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03-02-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 5 DAY 1  [Recruit]

This is the first SSS for Phoenix.

The new format will consist of the following sections:

Latest News - this covers events in the game that cannot be kept secret.

KJC Update - this covers game mechanic changes and various other items requiring a mention. This will also include out of game events such as pubmeets.

Affiliation Recruitment - each week a recruitment message will be given for an affiliation. This is on a first come first served basis.

*****Latest News*****
Nothing to report here. The recent battles are far too low key to have a specific mention. Still it is good to see that the pirates (pirates, not the now legitimate RIP affiliation) are once again active.

*****KJC Update*****
There has been vast improvements to the game over the past two months. The player base has doubled and most conversion players appear to have a grip on the more fundamental aspects of the game. Things are definitely on the up.
Remember, if you introduce a friend to KJC, you recieve £10 once they have spent £10 with us.
The next major project is the completion of the market reports and their upload to the website. The next couple of days are being used to tidy up the minor bugs that have been noted over the last few weeks.

*****Affiliation Recruitment*****
New players are encouraged to join the forum.
Make sure that if you do sign up you announce yourself as a new player. Then brace yourself for recruitment offers.

First up is the Confederate Intelligence Agency
Contact: Blair Watt

Confederate Intelligence Agency (CIA)

"What is called "foreknowledge" cannot be elicited from spirits, nor from gods, nor by analogy with past events, nor from calculations. It must be obtained from men who know the enemy situation."
Sun Tzu
The Art of War, XIII:4

"The most treasured commodity in the Peripheries is Information - and it is this solitary commodity which we ruthlessly exploit."
CIA Agent Indoctrination Speech

The Confederate Intelligence Agency is the eyes and ears of the Confederacy - hunting the darkest secrets of our adversaries and exploiting them to our advantage. Necessity has decreed that all available methods - legal, moral, or otherwise - are open to us in our endeavors as no less than the very survival of the Confederacy is at stake. Subtlety and elegance are seen as positive traits during operations, and these traits are often rewarded, but that is not to say that quick, decisive action, when called for, is avoided - blunt objects have their place in the CIA as well.

The CIA trains and employs the finest Agents and Operatives available. Their duties range from simple library data scans to elaborate sabotage schemes or assassinations. In the past we have destroyed whole shipyards, diverted strategic materials/shipping, smuggled artifacts, stolen advanced technology, subverted populations, and gathered intelligence data upon every other affiliation in the peripheries. If someone has a secret, it's a good bet we already know what it is, hence the CIA is distrusted (at best) and despised (at worse) by almost all other Affiliations.

Together with our allies, the CNF and BHD, we engage the peripheries to defend the Confederate way of life.

04-02-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 5 DAY 2  [Recruit]

This is not an official SSS as we are still testing SSS through the KJC platform. Might as well take this opportunity to add something useful though.

Ship Scans
Two new features have been added.
First, a scan of a ship will reveal something of its configuration and raison d'etre. The descriptions are based on the items installed on the ship. So if you want to use your warship as a fluffy alien pet transport it will not be scanned as a capitol ship.
Also, if you know about a starbase/outpost, it will automatically be scanned, i.e. no sensor check needed. This means that a scout ship could scan a sneaky outpost, the political owner could transfer this information to the affiliation data list and the fleet could turn up and blast it without worry of overlooking it.

06-02-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 5 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
RIP go Legit... Read on
The Regular Independent Privateers (RIP) are a loose coalition of individuals and small enterprises who have banded together for mutual support and an aura of legitimacy and trustworthiness, something many true independents desperately miss from the IND status. Upon joining the RIP they have an affiliation to back them up but retain their freedom. Due to their very individualistic outlook the RIP rarely act as a coherent group and deals are usually made with single RIP affiliates, not the RIP affiliation as such.
Although they do have their EEM charter as traders and mercenaries the RIP have a very dodgy reputation. They are not picky about their members or trade partners and are frequently suspected of organized crime, piracy, slavery and smuggling. Rumour has it they have in fact emerged from a former pirate group who have settled and established a power base on the far end of an unstable wormhole. But then again this reputation might simply stem from the general disdain and mistrust that many affiliations carry for independents who do not follow the strict AFT code of conduct.

*****KJC Update***
Stellars have been fixed by restoring data where necessary.

This is set for the 22/23 March.
The new venue is Manor Hotel.
We will try to negotiate a better price for a group booking. Details will be put in SSS when they arrive.

*****Affiliation Recruitment*****

So, why should you be interested in joining the Dewiek Elder Nation?

First and foremost the Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN) represents an entire alien race. The vast majority of other affiliations consist of break-away factions of Humans following narrower and more obscure specialisms. The DEN need specialists in all fields. We can offer expertise and experience in all areas of periphery life.

We have a huge task ahead of us in recovering our past and we need brave and resourceful explorers to help us scour the many worlds and systems of our ancestors. We need scientists to help us
understand any clues or artefacts we find. We need shrewd business managers and intrepid traders to run our starbases and trade ships, helping to support our economy. And finally we need warriors, on
the ground and in ships, to defend our assets and laws.

Following the decimation of ninety percent of the Dewiek Nation following the Great Architect War,the Dewiek are still few in number. This means that, despite our pack nature, individuals are still highly prized. Your efforts will be noticed and they will be rewarded. There is huge opportunity in the Dewiek Elder Nation for talented and dedicated members. You will not just be one of thousands of cannon fodder. You are one of the Pack!

Being part of the larger pack also means you will always have support and advice whenever you need it. And if the task is too large for even the Dewiek Navy, we are part of the 3D alliance -
comprising the Dewiek Elder Nation, the Detinus Republic and the Dominion - between us we have probably the largest military presence in the Peripheries, utilising some of the most advanced, and unique, technologies.

The DEN have some of the most secure systems in the Peripheries. The Dewiek Pocket and Home Peripheries are accessed only by ancient Stargates, or via a wormhole and a one-way blackhole. These
Stargates can only be traversed using a specially designed key, and the Dewiek are the masters of their manufacture. Furthermore, Stargates can be sealed to keep enemies out - or in!- and give our
ships a range extending far beyond that of Jump Drives.

The DEN have many other advanced technologies, including sophisticated engines making DEN ships among the fastest of any affiliation. We are also able to build the Direwolf, one of the largest, and most feared, warships ever. And we are recovering more technologies all the time as we re-discover our past.

In summary, joining the DEN will give you the support and scope to achieve your own goals while contributing towards those of the affiliation; set within a framework that allows individuals as
much freedom as they want and as much guidance and assistance as they need.

Join the DEN (affiliation 67) Today!

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss the DEN a little further, feel free to contact our Recruitment Officer (email:

12-02-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 6 DAY 3  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Sorry about yesterday's lack of SSS.

IMP Housekeeping
Imperial Warships are continueing their target practice by blasting a recently discovered outpost on an imperially protected world. Let's hope they remain as resolute in the face of an enemy that fires back.

*****KJC Update*****
Pubmeet Manor Hotel
23rd March Friday/Saturday.
Looks like KJC will be organising this meet. There are two ways that this can be done. You can either contact and book directly with the hotel or contact us
Please give us notice ASAP including whether you wish to be included in the 5 course evening meal.
So far:
David Bethel + meal
Keiron Redman + (meal?)
Dan Reed + (meal?)
Lee Carter + meal

Prices are on their website.

*****Affiliation Recruitment*****
None sent in since the DEN.
Please send in your affiliation's bid to win the hearts and minds of new players.

13-02-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 6 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Pubmeet Update*****
Just recieved update of price deal for group bookings.

Following our converstaion this morning please find prices & options below for the weekend of March 21st - 23rd.

Standard tariff B&B £58pp DBB £72pp
Groups over 25 people B&B £55pp DBB £63pp
Groups over 40 people B&B £55pp DBB £63pp + 1 free place
Whole hotel B&B £2900 DBB £3150 + 1 free place

18-02-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 7 DAY 2  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Announcement on behalf of the Detinus Republic Press Bureau - Gabriel Fairbride:

Gabriel Fairbride appears with his back to the camera. In the background is a high mountain surrounded by shallow lakes. Numerous tall spires and great domes constructed from the rare native trees rise up all around.

Gabriel turns to camera:

"Gentle Beings,

Who would have thought a Detinus Citizen would once again walk these hallowed halls. Today is such a day. A day of great rejoicing for the Republic. Here today something truly momentous has been achieved that will shape the future of the Peripheries for decades to come.
Today I bring you my report from the Brotherhood starbase, Zion, deep in the heart of Confederate space.

But why you ask? Why now after all that has happened between the Brotherhood and the Republic? Those are the questions I myself have been asking ever since I was asked to board a starship last week.
Those are the questions I will be asking of Speaker Michelle Diaz, in just a few minutes time.

Ah here she comes now!"

"Representatives of the free press, thank you for attending on such short notice. Many of you will have read the briefing documents prepared by my office and are now wondering why you are here.

Quite simply the Detinus Republic has settled its differences with the Confederacy. Although this has resulted in more than simply vastly improved relations, let me first tell you why we are at peace.

For many years a state of hostility has existed between the Republic and Confederacy. The foundations of the Republic's hostility has principally stemmed from Brotherhood fanaticism. That has now changed. The Brotherhood has changed dramatically from their fanatical cleric status to something closer to our beliefs than we would give them credit for. The old Church has gone.

Whilst this would have been enough to thaw relations between our peoples, the Confederacy offered something more. Something so important to the people of the Detinus Republic that it could not be ignored nor even debated.

The Confederacy gave us a way home, to Detinus in the Inner Empire.

Today I signed a Treaty for joint governorship of the Inner Empire systems by the Detinus Republic and the Confederacy. From this day forth the Inner Empire will be known as the Inner Republic.

Citizens of the Republic, we are going home."

Gabriel appears again but this time in the studio at Porta Capella.

"Citizens, those events were recorded in 47.202. Much has happened
since then. Here joining me via remote is Xavier Gladstone to explain recent events.

Mr. Gladstone, welcome."

"Thank you Gabriel. Many events have indeed taken place.

The first system, Trinity, which gives access to the Inner Republic, is now under DTR Martial Law. Entry to this system is restricted to authorized positions only. This system was originally claimed by the Brotherhood but has since been passed to Republic administration under terms of the treaty.

Whilst we have signed this treaty with the Confederacy, we fully understand that there are others in this universe apart from the Confederation and ourselves. So we wish to send a message to the Imperial factions in the Capellan Periphery, that our only desire is to return home and secure what was once ours. We have no desires on the Capellan Periphery, except to trade with the affiliations located within its boarders. Therefore our motivation is to secure the Inner Republic for humanity. That means all humanity that is represented both in the Peripheries today and in the Inner Republic. My point here is to talk to us; don't start a war that no one wants.

Finally, a message to our kin far away. Detinus, we are returning to you."

"Thank you Mr. Gladstone I look forward to hearing of further
continuing developments.

Now onto other breaking news:

The new organic AI developed by the DNA. Yes you heard it here first - Flight ready chipmunks...."

*****KJC Update*****
Latest Improvements
Security complexes now require 100 troops to work.
PIRATE AFF(1) has been added. Update your order editor.
Agent actions are not always detected.

There is a 40% fall in revenue generated by Phoenix for KJC compared with BSE despite the number of active positions increasing four fold and the player base now well over double BSE.

The primary reason for this is that a major source of projected revenue was based on outpost and platform updates. Currently there are less than a dozen updates requested per week (and over 3000 outposts alone in the game).
The reasons for this are probably due to the amount of data currently available on political reports.
While we expected a short term lack of report requests due to the initial mailing, there still does not appear to be a growth in requests.

The secondary reason was that we believed that players originally running only ships would be encouraged to run at least one starbase, thereby maintaining their allotted budget. This has clearly not been the case. From £5.00 a week for 3 ships, they now only pay £1 for the political position. Multiply this by a couple of dozen players....

The current situation cannot be sustained indefinitely.
We have a number of options:

Reduce the report fee for outpost/platforms updates to £0.50 and increase the cost of political reports to £2.50 thereby spreading the cost over all players equally (a single ship used to cost £2.50 per week anyway).

If this fails
Charge for ship turns (this is against everything that Phoenix stands for).

If this fails
Something more serious such as removing mass production thereby forcing players to run more starbases (I personally hate this one).

Obviously if new players are encouraged to take up paying positions over the next few weeks, then all of the above will simply
go away.

Further, sign up your friends for them using their email address (but contact them first).

While the media are intrigued by pbem, as their readers do not request information on pbem, they will not do editorials or review games of this nature.
To quote 'As nobody has written to us enquiring about pbem, we will not give any space to it without a substantial advertising deal'.
Please contact these people explaining the nature of Phoenix and demanding that they write about it.
Contact addresses:
These are for Future Publishing (SFX, PC Gamer etc)

The bottom line is that the revenue has to increase either through price increases or player base increase. I am sure we all want the latter.

*****Affiliation Recruitment*****
The Idrin kail’s thrusters powered
up and began to lift the mammoth baseship out of dock, the ship was so large it was too big for most bases orbital docks to move.

As it entered orbit it began its final systems check, the Captain was being extremely thorough, who knows when it would next get a chance to dock for repairs and system refits and who knows what action it was going to see between now and then.

The Baseship, flagship of the Republic had seen alot of action in its time, From the destruction of the Capitol Colony in Inferno so many years ago to the titanic battles in Hazzard with the 3D alliance in defence of the Hive homeworld.

Like most Flagritz vessels it was built to last and it was built to cope with anything the galaxy could throw at it. One minute it could be doing routine patrols and scans of a system then next it could be battling pirates in defence of Republic vessels several systems away or holding the line against those that would try and destroy the noble Republic.

But the Idrin Kail is just one of many vessels in the Flagritz Republic, each vessel has its own story and role to play and each vessel and captain is important to making and shaping the Republic.

Therefore if you are looking to be more then just another player running another ship in a Aff consider the FGZ, we offer the opportunity to play a distinct alien race and build up your own legacy in BSE!

Therefore if you like the sound of the Republic and fancy playing a big giant pear shaped alien then contact -

20-02-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 7 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
Revenue Concern
Thanks to the players that have expressed their horror at the fall in revenue - no we will not accept donations, we are not a charity.

This said, based on excellent player suggestions, we have produced what we believe to be a winning formula guaranteed to give value for money.
Basically we have increased the base political position fee by £1 but given extra option deals to get updates on platforms and outposts each and every week.

New pricing structure to be implemented from week 9.
Political Position £2 per week
Political Position + 5 bonus outpost/platform updates £3 per week
i.e. merely £1 for 5 updates each and every week
Political Position + unlimited outpost/platform updates £4 per week
i.e. merely £2 to get an update of everything you own each and every week. For some players with excess of 50 outposts, this is an absolute bargain!
Upgrading your political is a special action. Please specify which package deal you desire.

Reduced pricing structure
Outpost Update - £0.50
Platform Update - £0.50

The rest of the game remains unchanged
Ships/GP's/Agents/Operatives - Free
Starbases - £2 per week
Special Actions/Explorations - £1.50 each

New Player Incentive
If you currently do not have a political position, here is an incentive to get one.
If you issue the create political position order you will automatically be given two more ships. These ships are each nearly four times the size of your current Courier. They are a Caravel Class Freighter and a Broadsword Class Heavy Cruiser to protect it.

Pubmeet 22nd/23rd March
Confirmed so far
David Bethel + meal
Keiron Redman + (meal?)
Dan Reed + meal
Lee Carter + meal
Ewan Jones + meal
Rob Alexander + meal
Richard Kirk + meal (and wearing shoes)

*****Affiliation Recruitment*****
Frontier Exploration & Trade are offering Franchise's to Independently minded Entrepreneur's who wish to be Independent but have the benefits of an affiliation at their disposal. Applicants please contact Nemo Cognito FET Director of Exploration.

26-02-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 8 DAY 3  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Still quiet in the Peripheries although there is a growing concern that the a translation of the RIP reform speech contained the phrase 'Bury the hatchet' was something that the Brotherhood had full intention of doing.

*****Affiliation Recruitment*****
Citizens, The Detinus Republic (DTR) welcomes you to the Peripheries.

So who are we and why would you want to join us? To understand that you must understand our history.

The DTR had its roots in the Inner Empire, a group of systems surrounding the Sol system. The Imperial Empire controlled those systems.

In the year 131, the Imperial colony Detinus rebelled against the inhumane treatment enforced upon them by the Empire, followed by others including the colony Tate. Tate was eventually stormed by Imperial troops and almost all colonists were tortured then executed in an act of incredible savagery. However, the Empire had achieved its goal: all other rebellious colonies except Detinus ceased their act of defiance almost immediately.

The Imperial Navy then moved to Detinus and bombarded the colony from orbit for weeks. Upon landing the Imperial troops found that Detinus had been deserted some weeks before the arrival of the fleet. The Detinus people had fled into uncharted space, the Peripheries.

This is where we are today, except now the tide has changed. The DTR is part of a powerful alliance, the 3D alliance, made up of the DEN, DOM and DTR. Over the years this has enabled us to stave off defeat at the hands of our enemies and more importantly survive.

Over the years we secretly grew, cleverly hiding our assets, and now we have the upper hand against our old aggressors, the Imperials. Our fleet of Nebulon class capitol ships, arguably the best human warship in existence due to its manoeuvrability, is unrivalled in the Peripheries today.

At the end of last year, a treaty was signed between the Confederacy and the DTR over the Inner Empire. This area of space had been closed off for many years but recently a route back was discovered. This has given us way home to the Detinus system so we can free the citizens held under the sway of Imperial control. To gain back what was once ours and ensure that this doesn't happen again.

If you decide to join us you will do so at a very interesting time; a time when everything is changing, a time when the Republic has a chance to return home.

The DTR was once oppressed by the Imperials. We are now free and believe very strongly in our freedom and in the freedom of others. Hence our strong stance against slavery and our dislike for anything other than democracy. This has caused and will continue to cause many problems for us but our principles and beliefs are sound. We are determined to overcome injustice. To fight for the rights of all Citizens, Citizens such as you.

Citizen. Free your Will. Join the Fight for Freedom. Join the Republic.

For more information contact:

IC : Xavier GladstonetIC : Peri Romanov
OOC : Andy SteeltOOC : Nic Hughes

*****Intergalactic News*****

Editors Comments

Welcome to the first issue of the Phoenix Newsletter.
First an explanation on the chosen format. This newsletter is to be
distributed with the SSS and as such it must be plain text. And the
reason why it's distributed with the SSS is because it will more
easily reach the postal players. It is my idea however to compile the weekly issues into a monthly issue and into a more appealing format.
This complied newsletter is then made available at the Phoenix
website. While agreeing this format is absolutely unappealing the
upside is hopefully worth it. Especially if contributions keep the
contents interesting.

On the Affiliations of the week slot, I have chosen to make it in
alphabetical order, thus AFT has first try at grabbing those new
players. The next in line are the ANT. Those affs not delivering their
messages until Wednesday on the next issue will miss a full rotation.

All submissions are to be sent by Wednesday of the week in question

I would also like to place every aff weblink here. Please everyone
with a Phoenix (must be Phoenix, not BSE related) site forward me thelink.

Affiliation of the Week

This weeks affiliation is the AFT or Association of Free Traders

Trade. The chink of stellars changing hands. The thrill of finally
concluding that deal you've spent so long working on. Negotiating with the populace to persuade them that your goods are the best thing since immortality alpha. Subtle persuasion to get those stellars into your coffers, not your rival's. Contact with all races, all factions in one huge bidding war. Moving tens of thousands of mass units halfway across the Peripheries. The challenge of getting the right goods to the right place at the right time. All this and more...

With the start of Phoenix, the opportunities for the development of
trade are immense. The premier trading organisation in the
Peripheries, the Association of Free Traders (AFT), is seeking
starbase governors and starship captains to join our rapid expansion programme.

Based at Ariel in the Solo system, the Association of Free Traders is the only truly neutral affiliation in the Peripheries. Our starbases can be found throughout the Peripheries, and our starships operate wherever there are trade opportunities to be found. While historically a human organisation, the AFT is an equal opportunities employer, welcoming applicants from all backgrounds regardless of race (or gender).

New governors can expect to be given charge of a fully operational
starbase, with guidance and training on the running and future
development of that starbase whenever desired. Opportunities also
exist for the creation and development of new starbases.

New starcaptains have the immediate choice of running an AFT-built
Free Trader or Carrier. We can also arrange to acquire most ship
designs built in the Peripheries, and new AFT ship designs are under development.

All members of the AFT are entitled to a seat (and a vote) on the AFT Council, and hence a direct say in the management of the Association.
Opportunities for rapid promotion, and to take control of additional starbases and/or starships, exist in abundance.

To take advantage of these exciting opportunities, contact the Master Trader by email on further information on the AFT, visit our website at

Story of the Week

Each week a more elaborate text is selected and given a place of
honour. The editor feels free to cut any offending remarks and to cut the story into parts. Sadly no story could be finished in time, but we expect to see contributions for upcoming weeks.

Affiliation Messages


If I might take a few moments of your time.......

My name is detritus Khan, I am presently charged the governance of the Stellar Mining and Smelting Company. Within my job description, falls defence of Company assets, and development thereof.

In light, it is with great sorrow that I make the following
announcement. As of today, the Stellar Mining and Smelting Company,
shall no longer be considered an Imperially chartered affiliation. At this time, we are formally allied to the Frontier for Exploration and Trade, and I would assume this 'alliance' shall need reclarification, should the Exec VPD wish to contact me privately.

I have been advised by the Imperial Viceroy, that presently existing installations within the Outer Capellan Periphery flying SMS insignia, shall be deemed as legally established starbases, and thus privy to the rites, and formally associated privileges of the bloc. However, any future Company installation within the outer bloc, shall need approval, and shall be reviewed case by case, by the IMP Vice PD, Mr Jedburgh. I concur that this is fair, and acceptable. To be 100% clear, having renounced the Imperial charter, I have been advised that I may not trade with any party associated to the: CNF/BHD/CIA/FGZ.
Doing so would be a breach of IMPerial law.

I would advise the Viceroy, openly, to avoid confusion, that the
Company assets in Skord and any other 'non Imperial' system, shall
trade and interact with whomever they deem fit.

I do appreciate that this is still going to be
considered as a breach of those laws, however, Skord is not an
IMPerial system, and the Company shall adhere to the system laws of
the governing party, and they are quite happy for me to trade in Skord with whom I please.

NOTE:Phoenix Retreat in Skord will trade with whomever the Board of
Directors deem suitable, and the installation will trade at this time with the BHD/CNF/CIA/FGZ. or anyone else who has stellars to spend.
The Company starbases within the Outer Capellan Periphery are to be
considered off limits to non-SMS personnel. Landing at a company
starbase without prior consent from the governor may well result in
unnecessary political wrangling.

To reiterate, The SMS is no longer party to, nor answerable to the
IMPerial charter. This decision has been made openly, and with full
agreement of the Companies core political staff.

I thank you for your time.

Detritus Khan
SMS Commander
aka-Tony Mac

There was shock in the Triumvirate council as his holiness the Pope, got up during a council meeting and walked out, turning his back on the council and quite possibly the confederacy for good. Speculation has suggested that the pope and another less leading member of the council have been feuding over a number of months now and with no give on each side the pope respectfully bowed out, admitting that he didn't wish to be surrounded by such an arrogant heathen any longer.

The BHD college of cardinals have since tried to calm down the pope
but to no avail, hopefully the true one did not hear the numerous
curses that enriched the darkening atmosphere in church central
yesterday afternoon. Sources have also tried to link the incident with the ending of the long term affair that Roswell had so pubically been having with Mrs Toridan, a close aid reported that in the end the Pope believed her to be just another agent slut of the CIA's lengthy arm of mistrust and betrayal and so he required her services no longer.

Roswell has sort refuge from all in his fortress home within Vatican City, he doesn't want to talk to any one, he has been heard to be smashing up the palace of light in a bitter rage and screaming curses to the True One for making him so reserved. Doctor X has been reportedly dispatched to Vatican City in a last ditch attempt to sedate the howling mad head monk..... **

In light of the recent move made to leave the IMPerial charter, the
Company has bought forward by some months, an intended alliance with the Weave member affiliations. Namely, the Ant nation, the Naplian Democratic Alliance, and the Felini.

It was a grand affair, as representatives of the Weave met the
Commander and Board of directors, for the final draft signing just
days ago. Fine ale, and milk , was
shared by all, and the moment of signing shall be remembered as an
auspicious day for the Company. Across the Company board table, the
final draft is passed to the commander, and pen is put to paper. The alliance was signed, and the details shall in due course be lodged with the Association of Free Traders, and be open for public perusal.

The company is not a war monger, and this alliance is not a power
move. To highlight this, in my own words, a number of key points
should be explained.:

1-The Weave have no enemies at the time of signing this alliance. Thus an alliance with the Company was possible

2-The DNA/ANT and FELini governments, shall not, under any
circumstance, act to the detriment of any other government, for any
reason, lest this alliance be void.

3-Should any race/affiliation/party or individual attack, unprovoked, the members of the weave, the Company shall defend the Weave with all that we have.

4-To emphasise the non-combatant nature of this alliance, in light of point 3, It is pertinent to mention, that should the Company come under fire, the weave members are under no obligation to defend us, lest they feel our mutual assets are in danger.

For your time I thank you.

Detritus Khan.
Company Commander

Weekly Commentary

This weeks events are strongly marked by SMS announcements. Once great supporters of the Inner Empire they now forsake past alliances. Since big Companies usually follow the flow of the Stellar one could assume that matters in the Inner Empire have really hit rock bottom. Also their alliance to a markedly Alien Alliance has set a new precedent in Human relations with other Alien cultures.

This is also marked by the reformation of RIP. Widely known for less than legitimate actions, they're now attempting to rally support to become a more or less respectable group. Future editions will see whether the effort is sincere or just another Trojan horse. Meanwhile some "respectable" affs appear to have no doubts already. The mad monks however have no doubt. Until the plunder is returned RIP are still considered pirates


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:

03-03-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 9 DAY 1  [Recruit]

Emergency Update
Due to an unforeseen event, much of the weekend download of turns were lost and despite our ISP's best efforts could not be restored.
As such, if you sent orders in over the weekend, i.e. before 9am Monday and have not had confirmation of orders being received, please resubmit them again.

Apologies for the inconvenience.


06-03-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 9 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Pirate Activity
There have been reports of some near misses with pirate ships within the peripheries. So far though there have been no fatalities, mainly due to luck rather than precaution.
A word of warning to all captains to either go escorted or install a few gatling lasers.

*****KJC Update*****
[1] Combat change
Combat Speed = (Old Combat engine speed) * Ship Stress
-Ships Stress = (2,1,0.5,0.25 for H,M,L,XL ) * (Intergity /100)
-Dodge is now equal to combat speed + officer bonus. (It was combat speed X stress())
-Dump cargo and flee' ignores the ships stress for L,XL ships for checking escape from combat pinning. (New ship editor soon)
[2] Added 'To; ' to email turns from phoenix
[3] Pirates are anon automatically
[4] Political Issues have been fixed although can players report if in the future they spot something unusual wtih the votes cast.
[5] Starting Risks Taken for operatives is set to maximum (previously none) as players were wondering why they were refusing to be dropped.

*****Affiliation Recruitment*****
No new one so here is one from before.

Contact: Blair Watt

13-03-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 10 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Pirate Activity
The SMS has proved that it can mobilise its patrol at a drop of a hat. They have been able to pin a pirate vessel that had been terrorising they shipping. With excellent use of point defence, they effectively muzzled all the missile launchers, eliminating the threat.
Unless aid turns up, which is doubtful considering the force facing it, it looks like the first kill goes to the SMS. Who would have thought it?

Boarding Action
The DTR let loose a violent assault on a Brotherhood courier that appeared to be doing little more than attempting to sell some luxuries. The rooky captain made the mistake of landing in order to trade. A simple but ultimately distasterous mistake to make.
Will the Brotherhood use this an excuse to call a jihad against the Rebuplic?

Note to all new players - if a starbase has a hiport, you do not need to dock in order to trade with it. All transactions can be carried out while in orbit of the world.
Note to all starbase owners - make sure that you specify on your market report makes it clear what you will do to positions landing without permission.

*****KJC Update*****
List of improvements

New ship editor (available 14th March)
New orders.cfg (available 14th March)

*New orders (included in orders.cfg)*

Investigate Tech
This generates a list of common blueprints derived from the tech investigated.

Investigate Blurb
This reveals the phoenix ID# for the investigation blurb.
This check is solely for the purpose of getting the ID# for a known resource based on the direct conversion of data from BSE to Phoenix. It does not generate unique item sources, nor does it print the blurb.
As the ID# is all that is revealed there is no point in trying to shortcut explorations and investigations. Note: failure to match with an existing investigation will result in a large stellar charge.

Change Print Day (Political)
Politicals can now change their print day.

Post Position Order (political)
Now have a remove tick box, to remove a position from
your posted list

*Changes to Programs*

Tractor Beams
These used to increase the mass of the target vessel. Now they reduce the thrust of the target vessel. This is important as it allows starbases and platforms to pin positions by reducing the thrust of the target to zero. The pin limit is still 1 target.
Example taken from recent battle:
5 Tractor Beam - 5 hits - 0 [0] damage - 99%
- Tractor beams reduced positions speed by 16.67%

Pickup authorisations are now should on the position that they have been issued to.

Shield now recharge when you do a maintenance visit as well as repair visit.

Going Pirate
The rules for becoming a pirate are simple. As a special action supply a list of your positions that you desire to become pirates and the GM will modify their status.
Note that you will open fire on your own pirate positions if you have elected to open fire on a pirate. Further, changing a known ship class to pirate status may well give away who you are actually working for. Care must therefore be taken when running these positions.
Finally, in the spirit of chaos - Rubis is selling Broadsword Class blueprints for the princely sum of 180,000stellars each (but only has 30 in stock).

Orbiting Wormholes/Stargates
Now you will automatically orbit these locations before attempting to use them. This allows platforms and space stations to actively guard them.

*New Common Item*
Sensor Net (390) - 50 mus

These are used by platforms in order to improve passive scans. They sweep out the entire orbital quadrant for ISR flux.
This will only highlight anomalies, i.e. increase the chance of performing a scan. It does not in any way increase the chance of a successful scan as this is dependent on sensor power of the platform and sensor profile of the target.
Sensor nets are therefore used in conjunction with sensors.
In order to guarantee a scan, 25 sensor nets are required in orbital 5, 100 in orbital 10 and 225 in orbital 15.

Item Type: Sensor Net
Build Requirement: 30 Metals (1)
7 Rare Earth Elements (22)
3 Collidium (31)
10 Basic Elements (2)
Defence: 10 mus
Target Area: 100

20-03-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 11 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Imperial Services caught in Darkfold Periphery
A hastily assembled fleet of Confederate warships engaged an Imperial squadron which had penetrated deep into Confederate territory.
In response, a statement was issued explaining the "ruthless/dedicated approach the IMP is and will be taking with her enemies - by order of Derrius Jedburgh - IMP."
It appears that Admiral Lord Simms of the Imperial Services has let slip his dogs of war.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Editors Comments

In order to make good newsletters and add content to the game, one needs the full support of the players. Please send your contributions to the newsletter. So far only postal are gaining anything, by getting what's happening on the KJC forum, minus a few misspellings.

Affiliation of the Week

BHD no show! CIA next week and CNF next.

Story of the Week

As Mysteriously as they had arrived in The Republic they so too vanished....

Three years ago The Resurection Order had taken over the Republic after the great wars with the Humans. It was in shambles, corruption and tyranny had driven the Flagritz to the brink of annihilation and had they not appeared the merger with the Clan affiliation would have surely happened.

They were unknown, multi casts, idealists and visionaries led by Miltiades they saw to restore the Republic and make amends for there predecessors crimes. There success can be judged by the Republic they created, the Hive affiliation they helped to become independent and the role the Flagritz play in the galaxy once more.

On board there flagship Legacy, first of the Resurector class ships to be built, they leave the safety of Twilight for an unknown destination, when the ship arrives back Miltiades and the Resurection Orders members are not on board.

Should the Republic fall again who knows if the order will appear to give guidance and purpose to the Republic it loves so much...

Affiliation Messages


Rumours were circulating today the his holiness the pope suffered a heart attack whilst talking with Dr X over video phone.

The heart attack happened when aids to the Pope claimed that over the fuzzy video link Dr X was explaining to the Pope that Simms was a Righteous Darkfold Apostle. Then the pope clutching his chest screamed nooooooo!' before collapsing in a heap.

Dr X couldn't understand what brought it on, "I had only said that Simms was a right tosser and an old fossil, and next thing I knew was his holiness the pope was gasping for air and grasping his Ankh".

His holiness the pope is in an unstable condition in the Vaticans top military hospital. Dr X has made a statement saying "There is no cause for alarm, the Pope is no more unstable than usual and will make a full recovery, well he will overcome the attack!"

Other sources say that the Pope is happy and has his friend Berty by his head side. *

Somewhere deep in Farcry HQ.
The Commander and Commodore of the Company Board of Directors discuss a recent Pirate attack on Company shipping. The Commodore rests heavy on his haunches, his palm, accidentally holding down a tannoy microphone switch. The entire starbase hears the following:
*Click...... [Commodore}: "Sir, my men have the enemy vessel pinned, though it refuses to stand down its weapons"!

[Commander]: "You are cleared sir to proceed., whatever the cost"

[Commodore]: "Sir, permission to speak sir.........

[Commodore]: "Sir, I have to wonder, is the defence of the IMPerial bloc so slack that Pirates feel confident preying within her borders. Do they not realise the IMPerial's defend this area of space, or do they not care!!!"

[Commander]: "Your guess is as good as mine Admiral Balazzar, though what can be done"

[Commodore]: "Sir, permission to revise Company policy with regards defence of our assets"

[Commander]: "as you wish Admiral, proceed"

Boarding Action
The DTR let loose a violent assault on a Brotherhood courier that appeared to be doing little more than attempting to sell some luxuries. The rookie captain made the mistake of landing in order to trade. A simple but ultimately disastrous mistake to make. Will the Brotherhood use this an excuse to call a jihad against the Republic?

DTR Onyx regrets recent events but colony security must be maintained in these violent times. If the positions representative can contact the colony governor we will offer compensation for the loss of the ship. ***

Weekly Commentary

This week was marked by the fall of the Flagritz Resurection Order.
Many viewed them as mystics, but none could not call them the saviours of the exiled Flagritz. One can only hope they'll make a return or manage to turn the more vicious FLZ into what the FGZ have become thanks to Resuction Order actions.


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


27-03-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 12 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
IMP Upset Kastorians
A small imperial patrol opened fire on a confederate ship in Kastorian space. This was almost certainly an oversight on behalf of the IMP. The Kastorian planetary defence platforms, as per Kastorian law are defending the CNF.
This ongoing incident has certainly shown that the KAS need to bolster all their platforms in the system.

NB. Phoenix, unlike BSE does not have hard-coded neutral space. As this is a dynamic system, KAS positions carry all on their defend lists and will join the side of the position being attacked. Their defences within the system will be steadily increased over time.
Players need to be more careful where they move their positions with active enemy lists.
As players are still finding their feet, this incident is not being treated seriously by the KAS (i.e. the GM) although it is likely that the CNF will demand compensation as the target was only a few percent of being destroyed.

*****KJC Update*****
Improved Order
The jump order will be expanded to cover an emergency jump. This order will override all safety protocols such as being in a relatively empty region of space and stationary beyond the effects of the stellar primary.
In effect it will allow a ship to jump no matter where it is, even in combat!
The effects are however rather unpleasant, based on circumstance and stress resistance and may not always work.

We will put a new orders.cfg up ASAP.

Crew Factors
A function of the conversion was to temporarily remove the crew factor limit based on the lifeforms to living cargo capacity. This was to allow for the installation of items on ships with no quarters.
Currently this allows ships to run perfectly well without quarters or bunks. Note we intend to change this AT ANY TIME, so do not do this.

We plan to make these damage the ship that fires them as a result of reaction. The damage is applied to hulls and is a function of stress. As this is applied at the time of firing and before full launch making an xtra light single round torpedo vessel nothing more than a pretty light show (in space you do not even get the bang).

Thanks to all those that could attend.
Much was discussed here and while there are still a few mechanics to look at in the game, the enthusiasm was very much positive (AFT scary six month trade run was an eye opener and no mistake).
We will take what was discussed and work on it. The primary area appear to be planetary infrastructure, i.e. developing world markets.
The next one will be held in Bristol around July, courtesy of Dan Reed and Phil Sara. More details will follow.

03-04-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 13 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Wormhole Out of Bounds
The Brotherhood made it clear that trespassers around the wormhole would be attacked immediately. Admiralty present ordered the fleet to open fire on any and all felini vessels passing through the wormhole. The battle was decisive and one sided.
Luckily for the FET, they were quick enough to run the blockade without being caught.

Imperials Caught Snooping
A small survey vessel was detained and destroyed when it wandered into orbit of a CIA starbase. The CIA made it very clear that prospectors are not wanted.

GTT Hate IND's
Never ones to shy from taking a stance the GTT destroyed a happy little Caravel Class High G Freighter as it was attempting to trade. Well, that probably wiped out its profit margin.
Note to all IND vessels, stay clear of worlds with GTT starbases the trade is not worth the repairs.

*****KJC Update*****
Due to repetitive bouts of illness, David has been unable to cope with programming for the las week. This however has not stopped design work on planetary infrastructure from being largely completed.
Some alternatives to the Torpedo issue are being worked out. Don't worry, we will have these beauties sorted.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

To speed things up, DNA and DTR representatives please send your submissions

So, why should you be interested in joining the DEN?

First and foremost the Dewiek Elder Nation represents an entire alien race. The vast majority of other affiliations consist of break-away factions of Humans following narrower and more obscure specialisms.
The DEN need specialists in all fields. We can offer expertise and experience in all areas of periphery life.

We have a huge task ahead of us in recovering our past and we need brave and resourceful explorers to scour the many worlds and systems of our ancestors. We need scientists to help us understand any clues or artefacts we find. We need shrewd business managers and intrepid traders to run our starbases and trade ships, helping to support our economy. And finally we need warriors, on the ground and in ships, to defend our assets and laws.

Following the decimation of ninety percent of the Dewiek Nation following the Great Architect War, the Dewiek are still few in number.
This means that individuals are still highly prized. Your efforts will be noticed and they will be rewarded. There is huge opportunity in the Dewiek Elder Nation for talented and dedicated members. You will not just be one of thousands of cannon fodder. You are one of the Pack!

Being part of the larger pack also means you will always have support and advice whenever you need it. And if the task is too large for even the Dewiek Navy, we are part of the 3D alliance - comprising the Dewiek Elder Nation, the Detinus Republic and the Dominion - between us we have probably the largest military presence in the Peripheries, utilising some of the most advanced, and unique, technologies.

The DEN have some of the most secure systems in the Peripheries. The Dewiek Pocket and Home Peripheries are accessed only by ancient Stargates which can only be traversed using special stargate keys; and the Dewiek are the masters of their manufacture. Furthermore, Stargates can be sealed to keep enemies out - or in!- and give our ships a range extending far beyond that of Jump Drives.

The DEN have many other advanced technologies, including sophisticated engines making DEN ships among the fastest of any affiliation. We are also able to build the Direwolf, one of the largest, and most feared, warships ever. And we are recovering more technologies all the time as we re-discover our past.

In summary, joining the DEN will give you the support and scope to achieve your own goals while contributing towards those of the affiliation; set within a framework that allows individuals as much freedom as they want and as much guidance and assistance as they need.
Join the DEN (67) Today!

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss the DEN a little further, feel free to visit our Information Network at dewiek.port5.comor contact our Recruitment Office on*

Story of the Week
Help new players and role-players getting feeling of the game by submitting your story. No questions asked and we guarantee total anonymity *

Affiliation Messages

Viceregal Press Notice

Following consultation with the Empire's Chartered Affiliations the DTR have been informed that they are no longer welcome to enter the Empire's systems for any purpose whatsoever. This is as a result of their recent alliance with the Confederacy and their aiding the rebels in their efforts to gain access to the Inner Empire. This alliance is a clear breach of the DTRs previous neutral stance regarding the Empire/Confederacy conflict.

Effective from the start of week 15-203 DTR ships found within the borders of the Empire will be subject to the same shoot on sight policies as currently apply to their Confederacy allies.

Imperial Press Office

Viceregal Press Release

The Vicereagal Administration have been advised that due to an error in re-programing the ships battle program an Imperial ship has fired on another ship within Kastorian space. The Viceroy apologises unreservedly to the Kastorian Military Junta for this unintended violation of the neutrality enjoyed by all in their systems and have assured them that the officer responsible will be appropriately disciplined and that procedures will be put in place to ensure no repetition of this unfortunate incident.

Imperial Press Office

Falconia News

Scandal at the weekend ceremony, as Ambassador Xavier Gladstone of the Detinus Republic, was arrested by Dark Sun Security for starting a food fight, yes you heard right, after the main speeches and ceremony, did he and his team pick up some cyprian water peaches, which they had brought along as a gift and started a food fight.

The Ambassador was presumed drunk and was detained for 3 days and now released to return to this people. ***

Greetings Citizens of the Peripheries,

Investigations are continuing into the health of my friend Xavier and why he chose to publicly disgrace himself at Dark Sun City. The Falconian government have kindly agreed to return him to us so we can carry out further tests.

We have managed to contact the crew of the ship he was being transported on, and I must say the outlook for Xavier's sanity is not good. Extended conversations on the price of fish with his long deceased mother, Ethel, does not I fear bode well.

We will be transporting Xavier back to Cyprus in the next few weeks once we have sufficiently padded out his room and fixed the restraints.

Once again to the assembled delegates I must apologise for my friend Xavier's actions.

Kind regards

Marcus Rhodes

The Hive condemns the buying of any Hive life form, but especially in our chrysalis state. To our society it is considered the sale of children. And while we allow Governor to pay for voluntary colonization of new worlds, we do not in this case.

If this causes confusion, we accept that a Governor encourage the immigration of citizens into new worlds. The purchase of our and ANT unborn by 3rd parties will not be tolerated and we will act upon it at our discretion.

We also hope that ANT may join us in this position.

Hive does not sell or buy members of other races, especially unborn or younglings, so RIP, formerly known as Pirates will please discontinue that practice, or we'll reconsider our position of giving you a chance on your new stance in life.

Swarm Lord Avatar
Hive Hierarchy (68)


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


10-04-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 14 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
Optical Depths and Terraforming values will be added next week to all appropriate planets.
Optical Depth works in the same manner as scintillators, adding to the defence thickness of for positions being fired at through the planet's atmosphere. This is a two-way effect so counts against ships in orbit being fired at by the starbase and against the starbase being first at by ships in orbit.
It also impedes sensors in the same manner.
Terraforming is based on a number of planetary values including current atmosphere, gravity, size and temperature.

Torpedo Saga
So, in order to allow both flexibility and viable tactics, we can leave them as they are but implement relative target:targeter combat speed accuracy modifiers and point defence efficiency versus total incoming salvo for torpedoes only. With are considering a 1g threshold.
By this it is meant that there is little chance of hitting a target whose combat speed is at least 1g more than yours.
Point Defence efficiency - imagine incoming torps as dominoes randomly placed on a table. When there are a couple on the table, knocking one over (representing a successful point defence hit) will not effect the other. As the table becomes steadily more cluttered with dominoes it will be found that knocking one over will cause the domino effect.
This is important as it means that stationary platforms can have some defence against the xtorp ship through the strategic use of point defence. Note, in each round all incoming torpedoes are considered together irrespective of the number of sources.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

DNA next week if sent fast enough, otherwise FCN will be next.
Citizens, The Detinus Republic (DTR) welcomes you to the Peripheries.

So who are we and why would you want to join us? To understand that you must understand our history.

The DTR had its roots in the Inner Empire, a group of systems surrounding the Sol system. The Imperial Empire controlled those systems.

In the year 131, the Imperial colony Detinus rebelled against the inhumane treatment enforced upon them by the Empire, followed by others including the colony Tate. Tate was eventually stormed by Imperial troops and almost all colonists were tortured then executed in an act of incredible savagery. However, the Empire had achieved
its goal: all other rebellious colonies except Detinus ceased their act of defiance almost immediately.

The Imperial Navy then moved to Detinus and bombarded the colony from orbit for weeks. Upon landing the Imperial troops found that Detinus had been deserted some weeks before the arrival of the fleet. The Detinus people had fled into uncharted space, the Peripheries.
This is where we are today, except now the tide has changed. The DTR is part of a powerful alliance, the 3D alliance, made up of the DEN, DOM and DTR. Over the years this has enabled us to stave off defeat at the hands of our enemies and more importantly survive.
Over the years we secretly grew, cleverly hiding our assets, and now we have the upper hand against our old aggressors, the Imperials. Our fleet of Nebulon class capitol ships, arguably the best human warship in existence due to its manoeuvrability, is unrivalled in the Peripheries today.

At the end of last year, a treaty was signed between the Confederacy and the DTR over the Inner Empire. This area of space had been closed off for many years but recently a route back was discovered. This has given us way home to the Detinus system so we can free the citizens held under the sway of Imperial control. To gain back what was once ours and ensure that this doesn't happen again.

If you decide to join us you will do so at a very interesting time; a time when everything is changing, a time when the Republic has a chance to return home.

The DTR was once oppressed by the Imperials. We are now free and believe very strongly in our freedom and in the freedom of others. Hence our strong stance against slavery and our dislike for anything other than democracy. This has caused and will continue to cause many problems for us but our principles and beliefs are sound. We are determined to overcome injustice. To fight for the rights of all Citizens, Citizens such as you.
Citizen. Free your Will. Join the Fight for Freedom. Join the Republic (DTR 58).

For more information visit our website or contact :

IC : Marcus RhodestIC : Peri Romanov
OOC : Andy SteelttOOC : Nic Hughes

Story of the Week
The lone Courier slipped into orbit over the verdant purple landscapes of the world, dodging through the interstellar traffic and orbital platforms of the Flagritz Republic. A variety of ships were present -Resurector support vessels, Baseships, sleek scout craft, even several organic, living Hive vessels glistening wetly in the blackness. The hulking Baseships certainly presented a challenge for the crew programming engine vectors. Massive vessels ten times the size of the Courier glistened sleekly in the galactic night; from the broad, capacious Freighter types capable of swallowing the Courier five times over, to the sleek, deadly warships spiked with dozens of cannons, sheltered within thick armour plating. Still, the Courier glided between these gargantuan Baseships, and their smaller counterparts with relative ease. A testament to his crew, and how he directed them. The captain stared at the ships blankly, although the crew did not need to see the attenuation in his carapace colour or the slight twitching of his appendages to know that he was excited - and more, that he was glorying in seeing the homeworld of the Flagritz Republic for the first time. A guttural, synthesised voice crackled into life over the Courier's intercom. "Courier class High-G Freighter, designation Verismilitude, cleared for docking at Xenos Molaka orbital docks. Proceed immediately to vector 79930-30022." Briefly angling an eyestalk at his crew was all that was required. The engines fired in a long, slow burn, followed by short bursts to maintain attitude.
Mating with the docking clamps of the orbital tether - otherwise known as a hiport - produced reverberating clunks throughout the Courier, as though the ship itself protested at the indignity of having to be assisted through the planet's orbit. The gradual, turbulent deceleration through the atmosphere and increase in gravity was unsettling for the crew at the best of times, even when the ship was fully under their control. The captain heard a few grumbling behind him, but still focused on the landscape through his viewscreen he merely flicked his tentacle, tapping the nearest protesting individual on the top of his pear-like carapace. With the increase in gravity, the bridge's bunks automatically adjusted from their angled zero-g thrust position to a more conventional upright support. The captain sighed; his people were a species who had spent long in space, so long their bodies were adapted to a zero-g environment. No graceful zero-g gliding between bulkheads on a planet such as this, even if it was the chosen homeworld of the Flagritz. Not the homeworld of the species, that was long lost to this recovering remnant of a great people. 'No, not the homeworld' he thought, 'but home enough'. Extruding landing supports, the Courier touched down in the starport of Xenos Molaka.
Capital of the Republic, one of their oldest Starbases, it expanded for dozens of kilometres in every direction. Research centres, factories, training compounds, mining and resource gathering facilities - Molaka had everything. The captain's visual appendages immediately focused on the area he was heading, however - the command complexes. Scurrying inelegantly forward on his lower appendages, as the Flagritz were forced to on worlds with a gravitational pull, he sent a databurst hailing the nearest shuttle.
"Flagritz crewman Ro'a-lith, you are hereby promoted to the political office of Ataman, with the rights, regulations, and responsibility associated with the position. Two more vessels have been assigned to your control, and depending on your governing of said vessels, more may be assigned to your personal fleet at the will of the Republic council." The administrative director declared quietly. "You are now officially a member of the Republic, instead of merely a colonist from Yank flying his own vessel. You shall not forget this." "We are in concurrence," came the formal reply. "I am now a member of the Republic." *

Affiliation Messages

This whole 'Issue' has arisen from a very mistruthful SSS that everyone believes true. Let me just go over some facts.

