is seen running down his cheek as he clutches the last most precious item he has. Looking silently at his holiness the pope, he is granted recognition of his unseen question as the Pope nods his head. Realising there is no going back, Titus undoes his badge of office and slings the golden badge 'VPD' onto the pile, the chink echoes around the room. It is noticed that Dracolith has sobered up suddenly.......
Admiral Taylor sits up, somewhat taken aback at the turn of events. His cool exterior slipping for a few seconds, but the camera zooms in for a dramatic effect. The final card is dealt, Titus sucks in a breath, the Admiral seems to hesitate, and then takes the card. Saracen whistles and shakes his head; the pope looks away as if hiding a smile.
The Admiral undoes his Tuxedo jacket and puts his hand into an inside pocket, smiling at Titus he whispers, "I was saving these for another time, but you force my hand!" - Titus looks suspiciously at the Admiral who puts a simple brown envelope on the pile. Titus frowns as he reads it [Titus's party Photos - originals uncopied]. Every one looks perplexed, except for the Pope, Titus and the Admiral. The Admiral then calls.
Titus shows his hand, a straight flush, every one gasps, and Titus lets out a nervous laugh. This is dampened somewhat when the Admiral flicks over his hand, a Royal flush, Titus sighs deeply.
The Admiral looks almost cocky as he goes to grab the ante. Then the pope stands up. His holiness the pope, his most reverend of reverends etc etc takes the opportunity to preach the good book and in doing so a lesson is learnt by all.
"Brothers, what you have seen at this table tonight are many paths from just one road. These paths all look inviting and many stray down them for the wrong reasons. I however remain on the road, and whilst I myself presented a path to you, I did not wish you to attempt to walk down it. These are the many strategies that the False One employs to lead us astray and thus we usually play for matchsticks, however I thought it was a needed lesson to open your eyes to the hazards of walking the road of the righteous." It is noticed that Titus looks hopeful. Roswell continues his speech.
"Many things were at stake here this evening and some will be lost as a consequence of leaving the road." Titus sighs and once again looks glum.
"But if we are to learn then we must speak the same language. Brother Titus Grip, you placed your rank on the line for the 'pot' thus I give your vice pdship to the Admiral, he won it fair and square after all. As it is the 'pot' you so desire I will designate you Church Treasurer, a pot you can see, but one that will never be yours. All ante winnings will thus be donated to the church 'pot' and be distributed to the poor when needs arise. Brother Taylor, you bring a CNF trait along with you that has been bred into you by your forefathers, that of cunning. It is a noble strategy when done so righteously, however to be pure you have to let some things go."
[Roswell hands the brown photos envelope to Titus]
"You have suffered enough this evening Titus, do not let the mead in future mar your mind, for even the innocent can be led to believe they are all but."
[Titus graciously accepts the envelope, perhaps a little too quickly]
"However Admiral, you have indeed proven a worthy adversary at cards, I hope your new rank of VPD will indeed reflect such style. I am however a man of my word with what I pledge and thus the Flagship The Omen is yours, may she head the fleet into glorious and righteous battle."
[The Admiral shuffles on his feet.] "What of New Harmony my pope?" [The Pope smiles]
"She will prove to be a mighty asset for the True One now the church owns her."
'Cue Credits and cut to commercials'
*FM: Detinus Press Bureau, DTR Porta Capella
TO: General Public
SB: Restricted areas
Venice - The DTR has declared certain areas of their space Restricted Areas. They are clearly marked and announced in the system messages as well as put down in DTR laws. Yet many starships seem ignorant to their existence. Especially the Restricted Area of Gamma 9 in the Venice systems is frequently violated. Following several lethal incidents the DTR decided to mount exclusively tractor beams in the first layer of local defence platforms to prevent loss of life from the ignorance of other starcaptains. This worked fairly well as several starships were since captured, but not destroyed. However, on several occasions, warships on patrol responded to the intruder alert with lethal weaponry. Another sad incident happened today, when the INDependant Courier Class Freighter 'Transport' (63481) illegally entered into Gamma 9 of Venice where it was intercepted and destroyed by DTR forces. It is believed that said starship merely failed to observe DTR law out of ignorance, not with bad intent, but its destruction is irreversible and was entirely in accordance with DTR law. DTR authorities are now considering closing down markets inwards of ring 10 and establishing an active market at DTR New Darien on Dalmatia/Venice. DTR Porta Capella on Lunk/Yank will also increase its selling market of Venetian goods in the near future. It is hoped that these measures will prevent negligent traders from moving into Restricted Territories in the future.
DPB, Porta Capella/Yank.
Newsflash (DEN) - Dewiek officials ask that all entities with holdings in the Acrux system are to report the referred holdings. The penalty for failing to report may result in hostile take over.
Hall of Fame:
Come on you can top this!!!
Most Pirates destroyed: 1(SMS-5 kills); 2(DNA-2 kills)
Most Pirate Tonnage destroyed: 1(SMS-15Kmu Heavy; 6kmu Medium); 2(DNA-15kmu Heavy; 5kmu Medium)
Editor: Pedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.confederacy.org.uk
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
29-04-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 17 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
May Bank Holiday
Due to the May bank holiday, there will be two days processing on Tuesday 4th May. Once again, the GM will not enforce gentlemen's agreements of non-aggression.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
The Felini are a proud and honourable race. Rebuilding from the ashes of Nuclear devastation, our road to recovery has been long and hard. Through our unstinting efforts, and our friends within the Consortium (SMS, RIP and COH) we have managed to regain some measure of our former security. What have the Felini got to offer you?
Our Affiliation is yet newly-emerged into the peripheries, we are not restricted by the memory of the actions of previous generations. Our space is some of the most virgin ground in the game, offering a chance to truly explore the uncharted areas of space. For those interested in
Exploration, the Felini could well be for you. For those interested in matters military. The majority of the Felini fleet was lost in the war. Recreating a fleet of Felini warships with capable captains is another area in which you can make a difference.
For those interested in Trade and commerce, we are establishing trade with other races for the first time. Trade with these races will be a task for the intrepid Felini whitefangs (which Humans call captains). Here you could strike your own deals and support the existing Felini colonies.
You can of course mix and match, and do your own thing. Whatever your area of interest you will find yourself supported and aided by keen Felini Pride Seniors. We can offer you a challenge or two, support when you need it and the opportunity to advance fast in the political structure of the Felini. The opportunity is there for you to achieve your own goals and have a good time doing it. As you gain experience and aid the Felini, so too will you increase your assets within the game. We will help you with new ships, help you start up your own starbase, research that new strange Alien technology or find the source of the elusive ores.
If you want to know more, please contact:
Tyrant Mrrshan: tyrant@felini.org(Dan Reed, PD) or
Avatar Mawet Manchu: kiwiredman@hotmail.com(Kieron Redman, VPD)
Affiliation Messages:
*I would like to official inform all Affiliations of the formation of THE CONSORTIUM. This body of Affiliations is made up of (in alphabetical order) the Children Of Hexos (COH), The Felini (FEL),
Regular Independent Privateers (RIP) and Stellar Mining & Smelting (SMS). The four Affiliations makeup what is known as The Consortium. Our ties are one of mutual progression and friendship.
Trade, knowledge and research sharing takes place with all of us. Equally we will defend each other in battle. Therefore, before anybody attacks one of The Consortium members, they should realise they are in fact attacking four Affiliations and not just one! Also if anybody enters into a trade agreement with one of us and then reneges on that agreement, then they could be looking at trade embargos from the whole Consortium. We are a group of business partners, not warmongers and hope you will treat us as such.
We hope to have long and prosperous relationship with all our old friends and past allies. Should anybody have a problem with The Consortium then we would prefer to engage in diplomatic talks, so feel free to contact us.
Dr. Talain D'aygart Spokesman for The Consortium. SMS Vice- PD. Office of Internal Affairs.
Contact at StellarMining@a...or
StellarMining@h...(checked every few days)
*" Hi and welcome to Skye News. Top of the headlines today is the outbreak ofwar in Skye. Straight over to our on the ground reporter Felix Jones."
"Hi and welcome to Arrakeen, where yesterday DNA forces from Supernova starbase and a military platform in orbit targeted and attacked Arrakeen and her People.
Initial reports from Arrakeen suggested no damage but looking around I can see destroyed complexes and injured people of several races. In the distance we can see the burning remnants of 5 domes and nearby a burnt out research complex. Information from the defence teams manning the guns suggest a 100% accuracy rate and that not a single missile or torpedo penetrated.
Most of the damage we are witnessing is the result of incoming fire from a battery of 40 rail guns from DNA Sudden Impact, although people here speak of mass aerial combat as ground fighters and bombers from both sides duelled.
We are just getting casualty reports through; 8 Feline mercenaries were killed manning gatling lasers whilst 1st Army lost 2 Hive scouts and 1 Naplian mercenary.
Civilians were also ruthlessly cut down by this action, the last throw of the dice by an insane mad Naplian. 7 Feline employees and 4 Hive workers were killed in the factory district when Ground bombers penetrated and destroyed 3 factories.
17 unborn Hive eggs were also killed when 2 Hospitals were strafed and then bombed by the DNA forces, a barbaric act that leaves people here in a total state of shock.
Felini Ground forces Commander Ishmael had this to say: " Ground forces of the Felini Tyranny working in close tandem with our Naval forces, and our allies, the Children of Hexos will continue to repel all offensive actions taken by the forces of the DNA. Force will be met by superior Force, and aggression by devastation. We have no wish to kill any of the civilian population of this planet, indeed they are our brother and sisters but the DNA must be stopped.
The attack on the COH, and yesterdays attacks on Arrakeen will be avenged.
We also tried to interview the governor but he was unavailable for comment. His press office said he is involved in top level meetings with military commanders and will issue a brief statement later. He was unable to confirm rumours that a number of SMS ships have been sighted under way to Skye. We'll be back to this story straight after this break."
Newsflash (DNA) - DNA report a FCN attack upon their installations in Storm. DNA defenders are no match to the small but efficient FCN task force.
Newsflash (FCN) - FCN claim that recent event in Storm is actually a response to a DNA intent of using WoMD against FCN assets. Both sides now claim the other gave cause for aggression and a state of war now exists between the 2 nations. In the FCN Empire the martial state created by the war has forced Harkon to assume the mantle of Emperor.
Newsflash (IND) - Trouble continuous to brew in far off Twinkle as the negotiations between Highstar administration and the CIA, fail to reach a mutual consent. Could another this be another war in the horizon.
Newsflash (DNA) - DNA officials dispute FCN claim of DNA intent to use WoMD. In fact they claim not to own Nukes of biological weapons. To prove this DNA opens their bases to neutral investigators scrutiny.
Newsflash (DNA) - DNA officials announce the destruction of 2 COH ships, observed to be loitering deep inside DNA territory. DNA also claims to have acted as an administrative measure to prevent loitering and not as a blatant act of aggression against COH, or the recently announced Consortium.
Commenting on the DNA press, the Felini Tyrant, revealed he doubted that the destruction of 2 COH ships couldn't be seen as anything but an attack. The appropriate response to DNA action is being pondered by the Consortium.
Newsflash (KRL) - The KRL Warlord, made a press release asking the DNA and FCN to refrain from fighting over Krell heavy populated areas. It's reminded that the 2 factions skirmishing has only resulted in the deaths of many Krell, the same race these 2 factions claim to be protecting.
Newsflash (DNA) - Recent reports indicate that a Consortium strike fleet has attacked DNA assets in Skye. DNA reports to have suffered heavy casualties, including the well known Mad Max. DNA officials have expressed disbelief on the aggression taken by their former allies. The speech informing the creation of the Consortium expressed the wish to continue to interact peacefully with former allies. Clearly not with the former WEAVE ally.
Newsflash (SMS) - The SMS VP, confirmed today that the reason behind the Consortium attack upon DNA assets in Skye is directly linked to DNAs destruction of 2 COH merchants. The Consortium, now demands the surrender of DNA forces in the area to compensate the destruction of these 2 ships and the not returning of former ANT base in Yank to the COH Government. Dr. Talain D'aygart also asked that all travel be reduced, since the Consortium forces are now sweeping the system for DNA reinforcements.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.confederacy.org.uk
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
07-05-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 18 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
Ever wanted to see what the boot was like on the other foot? Or rather, the hardened mobility coating was like on the other tentacle? The FGZ affiliation is your stereotypical group of aliens from trash 50s sci-fi magazines, but taken to a new level. Feared, reviled, and hated for the most part by the human affiliations, we are your nightmare! The Republic has a long history. An often-warlike species separate from our space-faring ancestors, the Flagritz Republic has been forced to grow and change much from the original people who sought conflict with every other species.
Becoming more willing to contemplate peaceful solutions over the years, but maintaining a strong military capacity has lead us into a secure, steady period of consolidation Builders of the largest ships in the peripheries, we are a high-tech affiliation lead by 4 'Ataman' who direct and guide the expansion and policies of the Republic. With much room for growth, the FGZ
Republic needs you!
Affiliation Messages:
"Bless me holy Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose woman."
"Is that you, Titus?"
"Yes, Father, it is."
"And, who was the woman you were with?"
"Sure and I can't be tellin' you, Holy Father. I don't want to be ruining her reputation."
"Well, Titus, I'm sure to find out sooner or later, so you may as well tell me now. Was it Sister O'Malley?"
"I cannot say."
"Was it Sister Kelly?"
"I'll never tell."
"Was it Sister Shannon?"
"I'm sorry Father, but I'll not name her."
"Was it Sister Morgan?"
"My lips are sealed."
"Was it Sister McDonald, then?"
"Please, Father, I cannot tell you."
The Pope sighs in frustration. "You're a steadfast lad, Titus Grip, and I admire that. But you've sinned, and you must atone. You cannot attend church for three months. Be off with you now."
Titus walks back to his pew. Brother Taylor slides over and whispers what'd you get?"
"Three month's vacation and five good leads."
It has not gone unnoticed at the Dominion HQ that there have been talks about system ownership within the cluster, more specifically the Twinkle system.
Our position on this matter is quite simple.
1, That the system is neutral.
2, The system claim sits with IND Highstar.
3, The stargate remains open, and safe for all trade ships.
I would therefore put forward that the System Ownership sits with Highstar, and as long as the Stargate remains safe for ships to transit and the system is neutral we have no problem.
The current problems with the CIA should be resolved, at Highstars discretion.... Once the Highstars governor is happy that no 3rd parties will interfere with the Stargate I think we all will all benefit from a safe trading passage.
Although relations between the Dominion and the Felini are much improved than prior relationships we have had with your brethren the Clan. We will not recognise any system claim by the Felini on Twinkle. I'm sure that these points will save us all from unnecessary procrastinated talks on system leases... If not we our Naval commanders are happy to stencil further documentation on the side of ships hulls for all to see....Politics is a treacherous occupation; give me a war any day of the week....
For the Glory of the Dominion.
Robert Trevalliant
The Demorcratic Native Alliance has formally requested that theFlagritz Republic take administrative charge of the DNA during the current crisis. As a result of this the Flagrtiz Republic has accepted the request.
All DNA assests will be placed under Flagritz martial law and all discussions relating to these positions should be directed to the Cliriq Caste of the Republic.
Skye System - At present the Flagritz Repulic will not interfere with this system. Skye will be exempt from Flagritz martial law.
Storm System - The Flagritz Republic will take full control of DNA Static assests and GPs. The Flagritz will recognise Falconian Control of this system.
Winter System - This system will fall under Flagritz martial law. The system message will be updated to confirm this. All assets that were legall under the previous DNA administration shall maintain their status.
While under Flagritz martial law all DNA assets will be considered part of Aegis and we reserve the right to defend these assets as we see fit.
It is hoped that these measures will remove the need to use military force against the DNA and allow all parties involved to begin meaningful discussions with an aim to bring an end to the current hostilities.
Glory To The Republic!
Azreal S'Falen - FGZ Cliriq Ataman
"... in other news, there have been reports of shooting in the starport at Dinas"Dawr in St Dismas. The starport security forces stormed the Wimble vessel that crashed into the starbase's hiport last week, in an intended peaceful arrest that went drastically wrong. Our reporter at Dinas Dawr, Katya ul-Madir, brings us this report."
"Questions have been buzzing round the starbase for the past week, following the collision of the Wimble vessel 'Putrid Dyke' into the hiport at Dinas Dawr. The damage done was repaired overnight, requiring a temporary closure of the hiport, but no lives were lost. Speculation has been rife as to how the Broadsword class cruiser could have lost control to such an extent as to collide with the hiport. Modern navigation computers mean that such collisions have been unheard of for many years. Early this morning, the starport security forces cordoned off the area around 'Putrid Dyke', which had docked for repairs following last Tuesday's collision with the hiport. A bailiff approached the ship with an arrest warrant for the entire crew, for questioning over the cause of the collision. The airlock was not opened from inside the ship, at which point marines were called
in to force entry.
After entry, shooting was heard from inside the vessel, at which point further reinforcements from the starbase security forces boarded the ship. The exact events which followed are unclear, but it appears that at the height of the operation several hundred marines were involved.
Eyewitnesses report in the region of fifty body bags being removed from the scene later, with the majority of approximately Wimble size.A spokesman for the starport security forces made the following statement:
'Early this morning, members of the starport security forces boarded the Wimble vessel 'Putrid Dyke' with a warrant to arrest the entire crew for questioning regarding the starship's collision with the hiport of Dinas Dawr. The crew of the vessel resisted arrest with unexpected force, resulting in the loss of thirty-five Wimble crewpersons and seventeen members of the starport security forces before the ship was brought under control. The remaining crew of the vessel have been taken into custody for questioning. A full investigation will be conducted into why a routine arrest for questioning resulted in the loss of fifty-two lives.'
Early reports from those near the questioning indicate that the Wimble crew initially failed to open the door of the vessel due to being comatose after a party to celebrate the captain's birthday, and responded with violence after being awoken by the forced entry.
This is Katya ul-Madir, for ABC News, at Dinas Dawr."
"Thank you Katya. Coming up after the break, how the government at Port Erin is proposing to tackle street crime..."
Newsflash (DNA) - The fighting in Squamata continues, as DNA ground forces, composed of just about all races, icluding Felini, continue to hold superior Consortium forces. Felini commanders claim, they're just using what resources they had in hand...or paw...the continued fighting will only result in more casualties and damaged property, but the ultimate victory by Consortium forces isn't being questioned by the FEL troopers.
Newsflash (DTR/DOM) - Talks regarding the ownership of Twinkle continues on an apparent standstill.
Confeds don't recognize Highstar ownership of the system, while DTR agrees to have Highstar claim the system on behalf of the Felini, the recognized inherent of the Clan spoils. On the other hand, Dominium have placed an ultimatum stating they won't allow FEL from claiming the system, even if ownership is a Highstar proxy.
Newsflash (DNA) - We have reports that SMS have sent naval reinforcements to aid FEL and COH warships subdue DNA resistance in Squamata. This truly shows that the Consortium navies are operating jointly.
Newsflash (FGZ) - Following the declared state of disaster, the DNA will relinquish administrative charge of their bases in Storm and Winter, leaving the Skye warzone out of the Aegis protection.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.confederacy.org.uk
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - homepage.ntlworld.com/verisimilitude/aegis
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
14-05-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 19 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****Latest News*****
Fearing for his life after loosing control of Cape Horne the Pirate King Joshua Porteus, his family and closest aide Admiral Radshak commandeer one of the few remaining ships of the Old Guard and flee Cape Horne. With forces loyal to Duke Hellscream reputedly seaching the colony the carrier Shogun blasted it's way free from the docking bays and into space for destination unknown. Across the peripheries forces loyal to King Porteus, the last of the Pirate Kings and leader of the Old Guard are making ready for a potential Civil War.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
FLZ, no show!! GTT next week. I take this time to ask any new AFF to register his/her AFF with me so that I don't overlook your AFF weekly profile.
Affiliation Messages:
*Start of transmission
I hope this gets out of Supernova, this could well be the last report, large parts of Supernova are now in the hands of the Children of Hexos, but they have taken a huge hammering , as I sit here giving this report I know it could be the last as COH Warriors are cutting through the doors of the Naplian News Network Broadcast centre as I speak.
