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Flagritz Empire (47)
Code FLZ
Description A invertebrate mass of tentacles, the Flagritz favor lighter-gravity worlds with plenty of water. Divided amongst three castes-- Cliriq (warrior), Xenos (isolationist), and peaceful integration (Fessin), Flagritz policy shifts based upon which caste is dominant at any particular time.

The old Flagritz Republic fell ninety years ago, following an invasion by the treacherous (now extinct) Letumese. Policy was then set by the Cliriq, only to have their first empire fall following an attack on the Felini that led to the near destruction of the Flagritz homeworld. The second Flagritz Empire fell due to internal pressures, as the inability of slavery to support the Clirq war-machine. Once again ascendant, the Fessin restored the Republic, freed the slaves, and have rebuilt both the economy of the Empire and the Cliriq war-machine.

Profile Options
Relations change time 5 days
Maximum single change in relations 1 level
Can attack positions in Darkspace/Contested systems
Can not drop relations below neutral No
Can use Posted Lists of Own affiliation
Can own systems Yes
Affiliation and allies can attack registered Bases No
Time to revoke base registration 10 days
Can attack friends Never
Can attack allies Never
Can use pirate ships Yes
Can use mercenary ships Yes
Can use privateer ships Yes
Can use free trader ships Yes
Player owned positions can use their affiliation flag Yes
Can use WoMD On dead worlds
Can develop WoMD Yes
Can ally with affiliations that use WoMD Yes
Can use slaves No
Can use indentured workers No
Can use POW workers Yes
No cost to have relations to the affiliation No
Can attack own affiliation No
Sub affiliations (PRV/MRC/etc) can use parent affiliation knowledge No
Relations required to buy positions in our space Friendly/Allied
Reciprocates friendly relations if neutral No