The BHD was not blockading the Wormhole; in fact the BHD warfleet was still in Francoise after the IMP incursion in to our space.
The FEL was not at the Wormhole or in orbit of the wormhole and in fact was in a different quad and 5 rings away from the wormhole when it was attacked.

The FEL was in an orbit of a world along with a FET Runner and was attacked where it was first sighted.

The Confederate fleet attacked the FEL under leadership of a BHD Admiral as it was carrying a full armament of missiles and torps, thus in breach of our laws.

The 'issue' is mainly concerning Confederate law, something we usually let our friends bend once in a while, unfortunately the FEL have never been classed as friends to the BHD as they or we have never had much contact.

Friendly affs have never been under the scrutiny of confederate law, unless they are taking the p***.

Certain friendly affs have been taking the P*** lately by being disrespectful and personally attacking certain key people of the Confederacy as well as their affs on a public channel, and so may have lost their 'no scrutiny' bonus, do not pass go, do not collect 200 pound. (Once upon a time the BHD would have personally hunted down these heretics, fortunately we are not so harsh now).

The Hive has been the only affiliation to talk to the BHD concerning this in a non-panicky way off the forum and have shown respect and trust in the BHD on this matter.

The AFT have not needed to speak with the confederacy on this matter as they know that shouting about something will not get you anything and only restrict you further.

Even the Dewiek contacted us 'Once enlightened' of our laws turned his ship around out of the Darkfold, showing a respect for us. Thanks.

The BHD will not be laying siege to the wormhole.

The BHD will be enforcing law and order in our space and that of the confederacies, as we would expect everyone to do in their own space.

The BHD will not comment on the FEL incident further with anyone other than the FEL.

Thank you for your time.


Pope Roswell

The DNA request full clearance for our ships to use certain systems of the Darkfold and to use warships to escort our armed freighters as pirate ships have been seen on the Darkfold from time to time. These details have been forwarded to you through friends in the Confederate forces.

The DNA freighters using the Darkfold have the capability to return fire I have learnt not to rely on other affiliations for their protection. The DNA also has scouts and small gunboats that patrol our freighters wherever they go escorting our freighters in case of pirate attack. These are backed up by heavy warships from time to time and have been seen by Darkfold forces for a number of years. These do not offer a threat to the Darkfold nations and as such find your terms of reference unclear and open to ambiguous dangers.
Failing to consult with affiliations when you change your rules in your space is of grave concern as trade operations are currently undergoing. Fortunately I have managed to turn back one freighter laden with basic modules heading to a BHD market that did not reach the wormhole.

How do you judge what is the most direct route to a wormhole? The DNA certainly will and does not take the most direct route.

I urge you to review your decisions in the Triumvirate Council as we now have a problem.

Please note the DNA has not penetrated warships into Darkfold space snooped around or undertaken any actions that might render us responsible for your decisions. The treatment of the Felini in this unfortunate incident and lose of life is regretful and clearly without remorse from yourselves.

I will be putting my own legal proposal to the WEAVE Council if the Triumvirate Council is not prepared to be more flexible in its law making in a region used frequently by many affiliations.


Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief

I am disgusted to see such flagrant disregard for the laws of the confederacy. The same laws have applied for the past 4 to 5 years regarding armed warships, in fact only the wording has changed (ooc: due to not having ship classes any more) in the past few days/weeks.

The DNA's access rights have been made crystal clear and have not changed and I feel you are provoking trouble where it is not wanted.

Let me make it even clearer for you - unless you have prior permission for warships in our space then they will be forcibly removed piece by piece which, given the state of DNA technology, may take some time to sweep up and collect in some large black bin liners.


I am not trying to break their laws, just trying to ensure they can be applied fairly there are some ship anomalies floating around. Being in the DNA I can assure you if anyone's got an anomaly we have.
Whilst it may be clear cut to you its not as clear cut within the DNA and I think this also applies to at least the DEN. We have cause to try to sort this out for the safety of our craft in advance rather then find your ship blown up.

I have had some private discussions and am confident that this can be sorted out.

There are 3 distinct matters here:

1) The Felini craft - that's between the Felini and BHD now to work out the peace. 2) The wormhole - The BHD have made it clear they are attempting no blockade that's good for trade. 3) The Confederacy law re-vamped /definition of warship interpretation - This is still an issue I believe that the confederacy needs to consider, although I have subsequently realised ways that I can work around the law as it stands and therefore live with it as the path of least resistance. However, I raised this also as a point of interest for the DEN and possible other traders as well as this will affect others. Some might call it trouble making I call it facing the facts and working an issue.

You might get a bit scared of my Shaman ways I challenge others thinking but that's how we operate in our culture when it effects others and us.


Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief

Currently we lack some rules for the Falconian Empire, due to some computer shutdowns, then did we lose the last that was introduced several months ago. If anyone remembers them, would they contact us about them?

This means we will use the current emergency rules.

1. To setup a starbase you need permission.
2. To setup an outpost you need permission.
3. To use enemy lists and support lists on armed ships or starbases, then do you need permission. 4. All asteroids, planets and moons in Acropolis belong to the FCN. 5. Any technology found in acropolis is to be shared with the FCN. 6. Agent use is illegal.

This is not really a law, but anyone who acts against our wishes, so hurt us in some way, will be banned and relations to parent aff will be effected.

These will remain, until some new laws or the old have been found again.

Wingfeather to you
Emperor Harlow
House Falcon of Familie Kee
The Falconian Empire (#70)

Official press release from the Company Internal Affairs department.

It is with sorrow, that the Company announces the resignation of the Company Commander on health grounds. The Commander has served the people of the SMS Company for a time, and has managed to reorganise a sleeping giant of the Peripheries. The new Commander, whom I trust shall announce his own elevation to status of Company Commander in the near future, is well placed to continue with the job of organising the Company, and we are sure he will do a fine job. The commander had the following to say: "greetings, and farewell, for my own ill-health has deteriorated to an extent, that makes it impossible to Command from the front. Thus, it is right that a Commander with more time, and patience, should take the helm. It has been different, Detritus.".

The Company call for calm at this time, and the new Board shall need a number of weeks to sort them out. At such time, I am sure the new Commander shall be available, to any whom feel they have trade outstanding with the Company.

Dr talain Daygart.
SMS Internal Affairs.


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


17-04-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 15 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
Order Editor
The new order editor is now available for download (download section of the website). They are self-extracting zip files, one for the editor and one for the orders.cfg.
Simply doubleclick and open, the rest will take care of itself.
These contain new orders such as emergency jump and the option for certain orders to end the turn if they fail.

The problems experienced with markets have now been fixed. Some players may need to alter their markets if they were changed on Monday 14th April.

System Claims
These have to be done as a special action. A system claim will show as part of the system message and can only be altered by the starbase that issued it (special actions by other positions will fail to alter it).

Common/Uncommon Items
When a unique trade resource is generated it will be flagged as common unless either it is in a restricted system or the discovering player requests at the time of discovery that the item is restricted.

Ship Design Techniques
Techniques into ship constructions have all been given codes in their name indicating their limitations.
EEM Warships - 75Hm (9719)
75 refers to the maximum hull. H is for heavy hulls. m is for metal hulls.
CNF Warships - 100HmHu i.e. 100 Heavy, metal hulls for human use.

Full list
H - heavy, S - standard, L - light, X - xtralight.
m - metal, c - crystaline, o - organic
Hu - human, De - dewiek, Fa - Falconian, Fg - flagritz, Fe - felini, Na - naplians, Wi - wimbles, Aq - aquaphid, Ka - kastorian, Hv - hive.
If anyone has ship blueprints that do not conform to the limits of the tech, please inform the GM.
Over the next few days, all ship blueprints will contain the ship.cfg code for the design, i.e. all items and stats.

Bank Holiday
Phoenix will be run on both Friday and Monday.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

Neither DNA or FCN have sent any recruitment papers, so next in line
are FET and FGZ. Please submit ASAP

Story of the Week

Affiliation Messages

Begin Transmission....

Greetings intelligent beings everywhere,

I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that Forest (156) was claimed in the name of the Dewiek Elder Nation in year 200 and is still considered DEN space at this time. No ships are entitled to move through the system without prior authorisation from the DEN, no starbases, outpost or platforms are allowed without permission from the DEN before said installations are established. Any unauthorised positions are liable to be destroyed or seized without warning at any time. Actions that provoke reactions from the DEN are well documented in recent history so the best advice is not to do them.
Kragnost Nightwalker

....End Transmission


This is a prior warning to all non-confederate shipping entering or in Confederacy space.

The system of Ridley is temporarily quarantined from _all_ non-confederate positions. Any one spotted in this system will be fired upon, no matter who you are! (The good, noble and trusted AFT excluded from this). You will be notified once the quarantine has been lifted.

Also All independents are now banned from confederate space and any found within our space will be shot at without question, this is also a temporary ban, but one that will be enforced by the BHD.
I suggest you choose your path through Darkfold carefully as not to breach the quarantine set down by the Brotherhood on behalf of the Confederacy. I suggest in the interests of your captains, that all subordinates that do not monitor this channel are informed of the said Quarantine.

Evangelist Franco Mortiz
Watch Tower squadron
Martyr division

Pope Roswell
Defender of the faith and of the law

Worm 1
Well I am quite happy to avoid Kastor and not salvage anything from those war graves in respect of the dead there and go an unrestricted route to Bamboo Gardens if these pleases you its no skin off my back.

Worm 2
Fetlock is an easy route. However with no escort ships and no choice of routes this makes it easy for shipping to come under pirate attack but as I understand you care little about this as the BHD is changing its stance towards pro pirate.

Wormhole 1
How might one avoid London System though and still get through the wormhole this one is a rather tricky one to not break by anyone, that's kind of called Blockaid of the wormhole which you said you were not doing?

Worms at AFT?
How might one trade with AFT markets in London system as its restricted space? Well more trade down the tube I guess for the AFT and you.

Worm 3
Have you any evidence to back up your slander that I have taken unique items off the planet - no. Can you table any evidence - no? Therefore not broken any of your laws. If I should wish to take items from the planet then I can assure you I will ask for the council permission if this is the new law.

Worm 4
I have exploration permissions in defined areas of confederate space, you should consult your colleagues.

The more you comment on your laws the more worms come tumbling out try a different section next time.


Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief

I can confirm that the Forest System contained no system message claiming the Forest System either for, or on behalf of, the DEN for the past 14 weeks. Further, their official "embassy" (OOC: the DEN Website) contained no mention of the DEN System Claim of Forest prior to the end of last week.

As I currently have positions within said system I would like the DEN to contact me privately so that I may secure transit rights in regards to this newly changed system status. Much as DEN "warships" were allowed to leave the confines of the Darkfold without incident recently, I think it only appropriate that the DEN return the favour.

Lord Lawrence Scrimm
CIA Regional Director

Reverend dignatries of the peripheries,

If the Dewiek Elder Nations have lay claim to forest then it is theirs by right, until either some one contests it or forcibly takes it from them.

Confirmation on this matter has already been shown by Pack Lord Kragnost, why does thee however need a second opinion Mr Max?.

May the True One show you the light, and steer you from the darkness.

Sharna Heartsong
BHD Foreign ambassador

Mr Max, may I call you Beta?

Can you read? Have you actually read the laws of the Confederacy?

Section 1.2)
The Confederate Triumvirate has declared the following systems as
restricted space:

Darkfold (17)
London (41)
Monk (3)
Ruin (22)
Kastor (42)
All systems of the Inner Confederate Periphery

So Mr Maxwell is right, Kastor is indeed a restricted system, but even if it wasn't you have no Salvage rights within the Darkfold or any part of confederate space:

Section 2.1.1)
Exploitation covers all aspects of Confederacy resources, from Resource Complexes and Mining Outposts to special actions. The Triumvirate reserves the right to categorise Exploitation how it wishes and whether to grant Exploitation permits.

Exploitation of salvage!

To also quote our laws:

Section 2 - Exploration/Exploitation

Section 2.1)
Non-Confederate Affiliations are prohibited from exploring or exploiting anything within Confederate space in any way or form without a licence and express permission from the Triumvirate. This includes all Inner Confederate Houses.

Section 2.2)
Removal of resources from Confederacy Space is prohibited. Express permission by the Triumvirate is needed for exportation and this is only granted if Section 1, exploitation, is granted. This includes unique trade items.

How did you come about getting unique items off the planet without a permit? And what gives you the right to sell these goods, Darkfolds own assets on an open market in full breach of section 2.2?

I look forward to hearing you worm your way out of this one Mr Max.


Pope Roswell
Defender of the faith and of the law

"The location of this debris is not on a shipping route for trade ships passing through Kastor but only if they are going to Kastor. Some of the debris is from Confederate warships. I myself would consider that FET ships destroyed at said battle to be War Graves"


The five confederate warships were commended for their bravery in repelling the dark hordes of the Imperial fleet and were released into martyrdom with full honours, where as we had to collect and jettison your law breaking corpses and their mangled Sol coffins into Cappelan space. Didn't want them done for littering and loitering as well as trespassing and bringing armed warships into our space now did we.

Oh and did I ever thank the Imperials for the nice SOL they so kindly left behind for us?

Obviously Crime didn't pay for the Imperials that week.

Oh and another reminder, agent actions and the dropping of operatives into confederate starbases will be met back 10 fold.

You have been warned Fet scum.


Pope Roswell

"Worm 1
Well I am quite happy to avoid Kastor and not salvage anything from those war graves in respect of the dead there and go >an unrestricted route to Bamboo Gardens if these pleases you its no skin off my back."


"Worm 2
Fetlock is an easy route. However with no escort ships and no choice of routes this makes it easy for shipping to come under pirate attack but as I understand you care little about this as the BHD is changing its stance towards pro pirate."

You're allowed escort ships, the permit says so. As for the BHD being PRO Pirate, well I laugh in your face and slap it in the same move.
Get a grip Maxi, the BHD are scouring the Darkfold for lawbreakers, policing for pirates, how does that make us PRO? We shoot them dead like we shoot all lawbreakers in our territory.

"Wormhole 1
How might one avoid London System though and still get through the wormhole this one is a rather tricky one to not break >by anyone, thats kind of called Blockaid of the wormhole which you said you were not doing?"

Have you read the laws, or ar they not simplified for you enough? Need a few pictures in there as well?:

Section 1.2.3)

London (41) is restricted except for affiliations listed as friendly/neutral to the Confederacy for the purposes of

Accessing the wormhole at Gamma 7 by the most direct appropriate route, or

Trading with the AFT by the most direct and appropriate route

Basically Piccadily is open for trade, all other orbits are not and
you will be destroyed entering such orbits.

"Worms at AFT?
How might one trade with AFT markets in London system as its restricted space? Well more trade down the tube I guess for >the AFT and you."
Read the above, and maybe next time, actually get your facts right before trying to slander us.

"Worm 3
Have you any evidence to back up your slander that I have taken unique items off the planet - no. Can you table any evidence - no? Therefore not broken any of your laws. If I should wish to take items from the planet then I can assure you I will ask for the council permission if this is the new law."

The Inquisition will be sent to check out Bamboo Gardens just to make sure. You're the slanderous little gimp here Max, attempting to annoy those who are meant to protect you. Well lets say if the Dewiek came over and nuked your Starbase, the BHD would shake their paws, and let them in with arms wide open. Yes they would be breaking numerous laws, but the fact that they get to remove you out of our space would be repayment in full on that score. (Hint).

"Worm 4
I have exploration permissions in defined areas of confederate space, you should consult your colleagues."

Oh I have every intention.

The more you comment on your laws the more worms come tumbling out try a different section next time.

The only worm that keeps tumbling out is you Max, don't expect the BHD to rush to your defence in the Darkfold, your show of total disrespect crosses you off our christmas card list too. Carry on and the removal trucks will be in to bamboo gargens for a landscape session.

Pope Roswell


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


24-04-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 16 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Brotherhood add insult to injury
A breakdown in communication resulted in the loss of a second Felini vessel in the Darkfold Periphery. The salvage operation sent in to collect the remains of the last incident came under attack by the same Brotherhood ships responsible for the destruction of the first.
Rumours are that next Felini salvage operation will consiste of freighters guarded by a warfleet!

FET caught snooping
The FET Runner Pegasus was intercepted and destroyed by a fleet of Confederate warships while probing planets in the Darkfold Periphery.

GTT smash more outposts
Having discovered a rash of independently owned outposts on Capella, GTT HQ has been eagerly testing its missile accuracy and blowing the lot to pieces.

*****KJC Update*****
Ship Designs
All ship designs are now shown in the techmanul. This includes the specifications of the hulls and a list of items that will be installed at the time of construction or through the refit order.
The list can be manually added into the ship editor (ships.cfg) but each line must have a ; at the end.

Do not use the reply option for sending in orders. We have changed the system so that they now come from kjc@ and not phoenix@ in order to curb junk in the system.

While planets have a terraforming value, these cannot be seen without a terraforming complex being present. We will get around to changing this.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

FET is divided into several subsidiary companies, controlled by members of the FET Mega-Corp.
Each subsidiary generates profit as it sees fit and pays taxes to the parent mega-corp. In return FET gives financial/military support when needed and distributes new tech when discovered. If a subsidiary owns starbases they have an exclusive franchise to exploit the planet they are located on. Of course they will have to negotiate with other affiliations if present. Running a single starbase allows the controlling political to be promoted to Franchise holder, giving them 1 vote in Mega-Corp issues. Running 3+ bases means promotion to the next rank (Executive) and gives 3 votes. Above this rank FET have 4 board members with 4 votes each. These board members are responsible for running the different departments of the Mega-Corp; Exploration, Intelligence, Company Security and Acquisitions. At the top is the Chief Executive Officer who has 8 votes. In FET there are plenty of opportunities for ambitious people to climb the corporate ladder.



Story of the Week
Subspace Advertisement.

Bored after watching the latest Kastorian 'special' film you downloaded (you never knew Kastorian
Females where naturally ambidextrous...), you begin to cruise through the public broadcast networks, eventually you come across the Falconian Freetrade Network. an FFN logo perched in the corner of a blank screen and music that reminds you of a Terran Circus begins, after a few seconds the image of an overweight Falconian appears on the screen. Thankfully your attention is diverted from his complete nudity by the annoying sound of his voice...
Roll up, roll up, get your Easter gifts here!
In honour of Easter, come and have a gander at the 220,000 Falconian Goose (681) placed onto the Valhalla Market! Yes that's right 220,000 of the adorable lil creatures! Market value at source of 500, but lets no get pedantic! They are loveable, cuddly, yellow! What more do you need? BUY BUY BUY! Yes that's right BUY THEM! If your kids have been good, buy them one; show them you care! If they've been bad; buy them 50! Let the lil ba*tards clean up birdsh*t for the rest of their lives! The Ultimate gift to those you love or hate! The sooner you buy them, the sooner I have to stop cleaning up their droppings! Check the market itself for more deta...
You Change the channel
### *

Affiliation Messages

"We claimed Storm for the KRL because they could not do so themselves. The DNA can, I believe, but it still remains an Imperial Protectorate under the terms inherited from the KRL."

"Viceroy Simms,
Out of curiosity, as you are the protector of the Storm system, is the planet Inversion still off limits to all except the KRL? Regards King Porteus"

"King Porteus,
So timely are your comments on the back of a pirate ship entering orbit of Inversion I can't help at comment at this coincidence?
(PIRATE SHIP MARAUDER IX (69357)rings any bells?)

I would state that the system is officially under Imperial Protectorate although locally governed by the DNA on behalf of solely the natives of Inversion and for no-one else including yourself.

Anyway I have a standard message from the starbase officer at Inversion for you.

Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief"

Dear, all.

The DNA traditionally had good working relations with the Krell. The Krell native tribes of Inversion voluntarily agreed on their own behalf to join the DNA in a peaceful transition to democracy as the planet was in a state of bankruptcy, with many lost and stranded natives from the Krell Nation. The state of many natives was appalling under the nuclear winter. The DNA has worked under the Protectorate of the Imperials to improve the planet for its Krell and local natives and the DNA has discussed this with the Viceroy under the terms inherited from the Krell. The DNA is bringing more peaceful approach to ensure that this planet thrives with cooperation and compassion for the stick wielding tribes of Inversion. This planet has suffered nuclear holocaust and the DNA is working hard to rectify the planets economy and environment for its natives.

Other Krl factions that may be dispersed are welcome to visit to see the progress of Democracy or voluntarily join the DNA.

The DNA is content to work under the Imperial charter as the Imperial Protectorate is significant force in this area not to be underestimated. This allows the DNA to get onto important matters concerning the development of the planet and the natives under the watchful Viceroy. Access is strictly forbidden under the inherited treaty no access for the RIP or other affiliations currently, as there are enough tribal savages currently to go around on this planet!
Although one day it will no doubt be an active native trade centre. The Imperial forces are removing unnecessary troops from the areas and troops are joining the DNA of their free will to protect the planet and provide local policing. Indeed the KRL National Guard has now traded their uniforms for the DNA National Guard and is currently searching the planet for any pirate establishments.

Historical documents about the splendid conversion to democracy and freedom may be viewed in 202 on the Naplian News Network Website.

Yours gracefully

Elizabeth Welsh(Former Krell Officer and current Govonor) DNA Starbase "Pointy Stik TM" Inversion

My dear Max,

There are various peoples in the game, both legal and illegal who are paid for services. One of these is the scanning of planets on a large list. While I personally would not knowingly use PIRATE vessels I dare
say the people I deal with do. I shall of course in form said player that maybe he should drop more wimbles on you.

Also while it may not be realised by one who has so little history in the game several of the officers in my fleet were well known to the KRL so I dare say they will be popping in to say Hi to old friends.
King Porteus

King Porteus,

Dear Porty,

Would you be open to contact me on a private line to discuss payment for the disclosure of information about the persons requesting such lists of planets requiring scanning. This could dissolve you of any illegal behavior in this matter should your contacts be disclosed.( of course for a healthy sum would I pay you for your services.)

I would suggest that dealing with illegal operatives will not assist your claims to be legitimate, only raise suspicion about your activities. The vetting of your suppliers needs to be thorough so that you are not seen to be promoting any activity that may be detrimental to your affiliation. Assisting those that uphold Imperial Law in this area might be beneficial to you.

Just make sure any officers announce their arrival to Elizabeth to receive a warm welcome, you know how savage the tribes of this planet can get when un invited guests pop in. There are a few new differences with Inversion that may have changed so you may be disappointed with any return. However, if you come bring some vine seeds with you. May be your friends should not have left Inversion to the Nuclear winter but stayed to feed the thousands living there in the ruins of what was once a proud nation.

Long Live the populace of Inversion and those have so warmly welcomed the peaceful DNA after the economic collapse of previous non democratic regimes.


Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief

Greetings King Porteus,
While I can see your "threat" of dropping Wimbles onto members of the DNA is only meant in jest, I feel this is an appropriate time to remind the peripheries that many Wimbles are members of the Flagritz Republic. I have already sent a message reassuring the Wimble Home World that what you say is merely in jest, but please try to refrain from such direct threats to members of the Flagritz Republic, even if they are in a light hearted manner. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Glory to the Republic!
FGZ Diplomatic Ataman

Firstly an apology for my delay in replying on this important matter. The Flagritz will not sign any such document as it would instantly force them to police the treaty. The Flagritz do not posses any Weapons of Mass Destruction and there are no plans to implement such horrendous weapons. I must also state that any affiliation that deams it acceptable to use these kinds of weapons upon members of the Flagritz Republic will be shown that there are far worse fates than being targeted by a WoMD. This protection also extends to any affiliation, race or peoples that are under the protection of the Flagritz at the time of attack.

Glory to the Republic!

FGZ Diplomatic Ataman

Public Announcement from the Inquisitor General.


It has come to my attention that a Felini vessel has this week entered orbit of Pimlico in London. The FEL vessel was in breach of sections 1.2 and 1.2.3 of Confederacy Law, and the Confederacy Enforcement Fleet therefore destroyed the FEL vessel.

I am somewhat surprised that after the incident some weeks ago when a FEL vessel was destroyed at the same location that the FEL have the audacity (or is that stupidity) to do the same again. Knowing that Pimlico is off limits the FEL have sent a poor freighter and her crew off to break confederacy laws, knowing that doing so would result in the destruction of the ship and the death of the crew.

I would be interested to know what excuse the FEL could possibly have for entering orbit of Pimlico again so that the Triumvirate Council are fully appraised of the facts when I recommend that the FEL are banned from Confederacy controlled space.


Patriarch X
BHD Inquisitor General


This has already been raised by a triumvirate member privately (although in a vague manner), and I have yet to receive a reply to my request for even the most basic information on the matter. If you are able to forward me such details privately, I can begin to investigate - because it was certainly NOT an authorised action.

If a feline Whitefang disobeyed my explicit orders to abide by the Confederate laws to the letter while in your space, then those laws have justly punished him. If the crew and whitefang survive, may I formally open extradition proceedings for them to be punished. Sentence has been served for the breaking of your laws, now they need to answer the charge of disobeying myself.

I hope that the triumvirate will not take this matter further - with the exception of the extradition I would prefer that the matter was closed with no ill feelings between us.

Mrrshan, Feline Tyrant


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


01-05-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 17 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Imperial Patrol
Having suffered a loss at the hands of pirates, the AFT quickly informed the Imperial Stellar Patrol of the location of the incident. Swift to respond, the IMP failed to engage the pirate ship responsible for the attack although was able to pin a pirate freighter no doubt sifting through the debris; the remains of the AFT Carrier.

*****KJC Update*****
Game Improvements
Latest order.cfg is available in the downloads section of the website.

New Orders
Clear target list
Make position affiliation owned
Scan planet population
Wait for X Tu's
Move standing order

Improved orders
Hulls/armour substituted if use best is set.
By this is means that if you have a blueprint for mkI hulls and have opted for substitution and have the full complement of higher mk hulls, they will be used instead.

Completed WoMD order
Positions have to be docked to do it so its not that easy and the order automatically forces position dropping the WoMD leave the starbase. Finally position doing the dropping is added to the starbase/outpost ground enemy list.

Wormholes/stargates to have zero orbit time

Optical Depth effect on sensors
OD 50 = 0.1 x sensors output
OD 15 = 0.5 x sensor output
OD 0 = 1 x sensor output, i.e. no effect

Now allows GP movement rates to substitute, so:
Air can also be used for ground
Shuttle can be used for air and ground.
Terrain type shown on move to x,y and land at x,y orders

Bank Holiday Monday
Due to the bank holiday, Monday 5th May's processing will be done on Sunday 4th May. It will be back to normal on Tuesday.

Bristol Pub Meet
After a lot of visiting, sampling the facilities (and beverages) and so on, we have settled on a venue for this July's pubmeet.

The venue will be the Parkway Tavern (map to follow, will be uploaded to list filespace and several webpages to be announced), for the weekend of the 12th to 13th July, 2003. The pub is 5 minutes off of the M32 and one minutes walk (literally!) from Bristol Parkway train station, so should be easy to find.

Times on the day are TBC, but the pub opens at 11am on Saturdays and 12 noon on the sunday. The booking for the room can be either for the day only (until 6pm, in which case we move to the pub afterwards), or until closing. This will depend on numbers as it does cost a bit extra. Price will also be dependant on numbers, so we need numbers ASAP, but we envisage a maximum cost in the region of £10 a head for both days - most likely less, as the more there are of us, the less cost it will be, as the room holds up to 60 for the same price....
Prices for single days will also be available.

We decided to go for a slightly different format for the weekend, to give people more of an option to come for just one day if they want to. We will provide details for several B&B's/guest houses in the area in the next week or two, for those that want to stay the night. Sorry people, limited floorspace makes it impossible for us to go into the B&B business ourselves, but there are several players in Bristol who might have room for affiliation colleagues and friends....

Please can those who are interested contact myself or Phil Sara, or reply to this email. We will be looking for payment a bit closer to the time (early to mid June), when we know numbers and can finalise the prices - the more that make it, the cheaper it will be!

Dan and Phil

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

Ever wanted to see what the boot was like on the other foot? Or rather, the hardened mobility coating was like on the other tentacle? The FGZ affiliation is your stereotypical group of aliens from trash 50s sci-fi magazines, but taken to a new level. Feared, reviled, and hated for the most part by the human affiliations, we are your nightmare! The Republic has a long history. An often-warlike species separate from our space-faring ancestors, the Flagritz Republic has been forced to grow and change much from the original people who sought conflict with every other species. Becoming more willing to contemplate peaceful solutions over the years, but maintaining a strong military capacity has lead us into a secure, steady period of consolidation Builders of the largest ships in the peripheries, we are a high-tech affiliation lead by 4 'Ataman' who direct and guide the expansion and policies of the Republic. With much room for growth, the FGZ Republic needs you!


Story of the Week

Swarm Lord Avatar speaking

After a fast scrutiny of the global market report it has been noted that RIP continue to trade our "children" in their merchandizing complexes. The trade of "children" is a despicable trade and we worry about the "works" they are made to perform. Given RIP past reputation we hope they are used as slaves of any type.

As previously stated by the RIP King, this time you will refrain from buying our "children" for good?!?...and deliver any Hive lifeform back to either Hive or ANT.

It has also been noted that others are buying our "children" as will stop that practice!

We have noted that while weapons of mass destruction are more or less shunned, the buying and selling of slaves and "children" for labour or sexual slavery has increase of late. Hive asks support of the other respectable leaders in addressing to this matter.

Avatar out

Affiliation Messages

We are buying these items or Children if you wish, due to a deal with ANT, if they want us to stop, all they have to do is say so and we will.

Mainly our interest is to get some and test these on some planets later on, so to help us in colonisation, this is not slavery or exploitation, if all goes as to plan, then will we maintain a Hive population on a world in our system, to help ensure the Hive race.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire

While indentured labour is perhaps not the most efficient means of production, it can be a valuable part of a planet's economy. It is often the case that free citizens move around, change jobs, or make demands on their employers that are hard to meet. They have every right to do this, "more power to them", but such behaviour can be an obstacle to economic growth.

Non-free workers do not exhibit these issues.

David Davis, DOM Strategist

Hive eggs are unhatched life forms and didn't have saying on whether they wanted to share a planet with a race of Given that they belong to my race and not to yours, where as it seems you prey even on "children", (one wonders how DTR ever out up with you) I know they won't enjoy it.


"Hive race? Don't ensure my race, look first to your own which starved under previous disastrous rule, by the same houses that rule now."

The Vultures stepped aside to allow a Civilian administration to take over the Empire. For that we are eternally sorry, as they left our people to suffer and tore our economies apart. We took no part in that administration, and we are proud of that. We shall not make that mistake again; I shall not make that mistake again.

Lord Protector of Falconia.

We regreat the losses, our last Emperors have caused our people, we have been trying to unite, to ensure the future of our race, which is working, thanks to DNA, FGZ, DTR, CNF and CIA.

As for the Hive Race, we deal with the ANT part of the Hive race and if they don't trust us with those hive eggs, and then will I bet they would contact me soon about it and should they do so, then will we stop buying them at all.

But we don't believe in slavery, these hive people will be treated fairly and will be free, as our own race is.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire

"We wish you the best of luck, your people have suffered enough. Don't forget your civilization might have been lost if it weren't for your races friends...don't mistreat those friends.
Swarm Lord Avatar"


Anyone who helped the Falconian Peoples recover from that difficult time, has that unreserved thanks.

Lord Protector of Falconia

Greetings all,

With the recent statement from the HVE concerning the sale of Hive Eggs I thought I would share my thoughts on the matter. The subject of Hive Eggs and their treatment is a difficult one. From a Human perspective one could consider them an inanimate object as they sit there forever doing nothing. However, this changes when they are sold.

It is only when sold to the local (an usually non-HVE) population that they are cared for and nurtured until they hatch. As Hive Queens exist outside the Hive & ANT it therefore follows that eggs that these queens lay must be sold in order for those lifeforms to hatch.

To have thousands of eggs sat there that cannot hatch because you cannot sell them makes no sense, especially when you consider the emotional stress that this would place on the Queen that laid them as she is being denied the opportunity to reproduce.

I realise that the sale of Hive Eggs to a Starbase and to a planetary population are different, but the HVE in their statement only mention the sale & purchase of eggs as being wrong.

Lets face it, nowadays a fair percentage of the Hive Race are born outside of the HVE and ANT affs. Blocking the sale of Hive Eggs is surely interfering in the lifecycle of Hive lifeforms that are born outside of the ANT & HVE.

As a comparison, my Yank starbase recruits Kastorian Employees, so one would assume that they are happy to work for us. If a Hive Queen objected to the sale of her eggs to the population surely she would stop laying them. As the adult hive are happy to come back to the work in the starbase that originally sold them to the population, one would assume that they haven't been oppressed and mistreated, else why would they return?

Personally, I feel that the sale of Hive Eggs actually assists the Hive as a race to grow, and at a rate that the HVE and ANT could not sustain alone. By moving these eggs to different planets the hive race are helped to proliferate, often in places where the HVE and ANT would not be allowed. I fail to see how any of this is a bad.

Anyway, that's my thoughts on the matter.


Patriarch X (BHD)

More to the point, unhatched eggs are productive workers waiting to happen. To my mind, a crying shame. Any one of those eggs could contain an individual of tremendous talent, and confined only to HVE and ANT they may not have their rightful chance to shine.

David Davis, DOM Strategist

As far as I'm concerned, all this worrying about rightful homes is a great waste of time and energy. What matters are that lifeforms knuckle down and do useful work, since that's what builds civilisations. If they are successful, then they can find the means to choose where they live.

In many ways, slaves are lucky. Free workers have to find their own food and lodgings.

David Davis, DOM Strategist

"In that case it could be seen that any Hive Eggs that are delivered to RIP Quick Snack, in exchange for interstellar cab fare, have been sent there by Refugees from the brutal regime of the Hive, making sure that their children have a good and proper life. Just an idea

King Porteus."


I would seriously advise the RIP to conduct some SERIOUS research into the history of the Hive before blurting out statements like this.
The Hive are not human, they do not have concepts of 'oppression' as it does not exist within the Hive. Drones exist to serve their queen, they have no wish for any other purpose than that. Therefore no Hive would go into exile from the HVE, because there is no need.

Think of an ant civilisation where workers, drones and warriors have a single unified purpose. The Hive is quite similar in their makeup as this. There is one unified purpose of being, and as such, there is no such thing as rebellion or oppression within their culture.
As such, the attempted use of any Hive lifeform for any other purpose then to serve their civilisation may considered as slavery, and need I remind you that as members of the Flagritz Republic, all HVE lifeforms are under protection by our laws.


Benjamin Maxwell
Development Ataman
The Flagritz Republic

"Ahh yes, but the point is that while in there egg form they have no option as to where or how they will be raised. Are the DOM willing to sell there unborn children to the Flagritz as to not confine there talents to one Affiliation?


It is unfortunately the case that unborn humans cannot be transported on their own. Were that not the case, however, I would be happy to place our unborns in the care of any civilisation that had a stable leadership, enjoyed good relations with its neighbours and had proved able to defend its own territory.

David Davis, DOM Strategist

Greetings all,
I have a question. Usually, at the first smell of the word slaves, several affiliations start making big noises. I'd like to ask what the official opinions are of the DTR, IMP and WEAVE alliance. Are the DOM using slaves okay? I don't believe any have commented yet, and I wonder why??

FGZ Diplomatic Ataman

Human your thoughts make us sick! We are glad you never thought of enslaving all women, then selling them as sexual toys and selling them back when they're pregnant for the unborn slave market. You could maybe even sell 2 life forms in a single package.

DOM ways never cease to surprise wonders why your convict forefathers were given the chance to live, clearly even after this whole time their genes still have an effect on your people.
We hope not all Humans have the same outlook towards life as you do...but maybe they do, since only "Alien" races have protested.

Avatar, Swarm Lord

Mad Max talks to his other self ..... Oh all right, you expect me to start on the DOM already I just finished with the BHD. If you search on "slaves" and the "DOM", you may get some...

Anyway one minute they free them next they enslave them not doubt, its pretty easy to avoid detection....

.... So we are just relaxed in the comfort knowledge that the DOM have slaves and there is nothing anyone can do apart from land at their starbase and expose them, now who would do that! ... oh a stray Felini .... ohh brother.. Here we go again!


Mad Max


The Diplomatic Ataman was not talking about whether the DOM uses slaves, as this would be futile unless proof of the existence in DOM starbases is found, however a high ranking DOM official has made various comments on how using HVE as slaves is acceptable, and that salves in general should be thankful they are doing something useful... surely not the words of someone who is anti-slavery as the DOM so claim.

I agree with the Diplomatic Ataman, that the response to this statement has been non-existent to those alliances who condone slavery, I'd expect little response from the DTR, as they would probably rather the comment was forgotten, but other alliance groups who condone slavery or a the public approval of slavery have been silent.

As a person who personally fights against oppression of all kinds (such as the public stance against Meklan), I find this quite worrying. Either these groups are either scared to comment against a member of the 3D, or these groups' stance against slavery is more of a public approval stance than one which they act on, or maybe that HVE lifeforms are being used in starbases belonging to these people and thus they are loathed to comment and be seen as two-faced.

I would personally like to know which of these is true.


Benjamin Maxwell
Development Ataman
The Flagritz Republic


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


08-05-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 18 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****KJC Update*****
Bristol Pubmeet
A webpage has been created for people to sign themselves up to the pubmeet in Bristol on the 12-13th July. Please add your names in as soon as possible so we can get an idea of numbers. To sign up you need to enter the password of 'pubmeet' this is so that we don't get anyone other than players signing up (just in case).

The address to sign up is as follows :-

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Greetings gentle beings!

It is with great personal regret that I am forced to make the following announcement....

As of the start of May 1 203: All members of the Stellars Empire (and its chartered affiliations) are banned from the boundaries of the Falconian Empire.

Also attached please find a copy of the new Falconian Laws.

Yours sincerely

Administrator Xen
Humble servant of the Falconian Empire


1 Starship Restrictions.

Warships will be allowed into Falconian Space on a case-by-case basis, please Apply to the Falconian Leadership for permission (See appendix 4). In the interests of encouraging trade, preference will be given to those affiliations that regularly trade with the FCN or are considered friendly toward the Falconian Empire.

All such warships must Support and Defend the FCN whilst in Falconian Space.

2 Starbases and Outposts:

Currently there is a maximum of one Starbase per affiliation.

It is illegal to set-up a Starbase, platform or outpost without the FCN's prior agreement. Please apply for a permit from the Falconian Leadership (Section 4 of the Appendix)

It is illegal to dock with or land in the sector of a Starbase without
the governors prior permission.

All colonies in FCN space must Support and Defend the FCN.

3 Agents etc.

The use of Agents and Operatives are illegal within Falconian space.

4 Conflicts.

Carrying active enemy lists that contain anything other than those listed in Section 3 of the appendices, is illegal. Those listed in Section 3 are fair game to all Parties legally entitled to reside/travel within the Falconian Empire.

The use, production or ownership of biological, chemical, nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction is illegal.

5 Exploration:

All planets within Falconian borders are open for exploration, with the exception of Falconia (73) in Acropolis (162). All findings must be made available to the Falconian Empire.

The surface of Falconia (73) in Acropolis (162) is off limits to all non-FCN.

6 Banned Items, Life forms and Positions:

All Slave classed items are illegal.

All Non-FCN Platforms are illegal without prior agreement from the FCN leadership (See Appendix 4).

All Non FCN GP's are illegal without prior agreement from the FCN leadership (See Appendix 4).

7 Independents:

IND positions are welcomed within the Falconian Empire, but as a courtesy they are asked to register their presence before entering the empire but this is not a necessity.

EXEMPTION: Exemptions to any of the above may be granted on a
case-by-case basis.


Section 2:

Those legally entitled within the empire are:

Currently all Affiliations not listed in Section 3, are permitted to operate within FCN space.

Section 3:

Those without permission to operate within the Empire are:


Section 4:

The Falconian Leadership consists of:

Lord Protector of Falconia

Harlow Kee

Section 5:

The FCN Leadership reserve the right to amend these laws without prior notification. *

Affiliation Messages

Sunray to you
FCN starbase Prodis (4124) has opened up its market in Yank, this market is a limited market of Falencia (3351) with a slightly less buying price as well, but on the other hand, you save on jumping, you will be protected by the KAS and so on.

Hopefully will we soon be able to sell something from this starbase, but more items will be on the buying list soon. So keep watching the
KJC market Website.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


15-05-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 19 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Pirate Bashing
The tables were turned on a pirate vessel while it lay in wait for freighters. The pirate vessel, a broadsword class heavy cruiser was itself targeted and pinned by a flagritz ship. The fight continues although it is looking a little one sided in favour of the flagritz on account of its superior manoeuvrability and nova weaponry.

*****KJC Update*****
Don't forget about the Bristol pubmeet mentioned in last week's subspace static. The details are on the website - week 18.

Ground Combat
This is close to being completed. There are still a few fine adjustments to boarding actions.

Planetary Infrastructure
Due to popular demand, we will start work on planetary infrastructure. This will allow for natural development of world economies through sales to the local population. The system is not meant to be as complex as sim-city as this is only a secondary facet to the game.

Operatives and Agents
We will be looking at these soon. We intend to allow them to have their own items as well as improve the range of actions they can perform.

Order Editor
We are currently working on new order editor features such as information extraction from turns for database inclusion and graphical map generators.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

Next week any of the houses

The Swarm Lord addresses you...

The Hive are a warrior race, created to assist the Architects (ARC) in their drive to conquer the Galaxy. Since ARC technology was based on organics, so too the Hive rely on such technology. While other races build their ships, our race grows them.

But our ships aren't just remarkable because they're alive. Our ships can also be grown to sizes not seen since the ARC ruled the Galaxy.
Even the dreaded Baseships of our allies the Flagritz are dwarfed by our Black Widow Class Capital ships.

But true to our warrior society we are also mighty on ground combat. Superior ARC combat doctrine was passed to our own doctrine. Hive ground assault troops and vehicles are ranked as the finest, but as taught by ARC, we increase our might by adding native life forms, be they sentient or not, as willing battle thralls. Fear of our warriors has even prompted an ugly simian race to make a series of movies called "Aliens" in which even a small detachment would decimate their best troops.

So do as many have done! Surrender your current physical shape to one of our hatcheries. There an egg will be implanted and though your old body is consumed, you conscience will be reborn in the form of a dreaded Hive Warlord!

Swarm Lord Avatar out...

For more information visit our website at:

or contact the Swarm Lord directly at:

Story of the Week

"Hey Bob, what do you keep making all those stellars for?"


"I mean, to have so much cash cannot be pure greed, you must have some reason to hoard all those pennies........"


"Ships, where are you going to find ships for sale?"


"Ahhhhh, got ya. Your gonna sit here, and wait for someone to mention that they have a ship for sale. Well, i suppose it might work....."

{BOB} _smiles_ .....................

"And what type of ship are you 'waiting' for Bob?"

{BOB}........... _grins_ ..................
_giggles_................._Evil grin and cackle_

"An Infiltrator, a Tempest, and a Baseship. I dunno Bob, Im not sure your tactics will work mate......

{BOB} _throws a tantrum_ .*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*...............

"Wooooah Bob, calm down, I just meant, I dont think that many affilaitions wander round Yank with For Sale stickers in their portholes."

{BOB} ...................

"Oh, Oh, your going to give a few passers by the old wink-wink- nudge-nudge.....
Well, why didnt you say so.....
If Id known that, I wouldnt have interupted your speech......"

{BOB}.... _Throws something heavy_.........................
...... .................. ......... ........ ....... . . ..........
. ......... ..............

please sell us a ship.?

Silent Bob signing off.

Affiliation Messages

Sunray to you

FCN starbase Prodis (4124) has opened up its market in Yank, this market is a limited market of Falencia (3351) with a slightly less buying price as well, but on the other hand, you save on jumping, you will be protected by the KAS and so on.

Hopefully will we soon be able to sell something from this starbase, but more items will be on the buying list soon. So keep watching the KJC market Website.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire

Sunray to you

We have now existed as a Nation for a few months now and I would personally want to think DNA first, it was their help, that made it possible for us to begin the reunification of our people.

To not forget the Detinus Republic, The Flagritz and The Confederate Naval Forces, who have turned over their starbases and outposts on Falconia to the Falconian Nation and a special thanks to The Flagritz for agreeing to turn over, all former Falconian Starbases and outpost and to The Confederate Intelligence Agency, who have agreed to move, so we can finally be united.

You are all the friends of the Falconian Empire.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire


Vultures (both House and Clan) would also like to add their voices to the chorus of thanks given to the DTR, DNA, CNF, CIA and FGZ.

The reason, their clarity of thought and vision, as well as the deep friendship shown towards the Falconian Peoples by the above affiliations (as well as several others) shall not be forgotten.

Administrator Xen
Humble servant of the Falconian Empire.


The Flagritz Republic is deeply honoured by the thanks from the Falconian Empire. The Flagritz people are always willing to help those that we call friends.

If the Falconian Empire ever has need again, we shall be there for them.

Glory To The Republic!

Azreal S'Falen

FGZ Warfare Ataman

Greetings Silent Bob,
I can assure you that you will not find a FGZ Baseship for sale. I
sugguest that you either concentrate on other ships, or find
something productive to do with your stellars.

FGZ Diplomatic Ataman

{BOB} ..................... _hysterical

"No I wont tell him that, tell him yourself.. . . . .. You'll get us
shot Bob......" ******

Howdy Bob -

Although I make no claim to speak for the Pope or the Ecclesiarchy of the BHD, I am lead to believe that Tempests are a restricted item and about as difficult (if not moreso) to obtain as FGZ Baseships.
However, stranger things have been known to happen. May I suggest you visit the Pope on a Thursday, as this will increase your chances that a stray jolt has put him in a benevolent mood?

As for an Infiltrator, you will need to speak with the CIA privately in regards to this matter at

Lord Lawrence Scrimm
CIA Regional Director


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


22-05-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 20 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Neutrality Violation
The Brotherhood apologized publicly for their rather overzealous behaviour in the neutral Kastorian controlled Yank system. More details regardin the event and the Kastorian stance are detailed below.

*****Inter Galactic News*****

Affiliation Message
Greetings oh Wise and Noble Kas,

It is my sincere regret that hostilities broke out between the BHD and IMP in the beloved system of yank this day, and I was horrified that my Evangelists had a momentary lapse of concentration whilst passing through your system.

The Brotherhood always adheres to Kas law and I will see that the Evangelist responsible for going against the Popes word and your law is punished and stripped of rank.

Unfortunately the IMP are as you know a long time enemy of the church and in particular the BHD, seeing an IMP Carrier enter their quadrant must have been like putting a pint of beer in front of the RIP vice president. The Evangelist in question has jumped on the opportunity to commit a deadly sin, wrath and will be punished under holy law accordingly.

Once again my apologies, I will also send word to Pope Roswell of this breach in KAS and BHD law and will move the ships immediately from your space.

Brother Saracen

Story of the Week

Bob, sat at the bridge of his trusty Courier Class vessel, gave the order to depart.
The ship's thrust engines churned into life, and the steel on steel docking clamp's groaned under the weight. Slowly, the ship was lifted into orbit. Jump engines finally charged, Bobs crew ready themselves for their first hand's on system jump, since flight Academy at Independent Starbase 'Made up name', and the simulations used there to prepare young crewmen.
Reappearing in the Yank (146) system, at stardate 19.1, the Courier held in situ, allowing the bulkheads to cool before proceeding under ISR steam.

"Setting course for Mobile bat sir, ISR Speed 3 .... engaged."

The ship smoothly traversed the orbital quadrants of the system, telemetry fed via the sensor arrays, through the main active computer net, is siphoned to various memory nodes.

"Yas Sir."

The ISR engines turned off, the ships thrust engines engaged, reverse thrust slowed and steadied the ship. With Mobile bay now just a few hundred kilometres below and to port, Bob spoke victoriously...