Headlines ****Two weeks of fighting and killing of COH and Felini forces as they FAIL TO SIEZE SUPERNOVA despite rumours that the DNA and Felini have willingly accepting peace terms.***
The COH largely now control the base but strange events continue to frustrate them. Even DNA troops dug in secret tunnels are at a loss to explain the supernatural mysteries that have caused extensive COH and FEL losses. DNA troops refuse to come out at night or even sleep as murderous screams from the COH troops are heard in the dark night.
A recording of Max started playing by itself, it was broadcasted across the starbase this lead to an increased COH attacks on the starbase but unfortunately killed more or their own troops then
DNA. This seemed to occur on a regular basis.
Reports of a cloaked little grey shape have been seen walking the caves but blaster weapons seem to have no effect on it.
Felini troops reportedly opened fire on it but only hit more of their own troops whilst chasing naplians though the cave system.
Invading forces are frightened and shooting anything that moves. Even their own bombers outside are being shot at? Anything in the dark caves are being shot at including their own troops in the backside. Hive COH troops seek out each cave and now have come to ours. COH and FEL ships have been targetting COH and FEL forces from orbit, as if they are cursed or controlled by supernatural forces.
DNA ships have successfully escaped COH SMS and FEL ships as if they weren't there.
Reports of a heroic rescue of Pallas Maunder stretchered from the wreck of the engine room of the Garbage Scow continue to boost the DNA troops. He was assumed dead in the wreckage of the oldest Garbage Scow the Cataphoric Reference, but, the miracle crew got him out, apparently the crew fought off waves of space fighters protecting him as the elderly Pallas Maunder was rescued by a medical team and flown off the planet. Reports coming in today indicate that the Garbage Scow blew up taking those heroes in it just after Pallas Maunders rescue.
And now there is strong suspicion that the whole place is haunted as waves of FEL bombers attack COH troops as the confusion continues, if the Felini and COH expected a clean and quick decisive
battle were mistaken.....
This is "Little hairy" stand in reporter for the Naplian News Network I got to go now. Hang on, I have just been handed this new communication.
Skislip Placid has surrendered himself and requests all DNA forces surrender to COH positions immediately. Apparently counter signed by Cleopatra Acting Commander in Chief. This follows a deal to release naplians and certain technology and to stop the fighting on both sides.
The young Naplian starts to cry, and wipes his big eyes. The DNA has hung on here with one defence force against hundreds of COH and FEL positions for 2 weeks refusing to give up the Naplian Dream Mad Max gave us, whilst MAd Max still walks these caves in some form. They have fought so bravely so outnumbered and they could for more weeks to come but they have given the DNA life and now a chance to walk out of here alive.
Some may survive and be transported off world, lets hope....Against all odds the DNA will walk out of Supernova heads held high having held it bravely for 2 weeks against overwhelming numbers and left the enemies confused and dying.
END Transmission abruptly ended to the sound of explosions and blaster fire......................
*Following the recent upheaval in Skye the Felini Tyranny (49) have claimed Skye(191) in an effort to bring peace and stability to the system. Skye is now classed as restricted FEL space.
Could the owners/governors of ANY outposts, starbases or platforms in Skye created on or before stardate 204.17.1 please notify this office to register them. There is a two week deadline for registration.
No new outposts, starbases or platforms are to be created without the explicit permission of Tyrant Mrrshan(tyrant@f...), Avatar Mawet Manchu( kiwiredman@h...) or PrideSenior Bastet
(tonyrich@b...)( system Co-ordinator).
Felini Law will and must be adhered to at all times within the system.
Thank you.
FEL PrideSenior Machan Bastet
System Co-ordinator for Skye
Newsflash (DNA) - DNA reports the fall of the starbase Supernova to Children of Xexos, more commonly known as COH.
Newsflash (FEL) - The Successors of the Clan Empire, the Felini Tyrany have claimed the Skye system as their own. Could we be seeing the rising of a new Bast Empire in the Cluster?
Newsflash (IND) - Highstar military inform that the next heavy hulled ship to enter Twinkle will result in a trade embargo on the offending AFF. They also remind that all warships visiting or crossing the area should remove all IND shipping from their legitimate targetting lists.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.confederacy.org.uk
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
24-05-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 21 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
GTT, no show!!
Affiliation Messages:
Newsflash (LGM) - A new affiliation is born! The Liberators di grande malattia. This group proposes to fight the Old Human Empire...if they can find it, or a time warp.
Newsflash (DTR) - The DTR offer the Trinity remaining Imperial troopers a chance to surrender and avoid further loss of life.
Newsflash (IND) - Highstar is offering a chance to sell unique merchandizing. Those offering samples, might see their product being bought up to 100k units.
Newsflash (IND) - Also, Hightstar announces a coming full security sweep. Any AFF caught operating black ops in the base, will be embargoed and suffer restrictions in the transit of the Twinkle wormhole.
Newsflash (HVE&AFT) - The Hive is offering for sale a Scarab class freighter for 200K, while AFT have launched a new product, the Coaster Class freighter, a 20 hulled cargo ship, at the cost of 25k.
Newsflash (FEL) - The Felini remind that AFFs have until star date 21.3 to register any asset in Skye system.
Newsflash (GTT)- Excavations currently ongoing near GTT Angkor Wat have, it is rumoured, found evidence of atrocities.
"It is clear that this location suffered from ground assaults as the team find human remains, many of which have damaged bones, no doubt the cause of their deaths. The team even find more than one mass grave. The bodies are mostly civilian and autopsies reveal that many were executed or killed by chemical weapons."
Further investigation suggests that the massacres occurred during the recent civil war when rebel forces temporarily occupied the planet.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.confederacy.org.uk
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
25-05-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 21 DAY 2
[Recruit] |
Important Game Changes
As all players are probably aware, we have spent a considerable amount of time projecting the long-term trends. This has got us so worried that we will implement a number of changes to the game ensuring its continued success. These changes are designed to reign in fleet expansion but also make each ship count. Most of the changes are simply a jiggling of production and maintenance values in order to ensure that maintaining a large warfleet is a priority concern. To counter this though, we have increased operational life between maintenance visits for ships. While they require more resources, maintenance visits are less often.
So, even though we will be implementing these changes immediately, by restoring integrity of all ships to 100%, we effectively give players virtually an entire year to come to terms with the effect.
Despite changing the statistics for hulls and patches, we will not change the quantities present in starbases, therefore those players that have built stockpiles but not had time to build the ships will not be penalized.
By restricting warfleet expansion, we have also been able to review one of our tenets; this was absolute anathema towards fleet orders. We will be adding squadrons to the game, allowing orders to be applied to an entire fleet.
As the game is designed not just around war but also on diplomacy, trade and politics, we felt that more emphasis should be placed on these factors by introducing civilian governments for worlds with significant populations. It will of course normally be the case that the civilian government has similar views to the affiliations present on the world and by working together they can improve planetary conditions. By making civilian governments and planetary populations actively play a role in the game, it will not just be a case of annexing systems and exploiting the local merchandising; especially if the player controlling the government was in favour of the previous tenants. Obviously governments can change!
Game Changes
The changes will be in 3 parts
[1] Immediate Game Changes
[2] Combat Enhancements
[3] Civilian Upgrade
[1] Will be done within the week and then [2] and [3] will follow afterwards. It should be noted that there are a lot of improvements here to running fleets, however if there a no caps of fleets then things will get out of hand. So the changes in [1] are implicitly linked to [2] and [3].
Immediate Game Changes
-Hulls will have their production and material increased to be:
x.5 x1 x2 x8
-Platform Hulls will be increased to 200mus of production and minerals.
-Patches will be increased to 100mus production and minerals, however the patch outputs will be modified to:
tOutputtI 100
II 125
III 150
IV 175
V 200
This will make patches much more portable.
- Integrity losses for standard hulls of all marks will be set to:
4% 2% 1% .5%
x0.8 for Organic hulls
x1.2 for Crystal hulls
- Integrity Stabilisers output will be changed to
tOutputtI 5%
II 10%
III 15%
IVt 20%
Although the % effect has been reduced, the actual in game effect of reduced maintenance costs has increased.
-Integrity decay will no longer be linear, below 50% the rate of decay will increase.tt
-Current positions integrity will be restored to 100% to avoid immediate large costs to affiliations.
Maintenance / Repair
-Maintenance will be changed require the following patch output per hull per integrity point fixed.
Patch Output 0.1 0.1 0.5 5.0
Patch Output per Week
100 Heavy Hulls 250
100 Normal Hulls 50
100 Light Hulls 20
100 XL Hulls 40
-Maintenance time will depend on patch output used by the visit and maintenance will be an order than runs until complete. It will take 1 TU per 20 output used.
For yearly visits:tttt
100 Heavy Hulls 625 TUs
100 Normal Hulls 125 TUs
100 Light Hulls 50 TUs
100 XL Hulls 100 TUs
- Some free patches will be available to some smaller affiliations to allow them to cope with the change. This will be in the form of a source of patches at a specified SB.
- Ship repairs will be changed so as to be based on the actual damage a ship has taken (same with armour). So heavy hulls will require 400 patch output to fix, however this is less than their production requirement.
-There will be a maintenance report on politicals to indicate how many patches your personal fleet requires per weeks and to restore it to 100% integrity.
Ship Yards
-Ships yards will be changed to assemble hulls based on production of hulls. Currently shipyards assemble 4 hulls per week, this will be modified to be 400 production of hulls, so a heavy hull will take more time and a XL hull will take less time.
-There will be a production limit of ship hulls assembled per week, regardless of the size of a ship yard:
100 50 20 10
However the yard will be able to work on multiple ship, so although you can not produce a 100 Heavy hull ship in less than 10 weeks, you can make as many as you want at the same point.
Merchandising Cap
-There is currently a Merchandising Cap on how many stellars can be generated for different planet (this includes local). This cap will be reviewed to make sure there aren't large mistakes. It should not actually effect existing starbases, however it may affect future starbases.
Combat Enhancements
-Officer can be promoted from any lifeform (as currently done) but they are marked as a civilian officer and the affiliation needs to pay 10k to make them naval officers. Naval officers can add to any list.
-Officers can be demoted back to civilians if players choose.
-When you change aff all officers will made civilians.
-Civilian officers can add PIR and other affs posted lists to allow privateering.
-Rank will be attached to officers. Rank defines whom you support/defend first. Changes in rank will be immediate and only have political order cost (100).
Posted Lists
-Posted lists will now include a bounty for each position. This bounty will be paid to any position for the destruction of that ship.
-This bounty is paid at the time the order is issued and can be changed at anytime (which will refund the last bounty).
You will be able to assign a ship to a squadron allowing the ships to act as a group.
-Politicals can convert an officer to squadron leader. His ranks will be increase to the highest (or equal highest) in the squadron.
There can be multiple squadron leaders in a squadron.
-Squadron leaders will be able to use the squadron command order that will makes all subsequent orders be issued by the whole squadron. The squadron will run orders at the same time (each movement will be done by the whole squadron before the rest moves on). This will mean that a squadron of a freighter and a warship will act as an escort.
-Squadrons are joined/formed based on a name, if a new squadron name is entered that does not exist in the affiliation then it is created. Names that are very similar will assumed to be the same.
Targeting will be changed to make things happen in a more understandable order. Actual target list will be drops and there are 3 issues from this
-Interceptors will only attackers fighters on course for ships you defend.
-There will be a list for ships that attack you that develops through the combat.
-Targets are chosen by going down the targeting order until you find a valid target.
The following are a list of changes to the targeting
-Alert status : Can switch off/on enemy/support/defend lists
-Target Preference: Will allow following to be set, all can have 'None' to
ignore option:
[1] Position Type {Ship/starbase/Platform etc}
[2] Ship Description {List of types}
[3] Armoured {Heavy/Normal/Light/None}
[4] Size {Smallest/Largest/None}
t[5] Ignore incoming fire - don't target position attacking you
-Retarget Option:
[1] Retarget Every round
[2] Retarget Every day
[3] Retarget if not Preference
-Target locking is changed to be in the following order
[1] Positions attacking you (if you have not ignored it)
[2] Position on the enemy list
[3] Posted List if active (own aff)
[4] Personal General enemy (PIR/AFFs etc)
[5] Posted List if active (other aff)
[6] Defending a position (Own Aff)
[7] Defending a position (Allied Aff)
[8] Supporting a position (Own Aff)
[9] Supporting a position (Allied Aff)
[10] Defending own Aff
[11] Defending allied Aff
[12] Supporting own Aff
[13] Supporting allied Aff
Each point will generate a list of targets weighted based on target preference and one target will be randomly picked from the list. If no list is create on a point it will move to the next point.
When supporting/defending affs the highest rank will be tested first and there will be no chaining and each positions enemy will generate an individual list.
-Screening: Ships can choose one position to screen. When a ship targets a position from the above that you are screening (if the ship is fast enough) it will switch the target for the rest of the day.
-Platform Screening: Platforms can screen all starbases on the planet they are orbiting providing they defend them. Platforms can screen multiple targets but as they screen more attackers there is a chance that attacks will get through. (Note that bigger the platform more it can screen and the number of ships it can screen will be based on weapons being fired.)
Weapon Preferences (Not Definite)
-Weapons will not fire at things they can not hit.
-Preferred Ammo load out per weapon
t-Item Number
t-Primary Ammot
t-Quantity %
t-Secondary Ammo
t-Quantity %
-Combat will be changed to allow 2 types of ship failures
t[1] Explosion - which happens when the ships is heavily damaged
and close to destroyed - explosions leave less debris
t[2] Integrity break down - occurs after battle if ship is badly
t damaged - more debris
-Change in combat to include 'free space' in ships that have had hulls / items destroyed so that you can hit free space (similar to starbases). This change will increase the lifespan of internal items on badly damaged ships (ie ships likely to break up will still be firing).
This should result in over targeting of an individual ship being less effective than board targeting. Better to get an integrity break down for less damage than to wipe-out a ship.
General Changes
-Changes to reporting of battle, so that more information is on a political summary - in theory you should be able to see what has happened from this summary. There will also be a affiliation summary.
-Blockade planet order. Tries to stop ships leaving and entering orbit that are on enemy lists.(makes sure they are scanned - but accounts for stealth/cloak)
-Stealth/Cloaked boarding - reduces rounds of combat a ship encounters when trying to actively board a ship. If no combat occurs there is no support/defend call for the ship being boarded. There will be a scan test on each of the 4 rounds with a bonus to scan test on each subsequent round.
-Integrity modifies combat efficiency after 75%
-Integrity modifier for armour effect after 75%
-Integrity modifier for explosion change after 75%%
-Compensation for ships crew members that die... pensions 100 per crew.
-Shield improvement on SBs
-Dummy complexes (5 SU) no man-hours
- Combat Efficiency will be changed to determine the number of weapons/shields/PD that will be used/fire and not how well they will be used.
Civilian Upgrade
This is a little bit vague at the moment. There are several points worth mentioning and more will be brought out in advance of the change.
-Position for Civilian Government will be implemented, more below
-Items will be sold to planets via your public market.(No more sell to planet order).
-Merch lvls will no longer be fixed, if you are not selling things to the local population, then generic merch income will drop since no one will be coming to the starbase to trade.
-There will be a variety of infrastructure / trade goods that you can build to sell on your markets to the local population (both to make money and to attract merch trade)
-You will have to have local acceptance before you can tap basic merch income and this will depend of how you acquired a starbase, how long you have been there and what sort of public market you have.
(These conditions will change over time).
Civilian Government (infrastructure)
The fine details are worked out but generally the ideas run along the following lines.
-They can be per system or per planet.
-These institutions will be assumed to already exist on all planets with large population and can become player controlled.
-They will control armed forces, import and export taxes (paid by the population), and people's attitudes to other AFFs on the planet.
(A certain AFF landing on a high populated world my well get lynched by locals regardless of being at a starbase)
-Government resources can be tapped by starbases(free ship maintenance for instance).
-They will be responsible for the well being of the planet, and will have to deal with problem that arise on the planet (Disasters, public health, crime, orbital bombardment etc)
-They will have control rating to determine how much of the planet is theirs and they will be able to influence the population.
-Also the government can improve infrastructure and population of poorer worlds.
28-05-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 21 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Game Changes
As stated earlier in the week, a number of changes to the game will be implemented at the start of next week.
We may have modified some of the values for hull production. Full disclosure of any discrepancies between the earlier announcement and the actual values will be given. These are, if anything to be less extreme than previously stated.
Bank Holiday
Due to the never ending stream of bank holidays, Monday 31st May will be run on Tuesday 1st June making it a double day.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
Brett Dalton marched down a highly ornate corridor deep within the Hive ruling chambers. He used to dread this moment. Brett is Human and was, still is probably he mused, the only Human to have direct audience with a member of the Hive ruling council. The Hive are a ruthless and aggressive race of insectoid warriors, quick to anger, fast, immensely strong and clinically efficient. At first glance they are intimidating and extremely alien to someone of Human origin - something out of nightmares and ancient, 'Alien' horror films. But if you have time to get to know them they are a loyal and honorable species.
He was a prisoner once. Left to rot in a stinking cell with a clutch of green, translucent, pulsating eggs. Every day he was beaten and every day he resigned himself to his fate. Then, one day, his tormentors came and laughing told him that today they were going to make an omelette with him. Something snapped inside of him and he charged at the two guards. Fighting like an animal he held them back, shrugging off the pain of the stun-batons, but he could not sustain such an effort. Then suddenly he didn't need to. What looked like a giant spiders leg burst through the chest of the first guard spraying Brett in blood and gore and a huge set of saliva oozing mandibles surgically removed half of the second guards face. And that was the first contact he had with the Hive. They had come to reclaim their unhatched young.
Now he was a Foreign Ambassador of the Predator swarm based in one of their most important starbases. He was, perhaps, the compromise of a xenophobic race's diplomacy with the rest of the human species. The thought brought a smile to his face, and then composing himself, he opened the double doors and stepped into the chamber of the High Swarm Master of the Hive swarm Predator.
Seated before him Disakra Koth was an imposing character even for a Hive warrior, although Brett had heard tell that the Swarm Lord, Kree Kragmamlonn, was even more daunting. Maybe, one day, he would have the honour of meeting him.
The Hive (68) is always seeking new warriors. We are on the cutting edge of weapon, ground combat and organic technology. Why content yourself with a lump of metal when you can have a living starship? To find out more contact -
The Swarm Lord (PD), Kree Kragmamlonn, at Peter@norberg-gbg.com
The High Swarm Master (VPD), Disakra Koth, at chaos-prime@wanadoo.fr
Visit our website at peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
Affiliation Messages:
*Salutations Sharyn McCree,
Thank you for re-clarifying the official AFT stance on this matter. Tennison Tarb spoke out of turn whilst being ill-informed, but has now apologised for that incorrect account of the happenings at Dinas Dawr. I accept the apology on behalf of the Wimble Nation and the Enewatak tribe from which the crew was recruited. At the time of the initial Hi-Port incident, there was no Lore regarding the consumption of non-intoxicating beverages and foodstuffs anywhere on a Wimble vessel. Since that incident, ALL foodstuffs and beverages have been banned from ship Bridges whilst manoeuvres are in progress. Whilst no rules were broken, the Wimble Nation accepts full responsibility for that incident - and I believe that Organiser Pelonn Schintoukoo has already instructed the AFT to forward the bill for repairs directly to him. And as you stated, the crew were willing to co-operate fully with your investigation.
As to the tragic incidents that occurred within the starport of Dinas Dawr, I am currently as much in the dark as yourself. The families are waiting for a report from the AFT as to what caused this incident. Once the crew have been released I will also begin an investigation to ensure that something like this can never happen again. The only information I have regarding the unexpected struggle for control of the Putrid Dyke comes from the emergency "Blue-Box" transmission. The only thing that our investigators can find within that information, that may prove of use to you, regards the inter-communications system on the ship. The settings appear to have been altered by Flyer Schwan Enewatak after docking. I can not tell the purpose of this, but I do have a theory that your investigation team may wish to delve into: being Flyer Schwan Enewatak's birthday (I believe you received a personal invitation?), it is very possible that the ships inbuilt music entertainment system was re-routed through the internal comms so the entire ship was bathed in the party atmosphere. If this is the case, the usual functionality of the inter-communication system would have been disrupted, possibly leading to the crew being unaware of hails from the Ground Crew of Dinas Dawr. Lack of acknowledgement from the Putrid Dyke may have began the escalation of events?