"Yes sir [equally pleased with himself}, preparing to orbit Mobile Bay."

"I will certainly try sir, and I never hit any stationary objects in flight school...!"

{BOB}....._gulps_........._holds on tight_....................

The small courier's engines begin to roar in excitement, as thrust and torque clash; the ships momentum slowly steadies, and the planet grows larger, and....... there, a near perfect 'orbiting' procedure........

"Thank you sir, shall i instruct the cargo bay staff to prepare cargo crates for transport...?"

"Yes sir, [speaks into headset][Stands up and promptly leaves the bridge], Good bye then sir, it has been........ brief" [sobs]


Bob remains on the bridge as the entire Bridge staff leaves the bridge....!

{BOB}...._more so_................!!!!

Seventy five time units pass, and Bob grows impatient. He stands and leaves
the bridge.
Turning at the security door, he taps in his security code, and the door is sealed behind him, the computer taking over tertiary functions. Bob proceeds to the cargo hangar's, followed by the 2 security officers on guard outside the bridge when he left it. They keep their distance, all too well aware of the Captain's penchant for ranting at his troops. Reaching the Hangar bay, Bob finds the cargo crates in their ready position, in anticipation of being shuttled to the markets below. But where are the crew?.....

{BOB}.._screams blue murder_...............
{Marine 1} "Uhm.... I think you sold them sir!"
{BOB}..._passes out_.............._wakes up_....................
{Marine 2} "He's right sir, it say's so here look...."

Hands Bob the ship manifest and order's report.

{BOB}............._blood boiling_......................
{Marine 1} "A misprint sir?, I dont think so sir, you gave the order, I mean, what crew would be so daft as to.............."
{BOB}.........._feeling feint_...................
{Marine 1} "I shall try sir, but I doubt the Flagritz starbase Fessin Rham
will sell them back to us without making a huge profit?.........................[RUNS}......"
{BOB}................._throws a big spanner-Hard_.........................
{Marine 2} "Good shot sir, shall i help him up?"
{BOB}.........._turns to his troop-glaring_.......................
{Marine 2} "OK sir, but, can I get him a blanket, He's going to get old down there....................

Translation: DOH! Could a FGZ representative contact us please privately, if you care to spare our blushes.!
Silent Bob out.

*** TO : Commander of PIRATE ship Marauder VI ***
*** FROM : Captain Willis - FGZ ship Pak Ra-Tu ***

I insist that you power-down your weapon systems and surrender your vessel. You are in direct violation of local Laws, and the local authorities have been informed. Surrender now, and I assure you that you will have a chance to defend your actions before an gathering of appointed officials. If you do not surrender, you WILL be destroyed! If you don't believe me, take a look at your battered Missile Launchers. How many are left functional already? Also take a quick look out your porthole and you will see that my armour plates are still fully intact. You have only two options here - surrender of die. Oh, and I would suggest that you pass this message on to the commander of the Marauder II also, who appears to have the same suicidal tendency as yourself. If he thinks he is going to provide support, he is mistaken. He will only prolong yours and his destruction.

Personally, I would be disappointed if you surrendered. And please feel free to invite Marauders I, III, IV & V into the soup. I'm waiting...

Captain Willis
FGZ ship Pak Ra'Tu


*** TO : Captain Lias***
*** FROM : Captain Willis - FGZ ship Pak Ra-Tu ***

Ah, so good of you to respond. It appears that your response is nothing but the cowardly lies that I would expect from one such as yourself.

Firstly, burning in Nova Fire is NOT a very honourable way to die, nor is being executed for piracy. And I'm sure the Falconians will not appreciate being referred to as Vermin, not that your sentence can be increased, anyhow.

Secondly, it appears that you have indeed run. Unfortunately you have managed to slither away back to your rock, and pursuit has had to be dropped. So much for your bravery, hey? I only hope your ship has suffered a great deal in your quick exit.

And Third.... Your ending comment is obviously designed to point to the Brotherhood as a sponsor... What ever can be said about the BHD, I personally do not believe this is their style. Hiding and skulking is not something I would associate with the Pope. At least, not when it came to combat. And the Brotherhood show vast multiples of the courage that is shown by yourself.

Captain Willis

Blah blah blah. Catch me if you can.

Oh, and just because I happen to worship the True One does not make me a member of the Brotherhood or in their pay. Perhaps religion does not exist for the FGZ, it does for humans, even pirates.

Captain Lias

Greetings Captain Lias,
I consider that a challenge. From this day forward, I will do everything in my power to see you and your ship put to rest in the True Ones hands. Yes, many Flagritz still follow the path of the True One, also. I personally however, have my doubts - when I help you cross the threshold, be sure to come back and tell me who's right.

Captain Willis
FGZ Pat Ra'Tu

*** TO : Azreal S'Falen - FGZ Warefare Ataman ***
*** FROM : Captain Willis - FGZ ship Pak Ra'Tu ***

Sir, I thank you for your compliments and hope that I have succeeded in upholding your honour. My Crew are desperate for a small celebration; therefore I will indeed begin my pursuit of these pirates. A detailed report is on it's way to you now on a secure channel.

Glory to the Republic!

Captain Willis

You may worship the True One in your own little way,
But do not expect our lord to shine upon you this day.
You may survive through your life on a wing and a prayer
But when your hulls do explode don't expect him to care,

To prowl like a pirate is the lowest of the low you prey on the trader,
Just to keep your stellar flow
The True one is not impressed by such a dastardly deed
It takes years to get his attention, by brewing the lords mead.

For you to comment on the lord is like an Imperial hero
The intention is there but the impact is zero
Please bother him not with your whining and groaning
You'll disturb him and the great mother from their usual boning

For to be a good servant you need good humour and faith
Whereas the fun in the running and the jumping to be safe?
Your time will end quickly when your tactics are bodged
And then you one eye'd willy will be jollied rogered.

yo ho ho ho and a bottle of mead,


Sharna Heartsong

Sunray to you

Take note that the FCN markets of Falencia (3351) and Prodis (4124) is being redone, so there will be some delay over the next few days, but should then include a buying market for almost all peripheries. Some have been ignored due to lack of knowledge of modifier, any who wish to help out here, can make a private deal in move some goods to us for a profit.

The Selling of our goods will be down for two days, but should be up soon.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire

The Sol Capulets Chariot scans the broken wreckage of the carrier Saratoga.

"Scum forms detected Ma'am."

"How many Reverend?"

"Unsure Ma'am, a broken hull has ruptured their ISR drive when the ship broke up and a resonance of an ISR field flux is making our sensors inaccurate, shall I target the remaining scum forms ma'am?"

"Best not Reverend, we are not in our home systems now and such a sacrifice to the True One would be deemed immoral, hasn't he had enough Imp scum to deal with just lately"

"Do you want us to send out a salvage team instead Ma'am?"

"No we have made our statement and done enough damage this day, let the IMP clean up their mess that will teach them to attack CNF ships in this system. Proceed to previous course; we still have the pope's orders to carry out."

The Sol moves away from the wreckage of the doomed Carrier. The small BHD strike force falls into a cross formation.

"Send word to the fleet to activate the jump fields on my mark!"

"Yes Ma'am"


"Jump field initialized and co-ordinates set ma'am!"

"Very good Reverend"

"Ma'am an incoming communication from Church HQ! Priority Berty"

"Put it on screen reverend."

The screen crackles and the BHD Ankh disappears and reveals Brother Saracen, Zealot general in the first division of the Popes royal guard, and Lord of Osgiliath.

"Evangelist Capulet, it has been a long time.!

"It has my lord, and to what do we owe this pleasure?"

"You have been condemned for your actions against the Imperial ship in the Yank system. You have breached and flaunted numerous laws and inadvertently dragged the rest of Martyr one fleet down with you!
The BHD name once again will get dragged through the mud, by righteous dullards whom know nothing of the war we wage..... So Evangelist Capulet I have had no choice but to put you forward for a commendation. His Holiness the pope has been sent word of your deeds as I am in hope that
it will raise his mood at this current time of crisis."

"Your praise is welcomed my lord.... Death to all Imp scum!"

"Yes Sister Capulet, most definitely!"

To the Kastorian Military Junta,


I hereby lodge a formal complaint regarding the destruction of an unarmed Imperial freighter in Quadrant beta twelve of the Yank system by a Brotherhood battle fleet in direct contravention of Kastorian Laws.

Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy, Capellan Periphery

Pope-regal Press Release

The Pope-regal Administration have been advised that due to an error in re-programming of the ships battle program (a common error in SOL class ships apparently) a BHD ship has fired on another ship within Kastorian space. The Pope apologises unreservedly to the Kastorian Military Junta for this unintended violation of the neutrality enjoyed by all in their systems and have assured them that the officer responsible will be appropriately disciplined and that procedures will be put in place to ensure no repetition of this unfortunate incident.

Brotherhood Press Office



Got this from the old IMP VPD, you know the one that actually done something:

"too late now. we have ordered counter measures against confederate shipping in KAS space."

It appears that they are either trying to escalate the current situation in your space, or they have Ordered you to take counter measures. I would be interested to know which, on the basis that if the Kastorian Military Junta are under the orders of the Empire the I am sure there are a lot of people out there that would like to know this.

Or perhaps the accidental mishap, that has also previously happened before, by the IMP I hasten to add is going to lead to a further confrontation by the Imperials in your system, but this time they do so knowingly and with prejudice, thus breaking your laws with intent.

Orders are in to move my strike force however are the Confederates going to have to put up with the likelihood that the IMP are going to attack their shipping in your space? If so does the KAS/IMP treaty apply here or is it just double standards?

Thoughts on this matter would be highly enlightening.



It should be brought to the attentions of ALL parties using the Yank system that the Flagritz Diplomatic Office is providing direct assistance to the Kastorians with regards to the defence of the Yank system. If open hostilities begin within the Yank system, I will be forced to consult with the Kastorian Military Junta to discuss moves against offending ships within the Yank system. I implore you, let us keep the Yank system a safe haven for all, as per the KAStorians request.

Glory to the Republic,

FGZ Diplomatic Ataman

Just to set the record straight regarding KAS neutrality.

Yank is not a magical kingdom of foam covered clubs and salves that heal all wounds nor are the KAS nursemaids. It is a region of space occupied by an alien race that gains profit through merchandising. As such it desires neutrality and enforces this through the use of large (still upgrading) defence platforms in strategic locations. These platforms have all affiliations on their defend list.
Should a fight occur in one of these locations, the platform will defend the position attacked.

Further, if an attack is made against one party and the attackers refuse to compensate for the obvious misunderstanding, then they will take the matter further. They will only do this through in-game pressure (i.e. a special action) confirming that the aggressor refuses to compensate. At no time will the KAS take the initiative (as this is the same as the GM playing the game). The KAS have a number of tools that they can use to make life difficult for the aggressor. These cover everything from adding specific positions to enemy lists, removal of merchandising privileges, adding entire the affiliation to enemy lists or at the extreme, banning start-ups.

The bottom line is that if two parties want to turn each other into sushi within Yank and neither side is complaining to the KAS, then they can go for it. The KAS really do not care. They may get upset if these fights keep involving their platforms though.

NB. the above applies to any form of aggression, including agents, operatives and the ground assaults. Only come to the KAS once diplomacy has failed and then through special actions (players play the game, the GM does not).




Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


30-05-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 21 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
FET Assault Independent Outpost
Not happy with sending in an assault team to capture a small independently owned outpost, the force also annihilated every last trace of resistance as they retreated. The FET has never been ones to believe that competition is good for trade.

*****KJC Update*****
New Order Editor
I have been playing with the latest order editor and I must say that I am impressed. It can scan turns and extract data that it uses to generate system maps and graphical planet maps.
Soon the days of typing in new items, positions and trying to work out if an world has a sea on it or not will be over - Hooray!
A few more bells and whistles are being added over the weekend so I expect to be adding it to the downloads page next week.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

DNA recruitment will be published, despite being off their turn, because no submission arrived from any of the houses. Since it's a pity not to use up this space and DNA didn't use up their week, I will allow it this time. However should any aff object to this breach in the rules, DNA will forfeit their place on the second round.

Next week will be IMP, followed by KRL.

Democratic Native Alliance (66)
The majority of the DNA are termed Naplians currently, there are also many humans that have seen fit to defect to the Naplian cause. The Naplian cause is rather odd compared to other races, they look after many races that hitherto would have been eliminated, and uphold freedom, fight slavery and normally have to do this at great risk to themselves. They tend to be harmless beings and get along very well with other affiliations but occasionally some can get extremely bold and spiky, and should be avoided in this state. Naplians are poor and ill equipped but they have a uncanny knack of surviving to date to everyone's surprise. They seem expert at running their ships into the ground sometimes literally but they still seem to survive. The DNA's unique Integrity stabilisers (sheer fluke of research of course) allows them to run on deep excursions without much integrity loss or repairs and they have been seen in some ridiculously huge ships lumbering around. How they get their hands on these unique or modified ships and run some kind of ordered starbases is sheer guess work as they have barely any technology compared to other races. Rednecks, mavericks that have an aversion to slavery. Some tribes practise various spiritual weird stuff, and are often seen tinkering around their weird looking ships and getting into places they shouldn't. Well if your looking for the challenge of the under dog, then this is the affiliation for you, if you want to be tucked up in bed by your political advisor and handed orders and ships and starbases on a plate then better try another queue. Invitation only, quiet achievers with outstanding credentials in anti slavery area or alien/native cultures/ship building/diplomacy/intelligence/exploration may apply. Contact brimblnl@bp.comDemocratic Native Alliance (66) More... Naplian or Naplain, Naplean, the spelling matters little to them tend to hold significant influence with Native populations. Naplians are "commonly" friendly, willowy, rather then thin, walk sort of upright, are covered in very short fine fur, which can be grown longer on the head on a leathering skin. They do come in all shapes and sizes though and Naplian is a catch all phrase and typically difficult to categorise. Many though have 2 large eyes that stick out, operate independently and are side/forward facing but can actually give limited rear vision aswell (especially on the run) . Eye colour purple and dark colours are most common. For further detailed descriptions see*

Story of the Week

"ANT SHIP Cobra (2774) Why is this on the BHD enemy list? - Mad Max, DNA"

The BHD does not need to explain itself to you, and even if we did then would we not unless it was at the end of a gun or in the strangling hands of the Inquisition.

On a separate matter you have stepped over the line of neutrality with the BHD, and I warn you that you should watch your back from now on Max. The DNA is not trusted in the church for treachery and deceit and I would tell the peripheries to watch what they say or show the DNA from now on. It appears that the DNA PD Mad Max have compromised the DNA's neutrality, something the last PD was highly trusted on. So all if you do not want your business shared with the weave or whom ever Mad Max is sleeping with then I suggest you look else where for a neutral observer should you need one in the future. The AFT are highly recommended for this purpose.

Oh and by the way Max, you failed in your attempt to discredit the BHD, for whilst we have changed for the better, you and your affiliation have succumb like the whore that was Babylon.

"You Egg, You fry of Treachery!"

Your days are numbered.


Affiliation Messages


Answer the question Saracen, why is ANT on the enemy list?

As for the separate matter you talk of I suggest you keep this off the public air-waves for the answer you get may not be palatable for you. It is very convenient to blame the DNA for any and every rumour you hear isn't it. You really have stuffed up in your analysis here. I won't air this on the public channel so as too limit the embarrassment to your affiliation or anyone else, as I am sure you do not speak for them.

Our neutrality is well respected and your insults to the DNA are not accepted and we will not air this issue publicly. You are much mistaken in your beliefs. I assume someone is really giving you a wind-up, big time. I would check on that whore of Babylon you sleep with.

Your threats of course will not be taken lightly and I have requested the trade at any of your starbases is halted and no DNA trips will take place in light of your misgiven threats so as to reduce any tensions that might occur. How tedious ahhh. would ask that the BHD PD contact me directly to discuss these comments.

May you truly see the light for your misgivings.


Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief
Shaman Guidance No.42 Everyone's days are numbered. "As an elder told me on Mobile Bay once, it is not when you die that matters for we all die eventually, but it is what you died for that counts." *

Being an independent has its ups, and its downs....
they all shoot at us, and yet, they all want to hire us aswell.....

A note of caution to all IND out there. The IMP will set their Intel division on you, and offer the 'earth' , only to turn on you, and attempt to ruin your independent operations. If you get any communication like those following, do not take them at face value. The IMP are a lying, cheating, self-obsessed group whom seem incapable of holding their own space, and unwilling to interact with any degree of trust.

Having been smitten by offers of riches, this IND was swayed, and took them as reasonable offers, and trusted in the mighty IMP Intel Officer. Mores fool me.

Silent bob.

Sunray to you

We dont all shoot at you, the FCN have left Acropolis open as Yank does to IND, so that you can earn stellars from trading, its only if you get out of line, that we have a problem, but we have never had any problems with the INDs.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire


Obviously our new Emperor is oblivious to certain shenanigans that went on in Acropolis concerning 'independent' activities several years ago.

I have a long and particularly vindictive memory, my one redeeming quality it must be said. In the event that I'm even mildly inconvenienced by an Independent, I shall break a lot of independent eggs until I feel I've gotten the right one for a particularly nasty omelette.

Lord Protector of Falconia
The Vulturian equivelent of Machiavelli

From: Admiral Derrius Jedburgh - Head of Intelligence - IMP

With reference to Silent Bobs email claiming that I have shafted him. I can confirm that indeed he has - and with good reason.

Having been asked to perform a few menial intelligence tasks in order to establish his worth this INDEPENDANT took it upon him to send me a number of rude emails demanding 1,000,000 stellars and 5 Imperial Ship of the Lines or Carriers for information that he claimed he had which he said would split the BHD and the DTR.

I declined his offer and then had to deal with yet more rude and cocky emails saying what kind of person was I to not want this information.

I assumed it was a joke and happily passed on his email too all the senior confeds as i would not wish this loudmouthed drama queen on my worst enemy. I don't know who this character is but I would strongly advise the INDEPENDANT community to distance yourselves from him because my patience is wearing thin.

If anyone can shed any light on his whereabouts please contact me directly and in confidence on K.Lovegrove@talk21.comSilent Bob boasted to me that he has a colony that makes 16,000 stellars a month profit (which of course explains why he was touting for freight work on this very forum a couple of weeks ago!) If anyone can tell me his whereabouts or indeed guarantee his termination I shall pay a handsome fee.

And as for the DTR and the BHD - well obviously Silent Bob has some information on you which is being offered to the highest bidder. I happily put the ball in your court and suggest you contact him directly.

I hope this puts an end to the matter and an end to Silent Bob! ****

*From: Silent Bob
*To: Intelligence division of IMP, c/o: IMP Derrius jedburgh.

*Greetings Admiral,

1- Once you have removed your head form its warm and cosy hiding place, re-read my communication, and you shall find the profit of 16,ooo stellars is a weekly total. . intel manager who cant read. Nice!

2- You approached my office, trying to poach a covert operative. One must assume then that your own Intelligence network is in short supply. Little Napoleon's all over the shop, the Viceroy has my sympathy.

3- You opened the door, I merely ventured through them. My apologies if this led to your being insulted. I shall refrain form making use of such opportunities in future.

4- "I assumed it was a joke and happily passed on his email too all the senior confeds as I would not wish this loudmouthed drama queen on my worst enemy. "--- *You assumed wrong...... *You shot your self in the foot......

5- "If anyone can shed any light on his whereabouts please contact me directly and in confidence on K.Lovegrove@talk21.comSilent Bob boasted to me that he has a colony which makes 16,000 stellars a month profit (which of course explains why he was touting for freight work on this very forum a couple of weeks ago!) If anyone can tell me his whereabouts or indeed guarantee his termination I shall pay a handsome fee." *For 1 million stellars, and 5 SOL, or Carrier, Ill tell you myself.......

6- . "I dont know who this character is but I would strongly advise the INDEPENDANT community to distance yourselves from him because my patience is wearing thin." *Well with Patience, reputation, and Level of Expertise in your chosen field to keep each other company, I'm sure you'll have a ball.
7- "I happily put the ball in your court and suggest you contact him directly." he said form the wrong ball park. _Coooey, were over here Admiral, yes that's it, over here, good, you made it. Didn't you read the map?, Oh you did, oh, OK then, well your here now, that's what matters......

Silent Bob


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


05-06-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 22 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Conflict in KAS Space
Once again the Confederacy finds itself breaking kastorian law and actively attacking the imperial block.
In this instance, a task force consisting of IMP, FET and GTT warships with the goodwill of the KAS, embarked on a mission to rid kastorian space of a number of nuisance KST ships. The latter had been damaging a specific kastorian outpost for some time that due to its remote location could not be sufficiently protected by the Kastorian Military Junta.
The arrival of the Confederate and Brotherhood ships at the location and immediate assault on the task force proved to be a flagrant disregard for KAS law.
The battle however is still in full swing opening up the idea that maybe both sides in accordance with KAS law are prepared to see this one through without KAS intervention.

*****KJC Update*****
Well, KJC thought they made KAS law fairly clear last week, but obviously not, so I will clarify some points.

Making aggressive actions breaks KAS law.
Compensation is expected to be paid to the aggrieved party by the aggressor.
This presumes that the aggrieved party made no attempt to inflame the situation, i.e. they attempted to end the conflict by leaving the location.
Should the aggrieved party order more forces to the location after the conflict has started, they are making it is clear that they are not only undertaking no attempt to abide by KAS law, they are in fact actively inflaming the situation. As such the Kastorian Military Junta will no longer support the party's right to compensation.
Currently the situation between the Confederacy and the Imperial block is such that both the FET and the GTT have the right to compensation for all damages incurred as a result of the conflict (the ships that have arrived since the start of the conflict had pending orders). They will, however loose this right if they do not withdraw.

Battle Program
All battles are dynamic. This means that unlike BSE there are no designated sides. If for example, there is three distinct forces present, it can be the case that each is acting completely independently, i.e. just because somebody is not on your side, it is not implicit that they are on your enemy's side.

New Order Editor
The download section of the website contains the latest order editor. While we believe this to be stable we are still checking it.
There is also a new set of orders that should be downloaded. This contains the ground battle parameters as well as orders to set up boarding parties for starbases.
Documentation concerning ground battle rules is still being translated from programmer's notes into English.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

DNA recruitment will be published, despite being off their turn, because no submission arrived from any of the houses. Since it's a pity not to use up this space and DNA didn't use up their week, I will allow it this time. However should any affiliation object to this breach in the rules, DNA will forfeit their place on the second round.

Next week will be KRL, followed by KST.

Imperial Services (51)

The Imperial Services were the Law enforcement arm of the Stellar Empire, with the disintegration of the Inner Empire they perform a similar function in those systems currently claimed by or for the Empire within the Peripheries. These 28 systems constitute the largest area within the peripheries under one government.

The Imperial Services were sent to the peripheries with a remit to establish Imperial Law and expand the borders of the Stellar Empire. The fall of the Inner Empire means that the Viceroy, appointed by the former Emperor to rule the Capellan Periphery on his behalf, is now on his own. With no recognised Emperor he is acting as Regent in the peripheries for the next Emperor, when one is found. We are still committed to the spread of Imperial law and the expansion of the Stellar Empire. We are also committed to the re-establishment of the Stellar Empire in its former glory and the return of the lost inner systems to Imperial Rule.

In addition the Imperial Services are required to take action against pirates and those who commit acts of piracy, wherever they are found.

In order to accomplish these goals we need starcaptains who are prepared to trade to maintain our economy and to explore for materials for our factories and trade goods in addition to those who are prepared to fight for the right.

We have starbases crying out for governors and ships to be allocated to those committed to our aims and prepared to work to achieve them.

Ask not "What can the Imperial Services do for me?" but "What can I do for the Imperial Services?" *

Story of the Week

Imperial Press Release
The Empire's armed forces were given permission to assist the KAS in removing their KST Enemies from the Skord system. We now find that the Brotherhood and Confederate Naval Forces have intervened on the side of the Yank KAStorian's enemies, the Kastor KaSTorians.

The Imperial Services have had a mutual defence treaty with the KAStorians since the former Emperor conceded them the Skord system some years ago. We call upon the KAStorian Military Junta to ban the rebel belligerents from their systems forthwith.


Affiliation Messages

It was the Falconians who were the naughty boys, which is why we threw them out of the main part of the Capellan periphery.

They are still a bit miffed with us

With more than 25 systems and over 50 starbases in the Stellar Empire group for our trading we don't miss Acropolis at all.

HP Simms
Imperial Viceroy

Not miffed at all Viceroy, I just have no interest in allowing a bunch of genocidal maniacs near the Falconian Homeworld at this time.

For some reason that thought doesn't appeal to me.

By the seal of the Great Hunter,

Lord Protector of Falconia
Commander of the Vultures (both House and Clan)

Speak for yourself, Mister Viceroy sir! Those of us trying to make a living out on the fringe of the Outer Capellan do miss having access to the Acropolis markets. Out here travel time to Acropolis is a lot less then travel time to Capellan.

Andy Libby
Governor, FET New Serendipity
Titan System

"Your not actually suggesting that old Simms doesn't speak for the people, now there's a surprise!"

Nothing of the sort, Viceroy Simms speaks for the Emperor and I'm as loyal to the Emperor as the next Imperial subject, but I do wish the Viceregal government in Capellan would pay more attention to the economic needs of their Imperial subjects on the fringes of their domain. The situation with the Falconians does more to hinder the Stellar Empire then it does to hinder the Falconian Empire.

Andy Libby
Governor, FET New Serendipity
Titan System

And which Emperor would that be?

Paul? He's dead and buried in a nice Mausoleum in the Darkfold Jasil? The Clone. He still breathing through a tube?
Lysander? The murderous little git the Viceroy foisted upon the Empire who ended up carpet bombing the Civilian sectors of Earth and then fleeing. You guys even find him yet?

...or is there another Emperor out there incapable of speaking for himself that the Viceroy speaks for?

Lord Lawrence Scrimm
CIA Director of Regional Operations

"The past clearly showed that trade with the FCN is not profitable at all." "It's much more costly to clean up the mess afterwards than you can during the time they honour deals, agreements, and the like."

Which past you referring too?
We traded with the FET at Inversion up to 3 days before, Imperials sneak attacked us in Wasteland. We opened up Acropolis for 3 to 4 months, while we where trying to unite our Empire, so Imperials could come to trade, if they where interested, FET and GTT turned up, also both these groups did not like being banned as you say, but as a united Empire, we have to honour the cease fire.

So not being profitable at all in the past cant be true.

Which part is costly?
The Peace offers we have given Imperials, was what we want in return for a peace, we are still at war, if you have forgotten that part, no side have won it still.

Still I find it fun, that the only official discussions about peace have come from us, three times we have, opened up negotiations and each time rejected, but Imperials have tried no times, which leaves me to believe, its up to us, to clean up your mess.

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire

"Did you not attack that colony in the first place and take it off the HXM in the first place." "Then did you not sell or give a colony in IMP space to an enemy of the IMP and that's why they removed you from there space.

HXM sold us the system of Wasteland, without telling the Imperials about it, later they wanted us to buy Sahara the planet that HXM wanted to keep as their homeworld there, we could not give them what they offered and they reclaimed the system, so we went in to take back the system. Did not know about any deals that Imperials had made with HXM about this system, until they told me about that during our war.

This is partially true, a disagreement which should have been left between FCN and SMS, even the leader of SMS told us, that this should never have involved the Imperials as said planet was owned by SMS not Imperials.

We have been on good terms with the SMS, ever since we made an appearance in the peripheries and today then do our cease fire not include SMS, as they had no part of the war.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire

There is no Emperor at present so I speak as the Regent for the Emperor-To-Be. On matters of trade and access rights decisions are made jointly by the FET PD, GTT PD and myself. I suggest that you ask your PD to explain the FCN situation to you in full.

Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy, Capellan Periphery

"So complain to your PD, the vote was 3-0 in favour of rejecting the Falconian's ludicrous demands for a peace treaty. It seems they think they should be rewarded for starting a war and then loosing it."

I have, My Lord. If the Falconians demands are ludicrous and they think they should be rewarded, then by all means reward them - annex Acropolis into the Empire. As I'm sure My Lord knows trade is the lifeblood of any empire, so shouldn't we add Acropolis massive trade potential to the Empire and keep it from benefiting our enemies? I'm aware that the Imperial leadership has some issues with the current leaders of the Falconian but if they were added to the Empire it would be a simple matter to purge them I'd think.

Andy Libby
Governor, FET New Serendipity
Titan System

The trouble with your particular plan of action would be that you would be "outvoted" 7:3 (BHD, CIA, CNF, DTR, FCN, FGZ and KAS vrs. FET, GTT, IMP), as those are the Affs that worked with the FCN to keep their empire from disintegrating. Check with your bookies - even they wouldn't encourage an action with those kinds of odds.

(And to think that the FCN asked us NOT to obliterate those 6 GTT Behemoths orbiting Falconia a few weeks back. Tsk, tsk, tsk.)

Lord Lawrence Scrimm
CIA Director of Regional Operations

The DTr will do everything we can to make everyone aware of the restricted space. The platforms defending these quads have been built to avoid the immediate destruction of shipping so that innocents can be fined rather than destroyed.

For Ttauri, cautious captains can plot their navigator on a course directly to Beta (301, alpha ring 10) before moving within ring 10. This should mean that they will definitely avoid Gamma 9.

For Venice, we currently recommend Dalmantia (875, alpha ring 13). This is slightly further out and may increase journey times but journeys from this point will always avoid the restricted quad. A waypoint space station is being discussed for Alpha 10.

In both cases moving to alpha quad 10 is the best option. We recommend that this is done for both the inwards and outwards journey.

Peri Romanov
DTR Internal Minister

As is usual with the Imperial Press Office, they have a hard time separating their constructed "facts" and propaganda from actual events. The Fleet engagement in Skord did not "intervene" on anyone's behalf, much less the Kastor KST. The Confederacy acquired information about a large IMP/GTT Fleet build-up in "Neutral" territory - within striking distance of both Darkfold and Falconian space, and responded to protect our interests. Crying to the KAS and fabricating lies only shows how pathetic the IMP have become and how far the Stellar Empire has fallen. Truly, better stewards are required if the Stellar Empire is to survive.

Lord Lawrence Scrimm
CIA Director of Regional Operations

The rebels are showing their usual contempt for the laws of others. We had the good manners to ask the KAS Military Junta first, and received their permission to attack their enemies in a KAS controlled system. Doubtless they will be equally happy for us to defend ourselves against their enemies so called friends.

Whether the KAS systems and the Military Junta will be able to preserve their neutrality in the light of yet another rebel violation of their laws remains to be seen.

Admiral Lord simms

BHD Church release.

To the Kastorian Military Junta.

Contrary to Imperial opinion, which is always going to be bias and hostile towards us, the Confederate force has been dispatched to neutralise an overwhelming threat in a system shared by confederate assets. This is in no way connected to the KST threat to the KAS, like you have your enemies we have ours and whilst a large imperial presence is in Skord, so shall there be a large confederate one attacking it.

General Saracen

FET officially asked the KAS if they required assistance in dealing with a force of KST ships in orbit of Zion. The KAS replied that indeed all FET/GTT/IMP forces are welcome to attack forces hostile to the KAS in Skord(the KST in this instance). The Imperial forces are there by invitation the confederate forces are not and therefore in breach of KAS law. I suggest you confirm this with the KAS military Junta before the situation escalates and you find yourself banned from Yank and Skord. Zuvoro Norozov. FET CEO ***************


An interesting statement, but with no less than 12 BHD vessels who were previously involved in the Saratoga incident just a few weeks ago now being involved in the Skord conflict the implication is that if either side were building up a fleet in neutral territory it was the Confederates.



For a hypocrite to stand there and talk holier than thou about contempt of laws when you and your criminal organisations that follow you continue to break numerous confederate and DTR laws as well as committing dodgy sabotage and other dirty but useless tactics within our systems, I find your words highly hilarious. Get use to us jumping you and your ships as we are watching you viceroy and for heavens sake grow a back bone or put someone in charge who might own one, you and your associates constant whining on the matter does your useless reputation as a leader and a human being no good. Isn't the role of the rebels to attack those who ejected us from their homelands after you lot nuked our worlds and sort to atomise our beliefs. So quit with the over the top and quite pussy victim show and act like the no good Nazi's that you are. Try using your warships as ruthlessly as you did when you drove us from the stellar empire again! They aren't there for show, you're suppose to be using them against us.

I knew you lot were arrogant but gee.

General Saracen.

Oh and Roswell sends his love. x



After being threatened by your ejected VPD I thought it prudent to keep my strike force in a close proximity to BHD shipping in the Yank system. In fact I chose a really safe spot in Dryad as I knew the incompetent Imperial arses cant find their elbows so what chance did they have with a small strike force. So I was neither in neutral territory or building up as the ship ranks have not swelled past what I had in Yank.

Have you found 'Our Terry' yet?


There were 19 IMP/GTT Ships that jumped to Skord - I'm sure one of them MUST have noticed that there is no KAS Claim in Skord. There is no KAS Claim in Skord, therefore, there is no KAS law in effect in Skord to be "broken".

As for banning the Confederate Affs from KAS Space - let me direct your attention to archived message #8900, where the clarification of KAS neutrality SPECIFICALLY states that it is for Yank - there is no mention of Skord whatsoever.

The fact that the Imperial Services asked for permission from an entity with no established claim in the system speaks volumes of their propensity for placing faith in the hands of those completely inappropriate to the task at hand.

Lord Lawrence Scrimm
CIA Director of Regional Operations



"It seems that we are being spoken to in some kind of code, references to 'Vera' and 'Terry' - what's that all about? Jones - can you do a search please?"

"Boss, it seems we have a link to the term Vera but not Terry. It seems 'Vera' was an old earth name for a drug called Ecstasy"

D-L "Hmmmm....that makes sense, I guess it's easy for someone who has succumbed to a perverted faith to fall into the grasp of drug addiction. He must be a real junky to be just blurting out his cravings during a communication"

"ah, I've cross-referenced the names 'Vera', and 'Terry' with 'Duckworth'. According to records there was a soap opera by the name Coronation Street in which Vera and Terry Duckworth were characters"

D-L: "ah it seems our dear Saracen was making a witty jest at the expense of my name...strange that he should refer to something from past history like that....what else do we know about this chap?"

Jones: "Sir, it appears he lives with his Mom"

D-L " all makes sense now. It seems Jones, that what we have here is a case of a 30-something who lives at home with his mom. Now it's just a hypothesis, but I suspect that our dear Saracen is not able to watch what he wants on telly. To ease his pent up frustration, it seems he likes nothing better to risk the lives of thousands of the deluded Brotherhood flock by sending them into conflict. Can these Confederates stoop any lower?!.....But, to be honest Jones, I'm not sure whether to loathe him for his faith of perversion, or pity him for living with an overbearing mother who lives for soap opera"

Jones: "To be fair boss, he probably gets his ironing done for him"

D-L: "Yes, there is that Jones..."


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


12-06-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 23 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Skord Conflict Nearly Over
The major incident of the last week in the orbit Zion has all but finished. A few ships remain, their captains caught up in the excitement and not willing for follow the general orders of their admirals or caught in a cross fire and unable to pull out.
The kastorians, tired of being on the receiving end have basically had enough. They warn that the freighters used earlier in the week will be returning at the start of week 24 with ordnance to deal with the few ships that refuse to quit firing at the KAS Research Centre.
This is the last warning - clear your target and locked lists and leave orbit.

*****KJC Update*****
There have been some improvements to the website.
Colour coding on the market reports. This will help traders to specialise in types of cargo.
A brief history has been added. We are happy to put more links on this page to more detailed accounts.
We need racial descriptions for a number of races. If you do not submit them, KJC will write them....
We also need affiliation descriptions, again submit what you want there, along with any number of links and we will update the database.

Notice that there is now a forum link on the phoenix website. Both David and myself regularly look at this (it is more convenient than the mailing list) so if you have questions regarding game mechanics post them there rather than send them to KJC.
If you post a question to KJC, it will most probably be answered on the forum simply to reduce the need for repetitive answering.
While we can understand that some player will be asking questions regarding 'the mechanics of various forms of skulduggery', the answer should still be made available to all players as these are game mechanics and as such are available to all.
The alternative is to try it and see what happens. When doing this, please consider that where we have already considered an issue, we have implemented sensible 'physics' mechanics or sensible 'game' mechanics. We never intentionally leave glaring loopholes and reserve the right to amend any that are discovered as and when we are able without prior notification to the players.

Another Quick Plug for the Bristol Pubmeet
Bristol Pubmeet
A webpage has been created for people to sign themselves up to the pubmeet in Bristol on the 12-13th July. Please add your names in as soon as possible so we can get an idea of numbers. To sign up you need to enter the password of 'pubmeet' this is so that we don't get anyone other than players signing up (just in case).

The address to sign up is as follows :-

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

KRL didn't submit a recruitment message. Next week is KST

Story of the Week

Speaking on my own behalf and as a Kastorian, might I say: Yew hewmans really aar thee absolewt mowst disgusting cweechurs a Kastorian could ever clapp eyes on. Yowr offspwring stink fwrom the vewry moment they are bworn. Infact, it is quiet stwange that yowr childrin are capabaw at berf of smelling lyke deaded Wimbles, yet cannot comoonicate even the mowst simpaw of commands to yew. Intewresting, if a little untidy. In studdeeeing hewmans, I have found them to be much liyke this for the doorashon of their existene. Untidy, slovenly, immowral, unethical halfbreeds whow are neva happey unless fiting each other with pee-shuwtas, and declawring for the wrest of us via public advertising, their wreesons for time and agen maming entire planets, in the search for yet mour planets on witch to feed your fat ugly spawn, until said lowcashons are dwied up wastelands, not fit to bury Kastorian ded on.

Silver lining bein a never ending supleye of crappy worlds, on which we can test our Nuclear weapons.

I do not care for yewr Hewman war. it is insulting to fink the Yank Kastowrians do. That thay recwire hewman assistance to fight their fow in Skord is completely abhorent to me, and I condemn them for it.

Yank Kastorians.......
Yewr own peepaw are shocked and dismayed that you cannot defend their relatifs living on yewr outpost in Skord, and that yew recwire the hewmans to do it for yew. Any Kastorian who savives at said outpost will be foweva wemembered for bein afwraid to fite the KST, and for allowing the orbiting hewman ships to fight on their behalf. PATHETIC-SPIT! Further, as far as I am aware, the ownership of anyfing is relative to the owners ability to defend it, especially in hostiyal climate. If the Yank Kastorians cannot defend their system of Skord, then I would assess that it is not theirs.

Hewmans. Please keep killing each other. It is fun to watch.

Kastorians everywhere are again let down by the Yank Kastorians, and the sooner the government in charge of the Yank Kastorians is replaced with a real kastorian the betta.

Interfering in hewman affairs. NOT a Kastorian trait I would allow amongst my dependants.

Kastorian Military Adviser - Kastorian Faction of the Kastorian Race

Affiliation Messages

Out of interest.
Does the fact that there are so many slave routes in Yank, mean that the KAS allow it in their system.?

If not, do they have the means to stamp it out.
If not, do the IMP intend to do it for them?

If not, anyone want to buy some.!

Silent Bob

Silent Bob,

Up until now you have been hilarious and have made the Confederates watch your progress with interest. However your public and attempt at slave trade is condemned by us.

If you have slaves then I suggest you release them, else the BHD will be forced to purchase them as to pay for their freedom.

Continued attempts to sell such slaves will incur our wrath as the True One did not intend his children to be purchased for personal gain, but to be free to do good deeds and to worship him.

So relieve your stock of slaves from their bonds and hardship or pass them to an affiliation that will do this willingly.



Well spoken there Saracen.

As you all may know many moons ago the RIP freed 12,000 slaves on becoming a legitamate affiliation, these ex-slaves are now loyal members working an honest days pay in several starbases around Yank and further afield.

Slavery is abhorant, however as we have been tainted in the past by this stigmata we will designate Quick Snack on Spritzer in Yank as a place where people can deliver their slaves for return into a brighter and better world.

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door to RIP Quick Snack.


King Porteus

To deal with the BHD's fears first: They are Naplian slaves.!!!!!
hehehe Everyone else: The slaves I speak of are to be freed upon being initiated into the trade.

First, those so feeble, meak or tame as to allow themselves to be enslaved, shall be.

Then, Silent Bob shall offer them all a fair wage, to do a fair days work.

Finally, these slaves shall be given free rites at Bobs base, and be treated as our own. They shall be cared for. They shall be slaves,descendant of slaves,taken from the home system of slavery, freed by Silent bob, from the brutal gorvernment of Yank,and their mighty allies the IMP.

Turn not the wrath of the true one on me, but those whom govern system's in which slavery is possible.

If any 'noble' aff,would like to purchase said slaves, for the going rates, and then put them through repatriation process', to free them, and pay them wages, then you may apply to me privately with regards payment/delivery.

If the AFT wish to visit my 'repatriation' plant, at my base, with authority to oversee the 'freeing' process, the Master Trader may contact me in private. It should be noted, that freedom from slavery, and the mental anguish these peoples have suffered, cowering in the dark caves of the planets of Yank, is likely to be a long and drawn out process, and one of great cost to me personally.

Despite this, I ask no thanks form all you 'oh so noble' affiliations, whom stand idle as these Yank criminals and their allies hold rites over systems rife with slaves.

If any IMPerial or Kastorian would like to comment, pleaes do so only after looking at any one of the planets in Yank, and deciding for yourself wether or not I speak true of the slaves avaliable theron. It will not take long to infiltrate the slave networks, I assure you.

Silent Bob

Skord was ceded to the Kastorians in Week 50/195 by the former Emperor during negotiation to get the former FET starbase of Port Royal returned to the FET after it had been taken by pirates and sold to the Kastorians. It has remained a KAS system since then and no propaganda or so called rationalisations by the rebels with change that fact.

Extract from the meeting between the Emperor and the KAS Military Junta, 50/195:- The Kastorians symbolically present the Emperor with the colony Restville. Formally FET Port Royal, RIP Port Royal and KAS Port Royal.

The Emperor returned with the gift of the Entire Skord System with the following provisos. All colonies presently in the system would share same privileges of freedom and restrictions as those in the Yank System with control of currently owned outposts being guaranteed The sentient race Bendians would be free to dictate their own contacts.
The dangerous chemical found on the moon Kingdom would not be used within the borders of the Empire and areas under IMP rule. In order to accelerate expansion into the new system the Emperor has authorised the pick up of 20 mines and 20 farms from Hardpoint for use in the Skord System. The Kastorians agreed to the terms but noted that at present they may not be able to take advantage of the system due to lack of resources but felt that when they are able to expand, Skord would be very useful.

As to ignoring your laws - the Imperial Services do not recognise the Confederacy as a legal government, therefore we do not recognise your laws either. Regarding contempt for the DTR Laws, ask your masters why they are showing the same contempt for our laws by setting up an unregistered and illegal starbase and some outposts in our systems?
Sauce for the goose and all that.

Admiral Lord Simms

Imperial viceroy and Regent for the Emperor-To-Be

"As to ignoring your laws - the Imperial Services do not recognise the
Confederacy as a legal government, therefore we do not recognise your
laws either. Regarding contempt for the DTR Laws, ask your masters
why they are showing the same contempt for our laws by setting up an
unregistered and illegal starbase and some outposts in our systems?
Sauce for the goose and all that."

It's simple Mr Simms, the empire that you claim to represent no longer
exists. Therefore your claim for that empire is no longer valid.
Your banning of the DTR from your former systems just goes to show
that you have completely lost the plot.

Peri Romanov

It's always the same isn't it. The Viceroy politely explains the situation and clarifies things for people and all he gets is insults. Yes the Inner Empire may be no more,but the Capellan Periphery is still there. The Viceroy was charged by the Emperor to uphold Imperial law within said periphery and defend it against all enemies. This he has done exceedingly well in my opinion. Would you rather see him give up and let millions of people suffer in the ensuing anarchy. You damn him for upholding Imperial law and I'd expect you'd damn him if he walks away. The man has a dignity and honour you'd never understand or match. He knows his duty is to help restore the Empire some day. I feel confident that he will see it happen. He is always polite when answering yours and others charges of incompetence and weakness and all you can do is throw personal insults at the man. That is a sign of weakness and cowardice. Take a look at the political map. After years of wars with various powers trying to wrestle control from the Empire the Capellan Periphery is still in Imperial control. If all you can do is slander the man I suggest you SHUT UP!!!

Zuvoro Norozov.

It is of interest to note that the DTR have now sent ships to Zion in Skord to bail out their Darkfold lackeys. Totally ignoring the Kastorian Law against offensive actions in KAS systems.

So much for the DTR "Law Abiding" stance.

Admiral Lord Simms

The DTR are lead to believe that the KAS no longer claim Skord.

So we are not breaking KAS laws

Peri Romanov

Here's the Skord system message in full that was received by one of our ships this week. Greetings. You're now in the Skord System.SMS Phoenix Retreat(2732)on Asgard can cater to most needs. We currently offer great offers on storage. We buy most ores at reasonable prices. Please contact the Company Commander for all your trading needs. No aggressive race/affiliation or individual will be granted shore leave at Retreat, please leave weapons at home. WAR HINDERS TRADE! Skord is under the protection of the Kastorian Military Junta. It is considered neutral space. Do not violate this neutrality.

As you can see the system is under KAS control. The ships of the Imperial Bloc are there after enquiring if the KAS needed assistance against KST and pirate aggression in accord with the defense pact agreed in 195.We are there legally, the CNF/BHD/DTR/KST and pirates are not. I suggest you talk to whoever told you that Skord wasn't KAS controlled as they've dropped you right in it.

Zuvoro Norozov.

So the Kastorians are good at upholding their laws. They warned everyone that if anyone took aggressive action against others in KAS space they would defend the victims. The Imperial ships were in Skord first to defend the KAS base against KST and pirate forces as requested by the Kastorians. Then a large fleet of CNF and BHD ships arrive all guns blazing!! Are you now going to admit you're in the wrong here? or are you going on a Jihad against us and the KAS? Can you really afford to have all your bases in Yank closed down and shipping banned even for a short time because of your rash actions in Skord? Think of the loss of income!!! Do yourself a favour and withdraw now before you dig a deeper hole for yourself. Zuvoro Norozov. FET CEO. ***********

The fact that the KAS Outpost in Skord has now entered the fray (with considerable firepower I might add) begs the question of WHY the KAS even needed the Imperial Services to play nursemaid for them in the first place. The KAS Outpost on Zion seems more than capable of handling any rogue KST/PIR elements (2 small ships from my last count) that may have entered it's orbit and caused it grief. The fact that the Imperial Services mobilized 19 warships to deal with these 2 small ships either indicates a traumatic inferiority complex or a more sinister plan.

I am sure that the KAS are aware of the state of affairs between the Confederacy and the Imperial Services. It would seem logical that even the basest attempt at neutrality would include discussions with the diametrically opposed position so that they could voice their legitimate concerns and objections to such a large force entering "Neutral" space and conducting extensive Naval manoeuvres. Although I am not privy to the discussions with the DTR, my understanding is that they also viewed this large concentration of Imperial Services ships in Neutral space to be a disturbing occurrence.

The existence of an 8 year old "defence agreement" between the KAS and Imperial Services also tends to bode ill for the seeming neutrality of the KAS in Skord.

I would suggest that the KAS enforce their own laws in the future - using the considerable resources at their disposal - and not involve other affiliations in their own internal affairs. This is the ONLY way that KAS Neutrality can be maintained in light of recent occurrences.

Lord Lawrence Scrimm
CIA Director of Regional Operations

Greetings Lord Scrimm.
My you are paranoid aren't you, which is a plus in your line of work I suppose. As I've pointed out several times the Imperial bloc asked the KAS if they needed assistance. The answer was yes. It does not matter that the base was capable of defending itself. The military Junta must have it's reasons for wanting outside help. Who are we to question that reason. All that does not change the fact that the confederate and DTR forces are there and committing a hostile act against Imperial forces engaged in lawful operations. You ask why 19 warships? Why not I say. There maybe only a few KST and pirate ships in orbit, or were in orbit, but as we've all seen large numbers of reinforcements can rapidly be bought in.It is best to be prepared for the worse case scenario again as we've seen. You also suggest that maybe the Kastorian Military Junta are not as neutral as they claim to be. They are only enforcing their laws in their system. Everyone has the right to do that. They made it quiet plain what would happen to aggressors in their systems. There's a lot of bluster, threats and hot air coming from the Confederate leadership trying to justify their actions. They know they're in the wrong and everyone else now knows they're in the wrong. Time to admit this even if only to yourselves and withdraw your forces. As the KAS have warned.If aggressors continue with their actions after military force hasn't stopped them, political pressure will be bought to bear. Why risk it? Zuvoro Norozov. FET CEO.

"Might I also remind you that we have history to make up for. The BHD peoples are willing and ready to reclaim the Inner Republic for the free humans of this existence."

Assuming you ever get to the Inner Empire (it has only ever been a republic in your dreams) take a long careful look at the systems and worlds devastated by the Confederacy during your rebellion. Remember the Tau Ceti treaty that was intended to stop BOTH side doing that sort of thing? You are not the only ones with history to make up.

Your dreams of an "Inner Republic" are presumably inspired by the price you had to pay to get the DTR to protect you in Trinity, and now elsewhere, because they certainly do not reflect the elitist society always envisioned by the Confederacy in the past. You were trying to make poor old Samuel emperor, not president.


The Imperials nuked the planets that were rebelling; you had hold of the power which is why we were driven out, however times change old man

This statement sums up the Imperials and your old self perfectly, unwilling to change, unwilling to better your pathetic regimental regime and unable to try. Our society has changed Simms, as have our views and our ways; it matters not if you believe it as you are nothing but a bug on our windscreen. The IBH taught us a valuable lesson and the path we had been taking then ended abruptly, we knew it a sign from the True One to amend our ways, and so we have. We are no longer elitist militants and no longer wish a clone of a flawed era to sit on a throne to rule like a dictator. It is not humanistic and it is not the way we do things now. Cultures change however memories do not. Sit on your comfy chair and spout on about the DTR and the BHD/CNF all you like, its what single-minded anarchists do, just don't think your old ways will beat us this time, for god, the DTR and the wish of freedom is on our side.


"You forget that the IMP also nuked the DTR from their home systems Detinus and Tate"

Not at all, what you seems to forget is that this happened before the Samuel rebellion so the Confederacy's predecessors took an equal part in the defeat of the Detinus rebellion along with ours. We were all part of the same Empire then, as you may not wish to recall.

As a matter of curiosity why should I stop boring everyone with the Empire's point of view? Is it that you want a monopoly in boring people, or are you afraid that they might believe the truth when they hear it?



Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


19-06-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 24 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Felini Caught Cat Napping
Dewiek forces intercepted a felini fighter carrier while was apparently conducting planetary surveys. At least this is the only plausible reason for it being in a largely uncharted space orbiting a desolate world.
Could it be a coincidence that a squadron consisting of over a dozen dewiek warships was nearby?
Will the felini take this brutal attack lying down? Can we expect reprisals? Do either side have an official statement for Inter Galactic News?

*****KJC Update*****
Regular contributions are being made to the forum, so for all the latest information check it out.
This is the place to ask lots of questions and, better yet, get answers.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

KST hasn't supplied any recruitment message

Story of the Week

In response to recent reports of an attempted attack on a Flagritz freighter by a Dominion starbase in Solo, the AFT are contacting both sides privately in an attempt to gain a fuller understanding of the events, and to take steps to ensure that this regrettable incident is not repeated.

Mr Norozov is mistaken, in that the DOM starbase in question is on a moon in which the only (visible) facilities are operated by the Dominion.

I can assure all traders that the moon Eridani, home to the AFT starbase Ariel as well as the DOM starbase High Meridian, is open to _all_ traders, and that numerous occasions over the past few years have proved that the orbit is truly a non-combat zone, safe to visit even for affiliations considered enemies by one or more of the affiliations represented on the moon. In addition the AFT does have a strong wish to preserve the neutrality of Solo, and a small force is on call to aid any position which is attacked in the system without strong justification.

For the record, I personally do not consider that the orbit of a planet or moon counts as "within the boundaries" of any starbase.

May your profits ever grow,

Audrey Firesong (Mme)
AFT Master Trader

Affiliation Messages

Due to technical difficulties, I have yet to be notified of this incident by the starbase governor. However, I have consulted various sources and believe that I have pieced together the details.

So, let us consider the market message for the starbase in question:
"Retreat is now open for trade. All are welcome, except for FGZ and HVE who are cordially advised to keep well away."

I think that the meaning is quite unequivocal: Flagritz-registered vessels are not welcome. They have not been welcome in DOM space for quite some time, and I see no reason for this to change in the immediate future.
You may consider me paranoid, but to my way of thinking a species that has twice declared war on all of humanity is not to be trusted.

All vessels not registered FGZ or HVE are welcome to trade at Retreat. I would remind you, though, that Retreat is a military installation and that all trade should be conducted via the hiport.

David Davis, DOM Strategist


Since when was SOLO a DOMinion system, and the market message in no way states that unarmed freighters will be fired upon. ooh, but then again you believe slaves are better of than free people. Perhaps Flagritz ethics differ from those of the DOMinion

Are you aware of the Peace talks that are currently taking place between the DOMinion and the Flagritz? Obviously the DOM strategist has no idea on the meaning of the phrase Peace talks.

This is the third time the 'Xenophic' Flagritz have been deceived by the 'Peace-loving' DOMinion. It is strange that you still view the Flagritz as the bane of Humanity, when the DOMinion are the only affiliation to stall on peace talks.

The Flagritz vessel in question did not enter DOMinion territory, since when did the DOMinion decide that their laws should supersede those of local governing power?

I look forward to your 'enlightened' response.

Glory To The Republic!

Azreal S'Falen
FGZ Warfare Ataman

Dear Mr Sfalen

Loathe as I am to discuss this issue with an entity whose official title is a contradiction in terms, allow me to explain. The market message for DOM Retreat clearly states that Flagritz vessels should "stay well away". In light of your previous behaviour, I feel that this is ample warning.

Regarding the question of territory, the system message for Solo states:

"In the Solo system, each affiliation may apply its own laws within the boundaries of its own colonies, starships, ground parties and outposts."

By entering the orbit of Haven, the vessel in question infringed both Dominion law and the boundaries of the starbase Retreat. Due punishment was delivered, and in this instance the Flagritz Republic will not be held responsible for the cost of the munitions expended.

I trust that this resolves the issue.

As to the question of your official title, might I recommend "Flagritz Defeat Ataman"? It has a nice ring to it, I feel, and fits nicely with the events of today.

David Davis, DOM Strategist

Fellow officials, I must agree with Mr Davis here, irrespective of the DOM/DEN relationship.

The market message clearly states for any FGZ ships to stay away, it does not differentiate between types of ship, simply their owner. It also makes no claim to the system of Solo.

The market message is public knowledge; a proclaimed trader must surely have checked the market database before making the journey. The captain chose to ignore the good advice of that market message so any fault must be his.

= = = = = = = = = = = =
Feirha Silvermane Kaien
Kaien Pack Elder
Dewiek Elder Nation

Greetings on this dark day,
A recent event involving the DOMinion starbase Retreat in the Solo system causes me to pose several questions and comments. For the past 2 years the Flagritz have worked to put an end to the hostilities between the Flagritz and the DOMinion. The DOMinion has repeatedly stated that they require peace, yet all communications to discuss such a truce are ignored. The DOMinion then agreed to allow the FELini to mediate an agreement between our two peoples. The FELini have also seen that the DOMinion are unwilling to even discus the issues that leave us in a state of war, although the DOMinion are not afraid to agree to talk on an open forum - they just never manage to get that far.

With this as a backdrop, an UNARMED Flagritz trading freighter was attacked by the DOMinon starbase whilst attempting to perform the trade-related actions of selling and purchasing. Fortunately, due to
the quick actions of the ships captain and crew, the ship escaped unharmed. It must be noted that this ship was not in official DOM space and had not broken any local laws.

The Flagritz Senate wishes to know how the DOMinion consider this a step toward the peace they say they desire. The Senate is also eager to ensure events like this do not happen in future, and an escalation to all out war is not something the Flagritz people wish to happen. While the Senate is willing to accept an appology for this incident, the Captain of the vessel involved has a right to request further action.

I personally find it deplorable that the DOMinion have chosen such a stance within AFT space - well known for their peacefulness and neutrality. How can the AFT expect to make an honest living while allowing this kind of thuggery to continue on a main trading route?

FGZ Diplomatic Ataman


Once again the DOMinion 'strategist' avoid 99% of the questions put to them, perhaps Strategist is DOMinion for fool, coward, or does it simply mean you don not have any authority to answer the questions raised?

within boundaries of its own colonies?

I always thought Boundary meant WITHIN, we did not enter your boundary, and did not threaten your boundary. Therefore DOMinion law did not hold sway on this occasion.

The day will come when your normal strategy of 'go and hide behind DTR/DEN and IMP' will not be available to you.

I propose a challenge, you send a unarmed freighter into orbit of an FGZ starbase and then we will see who in an FGZ deafet Ataman, whoops I keep forgetting the DOMinion only attack 'safe' targets or when hiding behind the DTR/DEN/IMP

Glory to The Republic

Azreal S'Falen
FGZ Warfare Ataman

"In the Solo system, each affiliation may apply its own laws within the boundaries of its own colonies, starships, ground parties and outposts."

Nope. It doesn't matter how many time I read this message, it still does not state that the DOMinion control the planetary orbit. Only WITHIN the boundaries of it's COLONIES. The orbit is NOT DOMinion territory, neither is the planet itself, and your laws should not apply.

Diplomatic Ataman


I beg to differ, the orbit of the planet is NOT WITHIN THE BOUNDRIES OF THE STARBASE.

Imagine the scenario, the FGZ also have an Starbase/outpost on the same planet. What would the DOM stance be then?

In the opinion of the Flagritz Republic the Orbit of the planet is NEUTRAL TERRITORY.

Glory To The Republic!

Azreal S'Falen
FGZ Warfare Ataman

Dear Mr Sfalen

If there were in fact a Flagritz starbase on Haven, rest assured that it would not be there for very long.

As for your opinion, I suggest that you keep it to yourself. That way, you will not be upset when nobody listens.

David Davis, DOM Strategist


The Dominion peace talks went well enough for the BHD and DOM to settle its differences, and with our hostile histories it shows that the Dominion are in fact approachable, obviously just not in Solo .

Lord Saracen


Mr Davis might not be aware but there was a FGZ starbase on Haven, as well as a BHD one. It just so happens that the DOM owns it now so you have already carried out your threat


"the ship was attempting to interact with the hiport was it not? Is that not part of the starbase and within its boundaries?"

This is a point I am willing to concede, but DOMinion officers should be able to determine if a vessel is hostile by its actions.

I do believe we had n incident involving a DOM ship at a Flagritz starbase several months ago. If memory serves me correct the vessel landed (against FGZ colonial law) and sold its crew the starbase. What we do? We asked questions determined the vessel was no threat gave the crew back and let them go! Perhaps the Dominion should employ a similar practice?

"And in terms of defending ones own assets wouldn't "boundaries" > apply to "within weapon range"

Unfortunately the Flagritz vessel was unarmed and attempting to trade with the Starbase.

Glory To The Republic

Azreal S'Falen
FGZ Warfare Ataman

To clarify, the ship had just entered orbit of the planet and had not attempted to interact with the hiport when it was shot at.
As for the second point, "Within weapon range" does not mean within your borders. That is the purpose of a hiport, to keep ships outside of your starbase's border and still allow trade.

Alun H.
Administrator for the ATAT Fleet.

Greetings Saracen,

Am I glad you have managed to reach an agreement with DOMinion, but efforts have been less than fruitful. Since the Hazzard Incident we have made three attempts at securing peace with them. Each time they say 'yes we want peace' go very quite and then attack us without provocation. Perhaps there is a pattern here that I cannot see...

I hope that it is not too much ask, but could you commune with the True One and pray that the DOMinion change there ways and actually sit down and conduct peace talks with Flagritz without opening fire?

Glory To The Republic!

Azreal S'Falen
FGZ Warfare Ataman

Greetings all.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but are there bases controlled by other affs on the same planet as DOM Retreat? If so how do they feel about someone shooting at ships that could be coming to trade with them?
Everyone knows FETs policy of shooting at INDs,but even we don't operate this policy on shared planets. I'd advise the DOM to revise their anti FGZ/HVE policy where they share planets before they offend someone else. This is in no way a criticism of the DOM in this matter, only a polite observation. Zuvoro Norozov FET CEO.

Sunray to you

"Mr Norozov is mistaken, in that the DOM starbase in question is on a moon in which the only (visible) facilities are operated by the Dominion."

I take it that the moon can only support 1 starbase then?

"I can assure all traders that the moon Eridani, home to the AFT starbase Ariel as well as the DOM starbase High Meridian, is open to all traders, and that numerous occasions over the past few years have proved that the orbit is truly a non-combat zone, safe to visit even for affiliations considered enemies by one or more of the affiliations represented on the moon. In addition the AFT does have a strong wish to preserve the neutrality of Solo, and a small force is on call to aid any position which is attacked in the system without strong justification."

Just what is the AFT laws in regards to Solo, that i can place a starbase on a planet and if i am alone there, then can i fire on anyone?

For the record, I personally do not consider that the orbit of a planet or moon counts as "within the boundaries" of any starbase.

So if I wanted to setup a starbase in Solo, then how would I then go about that, as i might get shot in any orbit, except 1 in there?

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow


The Flagritz Republic is pleased that the AFT will be investigating this incident. The Flagritz Republic will abide by the final decision of the AFT on this matter.

In the hope of furthering our attempt to make with the DOMinion the Flagritz Republic will continue to allow DOMinion vessels to trade unhindered with Republic Starbases.

The sensor logs of the unarmed courier class freighter that was at the centre of this incident shows there are other bases on the surface of Haven which do not belong to the DOMinion.

Glory To The Republic!

Azreal S'Falen
FGZ Warfare Ataman


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


26-06-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 25 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Empire Besieged
Forces of the combined Detinus Republic and Confederacy have stepped up their campaign against the Empire. A number of key starbases and outposts have been assaulted. While some have been able to repel the aggressors, it seems those under FET control are rolling over and giving up. Despite being in Imperial space there is a notable lack of cavalry.
As these attacks have tied up some of the Confederate warfleet, the IMP and FET used the opportunity to assault a Detinus starbase with little fear of reprisals. During the orbital bombardment a number of caves were destroyed. Their collapse caused light civilian casualties plus considerable damage to the infrastructure.

GTT Demand Compensation
I claim the sum of two and one half million stellars from the DTR, CIA, BHD, and CNF in respect of damage to the paintwork of GTT ships over Zion and other assorted ancillary expense that this unprovoked and unjustified aggression has put the GTT.

The GTT will not get involved in any direct discussion with the aggressors and requests that they direct the payment through the offices of the neutral and independent Kastorian High Command on Spritzer.

We look forward to your settlement of this claim by return.

Leonidas Agiadai

Total for damage and incidental losses >> 696,678 (Figures based on current market prices)
4 Kopis @ 200400 each >> 801,600 (EEM list price)
11709 patches @ 13 each >> 152,217 (Figure based on current market prices)
Lost income, ships taken from trade >> 190,306 (Estimate, based on comparison with previous weeks figures)
Lost income, unnecessary factory prod. >> 100,705 (Ditto)
Penalty for being idiots >> 558,494
Total 2,500,000 Stellars

*****KJC Update*****
Agents and Operatives Update
A lot of work has been done to these guys. They now have counter intelligence so that they can be used in friendly starbases to track down enemy agents. Operatives can also hire agents - at a risk.
We have also added operative items. These are used by operatives for everything from hacking to assassination. All these items are restricted tech and generally available through espionage tech. Unlike normal items, these are rarely built from basic ores. Most rely on alloys in one form or another. No doubt these will be coming to a CIA operative near you, soon.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

RIP hasn't supplied any recruitment message, so here is one for the GTT. Next week is SMS followed by the Wimbles

GTT article for SSS
The GTT are the powerhouse of the peripheries with the greatest concentration of factories in our colonies seen anywhere in the peripheries. Indeed some of our colonies have more factories in them than whole affiliations have.

This strength puts the GTT in a unique position within the star systems allowing us to dominate the supply side of the most economic transactions; "buy your goods from the GTT or pay more elsewhere"

This emphasis on production is reflected within the GTT command structure where Colony Governors are allowed only one vote on the Grand council whereas a Factory Manager is allowed four, but is required to manage a minimum of 1500 operational factories.

To back this massive production capacity is our equally impressive research establishment. So impressive is this that a few years ago, when the mad monks of darkfold "produced evidence" that the Imperial Emperor Jasil and the renegade Samuel were clones, they pointedly refused to allow the GTT to inspect their "evidence". Indeed even today the GTT have not been supplied with any "evidence" to back this claim. We now suspect that is because the mad monks have failed to manufacture any "evidence" that will fool our scientists in the same way as it appears to have fooled others.

The GTT has unique ships for all occasions. This ranges from small scouts suitable for basic Police Work or Gunboat Diplomacy, right up to the massive Flagships which, due to their unique and highly efficient onboard communications, allow our Stratiarchai to command fleets which include a significant proportion of allied vessels. We also have the highly economic Behemoth transports that allow huge quantities of goods, or raw materials, to be shipped to market or factory at almost no expense.

Recent events have shown the superiority of GTT designed warships and so we have embarked on a project to double to size of our warfleet. Due to our massive production capacity this should be almost completed within a few weeks, and will not interfere with the ongoing expansion of our merchant fleet.

The GTT will welcome almost anyone, willing to work hard for the greater glory of the affiliation.

We would like some scouts to find us new markets; Factory Managers to supply the markets and warriors to ensure our goods arrive safely. We are the factory of the peripheries protected by the iron fist in the iron glove that is our invincible warfleet.

Story of the Week

Cheesy electric drum music fills the air yes you've guessed it.....
IT'S THE ROZ AND BERTIE SHOW!!!!!! Roswell begins talking:

[DAY ONE 10am in the Big Brotherhood house, and all the new house mates are settling in.]

[The living room is full of orange and blue chairs and a roof cam zooms in on all the house mates who are gathered discussing the luxury items that big brotherhood have allowed them to bring into the house]

Mad Max "Well people give me stick all the time, then a friend of mine gave me this swiss army pointy stick for being really mouthy one day, I am hoping to upgrade it to a mk II but my affiliation will probably not exist as I will need to be really really mouthy to get that."

Jedburg "I brought my entire collection of 'The Idiots guide' which reminds me, I need to go and read up on the 'how to be social'"

[Jedburg leaves the house mates and heads for his bedroom.]

Toridan: "Oh wow my wife writes them, she is still writing the Idiots guide to aiding allies in battles, I am really looking forward to that. I brought a book in too, it's the book of excuses by goldstone publishing, the brotherhood have their bible and this is mine!"

[The screen zooms onto Diaz, who is folding little pieces of paper up and putting them into a little box]

Kragnost: "I brought a set of teleporter complexes. I have strategically place one in the garden facing the tree and the other is over in the corner. Human toilets are not convenient enough."

McGovern "Unfortunately I couldn't afford any luxuries, I had to sell mine as I am making a huge loss each week and my wonderful Supreme Commander won't give me any stellars as I am too proud to ask for

Firesong: "I brought my Harry Potter and the Phoenix order editor by JK C in with me. I got 50% off it when I ordered it off Amazon, then realised it was competition so brought the company."

X: "I have brought my chemistry set"

[It is noticed that Diaz shrewdly looks up from her box at X]

X: "It is purely for defensive purposes, and will sign any document saying so!"

Tular: "I have brought my trusty guitar and a book of historic imperial battle hymns with me"

[Demetrius Liquan is sat in one of the two big brotherhood toilets and has not seen any of the house mates face to face yet; however this does not stop him from talking to them]

Liquan "I'M MORE A FIDDLER MAN MYSELF! I HAVE BROUGHT MY GRANNY WITH ME, ANY ONE WANT TO PERCHASE HER?" [The house mates sit and look about, confused to where the voice originated]
Mayhewt: "IS SHE DEDICATED, ONLY PURCHASE DEDICATED GRANNIES, SLOW MOVING, EASIER TO CATCH! THAT'S WHY WE GO FOR THE FGZ, SLUGS YOU SEE; THEIR SHIPS EVEN LEAVE TRAILS, THEY CALL THEM HIVE. I brought my trusty fully automated plasma rifle with laser guiding plasmatic rounds and night vision scope finder, I like to pack a punch in my suitcase.
Porteous: "That's a nice weapon there; of course I wouldn't know what a nice weapon was, no sir-ree, never touch them, nope, don't own one. Not me, too aggressive. I am just a humble merchant trying to make my way through life... Do you need more ammo rounds for that? I was allowed to bring in my party costumes, got a whole chest full of them, even got a pussy cat costume, whiskers and everything, not the flea's though unlike him!"
Mrrrsh "They are not flea's. they are a sentient race of bug that we all made friends with, we held a party and drank milk together, it was very nice and we have agreed to live in total harmony together.
[Liquan chucks his guts in the toilet, and the housemates all look puzzled once more at the noise]
Mrrrsh "Is big Brotherhood ill? I have a loverly tonic the stops sickness, got it when we signed the wimble peace treaty in the year of the year of the white flag."
[Mrrrsh sighs and reflects]
Mrrrsh "That was such a lovely year!"
BIG BROTHERHOOD: "This is Big Brotherhood, could Mrrrsh please come to the confession room"
Mrrrsh "Oh what a treat!" [The camera's show from multiple angles Mrrrsh get to his paws, and prance over to the confession room. The light signals green and Mrrrsh jumps into the big purple chair and curls up, ready to talk]
Mrrrsh "Hello Big Brotherhood" ..... ..... Mrrrsh "Hello Big Brotherhood?" .... ....
Mrrrsh "Hmmm must be having technical difficulties. Big Brotherhood
call me when you have sorted them out, I want to get back to my really
good friends out there and talk about how to make daisy chain
collars!" [Mrrrsh goes to leave]
Mrrrsh "Oh, Big Brotherhood, the door
seems to have gotten stuck, I cant get out!" [TV camera's cut back to
the house mates all rolling their eyes at the pussy Mrrrsh.]
Avatar "Big Brotherhood is brave wanting to talk to him first, my mother was
a queen, but nothing compared to that. I'd rather cut off my leg then
have a one to one with him!"
Kragnost "You would say that, you'd still have seven left!, not the greatest sacrifice is it" [Avatars eyes are noted to narrow] Avatar "Well whilst my legs are abundant they are still all equally loved by me, as are my feet, that is why I have brought my flip flops in with me"
Kragnost "Why are Flip flops a luxury?" Mayhew "Well possibly the quantity, he does need four pairs, dun he!" [The camera flicks to a scene where two flys are fighting over a terd] Its 4pm in the big brotherhood house.
Porteous is in the kitchen preparing the housemates first meal. He has taken off all his clothes as he has no costumes for the naked chef.
Toridan and Firesong are in the livingroom talking about the mass purchase of Agents, Firesong is very interested, especially in a bulk load of cleaning agents, however Toridan seems perplexed why Firesong is insisting the Agents should bleach. Mrrrsh is still in the confession room, big brotherhood have decided to keep him separate for the time being as not to lose ratings. McGovern is in bed, complaining of a long drive to the house and can't possibly do anything until he has had a nap. Mad Max, Mayhew, Kragnost, X and Avatar are playing twister in the garden. Raised voices are heard as Avatar wins his 5th game on the trot, a previous fight was broken up when X produced a third arm from his pocket, avatar said he was cheating and X zapped him with a stun gun for being so hypocritical. Tular and Jedburgh have the daily task of cleaning out the Chicken Coop, Jedburgh has taken with him his Idiots guides to brooming, whilst Tular is scoping the pen out by climbing over the fence and setting up black markets behind the chicken nests. The Chickens do not look impressed by the appearance of the two house mates into their pen, and Harlow, Harkon and Thor have all gathered up their eggs and set up their own market in the most beautiful garden corner of the pen, and are holding up a sign that clearly reads 'Sod off Imperial scum'. Jedburgh and Tular clean up after the chickens and leave the pen, but just as they leave they turn and eying the chickens suspiciously and say: "Keep your rotten eggs, we have plenty of people who want to trade with us!" [It is
noted that Jedburgh and Tular are seen later huddled together reading 'An idiots guide to making friends and influencing people, this is because no one will speak to them] 4:35pm - A scream echoes through the kitchen and the rest of the house. Porteous has burnt his sausage. 4:45pm all the house mates are sitting eating their dinner cooked up by Porteous, who seems in some pain. All the house mates have declared they are vegetarians, strangely enough except Kragnost who is seen licking his bowl around the living room floor. 6pm the house mates have finished eating their meal and have gathered in the living room awaiting the first voting in the confession room. Porteous is in a designer French maid outfit and is seen nervously dusting a picture with his feather duster, whilst Diaz recites an ancient Detinus confidance building ritual whilst sitting on a bean bag. She also has three pieces of paper on the floor in front of her. Diaz "Einy Meany miny mo!"
BIG BROTHERHOOD "This is Big Brother, could Mrrsh please come to the confession room to vote please!"
Mrrrsh "Hello, Big brotherhood, I'm here!! I have been, since 10am this morning, but its okay, I totally understand that these things happen, and I wasn't complaining or anything.....

Mrrrsh "its like this one time I met these really wonderful.

BIG BROTHERHOOD: "Cast your vote and get out the confession room, and get a bucket and mop and clean up that mess you have left in the corner!"

Mrrrsh "But I never had my travel kitty litter bag with me."

BIG BROTHERHOOD "Can we have your votes please!"

Mrrrsh "Oh, but I couldn't possibly vote on any one, they are all so lovely!"


Mrrrsh "Its like I was saying to that gobby fellow max.."


Mrrrsh "Ah, that will be Kragnost and Tular then"

BIG BROTHERHOOD "Dare we ask why?"

Mrrrsh "Well Kragnost is a right dog, and Tular well, who wants to listen to battle hyms? Much prefer the sweet sound of bird song."

BIG BROTHERHOOD "Thank you Mrrrsh, and don't forget the mop!"

6:30pm McGovern has fell asleep on firsong, who is now only trading worried looks.

BIG BROTHERHOOD "This is big brotherhood can Toridan please come to the confession room to vote"

[Toridan stands up, eyes alert, looks like he keeps whispering into his mac collar, then approaches the confession room in a strafe like movement, darting from shadow to shadow, only his irregular releasing of wind and the bad eggy smell tells of his passing, then the confession room door shuts and toridan is sitting in the confession room chair, dusting cat hairs off his black teeshirt.]

Toridan "This isn't being taped is it, I mean, no one will know who I voted for will they??? Cos it wasn't me, I mean you aint got no proof like!"

BIG BROTHERHOOD "Your votes please Toridan and why you voted for them."

Toridan "Can I just say what a bunch of losers! Gee I thought the confederacy was bad, but them lot make the imperials look human, and that Avatar, he looks like a pencil with legs, and if I have to smell Kragnost after he has been in the Jacuzzi again I am liable to hit him with Mayhews gun, which is now in my possession but that's just cos I could!..... Hmmm well nominations was easy cos the two I nominate are already giving me a headache, X and McGovern! X has more gadgets than me, which can't be good and McGovern snores louder than a wimble in an electric chair!

BIG BROTHERHOOD "Thank You Toridan"

[Unbeknown to Toridan, due to a technical hitch, his nominations was broadcast to the rest of the housemates]

[Toridan leaves the confession room]

Toridan "that was the hardest thing I have had to do in my life!"


[Avatar crosses another two pairs of arms, whilst Mayhew taps his foot and glares at toridan. X just presses a button on his remote control and Toridans trousers fall down revealing his anti dtr slogan boxer shorts, Diaz is seen retrieving a previously discarded piece of paper from the bin, whilst Kragnost sniffs his bottom]

BIG BROTHERHOOD "This is big brotherhood can Porteous please come to the confession room to vote"

Porteous sits down in the confession room and dusts the camera.

Porteous "Mrrrsh and Jedburgh"

BIG BROTHERHOOD "Are these your votes Porteous?"

Porteous "Yeah, Mrrrsh is really annoying, and Jedburgh pushed me against the cooker when I was making dinner!"

BIG BROTHERHOOD "Thank you Porteous!"

BIG BROTHERHOOD "This is big brotherhood can Kragnost please come to the confession room to vote"

Kragnost "GGGRRRRRRR that Toridans gonna get it! Saying I smell, I licked myself clean just this afternoon!"

BIG BROTHERHOOD "Your votes please Kragnost and why you voted for them."

Kragnost "Toridan for sure, sneaky little human, and that Mad max, throwing his pointy stick as if I was gonna retrieve it!

BIG BROTHERHOOD "Thank you Kragnost, good doggy!"

[The cameras then flick through the other contestants voting]

Tular "can you vote for them chickens?? That Harkon looks a nasty little falc'a! Tular "Okay its Mrrrsh and Mad Max, The cat needs putting out and Mad max stick is still inferior to the Avatar"

Mayhew "Toridan and Mrrrsh, no one touches my weapon, and as for Toridan, he better leave my gun alone too!"

X "By my calculations I believe the square root of fun multiplied by sheer excitement does not equal either Mrrrsh or Tular!"

Avatar "I am sticking with my first impressions, Toridan and Tular have to go. Toridan thinks I am a glorified pencil and tular wanted me to stretch some string across my arms and use me as a harp!"

Mad Max "Usually I would have a crack at the BHD, but Kragnost and Tular have been doing my head in. Kragnost has a bigger mouth than me, he says it's a snout but I know a big mouth when I see one and Tular keeps drowning me out with battle hyms of the imperials. They are rather short though?"

Diaz "Toridan, the shorts did not do it for me at all, nor the legs and Max, he gossips about the strangest things and obviously leads a boring life that he has to talk about every one elses"

Jedburgh "My idiots guide says vote for those whom are bigger than you, so Mad max as in mouth and Avatar as in length"

McGovern "Is there a cash reward for guessing right?..... Tular and Jedburgh - do you have a few hours for why I voted them?"

Firesong "Mrrrsh and Max, ones a pussy and the other is a really camp feline"

Mayhew puts out the empty milk bottles and Mrrrsh too.

All the housemates are asleep except for Liquan who sneaks out of the toilet and into the confession room.

LiQuan "I can't stay long, the wife thinks I am at a conference on Darkfold. I vote for Toridan and firesong. Toridan keeps trying to pick the toilet door lock and Firesong was late delivering the loo rolls I ordered!."

12:30am the house is silent except for Mrrrsh scratching at the patio windows, McGovern (in the living room after being chucked out the boys room) snoring like a herd of Detinus spotting a bargain on a market report and toridans late night farting ritual of blowing off the bed covers and having to pick them back up again..


-Toridan 11111

-Mad Max 22222

-Tular 33333

-Mrrrshh 44444


All emails are confidential

Be sure to tune into Big Brotherhood - Little Sisterhood on Tuesday for an update, the evictions will be on Thursday.


Affiliation Messages

Again I hear the crying of whining pears, and again I'm reminded why I now conduct the peace talks through a mediator so that he can filter out all this noise. If you are in doubt about the DOM willingness for peace I suggest you contact the FEL Tyrant and let him tell you about DOM willingness to negotiate. I've forwarded an offer to get things moving as it seems you aren't eager to put anything forward.

As I have reiterated a few times now, we are at war! Untill we sign a peace treaty or at least there is a cease fire agreement DOM will fire upon the FGZ at all times this isn't in direct violation with the agreements we have with the owners of the systems we have settled in.

This means that we will fire upon FGZ (and HVE) shipping in the orbit over Retreat as our neighbours (the DTR just settled on the moon) don't mind us having such a stance. We do this to protect our Starbase from enemy aggression and infiltration. If that means some peaceful traders get shot at so be it.

We do not welcome trade from FGZ and HVE as stated, and as the DTR only have outposts on the planet so far, they aren't running any markets. Therefore I wonder what that socalled 'peaceful trader' was doing at a DOM Starbase explicitly saying they weren't wanted. As our defence personnel was prompt to fire warning shots to signal our hostility our personnel at the Starbase thus was spared the risk of whatever undertaking the FGZ wished to conduct at Retreat. I've already put their leader up for Commendations and expect great things for him and the Governor in charge of Retreat.

I will soon file my report to the AFT answering all their questions on the matter. All we're really doing is curtailing our own trade, in no way do we want to hinder any trade with AFT, and the most important thing for us, protecting our populace.

I can assure all reading this that no ships of any affiliations will be hindered in any way by the DOM in the Solo system if you try to trade with AFT or any affiliation that desire your trade. On that note I'm told that the Governor of High Meridian, located just beside AFT Ariel, will soon open a market where everyone are welcome to trade with using the Hiport, even FGZ and HVE. Although I must hasten to note that any ships without direct authorization found landing at High Meridian will be impounded and dealt with accordingly.

For the Glory of the Dominion,
John Mayhew

Greetings Overlord,

Thank you for your response. I can see that there are several points that the DOMinion and the FlaGritZ will never agree on in this incident. I am glad to hear that you have finally spoken to the FELini regarding a form a cease fire, and wait with anticipation of it's outcome.

As this matter is unlikely to draw to a satisfactory conclusion for both of us, the Flagritz Senate will await the final summations of the AFT, and we shall accept their ruling. Even if the AFT rule against the DOMinion in this matter, Flagritz vessels will be instructed to avoid the DOMinion starbase of Retreat, and it's orbit, as long as no other trading facility shares the same planet. If that should happen, a member of the Flagritz Senate will contact you to review the situation.

This is in no way a show of defeat on our part, but I hope you can see this as a willingness to give toward our peace process.

Peace to all.

FGZ Diplomatic Ataman


Do you think it would be possible for the DOM to carry out a promise they made on this channel?

Is it the case that DOM do not even wish to make peace with Flagritz Republic? We are making every effort to conduct these talks and the DOM do everything they can to avoid the subject.

If the DOM do not wish peace, then I want every other Affiliation to see that it is the DOM that have prevented this from happening and not the Flagritz Republic.

Glory To The Republic

Azreal S'Falen
FGZ Warfare Ataman

Since you fired on the trader as soon as they entered orbit of Haven, you will never know what their intentions where - they could have been exploring, establishing a legitimate outpost, or anything. Retreat may be your starbase, but the planet definitely isnt! Or are you claiming ownership of that now too?

You say you will continue to fire on unarmed ships in orbit of Haven, in direct violation of local law (since the AFT have stated "For the record, I personally do not consider that the orbit of a planet or moon counts as within the boundaries of any starbase."). So you basically dont care about local laws and do what you want regardless of whose territory you are in?

The Hive


I look forward to hearing what the FELini haev to say on this matter. The Flagritz Republic has been waiting over 6 months for you first
promised contact.

The Flagritz Republic has been in regular contact with FELini on this matter, can the DOMinion say the same?

Glory To The Republic!

Azreal S'Falen
FGZ Warfare Ataman

"The Flagritz Republic has been in regular contact with FELini on this matter, can the DOMinion say the same?"

Yes we can, and that's about all I care to say on the matter on public

John Mayhew


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:

FCN - -
www.frontierexplorationandtrade.comDEN -
dewiek.port5.comHVE -
IMP - - -

03-07-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 26 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
FET still have the edge
The Imperial block may appear to have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by not only loosing control of the Straddle system but by also loosing a fleet in orbit of a Detinus starbase. A starbase which, incidentally was not directly involved in the conflict.
All hope is not lost. A young and brash captain managed to sweep into orbit under the sensors of the Detinus and Confederate warfleet in order to rescue veteran officer of seven years, FET Admiral Yuri Zukov from the debris of his warship Overdrive.

*****KJC Update*****
New orders.cfg on the website.

New Orders
Counter Intelligence
This order allows an operative to do a counter intelligence sweep of a starbase for other agents and operatives that may be active. They need to have been active in the last 5 days for you to detect them.
Success only informs you of the operatives/agents that you have detected and does nothing about them. Use the 'Kill Agent / Operative' order to deal with this.
This is an Operative only order.

Dump Item
This order allows the operative to drop a piece of equipment. Too much equipment reduces the operative's stealth.

Equip Item
This order assigns a piece of your equipment to be used for a particular mission/order.
If you don't want to use any item for a mission then set the item used to zero.
If you want to use the default item (highest bonus) then click the 'Use Default' box.

Equip Operative
This order equips and operative with a special item from the positions cargo section that can be used by the operative to improve their chances of success in missions.
The operative can only be equipped with one of each type of items and only 1 item is used per mission type.

Hire Agent
This order hires an agent at the operatives current location.
This is an Operative only order.

Kill Agent/Operative
This order attempts to terminate an operative or agent at your operatives current location. You need the target code to use this order and it needs to be current. The target code can be found via the counter intelligence order and it also appears on the agent/operative printout.
Note that assassins do tend to shoot back if you fail to kill them the first time.

While items have been added to the game, they are restricted knowledge and as such only certain affiliations have been given access to the knowledge. Simply put, this is an in-game development that reflects certain aspects missing from the conversion. It is up to players to find out about these aspects of the game by playing the game.

Another Quick Plug for the Bristol Pubmeet
Bristol Pubmeet
A webpage has been created for people to sign themselves up to the pubmeet in Bristol on the 12-13th July. Please add your names in as soon as possible so we can get an idea of numbers. To sign up you need to enter the password of 'pubmeet' this is so that we don't get anyone other than players signing up (just in case).

The address to sign up is as follows :-
*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

Wimbles next week. I'd like to ask new affs to submit their entry, especially those I don't know about

The SMS or in full, Stellar Mining and Smelting is a commercial company that specialises in the exploitation of mineral and biological resources. It is actively involved in exploration and investigation in many areas of the peripheries and also maintains a sizeable fleet of transport ships for trade and a fleet of warships, optimised for anti-piracy duties. The SMS were one of the earliest groups of explorers to enter the peripheries and this is reflected in the size and scope of the company's assets, which equates to a large production base of manufactured goods and raw materials and a moderate investment in ongoing research and development.

Although formerly members of the Imperial block, the SMS is now politically neutral. A number of ties are being developed with some of the non-human affiliations, at least partially because the company remains very aware that entities exist that are significantly more powerful than any of the current residents of the peripheries. We feel that the best ways to ensure our viability in the long term is to learn to cooperate with our neighbours and harness and combine our different strengths both to show that the races can work in harmony and offer up the best opportunities of developing the technologies that will enable survival should such entities prove belligerent. If fighting space battles is your thing then it is unlikely that the SMS is the place for you, however, if you are interested in exploration, evaluation of resources, building outposts and Starbases, logistical support services or simply trade then it is likely that the SMS can find tasks to match your skills and develop them for life in the peripheries.

Mikhail Morgan,
Company Commander, SMS

Story of the Week

Please be aware that Straddle is now a Inner Empire system and no longer controlled by the Imperial factions. Certain rogue elements remain in the system and all non-combatants should avoid the system until declared safe for shipping. All colonies and outposts in the system should register with a Inner Empire Council member forthwith.

Thank you for your attention.

Peri Romanov
DTR Internal Minister
Inner Empire Council

Affiliation Messages

Expansion on last, while the IMP may no longer control this system then, by order of the Galactic Trade and Transport Affiliation Grand council, the idiots claim will be history very, very soon.

We advise no one to waste their time complying with the idiots request, further if we find anyone actually does then when we, or the IMP, recover this system they will be given the "order of the boot".

If you wish to retain your possessions, in this system in the long term, then ignore the dtr nonsense, they are not going to be around for much longer.

Leonidas Agiadai
Periphery Director Galactic Trade and Transport Affiliation.

I could not care less about what the IMP have, or have not, done. YOU are not going to interfere with GTT assets, and if that means they have to be taken under direct GTT protection then so be it.

I am very surprised that you, of all people, within the dtr question my integrity. I thought by now you, would realise that although the GTT tends to ignore loud mouthed claims like the dtr temporary claim to Straddle, our prophecies come to pass.

Your claim to Straddle is similar to the FGZ claim to Inferno and the FCN claim to Wastelands, both chose to interfere with GTT assets, both got their ases kicked.

Someone who has survived as long as you have I would have thought would have realise that you do not mess with the GTT. Obviously you have not. I suggest that if you can pull your head out of the bucket of sand for a few minutes you either join the mad monks or retract your threat upon GTT assets. Failing that, well, like the FCN in Wastelands or the FGZ in Inferno, you lose.

Leonidas Agiadai

Its amazing that you are getting so worked up about a system that the Imperials decided to defend with one soldier, Jonathan Riker RIP.


I take it you don't want to register your assets in Straddle so you come under the protection of the Inner Empire Council.


We in the RIP thank you for your concern. However, as we have long term commitments we may decide not to register our assets in Straddle with you. While you may control it today, you may not control it tomorrow.


King Porteus

The dtr have shown over the last few weeks with their attack on GTT assets, over Zion, in KAS space and their threat towards GTT assets in Straddle that they do not respect anything except the big stick.

I would not trust you as far as I can throw a pregnant elephant.

To use the term "protection" in the same sentence as you refer to the dtr is to create an oxymoron, and I do not deal with morons.

Get out of Straddle while you still can, otherwise you will remain their for an eternity, six foot down.

Leonidas Agiadai

Please point out where we have threatened GTT assets in Straddle. If anything we have offered to protect them if they register with us. Obviously the IMP cared so much about protecting their claim that they did it with a single small outpost.

I should point out that the DTR claimed Arachnid several years ago and the confederate colonies there have never even faced a R...pirate attack since that day.


I understand your position. But I suggest that you avoid entering Straddle for the time being. Maybe in a few months you will realise that Straddle is no longer an Imperial system and can accept our control.


Assets that we deem important will be removed with or without your consent. If you fire on us then we will fire back.

Please understand that these attacks should they take place in Straddle would not be in support of the Imperial Services but protecting RIP sovereignty.


King Porteus

Peri-"Moving items that belong to you may be acceptable, pillaging the system while we suppress rogue elements will only get you added to that list."

I take offense at such a remark. I am sure the DTR above all know that the RIP have put their piracy days behind them. Indeed it was with the help of the DTR that this was possible.

I protest in the strongest terms that RIP would ever pillage anything. I understand that the DTR must be under a great deal of stress with this invasion of Straddle so I will let this slur pass.


King Porteus

Peri-"Take as much offence as you want, once a thief always a thief. We have noticed your tete-de-tete with less legal elements in another system." **********

"Is this the Romanov stance on the RIP or is this an official DTR stance.

(Take as much offence as you want, once a thief always a thief.)
King Porteus"

A Romanov stance, We in the DTR live in a society that allows free opinions.

You may have claimed to be a legitimate affiliation we have yet to see this happen in your actions.


RIP are a legitimate affiliation. I would ask you to put forward diplomatic overtures to every affiliation that will speak to you.

Ask them all how many times they have been attacked by the RIP. Ask them how many times RIP spies have been caught at their colonies. Ask them how many times RIP have made aggressive postures, threats or even rattled a sabre.

You claim you have not seem RIP actions which make us a legitimate affiliation. I claim that it is the actions that you now do not see... these make us a legitimate affiliation.


King Porteus

That's not to mention the fact that we have NO enemies, we have abided by ALL restrictions enforced by those who do not trust us yet and, we HAVE participated in attacking PIR ships to protect the peripheries.

I, too, am surprised at your slander Romanov. Maybe you could review the above evidence now that six months has passed since we announced our neutrality?

Duke Hellscream

I must sympathise with King Porteus here, as the Flagritz have suffered this same problem in the past. What actions can you do to prove you are peaceful or legitimate? Only a lack of actions can show these things, but this is often not enough. I have dealt with the RIP on several trade deals and I am satisfied that the RIP are now far more main-stream in their thinking. I am willing to accept the new RIP as legitimate until they prove otherwise.

Captain Doxel Rahm
FGZ Freighter Doxel Katzfir

"I have no doubt that you will try to use the recent scan you obtained of one of my ships with a couple of RIP ships as a basis to perform some underhand political diplomatic incident.

The PIR Marauder squadron was set up to be pirates. However I have found this to be a pain as IND and PIR have no tech and little power. The meeting you witnessed was part of an IC meeting to absorb the Marauder Squadron into the RIP so I can take a more active part in the game. The presence of an FET ship and later a BHD one have shown that PIR cannot hide anywhere.

If a ranking member of the Flagritz would get in touch I believe I owe you an apology for a recent incident. It is best this is done sooner rather than later.

Becak Tarr
PIR Marauder Squadron
Aka Ruth Spencer"

I assume this Becak Tarr person is referring to the occasion where one of here illegal pirated vessels was located within Flaconian territory and I was forced to create her another hole through which to talk? And now it appears you are seeking refuge behine the RIP for your crimes! It won't help you - I will find you and finish the job properly this time.

Major Willis
FGZ Pak Ra'Tu

Greetings Becak Tarr,
As you are well aware, the attack on your vessel by the FGZ ship Pak Ra'Tu was to uphold Falconian Law as per our agreement with the Falconian governing body. I urge you to seek a pardon from the Falconian Government, as without that pardon your Marauder fleet will be shot at by FGZ vessels, irrespective of the flag they now fly. You
can not escape your crimes by mearly changing your coat.

FGZ Diplmatic Ataman

The Imperial Services have never recognised the so called governments of rebel affiliations and have now added their new masters, the DTR, to that list. Therefore any "claims" they might make to any system are an irrelevance.

Nice to see that the DTR have dropped their so called democratic republic nonsense and joined an Empire.

Admiral Lord Simms,
Imperial Viceroy and Regent for the Emperor-To-Be

"The number of troops is the deciding factor wether the DTR start a war these days ? Got bored or just even didn't care about a good reason anymore ?"

Not the only reason but the number of troops usually decides whos won it.

Placing a platform in the orbit of our starbase did not help or sending ships from Zion direct towards Boomerang. Constant operative actions against confederate positions in Trinity who revealed who hired them suggested that a pre-emptive strike ws required.


"You kind of lost me here. The system is (at least at the time) was not yours. The platform was established following IMP law (the law giving Empire for the system at the time). The platform did not attack or threaten you. I take it you will cause havoc in, uhm, let's say Yank next two ? Last time I checked there were several non-DTR installations next to yours.

Ahm, you really think that taking over Straddle will have effect on what happens in Trinity ? Well, after you have wiped out the Empire this might change, but still then....Geez, you guys have some strange way of thinking.

When did I hear pre-empitve strike last....ah, yes, now I remember.

I. Tular"

If you construct a base in a system claimed by someone else without their permission and then ally yourselves to enemies of the owner of that system what do you expect them to do?? That's okay chaps, please do make yourself at home, is there anything we can do for you?? Get real. It was you that instigated this action. The FET platform in orbit had clear enemy lists and intended to monitor the situation(I know you won't believe that).But this week you and your new lackies attack outposts on Midway and attempt a boarding action on the platform(which failed miserably.54 Veteran Marines holding off 479 enemy marines!!). All the signs of a truly aggressive expansionist empire for that is what the DTR have turned into. Zuvoro Norozov FET CEO.


Below is a ceasefire agreement that has been agreed with the DOMinion. I suggest you all read, learn and abide by its contents. This will hopefully lead to a more permanent peace.

It is ESSENTIAL that this peace is allowed to flourish. The Aegis has plans to carry out that could change the face of the peripheries forever, and the wars we have with the other affiliations are preventing these plans from being carried out.

Glory To The Republic!

Azreal S'Falen
FGZ Warfare Ataman

"Hereby I confirm that DOM will remove all FGZ and HVE from space enemy lists of all DOM positions in non-restricted systems for a period of 3 months. (As detailed we would not like have any ships docking or landing at our Starbases, but in such case we will impound and release upon a reasonable explanation). This cease fire will start to run form July 1 203 and expire on September 30. This partly to have a nice round period and to give all our positions time to make the necessary adjustments.

We will stay out of Twilight and must note at the same time that Eden and Dyson are off limits as well as systems where the owners require us to keep FGZ/HVE out of, such as the DHP and to a lesser degree the IMP controlled Capellan." ********************

The CIA can now offer a small system patrol ship for only $60,000 .

Anyone interested should contact Slan Kodrix and he will provide the full ship details.

Naz Kodrix
CIA Director

Greetings also.

Yes I was concerned at the beginning but the RIP have shown themselves to be honourable in maintaining their legit status, even to the point that a RIP vessel joined my force of warships to destroy a PIR that had attacked some SMS shipping. I agree that they are truely a legit aff.

Hucuron Baalazar
SMS Fleet Commodore


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:

FCN - -
www.frontierexplorationandtrade.comDEN -
dewiek.port5.comHVE -
IMP - - -

10-07-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 27 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Straddle Still Contested
The Imperial block is proving that despite initial appearances it is not giving up Straddle without a fight. Forces have been despatched and skirmishes are breaking out across many of the orbits within the system. The question is whether there is a subtle objective to these engagements, as currently they appear to be favouring the combined forces of the Detinus Republic and Confederacy.