Tennison Tarb's unfortunate choice of words regarding "penalties" for the "practice of piloting while intoxicated" caused a major influx of complaints to be sent toward my office from the friends and families of the Putrid Dyke. So many in fact, that the normally sufficient tubes of the PRMS (Pigmy Rat Messenger Service) became so jammed with rats carrying messages that a special PRMS engineer had to be dispatched to cure the problem with compressed CO2! What made it worse was that I was unable to offer any contradicting scenarios to the familles as I have not had contact with the remaining crew. Your full report is awaited with anticipation.
May your cattle remain free from Blow-Fly.
Lemora Enewatak
Grandfather to the Wimble Nation
PS. Tennison Tarb, if you are serious about having your swamps' growing conditions improved, please contact you nearest Wimble Nation starbase. I am sure they will be happy to come and evaluate the site for you.
*As was posted in SSS week 14 year 204, the DTR passed new laws and urged affiliations to check them to ensure that they were not breaking any of them. Changes in the new laws include the registration of Starbases, outposts and the like. The DTR know of numerous outposts which have not been registered and they can be declared illegal and seized. The DTR hereby gives notice to all Starbase and outpost owners to register their assets as required by law by the end of week 22.
Some of the relevant sections are included below.
Michelle Diaz.
Article 4 - Starbases and Outposts
1. A permit must be obtained from the DTR Speaker or the DTR Internal Minister prior to building any Starbase or Outpost. The permit can include restrictions, taxes and other obligations and can be revoked if these are not observed.
2. Illegal Starbases and Outposts can be posted and seized by force.
3. Merchandising, exchange, training, shipyard and platform control complexes may not be built without permission from the DTR Speaker or the DTR Internal Minister.
4. The restricted location data of the Starbase or Outpost must be supplied to the DTR Magistrate within 4 weeks of construction.
Article 8 - Exploitation of Resources
1. Permission to exploit any resource must be obtained 1 week prior to exploiting the resource.
2. Resources can either be classified as renewable or non-renewable.
3. Exploitation of any non-ore based non-renewable resource without permission will result in a fine of between 100,000 to 500,000 stellars. In severe cases, this may result in the Installation licence being revoked.
4. Over exploitation of any renewable resource can result in a fine of between 10,000 to 250,000 stellars. In severe cases, this may result in the Installation licence being revoked.
5. Very rare ores are the property of the DTR and may not be exploited without permission of the Senate.
6. Illegal drugs may not be exploited, produced or sold to the local population. Transgressors will be fined 10,000 to 500,000 stellars as can concurrently be charged under Article 15 -
Article 9 - Merchandising Complexes
1. A permit must be obtained prior to building any merchandising complexes at an Installation.
2. If granted, the permit will include the maximum number of complexes which may be built at the Installation and the amount of trade goods which can be sold to the local population.
3. A separate permit must be obtained to sell lifeforms to the local population. Drugs may not be sold to the local population.
4. Transgressors can be fined 10,000 to 500,000 stellars. In addition, if the number of merchandising complexes is over the permitted number, then the permitted value will be halved (rounded down) and the excess complexes will be torn down. Failure to tear down the excess complexes can result in the Installation license being revoked.
Article 10 - Platforms
1. A permit must be obtained prior to building any platform control complexes or having platforms of any size in DTR territory.
2. Permission will only be granted for platforms to be located above an affiliations Installation.
If granted, the permit will include the maximum number of platforms and hulls which can be present.
*In respect of recent comments by the AFT Trader Mister Tennison Tarb, it seems appropriate to point out specifically what High Star does and does not consider to be subject to IND law within Twinkle.
The Twinkle system and its planetary bodies are under IND governance, until such time as the system is handed over to the Felini. The Felini inform me that their claim does include the planetary bodies of Sapphire, Steel, Little Star, and any other celestial entity, including theTwinkle stargate. Where High stars Government hold significant IND power in the system, and where there are no other IND bodies to mediate/delegate between, High Star will make all the rules for Twinkle as she sees fit in order to maintain a safe, neutral area of space, where all affiliations in pursuit of lawful activity are free from scrutiny. IND High Star will take whatever steps necessary to assure its own long term standing as a secondary consideration within its remit.
On a personal note: Mister Tarb, you dissaproved of my asking all Heavy Hulled/combatant vessel's to steer clear of Twinkle. Why?. Surely you are a man of the peripheries, and will know only too well that more ofte than not, the victim of unintentional agression are IND's. Moreover, many affiliations openly add all IND to space enemy lists, and I assure you on my word, that this was my consideration when asking such vessels to stay away.!!!
Would you be grudge an Independant Neutral the right to assure his peers of their safety when visiting his holding. If you have such deep rooted problems with me, then please do drop me a line. At present, your AFT ships are unrestricted in twinkle, and I wish you the very best.
Thank you.
Jennifer Haynes.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.confederacy.org.uk
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
01-06-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 22 DAY 2
[Recruit] |
Changes Implemented Today
After listening to player fears and correlating these against game data. To this end we were less than draconian, however this mean that patches had to be modified or everything we have done to improve the game would have counted for nothing.
Still more things from the grand list to be implemented.
-Hulls will have their production
x1 x1 x2 x4
-Platform Hulls will increase by x2 of production.
-Patches will be increased to 100mus production and minerals, however the patch outputs will be modified to:
Output I 100
II 125
III 150
IV 175
V 200
This will make patches much more portable, existing patches will be divided by 10 to account for the increased patch size (zero net loss).
In all above changes the materials required have been increased proportionally however the uncommon and rare materials have been treated differently.
Uncommon materials will by modified by approximately the (mod x.625), and rare materials will be increased
by (mod x 0.5). Basic minerals will be increased to cover this shortfall. (Note: Actual amounts have been changed to multiples of 5).
BPs production limit for hulls have been proportionally increased.
- Integrity losses for standard hulls of all marks will be set to:
4% 2% 1% .5%
Higher hull techs will be 10% better per lvl above mark I. So Heavy hulls MKII will have 0.45% loss per week. This equates to 25 mus less maintenance per week (significantly more useful than before which was 2.5 mus /week)
x0.8 for Organic hulls
x1.2 for Crystal hulls
- Integrity Stabilisers output will be changed to
Output I 5%
II 10%
III 15%
IV 20%
Although the % effect has been reduced, the actual in game effect of reduced maintenance costs has increased.
-Integrity decay will no longer be linear, below 50% the chance of incurring multiple integrity loses becomes significant
Addition Integrity Loss = ((100.0-m_integrity)^3)/25000 %
Each lose triggers another possible loss. At 10% integrity on a XL ship has a 3% chance of cascade breakdown, so its not likely to blow too many ships up without any warning.
-Current positions integrity will be restored to 100% to avoid immediate large costs to affiliations.
Maintenance / Repair
-Maintenance will be changed require the following patch output per hull per integrity point fixed.
Patch Output 0.1 0.1 0.5 5.0
Patch Output per Week
100 Heavy Hulls 250
100 Normal Hulls 50
100 Light Hulls 20
100 XL Hulls 40
-Maintenance time will depend on patch output used by the visit and maintenance will be an order than runs until complete. It will take 1 TU per 20 output used.
For yearly visits:
100 Heavy Hulls 625 TUs
100 Normal Hulls 125 TUs
100 Light Hulls 50 TUs
100 XL Hulls 100 TUs
- Some free patches will be available to some smaller affiliations to allow them to cope with the change. This will be in the form of a source of patches at a specified SB.
- Ship repairs will be changed to be based on the actual damage a ship has taken (same with armour). So heavy hulls will require 400 patch output to fix, however this is less than their production requirement.
-There will be a maintenance report on political to indicate how many patches your personal fleet requires per weeks and to restore it to 100% integrity.
- Refit order now has a ticky box to used best.
- Refit order now reduces integrity loss for install by 50%
- Refit order now removes the items its refitting from the starbase
- Integrity loss for install has been changed to a maximum for a total reinstall to
Max Loss 40% 40% 20% 10%
It was 50% across the board
Ship Yards
-There will be a production limit on the type of hulled ships assembled per week.
hull production limit = 2 * sqrt(hulls);
However the yard will be able to work on multiple ships.
04-06-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 22 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
Imperial Services (51)
The Imperial Services were the Law enforcement arm of the Stellar Empire, with the disintegration of the Inner Empire they perform a similar function in those systems currently claimed by or for the Empire within the Peripheries. These 27 systems constitute the largest area within the peripheries under one government. The Imperial Services were sent to the peripheries with a remit to establish Imperial Law and expand the borders of the Stellar Empire. The fall of the Inner Empire means that the Viceroy, appointed by the former Emperor to rule the Capellan Periphery on his behalf, is now on his own. With no recognized Emperor he is acting as Regent in the peripheries for the next Emperor, when one is found. The Imperials Services are still committed to the spread of Imperial law and the expansion of the Stellar Empire. We are also committed to the re-establishment of the Stellar Empire in its former glory and the return of the lost inner systems to Imperial Rule. In addition the Imperial Services are required to take action against pirates and those who commit acts of piracy, wherever they are found. In order to accomplish these goals we need star captains who are prepared to trade to maintain our economy and to explore for materials for our factories and trade goods and especially those who are prepared to fight for the right. We have starbases and ships to be allocated to those committed to our aims and prepared to work to achieve them.
Ask not "What can the Imperial Services do for me?" but "What can I do for the Imperial Services.
For more information about the Imperial Services contact the Viceroy on: geoff.jollye@tesco.net
Affiliation Messages:
In recent months and years, the Krell of Inversion in Storm have lived as something of a resistance. Their planet decimated long since, and their leaders embroiled in civil and domestic war. In the past year, the Krell though have seen a number of factions vying for position in Storm, and claiming to hold the Krell best interests at heart. This may in each instant, be the very case, although the only effect on the Krell people was to see them form together, and elect a Krell Warlord who would unite the Krell people.
Some time ago, IND High Star offered aid and support to the Krell, and the package of aid was received with sincere acceptance, and has been for some time, working to the betterment of the Krell.
On Monday morning, the IND Starbase Township, sited on sapphire in the shadow of IND High Star, will lower IND flags, and welcome to Governance, and ownership, Krell Warlord Bridge.
The Krell have agreed to, and formally signed a document, which will see them take charge of Township, and retain rights to upgrade the installation into a major KRL asset.
The KRL, like High Stars other neighbours, will be added to Defence lists, and KRL shipping in Twinkle will be afforded due care and protection of the Governing IND state.
This agreement between the KRL and IND High Star is private, and will not be made public. (Lest the KRL request specifically that it is).Suffice to say, the KRL are well aware of the neutral status of Twinkle, and have agreed to abide by any such law or regulation, in place now or as amended in the future, applied by IND High Star in relation to the KRL's affairs in Twinkle.
The KRL market will be opening in the very near future.
Signed: Nick 'the Greek' Popodopolous. (78682)
Counter Sign:Lady Jennifer Haynes. ()
On behalf of IND High Star (1971)
*The Independent Starbase High Star in Twinkle today underwent something of a change. In the recent months, the Kastorian 'Board' have delegated tasks to the various Independent department figures each of whom have specific remits.
The Kastorians have today formally resigned as Government officials, and have surpassed all planetary, and systemary Governance to Miss Jennifer Haynes of the Independent Registered Starfleet. (IND flags) Miss Haynes is believed to have pledged her future to High Star, and has agreed to take over the running of all aspects of starbase life.
Any group whom believe they have some dealing with the said Board should contact Miss Haynes in private. Any party landing at High Star and attempting to speak with the former Board will be directed to Miss Haynes' receptionist and given an appointment.
Thank you.
Master Daniel Haynes
Newsflash (Confederate) - Confederate News network (CNN) announced today the retirement of Pope Roswell. A likely candidate
for the holy see, is the current Inquisitor General Admiral Jonathan Taylor.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.confederacy.org.uk
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.stellarempire.net/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
24-06-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 25 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
New Beta Editor
This is available for download from the download section of the website. This has a setting under File allowing you to upload your turns directly to the Internet. A notes file is contained in the self-extracting zip file.
*****Latest News*****
Taken from a GTT transcript regarding official relations between the GTT and the GCS
At the height of the civil war, when the breakdown of communications with the peripheries became inevitable, the board of the GTT decided to split the company, temporally. All assets currently in the outer Peripheries would be consolidated under the Periphery Director Leonidas Agiadai, while all assets within the Core Empire would be consolidated under his brother in law, Mordoc Eurypontidai.
It was felt that as Mordoc's role would be to shield the assets from the ravages of the young pretender to the imperial throne, the self styled Prince Lysander; he renamed his section the GCS.
Both companies have a similar outlook; they oppose the rebels and anarchists who have taken advantage of the current breakdown in law and order, to become a threat to free trade. They desire a return to the peace and stability that good, democratic government brings so look forward to the reestablishment of central, imperial, government. They are traders, not warriors, but they are able to fight if threatened.
With the recent reopening of trade between the outer peripheries and Sol, both companies have decided to respect the others zone of operations. The GTT battle fleet will only enter the inner Empire with the agreement of the GCS while they in turn will not operate within the Capellan Periphery without the agreement of the GTT. Both companies may operate freely in the border areas, to preserve law and order. They have also agreed to co-operate with each other to develop trade and in the field of pure research.
Both companies have also agreed to protect the merchant fleets and bases of the other when they are operating within "their area".
Overall there is very little difference between the two companies, which is hardly surprising given their roots and the GTT fully expect them to unite at the first opportunity, re-establishing the "old, original pan galactic" GTT.
N.B. The Galactic Crest Securities, the once security arm and now controlling faction of GTT assets within the Inner Empire have released no official statement supporting the validity of this transcript.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
Due to pressing work demand (which ends only at the end of this week) I've been unable to attend to the newsletter, this past 2 weeks, I've received no Krell profile; so next week will be RIP. Once again I'm sorry for the forced interrupted service.
Affiliation Messages:
*Creatures of the Peripheries,
It is with great regret that we announce today that we have stopped the search for the DEN Entrepreneur K'ragen Longtooth. He went missing over a week ago and all DEN assets in the DHP have been on full alert searching for their prestigious leader. Unfortunately though we can no longer continue to use our meagre assets in such a way and we officially announce that K'ragen Longtooth is no more and a new Pack Elder will be named to the post of DHP Overlord in the near future by the DEN Pack Lord and his council. We will serve the new Overlord as we served the Longtooth Elder and hope that those responsible know that we will take vengeance for the loss of our honoured leader.
Honour to the Pack!
DHP Dewiek denizens
Newsflash (DEN) - Following the announced of the disappearance of the Dewiek DHP Overlord, several affiliations and races have offered heartfelt condolences. Our hopes are that K'ragen Longtooth is not dead and the returns to us one day.
Newsflash (IND) - Highstar informs a failed deal with the GTT. The measure appears to be linked with GTT using the Twinkle stargate for military ends.
Newsflash (CNF) - The Confederate Navy has launched a major recruitment drive. They are seeking traders and warship captains...who isn't?
Newsflash (DEN) - The Dewiek requests that all affs and races register, any and all assets inside the DHP, especially Hydrae.
Newsflash (HVE) - The Hive have announced the sighting of a Pirate ship in Yank, a system supposedly patrolled by KAS and deemed safe. Kree Kragmamlonn, the Hive Swarm Lord, also invites any law abiding aff in hunting down the PIRATE SHIP Dark looking Pearl (1408)
Newsflash (DTR) - A DTR press release informs the destruction of the Deep Explorer 'Stainless Steel Rat', by IMP forces in the Capellan system, deep inside Imperial territory, or better yet the Imperial centre of power. The engagement reportedly killed 29 DTR crewmen. 8 Nebulons who came to rescue of the Deep Explorer, were no match for the 157 IMP and GTT warships defending Capellan at that time, and are reported to have suffered an undetermined amount of damage.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.thetrueone.com/
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.bondrjr.net/dewiek
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.geocities.com/imperialstellarpatrol/
MOH - mohache.db03.co.uk/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
02-07-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 26 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
RIP Recruitment:
So, How do you fancy upsetting the neighbours?.....
Whatever you're looking for, the RIP can provide.
We don't hide behind an imperial banner.
We don't pretend to be the jilted rulers of Capellan, following the bloodthirsty 'True One'.
We don't waste time dispatching of our enemies.
We do make our own rules and to hell with the restof'em!
If you want to manage starbases and trade, we will support you.
If you want to lead covert operations, we will guide you.
If you want to participate in raids and attacks, we will teach you.
A new age of piracy is upon us. The peripheries treasure has a new owner.....
Affiliation Messages:
Independent newsflash......
"Celebrations got underway at RIP Cape Horne today as the Privateers welcomed their new leader into the fold. Having been deserted by the RIP King Joshua Porteus, since he fled the starbase, new hope and direction was secured with the inauguration of the King's former right-hand, Hellscream.
Just before the alcohol took affect, Hellscream did manage to announce his new 'political' structure.... The RIP Syndicate.
The title of RIP King will no longer be used as it represents the RIP of old. Hellscream will take the new role of 'Ringleader'.
The former RIP Exploration VP, Bram Dante, will now be known as 'Henchman' Bram Dante, whose duties will involve VPD.
Two new politicals have been accepted and will carry the title of 'Conspirator'. They are:
Spike Spiegel & G. T. Spugman
As Co-ordinators they will assist in the development of RIP.
....... reports as to what happened afterwards are scarce.... it wasn't wise to hang around once The Old Guarde had arrived!"
Newsflash (RIP) - Following the announcement of the new political structure of RIP and due to reports of the presence of the Old Guard in the party celebrating the new rule, several individuals have expressed their concern that RIP may be slipping back to their Pirate old ways. Hellscream, the Ringleader, commented on the subject and gave assurances that while not all have conformed with RIP new ways all efforts are being done to rehabilitate them and reintegrate all former pirates into the reformed RIP.
Newsflash (CNF) - CNF reports a breach of Yank neutrality by the IMP military. CHF Advocate General indicates that no less than 12 warships have attacked and destroyed an exploration ship, resulting in the deaths of 60 crewmen.
The Imperial Viceroy, commenting on the issue, declared that he had received no such reports and that he would investigate the matter. However he rapidly pointed out that if IMP ships did indeed breach the neutrality, it was an accident and not a sanctioned act by the IMP upper echelons.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.thetrueone.com/
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.geocities.com/imperialstellarpatrol/
MOH - mohache.db03.co.uk/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
12-07-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 28 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
*****Subspace Static*****
Alexander Enterprises seek to purchase or rent a blueprint for Naplian Duct Tape, to increase the value of our stock of Breaker Silks. If you have such a blueprint available, please send a message to position #5736.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
SMS, now show...I'm hereby asking that all aff representatives send ASAP their aff profiles. The one you send will be the active one until such time you specify you'd like to change it.
Affiliation Messages:
Investigations have shown that an Imperial Battle Group, waiting for teeyuus to be fixed on several of it's ships, was responsible for the action against a CNF ship in the Yank system last week.
The Imperial Services apologise unreservedly to the Kastorian Military Junta for this breach of their neutrality and assure them that procedures currently in place to prevent such incidents will be reinforced immediately.
Admiral Hicks, Flag Officer Commanding Battlegroup Valen'tha, has been recalled to ISP Headquarters to face a Court Martial on charges of Disobedience to Patrol Standing Orders, Negligence to the Prejudice of Good order and Patrol Discipline and Conduct Calculated to Bring the Imperial Services into Disrepute.
Since it is likely that the rebels can be expected to be organising an "unfortunate accident" in retaliation, Imperial ships will be minimising time spent in the Yank system for the foreseeable future.
Imperial Press Office
Newsflash (Confed) - Following the IMP explanation and apologies to the KAS government a heated debate followed as representatives from the various forces aligned to the Confederacy demand for a more stern measure, be it in the form of direct compensations or case the IMP fail to do so, that the Kastorian (KAS) Government itself take some measures. The Imperial Viceroy was quick to observe that Confederate forces themselves had engaged in combat in Yank in the past and that no measure was taken by KAS.
Newsletter (FET) - The FET CEO announced a BHD attack upon FET New Kyoto. Mr. Norozov made comments as to the use of a 20 hulled ship, instead of the big battleships BHD uses. If this was just an isolated action, or the probe to a much larger attack is not known at this time.
Pope Jonathan Taylor, was quick to point out that the ship belonged to novice captain (younger by the day, due to the war)?
and the straying to New Kyoto was due to navigational error.
27-07-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 30 DAY 2
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Important Message to New Players
Well, at the request of various affiliations I have done a selective purge on positions presumed inactive.
In at least four cases, it seems that the positions removed were actually active, but the players were not responding to emails from their affiliation.
If you are active, it is courteous to either contact the affiliation you have been seeded into, or leave the affiliation and become Independent until such times as you decide which affiliation is the one for you.
Trust me, you will get a lot more out of the game by working with your affiliation than you will by going it alone.
10-08-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 32 DAY 2
[Recruit] |
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
Since the Mohache have not yet had a chance to present their profile and since everyone is being nice to them this week, I'll be posting their profile outside of their turn...Wimbles are next week.
Farmer Citizen
Welcome to the Mohache Guild of Trade, Exploration and Deep Space Settlement. I know that you have followed the teachings of the Elders and followed the footsteps of the many Farmer Citizens within the Guild to reach this point. Let me offer my assurance that you are not the first to leave their farm or herd and make this journey. Nor are you the first who wishes to see - and I will be honest here - the distinctly odd farming practices and cultures of the aliens out there.
The Guild offers many career paths for those wishing to experience more than their hereditary land. Bold Captains willing to explore the wilderness of alien stars are always welcome. For reasons, best known to themselves, many of the alien species often abuse their worlds, wilfully causing damage to the ecosphere and ignoring or destroying the many valuable crops and resources available. It is the job of the Explorer Captains to interact with the aliens and to obtain their permission to explore their worlds.
Trade goods and materials have always to be moved between Mohache starbases.
Setting up outposts to reduce the industrial demand and pollution on inhabited worlds and most importantly trading with the aliens are all demands placed upon Transporter Captains. It may not sound the most glamorous of roles but stellars provide the backbone of any economy and Elders always express their gratitude for deliveries. Which leads me to an important role offered to those with remarkable skills in personnel management and resource allocation/preservation. That role being a Community Elder. Following the expansion into space this role is no longer offered to only those with long proven abilities within their herds or farms. In a far moving shake up of Mohache tradition, this role is now open to any who can prove their ability in this unique field. There are well-established starbases, along with sites for new ones, available for those interested in undertaking this role. We are keen to expand and will offer all possible help to those seeking to create a new community, or develop an existing one.
Finally there is the Mohache Scout Fleet. Neither numerous or aggressive, the Captains assigned to this fleet have to prove themselves to be more than capable Wolfhounds against those who refuse to accept our way of life or try to take advantage of our peaceful nature. They patrol the Mohache camps, planets and systems, liaising closely with the warrior castes of friendly alien affiliations in an attempt to contain any rogue factions or threats.
At all times, whether at home or in far away worlds, a Mohachian must never forget his/her roots and the teachings of the Elders. Away from our home system, hostility exists in many forms. We must always try and spread the word of peace and to those who are willing to listen, the ways of the Mohache. There will be much for you to see and learn but as with all experience what better way of learning field separation techniques is there than to build the dry stone wall yourself. There will always be an Elder there to offer help and advice.
Once awarded command of your first Mohache vessel, be it Explorer, Cargo or Passenger Transport or Scout the universe will become the crop of your choice.
Listens to Voices - listenstovoices@hotmail.com
Talks with Aliens - amos_sten@hotmail.com
Floats on Clouds - drjpd@hotmail.com
Affiliation Messages:
***** Detinus Republic News Report ******
Declassified information regarding conflict in the Capellan system is coming to light.
The Capellan system, the thriving hub of the Imperial-bloc, recently paid witness to a vast clash between Imperial-bloc navies and the combined Navies mustered by the Detinus Republic and her Confederate allies. The engagement began when a small group of Detinus ships were intercepted and waylaid by Imperial patrol vessels who called in the Imperial fleet to pound the trapped Detinus ships.
Responding to the crisis, large elements of the DTR Stellar Armada set course and jumped into the heart of Imperial space to come to the aid of their comrades. There are unconfirmed reports of the presence of more than one hundred Imperial warships at the height of battle. However, after only a few days fierce engagement, the Imperial-bloc were forced to concede the field, as they displayed the better part of valour and ran away like cowardly schoolchildren.
The Detinus Republic Speaker of the House Of Lords, Michelle Diaz, had the following statement: "Clearly this was a great day for the Republic and all who love freedom, when our alliance warships demonstrated uncontested control of Capellan space. We say this to the Capellan people, one day soon we shall return to stay for good, your day of liberation from the yolk of
Imperial tyranny is coming."
How the Imperial-bloc intends to react to this clear demonstration of the vulnerability of their core systems, and their inherent weakness and inability to defend even their own space, is as yet unclear.
Today, the Mohache ship Vel Riossa (69103) was attacked and boarded by the Pirate ship Large (1118) in orbital quadrant Beta 10 in the Yank system. In the last known communication from ship the Ute (Captain) Kinto Riossa, described acts of barbarity and needless violence before his transmission went silent. It is believed he along with most of his 43 crew members were killed by an estimated force of some 400 human pirates.
The Mohache are deeply upset by this abhorrent act. Our peaceful existence providing supplies to various farmers markets and alien Starbases around the Peripheries has been shattered. As you are all aware the Mohache are a non-aggressive affiliation.
We seek immediate counsel with our friends in the Peripheries to help us try and come to terms with this needless aggression.
The Mohache nation will sleep restlessly tonight mourning the loss of their adventurous and brave kin. May the Spirits guide us in our future path, may the Spirits watch over all those who wish to live in peace and harmony.
Listens to Voices, Mohache Nootka
Floats on Clouds, Mohache Twana
Talks with Aliens, Mohache Twana
Newsflash (DTR) - Reports are coming of a major DTR naval victory over a large Imperial at the Cappellan system, the heartland of Imperial power in the Peripheries.
Newsflash (MOH) - Following the news of a succesful pirate attack upon a MOH ship, a wave of simpathy appears to have swept over most AFFs as condolences and promises of assistance are offered.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.thetrueone.com/
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - www.frontierexplorationandtrade.com
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.geocities.com/imperialstellarpatrol/
MOH - mohache.db03.co.uk/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
13-08-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 32 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Affiliation Profiles
As you may have noticed, the website now shows affiliation details including links to player controlled websites.
As this is the first stop for prospective players, we would like each affiliation to have an entry. This should really be some form of recruitment message.
As only the first 250 characters are shown when the page is first accessed, the first sentences should really grab new players.
Please send submissions to kjc@kjcgames.com with a subject of Affiliation Recruitment Message.
GM Away for two days
Mica will be away on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th August. Complicated special actions will be delayed until Thursday.
16-08-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 33 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
The Wimble Nation is extremely diverse in location, duty, desire, role and mind set. Most Wimbles prefer to stay at home and enjoy a peaceful existence, but there are those that want to be out there on the frontier! Exploration, trade, intelligence gathering, experimentation, research, food fights, falling out of airlocks, crashing into hi-ports, getting distracted by flashing lights, making use of the things that they find, tasting everything in the universe, seeing what happens if you pull a Dewieks' tail, building bridges, landscaping, meeting new people, seeing if the new people have any food..... it goes ON and ON!
The Wimble Nation is a galaxy wide collection of Wimbles who are attempting to redefine themselves after years of separation and mistreatment. They are peaceful farmers who specialise in bio-manipulation, terraforming and eating. Mainly eating. The structure on the Wimble Nation demands that each of its players take responsibility for a specific part of the Nation.
This may be a specific fleet, planet, culture or special project. While all players must work within the general guidelines laid down by the Grandfather, how the goals are achieved are completely in the hands of the players - YOU! Each player chooses their own level of commitment and duties. Want something? Just ask!
It should be stressed that the Wimble Nation does NOT have a standing military. They rely on guile, cunning, charisma, bribes and good old-fashioned Brown-Nosing to get what they want. If you want to shoot things, the Wimble Nation is NOT for you!
This does not mean you will not occasionally get shot at or turned inside out during an experiment - it just means that there are no plans for it to happen...
Check them out at phoenix.specht.co.ukand see if they are really you. Or you are really they. Err...
So, read all that? Happy? Email your new friendly leader (Periphery Director) at clay@byrononline.netand we can get you started on the greatest adventure outside of real life itself.
If in doubt: remember you're a Wimble!
Did I mention they like to eat lots?
Affiliation Messages:
To the Confederate leaders and all others it might concern
On the behalf of the Dominion nation and the relatives of the crew of the peaceful trader DOM Learner Plates (33273)I want to protest of the inhumane slaughter of the crew of the glorious ship DOM Learner Plates (33273) by the use of weapons of mass destruction.
We all pray that the crew was killed instantly when the ship was destroyed by the intense fire of the CIA and BHD combined fleet. If not then they suffered the most hideous of deaths from the barrage of nerve gas weapons fired from the CIA colony.
The Confederates have a long history of the use of such weapons and are the only fractions known to have used them for the last 10 years.
They have said they have stopped using them many a time, but again and again we see them employed against us and others.
Not since the employment of such weaponry against civilians 3 years ago against an Imperial chartered affiliation by Confederate cooperatives has such a crime against humanity been executed.
We could only imagine what the CIA planed to use their weapons for inside Cluster and how many innocent civilians would have been killed if they had been used against populated areas within Cluster.
I ask for all the affiliations agreeing to the ban of weapons of mass destruction to embargo the CIA that employed the weapons.
The BHD and CNF are asked to withdraw their support to this attack and to ensure that CIA pay the compensation and are disarmed of their weapons of mass destruction. We thank the commander of the CNF fleet who did not fire on our trading vessel, and hope that he might have the authority within Darkfold to ensure the CIA meets the following terms in full.
To compensate for this horrific attack against humanity I will on behalf of the relatives of the crew demand an official excuse and a compensation of;
1, 1 million stellars
2, The handover of the colony CIA Menagerie (4700) as it stands today, the handover of the governor of the said colony for a fair trail and the handover of any CIA commanders that knew of or issued the orders to employ weapons of mass destruction.
3, We also demand the destruction of all storages and production capacity of weapons of mass destructions and tech and research into weapons held by the CIA. And that the CIA declare that they don't have any weapons of mass destruction or any weapons program into weapons of mass destruction or any plans for having such weapons programs.
We also ask that the CNF and BHD to declare they do not have any weapons of mass destruction or any weapons program into weapons of mass destruction or any plans for having such weapons programs. The whole of Darkfold carries the responsibility to ensure that trust can be built up, and that the Confederate affiliations are not going to deny involvement only to continue to develop and harbour such hideous weapons of evil.
Hope for a fast respond from both CIA, CNF and BHD officials.
Dominion Imperator Gregor Konstantin
Some time ago, High star agreed to aid the KRL Wralord Bridge in his attempts to repatriate the Krell, and to forge a future for the KRL which was more progressive than oppressive.
The KRL Warlord had to choose sites capable of housing KRL assets, and also of keeping them safe. Sapphire in Twinkle was nominated as a safe place for such.
Agents and operatives have recently taken it upon themselves to scrutinise the KRL starbase Fort Sapphire in Twinkle, and will, if caught, be deemed to be working to the detriment of Twinkle, and on behalf of their entire affiliation.
The KRL starbase should PA High star to deliver modules for 100 security complexes.! Employees will also be made avaliable to run them.!
In exchange, the KRL starbase will maintain 100% security crackdown for the next month........
Any agent or operative found to be working at Fort Sapphire will be caught, and his affiliation dealt with accordingly.
Any use of agents or operatives on Sapphire will be deemed an act of intended aggression against sapphire's natives.!
I would suggest the owners of this agent or operative put his or her leash back on.
If the offending party would care to contact High Star to resolve this issue, they will save themselves some distress, and my troops some time searching Fort Sapphire..
Thank you
Daniel Haynes.
IND High Star
Newsflash (Confed) - This weeks news have revolved around the recent destruction of a DOm ship by the joint force of BHD and CIA forces. However this wouldn't be more than an usual incident if it weren't for the reported use of a mass destruction nerve gas to bring down the ship. Several Governments have repudiated the use of the toxic agent, however Confederate representatives have defended themselves by stating that the discharge was accidental. One tends to believe since the use of gas isn't much a tactical manoeuvre.
Still the fact remains that the Confederacy have stockpiled toxic agents and are willing to use them if they suffer any such attack.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.thetrueone.com/
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - www.frontierexplorationandtrade.com
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.geocities.com/imperialstellarpatrol/
MOH - mohache.db03.co.uk/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
27-08-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 34 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Bank Holiday
As has become common practice, due to Bank Holiday Monday 30th August, two day's processing will be carried out on Tuesday 31st August (sorry for the late notice, I have only just been made aware of the impending day-off).
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
After the Peripheries were discovered by Imperial starfarers, a group of independent traders and small companies arranged to pool their assets to form the Association of Free Traders (AFT). This gave them sufficient resources to set up an operation in this new area of space, and to compete with the mega-corporations (GTT, FET, SMS & SSL). Originally an Imperial chartered affiliation, the AFT expanded rapidly in the newly discovered Peripheries, engaging in an ongoing rivalry with the GTT for trade success. When the Flagritz first appeared and attacked the forces of humanity, the AFT fought alongside the other Imperial forces in what later became known as the First Flagritz War. In further conflicts (such as those between the Imperial and Confederate affiliations) the AFT gradually became less and less involved, largely through the unwillingness of its members to throw resources into unprofitable ventures that did not overly threaten the AFT. Indeed, the AFT undertook successful negotiations with the Confederate affiliations to gain access to Confederate space, in order to take advantage of the trade opportunities there. In the year 196, the decision was finally taken to cancel the Imperial charter, and have the Association become officially neutral. With the assistance of the EEM, two of the AFT's major colonies, Ariel and Return, were moved to new locations in Solo and London respectively. From then on the AFT worked to remain out of conflicts wherever possible, and to be allowed to operate legally in all areas of space. AFT transport abilities were given a major boost at the beginning of 198, with the production of the first two Super Carriers. These huge vessels are the largest human cargo ships, but remain limited in numbers and restricted to the AFT. Organisation of the AFT also underwent a significant change in mid-199, with the formation of the AFT Council to spread power beyond the office of the Master Trader, as the previous structure had led to problems during the rapid leadership changes of 197 and 199. The Association of Free Traders continues to operate as an organisation of neutral, peaceful traders. The basic tenets of the affiliation are Independence, Trust and Neutrality: Independence, both of the affiliation, and also of the individual members within the affiliation; Trust, in keeping the trust of our many clients and also the governments of the many areas of space in which we operate; and Neutrality, in maintaining our security and status by remaining out of conflicts between other affiliations. The aim of the AFT is to promote trade, and to gain economic power through successful and extensive trading. In the shorter term, we work to help our members to earn as much profit as they are able.
The Association of Free Traders is run by the AFT Council. Every member of the Association is entitled to take a seat on this council, and it is the Council who will decide on all matters relating to the Association as a whole. To aid the smooth running of the AFT, certain Council members are given executive roles. These executive members devote time beyond Council meetings to working on behalf of the Association, on issues such as inter-affiliation agreements, research co-ordination and defence, rather than just working for themselves. All members are entitled to an executive position if they desire one, and are invited to apply to take over any post in which they feel that they could do a better job than the current incumbent. Further information on the AFT, including our history, Code of Conduct, technologies, starbases and services offered, can be found on our website.
For any queries, please contact the Master Trader, Audrey Firesong (played by Richard Williams) by e-mail at richard@rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk.
Affiliation Messages:
From: Patrol Commissioner Imperial Forces
Press Announcement:
Not one to over state our successes, and after recent announcements by enemy forces, of so called victories, we have decided to issue statements in regard to actions taken by Imperial Forces.
On Stardate 204.33.2 2 BHD Freighters, 100 light hulled each, were boarded in different locations by Imperial vessels.
Nothing unusual in this, as the Imperial vessels within the Darkfold systems have now boarded 12 vessels, of which 5 were BHD.
On this occasion however, not only has the BHD dropped by 2 freighters and the IMP gained 2 freighters, the cargo of one of these vessels contained 3 Tech's and 1 blueprint, 3100 mu's of research items.
The news of what can only be described as a major blow to our enemies, has been received by the office of the Patrol
Commissioner with cheers, the vessel has now successfully been withdrawn from enemy territory and the victors will receive a hero's welcome on their safe return.
a further announcement is expected within the next few days..............................
End of Transmission
Newsflash (BHD) - The Brotherhood announced today the empowerment of their new leader, Balak Hayt.
Newsflash (IMP) - The Imperial Services announced the capture of several BHD freighters and claimed the great victory of capturing BHD tech and blueprints. Perhaps this capture will allow the captains in the Imperial Navy to forget the most recent defeats at the hands of their bitter enemies, including one at their prime system, Capella.
Newsflash (IGN) - Despite the heated talks about the use, or stockpiling of mass destruction weapons, no compromise or scheduled talks about the issue appear to be forthcoming.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.thetrueone.com/
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.geocities.com/imperialstellarpatrol/
MOH - mohache.db03.co.uk/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
02-09-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 35 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
The Brotherhood are a zealous fanatical church that embodies all that is good and pure within the Human race. We are the modern day Paladins of the peripheries and have a holy code that we live our lives by. We banish the heretics of the known galaxy and do so with the might of the confederacy, our greatest and cherished allies by our side. The more recent righteous union between the Detinus and the confederacy brings the reunification of the Human Empire a step closer and as his holiness the Pope was heard to say on the day of the signing of the DTR/Confederate treaty, "Praise the True One, for on this day a new republic is born, one that is good and just and not built on the blood of nuclear holocaust and company greed, but built because of it." The Holy code of the Brotherhood structures our substance as a society and is a motivational fanatical factor to better ourselves and those of our kin. It teaches us the ways of the righteous and gives us the courage and strength to do that which those of the False One cannot. We preach with Battleships and other newer crafts and prefer to commit our war fleets to honourable battle against the ill doers of the galaxy. Thus our Holy Avengers do not flee from battle for to do so would show weakness to the Lord in front of the dark followers of the False One. The Dark One however is awash with cowardice and cannot commit to honourable battle due to his followers own weaknesses and streaks of yellow that are written across their faces as well as in their underwear. The Lord does sayeth that "Those of goodness need not fear death for I will embrace you in my arms and take you to a better place, those that are of badness however will be flung from my arms into the eternal torturous fires of the False Ones Abyss!" so to join us would allow you to face death with a clear conscience. I would like to say though that senseless death is not a valid option, for within the Brotherhood we promote life in the mortal plain and further our righteous cause here. Our extensive research capabilities further us in the ways of science and technology and allow us the freedom to specialise in a number of fields rather than just one or two. The benefits are extensive and continued joint efforts with our allies in these fields further us still. It is the Brotherhood belief that the True One has given us the tools to aid our cause and it is part of our substance to find them. To do so brings honour and glory to our lord who bears witness to our achievements that are all made in his name. Our Starbases are considered shrines to our lord so we expect them to be efficient and well equipped. The Starbases currently in the Brotherhood are large military bases built on an era past. We have extensive resources to commit to projects and to further the orders with in the Brotherhood and can easily fund the lords work should the need arise. Currently we have projects that are long term goals for the Brotherhood, Confederacy and Inner Republic Alliance alike so we remain busy and have a focus for the foreseeable future. Our history, whilst blighted by the Imperial factions greed and lust for control as well as a dark old religion that tried to lead the brotherhood from its enlightened path, has been an essential part of the Confederate way and has moved us forward as a people. With the recovery of the Inner Confederacy from the Dark arm of the Brotherhood (IBH) and the numerous relief projects that have been set up to rebuild it, our lives have been kept busy in a meaningful way. A Human Empire built on freedom now has a voice and we intend to give it the means to stand against the oppressors of freedom particularly the Galactic Crest Securities who are the military arm of the inner GTT and the dictators of ruthlessness, corruption, greed and villainy. The BHD are also for this reason at war, along with our kin and righteous allies against the oppressors and their misguided lackeys. The Imperials whom have committed the most heinous of crimes against their own human race in the name of corruption and greed are at the forefront of this war. Their traits of the false one do not stop at mere corruption or greed; the Imperial way is fraught with the desire for absolute power, the need to control humanity in an oppressive way and worse of all the willingness to go to any length to get what they want. This is not an acceptable or humanistic way forward for the Human Race and neither the Good Lord nor the very people oppressed by these human factions believe so either. They blatantly lie to attempt to cover up their own failings, accuse the Good and Just affiliations of inhumanitarian crimes that they themselves commit and send their crews to their deaths on a regular basis. Well the Brotherhood says no more! We shall stand against the very diseases of humanity and cut from our limbs the infected wounds that we have festering and purify our souls in the process. Join the Brotherhood (63), and take up arms against the darkness which envelopes our human society. Utilise our Starbases and ships, and preach with a Photon Cannon at the ill doers who nuked our worlds to quell the last rebellion uprising in the name of freedom, in the name of hope and in the Name of the True One!