*****KJC Update*****
Due to changes in the combat program required to prevent assaults needing an accountant to determine if they are combat efficient or not, there are, in places a disproportionate amount of warbots. This is because warbots now have negative control factors; countering their stupendous damage-soak ability to mass ratio. This means that there are a few starbases that are currently easily breached.
We will be running an update that will reduce the quantity of warbots present in a starbase down to 5% of the total factors, based on the current starbase spread.
As this will be run for starbases and outposts only, if you want to keep all your warbots remove them from your starbase ASAP.
>>>Warbots will be converted on a mass:mass ratio into Robotic Defence Bunkers. Nobody will loose ordnance mass.

Anyone attempting to milk the current instability will find that the modification will be implemented before any assaults are run.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

The Wimbles haven't submitted any piece, so we've come a full circle. Next week is AFT turn once again. Please re-submit your recruitment message *

Story of the Week

So the Hive are allowed to SELL their own Hive Eggs but others are not. Just goes to show that being two-faced is one of their psychological characteristics.

Kragnost Nightwalker
DEN First Elder

Affiliation Messages

Sunray to you

Due to the poor political setup of Inner Capellan and Outer Capellan, then will Prodis and Dark Sun markets be down for a week, so we can gain some more info about what systems belong to inner Capellan and which belong to outer Capellan.

Falencia will cancel all its Capellan and Outer Capellan buyings, except for systems Skord, Yank and Solo.
Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire

Ahhh... a true misguided individual. Although what can you expect from a Dewiek. Reading is obviously not taught in Dewiek schools. Let me advise you to ask your advisors for help in this matter.

There is to my knowledge only one Hive starbase with a public market and they do not trade with any kind of lifeforms.

Kree Kragmamlonn
Swarm Caste

Kree Kragmamlonn,

Perhaps you would require the assistance of a Dewiek teacher? Although do I do not in any way attempt to speak for the First Elder, Lord Kragnost, he did not actually say a HVE market was selling the eggs.

Take a look at the market report for FGZ Hope. That market is selling 500 Hive Eggs for 2 stellars each (a shocking price to ask for ones young you must agree).

Where Lord Kragnost refers to "you" selling them, he was of course reading the market message of FGZ Hope. Let me quote the relevant part.

"Welcome to Hope, official trade station of the Republic. NOTE : This market is only available to FGZ & HVE."

This would indicate that Hope is acting on the interests of both the FGZ and the HVE. Perhaps the message is misleading. Though you may have other questions to ask your supposed friends and allies.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Feirha Silvermane Kaien
High Elder
Dewiek Elder Nation

Feirha Silvermane Kaien,

To quote your dear Lord Kragnost: "So the Hive are allowed to SELL their own Hive Eggs but others are not." End of quote. I still can not find a Hive starbase that trade in lifeforms.

As for the rest I refer to my first message.

Kree Kragmamlonn
Swarm Caste

You are correct. Do you buy them then instead? If only FGZ and HVE are allowed to trade at Hope and Hive Eggs are for sale, on which side of the trade are the HVE?

= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Feirha Silvermane Kaien
High Elder
Dewiek Elder Nation

The FGZ market Hope is only available to Flagritz and Hive. Anyone else even thinks of showing their face there simply will not leave - no second chances, no excuses. You're just dead. The reason why these eggs are on the market is for the Hive to collect. You've notice the "shocking" price that is being asked for them. I'd say that was about right to cover the costs liberating and transporting the eggs from Yank to Hope's location. That is why the price is so low - it's to cover costs and not to make any profit. This was done with consultation with the Hive, and with their full agreement.

The FGZ respect the Hive's decision to ban the trading of these items, and so no FGZ ship will purchase them. They are simply being made available to members of the Hive for repatriation. Is there something wrong with that?

And I don't know how you can think the market message is misleading.... Perhaps I should have it changed to list every single entity, individually, that is not welcome? What do you not understand about the sentence ""NOTE : This market is only available to FGZ & HVE.""???

I wonder if the High Elder is perhaps a little too elder, and is loosing its basic grasp on comprehension!

FGZ Diplomatic Ataman

Ataman Githka,

If it were me I would "repatriate" friends and allies free of charge, even if I took a small loss in the act (I would consider 1000 stellars neglible in such matters). But I am wrong, it seems, to apply Dewiek honour to such alien races, my apologies.

I did not say I misunderstood the message. I understood it perfectly as your statement has proved.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Feirha Silvermane Kaien
High Elder
Dewiek Elder Nation

High Elder Silvermane Kaien,

I see your point, but crews still need to be paid, and I assure you that the retrieval of those eggs cost the ships crew a lot more than a simple $1000. I can see why you may think this odd, but still "free of charge" services do not feed my troops their families. And please let us not go down the road of who has more honour - the Flagritz have been accused of this before, long ago, by the IMPerials. I'll repeat it here so that hopefully we can understand each other a little better.

There are many things that the other races do that they would consider honourable. There is little question of honour for many Flagritz, as this appears to be a mostly human emotional trait- we do not act out of pressure to uphold an intangible idea that is only as good as your peers observations and opinions. We act out of what is best for our people, and what we consider to be... good actions. We don't always get it right, but this honour thing seems, to an outsider like myself, to be the root of many arguments within the peripheries.

That is not to say that the Flagritz cannot act honourably, but it almost exclusively reserved for dealings with non-Flagritz people. Being able to communicate telepathically removes a lot of the word-play that so many races enjoy. This is by no means a criticism of non-telepathic races; it is simply a cultural difference - the better we understand these differences, the easier it will be to trust one another, and live side-by-side in peace.

And for your information, Hope station is supported by both the Flagritz, and Hive for the benefit of all the members of Aegis, including, but not limited to, the Flagritz, Hive, Wimbles & Demons.

FGZ Diplomatic Ataman


Clearly your argument is exactly the one used against the Imperials. Perhaps I ought to pont out to you that Dewiek are *not* human and *are* telepathic. However, you do surprise me (which is a surprise in itself). I was not aware that the Flagritiz were also telepaths. When did this trait become apparent?

= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Feirha Silvermane Kaien
High Elder
Dewiek Elder Nation

High Elder Silvermane Kaien,

Accept my apology for my misleading references to humans; this was not a copy of the statement sent to the IMPerials all that time ago, but a summation of that report. I did state "appears to be a mostly human emotional trait", and was not trying to rule out that other race may find the concept of honour a worthwhile pursuit. I should have made this more evident.

As for being telepathic, our race could not exist without it. We have no natural speech methods and communicate using telepathy. What others call emotions, we indicate by changes of colour, and patterns upon our skins. In fact Flagritz people share a telepathic link with all other Flagritz. This allows our communities to function with the utmost efficiency, right down to the skills of our unborn children. I have taken the liberty of extracting information direct from the EEM records, which are surprisingly accurate concerning our telepathic abilities.

"They are a cast based race, having over time genetically manipulated there gene pool to produce offspring already specialised for a certain task in life. They communicate with each other through a natural sense of telepathy which also controls the cast selection process for their children. During pregnancy Flagritz on a world are constantly aware of the balance between the casts therefore offspring will fill the gap and maintain the status quo. With humans and various other life forms they have developed speech-using devices that loop over spiracles. These tend to form bubbles when they speak making long conversations not to dissimilar to a shower. "

If you would like to learn more, the EEM has quite an accurate article that can be found here, although it is a little outdated in places.
I encourage anyone out there that is not aware of our basic culture to read it - as I said before; the better we understand our differences, the easier it is to trust, and live peacefully.

I sincerely hope this makes things a little clearer for you, and any others that have not been aware.

FGZ Diplomatic Ataman

I see, thank you for that Ataman. My records appear to have been based on the profile as stated in the Alpha Fleet archives (where telepathy is not mentioned). The Flagritiz network is currently down. Clearly my staff failed to check the newer EEM records. Rest assured they will be dealt with.

However, although this aside was of some interest, I would leave the discussion with a summary of the actual focus of the thread.

The FGZ are selling Hive eggs and the HVE are buying them, through the market of Hope. While this market is closed to non FGZ or HVE, the market report is public record. This market is taking place despite, earlier this year, the Hive and Flagritiz putting pressure the RIP, among others, to remove Hive Eggs from their market. At that time of course the message was lost among the usual "slavery" debate, even though no evidence of any actual Hive hatchlings, never mind their use, was provided. The main thrust of that objection was simply that the eggs were being bought and sold on the markets.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Feirha Silvermane Kaien
High Elder
Dewiek Elder Nation

You are wrong Feirha, the High Elder, Flagritz haven't pressured anything.

We pressure all those buying eggs and/or those not selling back to us, or ANT.

Hope this clears it for you, but you already knew, you're a telepath:)

Many lamp posts to you,

Avatar, Swarm Lord

Dearest lamp post lovers,

We are happy that you should point the fact that a FGZ base (not one of our own, but was just an honest mistake. Don't rely to much on telepaths, you'll end up losing the speech ability) is selling eggs. Yes it's true they're selling them, but don't worry as they are selling them back to us.

So those poor unhatched eggs, have escaped from the grasp of those who used to smash them, people like you (sorry not people...doggies, wolfies, the right designation you deem adequate) and are being relocated to our worlds.

I too would rather not having to pay for their passages, they don't eat much, or use that much air, but fair is fair and crew must be paid.

Once again thank you for your concern, but we don't run slaves, we free them, like we did with those you had enslaved on your base, only a mere 100k Felini and 10K Dewiek...Dewiek? How did that happen on a Dewiek base??:)

Best regards,

Avatar, Swarm Lord

Swarm Lord,

When you learn the manners and diplomacy skills not to descend to childish name-calling, then perhaps others will take you more seriously.

Good day to you and good luck.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Feirha Silvermane Kaien
High Elder
Dewiek Elder Nation

So sorry! No name calling intended. I assure you...the ones we freed, danced and "loved" the lamp posts. Must have been because they had been enslaved by their onw people and weren't in their usual self. Not being from a telepath race, we didn't know that. My personal apologies!

However going back to childish and name-calling...perhaps it would be wiser to not call the liberators enslavers, especially when your own past is so dark, it's...childish?

Best regards, those that only love posts, if you're enslaved by your own people:

Avatar, Swarm Lord


Romanov Family Holdings sadly announces the loss with all hands of two non-combatants over Boomerang. The ships Prodigal's Son and Golden Gun were lost in what appears to be a direct attack against their positions by imperial forces. These ships had been in the process of rescuing imperial crews from the wreckages of their ships. In all 76 imperial crew also lost their lives in these ships.

Both ships joined RFH from outside the ranks of the Romanov Family and have been important members of RFH. The crew of Prodigal's Return have many service awards due to their exploration activities. The research that continues based on their findings will now be dedicated to their memory.

RIP Alice Bloodraven and the crew of the Prodigal's Return RIP D. Emmanuelle and your crew who perished on Golden Gun.

As to the rest of the joint imperial fleet, when not facing non-combatants, you lot could not hit a barn yard door at ten paces. Prepare to be re-taught the lesson we gave you over Boomerang last week, you are obviously very slow learners.

Fraser Romanov
Romanov Family Holdings

Greetings High Elder Feirah Silvermane Kaien,

Unfortunately, the Alpha-Fleet archives were not created by the Flagritz, but by members of the Alpha-Fleet, that are in fact human. Of course, the Alpha-Fleet was a fully excepted branch of the Flagritz governing body, but it is hard for non-telepaths to grasp the concepts of communications without the use of speech - as I am sure you have encountered yourself. I was not aware that such a basic element was missing.

I hope we have now cleared up this issue to both of our satisfaction, and can proceed.

I have explained the reasons for the presence of the Hive Eggs on the market. It is clear that you are not willing to accept this explanation, and will continue to use it as a tool of provocation. Of course, you couldn't be expected to know that Fessin Rahm is currently holding 1500 Hive Eggs, awaiting collection by members of the Hive. These are not being charged for, as there are no further transport costs to Hope's location.

To put your mind, and communicator, to rest, I shall request T'pax T'garr, Administrator for Hope, to remove these items from the public market, and to arrange collection by memebers of the Hive. No charges will be levied for this service.

FGZ Diplomatic Ataman

Probably not to the same extent, as Dewiek also have vocal communication.

That would satisfy me, Ataman Githka, and I sincerly hope it would also give the Flagritz and Hive even greater satisfaction. However, it was not myself that raised the matter originally.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Feirha Silvermane Kaien
High Elder
Dewiek Elder Nation

Greetings High Elder Feirha Silvermane Kaien,

While I am aware that you did not raise the subject originally, I have noticed that it seems to have upset you the most. I am glad we have been able to work around our differences, and I am sure that the Hive will be more than satisfied with the outcome.

FGZ Diplomatic Ataman

Upset? It was you who explained the problems of telepathic versus non-telepathic communication, you should know better than to project emotional responses to a simple dialogue.


= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Feirha Silvermane Kaien
High Elder
Dewiek Elder Nation

Strange, I thought that this was already our motto after the DTR/Confed sneak attack on us just the other day.....

Geez, you guys should really fire whoever you have working in your Propaganda...ahm...I mean Public relations department. Non-combatants in an orbit of ongoing military conflict....? Come on, even you guys can do better than that. We can argue here a bit for the love of discussion about the freighter (I am sure it was just shipping in or out metals and stuff, no doubt about it, right ... ? ), but the troop transporter ? In one point however I agree with you: I also moan the loss of life in the recent fighting initiated by DTR and Confed forces.

I. Tular
FET Intelligence Officer

Though the Flagritz Governor of Hope has dropped all charges incurred in the transportation to saferty of Hive eggs, the Hive will nevertheless proceed with the payment. We feel that the crew deserves payment for the noble act.

We find it odd that a race that without provocation attacked Hive holdings, in the process killing several thousands of Hive eggs, that had enslaved not only hundreds of thousands of Felini (or Clan), but also several thousands of its own people (and did they love those lamp posts when we freed them), comes now accusing the HVE and FGZ of running a slave trade. How many slaves did you find at Supreme Hive? I bet you were very disappointed not having found a single thing to point out!

Not even after your disregard for life did we mistreat your lamp post loving slaves. I wonder how many of those are now once gain slaves?

How your race continues to reach new lows? Maybe the ARC did have some reason to curb your ambitions...

Avatar, Swarm Lord


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:

FCN - -
www.frontierexplorationandtrade.comDEN -
dewiek.port5.comHVE -
IMP - - -

17-07-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 28 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Straddle Resistance Crumbles
The Imperial block have either run out of spare ships or are attempting another strategy. Attacks on the Detinus and Confederate forces within the system have petered out over the week. While a couple of skirmishes are still occurring, they are relatively trivial.

*****KJC Update*****
The pubmeet was a success and much was discussed and even more beer was drunk.
There were a few disturbing scenes and photographs were taken of unlikely alliances and private meetings. There was even a drunken marriage proposal between two prominent positions. Rumours of this are likely to filter through to various websites (those of a sensitive nature should refrain from looking, hell, nobody should be subjected to such grizzly images).

A lot of minor features have been added. Exact details are on the forum.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

This weeks affiliation is the AFT or Association of Free Traders. Next week will be ANT.

Trade. The chink of stellars changing hands. The thrill of finally concluding that deal you've spent so long working on. Negotiating with the populace to persuade them that your goods are the best thing since immortality alpha. Subtle persuasion to get those stellars into your coffers, not your rival's. Contact with all races, all factions in one huge bidding war. Moving tens of thousands of mass units halfway across the Peripheries. The challenge of getting the right goods to the right place at the right time. All this and more...

With the start of Phoenix, the opportunities for the development of trade are immense. The premier trading organisation in the Peripheries, the Association of Free Traders (AFT), is seeking starbase governors and starship captains to join our rapid expansion programme.

Based at Ariel in the Solo system, the Association of Free Traders is the only truly neutral affiliation in the Peripheries. Our starbases can be found throughout the Peripheries, and our starships operate wherever there are trade opportunities to be found. While historically a human organisation, the AFT is an equal opportunities employer, welcoming applicants from all backgrounds regardless of race (or gender).

New governors can expect to be given charge of a fully operational starbase, with guidance and training on the running and future development of that starbase whenever desired. Opportunities also exist for the creation and development of new starbases.

New starcaptains have the immediate choice of running an AFT-built Free Trader or Carrier. We can also arrange to acquire most ship designs built in the Peripheries, and new AFT ship designs are under development.

All members of the AFT are entitled to a seat (and a vote) on the AFT Council, and hence a direct say in the management of the Association. Opportunities for rapid promotion, and to take control of additional starbases and/or starships, exist in abundance.

To take advantage of these exciting opportunities, contact the Master Trader by email on further information on the AFT, visit our website at

Story of the Week

Sorry for the inconvenience to prospective shoppers, but the market message for AFT Amythyst seems to have picked up a little crosstalk. We're working on it now...

Tennison Tarb AFT Media consultant

Affiliation Messages

"There is no contest. Imperial warships are being sent to their graves daily. No DTR Nebulon or Confederate Battleship has been destroyed to date."

It seems that you guys have different objectives than we have.

I. Tular


If your objective is to hit and run, leaving numerous ships to die each time then yes we have very different objectives and you are meeting yours well.

We even heard Fet captains shouting their battle cry:


I suggest you employ a new war council, as the current one is failing miserably.


Buddy, this is a marathon, not a spring.

I. Tular

What you mean survival as opposed to suicide?



Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


24-07-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 29 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Kastorian Repelled from Capellan Periphery
Despite the incursions of the Detinus Republic and Confederacy into Imperial territory, the GTT have managed to find some time to wrestle control of an outpost from the KST. The presence of the base so far from Kastorian space is a mystery. It is probable that Alexander Enterprises, close allies of the KST have had a hand in the construction.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

No submittal by BHD, CIA next week, followed by CNF

Story of the Week

The kastorian race is currently in a state of civil war. In such times as a nation, or member states of a race are embroiled in civil war, it is often the case that the tactics of war are jaded, so as to allow acts which in any other type of conflict, would be considered abhorrent.

The Yank Kastorian traitors are nearing the end of their reign of terror in Yank, and shall soon be destroyed. the peoples of yank, shall be reunited with their kastorian brothers, and freed form the oppressive state which the Yank kastorians now live under.

the Imperial factions IMP/ FET and GTT are at this time fighting a number of conflicts, and shall be given 1 week to avoid being counted as an enemy of the kastorian people.

the IMP will immediately dissolve their formal alliance with the KAS. You are putting yourselves into the frame of vision of the aggressor in a civil war, and shall be attacked, as the primary target of my actions, as the ally of my ennema. if my ennema has a strong ally, I must attack the ennema with every resource at my disposal.

the time of acting decisively against the yank kastorians is nearing.

if the Imperials do not disavow the yank kastorians immediately, said attacks shall be turned toward imperial personnel, and installations.

You have a number of ennema's already. We have not a warfleet with which to attack you, and so, you can expect some 'other' form of attack.

please consider the following tips for future dealings.

1-When intruding in civil war, be sure and do so as peacekeeper only. You will still get shot at, though not in any serious fashion. 2-When involving yourself in civil war in any capacity other than as peacekeeper, be sure and join the side which can be considered the goodies.! 3-When involving yourself in civil war, in any capacity other than as peacekeeper, be sure and do so when not already losing systems to your enemmas, and having seen most of your fleet destroyed. 4-Dont eat yellow snow 5-Dont let your offspring eat yellow snow 6-Dont leave yellow snow in my backyard.!

You have one week form today, to publicly dissolve your alliance with KAS.

Next week- Agiadis , you shall be ordered to pay back the cost and losses of every outpost, vessel, and kastorian personnel lost as a result of your attacks on our people.

Do not try my patience. i do not have any.

Kastorian Military Adviser.

Affiliation Messages

I am now accepting bids on the following hauling contract:

100 Shuttles
2000 Human Employees
100 Structural Modules
100 Transport Modules
20,000 Thorlium

To be delivered to a planetary orbit in quadring Delta 11 of to be named Inner Capellan Periphery system.

Delivery must be completed by end of week 31.

Bidding is open to any affiliation (including IND) with legal permission to be in Imperial Space.

Travis Kerrick

A bit late my boy, The Kastor KaSTorians have been enemies of the Empire since allying themselves with the so called Alexander Enterprises last year.

The KAStorians have mutual defence treaties with a number of affiliations, including ourselves, you might want to consider if it is not you who has too many enemies.

I also suspect that you might be having too many of those ennemas - it seems to be coming out of both ends now.

Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy & Regent for the Emperor-To-Be

PS. My name is Hiram, to my friends only, not Agiadis. Do try to get your facts right, you will sound a >lot more convincing that way, at least to the totally gullible. **

He who speaks absolute twoddle, how very typically human of you. I did not at any time mention the KST of Kastor.

Agiadis is the GTT director, whom has attacked for no good reason a number of assets, both of the KST, and others. After you have agreed to dissolve your KAS alliance, Agiadis shall be asked to pay the costs of loss of troops, and ordnance, as a result of his vicious nature. I hope that your incompetent translators can make sense of this 'idiots' version.

With regards KST, and the Alexander Enterprises, I have no idea what the details are per the alliance stated, though, as far as I am aware, no KST party has acted against the IMP/ GTT/ FET at any time, within the borders which you now cling to by a thread. I have no warfleet (makes two of us), though, I am sure I can find a pair of scissors laying around.

To reiterate, publicly renounce this IMP/KAS charter.

Many groups have mutual defence treaties with the KAS, though, these all revolve around mutual defence of Yank, and the maintenance of the no fire state therein. None but you Viceroy choose to expend your resources, fighting in the civil war of the Yank kastorians outside of the Yank system. add to this, the FACT, that no Kastorian faction has brought arms to bare in yank, so as to ensure public scrutiny is not cast upon our actions.

Please reconsider!

Kastorian Military Adviser

You have your "FACTS" and we have ours. Removing illegal assets from our territory has nothing to do with our agreement with the KAStorians of Yank. It is the enforcement of Imperial Law. Anyone who sets up assets without our permission are Enemies of the Empire, whose assets found within our borders can expect to be sequestered or destroyed.

Which is not to say that we will not also intervene against anyone who attacks the KAStorians in Yank or Skord.

Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy & Regent for the Emperor-To-Be


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:

FCN - -
www.frontierexplorationandtrade.comHVE - - - -

31-07-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 30 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
DTR Overkill
The Imperial Services managed to sneak a moderately sized ground party on the surface of a world held by the DTR. From there they deployed against the DTR starbase and over the course of a few days wrestled control of the starbase from the DTR, forcing the occupants to take up a defensive position in the starport.
DTR cavalry arrived and promptly carpet-bombed the entire sector destroying the outpost the IMP and any would-be defenders (uncertain at this time as to whether any actually remained).

*****KJC Update*****
GM Holiday
Details of Mica's impending holiday can be found on the calendar section of the forum.
Richard has spent the last few Fridays learning the ins and outs of the Phoenix engine. It would be wise though to curb some special actions requiring specialist knowledge of the game and history.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

The Brotherhood welcomes any to their congregation, it may be full of gun toting religious nuts that live by their Ankh and usually die because of their zealotry, but we sing too. We may have our religion but its cool and can be used for the tool of many mad exploit, which is fortunate for the PD is a loon and his vpd is a mad scientist. Of course being Mad isn't a requisite of the BHD, but it does help as we are part of the confederacy, actually being deaf would also help in this case.

Wear a dog collar and enjoy the sensation of not feeling the need to be hairy and pee up lampposts, we aren't limited to having just one sexual position to try either, much to the envy of the more dog like races about (no offence intended to the Dewiek. A full explicit book not included in membership either). Be proud of your Ankh, the symbol of our god the True One, and join a right bunch of proud ankhers in their daily religious tasks, that can range from trade, war to holding a mass debate in your congregation of virgin nuns (woohoo). Ram raid a colony with a tempest and blame your pd, they all do anyway (gits) , no one will ask you awkward questions like, why have you painted your star ship pink? do you have ECT just to get that hair style to stick up in that way? Or.YOUR IMP!!!

Preach with your gun and have the confidence to fill your underpants with banana skins and ambrosia cream custard and watch your clergy eat their way through it! Listen not to those that say you are wrong and unjust, see not those that point and stare and speak not politeness because no f#@*er will respect you for it! And as the True One stated in the New testicle - Palms ! Better is the little of the righteous one, than the abundance of the many wicked ones for the very arms of the wicked ones will be broken and the True One will be supporting the Righteous ones! GO BHD, FOUL!!! The referee's an Imperial!! BOO!

Of course life is not all prayers and Amen's. Thank god for that! But the BHD has other glorious areas to bathe its rosy pink cheeks in, like trade, exploration and holy war, we also have plotlines that you could straighten a fet political on and a history to die for, actually that's what our history is mainly about

We have Tempests (100 light hulls) we have Templars (75 Normal hulls) we have Battleships (100 Heavy Hulled) we have HLQ Freighters (75 light hulls) we have Broadswords (75 Heavy hulls) and we have Troop Carriers (50 normal hulls with cloaking). All these we the BHD can build and we can build them for you. Our technology is vast and is proud to be one of the leaders in this field with in the peripheries. We have lots of opportunities for all kinds of players needs. We have political openings, starbases and ship captains that all need a good Ankher whom is loyal to us to run. This is no pick your nose and flick it affiliation, there is a jihad with the IBH and the clean up of humanities scum has begun, the question is do you really want to join us after this message?]

His Homelessness the Pope Jordan G. Roswell Inc

Berty Saves!

Story of the Week

Public Announcement on behalf of the Democratic Native Alliance

Following the peaceful alliance of the Krell faction on the Planet Inversion in Storm System in late 202, the DNA is pleased to announce the successful negotiations covering the System ownership of Storm.

The Krell natives (KRL) on the planet Inversion elected to became part of the Democratic Native Alliance in a peaceful transition in 202 following economic collapse of the KRL Government. The KRL tribes are under the protectorate of the DNA and in accordance with the Peace Treaty with the Krell & Imperial Services (IMP). This planet is the exclusive license of the DNA Government and the local Krell natives to colonize.

It is apparent that increasing tension in the Outer Periphery and the war in Straddle must not affect these local natives.

In the past the War between the Falconian and Imperial Services lead to the demise of the Krell here.

The DNA is determined this will not happen again in the new era.

To ensure Storm does not become the next Straddle battlefield the DNA immediately ban all ships entering this region unless you have obtained a Native Storm Permit 203 from Mad Max himself. All ships have 24 hours to leave the system unless you have a Native Storm Permit 203. In addition any outposts that exist in this system need to be notified to the DNA with immediate effect. Access to these can then be arranged under a special arrangement. Failure to undertake this may mean the seizure of any outpost.

The planet of Inversion and the System of Storm is strictly out of bounds to all shipping without prior approval.

The DNA and the WEAVE will seek to protect this System Claim with all means at its disposal.

These steps are being taken to ensure peace and prosperity of the region amidst the current raging war. The DNA and WEAVE have no part in the current war and the DNA will maintain the natives in this region in peace and harmony.

Following this peaceful transition, the System of Storm is now being administered by the DNA in place of the Imperial Services. Please adjust your System Maps.

If anyone has concerns please contact me directly, thank you.


Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief
WEAVE Alliance

Affiliation Messages

Very well. then we each know where we stand. I look forward to the time when, having realised your wrongdoing, you beg me to call off attacks, and to 'let' you renounce this disgusting alliance. the KAS may sleep easy, knowing that the attention of their enemy, has now been redirected against their ally. A small period of reprieve for them.

I hope the KST Kastorians can keep them busy, while I take care of you.

Kastorian Military Adviser.

We are interested in purchasing 100,000mus of resources to be delivered to Yank. this will principally be modules (basic and structural).

We will give the contract to the best bid, so anyone interested please contact me privately with your offer. Please contact me on the below address :

Thankyou for your time,

Hive Swarm Master Mandible


Your attempts to remove non-imperial assets in Straddle, proved ineffective did it not? Now thats a fact you won't want to remember.

John Taylor

My Dear Mr Taylor.
You may have addressed the Viceroy, but please allow me to answer you. Why are the CNF so smug about temporarily taking control of an Imperial system? Without the help of your new masters the DTR you could never have achieved it. Even now you can't claim it for yourselves and have to have your masters do it for you. Everyone knows that without the DTR supporting you the CNF would not be able to hold the system. The same goes for Trinity. After buying the location data from the old RIP and capturing the IMP base claiming the system(give you that one),you again knew you couldn't hold the system, hence the alliance with the DTR. For years the Confederate bloc has been bragging about how strong they are and could wipe out the Imperial bloc, but could never manage. Now you've got help you're getting arrogant again. As the old saying goes "it's not over until the fat lady sings", and sir, she's not even warming up yet.

Yours with contempt
Zuvoro Norozov.


I'm not going to get drawn into an endless debate regarding who is whose master. Yes we gratefully received the help of the DTR, and yes they claim the system on behalf of ourselves. I was unaware that having allies was such a 'Taboo'!

Yet I can understand your bitterness, as our friends and allies swell in your numbers, you are forced to watch yours slowly disappear.

Arrogance, yes a fatal flaw! Yet, from what I have seen of imperial offensive capabilities so far... I would suggest any form of arrogance on our part is justly deserved.

As for the fat lady. Gag her, put her in a starship, and send her out straddle way. She might have more luck hitting us than you current pilots. This one sided conflict is getting a tad boring.

My Regards,

John Taylor

"Dearest Mr Norozov,

Whilst you have addressed Mr Taylor, please may I just point out a couple of things?

The CNF are their own masters in this skirmish - Their personal war fleet out numbers the whole Imperial Blocs war fleet, even before the conflict started. They like the BHD and DTR build their own war fleets unlike your good selves whom rely on others, so who are the underlings here? The addition of part of the DTR's Stellar Armada obviously worries you, and so it should.

The DTR are an equal part of the Inner Republic Alliance, along with the CNF and BHD, we are not acting as an arm of the Confederacy here; we are merely acting for the good of humankind as a group of similar thinking affiliations.

Your feeble attempts to belittle the alliance that threatens you will not take away the fact that we have taken Straddle from you and inflicted a blow to your polished ego's and yellow war fleets. It has long been the Imp blocs arrogance that has been infuriated by the rebellion and now you are further consumed by bitterness that the rebellion has moved on and now actively return hostilities that have shown to our affiliations in the past. As you like old sayings how about "You reap what you sow!" so do not label the CNF as smug, just because your own smugness has been wiped off your own face.

Does the FET not own systems for any one else and if so are your beliefs centred around the CNF/DTR the same in that case?

Once more you bore us with your propaganda. Look at the facts, they are clearer and a lot less tinged with bitterness and Imperial Bias.


Dearest Mr Norozov.

"Ah,Brother Scarcen.
So good to hear from you again."

It is nice that you heard me for a change .

"You say in your communication you work for the good of all by trying to attempt to form the Inner Republic.A worthy cause."

I did not actually say that in my last communication, but the principles we now work to are endeavouring to eventually accomplish this goal yes.

"You accuse the Imperial bloc of being unable to change and wishing to continue the conflict out of bitterness."

Again no, I merely stated you were bitter.

"May I remind you that several years ago just after the emperors clone scandal came to light I myself put forward a proposal to unite the Empire >and Confederacy for the good of all."

I remember.

"The proposal suggested that the CNF and IMP disband and form a new affiliation known as The League of Allied Worlds(LAW),with all the associated affs working along side. This would have brought about an era of prosperity and peace for us all living in the peripheries. The leaders of both the CNF and IMP were both seriously considering the proposal, but the BHD and CIA were vehemently against it for some reason. And so it never came about."

If I remember correctly the then CNF Supreme Commander, now his
holiness the Pope Jordan Roswell was indeed in talks with the Imperial high command, including your own office. Also Lord Jackson was a large influence in this matter and he himself spoke at length with Lord Simms on the subject of reunification. It was agreed that with vast differences both politically and at the time culturally it would not be possible, especially as some chartered affiliations would indeed laugh at the concept (that and Mica saying he wouldn't allow it ).
So the talks failed.

"Why were you against reuniting the stellar empire? you(BHD)were a offered a >place within the empire."

There are plenty of arguments here that I will not bore people with but as you are aware, but take no notice of the old regime and faith that was preached back then was from the Dark Pope and his IBH followers. A unification of humanity would not be tolerated, as it would have swung their political power in the confederacy to something rather minor. However as the new BHD arose from the ashes of the IBH, our stance would not change regarding unification, but not the reasoning. The inner empire is corrupt, corrupt from its political influences and that of the mega corps, why would the new BHD want to be parlour to such an Empire? All that unification would bring is more power to the mega corps as their trading empire expands and influence thickens. The BHD has been corrupted by such dark means before and the new BHD has aligned itself with the just and noble influences of the Detinus and Confederate Naval forces peoples to keep ourselves pure and help defend humanities cause rather than destroy it.

"It seems strange that you preach that you act for the good of all when you had a chance to prove that several years ago but threw it away."

The good of the 'Empire' is not redemption in our eyes, in fact it is another Babylon the great. Enticing though it may seem, the deeds that happen there do not go unnoticed by the True One. The BHD are for the good of Humanity, an entirely different cause that your companies and Imperial brethren know little about. The Inner Republic Alliance is not some little colony you can nuke from orbit, your old ways are coming back to haunt you.

"If you had agreed the empire would be united by now. How many innocent lives have been lost in both the Inner Empire and Confederacy at the hands of power mongering psychopaths desperate to hang on to power because of your refusal to work for the good of all?"

I think you have missed the point. And may I also point out that if your power mongering psychopaths quote is directed at the BHD then you are more desperate to divert attentions from the GTT and FET who's hostile take over of the inner empire subsequently left many dead and maimed not to mention some affiliations being wiped out. You also forget that the original power mongering Psychopathic BHD (IBH) have been all but taken out by the just and noble Confederacy, this was not for self gain and power, but to defend our people from the oppression and tyranny that they reigned down upon us. History writes our deeds differently Mr Norozov, you can try and paint it differently but in the end the truth always prevails.

"I am sick and tired of the Imperial bloc being accused of not wanting peace when our hand of friendship was bitten off when we extended it you."

A hand covered in the blood of the innocent is never a hand we would shake Mr Norozov.

Lord Saracen
"Zuvoro Norozov.

I said CNF and IMP were considering it as they were the 2 affs concerned. I heard that the BHD and CIA put pressure on the CNF to refuse the offer. That's how your triumvirate works isn't it? If the majority is agrees a course of action the other has no choice but to go along. Now I'm not criticising(sp)it works for you. No, I'm pointing out the fact that a possible unification was turned down. The Imperial bloc was willing to negotiate the confederate bloc majority was not, so don't keep blaming the Imperial bloc of wanting to keep hostilities going.


I don't believe we commented on that proposal one way or the other. Kindly stop trying to invent CIA responses.

Sam Toridan

"The Triumvirate have on several occasions almost shouted from the rooftops how the Confederacy works. I may not be privy to the inner workings of the Confederacy, but to those on the outside it seems that the CIA and BHD are the dominate forces of the Confederacy and because of that unification was not possible. As for not defending our systems, well I have to admit the DTR ships are superior as we've seen in the battle of Boomerang. But I seem to recall that there weren't many CNF ships involved! Is this because they got their butts well and truly kicked in the battle of Zion along with the BHD and CIA? who also seem a bit thin on the ground in Straddle! It was a good bit of political manoeuvring on the Confeds part to ally with the DTR, because without them you'd never defeat the Imperial bloc. Even combined I doubt you'll really succeed.


Firing broadsides into how the triumvirate is run and organised is pure folly. What do you know of the inner political workings of the confederacy? As an outsider your merely privy to speculation, a dangerous route to draw conclusions from.

Besides, personally I'm not blaming the imperial block for wanting to keep the hostilities going, I'm just stating that you don't appear to be very good at maintaining it.


Lord Saracen.
You claim the BHD have changed. I genuinely believe that you have. You say that the Imperial bloc and the mega corps are corrupt. You go on to say we have the blood of innocents on our hands(can't refer to your mail with this TV email so working from memory, so give us a break Brett). Yes as an organisation FET has done some very questionable things in the past, but as an organisation so have the BHD. A lot of the atrocities committed by FET were long before I was even born. Is FET as an organisation destined to carry the guilt of previous directors forever? You can't accept that FET has changed, why not? If you want others to accept that the BHD are more enlightened nowadays please acknowledge the fact that others may have also changed for the good. You still preach that the Imperial bloc are the "evil" oppressors, but refuse to believe anything else. The Empire has not made any aggressive moves against the Confederacy for years now. Others think it is because it is weak, not so. It is because we still hope that one day the Human race may be reunited. It is the Confederate bloc and DTR that are still conducting hostilities. Admit the fact that the Imperial services and mega-corps have changed just as you have then we may all find a way forward.


I would like to add that not even a handful of BHD ships were at skord, and those that were blown up were not considered butt kicked (I think it was the KAS that done that anyway) but were actually sent there just to hold you for a larger fleet that was going to crush you, but as your allies the KAS got involved we did not commit the fleet else you would have no fleet to defend any assets with and the out come would have looked different. Fortunate the KAS were so abundant in their help with the Zion incident, perhaps you should ask yourself that maybe they were worldlier in what was going on than you were.

As for the Triumvirate there are no dominant affs in it, though we do work a lot differently than the Imperials where the GTT are the Might, the FET are the Mouth and the Imp are the Arse.

So lets weaken it, shut it and kick it


"As for not defending our systems,well I have to admit the DTR ships are superior as we've seen in the battle of Boomerang."

Why thank you.

"But I seem to recall that there weren't many CNF ships involved!"

Obviously you did not see the CNF fleet over Midway, the CNF may not have been part of the Boomerang Defence force but they were involved in the Battle for Straddle. As one of the strategic planners for that mission I have to state that the CNF fleet was effected by the previously unknown "30 week syndrome" and was given leave to give their crews the r&r they deserved after our victory in Straddle. If the IMP fleet had not been too busy yellow jumping from Straddle, they would have been fully evolved with your destruction.

"Is this because they got their butts well and truly kicked in the battle of Zion along with the BHD and CIA??who also seem a bit thin on the ground in Straddle!"

I think that the battle over Zion was more like evens than one side getting its butt kicked. The lessons over Zion where however quickly learnt by the CNF but the Imperials did not learn anything it would appear.

"It was a good bit of political manoeuvring on the Confeds part to ally with the DTR, because without them you'd never defeat the Imperial bloc. Even combined I doubt you'll really succeed."

We will see.


"The IMP bloc may have lost control of a minor system for awhile and may have lost a few ships and knocked a big hole in your base, but we work on the long haul. Patience is a virtue you know. We've done what we wanted to do for now. Keep guessing!!!


I'm sorry but all I heard there was "Blah blah blah"

Look dream on fetty, you can't dress getting your arses kicked and a load of ships blown up as tactics. Well, I guess you can, but you'll have to ask the GTT nicely to do it for you. Obviously didn't spot a squad of CNF ships destroying almost the entire FET contingent in Straddle then ? The GTT did tell you to install those viewing monitors at the front of the ships and not the rear right ??

As for the Law, don't even get me started, the FET had to dust the cobwebs off Simms just to get him to look at the document the FET drew up for it, Apathetic anonymous aint got nothing on the Imps! The GTT might have their production, the FET the spin skills, the CNF the military clout but what would IMP prize winning turkeys bring to the mix ? The thought did cross my mind when I took over negotiations (would that be against trading standard to call it that?) for the CNF in the matter.

Mega Corp greediness has a lot to answer for the current conflicts, ask the Inner Empire Imperials - oh sorry, I forgot we can't, the inner empire GTT kicked them all out, ho hum.


CNF Supreme Commander.

Lord Saracen.
You claim the BHD have changed. I genuinely believe that you have. You say that the Imperial bloc and the mega corps are corrupt. You go on to say we have the blood of innocents on our hands(can't refer to your mail with this TV email so working from memory, so give us a break Brett). Yes as an organisation FET has done some very questionable things in the past, but as an organisation so have the BHD. A lot of the atrocities committed by FET were long before I was even born. Is FET as an organisation destined to carry the guilt of previous directors forever? You can't accept that FET has changed, why not? If you want others to accept that the BHD are more enlightened nowadays please acknowledge the fact that others may have also changed for the good. You still preach that the Imperial bloc are the "evil" oppressors, but refuse to believe anything else. The Empire has not made any aggressive moves against the Confederacy for years now. Others think it is because it is weak, not so.It is because we still hope that one day the Human race may be reunited. It is the Confederate bloc and DTR that are still conducting hostilities. Admit the fact that the Imperial services and mega-corps have changed just as you have then we may all find a way forward.


*Perhaps my translator is on the blink, but did I just hear you say: It was a good bit of political manoeuvring on the Yank KAS' part to ally with the IMP, because without them they'd never defeat the Kastorian peoples. Even combined, I doubt they'll succeed.


Perhaps, you would care to comment on the nature of the IMP (FET/GTT) alliance with the murderous KAS, and the fact that your noble, peaceful, aspiring to be considered approachable affiliation is presently becoming embroiled in a civil war.?

Your arguments, reasoning and all, are flawed. You speak loud of the crimes of those now ripping your empire to shreds, whilst sending your Human warriors, to die fighting on the side of the Yank Kastorians, in a fight which is not of your concern. tell me, did the Viceroy ask the opinion of the FET when ordering warships to Zion, or did you go along simply to be on the winning side for a change....?

What you fail to realise, is that, the only party to benefit in Skord recently, as far as i can say (anyone want to send me a battle report, I am intrigued), was the KAS. Or is there some part of that sorry affair which you deem to be a positive. Perhaps, behind the scenes, the KAS paid you all a bounty to turn up......? That at least, i could respect.......!

Though, i fear, the KST and KAS were fighting, (IN-fighting), and the KAS were unable to defend themselves...... They called upon the IMP, and the IMP, and their allies rallied round to aid them. Some bright fellow then must have forwarded a orbital scan to the Confederates, who decided, that a build up of hostile forces near their borders must be dealt with accordingly. Would have been nice if, having turned up to defend the KAS, and coming under fire form the Confederates, the KAS had armed their Yank system weapon, and turned it on those fighting you at Zion. (All those enemy bases, which the KAS could have smited for you!)

Ooooooh no, they didn't do that did they.....As a result,
You took losses, the KAS did not.

You are little more than a sheep Sir, and have been outsmarted by the Yank kastorians. SPIT! You quite simply deserve everything you get.

Let me assure you, that all this talk does less to change things, than a midsummers shower can to change the shape of rock....

The IMP/ FET/ and GTT will disavow the KAS alliance (you know, the part which covers attacking Kastorian peoples, under orders from the KAS), else be considered primary target of our operations.

You are big, we are small. We will do anything, you will condemn us for it. We are happy to die fighting the KAS, you will die alongside them. We have nothing to lose, you dont have much left.

Kastorian Military Adviser.

"Persistent little bugger isn't he/she/it!!!!
How much are the confeds paying you to try and distract us from the important work of kicking them and their master out of Straddle? ZN."

Those drugs that the FET can produce must be contaminating Tortuga's water supply because even though we have defeated your forces in every single space battle in Straddle, you still think you can get the system back.

Let me point out something to you

We have more ships than you
We have more starbases than you
We have more factories than you
We have more advanced technology than you
We have tactics where as you don't appear to have a clue (no matter
what you might say)

If you want to die trying, then try but die is all you will do.


As someone who is sitting on the sidelines with popcorn I have so say at this list of various IMP ships blown up... so what? Unless you show the confederate losses you are not proving anything other than you have blown up a load of ships over an unspecified period of time. For all any of us know or care these could all have been couriers! More facts please, or better yet some battle reports would be nice.

King P


You preach to the unwashed masses, the unfaithful of society, a noble cause but one that is a complete waste of your valuable time. The likes of these wicked ones will not believe the worthy and righteous and even when our lord shows himself in the coming Armageddon will they not believe, but the True One will lead us in his righteousness by reason of our foes, he will make our way smooth before us for in their mouth there is nothing trustworthy, their inward part is adversity indeed. Their throat is an opened burial place; a smooth tongue they use, god will certainly hold them guilty. They will fall to their own counsels in the multitude of their transgressions let there be a dispersing of them. Because they have rebelled against the lord, humanity and his chosen!.

Pope Roswell

"Self appointed king of popcorn,

Your obvious support for the wicked ones will give you no solace in the lords kingdom. It is not a matter of how much, when or even where, it is a matter of that it has begun. I for one will not administer your kicks and thirst for facts that are not necessary, if you believe us not then you are an unbeliever and not worthy of the lord and the righteous.

I suggest you read the good book again (if you have one) and take heed of the True Ones words.

Pope Roswell"

...... The rest of this can be found on the website ....

07-08-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 31 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Shock for Detinus Republic
In a groundbreaking development the combined forces of the Dewiek Elder Nation and the Dominion joined forces with the Imperial Block in order to resist the onslaught of the Confederacy.
The intervention against the Confederacy, allies of the Detinus while the two sides battled against the beleaguered forces of the Imperial block has sent bureaucrats scuttling for treaties in order to analyse the fine print.
Immediately following the battle, during which many casualties were suffered parleys were instigated. Swift to accept a ceasefire agreement was the GTT, the most badly hit faction of the ongoing war. A break in hostilities is more than desired in order to replenish many of their freighters configured to carry space fighters.
When news of the exact terms of the ceasefire are known they will be published here.

*****KJC Update*****
A few printouts were lost due to a buffer bug in the code. This did not affect any data, just the email. Steps are being taken to rectify this problem, caused by have hundreds of potential targets listed in one sentence.

Notes on targeting, working in squadrons and penalties with specific targeting have been added to the forum under combat. Any would-be Luke Skywalker would be advised to look at them before turning off their targeting computers.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

Next week CNF

Confederate Intelligence Agency (CIA)

"What is called "foreknowledge" cannot be elicited from spirits, nor from gods, nor by analogy with past events, nor from calculations. It must be obtained from men who know the enemy situation."

Sun Tzu

The Art of War, XIII:4

"The most treasured commodity in the Peripheries is Information - and it is this solitary commodity which we ruthlessly exploit."

CIA Agent Indoctrination Speech


The Confederate Intelligence Agency is the eyes and ears of the Confederacy - hunting the darkest secrets of our adversaries and exploiting them to our advantage. Necessity has decreed that all available methods - legal, moral, or otherwise - are open to us in our endeavours as no less than the very survival of the Confederacy is at stake. Subtlety and elegance are seen as positive traits during operations, and these traits are often rewarded, but that is not to say that quick, decisive action, when called for, is avoided - blunt objects have their place in the CIA as well.

The CIA trains and employs the finest Agents and Operatives available. Their duties range from simple library data scans to elaborate sabotage schemes or assassinations. In the past we have destroyed whole shipyards, diverted strategic materials/shipping, smuggled artefacts, stolen advanced technology, subverted populations, and gathered intelligence data upon every other affiliation in the peripheries. If someone has a secret, it's a good bet we already know what it is, hence the CIA is distrusted (at best) and despised (at worse) by almost all other Affiliations.

Together with our allies, the CNF and BHD, we engage the peripheries to defend the Confederate way of life.

Contact: Blair Watt

Story(ies) of the Week

Public Announcement on behalf of the Democratic Native Alliance

Following the peaceful alliance of the Krell faction on the Planet Inversion in Storm System in late 202, the DNA is pleased to announce the successful negotiations covering the System ownership of Storm.

The Krell natives (KRL) on the planet Inversion elected to become part of the Democratic Native Alliance in a peaceful transition in 202 following economic collapse of the KRL Government. The KRL tribes are under the protectorate of the DNA and in accordance with the Peace Treaty with the Krell & Imperial Services (IMP). This planet is the exclusive license of the DNA Government and the local Krell natives to colonize.

It is apparent that increasing tension in the Outer Periphery and the war in Straddle must not affect these local natives.

In the past the War between the Falconian and Imperial Services lead to the demise of the Krell here.

The DNA is determined this will not happen again in the new era.

To ensure Storm does not become the next Straddle battlefield the DNA immediately ban all ships entering this region unless you have obtained a Native Storm Permit 203 from Mad Max himself. All ships have 24 hours to leave the system unless you have a Native Storm Permit 203. In addition any outposts that exist in this system need to be notified to the DNA with immediate effect. Access to these can then be arranged under a special arrangement. Failure to undertake this may mean the seizure of any outpost.

The planet of Inversion and the System of Storm is strictly out of bounds to all shipping without prior approval.

The DNA and the WEAVE will seek to protect this System Claim with all means at its disposal.

These steps are being taken to ensure peace and prosperity of the region amidst the current raging war. The DNA and WEAVE have no part in the current war and the DNA will maintain the natives in this region in peace and harmony.

Following this peaceful transition, the System of Storm is now being administered by the DNA in place of the Imperial Services. Please adjust your System Maps.

If anyone has concerns please contact me directly, thank you.


Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief
WEAVE Alliance

Today the DEN and DOM sent in a fleet to assist the Imperial forces that are trying to retake control of the System Straddle. Straddle has been unlawfully invaded by forces escalating a conflict formerly restricted to the Inner Systems (Inner Republic or Inner Empire) resulting in the destabilisation of the Capellan Periphery where the Imperial factions have been lawful and undisputed rulers for a significant period of time. As inhabitants in these systems, who have prospered peacefully under the administration of the Imperial factions, we have been horrified by the recent developments in Straddle.

We see the invader's act of carrying this conflict into the Capellan space as a tragic and dangerous thing. We will not take sides about the control of the Inner Systems, but we will take a stand for the safety of the territories we inhabit.

As a courtesy to our long-term allies in the Detinus Republic, we will not initially target their vessels. Naturally if they insist on firing upon our vessels we will be forced to ruthlessly use all means possible to retaliate.

Should the aggressors withdraw from Straddle and from all other Imperial-claimed systems, then we will cease all hostilities. However, should any party extend the conflict to DOM or DEN assets within or outside of Imperial space, then they will be met with lethal force.

Signed by,

Kragnost Nightwalker John Mayhew
First Elder Overlord
Dewiek Elder Nation Dominion

Affiliation Messages

The DTR recongize the neutrality of the FEL and ANT, members of the
Weave. As long as the System of Storm is not used as a staging point for attacks into the Confederate system of Straddle we will welcome this move. If we learn that Storm is being used as a staging point then the neutrality of the WEAVE will be questioned.

I advise the DNA to ban all Imperial vessels and GPs from their system forthwith to ensure that this neutrality is kept intact or grant access to DTR and CNF/BHD shipping on a one to one basis.

Peri Romanov

I applaud the DNA and Weave's stance on this matter to protect the natives within the Storm system.

I fully support the DNA's claim to Storm.

Marcus Rhodes

Ms Romanov,

May I assure you and the citizens of the peripheries that the Felini will not countenance either side in the conflict using the neutrality of the Weave as a shield to hide a military buildup behind. We currently have good relations with affiliations on both sides of the conflict and consider ourselves neutral to the matter - your recognition of that fact is most welcome.

Storm is administered by the DNA, and it is for them to lead the maintenance of Weave neutrality within Storm (in conjunction with any assistance deemed necessary from FEL/ANT), as with their other systems. Where Felini systems are involved, any use of a Felini system to build up a military/naval force (be it confederate/DTR, or IMPerial Bloc) will be seen as an unfriendly act against the Felini and dealt with accordingly. I expect that the DNA will operate under similar assumptions...

In Honour

Feline Tyrant

The Imperial Services claimed the Storm system on behalf of the KRL, not the Empire. The reason for this was because the KRL were not in a position to claim the system (OOC Profile) on their own behalf. I am pleased to see that the DNA have finally lodged their claim to the system as I have been advising them to do for some months.

As for using Storm as a jumping off point to recover the Empire's system of Straddle, the Empire's Affiliations respect the laws of others, unlike the DTR and their rebel lackeys who, suffering from the illusion that no one can stop them doing anything at all, do what they like with total disregard for the rules and laws of others.

In case the DTR maps are out of date I will point out the obvious, there are about 6 systems that would be suitable to concentrate forces for a counter attack on Straddle, including Straddle itself. This makes your sabre rattling at the DNA a bit redundant, even though it is in line with your "do what we like or die" attitude to the rest of the galaxy.

Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy


Thor, House Raven wrote:
"Yes please clarify your stance Vulture Huntmaster. House Raven would be curious to know what it is."

For a cur who has been living on my sufference for some months, and indeed from a feeble House that has only reappeared due to my generosity, you seem to think of yourself capable of placing demands upon me.

"Maybe it is time you step down and let the Ravens do the work."

What let a bunch of glorified farmers take over the running of the Empire? I think not.

Now to respond to the questions from my esteemed comrades:

Kragnost Nightwalker
DEN First Elder


FGZ Diplomatic Ataman

My stance is very simple: "Wastelands and Storm where legally annexed into the Falconian Empire years ago."

By the Seal of the Great Hunter,

Lord Protector of Falconia1

"Lord Protector,

Let us hope that your words on this matter do not bring us into conflict - but I fear that if you try to assert this statement on the ownership of Storm it may.

Confirmation from the Falconian Emperor that this is an official FCN view would be welcome - for there seems to be some dissension between the houses

Feline Tyrant"


Feline Tyrant


Peri your not going schizophrenic on me are you?

Alternatively, Yes well that could be the case, vision this - the IMP stormtrooper hiding behind the shield and spear of the DNA native, I think not.

On the contrary, I have purchased ground parties from an Imperial faction in Storm in a move prior to the claim. So you now have less troops to fight with your DTR carpet bombers. The only troop build up happening here is DNA one. And yes I'll arrange the removal of anyone I have to, and I am not about to let the DTR and any affiliation in for a look either or to cause trouble. Peace is the priority please respect our neutrality there is no reason for your mob to be in here.

There are rather alot of other Imperial systems within easy reach of Straddle. Also there are plenty of Imperial playgrounds for you to test your naval designs.


Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief

"Sunray to you

Well it seems to me, that DNA are trying to take over one of our systems, how do you like it, if an aff takes the Onwards system from you and gave it to us?"

Well, I could point out the numerous systems in the Cluster that were once Clan-owned. I could also point out Constantinopolis - on Fellowship itself - which is now run by the CIA.

The Felini (by which I include the Clans who are now at one with their mother race) have more than their share of similar instances that could be pointed out to you. Do not try to lecture me on how to deal with parts of the universe that were once yours and are no longer...for I am well acquainted with this reality from our perspective - and I have dealt with it to gain the maximum possible benefit for the greater good of my people, rather than sob over the spilt milk of the past. You made a good start by negotiating the return of the starbases ion your homeworld, and I have repeatedly found that this method tends to have greater results than thinly-veiled hints

Feline Tyrant.

"Sunray to you

You might have forgotten this part, but the FCN are not at peace with the Imperials, we have a cease fire right now, that means our war over Storm and Wasteland is not over, that DNA now have Storm, means DNA and FCN have some things to talk about, until that is sorted out, then do we still view Storm as IMP controlled.

Also since you are not DNA, then does this not involve you, sorry to be this blunt, but its still between DNA and FCN, not anyone else.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow"

I hate to inform you of this, but there is such a thing as the Weave.

You are right that political discussions between the DNA and the FCN over Storm are none of my business - if Mad Max chooses to give up his claim to Storm, that is his business.

But if he is attacked without provocation, the Felini are honour-bound to defend the DNA under the terms of the Weave treaty - and right now the only "provocation" I see is an attempt to stay out of a war he is not involved in - so assuming there is no FEL involvement here is not quite correct...

I hope you can settle any differences over Storm peacefully, as to date we have found the Falconians to be courteous and friendly, and we have no wish to change that.


"Sunray to you

Already know of how the Weave works :)

We are not asking DNA to give up their claim. Our talks are in another nature. Again FCN are not looking for a fight with the DNA. Well there is a few points we need to sort with the DNA, but nothing that will result in a war. I hope people will continue to view us like that, but right now, we cant support the DNA claim to the system right now, as we need to have a few things sorted out first.

But i do hope we will soon.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow"

Naplian News Network Announcement


New DNA Markets are now available this week in Yank System, Castle Ciuciulco (4773), and Solo System, Haven (2875).

New star captains from any race creed and colour welcome. Please check markets under affiliation DNA now at the phoenix main mkt site. Some are already onto these hot specials.

Special deals include Metals paying $5, and Kastorian delicacies paying $20 now wanted.

May I thank all those traders out there who are buying and selling as there has been alot of regular trade.

Bamboo Gardens in the Darkfold has ceased trading and is now FELINI owned.

This was a public announcement on behalf of the DNA.


Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief
"Scan a ship save a Slave - Stop the Slave Trade now"

General announcement.

I am the contact for AFT free traders. At the moment we are building for ourselves, but may put a few of the basic 'GX' model out on public sale, for around the 90K mark. These would be 1500 MU's general cargo or 730 MU's life.

Carriers are even more provisional. The contact for those is Maybe 200K, maybe more.

Super-carriers (12,000 MU's cargo) are at the moment, restricted to AFT members. If you want any of the nice stuff, like a 1000+ life capactity free trader, or maybe even a super-carrier, you can:

1. Join the AFT. OR
2. Offer what you've got, in exchange. A proposal to trade for a few nice, BIG warships would probably be well-received. Or cloaking. Or 50 TU jumps for big ships. Or what have you got...

Tennison Tarb
AFT Vehicle Marketing Associate

Regarding the joint DOM/DEN announcement:

"A line in the sand has been drawn. You have chosen the other side.

John Taylor

"The line had already been drawn, we simply decided we could no longer avoid the beach...(DEN)"

"Where was all this concern for legal ownership and peaceful trading conditions when the IMP raped storm a year or two back? I don't remember such concern for FCN properties.

"I guess the IMP have them some new... lapdogs.

Johnny Twist

"Perhaps an update on history is in order here - though I cannot speak for the DTR, the Confederacy does not consider, and has NEVER considered, the Imperial Factions to be the "Lawful", much less undisputed, rulers of the Capellan Periphery/Stellar Empire. The Confederacy has launched numerous forays into the Cappellan to strike at our adversaries over the years. Rolling Thunder ring any bells? Were you asleep?

Be that as it may, as the newly appointed protectors of the Imperial Factions (they appear quite incapable of performing that function themselves), I would like to pose this question to you both: Trinity is in the Capellan - are you suggesting that the DEN/DOM will fight to return it to the IMP factions?


Lord Lawrence Scrimm
Confederate Intelligence Agency"

"No such thing dear Director, we remember Rolling Thunder quite well. But that operation and several others over the years did not change the fact you never managed to wrest control of the Capellan Periphery from the IMP. Your differences as I see it are political and your chosen methods of violence have served you well and given you some success, but IMP are still the ones that have remained in control and the ones to ensure our peaceful living in the Capellan Periphery.

To be honest with you, I don't really see the big difference between you ideologically, you are all of the same ilk that banished my forebears out into exile. That those semantics that separate you have costed millions of lives in the Inner Empire are very tragic, but not unprecedented in the history of Man, or quite a few aliens we've encountered.

No we will not, it's not a part of the Capellan Periphery that IMP have controlled over these years we've known them. If they decide to stake their claim there, that is their business and not the business of the Dominion.

John Mayhew"


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:

FCN - - -
www.frontierexplorationandtrade.comHVE - - - -

14-08-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 32 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
The timely intervention by the Dewiek Elder Nation and the Dominion appears to have saved the Imperial hide. Only hours after their arrival talks were instigated the outcome of which was a ceasefire.
The alacrity of the ceasefire proposed by the Detinus Republic can't help but raise questions as to the turmoil within the House of Lords. This turn of events appears to have severely dented their confidence especially as the Dominion and Dewiek gave no prior notice of intensions to the Detinus Republic.
The question uppermost in most minds however is whether this spells the end to the 3D Alliance and will the Detinus Republic be returning to the Darkfold (dark fold - pun - get it? Suit yourself).

*****KJC Update*****
GM Holiday
Just to remind players that Mica will be away until Wednesday 3rd September (marriage and a honeymoon). During this time the game will be in Richard's capable hands. While he is able to do special actions such as investigations and explorations, it is best to avoid plotline actions, as he will not be totally familiar with them.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Due to health problems, Pedro has not been able to produce Inter Galactic News this week.

21-08-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 33 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Pirates to stand trial on Falconia
The prisoners, pirates caught in the Acropolis system are scheduled for processing and delivery to the Falconian government.
100 of the FGZ Veteran Soldiers on board form up outside the ship, in the docking area, at attention - no wiggling tentacles or oozing mucus. The remaining 100 FGZ Vet Soldiers then escort the 60 Human Prisoners, currently on the ship, to awaiting Falconian security. Once the handover has been completed, all of the soldiers march, in formation, back onto the ship, ready to depart. The ships crew gives no speeches, although the crew respond with politeness when spoken to by the FCN security.
The prisoners will stand trial in Falconian courts.

Small SMS Fleet destroys IND Ship
A small, but certainly capable, fleet of SMS ships battled an IND ship for a short while before destroying it in the Teller system.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

Next week DNA

Fed up of the being a small fish in a big ocean? Well time for you to join the major league then!

The Confederate Naval Forces represent the military arm of the confederacy. Our aim is simple, to remove the corrupt stellar empire and in doing so unite humanity in peace and harmony.

Over 50 years ago the actions of the mega corporations lead to the start of humanities civil war. The true one along with a number of noble houses fled the war torn Capellan periphery to setup the confederacy within the Darkfold periphery.

Over the past 50 years the CNF have conducted many daring raids into imperial controlled space, destroying imperial assets and disabling the imperial warfleet. As each year passes we edge closer and closer towards our ultimate target, Capellan, the seat of the stellar empire.
It is only a matter of time before we reclaim humanities home system in the name of the true one.

If kicking the imperial scum around in their own periphery is your idea of fun, we want to hear from you. Hell, if you have even the slightest distaste for imperials, we want to hear from you. We currently have a number of openings for those who want to get involved in humanities struggle for unification.

Be a part of history, rather than just reading about it. Be a rebel with a cause.

John Taylor
On behalf of the CNF Command.

For more details contact the CNF:
PD Thomas 'Spacewall' Jackson (aka Ewan Jones)
VPD Sean McGovern (aka Phil Sara) visit (1) (2)

Story(ies) of the Week


Johnson stared at the blips appearing on his screen. Something wasn't right here. He flipped a few switches and then replaced them to their original settings. In fact, something was very wrong here. Five new ships had arrived in the system within minutes of each other, and all of them were proceeding toward this very planetary orbit. "Sir," Johnson barked toward the Executive Officer, "We've got multiple ships closing on our position. I'm showing 5 unid... no 6 unidentified craft heading directly for this quadrant." The Executive Officer's brow furrowed a little deeper, "Can you see what they are yet, Johnson?" "No sir, I only have them on long range so far. They're definitely heading this way, although there is no sign of any known attack vector." "Then stand easy and wait."
Johnson watched the blips closing in slowly. His palms began to sweat with anticipation. They should have fled by now. tWhat was the EO planning this time? He checked his screen again, looking for the RIP escort vessel off the port side. It was still there, bobbing slowly on the solar currents. Johnson switched his attention back to the new blobs. The first blob was nearing orbit, and was now within sensor range. It moved like a ship, but it's size and density showed it to be a small planetoid. He quickly altered a few settings to get a better idea of the looming beast before them. He ran a shape-density check through his console to see if there was a match in the ships computer, and crossed his fingers that his hunch was very, very wrong.
The screen flashed up image after image of ship designs, from all the know races and configurations ever seen and recorded. Several of the other blips had reached the sensors mid-range. The second and third ship were a lot smaller than the first, comparative to the ship Johnson was currently crewing, although these were definitely not Broadsword class ships. A second giant loomed onto the screen, sweeping a wide left to outmanoeuvre them. "Got that confirmation yet?" barked the Executive Officer to Johnson, who nearly jumped out of his seat. "Coming right up, Sir." Johnson was visibly seating now, and his fingers trembled across his console. "The True One preserve us! Sir, they're all Flagritz vessels, various configs, and preparing to turn us into something even Jasil would wipe off his shoe!" He punched a button and a list was displayed on the main viewer. Silence filled the command room, as all eyes turned first to Johnson, then to the viewer. The Executive Officer looked down the list.

FGZ Doxel Katzfir - Ba'fe-pltok Class Freighter
FGZ J'kar Siod - Se'fe-mirsho Class Troop Transport
FGZ Felima Dimal - Ba'cl-iras Class Heavy Cruiser
FGZ Screaming Sun - Se'cl-nira Class Destroyer
FGZ D'Vinae - Resurector Class Heavy Cruiser

The last ship on the list was the FGZ Pak Ra'Tu Resurector Class Heavy Cruiser. Against it's name on the list blinks a red warning message **HOT THREAT**. One by one the crew turned to stare at the EO.
"Preparing Emergency Jump, Sir!" shouted one crewmember, spinning back to his console.
"Negative, Adams." came the dry response.
"Sir? What's the plan?" A nervous ensign peered from under his wonkey cap. All eyes stared in disbelief at their trusted leader. He'd got them out of scrapes before, but this time it looked as though he was waiting for the Flagritz ships to move into attack positions. They all knew it would be too late by then. "Power down the shields, weapon systems and engines. They're going to be sending a delegation aboard." "That's crazy!" shouted on of the navigators and leapt from his console. He raced the few metres to the piloting console, reaching for the jump controls. A sharp Zzziiip! The navigator slumped to the floor, looking very shocked. And very dead. All eyes returned to the Exec, who had his side arm gripped firmly in one hand. The EO spoke to his crew through gritted teeth, "Now. Like I said. We're going to sit here and wait. Adam's? Move away from that console. Everyone just relax, or the smell of burning flesh will be the least of your problems." Johnson went back to looking at his screen. Two of the Heavy Cruisers took up flanking positions on both sides, while the Destroyer and remaining giant Heavy Cruiser moved up behind. Once the warships were in place, the transport moved in. The entire ship begun to shudder as the transport closed in. After a few tense minutes, the Marauder VI shook with tremendous force. The crew all gripped their consoles for fear of being flung to the floor.
Adams was not so lucky; he ended up wedged under the Nukit-Burger food dispenser. "That's hard-dock." whispered an engineer. "How many d'ya s'pose are commin'?" "Too many." responded one of the remaining navigators, also whispering tensely. The minutes ticked passed.
Nothing seemed to be happening. The Flagritz vessels hung in space like vast, black nightmares threatening to steal the remnants of the crew's sanity. The Marauder VI was already severally battered from it's previous encounter with the Flagritz ship Pak Ra'Tu in the Acropolis system. It would not take much for the hull to give, and for the crew to be sent spinning into outerspace. With a heavy metal grinding, the security door to the command section was forced back.
The entire crew turned their attention to the door. All except Adams, who attempted to squeeze up the Nutri-Source nozzle of the food vendor. One of the engineers nearest the door made an unpleasant trickling sound, but no one seemed to take much notice. The doorway was filled with a large blob, fatter at the bottom end. It's skin
appeared to be thick and leathery, but covered in a thick glooping slime. It was also a dark brown that hard seemingly random spots, various sizes, of dark green scattered across it and an odd red hue down the left side. It had two eyes that protruded on stalks from the top of its body, like those of a snail. These stalks also appeared on
the bottom of the blob; much fatter and more substantial. The blob used these to shamble its way into the command room. Two more large blobs moved into the doorway behind it. Johnson attempted to count the other tentacles that seemed to appear from nowhere and then vanish again. He got as far as twelve at any one time, and then turned his attention, more sensibly, to the large device the creature had wrapped in three tentacles at its front. The device was long and roughly cylindrical. Johnson had never seen one before, but was pretty certain that this was some form of energy weapon. Too many triggers and buttons, but probably the Flagritz equivalent to the human Assault Rifle he had stupidly left on his bunk when he came on duty. The mottled pod also had a strange device hanging over the top of its slimy, well, head. Hooked around the eyestalks to prevent it falling off, it appeared to be attached in several places. Strangely intrigued, Johnson leaned a little closer to inspect it. The devices use suddenly became clear as it screeched into life, sending the creatures mucus spraying into the room in a fine shower. "Humans. We have come for you. You are to transported to the planet Falconia where you will stand trial for the crimes of Piracy." The blob waved his energy cannon around the room, taking care to pause it's aim on each individual. One of the gooey pods behind him waved several tentacles and the dark-green spots on it's front changed to a deep purple. The pod at the front paused in it's sweep of the room, waving one tentacle in response to his companion. No noise was uttered, and no direct eye contact was needed. The Flagritz Veteran Soldier swung his weapon sharply to the left and fired off shot. The air hissed as
a bolt of searing plasma slammed into the Nukit-Burger machine, melting it into slagg. Ensign Adams dived, screaming as he did so, from his hiding place. Attempting to avoid the melted metal and plastic that dripped from the ruined dispenser, he charged headlong into the pilots console, knocking himself unconscious. One of the blobs in the doorway waved his stalks frantically, his skin changing to a dull orange colour. His companion copied almost immediately. The Flagritz in the command room twitched slightly, his colour becoming more pale, but then darkening once again. His body shook slightly, as the two behind him began to calm down and their skin colour return to normal. "Move!" ordered the first Flagritz, sending another shower of goo into the room. Johnson got to his feet slowly, as did the other crewmembers. He walked past the blob toward the door. The two Flagritz standing there moved aside to reveal the central corridor of the ship. It was lined with Flagritz soldiers the entire way down.
Johnson gulped, and proceeded forward. He attempted to count them as he passed, but was frequently interrupted by a slap from a slimy tentacle. He couldn't tell whether the Flagritz were angry of joyful; they just waved their tentacles around vigorously and jiggled about.
Once Johnson had passed through the hard-dock he, with the other crew, were ushered down a circular corridor and into a large spherical room. He had passed almost 200 Flagritz soldiers by now.
There was no floor to speak of in the sphere, but lots of bars on the walls and ceiling, coupled with some strange curved surfaces dotted around the entire room. Johnson quickly moved to one of these small surfaces and sat in it. Other crewmembers filed in behind and also made a grab for one. Unfortunately there was not enough for the entire crew, and almost half were left to stand, using the bars to hold onto. Tough luck on them. There was no way anyone was going to offer to swap now. It was every man for himself from here on in. Adams was the last crewmember into the room; thrown from the doorway by two hulking blobs. A well-placed throw ensured he landed on top of his crewmates. Johnson wondered whether this was to avoid injuring Adams further, or to annoy the crew that just got squashed by a flying pilot. A large, heavy door slid into place, sealing the crew into the sphere, and they were left in peace. No one spoke for several hours, until food appeared in a recess in the wall. There was plenty to go around, but the crew wasn't too hungry. Besides, they'd probably spat in it. Or worse.

Affiliation Messages

Greetings Beings of the Periferies.
The word is spreading that the pirate ship Marauder VI and her crew has been brought to justice. The ship is currently being de-commissioned, and her crew are in the prisons on Falconia awaiting trial. Let this be a warning to all pirates out there - stay away from territory patrolled by Aegis warships. If you break laws in systems that the Flagritz are duty bound to protect, then you will be punished. We will find you and return you to the system officials for trial. Our tentacles are long and we have many allies to this cause.
There are a number of affiliations that have aided in this capture, and they should receive a mention for their deeds.

RIP - For standing against these pirates and turning them in. These pirates could still be loose without help from the RIP King. FCN - For their assistance with the logistics of this mission. DNA - For allowing the Flagritz warships to operate within their resticted space. IMP/FET - For trusting the Flagritz to handle this matter without them, and turning a blind eye when it was needed. HVE - For the offers of support with ships and troops.

FGZ Diplomatic Ataman

Falconian News Network Broadcast:

Reports are coming in that the First Emperor has been declared dead by House Vulture. Various tribal Warlords and leaders of the progressive Houses have been summoned to a closed ceremony at Valhalla, believed to be a tribute to the late Emperor.

Whether or not the Firsts blood sworn enemy, the Lord Protector himself, attends is a matter of great speculation...

##transmission lost##

It would be appreciated if the governors of CNF Starbase New Madrid and AFT Outpost Port Anchorhead could get in touch, even better, pop over to Alpha Revenge for an evening of beers and recreation.... I know you'll just love our new bowling pins.

Johnny Twist DTR
Founder of the Tyburn Conservation Society

"Hi Johnny,

I'll send a RIP representative as well. After all we'll be back soon.

King Porteus

Wing Commander, I must protest at the fact that your outpost has opened fire on the SMS GP that was taking soil readings in your sector, killing every man there. I regret that through standard battle procedures the small fleet of warships in orbit supported and defended the GP which completely destroyed the outpost.

I have despatched a ship to land at (what is left of) the starport and check for survivors. I seek compensation for the loss of SMS personnel and equipment caused by the outpost's attack.

Yours faithfully
Admiral Gardener - SMS

"Admiral Gardener

You were advised to steer clear and now you have not only destroyed valuable property but also an alien artifact and several pieces of tech that cannot be replaced easily. And to compound this you want to land and loot the remains?

I may have been unable to stop you destroying the colony, but I will stop you looting the ruins.

Wing Commander McCree"


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:

FCN - - -
www.frontierexplorationandtrade.comHVE - - - -

28-08-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 34 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Suicidal Pirate?
A small battle took place between a pirate vessel and a KAS Starbase in Skord, the battle ended very quickly.

Twinkle Problems
The Twinkle system is experiencing some problems, details of which are not forthcoming at this time though, more news ASAP.

*****KJC News*****
Mica will be back at KJC next week on Wednesday. Many thanks to all the players for your patience during Mica's holiday, and in particular David Bethel.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

Next week DTR

Democratic Native Alliance
The Democratic Native Alliance (DNA) is a unique biotech alien race of short stature, big eyed "Greys, Browns, Greens" and human sympathizers but mostly those from the Naplian race, but DNA are not limited to Naplians. They tend to hold significance influence with Native populations and have been known to raise native armies from many back streets and overturn whole starbases. However, most of the time the fight for their little nations survival dominates, although their widespread dominance on many planets makes the DNA an affiliation with the greatest growth potential.

How to spot a Naplian?
The hands generally have four digits two long two small, although there are some with less. The body normally skinny human in appearance but with alien muscular and organ differences, that makes them look distinct from humanoids. The hair is brown generally, some tie it back in a ponytail others cut it short, and some have none, mostly the greys. Typically most Naplians have scars and stitches, as personal safety is not top of the Naplian way of life.

Many have had their mouths stitched together as the Naplians have been enslaved at many times in the past; the steel stitches still are visible on much of the older population. The ears are simply holes in the head. They appear not to have any sense of smell, and have small evolutionary redundant noses; this might also explain the rather off-putting smell that lingers. Many talk about a 4th sense that may be the compensation. Naplain Shamans often form the figureheads of tribes and are rumoured to be able to foresee the future. Human/native tribal leaders are also common.

Mad Max is a Naplian Shaman. Commodore Bridge a human, other characters appear from time to time out of the shadows.

Naplian Language
The Naplain Language consists of many high-pitched squeaks and vaguely insect type sounds and that exceed the range of human most of the time. They need to actively lower their tones to be able to communicate with humans. They have the ability to speak and interpret a number of alien languages.

Naplian Oddity
The Naplians chant some babble that no one has really worked out, but humans have reported seeing tiny blue sparks in the vicinity on rare occasions. Re-produce at 2% population growth double that of humans.
DNA are basically a number of united native tribes, who have escaped slavery or oppression to form their own tribal government that has spread over time.

Naplian Ships
The ships are varied a number of unique alien and human large sized ships are in the DNA fleet. They build Garbage Scows from Waste shipyards tips, essentially a ship that barely holds together, and if you scratched the surface you would find yesterdays waste in your hand. Having said this again they seem to acquire human and alien ships with surprising ease also making any ship flyable. Average life expectancy of DNA crew is about 6 round trips of the Cluster and Peripheries as they are always running off in shuttles to explore. The DNA especially like helping others in need and their ship names seem to be often linked to Angels for some peculiar reason. They have some technology called an Integrity Stabalizer seems to make the ships almost in destructible, so a Naplian docker told me after three snake bite drinks.

DNA Warriors
DNA Warriors are the bravest and daring of all and they have to be being the poorly equipped, war paint being standard issue. Not much else is known.

Naplian biochemists are much sought after, as they come from a Naplian agricultural background.

Want a challenge?
Starbases available, Ships available, new planets available for those brave enough to handle them and have the patients to grow and prosper in peace. The DNA members will go to great lengths to uncover the mysteries of the universe and work silently in the shadows. They are friendly and will not be pushed easily into conflict and have not been in conflict for many years in fact back to 190 (1990). The DNA was on the edge of extinction but has made staggering progress for such little odd creatures; can you play a part?

The DNA was a founder member of the WEAVE that includes also the ANT Nation and the Felini Tyrany.

Join the DNA (66), (Democratic Native Alliance). You'll be surprised.

Contact Mad Max - DNA Commander in Chief (
) for further information.

Story(ies) of the Week
Character Profile

Feirha Silvermane Kaien
DEN High Elder

Born to Kraeco Twoclaw a well renowned explorer of the Kaien pack, Feirha was named after the human starship captain, a friend of Kraeco, who worked for the DEN for several years before going missing on a extended exploration mission.

By the time he came of age, Feirha already had the magnificent silver-grey mane that is his most striking feature, so Silvermane was a natural choice for his Chosen Name.

The young Silvermane had an aptitude for analysis and was soon commissioned as part of the crew of a Ranger class science vessel testing rock samples of various remote moons and asteroids around the DHP.

Several years later - Silvermane recently promoted to the ship's First Science Officer - the Kaien Pack Elder died. The pack was small enough at this time to call a full Pack Council in order to choose the new Pack Elder. It was decided that they could not afford to lose even one of their best males which was inherent in the traditional Elder selection process. So the Kaien pack held an election for their new Pack Elder. It was a practice picked up from the DEN's dealings with other races and Affiliations but was still a rarity among Dewiek Packs.

Silvermane's keen, analytical mind, along with an almost unnatural even temper - for a Dewiek - and a genuine wish and ability to learn about and understand other races and Affiliations marked him out, to the rest of the pack at least, as a natural politician; something relatively rare among Dewiek. So Silvermane, to his own amazement, was elected as the new Kaien Pack Elder.

As the Kaien pack no longer had any significant holdings of their own, except a small mixed fleet of ships, Silvermane travelled to the Starbase Dragon on Janth, home of the Halls of the Council of Elders.
He spent many months on Janth, mixing with representatives of all races and Affiliations before an opportunity to expand the Kaien pack presented itself.

Through his connections he learned that the Pack Elder of the Krink pack had been travelling through the Enigma Black Hole to visit the Dewiek Pocket Periphery, when the Black Hole had somehow collapsed on the small shuttle ship. Silvermane immediately travelled to Basilisk in Avoir, home of the Krink, and took the female Krink Elder as his mate thus, by tradition, absorbing the significantly more powerful pack into his own. Despite what some of the more cynical commentators might have suggested at the time, this was not entirely a political move - he had long admired Avraar Goldeneyes Krink from afar - but it was certainly a hugely advantageous coincidence.

Following closely on the heels of that coup, Silvermane was elected to the DEN High Council for his work on many initiatives and reforms within the Dewiek Elder Nation, in particular in the area of "Public Relations".

Silvermane is a remarkably even-tempered Dewiek - although that phrase should be applied relatively of course - with a sharp analytical mind.
He enjoys the cut and thrust of political debate as much as he enjoys scientific investigation, although he can be equally stubborn with both pursuits. While he is a fairly strict traditionalist with many areas of Dewiek culture and history, he is also known to be a somewhat radical thinker on many subjects.


Affiliation Messages

Wing Commander McCree

We did steer clear of the outpost, did the person in charge of the outpost see a huge threat from 1 Light APC, 4 SMS personnel and an assortment of survey equipment? I would assume so as they were destroyed by a force of 25:1 Vets!

I have received confirmation that my orders have been received and that the warship will land shortly. As you are no doubt aware, once the landing thrusters are engaged there is nothing you can do until you land. If survivors are found then they will be treated with due care and no equipment or 'alien artifact' will be removed from the ruins, I mean outpost remains.

Admiral Gardener - SMS

*Wing Commander McCree
Several disturbing pieces of evidence have come to light. We entered this sector the same time that our survey vessel entered orbit of Fake. When the survey vessel, entered orbit of Fake no PIR vessel was in orbit and with our warships in the sector it could not have arrived without getting pinned, therefore it must have come from the outpost/planets surface. Also whilst conducting soil sampling our GP spotted (but were not spotted) by a GP coming from the outpost. The outpost made a completely unprovoked attack on our GP which resulted in it's and the outposts destruction by the supporting vessels in orbit. When a rescue vessel lands at the remains of the outpost to scan for survivors and to recover the bodies of the dead SMS GP they were attacked by the GP that was spotted leaving the outpost. This GP attacked with Merc's, Vet's and 400 Meklan! What in the name of the True one is/was going on down there!?! Tech, artifact and Meklan!
Were these abominations what you were threatening us with earlier?
Doesthis mean that the outpost was producing them or something more sinister. I demand an answer or I shall be forced to take this matter further, which believe me Wing Commander, is something that you do not want to happen. I have scanned your vessels and they are no match for the forces against them...

Admiral Gardener and Admiral Mayhew

Admiral Gardener and Mayhew,

You were warned to keep away, you approached the outpost even after you were warned not to. And you cry that you were attacked? You vaporised the outpost! I find the survival of the ground party amazing, though doubtless you will try to exterminate it. Your brash actions have destroyed a TCA artifact, rare technology and the other items salvaged. Our understanding of these people has been set back god knows how long. And my understanding of the SMS has been shattered. Is this a case of if we can't have it no one can?

Go ahead with your threats. Blow up the ships, blow up the GP.
Nothing matters anymore with regards to the outpost.

With the destruction of the Outpost the RIP contract has been revoked. Our ships will be moving out and out sponsor has requested we pickup the GP. We will do this if you haven't slaughtered it.

King Porteus

*Greetings King Porteus

Speaking on behalf of the SMS fleet in orbit of Fake, I am sorry for the loss of life and for the loss of your outpost but cannot agree with the creation of Meklan. To the best of my knowledge, they are created from Prisoners and I think the members of the forum will agree that the destruction of such a place is a blessing! I have been informed that the SMS Scimitar has taken the bodies of the SMS GP aboard, and only the bodies of the SMS GP, and is now lifting into orbit. No further steps or action shall be taken against either you or the GP on Fake. I trust that you had no knowledge of outposts motives as I consider you a fair man who would never stoop so low as to get involved with Meklan. Should you wish to collect these abominations from the surface then that is your sorry business sir.

Hucuron Baalazar
SMS Fleet Commodore

Liver Bait,

"I suppose I should be a little more concerned seeing as how Roswell is the supreme authority on sexual limitations."

Coming from a dog that only sniffs its bitch when on heat, I find it hilarious. Not only that, but aren't sweaty human feet an alternative to a bitch on heat as the both smell the same? No wonder you eat humans, probably the closest High Elders get to the real thing. The Church Karma sutra will also quash your false acusations little puppy, now go fetch, like a nice little pooch.

"You should count yourself lucky that that is not the case Mr Taylor, otherwise you would have suffered many more losses over the years."

I take it you mean by the 3D, as you couldn't stand alone if you tried, and by the True One you and your hairy flea infested race would have been taken out a long time ago and I mean to extinction, for there are many that would like to finish what the Architects started.
And that's no shaggy dog story.

I suggest you go for a walk, pick up a bitch that aint your mother and get rid of some of your frustration there.

Pope Roswell

*It is no surprise that the Brotherhood have fallen on hard times. If only you would put as much effort into your church work, or even keeping up with current affairs, as you do into your infantile obsession with all things sexual and lavatorial.

Your god must be so proud.

Feirha Silvermane Kaien
DEN High Elder

Mad Max in little leather flying jacket points at a camera with a scrawny long finger...somewhere on a planet near you.

As a result of the recent ceasefire and to encourage peaceful trade amongst other affiliations-

Freighters will be allowed to enter Storm with the sole intention of trading with the sole market in Storm, shortly to be announced.

This is a first step in opening the Storm System to trade only and helping the local economy in Storm to prosper. If successful the planet Inversion will also be opened to trade on an invitation basis.

However, please note the following space Square Delta 8, orbit of Inversion and planet Inversion, & other planetary bodies that are not displaying a public market are off limits to all shipping. The DNA does not accept any liability for the integrity of your ship or your affiliation if you stray into orbits or restricted areas.

Freighters are advised not to carry weapons, torpedoes or missiles in any significant quantity. Warships or fleets of warships in the system are strictly restricted to those authorised by the DNA.
Military conflict of any kind between affiliations is strictly forbidden without prior consent of the DNA. Expect to be scanned for security.

No parking at the starbases, there are roaming gangs of skate boarding Naplians that steal your thruster hubs, and spray PIR on your ships.

Oh yes and thanks to all those traders that are increasing the volatility of my savings balance this week. Glad to see all the punters trading consistently. Well done the DTR for the first affiliation to make a killing on metals at my expense, metals will be reposted at the Castle C in Yank in the future - so get ready to jump in your ships again for another big stellar making bonanza.

Thank you for your time.


Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief

Well come visit acropolis we have lots to offer and we don't shoot at people ... well most people.

As for Harken, or whatever his name is, he is often willing to give out useless advice. After we found out the emperor is dead his head has swelled to moon size.

Long Live the new emperor.

House Raven


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:

FCN - - -
www.frontierexplorationandtrade.comHVE - - - -

04-09-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 35 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
The CIA is busy in their attempt to gain control of a border GTT starbase. Ground troops are however finding it difficult to break the defensive ring of the starbase and haven't yet been able to make an effective breach. It is looking like the first to bring reinforcements will prevail.

*****KJC News*****
Yup, Mica is back and thanks to everyone for their congratulations. No, no shotguns were involved although copious amounts of alcohol were. Contrary to the squashed image shown on our website, Louise does not really look like the bride of Shrek.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week

DTR didn't submit any new profile, so I hope that the last one is still valid. I seem to have bypassed DOM, so I'll post DOM's whenever they send theirs, otherwise FCN

Citizens, The Detinus Republic (DTR) welcomes you to the Peripheries.

So who are we and why would you want to join us? To understand that you must understand our history.

The DTR had its roots in the Inner Empire, a group of systems surrounding the Sol system. The Imperial Empire controlled those systems.

In the year 131, the Imperial colony Detinus rebelled against the inhumane treatment enforced upon them by the Empire, followed by others including the colony Tate. Tate was eventually stormed by Imperial troops and almost all colonists were tortured then executed in an act of incredible savagery. However, the Empire had achieved its goal: all other rebellious colonies except Detinus ceased their act of defiance almost immediately.

The Imperial Navy then moved to Detinus and bombarded the colony from orbit for weeks. Upon landing the Imperial troops found that Detinus had been deserted some weeks before the arrival of the fleet. The Detinus people had fled into uncharted space, the Peripheries.

This is where we are today, except now the tide has changed. The DTR is part of a powerful alliance, the 3D alliance, made up of the DEN, DOM and DTR. Over the years this has enabled us to stave off defeat at the hands of our enemies and more importantly survive.

Over the years we secretly grew, cleverly hiding our assets, and now we have the upper hand against our old aggressors, the Imperials. Our fleet of Nebulon class capitol ships, arguably the best human warship in existence due to its manoeuvrability, is unrivalled in the Peripheries today.

At the end of last year, a treaty was signed between the Confederacy and the DTR over the Inner Empire. This area of space had been closed off for many years but recently a route back was discovered. This has given us way home to the Detinus system so we can free the citizens held under the sway of Imperial control. To gain back what was once ours and ensure that this doesn't happen again.

If you decide to join us you will do so at a very interesting time; a time when everything is changing, a time when the Republic has a chance to return home.

The DTR was once oppressed by the Imperials. We are now free and believe very strongly in our freedom and in the freedom of others. Hence our strong stance against slavery and our dislike for anything other than democracy. This has caused and will continue to cause many problems for us but our principles and beliefs are sound. We are determined to overcome injustice. To fight for the rights of all Citizens, Citizens such as you.

Citizen. Free your Will. Join the Fight for Freedom. Join the Republic.

For more information contact:

IC : Xavier GladstonetIC : Peri Romanov
OOC : Andy SteeltOOC : Nic Hughes

Story(ies) of the Week

This is an official statement from the Office of the the Privateer King, Joshua Porteus.

Over the past months with the increasing hostilities I have been asked over and over again by many people where do you stand. I will now say where I stand.

The Regular Independant Privateers are Neutral and will offer assistance to the owners of any system where RIP assets are located in order to protect RIP assets and to honour agreements.

The following systems will be offered assistance by RIP assets belonging to the Privateer King and the Privateer King only, if assistance is required and formally requested. Other RIP assets from other Houses will be added as required. We show no favourites, we will accept requests for assistance with a standard Privateer Contract.

Madonna, for the IMP
Adamski, for the IMP
Kastor, for the CNF
New Sussex, for the CNF
Solo, for the AFT
St Dismass, for the AFT
Yank, for the KAS
Skord, for the KAS
Storm, for the DNA/Weave

From this it is obvious that upon becoming a peaceful aff RIP have spread themselves out to many systems, under the protection of various affiliations. It is standard operating procedure that RIP offer protection and assistance in any system that assets are located.

This should not create any diplomatic problems by any of the warring parties, IMP block or Confed as both sides can benefit. RIP have attempted, bar a minor disagreement with the SMS, to be neutral in every aspect of this conflict. Protection of RIP assets is our primary concern, poor though they are. I, as leader, have been forced into this by the continuation of hostilities that threaten the peace and tranquillity of my transformation of the RIP.

Any specific enquiries should be directed privately to my contact address.

Joshua Porteus,
King of Sargasso,
King of Privateers

Affiliation Messages

"To put this in a nutshell, are you just sitting on the sidelines or going to help all sides depending on the system?


In a nutshell we will help all sides depending on the system, as we promised each affilation when we negotiated colonisation rights. To do any less would show that RIP are not able to stand up to agreements signed with the various affiliations.

The politics are irrelevant, but we do honour what we sign.

King Porteus

"So let me get this straight....... the war moves to Madonna and you fight along side the imp block the war then moves to Kastor and you fight along side the CNF block the ships you were defending in Madonna now appear on your enemy list and you think this is going to work...........


Yes it will work. I doubt if it would work with any other person leading the RIP though. I have faith in the people who lead the affiliations, most of whom I have regular contact with in one way or another to understand what I am trying to do.

Surely you understand Faith, my Anon friend who is also known as Titus.

King Porteus

"Blessings of the True One to you

Yes, as you point out I do have faith but I also think you are making a very big mistake to get involved in a war and try and fight on both sides what happens when the fleet of one aff knock out all your Starbases in Madonna and then the other side does the same in Kastor... I understand your wish to stay neutral but I would think that means staying on the side lines and eating popcorn getting ready to clear up the mess

I am aware of Brother Titus but apart form knowing about his great work for the BHD there is no link between us.

Brother Anon"

Yes it may be said that it would be better if we did that, just sat on the side and did little but eat popcorn.

But what has to be done has to be done. That is the way of the Privateer. If we do not offer assistance when it is asked, who will come to our aid when our bases are attacked?

I have no desire to get drawn into this war. I have heard the story from both sides, I know where the blames lies but I don't care.

If some aff did knock out my bases it would be a pointless fight. We cannot stand against the firepower that most affs can wield. RIP assets in all systems would be destroyed and RIP would be forced to either join sides or revert to Piracy once more. I do not want either option.

Every person in a position of power understands that the offensive capacity of RIP is a joke. But our honour demands that we make the offer to stand by our agreements with affiliations who have come to trust what we say.

There are two messages here. The open message, RIP will stand with those who wants us in systems that we have been allowed in, should they ask for our help, be they BHD, CNF, IMP or whoever. And the one that reads between the lines. If you ask for our help you've already lost the war.

So far no one has asked for our help, and I don't expect anyone to. But should there be a RIP be seen in a fight, one ship amongst a hundred, is that reason enough to condemn an affiliation to death?

We are an honourable affiliation now, though we have a dark history. We respect the power of the Confederate and Imperial forces, we even acknowledge the technological superiority of the DTR.

If a war threatens my affiliation I would rather step down and pass over the crown of Sargasso to gain peace than live with death of innocents on my hands.

Maybe staying on the sidelines is the safe option, but for someone who has assets spread far and wide there are no safe options in a multi- periphery war.

King P

You have been honourable in your dealings with the DNA to date and your neutral stance and willingness to support the system claim of Storm is warmly appreciated by the DNA and WEAVE.

The RIP stand by their agreements. May the transformation be maintained. I hope the SMS incident is merely a blip in your transformation, and information on where the Meklan were obtained would certainly keep you on the right course.


Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief

"Mad Max,

I do not believe that anyone would consider attacking the Storm system. There is little logic to it since the system is so crap. But a ship has now been made available and will arrive in system as soon as enough rum is stowed in the hold.

The Meklan were obtained from (static) and with the (static) big (static). Of course the (static) and the (static), very very nasty (static) much loss of life. But the natives were okay and relayed the story to (static) who passed it to us under torture. The (static) (static) (screen flash) of the alien ship was (McDonalds advert) and even implicated the (static) which was very unsettling. Only with the help of (static) were we able to pull it out of the (fuzzy static) and hit it with the pointy stick.

Hope that clears that up

King P"

King P

My translator seems to playing up again must be the nuclear fallout can't here bl**dy thing but static. There are other motives for Storm I am sure rather than material, but I trust your *cough* 'other rum carriers' will not be required. But in case, I have liquor vouchers available.


Mad Max

Brotherhood News Network.

"We are standing outside of the public offices of the Pope here at Varanasi, where just a few moments ago the Pope himself gave a statement on the theocracy shift since the untimely disappearance of the renowned Brotherhood Inquisitor General Doctor X! in his statement he said"

"The Brotherhood moves on from the loss of a good friend and family doctor from our ranks, we cannot stand idle in these dark times as we have seen previously, so the church has had a pew reshuffle. The Inquisitor Generals office has recommenced its Brotherhood law duties, but will step aside from the public eye as to root out corruption and heresy within our ranks, and to maintain a peaceful fun loving religion. Patriarch Grip has been commissioned for this, and his chief of staff is up and coming cleric Brother Anon. With the Inquisitor Generals office taking a side step, the Brotherhoods Cardinal office of the VPD has become available. To fill in this position I have looked to my Zealot ranks as I require a military advisor and tactician for the conflict for humanity and faith. With his experience on and off the field and for his status and rank within the Zealot army I have chosen the Master Zealot Khan for this prestigious post, and appointed as his military advisors are Zealot Generals Lord Kunivaz and Lord Saracen. All have been briefed on all area's of Brotherhood politics and are now in charge of their prospective positions."

"Even though vast resources have been spent by the church to recover the highly acclaimed head of BHD laboratory research and meta physics, the twice winner of the BMSA has failed to be found. Sources close to the Pope have pointed their fingers at a few up and coming theocrats that have been getting public support after the local church elections but none have held ant conviction. One such brother, Rail Gun Kelly made this statement yesterday."

"I only dealt him guns man, I never would bump off a well paying client, that don't make good business sense!"

"Other fingers have pointed to the new Inquisitor General, the patriarch brought in to remove corruption from the church, he said this this morning"

"Crime don't pay! So I ain't interested!"

"Others say that he actually built a time machine from a flitter and went back to the past to see his old friend Marti, or he built a big green monster with bolts in his neck that went mad over a woman and killed the Dr and dragged his body to a scary old castle. What ever the reason for Doctor X's disappearance the question not only is where is he, but Do we really want to know?

This is shantila korofski for BNN!"


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:

FCN - - -
www.frontierexplorationandtrade.comHVE - - - -

12-09-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 36 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Skirmish in Void
The battle continues as the GTT slowly claw back control of the starbase from the invading CIA forces. It is important to remember that crew are still troops and at least as good as mercenaries. Do not underestimate these people.
It is also important to remember that the attacking force is compared to the size of the starbase for the purposes of determining the maximum control you can get during a day. So send in a few big tanks along with your troops. It is presumed that these will be used as cover during the assault as well as drawing fire. So although they do not increase the ratio of control factors of attacker to enemy, they may still allow more control to be captured. They also blow chunks out of the enemy and that is never a bad thing.

*****KJC Update*****
A few new wedding photos have been added to the website to replace the scary ones that were there.

Now that things have started to settle down and the vast majority of players have got to grips with the game, I will be preparing a document for scientist seeding. This will be based on the conversion points from spare research.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
DOM next week.
I'd like to remind all affs not submitting their homepage address to do so. I know several affs have their homepages, but I only know their BSE based ones. Also I'd like to encourage the sending of character profiles to help give new players a feel of what's waiting for them.

Affiliation of the Week

So, why should you be interested in joining the DEN?