Affiliation Messages:
Good welcomes to you,
Today the FCN wishes to formally announce we have accepted the invitation of Consortium to join, and now reside within its ranks as a full member.
May the progenitors smile on this day, our ancestors bow their heads in appreciation and the stars shine brighter because of it.
Ra'lith M'ran
Emperor of the Falconian Empire
We welcome our friends, the Falconian Empire, into the Consortium.
Prosperity to all,
Admiral T'Sleeth
Children of Hexos
As do we - may prosperity and friendship guide our future paths together Mrrshan
Feline Tyrant
***** Detinus Republic News Report ******
Further information regarding the recent conflict in the Capellan system between the Detinus Republic Stellar Armada and her allies against Imperial-Bloc forces has being released by the DTR Ministry of Information. The Ministry, and the DTR Secretary Of Defence, Lord Sivar, apologised for the delay in declassifying this information for public broadcast, but stressed that the delay was necessary.
The battle in Capella lasted four standard days. The first day of the conflict paid witness to the waylaid and outnumbered Detinus ships, consisting of exploration and trading vessels with a handful of naval escorts, becoming heavily engaged with Imperial patrol forces. However, day two saw emergency Detinus and Confederate-bloc re-enforcements beginning to arrive in-system, successfully turning the tide of battle despite a very significant Imperial re-enforcement operation, as might have been expected considering this was their home system. This second day saw the first casualties as these two massive fleets began to manoeuvre about each other, the GTT ships Monitor, Menelaus, Marlborough, Moon and Marlion being destroyed, along with the Imperial vessels Bicker and Liverpool.
Day three, and by now the original waylaid DTR exploration/trading flotilla had made a full and safe withdrawal from the combat zone. Officials from the DTR Ministry Of Trade refuse to comment on whether the practice of freighter-captains laying courses through Imperial space was widespread, stating that it is not official policy to pursue trading ventures through hazardous Imp-bloc space. However, the Ministry had no strict guidelines in place to curtail such activities and that taking on such risky ventures was a decision for the ships captain and crew.
Meanwhile, DTR/CNF and Imperial navies continued to clash violently in an significant fleet action, resulting in the destruction of two more Imperial ships, IMP Striker and IMP TR10-106.
The final day saw the massed withdrawal of Imperial forces. Concentrated fire quickly finished off GTT Knight of Sacrifice,
GTT Repulse and GTT Undine before they could complete their retreat.
It was at this point that sources report some confusion amongst the DTR Stellar Armada, as baffled Captains looked about for more vessels to engage. A senior officer of Admiral Walker's staff onboard one of the Detinus Command and Control vessels was heard to remark: "What do you mean? They can't all have run away! Check your sensors. We're in the Capellan system for crying out loud! Find me some targets dammit!"
However, unwilling to provoke a major escalation of the conflict by pursuing the fleeing Imperial navies back to their home ports, the allied fleet set sail for home waters, leaving marker buoys at the site of battle to assist rescue workers in locating the wrecked drifting hulks of Imperial ships.
The final tally saw 12 Imperial-bloc ships destroyed, for the loss of no DTR, CNF or BHD vessels. The Detinus Republic considers this to have been a significant victory against the Imperial Hegemony.
Newsflash (FCN) - The Falconian has joined the consortium, thus joining the ranks of the SMS, FEL and COH. However no welcoming was noted from the SMS...certainly an oversight during this holiday season.
Newsflash (WM - Yet another ship is caught on the DTR restricted area in Venice. This time it was a Wimble freighter transporting miniature hairy cow. Will it be barbecue time, or will the DTR disable the auto fire in time.
Newsflash (DTR) - In reply to last weeks IMP report of the capture of BHD shipping, the DTR now releases the final outcome of the battle that raged in Capella and which resulted in Imperial defeat at the centre of their domains.
Newsflash (DNA) - The DNA announced the future interim leader of the alliance, Mr. Adam Xantrax. FEL and COH representatives claim that it's a simple swap and doesn't represent a political orientation change.
Newsflash (FGZ) - Crisis in Yank! Yet another freighter has been attacked in the no fire zone of Yank. This time a Baseship was targeted and captured. Despite the efforts of several affs, the pirates managed to leave the scene in safety. Meanwhile two bounties, amounting to 200k have been placed upon the pirate leader responsible for the daring raids.
Newsflash (WM - Update. It would appear the DTR did manage to turn off the auto fire order in time to prevent a wimble and cow barbecue.
Newsflash (IGN) - Several extra-galactic encrypted messages have been received by the IGN communications satellites. At this time we haven't been able to decrypt the contents, but it has been determined that the origin of these transmissions did not originate from any of the known Peripheries. Also, since encryption codes are very hard to break, one can assume that this new race is at least as advanced as those living in known space.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.thetrueone.com/
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.geocities.com/imperialstellarpatrol/
MOH - mohache.db03.co.uk/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
08-09-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 36 DAY 3
[Recruit] |
*****Subspace Static*****
GM Holiday- Mica will be on holiday 13/09/04 until 23/09/04
During this period the Game will be running as normal by David and Steven.
Please could all players refrain from sending in plot line special actions until Mica returns. Please be aware mistakes do happen and we will endeavour to keep these to a minimum.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
The Confederate Intelligence Agency is the eyes and ears of the Confederacy - hunting the darkest secrets of our adversaries and exploiting them to our advantage. Necessity has decreed that all available methods - legal, moral, or otherwise - are open to us in our endeavours as no less than the very survival of the Confederacy is at stake. Subtlety and elegance are seen as positive traits during operations, and these traits are often rewarded, but that is not to say that quick, decisive action, when called for, is avoided - blunt objects have their place in the CIA as well. The CIA trains and employs the finest Agents and Operatives available. Their duties range from simple library data scans to elaborate sabotage schemes or assassinations. In the past we have destroyed whole shipyards, diverted strategic materials/ shipping, smuggled artefacts, stolen advanced technology, subverted populations, and gathered intelligence data upon every other affiliation in the peripheries. If someone has a secret, it's a good bet we already know what it is, hence the CIA is distrusted (at best) and despised (at worse) by almost all other Affiliations. Was that a Sensor glitch, a subspace echo or just random background radiation? That's all that will be detected when a CIA ship ghosts through the area. Other affiliations brag of their naval victories and great battles. The CIA does not. If everything goes to plan, nobody knows we were there or who was responsible. Stealth, silence, invisibility, misdirection - these are our tools. Our specific aims are highly classified but can be generally summarized as follows. Supply intelligence on military and mercantile activity throughout the Peripheries in support of the goals of the Confederacy. Establish a thorough and comprehensive network of Agents and Operatives throughout the peripheries to conduct intelligence gathering and special activities. Conduct counterintelligence activities, special activities, and other functions related to intelligence gathering and Confederate security. Acquire technology using whatever means necessary to further the goals of the Confederacy. Together with our allies, the CNF and BHD, we engage the peripheries to defend the Confederate way of life.
Affiliation Messages:
*It twas the morn of stardate 204.29.2, when my look out spotted a freighter, ship ahoy he shouts, a FEL 75 light hulled vessel cappan, spotted off the starboard quarter.......... the engines humm and the boarding crews, amass with cutless and rum aplenty ready them selves.......for today is pay day, ahaa we move with swift abandon and smash through into the FEL Packhorse (14120) hulls, and flood into the ship against the crew of the vessel, the cries of pain as throats are slit, and limbs are torn from limb remains close to me heart, the sound of bones cracking as the crew compliment of the ship are squashed into one area of the vessel and ahaa success, the vessel is in our control. i will not say what happen to those individuals, who managed to survive this encounter, but ahay, me boys needed to have some relief after weeks in space with nothing more to do that wait. ho ho ho and a bottle of rum, we took a ship and we felt some brass..............aye be a pirate so dont blame me. when we around the camp fire, and i returns, i will tell yee more of the glorious adventures of the Pirate Ship Large
*I be round a fire now, talkin with me fellow comrades, aye On stardate 204.32 we were loitering in known traffic rutes, when a FCN 100 Xlight vessel Scathach(217) was spotted off the port quarter. Ahoy cargo ship approachin cappan, put out the ensigns, aye be goin in. The vessels hulls were easy to penetrate, and the finest pirates, knives and weapons ready launched against the defending crew and mercenaries, bone and tissue splitting ensued, and after a brief exchange of views, the vessel caved in, ahaa me hearties Aye ad a word with the mercenaries, using non violent means, and persuaded them to join the cause, the FCN mercenaries are now part of my crew, so I removed the knife from their throats and we had a tot of rum and left them to pleasure themselves with our new FCN slaves. ho ho aha............... Aye be havin FCN meat spitting on the fire, tasty hind quarters they be..............ill tell yee next week more of the glourious adventures of the pirate ship Large
Newsflash (PIR) - The infamous Pirate ship Large continues its rather successful career by capturing several targets, while successfully evading all efforts to capture it. The success of this Pirate ship led to talks about the creation of an inter- racial/affiliation force to hunt down all Pirates. While no organization has been yet formed, several governments and companies have already offered warhsips.
Newsflash (IMP) - An Imperial press release, states the outcome of a battle in the Beach system, between Confederate and Imperial forces. Sent to protect a pinned ship, the Imperial fleet arrived just in time to see that ship being destroyed. However, in return, 4 BHD and 2 CNF ships were destroyed and several others had to execute emergency jumps. Newsflash (IMP) - Following the military success in Beach, a CNF freighter was captured by Imperial warships. In reaction to this capture, Confederate representatives have attempted to establish a link between the successful pirate attacks and the success privateering war of the Imperial Navy. The Imperial Viceroy has denied all accusations. Newsflash (IND) - Highstar officials have placed an ultimtum upon AFT positions in Sapphire. The AFT are being accused of not responding to Highstar summons and of attempted kidnapping.
Newsflash (IGN) - Following the interception of what is believed to be an extra-galactic encrypted message, IGN technicians have managed to decrypt parts of trasnmission. Sadly the quality of the image and the inabbility to decrypt the audio part, still sheds no light as to the identity of these aliens. The image shows parts of a space battle, in which a fleet carpet bombing a planet is suddenly attacked from the rear by smaller fleet. This second fleet is made up of larger ships though and their weapons systems appear to have quite alot more effect. Though the lead ship is seen to take some internal damage, no other ships take more than shield damage, while in the first fleet the results are catastrophyc, with the totals destruction of all ships, with exception of one heavilly damaged derelict. The intercepted transmission is quite obviously a post battle report to an higher ranking officer.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
Port 6660-6669,7000
Channel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.thetrueone.com/
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.geocities.com/imperialstellarpatrol/
MOH - mohache.db03.co.uk/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
27-09-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 39 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Special Actions
Thanks to everyone for saving special actions for my first day back. I tried to do the stack justice, but I can see it being a hard few days. David was quite amazed by the list (having only had a handful each day). It's a good thing I love my job.
Ground Fighters > Ground Bombers
50% of ground fighters stationed in starbases and outposts will be converted to ground bombers, in line with the changes to the ground battle update (some time next week).
If for some reason you would prefer your starbase to have a different conversion rate, please notify me kjc@kjcgames.comsubject GROUND FIGHTER CONVERSION.
30-09-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 39 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****Subspace Static*****
Possible Piracy in Yank
A KST Caravel was reported missing in Yank after sending out a distress call. It would seem the ship was boarded by hostile forces. The KAS, sworn enemies of the KST, have neither confirmed nor denied involvement.
*****KJC Update*****
Pub Meet
This is to be held 19th-21st November in Blackpool at the Sandhust Hotel. Details can be found at this link. Beer and Phoenix - doesn't get much better.
05-10-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 40 DAY 2
[Recruit] |
Space Combat Upgrade
Targeting Lists
This is an explanation of what will happen with the new targeting list for ships only. ie the enemy/support/defend (and now do not target) lists.
[1] As a pirate (PIR) you can attack anyone but you can only support and defend other pirates
[2] You can not add anyone to enemy/support/defend lists unless you have a naval officer or are a pirate. All none pirate vessels without an officer will have its enemy/support/defend lists cleared.
[3] Enemies
-You can add any PIR position
-You can add any posted list to your enemy list
-You can add any posted position to your enemy list
-You can add any affiliation or position you your enemy that you are not allied to
-All allied affiliations will be automatically removed from your enemy lists.
(note that posted allied positions can be added)
[4] You can only support/defend positions that are in your affiliation or an allied affiliation.
[5] Anything on the 'do not target' (DNT) list can not be targeted even if it is on the enemy lists.
[6] Adding Everyone(0) to a list there are different effects in each case:
- Ground enemy/DNT lists: All affiliations are treated as if they are on the list.
- Enemy: All affiliations you are not allied with are treated as if they are on this list.
- Support/Defend: All affiliations you are allied with are treated as if they are on the list.
Use of the DNT list and Everyone allows clear enemies to be defined especially for gound enemy lists.
[7] Ground enemy lists only work at docked and sector ranges. This means that you have to add to enemy list to attack from a planetary range (ground assault order does this automatically). Also it means that boarding docked ships and ground attacks will only call in support/defendfrom space enemy lists
[8] Alert status : Can switch off/on enemy/support/defend lists
[9] Political situation order lists all alliances and wars [Make sure you want an alliance public - if you have one]
New related orders:
-Alert Status
-Add to Do not target list
-Remove from do not target list
-Clear Do not Target List
-Declare War (Issue, 4 weeks +ve) - has not in game effect currently - apart from RP purposes
-Political Situation
Political Issues
To clarify issues (since they were a pigs ear). (The intension is to put issues online as part of a online version of the political - that will be done after combat).
Issues are passed/failed immediately when there is a majority for or against. A majority is when >50% of the affiliation votes for or against (after the people who abstain have been removed).
So if the are 31 affiliation votes and no one abstains then you need 16 votes to pass an issue. If 10 votes abstain then you need 11 votes for a majority an issue.
When issues expire with no majority.
[1] Positive issues fail to pass
[2] Negative issues pass by default
Political issues can now be voted on via the online order editor.
Officer can be promoted from any lifeform as is currently done via the 'Create Officer' order. The officer created is a civilian officer and can not add any enemy, support or defend lists.
The 'Empower Officer' order can be used by any political and converts a civilian officer to a naval officer. Naval Officers can add anyone to their lists enemy, support or defend lists. There is also a option in the create officer order to upgrade to naval officer immediately.
[1] Creating a civilian officer costs 1000.
[2] Converting to a naval officer costs 10000.
[3] All existing officers who are commanding ship will be converted to naval officers.
[4] Ships without naval officers will have their enemy/support/defend lists cleared.
[5] Changes in rank will be immediate and only have political order cost (100) and the rank is attached to the officer item. However at this time rank does nothing
[6]To control who a player can attack who (after creating naval officers) an affiliation can set who it is allied with and who it is at war with. Players can only support/defend allied affiliations and only attack positions that the affiliation is at war with.
[7] Pirate positions do not need an officer to add enemies and there are no restriction on who they can add.
New related orders: -Empower Officer
Posted Lists
All positions on an affiliations posted list can now have a bounty added to them. This bounty is collected when the position is destroyed and it is shared between the positions attacking the posted position.
Only on bounty can be placed at once and this is tied to the political that issued it. That political can reduce/remove the bounty or another political can offer a higher bounty. Bounties can only be placed on your own posted list. When a bounty is changed the old bounty is returned first.
New related orders: -Add Posted Bounty
These are tactical units of ships that can have the same orders issued to all ships in the squadron via one ship.
[1] Squadrons are created via a political order, and the political is placed in command of the squadron created. Any ship he has inside the squadron can issue orders to the whole squadron.
[2] Squadron command can be transferred to another political or it can be
flagged as 'open access' where anyone in the squadron can issue squadron orders.
[3] Squadrons can be disbanded via a political order, and this is done automatically if the commanding political leaves the affiliation or the game.
[4] You can join or leave a squadron via 2 ship orders and ships being transferred or leaving an affiliation have their squadron reset.
[5]Squadron Orders are issued by adding the order 'Start Squadron Orders'. All orders added after this one will be attempted by the whole squadron (not all orders are allowed in squadron orders). Each order is executed by every ship in the squadron before the next order is attempted and movement is only attempted one 'step' at a time.
[6]Each Squadron order is first executed by the ship issuing the order and then by all other ships in the squadron.
[7]Squadron orders can be ended by issuing 'End Squadron orders', and this is automatically issued at the end of a squadron turn if it is not present.
To create a squadron and issue orders you would do the following:
-Issue 'Create Squadron {Alpha}' via a political
-Issue 'Join Squadron {Alpha}' for each ship you want in the squadron.
(You can also use the ID number for the squadron if you have it,
as the squadron must be spelt correctly)
After the squadron has been created you can issue squadron orders:
-Issue 'Start Squadron Orders'
-Then Issue the movement / standing orders you want for the squadron
-Then optionally you can issue 'End Squadron Orders'
All ships that are at the same location as the ship issuing the squadron orders will have the orders run for them.
-The orders will stop processing as soon as a ship in the squadron runs out of TUs or experiences a problem that can not be ignored.
-All ships in the squadron will have their pending orders cleared before the squadron orders are issued.
-After every 'movement step' there will be a check to see if any of the squadron have entered a battle. If one ship enters a battle then all the other ships will be flagged in the battle.
-Ignore Squadron ship can be issued after start squadron orders to ignore on of the ships that would normally be added to the squadron.
New related orders:
-Start Squadron Orders
-End Squadron Orders
-Create Squadron
-Disband Squadron
-Join Squadron
-Leave Squadron
-Squadron Commander
-Ignore Squadron ship
General Space Combat Changes
[1] Targeting computers / sensors are no longer degraded over multiple batteries
[2] Target locking is changed to be in the following order
-Positions attacking you (if you have not ignored it)
-Position on the enemy list
-Posted List if active (own aff)
-Personal General enemy (PIR/AFFs etc)
-Posted List if active (other aff)
-Defending a position (Own Aff)
-Defending a position (Allied Aff)
-Supporting a position (Own Aff)
-Supporting a position (Allied Aff)
-Defending own Aff
-Defending allied Aff
-Supporting own Aff
-Supporting allied Aff
Each point will generate a list of targets weighted based on Target Preference and the chance of actually doing damage to a target, and it will pick one randomly from that list.
[3] Targeting is now weighted based on theoretical damage that can be done (before a ships defence). So ships will no longer try to fire at something they can not hit.
[4] Max targets is now a guideline - if you have more weapons to fire after all your main batteries have been used then you will try to fire at other targets that you can hit .
[5] Indirect fire weapons are now directly flagged as being able to hit anything. These are currently fighters / rail guns / Missiles, however anything can now be flagged as indirect.
[6] Changes to reporting of battle: There is a political summary sent to each account that was at the battle. It includes the battle summaries from each ship that the account had at the battle and a summary of the battle (an enhanced version of the existing battle lineup)
[7] Target Preference: Will allow following to be set, all can have
-'None' to ignore option
-Position Type {Ship/Starbase/Platform etc}
-Ship Description {List of types}
-Armoured {Heavy/Normal/Light/None}
-Size {Small/Medium/Large/None}
-Ignore incoming fire - don't target position attacking you
With assistance of the existing descriptions of ships they boiled down to the following list.....
-Freighter - general cargo carriers
-Fast Freighter - any freight but fast
-Ore Freighter - Carries ores
-Passenger Liner - Light ppl carrier
-Troop Transport - Heavy hulls people carrier
-Capital Ship - heavy offence/defence 100 hulls+
-Heavy Cruiser - heavy offence/defence Smaller than avoid
-Destroyer - heavy offence/ less defence and smaller
-Interceptor - very fast with light weapons (pinners)
-Gun Boat - very small and fast
-Carrier - uses significant numbers of fighters
-Sensor Ship - lots of sensors
-Scout - sensors/thrust/ISR
-Explorer - general collection of stuff for exploring.
Basically this will make the set of names short, so that we can use it in the target preferences and it actually reflects what sort of ships we have in the game (now every ship is now put in a category). We can also extend the names for sub classes of the avoid and keep their primary class to make things more descriptive (but still allow proper targeting).
[8] Retarget Option:
- General Option {None/Every round/Every day/Retarget if fired at}
- Target Options {None/if fleeing/if not firing/if not moving}
[9] Combat Efficiency now effects
-Combat Thrust -> speed and dodge
-Shield Recharge (not level)
-Weapons fired
-Point defence systems active
[11] Blockade Celestial Body: This makes sure that any ships leaving or entering orbit of a Celestial Body are scaned by the blockading ship. The scan may still fail due to stealth or cloaking. Any enemy lists are checked as usual with regard to pinning etc if the ship is seen by the blockader.
[12] Weapon Loadouts:
-The weapon loadout is used to decide what ammo to fire from a particular weapon. The quantities of ammo fired are adjusted to comply with the number of weapons you have available.
If you set a missile launcher to fire 1 kinetic warhead and 2 missiles but you have 30 launchers then the weapon loadout will be changed to 10 Kinetic and 20 Missiles.
-Every time a position is updated the weapon loadout is updated for the number of weapons available - it does not check the ammo
-During a battle the number of weapons fired can change as ammo is accounted for.
-Weapons always add the weapon that has the most ammo (and is not already on the weapon loadout) to the list of ammo's to be fire. This should ensure that some
type of ammo is fired if available.
New related orders:
-Target Preference
-Retarget Options
-Weapon Loadout
-Clear Weapon Loadout
-Screen Position
[13] Screening: The is an order to add a ship that you wish to screen, your ship most be faster than the ship are attempting to screen. When another ship tries to lock onto the ship you are screening, you cause the target lock to switch to you. The ship used to screen can be any size however its combat speed and dodge are reduced the same as the ship it is screening.
[14] Ship / Platform Damage
When a platform or ship is hit by a weapon the effects of the armour, shields and scints are first accounted for before the remaining damage is applied to the position. Any damage absorbed by the armour is applied to the armour plates.
-Damage to armour for ships = damage absorbed / (integrity/100)^2 (max x10)
-Damage to armour for platform = damage absorbed * modifier (modifier 1-10 depending on how many excess plates you have on the platform). Ie excess armour burns off quickly.
-Damage is first split between the hulls and installed items in the ratio (hull cargo / (hull cargo + hull area))
-Damage applied to installed items that have cargo capacity if split between the installed items and the cargo in the ratio (installed cargo / (installed cargo + installed area)).
[15] Ship Destruction
Ships can either be blown up due to excessive damage or have an integrity breakdown due to damage combined with the ships lvl of maintenance.
-Chance for Integrity to holding = sqrt((integrity/100) * (1.0 - %dmg/100))*100. If the chance of integrity holding is greater that 80% it will never breakdown.
-Integrity break downs are tested every round where the ship takes more hull damage.
-Ships that blow up to excess damage are taken out of combat immediately.
-Ships that have an integrity break down fight all 4 round of combat and are reduced to debris at the end oft eh day.
Ships that explode are left with 0-40% of their components in the debris field
Ships that have an integrity breakdown leave 20-80% of their components in the debris field.
[16] Starbase shield complexes
When you have active shield complexes and have your shields charged (Charge shield complex order), then you will not fire weapons from the starbase (or launch space fighters). The shield complexes will strengthen the shields and shield rechargers at from between x1-5, and add between 0-200 shield depth. You need 10% shield complexes to get the full effect.
Shield complexes take 4 weeks to charge to full effect after they are activated. They are also very visible on a starbase and can not be hidden by caves when they are active.
[17] The damage done to ground parties is now modified by the terrain that they are in. This reduction in damage is between 0 and 60% depending on the terrain.
[18] Ground Fighters / Ground Bombers / AA
-Ground fighters now act as interceptors with planetary range. They can attack any incoming bombers from a ground target (the bombers could be either space or ground bombers, what important is where they are launched from). 50% of all ground fighters will be converted to ground bombers (unless requested differently).
-Ground bombers have been converted to bombers with a planetary range.
-Anti Aircraft emplacements now act as PD weapons that can target any incoming weapons from a ground target (this includes missiles launched from a ground target like another starbase).
[19] Ground Party combat
Ground parties can no longer use the change spread order. Their spread is automatically set to disperse when they are attacked in space combat and their spread is routinely updated to be the best for the troops / ground weapons that they are carrying.
The is now an order to 'Ground Assault GP' which allows you to enter into short range combat with a ground party. If you win the control battle, then you take control of the enemy ground party. The battle is fought at the spread of the enemy ground party.
Other Changes
[1] Changed ship bp TMs to have a list of installed components
[2] Allowed same aff to pickup from debris with no prisoner conversion
[3] Items destroyed in conversion to debris are now reported
[4] Add political report for squadrons
[5] Existing squadrons will be created and placed in the first ships found in the squadron
[6] Fixed build times on ship reports
[7] Added available labs on research and allowed for complexes that add more than 1 lab to the research pool.
[8] Fixed cancel production for agents
[9] Created a HTML for Techmanuals (attached later)
[10] Added political warning for wars and posting
[11] Rewrote issue passing code
[12] Set control to 100% after boarding attempt
[13] Removed agent order 'Remove from list' Add order to 'Add position to do not target list'
[14] Removed a bug where a SB needs space weapons and sensor to fight in planetary ground combat
[15] Reported armour/hull damage in a % on ships and patched required to fix
[16] Totally changed space combat report to be readable
[17] Add 'stealth to point defence' flag to all weapons, allows a % of weapons to no be targeted by point defence if they are so designed
[18] Added required patches for maintenance on the order and on the command report
[19] Reported scientist creation
[20] Improved personnel report
[21]Added resource report that contains same information as the mineral report on resources that you are exploiting at a starbase.
[22] Add 'Resource Information' order to give you details on a particular resource that you are exploiting at a starbase.
[23] Added starbase de3scription to print out when you dock.
[24] Fixed problems with asymmetrical tus for travelling certain routes. Made sure that jump routes are the shortest possible.
11-10-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 41 DAY 1
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Ship Movement
Since the movement routines have changed (with regard to how they find the shortest route) it's best not to rely on 'Move to Starbase' in a system where there are any dangerous nebulas or asteroid fields etc.
In the case where the destination ring is higher than the jump ring (usually 10),'Move to starbase' will move over the location it is jumping to before it makes the jump, e.g. if the ship is in gamma 10 and the target is in alpha 12 of another system, the ship will move to the correct quadrant (alpha), then to ring 12 prior to jumping (ring first, then quadrant move if the ship was beyond ring 12).
This can be really disastrous if there is an asteroid field in the outer sectors of a system such as Pollux where most rings beyond 10 are littered with hazards.
If you combine move to starbase with say a squadron order, all sort of problems occur
20-10-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 42 DAY 3
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Item update for all those interested in building Starbase shields. Details of what they do can be found in previous game update found in SSS and on the forum.
Starbase Shield (1026) - 1000 mus
Industrial turbines are used to power the field generators in order to bolster normal shields.
Item Type: Complex (Command)
Build Requirement:
5 Industrial Modules (400)
10 Military Modules (405)
10 Basic Modules (410)
Active work hours: 500
Inactive work hours: 50
There have been a few requests to build universities. Some have been allowed, other rejected. Do not consider a university to be the equivalent of a modern day centre for advanced education. They are futuristic establishments built for on-going studies into a local natural phenomenon that may have some benefits to research done at the starbase. Their raison d'être is purely research for research sake not to serve the starbase though obviously the governor will only build one if it also serves his purpose.
Examples: Building one at an outpost located at a site of an ancient alien city (+1 to +5 in xeno-psychology, depending on remains) or a world with a rather unique magnetosphere (+1 to +3 energetics and/or possibly something in shielding or emf damping).
The bonus given for the university will be decided by the GM and will be appropriate to the subject matter receiving the on-going study.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
The Confederate Intelligence Agency is the eyes and ears of the Confederacy - hunting the darkest secrets of our adversaries and exploiting them to our advantage. Necessity has decreed that all available methods - legal, moral, or otherwise - are open to us in our endeavours as no less than the very survival of the Confederacy is at stake. Subtlety and elegance are seen as positive traits during operations, and these traits are often rewarded, but that is not to say that quick, decisive action, when called for, is avoided - blunt objects have their place in the CIA as well.
The CIA trains and employs the finest Agents and Operatives available. Their duties range from simple library data scans to elaborate sabotage schemes or assassinations. In the past we have destroyed whole shipyards, diverted strategic materials/shipping, smuggled artefacts, stolen advanced technology, subverted populations, and gathered intelligence data upon every other affiliation in the peripheries. If someone has a secret, it's a good bet we already know what it is; hence the CIA is distrusted (at best) and despised (at worse) by almost all other Affiliations.
Was that a Sensor glitch, a subspace echo or just random background radiation? That's all that will be detected when a CIA ship ghosts through the area. Other affiliations brag of their naval victories and great battles. The CIA does not. If everything goes to plan, nobody knows we were there or who was responsible. Stealth, silence, invisibility, misdirection - these are our tools. Our specific aims are highly classified but can be generally summarized as follows.
Supply intelligence on military and mercantile activity throughout the Peripheries in support of the goals of the Confederacy.
Establish a thorough and comprehensive network of Agents and Operatives throughout the peripheries to conduct intelligence gathering and special activities.
Conduct counterintelligence activities, special activities, and other functions related to intelligence gathering and Confederate security.
Acquire technology using whatever means necessary to further the goals of the Confederacy.
Together with our allies, the CNF and BHD, we engage the peripheries to defend the Confederate way of life.
Affiliation Messages:
it be aye again........
im ere drinking me beer on me vacation spending me loot, when a friend o mine ad the following story to tell..........
To the Dominion ship Lady Jade, credits to ya, you escapes our grip just recent ya does, but don't you go thinking my boys gives up that easy…cos we ain so easy dissuaded. Jus' two day goes by, an after a wee bit of fighting juice we's ready….an lo an behold we 'as us another ships in ours sights and this'un…..this'un ain so lucky.
There she lay she did, trying to sneak by in the outa rings….but I smells her I does, I smells the snivelling fear from her.
There ain' no hidings from the Knotted Heart I tells ya! Fear oozing out of it, so I bites - and I bites good.
So there yas go…..and hear I is inspectin' my bounty….a bit of claret to clear up, but the boys will soon sort that out.
So I say…..former CIA ship Teladi Profit - hoist the jolly roger, we's got more piratin' to do
Newsflash (IGN) - No news is good news??
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.thetrueone.com/
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk
MOH - mohache.db03.co.uk/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
29-10-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 43 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****KJC News*****
Pubmeet 19th-21st November
This is just a reminder for the upcoming pubmeet. If you are new to the game then if possible get there at least for the Saturday, as this is an event not to miss. This is a chance to get to know other players, strike deals, found new enmities, have your say to us face to face, drink lots of beer and generally have a bloody good laugh.
Just phone the hotel and inform them you will be turning up.
+44 (0) 1253 341372
This nice hotel is £18 per night + £2 for the buffet.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Editorial: This week's newsletter will be the last one in the current format. From now on, Affiliation messages intended for publishing, MUST be sent directly to the editor contact. If any such message isn't sent directly, it won't be published, period!! The contents of that message, if deemed interesting by any of the reporters, can be commented upon in the news report however. Some reporters, might even ask for personal interviews as follow ups. Any continued following of a particular event, past its interest will be cut by the editor, provided the newsletter is too long. If it's not too long I'll allow it, though it will be frowned upon and mentioned in the editorial.
This week, the affiliation of the week will still be shown, however, I must say that I'm thinking about removing it altogether. Currently, in the Phoenix webpage, most affs already have their profiles marked. A simple reference to the link will do, I think. It depends on the demographic of play by mail players, which don't have access to the internet. I think it's not representative, but Mica might disagree.
The current appearance will probably change too. The current one is ugly by anyone's standards, but it was required, so that KJC could easily and more cost effective distribute it to play my mail players. So, given the extra hands, two new versions will exist, the current and a revamped version in PDF, or at least one that allows for a better look.
Anyone else wishing to sign up as a reporter, please drop me a note.
A last note. The news reporters might (will) publish with political views close to that of their affs. If anyone feels unrepresented, please drop me a note and the reporter wanna be contact.
Affiliation of the Week
The Strong arm of the Confederacy. When Samuel left the Empire and setup the confederacy within Darkfold, the most loyal of former Naval officers came with him to support his claim to the Empire's throne, and defend him against all who oppose. Even though both Samuel and Jasil's claims to the throne have been tarnished by the revelation of their true identity, the CNF still strives to bring peace to humanity, to find the true heir to throne, and install Him as the true emperor. Today, the CNF are called on to defend Darkfold against both Alien aggressors and Imperial raiders, whilst the ever present Pirate raids prove a further distraction.
To defend Darkfold against outside aggressors, the CNF has to maintain a large Warfleet. This warfleet, commanded by the cream of the confederacy officers, is maintained by the vast the Naval bases operated by CNF governors. These bases are responsible for the design, construction, and maintenance of the CNF war machine. Only with such a successful infrastructure can we maintain such a large fleet. A fleet designed to bring the rightful heir to the Imperial throne.
The CNF always welcome new members, both new players and seasoned veterans are welcome. For More information regarding the CNF contact:
The PD Thomas S. Jackson AKA Ewan Jones: madus@blueyonder.co.uk
The VPD Sean McGovern AKA Phil Sara: kurik@blueyonder.co.uk
For all listed affs: cgi.kjcgames.com/1024/theGame/affiliations.php
Earlier this week FCN security forces acted swiftly and decisively to board the Caravel class independent freighter, Fragrant Cloud. The FCN government had been informed of a potential plot to release an alien life form on the FCN home world of Falconia.
The Fragrant Cloud, already under observation by the Anti-Piracy Task Force for possible links to the recent spate of piracy in various Outer Capellan systems, was discovered to be carrying a spore of the alien entity known only as Id.
This sentient life form occupies the entire surface area of the planet Ardmore in the Skye system and until now had been a closely guarded secret known only to high ranking Aegis and Consortium officials. Id is said to have control over the atmospheric and environmental conditions of the planet Ardmore where it resides.
Official press releases from the FGZ state categorically that the spore, an offspring of Id, posed no threat to the FCN or Falconia, and that the oxygen atmosphere was actually poisonous to the entity. However, few can criticize the FCN government for reacting in the way it did. The very existence of the alien Id was not widely known before these events, so the FCN, very recent members of the Consortium, could surely be forgiven for assuming a potential threat.
Nevertheless, even if the alien spore was not a direct biological threat and far from the weapon of mass destruction as originally thought, the circumstances surrounding its arrival at Falconia are still extremely suspicious.
IND Rose, the former owner of the Fragrant Cloud, has yet to comment on these events.
By: (we still haven't gotten to get IC names, so here goes the RL one) Steve Lawrence.
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.thetrueone.com/
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk
MOH - mohache.db03.co.uk/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
04-11-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 44 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Turn Fee Increase: 1st December 2004
We hate doing this, but our accounts department keeps blowing all our takings on frivolous things such as bills. We have found ways to save money so the increase is less than half that of inflation based on the time period.
Starbases, Outpost and Platform updates will increase by 10p
Special Actions will increase by 20p
No increase to political costs. These will still be £2, £3 and £4.
Increases in our paying player base aid in keeping down price increases. Do spread the word; we are not a secret society.
12-11-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 45 DAY 5
[Recruit] |
*****Inter Galactic News*****
This week saw the shock broadcast from a lone scout of the Flagritz Empire [FLZ]. The scout's captain, Jo'Zon, claims that Consortium forces, led by the Felini, had deployed Chemical weapons against a FLZ outpost. Until this day rumour of a FLZ invasion and distant wars were very much that - rumours - but this brave captain managed to get past the Consortium front line to bring the truth to the universe.
Or did he? The Felini Tyrant Mrrshan has not denied using so called Weapons of Mass Destruction against a FLZ outpost, but claims that the outpost was in fact long abandoned of all personnel and situated on a lifeless planet. Furthermore, Mrrshan explained that the deployment was merely a test of ordinance - an equipment test that proved successful.
Soon after this announcement the Flagritz Empire managed to repair communication equipment in order to send and receive periphery-wide broadcasts and the FLZ Ambassador Duron Dae entered the arena. A great and lengthy debate followed, and in fact still continues, mostly about who started the war and which side are the most evil.
Most political leaders follow the debate with some interest and occasional comment or question, but the general population seems to be growing bored with the arguments. However, one question still seems foremost in people's minds. "What are the FLZ anyway, and how are they different to the FGZ?"
Follow this story development, next week.
***APTF Press Release***
***A bad week for Pirates***
Early last week, elements of the Imperial Stellar Patrol and the Detinus Republic Home Fleet, working under the auspices of, and with the full support of the APTF, cornered a number of Pirate vessels.
In two separate actions, the Imperial Navy in Storm destroyed the 75 light hull Pirate ship Acid Mist, and the pirate Broadsword, Pistolero. While the Detinus Republic in the Venice System destroyed the arguably suicidal pirate Broadsword, Black Jack.
All sentients of the Peripheries are urged to report all Pirate sightings to public comms channels or to a member of the APTF, to assist us in the tracking and destruction of the Pirate threat.
Further pirate losses were encountered in Confederate systems - Ed.
***Independent - Indeschmendent***
A bad week for Independents.
Following the terrorism scare on Falconia last week and amid growing concerns over Twinkle, several groups and affiliations have made it clear that IND registered vessels are no longer welcome in the central peripheries.
Foremost among the announcements was the Imperial Stellar Patrol who have finally taken the stance long-since adopted stance by their allies Galactic Trade and Transport in implementing a carpet ban of all IND vessels from Capellan Space. The IMP has, however, offered access to IND vessels who take the time and effort to register with the Imperial authorities.
Anger and disappointment is growing among independents. Perhaps High Star's plans for an affiliation of independents will gain momentum and support if these bans continue.
***The Twinkle Interviews, part 1 - High Star***
The vidi screen cuts to a well-appointed broadcasting suite that could double as the bar set of some old Earth situation comedy. Lingering at the bar is a large greenish pear-shaped being holding an enormous glass in his tentacle.
A special treat viewers as tonight on Live and Direct we cover the ins and outs of the controversy surrounding the Twinkle star system and the brewing conflict between the conflict heavyweight CIA and the formidable middle weight - moving up in class - IND High Star. Let's get right to the tale of the tape - what are the issues, who are the players, and what is all the noise we hear about the system.
To bring you up to speed let's turn back the clock to the announcement - insert Howard Cosell image here - the time :
204.41.5. The broadcast, strident in its tone - IND High Star : " ..IND High STAR has had its fill with the CIA and will no longer agree to house them as a friendly neighbour in Twinkle." Then later in the same communiqué: " The CIA… will be contacted shortly to discuss their peaceful removal from the system." I stress the word peaceful, viewers which - given the scathing tone among accusations of lying about research, challenges about control of the stargate, and finally engaging in economic subterfuge and unfair trade practices - seems somehow out of place.
We turn to the parties in the dispute: the CIA. Heavyweights in their own right. Engaged in open conflict with the IMP block, known to harbor assassins and to use them against their foes, and whose lead - Sam Toridan - was last seen in public - if then - some eight years past at a state funeral. Secretive, dangerous, and able to bring to bear enormous force much as their namesake: the CIA.
And the other party : IND High Star. The Haynes clan. The IRS. Keepers of the key stargate to the cluster periphery. In their own system, powerful adversaries and prone to occasional incendiary comments which - so far - are seldom seen by the public as scurrilous.
Let us see on Live and Direct the positions of these two points of view and clarify these remarks and their impact on peace, stability, trade, and the prospect of open warfare around so powerful an artifact as the Twinkle stargate.
The bar mirror behind the flagritz host dissolves into a vidi screen framing the outline of a clean-shaven and determine face.
The interviewer begins :
Master Daniel Haynes - so good of you to join us on Live and Direct. Let me begin by extending my condolences over the loss in your family.
-"Your very welcome Jack. I trust my staff have provided everything you need."
Indeed - but enough of the formalities. Let's get straight to it. In your recent communiqué (Oct 16 broadcast) , you outline several points of contention about CIA operation within the Twinkle system specifically. Your assertion that the CIA engaged in active research aimed at closing the Twinkle stargate is not denied, is my understanding correct?