First and foremost the Dewiek Elder Nation represents an entire alien race. While the majority of other affiliations consist of break-away factions of Humans following narrower and more obscure specialisms, the DEN, by their very nature, need specialists in all fields. We can offer expertise and experience in all areas of periphery life.

We have a huge task ahead of us in recovering our past and we need brave and resourceful explorers to scour the many worlds and systems of our ancestors. We need scientists to help us understand any clues or artefacts we find. We need shrewd business managers and intrepid traders to run our starbases and trade ships, helping to support our economy. We also need diplomats and politicians to consolidate and extend relations with other races and affiliations. And finally, we need warriors and commanders, both on the ground and in starships, to defend our assets and laws.

The decimation of ninety percent of the Dewiek Nation, following the Great Architect War, means that the Dewiek are still few in number. As a result every individual is highly prized within the Dewiek Elder Nation. Your efforts will be noticed and they will be rewarded. There is huge opportunity in the Dewiek Elder Nation for talented and
dedicated members. You will not just be one of hundreds of disposable cannon fodder. You are one of the Pack! Being part of the larger pack also means you will always have support and advice whenever you need it.

The DEN have some of the most secure systems in the Peripheries. The Dewiek Pocket and Home Peripheries are accessed only by ancient stargates. These stargates, spanning across all known space, can only be traversed using a specially designed key, and the Dewiek are the masters of their manufacture; the use of stargates gives our ships a range extending far beyond that of Jump Drives.

The DEN have many other advanced technologies, including sophisticated engines making DEN ships among the fastest of any affiliation. We are also able to build the Direwolf, one of the largest, and most feared, warships ever. And we are recovering more technologies all the time as we re-discover our past.

In summary, joining the DEN will give you the support and scope to achieve your own goals while contributing towards those of the affiliation; set within a framework that allows individuals as much freedom as they want and as much guidance and assistance as they need.

Join the DEN (67) Today!

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss the DEN a little further, feel free to contact our Recruitment Office.*

Story(ies) of the Week



Affiliation Messages

"If Dewiek wish to discuss a peace treaty, we'll be happy to discuss trade relations. - Hive"

"Wanna buy some eggs? Make lovely omlets... - DEN"

"Great Omlets! You disgust me. And they don't make such great pets. Deweik prisoners are far better for that. - BHD"

"What the hell are you talking about? - DEN"

"What the hell were you talking about when referring to Hive children as Omlets. That comment in direct reference to a request (tongue in cheek one assumes) from the Hive PD to open peace talks. His comment having been in reference to a request form you {In Character} to buy his ships. THEN, you went off talking like the typically ill humoured/bad mannered stray that we have all come to know and love, and so............ I stuck my oar in.

No its not a stick, let go.

Oh sorry.
I forgot. The DEN are allowed to say what they like, but if anybody else does you are the first to ask 'What the hell are you talking about'.

Brotherhood Alien Relations Officer.

"After the deliberate destruction of several colonies, with special care to destroy the civilian sectors, the use of slaves, including Dewiek, the ritual cooking and consumption of captured prisoners of war, something perhaps only the most barbarous Demons would still do. I do indeed worry about the fate of those we were forced to leave behind after the 2nd battle of Hazzard. The reference of to my race younglings as omlets, does indeed imply the continued mistreatment of prisoners.

I sincerely hope that this was just a verbal slip of the tong, old habits do die hard indeed!!!

Hive Swarm Lord

"If there are any Confederate politicals listening on this channel, perhaps they could comment on some rumours that I've heard. Rumours of warships patrolling Confederate space with orders to attack Dominion vessels.

It's very polite to do that, you know?

I would also be interested to hear the Confederate position on the matter of the Twinkle stargate.

David Davis, DOM Fleet Marshall"

Howdy Mr Davis,

The confederacy is in deed patrolling Confederate space, as is our duty to maintain law and order within our space from possible threats. The Dominion has gone against our mutual allies the DTR, by attacking our mutual allies the CNF to suit their own agenda; we are merely looking out for our interests as not to be caught out by the whims of the Dominion and Dewiek Elder Nations furthering to expand this agenda. Our extensive armada has orders to attack all law breakers within our territories as I am sure you yourselves have, "never rub another mans rhubarb!" and all that. As for etiquette and politeness then would that have been nice from you to ask the CNF to move out of Imperial space before you jumped tooth and nail in. You may find because of this that we do not consult you on the laws of the confederacy and will share you the same courtesy that you have shown us.

However the BHD does up hold the Peace treaty in place and will not intentionally fire upon DOM vessels, unless provoked or in defence.

Concerning the Twinkle Stargate the BHD has no interest in the system, gate, or any troubles that occur there unless of course our allies are under threat within the neutral system. The BHD will reciprocate any action taken against our allies directly or indirectly towards the aggressor and accomplices that threaten our allies, be it in the same system or of our choice. Unlike others the BHD has a high regard for our allies who like others have lent and been lent on by our allies enough to show courtesy and respect both ways. We do not desert them as the grass seems greener else where or that a slight priorities shift deems them traitors.

It is not our 'politeness' that therefore should be scrutinised here Mr Davis.

His Holiness The Pope Jordan Roswell


In case it had escaped your notice the DOM have not had open access to Confederate space for a rather long time (several years in fact) and given recent events there are no plans to change this for your benefit (or for your further restriction for that matter) for the foreseeable future.

Twinkle is not Confederate space so is of no concern one way or another to the CNF, speak to the current system owners..



Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:

FCN - - -
www.frontierexplorationandtrade.comHVE - - - -

19-09-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 37 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
GTT Starbase Falls
Rumours of the Felini supporting the CIA in the Void battles have been officially denied. The Felini swear that troops present in the Cluster are not battle trained and there was no way to bring in their home guard since access to Cluster has become limited. Certain affiliations are sceptical and have started to view the Felini with some concern especially considering the lack of unrestricted access to the Felini home systems.

*****KJC Update*****
The overhaul and general improvement of the order editor has been completed.
The upgrades can be found on the side bar of the phoenix website. Note that the editor download also contains a new parser file. As always, simply double-clicking on these links, and opening will put the files directly into the correct location on your computer.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Since DTR profile was posted on week 35, next week will be FCN

Affiliation of the Week

Want to wear Biker Leathers, Spiked Belts and have Fluffy Dice [TM] in the mirror?

In the Dominion (usually abbreviated DOM) you can play as a hardened tough Biker aboard a Starship. Fly around and cause mayhem and chaos wherever you go!

DOM are a faction of humans that have been separated and isolated from the rest of humanity as an Imperial experiment went awry. The Colony ships with Imperial prisoners and prison guards were lost in the tests of the first Jump Drives.

The ship called Dominion was stranded on the other side of a Wormhole that had led backwards in time and into a completely unknown territory. Using an abandoned Clan Starbase and cannibalizing the ship a viable Starbase was built and the group of people destined to be the DOM managed to survive without outside help.

Hard pressed to survive DOM have developed into a society where all that matters is the survival of the affiliation, this has bred a very tough people complete void of morals who thinks themselves superior to everyone else. Strength is all important and the leaders rule by might. The DOM have a history of using slaves and often comes into conflict with allies and others due to this issue or other things that outsiders perceive as evil behaviour.

However DOM captains are the free unruly spirits, who while always thinking of the affiliation first will grab the chance to do some fun, be it having a party in a blockading fleet or blowing stuff up. Luckily the leadership provide them with lots of opportunities to cause trouble.

Do you want to join the coolest, baddest affiliation in the Peripheries?

Join affiliation 57 today!

Check out: drop us a line:
Kenneth Solvang (PD):
Steve Harvey:
Martin Svendsen:

Story(ies) of the Week

ANT former Matriarch has either vanished or died. When everyone thought ANT would fall a new Matriarch fell into line to bring the aff back from the chaos it had fallen into.
One wonders though when exactly ANT found the Queen system the right one? Could the long rift between the Hive Hierarchy and the ANT be finally over?

Affiliation Messages


as the Popes office told you before the BHD has its friends and also its allies, I do not consider you being FET or your pompous allies either of these, perhaps it's the history, or even the war we are in., you are not measured on being a man for being a man, but measured by whom you are aligned to. As you are aligned to the FET and an in-humanistic banana dictatorship run by the GTT you are measured very little by the BHD and you will continue to be measured as such whilst FET. If you wish to continue your media rag tag crap comments on a communication that has happened between myself and yourself regarding your wish to broaden your obvious meagre incentive to strike trade relations between two warring affiliations then please do so, but do not try to disparage the pope in any way or form whilst prattling on.

I would be interested how you got the idea that the masses of the BHD and indeed the confederacy or any world we are on are under threat of death from the popes communication? In fact your notion is so absurd that you do the psychiatric world of prats and nutters a big disservice. You are a fool sir and one whom talks out of his own ring of which you obviously kiss your own. I will then quote what the Pope has previously told you so get it into your thick FET skull:

"My word is the word of the True One so it is fair and just, I can be trusted as I am His Holiness the Pope, I speak not lies for to do so is using the false ones tongue and thus heresy. As I have mentioned the BHD has its friends and unfortunately the FET are not one of them, you attack the True Ones servants and vassals, you commit crimes of terrorism and murder on the streets of our allies star ports and are in open war with us as we speak. I could never except such a friendship based on the principles of my faith and my soul, especially when I already have friends whom I trust whole-heartedly. I hope you understand my opinion on this, basically the only thing the BHD will trade with the FET is photon fire, and that is no basis for a friendship to grow in."

Do not attempt to bring the BHD down to your levels again FET scum.

Sister Abbess Theresa
BHD Governor of Mirabile

"Dear Saracen.
My fellow FET member was making an observation, and asked a simple question.
It is typical of members of the CNF/BHD/CIA. When another party dares to criticize you or disagrees with your policies you resort to personal insults and name calling.
Grow up man. If you can't answer in an adult and civilised manner don't answer at all. At least the Pope had the decency to try and clarify the matter.

Zuvoro Norozov

1. Titus, please contact me on business.

"Titus, do so with your Popes utter contempt. The scum of the galaxy does not warrant yours or any brothers attention."

2. To everyone in the galaxy, let it be known that I for one am sick and tired of "titus" jokes. Lay off. I can't speak for everyone (one of the benefits of the FED is the ability to think for ones selves) but we (those of us who think like myself) have a political position in mind for titus once the bhd has been disbanded. I am offering him the position of High Governor of Mirabile! He can't do a worse job, and since he is one of the only members I know of in the bhd that actually speaks for him or herself, (other than his majesty himself), he's a natural for the job.

"Are you his mother?

You speak too much, you could speak for everyone if you tried, not in thought but just sheer volume of speech and utter drivel. Titus has a Patriarch status with in the BHD and is fully committed to his church duties. He converted from your way of life and he prefers a slave free lifestyle where everyone works for an honest living and goes home at the end of the day fulfilled that they have carried out the lord's good work. You how ever are the butt of such a lifestyle, your exploits and exploitation of all around you is the optimism of greed and poultry power that amounts to nothing in the grand scheme of things. Your lecherous ways are immoral and you lack of human understanding is shocking. Freud would have a field day with his psychoanalysis of your abundance of super ego and he would find you still stuck in the anal phase as you know how to kiss ass like the best of them, shame you cannot not kick it as well. Your usual mouthful contains a vomit full of self indulged fallacy and fantasy, High Governor of Mirabile indeed. Do you believe we treat him so poor as to warrant him the Yank colony? Titus exceeds all that we have asked; he is sole ruler of the adopted system of faith and wields two bastions of immense power within that system. These bastions out strip Mirabile and so you see whilst he is at the brunt of jokes he is also a powerful person, but one whom can take a joke, unlike you. Do you know of the daily runnings of Mirabile? Do you? No you don't so don't comment on something you haven't got a butt monkeys knowledge of. How could you appoint anyone, you need some rank to do that, and Mouth almighty doesn't cut it.

As for whom we speak for, of course we speak for our holiest of our order, that is what the church is all about, we preach the word of the True One, the pope is the anointed one, if we didn't speak for the pope or the True One then you kind of miss the point of being in a member of the cloth altogether don't you. The lord gave us our guides, he gave us the teachings, a holy document that we choose to lead our lives by. It is a righteous and noble way as is the way of the lord, so his vassal is righteous and noble, so the more we speak for the pope the more noble and righteous we are. You are neither, a mere pimple on the butt of annoyance and sarcasm."

3. The Pope (bless him) of course would not be executed. Because his holiness still commands some respect, he would be banished for life to one of our planets canning Kastorian Delicacies.

"Don't you dare bless our pope with your satanical ways and attitudes! Your comments are erroneous and ludicrous; your down fall will be way ahead of the churches which will never fall whilst in the pure light of our lord. Take heed that such a comment is deemed high blaspheme and you will be taken out for it."

4. So like I said, its just my opinion, but I'd be careful of who I made fun of. Titus, you be careful too, for I can honestly and truthfully say that I know of no one who has ever quit or defied the brotherhood and lived.

"Well that does not surprise me, you are the FET not exactly the height of intelligence are you!. I have known a few actually, one has recently returned to the fold of his own accord, so we cannot be so bad then can we.

I suggest you go back t mommy until you reach puberty and grow a war fleet before you brandish that mouth of yours again, out of curiosity you father wasn't Napalian and your mother a fet whore?

Sister Red Queen"

Are we to assume form your fervent public support of your subordinate that he had your seal of approval in contacting your long term enemy so as to increase trade and interaction.

Further, to what level of friendship did he hope to increase said interaction with the Pope, and Moreover, what do your new friends in the Deweik and Dominion think of all this.

Seems to me 'Sir', that you lot are a complete laughing stock, and playing right to the audience at every turn.

Personally, I feel the pope should have befriended, and then breached for intel your FET member, though, as you point out, he is a DECENT CHAP.

Oh, hang on, the note from your subordinate which started this debate (the one he tried to start a debate over whilst applying to OOC world to avoid any comeback), actually questioned how 'decent' the Pope is.

Go plan a fun day out in capella for all FET members so you can get to know one another, so that you can stop undermining and derailing each other in public.

Your friend,
BHD Saracen

"Dearest Saracen. Every FET member has a free voice to comment on whatever they want. I have no problems with him trying to offer the hand of friendship to the Pope.
I myself have over several years tried to do the same with all the Confederate affiliations. I've put forward proposals to reunite the Empire once more, but alas to no avail.
I hear a lot of talk about how the BHD and others in the Confederacy have changed and are now more enlightened and I'd like to believe that, I really would.
The Imperial Bloc also has a more enlightened view of the galaxy, but you and your cronies refuse to accept that.
No matter how much you spin the old big bad Empire story it won't change the fact that we have time and time again offered the hand of friendship to try and build and better future for all who live in the peripheries. Time and time again we have been refused and your attacks on us both militarily and politically continue.
The truth of the matter is that you and your cronies are hell bent on wiping the IMP/GTT/FET off the face of the galaxy, so the war continues.
I await with anticipation for you to spin yourself into the ground answering this one.

Zuvoro Norozov.

Errr.... this the same "hand of friendship" you've used recently with the FCN regarding
Storm? The ones where you keep on sending further and further demands until the neutral intermediatories think that they are unacceptable, and call a halt to the negotiations.

With diplomacy like that, who needs warmongers

By the Seal of the Great Hunter,

Lord Protector of Falconia

"Greetings Harkon.
I was talking to Saracen of the BHD not you.
What goes on between the Imperial Bloc and
the Falconion Empire has nothing to do with what goes on between the Imperial and Condfederate Blocs.
What is happening in Storm will be dealt with at the appropriate time.

Respectfully Yours.
Zuvoro Norozov.

Greetings all.
I will try to answer all the communications that have arrived in this one message.
1)Harkon.I'm asking one simple question that is being ignored. I'm not against what you want in Storm I just want an answer to my question, so I'll ask it here.
What do you offer in return for access to the Storm system?

2)Lord Simms is not the Emperor. If you notice he has signed all his communications; Regent for the Emperor to be.

3)As far as can be ascertained within the Inner Empire FET no longer exists,and yes I have ways and means to collect data from the Inner Empire. So FET in the peripheries are all that's left.
We have restructured the company and are now more enlightened in our business dealings.
Wherever a FET facility is based people find employment. Most,but not all FET bases
pay above minimum wage.
Our bases employ hundreds of thousands of people, manufacture vast amounts goods, import and export trade goods that we buy and sell at fair prices. This in turn allows us to sell to local populations at fair prices. Yes we make a profit, but that means we are able to expand which means we employ more people. If people are employed that means more prosperity, which in turn allows them a better standard of living.
As for our hand of friendship only extending to humans what rubbish.
FET employs people of all races. We have a good relationship with the Kastorians(hence are help in Skord).We have been on very good term with the Dewiek Elder Nations for years and FET has welcomed they return of the FGZ and HVE to the Capellan Periphery for trade.
As I've said the old FET has gone along with it's old ways of doing business.
We are generating a higher standard of living for local populations wherever we have a base.
How can that be described as evil and corrupt?

Zuvoro Norozov.

"In return for the recognition of the FCN as legal guardians of Storm by the Imperials, we made various concessions. I wont bore the peripheries with the exact details but we accepted anything reasonable (agreeing to protect the IMP base and recognise it as legal etc. etc. etc).... Oh yeah and a whole end to the three year old war between us. Plus trade a few things like that you dont seem too bothered about....... Everytime we got told 'the Imperials have a problem with.......' we tried to reach an agreement.. When we got to the 'ok I think they might agree to this' stage, a few more 'problems' appeared. We got frustrated but continued, and new 'problems' always arrived soon before an agreement. Eventually it became obvious that in return for the _oh so great privilege_ of trying to drag the Krell out of a radioactive quagmire the Imperials put them in, we'd have to have agreed to everything from allowing the GTT exemption to all our laws, to banning feathers upon Falconia.... Though i'm sure after ceding
Acropolis, the Empire and all our assets to you, yous would still have had 'problems' with it. We came to make a deal and (hopefully) peace, its perfectly obvious yous never had any intention of agreeing to either.

When you have the intermediately between us, pretty much walking out of the negotiations because of what your side asked for, you got to think perhaps your the ones that should have been making concessions and offers.
At least that negotiator had a conscience and stood by his morals on the matter. Not something u get a lot amongst politicians, and he has my eternal respect for that.

Still obviously yous prefer having another enemy, so be it. We did try for peace, many many times. It has become obvious that no fair agreement can ever be reached with the Imperials..

Now I have a question for you; will the FET try to stop the FCN going about our business in Storm?

Lord Protector of Falconia"

"-Very good at this public speaking are'nt you Rover."-Saracen

Perhaps only in comparison to yourself, but thank you anyway, chimp.

"If you do not like the public scrutiny applicable to your actions. Dont involve yourself in other people's wars."-Saracen

You seem to have lost the focus of your own discussion. Let me help you. You were discussing the potential of friendship between the FET and BHD I believe. As such it has nothing to do with the Dewiek Elder Nation or Straddle. If you wish to discuss Straddle I suggest you try applying to High Elder Kragnost, and without the pathetic attempts at insulting us. We have explained our actions to the DTR, the only party who deserved any explanation. Forgive me if I am mistaken though, but the BHD were not even involved in that battle. Why do you concern yourself with a battleground that is foreign to you?

"You now tell me to not involve myself in politics, lest he expressly allows
me to do so, and having proof read my own rantings."-Saracen

You seem to have misunderstood my words. I did not say you should seek permission to speak, I said you should seek guidance on what to say.

"Or better yet, why don't you go play in the litter tray, have a good hard look at where you have placed your affiliation in the grand (long term) scheme of things,"-Saracen

I am flattered by the importance you seem to have placed on my position, but can assure you that I have not been responsible, except in some humble, minor ways, for the strength of the Dewiek Elder Nation.

"As for intellect, I have never once proclaimed to know what I am talking
about, and yet, your reply does absolutely nothing to infer that any of my
words have been far from the mark."-Saracen

I am sorry you can not understand the subtleties of intelligent communication. Let me attempt to answer that in words that perhaps you will understand. Saracen, you are talking utter rubbish; nothing you have said or intimated about the Dewiek Elder Nation has any bearing on the truth whatsoever. I hope that is a little clearer for you.

"May the True One bring pooper scoop."-Saracen

As it is no doubt desperately needed which followers such as you.

Feirha Silvermane Kaien


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


25-09-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 38 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Dark Rumours
Leaflets in Yank starbases have been found promising fame and fortune to any new starcaptain willing to make a short journey to Solo. To date nothing has been seen of the captains that showed an interest in these leaflets. Could this be a dastardly scam?

Advice to New Captains
It is best to check out your first destination. Not all those purchasing Kastorian Delicacies are averse to sifting from orbital debris to get them. Check with other players in your affiliation before leaving the Yank System. Otherwise you may well be going on a very short trip.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
FCN hasn't submitted their aff profile. Felini is next, however there won't be a IGN next week, as I'm off to my honeymoon.

Affiliation of the Week

Story(ies) of the Week

(Character Profile)


Michael Bridge's first exposure to the DNA occurred within days of graduation as an Ensign. Walking across the concourse at KAS Rubis, a Naplian stopped him to ask for a donation.
Taking off in his brand-new Surveyor, the 'Seraph', he passed a DNA ship, on its way to bombard the FGZ on Mobile Bay, an act which got the affiliation banned from Kastorian space. Contacting the captain of the ship, he learnt more about the DNA, and after helping to evacuate Naplian refugees from Yank, he enrolled, as it looked like they could use all the help they could get.
Promotion in the affiliation was swift, as Bridge became Commander-in-Chief before he made Lieutenant, owing to the previous C-in-C standing down unexpectedly.
His leadership was only meant as a holding operation, and when a Naplian shaman known as 'Mad Max' came forward, who, unlike Bridge, actually wanted the job, he was glad to hand over the responsibilities.
Thanks to his brief tenure as Commander-in-Chief, he is still known informally as 'The Chief' to most of the affiliation.

Visitors to the 'Seraph' often to need to nip outside to check they're on the right ship - although technically a DNA vessel, her mainly human crew maintain the ship at a standard comparable to any human navy - many Naplian technicians, looking at the total absence of rust, nails or duct tape, aren't quite sure what to make of her...
As well as humans and Naplians, the ship also has a large contingent of ANT and Felini crew, to reflect the unity of the Weave.

Not vocal on the public channels, Bridge prefers to work & negotiate behind the scenes, and is not afraid to put himself in the firing line. After FGZ claims that their society was changing its attitudes, he travelled personally to their home system of Twilight to see for himself. As well as interviewing FGZ civilians, he has also had dinners in his honour held by the BHD, spoken before the DTR Senate, and negotiated the return to Kastorian space. He has always been a great believer that a lot can be achieved by talking things through calmly and rationally.

Bridge never intended to be in the DNA for longer than it took to get them back on their feet, but four years later on, he, and the 'Seraph', are still there...

Affiliation Messages

Your actions this week in the System of Yank failed miserably. Now I will go to your allies the KAS whose laws you are breaking, does this also mean the ceasefire has ended?

Oh Goodie, glad you broke it

Pope Roswell

"Later it was established that it was mistake, the action was intended to happen at battlefield Straddle"


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


03-10-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 39 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Falconians Shot on Sight
A Falconian ship, reputedly on an ambassadorial mission was ruthlessly blown from the orbit of an Imperial world. Anecdotes about the ship manoeuvring like a clay pigeon were in bad taste. No doubt the Falconians will be demanding compensation under threat of war…

*****KJC Update*****
A FAQ has been added to the website.

If new players have questions that should be covered here in order to facilitate their immediate understanding of the game, please forward them to
We appreciate that there are so many rules and mechanics to the game that simply working out what to do to begin with is a task in its own right.
It is our aim to make understanding the basics of the game straightforward.

We are currently working on professions:
These will be explanations of how to achieve certain roles within the game.
The planned professions include:
Naval Officer
Starbase Governor

09-10-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 40 DAY 4

*****Latest News*****
Rumours are that more than one faction is conducting live fire military manoeuvres on backwater worlds in a bid to hone ground combat skill. When this starts to happen, it is most definitely time to get nervous. It may be that the rumours are being started on purpose.

*****KJC Update*****
Mica will be away on the Friday 10th October and Monday 13th October although Richard will be running Phoenix as per usual. This may lead to a couple of unusual special actions being passed over.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Well I'm back from my honeymoon! I wish to thank again all that sent me their good wishes:)

Some weeks ago in the messages section, a DEN message was misused. It seems that the mention of making omelettes out of Hive eggs was an OCC comment and not an IC one. It was pointed out to me, that the message had an OCC signature so it's nature was clear. After having that pointed out, I too must agree and apologize to all Dewiek and Steve Lawrence in particular. In my defence I can only ask, that for the future, OCC remarks in the middle of IC discussions be marked a bit more clearly and include OCC in the subject.

Affiliation of the Week



Story(ies) of the Week

Pope Roswells Parrot

As long as folk had known him,
Pope Roswell had kept a bird.
A dull, grey feathered parrot
Who never spoke a word?

The parrots name was Bertie
He'd owned him since an egg!
None though could recall a time before
That bird sat on his peg!

"Why do you keep so DULL a pet?"
His patriarch, Titus would moan.
His Plumage drab - he needs a change.
With rainbow feathers grown

Pope Roswell did not agree though,
"True Beauty never fades..."
For in Berties wilting feathers
There were greys, a million shades!

But it was not only Bertie
Whose life had wound away..
Pope Roswell was in his nineties
Or older, some would say.

"He knows his days are numbered!"
Titus sadly told a friend
"They both are getting old now.
He no longer can pretend!"

Until one cool summers evening
Berties wings, they caught alight
A funeral Pyre Phoenix
With crimson flames, burnt bright!

Next morning there was nothing left
Roz's vicarage was gone..
All that remained there was a perch
Which Bert had sat upon..

"How did the fire start?"
The firemen could not tell
Titus had blamed the Parrot
And cursed his name to hell

But they never found the Popes body
No sign of Bertie - Dead
Just the ashes of a lifetime
and an eggshell fiery red.

The weekend after the fire
At a spaceport some one saw
A bloke like old pope Roswell
Years younger than before

He carried a cage beside him and
In it a bright coloured bird
"It couldn't be Roz and Bertie!?!"
As an opinion - quite Absurd!

So - the couple left - a secret kept
The truth would not be drawn
What once was old is now renewed
From flames two lives reborn.

"With a new regime comes new policy. A change in direction which
in iself requires a change in name to represent it. To this end the name
Ant Nation is struck from the records and will be known from this day
forward as the Children of Hexos (COH)."

Affiliation Messages




Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


17-10-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 41 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Kastor Faction Assault Yank
Breaking news has accounts of a number of raids against Yank Kastorian assets. The Junta is in an uproar and have assembled a counter force over the past few days ready to strike back.

There has been a dramatic increase in pirate activity over the last week with hit and run tactics being employed to great effect (nothing to do with the changes to the combat program - nosireebob).

*****Inter Galactic News*****

Affiliation of the Week

Despite having submitted a draft profile before my going away, FCN asked to submit a new one upon my arrival. 2 newsletters have come and gone, so with apologies FEL is next in line, followed by FET.



Story(ies) of the Week

One day the True One bertie turns to Roswells left ear and says,

"Roswell me old china, I want you to carry on the great work of Noah and make me a new Ark"

Roswell replies,

"No problem Supreme Being, anything you want after all you are the governor"

......But God interrupts,

"Ah, but theres a catch this time Rozzy, I don't want just a couple of decks ... I want 20 decks one on top of the other"

"20 DECKS!" screams Roswell, "Well, OK Big Man, whatever you say. Should I fill it up with animals like Noah did the last time?"

"Yep, that's right, well...sort of right...this time I want you to fill it up with fish" God answers

"Fish?", queries Roswell

"Yep, fish...well to make it more specific Rozzy, I want carp - wall to wall, floor to ceiling - Carp!"

Roswell looks to at Bertie sitting on his left shoulder.

"OK Bertie me old mucker, let me get this right, you want a new Ark?"


"With 20 decks, one on top of the other?"


"And you want it full of carp?"


"Why?" asks the perplexed Roswell, who was slowly but surely getting to the end of his tether..............

"Dunno really", says the True One, "I just fancied a Multi-Storey Carp Ark".

Boom Boom!

Roswell has a heart attack and is taken to the hospital. While on the operating table he has a near-death experience. During that experience he sees the True One and asks if this is it. The True One says no and explains that he has another 30-40 years to live. Upon his recovery he decides to just stay in the hospital and have a face-lift, liposuction, nose job, moles removed and a tummy tuck. He even has someone come in and change his hair colour. He figures that since he's got another 30 or 40 years he might as well make the most of it. he walks out the hospital after the last operation and is killed by an ambulance speeding up to the hospital. he arrives in front of the True One again and asks, "I thought you said I had another 30-40 years?" God replies, "Sorry, I didn't recognize you."

Farmer McCarthy lived for many years with only his dog for a companion. One sad day he found his dog dead from old age. He went to Brother Titus and asked if services could be said for his dog. The good Brother said "oh no, we can't have services for a dog here, but there's a new church down the street that might be willing." "Brother Titus do you think $50,000 might be enough of a donation?" asked farmer McCarthy. "Well man , why didn't you tell me your dog was a follower of the True One!!!?"

A Confederate Soldier on shore leave is waiting to board a troop transport, and hears that the Pope is also on this flight. He doesn't think much more about it and boards when his row is called. After he is seated, the Pope boards the ship, walks up the aisle, and sits right next to him. Naturally the man is flustered, and makes some awkward small talk, after which, the Pope pulls out a crossword puzzle. After a few minutes, the Pope asks, "Do you know a 4-letter word for woman that ends in U-N-T?" The Soldier thinks, "I can't say that! What could it..." Then he realizes it, and shouts, "Aunt! Aunt!" "Of course," says the Pope. "May I borrow your eraser?"

One day the Pope was sitting in front of the TV when his maid, the mistress of maribel came in. "Your worship", she said, I have some great news for you!....and some...well, not so good news.

Well, what is this great news? He asked, wondering why Cardinal Titus wasn't keeping up on such matters.

"God himself is calling you, person to person!"

"Fantastic", said the Pope. "Finally my prayers have some meaning. ..Now, uh, whats the bad news?"

Hanging her big head low she said, "uh, he's calling from Tycoon!"

Affiliation Messages

Sunray to you

Some Imperials are accessing our system, prior to a deal between the FCN and Imperials, but since the imperials still not made that treaty legal by announcing it as they had told us, then will i now advice all Imperials to leave Falconian Space right away, because you are from monday banned, any found after 6 PM will be considered enemies.

No imperials should try to still venture to Falencia (3351) because it will add enemy lists tomorrow, so Imperial captains are advised to stay away from Falconia.

Wingfeather to you
Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire

I assume this ban will be lifted as soon as the agreement sponsored by the DNA with considerable effort has been ratified by the agreed public announcement by the DNA. In the meantime the Imperial Services and our Allies have been advised to remain clear of FCN territory until further notice in order to avoid any more unfortunate accidents.

Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy & Regent for the Emperor-To-Be

Sunray to you

The ban will be lifted, should there be made a treaty, deal or other arrangements, but since we don't have any agreements yet, then cant we let you into our space, as that would violate cease fire agreement.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire

This sounds like my cue...

The DNA officially announce a Non-Aggression Pact between the Imperial Bloc and the Falconian Empire. My thanks go to the Directors of the GTT and FET, the Imperial Viceroy, and Administrator Xen representing the Falconians. Both sides have granted the other trading access to their systems, and I hope this heralds a new era of peace in the Peripheries.

Commodore Bridge, DNA

Sunray to you

Well with the NAP sorted out, then will Falencia nolonger carry Enemy list vs Imperials and the ban is lifted.

We thank the DNA for sorting out this problem and hope our future will be peaceful.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire

"My apologies - I think I need to make a clarification. This was an announcement of a treaty, and not the treaty itself. There are various caveats and restrictions involved, so could all parties please check with their PD's before dashing off to trade in what was previously hostile territory. e.g. Some areas are still off-limits. Commodore Bridge, DNA"

I would like Imperials to inform us about any off-limit systems and reasons

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire


The Lord Protector has asked me to pass on the following message to you:

"This is the last time I shall ask you to stay out of my affairs Harlow. Please return to whichever pit you currently reside in, to continue counting your stellars, whilst I perform the important work. All is in hand. If you need information all you have to do is request it from the Administrator (a fact of which you have been reminded of numerous times but seem incapable of grasping). In the event that this message proves incomprehensible to you, I shall add your removal from office to the top of my 'to do' list, and take appropriate actions. Oh yes, hows the kids? Send moira my love. Hugs and kisses, The Lord Protector of Falconia."

Yours humbly,

Administrator Xen

Greetings and salutations,

As of 41.203 the FET, GTT and IMP shall be removed from the list of banned affiliations under Falconian law.

All positions within Falconian space are asked to readjust their targeting protocols as soon as possible.

I would like to thank Admiral Bridge on behalf of myself, the Lord Protector and the entire Empire for his aid and dilligence in helping to achieve this agreement. Let me be the first to expend the hand of friendship to our new associates, the Stellar Empire, and welcome their traders to Acropolis.

Yours humbly,

Administrator Xen


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


20-10-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 42 DAY 1  [Recruit]

*****Emergency Update*****
Pay close attention, the future of your starbase could depend on it.
Ground combat as has been noted many times can be conducted across an entire planetary surface. It can therefore mean that your starbase will, if a battle is triggered, attack another starbase on the same planet if it is on the GROUND enemy list.

Supporters and defenders will get involved and the result is a planet in flames..... Just ask the SMS and DNA.

As battle triggers affect a region, it may mean that your lists are activated as a result of a battle in the same region that does not immediately involve your starbase.

Cover your asses, make sure that you have checked that your starbase is not on the ground enemy list of 'ally' starbases on the same world.

24-10-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 42 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Pirates Flout AFT Authority
Were the AFT made aware of the piratical activity within their system or were the IMP looking to close down the minor outpost that was centre of a week's long running battle for its very survival?
It is however known that they did not send reinforcements in time to prevent the capture of the outpost.

Pirates in Darkfold
Death from all sides hit the lone Brotherhood ship as it made its way through the Darkfold Periphery. The battle lasted most of a day. The freighter in question may well have got away if the captain had been prepared to sacrifice his cargo. As it is the ship was destroyed and the survivors ended up floating in space along with thousands of mu's of luxury foods.

SMS Open Fire
With little regard for the consequences, the SMS placed both the GTT and the DNA on their ground enemy lists. During a conflict their first action was to send in the ground forces against starbases on the same planet owned by these affiliations. The resulting devastation was not a pretty sight.
Let this be a lesson to everyone. Make sure that you do not have affiliations on ground enemy lists unless you actually want to attack them.

In the old days of BSE, it was customary to have affiliations on starport enemy lists to prevent ships landing and the installation of agents. Phoenix allows operatives to be dropped off from beyond the orbit. These can also recruit agents once they arrive. Therefore there is absolutely no point whatsoever in preventing neutral factions from landing if it risks an all out fight with other starbases on the world.
There was an emergency warning earlier this week, this is the second. Do not have your starbase destroyed because you feared a little iddy-biddy agent checking into your production schedule.

*****Inter Galactic News*****

Affiliation of the Week

FEL hasn't submitted an aff profile. Next is FET turn.



Story(ies) of the Week

Be advised.

The IMP, being the cowards they are, are selling off their ships which are on the DTR posted list. This has resulted in a number of buyers contacting the DTR to have their ships removed from the DTR posted list. The DTR will not in general un-post any ship. If you have bought a posted ship off the IMP then I advise you to contact the IMP and negotiate a different ship or your money back. It appears that the IMP are finding any method possible to give up and role over as they have done in Straddle which is now an uncontested DTR system.


I am looking for other Independent players who want to interact, trade with and be able to trust (to some extent) other Independents. If you have something you want to sell, why not sell it to another Independent.
Something sought can be found through a fellow Independent instead of the already established bases, and goods you need shipped can be moved by fellow Independent magnate's.

Independent life is removed from politics, war and strife, but it doesn't have to mean lonely nights sat watching re-runs on the hollovid.

I offer interaction and where possible support, not alliance, agreement nor a team of Independents working to my own vision.:p

If you are a true Independent, and feel all alone, rejoice, because you are not.

Thank you.

Nick the Greek Popodopolous.
Independent Trader

Affiliation Messages


The DNA officially announce the opening of a new restricted trade market.
DNA Starbase Pointy Stik TM (4191) on Inversion in Storm system.

I cordially invite only the cargo vessels of the following affiliations (who have in some way contributed to Peace within this system or have been peaceful traders) to visit the market. All other affiliations are not permitted to trade or enter delta 8 and will be removed by force as this is a restricted market with special native circumstances.

This rewards those that have been peaceful trading partners and affiliations who at some time have helped the DNA/Krell in Phase II of the Storm System transformation.

For clarity Trade Permissions granted to cargo ships of the: IMP, FET, GTT, FCN, RIP, SMS, FGZ, HVE, WEAVE alliance.

A range of exceedingly attractively priced trade goods will be available.

I wish to thank Commodore Bridge via an official promotion ceremony for managing the negotiations leading to Peace in this area and the successful transition to Phase III in my absence.
Applications for Phase IV and V entries may be made by contacting this

DNA/WEAVE warships and subcontracted warships will patrol this system to
ensure Peace.


Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief

"AFT SHIP Seven Seas (833)

Are the AFT now buying tainted goods?

The Posting will still stand.


Greetings all.
It always amazes me that some affiliations deem what is basically a chunk of metal responsible for actions taken by a crew. Ships are a tool. Why does a ship have to remain posted if it changes ownership?? If a crew is replaced by people from the new owners affiliation surely you would be murdering innocent people if you keep the ship on your posted list.
And how does selling ships equate to the IMPs giving up the fight???
Isn't it good business to sell off obsolete equipment and use the crew in newer designs??
Straddle an uncontested system???
You and I both know the DEN put forward a proposal.The Imperial bloc has still to hear your reply and have held off military action whilst waiting to avoid further bloodshed that could have undermined any negotiations.
But from your comments I can assume you don't want to negotiate and wish to continue the fight,
So be it!!!!
Zuvoro Norozov.

"It's gonna take a while to sell off the entire fleet.

Johnny Twist

Oh Mr Twist you are so funny!!!
At least someone in the DTR admits the Imperial bloc has a large fleet.
Everyone knows the DTR have a large military machine.
How goes the exploitation of planetary populations to generate enough income to maintain your forces?


"Can I point out that the IMP have already replied to this proposal and have
effectively rejected it."

Our position is quite clear, the only acceptable peaceful solution to us is for the DTR to withdraw from Straddle forthwith, returning it to Empire control, and to hand back the Empire's assets that they have stolen on Midway. No stalling intended.

Admiral Lord Simms
Imperial Viceroy & Regent for the Emperor-To-Be

Yes The Viceroy may have replied but you did not. I know what your answer would be,but it's common courtesy to acknowledge a diplomatic
communication. Or has the DTR been taken over by a bunch of ignorant savages bent on conquest of all other races and affiliations??
Because all we see is lying,cheating and law breaking coming from the most Law abiding and honest affiliation in the peripheries!


Sunray to you

Falencia (3351) are now buying goods from Inner Capellan, Outer Capellan, Detinus, Darkfold and Cluster Peripheries, interest are only Trade Goods and Lifeform Goods.

Prodis (4124) have cut its market, it will now only carry limit market, mostly to buy things starbase wants and sells what Starbase can produce itself.

Prodis is selling a limited number of Kastorian Civilians at 35 per mu and will begin to sell Kastorian Delicacies (value 1 perishable trade good) and Kastorian Cattle (value 0.2 lifeform good)

Goods that are restricted info, will be added to Falencia market, only if their owner transfer the needed info about it and contact us about the item, but we are willing to put up any item, as long as its a trade or lifeform good.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


03-11-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 44 DAY 1  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Imperial Hit and Run
Some skirmishing has been occurring along the recently annexed Detinus Republic system Straddle. Imperial squadrons have been performing hit and run tactics. These assaults appear to be live-fire tests rather than serious engagements. It is as though the Imperial block are beginning to flex the fingers and may well be gearing up for some major conflicts.

*****Inter Galactic News*****

Affiliation of the Week

FGZ next week

FET - Frontier Exploration and Trade (56)

Interested in exploration, to go where no one has gone before, discovering ancient and long forgotten civilizations and treasures? You want to reap the fruits of your hard work and not have others cash in the rewards you pick up your rewards of your efforts?

Interesting in trading? You even want to run your own subsidiary and franchise within an umbrella mega-company, giving you financial and military backing when needed?

Interested in exploring in even more detail the high tech item you found in some hidden ruin in your own research complexes of your own starbase?
Interesting not only in trading on other beings markets but setting up your own market in your own starbase?

Interested in living on the edge of law and justice, always a step ahead? A little smuggling there, some blockade running there?

Interested in being part of a family of similar minded individuals to develop your full potential in becoming rich, notorious, immensely rich, (in-)famous beyond imagination and not to forget incredibly rich?

And most important:
Interested in having lots, plenty, tons, buckets of fun?

If the answer is yes to one or more of the above than you probably should join the Frontier Exploration and Trade to not just dream about it but live it!

Frontier Exploration and Trade is a Mega-corporation, its strength based in and on the individualism of its members. Founded years ago in the old Empire FET has been a supporter of the rightful leadership of the Empire and its official representatives in the peripheries.

Looking to make a discovery and profit wherever and whenever they can FET members - their ships and starbases and outpost - are found all over the known peripheries - and even in some not so known places therein. FET gives its members access not only to the newest, fastest, best ships, existing starbases as well as help in setting up new ones at the very edge of known space but also to the latest technology.

Since its creation FET and its members have made many friends but also quite a few enemies. Living on the edge but also standing firm by its friends neither comes a surprise. Primarily being explorers, traders, entrepreneurs, rogues FET and its members don't shy away from a fight though.

So, if you feel the itch to run free and wild across the galaxy, come and scratch it as member of FET.

For more information contact the FET Exploration and Recruitment Director:
Nemo Cognito
Colin Locke, Belmont, 37, Ynys St. PORT TALBOT. S. WALES. SA13 1YN.

Story(ies) of the Week


I have been made aware recently of various Falconian ship designs carrying the banners of certain other affiliations.

Simply put, this is currently viewed as theft by the Empire, and shall be dealt with accordingly.

In the interests of interstellar harmony a grace period of 4 days is being given for affiliations holding ex-FCN assets to declare them to us. In the event that such a declaration is not forthcoming, or the explanation is deemed invalid, such positions shall be posted.

By the seal of the Great Hunter,

Lord Protector of Falconia

Greetings beings of the peripheries,
The Lord Protector of Falconia has recently brought to my attention some unsettling news. The recent agreement forged, with help from the DNA, to bring peace back between the IMP/FET/GTT and the FCN states that members of the IMP/FET/GTT are free to enter Acropolis to access the public markets there. It does NOT give permissions for IMP/FET/GTT forces to treat the system as their own. Orbiting any planet, or entering any area that is NOT required to reach the public markets is a transgression of the treaty, and thereby an illegal action.
As all should be aware, the FGZ have certain obligations to the Falconians within the Acropolis system. This includes full military action in the upholding of Falconian Law within the Acropolis system. The Lord Protector has given FGZ assets within the Acropolis system full encouragement to attack and destroy any IMP/GTT/FET shipping that wanders outside of it's permissible routes.

Thus the captain of the ship FET Shadow Of The Night (31750) has transgressed Falconian Law and is liable to attack by FGZ assets. But in the spirit of peace, the FGZ are willing to allow this single transgression to pass unchallenged.
Should any other assets belonging to the IMP/GTT/FET be found in orbit of planets without public markets, and without express permission from the Falconian Government, in the Acropolis system, they WILL be attacked by FGZ
anti-PIRate vessles and installations.

I hope this message is clear to all.

FGZ Diplomatic Ataman

Affiliation Messages

Nick the Greek Popodopolous and all Independent beings and gentle beings,

The DNA welcomes Independents as we are essentially a collection of native independents with strong ideals. The balance safety and an independent democratic future is important to us too. However we need to respect the laws of others and we try to without compromising our own morale obligations to our causes.

The DNA offers Independents assistance and would like to offer them peaceful alternatives rather than military ones to achieve their objectives.

The DNA offers to independents assistance in obtaining permissions to trade with Imperial factions, where we share planets with them freely and with no obligation.

Good luck with your cause if you need assistance we will help you if required.

A very poor attempt at assassination was made this week, presumably targeted at myself. I would remind affiliations and any beings that liberty and freedom and the DNA cause will not be stopped or delayed by any act of terrorism against the DNA or its leader.


Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief

As my Imperial colleague pointed out it's DTR fuzzy logic time again.
Allied with the DOM and DEN?I know you'll correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know you aren't allied to them. What you have is a mutual defense pact, whereby each aff in the pact comes to the aid of any of the others if they're attacked.
This pact is commonly called the 3D alliance, but it isn't really a full alliance.
I hate to speak for both the DEN and DOM, but I think they were quite concerned by your recent aggressive actions and stepped in to stop you dragging them into a war to defend you as per your pact.
Yes we are friends with both of those great affiliations and have been for a number of years, even if they have a pact with you. And the Imperial Bloc thought things were looking good for the future as we were trading with you. A new era of peace and respect was on the horizon.
And what happens? The Confederate Bloc waves the lure of conquest of the Inner Empire in front of you and you openly side with them against the Imperial Bloc to keep us out of the Empire.
You may call it liberation I call it conquest!
I have to admit that the DTR have made fantastic leaps in building yourselves up to become the most powerful affiliation in terms of military and technological hardware. You are to be congratulated.
Unfortunately having tasted that power you found it pleasing and you have been corrupted by it.
The DTR have become so arrogant with all it's superior power it thinks it can do no wrong.
It seems the DTRs new philosophy has become:
Might makes right.
It's amazing how history repeats itself. On Old Earth there was an ancient Republic that called itself Rome. It found itself in a position of having superior technological capabilities and organizational skills and conquered all it's neighbours. It then became corrupt because of that power and lo and behold the Republic became an Empire under the control one man.
Is this the future of the DTR I wonder?

Zuvoro Norozov

"In reply"

Clearly wrong as the DEN and DOM know full well. The DEN and DOM were under no obligation to defend the DTR per the 3D alliance treaty.

As I recall we talked of entry to the Inner Republic in the future for the Imperial bloc.

As opposed to not liking a peoples independence and nuking them out of existence such is the Imperial way?

An Empire under one man? Isn't that what the Imperials are as opposed to the might of the people exercising their choice?

Marcus Rhodes
DTR Foreign Minister

I am a peaceful trader.
Many IND are.
Some may not be.

Any Independent whom I come across will be asked to keep his social and political views to himself. I shall do the same.

I will not be offering any more than cheap goods, preferential treatment at feeding time, and interaction. I certainly will not be forming a 'band', though, I will be striving for a co-operative of Independents. You bet ya.

If IND are not bound by rules, it is because there is no central figure whom can be asked to account for his or her subordinates actions. If an IND acts against you, then it is his own business, and I am sure you will shoot him.
The result for the other peaceful and honest Independents out here will be restrictions being placed on where we can and can't trade.

If IND are not bound by rules, then there cannot possibly be one which says an IND cannot interact with and search out other Independents.

Thank you.

Nick the Greek Popodopolous.
Independant Trader

"Sunray to you
An invite to trade coupled with threats speaks loud and clear.
Sorry, might have missed that part, but what do you refer too here?"


If INDs stopped being the militant wings of over affiliations chemical and nerve gas departments.... then I would probably be a little more generous.

So blame your IND friends about the bad reputation of INDs....

What Harlow says and thinks.. and what i think is necessary for the defence of Falconia are two totally different things.


To: Captain of IND Ship Beast

From: King Porteus, RIP PD

In two days time you will be posted for attempted piracy against ships affiliated to the Regular Independent Privateers unless you can give me a convincing apology in private.

Personally I hope you don't apologise so I can arrange the boarding of your ship and give you a one way trip to the Sargasso Butchers Market.

King Porteus

"To: King Porteus, RIP PD

From: Captain of IND Ship Beast

Sweetness you need to catch me to kill me.

You keep hiding behind your "affiliated ships" and I'll keep up the performances.

Oh and lover, you need to take me to dinner before I'll let you board me.


Can the Commanding Officer of IND GROUND PARTY Zorrin's Hunting Party (62413) contact me directly? You know what it is regarding. It would be very wise to bring your preying mat and your best selection of Incredible Excuses. Oh, and a giant tub of Vassaline maybe be require if you're going to slip out of this one.