-"It is not. The CIA has though danced around the matter. The affair began with a refusal by the CIA to allow my forces to investigate their research at Steel. The exact words were "you can if you want, but all IND are on ground enemy lists".
That seems a bit harsh even for the CIA. How specifically did you come to know of their work and how far along was such a project?
-" I asked the CIA not to research any Twinkle cartography. They informed me they were not. I did not believe them. I insisted a search must take place, and intimated that I would ask a neutral to conduct the search. I asked of the AFT could conduct a search, and was advised not.
I then lost patience and began making threats....
The CIA admitted researching the cartography, and I offered hefty compensation for them to discontinue it.
They agreed, though still no removal of IND from ground enemy on Steel. This meant I was unable to search for myself and secure the technology."
The remedy I understand was a public inspection by your representatives of CIA facilities - which in itself would be highly unusual. Did this inspection confirm your suspicions and how precisely did the CIA leadership react to your overtures?
-"In fact no, I did not gain entry to Cypher. I fear the starbase still holds IND on ground enemy list. I was forced to go against the CIA's wishes and just arrange a visit from a group whom the CIA could not fire on. The third party acted with discretion and High Stars best interest at all times.
The survey confirmed no trace left of a technology that had been under study, and research complexes were closed but not scrapped. This was to allow me to deliver compensation to the CIA, per scrapped research complex."
Now, the CIA as a secretive organization at best . Nevertheless, this latest communiqué and some that have followed have been more than slightly incendiary. Do you expect a danger from open warfare between the CIA and your own forces beyond Twilight?
Is conflict a real possibility ?
-"The system is Twinkle Jack [ Jack's error, too many martinis], and no I do not. The CIA are simply engineering a situation which will allow them to undermine High Star to the point that High Star removes them from Twinkle, and so achieve the removal of High Stars neutral status. I believe this is their aim, and has been for some time. It is only a shame that they do not simply say so in public instead of this political dance we seem to do every week."
The blockade of CIA assets in Twinkle certainly seems to force the hand of confrontation. It was voiced as an eventuality if the CIA do now proceed with the evacuation of their holdings. Do you mean to say that any attempting to visit CIA facilities today will be fired upon - or has some other arrangement been derived?
-"Absolutely not. High Star is an institution Jack, and we take our remit very seriously. We will not be shooting at anybody unless there is no room for complete and mutually beneficial resolve. We will not be firing on people who trade with the CIA. We do though reserve a healthy private market, and parties working in cahoots with CIA agents will perhaps lose future trading rights. No group are under embargo in Twinkle except the AFT. They are ignoring the embargo, so......
The CIA, again, need only to start acting like the friendly neighbours they claim to be. "Right now - today - what would it take for the CIA to return to residents in good standing within Twinkle - is there anything that can be done ?
-"I have said time and again that the CIA need only start to act like friendly neighbours. Perhaps the KRL/IMP or MOH can show them how to do this. I ask only that the inhabitants of Twinkle abide by certain rules due to the strategic nature of our home.
They will not research the stargate in any way. Cartography or anything else.
They would need to give serious consideration to their Steel defence agreement.... The AFT have much more publicly declared Twinkle to be contested space. If this is the case, then the CIA are in fact in support of a counter claim by the AFT. Not just in Twinkle, this strategic and political networking would result in war. Why should it be different in IND space."
So the CIA can co-exist as good denizens of Twinkle under terms it is possible for them to reach. Well - for trade fleets anything that keeps the peace is a good turn; but, you mention the AFT. Let's turn to them for a moment - What is the AFT's role in all of this. You clarify that the AFT have been expelled as I understand it from the Twinkle system largely over matters related to one Jumping Jack Flash.
Can you clarify briefly the involvement of this individual, his role with regard to IND High Star, and your suspicions as to his ultimate disposition?
-"I want to make clear the CIA have not been expelled, although we do grow tiresome!
The AFT have been banned form Twinkle and as far as I am concerned, have openly contested High Star's claim in Twinkle.
The AFT, to my knowledge are well aware of the matter at hand and are unwilling to discuss it. I am willing to concede that I may have incomplete or misplaced facts, although their attitude is far from allowing us to achieve resolve. Given that the FEL own Twinkle, and have leased it to High Star, I would urge the FEL to make a comment in public before High Star has to take the matter up with arms.
I know only that JJF was a dignitary living at High Star, that he agreed to leave with the AFT, and assured High Star that he would return.... JJF's family and friends consider the AFT to have acted negligently at best, and are more than convinced that the AFT have in fact acted far from in JJF's best interest.
The AFT know the matter needs resolving, and apparently would rather go to war with High Star than have the matter aired in public...... "
Is the individual known as Jumping Jack Flash in any way connected with the Cruiser : DOM SHIP JUMPING JACK FLASH (266)
- {50 Normal Hulls} spotted Battle Cruiser Class Fast Freighter {No Armour} Spotted in the orbit of stargate 1600?-"I had wondered myself. Though at times, one must remember that not all groups have something to hide. The DOM vessel docked at High Star just recently to acquire maintenance and sell some goods. Trade which is much needed."
So - the AFT are barred from Twinkle and AFT shipping have lost shipping rights. Following these announcements - a heavy hull AFT vessel was spotted entering the Twinkle system via the stargate. Is this vessel still present (AFT SHIP CHROMOLITH (98402) - {100 Heavy Hulls}) and if so do you intend to remove her by force ?-"In fact, this is one of many naval deployments by the AFT. A Heavy Cruiser has been sat in the quad of Sapphire for over a week (allow for time of writing). This ship belongs to Minister Tarb of the AFT. I guess he is keeping it safe in Twinkle while he prepares to setup his own affiliation.
I lose patience with the CIA fast, but the AFT have burnt all their bridges.
We will seek resolve in the near future, though, are waiting at this time for some enlightened group to offer aid in the form of intermediary.!"
It would be a huge help to our audience to know exactly where all affiliations stand as to their present access status to Twinkle.
-"Your question is highly provocative Sir. High Star takes exception to the AFT kidnapping a dignitary, and is also not willing to house a continued and increasingly hostile CIA in Twinkle.
Aside from these two affiliations, no group is under embargo, nor subject to scrutiny by High Star."
Clear enough. However, there is a suggestion that with the lifting of a recent ban on heavy hull transit through the stargate has in fact fueled transit in support of war elsewhere in the Galaxy - can you comment on this as a matter of policy ?
-"There have been many repercussions. No doubt wars will not be fought as a result.... However. High Star was in no place to take allies, and the CIA were threatening war... I had no choice.
There are now more viable wars, but the CIA have stopped threatening to blockade High Star every time a GTT or other HH ship enters the gate."
Can you make clear for our viewers who might otherwise be ignorant of the relationship between the forces of the IRS and the governance of IND High Star ? How precisely are the two related ? Does the IRS represent interests beyond High Star?
"The Independent Registered Starfleet was founded by the departed Miss Haynes. It is a central database for IND Captains.
The IRS will vet any IND who contacts us, and assuming we would trust them with our own wallet, we vouch for them and offer support.
The IRS have built 4 IND installations now in IND hands.
The IRS maintain a forum for IND Captains. Those vetted and permitted to access this forum receive full access to all data on that forum. The IRS go to great lengths to ensure that IND's can work to a profit, locate new space, and colonize in places which would be otherwise unopened to them.
The IRS have to date found a number of star systems not on your star charts, and continue to do so.
The IRS will open territories to IND's, allowing IND to create a place for IND only. High Star is the primary IND outlet of the IRS. All IND who monitor the IRS forum are considered to be 'in' the IRS.! It is little more than central base for IND to use for supplies and resources.
The IRS maintain 3 starbase installations of varying size, and a fleet."
So, politically, with the demise of the former head of the IRS, specifically what is the formal structure for governance of High Star and the IRS ?
"My name is Master Daniel Haynes. I am a Professor in construction related fields. I am also the military adviser to IND, of the IRS. I intend to promote a Governor in the coming weeks to take charge of High Star full time.
I shall be heading to a new IRS installation in IND territories, and will be at all times, in charge of all High Star related business. The Governor will essentially be a spokesman."
Finally, the IMP recently refused your request to sponsor IND trade vessels within their territory . Do you see any restrictions emerging on IMP shipping (is there any such thing ? ) within Twinkle ?
-"Absolutely not. Their laws are in place to keep their systems safe..... The IMP have acted impeccably in Twinkle since our taking charge and long may it continue.
I may be contacting the Viceroy in private on the matter, but certainly, if the IMP wish to uphold their laws to the letter, they are free to do so. As I should be......"
Thanks again for your time, attention, and informed answers - and for appearing on Live and Direct.
-"Thank you Jack, it has been a pleasure"
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
IGN Live:ttt(on final tests)
IGN submitals:tttSSS_Editor@yahoogroups.com
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.thetrueone.com/
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk
MOH - mohache.db03.co.uk/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
17-11-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 46 DAY 3
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
Pubmeet 21st November
Just to let everyone know that the pubmeet is this weekend. We will be there to field questions, drink beer and discuss the far reaching implications of player controlled GM positions, the fate of infrastructure and what generally have a good time.
Just phone the hotel and inform them you will be turning up.
+44 (0) 1253 341372
This nice hotel is £18 per night + £2 for the buffet.
*****Inter Galactic News*****
This week saw the shock broadcast from a lone scout of the Fragritz Empire [FLZ]. The scout's captain, Jo'Zon, claims that Consortium forces, led by the Felini, had deployed Chemical weapons against a FLZ outpost. Until this day rumour of a FLZ invasion and distant wars were very much that - rumours - but this brave captain managed to get past the Consortium front line to bring the truth to the universe.
Or did he? The Felini Tyrant Mrrshan has not denied using so called Weapons of Mass Destruction against a FLZ outpost, but claims that the outpost was in fact long abandoned of all personnel and situated on a lifeless planet. Furthermore, Mrrshan explained that the deployment was merely a test of ordinance - an equipment test that proved successful.
Soon after this announcement the Flagritz Empire managed to repair communication equipment in order to send and receive periphery-wide broadcasts and the FLZ Ambassador Duron Dae entered the arena. A great and lengthy debate followed, and in fact still continues, mostly about who started the war and which side are the most evil.
Most political leaders follow the debate with some interest and occasional comment or question, but the general population seem to be growing bored with the arguments. However, one question still seems foremost in people's minds. "What are the FLZ anyway, and how are they different to the FGZ?"
Follow this story development, next week.
***APTF Press Release***
***A bad week for Pirates***
Early last week, elements of the Imperial Stellar Patrol and the Detinus Republic Home Fleet, working under the auspices of, and with the full support of the APTF, cornered a number of Pirate vessels.
In two separate actions, the Imperial Navy in Storm destroyed the 75 light hull Pirate ship Acid Mist, and the pirate Broadsword, Pistolero. While the Detinus Republic in the Venice System destroyed the arguably suicidal pirate Broadsword, Black Jack.
All sentients of the Peripheries are urged to report all Pirate sightings to public comms channels or to a member of the APTF, to assist us in the tracking and destruction of the Pirate threat.
Further pirate losses were encountered in Confederate systems - Ed.
***Independent - Indeschmendent***
A bad week for Independents.
Following the terrorism scare on Falconia last week and amid growing concerns over Twinkle, several groups and affiliations have made it clear that IND registered vessels are no longer welcome in the central peripheries.
Formost among the announcements was the Imperial Stellar Patrol who have finally taken the stance long-since adopted stance by their allies Galactic Trade and Transport in implementing a carpet ban of all IND vessels from Cappellan Space. The IMP have, however, offered access to IND vessels who take the time and effort to register with the Imperial authorities.
Anger and disappointment is growing among independents. Perhaps High Star's plans for an affiliation of independents will gain momentum and support if these bans continue.
***The Twinkle Interviews, part 1 - High Star***
The vidi screen cuts to a well-appointed broadcasting suite which could double as the bar set of some old Earth situation comedy. Lingering at the bar is a large greenish pear-shaped being holding an enormous glass in his tentacle.
A special treat viewers as tonight on Live and Direct we cover the ins and outs of the controversy surrounding the Twinkle star system and the brewing conflict between the conflict heavyweight CIA and the formidable middle weight - moving up in class - IND High Star. Let's get right to the tale of the tape - what are the issues, who are the players, and what is all the noise we hear about the system.
To bring you up to speed let's turn back the clock to the announcement - insert Howard Cosell image here - the time :
204.41.5. The broadcast, strident in its tone - IND High Star : " ..IND High STAR has had its fill with the CIA and will no longer agree to house them as a friendly neighbour in Twinkle." Then later in the same communiqué : " The CIA… will be contacted shortly to discuss their peaceful removal from the system." I stress the word peaceful, viewers which - given the scathing tone among accusations of lying about research, challenges about control of the stargate, and finally engaging in economic subterfuge and unfair trade practices - seems somehow out of place.
We turn to the parties in the dispute : the CIA. Heavyweights in their own right. Engaged in open conflict with the IMP block, known to harbor assassins and to use them against their foes, and whose lead - Sam Toridan - was last seen in public - if then - some eight years past at a state funeral. Secretive, dangerous, and able to bring to bear enormous force much as their namesake : the CIA.
And the other party : IND High Star. The Haynes clan. The IRS. Keepers of the key stargate to the cluster periphery. In their own system, powerful adversaries and prone to occasional incendiary comments which - so far - are seldom seen by the public as scurrilous.
Let us see on Live and Direct the positions of these two points of view and clarify these remarks and their impact on peace, stability, trade, and the prospect of open warfare around so powerful an artefact as the Twinkle stargate.
The bar mirror behind the flagritz host dissolves into a vidi screen framing the outline of a clean-shaven and determine face. The interviewer begins :
Master Daniel Haynes - so good of you to join us on Live and Direct. Let me begin by extending my condolences over the loss in your family.
-"Your very welcome Jack. I trust my staff have provided everything you need."
Indeed - but enough of the formalities. Let's get straight to it. In your recent communiqué (Oct 16 broadcast) , you outline several points of contention about CIA operation within the Twinkle system specifically. Your assertion that the CIA engaged in active research aimed at closing the Twinkle stargate is not denied, is my understanding correct?
-"It is not. The CIA have though danced around the matter. The affair began with a refusal by the CIA to allow my forces to investigate their research at Steel. The exact words were "you can if you want, but all IND are on ground enemy lists".
That seems a bit harsh even for the CIA. How specifically did you come to know of their work and how far along was such a project?
-" I asked the CIA not to research any Twinkle cartography. They informed me they were not. I did not believe them. I insisted a search must take place, and intimated that I would ask a neutral to conduct the search. I asked of the AFT could conduct a search, and was advised not.
I then lost patience and began making threats....
The CIA admitted researching the cartography, and I offered hefty compensation for them to discontinue it.
They agreed, though still no removal of IND from ground enemy on Steel. This meant I was unable to search for myself and secure the technology."
The remedy I understand was a public inspection by your representatives of CIA facilities - which in itself would be highly unusual. Did this inspection confirm your suspicions and how precisely did the CIA leadership react to your overtures?
-"In fact no, I did not gain entry to Cypher. I fear the starbase still holds IND on ground enemy list. I was forced to go against the CIA's wishes and just arrange a visit from a group whom the CIA could not fire on. The third party acted with discretion and High Stars best interest at all times.
The survey confirmed no trace left of a technology that had been under study, and research complexes were closed but not scrapped. This was to allow me to deliver compensation to the CIA, per scrapped research complex."
Now, the CIA as a secretive organization at best . Nevertheless, this latest communiqué and some that have followed have been more than slightly incendiary. Do you expect a danger from open warfare between the CIA and your own forces beyond Twilight?
Is conflict a real possibility?
-"The system is Twinkle Jack [ Jack's error, too many martinis], and no I do not.
The CIA are simply engineering a situation which will allow them to undermine High Star to the point that High Star removes them from Twinkle, and so achieve the removal of High Stars neutral status. I believe this is their aim, and has been for some time. It is only a shame that they do not simply say so in public instead of this political dance we seem to do every week."
The blockade of CIA assets in Twinkle certainly seems to force the hand of confrontation. It was voiced as an eventuality if the CIA do now proceed with the evacuation of their holdings. Do you mean to say that any attempting to visit CIA facilities today will be fired upon - or has some other arrangement been derived?
-"Absolutely not. High Star is an institution Jack, and we take our remit very seriously. We will not be shooting at anybody unless there is no room for complete and mutually beneficial resolve. We will not be firing on people who trade with the CIA. We do though reserve a healthy private market, and parties working in cahoots with CIA agents will perhaps lose future trading rights. No group are under embargo in Twinkle except the AFT. They are ignoring the embargo, so......
The CIA, again, need only to start acting like the friendly neighbours they claim to be."
Right now - today - what would it take for the CIA to return to residents in good standing within Twinkle - is there anything that can be done?
-"I have said time and again that the CIA need only start to act like friendly neighbours. Perhaps the KRL/IMP or MOH can show them how to do this. I ask only that the inhabitants of Twinkle abide by certain rules due to the strategic nature of our home.
They will not research the stargate in any way. Cartography or anything else.
They would need to give serious consideration to their Steel defence agreement.... The AFT have much more publicly declared
Twinkle to be contested space. If this is the case, then the CIA are in fact in support of a counter claim by the AFT. Not just in Twinkle, this strategic and political networking would result in war. Why should it be different in IND space."
So the CIA can co-exist as good denizens of Twinkle under terms it is possible for them to reach. Well - for trade fleets anything that keeps the peace is a good turn; but, you mention the AFT. Let's turn to them for a moment - What is the AFT's role in all of this. You clarify that the AFT have been expelled as I understand it from the Twinkle system largely over matters related to one Jumping Jack Flash.
Can you clarify briefly the involvement of this individual, his role with regard to IND High Star, and your suspicions as to his ultimate disposition ?
-"I want to make clear the CIA have not been expelled, although we do grow tiresome! The AFT have been banned form Twinkle and as far as I am concerned, have openly contested High Star's claim in Twinkle.
The AFT, to my knowledge are well aware of the matter at hand and are unwilling to discuss it. I am willing to concede that I may have incomplete or misplaced facts, although their attitude is far from allowing us to achieve resolve. Given that the FEL own Twinkle, and have leased it to High Star, I would urge the FEL to make a comment in public before High Star has to take the matter up with arms.
I know only that JJF was a dignitary living at High Star, that he agreed to leave with the AFT, and assured High Star that he would return.... JJF's family and friends consider the AFT to have acted negligently at best, and are more than convinced that the AFT have in fact acted far from in JJF's best interest.
The AFT know the matter needs resolving, and apparently would rather go to war with High Star than have the matter aired in public...... "
Is the individual known as Jumping Jack Flash in any way connected with the Cruiser : DOM SHIP JUMPING JACK FLASH (266)
- {50 Normal Hulls} spotted Battle Cruiser Class Fast Freighter {No Armour} Spotted in the orbit of stargate 1600?
-"I had wondered myself. Though at times, one must remember that not all groups have something to hide. The DOM vessel docked at High Star just recently to acquire maintenance and sell some goods. Trade which is much needed."
So - the AFT are barred from Twinkle and AFT shipping have lost shipping rights. Following these announcements - a heavy hull AFT vessel was spotted entering the Twinkle system via the stargate. Is this vessel still present (AFT SHIP CHROMOLITH (98402) - {100 Heavy Hulls}) and if so do you intend to remove her by force ?
-"In fact, this is one of many naval deployments by the AFT. A Heavy Cruiser has been sat in the quad of Sapphire for over a week (allow for time of writing). This ship belongs to Minister Tarb of the AFT.
I guess he is keeping it safe in Twinkle while he prepares to setup his own affiliation.
I lose patience with the CIA fast, but the AFT have burnt all their bridges.
We will seek resolve in the near future, though, are waiting at this time for some enlightened group to offer aid in the form of intermediary.!"
It would be a huge help to our audience to know exactly where all affiliations stand as to their present access status to Twinkle.
-"Your question is highly provocative Sir. High Star takes exception to the AFT kidnapping a dignitary, and is also not willing to house a continued and increasingly hostile CIA in Twinkle.
Aside from these two affiliations, no group is under embargo, nor subject to scrutiny by High Star."
Clear enough. However, there is a suggestion that with the lifting of a recent ban on heavy hull transit through the stargate has in fact fuelled transit in support of war elsewhere in the Galaxy - can you comment on this as a matter of policy?
-"There have been many repercussions. No doubt wars will not be fought as a result.... However. High Star was in no place to take allies, and the CIA were threatening war... I had no choice.
There are now more viable wars, but the CIA have stopped threatening to blockade High Star every time a GTT or other HH ship enters the gate."
Can you make clear for our viewers who might otherwise be ignorant of the relationship between the forces of the IRS and the governance of IND High Star? How precisely are the two related? Does the IRS represent interests beyond High Star?
"The Independent Registered Starfleet was founded by the departed Miss Haynes. It is a central database for IND Captains.
The IRS will vet any IND who contacts us, and assuming we would trust them with our own wallet, we vouch for them and offer support.
The IRS have built 4 IND installations now in IND hands.
The IRS maintain a forum for IND Captains. Those vetted and permitted to access this forum receive full access to all data on that forum. The IRS go to great lengths to ensure that IND's can work to a profit, locate new space, and colonize in places which would be otherwise unopened to them.
The IRS have to date found a number of star systems not on your star charts, and continue to do so.
The IRS will open territories to IND's, allowing IND to create a place for IND only. High Star is the primary IND outlet of the IRS. All IND who monitor the IRS forum are considered to be 'in' the IRS.! It is little more than central base for IND to use for supplies and resources.
The IRS maintain 3 starbase installations of varying size, and a fleet."
So, politically, with the demise of the former head of the IRS, specifically what is the formal structure for governance of High Star and the IRS ?
"My name is Master Daniel Haynes. I am a Professor in construction related fields. I am also the military adviser to IND, of the IRS. I intend to promote a Governor in the coming weeks to take charge of High Star full time.
I shall be heading to a new IRS installation in IND territories, and will be at all times, in charge of all High Star related business. The Governor will essentially be a spokesman."
Finally, the IMP recently refused your request to sponsor IND trade vessels within their territory . Do you see any restrictions emerging on IMP shipping (is there any such thing ? ) within Twinkle ?
-"Absolutely not. Their laws are in place to keep their systems safe..... The IMP have acted impeccably in Twinkle since our taking charge and long may it continue.
I may be contacting the Viceroy in private on the matter, but certainly, if the IMP wish to uphold their laws to the letter, they are free to do so. As I should be......"
Thanks again for your time, attention, and informed answers - and for appearing on Live and Direct.
-"Thank you Jack, it has been a pleasure"
Editor: tttPedro Martins - pgustavo@netvisao.pt
IGN Live:ttt(on final tests)
IGN submitals:tttSSS_Editor@yahoogroups.com
KJC contact:tttwww.kjcgames.com/phoenix.htm
Phoenix Board: tttwww.spacious.com/forums/
KJCs Phoenix Forum Groups: tgroups.yahoo.com/group/KJC-Phoenix/
IRC Link: tttServer irc.different.net
t tttPort 6660-6669,7000
t tttChannel #phoenix
AFT - www.rbwilliams.freeserve.co.uk/aft/mainmenu.html
BHD - www.thetrueone.com/
CIA - www.confederacy.org.uk
CNF - www.kurik.co.uk/cnf
COH - users.cybercity.dk/~dsl100261/coh/
DEN - www.dewiek.net
DNA - members.optusnet.com.au/madmaxcc/
DOM - www.pvv.org/~kennetso/dominion
FCN - home.btconnect.com/Howells/fcn.htm
FEL - www.felini.org/
FET - fet.mindmuse.net/
FGZ - flagritz.cjb.net./
HVE - peter.norberg-gbg.com/hive/
IMP - www.chalmore.co.uk
MOH - mohache.db03.co.uk/
RIP - www.geocities.com/rip_secure/RIP_1.html
SMS - www.stellarmining.com/
WMB - phoenix.specht.co.uk
02-12-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 48 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
[1] Adjusted attack everyone on ground enemy list to not attack own affiliation.
[2] Prevented own account ever been targeted except for pirate positions.
[3] Reduced hulls left in debris field based on integrity of ship at break-up.
[4] Fixed affiliation message.
[5] Stopped pinned drops of agents.
[6] Jumps move to ring 10 but do not move back to jump location.
[7] Fixed boarding bug where the pirate flag is removed.
[8] Enemy list now pull positions into battle at the same time as SD check.
[9] Added text for decayed items in debris.
[10] Scint max effect = output *2/mus (mki-mkvi:20,30,40,50). Effect on the ship is the average of all scints present.
Thanks to everyone that turned up and made it an excellent weekend.
I am sure that there will be some stories regarding the Mohache Games in the near future.
03-12-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 48 DAY 5
*****KJC Update*****
Bug Fix
We have fixed hopefully for the last time, the squadron movement bug. This should have cured the move to starbase and the moving into the jump ring 10 problems that have been plaguing us recently.
Conversion Crew Factor Freebie Removed
By now all ships from the conversion (December '02) should have had time to pick-up bunks and quarters. As such we have removed the code that allowed crew factors to be counted from life forms even though there is insufficient bunks and quarters to house them.
Note that this change does not affect combat efficiency.
16-12-2004: SUBSPACE STATIC: 204 WEEK 50 DAY 4
[Recruit] |
*****KJC Update*****
GM Holidays
Well, its that time of year again. Mica will be away on holiday from 20th December until the New Year. It is best to avoid unusual special actions during this period. During this time he will eat, drink and be merry as he endeavours to turn into a Wimble.
A very merry Christmas to all and thanks for your continued support.
Bank Holidays
As is normal, there will be no turns processed on Bank Holidays.
In order to account for the holidays, certain days will have double runs.
Friday 24th, Wednesday 29th and Tuesday 4th will be double run days.
Tuesday will also be 205.1 and 205.2.
*****Subspace Static*****
The First Mohache Games
It is with much excitement that the KAS agree to host the Mohache Games 205. Here follows an announcement by Mohache Politician - Floats on Clouds:
Dear All
The Mohache would like to request your participation in the Mohache Games 205 held at KAS Rubis in the Yank system.
This year's events will consist of the following tournaments:
1) Greased Pig Grappling
2) The Straw Bail Dash
3) One Man and His Dog Sheep Herding
4) Speed Pheasant Plucking
5) 100 Mile Cross-Country Navigation
6) Strongest Man/Woman/Lifeform
7) 5-A-Side Pig's Bladder Kick-about
The KAS have generously provided 1st prizes of BCM MkII for each of these games. The Mohache thank the KAS for agreeing to host the games.
All participants are requested to deliver their teams to Rubis by Star Date 204.52.5. The teams will then have 1 week to prepare for the games. The Mohache Games 205 will then be opened by Mrs Floaty and the competition will begin.
Entrance to each event will cost 100 Stellars per competitor. More than one entrant from an affiliation is allowed to allow friendly inter-affiliation competition. Payment should be made to KAS Rubis directly.
The Mohache hope that as many people as possible will take part in the games and take this as an opportunity to forget conflict and have friendly competitions only.
My your pigs squeal as the grease is applied.
Floats on Clouds of the Mohache
Please supply details of your teams to floatsonclouds@hotmail.com.Each team must be delivered as a Ground Party to Rubis by the date given above. Please forward a copy of the turn section confirming payment too. Your ground party must include one person per event entered - this is necessary to allow a Special Action to be played against a particular competitor if desired (e.g. The ABC tamper with the shoe laces of the XYZ competitor to the Navigation competition - with the aim of having to drop out half way through...). Mica has agreed to work out who wins given any SAs played etc and then will feed the results to me. I will then add my Mohache ways to it and then you will be posted the results. I hope you take part - just to give me something to write about in the New Year :-)
PayPal.Me/creditKJCaccount Don't forget to include your account number in the message. |

*** Inter Galactic News ***
Empire pushes out Free Traders
With ongoing claims of AFT activities moving from it's traditional neutral trade welcome everywhere to more nefarious deeds, the Empire in general and the GTT in particular has taken action to send the AFT a message that their new actions won't be tolerated. Over a couple of weeks the AFT saw all it's registered fixed assets seized within GTT systems. So far there has been no attempt to extend actions and hunt down AFT ships or other positions in any systems outside the Empire, so we are assuming the GTT considers it's actions sufficient to send the once peaceful traders a message. We believe the FEL have also joined in due to exasperation with AFT actions. We contacted the GTT for a comment to be told that the actions had been profitable, the kind of remark you should probably expect from a mega-corp.
Solo becomes pirate hotspot
Our reporters have received numerous messages regarding pirates lately, especially in the Solo system. Since the NHS took the system over from the DTR pirate attacks seem to have escalated. Over the last two months we have been made aware of over a dozen ships being lost to pirates with no doubt more falling victim to the vicious pirates as owners do not want to admit they have taken losses. The DTR have offered to assist the NHS with policing the system, but so far the NHS has not asked for assistance. Large fleets of FET warships have been seem patrolling the system and CIA warships have also been seen accompanying freighters, but so far we have not received any reports that the pirates have lost ships in retaliation. Although the CIA have damaged two vessels enough for them to require serious repairs.
Zaxividani Naru's peacful Deweik
Imagine our surprise when our office learned of the new group of Deweik lead by Zaxividani Naru. What makes this group noteworthy is it's peaceful intentions. For many years the canine based species has been well known for it's love of drinking, fighting and finding itself at odds with the Empire, leading to some massive battles. Even recent history has mention of fleets with over 700 capital ships fighting for the DEN keeping the Empire honest and even pushing them back. So to find that a Deweik group has joined with the Mohache, probably the most peace loving beings in the peripheries, came as quite a shock. We at the SSS wish them well in their future among the stars.

*** Inter Galactic News ***
Claims settle in Solo and Faery
With the NHS bringing in almost a million troops into Solo and the GTT choosing it's moment to contest Faery at the same time, it seems the DTR and it's alllies either found it hard to find enough troops to respond or quite simply decided it wasn't worth the hassle as there were far more important matters to deal with in the Senate. Who knows what other life threatening topics they have to discuss, such as the correct biscuit to have with afternoon tea. The end result is that Solo and Faery, both systems with significant incomes, are now under control of Empire based affiliations.
GTT move to clear out the Dewiek Pocket Pheriphery
Having resorted to bribery to get other affiliations to move out of the DHP, with rumoured multi-million stellar amounts being offered, the GTT now appear to have cranked the pressure up. An AFT base has been attacked and a few of the nearby ships have been blown up and damaged by GTT warship class ships patrolling the area. As we write this report, information we have seen shows that the GTT have already taken 20% of the AFT base and fighting continues. We approached the GTT to ask why they are resorting to force and were told that they have had to move significant military power into the DHP to deal with ANT forces, so now they are mopping up all the resistance of other affilaitions that were asked to leave and decided not to.
BHD relics and trophies
Pope Akhenaten of the Brotherhood has been touting more and more wares that are unique to the BHD. If you are missing a holy relic and have no idea how to fill that little space in your living quarters then you know where to go. From robes to candles, literature to wine and novelty ornaments, it's never been easier to bring a little bit of the Brotherhood home and exchange your stellars for spiritual well being.
*** Affiliations ***
AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy BHD - Brotherhood (63) - Akhenaten CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown> FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox HEX Hexamon (23) - Hexamon KRL Krell (30) - Namica KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor MOH Mohache (73) – Listens NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz
* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.
*** Submissions ***
By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous. |

*** Inter Galactic News ***
Solo claim swings back and forth
The situation in Solo appears to be getting even more heated. First the NHS dropped 600,000 troops to contest the system and then the DTR answered with enough troops of their own to trump the NHS claim. The NHS found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim up to 750,000 and once again the DTR answered, bringing Solo back under DTR control. Now the NHS have had a look down the back of the sofa and found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim to a massive 900,000 trained troops. We wait to see if the DTR have an answer to this. We can only guess where all these troops are coming from, but what is clear is that the established affiliations clearly have far larger armies than many thought.

*** Inter Galactic News ***
NHS attempt to claim Solo away from DTR
In a shock move the NHS have contested the Solo claim with a huge garrison of 600,000 trained troops. In a move that nobody saw coming, especially as it was unknown the NHS had such a large force of troops to draw upon, the NHS seem to be provoking a response from the DTR. Currently there has been no word from the DTR in how they are going to deal with this claim jumping, although rumours are that they are pretending the Solo claim doesn't really matter to them and so action is unlikely. However this may be a smokescreen and we may yet see the DTR's powerful fleet cause havoc in the system of Solo, which has for a long time been an important junction and fought over by many different factions.
DNA Chairman TonTon resigns
The following communication has been leaked from the DNA to the GTT's PD.
Greetings CEO Fox. It regrets me to have to inform to you that the DNA nation state will be renouncing its claim on Aladdin system following a ceremony planet side, shortly. However, it gives me great pleasure to have to inform you that these ceremonies are being planned by Vladimir Tavikovitch, the South Road Traffic Coordinator. He is also responsible for all DNA and .ore. assets in the Outer Naplian (Capellan) periphery so if there are any further issues, please take it up with him. For any and all other matters, please forward your request directly to the DNA directorate services at NexusID: DNA people. The Foreign Ministry objects one last time to your illegal claim jump of Aladdin, but we realise it is time to de-escalate. Normally i would sign off with Naambta, but doing so would be hypocritical. Let me say good riddance instead. I hereby resign in protest!
Chairman TonTon, Foreign Minister, DNA cc: Directorate Services personnel coordinator - !urgent resignation!
DTR threaten WMB with fines for multiple breaches of DTR Law
Lady Sylvansight of the DTR has issued a fine of 1,000,000 stellars to the Wimbles for multiple breaches of DTR Penal and Territorial Law. This seems a very brave move of the DTR to risk upsetting the huge and warlike WMB when they also have the rival NHS Solo system claim to deal with. No word has been recieved yet that the Wimbles are going to pay, but if the formidable WMB warfleet is seen heading for the DTR home systems we will know what their thought are on the matter. The DTR and WMB fleets going head to head would be a sight to behold.
*** Affiliations ***
AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown> FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility KRL Krell (30) - Namica KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor MOH Mohache (73) – Listens NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz
* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.
*** Submissions ***
By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous. |

*** Inter Galactic News ***
DNA and GTT clash over Aladdin system claim while Pirates look on.
The GTT have this week launched an attack on the DNA outpost in Aladdin, in what appears to be little more than a turkey shoot. Around 100,000 GTT Naplian Startroopers attacked the DNA position to remove the rival system claim. Reports indicate the DNA garrison were taken by surprise and lost control of the base in the first few hours of the fighting. The base has since been reflagged from [Free Naplian Capital] Peaceful Protest to [Loyal Naplian Capital] DNA claim Ended so it's fair to say there was a clear message being sent by the GTT. We have been waiting for the DNA leadership to comment but so far they have been unusually silent. No doubt when they have crawled out from under their desks they will have something to say on the matter.
While this attack was going on several pirate ships were also seen in Aladdin, according to the GTT in what may be true or may be a diversion, with reports of a pirate GP and scout being destroyed while a 150HH pirate warship slipped away and escaped from incoming anti-pirate patrols.
Secret meeting of the EEM
A recent communication intercepted by one of our top reporters today made us aware of a meeting of the EEM. This is underway in a top secret location called Black Pool, which sounds suspiciously like the lair of a pirate band. After pulling in many favours, we were able to identify some of the attending members. On the bases that they won't be named we were able to find out some slight information of the subjects to be discussed at the meeting and one thing is for certain, there could be huge impacts to the lives of everybody living in the galaxy. Details to follow. When the shadowy figures of the EEM come together with the top political players in a pirate base the possibilities are endless!
You are never more than 6 systems from a RAT ðŸ€
A new saying has arisen in the bars and spaceport of starbases throughout the many peripheries; you are never more than 6 systems from a RAT.
It is understood that this saying originated in Yank and spread by trade vessels to peripheries far and wide. Many starbases have heightened their security and added additional sensors and locks to various entry points including foul and grey water outfalls. Beer and drug stocks are undergoing increased proofing to avoid the critters gaining entry and consuming the stockpiles.
Will this present as a new plague of proportions never before seen or is this some simple urban myth being spread for the amusement of some mischievous entity? Who knows, but to be certain... check the shadows.
This year we will again be returning to the Briardene Hotel. They were welcoming, the bar didn't run out of beer pre-covid and there was room for quiet chats. Along with Wetherspoons there is the Victoria just down the road (Sam Smiths - last time beer was around 2 shillings per pint and a full round was less than £10).
Mostly drinking beer and talking toot though we have a good few things on the agenda.
Bookings are done directly with the hotel. Book by phone and say that you are with KJC Games
Briardene Hotel Telephone: +44(0)1253 338300 All staff should be able to deal with the booking but if there are any problems ask for Tracy (manager) as she dealt with all our foibles in previous years. |

*** Inter Galactic News ***
Dog days are over
With the fall of the DEN and the implosion of their home territory as the AFT, DTR and GTT moved in, it was unlikely the Dewiek would rise again. The DWP gave the species a little hope with the Dewiek Pocket Periphery kept under lock and key. But news has reached us of the AFT's penetration of this private area of space that's been locked down. With a base and claim in one of the three visible systems it seems that the end of the Dewiek is near. A once noble and aggressive race, determined to make an impact on the galaxy is now little more than a species that lives under the command of others. A sad end to a once powerful species that used to control a significant part of known space.
Pirate activity continues
Yet more reports of pirate activity have been received, one from the WMB, losing a freighter in Solo and another from the FET who reported they had engaged and hit the attacking pirate ship with several weapons before it managed to make off with it's prize. Hopefully the pirate ship took significant damage and will now be out of action for some time. The Corewards periphery seems to have been plagued with pirates recently and many travellers would welcome a break from attacks.
MEK incursion into Corewards
The FET and GTT have mounted a joint venture into Nog-Kesri to tackle a MEK force. It isn't known where they have come from, with the only other MEK ships seen so far being located in the Orion Spur. The lack of a known link between where they have appeared in Corewards and the Orion Spur has caused some concern among planetary populations as who knows where they could turn up next! Fortunately the combined FET/GTT task force dealt the MEK a heavy blow and the threat has been eradicated. But we all know this is unlikely to be the last we hear of the MEK in Corwards and we would encourage ship captains to keep a keen eye on thier sensor screens when travelling near Nog-Kesri.

*** Inter Galactic News ***
CIA freighter fights off overwhelming pirate forces
Fin Saine media broadcast, What is Hot in the galaxy?!?!
MEKlan forces attack in Corewards Arm

*** Inter Galactic News ***
Aladdin faces ongoing DNA/GTT tension
The tensions between the DNA and GTT in the Coptuv system recently spilled over into the DNA system of Aladdin. A significant party of GTT ground troops has reinforced one of their bases in the system and claimed it, forcing the system claim into turmoil as the DNA finds itself under threat of losing the system. With the DNA chairman asking for help, several affiliations have been seen sending ships to evacuate any in the local population that want to escape the GTT. But so far not a shot has been fired and despite the AFT, FEL and DTR assistance no reisistance to the claim jump has been encountered so far. It remains to be seen if the DNA and it's friends will scatter before this hostile take over or put in a last minute counter claim to thwart GTT intentions.
Increasing pirate activity
Recent reports indicate a new surge in pirate attacks with the AFT and GTT reporting ships lost. Knowing how some don't like to advertise losses we wouldn't be surprised if this is the tip of the iceberg. Reports passed to us show the ship PIR Scavenger running ID 43174 and another ship of the same name running ID 68668 have both been in action with successful boarding attempts. It's unknown whether these are seperate ships or the same ship reregistered, but our information suggests that it would be hard for these pirates to cover the space where these attacks happened with just one ship. One thing is for sure, be on your guard as open space is not as safe as it once was.
GCE ships loitering in deep space
After the fall of the GCE and a lot of their assets being shared or purchased it was thought that the affiliation was no more. Yet deep space scans indicate that there is still a significant number of GCE warships holding station in deep space between Coptuv and Yank on the transport route into the Corwards Arm. Nobody knows what these ships are up to and why they are still flagged GCE, but our best guess is that are captains either awaiting new orders or owners after the fall of the GCE command structure.
*** Affiliations ***
AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten BHD Brotherhood (63) - de Molay CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown> FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility KRL Krell (30) - Namica KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor MOH Mohache (73) – Listens NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz
* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.
*** Submissions ***
By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous. |