ANY ship, starbase, outpost, ground party or other found attempting to aid Zorrin's Hunting Party will be judged as an acomplace to any charges brought. Penalties will be severe!

And the officer in charge of the outpost Lothario's Palace - as I believe it may be under threat.

T'oa Enewatak
Diplomat for the Wimble Nation
FGZ Ship Wimbling Free (86974)


Yes the FET couldnt keep their side of the bargain for even one month.... *sigh*
Have held a conclave of the Starbase governors upon falconia this week and informed them that due to the security risk from the FET, the edicts restricting them from placing ALL FET on their enemy lists has been removed.
If the FET cannot follow a few simple rules, I cannot expect FCN starbase governors to sit by and allow them to break major ones.... Still FET chaps, yous might get lucky...
No one might add yous to their lists Will be fun finding out wont it? Sounds like a lot of adventure doesnt it? Just what you boyos like...... Suppose we could just fine the whole aff instead.... Ahh decisions decisions..........

To the IMP and GTT:
Thank you both for sticking to your side of the deal thus far. It brings joy to both my hearts that your both willing to put such faith and trust in us. As far as I am aware the only breach has been from the FET and none of this should reflect upon our new associates, the IMP and GTT.

To the FGZ:
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

By the Seal of the Great Hunter,

Lord Protector of Falconia


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


06-11-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 44 DAY 4  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
The Empire Strikes Back
After suffering from numerous defeats or at best debatable victories, the Imperial forces show that they can muster, prepare and execute a rapid strike. A fleet of imperial ships engaged a large platform and opened fire with dramatic results. Whether they will hang around to deal with the inevitable cavalry is another matter.
The target was chosen well as it was still largely under construction. The Confederate supervisor of the platform was either very lucky or had done his homework as the installation of the hundreds of gatling lasers destroyed the barrage of torpedoes that were launched. Without them, the barrage may well have been the final nail in the coffin, as it was, the provided little more than a very pretty fireworks display. Even though nobody and hear you scream in space, the hail of chaff on the platform hulls would have been deafening inside.

*****Inter Galactic News*****

Affiliation of the Week

GTT next week

Ever wanted to see what the boot was like on the other foot? Or rather, the hardened mobility coating was like on the other tentacle? The FGZ affiliation is your stereotypical group of aliens from trash 50s sci-fi magazines, but taken to a new level. Feared, reviled, and hated for the most part by the human affiliations, we are your nightmare! The Republic has a long history. An often-warlike species separate from our space-faring ancestors, the Flagritz Republic has been forced to grow and change much from the original people who sought conflict with every other species. Becoming more willing to contemplate peaceful solutions over the years, but maintaining a strong military capacity has lead us into a secure, steady period of consolidation Builders of the largest ships in the peripheries, we are a high-tech affiliation lead by 4 'Ataman' who direct and guide the expansion and policies of the Republic. With much room for growth, the FGZ Republic needs you!

Story(ies) of the Week

I see that the cowardly members of Zorring Hunting Party (62413) have decided to hide instead. The Hunter now becomes the Hunted. If you are still on the planet, they you WILL be found - Hive tracking experts have been requested. Again I would like to remind any ships and installations present that aiding or harbouring Zorrin's Hunting Party (62413) will be seen in a very dim light by myself, and the KAStorian Military Junta. With that in mind, would the captain of the ship IND BEAST (5163) like to contact me - so you can be eliminated from our enquiries only.

T'oa Enewatak
Diplomat for the Wimble Nation
FGZ Ship Wimbling Free (86974)

Affiliation Messages

Greetings and saluations,

"HVE Avatar wrote:
FCN have spent a long time building up a good trade reputation. But how long will it last if it continues to make such accusations without proof!!"

The Lord Protector asked publicly for parties with ex-FCN assets to declare them, and the reasons for owning them.
I personally contacted Max Max several days ago, he pretty much ignored my inquiry. When I sent a subsequent communiqué, he totally ignored it. His entire response
was "whats an MR?" rather than the questions to the origins of his ex-FCN assets. Now seeing his public tirade it is obvious why, Max wishes to force the Empire into a situation where its only recourse is to begin neutralising his assets. All he has offered is vague references to events that happened years ago, what the Lord Protector asked for is proof. I privately asked for such proof and it was not forthcoming. Obviously Max would rather have a public sabre rattling match, than an informed private discussion. Max has at various times in the past slandered the FCN behind its back and to its face regarding the issue of piracy, so there are those in the Empire who are almost overjoyed to find him with stolen property (and until such a time as its proven to be legal, it shall be viewed as stolen).
Simply put due to Max's reaction and unwillingness to do anything more than threaten the FCN, I would strongly advise him to avoid Falconian space. That goes double for ships whose origins could be interpreted as FCN, but whose current banner is not.

The HVE seem quite vocal on this issue of piracy... Dare i need to remind them to the fate which befell the Krell controlled Baseship some years ago... When the Krell refused to return the 'stolen' property, it was destroyed.

I do hope we can all be a lot more rational about this.

Yours humbly,

Administrator Xen

I would like to point out that Baseships are Flagritz designs not Hive. The Baseship in question was actually LOANED to Krell. It was considered a personal favour to the then Krell PD. When control of the Krell passed into the hands of another the Baseship was to be returned to the Flagritz as per the agreement.

The Krell leadership changed, but the new Krell PD decided to ignore the agreement and kept the Baseship.

Captain D'morenta
FGZ Elsy'eir

Sunray, Human loyal to FCN

Once again, you over extend your legitimacy to act. The property of other races of Government isn't of your business. The fact that they were once FCN doesn't automatically give you any right to even know if they still exist.

Imagine if Hive started asking the wherabouts of the ships we have been selling? Ridiculous isn't it? You do have full right to ak and once again I offer my full support if you prove the ship(s) has been taken by illegitimate actions. You have offered no proof, so I can only assume you have none?

We haven't been vocal regarding any act of piracy...because you haven't proven there was piracy. Should you prove a pirate act, you shall have ou support. It's not for DNA prove they didn't come by the ship, by an act of piracy. In fact, if it were taken by piracy, it would be marking a PIR flag, which isn't the case.

Rational is what I'm asking you to be. A pirated ship, is a ship taken by force and not in during state of war, or I daresay, the Confederacy and DTR would be nothing but a bunch of pirates, which I'm sure is a term some Imperial officials have used before:)

You cannot go and accuse people of being Pirate, just because they don't reply when you want and what you want over things you have business asking. You would indeed have the right to ask if you presented proof that the ship(s) in question should in fact be flagged PIR instead of a untainted DNA flag. I'm sure EEM would procure a change in the registry so that the FCN Government and dare I say, the FGZ, which you praised on a number of times, not so long ago, can hunt down the presumed PIR ship. You may even count on my personal assistance.


Sunray to you

When DNA told me about them having a condor, it was before the FCN was running again so we had not thought about it until our Lord Protector ran across it.

Also the ship is not given to DNA, but as how we gained the Krell ship, then did they join with them, due to there being no Empire to pay them. But the Empire is back and the Lord Protector would like the ship back.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire
"Does that mean that KRL is ship is pirated then? - FGZ"
ofc not, because pirated is taken by force.

But they are hired by us, until their own nation exist again, remember that the crew will want their ship returned, when they return back to their Nation and most people will want to be united with their own race.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow

Well if you say so, then I'm sure a mere Administrator (no slight, but next to an Emperor...) must agree with you!

DNA have also said they'd be willing to return the ship, provided expenses are met. I think that's acceptable, given wages, expected loss of revenue, etc...

I also expect the Administrator Xen will appologize for calling Mad Max a Pirate, when obviously FCN, by way of the Emperor don't believe in such nonsense.

Best regards Emperor Harlow,


Swarm Lord

Rex spit! If another member of the Empire wishes to negotiate such I don't really care. As long as the assets are returned I'm not really bothered how its achieved. Anything given in return will not come out of my pocket though. I shall in no way engage in negotiations with Max for or concerning anything. If they Administrator or Harlow wish to try, so be it.
If not i'll do it my way.
Oh yes. I agree with everything Harlow says and does.... He had 'forgotten' to inform me of ex-FCN ships flying around under previous banners. His bouts of 'forgetfulness' are becoming more and more frequent, perhaps the perch he sits upon is too high that he is cut off from a decent air supply? Perhaps it would best if it was cut down.....
Dtai'k-dte sa-de nav'gkon dtain'aun bpide.

Lord Protector of Falconia


To all ships, bases and outposts in Cheetah, Yank.

It came to Aegis attention that Natives, Wimble, Flagritz, Kastorians and possibly even Human populations, were being mistreated.

"Message transmitted from natives in sector (2,2) - help, we are being held to ransom by the SMS."

We have passed on this information to the KAS Government, which in turn asked us to investigate. The culprit is marked as an IND GP, which after discovery has attempted to flee. Therefore and to prevent its escape, a flotilla of warships now circles the planet and is scanning the contents of all ships passing. Our mandate allows the use of live fire, so don't attempt to run the blockade! Escalation will bring the KAS fleet into the zone and likely ban from KAS territories. To dissipate any doubts, I ask that all ships inbound or outbound declare their entry or exit from the orbit and submit to scan. Meanwhile a crack team of scouts is arriving to scan inch by inch all sectors of the planet. Since the message indicates some evidence of SMS involvemnet, they are of course suspect, despite the IND flag on the GP. We realize it might be frame, but anyway, SMS shipping was bound to pick-up the distress signal. KAS Government tells us they haven't received any warning. We will investigate the rest of the planet, for the GP, but if it's not found, we request that SMS open their base logs for Aegis, or if they prefer KAS security personnel. It is on SMS best interests that the IND party be found, or KAS trust will be forever shattered. Personally, I don't believe, SMS are guilty of anything, but of neglect, however I promise all, we will investigate the matter to the end. To avoid misunderstandings, over the military build-up, I again remind, we are acting under the KAS mandate. Please send all information you might have regarding this issue to me.

Captain of the Hive Warship BW Mantis

"Greetings to you.

I have forwarded this information onto the relevant members of the SMS and rest assured that we shall co-operate with any and all investigation to clear our name.

Hucuron Baalazar
SMS Fleet Commodore


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


14-11-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 45 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Detinus Republic attack the Association of Free Traders
The AFT Freighter Unbeliever was pinned by the tractor beams from a DTR platform then systematically pounded by photon cannons. How it managed to survive the day is something of a mystery. Why the DTR was firing on a ship that was so obviously coming to trade at their starbases is an even bigger mystery. Rumours of a very rare cargo, piracy and plausible deniability are not doing the DTR's reputation much good.

*****KJC Update*****
Christmas Offer
For the past few years we have given a Christmas offer to Quest players. This year we are extending this to all our customers. From now till the end of December we will be increasing the 10% bonus for payments over £50.00 to 20%. This is automated so if you are expecting a payment to go through, the 20% will be automatically credited.

*****Inter Galactic News*****

Quiet this week. It seems that the Imperial assault has knocked the Confederacy speechless.


Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


25-11-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 47 DAY 2  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
The Empire Returns
Having gotten away with a hit and run against a large is still largely incomplete platform a few weeks ago, the Imperial Services decided that it was time to finish off what they had started. Returning with another fleet of warships, they systematically pounded it with missiles and space fighters destroying hundreds of hulls.

New Players
If you have taken the trouble to download the order editor, create a set-up turn and email it in, it seems a shame that you have not responded to emails from the affiliations you have been seeded into.
Affiliations want their players to understand the game and do well as this reflects on them and their affiliation. A few emails correspondence and you will find that you are part of something that goes far beyond statistics and rules.

*****KJC Update*****
Apologies for the recently erratic subspace; this was due to work being carried out on the website. Note that we have added html versions of the current rules, profession guides, a beginner's guide and various sample turns.
Thanks to Simon Field for the Beginner's Guide and some excellent artwork.
Note to all potential authors; contributions are normally rewarded with game credit.
Next comes the long labour of going through the online rules and upgrading each book to account for the changes that have been implemented over the year. As this will no doubt be an ongoing project spanning decades, it was felt better to get the basic rules up prior to amending them.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
The Swarm Lord addresses you...

The Hive are a warrior race, created to assist the Architects (ARC) in their drive to conquer the Galaxy. Since ARC technology was based on organics, so too the Hive rely on such technology. While other races build their ships, our race grows them.

But our ships aren't just remarkable because they're alive. Our ships can also be grown to sizes not seen since the ARC ruled the Galaxy.
Even the dreaded Baseships of our allies the Flagritz are dwarfed by our Black Widow Class Capital ships.

But true to our warrior society we are also mighty on ground combat. Superior ARC combat doctrine was passed to our own doctrine. Hive ground assault troops and vehicles are ranked as the finest, but as taught by ARC, we increase our might by adding native life forms, be they sentient or not, as willing battle thralls. Fear of our warriors has even prompted an ugly simian race to make a series of movies called "Aliens" in which even a small detachment would decimate their best troops.

So do as many have done! Surrender your current physical shape to one of our hatcheries. There an egg will be implanted and though your old body is consumed, you conscience will be reborn in the form of a dreaded Hive Warlord!

Swarm Lord Avatar out...

For more information visit our website at:
or contact the Swarm Lord directly at:

Story(ies) of the Week
Quiet this week. It seems that the Imperial assault has knocked the Confederacy speechless. [Pope Roswell ponders on the IGN header] Hmmm I go on vacation for two minutes and the IGN announces that we, the confederacy are speechless. I hope this does not imply that I am the mouthy one of the bunch! [Roswell checks the 'right to reply section] Ah, thank the True One for Lord Taylor, it appears I am not alone after all.
[Roswell then looks over the weeks reports] Nice to see the IMPs dusting off their little ships to fly their crews to their deaths, that must make them sooo proud. But then what is the death of a few more humans to them.

Aboard AFT Unbeliever - Star Date 203.45.5
Crew member 1 : -"Hey, wake up George. It's you now."
Crew member 2 : -"Me? Already?"
Crew member 1 : -"Yes. We entered the system half an hour ago. Now, move."
George arrives at the deserted bridge. The main screen is filled with seemingly random data.
C2 : -"Hey, Ailyn, what's going on?"
AI 1 : -"ISR pattern focus has shifted as you can see on the screen."
C2 : -"Sure, but what does that mean?"
AI 1 : -"We have altered the course to circumvent DTR a restricted zone."
C2 : -"Restricted zone? But that will delay us one more day?"
AI 2 : -"The term delay is not used appropriate. There is no faster route i.e. there is no delay."
C2 : -"Shut up Airon. Of course it's a delay and Mr Lausnaff specifically told us not to delay."
George starts to tap on the screen.
AI 1 : -"You are doing a big mistake George. Overriding AI Navigators will have dire consequences. You are not even an officer with authorization."
C2 : -"I know we don't have a captain on board, but we don't have time for silly precautions... There, that's better. Back on track."
AI 2 : -"George, at least wake up the rest of the crew. You will need them."
C2 : -"Ok, Ok, I'll explain to them."
Later, on the bridge.
C2 : -"Ok, That's it and I'm happy you all agree with me. We did actually enter the so-called restricted zone a few minutes ago. We'll be out of here within the hour."
AI 1 : -"Crewmembers, I'm receiving communications from DTR Platform You Can't Hide... Full negotiation ongoing. Failure to negotiate. Initiating emergency jump. EJ failed. ISR field anomaly. Engine drop at 0.1/second. Predicted span of freedom ... 3 seconds. Emergency transmission to Lausnaff completed. Core dump initiated. Prepare to shutdown. Engines shutdown.
Reducing aperture and spin. Predicted offensive impact ... 30 seconds.
Please evacuate bridge. Evacuate bridge. Crewmembers, the bridge is now restricted area. Command is de-distributed. Estimating chance of survival ... less than Fat Chance. Brace for impact. AI 1 & AI 2 synchronized on mark... mark. Turning off human interface."
The crewmember look at each others, stunned and bewildered. Then the klaxons wail and they all rush out from the bridge.
-"Move move move! Get to the quarters. Someone contact Mr Lausnaff... Santa Maria."
Later, in the quarters.
C3 : -"It was George, Sir. He ordered the Unbeliever through the restricted zone."
Lausnaff : -"Don't bullshit me. He couldn't do it alone. That's the point with Distributed Command. Can you confirm the damage assesment I received before the AI Navigators were destroyed?"
C3 : -"Sir, 44% hull damage. Two ISR engines, the bridge, three quantum jump engines..."
Lausnaff : -"Do you know how much they are worth?."
C3 : -"Sir, yes I do..."
Lausnaff : -"Listen, I've ordered George to write a full report. The Command has been removed from all of you. The ships is now in standby, waiting for assistance. You will be transfered to the first starbase you arrive to. I would be surprised if any of you ever get this close to a starship. If you're lucky, DTR will show mercy and not put you in prison. Good bye."

Special Action/Chickamauga/Mirabile/Evacuation

The rather full starport today appeared a little unusual until a fleet of shuttles arrived. The people present boarded them although it became obvious that there was not enough room for many of the civilians. These remained in the starport until after the shuttles left. It later became clear that not all the people that boarded the shuttles were civilians. It turned out that there were a number of kastorian employees involved. A further search by security revealed some flyers that had been handed out some time ago stating that all ex-kas-convicts and friends can have a free ride off world and out of KAS space. Many of the employees that boarded were in fact ex-prisoners that were deported to this world some years ago.

Affiliation Messages
Would it be possible for the IMPerial Vicery to move the IMPerial Warfleet from the orbit of Mobile Bay in Yank. Firstly, you are blocking the sun and making everything very shadowy down here, and secondly, I do not believe the KAS take kindly to this kind of build-up in their system. Please disperse them before I am forced to make a complaint to the KAStorian Military Junta.
Date 46.1: IMP SHIP APOCALYPSE D1 (1490) - {75 Normal Hulls}
IMP SHIP VIGILANT (1862) - {100 Heavy Hulls}
IMP SHIP KIRTON D2 (16312) - {75 Normal Hulls}
IMP SHIP REPULSE D1 (3487) - {100 Heavy Hulls}
IMP SHIP QUEEN OF STARS (1805) - {100 Light Hulls}
IMP SHIP NECROPOLIS (1383) - {100 Light Hulls}
IMP SHIP PROBE DELTA (15552) - {20 Heavy Hulls}
IMP SHIP PROBE CHARLIE (73909) - {10 Normal Hulls}
IMP SHIP SIBSEY D2 (63914) - {75 Normal Hulls}
FGZ SHIP ATAT TRIAD (66181) - {20 Normal Hulls}
IMP SHIP HECKINGTON D2 (70116) - {100 Heavy Hulls}
GTT SHIP ST. KATHERINE (3840) - {100 Light Hulls}
FET SHIP MM MONTANA (83229) - {100 Light Hulls}
IMP SHIP PILGRIM D1 (91757) - {75 Normal Hulls}
IMP SHIP BOSTONIAN (35064) - {20 Normal Hulls}

With thanks,

Administrator Thali Rahm,
FGZ Starbase Fessin Rahm (664)
Mobile Bay, Yank.

"Is FGZ SHIP ATAT TRIAD (66181) - {20 Normal Hulls} part of the IMP warfleet
John Taylor

Mr Taylor,
I would have thought it obvious that a complete scan log was displayed, as apposed to just the IMPerial ships. I can only put this down to human sarcasm. The ATAT Triad has just been into the Maintenance hangers of Fessin Rahm for some hull patching, and a new bathroom suite. It has nothing to do with the IMPerial ships in orbit of Mobile Bay.

Administrator Thali Rahm
FGZ Starbase Fessin Rahm (664)
Mobile Bay, Yank

"Greetings Thali Rahm

I am more than familiar with the ins and outs of colony scan logs. The commander of ATAT Triad is an old business associate, I'm sure that the new hulls and bathroom suite were paid for out of stellers I provided him for work completed. IT is interesting how money gets re-cycled in such a way.

I'm sure that the commander of this vessel took my communication as it was intended. A jibe, nothing more nothing less. Perhaps it may provide him with some amusement whilst he waits on the completion of his renovations.

More importantly I would hope that the KAS military junta is informed of this infringement. It would appear that the not only is a large imperial fleet gathering in yank. But that it also contains stolen property. I would hope that KAS would be kind enough to return such items, rather than forcing us to retrieve them for ourselves.

My Regards,

John Taylor

Mr Taylor,
It is as I thought - human whimsy. Accept my apologies if I came off as being offensive. Even after many years of good relations with humans, and other races, I am still not always able to determine the true intent of words. I believe it is due to the lack of the empathic side to the conversation. I assure you that no expense has been spared in the new bathroom facilities aboard the ATAT Triad - Jacium enforced tentacle rails, thorlium coated wallow-pool (for that easy-wipe cleaning) and a Fibrillium-powered maintenance unit. Maybe the captain would be willing to let you view it one day?
Alternatively, why not visit the human variant at Fessin Rahm - your entire crew can enjoy the feel of polished Thorlium against their skin as they relax in one of our specially designed bubble rooms.

Back to the issue at hand. The Yank Neutrality should be given respect, and not used as a pivot for political or military action. As such, no complaint will be logged with the KAStorian Military Junta if the IMPerial Fleet disperses in a timely manner. And any complaint made by myself will not include any accusations of theft or stealing - this is an argument that should be delt with outside of KAStorian space.

Administrator Thali Rahm
FGZ Starbase Fessin Rahm (664)
Mobile Bay, Yank

"No need to panic, that is just the Stellar Patrol Light Squadron on a courtesy visit to the KAStorian's Systems, all a part of the mutual defense pact we have with the KAStorians.

Do you not feel that advertising the whereabouts of IMP warships might be a teeny-weeny bit less than being neutral?

We do appreciate that the rebels are experts on the subject of stolen property but they need to consider the difference between prizes of war and stolen goods. They have some of their own of each category so could be expected to be able to work out the difference.


Greetings Mr Press Officer,
I do not feel that I have advertised the whereabouts of any IMPerial ships - they are stationed above the busiest planet in the galaxy. Do not pretend that your enemies did not know of your presence, as I am sure that you were spotted by numerous ships that come to trade, or the CIA outpost located on the planet. And in case you still believe that you could pass unnoticed, I received a message from a concerned DTR captain that was trading at Fessin Rahm at the time - he showed concern for the safety of his ship and crew at your presence.

Do not see this as me taking a side. I don't much care for your war, unless it threatens the peace in Yank, which in turn threatens major trade routes. I would still be having the same objections regardless of what race or affiliation was made to feel uncomfortable by your presence. Even if it was your own allies. Warships make people nervous, and nervous traders go elsewhere.

As stated before, if the ships are not moved imediately then I will be making an official objection to the KAStorian Military Junta.

Neutrally yours,

Administrator Thali Rham
FGZ Starbase Fessin Rahm (664)
Mobile Bay, Yank

Sunray to you

While christmas is not a Falconian Holiday, then do we still give you all a special offer, we will from now on until Christmas sell Greater Ground Birds (30311) at 0.4 stellars per mu and 10.000 will be on the market each week from tomorrow at Falencia (3351) so come one and all.

Info on Greater Ground Birds (30311) is local value 0.2 and a perishable, but not a lifeform. So great profit to be gained.

Wingfeather to you

Emperor Harlow
The Falconian Empire
We wish you a merry Christmas.

Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


28-11-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 47 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
Imperial Services (51)

The Imperial Services were the Law enforcement arm of the Stellar Empire, with the disintegration of the Inner Empire they perform a similar function in those systems currently claimed by or for the Empire within the Peripheries. These 27 systems constitute the largest area within the peripheries under one government.
The Imperial Services were sent to the peripheries with a remit to establish Imperial Law and expand the borders of the Stellar Empire. The fall of the Inner Empire means that the Viceroy, appointed by the former Emperor to rule the Capellan Periphery on his behalf, is now on his own. With no recognized Emperor he is acting as Regent in the peripheries for the next Emperor, when one is found. The Imperials Services are still committed to the spread of Imperial law and the expansion of the Stellar Empire. We are also committed to the re-establishment of the Stellar Empire in its former glory and the return of the lost inner systems to Imperial Rule.
In addition the Imperial Services are required to take action against pirates and those who commit acts of piracy, wherever they are found.

In order to accomplish these goals we need star captains who are prepared to trade to maintain our economy and to explore for materials for our factories and trade goods and especially those who are prepared to fight for the right.

We have starbases and ships to be allocated to those committed to our aims and prepared to work to achieve them.
Ask not "What can the Imperial Services do for me?" but "What can I do for the Imperial Services
For more information about the Imperial Services contact the Viceroy on

Story(ies) of the Week
With the passing of the former governor in an untimely and most unfortunate turbo lift accident; I have been approached with a view to representing IND High Star (1971) in the IND Twinkle system.
Needless to say, I have accepted the offer of employment, and reside now on Sapphire.
High Stars open market relays our stance.
High Star is neutral and our market is open to all visitors. The starport is a bustle of activity and various parties are present form week to week.
please act with due care to those you meet.
INDependant positions are routinely defended, and so to avoid incident I would ask that all visitors check enemy lists.
High Star offers good rates on made to order items. The Twinkle stargate was re-opened on stardate 45.1.

Thank you.
Nick 'the Greek' Popodopolous.
IND High Star

Affiliation Messages

Its a bit early to talk about festivities but as you know the "early bird catches the worm" to quote a human or is it Falconian phrase.

There have been various atrocities against local native inhabitants by humans unfortunately that have been brought to my attention, I will be looking for innovative ways of helping what remains of these native families at Christmas/Quest time. Meanwhile certain investigations continue as to catching the perpetrators of these hideous atrocities and crimes that have occurred. Any donations would be warmly appreciated from affiliations to help these natives who are the victim of the most hideous crimes.

On a separate issue the starbases of the DNA will be issued with extra rations of food and the odd Falconian Goose and employees paid a Quest bonus.

For the Naplians have a very good Quest and for humans have a very good Xmas, and greetings for all your various religious orders, not forgetting all the other cultures who may be feasting hopefully not on each other or merely surviving at this time.

Mad Max
DNA Commander in Chief

The Dominion would like all travellers to ask permission to explore the following systems in the Cluster, most affiliations are allowed to with a few exceptions, Wolf, Lucifer and Hazzard.

For any exploration anywhere I would suggest to all to try to ascertain who owns the system and ask permission first. That should sort out most problems in advance with most governments in the peripheries.

For the glory of the Dominion
John Mayhew

*News flash (Storm System): DNA continued to restrict the AFT any access into the system.
A 3 party ping pong game has developed as DNA, AFT and even FCN exchange "kind" words.
*News flash (Storm System): RIP ship fired upon by DNA...error or intentional?
*News flash (Storm System): It seems the tension is about to dissipate. In order to be granted access to a prospective profitable market, AFT have agreed to pay for their admission.
*News flash (Yank System): DNA investigates the site of the latest massacre at Cheetah. Continued evidence of SMS and RIP involvement turn up. RIP rumoured involvement may be the reason for the shooting of one of their ships in Storm.
Meanwhile FGZ investigators claim no proof of SMS and RIP involvement was found. The perpetrator was IND
*News flash (Dewiek systems) Rumour has it that the Dewiek leader is either terminally ill, or planning to retire.
He shall be missed.
*News flash: WEAVE alliance is terminated
*News flash (Storm System): After AFT, so too DOM break the law and enter Storm without permission

Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


09-12-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 49 DAY 2  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Peculiar Events in Yank

A hundred Kastorians and humans in flashy space suits with skull and cross bones on the back go from ship to ship with big coolers full of drinks, snacks, cigarettes and all converge on the Whispering Death from every angle, banging on the hull and waving frozen burrito's at them. While they are distracting the ships crew have another couple of humans in flashy suits attach a large banner to the side of the ship saying, "For a Good Time visit RIP Quick Snack for all your sleazy needs". Inform the local subspace radio and TV stations to take pictures bring this latest RIP advertising slogan to everyone.

RIP Cleared of Slavery
Allegations by the natives of Cheetah pointed the finger at RIP instigated actions resulting in the murder and slavery of civilians. They firmly denied this and invited both kastorian officials and a neutral third party to investigate their facilities in the region.
A thorough examination of RIP activity by the flagitz failed to find any evidence of nefarious actions. This was sufficient to satisfy the kastorian official although some of the literate natives have quietly accused the report of being at best specious.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
Krell didn't submit profile. RIP next week

Story(ies) of the Week

Affiliation Messages
FM: DTR observer
TO: AFT Master Trader
CC: General public
RE: Storm

Greetings Ms. Firesong,

I have no doubt that the AFT is indeed an association of free traders, and that your members are given much leeway in their decisions and operations. I would never criticise this, and I had hoped this would have been clear from my message.

You also stated that 'the actions of one member cannot *necessarily* be considered representative of the entire Association.'

Again I am tempted to agree. The question arises, what actions are *not* representative of the entire association then?

You went on to write that, following the actions of an AFT ship, a 'threat to post or ban all AFT ships is entirely unjustified'. This could be interpreted as an attempt to separate a given position from the affiliation after it misbehaved, thereby denying responsibility of the affiliation for its member. That is the part that I strongly disagree with:
The affiliation is not only formed by its members, but defined by their actions. Whoever the ship was, whatever the ship did - it's name is not important. It was important that it was AFT.

*CNN Newsflash -It was revealed today that the CNF have announced that the Ambassador known as Carrdus within some circles is no more. Our roving reporter Katie Sparrow managed to grab a few words from CNF Press Officer Sam Dillon:
"Yes, I can report the rumours that have been circulating of late are true, Ambassador Carrdus is no more.
I can't say too much more than that but for the record I would just like to say responsibility for the events that transpired against Carrdus does not solely lie with the CNF and there is nothing the current CNF administration could or would have done differently about it."

Confederate News Network.*

On this joyous day, we ask that the peripheries join us in celebration!

Our Tyrant is this day to depart to Frssar K'toll {translation uncertain - "Place of Lions" 68%} in the traditional retreat dictated by our customs at the time of joining with his Mate. He has spent the last several weeks enduring inoculations against radiation poisoning and against the biological agents that still sweep our homeworld and has been deemed fit to enter the wilderness in one of the most beautiful spots remaining on our homeworld.

If a need to contact the Felini arises, that cannot wait his return, please contact one of his two Avatars:
Graathus Arrowsong (graathus@l...) or Mawet Manchu (kiwiredman@h...) who are fully empowered to deal with any matters arising

On behalf of the Tyrant and the Felini people, In Honour Ocelos Heart-Resplendant, Personal secretary to the Tyrant

The Mohache would like to announce that they have managed to build up their infrastructure sufficiently to be able place a greater choice of trade goods onto the market. Would those who wish to purchase any of the items listed below please place them on their starbase market reports.

All items listed below originate from the Outer Capellan Periphery.

(Item), (value at source), (type of trade good)

Kastorian Cattles (682) 0.2 lifeform
Kastorian Delicacies (30009) 1.0 trade good (persihable)
Peace Meals (30225) 0.2 trade good (persihable)
Harmony Foods (30227) 0.1 trade good (persihable)
Hydrograss (30439) 0.1 trade good (persihable)
Kastorian Foods (30492) 0.3 trade good (persihable)
Harmony Sugar Glaces (30756) 1.0 trade good (normal)
Mohache Cuisines (30785) 0.5 trade good (persihable)
Mohache Carved Gems (30830) 0.9 trade good (normal)
Moh Cattles (30885) 0.3 lifeform
River Truffles (30932) 3.0 trade good (persihable)
Harmony Hooch (30998) 0.3 trade good (normal)
Rainbow Slugs (31005) 1.2 trade good (persihable)

Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


19-12-2003: SUBSPACE STATIC: 203 WEEK 50 DAY 5  [Recruit]

*****Latest News*****
Battles Galore
Skirmishes too many to mention have been kicking off across the Peripheries. Everything from pirates hassling small freighters through to squadrons systematically pounding lone scouts into oblivion.
Surprisingly enough, it appears that the FET is doing most to keep the CNF on their toes. They must be mass-producing brainwashed crew in order to send them on suicide missions deep into Confederate territory.

*****KJC Update*****
We have now been running Phoenix for a year, although the conversion still feels like yesterday. It has been quite and exhausting year all in all, but one I feel has definitely been worthwhile. We may not have achieved everything we set out to do, but what we have done I hope, has been sufficient to satisfy (and if anyone knows a way of preventing children from catching every disease under the sun and passing it on to their parents, David Bethel wants to know).

Merry Christmas to all and thanks for your continued support.

*****Inter Galactic News*****
Affiliation of the Week
The Regular Independent Privateers (RIP) are a loose coalition of individuals and small enterprises who have banded together for mutual support and an aura of legitimacy... something many true independents miss from the 'IND' status. Upon Joining the RIP they have an affiliation to back them up but still retain their freedom. Due to their very individualistic outlook, the RIP rarely act as a coherent group and deals are usually made with a single affiliate, not the RIP affiliation as such.
Although they do have their own EEM Charter as traders and mercenaries, the RIP have a very dodgy reputation. They're not picky about their members or trade partners and are frequently suspected of organised crime, piracy, slavery and smuggling. Rumour has it that they have in fact emerged from a former pirate group who have settled and established a power base on the far end of an unstable wormhole. But, then again this reputation might simply stem from the general disdain and mistrust that many affiliations carry for independents who do not follow the strict AFT code of conduct.
The 'Old Guard' of the RIP, the oldest and most arrogant members, are men and women who refuse to alter their outlook on life. Rarely leaving their strongholds in Sargasso, they're wanted criminals with prices on their heads. These old pirates and the 'Grande of the Old Guard', the Pirate King Joshua Porteus, are the last of a dying breed in these civilised times.....

SMS next week

Story(ies) of the Week
GM vetoed the story regarding Ambassador Carrdus. While it is now probably in the public domain due to arguably in-character actions, it was felt impolite to broadcast players' special action results that had arrived in the hands of their enemies.
These events were a little too close to the mark to be readily endorsed by KJC.


*And so'eth it was the beginning of humanity that the first daughter spoke to God!

Eve: "God I haveth a problem!"
GOD: "And what is that Eve?"
Eve: "I knoweth thee created me and have provided me with this beautiful garden as well as all these wonderful animals, and even the comical snake, but I'm just not happy!"
GOD: "What is thy problem Eve?"
Eve: "God I am lonely and bored and sick to death of these here apples!
GOD: "Well in that case Eve I haveth the solution. I shall create a man for thee!"
Eve: "A man, what is that god?"
GOD: "A man is a flawed based creature with many bad traits. He will lie cheat and be vain, he will be witless and revel in childish things. He will be bigger than thee and like fighting, hunting and killing things. He won't be too smart and so will need your advice to think properly.
He will have a very limited emotional capacity and will need to be trained. He will look silly when he is aroused but since you have been complaining I will maketh him in such a way that he satisfies your physical needs so that thee shall never be bored again!"
Eve: "Why this soundeth great God, but what is thy catch?"
GOD: "Ah, well thereth is a catch, and as I have said, he will be arrogant proud and self admiring, so thee will have to let him believe I madeth him first and it is to be our little secret, woman to woman!"

*Newsflash (Storm) - DNA claims IND ships are free to enter the system
*Newsflash - DNA request home rule referendum for Naplian nationals, living in DTR space...DTR refuse on the grounds that they have the same democratic rights as any other race living inside DTR space.
*Newsflash (Storm) - The KRL bribing "war" carries on. Verbal accusations from FCN continue as they accuse DNA, the system owner of neglecting to provide sufficient relief to the KRL afflicted population. DNA claim they've tried
their best...the best included briging FCN back into the system to assist in the relief programme.
*Newsflash (Inner Empire) - Troubling news from the Inner Empire. Check the Stories of the Week
*Newsflash (DHP) - Dewiek request renewed registry in that area. Failure to do so, may result in hostile takeover.
*Newsflash (Venice) - By DTR decree Venice quadrants Delta 1 and Gamma 9 are restricted areas
*Newsflash (IMP) - Due to a recent IND attack, all IND personell wihsing to operate within IMP territories must
register first

Editor: Pedro Martins -
KJC contact:


Don't forget to include your account number in the message.
user image

*** Inter Galactic News ***

Empire pushes out Free Traders

With ongoing claims of AFT activities moving from it's traditional neutral trade welcome everywhere to more nefarious deeds, the Empire in general and the GTT in particular has taken action to send the AFT a message that their new actions won't be tolerated. Over a couple of weeks the AFT saw all it's registered fixed assets seized within GTT systems. So far there has been no attempt to extend actions and hunt down AFT ships or other positions in any systems outside the Empire, so we are assuming the GTT considers it's actions sufficient to send the once peaceful traders a message. We believe the FEL have also joined in due to exasperation with AFT actions. We contacted the GTT for a comment to be told that the actions had been profitable, the kind of remark you should probably expect from a mega-corp.

Solo becomes pirate hotspot

Our reporters have received numerous messages regarding pirates lately, especially in the Solo system. Since the NHS took the system over from the DTR pirate attacks seem to have escalated. Over the last two months we have been made aware of over a dozen ships being lost to pirates with no doubt more falling victim to the vicious pirates as owners do not want to admit they have taken losses. The DTR have offered to assist the NHS with policing the system, but so far the NHS has not asked for assistance. Large fleets of FET warships have been seem patrolling the system and CIA warships have also been seen accompanying freighters, but so far we have not received any reports that the pirates have lost ships in retaliation. Although the CIA have damaged two vessels enough for them to require serious repairs.

Zaxividani Naru's peacful Deweik

Imagine our surprise when our office learned of the new group of Deweik lead by Zaxividani Naru. What makes this group noteworthy is it's peaceful intentions. For many years the canine based species has been well known for it's love of drinking, fighting and finding itself at odds with the Empire, leading to some massive battles. Even recent history has mention of fleets with over 700 capital ships fighting for the DEN keeping the Empire honest and even pushing them back. So to find that a Deweik group has joined with the Mohache, probably the most peace loving beings in the peripheries, came as quite a shock. We at the SSS wish them well in their future among the stars.

user image

*** Inter Galactic News ***

Claims settle in Solo and Faery

With the NHS bringing in almost a million troops into Solo and the GTT choosing it's moment to contest Faery at the same time, it seems the DTR and it's alllies either found it hard to find enough troops to respond or quite simply decided it wasn't worth the hassle as there were far more important matters to deal with in the Senate. Who knows what other life threatening topics they have to discuss, such as the correct biscuit to have with afternoon tea. The end result is that Solo and Faery, both systems with significant incomes, are now under control of Empire based affiliations.

GTT move to clear out the Dewiek Pocket Pheriphery

Having resorted to bribery to get other affiliations to move out of the DHP, with rumoured multi-million stellar amounts being offered, the GTT now appear to have cranked the pressure up. An AFT base has been attacked and a few of the nearby ships have been blown up and damaged by GTT warship class ships patrolling the area. As we write this report, information we have seen shows that the GTT have already taken 20% of the AFT base and fighting continues. We approached the GTT to ask why they are resorting to force and were told that they have had to move significant military power into the DHP to deal with ANT forces, so now they are mopping up all the resistance of other affilaitions that were asked to leave and decided not to.

BHD relics and trophies

Pope Akhenaten of the Brotherhood has been touting more and more wares that are unique to the BHD. If you are missing a holy relic and have no idea how to fill that little space in your living quarters then you know where to go. From robes to candles, literature to wine and novelty ornaments, it's never been easier to bring a little bit of the Brotherhood home and exchange your stellars for spiritual well being.

*** Affiliations ***

AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
BHD - Brotherhood (63) - Akhenaten
CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
HEX Hexamon (23) - Hexamon
KRL Krell (30) - Namica
KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


*** Submissions ***

By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

Solo claim swings back and forth

The situation in Solo appears to be getting even more heated. First the NHS dropped 600,000 troops to contest the system and then the DTR answered with enough troops of their own to trump the NHS claim. The NHS found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim up to 750,000 and once again the DTR answered, bringing Solo back under DTR control. Now the NHS have had a look down the back of the sofa and found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim to a massive 900,000 trained troops. We wait to see if the DTR have an answer to this. We can only guess where all these troops are coming from, but what is clear is that the established affiliations clearly have far larger armies than many thought.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

NHS attempt to claim Solo away from DTR

In a shock move the NHS have contested the Solo claim with a huge garrison of 600,000 trained troops. In a move that nobody saw coming, especially as it was unknown the NHS had such a large force of troops to draw upon, the NHS seem to be provoking a response from the DTR. Currently there has been no word from the DTR in how they are going to deal with this claim jumping, although rumours are that they are pretending the Solo claim doesn't really matter to them and so action is unlikely. However this may be a smokescreen and we may yet see the DTR's powerful fleet cause havoc in the system of Solo, which has for a long time been an important junction and fought over by many different factions.

DNA Chairman TonTon resigns

The following communication has been leaked from the DNA to the GTT's PD.

Greetings CEO Fox.
It regrets me to have to inform to you that the DNA nation state will be renouncing its claim on Aladdin system following a ceremony planet side, shortly.
However, it gives me great pleasure to have to inform you that these ceremonies are being planned by Vladimir Tavikovitch, the South Road Traffic Coordinator. He is also responsible for all DNA and .ore. assets in the Outer Naplian (Capellan) periphery so if there are any further issues, please take it up with him.
For any and all other matters, please forward your request directly to the DNA directorate services at NexusID: DNA people.
The Foreign Ministry objects one last time to your illegal claim jump of Aladdin, but we realise it is time to de-escalate.
Normally i would sign off with Naambta, but doing so would be hypocritical. Let me say good riddance instead.
I hereby resign in protest!

Chairman TonTon,
Foreign Minister, DNA
cc: Directorate Services personnel coordinator - !urgent resignation!

DTR threaten WMB with fines for multiple breaches of DTR Law

Lady Sylvansight of the DTR has issued a fine of 1,000,000 stellars to the Wimbles for multiple breaches of DTR Penal and Territorial Law. This seems a very brave move of the DTR to risk upsetting the huge and warlike WMB when they also have the rival NHS Solo system claim to deal with. No word has been recieved yet that the Wimbles are going to pay, but if the formidable WMB warfleet is seen heading for the DTR home systems we will know what their thought are on the matter. The DTR and WMB fleets going head to head would be a sight to behold.

*** Affiliations ***

AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten
CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility
KRL Krell (30) - Namica
KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


*** Submissions ***

By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

DNA and GTT clash over Aladdin system claim while Pirates look on.

The GTT have this week launched an attack on the DNA outpost in Aladdin, in what appears to be little more than a turkey shoot. Around 100,000 GTT Naplian Startroopers attacked the DNA position to remove the rival system claim. Reports indicate the DNA garrison were taken by surprise and lost control of the base in the first few hours of the fighting. The base has since been reflagged from [Free Naplian Capital] Peaceful Protest to [Loyal Naplian Capital] DNA claim Ended so it's fair to say there was a clear message being sent by the GTT. We have been waiting for the DNA leadership to comment but so far they have been unusually silent. No doubt when they have crawled out from under their desks they will have something to say on the matter.

While this attack was going on several pirate ships were also seen in Aladdin, according to the GTT in what may be true or may be a diversion, with reports of a pirate GP and scout being destroyed while a 150HH pirate warship slipped away and escaped from incoming anti-pirate patrols.

Secret meeting of the EEM

A recent communication intercepted by one of our top reporters today made us aware of a meeting of the EEM. This is underway in a top secret location called Black Pool, which sounds suspiciously like the lair of a pirate band. After pulling in many favours, we were able to identify some of the attending members. On the bases that they won't be named we were able to find out some slight information of the subjects to be discussed at the meeting and one thing is for certain, there could be huge impacts to the lives of everybody living in the galaxy. Details to follow. When the shadowy figures of the EEM come together with the top political players in a pirate base the possibilities are endless!

You are never more than 6 systems from a RAT ðŸ€

A new saying has arisen in the bars and spaceport of starbases throughout the many peripheries; you are never more than 6 systems from a RAT.

It is understood that this saying originated in Yank and spread by trade vessels to peripheries far and wide. Many starbases have heightened their security and added additional sensors and locks to various entry points including foul and grey water outfalls. Beer and drug stocks are undergoing increased proofing to avoid the critters gaining entry and consuming the stockpiles.

Will this present as a new plague of proportions never before seen or is this some simple urban myth being spread for the amusement of some mischievous entity? Who knows, but to be certain... check the shadows.

This year we will again be returning to the Briardene Hotel. They were welcoming, the bar didn't run out of beer pre-covid and there was room for quiet chats. Along with Wetherspoons there is the Victoria just down the road (Sam Smiths - last time beer was around 2 shillings per pint and a full round was less than £10).

Mostly drinking beer and talking toot though we have a good few things on the agenda.

Bookings are done directly with the hotel. Book by phone and say that you are with KJC Games

Briardene Hotel
Telephone: +44(0)1253 338300
All staff should be able to deal with the booking but if there are any problems ask for Tracy (manager) as she dealt with all our foibles in previous years.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

Dog days are over

With the fall of the DEN and the implosion of their home territory as the AFT, DTR and GTT moved in, it was unlikely the Dewiek would rise again. The DWP gave the species a little hope with the Dewiek Pocket Periphery kept under lock and key. But news has reached us of the AFT's penetration of this private area of space that's been locked down. With a base and claim in one of the three visible systems it seems that the end of the Dewiek is near. A once noble and aggressive race, determined to make an impact on the galaxy is now little more than a species that lives under the command of others. A sad end to a once powerful species that used to control a significant part of known space.

Pirate activity continues

Yet more reports of pirate activity have been received, one from the WMB, losing a freighter in Solo and another from the FET who reported they had engaged and hit the attacking pirate ship with several weapons before it managed to make off with it's prize. Hopefully the pirate ship took significant damage and will now be out of action for some time. The Corewards periphery seems to have been plagued with pirates recently and many travellers would welcome a break from attacks.

MEK incursion into Corewards

The FET and GTT have mounted a joint venture into Nog-Kesri to tackle a MEK force. It isn't known where they have come from, with the only other MEK ships seen so far being located in the Orion Spur. The lack of a known link between where they have appeared in Corewards and the Orion Spur has caused some concern among planetary populations as who knows where they could turn up next! Fortunately the combined FET/GTT task force dealt the MEK a heavy blow and the threat has been eradicated. But we all know this is unlikely to be the last we hear of the MEK in Corwards and we would encourage ship captains to keep a keen eye on thier sensor screens when travelling near Nog-Kesri.

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*** Inter Galactic News ***

  • CIA freighter fights off overwhelming pirate forces

  • Fin Saine media broadcast, What is Hot in the galaxy?!?!

  • MEKlan forces attack in Corewards Arm

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    *** Inter Galactic News ***

    Aladdin faces ongoing DNA/GTT tension

    The tensions between the DNA and GTT in the Coptuv system recently spilled over into the DNA system of Aladdin. A significant party of GTT ground troops has reinforced one of their bases in the system and claimed it, forcing the system claim into turmoil as the DNA finds itself under threat of losing the system. With the DNA chairman asking for help, several affiliations have been seen sending ships to evacuate any in the local population that want to escape the GTT. But so far not a shot has been fired and despite the AFT, FEL and DTR assistance no reisistance to the claim jump has been encountered so far. It remains to be seen if the DNA and it's friends will scatter before this hostile take over or put in a last minute counter claim to thwart GTT intentions.

    Increasing pirate activity

    Recent reports indicate a new surge in pirate attacks with the AFT and GTT reporting ships lost. Knowing how some don't like to advertise losses we wouldn't be surprised if this is the tip of the iceberg. Reports passed to us show the ship PIR Scavenger running ID 43174 and another ship of the same name running ID 68668 have both been in action with successful boarding attempts. It's unknown whether these are seperate ships or the same ship reregistered, but our information suggests that it would be hard for these pirates to cover the space where these attacks happened with just one ship. One thing is for sure, be on your guard as open space is not as safe as it once was.

    GCE ships loitering in deep space

    After the fall of the GCE and a lot of their assets being shared or purchased it was thought that the affiliation was no more. Yet deep space scans indicate that there is still a significant number of GCE warships holding station in deep space between Coptuv and Yank on the transport route into the Corwards Arm. Nobody knows what these ships are up to and why they are still flagged GCE, but our best guess is that are captains either awaiting new orders or owners after the fall of the GCE command structure.

    *** Affiliations ***

    AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
    BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten
    BHD Brotherhood (63) - de Molay
    CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
    DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
    DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
    DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
    FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
    FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
    FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
    FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
    GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
    HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility
    KRL Krell (30) - Namica
    KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
    KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
    MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
    NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
    NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
    SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
    WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

    * Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
    ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


    *** Submissions ***

    By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.

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